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More art. Less noise.
Todd Staszko t.staszko@mondiale.co.uk
Laura Iles l.iles@mondiale.co.uk
Cameron Crawford c.crawford@mondiale.co.uk
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Mel Capper, Dan Seaton
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World Trading Survey 2023 is here – and it remains the only worldwide listing directory for our industry. Available in both print and digital formats, the World Trading Survey is a valuable tool that we’re continually maintaining throughout the year to make it as accurate and up to date as possible. We’re more than happy to accept updates, so if there are any changes to your distribution networks, send the details in an email to wts@mondiale.co.uk.
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mondo@mondiale.co.uk www.mondodr.com
Printed by Buxton Press, Palace Road, Buxton, UK
TAIWAN – sponsored by ANTARI
FINLAND – Sponsored by GENELEC
FRANCE – Sponsored by STARWAY
ITALY – Sponsored by CLAYPAKY
SPAIN – Sponsored by FENIX
SWEDEN – Sponsored by STARFELT
AFRICA – Sponsored by DWR
CANADA – Sponsored by ADAMSON
USA – Sponsored by MEGA-LITE
Alef Technology Ltd Kabul zia.khan@aleftechnology.com www.aleftechnology.com
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound, Broadcast
AES Systems LLC
Yerevan massisohanyan@icloud.com www.aes-system.com
HARMAN Professional Soutions, Dynacord, L-Acoustics Sound, AV
Electro-Voiceolution LLC Yerevan info@evolution.am www.evolution.am
Distributor Turbosound, Sennheiser, Cordial, MA Lighting Sound and Lighting LS Design LLC Yerevan sales@lsdesign.am www.lsdesign.am
Laserworld Sound and Lighting, Lasers LSystemsPro Yerevan info@lsystemspro.am www.lysytemspro.am
Distributor Clay Paky Lighting
Lusntag-1 LLC Yerevan tag2060@yahoo.com
Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Music Land Yerevan musicland@gmail.com
Distributor Eikon Sound, MI
The Office Yerevan akakremen1969@gmail.com Distributor Funktion-One Sound
All Star Baku contact@allstar.az www.allstar.az Rental, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast
Matrixpro Baku info@matrixpro.pro www.hsmatrix.com Systems Integrator AV
Mediatech Baku office@mediatech.az www.mediatech.az Distributor Allen & Heath, Bose, Robe, Prolyte, Solid State Logic Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast, Trussing
Promix Baku info@promix.az www.promix.az Rental Sound, AV, Broadcast Wavetech Baku o.gadimbayli@wavetech.az www.wavetech.az Distributor Funktion-One Sound
AVB Tblisi info@avb.ge www.avb.ge Distributor Allen & Heath Sound
dB Labs Tblisi sales@dblabs.ge dblabs.ge Distributor Funktion-One Sound
Hertz & Lumen Tblisi info@smarthouse.ge www.hertz-lumen.ge Dealer Sound and Lighting
Mifasi Music Tblisi shop@mifasi.ge www.mifasi.ge Distributor
QSC, bespeco, Mackie Sound and Lighting
Show Technics Centre Tblisi office@ste.ge www.stc.ge Distributor
ADJ, beyerdynamic, Eurolite, K-array, Community Sound and Lighting, MI
Smart House Office Tblisi info@smarthouse.ge www.smarthouse.ge Distributor dBTechnologies, RCF, L-Acoustics, Audac, Audio-Technica, Clay Paky Sound and Lighting
Sound Design Studio Tblisi info@sds.ge www.sds.ge Distributor
HARMAN Professional Solutions, Mogami, Litec, Kvant, ARRI, CHAUVET, ETC Sound, Lighting, AV
APM Group Almaty info@apm.kz www.apm.kz Distributor, Rental HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting, MI
Kiber Svet Almaty cyberlightpro@gmail.com www.cyberlight.kz Distributor, Rental Clay Paky Lighting
Harlequin LLO Nur-Sultan info@harlequin.kz www.harlequin.kz Distributor, Rental, Systems Integrator Adamson Sound and Lighting
RS Pro Almaty info@rspro.kz www.rspro.kz Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Powersoft Sound
Samat Show Technics Ltd Almaty info@samatgroup.kz www.smatgroup.kz Distributor Allen & Heath, Electro-Voice, ETC, PROEL, Leader Light, CHAUVET Sound and Lighting
SLS Almaty sls.azat.gmail.com www.sls-pro.kz Distributor
Fifth Element LLP Almaty info@fetech.kz www.fetech.kz Distributor Amate Audio, Madrix, RGB Sound and Lighting
Sound KG Bishkek shop@sound.kg www.sound.kg Dealer JBL, Yamaha, Mackie, MiPro Sound
ATT Pro Inc Dushanbe attproinc@yahoo.com Distributor beyerdynamic pro audio Sound
Music Street Dushanbe musicstreet@list.ru Distributor beyerdynamic conference Sound
Sahy Promix Ashgabat sahypromix@mail.ru Distributor Phonic, Tascam Sound
Yaraw Ltd Ashgabat aleksejsmit@yahoo.de Distributor JBL Sound
Zemm Music Turkmenistan Ashgabat nagym_zemm@mail.ru Distributor Yamaha, Dynacord Sound
Bayram Tashkent boris@bayram.pv.uz www.bayram.uz Distributor Electro-Voice, Dynacord, JBL Sound and Lighting
Maxtrixpro Uzbekistan Tashkent info@matrixpro.pro www.matrixpro.pro
Distributor, Systems Integrator Music Tribe Brands, dbTechnologies, Adam Hall Group Brands Sound and Lighting, AV
ACE Beijing Beijing info@acebj.com www.acebj.com
HARMAN Audio Brands, Shure, Dolby, Clay Paky, MA Lighting Sound and Lighting
Absen Optoelectronic Co Ltd Shenzhen Contact online www.absen.com Manufacturer Absen LED Displays
Acmetec Holdings Limited Foshan sales@acme.com.cn www.acme.com.cn Manufacturer Lighting
Acton Audio and Musical Instruments Shanghai info@actonchina.com www.actonchina.com Dealer Sound, MI
Advanced Systems Integration Beijing xxz@asiaudio.net www.asi-medea.com Distributor UNiKA Pro, ASI, Quadral, Massive Sound, Hi-Fi, Consumer AGT Holdings Ltd Guangdong wesley.huang@agt-lighting.com www.agt-lighting.com Manufacturer
AGT Lighting, Flightcases Alutruss tech Co Ltd Foshan sales@alutruss.com.cn www.alutruss.com.cn
Manufacturer Alutruss Trussing
Astera Asia Shenzhen sales@astera-led.com www.astera-led.com
Astera Lighting, Architectural Audio Munson Works Guangzhou info@munsonpro.com www.munsonpro.com Manufacturer Munson Sound
Bai Sheng Audio Guangdong 457000975@qq.com Distributor B&C Sound
Beijing Kinglite Co Ltd Beijing xyzs-2007@163.com
Dealer Vari-Lite Lighting
Beijing Oriental Prime Connections Beijing sales@pci-china.com www.pci-china.com
QSC Cinema Sound, Broadcast
Beijing Pacific Budee Technology Development Beijing info@budee.com www.budee.com
Martin Audio, DiGiGrid Sound, Broadcast Beyma ChinaGuanzhou beymachina@beyma.com www.beyma.com
beyma Sound
BOB audio Guangdong bob@bob-audio.com www.bob-audio.com
Manufacturer BOB Sound
Bose Electronics (Shanghai) Co Ltd Shanghai Contact online www.bose.cn
Bose Sound, Consumer Central Music Co Beijing info@centrmus.com www.centrmus.com
Distributor Presonus, Rode, Eve Audio Sound, MI
China Light-Sky Guangzhou intsales@light-sky.com www.light-sky.com
CLS Lighting
Christie Digital Systems USA Inc Shanghai Branch Shanghai Contact online www.christiedigital.com
Manufacturer Pandoras Box, Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia Christie Digital Systems USA Inc Representative Office Beijing Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer Pandoras Box, Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia Chromateq China Guangzhou Contact online www.chromateq.com Manufacturer, Distributor Chromateq Lighting
Cindy Stage Lighting Guangzhou sales@cindylight.com www.cindylight.com
Manufacturer Lighting
Concord Trading Co Ltd (Guangzhou Huajie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd) Guangzhou Contact online www.gzhuajie.com
Antari Fog, Effects, Consumables
CR Photoelectric Technology Co.,Ltd. Shenzhen sales@cr-tec.com www.cr-laser.com Manufacturer, Distributor CR Laser, Kvant Lasers
Creator Corporation Guangzhou sales@creator.com.cn www.creator1997.com
Manufacturer Creator AV
CT Innovative Display Shenzhen info@ctvisual.com www.ctvisual.com Manufacturer, Rental CT LED Screens
D&E International Ltd Guangzhou dnein@163.com www.dnein.com
Distributor Lynx, Alcons, Avolites Sound and Lighting
Digital Media Technology Co Ltd Guanzhou bj@dmtpro.com www.dmtpro.com Distributor DPA, Fostex, SSL Sound, Broadcast Disc Music Trading Department Guanzhou sales@discmusic.com.cn www.discmusic.com.cn Distributor
ADJ Soound and Lighting
DJ Power (Guangzhou Dijpal Electronic Technology Co., Ltd) Guangzhou dmx-512@126.xom www.djpower.cn Manufacturer
DJ Power Lighting, Effects DSPPA Audio Company Limited Guangzhou export@dsppa.com www.dsppa.com Manufacturer DSPPA Sound
EAD Marketing Ltd Guangdong ead@ead.cn www.ead.cn Distributor, Systems Integrator Ashly Sound
Eatrend AV Technology Shanghai lishujun@eatrend.cn www.eatrend.cn/ Distributor Audiofocus, Ecler, LDSystems, Lenovo Sound
EK LightsHuadu sales@eklights.com www.eklights.com Manufacturer Lighting
Ekolight Hanzhou eko@ekolight.com www.ekolight.com Distributor, Systems Integrator Robert Juliat, ETC Lighting
Electronic Musicer (Beijing) Culture Development Co.,Ltd. Beijing Contact online www.emusicer.com Distributor Numark Sound and Lighting EZPro Ltd Shenzhen info@ezprointl.com www.ezprointl.com Distributor Community, Allen & Heath, Powersoft, Lightconverse, EAW, Furman Sound and Lighting Fine Art Guangzhou sales@fineart-light.com www.fineart-light.com Manufacturer Fine Art Lighting
Global Truss China Shenzhen globaltruss@963.net www.globaltruss.cn Manufacturer Global Truss Trussing
GTD Truss Ltd Guangzhou Contact online www.gtd-truss.com Manufacturer Trussing, Staging, Seating Great Wall Audio Musical Instrument Co Ltd Guangdong info@musicgw.com www.musicgw.com Distributor Ampeg Sound and Lighting
Guangzhou AD Audio Guangzhou adaudio-02@cn-pacrim.com www.admarkaudio.com
Distributor AD Audio Sound
Guangzhou Cloud Light And Shadow Culture Technology Co., Ltd Guangzhou china@djpower.cn www.djpower.cn
DJ Power Effects
Guangzhou Dardankings Audio Equipment Co., Ltd Guangzhou queenie@dardankings.com www.dardankings.com
Distributor Outline
Sound Guangzhou Fangda Stage Equipment Co. Ltd Guangzhou sale@fdlchina.com www.fdlchina.com Manufacturer, Systems Integrator Fangda Lighting
Guangzhou Favolite Stage Lighting Co Ltd Guangzhou info@favo-lite.com www.favo-lite.com Manufacturer Favolite Lighting
Guangzhou FuHe Electronic Tech Co Guangzhou sales@fuhespeakers.com www.fuhespeakers.com Manufacturer FUHE Sound
Guangzhou Huipu Theatrics Equipment Co.,Ltd. Guangzhou 82299538@163.com www.huip.com Manufacturer Effects
Guangzhou Lees Electronics Co Ltd Guangdong cuilin@liteless.com www.litelees.com
Manufacturer Litelees Lighting
Guangzhou Precise Sound Electronics Guangzhou jusound@greatwallaudio.com www.greatwallaudio.com
Manufacturer J-Beebo, Purelies, Kidrock Sound
Guangzhou Sharp Dragon Electronic Technology Ltd Guangzhou sales@sd-audio.com.cn www.sd-audio.com.cn Distributor Cloud, G9, Stage Accompany Sound
Guangzhou Tongchuang Stage Equipment Co Limited Guangzhou info@showart.com.cn www.showart.com.cn Manufacturer Show Art Lighting
Guangzhou TR Audio Co Guangdong info@traudio.cn www.traudio.cn Distributor APG Sound
Guangzhou WindForce Electronic Manufacturing Co Guangzhou export@biema.com www.biema.com Manufacturer Windforce, Biema Sound
Havells China Guangzhou info.cn@havells-sylvania.com www.havells.com Distributor Sylvania Lighting
HARMAN Professional - China Shanghai harmanprochina@harman.com pro.harman.com
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting
Hertz Professional Audio (Hertz Group) Guangzhou 4006668450@hertz-nexo.com www.hertz-group.com Distributor
Apex, Landor, Musicson, Nexo Sound
High Wing Integrated Technology Ltd Guangdong info@h-wit.com www.h-wit.com
Distributor Audica Professional Sound
Hongyu Electronics Co Guangzhou Contact online www.welcome-hy.com
Dealer Lighting, Effects
Huahui Audio Technology co Litd (Huahui) Beijing allen@hh-audio.com www.hh-audio.com Distributor. Rental Klang:technologies Sound and Lighting
IAG Group Ltd Shenzhen domesticpr04@sz.iaggroup.com www.iaggroup.com.cn
Manufacturer, Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Laserworld China Shenzhen info@laserworld.com www.laserworld.com
Distributor, Installer. Systems Integrator Laserworld, tarm, RTI, Showeditor, Showcontroller, ShowNET, Lasergraph DSP Lasers, Laser Software, Lighting LAX Audio
Guangzhou info@lax-pro.com www.lax-pro.com Manufacturer, Distributor LAX Sound
LAVOCE Co Ltd Jiashan County info@lavocespeakers.com www.lavocespeakers.com Manufacturer LAVOCE Italiana Sound
Leafun Art & Culture Technology Co Guangzhou leafun.KF@leafun.com www.leafun.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Lemuse, RCF, Avolites Sound and Lighting
Lite Puter Technology (Shanghai) Co Ltd Shanghai sales@liteputer.com.tw www.liteputer.com.tw
Manufacturer Liteputer Lighting
Longman International Group Co Ltd Guangzhou sales@longmanlight.com www.longmanlight.com Manufacturer Longman Lighting
Mad Macs Technology Distribution Ltd Shenzhen sh-info@mmhk.com www.mmhk.com
Distributor Lightconverse Lighting
Macostar Physics Application Technology Development (Wuhan) Ltd Hubei macostarwh@macostar.com www.macostar.com
Manufacturer, Systems Integrator Macostar, Look Solutions Lighting, Effects, Broadcast
Magewell Electronics Nanjing sales@magewell.com www.magewell.com
Manufacturer Magewell Sound, Video, Broadcast, AV
Melody Development Co Ltd Shenzhen melody@avcn.cn www.avcn.com
Distributor, Systems Integrator HK Audio (Install) Sound
Milos (Guangzhou) Co, Ltd Guangzhou info@milos.cn www.milossystems.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Milos Trussing, Structures, Roofs Most Technical China Shanghai dave@mosttechnical.org www.mosttechnical.org
Distributor Void Sound and Lighting
Nanjing Special Lamp Factory Nanjing export@njlamp.com www.njlamp.com
Manufacturer Chanjiang Lighting
Neo-Neon LED Lighting International ltd. Guangdong dld@neo-neon.com www.neo-neon.com
Manufacturer Neo-Laser, Neo-Truss & Case Lighting, Trussing, Cases
OSRAM China Lighting Ltd Guangdong info@osram.de www.osram.com.cn
Osram Lighting
Pangolin Laser Systems Asia (China Office) Guangzhou Alex@Pangolin.com www.pangolin.cn
Distributor Pangolin Lasers
Penn Elcom (Dongguan) Guangdong salesperson@penn-elcom.cn www.penn-elcom.com
Distributor Penn-Elcom
Phantom Media Beijing
zhang@laseranimation.com www.laserphantom.com
Distributor, Rental
LaserAnimation Lasers
Phoenix Audio International Ltd Guangzhou chris@phoenix-audio.com www.phoenix-audio.com
Distributor Funktion-One, Van Damme Cable, TiMax, FFA, Cadac Sound
PR Lighting Guangzhou info@pr-lighting.net www.pr-lighting.com
Manufacturer PR Lighting Lighting
Real Music Acoustic & Lighting Technology Co. Ltd. Shanxi sharon@real-music.com.cn www.real-music.com.cn
Distributor Adamson Sound
Rentian Lighting and Sound Co Ltd Shanghai mrentian@sohu.net www.mrt-show.com.cn
Antari Fog, Effects, Consumables
RGBlink Shenzhen sales@rgblink.com www.rgblink.com Manufacturer
RGBlink Video, Broadcast
R.Jian International Electroacoustics Equipment Co.,Ltd. Guangzhou rjaudio@163.com en.rj-audio.com
Amate Audio, Timoo Audio Sound
Roe Visual Co Ltd Shenzhen roe@roevisual.com www.roevisual.com Manufacturer
ROE Creative Display LED Displays
Roland China Limited Shanghai sales@roland-china.com www.roland-china.com
Roland Sound, AV
Ruisheng Lighting & Audio Equipment Co Ltd Guangdong info@china-rs.com www.china-rs.com
GLP, TW AUDiO, RAM Audio Sound and Lighting SAE Audio Co. Ltd Guangdong sales@saechina.com www.saeaudio.com
Manufacturer, Distributor SAE, Verity Audio Sound
Shanghai Jeta Network Technology Xuhui menghu@jeta.cn www.jeta.cn Distributor, Systems Integrator Australian Monitor Sound, AV, Conference
Shanghai MYC Technology Co Ltd Shanghai info@mycchina.com www.mycchina.com
Kling & Freitag, Cadac Sound
Shanghai Peoples Sound AV Shanghai info@peoplesound.cn www.peoplesound.cn
FBT Sound
Shenzhen INFiLED Electronics Ltd Shenzhen info@infiled.com www.infiled.com
INFiLED LED Displays
Shoushan System Integration Ltd. Guangzhou tanpu@ssitech.cn www.ssitech.cn
Fohhn Sound
Showven Technologies Co Ltd Liuyang info@showven.cn www.showven.cn Manufacturer
Showven Effects, Consumables
SoundKing Ningbo sales@soundking.com
www.soundking.com Manufacturer, Distributor Soundking, Studiomaster, Carlsboro, Cadac Sound, MI
Tasso Audio Manufacturer Guangzhou sales@tassoaudio.com www.tassoaudio.com Manufacturer Tasso Sound
Tech Team Foshan sales3@tech-team.com www.techtruss.com Manufacturer Tech Team Trussing, Staging Tico Visual Group Foshan haozq@tico.cn www.tico.cn Distributor, Systems Integrator Soundtube, Renkus-Heinz, Aviom Sound and Lighting, AV
TMB Beijing tmb-info@tmb.com www.tmb.com Distributor TMB, Wildfire FX Sound and Lighting
TOA (China) Ltd (Beijing) Beijing Contact online www.toachina.com.cn
Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
TOA (China) Ltd (Chengdu) Chengdu Contact online www.toachina.com.cn
Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
TOA (China) Ltd (Guangzhou) Guanghzou Contact online www.toachina.com.cn
Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
TOA (China) Ltd (Shanghai) Shanghai Contact online www.toachina.com.cn Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
TOA (China) Ltd (Wuhan) Wuhan Contact online www.toachina.com.cn
Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
Vello Light Guangzhou sales@vellolight.com www.vellolight.com
Manufacturer Vello Lighting
W&T International Ltd Guangzhou wt@wtintl.netCity www.wtintl.net
Manufacturer W&T
WangPai Lighting Guangzhou spxwang@163.com www.wp-lighting.com Manufacturer W&P
YES TECH Optoelectronic Co Ltd Changsa City yestech@yes-led.com www.yes-led.com
Manufacturer LED Displays
Zenith China Beijing china@genelec.com www.genelec.com.cn
Distributor Genelec Sound
Zomax Guangzhou zomax@zomax-audio.com www.zomax-audio.com
OEM Sound and Lighting, Trussing
A-Team Plus (HK) Ltd Kowloon info@ateam-plus.com www.ateam-plus.com
Rental Sound and Lighting
Absen Hong Kong Office Hong Kong emily.yang@absen.com www.absen.com Manufacturer, Distributor Absen LED Displays
Acclaim Lighting Asia (Hong Kong) Kowloon info@acclaimlighting.com www.acclaimlighting.com Distributor Acclaim Lighting
Ace International Co., Ltd Tsuen Wan info@acehk.com.hk www.acehk.com
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Shure, Ayrton, MA Lighting, ADB Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast, MI
Adelto Limited Hong Kong sales_00@adelto.com www.adelto.com
Distributor Hill-Audio, Multiform-Lighting Sound and Lighting
AHM Engineering Co Ltd Kowloon ahm@ahm.com.hk www.ahm.com.hk
Design, Installation Sound and Lighting, MI Allenlite Co Ltd Kowloon info@allenlite.com.hk www.allenlite.com.hk
Distributor, Systems Integrator
Sommer Cable, Lampo, DTS Lighting, Architectural, Broadcast
ASCL (Audio System Consultants Asia Ltd
San Po Kong info@avscl.com www.avscl.com
Design, Installation Sound
Audio-Visual Station Kowloon info@avshk.com www.avshk.com
Manufacturer, Distributor AVS, Aeromic Sound and Lighting, Fitness
B&L Engineering Co New Territories info@b-l.com.hk www.b-l.com.hk
Distributor ADJ Sound and Lighting
Bose Limited Kowloon joan_lam@bose.com www.bose.hk
Bose Sound, AV, Consumer
Broadcast Technology Ltd Kowloon btl@btl.com.hk www.btl.com.hk Systems Integrator Broadcast
BVCAM Ltd New Territories bvcam@on-nets.com www.bvcam.com.hk Distributor APG Sound
CAH Propfessional Sound Co Ltd Kowloon hksales@cah.com.hk www.cah.com.uk
Distributor Rane, Renkus-Heinz, Bose, beyerdynamic conference Sound, AV, Conference
CDA Professional Audio Wanchai hk@cda-proaudio.com www.cda-proaudio.com Manufacturer, Distributor Ivie, Cedar, CDA Sound
CY Communications Ltd Wanchai enquiry@cyavs.com www.cyavs.com Systems Integrator AV
d&b audiotechnik China Shatin freddie.to@dbaudio.com www.dbaudio.com Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
D&E International Ltd Kowloon dne@dnein.com.hk www.dnein.com Distributor Avolites Lighting
D&M Sales and Marketing Kowloon Contact online www.denon.com.hk Distributor Denon AV, Hi Fi, Consumer Dah Chong Hong Ltd Kowloon lamiwh@ead.dch.com.hk www.dch-ead.com Distributor Ruark, Tannoy, TDK Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer
Digi Power Science & Technology Co. Ltd Mongkok sales@digipowerhk.com www.digipowerhk.com Distributor beyerdynamic headphones Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer
Digital Media Technology Co Ltd Kowloon hk@dmtpro.com www.dmtpro.com
Distributor DPA, Audix Sound, Broadcast Electronic Theatre Controls (ETC) Asia Kowloon Bay asia@etcasia.com www.etcconnect.com
ETC Lighting
Electrosonic Ltd Wan Chai Contact online www.electrosonic.com
Distributor Electrosonic AV
Everich Audio Engineering (U.K.) Ltd. Shatin everich@etc.com.hk www.etc.com.hk Manufacturer, Distributor
ETC Audio Sound
EZPro International ( HK )Limited Kwai Chung info@ezprointl.com www.ezprointl.com
Allen & Heath, Powersoft, EAW, Lightconverse Sound and Lighting
Galance Tech International Co Kowloon info@hilbo.com www.hilbo.com
Distributor AB Sonic, ADJ Sound and Lighting
GE International Operations Co Inc Causeway Bay info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com
GE Lighting Lighting
German Light Products Asia Ltd Sheung Wan asia@glp.de www.glp.de
GLP Lighting
Hapworld SDL Ltd Chai Wan hapworld@hapworld.com.hk www.hapworld.com.hk Distributor Wohler Sound, Broadcast
Hewshott Associates Central hongkong@hewshott.com www.hewshott.com Consultancy AV, IT
High Wing International Technology Ltd Sheung Wan info@h-wit.com www.h-wit.com
Distributor Audica Professional AV, Conference
Hiroshi Technologies Ltd Kowloon info@hiroshi.com.hk www.hiroshi.com.hk
Distributor EMO, Lundahl Audio, Broadcast
Ideal Systems Asia Pacific Kowloon sales@idealsys.com www.idealsys.com Systems Integrator AV, Broacast
Illumination Physics Asia Ltd Sheung Wan simon@illuminationphysics.com www.illuminationphysics.com
Design, Install, Systems Integrator Lighting, Architectural
INFiLED Electronics (HK) Ltd. Kowloon tonyhui@infiled.com www.infiled.com Service Center INFiLED LED Displays
Jolly Proaudio Broadcast Engineering Ltd Kowloon andy@jollyproaudio.com.hk www.jollyproaudio.com.hk
Coles, Glensound Sound, Broadcast
Laservision Mega - Media Pte Ltd Sheung Wang info@laservision.com.au www.laservision.com.hk Manufacturer, Distributor Laservison Lasers
Linfair Engineering Co Chai Wan contact@linfair.net www.linfair.net Systems Integrator Sound, Broadcast LuxMore (HK) International Ltd Kowloon coffee-li@hotmail.com www.luxmore.cn Manufacturer
Luxmore LED Lighting, Architectural Macostar Hong Kong Ltd Aberdeen sales.mhk@macostar.com www.macostar.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Macostar, Zero 88, Lee Filters Lighting
Mad Macs Technology Distributions Ltd. Kowloon info@mmhk.com www.mmhk.com Distributor Lightconverse Design Software
Magna Systems and Engineering Kowloon sales.hk@magnasys.tv www.magnasys.tv Distributor Broadcast
Majestic Trading Company Kowloon info@majestic.hk www.majestic.hk Distributor Amate Audio Sound and Lighting, LED Marlboro (HK) Development Co Ltd Kowloon may@marlboroaudio.com www.marlboroaudio.com Distributor Bell Audio Systems, Marco Audio, Kind Audio, Stanton Sound
Neutrik Hong Kong Ltd Shatin sales@neutrik.com.hk www.neutrik.com Distributor Neutrik Connectors OSRAM Prosperity Co. Ltd Wanchai info@osram.com.hk www.osram.com.hk Distributor Osram Lighting
Pacific Lighting (HK) Limited Chai Wan info@pacificlighting.net www.pacificlighting.net Distributor, Design Altman, Wildfire, Robert Juliat, Look Solutions Lighting, Effects Penn Elcom HK Ltd. Kowloon info@penn-elcom.hk www.penn-elcom.com Distributor Penn-Elcom Fightcases
Pharos Controls Asia Pacific Kowloon asia@pharoscontrols.com www.pharoscontrols.com Manufacturer, Distributor Pharos Lighting
Philips Entertainment Lighting Asia Limited Kwai Chung pela_info@philips.com www.seleconlight.com Distributor Selecon Light, Showline, Strand Lighting Lighting
Phoenix Audio International Ltd Tsuen Wan chris@phoenix-audio.com www.phoenix-audio.com Distributor Funktion-One, Van Damme Cable, TiMax, FFA, Cadac Sound
Pro United Engineering Ltd Kwai Chung prounited@prounited.com.hk www.prounited.com.hk Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Pro-Lite Lghting Kwai Fong proliteeng@yahoo.com.hk www.prolite-eng.com
Distributor Global Truss Trussing
Prosperity Lamps & Components Ltd Wanchai info@prosperitylamps.com
www.prosperitylamps.com Distributor ETC, Griven, Vari-Lite Lighting
Quadra Technics ICS Ltd Kwai Chung quadra@quadraics.com www.quadraics.com Distributor Brahler AV, Conference Rays Group Ltd Tsuen Wan info@raystechnology.com www.raystechnology.com Distributor Buzzaudio Sound, Broadcast
Rightway Audio Consultants Kwai Chung rac@racpro.net www.racpro.net Distributor TTA, DiGiCo, L-Acoustics Sound
Sanecore Ltd Sheung Wan infopro@sanecore.com www.sanecore.com Distributor SGM, Axiom Lighting
Shogun Kwai Chung fireworks@shogun.com.hk www.shogun.com.hk Distributor Shogun, Vulcan Pyro ShowTex Kowloon info.hk@showtex.com www.showtex.com Manufacturer, Distributor Stage Fabrics
Shure Asia Ltd Island East info@shure.com.hk www.shureasia.com Distributor Shure Sound
Sound Classy Holdings Ltd Kwai Chung sales@soundclassy.com.hk www.soundclassy.com.hk Systems Integrator Sound
Sound Concepts Ltd Kowloon info@hksoundconcepts.com www.hksoundconcepts.com Distributor Lexicon Cinema, ATC Sound, AV, Home Theatre
SoundWorks & Supplies Ltd Shatin info@sws.com.hk www.sws.com.hk
Distributor Canare, d&b audiotechnik, OutBoard Sound
Switch On Projects Ltd Chaiwan info@switchon.hk www.switchon.hk Distributor coolux, Christie Pandoras Box Lighting
TOA (Hong Kong) Ltd King’s Rd sales@toa.com.hk www.toa.com.hk Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound
Tom Lee Music Kowloon music@tomleemusic.com www.tomleemusic.com Distributor Apogee Sound, Mackie Sound, MI
Top Plot International Ltd Kwai Chung forkytf@topplot.com www.topplot.com Distributor NEXO Sound
WTS Broadcast Asia Pacific Wanchai apsales@wtsbroadcast.com www.wtsbroadcast.com Systems Integrator, Distributor Broadcast
Illumination Physics Asia Ltd Macau simon@illuminationphysics.com www.illuminationphysicscom Systems Integrator, Installer Illumination Physics Lighting, Architectural
AB Initio International Dhaka abinitio@dhaka.net Distributor FBT Sound
Glow & Glow Engineers Ltd Dhaka ggel@dhaka.net www.ggelbd.com
Wharfedale Pro, Chauvet, AudioTechnica, Tascam, LSC, iGuzzini Sound and Lighting
Golden Music Company Dhaka wmusicbd@gmail.com www.worldmusicbd.com
Distributor Cerwin Vega, Peavey Sound and Lighting, MI
Graphics Information Systems Ltd Dhaka gis_bose@bangla.net www.gis.com.bd
Distributor Bose Sound and Lighting, Consumer Melody and Co Dhaka melodyco@bdcom.com
Dealer HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
Orient Electronics - Bangladesh Chittagong mataher@orienelectronics.com
Dealer HARMAN Audio Brands, Akai Professional, Shure Sound Roots International Dhaka roots@aitlbd.net Distributor Zero 88 Lighting
A One Global Entertainment Chandigarh solutions@aone-india.com www.aone-india.com
Distributor CODA Audio Sound
Absolute Audio India Mumbai info@absoluteindia.com www.absoluteaudioindia.com
Rental Penn-ElcomCompanyDealer Sound and Lighting
Acoustics India Indore db@acoind.com www.acoind.com
Consultancy, Installer, Systems Integrator Sound
Ahuja New Delhi marketing@ahujaradios.com www.ahujaradios.com
Ahuja PA Systems Sound
AK Electricals New Delhi info@akelectricals.com www.akelectricals.com
Rental Company KV2, Electro-Voice Sound and Lighting
All Wave Radio Agency Mumbai contact@allwaveav.com www.allwaveav.com Systems Integrator AV
Alphatec Audio Video Pvt Ltd Kolkata info@alphatec.co.in www.alphatec.co.in
Music Tribe Brands, Audio-Technica Sound
Ansata Computer Systems Bangalore livesound@ansata.net www.ansata.net
Distributor Avid, DPA, d&b audiotechnik, Van Damme Cable Sound, MI
Audio Plus Mumbai audioplus.india@gmail.com www.audioplus-india.com
Distributor Studiomaster, RCF Sound
Audio Vision India Mumbai info@audiovisionindia.com www.audiovisionindia.com
Distributor B&W, Golden Ear, Audionet Hi Fi, AV
Audiozz Ambala City Contact online www.audiozz.com Dealer Sound, Broadcast AVF Distributors Ltd Mumbai, New Delhi info@avfindia.com www.avfindia.com
Junger Sound,AudioBroadcast
AVC GroupMumbai sales@avc-group.net www.avc-group.net
Junger Sound,AudioBroadcast
AVL MarketingKerala avlmktg@gmail.com www.avlmarketing.in Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
AWAN India Pvt Ltd Bangalore Contact online www.awan.co.in Systems Integrator, Distributor Symetrix Sound and Lighting, AV Barbizon Bangalore india@barbizon.com www.barbizon.com Manufacturer Barbizon Lighting
Bosch Security Systems Bangalore boschsecuritysystems@in.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com Distributor Dynacord, BOSCH Sound
Christie Digital Systems (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer, Distributor Pandoras Box, Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia Delhi Light and Music New Delhi info@delhilightandmusic.com www.delhilightandmusic.com Distributor FBT, FENIX Stage, Pangolin, Boschima Cases Sound and Lighting Dewan GroupChennai info@deeewaanlighting.com www.deeewaanlighting.com Distributor CHAUVET, Coemar Lighting
Dhanashree Electronics Ltd Kolkata info@toshniwalworld.com www.toshniwalworld.com Distributor MC2 Sound and Lighting Dhawan Stagecrafts Pvt Ltd New Delhi info@dhawans.com www.dhawans.com Distributor, Rental Griven, Lite-puter, Clay Paky Sound and Lighting Effectron Luminex Ltd New Delhi info@effectron.co.in www.effectron.co.in Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV Electrocraft Andheri rogerdrego@gmail.com www.electrocraft.net
Rental Company d&b audiotechnik, L-Acoustics, Avid Venue, Midas, Yamaha Sound and Lighting Eminent Audio Visual Pvt Ltd New Delhi info@eminentav.in www.eminentav.in
Distributor Amate Audio Sound, AV
Exodus Information Technology Mumbai sales@exodusinfotech.com www.exodusinfotech.com Systems Integrator AV
GM Audiotechnics Chennai info@gmaudio.co.in www.gmaudio.co.in
D.A.S. Audio, 18 Sound, Powersoft, BMS, Universal Truss Sound and Lighting, Trussing
Harman International (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore prashant.govindan@harman.com www.harman.in
HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
Harness Overseas (P) Ltd Chandigarh inquiry@harnessasia.com www.harnessasia.com
Distributor Swefog, RAM Audio, Ohm Sound and Lighting
Hi-Tech Audio Systems Pvt Ltd
New Delhi info@hitechaudiosystems.com www.hitechaudiosystems.com
Distributor DiGiCo, L-Acoustics, Klotz, RCF, Clay Paky Sound and Lighting, AV
Integrated Entertainment Solutions (IES) Mumbai iesolns@gmail.com www.iesolns.com
Distributor ROBE, Anolis, Madrix, Avolites, HK Audio, Ashly, Pangolin, VMB Prolifts, Capture, LumenRadio Sound and Lighting
J Davis Pro Sound & Lighting Bangalore santanadavis@jdavisprosound.com www.jdavisprosound.com
Rental Company Sound and Lighting
Jagmag Electric Co Mumbai info@jagmagelectric.com www.jagmagelectric.com
Rental Company Sound and Lighting
Laserworld India Chennai info@laserworld.com www.laserworld.com
Distributor, Installer. Systems Integrator Laserworld, tarm, RTI, Showeditor, Showcontroller, ShowNET, Lasergraph DSP Lasers, Laser Software, Lighting
Light Sound Image Systems New Delhi lsi@lsiindia.com www.lsiindia.com
Distributor Lighting, Architectural
Modern Radio House Gurgaon info@mrhindia.com www.mrhindia.com
Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting
Modern Stage Service New Delhi info@modernstageservice.in www.modernstageservice.in
Systems Integrator, Distributor ADB, Studio Due, Altair, SGM Sound and Lighting
Most Technical India New Delhi arjun@mosttechnical.in www.mosttechnical.in
System Design, Distributor Void, OutBoard Sound and Lighting
MRH Digital Systems Mumbai avinash@mrhdigital.com www.mrhdigital.net
Distributor, Dealer, Service Centre BOSCH, Plena, Dynacord, Electro-Voice, MiPro Sound
Narain Audio and Lighting LLP Mumbai info@narain.in www.narainindia.com
Distributor Audiocenter, Nx Audio, Proton, Phonic, Satan Sound and Lighting
NK Decibels Chennai info@nkdecibels.com www.nkdecibels.com Distributor beyma Sound
Osram India Ltd Haryana Contact online www.osramindia.com Distributor Osram Lighting
Premier Industrial Importers Mumbai premier@bom8.vsnl.net.in Distributor XTA, B&C Speakers Sound
PRO FX Bengaluru support@profx.com www.profx.com Distributor Polk, Denon, Chord Sound, Hi Fi, AV
Proline Ahmedabad sunnydevjani61@gmail.com
Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Promusicals Chennai vivin@promusicals.com www.promusicals.com
Distributor PROEL, Focusrite Sound
Reynolds IncBengaluru info@reynoldonline.com www.reynoldonline.com
Distributor, Rental Furman, Look, Cordial, Eurotruss, Pro Intercom, Meyer Sound Dealer Sound and Lighting
Rich Audio Kurla info@richaudioindia.com www.richaudioindia.com
Rental Electro-Voice X-Array, Avid Sound and Lighting
Rivera International Mumbai riverainternational@gmail.com www.riverainternational.com
Distributor Kling & Freitag, Focal, KRK, Ushio, Clear- Com Sound and Lighting Sennheiser India Haryana Contact online www.sennheiserindia.com
Distributor Sennheiser Sound
Setron India New Delhi sales@setronindia.com www.setronindia.com
Distributor CAD, DAD, IKAN, Eventide, Symetrix Sound, Broadcast, AV Sonotone Audio LLP Santacruz info@sonotone.in www.sonotone.in
UNiKA Pro, Mackie, JTS Microphones, P Audio, Dyna Group, Sound, Cinema
Sound Land Chennai info@soundland.in www.soundland.in
Distributor ARX, AW, Faital-Pro, Le Maitre Sound and Lighting Sound Team Mumbai info@soundteam.in www.soundteam.in
Distributor Genelec, Manley, Crane Song, Eventide, SSL Sound Soundworks New Delhi info@soundworksindia.com www.soundworksindia.com
Distributor Ecler, Technare, Switch Audio, Trivium Sound and Lighting, AV Sound Wizard Auroville info@soundwizard.net www.soundwizard,net Design, Install, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV, Video Star Dimensions Pvt Mumbai info@stardimensionsindia.com www.stardimensionsindia.com
Rental Sound and Lighting
Sun Infonet Pvt Ltd New Delhi info@sungroup.net www.suninfonet.net
Distributor Allen & Heath, NEXO, Camco, Shure, Quest, DIS Sound
Sun Broadcast Equipments PVT Ltd New Delhi bpp@sungroup.net www.sungroup.net Distributor, Rental Tascam Sound, Video, Broadcast Swift AV Entertainments Pvt Madras swiftav@swiftvisionhire.com www.swiftvisionhire.com
Rental AV
The InventoryChennai info@thinventory.in www.theinventory.in
Rupert Neve Designs, PreSonus, Lewitt Sound
TOA Electronics India Pvt Ltd Haryana Contact online www.toa.co.in Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
Trimac Products Private Ltd Delhi info@trimacppl.com www.trimacppl.com
Distributor EAW, Adam, Rode, Cerwin Vega, KRK. Apogee
Vardhaman Megatech Pvt Ltd Mumbai mitul@vmt.in www.vmt.in Distributor, Dealer Martin Audio Sound and Lighting, MI
White Eagle Entertainment Pvt Ltd New Delhi arun@soundlight.in www.soundlight.in
Installer, Systems Integrator, Dealer, Distributor
Amate Audio, Bose, Ayrton, SLA Sound and Lighting, Video, Trussing, Effects
Xion Solutions Jaipur xion@xionmail.com www.xion-solutions.com
Lynx, Heil, KS, Mytek Sound
Beam On Male info@beamon.com.mv
Distributor UNiKA Pro Sound
HUB Male info@hub.com.mv www.hub.com.mv
Rental, Installation Zero 88 Sound and Lighting AV
Island Acoustics Pte Ltd Male islmusic@dhivehinet.net.mv www.islandmusicmaldives.com
Distributor Neutrik, Optimus, HK Audio, PROEL Sound and Lighting, MI, Consumer Popjoy Private Ltd Male info@popjoygroup.com www.popjoy.com.mv
HARMAN Audio Brands Sound Reefside Co Pvt Ltd Male info_bose@reefsidemaldives.com www.reefsidemaldives.com
Distributor Bose Sound, Consumer Six-X Corporation Male xboy@dhivenet.net.mv Dealer Behringer, Yamaha, Shure Sound and Lighting, MI
Protec Co Ltd Ulaanbaatar uyanga@protec.mn www.totalmusic.mn Distributor, Rental HARMAN Audio Brands, Shure, Yamaha Sound, MI, Consumer, AV
MTC Muktinath Trade Concern Kathmandu Contact online www.muktinathtrade.com.np
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound, Mi, Consumer, AV, Broadcast Rainbow GroupKathmandu triveni@mos.com.np Dealer JBL Sound
Sunny Music and Electronics Ltd Kathmandu sunny@wlink.com.np Distributor, Dealer ADJ, Mackie, Wharfedale Pro Sound
Bluefish Audio Pvt Ltd Karachi info@bluefish.com.pk www.facebook.com/bluefish.audio
Distributor Bose Sound, AV, Consumer Hina Import and Export Karachi info@desertsound.com.pk www.desertsound.com.pk
Distributor Denon, Focal, Nakamichi, KEF Sound, AV, Consumer, Hi Fi KYAF CorporationKarachi kyafcorp@outlook.com www.facebook.com/kyafcorp/
HARMAN Audio Brands, Peavey Sound, MI
Sound City Pakistan Karachi info.soundcitypk.gmail.com www.soundcity.com.pk Distributor
CAVS (Certified AV Specialist)
AV Project Gallery
Neutrik, Midas, Turbosound, Samson, P.Audio Sound, MI
Sound GalleryKarachi sound-gallery@hotmail.com Distributor Wharfedale Pro, PROEL Sound
Techman Corporation Lahore techman@brain.net.pk Distributor JBL Sound
Dynamic AV Technologies Pvt Ltd Colombo Contact online www.dynamicav technologies.com Distributor, Systems Integrator, Rental TOA Sound, AV
AV SystemsColombo info@avseng.lk www.avs.lk
Dealer Amate Audio Sound, Construction Enterprise Technology Colombo Contact online www.enterprisetl.com Systems Integrator Molex, Cisco IT
Imagine Entertaiments Pvt Ltd Nugegoda imagine.ent@gmail.com www.imaginesl.com Rental Sound and Lighting
Multi Audio Visual Colombo multi10@sltnet.lk www.multiaudiovisual.com Distributor Phonic Sound, AV
Perguin Electrnics Pvt Ltd Colombo info@penaudio.com www.penaudio.com Distributor Neutrik, Klotz, Numark Sound
Rossini Music Centre Kandana rossini@eureka.lk
Demo Qube Live Arena Lighting Design Showcase
Show Town Entertainment Colombo info@bnsmusic.com www.bnsmusic.com
Rental Sound and Lighting Siedles Pvt Ltd Colombo info_bose@siedles.com www.siedles.com
Sony, Bose, Casio Sound, Consumer, Broadcast Soundgear Pvt Ltd Dankotuwa info@ground-audio.com www.ground-audio.com
Distributor, Rental P Audio, TW AUDiO, B&C Speakers Sound
Swedish Trading Audio Visual Pvt Ltd Colombo Contact online www.stav.lk System Integrator AV
Tektronix Colombo no66tek@yahoo.com
Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI
The Lighthouse Pvt Ltd Nugegoda coordinator@thelighthouse.lk www.thelighthouse.lk
Systems Integrator, Distributor beyerdynamic conference, Biamp, Audio- Technica, Christie AV
The Hi Fi Centre Pvt Ltd Colombo info@hific.net www.hific.net
Distributor L-Acoustics Sound, HiFi
We Love Music, Mike Audio Colombo ymc@sltnet.lk www.welovemusic.lk
Dealer, Rental Yamaha Music Centre Sound, MI
Absen Japan Co Ltd Tokyo japan@absen.com www.absen.jp Manufacturer, Distributor Absen LED Displays
AC Lighting Asia Co Ltd Saitama sales@aclighting.jp www.aclighting.jp Distributor Chroma Q, Jands, AC Lighting Lighting, Trussing, Hoists
Advance Light Tokyo info@advance-light.com www.advance-light.com Designer, Dealer Altman Lighting
Amphenol Japan KK Yokohama City kurose@amphenol.co.jp www.amphenol.co.jp Distributor Amphenol Connectors
Artwiz Inc Tokyo t-ashizawa@artwiz.jp www.artwiz.jp Distributor Allen & Heath, Meyer Sound, Timax, Green Go, Amina Sound
Atelier Japan, Ltd Tokyo info@at-jpn.com www.at-jpn.com Distributor MA Lighting, Swisson, Martin Pro, Tamatech Lab, Tryka, ELC Lighting
Audio Brains Kanagawa gloria@audiobrains.com www.audiobrains.com Distributor beyerdynamic conference, Powersoft Sound
Audio Technica Corporation Tokyo Contact online www.audio-technica.co.jp Manufacturer Sound
Bestec Audio Inc Tokyo
tokayuki.osaki@bestecaudio.com www.bestecaudio.com Distributor L-Acoustics, Midas, Whirlwind Sound
Bose Co Ltd Tokyo Contact online www.bose.co.jp Distributor Bose Sound, AV, Consumer
Coburn Japan Corporation Tokyo nagata@coburn.co.jp www.coburn.jp Distributor ADB Lighting
Comodomattina, Inc Tokyo taka_asahina@h8.dion.ne.jp www.comodo-mattina.com Dealer InterM, Xilica, Allen & Heath, RenkusHeinz Sound
Continental Far East Ltd Tokyo info@cfe.co.jp www.cfe.co.jp Distributor Brahler, Adam, Elysia Sound, Hi Fi, Conference d&b audiotechnik JP Yokohama info.japan@dbaudio.com www.dbaudio.com
Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
Denon Kanagawa kazuyuki.sakurai@dmh-global.com www.denon.com
Manufacturer Denon Sound, Hi Fi, AV
DigiLED Japan Tokyo info@digiLED.com www.digiLED.com
Distributor DigiLED LED Screens
Eastern Sound Factory Tokyo Contact online www.esfactory.co.jp
VUE Audiotechnik, Audica, Audiolab, B&C Speakers Sound
Electori Company Ltd Tokyo international@electori.co.jp www.electori.co.jp Distributor Radial, Crest, RCF, AMX Sound
E-Spec Inc ( IDE Corporation) Osaka i.j.akiyama2004@e-spec.co.jp www.e-spec.co.jp Distributor Wharfedale Pro, Able Laser Sound and Lighting
Ever Bright Inc Tokyo everbright-yucom@mva.biglobe.ne.jp Distributor DeSisti Lighting
EVI Japan Tokyo evij.info@jp.bosch.com www.electrovoice.com Distributor Electro-Voice Sound, AV
Funktion One Japan Osaka masa@funktion-one.co.jp www.funktion-one.com Distributor Funktion-One, MC2 Sound
GE Consumer Products Japan Ltd Tokyo info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com Manufacturer GE Lighting Lighting
Gong International Co Ltd Tokyo Contact online www.gonginternational.jp Dealer Lighting
H.Ito & Co Ltd Tokyo overseas@h-ito.com www.h-ito.com Distributor Hungaroflash, Studio Due, Lee Filters Lighting
Hibino Corporation Tokyo prosales@hibino.co.jp www.hibino.co.jp
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting
Hibino Intersound Corporation Tokyo info@hibino-intersound.co.jp www.hibino-intersound.co.jp Distributor DPA, DiGiCo, CODA Audio, Shure, Calrec Sound, Broadcast, AV
High Resolution Co., Ltd Tokyo info3@h-resolution.com www.h-resolution.com
Distributor Allen & Heath DJ, Focusrite MI Sound, MI
INFiLED Japan Co., Ltd Tokyo info-japan@infiled.com www.infiled.com
Branch Office
LED Displays
I-Spec Co., Ltd Shizuoka Contact online www.i-spec.jp Distributor
Art Led, Colorbeam, Anolis, LEDflex Lighting, LED
Ken Production Services Yokohama Contact online www.kenpro-inc.com Distributor
ETC, TMB, Goboland Lighting
Korg Inc Tokyo Contact online
www.korg.co.jp Distributor Korg, Allen & Heath, CAD Sound, MI
Koto Lighting Co Ltd Tokyo lighting@koto-jp.com www.koto-jp.com Manufacturer, Distributor ADB Lighting Lighting
Kvant Japan Tokyo contact@kvant.jp www.kvant.jp Distributor Kvant, Pangolin Lighting
LaserAnimation ASIA Inc Tokyo sato@laseranimation.com www.laseranimation.com Manufacturer, Distributor LaserAnimation, RTI Lasers
Laser ShoWare Tokyo info@lasershowware.com www.lasershowware.com Distributor LPS-Lasersysteme Lasers
Laserworld Japan Tokyo info@laserworld.com www.laserworld.com
Distributor, Installer, Systems Integrator Laserworld, tarm, RTI, Showeditor, Showcontroller, ShowNET, Lasergraph DSP
Lasers, Laser Software, Lighting
Martin Audio Japan Kanagawa karato@martin-audio-japan.com www.martin-audio.com Distributor Martin Audio Sound
Martin Professional Japan Ltd Tokyo info@martinjp.com www.martinjp.com Distributor Martin by HARMAN, JEM, Martin Architectural Lighting
Marumo Electric Co Ltd Tokyo info@marumo.co.jp www.marumo.co.jp Manufacturer Marumo Lighting
Media Face Co Ltd Tokyo mediaface@mediaface.co. jp www.mediaface.co.jp
Rental, Dealer Lighting, Effects
Mileruntech co Ltd Tokyo usami@mileruntech.com www.mileruntech.com
Distributor Lumen Radio Lighting
Mix Wave Tokyo Contact online www.mixwave.co.jp
AV Stumpfl Pro Sound, Video, Consumer
MTC Japan Ltd. Tokyo info@mtc-japan.com www.mtc-japan.com
Distributor Renkus-Heinz, Tendzone, Community, Lumens Sound and Lighting
Neutrik Ltd Tokyo mail@neutrik.co.jp www.neutrik.co.jp
Distributor Neutrik Connectors
NKL Inc., Japan Tokyo Contact online www.nkl.jp Distributor
Broadcast, Video
Nihon Electro-Harmonix Tokyo Contact online www.electroharmonix.co.jp Distributor Furman, CAD Audio, Van Damme Cable Sound, MI
Numark Japan Corporation Tokyo Contact online www.numark.com Distributor Numark, Denon DJ, M-Audio, Alto Sound, MI
Onkyo Tokki Ltd Chuo-ku oikawa@okt.co.jp www.otk.co.jp Distributor EAW, Atlona Sound, AV
OSRAM Ltd Yokohama info@osram.de www.osram.jp Distributor Osram Lighting
Otaritec Tokyo Contact online www.otaritec.co.jp Distributor
Point Source, XTA, d&b audiotechnik, Junger, Lawo Sound, Broadcast, AV
PC Lights Inc Kanagawa pc-ono@pclights.co.jp www.pclights.co.jp Manufacturer, Rental Lighting
Penn Fabrication Japan Inc. Fujihashi info@penn-fab.jp www.penn-fab.jp Distributor
Penn Fabrication Cases, Trussing PRG K.K. Tokyo salesjapan@prg.com www.prg.com Rental Sound and Lighting
Prolyte Doughty Japan INC Tokyo infopdj@prolyte.com www.prolyte-doughty.jp Distributor Prolite, Doughty Trussing, Staging, Fixings Provide Co., Ltd. Tokyo Contact online www.provide.co.jp Distributor Look Solutions Fog Machines, Effects, Consumables Rewire Inc Tokyo mack.miyamura@rewire.co.jp www.rewire.co.jp
Distributor Adamson, Avid Venue, Thorens Sound, Hi Fi
Rock On Pro Tokyo Contact online www.miroc.co.jp Dealer Sound, MI
Roland Corporation Tokyo Contact online www.roland.co.jp Manufacturer, Distributor Roland Sound, AV, MI S.C.Alliance Inc Tokyo sales@ss.sc-a.jp www.ss.sc-a.jp Designer, Distributor OutBoard Sound
Sony Corporation Tokyo Contact online www.sony.jp Manufacturer Sony
Sound, AV, Broadcast Sound Atics, Inc Tokyo kfuruki@atics.co.jp www.atics.co.jp Distributor beyma Sound
Sound House Inc Chiba kivi@soundhouse.co.jp www.soundhouse.co.jp
Distributor Behringer, ADJ, Elation, Celestion Sound and Lighting, MI
Space Engineering Works Co Tokyo sew@sew-net.co.jp www.sew-net.co.jp Distributor, Rental Compulite, Lite-puter, Kupo, Wireless Solution Lighting
Space Graphics, Inc Tokyo info@space-graphics.co.jp www.space-graphics.co.jp
Designer Laser Animation
Studio Equipment Corporation Tokyo webmaster@studioequipment.co.jp www.studioequipment.co.jp
Altair, ARX, Clyde, ADT-audio, KS Digital Sound, Broadcast
Teac Corporation Tokyo Contact online www.teac.co.jp Manufacturer, Distributor TEAC, Tascam, beyerdynamic headphones Sound, AV
Technical Supply Japan (TSJ) Tokyo sales@tsjnet.co.jp www.tsjnet.co.jp
Altman, SGM, Lightconverse, Green Hippo, Clay Paky Lighting
Theater Engineering Co Ltd Tokyo info@thea-eng.co.jp www.thea-eng.co.jp
Robert Juliat, Flying Pig Lighting
TOA Corporation Kobe info@toa.co.jp www.toa.co.jp Manufacturer TOA Sound, AV Toki Corporation Tokyo info@tokistar.com www.toki.co.jp
Manufacturer Toxister Lighting
Tosy Corporation Tokyo info@tosy-corp.com www.tosy-corp.com Distributor
Eagle Cable Sound, Hi Fi
Ushio America Inc Tokyo kasaki@ushiolighting.co.jp www.ushiolighting.co.jp
Manufacturer Lighting
Yamaha Corporation Hamamatsu City Contact online www.jp.yamaha.com Manufacturer, Distributor Yamaha Sound, AV
ISE is the world’s leading show for professional audiovisual integration. Discover the latest AV solutions that deliver unforgettable experiences.
A works Korea Seongnam aworkskorea@naver.com www.aworkskorea.com Distributor Camco, NEXO Sound
Architectural Audio Corporation Korea (AACK Co) Seoul aack@aack.co.kr www.aack.co.kr Distributor Funktion-One, Van Damme Cable Sound
ArtTech Co Ltd Seoul arttechlight@korea.com www.arttechlighting.com Distributor Avolites, Kvant Lighting
C&C Lightway Inc Seoul info@cclightway.com www.cclightway.com Distributor Robert Juliat, SGM, Look Solutions Lighting
Christie Digital Systems USA Inc Korea Branch Seoul Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer, Distributor Pandoras Box, Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia Chungbo Sound Inc Seoul hanykee@hanmail.net www.chungbo.co.kr Distributor VUE Audiotechnik, Ashly, Fulcrum, Audix, APB Dynasonics Sound
Cosmos Corporation Seoul webmaster@cosmosmusic.com www.cosmosmusic.com Distributor K&M, Roland Sound, MI
d&b audiotechnik South Korea Seoul info.korea@dbaudio.com
www.dbaudio.com Distributor d&b audiotechnik, Lawo Live and Theatre Sound
Daelim Musical Instruments Inc. Seoul rionji@naver.com www.amatekorea.com Distributor Amate Audio Sound
Daikyung Vascom Co Ltd Seoul dkvascom@dkvascom.co.kr www.dkvascom.co.kr
Distributor Renkus-Heinz, Genelec, Ecler, Cordial, beyma, Digipro Vascom, Avid Sound, Broadcast
Daon SD Co Ltd Seoul 7036332@daonsd.com www.daonsd.com Distributor JTS, Void, Qubit, Ave Sound
Dasan SR Inc Seoul smkang@dasansr.com www.dasansr.com Distributor Powersoft, dBTechnologies, Aviom, XTA Sound
Di-Au Tech Co Seoul glennsuh@korea.com www.diautech.co.kr Distributor MC2 Sound
Do-an Pavis Co Ltd Seoul doan@doanav.co.kr www.doanav.co.kr Distributor Clockaudio, Tecnare, Work, KME Sound
Dong Yang Digital Co Ltd Seoul kwlee@idyd.com www.idyd.com Distributor Lawo, Studer, Sonifex, Riedel Sound, Broadcast
Dream Sound Seoul ccchy79@dreamsound.com www.dreamsound.com Distributor Cadac Sound
Ecose Seoul lyh@ecose.co.kr www.ecose.co.kr Distributor
AD Systems, Klotz, Xilica Sound
GE Lighting Korea Seoul Contact online www.gelighting.com Distributor GE Lighting Lighting
Gerriets Korea Seoul info@gerriets.co.kr www.gerriets.co.kr Manufacturer Gerriets Trussing, Projection Screens
GF Vision Co Ltd Seoul info@gfv.co.kr www.gfv.co.kr Distributor
Audio Performance, Clear Tune Monitors, Zero Audio Sound
GNS Electronics Co Ltd Seoul gns@gnsound.co.kr www.gnsound.co.kr Distributor Mackie, Dynacord, Electro-Voice Microphones, Phonic, Tasker Sound
Hansam System Co Ltd Seoul hansam@hansamsystem.com www.hansamsystem.com Dealer Vari-Lite, Altman, ADB Lighting
Hebseba Multimedia Co Ltd Seoul hebsiba@hebsiba.kr www.hebsiba.kr Distributor Outline Sound and Lighting
Ingang Audio Co Ltd Seoul Contact online www.ingangaudio.com Distributor Meyer Sound Sound
Inter M Corporation Seoul info@inter-m.net www.inter-m.com Manufacturer, Distributor Community Sound, AV
Kevic Inc Seoul sales@kevic.com www.kevic.com Manufacturer, Distributor FBT Sound
Klausys Seoul info@klausys.com www.klausys.com Distributor L-Acoustics, ASL, Link Sound
Koil Corporation Seoul koil@koil.co.kr www.koil.co.kr Distributor SSL, Yorkville, DeSisti Sound and Lighting, Broadcast Kuek Dong Sound Co Ltd Seoul babara@kdsound.co.kr www.kdsound.co.kr
Distributor, Dealer ADJ, Azden Sound, Consumer
Kusan Acoustic Co Ltd Seoul trade@gmsound.co.kr www.gmsound.co.kr Distributor Kling & Freitag Sound
Layered Sound Co Ltd Seongnam dwkim25@hanmail.net www.layeredsound.co.kr Manufacturer Layered Sound Loudspeakers Sound
Laserworld Korea Tokyo info@laserworld.com www.laserworld.com
Distributor, Installer, Systems Integrator Laserworld, tarm, RTI, Showeditor, Showcontroller, ShowNET, Lasergraph DSP
Lasers, Laser Software, Lighting
Leem Sound Co Ltd Incheon leem@leem.co.kr www.leem.co.kr
Manufacturer Leem Loudspeakers Sound
LightHouse Co Hanam master@lighthouse.ne.kr www.lighthouse.ne.kr
Distributor ArKaos, Magic Q, DTS Lighting
Live Miso Seoul livemiso@livemiso.com www.livemiso.co.kr
Rental Meyer Sound, DiGiCo Sound
Live-Lab Co Ltd Seoul master@live-lab.com www.live-lab.com
Distributor Lightconverse, Green Hippo, Vectorworks Lighting
LS Media Co Ltd Goyang sales@lsmedia.co.kr www.ls-media.co.kr
Dealer Lighting
M Pak Co Ltd Seoul admin@mpakco.com www.mpakco.com
Distributor Klark Teknik, Midas, Turbosound Sound
Matrix Laser Korea Seoul info@matrix-laser.com www.matrix-laser.com
Distributor Matrix Laser Lighting
Mirae International Co Ltd Seoul esshin2002@hotmail.com www.antari.co.kr
Distributor Antari Fog, Effects
Modern Sound Seoul modsound@hanmail.net www.modernsound.co.kr
Rental Meyer Sound, DiGiCo, Midas Sound
Money Global Media Group (MonkeyGMG) Gyeonggi-do macwantyou@monkeygmg.com www.monkeygmg.com/xe Dealer Funktion-One Sound
NES Korea Seoul nes@neskorea.com www.neskorea.com
Distributor Altman, DTS Lighting
Osram Korea Co Ltd Seoul webmaster@osram.co.kr www.osram.co.kr
Distributor Osram Lighting
Promix Seoul john@promix.co.kr www.promix.co.kr Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting, AV
Proel Korea Seoul info@proelkorea.com www.proelkorea.com Manufacturer, Distributor PREOL, AXIOM, EIKON Sound
Sama Pro Sound Co Ltd Seoul info@samasound.co.kr www.samasound.co.kr
Distributor Shure. Allen & Heath, HK Audio, Radial Sound, MI
Seki Electronics Co Ltd Seoul qa@sekielec.co.kr www.sekielec.co.kr
Distributor Bose, Audio-Technica Sound, AV
Seoul Sound Seoul seoulsoundscott@gmail.com www.seoulsound.com Rental L-Acoustics Partner Sound and Lighting Sonodime Co Ltd Goyang james@sonodime.com www.sonodime.com
Distributor Yorkville, Orion, VTC, Traynor Sound and Lighting Soundhub Seoul sh@soundhub.co.kr www.soundhub.co.kr
Distributor Wharfedale Pro, RCF, Sommer Cable, QSC, Stagetec Sound
Sound People Company Seoul soundpeoplecompany@gmail.com www.soundpeoplecompany.com
Distributor LSS Sound Systems Sound
Sound Projects Asia Chungcheonnam-Do info@soundprojectsasia.com www.soundprojectsasia.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Sound Projects, B&C Speakers Sound
Sound Solution Co Ltd Seoul sscom@sscom.com www.sscom.com
Adamson, beyerdynamic headphones, Denon, RCF, Sommer Cable, DPA Sound, Hi Fi
Soundhouse Paju soundhouse@soundhouse.co.kr www.soundhouse.co.kr
Distributor beyma Sound
Soundplace Seoul soundplace@soundplace.kr www.soundplace.kr
Distributor APG Sound
Soundrace Seoul elaudio@soundrace.co.kr www.soundrace.co.kr
Distributor Soundbarrier, Digisynthetic, Linea Research Sound
SoundUs Seoul jesse.park@soundus.co.kr www.soundus.co.kr
Distributor DiGiCo, beyerdynamic conference and microphones, CODA Audio, Rane Sound
Sovico Corporation Seoul jayhan@sovico.co.kr www.sovico.co.kr
Distributor Neutrik Sound Stagenet Co Ltd Seoul stagenet@unitel.co.kr www.stagenet.co.kr
Distributor Fohhn Sound and Lighting
Star Networks Yongin osukeun@hanmail.net www.starnetworks.co.kr
Distributor, Rental TW AUDiO Sound and Lighting
Sungil Lighting Co Ltd Seoul silite@chol.com www.sungillite.co.kr
Distributor LSC Lighting Lighting
Syncron Co Ltd Seoul ckoh@syncron.co.kr www.syncron.co.kr
Distributor Altman Lighting, Consumer, Industrial Techdata Co Ltd Seoul proaudio@techdata.co.kr www.techdata.co.kr
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
TOA Corporation Seoul Office Seoul Contact online www.toa-seoul.com Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
Tongsuh Technology Co Ltd Seoul hrshin@unitel.co.kr www.tongsuhtech.com Distributor Prolyte, Clay Paky, Wireless Solution Lighting
Yamaha Music Korea Ltd Seoul Contact online www.kr.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha Sound, AV, MI
Young Stage Inc Seoul Eui7574@hanmail.net www.youngstage.co.kr Distributor Zero 88, Altman Lighting
New, extremely silent nozzle Noise at max. output: 82.5 dBA
Constant fog output at any pump level due to the use of two pumps
Control via Ethernet, DMX512, analogue (0-10V) or directly at the machine RDM-capable
Touchscreen with simple navigation
Finest adjustments of the output
Adjustable pump characteristic: Impulse, Extended, Flood, Continuous
Adjustable performance curve to balance different fog amounts
Internal Timer
Internal working hour meter
3100 W, 230V/50Hz
30989 Gehrden Phone: +49 - (0)5108-91 22 10
Acoustic and Lighting System Snd Bhd Puchong acoustic@alhq.com.my www.acousticlighting.com
Distributor, Rental Clay Paky, Alto, RCF, Crest, JTS, Avolites, Antari Sound and Lighting, Effects
Artistic Controls Sdn Bhd Puchong info@artisticcontrols.com www.artisticcontrols.com
Distributor ADB, Zero 88 Lighting, AV
Atlas Sound and Vision Sdn Bhd Petaling Jaya sales@asvsb.com.my www.atlasestore.my Distributor Bose Sound, AV
Audio Solutions Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur enquiry@conceptaudio.com.my www.conceptaudio.com.my Distributor NEXO, Avolites Sound and Lighting
Audio Visual Design Kuala Lumpur sales@avdesigns.com.my www.avdesigns.com.my Distributor Bryston, PMC, JVC, TAD AV, Hi Fi
AV Electronics Marketing Petaling Jaya sales@avem.com.my www.avem.com.my
Music Tribe Brands, PROEL, Tech Audio Sound and Lighting, AV
AV Land (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur alexyong@avland.com.my www.avland.com.my
Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
AV United Sdn Bhd Puchong sales@av-united.com www.av-united.com
Distributor Audio-Technica Pro, DPA, Radial, Gravity Sound
Avidec (M) Sdn Bhd Sungai Buloh stewart@avidec.info www.avidec.info
Distributor Altair Sound
Bentley Music Sdn Bhd Petaling Jaya Contact online www.bentleymusic.com Distributor Studiomaster, STK Sound, MI
Chan Lee Prosound Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur sales@chanlee.com.my www.chanlee.com.my Dealer Pioneer DJ, Shure, QSC, Aiweidy Sound and Lighting
CK Music Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur sales@ckmusic.com.my www.ckmusic.com.my Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound and Lighting
D Box Technique Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur sales@dboxtechnique.com www.dboxtechnique.com Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
Digistar Group Ampang digistar@digistar.com www.digistar.com.my Systems Integrator AV, Broadcast
Dimet Lighting and Musical Supplies Butterworth info@dimet.com.my www.dimet.com.my Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Do Re Mi Sound and Light Kuala Lumpur drm@doremi.com.my www.doremi.com.my Distributor, Rental Carvin Sound, MI
Dynamix Sound and Light Kuala Lumpur info@dynamixsound.com www.dynamixsound.com Distributor, Rental Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, AV
Feilo-Sylvania (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur info@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Lighting
First Live Sound Petaling Jaya info@fls.my www.fls.my Dealer Meyer Sound Sound
GE Lighting Kuala Lumpur info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com Distributor GE Lighting Lighting
HMI Audio Visual Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur yang.hiumusical@hotmail.com wwwhiumusical.com Dealer, Rental Sound and Lighting
Hyper Advance Sdn Bhd Petaling Jaya jenning.lim@hyper-advance.com www.hyper-advance.com System Integrator Lutron, Amperes AV, Industrial
Integrated Audio Visual Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur lhtiew@iav.com.my www.iav.com.my Distributor XTA, Meyer Sound Dealer AV, IT
LSI Systems (M) Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur info@lsisystems.com.my www.lsisytems.com.my Systems Integrator Architectural Lighting Mahajak Trio Electronics Puchong info@mahajaktrio.com www.mahajaktrio.com Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, d&b audiotechnik Sound
Master Audio Systems Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur masteraudio88@gmail.com www.amateaudio.com Distributor Amate Audio Sound
Mercoms Systems Sdn Bhd Petaling Jaya info@mercoms.com www.mercoms.com Distributor Mux Lab, One Systems, Rane, RenkusHeinz Sound
Mubari Group of Companies Kuala Lumpur admin@mubari.com www.mubari.com Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting, AV
Musical Image Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur sales@musicalimage.com.my www.musicalimage.com.my Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV Octodecim Akustik Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur sales@octodecim.com www.octodecim.com
Distributor QSC, SGM Sound
PHG Enterprise Sdn Bhd Penang phg_enterprise@hotmail.com www.phgproaudio.com
Distributor Phonic Sound, AV
Prolyte Asia Pacific Petaling Jaya infopap@prolyte.com www.prolytepap.com Distributor Prolyte Trussing
Roland Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd Petaling Jaya contact@rolandap.com www.rolandap.com
Distributor Roland, Edirol, Boss Sound, AV
SCA World Connections Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur scaworld@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/scaworldconnection Distributor ARX, Sommer Cable, Roxtone Sound, MI
Search Music Sdn Bhd Puchong info@searchmusic.com.my www.searchmusic.com.my Distributor d&b audiotechnik, D.A.S. Audio, FDB Audio, Ultimate LED Technology, Wharfedale Pro Sound, LED Screens
SES Sound and Light Sdn Bhd Sungai Buloh hskoon@sessound.com www.sessound.com Rental Meyer Sound, DiGiCo Sound and Lighting
SMX Petaling Jaya smx@sinamex.com www.sinamex.com Distributor Presonus, Rupert Neve Designs Sound
ST Sound and Lights Sdn Bhd Johor Bahru sales@stsound.com.my www.stsound.com.my Distributor
Tecnare, Fine Art Sound and Lighting
Starlite Acoudstic Sdn Shah Alam starliteacoustic@gmail.com Dealer ADJ Sound and Lighting
Syarikat Instraco (M) Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur inst_mkt@instraco.com www.instraco.com Distributor Crest, Peavey, Superlux, Audiocenter, Terbly Sound and Lighting
Team 1 Production Johor Bahru enquiry@teamonepro.com www.teamonepro.com Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting
TOA Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd Petaling Jaya Contact online www.toamys.com.my Distributor TOA Sound
Total Concept Projects Petaling Jaya sales@totalconceptprojects.com www.totalconceptprojects.com Systems Integrator, Rental Meyer Sound Sound, AV
Transtel Technology (M) Sdn Bhd Petaling Jaya rei@transtel.com.my www.transtel.com.my Systems Integrator Broadcast, Multi-Media
Two Sons Audio Sdn Bhd Subang Jaya nick@twosonsaudio.com www.twosonsaudio.com
Prolyte Sound and Lighting, AV
Union Electronics Sdn Bhd Jalan Baru henry@union.com.my www.union.com.my
Distributor P Audio Sound
Unique Lumino Sdn Bhd Puchong jeffrey@uniquelumino.com.my www.facebook.com/lumino888/ System Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Wah Lee Hong Sales and Services Sdn Bhd Kuching alexyong@avland.com.my www.avland.com.my
Distributor KME Audio Sound
Yamaha Music (M) Sdn Bhd
Petaling Jaya info@yamaha.com www.yamahamusic.com Distributor Sound, AV, MI
Acoustic and Lighting Systems Pte Ltd Singapore info@acousticnlighting.com www.acousticlighting.com Distributor
Clay Paky, Alto, RCF, Crest, JTS, Avolites, DPA Sound and Lighting, AV
Adam Hall Asia Pte Ltd Singapore asia@adamhall.com www.adamhall.com Distributor Adam Hall Sound and Lighting
Almanach Lamps and Luminieres Pte Ltd Singapore sales@almanach.com.sg www.almanach.com.sg Distributor Osram Lighting
Alvo Technology Pte Ltd Singapore sales@alvoasia.com www.alvoasia.com Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Amcon Integration LLP Singapore sales@amcon-systems.com www.amcon-systems.com Distributor, Systems Integrator NEXT-proaudio Sound
Arcadia Tec Pte Ltd Singapore info@arcadia-co.sg www.arcadia-co.sg Dealer
DPA, D.A.S. Audio Sound
Atlas Sound and Vision Singapore sherwin.siregar@atlas-sv.com www.atlas-sv.com Distributor Cloud Sound, AV
Audio Light Asia Pte Ltd Singapore ala@audiolight.com.sg www.audiolight.com.sg
Distributor MADRIX, Swefog Sound and Lighting
Audio-Technica (SEA) Pte Ltf Singapore sales@audio-technica.com.sg www.sea.audio-technica.com
Audio-Technica Sound, Consumer
AV Land Singapore Singapore enquiry@avland.com www.avlandsg.com Systems Integrator AV
AV Media Pte Ltd Singapore avm@avmedia.com.sg www.avmedia.com.sg
Distributor Lumens, Panasonic AV, Broadcast, Multi-Media
AV Science Marketing Pte Ltd Singapore Contact online www.av-science.com Systems Integrator AV
AVLite Pte Ltd Singapore sales@avlite.com.sg www.avlite.com.sg Systems Integrator Lighting
AVShow Presentations Singapore avshow@avshow.com.sg www.avrental-sg.com Rental AV
Barco Pte Ltd Singapore info@barco.com
www.barco.com Distributor AV
Brahler ICS Pte Ltd Singapore info@braehler.com www.braehler.com Rental, Distributor Conference
Broadcast Professional Pte Ltd Singapore enquiry@broadcastpro.com.sg www.broadcastpro.com.sg Distributor Neutrik Sound, AV, Broadcast
City Music Co Pte Ltd Singapore sales@citymusic.com.sg www.citymusic.com.sg Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI
CGE Pte Ltd Singapore enquiry@cge.events www.cge.events Events Management
Christie Digital Systems USA Inc Singapore Branch Singapore Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer, Distributor Pandoras Box, Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia
Coda Group Pte Ltd Singapore ops@codaproaudio.com www.codaproaudio.com Distributor Aviom, MC2, Milab, XTA, Meyer Sound Sound
Combined Corporation Singapore sales@combinedcorp.com.sg www.combinedcorp.com.sg Distributor Sagitter Lighting
Consolidated Audio Networks Singapore dawn@can.sg www.facebook.com/ ConsolidatedAudioNetworksSG Distributor Audix, Adam, Midas, Klark Teknik Sound and Lighting, MI
Control Logic Systems Pte Ltd Singapore info@clspl.com www.clspl.com Sound Design, Distributor Amate Audio Sound, AV
Control Tech Asia Pte Ltd Singapore info@controltechasia.com www.controltechasia.com Distributor, Systems Integrator Dynalite, LSC, Wiz, Wiz Pro Lighting, Effects, Trussing
CSP Productions Pte Ltd Singapore sales@cspproductions.com.sg www.csp.sg Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
d&b audiotechnik Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd Singapore Contact online www.dbaudio.com Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
DAS Audio Asia PTE Ltd Singapore
jlgarcia@dasaudio.com www.dasaudio.com Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound
Daxco Digital Pte Ltd Singapore sales@daxcodigital.com www.daxcodigital.com Distributor KS Digital, Manley, Triad-Orbit Sound and Lighting, Broadcast, Film
DNA Engineering Pte Ltd Singapore sales@dna.com.sg www.dna.com.sg Systems Integrator Sound, Security Systems
E&E Singapore Singapore enepl@enepl.com.sg www.enepl.com.sg Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Clearcom, Allen & Heath, Tascam Sound
Electro Acoustic Research (1999) Pte Ltd Singapore info@carecase.com.sg www.carecase.com.sg Manufacturer Flightcases
Electro-Acoustics Systems Pte Ltd Singapore info@easpl.com.sg www.easpl.com.sg Distributor Sound Tube, Renkus-Heinz, Clockaudio, Audica Sound and Lighting, AV
Esco Pte Ltd Singapore esco@esco.com.sg www.esco.com.sg Systems Integrator AV
ESI Audio Consultancy Pte Ltd Singapore james@easiac.com.sg Distributor CODA Audio, Camco Sound
ETG PTE Ltd Singapore gilbert@etg.com.sg www.etg.com.sg Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting, AV
Excel Sports and Music Singapore sales@excelsingapore.com www.excelsingapore.com Distributor B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting, MI, Consumer
Explomo Technical Services Pte Singapore Contact online www.explomo.com.sg Dealer, Rental Pyro
Extron Electronics Asia Pte Ltd Singapore sales-asia@extron.com www.extron.com Distributor Extron AV
Flight Case Innovation Enterprise Singapore sales@fci.com.sg www.fci.com.sg Manufacturer Flightcases
GBS Alliance Pte Ltd Singapore
sales@gbsalliance.com www.broadcastsupply.com.sg
Dealer Sonifex
GE Pacific Pte Ltd Singapore info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com Distributor
GE Lighting Lighting
Generation AV Pte Ltd Singapore info@generationav.net www.generationav.net APAC Sales Representative Martin Audio, Sonance, LEA, Optimal Audio, NST Audio Sound
Hawko Trading Co Pte Ltd Singapore info@hawko.com www.hawko.com
Harman Professional - Singapore Singapore Hpro.APAC@harman.com http://pro.harman.com
HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting
Huntersson Sound Co Pte Ltd Singapore duncan@rebeldecibel.com www.rebeldecibel.com Dealer, Rental Funtion-One Sound
J Nissi International Pte Ltd Singapore sales@jnissi.com.sg www.jnissi.com.sg
Systems Integrator, Rental AV
Junger Audio Asia Pte Ltd Singapore asia@jungeraudio.com www.jungeraudio.com Distributor
Junger Audio Sound, Broadcast
Kontakt International Pte Ltd Singapore info@kontakt.com.sg www.prokontakt.com Systems Integrator Broadcast, AV
Laservision Mega-Media Pte Ltd Singapore info@laservision.sg www.laservision.com.au Distributor, Rental Laservision Lighting
LBH - Lee Bee Huat Singapore enquiry@leebeehuat.com www.leebeehuat.com
Amphenol, Canare Cables and Connectors
Lighting and Sound Distribution Singapore louisteo@lsdsingapore.com www.lsd-asia.com
TW AUDiO, Hungaroflash, Antari Sound and Lighting, Effects
Lighting Controls Pte Ltd Singapore sales@lightingcontrols.com.sg www.lightingcontrols.com.sg
Zero 88
Litho-LAV Products Pte Ltd Singapore sales@lavscreen.com www.lavscreen.com Manufacturer LAV Screen Projector Screens
Loh Humm Audio Company Pte Ltd Singapore eddie@loh-humm.com.sg www.loh-humm.com.sg Rental, Sales Opus Sound, Theatre
Loud Technologies Asia (LTA) Singapore sales@loudtechnologiesasia.com www.loudtechnologiesasia.com Distributor K-array, One Systems, CHAUVET, Cloud Sound and Lighting
Lutron GL Ltd Singapore asiasales@lutron.com www.lutron.com Distributor Lutron Lighting
MA Lighting Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Singapore infoasia@malighting.com www.malighting.com Distributor MA Lighting Lighting
Magna Systems and Engineering Singapore sales.sg@magnasys.tv www.magnasys.tv Distributor Broadcast
Martin by HARMAN Pte Ltd Singapore Contact online www.martin.com Distributor Martin by HARMAN, JEM Lighting
Mastertouch AV Pte Ltd Singapore enquiry@mastertouchav.com www.mastertouchav.com Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting, AV
Meditec Trader Pte Ltd Singapore meditec@singnet.com.sg www.audio.com.sg Distributor MiPro, FBT Sound, MI
Ong AV Specialists Pte Ltd Singapore enquiries@ongradio.com www.ongradio.com Systems Integrator, Installer AV
Oracle Projects International Singapore info@oracleprojects.com www.oracle-projects.com
Event Design Sound and Lighting
OSRAM Lighting Pte Singapore contact@osram.com www.osram.asia Distributor Osram Lighting
Pacific Lighting (Singapore) Pte Ltd Singapore info.sg@pacificlighting.net www.pacificlighting.net Distributor Altman, Pegasus, Look Solutions Lighting, Effects
Pave System Pte Ltd Singapore sales@pave.com.sg www.pave.com.sg Systems Integrator, Distributor Outline AV
Peak Fusion Pte Ltd Singapore enquiry@peak-fusion.com.sg www.peak-fusion.com.sg Distributor beyerdynamic, Kling & Freitag, DNP, Tendzone, Grace Design Sound, AV, Consumer
Performance Audio Pte Ltd Singapore wendy@performance-audio.com.sg www.performanceaudio.com.sg Dealer Pioneer DJ Sound
Proaktiv Systems Pte Ltd Singapore info@proaktivsys.com www.proaktivsys.com Systems Integrator, Distributor Art, Fostex Sound and Lighting
ROBE Lighting Asia Pacific Pte Singapore sales@robeap.com www.robeap.com Manufacturer, Distributor ROBE Lighting
Sennheiser Electronic Asia Pte Ltd Singapore Contact online http://en-sg.sennheiser.com Distributor Sennheiser, Neumann, Rycote, L-Acoustics, Sound Devices, K-array Sound
Shin Taiyou Technology Pte Ltd Singapore sales@shintaiyou.com www.shintaiyou.com Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound
Showtec Communications Pte Ltd Singapore info@showtecsingapore.com www.showtecsingapore.com Rental Sound and Lighting
Sinamex Electronics Pte Ltd Singapore sales@sinamex.com www.sinamex.com Distributor PreSonus, sE Electronics, Rupert Neve Designs Sound, MI
Sindo Exports Pte Ltd Singapore sales@sindoexport.com www.sindoexport.com Distributor KV2 Audio Sound
StageEquip Pte Ltd Singapore calvyn@stageequip.com www.stageequip.com Distributor ETC Lighting
Swee Lee Company Singapore weiming@sweelee.com.sg www.sweelee.com.sg Distributor HK Audio, Martin Audio Sound and Lighting
Team 108 Technical Services Pte Ltd Singapore 108@team108.com www.team108.com Distributor
DiGiCo, Genelec, Funktion-One, Van Damme Cable, FFA Sound
The Show Company Pte Ltd Singapore Contact online www.show-company.com Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting
TOA Electronics Pte Ltd Singapore Contact online www.toa.com.sg Distributor
TOA Sound, AV
Total Solutions Marketing Pte Ltd Singapore info@tsm-int.com www.tsm-int.com
MA Lighting, Chainmaster, coolux, Ayrton, Vari-Lite, Kinesys Lighting, Video, Architectural, Broadcast Trio AV Pte Ltd Singapore Admin1@trioav.com www.trioav.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Yamaha Music (Asia) Pte Ltd Singapore lawrence_tan@gmx.yamaha.co www.sg.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha, NEXO Sound, MI
Chong Radio Service Sdn Bhd Bandar Seri Bagawan www.facebook.com/chongradio Systems Integrator, Distributor MiPro, BOSCH, HARMAN Professional Soultions, Lawo Sound and Lighting, AV Impact Event Solution Mukim Kalanas admin@impacteventsolution.com www.impacteventsolution.com
Rental Sound and Lighting
Justin P Sengkurong justinp@liteprogrammer.com www.liteprogrammer.com Design Lighting
AV Designs and Consulting Phnom Penh info@avdesigns.asia www.avdesigns.asia
Distributor, Systems Integrator Neutrik, beyerdynamic, Allen & Heath, Symetrix, Crestron, Extron, CHAUVET Sound and Lighting, AV
I-Audio Solutions Ltd Phnom Penh u_khim@yahoo.com Distributor Audio-Technica Sound
Kfour Group Co Ltd Phnom Penh bunarong.kit@kfourgroup.com.kh Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
LY Cheng Heng Phnom Penh jennychheang@gmail.com Distributor P.Audio, TW AUDiO Sound
Noyakong Group Co Ltd Phnom Penh bunsannkim@noyakong.com Distributor Selecon Lighting
Pro-Feel Ltd Phnom Penh info@pro-feel-cambodia.com www.pro-feel-cambodia.com
Rental, Install Sound and Lighting, Trussing, Laser Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd Cambodia Office Phnom Penh hourleng.heng@vn.bosch.com
Representative Office BOSCH, Dynacord Sound
Acoustic & Lighting System Indonesia PT Tangerang eugene@acousticnlighting.com www.acousticlighting.com Distributor
Clay SoundPakyand Lighting
Aneka Niaga Mandiri PT Jakarta anekanm@attglobal.net Distributor Audio-Technica consumer Sound
ASIIS Indonesia Kepunton Solo andy@asiis-indonesia.com www.asiis-indonesia.com
Distributor, Systems Integrator ChamSys, NEXO Sound and Lighting
Batavia Putera Prima Jakarta sales@bataviaputeraprima www.bataviaputerprima.com
Distributor MiPro, KRK, FDB, VXT Engineering, Wharfedale Pro Sound
Big Knob Audio Jakarta sales@bigknob.net www.bigknob.net
Rupert Neve Designs, Lectrosonics, Adamson Sound
Catur Mitra Adhikara PT Jakarta info@caturmitra.co.id www.caturmitra.co.id
Distributor, Systems Integrator
Orban, Wohler Sound, Broadcast, Video
Cemerlang Langgeng Sentosa (CLS) Jakarta Barat info@cls-indonesia.com www.cls-indonesia.com
Fane, Trace Audio Sound, MI
Cipta Swara Anugrah PT Jakarta setiawan@csa-indonesia.com www.csa-indonesia.com
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting
Citra Intirama PT Jakarta Barat marketing@citraintirama.com www.citraintirama.com
Martin Audio Sound, MI
Dempo MusikSurabaya mail@dempomusik.com www.dmpmusik.com
Distributor, Rental Funktion-One Sound
Dunia Lampu Lighting Jakarta dunia.lampu@yahoo.com www.dunia-lampu.com Distributor
XMlite, Theatrelight, AMTlite Lighting
E & E Indonesia Jakarta info@eneindonesia.com www.eneindonesia.com
Distributor Community Sound
GE Lighting Indonesia PT Jakarta info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com
Distributor Lighting
Goshen Electronics Indonesia Jakarta info@goshenelectronics.com www.goshenelectronics.com
Shure, Rane, KV2, Switchcraft, QSC Sound
Hesed Indonesia International Jakarta info@hesedindonesia.com www.hesedindonesia.com
Rental, Distributor
TW AUDiO, Cadac Sound and Lighting
Inti Megah Swara (IMS) PT Jakarta Contact online www.imsindo.co.id Distributor Denon, Q Acoustics AV
Invia Solusindo Pratama PT Jakarta info@invia.id www.invia.id Distributor
LED Displays
Kairos Multi Jaya PT Jakarta sales@kairosmultijaya.com www.kairosmultijaya.com
RCF, Audio-Technica Pro, Klotz, Allen & Heath, Powersoft Sound and Lighting
Kandaka Kenkana Sakti PT Jakarta kandaka@bit.net.id Dealer
Selecon Lighting
Ken’s Audio Jakarta enquiry@kensaudio.net www.kensaudio.net Distributor Amate Audio Sound
Lamesa Jakarta info@lamesa.co.id www.lamesa.co.id
Distributor, Systems Integrator APB Dynasonics, D&R, Kling & Freitag Sound, AV, Broadcast Laser Media FX Jakarta lasermediafx@gmail.com www.lasermediafx.com Distributor, Rental Kvant, Pangolin Lasers
Lasika Productions Surabaya rental@lasika.com www.lasika.com Rental Sound and Lighting
Legato Music Center Jakarta support@legatomusiccenter.com www.legatormusiccenter.com Dealer
ADJ Sound and Lighting, MI Mata Elang Production Jakarta email@mataelang.com www.mataelang.com Rental Sound and Lighting
Mega Swara International PT Jakarta sunimanw@centrin.net.id www.mega-swara.com Distributor Meyer Sound Sound
Monalisa Tunggal Jaya PT Jakarta mtjrocky@indosat.net.id www.ptmtj.com Distributor Ecler, Griven, MADRIX, Tecnare Sound and Lighting
Multi Karya Makmur Besama PT Jakarta dsutedja@cbn.net.id Distributor Mogami Sound
OSRAM Indonesia PT Tangerang Contact online www.lampu.com Distributor Osram Lighting
Panka Inti Bermitra PT (PIB) Jakarta sales@pankainitibermitra.co.id www.pankaintibermitra.co.id Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Sommer Cable Sound
Perkasa Bermitra Sentosa PT (PBS) Jakarta irwan208@yahoo.com www.pbs-indonesia.com Distributor
HK Audio, Centurion Lighting Sound and Lighting
Prima Audio Indonesia (Bettersound) Jakarta cs@bettersound.co.id www.bose.id Distributor Bose Sound, AV
Prima Citra Megaswara PT Jakarta www.facebook.com/pcmindonesia Distributor Xilica, Superlux, Montarbo Sound, MI
Promedia Innovative Solution PT Jakarta 10610 yosuakmp@cbn.net.id www.promediasolution.com Distributor d&b audiotechnik, beyerdynamic, Tascam, PROEL Sound
Sima Agustus PT Jakarta simaagt@idola.net.id www.simaaugustus.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, Screens Studio 41 Jakarta studiotd@rad.net.id Distributor
Audio Performance Sound
Suara Visual Indonesia PT (SVI) Jakarta marketing@svi-indonesia.com www.svi-indonesia.com
Presonus, B-52. B&C Speakers Sound, MI
Sumbar Ria Mandiri PT Jakarta
sales@sumber-ria.com www.sumber-ria.com
Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting Technic Audio Medan technicaudio@yahoo.com.sg www.technicaudio.co.id Distributor MC2 Sound, AV, Hi Fi
Tiga Nada Indonesia (TNI) Jakarta Contact online www.tiganada.com Distributor Wharfedale, QSC, DVON, Rane, Switchcraft Sound and Lighting, MI
TOA-Galva Prima Karya (Indonesia) Jakarta Contact online www.toa.co.id Distributor TOA Sound, AV Wijaya Musik Jakarta wijayamusik@wijayamusik.com www.wijayamusik.com Dealer Sound, MI
Wisma Musik Melodia Jakarta Contact online www.melodiamusik.com Dealer CHAUVET Sound and Lighting, MI
Yamaha Music Indonesia PT Jakarta Contact online www.id.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha Sound
CST Distribution (Myanmar) Private Ltd Yangon sales_myr@cstdistribution.com www.cstdistribution.com Distributor Allen & Heath Sound
Friend Electronic Company Ltd Yangon sindo88@singnet.com.sg Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Great Electromotive International Co. Ltd Yangon ttnelectronic@gmail.com Distributor Allen & Heath (Analogue Only), B&C Speakers Sound
All Visual and Lights Systems (AVLS) Pasig City magandangumagapo@avls.com.ph www.avls.com.ph
Distributor, Systems Integrator Community, Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting, AV
Audiophile Compnents Inc Paco Manila sale@audiophile.com www.audiophile.com Distributor Neutrik, Cord, Audio-Technica, Sherwood, Koss, HARMAN Audio Brands, Shure, Sound, AV, Consumer
Avesco Marketing Corporation Cubao import@avesco.com.ph www.avesco.com.ph
Distributor Bold, Cambridge, Yamaha, Belden, TOA Sound, Lighting, Consumer, Hi Fi, Industrial
Basshead Marketing Quezon City marcel-basshead@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/bassheadmarketing01 Distributor B&C Speakers, PROEL Sound
Beyond the Blue (BTB) Quezon City sales@beyondthebluecorp.com www.beyondthebluecorp.com
Distributor Faital Pro, Pro Co, Rolls, Xilica, Amphenol, d&b audiotechnik Sound and Lighting
Beyond Innovations Inc Quezon City info@beyondinnov.com www.beyondinnov.com
Deno, JBL, HARMAN Audio Brands, Kardon, Infinity, Lexicon Sound, AV, Consumer
Cebu Appliance Center
Cebu City alexgoyap@gmail.com www.cebuappliancecenter.com
Dealer Cerwin Vega, Gemini
Sound and Lighting, AV, Consumer
Composite Technology Ltd
Quezon City rick@composite.com.ph www.composite.com.ph
Systems Integrator
Strand Lighting Dealer Lighting, Broadcast Eleksis Marketing Corporation Metro Manila service_center@eleksis.com www.eleksis.com Distributor Bose Sound, AV, Consumer El Kapitan Los Pinas City ajgalang@elkapitan.ph www.elkapitan.ph Distributor NEXO Sound
Forerunner Technologies Inc Quezon City forerunnertech@gmail.com www.forerunnertechinc.com
Distributor, Dealer Avid Venue, RCF, Aviom, ADJ Sound and Lighting, MI
Forscink Inc Professional Sound and Light Quezon City pvsforscink@gmail.com www.facebook.com/forscink
Rental, Dealer L-Acoustics Partner, DiGiCo Sound and Lighting
Iontech Enterprise Manila sales@iontech-enterprise.com www.iontech-enterprise.com
Distributor Kramer Sound, AV, Video
JB Music Pasig City jerico.fernando@jbmusic.com.ph www.jbmusic.com.ph
Distributor Allen & Heath, Martin Audio, AudioTechnica Sound
Joint Venture SLEC Ltd Quezon City joel@jointventure.com www.jointventure.com Distributor, Rental, Systems Integrator Renkus-Heinz, DiGiCo, Liteputer, JEM, Martin by HARMAN Sound and Lighting, AV, MI
Lyric Piano Quezon City cj.cristobal@lyric.ph www.lyric.ph Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound, MI
Media Convergence Inc (MCI) Quezon City sales@mediaconvergenceinc.com www.mediaconvergenceinc.com Distributor ADB Broadcast, AV
Modular Display Inc Quezon City salesdept.modular@gmail.com www.modulardisplaypro.ph Distributor PreSonus, WorxAudio, Kustom Sound, MI
Mr Tony Kwan Manila tkwan@rocketmail.com Distributor KV2 Sound
One World Music and Sports Inc Quezon City oneworldmusicsports@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/OWMSi
Distributor Proel, FBT, Ashton, Xyclone Sound and Lighting, MI, AV
Pearl River Lights and Sound Manila pearlriver@pldtdsl.net Distributor Avolites Sound and Lighting
Philippe Gadgets and Acccessories Inc (PGA) Quezon City inquiry@philippegadgets.com www.philippegadgets.com Distributor Audio-Technica, Onkyo, Go Gear Sound, AV, Consumer
PMX Trading and Technical Services Malabon ferdie@pmxaudio.com www.pmx.com.ph
Rental L-Acoustics Partner Sound and Lighting
RMB Lights and Sounds Trading Quezon City wek72@yahoo.com
Clay SoundPakyand Lighting
Sound & Music People Quezon City isidore@smp.ph www.smp.ph Distributor Samson, Rane, Earthworks AKG
Sound Stage Craft InternbationalMundaluyong City info@stagecraftintl.com www.stagecraftintl.com
Distributor, Rental Coemar, Adamson, Zero 88, FunktionOne, MC2, Robert Juliat Sound and Lighting
The Brain Audiovisual San Juan City inquiry@brain.com.ph www.brain.com.ph
Distributor beyerdynamic conference Sound, AV
Thompson Hardware and Lighting Center Mandaluyong City thomlua@thonpsonlighting.com.ph www.thompsonlighting.com.ph
Distributor Martin by HARMAN Lighting
Vpro Digital Solution Corp Quezon City admin@vertekpro.com www.vertekpro.com
Distributor dBTechnologies, Fine Art, Theatre Light, Lectrosonics. Look Solutions Sound and Lighting
Zamony Venture Corp Metro Manila inquiry@zamony.com.ph www.zamony.com.ph
Distributor Quad Industrial, Wharfdale Pro, Phonic, K-Audio Sound, AV
Hard Rock Lda Colmera cpr_lie@yahoo.com Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Anh Duy Audio Ho Chi Minh City antim@anhduy.vn www.anhduyaudio.com
Distributor Denon, Tannoy, Klipsch, Jarmo Sound, AV, Consumer
Audio Choice Co Ho Chi Minh City audiochoice@live.com www.tainghechonloc.com
Distributor beyerdynamic headphones, Focal, Fostex Sound, Consumer Bao Duong Co Ltd Ho Chi Minh City linh@baoduong.com.vn www.baodoung.com.vn Distributor
Nexo, Phonic, Antari, Optimus, B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting, MI Basao Investment Co Ltd Ho Chi Minh City info@basaoinvest.com www.basaoinvest.com
HARMAN Professional Solutions, Sommer Cable Sound and Lighting
CEMCO Hanoi cemco@hcmvnn.vn www.cemco.vn Distributor
TOA, SGM, JTS, STK Sound and Lighting, AV Danmon Asia Hanoi info@danmonasia.com www.danmonasia.com
Distributor Sennheiser, Genelec Sound, Broadcast, AV
Duc Pro Audio Ho Chi Minh City ducpham@ducproaudio.com www.ducproaudio.com
Martin Audio Sound and Lighting
Fantasies Show Light (FSL) Hanoi lannb@fsl.vn www.fsl.vn
Distributor, Rental XTA Sound and Lighting
Feilo Sylvania (Vietnam) Ltd Ho Chi Minh City info@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com
Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
Filmstar Co Ltd Ho Chi Minh City huy.trinh@filmstar.vn Distributor
Powersoft Sound
GE Consumer and Industrial Ho Chi Minh City Contact online
www.gelighting.com Distributor
technik, DiGiCo Sound and Lighting
Hiang Huy Company Ltd Hanoi ahao@hoanghuymusic.com.vn www.hoanghuymusic.com.vn Distributor
D.A.S. Audio Sound and Lighting, MI
Hoang the Loang Ltd Co Ho Chi Minh City sales.htl@hoangthelong.vn www.hoangthelong.vn Distributor
Zero 88 Lighting
ITCStar Investment Technology and Communication Hanoi meggi.yen@itcstar.com www.itcstar.com Systems Integrator, Distributor Montarbo Sound and Lighting
Le Bao Minh Ho Chi Minh City thaomle@lbm-ict.com.vn Distributor
Robert Juliat Lighting
Medusa AVL (Vietnam Office) Ho Chi Minh City admin@medusasound.vn www.medusasound.vn
Rental Adamson, Lab.gruppen, DiGiCo Sound and Lighting Musicland Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City nhacviet93@gmail.com www.musicland.com.vn Distributor Mackie, EAW, Peavey. PROEL Sound and Lighting, MI Ngoyen Vinh Hoang Co PTE Ltd Ho Chi Minh City maicompco@aol.com www.hoangaudio.vn Distributor Bose, Rane Sound, AV, Consumer Osram Asia Pacific Ltd Ho Chi Minh info@osram.deCity www.osram.com Distributor Osram Lighting
QV Sound Ho Chi Minh City qvsound@gmail.com www.qvsound.com Distributor, Rental Neutrik, QSC, Van Damme Cable, AVEStuttgart, beyerdynamic Sound and Lighting Phuc Giang Co Ltd (PGI Ltd) Ho Chi Minh City sales@pgi.com.vn www.pgi.com.vn
Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound, Hi-Fi, Consumer Sonos Libra Hanoi hello@sonoslibra.com www.sonoslibra.com
Distributor Allen & Heath Sound
Sun Electronics Co Ltd Ho Chi Minh City giapquangbinh@gmail.com
Distributor Outline Sound
Stage Pro Co Ltd Hanoi info@stagepro.vn www.stagepro.vn Distributor, Rental Funktion-One, Avolites, MC2, d&b audio-
Tan Viet Investment & Media Joint Stock Co. (ETV) Hanoi anhnh@etvgroups.com Distributor Renkus-Heinz Sound
Than Minh Trading Vinh City sonpham@newsound.vn www.newsound.vn Distributor, Dealer UNiKA Pro Sound
Thang Long Investment and Trade Company ( TLSC Co Ltd) Hanoi contact@tlsc.com.vn www.tlsc.com.vn Distributor beyerdynamic conference, ASC Sound, IT
Tieng Ngoc Audio Ho Chi Minh City info@tng.com.vn www.tng.com.vn Distributor
Shure, dBTechnologies, Turbosound Sound, Consumer
Tin Thanh Co Ltd
Ho Chi Minh City tinthanh@fbtvn.vn www.fbtvn.vn Distributor
FBT Sound
TOA Electronics Vietnam Co Ltd (Hanoi) Hanoi Contact online www.toa-vn.com Distributor TOA Sound, AV
TOA Electronics Vietnam Co Ltd (Ho Chi Minh) Ho Chi Minh City Contact online www.toa-vn.com Distributor TOA Sound, AV
TTP Company Ltd Ho Chi Minh City ttp.vn@hcm.vnn.vn Distributor
Van Lam Audio Equipment JSC Dong Da nam.nt@vanlamaudio.vn www.vanlamaudio.vn
Distributor Amate Audio, Adamson Sound
Viet Thoung Co Ltd Ho Chi Minh City thainguyen@vietthuong.com.vn www.vietthuong.vn
Distributor Cordial, Audix, Rode, Tascam, Inter-M, D.A.S. Audio Sound and Lighting, MI
Vietnam Pro AVL Company Ltd Hanoi thangle@proavl-vn.com www.proavl-vn.com
L-Acoustics, Audio-Technica, DPA, Clay Paky, MA Lighting Sound and Lighting
Vistar Hanoi saoviet@vistar.vn www.vistar.vn
Distributor Shure, SGM Sound and Lighting, MI
Acropro Inc New Taipei acropro@ms6.hinet.net www.acropro.com.tw
Manufacturer, Distributor, Rental Clay Paky Lighting, Lasers
Actor-Mate Co, Ltd Taoyuan shihwei517@gmail.com www.actor-mate.com
Manufacturer Lasers
Alkalite LED Technology Corp Taoyuan info@alkalite.com www.alkalite.com
Manufacturer LED
Antari Lighting & Effects Ltd. Taoyuan sales@antari.com www.antari.com
Manufacturer Antari Fog, Smoke, Effects Audio 6 Ltd Co Taipei info@audio-6.com www.audio-6.com
Distributor Funktion-One, Van Damme Cable, FFA, Monkey Banana, Pioneer DJ Sound
Audio Supply Co Ltd Taipei shirleylin@audio-supply.com www.audio-supply.com Distributor Wharfedale Pro, NAD, Quad, Mission Sound
Coda Audio Taiwan / Orpheus Acoustics Co Ltd Bade City orpheus.andy@gmail.com www.codaaudio.com.tw Distributor CODA Audio, Apex Sound
Colorbeam Co., Ltd. Taoyuan sales@colorbeam.com www.colorbeam.com
Manufacturer Colorbeam LED
Evergreat International System Co Ltd Kaosiung pd@evergreat-system.com.tw www.evergreat-system.com.tw
Distributor Shure Wireless, DIS Sound, Conference
Fantasy Sound International New Taipei City sales@fantasysound.com.tw www.fantasysound.com.tw
Distributor PROEL, Bittner Sound
GE Lighting Taiwan Taipei info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com
Manufacturer GE Lighting Lighting
Global Truss Corp Taipei City global.truss@msa.hinet.net www.globaltruss.com
Manufacturer Global Truss Trussing
HP Audio Taichung City Hongpin@ms13.hinet.net www.hpaudio.com.tw Distributor Phonic, FBT, Tendzone, SE audiotechnik Sound
I P Systems Taipei sales@linfair.com.tw vod.ipsystems.com.tw Distributor Kling & Freitag, Arri, Lectrosonics, Studer Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast
JTS Professional Ta-Li City jts@jts.com.tw www.jts.com.tw Manufacturer JTS Sound
Jyun Yao technology Co Ltd Tainan sales@jyunyao.com.tw www.jyunyao.com.tw
Manufacturer Lighting, Fog
Kingsbeam System Technologies Ltd Taipei winnie@kingsbeam.com.tw www.kingsbeam.com.tw Systems Integrator AV, Conference
Kupo Co Ltd Taipei stage@kupo.com.tw www.stage.com.tw Manufacturer Kupo, Rigpro, Crox Lighting
LamaVita International Cooperation Ltd New Taipei City sales@lama-vita.com www.lama-vita.com Manufacturer Lighting
Lee Sheng Musical Instruments Co Ltd Taipei imptmana@sls-music.com.tw www.sls-music.com.tw Distributor Shure, Fostex, Lab.gruppen Sound, MI
Linfair Engineering Co Ltd Taipei contact@linfair.net www.linfair.net Systems Integrator AV, Broadcast
Liteputer Enterprise Co Ltd Taipei sales@liteputer.com.tw www.liteputer.com.tw Manufacturer Liteputer Lighting
Midi Mall Taipei Contact online www.midimall.net Distributor sE Electronics Sound
Mipro Electronics Chiayi mipro@mipro.com.tw www.mipro.com.tw Manufacturer Sound
Morestar Technology Co Ltd Taipei poin.pal68@msa.hinet.net Distributor Mackie Sound, MI Numark Taipei Taipei Contact online www.numark.com Manufacturer Numark, Alesis Sound, MI
OSRAM Taiwan Co Ltd Taipei info@osram.de www.osram.com.tw Distributor Osram Lighting
Phonic Corporation Taipei info@phonic.com www.phonic.com Manufacturer Phonic Sound
Prosound Inc. Taichung prosound@mail.prosound.com.tw Distributor XTA, Avolites, D.A.S. Audio Sound and Lighting
Quarton Inc Taipei contact@quarton.com www.quarton.com Manufacturer Quarton, Infiniter, Beamshot Lasers
Seapower Technology Co. Ltd Taipei leona@seapowertech.com www.seapowertech.com Distributor Allen & Heath, Community, Powersoft Sound and Lighting, AV
Seikaku Technical Group Ltd. Taichung sekaku@sekaku.com
www.seikaku.hk Manufacturer Sound
SLS-Music Taipei terry@sls-music.com.tw www.smile-audio.com.tw Distributor DPA, Music Tribe Brands Sound
SSBC International Co Taichung ben@ssbc.com.tw www.ssbc.com.tw Distributor Martin Audio Sound
Super Light Technology Co Ltd Taipei mcw@mcw.com.tw www.mcw.com.tw
Distributor MC2, LA Audio, Stagetec Sound, Broadcast
Taisheng Trading Corp Taipei taisheng.taiwan@gmail.com Distributor Neutrik Connectors
Taiwan Audio Design Co Ltd Taipei audiodesign.tw007@hotmail.com Distributor P. Audio Sound
TCTW International (Taiwan) Co. Ltd. Taipei scottchiu@tctw.com.tw www.tctw.com.tw Distributor Vari-Lite, Arrakis, K&M, Riedel Sound
TOA Electronics Taiwan Corporation Taipei toa@toataiwan.com.tw www.toataiwan.com.tw Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
Topsound Co Ltd Taipei topsound@ms34.hinet.net Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
Truesound Trading Co., Ltd Taipei chu@truesound.com.tw www.truesound.com.tw Distributor Aviom, Whirlwind, RCF, EWI Sound
Unika Electronic Co Ltd Taipei unika@unika.com.tw www.unikapro.com
Manufacturer, Distributor UNiKA, UNiKA Pro, B&C Speakers Sound
Winly Engineering & Trading Ltd Taipei winlypro@ms12.hinet.net www.winly.com Rental, Systems Integrator Sommer Cable, Avid Venue Sound
Yamaha Music and Electronics Taiwan Co Ltd Taipei Contact online www.tw.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha Sound, AV, Hi Fi
Acoustic and Lighting System (Thailand) Co Ltd Bangkok veera@alhq.com.my www.acousticlighting.com Distributor, Rental disguise, Chief, ChamSys, Clay Paky, RCF, Xilica, DPA Sound and Lighting, AV
Am International Co Ltd Bangkok info@aminter.co.th www.aminter.co.th Manufacturer, Distributor Amphenol Cables and Connectors
Asavasopon Co Ltd Bangkok info@asavasopon.co.th www.asavasopon.co.th Dealer Bose, Bittner, E&W Sound, AV, Consumer
Asia International Business and Sales Co Bangkok srach@asia-proaudio.com www.asia-proaudio.com Distributor NRS, REAL Sound, Craftaudio Sound
Asiarig Co Ltd Bangkok Contact online www.asiarig.com Distributor, Manufacturer Rigging
Broadcast Audio Service Ltd Bangkok weerawan@broadcast-serv.com www.broadcast-serv.com Service Company Broadcast
Crest Audio Asia Office Phuket crestphu@phuket.ksc.co.th www.peaveycommercialaudio.com Rep Office Crest Sound
Digitcontrol Co Ltd Bangkok benlasiri@vichai1983.co.th www.vichai1983.co.th Systems Integrator AV, Consumer
Dynamic Source Co Ltd Bangkok info@dynamic-source.com www.dynamic-source.com Systems Integrator, Distributor Logic Systems, Meyer Sound, Zero 88, KVANT
Sound and Lighting
Ekachai Lighting Co Ltd Bangkok ekachailighting@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ EkachaiLightingandSound/ Rental
Electro Acoustic Design Group Bangkok sales@ead-av.com www.ead-av.com
Systems Integrator, Distributor Adaman, Savant, XTA Lighting, AV
Fuzion Far East Ltd Bangkok info@fuzion.co.th www.fuzion.co.th Distributor
Genelec, Symetrix, NEXO, DiGiCo, B&C Speakers, Televic, d&b audiotechnik Sound and Lighting
GE Lighting (Thailand) Ltd Bangkok info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com Distributor GE Lighting
Lighting GHM Projects Co Ltd Phuket info@techworx.asia www.techworx.asia Dealer AV
Havells Sylvania (Thailand) Ltd Bangkok info.th@havells-sylvania.com www.havells-sylvania.com Distributor Havells Sylvania Lighting
Jovan Siam Co Ltd Amphur Muang eddy@pro-audio.com www.empad.com Manufacturer, Distributor emPad Loudspeakers, XTA Sound
JSS Productions Co Ltd Bangkok eddy@jackgroup.com www.jssproduction.com Rental L-Acoustics Partner Sound and Lighting
K.S. Sons Group Co Ltd Bangkok info@kssons.com www.kssons.com Distributor Ortofon, Project, Mcintosh Hi Fi, AV
Light Source Co Ltd Bangkok sales@lightsource.co.th www.lightsource.co.th Rental, Manufacturer, Distributor Look Solutions Lighting
Lighwave Co Ltd Nonthaburi info@lw.co.th www.lw.co.th Distributor Looplight Lighting
Mahajak DElectro-Voiceelopment Co Ltd Bangkok info@mahajak.com www.mahajak.com Distributor Shure, HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting, Consumer, Hi Fi
Mission T Co Ltd Bangkok, Chiang Mai psert88@mission-t.co.th www.mission-t.co.th Distributor Community, Audac, HK Audio, NEC Projectors, Outline Sound, AV
Music 2 Home Bangkok pruchayar@music2home.com www.music2home.com Distributor Stanton, Presonus, Audix, Mogami Sound and Lighting, MI
Music Concept Co Ltd Pathumwan Contact online www.musicconcept.co.th Distributor Korg MI
Nattapong Sales and Service Co Ltd Pranakorn mynpe@mynpe.com www.mynpe.com Distributor Eminence, Alto, Superlux Sound, Electronics
O’Connor’s (Thailand) Co Ltd Pathumthani info@oconnors.co.th www.oconnors.co.th Distributor, Systems Integrator Broadcast, AV
One Systems Global Co Ltd Bangkok info@osglobal.co.th www.osglobal.co.th Distributor Powersoft, One Systems, P. Audio, TW Audio, ACME Lighting, Onpointaudio Sound and Lighting
Osram (Thailand) Co Ltd Bangkok info.oct@osram.com www.osram.co.th Distributor Osram Lighting
P Audio System Co Ltd Sam Phran info@paudiothailand.com www.paudiothailand.com Manufacturer P. Audio loudspeakers and components Sound
Petch Siam Sound and Lighting Co. Ltd. Bangkok info@petchsiam.co.th ww.petchsiamsound.com Distributor, Rental, Installer Sennheiser MI, ART, D.A.S. Audio Sound and Lighting, MI
Sathit AVI Co Ltd Bangkok savl@sathitavl.com www.sathitavl.com Systems Integrator, Distributor ARX, Atlas Sound and Lighting, AV
Siam Music Yamaha Co Ltd Bangkok Contact online www.th.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha, Lewitt Sound
Sonos Libra Bangkok hello@sonoslibra.com www.sonoslibra.com Distributor Adamson, Allen & Heath Sound
Sound Republic Co Ltd (Home Hi Fi Co Ltd) Bangkok info@sound-republic.com www.sound-republic.com Distributor
Cerwin Vega, Wharfedale Pro, Furman, Inkel, ADJ, PROEL Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer
Star Electronic Sales and Services Co ltd Bangkok saenghchai@starelectronic.co.th www.starelectronic.co.th Distributor, Retailer FBT Sound, AV
TOA Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd Bangkok marketing@toathailand.com www.toathailand.com Distributor TOA Sound, AV
Total Solutions Marketing Pte Ltd Bangkok chantigach@tsm-int.com www.tsm-int.com Distributor MA Lighting Lighting
Vichai Trading Co ROP Bangkok victorco@truemail.co.th www.vichaipanitch.com Distributor
Neutrik, beyerdynamic, Martin Audio, Canare, Audio-Technica Sound
Watchman Productions Chiang Mai manopmoonsri@gmail.com Distributor Amate Audio Sound
Acoustic Technologies
Seventeen Mile Rocks, QLD info@atprofessional.com.au www.atprofessional.com.au
Active LightingCollingwood, VIC active@activelighting.com.au www.activelighting.com.au
Rental Lighting
Amber Technology Pty Ltd Sydney, NSW sales@ambertech.com.au www.ambertech.com.au
Neutrik, DPA, Van Damme Cable, Gefen, Cordial Cable Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast, MI
Amphenol Australia Pty Ltd Carrum Downs, VIC info@amphenol.com.au www.amphenolaudio.com
Manufacturer Amphenol Connectors
ARX Systems Pty Ltd Highett, NSW info@arx.com.au www.arx.com.au Manufacturer
ARX Sound
Ashton Admor PTY Ltd Belmont, WA sales@ashtonadmor.com.au www.ashtonadmor.com.au
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
ATT Audio Controls Northcote, VIC frank@attaudiocontrols.com www.attaudiocontrols.com Distributor OutBoard, Grover Notting, Pyramix, Merging Technologies Sound
Audio Brands Australia Pty Castle Hill, NSW sales@audiobrands.com.au www.audiobrands.com.au
MiPro, Rane, FBT, Meyer Sound, Electro- Voice, Earthworks Sound
Audio Logistics Pty Ltd Melbourne, VIC info@audiologistics.com.au www.audiologistics.com.au
Void, UNiKA Pro, Procab, Caymon, MRC Audio, Audac Sound
Audio Source Willeton, WA info@audiosource.com.au www.audiosource.com.au
Dealer Sound
Auditoria Pty Ltd Sydney, NSW Contact online www.auditoria.systems
Sound and Lighting, AV, Acoustics Australasian Lighting Industry Association (ALIA)
Mt Kuring-gai, cat@alia.com.auNSW www.alia.com.au
Australian Monitor Pty Ltd Silverwater, NSW international@australianmonitor.com.au www.australianmonitor.com.au
Australian Monitor Sound, AV
Australis Music Group Pty Alexandria, NSW Contact online www.australismusic.com.au
Distributor Turbosound, Tannoy, TOA, Smart Acoustic Sound, MI
Avecorp Dandendong, VIC sales@avecorp.com.au www.avecorp.com.au
CHAUVET DJ, Laserworld, Chromateq, Gemini, LD Systems, Palmer Sound and Lighting, Lasers
Barbizon Australia Sydney, NSW australia@barbizon.com www.barbizon.com
Distributor, Dealer Element Labs, Interactive Technologies, Seachanger, Zylight Lighting, Trussing, Drapes
Barco Systems Port Melbourne, VIC barcosys@netspace.net.au www.barco.com Distributor Barco Digital Display
Belden Australia Gordon, NSW australia.sales@belden.com www.beldenapac.com Distributor Belden Cable
Big PictureBotany, NSW oz@bigpicture.com www.bigpicture.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast, Video Bigger than Hollywood Sydney, NSW bth@biggerthanhollywood.com.au www.biggerthanhollywood.com.au
Rental, Design, Install, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, Video
BJ’s Sound & Lighting Pty Ltd Brisbane, QLD brisbane@bjs.com.au www.bjs.com.au
Rental Sound and Lighting, MI
Black Express Light and Sound Tempe, NSW hire@blackexpress.com.au www.blackexpress.com.au
Rental, Dealer, Installer Sound and Lighting, AV
Bose Newington, NSW info@bose.com.au www.bose.com.au
Distributor Bose
Sound, AV
Bump Productions Pty Ltd Botany, NSW info@bump.com.au www.bump.com.au Dealer, Rental Sound and Lighting C.M.C. Music Pty Ltd Brookvale, NSW cmcmusic@cmcmusic.com.au www.cmcmusic.com.au Distributor Klotz MI
CC’s Light & Sound Port Melbourne, VIC sales@ccslightsound.com.au www.ccslightsound.com.au Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
CDA Professional Audio Toowong, QLD info@cda-proaudio.com www.cda-proaudio.com Manufacturer CDA Sound
Chameleon Touring Systems Alexandria, NSW mail@chameleon-touring.com.au www.chameleon-touring.com.au Rental, Distributor Altman
Christie Digital Systems Australia Pty Ltd Brisbane, QLD Contact online www.christiedigital.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Pandoras Box, Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia
Clair Brothers Australia Bureleigh Heads, QLD info@clairbros.com.au www.clairbrothers.com Rental, Distributor Clair Bros Sound
Clearlight Shows PTY Morabbin, VIC clearlight@clearlight.com.au www.clearlight.com.au Rental, Distributor Apollo, Capture, Swefog, Luminex, Zero 88, DHA Lighting. Effects
Clifton Productions Melbourne, VIC info@cprig.com.au www.cliftonproductions.com.au Rental Sound and Lighting, Seating
CMI Professional Products Group Brooklyn, VIC cmi@cmi.com.au www.cmi.com.au
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Fohhn, Adamson Sound
CMG Audio Visual Wollongong, NSW events@cmgav.com.au www.cmgav.com.au Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Coda Audio Services Pty Mascot, NSW sales@coda-audio.com.au www.coda-audio.com.au
Rental Sound
Concert Lighting Systems Australia Pty Ltd (CLS)Port Melbourne, VIC info@clsa.com.au www.clsa.com.au
Distributor, Dealer, Rental GAM Lighting, Trussing, Staging
Creative Film and Theatre Solutions Pty Artarmon, NSW sales@creativefilmandtheatresolutions.com. au www.creativefilmandtheatresolutions.com
Distributor Rosco Lighting
Creative Productions Molendinar, QLD Contact online www.creativeproductions.com.au
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Crestmore PTY Ltd Turramurra, NSW info@crestmore.com.au www.crestmore.com.au
Distributor Aurum, Quadral Hi Fi
Design QuintessenceAuburn, NSW info@dq.com.au www.dq.com.au
Distributor, Rental Global Truss, VMB Tower Lifts Trussing, Staging, Lifts, Hoists Dream Media Darwin, NT info@dreammedia.com.au www.dreammedia.com.au
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV, Staging, Backline
Dynamic MusicBrookvale, NSW info@dynamicmusic.com.au www.dynamicmusic.com.au
Distributor Fishman, Zoom, Seiko MI
EAV Technology Pty Melbourne, VIC info@eavtech.com.au www.eavtech.com.au
Rental, Distributor Sound, Broadcast
Eclipse Lighting and Sound Queanbeyan, NSW info@eclipselx.com.au
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Edwards Sound Systems Ltd Alexandria, NSW jon@edwardssound.com.au www.edwardssound.com.au Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound and Lighting, AV
EI Productions West Gosford, NSW neale@eiproductions.com.au www.eiproductions.com.au
Rental Sound and Lighting
Electric Factory (ELFA) Melbourne, VIC Contact online www.elfa.com.au
Distributor Akai, Lewitt, Denon DJ, Celestion, Rane DJ, Samson Sound, MI
Elite Event Technology Hume, ACT Contact online www.eetechnology.com.au
Rental, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Entertainment Technology Australia Preston, VIC info@etaust.com www.etaust.com
Distributor, Design, Install, Rental Madrix Sound and Lighting, AV
Event AV Services (EAVS) Mitchell, ACT info@eavs.com.au www.eavs.com.au
Rental, Installation AV, Corporate
Eventec Wetherill Park, NSW info@eventec.com.au www.eventec.com.au
Antari, DGX, Event Lighting Lite, Event Lighting, PR Lighting, High End Systems, Wharfedale Pro Sound and Lighting, Effects
Fifalite Effects Lighting Maroochydore, lights@fifalite.comQLD www.fifalite.com
Rental, Dealer, Installer Lighting
Firefly Eagle Farm, QLD info@fireflylighting.com.au www.fireflylighting.com.au Manufacturer
Firefly Lighting, Consumer, Architectural
Full Throttle Entertainment Coburg North, ACN info@fullthrottleentertainment.com.au www.fullthrottlentertainment.com.au Rental Funktion-One Sound
FX FactoryEastern Creek, NSW sales@fxfactory.com.au www.fxfactory.com.au Manufacturer, Distributor FX
GT Pacific Pty Ltd (Group Technologies) Coburg North, ACN sales@grouptechnologies.com.au www.grouptechnologies.com.au Distributor RCF, DiGiCo, Quest, Austrian Audio, Camco, NEXO Sound
Gobotech Upper Coomera sales@gobotec.com.au www.gobotech.com.au Manufacturer, Distributor Beacon Colour Gobos
Harris Movement Engineering Georges Hall, NSW sales@hmeservices.com.au www.harrismovement.com.au
Distributor, Dealer Artistic Licence Staging, Rigging
Harry the Hirer Pty Ltd Richmond, VIC info@harrythehirer.com.au www.harrythehirer.com.au
Rental Sound and Light, AV, Corporate
Herkes Electrical Supplies Pty East Brisbane, QLD herkes@herkes.com.au www.herkes.com.au
Dealer Sound and Lighting
HF Event Services Dural, NSW info@hfeventservices.com.au www.hfeventservices.com.au
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Hills Sound Vision and Lighting Group Silverwater, NSW info@hills.com.au www.hills.com.au
Distributor Cadac Sound, AV, Security, EVAC
House of Sound Moorabbin, VIC george@houseofsound.com.au www.houseofsound.com.au
Distributor, Rental Amate Audio Sound
Illumination Physics Melbourne, VIC peter@illuminationphysics.com www.illuminationphysics.com
Systems Integrator, Install Light, Architectural
Innovative Music Australia Notting Hill, VIC info@innovativemusic.com.au www.innovativemusic.com.au
Distributor Focusrite, Mogami, RME, Ferrofish, Blue Microphones Sound, MI
Innovative Production Solutions Matraville, NSW info@innovative.net.au www.innovative.net.au
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Interactive Controls St Artamon, NSW info@interactivecontrols.com.au www.interactivecontrols.com.au
Distributor Dataton, Medialon AV, Display
ITI Image Group Pty Ltd Asquith, NSW info@iti-imagegroup.com.au www.iti-imagegroup.com.au
Distributor Gerriets, PMQ, Panasonic AV, Projectors, Screens
Jands Pty Ltd Mascot, NSW info@jands.com.au www.jands.com.au
Manufacturer, Distributor Jands, L-Acoustics, Biamp, Shure, ETC Sound and Lighting
Laservision Mega - Media Pte Ltd Dural, NSW info@laservision.com.au www.laservision.com.au
Manufacturer Lasers
LED Vision Burleigh Heads, QLD info@led-vision.com.au www.led-vision.com.au
Rental, Dealer LED Screens
Lexair Entertainment Pty Ltd. Sydney, NSW alexm@lexair.com.au www.lexair.com.au
Distributor Green Hippo, High-End Systems, TMB, Theatrixx, LDDE, Lycian Lighting
Lighting Lab Box Hill South, VIC hire@lightinglab.com.au www.lightinglab.com.au Rental, Rehearsal Lighting
Lightmoves Noble Park, VIC info@lightmoves.com.au www.lightmoves.com.au
Distributor, Dealer Enttec, Littlite, i-pix Digital Lighting Lighting, Architectural, Film Lightsounds Pty Ltd Kingsgrove, NSW sales@lightsounds.com.au www.lightsounds.com.au
Dealer Sound and Lighting
LSC Lighting Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd Dandenong South, VIC info@lsclighting.com.au www.lsclighting.com
Manufacturer, Distributor LSC Lighting Systems, DeSisti Lighting, Power Distribution
LSV Group AustraliaCraigieburn, VIC sales@lsvgroup.com.au www.lsvgroup.com.au
Distributor Lighttechnik, Terbly, Section 7, Barrierco, Visual Productions Sound and Lighting, Barriers LSW Imports and Distribution Kingsgrove, NSW sales@lswonline.com.au www.industrygear.com.au
Distributor Wharfedale Pro, SoundKing, Industry Gear. Light Emotion, Daslight, Sunlite Sound and Lighting
Madison Technologies Pty Ltd Silverwater, NSW av@madisontech.com www.madisontech.com.au
Distributor Clockaudio, Stewart Audio Sound, Broadcast, AV
Mandylights Camperdown, NSW mail@mandylights.com www.mandylights.com
Design, Rental, Distributor Lightconverse Lighting
Mark One Visual Osborne Pk, WA mark@markonevisual.com.au www.markonevisual.com.au
Distributor, System Design Lucenti
MPH Australia Tullamarine, VIC hire@mphaus.com www.mphaus.com
Rental Lighting
National Audio Systems (NAS) Croydon, VIC sales@nationalaudio.com.au www.nationalaudio.com.au
Distributor Midas, d&b audiotechnik, Ashly, Cloud, K-array, Superlux Sound, AV
National Music Virginia, QLD Contact online www.nationalmusic.com.au
Distributor EIKON, Italian Stage Sound, MI
Noisebox Entertainment Systems
New South Wales info@noisebox.com.au www.noisebox.com.au
Systems Integrator, Rental AV, Conferencing Nova Multimedia Fyshwick, ACT info@novamultimedia.com.au www.novamultimedia.com.au
Rental, Installation Sound and Lighting, AV, Backline Novatech Creative Event Technology Underdale, SA hello@ncet.co www.ncet.co
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV, Corporate NW Group Rydalmere, NSW Contact online www.nwgroup.com.au Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Oracle Attractions Sans Souci info@oracle-liquid.com.au www.oracle-liquid.com.au
Design, Manufacture, Rental Lasers
Osmond Electronics Pty Ltd Adelaide, SA Info@OsmondElectronics.com.au www.osmondelectronics.com.au
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV OSRAM Australia Pty Ltd Sydney, NSW sales@osram.com.au www.osram.com.au
Distributor Osram Lighting
Outlook Communications Pty Ltd Preston, VIC info@outlookcomms.com.au outlookcomms.com.au
Dealer Funktion-One Sound
OzCAD Pty Ltd Roseberry, NSW sales@ozcad.com.au www.ozcad.com.au
Distributor Vectorworks, Renderworks Design Software PAV Events Bayswater, WA hello@pav.com.au www.pav.com.au
Rental, Dealer, Installation Sound and Lighting, AV Penn Elcom (Australia) Tullamarine, VIC australia@penn-elcom.com www.penn-elcom.com Distributor Penn-Elcom Lighting, Hardware, Trussing Perth Concert Sound Wangara, WA info@perthconcertsound.com www.perthconcertsound.com Rental, Dealer Funktion-One Sound
Phaseshift Productions Cheltenham, VIC info@phaseshiftproductions.com www.phaseshiftproductions.com Rental Lighting
Philips Australia North Ryde, NSW Contact online www.lighting.philips.com.au Manufacturer Lighting
Production Audio Video Technology Mitcham, VIC sales@productionaudio.com.au www.pavt.com.au Distributor EAW, Symetrix, Clearone, Audix, Klotz, Powersoft, Televic Sound, AV, Conference
Phantos Lighting Auburn, NSW info@phantos.com.au www.phantos.com.au
Blizzard Lighting, KOLO, Xmlite, Skytone Audio, Dsppatech PA, Gloshine Sound and Lighting, AV
Professional Audio and Television (PAT) Hornsby Westfield, NSW sales@proaudiotev.com.au www.proaudiotechnology.com
Lawo, Bel Digital, DirectOut Sound, Broadcast Purple Audio Melbourne,VIC chris@purpleaudio.com.au www.purpleaudio.com.au
Dealer Funktion-One Sound
PWB Anchor Bundoora, VIC Contact online www.pwbanchor.com.au Distributor
Yoke, Eagle Clamp Lifting Equipment
Quest EngineeringTullamarine, VIC info@questaudio.net www.questaudio.net
Quest SoundAudio
Resolution X Noble Park, VIC resx@resultionx.com.au www.resolutionx.com.au
Rental Lighting, Architectural, Film Rode Microphones
Silverwater, NSW info@rodemic.com www.rodemic.com Manufacturer Rode Sound
Roland Corporation Australia Pty Ltd Dee Why, NSW sales@rolandsystemsgroup.com.au www.roland.com/au
Roland Sound, AV, MI Shadow AV Melbourne, VIC Contact online www.shadowav.com.au Rental Sound and Lighting, AV, LED Screens Show TechnologySilverwater, NSW sales@showtech.com.au www.showtech.com.au
Look Solutions, Ayrton, Clay Paky, MA Lighting, Martin by HARMAN, Studio Due Lighting, Effects Showtools International Smeaton Grange, NSW sales@showtools.com.au www.showtools.com.au
Avolites, CHAUVET Professional, Doughty, Eurotruss, GLP, Iluminarc, JB Lighting Lighting, Trussing SLAVE Pty Ltd Rozelle, NSW info@slave.net.au www.slave.net.au Design, Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Soundcorp South Melbourne, VIC Contact online www.soundcorp.com.au Dealer Sound, AV
Sound ExperienceCauldfield, VIC andy@soundexperience.com.au www.soundexperience.com.eu Distributor, Dealer, Rental, Installer Funktion-One Sound
Space Cannon Australia Keysborough, VIC sales@spacecannon.com.au www.spacecannon.com.au Distributor
Space Cannon Architectural Lighting Speciality TheatreWilliamstown, VIC info@specialitytheatre.com www.specialitytheatre.com Dealer, Design Rosco Sound and Lighting, Theatre Supplies Staging RentalsAlexandria, NSW Contact online www.stagingrentals.com.au Design, Rental Staging
State Automation Braeside, VIC info@stateautomation.com www.stateautomation.com Design, Manufacture State Automation Lighting, Stage Control Store DJ Fortitude Valley, QLD orders@storedj.com.au www.storedj.com.au Distributor, Dealer Allen & Heath DJ Sound and Lighting Syncrotech Systems Design Gladesville, NSW Contact online www.ssd.com.au Distributor Calrec, Que Audio Sound, Broadcast Syntec International French Forest, NSW sales@syntec.com.au www.syntec.com.au Distributor beyerdynamic, Fostex, LD Systems Sound, Broadcast, Film, Consumer Technical Audio Group Stanmore, NSW info@tag.com.au www.tag.com.au
Martin Audio, QSC, Allen & Heath, Audio- Technica Sound, AV, Consumer
The Electric Canvas Chatswood, NSW info@theelectriccanvas.com.au www.theelectriccanvas.com.au Design, Lighting,InstallProjection Systems
The PA PeopleRhodes, NSW info@papeople.com.au www.papeople.com.au
Rental, Systems Integrator Sound, AV
Total Concept Projects (TCP) Lidcome, NSW sales@totalconceptprojects.com www.totalconceptprojects.com Rental, Systems Integrator Sound, AV ubersonic Aspendale, VIC sales@ubersonic.com.au www.ubersonic.com.au
Distributor Mayones, Lauten-Audio, APS, Vood-Amps, Gyraf-Audio, Tribe Sound, MI
ULA GroupAshmore, QLD lenkas@ulagroup.com www.ulagroup.com
Manufacturer, Distributor VuePix, Elation, MDG, Astera, ChamSys, Acme, Lighting,ADJVideo, Special Effects, Trussing VuePix INFiLED Ashmore, QLD info@vuepix.tv www.vuepix.tv Distributor INFiLED LED Displays
Woohah Productions Braeside, VIC info@woohah.com.au www.woohahproductions.com.au Rental AV
Yamaha Music Australia South Melbourne, VIC Contact online www.yamahaproaudio.com Distributor Yamaha Sound, MI, AV, Consumer
All Systems Electronics Lautoka info@asefiji.com www.asefiji.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Golden Dragon Ltd Suva jasonho@connect.com.fj Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Yamaha Sound, Home Theatre, Broadcast J.Maneklal & Sons Pte. Lts Suva maneklal@connect.com.fj Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Sharma Music Centre Nadi Town admin@sharmamusic.com.fj www.sharmamusic.com.fj Distributor Shure, Carvin, B-52, Peavey Sound and Lighting, AV, MI
Audio Solutions Noumea audio_solutions_@hotmail.com Distributor FBT Sound
Audiotechnic Noumea audiotech@canl.nc Distributor Antari Lighting
Bui Duyet Sarl Noumea buiduyet@canl.nc Distributor JBL Sound
Excel Sound Sarl Noumea laurent@excelsound.nc Distributor Cerwin Vega, B&C Speakers Sound La Cle de Sol Sarl Noumea cdsmusic@offratel.nc Distributor Ashton Music, Shure, PROEL MI
Sound CityNoumea contact@soundcity.nc www.soundcity.nc Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI, AV, Consumer
Communication Division Boroko te.png@global.net.pg Distributor Cerwin Vega Sound and Lighting
Keynote Music House Boroko sales@keynote.com.pg www.keynote.com.pg Distributor Yamaha, Wharfedale Pro, Peavey, Behringer, Ashton, JBL Sound, MI
Next of Kin Productions NCD jelena@nextofkin.com.pg www.nextofkin.com.pg
ARX Dealer Sound and Lighting
TE (Png)Port Moresby wwilson@tepng.com www.tepng.com Distributor Neutrik, Bose, TOA, Fender Sound, Broadcast
Sound Centre
Port Vila soundcentre@pacificretailing.com www.facebook.com/soundcentrevanuatu Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Amber Technology (NZ) Ltd Auckland sales@amber.co.nz www.amber.co.nz Distributor Canare, JTS, SSL, Neutrik Sound and Lighting, Broadcast, MI, Consumer
Andy Wilsons Disco Supply Co. ltd Auckland andywilson@xtra.co.nz www.andywilsondj.co.nz Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Audio Analysis Wellington nick@audioanalysis.co.nz www.audioanalysis.co.nz Rental, Dealer Sound
CDA Professional Audio Auckland nz@cda-proaudio.com www.cda-proaudio.com Manufacturer, Distributor CDA, Ivie Sound
Direct Imports NZ Hawkes Bay gc@direct-imports.co.nz www.directimports.co.nz Distributor RCF, DPA, dBTechnologies, Tasker, Adamson, AUDAC Sound and Lighting, Broadcast
Edwards Sound Systems Ltd Auckland sales@edwardsnz.co.nz www.edwardsnz.co.nz
Rental, Distributor D.A.S. Audio, ITC Audio, JB Lighting, Antari Sound and Lighting, AV, Effects Gencom Technology Auckland Contact online www.gencom.com
Distributor Adio Developments, Avid, Wohler Broadcast, Multimedia
Huge Sound Christchurch
hugh@hugesound.co.nz www.facebook.com/hugesoundhire Rental, Distributor P Audio Sound
Jands Ltd Auckland hello@jandsnz.com www.jands.co.nz Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Ampetronic, SoundEar Sound
Jansen Professional Audio & Lighting Auckland mail@jansen.co.nz www.jansen.co.nz Distributor
Allen & Heath, Audio-Technica, MC2, PROEL, Martin Audio, Switchcraft Sound, MI
Kenderdine Electrical Ltd, Professional lighting Services Ltd Auckland info@kelpls.co.nz www.kelpls.co.nz Rental, Distributor GLP, Arri, Rosco, Stand Lighting Lighting
Lighting Supply Co (LSC) Auckland info@lightsup.co.nz www.lightsup.co.nz
Le Maitre, Kupo, Rat Stands, Studio Due, ULA Group Lighting
LiveSound Manufacturing Ltd Auckland jon@livesound.co.nz www.livesound.co.nz Distributor, Manufacturer Hill Audio, ARX, Quest, Sommer Cable, Xilica Sound, Flightcases
Now Sound Ltd Auckland ali@nsl.co.nz www.nsl.co.nz Design, Distributor QSC, Shure Professional, Cloud, Wekawire Sound, AV
Oceania Productions Aukland sales@oceaniaproductions.co.nz www.oceaniaproductions.co.nz Rental Sound and Lighting
Philips Selecon Auckland Contact online www.seleconlight.com Manufacturer Selecon Lighting
Production Audio Services (PAVT) Auckland dennis@productionaudio.co.nz www.productionaudio.co.nz Distributor
APB Dynasonics, EAW, Audix, Powersoft, Comrex Sound, AV, Broadcast
Protel Wellington wgtn@protel.co.nz www.protel.co.nz Distributor Audient, Lewitt Sound, Broadcast
Rockit Sound Auckland sales@aucklandsound.co.nz www,aucklandsound.nz Distributor, Dealer, Rental B&C Speakers, Superlux, C-Mark Pro Sound
Show Technology Auckland sales@showtech.nz www.showtech.nz Distributor Clay Paky, MA lighting, Martin by HARMAN, Prolights, Ayrton, Look Solutions Lighting, AV
Showtechnix Tauranga hello@showtechnix.co.nz www.showtechnix.com Distributor LSC, Lee Filters Sound and Lighting, AV Soundandlight.co.nz Auckland events@soundandlight.co.nz www.soundandlight.co.nz Rental Sound and Lighting
South Pacific Music Auckland ross@southpacmusic.co.nz www.southpacmusic.co.nz Distributor Wharefedale Pro, Gemini Sound, MI
Spherical Melrose xta.processors@gmail.com www.spherical.co.nz Distributor XTA Sound
Stunn Productions Wellington spy@spyglass.co.nz www.spyglass.co.nz Distributor, Rental, Design Lighting, AV, Broadcast
Syntec International (NZ) Auckland info@syntec.co.nz www.syntec.co.nz Distributor beyerdynamic, Fostex Sound
TAG New Zealand Ltd Auckland info@tagnz.co.nz www.tagnz.co.nz Distributor ATC Sound, Hi Fi
Theatrelight Ltd Auckland info@theatrelight.co.nz www.theatrelight.co.nz Design, Manufacturer, Distributor Zero 88 Lighting
VuePix INFiLED Auckland info@vuepix.tv www.vuepix.tv Distributor INFiLED LED Displays
American Music Guam Tamuning americanmusicguam@gmail.com www.americanmusicguam.com/recording-pro-audio Distributor Shure Sound, MI
King Enterprises Tamuning novama@guamcell.net Distributor JBL Professional Sound
Micropac Inc. Tamuning sales@micropacinc.com www.micropacinc.com Distributor Bose Sound, AV, Consumer
Shimbros Production / Audio Hagatna ambrosgu@iftech.net Distributor Soundcraft Sound and Lighting, MI
Dave Electronic Center Saipan davechen38@yahoo.com Distributor Shure Sound, MI
Guo Hong Corporation Saipan dave38@yahoo.com Distributor Soundcraft Sound, MI
Comimpex Sarl Papeete comimpex@mail.pf Distributor Cordial, NEXO Sound
Magic City Music Store Papeete magic-city@mail.pf www.magic-city-tahiti.com Dealer MiPro Sound, MI
Music Shop Sarl Papeete musicshop@mail.pf Distributor Turbosound Sound, MI
Posi-Lectric Papeete Contact online www.posi-lectric.pf Distributor Pioneer DJ, Shure, Electro-Voice Sound and Lighting, MI, Consumer
4 Audio Musikelektronic
Tresdorf office@4audio.at www.4audio.at
Distributor Audio-Technica, Midas, Turbosound, Radial, Clear Com Sound
ALPS Audio Waidhofen office@alpsaudio.com www.alpsaudio.com Manufacturer ALPS Audio Sound
ATC Austrian Truss Constructions Wulkaprodersdorf office@atc-truss.com www.atc-truss.com Manufacturer Trussing
ATECpro Sommerein sales@atecpro.at www.atecpro.at Distributor Allen & Heath, Biamp, ALPS Audio, Meyer Sound Sound
Audio Electronic HI-FI Geraete Vertriebs Ges. mbH Wien office@audioelectronic.com www.audioelectronic.com Distributor Wharfedale Pro, Furman, One System Sound, Hi-Fi
Audio Video Consulting GmbH Neumarkt/Wallersee office@avc.co.at www.avc.co.at Distributor
HARMAN Audio Brands, Sony Sound, Video, Broadcast Audiorama Wein office@audiorama.at www.audiorama.at Dealer, Rental, Studio Heill Audio Sound
Austrian Audio Wien office@austrianaudio.com www.austrian.audio Manufacturer
Austrian Audio Microphones Sound AV-Technik Waidhofer Judenburg office@avtechnik-waidhofer.com www.avtechnik-waidhofer.com Distributor, Dealer Bittner, Bowers & Wilkins, Komtech, Vivitek, Renkus-Heinz Sound, AV, Consumer
BMS Production Group Wien office@bms.co.at www.bms.co.at Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Brandenstein-Wrba GmbH ( AV Concept) Wien office@avconcept.at www.avconcept.at Systems Integrator AV
Bruckschwaiger GmbH Langenzersdorf office@brucksschwaiger.at www.bruckschwaiger.at Design, Installer AV
Disco-Store Wien team@disco-store.at www.disco-store.at Distributor Glorious, Reloop, JB Systems, Numark Sound and Lighting
Droneberger Showtechnik Klangenfurt am office@dronenberger.atWorthersee www.droneberger.at Rental Sound and Lighting
Dynamic Projection Institute Wien office@dynamicprojection.com www.dynamicprojection.com
Manufacturer Projectors
Eichberger BuhnentechnikMarkersdorf-Haindorf office@eichberger.tv www.eichberger.tv Rental Sound and Lighting, Trussing, Tens F & A Showtechnik Unterbergla mail@fa-showtechnik.at www.fa-showtechnic.com Distributor, Dealer MA Lighting, Lightpower Lighting
Feldbacher Musikhaus Feldbach office@feldbachermusikhaus.com www.feldbachermusikhaus.com Dealer, Rental MI
Fellner Audio Bad Schallerbach office@fellneraudio.at www.fellneraudio.at Service Company Sound
Frankies Music Treff Drassburg frankie@frankie.at www,frankiesmusictreff.at Dealer Sound and Lighting
Gerriets Handel GmbH Wien
info@gerriets.at www.gerriets.at Manufacturer
Theatre Fabrics
Gunther Huemer Beschallungstechnik Eferding office@ghbeschallung.at www.ghbeschallung.at Dealer Sound and Lighting habl.cc Hallein office@habl.cc www.habl.cc
Kling & Freitag Sound, Internet
Hans Lurf Hifi Stereotechnik Wien info@pioneer.at www.pioneer.at
Pioneer Sound, Consumer K24 Technik & Vertrieb GmbH Neumarkt im Hausruckkreis info@k24technik.at www.k24technik.at
Martin Audio, D.A.S. Audio, ChamSys, Ecler, XTA Sound and Lighting
Kain Audio Technik Salzburg office@kainaudio.at www.kainaudio.at
HARMAN Audio Brands, Biamp, Listen, Dateq, Sound,Televic AV, Broadcast
Klangfarbe Wien info@klangfarbe.com www.klangfarbe.com
Dealer d&b audiotechnik Sound and Lighting, MI
Kraftwerk Living Technologies GmbH Wels office@kraftwerk.at www.kraftwerk.at
Systems Lighting,Integrator AV
LB-electronics GmbH Wien info@lb-electronics.at www.lb-electronics.at Distributor Clay Paky, ARRI Lighting
L.S.D. GastronomiekonzepteFischlham office@lsd.co.at www.lsd.co.at
Design, Installation Sound and Lighting, AV
LDDE Vertriebs GmBH Wien office@ldde.com www.ldde.com Manufacturer, Distributor soft-LED Lighting
Leman Elektroanlagen Vertriebs - Und Service GmbH Wien office@leman.at www.leman.at Distributor
Desisti, Coemar, CCT, High End Systems, Doughty, Dirty Rigger Lighting, Broadcast, Theatre, Architectural
Licht Service Wien office@licht-service.at www.licht-service.at
High End Systems
Lighting Innovation Hermann Sorger GmbH Wien office@lightinginnovation.at www.lightinginnovation.at Distributor
LumenRadio, ETC, Anolis Lighting, Lasers
Lightpower Austria Traun sales@lightpower.at www.lightpower.at Distributor
MA Lighting, Robert Juliat, Martin by HARMAN Lighting
Luxson Wels office@luxson.at www.luxson.at Distributor
NEXO, Camco, ChamSys, Audipack, ELC, Sound and Lighting
MIPRO Austria Velm info@miproaudio.at www.miproaudio.at
MiPro Sound
Mocom Audio GmbH Wien office@mocom.at www.mocom.at Distributor
Biamp. Cloud, Clockaudio, Audica, 4EVAC Sound, AV
Monte Video Austria Klagenfurt office@montevideo.at www.montevideo.at
MSV Musik-Sound-Vertriebs GmbH Hagenbrunn office@m-s-v.eu
www.m-s-v.eu Dealer
ADJ, Sunlite, Fantek, Duratruss, Antari Sound and Lighting, Effects, MI MT Electronic Himberg office@mt-electronic.com www.mt-electronic.com Distributor
LasPro, Pangolin, Smart Audio, Glockenklang Sound and Lighting, Laser, Pyro Music-Import Rankweil office@musicimport.com www.musicimport.com Distributor
PROEL, Mackie, JTS Sound
NF-Media OG Wien franz.neuber@nfmedia.at www.nfmedia.at Dealer
High End Systems, Cordial Cables, LDDE Lighting
PANI Projection and Lighting Wien light@pani.com www.pani.com Manufacturer Pani Lighting, Projectors
PREWorks GmbH Stainz office@preworks.at www.preworks.at Dealer High End Systems Lighting
Pro Show Horsching office@proshow.at www.proshow.at Rental AV, Corporate RTC Fuerstler Sound & Light KEG Wolfurt rtc@rtc.at www.rtc.at Distributor d&b audiotechnik, Seeburg, GLP, HOF Trussing, Excellent Line, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting
S Reifeltshammer Werberges.mbH Salzburg office@srw.at www.srw.at Distributor
Octalumina Light Boxes Lighting
SAC Schneider Audio Concept Vertriebs GmbH St Leonhard a Forst office@sac.co.at www.sac.co.at Distributor Symetrix, Powersoft, beyerdynamic, Australian Monitor, Attero Tech Sound
Sennheiser Austria GmbH Wien at-office@sennheiser.com www.sennheiser.at Distributor Sennheiser, Fohhn Sound
Shure Distribution GmbH Schwaz distribution@shure.at www.shure.at Distributor Shure Sound, MI
Signal Sound & Light Distribution GmbH Knittelfeld office@signal.co.at www.signal.co.at Distributor DiGiCo, Dynacord, Electro-Voice, L-Acoustics, Prolights Sound and Lighting
Studer Austria Wien office@studer.at www.studer.at Distributor Studer, InterM, FBT, Dolby Sound, Broadcast Taronic Eferding office@taronic.at www.taronic.com
Distributor, Rental Hungaroflash, Le Maitre, Compulite, Look Solutions Lighting, Pyro
Technik Design Vertriebs GmbH Wels info@technikdesign.com www.technikdesign.com Dealer Sound and Lighting
TON Eichinger Pro Sound Systems Wien office@ton-eichinger.at www.ton-eichinger.at
Distributor Clair Brothers, Pyramix, Vanguard, RME, Sound Devices Sound and Lighting, Broadcast
Tuchler Buhnen-und Textiltechnik GmbH Wien info@tuechler.at www.tuechler.at Dealer Textiles, Stage Technology
United Brands Austria Eferding info@united-b.com www.united-b.com
Distributor Adamson Sound
Zigmaline Limited International Klagenfurt info@zigmaline.at www.zigmaline.at Distributor KAM, Outline, Griven Sound and Lighting
Neutrik AG Schaan neutrik@neutrik.com www.neutrik.com Manufacturer Neutrik Connectors
ASLV Tirana info@aslv.al www.aslv.al
Rental, Distributor
Clay SoundPakyand Lighting, Video Audio Pro sh.p.k Tirana audioproalbania@gmail.com www.facebook.com/www.audiopro Distributor, Dealer Numark, Allen & Heath Sound. MI
Dynamik sh.p.k Tirana dynamik@gmail.com www.facebook.com/electrodynamik.shpk Distributor Electro-Voice Sound
Electro-Dynamik sh.p.k Tirana electrodynamik@gmail.com Distributor, Dealer B&C Speakers, Neutrik Sound
Electronics sh.p.k Tirana astrit@electronics-al.com www.electronics.al Distributor, Dealer RCF Sound and Lighting, MI, AV Enea Electronic Vlore eneaelectronic@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/eneaelectronic Distributor, Dealer D.A.S. Audio, Audio-Technica, Aviom, PROEL Sound
Euromusika sh p. k Durres info@euromuzika.net www.euromusika.net Distributor, Dealer FBT Sound, MI
Fredi Electronics Tirana info@fredielectronics.com www.fredielectronics.com
Dealer, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV New Vision sh.p.k Tirana newvision.organisation.gmail.com www.newvisionorganisation.com Distributor, Dealer Neutrik Sound
Prosound Audio and Light Tirana info@prosound.al www.prosound.al
Rental Sound
Pro Rent AL sh.p.k Tirana info@prorent.al www.prorent.al Distributor, Rental TW AUDiO Sound and Lighting
Spectrum sh.p.k Tirana info@spectrum.al www.spectrum.al Distributor Harman Audio Brands, Martin by Harman, Audica Sound and Lighting Soundgallery Tirana info@soundgallery.al www.soundgallery.al Dealer Harman Audio Brands, Martin by Harman, Audica Sound and Lighting, AV
AAP Electronic d.o.o. Banja Luka office@aap-electronic.com www.aap-electronic.com
Rental, Dealer, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting,. Trussing Amedex Amadeus Sarajevo info@amedex-amadeus.com www.amedex-amadeus.com
Distributor RCF Sound, MI
Artist d.o.o. Banja Luka info@artist.ba www.artist.ba Distributor Allen&Heath, Electro Voice, KV2 Audio, Dynacord, Midas, Turbosound Sound and Lighting
Audio Team Citluk audiot@tel.net.ba www.audio-team.com Distributor Amate Audio, NEXT-proaudio, Fonestar, P.Audio, Pioneer Sound and Lighting, AV
Audio Video Consulting MC Sarajevo avc.info@avc.ba www.avc.ba Distributor
HARMAN Audio Brands, Cordial, Mogami, Canare, Genelec, Lite Panels Sound
Brothers Music Shop d.o.o. Lujubuski info@brothers-music.com www.brothers-music.com Dealer MI
Masters Media d.o.o. Caplijina masters-commerce@tel.net.ba www.masters-commerce.ba
Rental, Studio
Clay SoundPakyand Lighting Rasa d.o.o. Sarajevo rasa@rasa.ba www.rasa.ba Distributor
Bose, Yamaha Sound, Consumer, Hi-Fi
SD Sistemi Laktasi office@sdsistemi.ba www.sdsistemi.ba Distributor, Dealer, Rental FENIX Stage, CHAUVET, Mackie, Martin Audio Sound and Lighting, Broadcast, AV TSE d.o.o. Sarajevo tim.tse@bih.net.ba www.tse.co.rs Dealer Sound, AV, Broadcast
303.bg Zvuk Ot Zapada Ltd Sofia benoit@303.bg www.303.bg Rental, Distributor Funktion-One, Sommer Cable Sound
Bulcomp Sofia info@bulcomp.com www.bulcomp.com Distributor, Dealer beyerdynamic, Avantone, Avid Sound, AV, MI
Factor-TC Sofia sofia@audio-factor.eu www.audio-factor.eu Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
Forte Music Sofia office@fortebg.com www.fortebg.com Distributor Xilica, RCF, Shure, Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI
Music Center Ikonomov Ltd Sofia sales@mci-bg.com www.mci-bg.com Distributor, Dealer ADJ, D.A.S. Audio, NEXO, Audix, SGM, Crest Audio, FENIX Stage Sound, MI
Musicworld Sofia Contact online www.musicworld.bg Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI Musikalenmagazin Sofia Info@musikalenmagazin.bg www.musikalenmagazin.bg Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
NAT Ltd Sofia info@nat-bg.com www.nat-bg.com Distributor KV2, Allen & Heath, 18 Sound, MiPro, Litec, Eurolite, TW AUDiO Sound and Lighting Osram Eood Sofia info@osram.de www.osram.com Distributor Osram Lighting Pro Audio Ltd Burgas contact@proaudio.bg www.proaudio.bg
Distributor, Dealer, Systems Integrator Kling & Freitag Sound and Lighting, AV Hi-Fi ProTechnica / Dynacord Bulgaria Ltd Sofia office@pro-technica.com www.pro-technica.com Distributor Sennheiser, Electro-Voice, TC Electronic, Dynacord, Clay Paky, Midas Sound and Lighting, MI
Razor FX Store Sofia Contact online www.razor-fx.store Distributor Look Solutions Effects, Consumables Supersound Bulgaria Sofia super1990@supersound-bg.com www.supersound-bg.com Dealer Sound and Lighting, Consumables Techno Group Ltd Sofia info@techno.bg www.techno.bg Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, Broadcast VAHS Sofia vahs@bitex.com www.vahs.bg Distributor ADB, Lighting,SpotlightTrussing
X-AUDIO Ltd Plovdiv info@xaudio,net www.xaudio.net Distributor, Rental NEXT-proaudio, Adamson, Amate Audio Sound and Lighting
AVC Group sh.p.k. Prishtina info@avc-group.cc www.avc-group.cc Distributor
HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting
Elting ElectronicsPrishtina info@elting-el.com www.elting-el.com/en Distributor Proel, Tasker. Televic Sound and Lighting, AV
N.T.P. Gica Musik Prishtina gicamusic@hotmail.com Distributor B&C SoundSpeakers
AVC Group d.o.o. Skopje avc@avc-com.mk www.avc-group.eu Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting, AV
Kodi d.o.o Skopje kodi@kodi.com.mk www.kodi.com.mk
Distributor, Systems Integrator PROEL Sound, AV
TSE d.o.o. Skopje tse@mt.net.mk www.tse.co.rs
Dealer Sound, AV, Broadcast
Euro Unit Montenegro d.o.o. Podgorica p.lazovic@euro-unit.me www.euro-unit.me Distributor beyerdynamic, FBT, QSC Sound
Access Pro Group Beograd office@acessprogroup.net www.accessprogroup.net
Rental, Distributor Funktion-One Sound and Lighting
Acoustic Design d.o.o. Beograd office@acousticdesign.rs www.acousticdesign.rs
Rental, Distributor Amate Audio, Cornered Audio, PSI Audio Sound
Audio Pro Artist d.o.o Beograd info@audiopro.rs www.audiopro.rs
Distributor Allen&Heath, American DJ, KV2 Audio, HK Audio, Lab Gruppen, Midas Sound and Lighting, Trussing
AVL Project Int d.o.o Novi Sad info@avlprojekt.rs www.avlprojekt.rs
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions, DiGiCo, RCF, Avolites, ETC, Desisti, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, AV, Effects Dekadas d.o.o Beograd Contact online www.dekadas.rs
Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Player Plus d.o.o Beograd info@player.rs www.player.rs
Distributor Martin Audio Sound and Lighting, AV, MI Pro Audio d.o.o Beograd alibaba@eunet.rs www.proaudio.rs
Distributor B&C Speakers, Cordial Sound
Sky Music Center
Beograd info@skymusiccenter.com www.skymusiccenter.com
Distributor EAW, Shure, Martin by HARMAN Sound and Lighting
Studio Berar Novi Sad prodaja@studioberar.com www.studioberar-prodaja.com
Distributor, Rental
TW AUDiO, Powersoft, Clay Paky, Spotlight, Multiilite Sound and Lighting
System Design d.o.o Novi Sad bobo@systemdesign.rs www.systemdesign.rs Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
TSE d.o.o. Beograd info@tse.co.rs www.tse.co.rs
Dealer Sound. AV. Broadcast
Wizard Sound and Light Ruma office@wizard.rs www.wizard.rs Manufacturer, Distributor PR Lighting, Omnitronic, P Audio Sound and Lighting
Atomic Studios Tallinn info@atomicstudios.ee www.atomicstudios.ee
Distributor, Studio beyerdynamic (ProAudio) Sound, Video, Broadcast
AudioSky OU Tallinn tiit.terask@gmail.com
Rental, Distributor Martin Audio Sound
Digisound Tallinn info@digisound.ee www.digisound.ee
Distributor Yamaha, Pioneer, Pioneer DJ Sound, DJ DSS Estonia OU Maardu info@dss-estonia.ee www.dss-estonia.ee
Dealer, Rental FENIX Stage, Gerriets, J&C Joel, Doughty, Baltic Panels, Mott Stages Trussing, Staging Eventech Tallinn info@eventech.ee www.eventech.ee
Distributor, Rental XTA, ARX, Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting, Effects, Rigging EW Sound and Light OU Tallinn andrus@ewsound.ee www.ewsound.ee
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Shure, Neutrik, Tascam Sound
E&T Tallinn valgus@valgus.ee www.valgus.ee
Rental, Distributor Antari, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, Effects Focus Point Tallinn point@focuspint.ee www.focuspoint.ee
Rental, Dealer ADJ, Zero 88, Jands, Teclumen, Clay Paky, SweFog Lighting, Effects, Fog Heliart OU Viljandi priit@heliart.ee www.heliart.ee
Rental, Distributor EAW, Music Tribe Brands Sound
IS Music Trading Tallinn music@online.ee www.ismusic.ee
Distributor Lewitt, Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI
MSonic Baltic OU Tallinn info@msonic.ee www.msonic.ee
Distributor Radial, Direct Out, Vanguard, d&b audio- technik Sound
Music Center Pro Tallinn info@eventcenter.ee www.eventcenter.ee
Distributor, Rental Allen & Heath, Audio-Technica, RCF, Elation, ADJ Sound and Lighting Pro Gear Tallinn progear@progear.ee www.progear.ee
Distributor, Dealer dBTechnologies. Sound and Lighting, MI Promedia Tallinn tony@promedia.ee www.promedia.ee
Distributor, Systems Integrator Kling & Freitag Sound
PVX OU Tallinn info@muusik.ee www.muusik.ee
Distributor, Dealer FBT, RME Sound
Stanford Music Tallinn pood@stanfordmusic.com www.stanfordmusic.com
Dealer Yamaha, dbx, ART, Palmer Sound, MI
A-T Trade Music SIA Riga andrejs.zuravlovs@attrade.lv www.attrade.lv
Distributor, Dealer Martin Audio, Shure, CHAUVET, Mackie Sound, MI
7 Solutions SIA Liepaja uldis@studio7.lv www.7 solutions.lv
Distributor Audio-Technica Pro Sound and Lighting, MI
ACC Distribution SIA Riga
office@accdistribution.lv www.accdistribution.lv
Distributor Audio-Technica Consumer Sound Audio AE Ltd Riga audioae@audioae.lv www.audioae.lv
HARMAN Audio Brands, DPA, Neutrik, Adam Hall Sound, Cinema, MI
BDC Tehnologijas SIA Liepaja info@bdct.lv www.bdct.lv
Allen & Heath, QSC, Elation, Marantz, Schoeps Sound and Lighting
Diogens Audio Balvi diogens@diogens.lv www.diogens.lv
Distributor, Rental, Dealer Eurotruss, Spotlight, Audio-Technica Pro, Amate Audio Sound and Lighting Discomania Riga info@discomania.lv www.discomania.lv
Distributor, Dealer dB Technologies, ADJ Sound and Lighting, Hi-Fi
Gaco Riga gaco@gaco.lv www.gaco.lv Rental Sound and Lighting Irbest Ltd SIA Riga irbest@irbest.lv www.irbest.eu
Look Solutions Fog, Accessories KM Sound Jelgava km@km-sound.lv www.km-sound.lv
Rental, Installation Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting Muzilkala Dizaina Grupa SIA Riga alvis@md.lv www.md.lv Distributor
AUDAC, CAYMON, KV2 Audio, MIPRO, Look Solutions, Sommer Cable Sound and Lighting, Effects Musikas Centrs Riga info@muzikascentrs.lv www.muzikascentrs.lv
Dealer Sound, MI
MUZ PRO Riga info@mprental.lv www.mprental.lv Rental, Dealer Sound, MI
Pro 1 Sound and Light SIA Riga rent@stage.lv www.stage.lv Distributor, Rental Martin by HARMAN, Electro-Voice, Zero 88, Prolyte, Green Hippo Sound and Lighting, Trussing Rock Distribution SIA Riga info@rock-distribution.com www.rock-distribution.com
Audix, ADJ, Stagetec, Yamaha Commercial Audio Sound, MI. Projectors. Hi-Fi SGS Sistemas Ltd Riga info@sgssistemas.lv www.sgssistemas.lv
Midas, Radial , Clay Paky, beyerdynamic (Pro Audio), Clair Bros, Rosco, CHAUVET Sound and Lighting Skatuves Systemu Services SIA Riga info@3s.lv www.3s.lv Distributor, Dealer, Rental NEXT-proaudio, Xilica, Outline, Community, Cameo, B&C Loudspeakers Sound and Lighting SLM Solutions Riga Contact online www.slm-solutions.lv
Distributor, Dealer RCF Sound and Lighting Stage and Light Marupe na@na.lv www.na.lv
Manufacturer Lighting
Tava Skana Riga info@yoursound.lv www.tavaskana.lv Dealer Sound, MI Unique Ltd Riga info@unique.lv www.unique.lv
Distributor, Systems Integrator Amina Sound, AV, Home Cinema
VGD Project Riga vgdpro@vgdpro.lv
www.vgdpro.lv Distributor L-Acoustics, Ayrton, Leyard Sound and Lighting, LED Video Centrs Riga video@videocentrs.lv www.videocentrs.lv Rental Video
Audioforma Vilnius vytautas.bastys@gmail.com www.audioforma.lt Rental Lighting and Sound
Audiotonas Kaunas info@audiotonas.lt www.audiotonas.lt
Distributor, Systems Integrator DIS, Clockaudio, Audix, RCF, Martin Audio, Clay Paky Sound and Lighting
Combo Muzikos Servisas Kaunus info@combo.lt www.combo.lt Distributor, Rental Avolites, Powersoft, JB Lighting, Rane, ADB, FBT Sound and Lighting
Digital Audio UAB Vilnius info@digitalaudio.lt www.digitalaudio.lt Distributor KS Audio, Van Damme Cable, CODA Audio Sound, AV, MA Akustica Kaunus audrius@ma-akustika.com www.ma-akustika.com Distributor MC2, Chevin, Xilica, Altair Sound
Midi Audio Ltd Kaunas sales@midiaudio.com www.midiaudio.com Distributor, Dealer Tannoy, EAW, ARX, XTA, Symetrix, RME Sound and Lighting
Milgreta UAB Siaulia odeta@milgreta.lt www.milgreta.lt Distributor Audac, Tecnare, Yamaha, Caymon, STK Sound and Lighting, Trussing Musicas Agentura Newtone/ Fremenas UAB Kaunus kastis@newtone.lt www.newtone.lt Distributor D.A.S. Audio, JB Systems, Radial Sound and Lighting
Musikos Expresas UAB Vilnius info@mex.lt www.mex.lt Distributor
Muzikos Faktorius UAB Arvydas Pocius Vilnius and Klaipida info@muzikosfaktorius.lt www.muzikosfaktorius.lt Distributor
beyerdynamic, HK Audio, Behringer Sound and Lighting
NG Service Vilnius valdas36@mail.lt www.rezisieriai.lt
Rental Meyer Sound, Midas Sound
No Noise LT UAB Vilnius info@nonoise.lt www.nonoise.lt
Distributor Powersoft, Amate Audio Sound
Ogmios Pulsas Pro UAB Vilnius info@stageiq.lt www.stageiq.lt Distributor DPA, Audio-Technica, FBT, Sommer Cable, Milos, High End Systems Sound and Lighting, Effects, MI
Proline Nordoastas Kaunas info@proline.lt www.proline.lt Distributor
SGM, DTS, Coemar, Studio Due, Lumex, B&C SoundSpeakers and Lighting
Redzius UAB Marijampole info@redzius.lt www.redzius.lt Distributor Outline, ETC, Amate Audio Sound and Lighting
Scenos Technis Sevisas UAB Vilnius laurynas@sts.it www.sts.lt Sales, Rental Funktion-One Sound and Lighting, Trussing Sonus Exsertus UAB Vilnius info@sonus.lt www.sonus.lt
Distributor, Rental DiGiCo, Meyer Sound, MA Lighting Sound and Lighting
Tamsta Audio Vilnius tamsta@tamsta.com www.tamsta.com
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Cordial Cable, HK Audio, Proel, dB Technologies Sound
Virgilijaus Sliazo Firma Kaunus info@sliazas.lt www.sliazas.lt Distributor KV2 Audio Sound
ACM Audio Solutions
Dilsen-Stokkem info@acmaudiosolutions.be www.acmaudiosolutions.be
Distributor Kling & Freitag, EAW, Peavey Commercial Audio, Xilica Sound
ADS Music Store
Brussels Contact online www.adspromusic.com Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI, DJ. Effects
AED Distribution nv Willebroek info@aeddistribution.com www.aeddistribution.com
Distributor, Rental beyma, QSC, Avolites, Clay Paky, High End Systems, Zero 88 Sound and Lighting, Trussing, Video Algam Benelux nv (AB Audio) Antwerpen info@algambenelux.be www.algambenelux,be
Wharfedale Pro, Mackie, Focusrite, Algam Lighting, Neutrik Sound and Lighting, MI
AMPLI bvba Hever info@ampli.be www.ampli.be Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting Amptec Bilzen Contact online www.amptec.be
Distributor DiGiCo, Aviom, Link, DPA, d&b audiotechnik, RME, Stagetec Sound, AV, Broadcast
Apex nv Beringen info@apex-audio.be www.apex-audio.be Manufacturer Apex, Apex LiViAu Sound, AV
ArKaos SA Rhode Saint Genese contact@arkaos.net www.arkaos.net Manufacturer Arkaos Sound and Lighting, AV, Multimedia
AUDAC Hasselt info@audac.eu www.audac.eu
Audio Visual Lighting Lebbeke info@avl.be www.avl.be Distributor ChamSys, DTS, Christie, ELC, GreenGo, Swefog, Schnik-Schnak-Systems Lighting, Effects
Audio XL nv Diest sales@audioxl.be www.audioxl.be Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, NEXO, Rane Sound, Broadcast
AUDIOFOCUS Achene info@audiofocus.eu www.audiofocus.eu
Manufacturer AUDIOFOCUS Sound
Barco nv Kortrijk info@barco.com www.barco.com Manufacturer
Beglec Groot-Bijgaarden info@beglec.com www.beglec.com
JB Systems, Briteq, Synq, Audiophony, Contest, Antari Sound and Lighting, Effects Belram Brussels info@belram.com www.belram.be
Distributor Neutrik, Belden, Sommer, Supra, Purelink Cables and Connectors Biamp Europe Schoten biampinfo@biamp.com www.biamp.com Manufacturer Community Audio, Cambridge Sound. AV
Bose Belgium Tongeren Contact online www.bosebelgium.be Distributor Bose Sound, Consumer CAYMON Hasselt info@caymon.eu www.caymon.eu Manufacturer CAYMON Sound, Video, Accessories, Flightcases
CHAUVET BeNeLux Kruisem besales@chauvetlighting.eu www.chauvetprofessional.com Manufacturer CHAUVET Professional, CHAUVET DJ, Iluminarc, ChamSys Lighting
Controllux bvba Meerhout info@controllux.be www.controllux.be
Arri, ETC, High End Systems, Robert Juliat, ADB
Lighting DeesFX Brussels info@dees.be www.dees.be Distributor
Le Maitre, Pyrostar, Magic, TBF Lighting, Effects, Pyro
Deltavox Projects Bruges info@deltavox.be www.deltavox.be Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV, Multimedia DV2 BeLux Seneffe info@dv2.be www.dv2.be Distributor Adamson, DV2 Solutions, AuviTran, MDC Sound
Euro PA bvba Deinze info@euro-pa.be www.euro-pa.be Distributor
TW AUDiO, Heil Sound, Tecnare, Logic Systems, Enttec Sound and Lighting
Eye-Light Belgium nv Brussels info@eye-light.com www.eye-lite.com Dealer, Rental Manfrotto, Zeiss Lighting, Film, Video FACE BE bvba Boom info@face-be.eu www.face.be Distributor Vari-Lite, Lucenti, Martin Audio, Radial Engineering, Van Damme Cable, Starway Sound and Lighting, MI
Feilos Sylvania Belgium bvba Antwerpen info.be@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Sylvania, Concord Lighting
GSF Sound & Light Rental Gembloux sam@gsfsono.com www.gsfsono.com Rental Sound and Lighting, Trussing, Video Inytium Nivelles info@inytium.com www.inytium.com Distributor, Systems Integrator Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, AV
LSE (Laser Systems Europe) Braine l’Alleud info@lse.eu www.lse.eu Manufacturer, Distributor, Rental LaserAnimation Lasers, Pyro
Lucenti Lighting Boom info@lucenti.lighting www.lucenti.lighting Manufacturer, Distributor Lucenti Lighting Lighting
M-PRO Benelux bvba Sint Truiden info@m-pro.be commercial.m-pro.be Distributor MiPro, Clockaudio, InOut, KV2, K-array, Stewart Audio Sound, AV, Residential More AV Brussels info@more-av.nl more-av.nl Distributor
Funktion-One, Full Fat Audio, NST Audio, Van Damme Cable, Isonoe Sound
Music Dynamic bvba Zeebrugge Contact online www.musicdynamic.eu Distributor
APG, Active Audio, Fadyco Sound and Lighting, Effects
Phlippo Showlights Lier info@phlippo.com www.phlippo.com Rental, Distributor URC, Lee Filters Lighting, Trussing, Rigging, Video
Pioneer Europe nv Mesele info_pbl@pioneerbenelux.com www.pioneer.be Distributor
Pioneer Sound, Consumer Polyphonic Montignies-sur-Sambre info@polyphonic.be www.polyphonic.be Dealer
LD Systems, Pioneer DJ, Polyphonic Sound and Lighting
PRG EML Productions Tildonk belgium@prg.com www.prg.com/be/en Rental
SGM Light, GLP Sound and Lighting
PROCAB Hasselt info@procab.be www.procab.be Manufacturer
PROCAB Sound, Video, Special Effects, Broadcast PVS nv Hasselt info@pvs.global www.pvs.global Distributor AUDAC, PROCAB, CAYMON, Neutrik, K&M, Contacta Sound, Video
S2 Store Genk info@s2store.be www.s2store.be Dealer Sound and Lighting
Stageco Tildonk info@stageco.com www.stageco.com Manufacturer Stageco Staging
Syrinx Kalmthout info@syrinx.be www.syrinx.be Rental Sound and Lighting
Verbiest nv Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver info@verbiest.be www.verbiest.be Distributor Eurotruss Sound and Lighting
Viladco Oevel-Westerlo hans@viladco.be www.viladco.be Distributor Coda Audio Sound
XLR Audio Wemmel Contact online www.xlrpro.eu Distributor Allen & Heath, L-Acoustics, Camco, Genelec, Fostex, Apex, Fulcrum Acoustic Sound
Audio Vision Leudelange info@audiovision.lu www.audiovision.lu
Rental, Systems Integrator AV
Codex Productions Canach info@codex.lu www.codex.lu
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
Mogeba Bascharage info@megaba.lu www.mogeba.lu
Rental, Dealer Eurotruss
Pro Audio Sanneingerberg info@proaudio.lu www.proaudio.lu
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
Dubrovnik info@avoprema.hr www.avoprema.hr Distributor, Rental Cloud, FENIX Stage, ARX, D.A.S. Audio Sound and Lighting
AS Komunikacije d.o.o. Sveta Nedelja info@ascomm.hr www.ascomm.hr Dealer Bose, Sonos Sound, Consumer
Audio Pro Artist d.o.o Zagreb zagreb@audiopro.hr www.audiopro.hr Distributo
Allen&Heath, American DJ, KV2 Audio, HK Audio, Lab Gruppen, Midas Sound and Lighting, Trussing
Audio Tehnica d.o.o Cavle irena@paudio.hr www.paudio.hr Distributor
XTA, Void, One Systems, P.Audio, d&b audiotechnik Sound
Audio Video Consulting d.o.o. Zagreb avc-info@avc.hr www.avc.hr Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound, AV, Broadcast
AVITEH Audio Video Technologies Ltd Zagreb info@aviteh.hr www.aviteh.hr Dealer Sound, Video
BO-MAH d.o.o Zagreb bo-mah.office@bo-mah.com www.bo-mah.com Distributor MC2, FANTEK, Europodium Sound, Staging
Damir Franc d.o.o Zabok Contact online www.franc-music-shop.com Distributor, Dealer PROEL Sound and Lighting, MI DD-Elektroakustika Hrvastka dd-elektroakustika@pu.t-com.hr Distributor
B&C Speakers Sound
Dicroic Split dicroic@dicroic.com www.dicroic.com
Distributor, Systems Integrator L-Acoustics, Klotz, AuviTran, Grass Valley, JVC Pro Sound, Video
Euro Unit Group Nedelisce info@euro-unit.hr www.euro-unit.hr Distributor beyerdynamic, FBT, Yamaha, QSC Sound, MI
Fancy Lights & Effects Garesnica ured1@fancy.hr www.fancy.hr Manufacturer Lighting
Ivas Grupa d.o.o Zagreb info@ivas.hr www.ivas.hr
Distributor, Rental Martin Audio Sound and Lighting
JSN COMON d.o.o Zagreb info@jsn-comon.hr www.jsn-comon.hr Systems Integrator Sound, AV
LAV Studio d.o.o Pula info@lav-studio.hr www.lav-studio.hr Dealer, Distributor Lucenti, Look Solutions, TAF Lighting, Effects,Trussing
LED Audio d.o.o Zagreb prodaja@ledaudio.hr www.ledaudio.hr Dealer LD Systems, Tasker Sound and Lighting
Mr Sound Sibenik mrsound@net.hr www.mrsound.info Rental, Dealer NEXT-proaudio Sound and Lighting, Video
Music Shop Stage j.d.o.o Dakovo prodaja@musicshopstage.hr musicshopstage.hr Dealer
Amate Audio Sound and Lighting
Nove Boje Zvuka Zagreb info@bojezvuka.hr www.bojezvuka.hr Distributor Yamaha Professional Sound, HiFi, MI
Oktava d.o.o Zagreb oktava@oktava.hr www.oktava.hr Distributor RCF, Tasker, Ciare, Mackie, FBT Sound
Perinic Sistemi d.o.o Zagreb vinko@perinic-sistemi.hr www.perinic-sistemi.hr Rental, Distributor Prolyte, StageDEX Sound and Lighting, Staging
PRO-LUX Zagreb amai@amai.hr www.amai.hr Distributor Clay Paky, JBN, ACR, Lampo Lighting
Prolight d.o.o. Zagreb info@prolight.hr www.prolight.hr Manufacturer Prolight Laser Harp Controller Lighting, Lasers
Prosound Zagreb slaven@prosound.hr www.prosound.hr Rental, Distributor RAM Audio Sound and Lighting
Scenske Tehnologije d.o.o Zagreb Contact online www.scen-teh.com Dealer Robert Juliat Lighting
Salitrade d.o.o Pula sali-trade@pu.t-com.hr www.sali-trade.hr Distributor Zero 88 Lighting
Subing d.o.o GmbH Krizevci nik@subing.hr www.subing.hr Distributor Celestion, Lundahl, Jensen, Electron Audio Sound
Z-EL d.o.o. Chipoteka Zagreb z-el.hranjec@chipoteka.hr www.chipoteka.hr
Adler Cases
Drnovice adler@adlercases.cz www.adlercases.cz Manufacturer Flightcases
Audio Master CZ as Praha info@audiomaster.cz www.audiomaster.cz
HARMAN Professional Solutions, Martin by HARMAN, Zero 88, CHAUVET Professional, CHAUVET DJ Sound and Lighting, Trussing, MI
Audio Partner s.r.o. Praha velkoobchod@audiopartner.com audiopartner.com/cz
Distributor Lewitt, Monster Cable, Celestion, Mackie, Superlux Sound, MI
Audiolight service s.r.o Praha rent@audiolight.cz www.audiolight.cz Rental Sound and Lighting
Audiopro s.r.o. Praha info@audiopro.cz www.audiopro.cz
sE Electronics, BOSCH, DPA, Dynacord, Electro-Voice, Gotham, Lawo Sound, Broadcast, Conference
AV Media Praha Contact online www.avmedia.cz Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, Video, AV, IT BaSys CS spol. s.r.o Praha office@basys.cz www.basys.cz
Distributor Turbosound, Midas, Cordial, beyerdynamic, Marantz, Neutrik Sound, Consumer CSOUND Praha csound@csound.cz www.csound.cz Rental Sound and Lighting, Video
Dancefloor, s.r.o. Hradec Kralove dancefloor@dancefloor.cz www.dancefloor.cz
DTS, Griven, SGM, PSL, Antari, D.A.S. Audio, MC2 Sound and Lighting, Effects, AV Danceshow Kromeriz kreml@danceshow.cz www.danceshow.cz
Sound and Lighting
DISK Multimedia s.r.o. Boscovice disk@disk.cz www.disk.cz Distributor, Dealer Cerwin Vega, RME Sound, Video
DK Production s.r.o Ostrava david@dkproduction.cz www.dkproduction.cz
Rental LED Screens
Edward Sound and Light Agency Praha edward@edward.cz www.edward.cz Rental Sound and Lighting Entermusic Ostrava info@entermusic.cz www.entermusic.cz Rental Sound and Lighting Force Productions Praha info@forceproduction.cz www.forceproduction.cz Rental, Dealer Funktion One, FFA, Pioneer DJ Sound and Lighting, Trussing, Staging
Havells Sylvania Brno info.cz@havells-sylvania.com www.havells-sylvania.com Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
High Lite Touring Ostrava info@highlite.cz www.highlite.cz Rental Sound and Lighting, Video, Staging
Hudebni centrum s.r.o. Hradec Kralove prodejna@hudebnicentrum.cz www.hudebnicentrum.cz
Dealer Cordial Sound, MI
Janz Audio Praha info@janzaudio.com www.janzaudio.com
Dealer Sound, Broadcast
Jesa Sound and Light Equipment Praha jesa@jesa.cz www.jesa.cz
Rental Sound and Light, Video
KV2 Audio International spol s.r.o. Milevsko info@kv2audio.com www.kv2audio.com
Manufacturer KV2
Led Max PRO VISUAL SOLUTION s.r.o Ostrava info@ledmaxpro.cz www.ledmaxpro.cz
Rental LED Screens
Lighting technology Vit Pavlu Ltd. Praha info@otvpavlu.cz www.otvpavlu.cz
Dealer Lighting, Staging, AV
LIGHTNEQ s.r.o. Praha pavel.lenoch@lightneq.cz www.lightneq.cz
MA Lighting, Clay Paky, Admiral, Lucenti, Outline Sound and Lighting, Staging ma.cz Brno info@ma.cz www.ma.cz
Rental Sound and Lighting, Video Mediatronik s.r.o. Praha mtronik@terminal.cz www.mediatronik.cz
Distributor, Dealer Audio Performance, Schoeps Sound, Broadcast, AV
Milos s.r.o. Roudnice nad Labem info@milos.cz www.milossystems.com
Manufacturer Milos
Trussing, Structures, Roofs
Mobiltechlifts Roudnice nad Labem info@mobiltechlifts.com www.mobiltechlifts.com
Manufacturer, Distributor
Mobiltechlifts, EXE, Xstage, Xtruss Lifts, Trussing
Music City Praha info@music-city.cz www.music-city.cz
Dealer Sound, MI
MusicData s.r.o. Velke Mezirici info@musicdata.cz www.musicdata.cz
Distributor NEXO, Audac, Sommer Cable, JB Lighting, Litec, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, MI
OTV Pavlu s.r.o Praha info@otvpavlu.cz www.otvpavlu.cz Systems Integrator, Dealer AV
Panter spol s.r.o
Praha panter@panter-praha.cz www.panter-praha.cz Distributor Fohhn, Sennheiser, Rycote, Sound Devices Sound, Video, Broadcast
Pink Panther Praha radek@pink-panther.cz www.pink-panther.cz Rental Sound and Lighting
Prago Sound Cernocise info@pragosound.cz www.pragosound.cz Rental Sound and Lighting, Video
Praha Music Centre (PMC) Praha info@pmc.cz www.pmc.cz Distributor dBTechnologies, Direct Out, Genelec, Proel, QSC, Shure Sound
Primaton CZ s.r.o Praha info@primaton.cz www.primaton.cz Distributor Outline, Green Hippo Sound and Lighting
Pro Dance Praha info@prodance.cz www.prodance.cz Distributor Allen & Heath, B&C Speakers, Powersoft, RCF, FENIX Stage, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting
Prolight s.r.o
Praha info@pro-light.cz www.pro-light.cz Distributor Avolites, ETC, Robert Juliat Lighting
Pro Music Trutnov info@promusic.cz www.promusic.cz Distributor L-Acoustics, DiGiCo, Audio-Technica, VariLite, ChamSys, Ayrton Sound and Lighting
Radim Pieknik RP audio Ostrava info@rpaudio,cz www.rpaudio.cz Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound, Hi-Fi
Remak Audio Ostrava info@remakagency.cz www.remakagency.cz Rental Sound and Lighting, Staging
ROBE Lighting s.r.o Roznov pod Radhostem info@robe.cz www.robe.cz Manufacturer ROBE Lighting
SB Sound s.r.o Praha info@sbsound.cz www.sbsound.cz Distributor d&b audiotechnik, Waves, Altair Sound
SDL Ostrava sdl@sdl-audio.cz www.sdl-audio.cz
Rental Sound and Lighting SIBA Plus s.r.o Kuchar siba@siba.cz
www.siba.cz Manufacturer
Flightcases, Accessories
SONING Praha s.r.o Praha soning@soning.cz www.soning.cz
Design, Dealer, Installation Acoustic Treatment
START Production Praha startproduction@startproduction.cz www.startproduction.cz
Rental Sound and Lighting, Staging THTcase.cz Praha info@thtcase.cz www.thtcase.cz
Manufacture Flightcases, Accessories
Truss Aluminium Factory a.s. Olomouc taf@taf.cz www.taf.cz
Manufacturer Trussing
T Servis Praha tservis@tservis.com www.tservis.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, Video TSI s.r.o Praha info@tsi.cz www.tsi.cz
Distributor MDG, Martin by Harman, D.A.S. Audio Sound and Lighting, Effects Turda Productions Ostrava o.turecek@centrum.cz www.turda.cz
Sound and Lighting, Video, Lasers
VAC Agency Frydlant nat Ostravici vacagency@vacagency.cz www.vacagency.cz
Rental Sound and Lighting, Video Valovy Karvina martin.valovy@seznam.cz www.valovy.cz
Sound and Lighting, Staging
Vice Audio Praha kevin@viceaudio.com www.viceaudio.com
Distributor Funktion-One Sound
WD Lux Praha office@wdluz.cz www.wdlux.cz
Dealer, Rental Sound and Lighting
Xstage Roudnice nad Labem info@x-stage-systems.com www.xstage-systems.com
Manufacturer Stage Decks
ZL Production s.r.o Pizen agentura@zlproduction.cz www.zlproduction.cz
Rental Sound and Lighting
Adam Hall Scandinavia Rodovre maildk@adamhall.com www.adamhall.com
Distributor Cameo, Defender, Gravity, LD Systems, Palmer Sound
Alfa Audio Aabyhoj info@alfaaudio.dk www.alfaaudio.dk
Distributor d&b audiotechnik, EM Acoustics, Radial, Sommer Cable, SSL Sound
All Round Musik Struer Contact online www.allround-musik.dk Dealer Sound, MI
Anker Cases A/S Ry mail@ankercases.dk www.ankercases.dk
Manufacturer Flightcases
Ascon Trading ApS Aalborg SV ascon@ascon.dk www.ascon.dk Distributor dBTechnologies, Furman, Australian Monitor, Audix, Klotz, Alcons Sound Atendi Rodovre contact@atendi.dk www.atendi.dk
Distributor Powersoft, ETC, High End Systems, Martin Audio, Roland, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, Film, Broadcast Audio Visuelt Centrum A/S Horsens info@avc.dk www.avc.dk Distributor, Systems Integrator Kling & Frietag, beyerdynamic Sound, AV
AV Brancheforeningen kontakt@avbrancheforeningen.dk www.avbrancheforeningen.dk Trade Association AV
AV Center A/S Odense info@avcenter.dk www.avcenter.dk Dealer, Systems Integrator, Rental AV
AV Huset A/S Naestved info@av-huset.dk www.av-huset.dk Dealer, Systems Integrator AV
BJ Lys Sonderborg info@bjlys.dk www.bjlys.dk Dealer Sound and Lighting
Bjoernholt Musik ApS Silkeborg info@bloernholt.dk www.bjoernholt.dk Dealer Sound, MI
BSA Audio Nyborg mail@bsa-sound.dk www.bsa-sound.dk Rental, Dealer TW AUDiO Sound and Lighting Case it ApS Randers kontakt@caseit.dk www.caseit.dk Manufacturer Flightcases
CC Pro Shop Kolding info@ccproshop.dk www.ccproshop.dk Dealer Sound and Lighting, Consumer Concept Audio Design Bagenkop
km_cad@yahoo.com www.cadaudio.dk Manufacturer, Distributor B&C Speakers Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer
Copenhagen Sound Service ApS Copenhagen kasperstaun@gmail.com www.cssaps.dk Rental Sound
Daltech ApS Ringsted mail@daltech.dk www.daltech.dk Dealer Sound and Lighting, Trussing
Danmon Group Denmark Gentofte info@danmon.dk www.danmon.dk Distributor, Systems Integrator Studer, Clear-Com Broadcast, AV, IT
Dansk AV-Enterprise ApS Slagelse info@dansk-av.dk www.dansk-av.dk Systems Integrator Sound, AV, Security
Dansk Lyd og Lys A/S Vissenbjerg kontakt@lydoglys.dk www.lydoglys.dk Rental, Distributor Altair Sound and Lighting
Dansk Lydproduktion ApS Hvidovre noise@dansklydproduktion.dk www.dansklydproduktion.dk Rental Sound
Dansk Video Center A/S Soborg kbh@dvc.dk www.dvc.dk Rental Sound, AV
De To Denmark A/S St.Heddinge info@deto-denmark.dk www.deto-denmark.dk Dealer Staging, Trussing DesignisAll Valby info@designisall.com www.designisall.com Design, Install Lighting, AV, Decor, Fixtures
Disco Support ApS Viborg gert@discosupport.dk www.discosupport.dk Distributor, Dealer JB Systems Sound and Lighting
DLT ApS Glostrup mail@dlt.dk www.dlt.dk Distributor
DAP Audio, P Audio. Pioneer DJ, Showtec, Technics Sound and Lighting
DPA Microphones A/S Alleroed info@dpamicrophones.com www.dpamicrophones.com Manufacturer DPA Sound
DPA SoundCo A/S Glostrup info@dpasoundco.dk www.dpasoundco.dk Rental Sound
Dynaudio Acoustics A/S Slanderborg Contact online www.dynaudio.com Manufacturer Dynaudio Sound, Hi Fi
EM Nordic A/S (XL audio) Hvidovre info@emnordic.dk www.emnordic.dk Distributor Rane, QSC, Cerwin Vega, EAW, Stanton, Whirlwind Sound and Lighting, MI
Future Sales ApS Vissenbjerg sales@futuresales.eu www.futuresales.eu Distributor, Dealer Zero 88 Lighting, Trussing
Gobo & Highlight A/S Rodovre gobo@gobo.dk www.gobo.dk Distributor Clay Paky, Zero 88, MA Lighting, Prolyte, Doughty, Schnik-Schnak-Systems Lighting Hansens Tisvildeleje kh@hansens.dk www.hansens.dk
Manufacturer DK Technologies Sound
HARMAN Professional Denmark ApS Aarhus aarhus.reception@harman.com www.martin.com
Manufacturer Martin by HARMAN Lighting
HiFi Klubben A/S Lystrup online@hifiklubben.dk www.hifiklubben.dk
NAD, Audioquest Sound, Hi Fi
Imago Sonas A/S Herlev info@imagosonus.dk www.imagosonas.dk Distributor Chief, Da-lite, Atlona, Analog Wa, Digital Projection, CalDigit
Interstage A/S
Hellerup Contact online www.interstage.dk
Distributor Sonifex, Zaxcom, Microtech Gefell Sound, Video
Invero A/S Skandeborg info@invero.dk www.invero.dk Rental, Dealer, Distributor Amate Audio Sound and Lighting, AV
INVI A/S Viborg info@invi.dk www.invi.dk Rental Sound and Lighting
Kinovox Audio Herlev info@kinovox.com www.kinovox.com
Distributor Electro-Voice, Funktion-One, Biamp, Ecler, Audio-Technica, UNiKA Pro Sound, Consumer
KDMC Audio Consulting Lystrup kim@kdmc.dk www.kdmc.dk Distributor Direct Out, CODA Audio Sound
KH Pro Viby Sj. dh@hartz-sl.dk ww.khpro.dk
Rental, Dealer Sound and Light
KT Radio Frederiksberg ktradio@ktradio.dk www.ktradio.dk Dealer Sound, Hi Fi
KW Cases A/S Karlslunde adm@kwcases.dk www.kwcases.dk
Manufacturer Flightcases
Lars Green Musik Taastrup info@larsgreenmusik.dk www.larsgreenmusik.dk Dealer Sound, MI
Light Partner ApS Herning mail@lightpartner.dk www.lightpartner.dk Distributor, Rental Avolites, Allen & Heath, Antari, Adamson Lighting, Trussing, Effects
(LITE)COM A/S Kasrup denmark@litecomgroup.com www.litecom.dk Rental Lighting, Trussing, LED Screens
Matrix Group A/S Vallensbaek info@matrixsales.dk www.matrixsales.dk
Distributor L-Acoustics, PROEL, Shure, Turbosound, High End Systems, Lucenti Sound and Lighting
Megasound ApS Frederiksberg C shop@megasound.dk www.megasound.dk Rental, Systems Integrator AV
Aaarhus info@minitech.dk www.minitech.dk Rental Sound and Lighting, Video
Moto Rental Rodovre moto@moto.dk www.motorental.dk Rental L-Acoustics V-Dosc partner Sound and Lighting
Music2You ApS Viborg info@musik2you.dk www.music2you.dk Dealer Sound, MI, AV
Netto Music ApS Randers info@nettomusic.dk www.nettomusic.dk Dealer Sound, MI
Nordic Pro Audio ApS Rodovre info@nordicproaudio.com www.nordicproaudio.com Dealer Meyer Sound, Sound Devices, MiPro, Emerging, Manley Sound
OSRAM A/S Taastrup denmark@info.osram.com www.osram.dk Distributor Osram Lighting
Pioneer DJ Europe Ltd Denmark Taastrup Contact online www.pioneer.dk Distributor Pioneer Sound
Pro Shop Europe A/S Lisbjerg jero@proshopeurope.com www.proshopeurope.com Systems Integrator Sound, AV, Corporate Rancase Randers rancase@rancase.dk www.rancase.dk Manufacturer Flightcases
Roland Scandinavia A/S Gentofte info@roland.dk www.roland.dk Distributor Roland Sound, AV
SC Sound ApS Vejen mail@sc-sound.dk www.sc-sound.dk Distributor Cloud, Lewitt, Tascam, ic audio Sound
Scenesalg ApS Slagelse info@scenesalg.dk www.scenesalg.dk Dealer
FENIX Stage Trussing, Staging Schmidts Radio A/S Vissenbjerg info@sro.dk www.sro.dk Rental, Systems Integrator AV
Septon Group Risskov kundeservice@septon.dk www.septon.dk
HARMAN Audio Brands, Cadac, Audinate. Sennheiser, Lumens. Listen Sound and Lighting
SGM Light A/S Aarhus V info@sgmlight.com www.sgmlight.com Manufacturer Lighting
ShowTech ApS Slagelse mail@showtech.dk www.showtech.dk Distributor, Dealer, Rental NEXT-proaudio, Fohhn Sound and Lighting, AV
Sicom A/S Galtem sicom@sicom.dk www.sicom.dk Systems Integrator Sound, AV, Hearing Loops
Soundware A/S Risskov info@soundware.dk www.soundware.dk Distributor DiGiCo, Optocore, AMS NEVE Sound
Soundwise ApS Abyhoy hey@soundwise.dk www.soundwise.dk Rental Sound and Lighting
Stouenborg ApS Taastrup info@stouenborg.dk www.stouenborg.dk Dealer, Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Light, AV
StarBaek Morud info@starbaek.com www.starbaek.com Distributor dBTechnologies, Cadac, Outline, Clair Bros, ITEC Sound, Broadcast
T.C. Electronic A/S Aarhus Contact online https://www.facebook.com/tcelectronic/ Manufacturer TC Electronics, Music Tribe Sound, MI
Tuxen AV-Center Glostrup tuxen@tuxen.dk www.tuxen.dk Dealer, Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Unico Gruppen Vejen
post@unico-gruppen.dk www.unico-gruppen.dk Rental Sound and Light
Unit1 Sound production Storvorde unit1studio@gmail.com www.unit1.dk Rental, Installation Sound
Aarinakoistys - Ulti Render Ltd Helsinki info@ultirender.com www.ultirender.com
Designer Architectural Lighting Akukon Oy Helsinki info@akukon.fi www.akukon.fi Designer Sound
Anaconda Visual Oy Vantaa info@anacondavisual.fi www.anacondavisual.fi Contractor AV
Audelec Oy Helsinki info@audelec.fi www.audelec.fi
Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound, Hi-Fi
Audico Systems Oy Espoo info@audico.fi www.audico.fi
Systems Integrator, Distributor HOF Trussing, Excellent Line, XOOP Lighting, Absen, Schnik-Schnak-Systems Sound and Lighting, LED Displays Audiokymi Kuovola heikki@audiokymi.fi www.audiokymi.fi
Rental, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting
Audiototalo Oy Tampere timo.taipale@audiotalo.fi www.audiotalo.fi
Contractor Bose AV
Aura Audio Lieto info@auraaudio.fi www.auraaudio.fi Manufacturer Sound
Aurora Group Finland Pirkkala kek@auroragroup.fi www.auroragroup.fi Distributor AV and Consumer
AV Marketing Finland Oy Helsinki info@avmarketing.fi www.avmarketing.fi Distributor JTS, Audiophony, Martin Audio AV
AV-Palvelut Tykkimies Oy Ylojarvi tykkimies@tykkimies.fi www.tykkimies.fi Systems Integrator AV
Avalarm Oy Ilmajoki info@avalarm.fi www.avalarm.fi
Distributor, Systems Integrator
Pasosound, NEXT Proaudio Public Address and Evac
BLC Turva Oy Savonlinna juho.kekarainen@blc.fi www.blc.fi
Amate Audio Sound, Security Systems
Bose Professional Finland Helsinki Contact online www.bose.fi Distributor Bose Professional Sound
Bright Finland Oy Espoo info@brightgroup.fi www.brightgroup.fi Rental Sound and Lighting, Video
Catchbox - Trick Technologies Oy Espoo info@catchbox.com www.catchbox.com Manufacturer Catchbox Microphones Sound
City Sound Tampere sales@citysound.fi www.citysound.fi Distributor, Dealer Hazebase, Raccoon Sound and Lighting, Effects, Consumables Coaxial Tampere Contact online www.coaxial.fi Installer AV
Core Factory Oy Ltd Espoo sales2019@corefactory.fi www.corefactory.com Manufacturer AV Install Software AV
Danley Sound Labs Europe Helsinki teemu@danleysoundlabs.eu www.danleysoundlabs.eu Distributor
Danley Sound Sound
DbD Systems Oy Helsinki dbd@dbdsystems.fi www.dbdsystems.fi Systems Integrator AV
Deivox Oy Kotikyla deivox@deivox.fi www.deivox.fi Manufacturer Sound
Denon Finland Helsinki Contact online www.denon.fi Distributor Denon
Sound, Hi Fi Discoland Oy Helsinki webshop@discoland.fi www.discoland.fi Dealer Sound and Lighting
EL Distribution Oy Vantaa myynti@easylivin.fi www.easylivin.fi Distributor Control4
Intelligent Homes Electro Waves OY Helsinki info@electrowaves.fi www.electrowaves.fi
Distributor, Systems Integrator IOSONO partner, Fohhn Sound and Lighting
EM Nordic Oy Helsinki juha.jurmu@emnordic.fi www.emnordic.fi Distributor Celestion, QSC, Whirlwind, sE Electronics, Rane Sound and Lighting
F Musikki Oy Helsinki info@f-pro.fi www.f-pro.fi Distributor Allen & Heath, dBTechnologies, Aura Audio Sound and Lighting
F-Musiikki Vantaa info@f-musiikki.com www.f-musiikki.fi Dealer dBTechnologies, Yamaha Pro Audio, Bose, beyerdynamic Sound
Feilo Sylvania Finland Oy. Helsinki info.fi@feilosylvania.com www.sylvania.fi Manufacturer Lighting
Fogio Helsinki getintouch@fogscreen.com www.fogscreen.com Manufacturer Fog Screens
G E Consumer and Industrial Oy Helsinki info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com Manufacturer Lamps Lighting
Gaia Music Imatra gaiamusic@gaiamusic.com www.gaiamusic.fi Rental, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting
Genelec Oy Iisalmi genelec@genelec.com www.genelec.com Manufacturer
Genelec Sound
Hipaisu Oy Tampere maaret.saarela@hipaisu.fi www.hipaisu.fi Manufacturer
Presentation Control Systems
Holmberg Cases Oy Tormo hbcoy@hbc.se www.hbc.se
Distributor Penn-Elcom Flightcases
Ideafix Oy Helsinki info@ideafix.fi www.ideafix.fi Systems Integrator PA and AV
InBliss Oy Helsinki kirsi.astren@inbliss.fi www.inbliss.fi Manufacturer Video Walls, Digital Signage
Innofusor Espoo info@innofusor.fi www.innofusor.fi/proaudio/ Distributor, Manufacturer MC2, Danley Sound and Lighting, Acoustics
Intersonic Oy Espoo info@intersonic.fi www.intersonic.fi
Distributor DiGiCo, Shure, Biamp, Powersoft, DPA, MA Lighting, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, AV
Jaako Peltomaki Oy / Capital AV Helsinki info@peltomaki.eu www.capitalav.fi
Rental Lighting and Sound
JDR Rigging Oy Ltd Helsinki jon@jdr.fi www.jdr.fi Rental, Dealer, Distributor GIS Hoists
JP-Audiosonic Pirkkala jyrki.piikamaki@jpaudiosonic.com www.jpaudiosonic.com Installer AV
Kuulto Oy Espoo info2017@kuulto.com www.kuulto.com Programmers AMX, Crestron AV
Lakeus Sound Oy Seinajoki jyrki.keskinen@lakeussound.fi www.lakeussound.fi Rental Sound and Lighting
Helsinki myynti@luovatehdas.fi www.luovatehdas.fi Rental Sound and Lighting, Film
Magnum Live Oy Vantaa yhteys@magnumlive.fi www.magnumlive.fi Rental Sound and Lighting, AV, Corporate Mediatrade Oy Helsinki sales@mediatrade.fi www.mediatrade.fi
Dealer Sanken, Sound Devices, Lectrosonics Broadcast
Melodrama Oy Nummela info@melodrama.fi www.melodrama.fi Manufacturer Drapes for Theatres
Mikrofonikauppa Helsinki Contact online www.mikrofonikauppa.fi Dealer Sound
Minor Shop Oy Ltd Helsinki info@minorshop.fi www.minorshop.fi Dealer
Pelicases, Dirty Rigger, Sennheiser Tour Supplies
Msonic Oy Vantaa info@msonic.fi www.msonic.fi Distributor
Clay Paky, TTA, Avid Venue, Adamson, Radial, Chauvet Sound and Lighting
Murea Oy Jyvaskyla toni.parikka@murea.fi;kristian.sahenkari@ murea.fi www.murea.fi Systems Integrator AV, Museums
Musamaailma Oy Helsinki info@musamaailma.fi www.musamaailma.fi Dealer MI
Nordic LED Solutions Turku anna.wulff@ledsolutions.fi www.ledsolutions.fi Sales and Rentals LED Screens
Noretron Communication Oy Espoo info@noretroncommunication.fi www.noretroncommunication.fi.fi
FBT, DTS, Ashley, KV2 Audio Sound, Broadcast
Osram Oy Vantaa Contact online www.osram.fi Distributor Osram Lighting
Oy Lafoy Ltd Helsinki hans.karlsson@elisanet.fi www.lafoy.fi Distributor Lighting
Oy Pyroman Finland Ltd Helsinki info@pyro.fi www.pyro.fi Rental and Sales Le Maitre Pyro
Paiste Productions Oy Tampere paiste.maenpaa@paistepro.fi www.paistepro.fi Systems Integrator AV
Panphonics Tampere Contact online www.panphonics.com Manufacturer Panphonics AV
Pioneer Finland Espoo Contact online www.pioneer.fi Distributor Pioneer Sound
Powerset Oy Tampere hallila@powerset.fi www.powerset.fi Systems Integrator, Dealer Monacor AV, Auto, Marine
Pro Audile Oy Vantaa matti.heinonen@proaudile.fi www.proaudile.fi Distributor, Rental Schoeps Sound
Pro AV Saarikko Oy Espoo jorma.saarikko@proav.fi www.proav.fi Rental AV
Pro Sonic Oy Vantaa sumppi@prosonic.fi www.prosonic.fi Contractor AV
Profitron Helsinki info@profitron.fi www.profitron.fi Distributor Dynacord, Electro-Voice, Lewitt, Gheilmetti, Killnoise, Schulze-Brakel Sound, Broadcast PST Design (PST Event Oy) Oulu petri@pst.fi www.pst.fi Consultants AV
Qlu Oy Oulu info@qlu.fi www.qlu.fi Manufacturer Sound, Induction Loops
RMC Light and Sound Vantaa sales@rmcoy.fi www.rmcoy.fi Rental Sound and Lighting
Robert Bosch Oy Vantaa markku.rantanen@fi.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.fi Distributor BOSCH Security
Roland Scandinava Vantaa petri.kaltala@roland.fi www.roland.fi Distributor Roland Pro AV AV
S-Professional Oy Helsinki www.s-professional.eu www.s-professional.eu Dealer
Sony Professional AV
Seastone Helsinki hello@seastone.audio www.seastone.audio Distributor Hill Audio, MiPro, TW AUDiO Sound
Simex Oy Helsinki info@simex.fi www.simex.fi Support Centre Denon Sound, Hi Fi
Soundtools Oy Helsinki soundtools@soundtools.fi www.soundtools.fi Dealer Sound
Soundbros Seinajoki info@soundbros.fi www.soundbros.fi Distributor CODA Audio, Pinanson Sound
Stagepro Oy Helsinki vesa.lintinen@stagepro.fi www.stagepro.fi Service Center Theatres, Film, TV Studio Klyanpaa Naantali kari.kylanpaa@studiokylanpaa.fi www.studiokylanpaa.fi Rental Broadcast
Studiotec Oy Espoo sales@studiotec.fi www.studiotec.fi Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions, Numark, PROEL Sound and Lighting
Sun Effects Oy Helsinki info@sunneffects.fi www.suneffects.fi Design, Distributor Hungaroflash Architectural Lighting
Suomen Kongressitekniikka Oy Espoo mail@kongressitekniikka.fi www.kongressitekniikka.fi Rental AV, Corporate
Suomen Koulupalvelu Oy Jyska info@suomenkoulupalvelu.fi www.suomenkoulupalvelu.fi Dealer AV, Education
Suomen Videoviestinta SVV Oy Helsinki svv@svv.fi www.svv.fi Rental AV
Teletaito Ky Pirkkala teletaito@teletaito.fi www.teletaito.fi Systems Integrator, Installer AV
Torvinen Showtekniikka Katinala sami@showtekniikka.fi www.showtekniikka.fi Rental Sound and Lighting
Trail Systems Oy Helsinki contact@trail.fi www.trail.fi Manufacturer Trail Rental Tracking Software IT
Troipac Oy Tampere sales@troipac.fi www.troipac.fi Distributor Octava Zesta Cables AV
UralTone Amplification OY Helsinki orders@uraltone.com www.uraltone.com Manufacturer, Distributor UralTone, B&C Speakers Sound, MI
Viiking Musiikki Oy Kuopio info@viikingmusiikki.fi www.viikingmusiikki.fi Distributor, Rental Kling & Freitag, Look Solutions Sound, MI
Wavemark Oy Espoo santtu@wavemark.fi www.wavemark.fi Design Sound
Yamaha Music Europe GmBH Filial I Finland Helsinki jari.ukkonen@music.yamaha.com www.yamaha.fi Distributor Yamaha Commerical Audio Sound
Actionlift SARL Toulouse contact@actionlift.fr www.actionlift.fr Distributor Show Distribution Hoists
Active Audio St-Herblain Cedex info@activeaudio.fr www.activeaudio.fr Manufacturer Active Audio Sound
ADB Stagelight SASU Saint-Quentin info@adbstagelight.com www.adbstagelight.com Distributor ADB Stagelight Lighting
AED Group France La Corneuve info.fr@aedgroup.com www.aedgroup.com Distributor QSC, Luxibel, Prolyte, Manfrotto Sound and Lighting, Trussing
Algam Division Audio Nantes contact@algam.net
Distributor Shure, Cordial, Martin by HARMAN, Rane, Numark, Wharfedale Pro Sound and Lighting, MI
Algam Enterprises Paris algam-entreprises@algam.net www.algam-entreprises.com
Martin Audio, Allen & Heath, Martin by HARMAN, Shure, Radial, HK Audio Sound and Lighting
Alabama Lyon info@alabama-media.com www.alabama-media.com
Distributor Absen, SMODE Station LED Displays, Video
Alive Groupe
Tourcoing Contact online www.alive-groupe.fr Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Analog Way Anthony info@anologway.com www.analogway.com Manufacturer
LivePremier, Aquilon, Picturall, LiveCore, Midra, VIO4K Video
APG France Nantes Contact online www.apg.audio/en Manufacturer APG Sound
Arbiter France Montevrain contact@arbiterfrance.com www.arbiterfrance.com
Distributor Austrian Audio, Cranbourne Audio, TASCAM, RME, Warm Audio Sound, MI
ATC France Nanterre atc@atc-fr.com www.atc-fr.com Distributor Antares, Look Solutions Fog, Effects Audio Sud St-Jean-de-Vedas audiosud@audiosud.com www.audiosud.com Manufacturer, Distributor Hortus, T.A.G. Cabinets, Amphenol, Link Sound
Audio-Technica SAS Paris info@audio-technica.fr www.audio-technica.fr Distributor Audient, Genelec, audio pro business, Optimal Audio Sound
Audio2 Chancay didier@audio2.fr www.audio2.fr Distributor Outline, Cadac Sound
Audiolead Suresnes contact@audiolead.fr www.audiolead.fr Distributor Alcons, ARX, Audica, Community, OutBoard, Bittner Sound
Audiopole Montevrain contact@audiopole.fr audiopole.net Distributor beyerdynamic, Clear-Com, D.A.S. Audio, Joeco, Luminex Sound
Avab Transtechnik France Saint-Denis info@avab.fr www.avab.fr Distributor AVAB, ETC, Capture, Pathway, Dynalite, Lumen Radio, Robert Juliat Lighting
Axente Longjumeau Contact online www.axente.fr Distributor Audix, Ayrton, D.A.S. Audio, Zero 88, EAW, XTA, Doughty Sound and Lighting
Villebon-Sur-Yvette contact@ayrton.eu www.ayrton.eu Distributor Ayrton Lighting
B&K Lumitec Herrlisheim info@bklumitec.com bklumitec.com Distributor Iridium, FENIX Stage, Global Truss, LAX Sound and Lighting
Best Audio Roissy contact@bestaudio.fr www.bestaudio.fr Distributor Elation, SSL Live, Meyer Sound, Avid Sound and Lighting
B Live Group Paris Contact online www.blivegroup.com Rental, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, Video, Staging, Cinema
Bose France St-Germain-en-Laye Contact online www.bose.fr Distributor Bose Sound
Canford Audio SARL Erstein ventes@canford.fr www.canford.fr
Dealer Sound, Broadcast CHAUVET France Branch Chilly-Mazarin frsales@chavetlighting.fr www.chauvetprofessional.com Distributor
CHAUVET Professional, CHAUVET DJ Lighting
Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc France Branch Gennevilliers Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer, Distributor Pandoras Box, Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia
Chromateq St Gely du Fesc Contact online www.chromateq.com Manufacturer, Distributor Chromateq Lighting
Colorsonic Villeneuve Loubet info@colorsonic.fr www.colorsonic.fr Dealer, Rental TW AUDiO Sound and Lighting
CP France Saint Hilaire de Brethmas Contact online www.cpfrance.com Distributor Peli, Amazon, SKB, Penn-Elcom, Zargal Flightcases
Crystal Equipment Vitry Sur Seine info@crystal-equipement.com www.crystal-equipement.com
Distributor Compulite, Dexel, Electron, LDDE Lighting
d&b audiotechnik FR Paris info.france@dbaudio.com www.dbaudio.com
Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
Decibel Miribel Contact online www.decibelfrance.com
Manufacturer Acoutissimo, Decosil Sound, Acoustics
Denon France Asnieres sur Seine Contact online www.denon.fr Distributor Denon Sound
Digigram S.A. Montbonnot info@digigram.com www.digigram.com
Manufacturer Digigram Sound, Broadcast Dimatec Grigny vente@dimatec.net www.dimatec.net
Distributor Avolites, Chimera, Clay Paky, DeSisti, Showtec, Wireless Solution Lighting
Dimson - C17 sfx L’Hay les Roses info@c17sfx.com www.c17sfx.com
Distributor Look Solutions Effects, Pyro, Fog
Dushow Roissy en France contact@dushow.com www.dushow.com Rental Sound and Lighting, Video DV2
Norroy Le Veneur dv2@dv2.fr www.dv2-audio.com Distributor Adamson, DiGiCo, Lab.gruppen, Lake, Calrec Sound
Easy Com Audio Perols Contact online www.easycomaudio.fr Distributor Anchor, Tecnare, ITEC, Ace Sound
Electrosonic Systemes SA Treffiagat systemes@electrosonic.fr www.electrosonic.fr Dealer, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV, Projectors
ESL Lattes enelevement@esl-france.com www.esl-france.com
Distributor DTS, Green Hippo, Look Solutions, LSC, MADRIX, VMB Lighting
Europodium Gresswiller marketing@europodium.com www.europodium.com
Manufacturer Stagecar, Alphastage, Eurogradin Stage Structures
EVI Audio France SAS Lognes commercial@eviaudio.fr www.eviaudio.fr Distributor Electro-Voice, Midas, Van Damme Cable, Lewitt, Dynacord Sound
Expelec SA Charvonnex commercial@expelec.fr www.expelec.fr Distributor Nicols, Antari, Mobil Truss, ProCab, Caymon, Hill Audio Sound and Lighting, Effects, Trussing
F.L. Structure Offendorf Contact online www.flstructure.com Manufacturer, Rental FL Structure Trussing, Stage Structures
Feilo Sylvania France SAS Gennervilliers Contact online www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Concord, Lumiance, Sylvania Lighting
Fohhn France
Fontenay sous Bois info@rock-audio.fr www.fohhn-france.com Distributor Fohhn Sound
Freevox Montevrain Contact online www.freevox.fr Distributor
HARMAN Audio Brands, Starway, PR Lighting, Griven, Strand Lightng Sound and Lighting
Gerriets SARL Volgelsheim info@gerriets.fr www.gerriets.fr Manufacturer Projector Screens
Haliotis Chilly-Mazarin Contact online www.haliotis-distribution.fr Distributor Que Audio, 10 easy, Wave Tool Sound
HALTO Montevrain contact@halto.fr www.halto.fr Manufacturer Halto Architectural Lighting
Impact Evenement Longjumeau Contact online www.impact-even.com Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting, Video Irelem Chalon-Sur-Saone Contact online www.irelem.com Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV, Conference
JBK Audioshop Saint-Planchers info@jbkaudio.com www.jbkaudioshop.com Dealer Sound, Broadcast
L-Acoustics S.A Marcoussis info@l-acoustics.com www.l-acoustics.com Manufacturer L-Acoustics Sound
La BS Paris
Contact online www.la-bs.com Distributor GLP, Smoke Factory, Astera, Lee Filters, UNiKA Pro Lighting
Lagoona Schiltigheim Contact online www.lagoona.fr Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Lanetco International Archamps sales@Lanetco.com www.lanetco.com Distributor Lanetco Video Walls
Laser Movement Limours contact@lasermov.com www.lasermov.com Manufacturer, Distributor Tarm, Rti, Pangolin, Laserworld, Kvant Lasers
Leblanc Illuminations
Le Mans Contact online www.leblanc-illuminations.fr Manufacturer Leblanc Lighting, Architecural
Ledbox Company La Plaine Saint-Denis info@ledbox.fr www.ledbox.fr Distributor Schnik-Schnak-Systems LED Systems. LED Components
Linear Technologie Saint-Etienne info@lineartechnologie.fr www.lineartechnologie.fr Distributor, Dealer Audio Performance Sound and Lighting, AV
Lotronic International Herblay Contact online www.lotronic.net Manufacturer BST, Ibiza Light & Sound, AFX, Ltc Lighting
LTS Solutions – Coda Audio France Tremblay philippe@codaaudio.fr www.codaaudio.fr
Distributor CODA Audio Sound
Magnum Gonesse didier.belzeaux@magnum.fr www.magnum.fr
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Major Audio Le Bourget infos@major-audio.com www.major-audio.com Distributor P.Audio, Yorkville, MiPro, FBT, B&C Speakers Sound
Martin Professional France S.A. Lisses Cedex francesale@martin.com www.martin.fr
Distributor Martin by HARMAN, Jem Lighting
Master Audio France Vedene contact@masteraudiofrance.com www.masteraudiofrance.com
Distributor Amate Audio Sound
Merlaud SA Domont merlaud@merlaud.com www.merlaud.fr Manufacturer Sound
MH Diffusion Avrainville info@mhdiffusion.fr www.mhdiffusion.fr
Sound and Lighting Mobiled Aulnay Contact online www.mobiled.fr
Manufacturer LumiBox, CenterBox, TotemLed, DecoBox Lighting
MPM Audiolight Woippy Contact online www.mpmgroup.fr Rental Sound and Lighting Musikengro Liege info@musikengro.com www.musikengro.com Dealer Roland Sound, MI
Musique Industrie Developpment Piscop contact@mid-web.fr www.mid-web.fr Distributor Cornered Audio, Ecler, Paso Sound
Neutrik France Boulogne-Billancourt info@neutrik.fr www.neutrik-france.com Distributor Neutrik Connectors
NEXO SA Plailly info@nexo.fr www.nexo-sa.com Manufacturer NEXO Sound
Nicolaudie Europe SARL Montpellier info@nicolaudie.com www.nicolaudie.com Manufacturer Daslight, DmxSoft, Sunlite Pro, Light Rider, Lumidesk Lighting
NS Distribution Garges les Gonesse
contact@nsdistribution.fr www.nsdistribution.fr Dealer Sound and Lighting
OSRAM SASU Molsheim Cedex webmaster@osram.com www.osram.fr Distributor Osram Lighting
Pilote Films Puteaux info@pilotefilms.com www.pilotefilms.com Distributor, Systems Integrator Direct Out, RTS, Glensound, Rycote Sound and Lighting, Broadcast, Residential
PREMIUM FACTORY SAS Montcenis info@premiumfactory.eu www.premiumfactory.eu Distributor
ROBE Lighting France SAS Villepinte info@robelighting.fr www.robelighting.fr Manufacturer, Distributor ROBE Lighting
Robert Juliat Fresnoy-en-Thelle info@robertjuliat.fr www.robertjuliat.com Manufacturer Robert Juliat Lighting
RVE Technologie Lizy-sur-Ourcq commerce@rvetec.com www.rvetec.com Manufacturer RVE Lighting, Architectural S Group Pezenas accueil@sgroup.fr www.sgroup.fr Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
S2CEB Wissous Contact online www.cae-groupe.com Manufacturer Cabling
SARL Solution One Audio Montbazin fr@s1-audio.com www.funktion-one.fr Distributor Funktion-One Sound
Sidev Rillieaux-La-Pape Contact online www.sidev.fr Distributor Midwich, Clockaudio, Cloud, Community, Biamp Sound and Lighting. AV, LED Screens Sennheiser France Ivry sur Seine Contact online www.sennheiser.fr Distributor Sennheiser, QSC Sound
Sequoia Audio Norroy Le Veneur install@sequoia.audio www.sequoia.audio Distributor Powersoft, MDC, Community Sound
SES Monaco Monaco City aureli@sesmonaco.com www.facebook.com/sesmonaco Rental Sound and Lighting, AV SFAT Chatenoy le Royal contact@sfat.fr
www.sfat.fr Manufacturer Stage Effects
Sonoss Lomme info@sonoss.com www.sonoss.com Distributor SGM, Luminex, ChamSys Lighting
SonoVente Palaiseau serviceclient@sonovente.com www.sonovente.com Dealer, Distributor B & C Speakers Sound, MI
Spectaculaires Saint-Thurial Contact online www.spectaculaires.fr
Design, Rental Lighting
Stacco Wasselonne info@stacco.com www.stacco.com Manufacturer Staging, Trussing
Stagemaker Europe Vernouillet contact@stagemaker.com www.stagemaker.com Manufacturer Stagemaker, Verlinde Hoists
Stagemaster Oberhausbergen contact@stagemaster.fr www.stagemaster.fr Manufacturer Staging StarWay Montevrain info@star-way.com www.star-way.com Manufacturer Lighting
Sweetlight Montmorency Contact online www.sweetlight-controller.com Manufacturer Sweetlight Lighting
TEKLISS Chalons-en-Champagne info@tekliss.com www.tekliss.com
Rental, Installation Sound and Lighting
TLHP Vern sur Sieche info@toutlehautparleur.com www.toutehautparleure.com
Distributor, Repairs B & C Speakers Sound, Consumables
TOA Electronics Europe GmbH (France) Villepinte Contact online www.toa.eu Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
Universal Effects Europe Montcenis info@premiumfactory.eu www.universal-effects.eu
Manufacturer Effects
Verlinde Vernouilet Contact online www.verlinde.com Manufacturer Lifts, Hoists
Absen GmbH Frankfurt am Main europe@absen.com www.absen-europe.com Manufacturer, Distributor Absen
LED Displays
Adam Hall GmbH Neu-Anspach info@adamhall.com www.adamhall.com Manufacturer, Dealer LD Systems, Cameo, Gravity, Defender, Palmer
Sound and Lighting, Effects, Truss, Broadcast, Stage, Accessories
Adamson Europe GmbH Hamburg jasper@adamsonsystems.com www.adamsonsystems.com Manufacturer, Distributor Adamson Sound
AD-Systems GmbH & Co KG Wesel info@ad-systems.com www.ad-systems.com Manufacturer AD Systems Sound
AHA! GmbH Koeln post@aha-effekt.de www.aha-effekt.de Distributor
OPTI, Trilite, Original Fluid B Effects, Trussing, Projectors, Consumables
Albinger Eventtechnik Voehringen albinger@albinger.de www.albinger.de Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Alcatech GmbH & Co KG Dresden info@alcatech.de www.alcatech.de Manufacturer BPM Studio Sound
Alcons Audio GmbH Wedemark info@alconsaudio.de www.alconsaudio.com Distributor Alcons Sound
Amptown Cases GmbH Seevetal mail@amptown-cases.de www.amptown-cases.de
Amptown Flightcases
Amptown System Company GmbH (ASC) Hamburg info@amptown-system.com www.amptown-system.com
Systems Integrator, Distributor adunas, BroaMan, RTS Intercom, Yamaha PM Series
Sound and Lighting, Video, Effects, Broadcast, Communications
AO Multimedia & Drones GmbH & Co.KG Oyten info@ao-creative.com www.ao-creative.com
Rental, Service
FALCON Range Lighting, Architectural, Drones, Multimedia
ARCUS Licht- und Praesentationstechnik GmbH Paderborn sales@arcus-lighting.com www.arcus-lighting.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Hog 4, Core, Catalyst, Blacktrax, WYSIWYG Lighting
Area Four Industries Direct Germany GmbH Muenster info@areafourindustries.de www.areafourindustries.de
Distributor Milos, Litec, James Thomas Engineering, EXE Technology, Mobiltechlifts, Xstage Trussing, Structures, Roofs, Hoists, Lifts, Stage Decks
Astera LED Technology GmbH Muenchen Contact online www.astera-led.com
Manufacturer Astera Lighting
Atlantis Ton- & Lichtsysteme Goeppingen Contact online www.atlantis-technik.de Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Audio Export Georg Neumann & Co GmbH Heilbronn Contact online www.audioexport.de
Distributor Genelec, Orban, Digigram, Powergold, Radiomax Sound, Broadcast
Audio Network Distribution GmbH Hilden info@audio-network.com www.audio-network.com
Alpha Wire, C-Ducer, Belden Sound, AV, Cabling
Audio Pro Heilbronn Elektroakustik GmbH Heilbronn info@audio-pro.de www.audiopro.de
HARMAN Audio Brands Sound, AV
Audio-Technica Deutschland Mainz-Kastel info@audio-technica.de www.audio-technica.de
Audio-Technica, Allen & Heath, ClearCom, Wisycom Sound
Audiovisuelle Technik Berlin info@lokys.de www.lokys.de Dealer Lighting, AV
AV Mediasolutions e K Flonheim info@av-mediasolutions.de www.av-mediasolutions.de Distributor
Cornered Audio, Garvan, ceratec, Hidden
Bass Sound, AV, Architectural
AVT Audio Video Technologies Nuernberg Contact online www.avt-nbg.de Manufacturer Broadcast
Axxent Gelnhausen mail@axxent.de www.axxent.de Manufacturer Sound
B & K Braun GmbH Karlsbad vertrieb@bkbraun.com www.bkbraun.com Distributor LAX, Cordial, DJ Power, Magic FX, Smoke Factory, FENIX Stage Sound and Lighting, Effects, Trussing, Flight Cases
B&C Distribution Iserlohn bcdistribution@t-online.de www.bcspeakers.com Distributor B&C Speakers Sound
Babbel & Haeger GmbH & Co KG Bergneustadt info@babbel-haeger.de www.babbel-haeger.de Distributor L-Acoustics Sound
BB’s Light & Sound Equipment Unterschweinbach info@bbs-group.com www.bbs-group.com Dealer, Rental Sound and Lighting, Trussing Bentin Projects GmbH & Co KG Wuppertal info@funktion-one.de www.funktion-one.de Distributor Funktion-One Sound
beyerdynamic GmbH & Co KG Heilbronn Contact online www.beyerdynamic.de Manufacturer Sound
beyma Vertriebs GmbH Oberrotweil service@beyma.de www.beyma.de Distributor beyma, Core Audio, Harristech Sound
Black Box Music GmbH Berlin bbm@black-box-music.de www.black-box-music.de Rental, Distributor L-Acoustics Sound
BOCATEC Event- und Lasertechnik Stelle Contact online www.bocatec.de Manufacturer Lasers
Bose GmbH Friedrichsdorf Contact online www.bose.de Distributor Bose Sound
Broadcast Maufactur GmbH Muenchen sales@broaman.com www.broaman.com Manufacturer BroaMan Sound, AV, Broadcast
Camco GmbH - L’Acoustics Group Wenden-Gerlingen postmaster@camcoaudio.de www.camcoaudio.com Manufacturer Camco Sound, Rigging
Cast C Adolph & RST Distribution GmbH Hagen mail@castinfo.de www.castinfo.de Manufacturer, Distributor C.Adolph, Firststage, Vari-Lite, MDG Lighting
Chain Master Buehnentechnik GmbH Eilenburg info@chainmaster.de www.chainmaster.de Manufacturer Chain Master Lifts
CHAUVET Germany Branch Bremen desales@chauvetlighting.de www.chauvetprofessional.com Manufacturer CHAUVET Professional, CHAUVET DJ, Iluminarc, ChamSys Lighting
Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc Germany Branch Koeln Contact online www.christiedigital.com Distributor Pandoras Box, Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia
CODA Audio Deutschland GmbH Hannover deutschland@codaaudio.com www.codaaudio.com Manufacturer CODA Audio Sound
Craaft Audio GmbH Pocking info@novacoustic.de www.novacoustic.com Manufacturer Craaft Audio Sound
Creative Laser Production Muenchen Contact online www.creativelaser.de Manufacturer Laser
CT Creative Technology GmbH Stuttgart info@ctgermany.com www.ctgermany.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
d&b audiotechnik GmbH D.A.CH Backnang info.dach@dbaudio.com www.dbaudio.com
Manufacturer d&b audiotechnik Sound
Datronik Laser and Automation Solutions GmbH & Co KG Ibbenbueren formular@datronik.de www.datronik.de Manufacturer Datronik Lighting, Lasers
D.A.S. Audio GmbH Troisdorf Contact online www.dasaudio.com Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound
dBTechnologies Germany Koeln info@dbtechnologies.de www.dbtechnologies.de Distributor
dBTechnologies Sound
Denon Electronic GmbH Nettetal Contact online www.denon.de Distributor Denon Sound
Derksen Licht Technik Gelsenkirchen info@derksen.de www.derksen.de Manufacturer Lighting, Architectural Dynacord Deutchland Lich Contact online www.dynacord.com Manufacturer Dynacord Sound
e:cue Paderborn Contact online www.ecue.com Manufacturer e:cue Lighting
Elements for Entertainment GmbH Berlin Contact online www.elem-ent.com
Design Lighting, Effects
Elevator DJ Mailorder Muenster info@elevator.de www.elevator.de Dealer Sound and Lighting
Emotion Media Factory GmbH Bad Endorf mail@emfactory.de www.emfactory.de Design, Manufacturer Lighting, Effects
ERO Lichttechnik Rolofs GmbH Ochtrup info@ero-gmbh.com www.ero-gmbh.com Manufacturer Lighting, Effects
ETC GmbH Holzkirchen info@etcconnect.com www.etcconnect.com Distributor ETC, High End Systems
Bochum js@event-integrator.de www.event-integrator.de Distributor, Rental Void Sound
Extertis Pro AV Uhingen info@exertisproav.de www,exertisproav.de
Distributor QSC, Attero Tech, RTI, Televic Sound, AV, Digital Signage, Media
FACE GMBH Emsdetten info@face-gmbh.com www.face-gmbh.com
Distributor Radial Sound
Feiner Lichttechnik GmbH Regensburg info@feiner-lichttechnik.de www.feiner-lichttechnik.de
FOCON Showtechnic Lotte-Wersen info@focon-showtechnic.com www.focon-showtechnic.com
Zero 88, ChamSys, coolux, PR Lighting
Sound and Lighting, Consumables
Fohhn Audio AG Nuertingen info@fohhn.com www.fohhn.com
Fohhn Loudspeakers
Fours GmbH - licht und ton Heidelberg info@fours.de www.fours.de
Rental Sound and Lighting
Freitag Technologies GmbH Bochum info@ledmedia.de www.ledmedia.de
Manufacturer Freitag Technologies LED Screens
Galaxis Showtechnik GmbH Neuoetting info@galaxis-showtechnik.de www.galaxis-showtechnik.de
Manufacturer Effects, Pyro
Georg Neumann GmbH Berlin headoffice@neumann.com www.neumann.com
Manufacturer Neumann Microphones Sound
German Audio Engineering GmbH Hamburg info@germanaudioengineering.com www.gae.de Manufacturer GAE Sound
Gerriets GmbH Umkirch info@gerriets.com www.gerriets.com
Manufacturer Gerriets
Projector Screens
Global Distribution GmbH Muenster info@reloop.com b2b.reloop.com Manufacturer, Distributor Reloop Sound, MI
GLP - German Light Products GmbH Karlsbad support@glp.de www.glp.de Manufacturer GLP, G-LEC Lighting
Groh-P.A. Verunstaltungstechnik e.K. Buchholz in der Nordheide info@groh-pa.de www.groh-pa.de Rental, Distributor, Dealer L-Acoustics, Shure Sound and Lighting, Video, Truss,
Smoke Factory GmbH Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 8A 30938 Burgwedel GERMANY info@smoke-factory.de www.smoke-factory.de
H.O.F. Alutec Mettingen info@h-of.de www.h-of.de Manufacturer HOF, Excellent Line, XOOP Lighting Lighting, Trussing, Roofs, Structures Harmonic Design Steinheim sales@harmonic-design.com www.harmonic-design.com Manufacturer hd Loudspeakers Sound
HB Laserkomponenten GmbH Schwaebisch Gmuend info@hb-laser.com www.hb-laser.com Manufacturer Lasers
Helvar GmbH Offenbach helvargermany@helvar.com www.helvar.com Distributor Helvar Lighting
hfe Professionelle Studiotechnik GmBH Leipzig sales@hfe.de www.hfe.de Systems Integrator, Manufacturer adunas Broadcast, Media Control
Highscan Licht und Lasertechnik e.K Marl info@highscan.net www.highscan.net Manufacturer Lasers
Hoellstern GmbH March info@hoellstern.com www.hoellstern.com Manufacturer, Distributor Hoellstern Sound
Holoplot GmbH Berlin Contact online www.holoplot.com Manufacturer Holoplot Technology Sound
Huss Licht und Ton GmbH & Co KG Langenau info@huss-licht-ton.de www.huss-licht-ton.de Dealer Sound and Lighting
IAD GmbH Korschenbrioch info@iad-audio.de www.iad-audio.de Distributor Wharfedale Pro, ARX, Hill Audio Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer ic audio GmbH Mannheim info@ic-audio.com www.ic-audio.com Manufacturer ic audio Sound
Illumination Physics Bremen martin@illuminationphysics.com www.illuminationphysics.com Design, Systems Integration Lighting
Indu Electric Gerber GmbH Neuss info@indu-electric.de www.indu-electric.de Manufacturer Power Distribution, Cabling IOSONO Erfurt info@iosono-sound.com www.iosono-sound.com Manufacturer Iosono Sound
JB-Lighting Lichtanlagentechnik GmbH Blaustein-Wippingen info@jb-lighting.de www.jb-lighting.de Manufacturer Varyscan, Sparx Lighting
Junger Audio Berlin info@junger-audio.com www.junger-audio.com Manufacturer Junger Audio Sound
K.M.E. Klingenthaler Musikelektronik GmbH Klingenthal sales@kme-sound.com www.kme-sound.com
Manufacturer KME Sound
Kling & Freitag Hannover info@kling-freitag.de www.kling-freitag.de
Manufacturer Kling & Freitag Sound
Klotz AIS GmbH Vaterstetten info@klotz-ais.com www.klotz-ais.com
Manufacturer Klotz Cable Cabling
Korg & More Marburg info@korgmore.de www.korgmore.de Distributor Korg, Cervin-Vega, KRK, Stanton, Gemini Sound, MI
Kultour GmbH Muenster info@kultour.de www.kultour.de Manufacturer Smart Stage Staging
L & S Gmbh & Co KG Hoerstel info@ls-vision.de www.ls-vision.de Rental, Construction Sound and Lighting, Staging Laauser & Vohl GmbH Ostfildern sales@laauser.com www.laauser.com Distributor Powersoft, Soundtube, Stemin, Tutondo Sound
Lake People electronic GmbH Konstanz info@lake-people.de www.lake-people.de Manufacturer, Distributor Lake People, Violectric Sound
Lang AG Lindlar info@lang-ag.com www.lang-ag.com Rental, Distributor AV
Laser Animation Sollinger GmbH Berlin, Valley sales@laseranimation.com www.laseranimation.com Manufacturer, Distributor, Rental LaserAnimation, RTI, Lasergraph DSP Lasers
Laser Connection H. Turzer Berlin laser-connection@t-online.de www.laseranimation.com Distributor LaserAnimation, RTI, Lasergraph DSP Lasers
Laserworld Academy Valley info@laserworld-academy.com www.laserworld-academy.com
Training Centre
Laser Safety Officer Training, Sachkunde V-NISSG, Laser Software Training Lasers
Laserworld Service Center Valley rma@laserworld.com www.laserworld.com Repairs, Service Laserworld, tarm, RTI Lasers, Laser Software, Lighting Lawo AG Rastatt info@lawo.de www.lawo.com Manufacturer V_matrix, vm_dmv, VSM IP, SMART IP, A_UHD, mc² 56 Sound, Video, Broadcast
Light Converse Europe Osnabrueck office@lightconverse.de www.lightconverse.de Distributor Light Converse Lighting
Lightline Lasertechnik Marco Stuempel e.K Osnabrueck info@lightline.de www.lightline.de Rental, Sales Lighting, Lasers
Lightpower GmbH Paderbom sales@lightpower.de www.lightpower.de Distributor MA Lighting, Wireless Solution, Robert Juliat Lighting, Trussing Lightronic Showequipment Hamburg info@lightronic.de www.lightronic.de Distributor Penn, Sagitter, Anytronics, LT, Griven Lighting, Trussing
Lighttone Nuernberg info@lighttone.de www.lighttone.de Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Litegear GmbH Geilenkirchen verkauf@litegear.de www.world-media.de Distributor JB Systems, Briteq, Synq, Audiophony, Contest Sound and Lighting
LMP Lichttechnik / Pyrotechnik Ibbenbueren sales@lmp.de www.lmp.de Distributor Altman, Elation, LSC, Teclumen Sound and Lighting
LOBO electronic GmbH Aalen mail@lobo.de www.lobo.de Manufacturer, Distributor, Installer, Rental sparks, infiniy, bliss, LACON, ZAPHIR, LILAS Sound and Lighting, Video, Special Effects, Lasers, Multimedia
Look Solutions GmbH Gehrden info@looksolutions.com www.looksolutions.com Manufacturer Look Solutions Fog Machines
LPS - Lasersysteme Ofterdingen s.ruff@lps-laser.de www.lps-laser.com Manufacturer, Distributor, Installer, Rental, Dry-Hire LPS Lasers, Laser shows, Multimedia
LTH Das Lichttechnikhaus Vertriebs
GmbH Guenzburg info@lth-gmbh.de www.lth-gmbh.de Dealer
Lighting, Staging, Trussing
LTU Licht & Ton Union Magdeburg ariedel@l-t-u.de www.l-t-u.de Dealer Sound and Lighting
Luck Light & Sound Warenshof info@luck-light-and-sound.de www.luck-light-and-sound.de Rental Sound and Lighting
MA Lighting International GmbH Paderborn sales@malighting.com www.malighting.com Manufacturer MA Lighting Lighting
MADRIX - inoage GmbH Dresden info@madrix.com www.madrix.com Manufacturer MADRIX, inoage Lighting
Martin Professional GmbH Unterschleissheim germanysale@martin.com www.martin-pro.de Distributor
Martin by HARMAN, Jem Lighting
MBN Augsberg info@mbn-eventproducts.com www.mbn-eventproducts.com Manufacturer, Distributor MBN, Hungaroflash Effects, Consumables
MBN GmbH (PROLED) Friedberg info@proled.com www.proled.com Manufacturer PROLED LED
Medialas Electronics GmbH Balingen info@medialas.com www.medialas.com Manufacturer Lasers
MediasPro Medientechnik GmbH Eckersdorf info@mediapro.de www.mediaspro.de Distributor Renkus-Heinz, InOut, Stewart Audio, Williams AV Sound, AV
Mega Audio Waldlaubersheim info@megaaudio.de www.megaaudio.de Distributor
Fostex, sE Electronics, Rupert Neve Designs, UNiKA Pro, Bricasti, Voyage Spatial Mic, Point Source Audio Sound
Meyer Sound Germany Lab GmbH Montabaur info@meyersound.de www.meyersound.de Service Meyer Sound Sound
MM-Production Enkirch/Mosel kontakt@mmaudiotechnik.de www.mm-audiotechnik.de Dealer, Rental, Installation Amate Audio Sound and Lighting
Monacor International GmbH & Co KG Bremen info@monacor.de www.monacor-international.de Manufacturer
Movecat GmbH Nufringen contact@movecat.de www.movecat.de Manufacturer
Hoists, Winches, Accessories
Movi*Lite GmbH Munderkingen info@movilite.de www.movilite.de Manufacturer Lighting, Fibre Optics
Muller Trussing Systems Gotha frank.mueller@mueller-trussing.de www.mueller-trussing.de Dealer Trussing
Multi-Lite Lichttechnik Handels Gmbh Reinbek info@multi-lite.com www.multi-lite.com
Dealer Lighting
Music & Sales PE GmbH (Stamer Gruppe) St. Wendel info@musicandsales.com www.musicandsales.com Distributor
HK Audio, Hughes & Kettner Sound, MI
Musikhaus Thomann Burgebrach Contact online www.thomann.de Dealer, Distributor Precision Devices Sound and Lighting, MI
Neutrik Vertriebs GmbH Dachau neutrik@neutrik.de www.neutrik.de Manufacturer Connectors
NLT Niethammer Lichttechnik GmbH Ober-Moerlen info@nltlicht.de www.nltlicht.de Distributor ADB Lighting
Omicron Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH Rodgau-Dudenhofen mail@omicron-laser.de www.laserage.de Manufacturer Omicron Lasers
Optocore GmbH Muenchen sales-pro@optocore.com www.optocore.com Manufacturer
Optocore Fibre Networking
OSRAM GmbH Muenchen contact@osram.com www.osram.de Manufacturer
Osram Lighting
Padco Event Solution Huerth office@padco.de www.padco.de Rental Sound and Lighting
Pan Pro GmbH Lohne info@pan-pro.de www.pan-pro.de Service, Dealer Sound and Lighting, Hoists, Lifts
Penn Elcom GmbH Emmerich post.eu@penn-elcom.com www.penn-elcom.com Manufacturer, Distributor Penn-Elcom Flightcases
Phase Acoustics Pliezhausen phase@t-online.de www.phase-acoustics.de Distributor Rodec, TAD, Hi Level, L.A. Rocker, OWI, Technicover 360 Sound
Powerlight Augsburg Augsburg info@powerlightsaugsburg.com www.powerlightsaugsburg.de Rental, Distributor Aqua in Motion, Dancing Waters Sound and Lighting, Effects
PR electronic e.K. Eschach mail@pr-electronic.com www.pr-electronic.com Manufacturer PR Electronic Sound, Hi Fi
Premier Lighting Products International GmbH Paderborn sales@plp-international.com www.plp-international.com Distributor Rainbow Colour Changers, Major Lighting
PRG XL Video Hamburg Hamburg hamburg@prg.com www.de.prg.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Pro Audio-Technik Limited Gelnhausen mail@proaudio-technik.de www.proaudio-technik.de Distributor APB Dynasonics, OutBoard, Heil Sound, Ashly Smithson, Martin by HARMAN Sound
ProAudio Technology GmbH Hugstetten info@proaudio-technology.de www.proaudio-technology.de Manufacturer ProAudio Technology Sound
ProdyTel Stein info@prodytel.de www.prodytel.de Distributor Clockaudio, Cue, Taiden Sound
Prolyte Warehouse Emsdetten info@prolyte.com www.prolyte.com Warehouse Prolyte Trussing
PSE-audio ELO-project Ltd & Co KG Schoenungen info@pse-audio.com www.pse-audio.com
Manufacturer PSE Audio Sound
RCF Germany Koeln verkauf@rcf.de www.rcf.it Distributor RCF Sound
Riedel Communications GmbH & Co KG Wuppertal info@reidel.net www.riedel.net
Manufacturer, Distributor
Riedel Sound, Broadcast
Risse Video-Effektlicht Weyhe-Dreyhe risse@risse-bremen.de www.risse-bremen.de
Rental Sound and Lighting, Video
ROBE Deutschland GmbH Ismaning
info@robelighting.de www.robelighting.de
Manufacturer, Distributor ROBE
Robert Bosch GmbH Straubing Contact online www.bosche.de Manufacturer, Distributor BOSCH, Dynacord, Electro-Voice, RTS Sound, AV
Roland Germany GmbH Nauheim info@rolandsystemsgroup.de www.roland.com/de Distributor Roland Sound, AV
S.E.A. Vertrieb & Consulting GmbH Emsbueren info@sea-vertrieb.de
One Systems, Aviom, MC2 Audio, XTA, Cloud, AVID Venue Sound
SAM - Sound And More eK Waldkirch info@sam-audio.de www.sam-audio.de
Dealer Zeck Audio, Bose Professional Sound and Lighting
Satis&fy AG Werne info@satis-fy www.satis-fy.de Distributor L-Acoustics Sound
ScanAudio eK Berlin office@scanaudio.com
Rental Sound and Lighting
Scheck Audio GmbH Altlussheim info@scheckaudio.com www.scheckaudio.com
Manufacturer Alphaton Sound, Hi Fi, Broadcast Schnick-Schnack-Systems GmBH Koeln info@schnickschnacksystems.com www.schnickschnacksystems.com
Manufacturer Schnick-Schnack-Systems LED Systems. LED Components
Schoebel pro audio GmbH Winden im Elztal info@schoebel.audio www.michael-schoebel.de
Dealer Sound
Schulz Kabel Frielendorf schulz-kabel@t-online.de www.schulz-kabel.de
Manufacturer Schulzkabel Sound, MI
Seeburg acoustic line Produktions undVertriebs mbH Senden/Freudenegg info@seeburg.net www.seeburg.net
Manufacturer Seeburg Sound
Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co KG Barleben bei Magdeburg info@sennheiser.com www.sennheiser.com
Manufacturer Sennheiser Sound Session Pro
Walldorf verleih@session-pro.de www.session-pro.de Rental, Distributor L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting
Shure Distribution GmbH Eppingen info@shure.de www.shure.de
Distributor Shure Sound
SLD Mediatec GmbH Nuernberg info@sled-mediatec.com www.sld-mediatec.de
Formula Sound, Ecler, Acclaim, CSC, Void Sound and Lighting, AV
SLV Electronic GmbH Uebach-Palenberg export@slv.de www.slv.de
Smoke Factory GmbH Burgwedel info@smoke-factory.de www.smokefactory.de
Manufacturer Fog Machines
Solutions 4 AV Lindlar Contact online www.solutions4av.com Manufacturer AV
Sommer Cable GmbH Straubenhardt info@sommercable.com www.sommercable.com
Manufacturer Sommer Cable, Hi-Con, Cardinal, Excelsior Cables, Connectors
Sonus GmbH Ettlingen info@sonus.de www.sonus.de
Manufacturer, Systems Integrator XONO Elements, SMART Acoustics Sound, AV
Sound & Light and Service GmbH Ahrensburg info@sound-light-service.de www.sound-light-service.de Rental Sound and Lighting
Sound Valve Bruchsal soundvalve@aol.com www.soundvalve.de Manufacturer, Systems Integrator Klimacool Sound and Lighting, Air-Con Soundhouse Hassfurt epost@soundhouse.com www.soundhouse.com Rental, Distributor L-Acoustics
Sound and Lighting
Soundlight Wenningsen info@soundlight.de www.soundlight.de Manufacturer Soundlight DMX Lighting
SRV Licht- & Tonanlagen Doerverden info@voice-acoustic.de www.voice-acoustic.de Manufacturer Voice-Acoustic Sound
SSM Veranstaltungstchnik GmbH Muenchen online@ssm.de www.ssm.de Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV, Video
Stage Tec Gmbh Berlin office@stagetec.com www.stagetec.com Manufacturer Stage Tec Sound, Broadcast
Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH Waldbuettelbrunn info@steinigke.de www.steinigke.de Manufacturer, Distributor Futurelight, Eurolite, Omnitronic, PSSO, Antari Sound and Lighting, Effects, MI tarm laser technologies tlt GmbH & Co KG Herne info@tarm.com www.tarm.com Rental, Manufacturer, Distributor tarm Lighting, Effects, Laser
TEAC Europe GmbH Wiesbaden tascam-sales@teac.de www.tascam.de Distributor Tascam Sound
TEQSAS GmbH Huerth sales@teqsas.de www.teqsas.de Manufacturer, Dealer, Distributor Teqsas, L-Acoustics Sound, Broadcast
Thoene & Partner GmbH & Co KG Wuppertal info@thoeneundpartner.de www.thoeneundpartner.de Rental Sound
TOA Electronics Europe GmbH Hamburg contact@toa-eu.com www.toa.eu Manufacturer, Distributor
TOA Sound, AV
Ton & Licht Algermissen Contact online www.ton-licht.com
Rental Sound and Lighting Trendco Siegen info@trendco.de www.trendco.de Distributor
ARRI, ETC., Avolites, ITT, b&s, Luminex Lighting, Consumables
Trius Vertrieb GmbH & Co. KG Ibbenburen info@trius-audio.de www.trius-audio.de Distributor Outline, Furman, Audix, CatCore, Q Acoustics Sound
TW AUDIO Ludwigsburg info@twaudio.de www.twaudio.de
TW AUDiO Sound
Ultralite Deutschland Haerle Lichttechnik GmbH Ehingen info@ultralite.eu www.ultralite.de
Dealer Lighting
Ultratec Special Effects GmbH Frankfurt am Main info@ultratecfx.com www.ultratecfx.com Distributor Fog Machines, Pyro, Effects
United-b Dusseldorf info@united-b.com www.united-b.com Distributor DiGiCo, Martin Audio, XTA, MC2 Sound
UTT – Veranstaltungstechnik Selfkant Tuddern info@audio-performance.net www.audio-performance.net Distributor Audio Performance Sound
Veranstaltungstechnik Kunz Ehrenkirchen info@kunst-vt.de www.kunz-vt.de Distributor, Rental, Installation Amate Audio Sound and Lighting, AV
Vision Two GmbH Wolfenbuttel hallo@visiontwo.de www.visiontwo.de Distributor Clay Paky, DeSisti, Coemar, ETC, GDS Lighting
Werner Medientechnik
Bonn einkauf@medientechnik-werner.de www.medientechnik-werner.de Rental Sound and Lighting
Wilhelm & Willhalm Aschheim info@wwvt.de www.wwvt.de Rental, Distributor L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting
ZILZ- Direct Pulheim vertrieb@zilz.de www.zilz.de Dealer Sound and Lighting
A.B.A.S Athens info@abas.gr www.abas.gr
Systems Integrator Sound, AV, Broadcast
ABISS S.A. Thessaloniki info@abiss.com.gr www.abiss.com.gr Dealer Sound and Lighting Akoustiki Ltd Athens bdrougas@hotmail.com
Distributor Summit Audio Sound and Lighting
Artsound and Lights
Thessaloniki Contact online www.artsound.gr Distributor. Dealer
CAE Groupe Cables, Ervine Sound and Lighting, MI
Asproulis ExperienceThessaloniki info@asproulhs.gr www.asproulisexperience.com
Distributor K-array Sound and Lighting
Athens Pro Audio Athens info@athensproaudio.gr www.athensproaudio.gr
Dealer Sound, Hi-Fi Audigys Vironas info@audigys.gr www.audigys.gr Distributor Audio-Technica Pro, Direct Out, KV2, SSL Sound
Audio & Vision Sound Light and Visual Systems Athens info@audiovision.gr www,audiovision.gr
Distributor ARX, DPA, Switchcraft, Wisycom, Swefog, Lucenti Sound and Lighting Avidex SA Athens info@avidex.gr www.avidex.gr
Systems Integrator AV, Home, Marine
Bon Studio S.A. Athens bon@bonstudio.gr www.bonstudio.gr
HARMAN Audio Brands, MA Lighting, Zero 88, B&C Speakers, Neutrik, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, MI
Decibel Professional Sound & Lighting Lindos, Rhodes decibelisimo@yahoo.gr www.decibel-sound-lighting.webnode.gr
Rental NEXO
Sound and Lighting
Digikal Volos info@digikal.gr www.digikal.gr
TW AUDiO, GUIL, Master Audio, FBT Sound and Lighting, Trussing Dixa Audio & Light
Thessaloniki info@dixaaudio.gr www.dixaaudio.gr
Dealer Sound and Lighting
DJ Market Larisa info@djmarket.gr www.djmarket.gr
Dealer Sound and Lighting DNA SystemsNafplion info@dnasystems.gr www.dnasystems.gr
Distributor Powersoft, Audiocenter, beyerdynamic, VUE Audiotechnik, XTA, EAW
Sound Electron S.A. Athens info@electron.gr www.electron.gr Manufacturer, Dealer
Electron Lighting
Eurolight S.A. Pireaus info@eurolight.gr www.eurolight.gr Manufacturer Eurolight Fibre Optics
Feilo Sylvania Greece A.E.E.E. Athens info.gr@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com
Distributor Sylvania Lighting
Global Show Productions Athens globalshow@otenet.gr www.globalshow.gr Distributor, Rental Funktion-One, VMS, TAF, Portman Sound and Lighting, Truss Halaris Sono Haidari info@djshop.gr www.hsono.gr Distributor, Dealer Daslight Sound and Lighting
IMA Audio Lighting Athens ima@ima.gr www.ima.gr Distributor NEXO, Formula Sound, JB Lighting, Alcons, Acustica, Camco Sound and Lighting
K Papathanasiou S.A. Athens thercompany@gmail.com www.soundandvisual.gr
Rental, Distributor Renkus-Heinz Sound, Conference Kariotis Bros Co. Elefsina info@kariotis.gr www.kariotis.gr Distributor Aviom, RCF, DiGiCo, DTS, Audix, GLP, Adamson Sound and Lighting, Trussing KEM Electronics Athens info@kemsystems.gr www.kemsystems.gr Systems Integrator Sound, AV, Broadcast Kinotechniki Ltd Athens info@kinotechniki.gr www.kinotechniki.gr
Goldring, Denon, QED Sound, Hi Fi
KM Monitor Athens info@km-monitor.gr www.km-monitor.gr
Distributor beyma, Amate Audio, Atomic Sound
Kougioumtzis Athens kougioumtzisltd@gmail.com www.kougioumtzis.com
Rental NEXO Sound and Lighting Lights International Athens info@lightsinternational.gr www.lightsinternational.gr
ETC, Altman, Vari-Lite, Strong, Ushio Lighting
Liquidpro Thessaloniki info@liquidpro.gr www.liquidpro.gr
Distributor EAW, Wharfedale Pro, GLK, Ashly Sound
Athens info@megaevent.gr www.megaevent.gr Distributor
D.A.S. Audio, Outline, Xilica, MADRIX, Avid Live, FENIX Stage Sound and Lighting
Metro Audio Systems Athens metro@otenet.gr www.metroaudiosystems.gr Distributor Allen & Heath, Denon Pro, QSC Sound and Lighting Music House Philippos Nakas SA Peania paianiaecom@nakas.gr www.nakas.gr Distributor Yamaha, Sennheiser, Neumann, Presonus, Radial Sound, MI, Consumer
Nick J Laios S.A. Athens n-laios@acci.gr www.laiosav.gr Distributor
Jamo, Niles, Klipsch, Kling & Freitag, Sommer Cable Sound, AV, Hi Fi
Omikran Pro Audio Athens Contact online www.omikronproaudio.gr Distributor Midas, Klark Teknik, Aviom, Meyer Sound Sound
Omikron Electronics Attica info@omikonelectronics.gr www.omikron.gr Distributor L-Acoustics, Music Tribe Brands, Pioneer DJ Sound
Omikron Pro Lighting Ltd Athens info@omikronpro.gr www.omikronpro.gr Distributor Avolites, FOS Lighting, Truss Osram Greece Athens Y.Kapetangeorgis-ext@osram.com www.osram.gr Distributor Osram Lighting
Panou Audiovisual Athens support@panou.gr www.panou.gr Systems Integrator AV, Lighting, IT, Home, Marine PRO PartyAcharnai pro-party@pro-party.gr www.pro-party.gr Rental NEXO
Sound and Lighting, Effects
RM Audio – Ressou Bros Co Athens rmaudionet@gmail.com www.rmaudio.gr
Martin Audio, Void, Linea Research, Faital Pro, Pioneer DJ Sound and Lighting
Sakiotis S.A. Glyfada info@sakiotis.gr www.sakiotis.gr Systems Integrator AV, Marine
Showlight Moschato Contact online www.showlight.gr Rental NEXO
Sound and Lighting
Sirius Sound and Lighting Systems Athens info@siriusound,gr www.siriusound.gr
Rental, Distributor Meyer Sound, RCF, Sagitter Sound and Lighting
Sivko Electronics Chalkidiki info@sivko-electronics.gr www.sivko-electronics.gr Distributor Kvant, DAP Audio, Solton, Lynx Pro Audio Sound and Lighting
SLS (Hellas) Ltd Athens info@slsgr.com www.slsgr.com
Manufacturer Lighting
Soundmaze Efthymiadis P.C Athens info@soundmaze.gr www.soundmaze.gr Distributor Shure Sound
SpaceLights Thessaloniki spacelights@spacelights.gr www.spacelights.gr
Audio-Technica MI, ChamSys, Ecler, HK Audio, Look Solutions, MC2 Sound and Lighting
Stollas S.A. Athens infosales@stollas.com www.stollas.com
Celestion, Klotz, Lewitt, Auralex Sound, MI
Studio 54 Thessaloniki info@studio54.gr www.studio54.gr
Rental NEXO
Studio K Heraklion, Crete info@kavlentakis.gr www.studiok.gr
Rental NEXO Sound and Lighting
Telmaco S.A. Athens info@telmaco.gr www.telmaco.gr
Distributor Shure Conference, Cadac, Soundtube, ADB, SGM, d&b audiotechnik Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast Vassilou Athens info@vassiliou-sa.gr www.vassiliou-sa.gr
Robert Juliat Lighting
Xenophon Venieris S.A. Athens Contact online www.venieris.com
Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV, Consumer
A.A. Model Power Ltd Nicosia info@mpsound.eu www.mpsound.eu
Amate Audio Sound
A.L.A. Equipment Company Ltd Xylophagou info@hotmail.com www.alacyprus.com
HARMAN Audio Brands, MA Lighting, Powersoft Sound and Lighting
Archilx Limassol sales@archilx.com www.archilx.com
Rental, Distributor
Zero 88
Nicosia info@coneq.eu www.coneq.eu Rental AV, Conference
Costas G. Georgallis Music House Ltd Nicosia info@cggeorgallis.com www.facebook.com/GEORGALLISLTD
Clay Paky, Avolites, FBT, beyerdynamic, Zoom, Alto Sound and Lighting, MI
Disco Jockey Suppliers Limited Paralimni djs@cytanet.com.cy www.djsprofessional.com
Martin by HARMAN, JEM, Ecler, CLS, Colorbeam, CODA Audio Sound and Lighting
Evangelismos Music Shops Nicosia pieris@evangelismosmusic.com www.evangelismosmusic.com Dealer Sound, MI
F.S.D. Electronics Ltd Limassol fsdelectronics@cytanet.com.cy www.fsdelectronics.biz
Distributor D.A.S. Audio, GUIL, Altair, MiPro Sound
Hadjikyriacos & Sons Ltd Nicosia info@hadjikyriakos.com.cy www.hadjikyriacos.com.cy
Dealer Hi Fi, Consumer M.K.G. Sound and Light Ltd Limassol mkgcy@yahoo.com www.mkgcy.com Distributor, Rental, Manufacturer MKG Audio Sound and Lighting
Magic Dancing Waters Protaras info@magicdancingwaters.com www.magicdancing.szm.com
Rental Fog, Effects
Major Music Centre Ltd Ortakoy info@majorgroup.net www.majorgroup.net
Distributor (North Cyprus) Yamaha, EAW, Avolites Sound, MI
MEA Reference Audio & Vision Nicosia mea@reference-audio-vision-cyprus.eu www.reference-audio-vision-cyprus.eu Distributor Camco, NEXO, JB Lighting, Beta Three Sound and Lighting
Music Sound A.Tillirides & Son Ltd Limassol, Nicosia musicsound@cytanet.com.cy www.musicsoundcyprus.com Distributor Studiomaster, Bespeco, KRK Sound, MI
Nakas Music (Cyprus) Ltd Nicosia nakascy@cytanet.com.cy www.nakas.com.cy Distributor Yamaha, Radial, PROEL Sound, MI
Ola DJ Nicosia info@oladj.com www.oladj.com Dealer Sound and Lighting, Hi-Fi P&C Powersound Ltd Nicosia info@powersound.com.cy www.powersound.com.cy Distributor LYNX Pro Audio Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer
Panasound Music Centre Nicosia panasnd@spidernet.com.cy www.facebook.com/panasoundmusiccenter
Distributor Allen & Heath Sound
Prolight Enterprises Co. Ltd Lakatamia andronikos@cytanet.com.cy www.facebook.com/prolightsoundsgood Distributor, Rental Funktion-One Sound and Lighting
Riccos Sound & Light Ltd Paphos riccossound@cytanet.com.cy www.riccossound.com Distributor
KV2, Wharfedale Pro, Catcore Sound and Lighting
Showtime Technologies Nicosia gp@showtimetechnologies.com www.showtimetechnologies.com Dealer Sound, Hi Fi
SP Megasound Ltd Nicosia support@megasound.com.cy www.megasound.com.cy
Distributor DiGiCo, Audix, SGM, Zero 88, RCF, MC2 Sound and Lighting
Super Sound Trading Co Ltd Limassol supersou@cytanet.com.cy www.super-sounds.com Dealer Sound, Hi Fi
T.A.S.K. Trading Ltd Nicosia task@cy.net www.taskav.com.cy Distributor
Samson, Audio-Technica, Canare, Biamp, Neutrik, ART Sound, AV
Technosound Ltd Nicosia info@technosound.com.cy www.technosound.com.cy
Distributor Neumann, Tascam, Rode, Presonus, SSL Sound
V Hypersound & Light Ltd Nicosia info@hypersound.com.cy www.hypersound.com.cy
CHAUVET, Clockaudio, Ashley, ARX, One Systems, PROEL Sound and Lighting
V&M Video Electronics Co Ltd Nicosia info@vm-audio.com www.vm-audio.com
Martin Audio, ASL, Chevin, Swefog, Cadac Sound and
Zade Electronics Paphos zade@zade.com.cy zade.com.cy Dealer, Installer Sound, AV
AIDA Audio Kft
Budaors info@aida-audio.hu www.aida-audio.hu
KEF, Onkyo, TEAC, Wharfedale Pro Sound, Hi-Fi, Consumer
Art Light & Sound Kft Budapest als@dunaweb.hu www.artlightsound.hu Dealer Osram Sound and Lighting
Audio Partner Kft Budaors info@audiopartner.hu www.audiopartner.hu
Sennheiser, D.A.S. Audio, Biamp, K-Array, Neumann, Cordial Sound, Broadcast
Audio-Technica Central Europe Ltd Budapest Info-ce@audio-technica-europe.com www.audio-technica.com
Distributor Audio-Technica Sound, MI, Consumer Audmax Budapest info@audmax.hu www.audmax.hu
Allen & Heath, L-Acoustics, AudioTechnica, Genelec, B&C Loudspeakers, Tascam Sound, MI, Consumer
AVL Trade Kft Budapest csaba.csanadi@avltrade.hu www.avltrade.hu
Adamson, Altair, Chain Master, Robe, Anolis, ic audio Sound and Lighting, Rigging, Trussing AV365.hu LLC Budapest info@av365.hu www.av365.hu
Amate Audio, Clockaudio Sound, AV Basys Magyarorszagi Kft Torokbalint info@basys.hu www.basys.hu
Distributor Neutrik, Pioneer, Music Tribe Brands Sound, MI, Consumer Bluesound Budapest Contact online www.bluesound.hu
Distributor RME, JoeCo, DPA, ART Sound
Bertaudio Kecskemet bertaudio@bertaudio.hu www.bertaudio.hu
HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting
BG Event Kft Budapest www.bgevent.hu info@bgevent.hu Distributor, Rental Martin Audio, UNiKA Pro Sound and Lighting
Chromasound Kft Budapest makkay@chromasound.hu www.chromasound.hu
Distributor DiGiCo, Meyer Sound, Elation, Vari-Lite, Focusrite, Avolites Sound and Lighting
Colossal Event Services Ltd Budapest rental@colossal.hu www.colossalrental.hu
Rental, Distributor Robe, Kling & Freitag Sound and Lighting
Czekaudio Kft Szentendre info@czekaudio.hu Distributor Funktion-One, MC2 Sound and Lighting
DP Music Sound & Light Budaors info@dpmusic.hu www.dpmusic.hu Distributor Prolyte, Doughty, Cameo, Look Solutions
Sound and Lighting,Trussing
EQAUDIO HUNGARY LLC Budapest info@eqaudio.hu www.eqaudio.hu Distributor Outline, FBT, Xilica, MiPro, Ecler, Audinate Sound
ES Audio Szeged info@esaudiopro.com www.esaudiopro.com Manufacturer, Distributor Faital Pro Sound
Eurhythmics Kft Budapest info@eurhythmics.hu www.eurhythmics.hu Distributor Shure, Proel, Countryman, Axiom Sound, MI
Feilo Sylvania International Group Kft Budapest info@inesa.hu www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Sylvania Lighting
GEM Consulting and Trading Kft Budapest gem@gemkft.hu www.gemkft.hu Distributor, Design XTA, Van Damme Cable Sound
GT Laser Kft Budapest info@gtlaser.hu www.gtlaser.hu Manufacturer Lasers
Horn Distribution (Hu) Kft Budapest hungary@horn.eu hu.horn.eu Distributor Denon, Focal, Wharfedale, Quad Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer
Hungaroflash BT Budapest hungaroflash@hungaroflash.hu www.hungaroflash.com Manufacturer Hungaroflash Lighting
Interton Electroacoustics Ltd Budapest info@intertongroup.com www.intertongroup.com Distributor Community, Luxibel, High End Systems, d&b audiotechnik, Eurotruss Sound and Lighting, Trussing Invitone Budapest info@invitone.hu www.invitone.hu Distributor Yamaha Sound, MI
LISYS Lighting Systems Co Budapest Contact online www.lisys-project.hu
Distributor, Systems Integrator NEXO, Zero 88, MA Lighting, Camco Sound and Lighting
Luminis Ltd Budapest Contact online www.liminis.hu Dealer ETC Lighting
MediaDot Ltd Dunakeszi info@mediadot.hu www.mediadot.hu
Rane, Sommer Cable Sound, AV, TV, Broadcast Megatone Dunaharaszti info@megatone.hu www.megatone.hu Rental, Distributor KV2 Sound and Lighting, LED
Monacor Hungaria Kft Budapest info@monacor.com www.monacor.hu Distributor Monacor, JTS, IMG Stageline Sound, AV
Music Benei Dombovar powersoft@musicbenei.hu www.musicbenei.hu
Distributor Powersoft, TW AUDiO, Adam Hall, GEWA Sound
OSRAM a.s Budapest osram@osram.hu www.osram.hu Distributor Osram Lighting
Pako Kft Budapest pako@pako.hu www.pako.hu Dealer
Soundand Lighting, Effects, MI PDF Production Kft. Budapest info@perfectdesign.hu www.perfectdesign.hu Rental Sound and Lighting
Pelyhe & Tarsa Ltd Budapest pelyhe@pelyhe.hu www.pelyhe.hu Distributor Swefog, Clay Paky, ADB, Look Solutions Lighting, Effects
Penna Poor Kft Budapest office@penna-media.hu www.penna-poor.hu Distributor MC2, Danley, Royer Sound, Hi Fi Piramis Technika Budapest info@piramistechnika.hu www.piramistechnika.hu Distributor Amate Audio, KAM, Montarbo, Showtec, DAP Audio Sound and Lighting
PKN Controls Ltd Szekesfehervar info@pknaudio.com www.pknc.com Manufacturer PKN Sound
PLS Electronics Ltd Szekesfehervar Contact online www.pls.hu Manufacturer
PLS Lighting Prolaser Ltd Budapest info@prolaser.hu www.prolaser.hu Manufacturer, Design Lasers
Reflex Professional Kft Ullo reflex@reflexsound.hu www.reflexsound.hu Rental Sound and Lighting
RMS Audio Budapest info@rmsaudio.hu www.rmsaudio.hu
Rental Sound and Lighting
Roland East Europe Ltd Budapest info@roland.hu proav.roland.com Distributor Roland, Boss, Rogers Sound, MI
Show 99 KET Budapest show99@t-email.hu www.show99.hu
Rental Lighting, LED Walls
Studiotech Hungary Kft Budapest studiotech@studiotech.hu www.studiotech.hu
Dealer Sound, TV, Broadcast Votec Ltd Szeged sales@votec.hu www.votec.hu Distributor, Rental OutBoard Sound, Staging
ZAJ System House Ltd Budapest zaj@zaj.hu www.zaj.hu Dealer Sound, MI
A.C. Entertainment Technologies Ireland Ltd Dublin sales@ac-et.ie www.ac-et.ie
Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, Effects
Acoustic Audio Dublin liam@acousticaudio.ie www.facebook.com/ AcousticAudioFunktionOne Rental, Dealer Funktion-One, Full Fat Audio Sound
Audiotek Tek Ltd Co Dublin louisemcarthy@audiotek.ie www.audiotek.ie Dealer, Design L-Acoustics Sound
AVL Systems Blanchardstown kevin@avl.ie www.avl.ie Dealer, Systems Integrator, Installer Sound and Lighting, AV
Big Bear Sound Dublin info@bigbearsound.com www.bigbearsound.com Distributor Genelec, Sonnox, Warm Audio, Vicoustic, JoeCo, Prism Sound Sound, AV, Broadcast
BLUEred (Fikon Ltd) Limerick info@bluered.ie www.bluered.ie Distributor Avuno Sound, AV, Consumer
Bose Ireland Co. Monaghan Contact online www.bose.ie Manufacturer Bose Sound, Consumer
Broadcast Technical Services (BTS) Dublin info@bts.ie www.bts.ie Dealer, Service, Rental D&R, Alice, Linear Acoustic Sound, Broadcast
Cine Electric Ltd Co Wicklow events@cine-electric.ie www.cine-electric.ie Distributor, Rental Zero 88 Sound, Film
Creative Technology Ireland (CT Ireland) Dublin info@ct-ireland.ie www,ct-group.com/ie Distributor, Systems Integrator, Rental Absen LED Displays, AV, Broadcast, Video
EQ Lighting ltd Dublin
info@eqaudioandevents.com www.eqaudioandevents.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
GE Lighting Ltd Dublin info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com Distributor GE Lighting Lighting
GFD Communications Ltd Dublin info@gfd.ie www.gfd.ie Installer Sound and Lighting, AV, Film
Harkness Screens Dublin info@harkness-screens.com www.harkness-screens.com
Manufacturer Screens
Hertz-U Sound System Dublin hertzusoundsystem@gmail.com www.facebook.com/HertzUSoundsystem/ Dealer, Rental Funktion-One Sound and Lighting
ICAN technology Galway info@icantechnology.com www.icantechnology.com Design, Training, Systems Integrator Lighting, AV
John Duffy Design Group Co. Dublin info@johnduffydesign.ie www.jddg.ie Design Architechtural
Just Lite Dublin info@justlite.com www.justlite.com Rental Sound and Lighting Litton Lane Contracts Dublin Contact online www.littonlane.com Rental Sound, Backline
Nationwide Fireworks Wexford pat@nationwidefireworks.ie www.nationwidefireworks.ie
Rental Pyro
Outline Ireland Co Cork info@outlineireland.com www.outlineireland.com Rental Outline, Danley Sound
Peats Wholesale Ltd Dublin sales@peatswholesale.ie www.peatswholesale.ie Dealer Sound and Lighting, Hi Fi, Consumer
Performance Audio & Light Shannon info@perfal.com www.perfal.com Installer, Distributor MC2, Funktion-One Sound and Lighting, AV
Professional Audio Ltd Dublin info@proaudio.ie www.proaudio.ie Distributor Radial, Cordial, K-array Sound
QLX Lighting Ltd Dublin info@qlx.ie qlx.ie Distributor, Rental ChamSys Lighting, Consumables
Rea Sound Ltd Co Tyrone sales@reasound.co.uk www.reasound.com Distributor Martin Audio, Allen & Heath, NEXO, DiGiCiO, CODA Audio Sound
Reynolds of Raphoe Co. Donegal ror@iol.ie www.ror.ie Distributor Zero 88, Formula Sound Sound and Lighting
Rossa Lighting & Effects Limited Co. Meath sales@rossalighting.com www.rossalighting.com Dealer, Installer Lighting, Architectural
Sennheiser Ireland Dublin Contact online en-ie.sennheiser.com Distributor Sennheiser Sound
Sound Design Dublin sounddesign1@icloud.com www.sounddesign.ie Distributor, Rental NEXO Sound
Sounds Good Dublin info@soundsgoodsystems.ie www.soundsgoodsystems.ie Rental, Dealer, Systems Integrator Amate Audio Sound. AV
Sound Productions Ltd Dublin info@soundproductions.ie www.soundproductions.ie
Distributor Cloud, Audac, Procab, Audio-Technica, Sabre Sound
Soundtrax Cork info@soundtrax.ie www.soundtrax.ie Dealer, Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Spotrack Galway info@spotrack.com www.spotrack.com Manufacturer Spotrack Lighting
Square One Bray Contact online www.squareone.ie Dealer Midwich Group Company AV
Stage Lighting Centre Dublin sales@stagelightingcentre.com www.stagelightingcentre.com Dealer, Rental Zero 88 Lighting
Talbot Lifting & Security Europe Dublin Contact online www.goliath-store.com Manufacturer Goliath Winches Lifts
A & AG Srl (Kind Audio)
Galliate info@kindaudio.com www.kindaudio.com
Manufacturer Kind Sound
A.T.E.C. Srl Venice tutondo@tutondo.com www.tutondo.com
Manufacturer Tutondo Sound, Architectural
Adagio Italia info@adagioitalia.it www.adagioitalia.it Distributor Audix, Mackie, Peavey Sound, MI
Adeo Group Spa Lavis info@adeoproav.it www.adeoproav.it Distributor beyerdynamic, Xilica Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer Agora L’Aquila agora@agoraaq.it www.agoraaq.it Rental Sound and Lighting, Video
Alpha Concept Group Velturno info@alphaconcept.it www.alphaconcept.it
JB Lighting Lighting
Alto Srl Solferino info@altolighting.com www.altolighting.com
Distributor Lucenti, ARRI, GLP, LEDBLADE, Portman Lighting
Amlux Srl Mantova info@amlux.it www.amlux.it
Dealer Sound and Lighting Arena Luci Srl Mantovi info@arenaluci.it www.arenaluci.com
Manufacturer Lighting, Architectural Arkilux Distribuzione Srl Verona info@arkilux.com www.arkilux.com
Distributor Archilumo, Ecosense, Color Kinetics Lighting, Architectural
Audio Effetti Srl Genova info@audioeffetti.it www..audioeffetti.com
ASL, Elation, MADRIX Sound and Lighting, Video, Effects Audio Network Technology Milan info@audionetwork.it www.audionetwork.it
Audio Performance, Cadac, Ivie, Chevin Sound and Lighting
Audio Service Multimedia Verona audioservicevr@libero.it www.audioservicevr.com Systems Integrator AV
Audiolink snc Parma link@audiolink.it www.audiolink.it Distributor DiGiCo, Renkus Heinz, Vari-Lite, ASL, Strand Lighting Sound and Lighting
Audiosales Parma stefan@audiosales.it www.audiosales.it Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Martin Audio, Powersoft, CHAUVET, Adamson, Clay Paky, UNiKA Pro Sound and Lighting
B&C Speakers SpA Florence mail@bcspeakers.com www.bcspeakers.com Manufacturer B&C Sound
Bacchi Tecnologie Audio Cadelbosco info@bacchitecnologieaudio.com www.bacchitecnologieaudio.com Manufacturer Bacchi, Cabotron, Audio Marine Sound
Backline Srl Milan mlazzara@backline.it www.backline.it Distributor Klotz, Fostex Sound, MI
Best Light Srl Padua info@bestlight.com www.bestlight.com Distributor Osram, Phillips, GE Lighting, Sylvania Lighting
Bose S.p.A. con socio unico Milan Contact online www.bose.it Distributor Bose Sound
Chrisalys Cologno al Serio info@crysalis.it www.chrisalys.it Manufacturer Sound, Hi Fi
Clay Paky SpA Seriate cp.sales@claypaky.it www.claypaky.it Manufacturer, Distributor Clay Paky, ADB Lighting
Coemar SpA Castiglione della Stiviere info@coemar.com www.coemar.com Manufacturer Coemar Lighting
Cosmolight Srl Rome info@cosmolight.it www.cosmolight.it Manufacturer Quartzcolor, IFF Lighting
D.T.S. Illuminazione Srl Misano Adriatico info@dts-lighting.it www.dts-lighting.it Manufacturer DTS Lighting
d&b audiotechnik Italia Srl Ferrara info.italia@dbaudio.com www.dbaudio.com
Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
Darlington Snc Migliarino info@darlington.it www.darlington.it Manufacturer Lighting, Effects
DBE Stage Montebelluna info@dbestage.it www.dbestage.it Manufacturer, Rental Staging Decima Srl Padova info@decima1948.com www.decima1948.com
Manufacturer, Distributor CODA Audio, Milos, Look Solutions, Doughty Sound and Lighting, AV DeSisti Rome desisti@desisti.it www.desisti.it Manufacturer Lighting
Disc Up Production Sala Consilina info@discup.it www.discup.it
Distributor B&C Loudspeakers Sound and Lighting
E.B. Acoustic & Electronic Research Srl Oleggio roberto.bonafede@ebacoustic.it www.ebacoustic.it Distributor beyma Sound, Consumer
EA Srl San Marino ea@easrl.com www.easrl.com
Eighteen Sound Srl Reggio Emilia info@eighteensound.com www.eighteensound.com Manufacturer 18 Sound Sound
EKO Music Group Recanti info@eko.it www.ekomusicgroup.com
Distributor Allen & Heath, Alto, Korg, Radial, Meyer Sound Sound, MI
Etabeta Electronics SpA Bregnano roberto@etabeta-el.it www.etabeta-el.it
Manufacturer, Distributor ARX, MiPro, One Systems, FENIX Stage Sound and Lighting, Effects ETC Italia srl Rome etcitaly@etcconnect.com www.etcconnect.com Distributor ETC, High End Systems Lighting
Euromet Srl Loreto info@euromet.com www.euromet.com Manufacturer Truss, Stands
EXE Technology Casale sul Sile info@exetechnology.com www.exetechnology.com Manufacturer Hoists
Exhibo S.p.A. Vedano al Lambro direzione’exhibo.it www.exhibo.it Distributor Allen & Heath, MC2, QSC, K array, Sennheiser Sound, Consumer
Faital SpA MIlan Contact online www.faitalpro.com Manufacturer Faital Sound
FBT Elettronica SpA Recanati info@fbt.it www.fbt.it Manufacturer, Distributor Sabian, Crafter, JTS Sound
Feilo Sylvania Italy SpA Cinisello Balsamo info.it@feilosylvania.com www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Sylvania Lighting
FFT Lighting Technology – Grupo Eletti SaS Casaloldo fft@elleti.net www.elleti.net Manufacturer Lighting
Freeport srl Sound & Light Supplier Codogno info@freeportpro.it www.freeportpro.it Distributor, Dealer JB Systems, Neutrik, Tasker Sound and Lighting
Frenexport SpA Porto Reconati info@frenexport.it www.frenexport.it Distributor Void, Lewitt, Hill Audio, Soundstation Sound and Lighting
Funky Junk Italy Srl Milan info@funkyjunk.it www.funkyjunk.it Distributor ATC, GML, Neve, Royer, Coles Sound, Broadcast
GE Lighting Srl Cavazzale info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com Distributor GE Lighting Lighting
Gold Music Srl Torino info@gold-music.it www.gold-music.it Distributor
HK Audio, CAD Sound, MI
Griven S.r.l. Mantova
sales@griven.com www.griven.com Manufacturer
Griven Lighting, Architectural Guido Ammirata Srl Milan info@ammirata.it www.ammirata.amlite.it Dealer
Highlite Italy italia@highlite.com www.highlite.com Manufacturer, Distributor Showtec, Infinity, DAP, DMT, Artecta, Showgear Sound and Lighting, Staging
Ingegneria Giglio Moroder Production Costanzana info@gigliomoroder.com www.gigliomoroder.it Manufacturer Foam and Bubble Machines
K-array surl Fierenze info@k-array.com www.k-array.com Manufacturer K-array Sound
Karma Italiana Srl Busto Arsizio info@karmaitaliana.it www.karmaitaliana.it Dealer Sound and Lighting Kennell Audio Electronics Torino kennell@kennell.it www.kennell.it Distributor, Dealer Altair, Audiocenter, Lectrosonics, Dateq, Fohhn Sound
Lampo Lighting Designers Srl Mantova info@lamposrl.it www.lamposrl.it Manufacturer, Design Lighting
Lang Roland Co.OHG/SNC Merano info@lang-ave.it www.lang-ave.it Systems Integrator, Dealer Fohhn AV
Laser Entertainment Srl MIlan info@laserent.com www.laserentertainment.com
Design, Rental Lasers
LDR – Luci della Ribalta Castel Goffredo info@ldr.it www.ldr.it
Manufacturer, Design Lighting, Lasers, Architectural
Leading Technologies Monza info@leadingtech.it www.leadingtech.it Distributor Neutrik, Belden, HARMAN Professional Solutions, Audient Sound and Lighting, Broadcast LED LUX Italia Rimini info@ledluxitalia.com www.ledluxitalia.com
Manufacturer Lighting, Architectural
Ligra DS Srl Vigolzone servizioclienti@ligra.it www.ligra.it
Apex, Fulcrum Acoustic Sound and Lighting, AV
Link Srl Rome info@linkitaly.com www.linkitaly.com
Manufacturer Eurocable, LK Cables, Connectors
Litec srl Casale sul Sile info@litectruss.com www.litectruss.com Manufacturer
Trussing, Structures, Roofs
LSS Advanced Speaker Systems Polistena nopanic@lss.it www.lss.it Manufacturer LSS Sound, Hi Fi
M.Casale Bauer SpA Cadriano di Granarolo info@casalebauer.com https://www.facebook.com/ MCasaleBauer Distributor MI
Made in Italy Lighting Export House Gradara info@madeinitaly-eu.com www.madeinitaly-eu.com Distributor Iguzzini, Disano, Fosnova, Luce & Light, Flos, Artemide Lighting
Matrix Srl Treviso info@matrixavl.it www.matrixavl.it Distributor ADJ, Seeburg Sound and Lighting
MidiWare Srl Rome info@midiware.com www.midiware.com Distributor Genelec, SE Electronics, RME, Rupert Neve Designs Sound, MI
Mods Art Vasto info@modsart.it www.modsart.it Distributor
Amate Audio, Outline, KLANG, SSL, GLP Sound and Lighting
Molpass Srl Bologna Contact online www.molpass.it Distributor
MA Lighting, Barco, MDG, DeSisti, Robert Juliat Sound and Lighting Monacor Italia Srl Castel Maggiore info@monacor.it www.monacor.it Distributor Monacor, GUIL, BSL Sound and Lighting Montarbo (Eko Music Group SpA) Montelupone Contact online www.montarbo.com Manufacturer FiveO, Montarbo Sound
MPI Electronics SRL Cornaredo info@mpielectronic.com www.mpielectronic.com Distributor Cerwin Vega, Audio-Technica, Monster Cable, Wharfedale Pro Sound, Hi-Fi, Consumer, DJ
MS Lighting Castel Goffredo
info@mslighting.com www.mslighting.com
Dealer Lighting
Music & Lights Srl Itri itrade@musiclights.it www.musiclights.it Distributor
Antari, Avolites, Capture, Liteputer, DAD Sound and Lighting, Effects
Musical Box Srl Verona musicalbox@musicalbox.com www.musicalbox.com Distributor KME, LD Systems Sound, MI
Music Delivery Roma info@musicdelivery.net www.musicdelivery.net Dealer Sound and Lighting
Musik Walter Bolzano info@musikwalter.it www.musikwalter.it Dealer Fohhn Sound, MI
Musitec Snc Castelfidardo musictech@musictech-midi.com www.musictech-midi.eu Manufacturer Sound, MI
Neon King Srl Modena info@neonking.it www.neonking.it Manufacturer Lighting
Novalight srl Viterbo info@novalight.it www.novalight.it Manufacturer Lighting
Nuovo Service srl Bologna info@nuovoservice.com www.nuovoservice.com Rental Sound and Lighting
ODL Srl Bergamo odl@legalmail.it www.odlcoating.com Manufacturer ODL Filters
One 4 All srl Ottiglio Monferrato info@one4all.it www.one4all.it
System Design Lighting
Osram SpA MIlan Italy@info.osram.com www.osram.it Distributor
Osram Lighting
Outline Srl Flero info@outline.it www.outline.it Manufacturer
Outline Sound
Paso S.p.A. Lainate info@paso.it www.paso.it Manufacturer Paso Sound
Peecker Sound Reggio Emilia info@peeckersound.com www.peeckersound.it Manufacturer Peeker Sound Sound
Phoebus S.p.a. Sesto San Giovanni info@phoebus.it www.phoebus.it Distributor TOA, Trantec, NEXT-proaudio , RDL Sound
Pioneer Electronics (Italia) SpA Milan Contact online www.pioneer.it Distributor Pioneer, Onkyo Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer Powersoft SpA Scandicci sales@powersoft.it www.powersoft.it Manufacturer Powersoft Sound
Pozzi Italia Srl Lissone commerciale@pozziitalia.it www.pozziitalia.it Manufacturer Sound, Video, Components, Accessories
Prase Engineering Srl Venice info@prase.it
www.prase.it Distributor Shure, Biamp, DIS, Clair Bros, Rane, Green Hippo Sound. AV
Pro Music Srl Reggio Emilia info@promusic.it www.promusic.it Rental Sound and Lighting
Proel SpA Sant`Omero – Teramo info@proel.com www.proel.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Proel, Axiom, Sagitter, DH, Dexibell, Tamburo Sound and Lighting
Professional Lighting Genius (PLG) Toritto info@ledlightingplg.com www.ledlightingplg.com
Manufacturer Genius Lighting
RCF SpA Reggio Emilia info@rcf.it www.rcfaudio.com Manufacturer, Distributor RCF, DPA Sound
RED Lighting Srl San Giovanni in Marignano info@red-lighting.com www.red-lighting.com
Manufacturer Lighting
Reference Laboratory Osimo info@referencelaboratory.com www.referencelaboratory.com
Manufacturer Reference Cable Cables, Connectors
RIDI Group Italy Meda Contact online www.ridi-italia.it Manufacturer, Distributor
RM Multimedia Srl Cattolica info@rmmultimedia.it www.rmmultimedia.it
Distributor Robert Juliat, LumenRadio, Anolis Lighting
Roland South Europe SpA Milan joan.garrobe@roland.com proav.roland.com Distributor Roland Sound, AV
Sangalli Tecnologie Srl Brusaporto info@sangallitecnologie.com www.sangallitecnologie.com Design, Install Sound and Lighting, AV, Video
Satnet Srl Borgone Susa satnet@satnet.it www.satnet.it Distributor Clockaudio, ClearOne, Active Audio Sound, AV, Conference
Scenes GZ Treviglio.Media Treviglio info@scenes.it www.scenes.it Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Selvolina sas Castel Goffredo selvoline@selvoline.com www.selvolina.com Manufacturer Selvoline Staging
SGM Elettronica srl Vizzolo Predabissi info@sgmelettronica.com www.sgmelettronica.com Manufacturer Lighting
SIM2 BV International Srl Pordenone info@sim2.it www.sim2.it Manufacturer Projectors, Home Cinema Sisme SpA Ancona info@sisme.com www.sisme.com Distributor Audio-Technica, Camco, Symetrix, L-Acoustics Sound, AV
SM International San Giovani in Marignano info@sminternationl.it www.sminternational.it Manufacturer Lighting
Sound & Vision Srl Senigallia sales@sound-vision.eu www.sound-vision.eu Manufacturer, Distributor Ciare, B&C Loudspeakers Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer
Sound Corporation Reggio Emilia info@soundcorporation.it www.soundcorporation.it Manufacturer
Sound Box, Peeker Sound, X Treme, Phonics Acoustic Lab Sound
Sound Division Rome sound.divisionsrl@gmail.com www.sounddivision.it Distributor, Rental Funktion-One Sound
Spotlight Srl MIlan info@spotlight.it www.spotlight.it Distributor Green Hippo, Chainmaster, Eurotruss, LSC, Lightconverse Lighting, Trussing
SR Technology Srl Potenza Picena info_it@schertlergroup.com www.schertler.com Manufacturer
Schertler Sound, MI
Stark Srl Cagli info@stark1200.com www.stark1200.com
Manufacturer STARK Projectors, Architectural
Studio Due Light Srl Viterbo info@studiodue.com www.studiodue.com
Manufacturer Lighting, Architectural
Tasker Srl Cusago vendita@tasker.it www.taskercables.com Manufacturer Tasker Cables, Connectors
Teclumen Srl Casaloldo info@teclumen.it www.teclumen.it Manufacturer Lighting
Texim Srl Renate texim@texim.it www.texim.it Distributor
Electro-Voice, Dynacord, Ultrasone, myMIX Sound
Tondello Tecnologie S. Giorgio delle Pertiche PD info@altair.to www.tondellotecnologie.it Rental, Dealer Lighting
Trabes Srl La Selva Forli info@trabes.it www.trabes.it
Manufacturer TRABES
Trussing, Lifts Tre Ti SpA Rome commerciale@tretispa.com www.tretispa.com
Distributor, Manufacturer Alutek, High End Systems, ETC, Verlinde, Spotlight Lighting, Trussing
Vagnini Wilson Srl Pesaro-Urbino info@vagnini.it www.vagnini.it Manufacturer Transformers, Power Supplies
Viscount International SpA Rimini Contact online www.viscountinstruments.it Manufacturer Verse Loudspeakers Sound, MI
Wimpy Music SNC Milan info@wimpymusic.com www.wimpymusic.com
Dealer Pioneer DJ Sound, MI
Your Music Srl Roma Contact online www.yourmusiconline.it Dealer Sound, MI
Yamaha Music Europe GmbH MIlan Contact online www.yamahacommercialaudio.com Distributor
Yamaha, Line 6 Sound, MI
Astral Enterprises Ltd Ta’Xbiex info@astral.com.mt www.astral.com.mt
Distributor Biamp, Denon, Marantz Sound and Lighting, AV, Consumer
Black Box
Hal Balzan info@black-box.pro www.black-box.pro
Distributor DiGiCo, Sommer Cable, Midas, Turbosound, Van Damme Cable Sound, MI
Digital Magic Lija info@digitalmagicmalta.com www.digitalmagicmalta.com
Rental, Dealer
FBT, HARMAN Professional Solutions, DPA Sound and Lighting
Doneo Co Ltd Hamrun info@doneo.com.mt www.doneo.com.mt
Distributor Bose, Audac, ProCab, Furman Sound, AV
Future Tech Naxxar info@futuretech-malta.com www.futuretech-malta.com
Funtion-One, D.A.S. Audio, Allen & Heath, Powersoft, dBTechnologies, MADRIX Sound and Lighting
Genaudio Malta Mriehel info@genaudiomalta.com www.genaudiomalta.com
Distributor, Rental, Systems Integrator Clockaudio, InOut, WHD Sound, AV
Music Link
Birkirkara Contact online www.nvgent.mt Distributor Camco, Fohhn, Presonus, Proel, Audix. Mackie Sound, MI
Nexos Lighting & Video Il-Marsa info@nexoslighting.com www.facebook.com/nexoslighting
Rental, Distributor Avolites, Clay Paky Lighting, Video, Broadcast Olimpus Music Ltd Mosta info@olimpus-music.com www.olimpusmusic.com
Electro-Voice, Shure, Rode, Yamaha, Radial, Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI
Powerhouse Marsa info@powerhousemalta.com www.powerhousemalta.com
Rental, Dealer, Distributor Amate Audio, NEXO, Da-Lite, Global Truss Sound and Lighting, AV, Trussing Studio 7 Co Ltd Birkirkara sales@studio7malta.com www.studioseven.com.mt
Rental Broadcast
The AV Warehouse Qormi info@theavwarehouse.com www.theavwarehouse.com
Rental, Distributor EAW Sound, AV
The Sound System Co Ltd. Msida info@soundsystem.com.mt www.facebook.com/ Thesoundsystemmalta
Rental, Distributor Neutrik, RCF Sound, AV
Top Technix Triq ta Marmora info@toptechnix.com www.toptechnix.com
Distributor Kramer, S2 CEB Sound, AV, Consumer Visage Sound Ltd. Zebbug info@visagesoundltd.com www.visagesound.com
Distributor Void, Pioneer DJ Sound
Wave Music Centre Floriana wavemusic@onvol.net www.wavemalta.com
Distributor Martin Audio, beyerdynamic, PROEL Sound, MI
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Acclaim Lighting EU
Kerkrade Contact online www.acclaimlighting.com Distributor Acclaim Lighting Lighting, Architectural
ADJ Supply Europe BV Kerkrade Contact online www.americandj.eu Distributor
ADJ, American Audio, Elation, Duratruss, Accu-Case, Accu-Cable Sound and Lighting
AED Netherlands Capelle a/d Ijssel info.nl@aedgroup.com www.aeddistribution.nl
Clay Paky, QSC, Clay Paky, High End Systems, Robert Juliat Sound and Lighting, Trussing, Display
Alcons Audio BV Zwaag info@alconsaudio.com www.alconsaudio.com Manufacturer Alcons Sound
ALGO audiovisueel BV Amsterdam info@algo.nl www.algo.nl Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
Ampco Flashlight Group Utrecht info@ampco-flashlight.com www.ampcoflashlightgroup.com Rental Sound and Lighting, Trussing
Ampco Flashlight Sales Utrecht sales@ampco-flashlight.nl www.ampco-flashlight-sales.nl
Distributor Allen & Heath, DiGiCo, ETC, d&b audiotechnik, Martin Audio, SGM Sound and Lighting, Trussing
ASL Intercom BV Utrecht info@asl-inter.com www.asl-inter.com
Manufacturer ASL Intercom Sound
Audio Acoustics Alphen aan den Rijn info@audioacoustics.nl www.audioacoustics.nl Distributor Adamson, beyerdynamic, Heil, Teqsas Sound
Audio Electronics Mattijsen Duivendrecht info@aem.nl www.aem.nl
Meyer Sound, SSL Live, Wisycom, Riedel Sound, Broadcast
Audio XL NV Utrecht info@audioxl.nl www.audioxl.nl
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands
Audio-Technica Benelux incorporating Iemke Roos Amsterdam info@audio-technica.nl www.iemkeroos.nl
Audio-Technica, Genelec, NEXO, Camco, Active Audio Sound, Consumer
Audiobizz Benelux BV Strijen Contact online www.audiobizz.nl
Audac, ProCab, Lewitt, FBT, L-Acoustics Sound
Aukes Theatertechniek Weesp sales@aukes.nl www.aukes.nl Rental, Distributor Spotlight, Smoke Factory, ChamSys, Eurotruss, Yamaha Lighting, Trussing
BEO - Backman Electronics & Optics Weesp info@beo.nl www.beo.nl System Design, Distributor Compulite Lighting
Bolution -Sound & Light Solution Eindhoven info@bolution.nl www.bolution.nl Dealer, Rental Prolyte Sound and Lighting
Bosch Security Systems BV Eindhoven Contact online www.boschsecurity.com Distributor BOSCH AV Security
Bose Netherlands Edam Contact online www.bose.nl Distributor Bose Sound, Consumer Bourgonje The Hague info@bourgonje.nl www.bourgonje.nl Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
CLF Lighting Huissen remco@clf-lighting.com www.clf-lighting.com
Manufacturer Lighting
CLS LED BV Wijchen info@cls-led.com www.cls-led.com
Manufacturer CLS Lighting, Architectural
ClubSound Professional Sound & Light Gravenzande info@clubsound.nl www.clubsound.nl
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Controllux BV Alphen aan den Rijn info@controllux.nl www.controllux.com Distributor
ARRI, ETC, High End Systems, Prolyte, Zero 88
Dateq BV Almere info@dateq.nl www.dateq.nl Manufacturer Dateq Sound, Broadcast Distrixs Bergschenhoek info@distrix.nl www.distrix.nl Distributor Lucenti, DAD Sound and Lighting, Consumables
DTL Lasertechniek BV Tynaarlo info@dtllaser.nl www.dtllaser.nl Design, Rental Lasers
Duratruss BV Kerkrade info@duratruss.com www.duratruss.eu Manufacturer Duratruss Trussing
Elation Professional Kerkrade info@elationlighting.eu www.elationlighting.eu Manufacturer Elation Lighting
Eurotruss International Leeuwarden sales@eurotruss.com www.eurotruss.com Manufacturer, Dealer Eurotruss Structures, Eurotruss Stages, Eurotruss Stage Decks, Eurotruss Lifters, Eurotruss Barriers, Eurotruss Rigging Trussing, Stages
Exaltation BV Venlo info@exaltation.eu www.exaltation.eu Distributor Exaltation, Luceco, Ecolight, Nexus Lighting, Architectural Lighting Excess Pro AV Rotterdam info@excess.nl www.excess.nl Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Fairlight Bemmel info@fairlight.nl www.fairlight.nl Distributor Avolites, Sound Projects, Martin by HARMAN, L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting
Feilo Sylvania Netherlands BV Breda
info@feilosylvania.com www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Sylvania, Concord Lighting
Firm 4 Pro Audio BV Gorinchem info@firm4.nl www.firm4.nl Distributor MC2, ARX, XTA, Nova, Danley, QPRO Audio Sound
Focus Showequipment BV Amsterdam Contact online www.focusamsterdam.com Rental Sound and Lighting
Full AVL Distribution Tilburg info@fullavl.nl www.fullavl.nl Distributor DTS, Ecler Sound and Lighting
Go Group Audiovisueel Houten info@go-group.nl www.go-group.nl Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Headroom BV Haarlem info@headroom-avs.nl www.headroom-avs.nl System Integrator AV
Heuff Sound & Vision Maarsbergen info@heuff.nl www.heuff.nl Rental, Distributor Fohhn, Bittner, Lectrosonics, PROEL Sound
HGL Tilburg info@hgl.info www.hgltilburg.nl Rental, Dealer, Installer Sound and Lighting
Highlite International BV Kerkrade sales@highlite.com www.highlite.com Manufacturer Showtec, Infinity, DAP, DMT, Artecta, Showgear Sound and Lighting, Staging Holland PA Amsterdam info@hollandpa.nl www.hollandpa.nl Distributor EAW, Kling & Freitag, APB Dynasonics, GUIL Sound
Imagination AV Bokel en Rodenrijs Contact online www.imagination-av.com Rental, Distributor Amate Audio Sound and Lighting, AV
INFiLED Europe B.V. Rotterdam
infiledbv@infiled.com www.infiled.com Branch Office INFiLED LED Displays
Innovation Group BV Hengevelde info@innovationgroup.nl www.innovationaudio.nl Rental, Dealer Sound
Interal T.C. BV Venray info@interal.nl www.interal.nl Manufacturer, Rental Trussing Interlight Utrecht info@interlight.nl www.interlight.nl
Distributor Firelamp, Datapath Lighting, Video
Interstate Audio Warder info@interstateaudio.nl www.interstateaudio.nl
Distributor ProDjuser, NewHank, Xilica Sound, AV
KMI Distribution Rotterdam info@kmidistribution.com www.kmidistribution.com Distributor Electro-Harmonix Sound, MI
Lagotronics Projects BV Venlo info@lagotronicsprojects.com www.lagotronicsprojects.com Design, System Integration Sound and Lighting, AV, Multimedia
Laserpromotions BV Leiden info@laserpro.nl www.laserpro.nl Manufacturer, Design Lasers
Main Gear Supply Eindhoven ifo@maingearsupply.com www.maingearsupply.com
Dealer NEXT-proaudio, APEX, Hill Audio Sound and Lighting, AV
Match Audio & Vision Nieuw-Lekkerland info@matchav.nl www.matchav.nl Distributor, Rental LSS, Vanguard, Quested, Summit Audio, UNiKA Pro Sound and Lighting, AV
Mega Alu Systems BV Zutphen info@mega-alusystems.eu www.mega-alusystems.nl Manufacturer Trussing, Stages
Mennegat Trading BV Enter info@mennegat.nl www.mennegat.nl
Distributor Powersoft, One Systems, Atlas, Helvia Sound
Merheim BV
Boxtel info@merheim.nl www.merheim.nl
Distributor Audio Performance Sound, AV
Monacor Nederland BV Beugen info@konitech.nl www.monacor.nl
Distributor Monacor, JTS, IMG Stageline Sound, AV
Zoetemeer info@more-av.nl www.more-av.nl Distributor Funktion-One, Full Fat Audio, NST Audio Sound
Niehoff High Tech Sound & Light Denekamp info@niehoff.nl www.niehoff.nl Dealer
Sound and Lighting, Broadcast
Oberton Professional Loudspeakers Haarlem Contact online www.oberton.nl Manufacturer Oberton Sound
Output BV S-Hertogenbosch info@outputnl.com www.outputnl.com Dealer HARMAN Professional Solutions, Shure, RCF, Elation Sound and Lighting, Video, Broadcast
Philips Entertainment Group Europe (PEGE) Winterswijk entertainment.europe@philips.com www.seleconlight.com Manufacturer Philips Selecon Lighting
Philips Lighting BV Eindhoven Contact online www.lighting.philips.com Manufacturer Lighting
Prolyte Group Leek info@prolyte.com www.prolyte.com Manufacturer Prolyte Trussing, Staging Protruss Tilburg info@pro-truss.com www.pro-truss.com Manufacturer Protruss Trussing
R.L. Showequipment Dirksland info@djstore.nl www.djstore.nl Dealer
Sound and Lighting
RCF Nederlands Ureterp info@rcfspeakers.nl www.rcfspeakers.nl Distributor RCF, dBTechnologies Sound
ROE Visual Europe BV Leek europe@roevisual.com www.roevisual.com Manufacturer ROE Creative Display LED Displays
Rolight Theatertechniek BV Enschede info@rolight.nl www.rolight.nl Distributor CHAUVET, MA Lighting, Chromateq, ELC, Fantek, Look Solutions Lighting, Effects
RSL & Partners BV Breda info@rsl.nl www.rsl.nl Distributor 18 Sound, Altair, CAD, P Audio Sound
Sennheiser Nederland BV Almere info@sennheiser.nl www.sennheiser.nl
Distributor Sennheiser, Neumann Sound
Shure distribution Netherlands BV Culemborg info@shure.nl www.shure.nl Distributor Shure Sound, MI
Sound and Stage Rotterdam info@soundandstage.nl www.soundandstage.nl Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Pioneer DJ Sound
Sound Projects Huissen info@soundprojects.com www.soundprojects.com Manufacturer Sound Projects Loudspeakers Sound
Stage Accompany BV Ridderkerk info@stageaccompany.com www.stageaccompany.com Manufacturer SA Speaker Systems Sound
Stage X Enschede info@stage-x.nl www.stage-x.nl Rental, Installation Sound and Lighting
Stagelight Den Bosch info@stagelight.nl www.stagelight.nl Rental Sound and Lighting
TAU Audio Solutions BV Groningen info@tau.nl www.tau.nl Distributor Ashly, Audix Sound
The Audio Specialists BV Apeldoorn info@theaudiospecialists.eu www.theaudiospecialists.eu Distributor Music Tribe Brands, Clair Bros Sound
Think! AV Zoetermeer info@think-av.nl www.think-av.nl Rental Funktion-One Sound
TOA Electronics Europe GmbH Benelux Branch (Netherlands) Houten Contact online www.toa.eu
Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
Tonar International BV Amersfoort info@tonar.eu www.tonar.eu Manufacturer
Tonar Record Player Accessories Sound
Total Sonic BV Nieuw-Vennep info@totalsonic.nl www.totalsonic.nl Distributor
Phonic, Rupert Neve Designs, sE Electronics Sound, MI
Toverli Lighting and Effects Purmerend info@toverli.nl www.toverli.nl Distributor
Crestron, Pharos, Philips Dynalite, CoolAutomation Lighting, Architectural
Triple Audio BV Bilthoven info@tripleaudio.nl www.tripleaudio.nl Systems Integrator Sound, Broadcast
Visual Productions BV Haarlem sales@visualproductions.nl www.visualproductions.nl Manufacturer Cuelux Lighting
Voerman Amersfoort BV Amersfoot info@voerman.nl www.voerman.nl Distributor Korg Sound, MI
Wytec Trade Tilburg info@wytec.nl www.wytec.nl Dealer Sound and Lighting, Video Yamaha Music Europe Vianen Contact online www.nl.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha, Line 6 Sound, MI
Yellowspot Sound & Light BV Amsterdam info@yellowspot.nl www.yellowspot.nl Rental, Design, Installation Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast
6 Sans Electro-Voiceent
Oslo info@6sans.no www.6sans.no Rental Sound and Lighting AV
Amas Produksjon AS Bergen mail@amas.no www.amas.no Rental, Dealer Void, MeTrao, Syntax Sound and Lighting
Arva Lydsystemer A/S Oslo info@arvalyd.no www.arvalyd.no Distributor DPA, Powersoft, Radial, Solid State Logic, d&b audiotechnik Sound
Atendi AS Drammen post@atendi.no www.atendi.no Dealer ARRI, Clay Paky, GDS, MDG, ETC, Martin Audio Sound and Lighting
Audio Media AS Eidsvagneset post@audiomedia.no www.audiomedia.no Distributor Grado, EMT, Keith Monks Hi Fi
AvonLyd AS Trondheim edgar@avonlyd.no www.avonlyd.no Rental, Distributor VUE Audiotechnik, FFA, Funktion-One Sound and Lighting
Bary Sales Fetsund, Kristiansand post@bary.no www.bary.no Dealer, Installer Sound and Lighting
Benum AS Oslo norway@benum.com www.benum.no Distributor Allen & Heath, Renkus-Heinz, MC2, XTA, Adamson, Shure Sound
Bergen Sound AS Bergen bergensound@bergensound.no www.bergensound.no Dealer
Sound and Lighting
Bright Norway AS Oslo post@brightgroup.no www.brightgroup.no
Rental, Distributor Midas, Robert Juliat, Klark Teknik, Lab. gruppen, Vari-Lite, Rosco Sound and Lighting
Butikk Scenario AS Finnsnes finnsnes@scenario-as.no www.musikkinstrumenter.no
Dealer Sound, Lighting and MI
EH Proshop AS Oslo kundepost@ehs.no www.ehs.no Rental, Distributor Outline, Altair, Formula Sound Sound and Lighting
EM Nordic AS Bekkestua info@emnordic.no www.emnordic.no
Distributor QSC, Samson, Whirlwind Sound and Lighting
Eurotek Lyd & Lys AS Oslo post@eurotek.no www.eurotek.no Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
First Audio AS Oslo regnskap@firstaudio.no www.firstaudio.no
Distributor Alto, K-array, Numark, Procab, Nanolumens, Audac Sound and Lighting ID Musikk AS Kristiansand mail@idmusikk.no www.idmusikk.no Distributor Montarbo Sound and Lighting Intersonic AS Horten info@intersonic.no www.intersonic.no
Distributor ARX, Anchor, Camco, AVT, APB Dynasonics, Anchor Sound
Lydproduksjon Tromso AS Tromso arild@lydproduksjon.com
Distributor Alcons, Auralex, AMT Sound
Lydrommet AS Oslo info@lydrommet.no www.lydrommet.no Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, RME, VDB, Klotz Sound
Lydteamet Bodo post@lydteamet.no www.lydteamet.no Rental Sound and Lighting MTI
Heggenes mti@mtinorge.no www.mtinorge.no Manufacturer and Distributor Music Tronics, CLS, Avolites Sound, Lighting and Staging Multitechnic AS Oslo salg@multitechnic.no www.multitechnic.no Distributor, Rental Sommer Cable, Doughty, Dirty Rigger, Prolyte, Penn-Elcom, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, Effects, Consumables
Njal Hansson Oslo post@njal.no www.njal.no Distributor Cordial, beyerdynamic Sound, Consumer, AV
Norsk Lydteknikk AS Drobak post@norsklydteknikk.com www.norsklydteknikk.com Distributor Ecler, Symetrix, Nady, T&M, Australian Monitor, Clockaudio, Attero Tech Sound
Norsk Sceneteknikk AS Spydeberg post@sceneteknikk.no www.sceneteknikk.com Distributor Green Hippo, ShowLED, Zero 88, Chroma-Q, Litec Lighting
Norstage AS Haugesund post@norstage.no www.norstage.no Rental Sound and Lighting PA Producksjoner AS Stavanger pap@pap.no www.pap.no Rental Logic Systems Sound and Lighting Panpot AS Oslo royknuds@panpot.no www.panpot.no Distributor Yamaha AFC3, Fohhn Sound
Pioneer Electronics Norge AS Oslo firmapost@pioneer.no www.pioneer.no Distributor Pioneer Sound
Prolyd AS Oslo post@prolyd.no www.prolyd.no Distributor dBTechnologies, Cordial Sound
Prostage AS Oslo salg@prostage.no www.prostage.no Distributor Lewitt, FBT, Hill, JTS, Antari, JB Systems, Lucenti Sound and Lighting, Effects, MI Rubicon Skedsmorkoset post@rubi.no www.rubi.no Distributor, Rental FENIX Stage, CODA Audio, Cadac, CHAUVET Sound and Lighting
Scandec Systemer AS Kolbotn post@scandec.no www.scandec.no
Distributor DiGiCo, L-Acoustics, Audio-Technica, HOF Trussing, XOOP Lighting, Excellent Line Sound and AV
ScaleNordic AS Drammen info@scalenordic.no www.scalenordic.no Distributor UNiKA Pro, Tascam, Focal, Fluid Audio, Earthworks Sound, MI
Soundergy Raufoss post@soundergy.no www.soundergy.no Distributor, Dealer Wharfedale Pro, Adam Hall, Tasker Sound and Lighting, Trussing Stagelab AS Oslo post@stagelab.no www.stagelab.no
Distributor ADB, NEXO, Eurotruss, Auvitran, Chimera, Apex Sound and Lighting
Trondheim Lyd AS Trondheim post@trondheimlyd.no www.trondheimlyd.no Rental, Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound and Lighting
TTA AS Sjordal post@tta-sound.com www.tta-sound.com Manufacturer Stagetracker Sound
Yamaha Music Europe GmbH - Norwegian Branch Osteras Contact online www.no.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha Sound
Exton Reykjavik exton@exton.is www.exton.is Distributor
DPA, Neutrik, Allen & Heath, Meyer Sound, Look Solutions, ETC, MA Lighting Sound and Lighting, AV, Effects Feris ehf Kopavogur kobi@feris.is www.feris.is Distributor Powersoft, Cayman, Audac Sound and Broadcast
Hljodfaerahusid Reykjavik info@hljodfaerahusid.is www.hljodfaerahusid.is Dealer dBTechnologies, ADJ Sound and Lighting
HLODX Simi ingo@hljodx.is www.hljodx.is Rental, Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Sommer Cable, Omnitronic, Clay Paky, Christie, VMB Sound and Lighting
Luxor Equipment Rental Reykjavik sala@luxor.is www.luxor.is
Rental, Distributor
Avolites, Vari-Lite, Robe, DiGiCo, Robert Juliat, Zero 88, d&b audiotechnik Sound and Lighting
Northern Lights Audio Garoabaer nlh@nlh.is www.nlh.is Distributor
beyerdynamic, ARX, Cerwin Vega, Arthur Holm, Furman, D.A.S. Audio Sound
Tonabudin Akureyri tonabudin@tonabudin.is www.tonabudin.is
Cordial, Shure, Behringer, Presonus Sound
Actronix - light system
Oswiecim factory@actronix.pl www.actronix.pl Manufacturer, Distributor Sound
Audioplus Sp. z.o.o. Lomianki audioplus@audioplus.pl www.audioplus.pl
Distributor L-Acoustics, Klotz, Electro-Voice, Phonak Sound
ADS Professional Sound Equipment Sp. z o.o.. Lodz ads@ads.com.pl www.ads.com.pl Manufacturer ADS Sound
Ambient-System Sp. z o.o. Gdansk ambient@ambientsystem.pl www.ambientsystem.pl Manufacturer Sound
Aplauz Sp. z o.o.. Lomianki aplauz@aplauzaudio.pl www.aplauzaudio.pl
Distributor QSC, Belden, Amphenol, Sennheiser Sound
Arcade Audio Sp. z o.o. Michalowice info@arcadeaudio.pl www.arcadeaudio.pl Distributor RCF, KV2 Audio, Art, Superlux, Orange Amps, Trex Sound
Arttech Cinema Sp. z o.o. Warsaw office@arttechcinema.pl www.arttechcinema.pl Distributor Martin Audio Sound
Audiolite Gorzow info@audiolite.plWielkopolski www.audiolite.pl Dealer Sound and Lighting
Bose Sp. z o.o. Warsaw Contact online www.bose.pl Distributor Bose, Cloud Sound Case-Pack Poznania info@case-pack.com.pl www.case-pack.com.pl
Manufacturer, Distributor Eminence, Case-Pack Flightcases Sound and Lighting
Disco Service Ostrow Wielkopolski sklep@discoservice.pl www.discoservice.pl Dealer
ADJ Sound and Lighting
DSV Gdynia pioneer@dsv.com.pl www.dsv.com.pl Distributor Pioneer Sound, Consumer Dysten Sp. z o.o. Zabrze kryszak@dysten.pl www.dysten.pl Distributor Fohhn Sound, AV Elmuz Konskie patryk@elmuz.com..pl www.elmuz.com.pl
Manufacturer, Distributor, Dealer Beyma, Elmuz, FENIX Stage Sound, Staging
ESS Audio Iomianki-Dabrowa biuro@essaudio.pl www.essaudio.pl Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
F1 Dystrybucja Polska Bydgoszcz matt@f1dp.pl www.f1dp.pl Distributor Funktion-One Sound
FHU “MIDI” Michael Brewczynski Siedice biuro@master-audio.pl www.master-audio.pl
Master Audio Sound
FLASH-Butrym SP.J. Doluje info@flash-butrym.pl www.flash-butrym.pl
Manufacturer Lighting
Fotis Sound Poznan info@fotissound.com www.fotissound.com
Rental L-Acoustics, Meyer Sound Sound
FPH Amtec Wroclaw biuro@amtec.pl www.amtec.pl Distributor
HK Audio Sound, MI
FX Music Group Zamosc sklep@fxmusic.pl www.fxmusic.pl
FBT Sound and MI
Gig SP z o.o. Warsaw biuro@gig.pl www.gig.pl Distributor
Pulsar, High End Systems, Coemar, James Thomas, Doughty Lighting
Havells Sylvania Poland Warsaw info.pl@havells-sylvania.com www.havells-sylvania.com
Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
Horn Distribution Warsaw horn@horn.pl www.horn.pl Distributor
Denon, Marantz, Genelec, Wharfedale, Wharfdale Pro, Monster Cable Sound, Consumer
Konsbud Audio Sp. z o.o. Warsaw Contact online www.konsbud-audio.com.pl
Allen & Heath, Audio-Technica, Neutrik, Cordial, Genelec, d&b audiotechnik Sound
Laserworld Poland Kluczbork info@laserworld.com www.laserworld.com Distributor, Installer, Systems Integrator Laserworld, tarm, RTI, Showeditor, Showcontroller, ShowNet, Lasergraph DSP Lasers, Laser Software, Lighting
Lauda Audio Sopot info@laudaaudio.pl www.laudaaudio.pl Distributor Audix, Radial, NEXO, Peavey, AuviTran Sound
LTT Sp. z o.o.. Warsaw ltt@ltt.com.pl www.ltt.com.pl Design, Sales Christie, MA Lighting, Robert Juliat Lighting, Theatre Technology M.Ostrowski Sp. j. Wroclaw audio@mostrowksi.pl www.mostrowski.pl Distributor, Rental TW AUDiO, Renkus-Heinz Sound, MI
Maliszewski Sound Equipment Warsaw ryszard@maliszewski.com.pl www.maliszewski.com.pl
Dealer, Installer, Manufacturer Oram, Maliszewski Sound
MBS Sp. z o.o. Warsaw audio@mbspro.com.pl www.mbspro.com.pl
Distributor Outline, D.A.S. Audio, Joeco, Roland, Sommer Cable, UNiKA Pro Sound
Mediam Sp. z o.o. Krakow trade@mediam.com www.mediam.com
ArKaos, PR-Lighting, Vestax, Ortofon, Verlinde, Kvant, Pangolin Lighting and AV
MEGA MUSIC Sp. z o.o.. Sopot biuro@megamusic.pl www.megamusic.pl
ProCo, beyerdynamic, Australian Monitor, Crest, K-array, CHAUVET Sound and Lighting
MIDI Centrum Siedice biuro@midi.pl www.midi.pl
Dealer Amate Audio Sound, MI
MUSIC INFO Sp. z o.o.. Krakow import@musicinfo.pl www.musicinfo.pl Distributor
EAW, MiPro, ASL Sound
NAW Performance Audio Zywiec info@naw.com.pl www.naw.com.pl Manufacturer, Distributor NAW, B&C Speakers Sound
Osram Sp. z o.o. Warsaw infopl@osram.pl www.osram.pl Distributor Osram Lighting
Pol-Audio Josefow polaudio@polaudio.pl www.polaudio.pl Distributor 18 Sound, Altair, Powersoft, BMS, CODA Audio, Xilica Sound
Polsound Sp. z o.o. Warsaw polsound@polsound.pl www.polsound.pl Distributor Clearcom, DiGiCo, Meyer Sound, Shure, Symetrix, Tascam, Tannoy, OutBoard Audio
ProAudio-AVT Sp z o.o. Wroclaw info@proaudio.pl www.proaudio.pl Distributor XTA, Adamson, Radial Sound
Prolight Sp. z o.o. Pruszkow info@prolight.com.pl www.prolight.com.pl Distributor Avolites, Litecraft, Prolyte, Griven, ETC, Clay Paky, ADB Lighting
PS TEATR Marek Guminski Sekocin Nowy kontakt@teatr.com.pl www.teatr.com.pl Distributor ChamSys, Look Solutions, DTS Lighting, ETC, Elation, High End Systems, Vari-Lite Lighting, Stage Machinery, Trussing, AV, Special Effects, Design PXM Podleze info@pxm.pl www.pxm.pl Manufacturer Lighting Control
RAAN-Lighting Torun biuro@raan-lighting.pl www.raan-lighting.pl Distributor Starway, Dr Fischer, Lighting Technologies Lighting
RG Lider Bialystok lider2002@poczta.onet.pl www.rglider.pl Dealer Pyro
SAP Music Professional Poznan sap@sapmusic.com.pl www.sapmusic.com.pl Dealer
ADJ Sound, Lighting, Trussing Show DesignTrzebnica marek@showdesign.pl www.showdesign.pl Distributor Prolights, Protruss, Archwork, Pro Audio, Jands, Smoke Factory, ArKaos Lighting
Show System Poznan biuro@showsystem.pl www.showsystem.pl Distributor Antari, Rane, Cerwin Vega, Eurolite, Alutruss, Omnitronic, Stanton Sound and Lighting
SoundTrade Piaseczno info@soundtrade.pl www.soundtrade.pl Distributor
Proel, Tannoy, TC Electronic, Turbosound, dBTechnologies Sound
TOA Electronics Europe G.m.b.H. Sp.z o.o. Oddzial w Polsce (Poland) Warsaw Contact online www.toa.eu Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
TOMMEX Zebrowscy Sp. J. Warsaw tommex@tommex.pl www.tommex.pl Distributor Dynacord, BOSCH, InterM, OutBoard, ARX, SoundApex
Tommy Sound Kielce info@tommysound.pl www.tommysound.pl Distributor Amate Audio, Infinity, Van Damme Cable Sound and Lighting
Yamaha Music Europe GmbH Sp.z o.o. Oddzial w Polsce Warsaw info_poland@gmx.yamaha.com www.pl.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha Sound, AV
Acutron Electroacustica Lda Abrunheira info@acutron.net www.acutron.net
Acutron, Larsen, Phonetika Sound, Broadcast
All4Show Audiovisual Solutions Tavira Contact online www.all4show.eu Distributor Void, Alutek, Apia Sound, Trussing
Alrica Lisbon dep.comercial@alrica.pt www.alrica.pt Distributor MiPro, Audix Sound, MI
Americo Nogueira Lda Gulpilhares amenog@americonogueira.com www.americonogueira.com Distributor Numark, Alto Sound, MI
Antonio Barbosa & Castro Lda Moreira info@abc.pt www.abc.pt Distributor Bose, Clockaudio Sound, AV, Consumer Apogeu Integrated Systems, Avitel Lisbon avitel@avitel.pt www.apogeu.com.pt Design, Systems Integrator, Install Sound and Lighting, AV
Arestel S.A. Lisbon geral@arestel.pt www.arestel.pt
Distributor Neutrik Connectors
Audinova Matosinhos geral@audinova.pt www.audionova.pt
Distributor, Rental dBTechnologies, Catchbox Sound and Lighting
Audioluz Nova de Gaia geral@audioluz.pt www.audioluz.net
Rental Adamson Sound and Lighting
Audium Lisbon audium@audium.pt www.audium.pt
Distributor, Systems Integrator Electro-Voice, Dynacord, Symetrix, Coemar, MDG, Cordial Sound, AV
Avantools Queijas pjf@avantools.pt www.avantools.eu Distributor Aviom Sound
Boomerang Oeiras carlos.cunha@boomerang.pt www.boomerang.pt
Distributor Martin Audio Sound
C.V.A. Electronica Rio Tinto info@cva.pt www.cva.pt Manufacturer, Distributor NEXT-proaudio, NEXT Audiocom, B&C Speakers Sound
Caius Music Instrum. Mus. Lda Porto geral@caius.pt www.caiusmusic.pt Distributor, Dealer FBT, Sound,Peavey MI
Cenario Avancado Carraios comercial@cenarioavancado.pt www.cenarioavancado.pt Dealer
Amate Audio Sound and Lighting, Projectors, Cinema CHS Som e Luz Profissional Montijo cesteves@chs.pt www.chs.pt Rental Adamson Sound and Lighting Covise Importacao Exportacao Lda Tomar covise@covise.pt www.covise.pt Distributor
Antari, Tasker, JB Systems, Briteq, Synq Sound and Lighting, Effects Europalco Mem Martins geral@europalco.com www.europalco.com Distributor Lighting, Staging
FACE Iberia Pombal iberia@face.be www.face.be/pt/home Distributor Peavey, Triad Orbit Sound and Lighting, AV, MI
Garrett SA Audiovisuais Carnaxide geral@garrett.pt www.garrett.pt Distributor, Design, Installation DiGiCo, Klotz, Genelec, Xilica, GLP, bey- erdynamic Sound and Lighting, AV, Lasers Grupo Luso Pirotecnia Almada headoffice@lusopirotecnia.com www.lusopirotecnia.com Design, Lighting,Rental Pyro
Havells Sylvania Portugal Lda Loures info.pt@sylvania-lighting.com www.havells-sylvania.com Distributor Sylvania, Concorde, Lumiance Lighting
Infinite Connections Lisbon infiniteconnections@infiniteconnections.pt www.infiniteconnections.pt Distributor Denon Sound, AV, Consumer Kaleidosonix Algarve info@kaleidosonix.com www.kaleidosonix.com Rental Sound and Lighting Lagotronics Lda Amadora info@lagotronics.com.pt www.lagotronics.com.pt Rental, Distributor Show-Tec, DAP audio, DMT Sound and Lighting Lightset Porto porto@lightset.pt www.lightset.pt Distributor SGM, HOF Trussing, Excellent Line, XOOP Lighting Lighting
Live Sound Lda Mourao info@livesound.pt www.livesound.pt Dealer D.A.S. Audio Sound
Luz e Som Lda Porto info@luzesom.pt www.luzesom.pt Distributor, Systems Integrator Cloud, Sonance, Crestron, Bang & Olufsen Sound, AV, Consumer
Merging Select Lisbon mail@mergingselect.com www.mergingselect.com
Distributor NEXO, Powersoft, Lynx Sound N.A.N. Lda Ovar info@nan.pt www.nan.pt Distributor d&b audiotechnik, Audio-Technica, Look Solutions, ETC, Link, NEXT-proaudio Sound and Lighting, Effects Nauta Aveiro Aveiro web@nautasolutions.com www.nautasolutions.com
Distributor Audio-Technica conference Sound, AV, Conference
NEXT-proaudio Rio Tinto info@next-proaudio.com www.next-proaudio.com Manufacturer NEXT-proaudio Sound
Oneway Group Amadora geral@oneway-group.com www.oneway-group.com Design, Install, Rental AV
OSRAM Empresa de Carnaxide osram@osram.pt www.osram.pt Distributor
Osram Lighting
Palco & Bastidores Porto geral@palcosebastidores.pt www.palcosebastidores.pt Rental, Dealer Master Audio, Amate Audio Sound and Lighting, Video
Perdigao Audio Torres Vedras info@perdigaoaudio.eu www.perdigaoaudio.eu Systems Integrator, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
Pioneer Electronics Iberica SA Lisbon Contact online www.pioneer.pt Distributor
Pioneer Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer Pirotec Pirotecnia Lda Amora pirotc.fx@pirotec.pt www.pirotec.pt Dealer Le Maitre Pyro, Effects Profactor SA Valongo info@profactor.pt www.profactor.pt Manufacturer
OEM Sound and Lighting
Quadrifonia Leira info@quadrifonia.com www.quadrifonia.com
Rental, Dealer, Install Sound and Lighting, AV
Sismar Porto info@sismar.pt www.sismar.pt Distributor, Rental Dateq Sound
SLS Sound &Light Systems SA Sacavem ruinunes@slsytems.pt www.slsytems.pt Distributor L-Acoustics, Cadac, Litec, Clay Paky, Lucenti Sound and Lighting
Sonorizacoes Tuna Mogadouro tuna@sonorizacoestuna.com www.sonorizacoestuna.com
Rental, Install Sound and Lighting
Stagecom Comercio De Servicos De Audiovisuals, Avitel Prior Velho avitel@avitel.pt www.stagecom.pt
Distributor Allen & Heath, Avolites, EAW, Link Sound and Lighting
Supportview SA St Juliao Tojal comercial@supportview.pt www.supportview.pt Distributor
PROEL, Bespeco, Austrian Audio Sound, Hi-Fi
Takesound Porto beyma.portugal@clix.pt www.takesound.pt
Distributor Beyma. 18 Sound Sound
Tecnimusica Pombal tecnimusica@tecnimusica.pt www.tecnimusica.pt Distributor XTA, Wharfedale Pro Sound
Total Music
totalmusic@totalmusic.pt www.totalmusic.pt Distributor Audio-Technica MI, Amina Sound, MI
Verylight Alcochete lpoliveira@verylight.pt www.verylight.pt Distributor Outline Sound
Acoustic Light srl Bucharest office@acousticlight.ro www.acousticlight.ro Distributor
Adam Hall, ADB, Prolyte Sound and Lighting
Acousticmall Bucharest office@acousticmall.ro www.acousticmall.ro Distributor Vicoustic, Definitive Technology, Artsound Sound and Consumer
Amro Electronic Grup srl Bucharest office@amro.ro www.amro.ro Distributor, Systems Integrator PROEL, Ic Audio Sound, AV
Aucoustics Live Audio srl Lipova contact@liveaudio.ro www.liveaudio.ro
Distributor HK Audio, Sommer Cable, Strasser Elekroakustik Sound
Audiovison Constanta office@audiovison.ro www.audiovison.ro
Distributor KV2, Powersoft, Magic:FX, 18 Sound, Arno, Euromet, Daslight Sound and Lighting
Avitech Co srl Ilfov info@avitech.ro www.avitech.ro
Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Cris Entertainment Solutions srl Bucharest mihaela.rus@cristechnic.ro www.cristechnic.ro Dealer Void Sound and Lighting
d B Technolight Brasov info@dbt.ro www.dbt.ro Distributor DPA, d&b audiotechnik, High End Systems, ETC, Sennheiser, Look Solutions Sound and Lightng
DjSuperStore Bucharest info@djsuperstore.ro www.djsuperstore.ro
Distributor Numark, Akai, Denon Professional Sound and Lighting
Electro Vox Co Ltd Ploiesti Contact online www.electrovox.ro
Sound and Lighting
Energolux Cluj-Napoca lux@energobit.com www.energobit.com
Distributor Outline, Compulite Sound and Lighting
Fly Sound srl Bosanci contact@flymusic.ro www.flymusic.ro Distributor, Rental PROEL, TAF Sound and Lighting, Trussing, MI
Fives International SA Bucharest office@fives.ro www.fives.ro Rental Sound and Lighting
Grafiti Pro Audio Ltd Constantza
office@grafiti.ro www.grafiti.ro
XTA, D.A.S. Audio, Pro Truss, GUIL, SGM, Funktion-One Sound and Lighting, Consumer
H.C.G. Audio Bucharest office@harman-pro.ro www.harman-pro.ro
HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
iCatch Design Bucharest info@inesa.hu www.inesa,hu Distributor
Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
Inspire Through srl Bucharest marketing@vhe.ro www.vhe.ro Distributor
Amate Audio Sound and Lighting, Security Systems
Live Rental Group srl Cluj-Napoca contact@liverental.ro www.liverental.ro
Rental, Distributor
NEXT-proaudio Sound and Lighting
Marbo Trade srl Bucharest office@marbo-media.ro www.marbo-media.ro
ARRI, Clay Paky, LT-Light, Eurotruss, VMB Lighting
Media Crusher srl Timisoara info@soundcreation.ro www.soundcreation.ro Distributor, Dealer HK Audio, Wharfedale Pro Sound
Megavison Profesional Bucharest headoffice@mvpro.ro www.mvpro.ro Dealer
FENIX Stage, MA Lighting, D.A.S. Audio, DTS, Wharfedale Pro, RTS Sound and Lighting
Music Senia SRL Bucharest contact@senia.ro www.senia.ro Distributor
Cordial, Eminence. ADJ, dBTechnologies Sound and Lighting
Osram Romania srl Bucharest osram_ro@osram.com www.osram.ro Distributor Osram Lighting
Paradigma Production Ilfov office@paradigmaproduction.ro www.pardigmagroup.ro
Rental, Distributor Shure, Martin Audio, Allen & Heath, DiGiCo, Avolites, Green Hippo Sound and Lighting
Plaesu srl Bacau rolaserland@yahoo.de Distributor B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting
Pro Dance Show srl Timisoara office@prodanceshow.ro www.prodanceshow.ro
Rental, Distributor Litec, Griven, All Around Sound and Lighting
Quintett Group srl Nadlac andrei@quintett.ro
www.quintett.ro Distributor TW AUDiO Sound
Schuster AV SRL Bucharest schuster@schuster-av.com www.schuster-av.com Distributor Meyer Sound, SSL, Sommer Cable, Ampeg, Stumpfl Sound, Video, AV, MI
Setting Entertainment Technology Constanta doru.ghehorge@setting.ro www.setting.ro Distributor, Dealer Adamson, Tendzone, Kind Audio, Community Pro, CAE Groupe, Terbly Sound and Lighting, Effects, Trussing SM Proline Frasinulu silviu@smproline.ro www.smproline.ro Distributor Void, Full Fat Audio, Laserworld, Danley, B&C, Ciara Sound, Lighting, Consumer Stage Expert srl Bucharest office@stage-expert.ro www.stage-expert.ro Distributor, Rental Martin by HARMAN, Rane, Desisti, Crest, Griven, RCF Sound and Lighting
Ivasart Chisinau City info@ivasart.md www.ivisart.md Distributor DTS, MA Lighting, Clay Paky Lighting
Nexo-Tehnic SRL Chisinau Contact online www.nexotehnic.com Distributor Eurolite, Futurelight, Omnitronic, Omnilux, PSSO, Alutruss
Sonetica SRL Chisinau mail@sonetica.md www.sonetica.md Distributor Powersoft, Allen & Heath, Klotz, beyma, CHAUVET, B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting
1111 s.r,o DISCO CASCO Lucenec sales@1111.sk www.1111.sk
Distributor Pioneer, 18 Sound, Bittner, Adam Hall, LD Systems, Antari Sound and Lighting
Adam A Syn s.r.o Bratislava adamsyn@adamasyn.sk www.adamasyn.sk Distributor, Rental, Dealer Clay SoundPakyand Lighting, Staging
Amex Audio s.r.o Senec igor@amexaudio.sk www.amexaudio.sk
Rental Sound and Lighting, Video, Roofs AudioMaster s.r.o Nove Zamky info@audiomaster.sk www.audiomaster.sk
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound
BaSys Czech and Sloval s.r.o Bratislava objednavky@basys.sk www.basys.sk Distributor Midas, Turbosound, Bose, beyerdynamic, Cordial Sound, MI, Consumer BV Audio Trnava bvaudio@bvaudio.sk www.bvaudio.sk Manufacturer Sound, Consumer
City Light Slovakia s.r.o Humenne citylight@citylight.sk www.citylight.sk Systems Integrator, Distributor MC2, Zero88 Sound and Lighting
Delta Sound Velky Krtis info@deltasound.sk www.deltasound.sk
Distributor RME Sound
G-Tec Professional s.r.o Bratislava g-tec@g-tec.sk www.g-tec.sk
EVE Audio, Merging, Audac, Catchbox Sound
HDT SK s.r.o Bratislava info@hdtsk.sk www.hdt.cz Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV, MI Kvant spol. s.r.o Bratislava kvant@kvant.com www.kvant.com Manufacturer Lasers
Leader Light s.r.o. Spisska Nova Ves sales@leaderlight.sk www.leaderlight.sk
Manufacturer Leader LightingLight
Melody - E Shop Zilina
eshop@melodyshop.sk www.melodyshop.sk Dealer Sound, MI
Music Market s.r.o. Bratislava obchod@55.sk www.55.sk Dealer, Distributor Look Solutions, Numark, ALTO, Void Acoustics Sound and Lighting, MI, Effects
Ministry Rental Service Banska Bystrica rudo@ministry.sk www.ministryrental.sk Rental Lighting
OMS Dojc info@oms.sk www.oms.sk Manufacturer Lighting
Pro JGS s.r.o Senec szaraz@projgs.sk www.projgs.sk Distributor Cloud, MADRIX, Avolites, Leader Light Sound and Lighting
Prodance s.r.o Bratislava info@prodance.cz www.prodance.cz Distributor B&C SoundSpeakers and Lighting
Q-99 s.r.o.Bratislava office@q-99.sk www.q-99.sk
Elex-Audio Medvode miran.starman@elex-audio.si www.elex-audio.si Distributor Amate Audio Sound
ELSIS Sistemi elektronike in energetike, d.o.o. Ljubljana info@elsis.si www.elsis.si
Design, Dealer Compulite Lighting
Festival Novo mesto, d.o.o. Novo mesto info@festival-nm.com www.festival-nm.com
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Rock Centrum Spol Martin audio@rock-centrum.sk www.rock-centrum.sk
Distributor Martin Audio, Powersoft, Tascam, Xilica Sound
SAP SOUND s.r.o Bratislava info@sapsound.sk www.sapsound,sk Rental Sound
Showmedia s.r.o Kosice info@showmedia.sk www.showmedia.sk Distributor
DAD, Prolights, Proaudio, Astera, MADRIX, Lucenti Lighting, Trussing
Showtacle Bratislava info@showtacle.com www.showtacle.com
Manufacturer Lasers
Showtechnic Bratislava obchod@55.sk www.55.sk
Dealer Sound and Light, Lasers TM Sound s.r.o Zilina info@tmsound.sk www.tmsound.sk
Dealer, Systems Integrator Sound
Lix Audio – Robert Licen s.p. Ankaran lixaudio@volja.net Distributor MC2, 18 Sound Sound
MK Light & Sound d.o.o. Ljubljana info@mklight-sound.si www.mklight-sound.si Distributor DiGiCo, NEXO, Camco, D.A.S. Audio, Look Solutions, Lumen Radio Sound and Lighting, Effects MTD Electronics Ljubljana mtd@siol.net www.mtd-el.si
Distributor Shure, RME, Renkus-Heinz Sound
Vrhnika akustika@bahun.si www.bahun.si Distributor, Rental FENIX Stage, CHAUVET, Void, Cascoo, L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting Alessa d.o.o. Ljubljana info@alessa-lighting.si www.alessa-lighting.si
Distributor Prolyte, Doughty Lighting
Audio Pro d.o.o. Krsko info@audiopro.si www.audiopro.si
Allen&Heath, American DJ, KV2 Audio, HK Audio, Wharfedale Pro Sound and Lighting, Trussing AVC Group d.o.o.
Ljubljana info@avc-group.si www.avc-group.si
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting, AV Big Bang Ltd Ljubljana uprava@bigbang.si www.bigbang.si
Dealer AV and Consumer
CV+AR d.o.o. Ljubljana info@cvar.si www.cvar.si
Void AV and Conference
Dado Osvocenje Domzale dado.damir.peric@gmail.com www.dadosound.com Distributor, Rental TW AUDiO Sound
Dat Con Polzela AV@dat-con.si www.dat-con.si Distributor RCF Sound and AV Dega Sistemi d.o.o. Celje dejan@dega-sistemi.si www.dega-sistemi.si Rental, Distributor Powersoft, CODA Audio, FENIX Stage Sound
Despo d.o.o. Ljubljana info@despo.si www.despo.si Distributor Desisti, Roscolab, Spotlight Lighting
Rental Sound and Lighting FFF d.o.o. Ljubljana info@fff.si www.fff.si
Sound and Lighting, AV G.S.L. d.o.o. Portoro galaxy.audio@gmail.com www.galaxy-sound.si
Rental Sound and Lighting
Gorup Stojan s.p. Sezana stojan@gorup.eu www.gorup.eu
Distributor, Systems Integrator B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting
Hartman d.o.o. Maribor info@hartman.si www.hartman.si Distributor, Dealer PROEL Sound and Lighting, MI KSL Studio d.o.o. Ljubljana info@ksl-studio.si www.ksl-studio.si Distributor d&b audiotechnik, Martin Audio, LPS, Clay Paky, Cloud, Ecler Sound and Lighting
Novigre d.o.o. Velenje info@novigre.com www.novigre.com
Distributor Prolyte Sound and Lighting
PRO Akustik Radece proakustik.si@gmail.com www.proakustik.si
Distributor Amate Audio Sound
Prostt d.o.o Maribor prosst@soil.net www.prostt.si
Distributor Electro-Voice, Midas, Dynacord, Sennheiser, Teclumen, beyerdynamic Sound and Lighting
TSE d.o.o Ljubljana info@tse.si www.tse.si
Dealer, Systems Integrator Sound. AV, Broadcast
Zagar Audio Ljubljana info@zagaraudio.si www.zagaraudio.si Manufacturer Sound
Acson Comercial S.A. Barcelona acson@acson.com www.acson.com
Distributor Vieta Pro, CHAUVET DJ, CHAUVET Professional, DTS, ELAN, Phonic Sound and Lighting Acustica Beyma S.L. Valencia beyma@beyma.com www.beyma.com Manufacturer beyma Sound
Adagio Distribucion Barcelona Contact online www.adagiodistribucion.es Distributor HK Audio, Audix, Adam, Focusrite, Samson Sound
Adagio Pro Barcelona Contact online www.adagiopro.es Distributor Midas, Martin Audio, Lake Sound
Adam Hall Spain Barcelona mail.spain@adamhall.com
Distributor Adam Hall, Gravity, LD Systems, Palmer Sound and Lighting, Hardware ADL Laser S.L. Madrid info@adl-laser.com www.adl-laser.com Design, Dealer, Service Centre Compulite, Laseranimation, Robert Julliat, ETC Sound and Lighting, Laser, Architectural Aimas Soluciones Audiovisuales S.L. Madrid byc-espana@aimas.es www.aimas.es
Distributor B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting Alfalite Huelva info@alfalite.com www.alfalite.com
Manufacturer, Install Alfalite LED Displays
ALTAIR - Equipos Europeos Electronicos S.A. Tres Cantos – Madrid altair@altairaudio.com www.altairaudio.com
Manufacturer ALTAIR
Sound, Broadcast
Amalex Sonido Pro Malaga amalex@amalex.es www.amalex.es
Amate Audio Sound, Hi-Fi
Amate Audio Barcelona info@amateaudio.com www.amateaudio.com
Manufacturer Master Audio, Amate Audio Sound
Artesonido Natural S.L. Toledo info@mipro.com.es www.mipro.com.es Distributor MiPro Sound
ASPA , S.L. Madrid comercial@aspa.net www.aspa.net Manufacturer, Distributor XF Software, Stagetec, D&R, Yellowtec, Prodys Sound, Broadcast
ASTEC Actividades Electronicas S.A. Madrid astec@astec.es www.astec.es Manufacturer, Dealer B&C, dBTechnologies, FBT, Yorkville Sound
AtenLaser Barcelona info@atenlaser.com www.atenlaser.com
Systems Integrator, Manufacturer ATENLASER, RTI, tarm Lighting, Effects, Laser
Audiomic Producciones S.L. Sondika (Vizcaya) audiomic@audiomic.com www.audiomic.com
Rental Sound and Lighting
Audiomusic Systems S.L. Silla-Valencia audiomusic@audiomusic.es www.audiomusic.es
Distributor Marktinez, SKB, AMS, Paul Millet Sound and Lighting
Audiosistemas y Proyectos S.L.U. Seville info@antari.es www.antari.es
Distributor Antari Fog, Effects
Avance Luz S.L. Valencia info@avanceluz.es www.avanceluz.es
Manufacturer Avanceluz
BCN Servilux Barcelona info@bcnservilux.com www.bcnservilux.com
Distributor, Dealer Zero 88, Rosco
Ben-Ri Electronica S.A. Madrid comercial@ben-ri.com www.ben-ri.com
Manufacturer LT-Light, LT-Pyro, EGO Control Lighting, Pyro
Bilbao Trading S.A. Madrid Contact online www.bilbaotrading.com Distributor Kawai, Schimmel MI
Bofill & Asociados Madrid info@bofillyasociados.es www.bofillyasociados.es
Distributor Chainmaster, Litec, DTS, Butec Lighting
Centro Mayor II Barcelona officinas@centromayor.es www.centromayer.es Distributor, Dealer Wharfedale Pro, ADJ, Ortofon Sound and Lighting, DJ, MI
Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc Spain Branch Madrid Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer, Distributor Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia
Cimep S.L. Alicante info@v-prof.com www.v-prof.com Manufacturer V-Prof Speakers Sound
Cittadini Light Systems Loja europa@cittadinilaser.com www.cittadinilaser.com Manufacturer, Distributor, Rental Cittadini, Pangolin Laser
CitySound Ciudad Real comercial@citysound.net www.citysound.net Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI Coel (Consultores Electroacusticos S.L.) Vizcaya info@coelaudio.com www.coelaudio.com
Heil Sound, Calrec, Sound Devices, JK Audio Sound, Broadcast Cut Off Barcelona sat@cutoff.es www.cutoff.es Dealer Sound and Lighting, DJ, MI D.A.S. Audio S.A. Valencia sales@dasaudio.com www.dasaudio.com Manufacturer D.A.S. Audio Sound
d&b audiotechnik ES Barcelona info.spain@dbaudio.com www.dbaudio.com Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
Desiberica S.A. Madrid jgines@desiberica-desisti.com www.desisti.it Distributor DeSisti Lighting
Discomovil Girona discomov@discomovil.net www.discomovil.net
Doscientos Veinte Sonido S.L. Barcelona informacion@dosveinte.com www.dosveinte.com
Distributor NEXO, Clear-Com, AuviTran, Ghost Sound, AV
Drawer Distribucion Murcia info@drawer.es www.drawer.es Manufacturer, Distributor Drawer Flightcases, Consumables
Dushow Barcelona Barcelona contact@dushow.com www.dushow-barcelona.com
EAR Pro S.A. Barcelona earpro@earpro.es www.earpro.es
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Shure, ELC, Chief, Liteputer, Absen Sound and Lighting, AV, MI ECLER S.A. Barcelona info@ecler.es www.ecler.es
Manufacturer Ecler Sound
Edisco Pontevedra Contact online www.edisco.es
Dealer CESVA Sound
EES - Entertainment Equipment Supplies
Astigarraga info@ees.es www.ees.es Distributor Lucenti Sound and Lighting
EIS Electronica Integral de Sondido Zaragoza comercial@eissa.com www.eissa.com Manufacturer KB Sound, Soundaround Sound, AV, Multiroom
Emsac Producciones S.L. Pontevedra emsac@emsac.com www.emsac.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV, Staging, Scenery
Entertainment Equipment Supplies S.L. Guipuzcoa info@ees.es www.ees.es
Vari-Lite, Robert Juliat, Prolyte, Doughty, Lightconverse Lighting
Equipson S.A. Silla-Valencia equipson@equipson.es www.equipson.es
Manufacturer, Distributor, System Integrator
Work Pro, Work Lifters, Mark, ChamSys, High End Systems, Mean Well Sound and Lighting, Truss, Stage Platforms
Extreme Quality Control S.L (EQC) Madrid info@eqcaudio.com www.eqcaudio.com
X-Treme, Peecker Sound, XTE Sound and Lighting, AV
Factory Producciones Musicales S.L. Zaragoza contratacion@factoryproducciones.com www.factoryproducciones.com
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Fantek Industrial S.L. Alcasser-Valencia info@fantek.es www.fantek.es Manufacturer
Fantek Lifters, Platforms, Trussing
Feilo Sylvania Spain S.A. Madrid info.es@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com
Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
FENIX Stage S.L.U. Valencia export@fenixstage.com www.fenixstage.com
Manufacturer FENIX Stage Lifting Towers, Trussing, Stage Platforms, Roofs, Accessories
Fluge Eventos Madrid info@fluge.es www.fluge.es Rental Sound and Lighting
FONESTAR Sistemas SA Cantabria export@fonestar.es www.fonestar.com
Manufacturer Fonestar Sound, AV, IT
Gaplasa, S.A. Madrid atclient.denon@maygap.com www.denon.es
D&M Professional, beyerdynamic, Bose Sound
GE Lighting Appliances Espana S.A. Barcelona info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com
GE Lighting Lighting
General Service Provider S.L. (GSP) Barcelona admin@gspiberica.com www.gspiberica.com
Service, Repair Sound, Hi Fi
Gerriets Espana S.L Madrid info@gerriets.es www.gerriets.es Distributor Gerriets Projector Screens
Gil Risoto Electronica S.L. Malaga info@gilrisotoelectronica.com www.gilrisotoelectronica.com
Installer, Manufacturer Custom Sound Sound
GUIL S.L. Valencia sales@guil.es www.guil.es
Manufacturer GUIL Staging, Lifting Towers, Truss, Rigging Ibiza Sound and Light Valencia ventas@ibizasoundlight.com www.sonolightcenter.net
LTC Audio, Ibiza Sound, Ibiza Light Sound and Lighting
IDEA Pro Audio Galicia info@ideaproaudio.com www.ideaproaudio.com
Manufacturer IDEA Sound
Imaginamusica Badalona info@imaginamusica.com www.imaginamusica.com
Dealer d&b audiotechnik Sound
INFiLED Europe S.L. Barcelona info.emea@infiled.com www.infiled.com
Branch Office INFiLED LED Displays Kinson S.A. Barcelona administracion@kinson.es www.kinson.pro
Distributor Wharfedale Pro. Tasker. Seetronic Sound
Kuzar Systems S.L. Valencia info@kuzar.es www.kuzar.es Manufacturer Lifts, Trussing
La Casa de los Altavoces Madrid info@lacasadelosaltavoces.com www.lacasadelosaltavoces.com Dealer Amate Audio, Beyma Sound, Consumer
Laserworld Iberica Madrid info@laserworld.com www.laserworld.com
Distributor, Installer, Systems Integrator Laserworld, tarm, RTI, Showeditor, Showcontroller, ShowNet, Lasergraph DSP Lasers, Laser Software, Lighting LDA AudioTech Malaga lda@lda.es www.lda-audiotech.com Manufacturer, Distributor LDA, Renkus-Heinz
Public Address, Voice Alarm
Letusa Pro Madrid Contact online http:b2b.letusapro.es Distributor Turbosound, Mackie, Electro-Voice, Dynacord Sound
Lutron CC, SRL Barcelona eacustsvc@lutron.com www.lutron.com Distributor Lutron Lighting
Lynx Pro Audio Valencia info@lynxproaudio.com www.lynxproaudio.com Manufacturer Lynx Sound
Magnetron S.A. Madrid magnetron@magnetron.es www.magnetron.es Distributor Sennheiser, TEAC, FBT Sound
Media-Sys S.L. Barcelona mediasys@mediasys.es www.mediasys.es Distributor Kling & Frietag, Proel, Sagitter, Mogami, SCP. Sound
Mediasonic Cuellar mediasonic@mediasonic.es www.mediasonic.es Dealer, Systems Integrator Amate Audio Sound, AV
Meyer Sound Espana S.A.
Sevilla info@meyersound.es www.meyersound.es
Distributor Meyer Sound, DiGiCo, RMS, Whirlwind Sound
MGC Lamps Espana Valencia info@mgc-spain.com www.mgc-spain.com
Distributor Philips, Osram, GE Lighting, Sylvania, Ushio Lighting
Microfusa Barcelona escuelabcn@microfusaformacion.com www.microfusa.com Education, Dealer Sound, MI
Monacor Espana S.A. Gauses info@monacor-spain.com www.monacor-spain.biz
Distributor Monacor Sound and Lighting
Mored Audio Video Huesca info@audiovideomored.es www.audiovideomored.es
Rental. Dealer Amate Audio Sound, AV
Musicasa Mallorca musicasa@musicasa.es www.musicasatiendas.com Dealer Sound, MI
Musical Express Guadalajara musicalexpress@telefonica.es www.musicalexpress.es
Rental, Dealer Amate Audio Sound, MI
Musical Rosalino Pontecesures info@musicalrosalino.com www.musicalrosalino.com Dealer Master Audio, Amate Audio Sound
Musicson S.L. Valencia info@musicson.com www.musicson.com Manufacturer Musicson Sound
Neotecnica S.A.E Madrid neotecnica@neotecnica.com www.neotecnica.es
Distributor Neutrik, Cordial, AKG, Fohhn Sound
OSRAM S.A. Madrid marketing@osram.es www.osram.es Distributor Osram Lighting
P Audio Iberica Barcelona
comercial@paudio-iberica.com www.paudio-iberica.com Distributor P Audio Sound
Pasarela Iluminacion S.L. Valencia info@grupopasarela.com www.somospasarela.com Rental, Dealer Coemar, TAS, Strand Lighting, Pasa, Rosco, GE Lighting, Philips, Osram Lighting
Penn Fabrication Spain S L Alegia post@penn-elcom.es www.penn-elcom.com Distributor Penn-Elcom Hardware, Trussing
Pinanson S.L. Guadalajara pinanson@pinanson.com www.pinanson.com
Manufacturer Pinanson Cabling Solutions
Pioneer Electronics Espana, S.A. Barcelona Contact online www.pioneer-audiovisual.es Distributor Pioneer Sound, AV
Pirotecnia Igual Barcelona pisa@pirotecniaigual.com www.pirotecniaigual.com Design, Manufacture, Distributor Le Maitre Pyro, Effects
Power Light S.L. Malaga gonzalo@powerlight.es www.powerlight.es Distributor JB Systems, Audiocenter Sound and Lighting
Pro Lifts S.L. (VMB) Paterna info@prolifts.es www.prolifts.es Manufacturer VMB Lifts, Trussing Pro-Lighting S.L. Guipuzcoa Contact online www.pro-lighting.com Distributor, Dealer High End, Zero 88, PR Lighting, Hungaroflash, Look Solutions Lighting, Effects, Fog
Ram Audio Valencia support@ramaudio.com www.ramaudio.com
Manufacturer RAM Audio Sound
Reflexion Arts
Vigo ventas@reflexion-arts.com www.reflexion-arts.com Distributor
Audient, Rupert Neve Designs Sound, Broadcast
R.M.T. Tudela info@rmtmusica.es www.rmtmusica.es Dealer Amate Audio Sound and Lighting, MI Roland Iberia S.L. Barcelona joan.garrobe@roland.com www.roland.es
Roland Sound, AV, MI, Video
Rosco Iberica, S.A. Madrid info.spain@rosco.com www.rosco-iberica.com
Distributor Rosco Lighting
Ross Systems Bilbao ross@ross.com.es www.ross.com.es Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI Ruybesa Madrid info@ruybesa.es www.ruybesa.es Design, Systems Integrator, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV, Video, Signage, Security
Seesound S.L. Barcelona info@seesound.es www.seesound.es
Distributor Adamson, Powersoft, DPA, Avid Venue, Martin by HARMAN, Radial Sound, AV, Acoustics, Lighting Serman Pro S.L. Madrid serman-pro@serman-pro.es www.serman-pro.es Distributor Hormon, Audio Performance, JTS, Canare, Danda Sound
SILENCE ELECTROACUSTICA S.L. Barcelona info@silence.com.es www.silence.com.es Distributor, Systems Integrator, Rental, Projects, Events Harmonic-Design, Sfat, Hurakan SMB, Chromateq, ADJ, B&W, Rotel Sound and Lighting, Special Effects, Consumables, LEDs
Siluj Iluminacion S.L. Leon info@siluj.com www.siluj.com Distributor, Dealer Triton Blue, GE Lighting, Smoke Factory, Doughty, Jands and Harting Lighting, Effects Soinua Pro Arrasate soinua@soinua.com www.soinua.com Distributor, Rental TW AUDiO, UNiKA Pro, XTA Sound
Sonido Eduardo Vejer sonidoeduardo@gmail.com
PKN Controls, 18 Sound, Ciare Sound
SLS Sound Light Spain Santa Perpetua de Mogoda comercial@soundlightspain.com www.soundlightspain.com Distributor
Funktion-One, AED Audio, PR Lighting, Lightking, Luxibel Sound and Lighting
Spai S.L. Madrid info@spai.es www.spai.es Distributor ADB, Diafora, MDG, Gobos Lighting
Stage Trussing & Lighting S.L. (STL) Barcelona strong@strong.es www.strong.es Manufacturer, Dealer Strong, Strong Stage, Latchways, Le Mark, Prolyte Trussing, Lighting
Stonex Show Lighting S.L. Madrid stonex@stonexsl..com www.stonexsl.com Systems Integrator, Install, Design Lighting
Take Off Audio S.L. Barcelona info@takeoffsl.com www.takeoffsl.com Distributor L-Acoustics Sound
Tecesa Acustica Visual Asturias tecesa@tecesa.net www.tecesa.net Distributor, Dealer Zero 88, Yamaha Commercial Audio Sound and Lighting, Architectural
Tecnare Sound Systems Madrid ventas@tecnare.com www.tecnare.com Manufacturer Tecnare Sound Systems Sound
TM 87 S.A. Madrid info@tm87.com www.tm87.com Rental, Dealer Studio Due Lighting
Triple Onda Barcelona tripleonda@tripleonda.com www.tripleonda.com Manufacturer Triple Onda Sound
Triton Blue S.L. Leon info@triton-blue.com www.triton-blue.com Manufacturer Triton Blue Lighting
TSA Valencia info@tsa-sound.com www.tsa-sound.com Manufacturer TSA (Tecno Star Audio) Sound
Twin Cam Audio S.L. Barcelona twincam@twincamaudio.com www.twincamaudio.com Rental Sound
Vetson Santander Contact online www.vetson.net Rental, Dealer Amate Audio Sound, AV, Consumer
VISUALSVISUALS Event Technology Madrid info@visualsvisuals.com www.visualsvisuals.com Distributor Elation Professional Lighting
Palma de Mallorca Contact online www.watios.net Dealer, Installer
Amate Audio Sound and Lighting, AV
Yamaha- Hazen Elect. Musical S.A. Madrid hazenonline@hazen.es www.hazen.es Distributor
Yamaha Sound, MI
Zentralmedia Tech S.L. Barcelona julain.oltra@zentralmedia.com www.zentralmedia.com Distributor
EAW, inout, Wohler, Proel Sound, MI, Broadcast
Marrugat Rapsodia Andorra La Vella vendes@marrugat.com https://www.facebook.com/marketingrapsodia/ Dealer Sound, MI
Music Store Andorra Escaldes-Engordany musicstoreandorra.com@gmail.com www.muicstoreandorra.com Distributor, Dealer
Pioneer DJ, Traktor Sound and Lighting, MI
Pro Musica sp Andorra Escaldes-Engordany promusicaandorra@gmail.com www.promusicaandorra.com Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
Canarias Hipermusic
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria info@canariashipermusic.com www.canariashipermusic.com Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
J Moreno Sonido Santa Cruze de Tenerife Contact online www.jmoreno.eu Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
L & Sons Contacts SLL Tenerife info@landsons.com www.landsons.com
Distributor Caribbean and Central America Sound and Lighting
Musicanarias SL Santa Cruz de Tenerife info@musicanarias.com www.musicanarias.com Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
Picholi S.L. Gran Canaria Contact online www.picholi.com Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
Sonoplus Canarias Santa Cruz de Tenerife gestion@sonoplusscanarias.es www.sonoplusscanarias.es Rental
L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting
Amazing Event Stockholm AB Bandhagen info@amazingevent.se www.amazingevent.se Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Anderson & Co Sweden AB Norrkoping info@anderson-co.se www.anderson-co.se Distributor ADB, Harlequin Dancefloors, Coemar Lighting
Arva Trading AB Malmo, Stockholm info@arva.se www.arva.se Distributor DPA, d&b audiotechnik, Optocore, TTA, Sommer Cable, Avid Venue Sound
Atendi AB Goteborg ia@atendi.se www.atendi.se Distributor Martin Audio, Chevin Sound and Lighting
Audio Industries Scandinavia AB Vallentuna hans@audio-industries.com www.audio-industries.com Rental Sound AV1 AB Vastra Frolunda guran@av1.se www.av1.se Rental and Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV AVAB Scandinavia AB Skepplanda sales@avabscand.com www.avabscand.com
Manufacturer and Distributor Selcon, Doughty Lighting
AVID Nordic AB Stockholm info@avid.se www.avid.se Distributor Avid Sound, AV
AVP Sales Scandinavia AB Hagersten micke@avpsales.se
www.avpsales.se Distributor Digigrid, Ghost Network, Williams Sound, Cadac Sound
Backaskog Media AB Fjalkinge per@backaskog.se www.backaskog.se Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
Beacon AB Umea order@beacon.nu www.gobogroup.com
Manufacturer Gobos
Bedsab B. Edstrom AB Bandhagen bedsab@bedsab.se www.bedsab.se
Distributor MyrantiQ Rigging
Bellalite Ljusdesign AB Vaxjo info@bellalite.se www.bellalite.se
Distributor ADJ, Zero 88, Manfrotto, Avolites, Antari, Look Solutions Lighting, Effects Benum Sweden AB Hagersten sweden@benum.com www.benum.se Distributor
Audio-Technica, Allen & Heath, Powersoft, Funktion-One, Adamson Sound
Bergasa Ljud & Ljus AB Karlskrona info@bergasaljudoljus.se www.bllab.se Rental and Sales Sound and Lighting
Bose Sweden Molndal Contact online www.bose.se Distributor Bose Sound
Bright Sweden Stockholm linnea.ljungmark@brightgroup.com www.brightgroup.se Distributor
Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting
BRL Electronics Orebro info@brl.se www.brl.se Retailer Sound, Consumer Broderna Park Insjon park@parkbrothers.com www.parkbrothers.com
Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting
Cabletronic AB Stockholm epost@cabletronic.se www.cabletronic.se Manufacturer, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
Concert Equipment Group Sigtuna sales@concert.se www.concert.se Distributor Leyard, Nivoflex Lighting, Staging
Crafton Musik AB Kungalv info@crafton.se www.crafton.se Distributor FBT, Phonic Sound and MI
E M Nordic AB Kungens Kurva info@emnordic.se www.emnordic.se Distributor QSC, Samson, Scandlight Sound and Lighting
Effektgruppen AB Sundsvall info@effektgruppen.se www.effektgruppen.se Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Electrosound AB Bromma office@electrosound.se www.electrosound.se Distributor Panphonics, Roland, Optogate, Alcons Sound
Eventopia Stockholm info@eventopia.se www.eventopia.se Rental and Sales Void, PKN Controls Sound and Lighting
Fitzpatrick AB Taby info@fitzpatrick.se www.fitzpatrick.se Distributor beyerdynamic, Proel, Hercules, Hosa, Furman Sound
Fremlab AB Helsingborg cf@fremlab.se www.fremlab.se Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting, AV
GE Lighting AB Stockholm info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com Distributor GE Lighting
Genelec OY Stockholm Office Huddinge sten.olsson@genelec.com www.genelec.se Distributor Genelec Sound
Havells Sylvania Sweden AB Stockholm info.se@havells-sylvania.com www.havells-sylvania Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lamps
Hi Fi Klubben Goteborg Goteborg goteborg@hifiklubben.se www.hifiklubben.se Dealer Hi Fi
HiFi Kit Electronic AB Stockholm info@hifikit.se www.hifikit.se Dealer Russound, Samson, Audio-Technica Sound
Hofmann Teknik AB Askim info@hofmann.se www.hofmann.se Distributor Kramer, Look Solutions, Litekraft, HOF Trussing, Excellent Line, XOOP Lighting AV and Lighting
HR-AV Produkter Bastad daniel@hr-av.se www.hr-av.se
Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting, AV
ILT AB Ange info@ilt.nu www.ilt.nu Distributor Intellistage, K-array Sound
Information Technology Group Stockholm, Malmo stockholm@informationsteknik.se www.informationsteknik.se Rental Lighting and Sound
Interlite AB UddElectro-Voicealla sales@interlite.se www.interlite.se
Clay Paky, Avolites, DTS, Leaderlight, Milos, VMB Lighting
Intersonic AB Solna info@intersonic.se www.intersonic.se
Camco, NEXO, Ecler, Midas, Martin by HARMAN, Vari-Lite, Link Sound and Lighting
Intinor AB Umea info@intinor.se www.intinor.se
Manufacturer Intinor Video Over IP
JBN Development AB Ornskoldsvik info@jbn.se www.jbn.se
Labgruppen AB Kungsbacka info@labgruppen.com www.labgruppen.com Manufacturer Lab.gruppen, Lake Sound
Laserimage AB Eskilstuna info@laserimage.se www.laserimage.se Rental and Manufacturer Pangolin, Dream Laser Lasers
Lexter Ljuddesign AB Stockholm info@lexter.se www.lexter.se Design Sound
Ljudia AB Mariestad info@ljudia.se www.ljudia.se Dealer Sound and Lighting
Ljus- och AV-teknik AB Stockholm office@lavteknik.se www.lavteknik.se Rental, Dealer AV
LN Hogtalarservice Vastra Forlunda info@hogtalarservice.se www.hogtalarservice.se Service and Installation Sound
LumenRadio AB Gothenburg sales@lumenradio.com www.lumenradio.com Manufacturer LumenRadio Lighting
Luthman SMTTS AB Haninge pag@luthmansmtts.se www.luthman.se Distributor Shure, Akai, Pioneer, HK Audio, RCF Sound
Mansklig Teknik (Tecnica Humana) Stockholm mikis@thum.se www.thum.se Rental Lasers, Pyro
Martin by HARMAN Scandinavia A/S Solna sales@martinscan.com www.martinscan.com Distributor Martin by HARMAN Lighting
Mediatec Solutions Sweden AB Stockholm, Kungalv info@mediatecgroup.com www.mediatecsolutions.se
Rental AV, Sound and Lighting
Monacor Sverige AB Vittsjo sales@monacor.se www.monacor.se Distributor Monacor Sound and Lighting
Music City AB Hisings Backa km@music-city.se www.music-city.se Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting
Musikalen Halmstad info@musikalen.se www.musikalen.se Dealer
Sound and Lighting
Nordisk Musik AB Umea info@nordiskmusik.se www.nordiskmusik.se Distributor Dateq, DMX Creator, Griven, GUIL, Outline Sound and Lighting
P.A.M Prolight and Sound AB Hagfors info@pam-pro.se www.pam-pro.se Dealer
Sound and Lighting
Preqbi Hagersten info@preqbi.se www.preqbi.se Distributor AV Stumpfl Projector Screens
Primetime AB Stockholm info@primetime.se www.primetime.se Dealer
Lighting and Effects
Prophon Audio & Teknik AB Taby info@prophon.se www.prophon.se Manufacturer, Distributor Prophon, B&C Speakers, Syntax, GUIL, Euromet, 2N Sound, Racking
PyroDesign AB Alingsas tb@pyrodesign.se www.pyrodesign.se Distributor Le Maitre Pyro
Roland Scandinavia Farsta info@roland.se www.roland.se Distributor
Roland, Boss, Edirol, Cakewalk Sound, AV SAC Nordic AB Stockholm andreas@sacnordic.com www.sacnordic.com Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound, Security Systems
Sennberg AB Stockholm mail@sennberg.se www.sennberg.se Distributor ARX, Cordial, Neutrik, Aviom, VDB Sound
Sennheiser Nordic Solna sweden@sennheisernordic.com www.sennheisernordic.com Service Centre Sennheiser Sound
Septon Electronic AB Billdal info@septon.se www.septon.se Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Boston Acoustics, Russound Sound
Show Production Services AB Kalmar info@voidaudio.se www.spsab.com Distributor, Rental Void Sound
Showbiz Compagniet Malmo info@showbiz.se www.showbiz.se Dealer Pyro and Foam
Showlighters Sweden AB Stockholm info@showlighters.se www.showlighters.se Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Soliflex Swedish AB Molndahl info@soliflex.se www.soliflex.se Consultants Sound
Sound of Thunder Sweden AB Sorunda info@thunder.se www.thunder.se Rental Sound
STARFELT COMPANY AB SE-44240 Kungälv Sweden
TEL: +46 303 245670 EMAIL: info@starfelt.se WEBSITE: www.starfelt.se
CONTACT: Björn Starfelt
The Starfelt Company is based in Kungälv 20 km north of Gothenburg on the west coast of Sweden and has been in the light and sound business for over 47 years. Its wide dealer net and partners are spread all over Scandinavia. The Starfelt Company is a wholesaler/importer and can offer clients a wide range in the field of sound and lighting.
Brands distributed: Audac, Lectret, Intusonic, Caymon, Procab, Mobil Truss, Chauvet DJ, LeDux & Contacta. The Starfelt website is packed with technical information in Swedish, and indicates stock status 24/7.
Soundside Norrtalje info@soundside.se www.soundside.se Distributor and Rental CODA Audio, JH Audio, Amp Clamp, Stage Junk Sound and Lighting Soundware Sweden Taby info@soundware.se www.soundware.se Distributor DiGiCo, Waves, TC Electronic Sound
SPL Production AB Bandhagen spl@splprod.se www.splprod.se Distributor L-Acoustics Sound
Stage & Event Light AB Skogas info@stageeventlight.se www.stageeventlight.se Rental Lighting, Staging
Standard Audio Systems AB Arlandastad info@standardaudio.se www.standardaudio.se Distributor Electro-Voice, dBTechnologies, Attero, Stewart Audio, Vision Sound
Starfelt Company AB Kungalv info@starfelt.se www.starfelt.se Distributor CHAUVET DJ, Audac, Procab, Caymon, Hill Audio, Mobil Truss Sound and Lighting, Trussing Stockholm B-Ljud Huddinge info@bljud.se www.bljud.se Rental Lighting
Stockholm Lighting Company AB Bromma info@stockholmlighting.se www.slcab.com Distributor Occhio Architectural Lighting Supersonic Svenska AB Stockholm info@supersonic.se www.supersonic.se Distributor Dynacord, Amate Audio, beyma, Formula Sound, Klotz, Faital Pro Sound, Lighting and AV
Swefog Technology Group AB Filipstad johan@swefog.com www.swefog.com Manufacturer Swefog Fog Machines
Teaterteknik AB Stockholm info@teaterteknik.se www.teaterteknik.se Distributor
Chris James, Jands, Spotlight Lighting
Teknorama AB Mariedal info@teknorama.se www.teknorama.se Dealer Sound, AV, Consumer
TLP Direkt Import AB Jonkoping info@tlp.se www.tlp.se Distributor
Trionos/Skytec, Chiayo, Carol, Musicson Sound and Lighting
Totalljud AB Jonkoping info@totalljud.se www.totalljud.se Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
United Audio Starlight AB Arsta info@starlight.se www.starlight.se Rental Sound and Lighting
Visono Media AB Bromma info@visonomedia.com www.visonomedia.com Dealer Sound Devices, Lectrosonics Sound and Lighting, AV
Wireless Solution AB Uddevella na@wirelessdmx.com www.wirelessdmx.com Manufacturer Wireless Solution Lighting
Woodlite Karlstad karlstad@woodlite.se www.woodlite.se Rental Lighting
Xpecta Electro-Voiceenemangsteknik Orebro marcus@xpecta.se www.xpecta.se Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting, AV
Yamaha Music Europe GmbH Germany filial Scandinavia Vastra Frolunda Contact online se.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha Sound
Zirapp AB Staffanstorp info@zirapp.se www.zirapp-pro.se Distributor TW AUDiO Sound
2M Audio GmbH Kuettigen info@2maudio.ch www.2maudio.ch Distributor TTA, Taiden, Amate Audio, d&b audiotechnik Sound
A.J. Steimer AG Zuerich info@steimer-ag.ch www.steimer-ag.ch Systems Integrator AV
Action Light Event SA Meyrin info@actionlightevent.com www.actionlightevent.com Rental Sound and Lighting, Corporate
ALL4BAR Sarl Bex info@all4bar.com www.all4bar.com Dealer Sound and Lighting
AMG Elektronik GmbH /Dekolight Schonenwerd Contact online www.amg-elektronik.ch Dealer Lighting
Artscenique Sarl Geneva info@artscenique.ch www.artscenique.ch Dealer Sound and Lighting
ASL Electronic AG/SA Basel asl@asl.ch www.asl.ch Distributor Chainmaster, Christie Digital, Eurotruss, Robe, Spotlight Lighting, Effects
Ateis Suisse SA Renens info@ateis.ch www.ateis.com Distributor Ateis Sound, AV
Audio Light Sarl Colombier info@audiolight.ch www.audiolight.ch Rental Lighting, AV, Effects
Audio Performance SA Echallens sales@audio-performance.com www.audio-performance.com Manufacturer Audio Performance Sound
AV Ganz AG Zuerich info@avganz.ch www.avganz.ch Systems Integrator AV
AvA Sound + Light Bettlach info@ava-events.ch www.ava-events.ch Distributor TW AUDiO Sound
Avidec AG Dielsdorf info@avidec.ch www.avidec.ch Systems Integrator Sound, AV, Evac Balzo AG Bremgarten
info@balzo.ch www.balzo.ch Distributor Executive Audio Sound, MI
BCM Veranstaltungstechnik GmbH Lyss reito.streit@bcm.net.ch www.bcm-net.ch Distributor, Rental Voice Acoustic, PKN Controls, Global Truss Sound and Lighting, Trussing Bose AG Sissach Contact online www.bose.ch Distributor
Bose Sound, Consumer cast Switzerland AG Villeneuve mail@castinfo.ch www.castinfo.ch Distributor Ayrton, MA Lighting, Prolyte, MDG, Chainmaster Lighting Contrik AG Urdorf contrik@contrik.ch www.contrik.ch Distributor Neutrik Connectors
Crazy Events Verantstaltungstechnik Niederscherli mail@crazyevents.ch www.crazyevents.ch Dealer Sound and Lighting
Crazy Flash Special Effects Hochdorf info@crazyflash.ch www.crazyflash.ch Dealer, Distributor Look Solutions Effects, Pyro, Fog
Decibel SA Vevey decibel@decibel.ch www.decibel.ch
Allen & Heath, Audio-Technica, RCF, Calrec, RTW Sound, Broadcast
DJ Connection GmBH Zuerich info@djconnection.ch www.djconnection.ch Distributor, Rental Alto Sound and Lighting
DKB Household Switzerland AG Zuerich Contact online www.denon-hifi.ch Distributor Denon Sound, Hi Fi
Dr W.A. Guenther AG Erlenbach info@drwaguenther.ch www.drwaguenther.ch Distributor
Shure, HARMAN Audio Brands, Kling & Freitag, Genelec Sound, AV
DRC Medientechnik Chur info@drc.ch www.drc.ch Rental, Dealer TSA (Tecno Star Audio) Sound and Lighting, Effects, Trussing Eberhard Buhnen AG Ebnat-Kappel eberhard@buehnenbau.ch
Manufacturer, Dealer Sound and Lighting, Staging
ELC Lighting BV Le Bouveret sales@elclighting.com www.elclighting.com Manufacturer ELC Lighting
Electric Claudio Merlo Lighting Equipment SA Taverne ecm@ecm-sa.ch www.ecm-sa.ch Distributor Zero 88, ETC, ARRI, Clay Paky, Le Maitre, Look Solutions
Elevite AG Zuerich info@elektro-material.ch www.elevite.ch Distributor Lighting, Electrical Components EMME Bioggio info@emme.ch www.emme.ch Rental Sound and Lighting, Video Event AG Fehraltorf info@eventag.ch www.eventag.ch Distributor FENIX Stage, GIS, Blackmagic Design Lighting, Trussing Feilo Sylvania Switzerland AG Zuerich info.ch@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Sylvania, Concord Lighting
Flashlight Event- und Mediatechnik AG Regensdorf info@flashlight.ch www.flashlight.ch Dealer, Rental Sound and Lighting, Video Go Wild Steinhausen info@gowild.ch www.gowild.ch Distributor beyerdynamic, Powersoft, Presonus, Cordial, Martin Audio Sound
Gotham Ltd Dietikon fammann@gotham.ch www.gotham.ch Manufacturer, Distributor Gotham Cable, Ehrlund, Amphenol Sound, Cabling
Gueller AG Wuerenlos info@swisslas.ch www.swisslas.ch Manufacturer Swisslas Lasers
Habegger AG Regensdorf mail@habegger.ch www.habegger-group.com Rental Sound and Lighting
HBJ Elektronik Stans Contact online www.hbj.ch Distributor DMX4ALL, LDDE, MADRIX, Roll-A-Ramp, Hera, DiGidot Lighting
Heer Music Ltd Schlieren info@heermusic.com www.heermusic.com Distributor K&M, Monster Cable Sound, MI
Hyperson SA Bussigny info@hyperson.ch www.hyperson.ch Distributor, Rental L-Acoustics Sound
Laserworld Academy Lengwil info@lasterworld-academy.com www.sachkunde-lasershow.ch Training Center Sachkundebestaetigung,
Laserworld (Switzerland) AG
Lengwil info@laserworld.com www.laserworld.com
Manufacturer, Distributor
Laserworld, RTI, tarm, Showeditor, Showcontroller, ShowNET, Lasergraph DSP
Lasers, Laser Software, Lighting
Light & Music Rent GmbH (L&M) Aesch info@light-music.ch www.light-music.ch
Rental Sound and Lighting
Luescher Musik AG Oftringen info@lueschermusik.ch www.lueschermusik.ch Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
Lumiere & Son Bulle info@lumiere-son.ch www.lumiere-son.ch
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
menzi ebz ag Horgen info@menziebz.ch www.menziebz.ch
Ayrton, Astera LED, CLF Lighting, Coemar, Enttec, Schnik-Schnak-Systems Lighting, Video, LED Systems. LED Components
Media Toolbox GmbH Schuepfen info@mediatoolbox.ch www.mediatoolbox.ch
Distributor Adamson Sound
Merging Technologies
Puidoux Contact online www.merging.com
Manufacturer Pyramix Sound, Broadcast MGM Audio AG Glattbrugg info@mgmaudio.ch www.mgmaudio.ch
Distributor Void, dBTechnologies, sE Electronics, Xilica Sound, Hi Fi Modernlight Production AG Bern info@modernlight.ch www.modernlight.ch
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Monacor Schweiz AG Rotkreuz info@monacor.ch www.monacor.ch
Distributor Monacor, IMG Stageline, Jablotron, Rock Cable Sound, AV, Security
Music Network AG Dietikon info@musicnetwork.ch www.musicnetwork.ch
Distributor DPA, RME, Apogee, Mogami, UNiKA Pro Sound, MI
Musik-Meyer Ag Schlieren mm@musikmeyer.ch www.musikmeyer.ch
Distributor Montarbo, Lewitt, Korg, Peavey Sound, MI
OSRAM AG Wintherthur info.ch@osram.com www.osram.ch
Distributor Osram Lighting
PEK AG Zuerich Contact online www.pek.ch
Distributor AKAI, Rane, Stanton, Cerwin-Vega, Denon DJ Sound
Plusmusic AG Dietikon contact@plusmusic.ch www.plusmusic.ch
KV2 Audio, DTS, Media Matrix, Crest Audio, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting
Promedias AG Oberhasli info@promedias.ch www.promedias.ch
Distributor Renkus-Heinz Sound
R+R SonicDesign AG Saint Gallen input@sonicdesign.ch www.sonicdesign.ch Dealer, Systems Integrator Sound
Radio Materiel SA Renens info@radio-materiel.ch www.radio-materiel.ch Distributor CHAUVET, AUDAC, K-Array, Loud of Sweden Sound and Lighting, AV
Rock Light Basel info@rock-light.ch www.rock-light.ch Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Roland (Switzerland) AG Itingen info@rolandsystemsgroup.ch proav.roland.com
Distributor Roland, Boss Sound, Video
Sacher Musik Basel sachermusic@swissonline.ch www.sachermusic.ch Distributor Wharfedale Pro, Hill, Countryman Sound and Lighting, MI
Sattler Electronic Showtronic AG Winterthur info@showtronic.com www.showtronic.com
Rental, Distributor
Hungaroflash, Road Ready, Intellicase Sound and Lighting, Effects, Flightcases Scandola Light Audio Media GmbH St Gallen contact@scandola.ch www.scandola.ch
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
SDS Music Factory AG Winterthur info@sdsmusic.ch www.sdsmusic.ch Distributor L-Acoustics, QSC, Focusrite, HK Audio Sound
Sennheiser (Schweiz) AG Urdorf info@sennheiser.ch www.sennheiser.ch Distributor Sennheiser, Fohhn, Konig & Meyer Sound
Show Supply GmbH Schoenbuehl info@showsupply.ch www.showsupply.ch Distributor Clockaudio, Amina, Community, Apex, Biamp Sound
Showlight AG Frauenfeld info@showlight.com www.showlight.ch
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV SonicdesignDistribution Sarl Savigny, Geneve sonic@designdistribution.ch www.designdistribution.ch Distributor L-Acoustics Sound
Soundhouse Musicservice AG Luzern info@soundhouse.ch www.soundhouse.ch
Dealer Sound and Lighting
Spring AG Horgen info@spring-ag.ch www.spring-ag.ch Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Stagelight AG
Herisau info@stagelight.ch www.stagelight.ch Rental Sound and Lighting Studio Equipment Yverdon-les Bains Contact online www.studioequipment.ch Distributor Cadac Sound
Technical Challenge SA Crissier info@defitechnique.com www.defitechnique.com Systems Integrator AV
Telion AG Schlieren Contact online www.telion.ch Distributor Loewe, Vogels, Absen AV, Consumer
Thermolab Sarl Preverenges info@thermolab.ch www.thermolab.ch Distributor Antari Fog Machines
Tonart Professionelle Audiotechnik Lucerne info@tonart-audiotechnik.ch www.tonart-audiotechnik.ch Systems Integrator AV
Tucton Wernetshausen info@tucton.ch www.tucton.ch Distributor Yamaha, Tau Sound Design Sound
UM Audio Zuerich mail@uniquemoments.ch www.um-audio.ch Distributor, Rental Funktion-One, Full Fat Audio, NST Audio Sound
Uniton AG Regensdorf info@uniton.ch www.uniton.ch Manufacturer Audio Akustik Sound, Evac VIBS show-tech Chur kontakt@vibs.ch www.vibs.ch Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Visage Sound & Light Service Herzogenbuchsee info@visalight.ch www.visalight.ch Dealer Sound and Lighting
VXCO Lighting Systems Deitingen sales@dmxcreator.com www.dmxcreator.com Manufacturer, Distributor DMXCreator Lighting
Walther Licht- und Tontechnik AG Biel info@walther-ag.ch www.walther-ag.ch Rental Sound and Lighting
Yamaha Music Europe GmbH Switzerland Branch Zuerich Contact online www.yamahacommercialaudio.com Distributor Yamaha Sound
Z-Audio Animatec SA Russikon info@animatec.ch www.animatec.ch Distributor DPA, D.A.S. Audio, MiPro, MC2, XTA, Proel Sound
ZAP SA Geneva contact@zapaudio.com www.zapaudio.com Distributor NEXO, Altair Sound
www.linkedin.com/ company/mondo-dr
ADEC Istanbul info@adec.com.tr www.adec.com.tr
Arthur Holm, Elation, Biamp, TW AUDiO, Solid State Logic Sound and Lighting, AV
Akalin Music Istanbul info@akalinmusik.com www.akalinmusik.com
Distributor Audient Sound
Akhan A.S. Istanbul fha.akhancix@superonline.com www.akhantec.com
Distributor, Installer, Service One Systems, Outline, Whirlwind, Faital Pro, Revolution Acoustics, Le Maitre Sound and Lighting, Video
Aktuel Event Organisation Antalya info@aktuelled.com www.aktuelled.com
Rental Meyer Sound Partner, LED Screens Sound and Lighting
Akustik Istanbul info@akustik.com.tr www.akustik.com.tr
Dealer Renkus-Heinz, Fane, Zero 88 Sound and Lighting
Alfa Elektronik Istanbul alfa@al-fa.com.tr www.al-fa.com.tr Manufacturer, Distributor Molex Industrial Altincizme Istanbul serdar@altincizme.com www.altincizme.com
Rental Meyer Sound Partner Sound and Lighting
Asimetrik Istanbul asimetrik@asimetrik.com.tr asimetrik.com.tr
Distributor, Systems Integrator Meyer Sound, Turbosound, QSC, Desisti, DTS Sound and Lighting
Astel Professional Image Systems Inc Istanbul urun.satis@asteltr.com www.asteltr.com/tr
Distributor, Systems Integrator Absen, Christie, Optoma, Northvision LED Displays, Video
Atempo Ankara info@atempo.com.tr www.atempo.com.tr
Allen & Heath, Electro-Voice, Shure, DiGiCo, d&b audiotechnik, TOA, ETC Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast
ATY Events Istanbul aty@aty.com.tr www.aty.com.tr
Rental Meyer Sound Partner Sound and Lighting
Axalight Istanbul info@axalight.com www.axalight.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Axalight, Cloud-Drive, Duotek, Induce, Filament-White, Skyline Lighting
Dinakord Istanbul main@atlantik.com.tr www.atlantik.com.tr
D.A.S. Audio, Kling & Freitag, Mackie, RCF, Proel, SSP, Kvant Sound and Lighting
E.C.E. Elektronika A.S. Istanbul info@eceelektronik.com www.eceelektronik.com
Eminence, Fane, Gemini, Doppler, LD System, The Buttkicker Sound and Lighting
Ekin Ses Izmir ekin@ekinses.com www.ekinses.com
Rental Meyer Sound Partner Sound and Lighting, AV
Elit Light Sound Technologies Istanbul info@elit-tr.com www.elit-tr.com
Avid, Coemar, DPA, Radial, Lucenti, Robert Juliat Sound and Lighting
EMT Elektronik Ankara emt@emt.com.tr www.emt.com.tr Systems Integrator, Service Sound and Lighting, AV Ertekin Elektronik Istanbul info@ertekin.com.tr www.ertekin.com.tr
MiPro, B&C Speakers, HARMAN Professional Audio Brands, CHAUVET, Avolites, Antari, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, Effects, AV, Consumer
Extreme Audio Istanbul support@extreme-audio.com www.extreme-audio.com Distributor, Dealer Amate Audio, Focal Sound, HiFi
Feilo Sylvania Turkey Istanbul turkiye@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Sylvania Lighting
Ilgin SES Izmir info@ilginses.com www.ilginses.com Dealer, Systems Integrator Amate Audio Sound, AV
Istanbul Telesine Istanbul info@telesine.com www.istelesine.com Distributor Tendzone, EAW, Jem, Martin by HARMAN Sound and Lighting
Kontrol Technical Production Istanbul kontrol@kontrol.biz www.kontrol.biz Rental Meyer Sound Partner Sound and Lighting
Laserworld Turkey Antalya info@laserworld.com www.laserworld.com
Distributor, Installer, Systems Integrator Laserworld, RTI, tarm, Showeditor, Showcontroller, ShowNET, Lasergraph DSP
Lasers, Laser Software, Lighting
LAST SES Isik Teknolojileri Ankara international@last.com.tr last.com.tr
Distributor, Rental, Systems Integrator Adamson, AVID Venue, Ohm,AMC, Sommer Cable, Elation Sound and Lighting
Lotus Teknoloji Istanbul oktay@lotusteknoloji.com www.lotusteknoloji.com
Distributor, Rental K-Array, LYNX Pro Audio, Portman Lights, Highlite Sound and Lighting MEK1 Sound Istanbul info@mek1sound.com www.mek1sound.com
Distributor, Install, Rental Funktion-One, MC2 Audio, XTA Electronics, SoundTube, Solid Drive Sound
Melomani Yenimahalle hasandundar@melomani.com www.melomani.com
Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Ashly, FENIX Stage, Lewitt, Showtechnics, DSPPA Sound and Lighting, MI, AV Nefan Istanbul nefan@nefan.com www.nefan.com
Distributor beyerdynamic, Philips, JVC, CODA Audio Sound and Lighting, Broadcast Nemsan Elektronik Istanbul guray@nemsanelektronik.com www.nemsanelektronik.com
Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Osram Ampul Tic A.S. Istanbul info@osram.com.tr www.osram.com.tr
Manufacturer Osram Lighting
Park Technical Production Ltd Istanbul oktay@parkltd.com www.parkltd.com
Rental Clair Bros Rental Partner Sound and Lighting, AV
Partner Iletisim Istanbul info@partneriletisim.com www.partneriletisim.com
Rental Meyer Sound Partner Sound and Lighting
Playback Music Istanbul playback@playbackmusic.com www.playbackmusic.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Prizma Truss Construction Istanbul prizmatruss@prizmatruss.com www.prizmatruss.com
Manufacturer Trussing
Prosistem Istanbul info@prosistem.com.tr www.prosistem.com.tr
Distributor, Systems Integrator
Clay Paky Sound and Lighting, LED Screens
Raten Productions Istanbul raten@ratenmusic.com www.ratemnusic.com
Agency Musicians
Servo Professional Sound Systems Eskesiher sales@servo.com.tr www.servo.com.tr Manufacturer
Proto One, Voice Pro Sound
Staras Istanbul staras@staras.com.tr www.staras.com.tr
Meyer Sound Partner, DiGiCo Sound and Lighting
Trio Ses ve Goruntu Sistemleri A.S. Istanbul info@triohome.com.tr www.triohome.com.tr
Distributor Clay Paky Sound and Lighting, Hi Fi
Turset Project Management Antalya info@turset.com www.turset.org
Meyer Sound Partner Sound and Lighting
Visions Istanbul visions@visions.com.tr www.visions.com.tr
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Yamaha Music Europe Turkey Istanbul yamaha-turkey@gmx.yamaha.com www.tr.yamaha.com
Distributor Yamaha, NEXO Sound
Yildirim Led Ve Ses Teknolojileri Antalya zeki@yildrimmusik.com www.yildirimmuzik.com
TW AUDiO, HK Audio Sound, MI
Zuhal Dis Ticaret A.S. Istanbul info@zuhalmusik.com www.zuhalmusik.com
Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI
www.tpimagazine.com | | www.tpmeamagazine.com www.mondodr.com
10 out of 10 Productions Ltd
London Contact online www.10outof10.co.uk
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
10K Ltd
South Darenth keith.dale@10Knew.com www.10knew.com
Distributor triWi, Powerdrive, Euromet, Swisson, Vari-Lite Sound and Lighting, Video, Effects, Broadcast
10K Used Gear Ltd
South Darenth keith.dale@10Kused.com www.10kused.com
Used Equipment Sound and Lighting. Video, Broadcast, Trussing, Effects
4 Wall - UK Blackburn europe@4wall.com www.europe.4wall.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, Video
5 Star Cases Ltd Wisbech info@5star-cases.com www.5star-cases.com
Manufacturer 5 Star Flightcases
A.C. Entertainment Technologies Ltd High Wycombe sales@aclighting.com www.ac-et.com
Distributor Chroma-Q, Jands, Luminex, LumenRadio, Green Hippo Sound and Lighting Aardvark FX Ltd Keynsham info@aardvarkfx.com www.aardvarkfx.com
Rental, Distributor Galaxis Effects, Pyro
Abstract AVR Ltd Blaby sales@abstractavr.com www.abstract.co.uk
Abstract Lighting
Ace Visual & Sound Systems Limited Thorne info@showmagic.com www.showmagic.com
ShowMagic Control Software
Sound and Lighting, Video
Adam Hall Ltd Southend-on-Sea Contact online www.adamhall.com
Adam Hall Brands Lighting, Trussing Adelto Industries Ltd. Southend-on-Sea sales_emea@adelto.com www.adelto.com
Distributor EMEA Intusonic, Hill Electronics, MultiformLighting, Sound and Lighting
Adlib Liverpool enquiries@adlib.co.uk www.adlib.co.uk
Rental, Distributor L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting
ALG Live Events Ltd Birmingham info@alg-uk.com www.alg-uk.com
Rental, Dealer ShowMagic Sound and Lighting
Alistage Ltd Potters Bar sales@alistage.co.uk www.alistage.co.uk
Manufacturer Staging All Access UK Woking guyf@allaccessinc.com www.allaccessinc.com
Rental Staging
Allen & Heath Ltd Penryn Contact online www.allen-heath.com
Manufacturer Allen & Heath Sound and Lighting Amber Sound Ltd Potters Bar sales@ambersound.co.uk www.ambersound.co.uk
One Systems Sound
Ambersphere Solutions Ltd London info@ambersphere.co.uk www.ambersphere.co.uk
Distributor, Service Centre
Astera, Ayrton, MA Lighting, Robert Juliat, Zactrack Lighting
Amp-Pack Cases
Peterborough info@amp-packcases.com www.amp-packcases.com Manufacturer, Dealer Amp-Pack Cases, SKB Flightcases
Andolite Andover sales@andolite.co.uk www.andolite.co.uk
Manufacturer Sound and Lighting
Anytronics Ltd Horndean sales@anytronics.com www.anytronics.com
Manufacturer Anytronics Lighting
Architainment Lighting Limited High Wycombe sales@architainment.co.uk www.architainment.co.uk Distributor, Dealer SGM, Alto, Color Kinetics, Pharos, Philips Dynalite, Lumascape Lighting, Architectural Area Four Industries UK Wisbech info@areafourindustries.co.uk www.areafourindustries.co.uk Distributor Milos, Litec, James Thomas Engineering, TOMCAT, EXE Technology, Mobiltechlifts, Xstage, Xtruss Trussing, Structures, Roofs, Hoists, Lifts, Stage Decks
Arri Rental Uxbridge support@arrirental.co.uk www.arrirental.co.uk Rental Lighting
ArtAV Ltd Stockton on Tees av@artav.co.uk www.artav.co.uk Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Artistic Licence Bovey Tracey sales@artisticlicence.com www.artisticlicence.com
Manufacturer Lighting, Control Aspen Media Ltd Aylesbury answers@aspen-media.com www.aspen-media.com
Distributor Nixer Pro Audio, DirectOut, Stage Tec Sound, Broadcast
Audio Feed Bournemouth info@audio-feed.com www.audio-feed.co.uk
Dealer, Rental Funktion-One Sound
Audica Professional Limited Bishops Stortford help@audicapro.co.uk www.audicapro.co.uk
Manufacturer Audica Sound
Audio Funktion Bristol paulr@audiofunktion.co.uk www.audiofunktion.co.uk
Rental, Dealer Sound
Audio Light Systems Ltd Edinburgh enquiry@audiolightsystems.com www.audiolightsystems.com
Systems Integrator
Sound and Lighting, AV
Audio Logic Harlow sales@audiologic.co.uk www.audiologic.co.uk
Distributor QSC Sound
Audio Plus Colchester sales@audio-plus.co.uk www.audio-plus.co.uk Rental, Dealer Funtion-One Sound
Audio Technica Ltd Leeds info@audio-technica.co.uk www.audio-technica.co.uk Distributor Audio-Technica, Allen & Heath, Artnovion, audio pro business, Optimal Audio Sound
Audio Visual Materials Camberley sales@avmltd.co.uk www.avmltd.co.uk Distributor Audipack, Da-Lite AV
Audioserv Leeds pete@audioserv.co.uk www.audioserv.co.uk Dealer, Rental Funktion-One Sound
Autograph Sales and Installations London sales@autograph.co.uk www.autographsales.co.uk Distributor, Dealer, Installer Meyer Sound Sound
Aux Import Christchurch hello@auximport.co.uk www.auximport.co.uk Distributor
UNiKA Pro, CatCore, NEXT Audiocom Sound
Avolites Limited London sales@avolites.com www.avolites.com
Manufacturer Avolites Lighting, Media Baldwin Boxall Communications Crowborough mail@baldwinboxall.co.uk www.baldwinboxall.co.uk
Manufacturer Baldwin Boxall Voice Alarm
Barbizon Hemel Hempstead europe@barbizon.com www.barbizon.com
Dealer Lighting
Barco Ltd Bracknell info@barco.com www.barco.com Distributor Barco Video
Barnes & Mullins Oswestry sales@bandm.co.uk www.bandm.co.uk
Distributor Peavey, K&M Sound, MI
Batmink Distribution Ltd Somerset info@batmink.co.uk
Distributor Sound and Lighting. AV
Belcom Cables Ltd Elenham sales@belcom.co.uk www.belcom.co.uk Distributor Nexans, Electrocables Cables
Beta Systems Chobham info-gb@betasystems.com www.betasystems.com Distributor Beta Systems Software, IT
Black Light Ltd Edinburgh enquiries@black-light.com www.black-light.com Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
Blackmagic Design Knutsford info-euro@blackmagicdesign.com www.blackmagicdesign.com Distributor Blackmagic Design Video
Blackout Ltd London sales@blackout.co.uk www.blackout.co.uk Manufacturer, Distributor Drapes
Blaydon Communications Ltd Blaydon sales@blaydoncomms.co.uk www.blaydoncomms.co.uk Installer, Distributor Sound
Blue Aran Southampton sales@bluearan.co.uk www.bluearan.co.uk Dealer, Distributor Beyma, Fane, Oberton, B&C Speakers Sound
Blue Box London Ltd Horsham mark@bluebox-london.com www.bluebox-london.com Dealer, Installer Funktion-One Sound
Bosch Denham Contact online www.bosch.co.uk Distributor Electro-Voice, Dynacord, BOSCH, RTS, Telex Sound, Security Systems Bose Ltd Chatham Contact online www.bose.co.uk Distributor Bose Sound, Consumer, Hi Fi
Brilliant Stages Wakefield info@bstages.com www.brilliantstages.com
Manufacturer Staging
Britannia Row Productions Twickenham info@britanniarow.com www.britanniarow.com
Rental Sound
Brompton Technology London daniel.blachman@carallon.com www.bromptontech.com
Brompton Technology LED Video Processors Video, LED
Canford Audio Washington sales@canford.co.uk www.canford.co.uk Manufacturer, Dealer Sound, AV, Trussing
Capital Sound Hire Ltd Wimbledon info@capital-sound.co.uk www.capital-sound.co.uk
Rental Sound
Carallon Ltd London daniel.blachman@carallon.com www.carallon.com
Brompton Technology, Pharos
Architectural Controls, SixEye Lighting, Video, Entertaiment Technology
Celestion International Ltd Ipswich info@celestion.co.uk www.celestion.com
Manufacturer Celestion Sound Cereco International Ltd Crawley info@cereco.com www.cereco.com Design Consultant Sound
ChamSys Ltd Southampton sales@chamsys.co.uk www.chamsys.co.uk
Manufacturer ChamSys Lighting
CHAUVET Europe Limited Nottingham uksales@chauvetlighting.com www.chauvetlighting.co.uk
CHAUVET Professional, CHAUVET DJ, Iluminarc, ChamSys Lighting
Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc EMEA Head Office Wokingham Contact online www.christiedigital.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Pandoras Box, Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia Christie Lites Coventry Ltd Coventry Contact online www.christielites.com Distributor Lighting
CIE Group Ltd Nottingham info@cie-ltd.co.uk www.cie-group.com
Distributor Wharfedale Pro, Clockaudio, Amina, InterM, IC Audio AV, Security
Cirro Lite (Europe) Ltd London info@cirrolite.com www,cirrolite.com Distributor Kino Flo, Dedolight, Tecpro Lighting
City Theatrical New Malden Contact online www.citytheatrical.com Manufacturer Lighting
Cloud Electronics Ltd Sheffield sales@cloud.co.uk www.cloud.co.uk Manufacturer Sound
Coherent (UK) Ltd Laser Group Ely sales.uk@coherent.com www.coherent.com
Manufacturer Lasers, 3D Printers
Colourlite Company Dorking sales@colourlite.com www.colourlite.com
Manufacturer Lighting, Filters
Core Lighting Quedgeley sales@corelighting.co.uk www.corelighting.co.uk
Manufacturer Lighting
CUK Audio Glasgow sales@cuk-audio.com www.cuk-audio.com Distributor Powersoft, MiPro, Outline, Audac, Symetrix Sound
d&b audiotechnik GB Nailsworth info.gb@dbaudio.com www.dbaudio.com Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
DAC Pro-Media Ltd Surrey Contact online
www.dacpromedia.co.uk Distributor, Dealer Newhank Sound and Lighting dbnAudile Manchester mail@dbnaudile.co.uk www.dbnaudile.co.uk
Rental Sound and Lighting
Delta UK West Moseley enquiries@deltalive.com www.deltalive.com Rental Sound and Lighting
Denon UK Belfast Contact online www.denon.co.uk Distributor Denon Sound, Consumer, Hi Fi DialSLV Ltd. Shipley andy@dialslv.com www.dialslv.com Consultant, Projects Sound and Lighting, AV
DiGiCo UK Ltd Chessington info@digiconsoles.com www.digico.biz Manufacturer DiGiCo Sound
digiLED.com Beare Green info@digiLED.com www.digiLED.com Manufacturer digiLED LED Displays
Digital Projection Manchester enquiries@digitalprojection.co.uk www.digitalprojection.co.uk Manufacturer Projectors
disguise London info@d3technologies.com www.disguise.one Manufacturer, Design disguise Media Servers, Software AV, Multimedia DKT Ltd Redruth info@dktgroup.com www.dktgroup.com Manufacturer Sound and Lighting, AV, Home DNH WW Ltd Milton Keynes dnh@dnh.co.uk www.dnh.co.uk Distributor DNH Loudspeakers Sound
Doughty Engineering Ltd Ringwood sales@doughty-engineering.co.uk www.doughty-engineering.co.uk Manufacturer Doughty Rigging
Drawmer Wakefield sales@drawmer.com www.drawmer.com Manufacturer Drawmer Sound
DSD Designs Hillsborough, NI donspense@ddsdesigns.com www.dsddesigns.com Installer Sound and Lighting
Dynaudio International Ely info@dynaudio.co.uk www.dynaudio.com Distributor Dynaudio, TA Hi Fi Sound, Hi Fi
Electracoustic London electracoustic@btconnect.com www.electracoustic.co.uk Design, Installation Sound
Electrosonic Ltd Dartford info@electrosonic.com www.electrosonic.com Design, Installation AV
Electrovision Ltd
Merseyside sales@electrovision.co.uk www.electrovision.co.uk Distributor Celestion, Music Group Brands Sound and Lighting, Consumer
EM Acoustics Cranleigh info@emacoustics.co.uk www.emacoustics.co.uk Manufacturer EM Acoustics Sound
eMerging Ltd Bramley sales@emerginguk.com www.emerginguk.com Distributor
Merging Technologies, PSI Audio, Trinnov Audio, DAD Sound, Broadcast
EMTO Aylesbury mel@emto.co.uk www.emto.co.uk Manufacturer LED Screens
Entec Northolt sales@enteclive.com www.enteclive.com
Rental Sound and Lighting
Entedi Belfast, NI info@entedi.com www.entedi.com Distributor Elation Lighting
Entertainment Concepts Ltd Blackpool greg@entertainmentconcepts.co.uk www.entertainmentconcepts.co.uk Design Lighting
Essential Supplies UK Ltd Torpoint sales@essentialsupplies.co.uk www.essentialsupplies.co.uk Dealer Lighting, Power ETC Ltd London uk@etcconnect.com www.etcconnect.com Distributor ETC, High End Systems Lighting
F1 Sound Company Sittingbourne info@f1soundcoltd.com www.f1soundcoltd.com Dealer Funktion-One Sound
Fane Acoustics Castleford info@fane-acoustics.com www.fane-acoustics.com Manufacturer Fane Sound
FBT Audio (UK) Ltd Rochester info@fbtaudio.co.uk www.fbtaudio.co.uk Distributor FBT, Apex, Neutrik, JTS, Newhank, Stagecore Sound
Feilo Sylvania Newhaven www.sylvania-lighting.com Manufacturer Lumiance, Concord Lighting
Flare Audio West Sussex Contact online www.flareaudio.com Manufacturer Sound
Flashlight Ltd Heywood sales@flash-light.org.uk www.flash-light.co.uk Distributor, Dealer ARRI Lighting
Flipside Brixton Contact online www.flipside-soundsystem.co.uk Rental Sound
Focusrite Audio High Wycombe Contact online www.focusrite.com Manufacturer Focusrite, Novation, Ampify Sound
Full Fat Audio Hitchin dave@fullfataudio.com www.fullfataudio.com Manufacturer, Dealer FFA Amplifiers. Funktion-One Sound
Funktion-One Research Ltd Dorking mail@funktion-one.com www.funktion-one.com Manufacturer Funktion-One Sound
FX Rentals London fx@fxrentals.co.uk www.fxrentals.co.uk
Rental Sound, MI
GE Lighting Ltd Northampton Contact online www.ge.com/uk Manufacturer, Distributor GE Lighting Lighting
Gerriets Great Britain Ltd London info@gerriets.co.uk www.gerriets.co.uk Distributor Gerriets Fabrics
GL Services Barnet gls@glservices.org www.laserdisplays.uk.com Service Lasers
Global Design Solutions Bristol sales@gds.uk.com www.gds.uk.com Manufacturer Lighting
GLS Lighting Southampton info@glslighting.com www.glslighting.com Rental, Dealer Lighting
Goboland UK Dorking info@goboland.com www.goboland.com Distributor Goboland Gobos
Goboplus Aylesbury enquiries@goboplus.com www.goboplus.com
Manufacturer, Dealer Rosco, DHA, GAM Gobos
Green Hippo Ltd London info@green-hippo.com www.green-hippo.com
Manufacturer Hippotiser Video
Halo Lighting London info@halo.co.uk www.halo.co.uk
Rental, Dealer Lighting
Harkness Screens UK Stevenage info@harknesshall.com www.harkness-screens.com
Distributor Harkness Screens
Hawthorn Theatrical Ltd Melton Mowbray info@hawthorn.biz www.hawthorn.biz
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting HD Pro Shepperton info@hdproaudio.co.uk www.hdproaudio.co.uk
Distributor L-Acoustics Sound
Hedlites Carrickfergus, NI commercial@hedlites.co.uk www.hedlites.co.uk
Distributor Funktion-One Sound
Henley Designs Didcot sales@henleydesigns.co.uk www.henleydesigns.co.uk
Distributor Ortofon Hi Fi
HFM Lighting and Sound Chessington hugh@hfmlighting.com www.hfmlighting.co.uk
Rental Sound and Lighting HHB Communications Ltd London sales@hhb.co.uk www.hhb.co.uk
Distributor Dolby, Mogami, Avid Pro Tools, Yellowtec and Wohler Sound, Broadcast Highlite UK Ltd Calne uksales@highlite.com www.highlite.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Showtec, Infinity, DAP, DMT, Artecta, Showgear Sound and Lighting, Staging Hoist UK Moreton sales@hoistuk.com www.hoistuk.com Distributor Hoists
HSL Group Holdings Ltd Blackburn contact@hslgroup.com www.hslgroup.com Rental, Dealer Lighting, Video IAG UK Huntingdon stevem@iaguk.co.uk www.wharfedale.co.uk Distributor Wharfedale Pro, Wharfedale Sound, Hi Fi
Impact Products Europe Ltd Northampton sales@impact-products.co.uk www.impact-products.co.uk Distributor Lightspace Sound and Lighting, Staging
INFiLED EM International Ltd Melksham david@infiledeminternational.com www.infiled.com Distributor INFiLED LED Displays
IPE Technologies Royston support@ipe-technologies.com www.ipe-technologies.com Manufacturer Video, Broadcast i-Vision Cwmbran enquiries@ivisionuk.com www.ivisionuk.com Design Lighting, Architectural J & C Joel Halifax uksales@jcjoel.com www.jcjoel.com Manufacturer Textiles
John Hornby Skewes Leeds Contact online www.jhs.co.uk Distributor HK Audio Sound, MI Kaleidovision Ltd Hertford info@kaleidovision.co.uk www.kaleidovision.co.uk Design AV
Kinesys Projects Ltd Hampton sales@kinesys.co.uk www.kinesys.co.uk Manufacturer Hoists, Automation KV2 Audio Harrogate info@kv2audio.com www.kv2audio.com Distributor KV2 Sound
LA Audio Herriard info@laaudio.co.uk www.laaudio.co.uk Manufacturer LA Audio Sound
Lamp and Pencil Ltd Bishops Stortford Contact online www.lampandpencil.com Manufacturer, Distributor RC4 Wireless Lighting
Langley Sound & Light Slough sales@langley-uk.com www.langley-uk.com Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV Laser Hire Ltd Uttoxeter info@laserhire.co.uk www.laserhire.co.uk
Rental Lasers
Lasermet Ltd Bournemouth office@lasermet.com www.lasermet.com Manufacturer, Consultant Lasers
Laserworld UK Ltd. Manchester info@laserworld.com www.laserworld.com Distributor, Installer, Systems Integrator Laserworld, RTI, tarm, Showeditor, Showcontroller, ShowNET, Lasergraph DSP Lasers, Laser Software, Lighting LCI Productions London contact@lci-uk.com www.lci-uk.com Rental, Design, Installation Lasers
Le Maitre Ltd Mitcham
info@lemaitreltd.com www.lemaitreltd.com Manufacturer
Le Maitre Pyro, Effects
Leamington Sight & Sound Leamington Spa info@lssuk.co.uk www.lssuk.co.uk
Design, Installation Sound and Lighting, Video
Lee Filters Andover sales@leefilters.com www.leefilters.com Manufacturer Lee Filters Lighting
Leisure Industry Services Ltd Warrenpoint, NI paddy@leisureindustries.co.uk www.leisureindustries.co.uk Dealer, Rental, Installation Sound and Lighting
Leisuretec Distribution Ltd Leighton Buzzard sales@leisuretec.co.uk www.leisuretec.co.uk Dealer, Distributor Lighting, Effects
Lift Turn Move Ltd Bromborough sales@liftturnmove.co.uk www.liftturnmove.co.uk
LTM Lifts, Hoists, Rigging
Lightmasters UK Ltd St Neots info@lightmasters.co.uk www.lightmasters.co.uk Design, Installation, Dealer Sound and Lighting, Video
LightStorm Trading Ltd London sales@lightstormtrading.co.uk www.lightstormtrading.co.uk Dealer, Distributor Lighting
Lite Alternative Blackburn Contact online www.litealt.com Rental, Dealer Lighting
Litestructures Special Projects Wakefield enquiries@litestructures.co.uk www.litestructures.com Design, Manufacture Trussing, Staging
LM Productions Ltd Eastbourne info@lm-productions.com www.lm-productions.com Rental, Dealer, Distributor Christie Digital, Optoma,Digital Projection, Barco Lasers, Projectors, Video Logic Systems Pro Audio Ltd Gainsborough sales@logicsystems.co.uk www.logicsystems.co.uk Manufacturer Sound
LSI Projects Woking info@lsiprojects.com www.lsiprojects.com
Design, Installation Sound and Lighting, Broadcast
Martin Audio Ltd High Wycombe info@martin-audio.com www.martin-audio.com Manufacturer Martin Audio Sound
Marquee AV Shepperton info@marqueeav.com www.marqueeav.com Dealer Funtion-One Sound
MC2 Audio Honiton, Stourport sales@mc2-audio.co.uk www.mc2-audio.co.uk Manufacturer MC2 Sound
MDG Fog UK Northampton info@mdgfog.co.uk www.mdgfog.com Distributor MDG Fog
Metalworx Limited St. Leonards on Sea sales@metalworx.com www.metalworx.com
Manufacturer Trussing
MGC Lighting Group Ipswich internationalsales@mgc-lighting.com www.mgc-lighting.com Distributor, Dealer Lighting
MilTec Distribution Ltd Southend on Sea info@miltecdistribution.co.uk www.miltecdistribution.co.uk
Distributor Ledhead Sound and Lighting Monacor UK Ltd Milton Keynes info@monacor.co.uk www.monacor.co.uk
Distributor Monacor, Gemini. Leuchtkraft, RocknRoller Sound and Lighting Moon Lighting Dromore, NI info@moonlighting-ni.co.uk www.moonlighting-ni.co.uk Rental, Installation Sound and Lighting
Navigator Systems Ltd Bath enquire@navigator.co.uk www.navigator.co.uk
Manufacturer HireTrack Rental Management Software Software, IT
Neg Earth Lights Ltd London info@negearth.co.uk www.negearth.co.uk Rental Lighting
Neutrik (UK) Ltd Ryde Contact online www.neutrik.co.uk Distributor Neutrik Connectors
New Horizon Edgware info@directimports.co.uk www.directimports.co.uk
Dealer Sound and Lighting Nicolaudie UK Ltd Brighton Contact online www.nicolaudie.com Distributor Daslight, Sunlite Pro Lighting
Northern Light Edinburgh info@northernlight.co.uk www.northernlight.co.uk
Design, Installation Sound and Lighting, AV Nu Light Systems Ltd Sheffield Contact online www.nu-lightled.co.uk Manufacturer Nu-Light LED Lighting
Numark Alesis Europe
Ash Vale Contact online www.numark.com
Distributor Numark, Alesis Sound
OHM (UK) Limited Knutsford info@ohm.co.uk www.ohm.co.uk Manufacturer OHM Sound
OPTI Kinetics Ltd Luton ukadmin@optikinetics.com www.optikinetics.co.uk
OPTI Kinetics, OPTI Trilite Lighting, Trussing
OptiMusic New Barnet info@optimusic.com www.optimusic.com Manufacturer Interactive Light and Music Lighting, MI
Orbital Sound Ltd London hire@orbitalsound.co.uk www.orbitalsound.co.uk
Rental, Dealer Sound
OSRAM Ltd Failsworth ls-commercial@osram.com www.osram.co.uk
Distributor Osram Lighting OutBoard Electronics Barrington info@outboard.co.uk www.outboard.co.uk Manufacturer TiMax, OutBoard, RCX Sound
Over Audio Liverpool enquiries@overaudio.co.uk www.overaudio.co.uk
Design, Installation, Rental Installation design and rental Sound
PAI Group Llanelli info@paigroup.com www.paigroup.com Systems Integrator AV
PAXT Ltd Sawston info@paxt.com www.paxt.com
Export Distributor Celestion, Allen & Heath, XTA, Roland, QSC, Focusrite Sound
Penn Elcom Ltd. Washington info@penn-elcom.com www.penn-elcom.com
Manufacturer Flightcases, Trussing Pharos Architectural Controls Ltd London sales@pharoscontrols.com www.pharoscontrols.com Manufacturer
Pharos Dynamic Lighting Control Lighting
Pioneer DJ Europe Ltd Slough Contact online www.pioneerdj.com Distributor Pioneer Sound
Pioneer Professional Audio London Contact online www.pioneerproaudio.com
Pioneer Professional Audio Sound
Polar Audio Burgess Hill sales@polaraudio.co.uk www.polaraudio.co.uk
Distributor beyerdynamic, MC2, Renkus Heinz, XTA, Aviom, Radial Sound
Power Drive Drum Co Ltd Leighton Buzzard Contact online www.mypowerdrive.com
Manufacturer Powerdrive Sound
Precision Devices Int Ltd Castleford info@precision-devices.com www.precision-devices.com
Precision Devices Sound
PRG Birmingham, London Contact online www.prg.com
Rental, Design, Installation Sound and Lighting
Proel UK Catford Contact online www.proel.co.uk
Proel, Cort. Axiom, Sagitter Sound and Lighting
Project Audio London info@projectaudio.co.uk www.projectaudio.co.uk
Funktion-One, FFA, PMC Sound, Hi Fi
ProLight Concepts Group Ltd Lancs Contact online www.prolight.co.uk Manufacturer, Distributor Clever Acoustics, Elumen 8, Equinox, LEDJ, Transcension, WAUDIO, Zenith Sound and Lighting, Trussing, Lifts, Hoists
Pulsar Waterbeach sales@pulsarlight.com www.pulsarlight.com Manufacturer Chromazone, Luxeos Lighting
RCF UK Sales & Support Office Braintree info@rcfaudio.co.uk www.rcfaudio.co.uk Distributor RCF Sound
REA Sound (NI) Ltd Cookstown, NI sales@reasound.com www.reasound.com Distributor, Dealer Martin Audio, Allen & Heath Sound
Rean Isle of Wight sales@neutrik.co.uk www.rean-connectors.com Manufacturer
REAN Connectors
Red Sound Manningtree red@redsound.com www.redsound.com Manufacturer SoundBITE Sound
Remedy Sound Ltd Luton info@remedysound.com www.remedysound.com Rental, Installer, Systems Integrator Sound
River Audio Sales Ltd Manchester sales@radltd.uk www.radltd.uk Rental, Distributor Amate Audio Sound
ROBE UK Ltd Northampton infouk@robeuk.com www.robeuk.com Manufacturer, Distributor ROBE Lighting
Robolights Ltd Exeter Contact online www.robolights.co.uk Manufacturer Smart Socket Sound and Lighting Roland (UK) Ltd. Swansea Contact online www.roland.com Distributor Roland Sound, AV
Rope Assemblies Ltd
Retford sales@ropeassemblies.co.uk www.ropeassemblies.co.uk Manufacturer Sound and Lighting Roscolab Ltd London contact@rosco.com www.rosco.com/uk Distributor Rosco Lighting
SCC Audio Ltd Milton Keynes enquiries@studiomaster.com www.studiomaster.com
Manufacturer Studiomaster Sound
Sennheiser UK High Wycombe info@sennheiser.co.uk www.sennheiser.co.uk
Distributor Sennheiser, Neumann Sound
SES (Entertainments Services) Ltd Datchet sales@site-electrics.co.uk www.site-electrics.co.uk Manufacturer Electrical Distribution Sound and Lighting
SFL Sound Foundation Ltd Reading info@sflgroup.co.uk www.sflgroup.co.uk
Rental, Distributor L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting, Video
SGM UK Ltd Ashford uksales@sgmlight.com www.sgmlight.com Distributor SGM Lighting
Shermann Audio Barrhead info@shermann.com www.shermann.com Manufacturer Shermann Sound
ShowCAD Control Systems Limited Swanage info@showcad.com www.showcad.com Manufacturer ShowCAD Lighting
Shure Distribution UK Waltham Abbey info@shuredistribution.co.uk www.shuredistribution.co.uk Distributor Shure Sound
SixEye Limited London daniel.blachman@carallon.com www.sixeye.net Manufacturer
SixEye Remote Management Systems Sound & Lighting, AV
Slingco Ltd Whitworth design@thecablenet.net www.thecablenet.net Manufacturer Cablenet
Fohhn, Schertler Sound
TEAC UK Ltd Watford info@tascam.co.uk www.tascam.co.uk Distributor Tascam Sound
Ten 47 Dystart admin@ten47.com www.ten47.com Manufacturer Connectors
Terralec Ltd Rochford sales@terralec.com www.terralec.com Dealer, Rental, Installation Altman Sound and Lighting
Solid State Logic Oxford sales@solidstatelogic.com www.solidstatelogic.com Manufacturer SSL Sound
Sonic 8 Hitchin sales@sonic8.com www.sonic8.com
Distributor Dateq, Antares, ART Sound
Sound Directions Ltd Chessington info@sounddirections.co.uk www.sounddirections.co.uk
Distributor Ashly, Soundtube, Auvitran, Fulcrum Acoustics Sound
Sound Technology Plc Letchworth Garden City info@soundtech.co.uk www.soundtech.co.uk
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting
Sound Services Ltd London hire@soundservices.co.uk www.sound-services.co.uk
Dealer, Rental Funtion-One Sound
Source Distribution London sales@sourcedistribution.co.uk www.sourcedistribution.co.uk
Distributor Genelec, Rode, Aphex, API, Moog Sound
Southwest Sound & Light Exeter sales@swlighting.co.uk www.swlighting.co.uk
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting
Sova Audio London info@sova-audio.co.uk
www.sova-audio.co.uk Rental, Dealer Funktion-One Sound
SSE Audio Group Redditch enquiries@sseaudio.com www.sseaudiogroup.com Rental, Distributor L-Acoustics Sound
Stage and Studio Projects Ltd Ashton under Lyne Contact online www.stagestudioprojects.co.uk Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Stage Concepts West Thurrock info@stageconcepts.co.uk www.stageconcepts.co.uk
Distributor, Dealer Amate Audio Sound, Trussing
Stage Electrics Bristol sales@stage-electrics.co.uk www.stage-electrics.co.uk
Dealer, Installation, Distributor Sound and Lighting Stardraw.com London information@stardraw.com www.stardraw.com
Software, Design Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast Steeldeck London rentals@steeldeck.co.uk www.steeldeck.co.uk Rental, Manufacturer Staging
Studiospares London sales@studiospares.com www.studiospares.com Dealer, Manufacturer Sound Systems Workshop Oswestry sales@systemworkshop.com www.systemsworkshop.com Distributor
Thames Audio Ltd Middlesex info@thamesaudio.co.uk www.thamesaudio.co.uk Rental, Dealer Sound
The Effects Company Lincoln info@skydock.co.uk www.effectsco.com Manufacturer Effects
The Stage Management Company Bradford info@stagemanagementcompany.co.uk www.stagemanagementcompany.com Rental Sound and Lighting Tlspixelite Limited Rackheath sales@tlspixelite.co.uk www.tlspixelite.co.uk Rental, Dealer Lighting
TMB-UK Southall tmb-info@tmb.com www.tmb.com Dealer, Distributor Lighting, Cables
TOA Corporation (UK) Ltd (UK) Leatherhead Contact online www.toa.co.uk Manufacturer, Distributor TOA, Trantec Sound, AV
Torpedo Factory group Oldham hello@tfg.com www.tfg.com Design, Installation, Rental Design Installation Consultancy & Support Sound and Lighting
Total Solutions Group Birmingham sales@trussing.com www.trussing.com Manufacturer Trussing
Triple E Biggin Hill info@3-eee.com www.3-eee.com Manufacturer
Stage Tracking Theatre
Tryka LED Limited Shepreth info@tryka.com www.tryka.com Manufacturer Lighting, Architectural
Universal Fibre Optics Coldstream info@fibreopticlighting.com www.universal-fibre-optics.com
Manufacturer Lighting
Unusual Rigging Ltd Bugbrooke info@unusual.co.uk www.unusual.co.uk Rental, Sales Rigging
VDC Trading Ltd London sales@vdctrading.com www.vdctrading.com Manufacturer Van Damme Cable Cabling
Vitec Group Richmond
info@vitecgroup.com www.vitecgroup.com
Distributor Manfrotto, Teradek Video, Photo
VME Ltd Knutsford Contact online www.vme-uk.com Rental, Distributor Kling & Frietag Sound and Lighting, Video
Void Acoustics Poole Contact online www.voidacoustics.com Manufacturer Void Sound
Vortice AV Distribution Heathfield sales@vorticeav.co.uk www.vorticeav.co.uk Distributor D.A.S. Audio, FENIX Stage Sound
Ward Steedsy Associates Linlithgow contactus@ward-steedsy.co.uk www.ward-steedsy.co.uk Rental, Dealer Funktion-One, Full Fat Audio Sound and Lighting
Warehouse Sound Services Ltd Edinburgh derek.blair@warehousesound.co.uk www.warehousesound.co.uk
Distributor, Rental, Dealer Adamson Sound and Lighting
Wembley Loudspeaker Co Ltd London paul@wembleyloudspeaker.com www.wembleyloudspeaker.com Manufacturer, Repair Sound
Whaleys (Bradford) Ltd Bradford Contact online www.whaleys.co.uk Manufacturer Drapes
Wharfedale International Ltd Huntingdon support@iaguk.co.uk www.wharfedalepro.com Manufacturer, Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
White Light (Electrics) Ltd Wimbledon Contact online www.whitelight.ltd.uk
Rental, Distributor Altman, Look Solutions, Tomcat, SchnikSchnak-Systems Sound and Lighting
Wigwam Acoustics Heywood enquiry@wigwamhire.co.uk www.wigwamacoustics.co.uk
Rental, Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
World Marketing Associates St Austell francis.williams@wma.eu.com www.wma.eu.com
Sales Representative Atlas Sound, Attero Tech, Furman, Symetrix, Williams Sound Sound, Video
XTA Electronics Ltd Stourport info@xta.co.uk www.audiocore.co.uk Manufacturer XTA Sound
XTBA Caston dmx@xtba.co.uk www.xtba.co.uk Manufacturer Lighting
Yamaha Music Europe GmBH (UK) Milton Keynes Contact online www.yamahacommercialaudio.com Distributor Yamaha, Line 6, Steinberg Sound
Zero 88 Lighting Ltd Cwmbran enquiries@zero88.com www.zero88.com Manufacturer
Zero 88 Lighting
Kyiv sdu@attrade.kiElectro-Voice.ua www.attrade.com.ua
Martin Audio, Martin by HARMAN, Numark, JEM, Genelec Sound and Lighting
Allegro Music Kyiv allegro@allegro.com.ua www.allegro.com.ua
Dealer Sound and Lighting
ART-R Odessa Odessa dil@artr.com.ua www.artr.com.ua
Antari, SGM, FBT, Robert Juliat Sound and Lighting, Effects
Audiomaster Kyiv sales@audiomaster.kiev.ua www.audiomaster.com.ua
Dealer Sound and Lighting
Cortmi Donetsk info@cortmi.ua www.cortmi.ua
Electro-Voice, Dynacord, BOSCH, Eurolite, Omnitronic, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting
DLL Limited Vinnitsa dll@dlllab.com www.dllab.com Manufacturer Lighting
Eurhythmics Ltd Mukachevo info@eurhythmics.com.ua
Midas, Klark Teknik, Turbosound Sound
Forte Blues Ltd Dnepropetrovsk info@forte-blues.com.ua www.forte-blues.com.ua
Kling & Freitag, Sommer Cable, DAP, Infinity, Showtec Sound and Lighting
Gali-Leo Martin-Ukraine Kyiv info@gali-leo.com www.gali-leo.com Distributor, Rental MACH System, Matrix-Laser Sound and Lighting
Indigo Music Dnepropetrovsk music@indigo.dp.ua www.indigo-music.com.ua Distributor
Sennheiser, D.A.S. Audio, Altair, K-array, Studio Due Sound and Lighting
Jam Music Store Kyiv Contact online www.jam.ua Dealer Celestion Sound and Lighting, MI
Komora Kyiv info@komora.com www.komora.com Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions, Martin by HARMAN Sound and Lighting
Light Converse Ltd Kyiv
info@lightconverse.net www.lightconverse.net Manufacturer Lightconverse Lighting
Light Service Company Kyiv info@lsc.com.ua www.lscfx.com Distributor Novalight, LPS, Magic:FX, Chromlech Lighting
Lightek Odessa company@lightek.net www.lightek.net.ua Distributor dBTechnologies, Coemar, d&b audiotechnik, ETC, Robert Juliat Sound and Lighting Music Wave Kyiv info@musicwave.com.ua www.musicwave.com.ua Distributor, Systems Designer CODA Audio, BMS Sound and Lighting Osram Ukraine Kyiv Contact online www.osram.ua Distributor Osram Lighting
Park Audio Ltd Vinnitsa speakers@park2audio.com www.parkaudio.ua Distributor B&C Speakers Sound
Real Music Ltd Kyiv realmusic@realmusic.ua www.realmusic.ua Distributor ETC, Allen & Heath, beyerdynamic, DiGiCo, Meyer Sound, DPA. L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting Show Technica Dnepropetrovsk sales@show-technica.com.ua www.show-technica.com.ua
Distributor, Dealer, Rental FENIX Stage, FBT Sound and Lighting, Trussing, Staging Solo Kyiv msolo@ln.ua www.solo.com.ua Dealer
Celestion, CHAUVET Sound and Lighting Stagemart Kyiv import@stagemart.store www.stagemart.store Distributor
Clay Paky, Tasker, ADB Sound and Lighting Technology Group Odessa info@technologygroup.com.ua
www.technologygroup.com.ua Distributor TW AUDiO, Funktion-One, MC2, XTA, AudioFocus, Cadac Sound
Zinteco Ltd Kyiv admin@zinteco.com www.zinteco.com Rental Sound and Lighting
All Star Baku office@allstaraz.com www.allstaraz.com Systems Integrator, Distributor Electro-Voice Sound, AV, Broadcast
Khazar Electron Baku info@khazarelectron.com www.khazarelectron.com Distributor, Installer B&C Speakers Sound, Industrial Electronics
Matrixpro Azerbaijan Baku info@matrixpro.pro www.matrixpro.pro
Distributor, Systems Integrator Music Tribe Brands, dbTechnologies, Adam Hall Group Brands, Antari Sound and Lighting, Effects, AV
Music Gallery Baku info@mgstore.az www.mgstore.az Distributor Yamaha Sound, MI Pro AV LLC Baku av@proav.az www.proav.az Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting, MI Promix Company Ltd. Baku info@promix.az www.promix.az Distributor EAW, beyerdynamic, Powersoft Sound and Lighting, Broadcast
Ambassador Stores Manama ambsales@batelco.com.bh
Distributor Yamaha Sound, MI, Consumer
AMPS W.L.L Manama info@amps-bahrain.com www.amps-bahrain.com
Distributor, Systems Integrator I C Audio Sound, Fire & Evac, CCTV M/S Ashrafs W.L.L. Manama info_bose@ashrafs.com.bh Distributor Bose Sound, AV, Consumer
Madar Productions Manama madarcim@batelco.com.bh www.madar.ae
Rental Sound and Lighting, Laser, Pyro Maestro Music Equipment Co East Rifa maestrosoundnlight@hotmail.com Distributor, Rental Adamson Sound and Lighting
Palace Electronics Manama palace.electronics@gmail.com www.palaceelectronics.com Distributor, Systems Integrator Cloud Sound and Lighting, CCTV
Red Scarf Agency Manama www.facebook.com/bahraineventmanagment/ www.red-scarf.com Rental Sound and Lighting Rustom Audio-Lighting Technology Manama yasserom@windowslive.com www.facebook.com/raltbahrain01
Distributor, Rental CHAUVET, EAW Sound and Lighting
Avaresan Bartar-e Ideal Tehran info@avaresanpro.com www.avaresanpro.com Distributor
Cloud, Active Audio, Kling & Freitag Sound and Lighting, AV AvaSima Tehran info@avasima.com www.avasima.com Distributor Amate Audio, BenQ Sound, AV
Chang Electronic Tehran Co., LTD Tehran changelectco@faraco.com www.echochang.com Manufacturer Sound
Cima Tech Tehran Contact online www.cimatech.biz Distributor, Systems Integrator DIS AV, Conference
Ertebat Sedaye Bartar Co Tehran info@ertebat.co www.ertebat.co Distributor Cordial, Sennheiser, Zoom Sound, AV, Broadcast Ertebat Sedaye Gouya Tehran majid.siyapoush@ertebat-sg.com www.ertebat-sg.com Distributor Inter-M, beyerdynamic Sound, AV, Broadcast
Fadak Design & System Tehran info@fadak-co.com www.fadak-co.com Distributor beyerdynamic Sound
Fara Sout Negar Tehran info@farasoutnegar.com www.farasoutnegar.com Distributor L-Acoustics, Sommer Cable, DiGiCo, Genelec, Allen & Heath, DPA Sound, AV
Kish Pishgaman Tehran pishgaman.kish@yahoo.com www.pishgamankish.com Distributor, Systems Integrator B&C Speakers, dB Technologies, Quest Engineering, SGM Sound and Lighting, Trussing Moco Inc Tehran www.moco.ir Distributor Roland Sound
Nezam Corporation Iran Tehran info@nezamcorp.com www.nezamcorp.com Distributor Blackmagic Design, sE Electronics Sound, AV, Broadcast Padyav Tehran info@padyav-stage.com www.padyav-stage.com Design, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Pajouhesh Gostar Systemhaye Novin Co. Tehran pg@apadana.com www.pgsnav.com Dealer
d&b audiotechnik, beyerdynamic Sound and Lighting, AV Pishgamane Sedaye Sahne Co Tehran MD@pishgamansedayesahne.com www.pishgamansedayesahne.com Distributor, Systems Integrator Sound, AV, CCTV
Shidco Tehran info@shidco.com www.shidco.com Distributor FBT, RCF, Powersoft, DTS Sound
SMK Co Tehran info@sepidmoj.com Distributor Montarbo Sound
TiSerra Lighting Tehran
office@tiserra.com www.tiserra.com
Architectural Lighting
Xarin Advanced Technologies Tehran info@lasershow.ir www.lasershow.ir Distributor Pangolin Lasers
Zir O Bam Ava Co Tehran info@zirobam.com www.zirobam.com
Distributor KME Sound, Consumer
Acer Palace Electronics (APCO) Erbil audio@ap-iq.com www.ap-iq.com Distributor
Bosch, Electro-Voice, Yamaha Sound, AV, MI
Alhadi Co Baghdad alhadi.sound@yahoo.com Distributor B&C Loudspeakers Sound
Al Rhama Company Basra hussun.makki@yahoo.com Distributor beyerdynamic, FBT Sound, AV, Conference
AV Solutions FZCO Baghdad zahid@avsolutionsco.com www.avsolutionsco.com
Systems Integrator
Sony, AVID Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast
Future Art Broadcast Baghdad info@fa-bt.com www.fa-bt.com Distributor Wohler Sound, AV, Broadcast Oriental Sound Erbil Contact online www.facebook.com/orientalsoundiq Distributor PROEL Sound
Zak Music Company Erbil zakmusic.company@yahoo.com Distributor Montarbo Sound
AB Noam Electronics Modi’in-Maccabim-Re’ut info@abe.co.il www.abe.co.il Distributor
ETC, NEXO, ETC, sE Electronics, MA Lighting, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, AV
Altman Broadcast Services Tel Aviv dany@abs.co.il www.abs.co.il
Distributor, Systems Integrator Thomson, Grass Valley Broadcast
Barkai Benny Brookstein Ltd Ramat-Gan ronen@barkai.com www.barkai.com
Distributor, Systems Integrator Cloud AV
Compulite Systems (2000) Ltd Hod Hasharon info@compulite.com www.compulite.com
Manufacturer Compulite Lighting
D-and-D Tel Aviv sales@dandd.co.il www.dandd.co.il
Distributor Electro-Voice, Dynacord, RME, Avalon, SSL Sound
Hod Hasharon sales@danor.com www.danor.com Distributor Compulite, ETC, Antari, Lumen Radio DeSisti Lighting, Effects
Eurotal Tech Ltd Herzliya info@eurotal.co.il www.eurotal.co.il Distributor Boston, Cambridge Sound, Hi Fi
Gidron Levitan Tel Aviv eytan@glaudio.co.il www.glaudio.co.il Distributor DiGiCo, Powersoft, Outline, Earthworks Sound
Gil Teichman
Herzliya shani@gil-teichman.com www.gilteichman.com Design, Rental Lighting, Architectural Lighting
Giveon Electronics Ltd Tel Aviv giveon.co.il www.giveon.co.il Distributor Shure Sound, MI Glikson Tel Aviv office@aerialglickson.com www.aerialglickson.com Rental Broadcast
Kilim Electronics Ltd Haifa office@kilim.org.il www.kilim.org.il Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast Lightone Ltd Moshav Hemed tal@lightone.com www.lightone.com Distributor L-Acoustics, SSL Live, Avid Venue, Altman, Clay Paky Sound and Lighting
Malki Electronics Rishon Lezion malkishmuel@gmail.com www.malki-electronics.com Distributor, Manufacturer 18 Sound, Powersoft Sound
Moshe Kimchi Light Design Aminadav mkimchi@netvision.net www.kimchilight.com
Rental Lighting
Newpan Ltd Rishon Lezion info@newpan.co.il www.newpan.co.il
Distributor Bose Sound, Consumer Pro Touch Ltd Petach-Tikva anatmazuza@gmail.com www.protouch.co.il
Ashly, PR Lighting, TW AUDiO, Lightking Sound and Lighting, AV, CCTV
R.B.X. International Petach-Tikva Contact online www.hpro.co.il
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions, Numark, Radial Sound and Lighting, MI
Rozental Systems Ltd Hanaton info@6550012.com www.fbt.co.il
FBT Sound
Shalmon Music Karmeil shalmonmusic@gmail.com www.shalmonmusic.co.il
PROEL Sound and Lighting, MI
Shema OR Tel Aviv
avizioni@netvision.net.il Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Sontronics Bnei Brak sales@sontronics.co.il www.sontronics.co.il
Distributor Neutrik, D&R, Sommer Cable, Trident Sound, Broadcast Sound World Rishon Lezion sound-world@bezeqint.net www.sound-world.co.il
Distributor Audiocenter Sound and Lighting Tech Top Ltd Kiryat Ono sales@techtop.co.il www.techtop.co.il
Distributor Music Tribe Brands, Wharfedale Pro Sound
U.D.T. Electronics Corporation Ltd. Tel Aviv yossi@pioneer-il.com www.pioneerisrael.co.il
Distributor Pioneer Sound
Yedakol Sound and Lighting Systems Petach-Tikva yedakol@012.net.il www.yedakol.co.il Distributor, Rental Aviom, d&b audiotechnik Sound and Lighting
Accu-Tech Solutions Co Amman info@accutech-solutions.net Distributor beyerdynamic Sound, Consumer
Advanced Solutions for Information and Communication Technologies Amman info@advcd-solutions.com www.advcd-solutions.com
Distributor, Systems Integrator Dynacord, Electro-Voice, Cordial, Rane Sound and Lighting, AV, Conference, Broadcast
Ajyal for Technical Services (TARKEEB A.V.L) Amman www.tarkeebavl.com Distributor Audica Professional Sound
AVC Al-Waseet Amman av@avcalwaseet.com www.avcalwaseet.com Systems Integrator Broadcast
BCI Amman info@groupbci.com www.groupbci.com Systems Integrator AV
Events- AVP Technical Event Management Amman info@event-avp.com www.events-avp.com Distributor, Rental Outline Sound and Lighting
Gheras Trading Ltd Amman info@gheras.co www.gheras.co
Distributor, Systems Integrator Amate Audio Sound, Security Systems
GI. Rho Ma Music Instrument Amman info@girhoma.com www.girhoma.com
Distributor Shure, Yamaha Sound, MI
Musallam Music Amman e.musallam@musallammusic.com www.musallammusic.com
Distributor Numark Sound, MI
Pro4 Total Event Solutions Amman
info@pro4.com.jo www.pro4.co.jo Rental Sound and Lighting Solo Sound Amman hani_hanania@hotmail.com www.solosoundjo.com
Distributor CHAUVET, FBT Sound and Lighting
Spectrum Amman zahraa@spectrumjo.com www.spectrumjo.com
Bose, TOA, Mackie Sound, Consumer, MI
Trans Jordan For Light & Sound Amman abu_jab@go.com.jo Rental Sound and Lighting
Triad Technical Services Co Amman info@triad-av.com www.triad-av.com Rental Sound and Lighting Tritec AV Amman info@tritecav.com www.tritecav.com Rental Sound and Lighting
aDawliah Universal Electronics Co. Al Rai adawliah@adawliah.com.kw www.adawliah.com.kw Distributor
Bose, Yamaha Sound and Lighting, Consumer, MI Al Alamiah Electronics Safat jivan.pais@Alalamiah.com www.alalamiah.com Systems Integrator AV
Al Dhow Engineering General Trading & Contracting Co Safat info@al-dhow.com www.al-dhow.com Systems Integrator Architectural Lighting
Al-Raisi Group Kuwait City diaa@raisigroup.com www.raisigroup.com Rental Sound and Lighting Alia Commercial Est Al-kabeer aliakwt@hotmail.com Manufacturer LED Lighting
Easa Husain Al Yousifi & Sons Co Safat info@yousifi.com.kw www.yousifi.com.kw Dealer
FBT, Kawai, Ibanez Sound and Lighting, MI, Consumer G7 Company Kuwait City
info@g7tc.com www.g7tc.com Systems Integrator AV, IT
High Pro Event Management Kuwait City info@highpro1.com www.highpro1.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, Broadcast Kuwait Technet Company Safat info@ktech.net www.ktctech.net Distributor Fohhn, Bittner Sound and Lighting, AV, IT
Our Style Sound Systems Center Hawally riad@our-style.com www.our-style.com
Distributor, Installer, Systems Integrator, Rental, Dealer Hortus Audio, Sommer Cable, Jocavi Acoustic Panels, FBT, Yorkville Sound, Apex Electronics Sound and Lighting, Broadcast Professional Systems Co Hawalli info@pscpro.com www.pscpro.com
Dealer Sound and Lighting, Broadcast
Romco Trading Co Safat info@romcokuwait.com www.romcokuwait.com
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
Tally Group Kuwait City alex@tageventskw.com www.tageventskw.com
Rental, Dealer Amate Audio, Avid Venue, LightSky, Absen Sound and Lighting, LED Screens
AMAC sarl Beirut info@amac.com.lb www.amac.com.lb Distributor
Shure, Proel, Electro-Voice, Martin by HARMAN Sound and Lighting, AV, Hi Fi
Antaki Group Beirut info@antaki.com.lb www.antaki.com.lb Distributor Bose, Yamaha Sound, AV, Consumer, Hi Fi
Audio Land Beirut info@audiolandlb.com www.audiolandlb.com
Distributor Sunlite, Zero 88
Audio Pro Beirut audiopro@inco.com.lb www.audioprolb.com
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Inter M Sound, Hi Fi
Audiotec Group S.A.R.L Beirut ralph@audiotecgroup.com www.audiotecgroup.com Distributor Funktion-One, Gotham, Cordial, Whirlwind Sound, AV
Bacchus Hazmieh info@lumen-art.com www.lumen-art.com Rental, Design Lumen Lighting, Lasers
Boujikian Bros Co Ltd Beirut gary@boujikian.com www.boujikian.com
FBT, beyerdynamic Sound and Lighting
Cesar Debbas & Fils Beirut cdf@debbas.com.lb www.debbas.com
Manufacturer, Systems Integrator Lighting
Chahine S.A.L Beirut achahine@destination.com.lb www.chahinemusic.com
Distributor Roland Sound, MI
Delta Vision Inc Bauchrieh deltavision@dm.net.lb Distributor NEXO, beyerdynamic Sound
Eltek Fanar info@eltek.com.lb www.eltek.com.lb Distributor D&R, Sennheiser, Neumann Sound, Broadcast Hi-Fi Service sarl Beirut oussama@hifiservice.com www.hifiservice.com Systems Integrator AV, Hi Fi
Homsi Music Beirut info@homsimusic.com www.homsimusic.com
Distributor Adamson, DiGiCo, RCF Sound, MI
Joseph Zacca Trading Establishment Kesrwan info@jzacca.com www.jzacca.com
Distributor Powersoft Sound and Lighting
Less DB Metn sales@lessdb.com www.lessdb.com
Rental, Distributor L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting
Light Box Beirut info@lightboxintl.com www.lightboxintl.com
Distributor Simes, Lambert & Flis Lighting, Architectural Marina FX Beirut info@marinafx.com www.marinafx.com
Rental Sound and Lighting MFR Lighting Beirut georges.mamari@mfrglobal.com www.mfrglobal.com
Rental Sound and Lighting
Mougharbel Light Hazmieh www.facebook.com/mougharbellight
Rental Lighting
Prolites S.A.L. Jounieh info@prolites.com www.prolites.com
Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Avolites, Antari Sound and Lighting, Effects Seebeck 2000 S.A.R.L Beirut youssef@seebeckaudio.com www.seebeckaudio.com
Distributor, Rental d&b audiotechnik, Allen & Heath Sound and Lighting Sounds Inc Beirut info@soundsinc.com www.soundsinc.com
Distributor Wharfedale Pro, Phonic Sound, AV, Consumer, Hi Fi
SPL Sound Pressure Level Beirut elie@spl-world.com www.spl-world.com
Distributor Alcons, Outline, Link Cable Sound and Lighting, AV TechnoPro Lebanon Office Zouk Mikael info@avlpro-lb.com www.technopro.me
Rental Sound and Lighting Technosound Ltd Beirut techsoun@dm.net.lb www.techno-sound.org
Distributor Martin Audio, Fostex, Allen & Heath, B&C Speakers, DPA Sound
Triangle Sound & Image Sin-El-Fil triangle@triangleworld.com www.triangleworld.com Distributor PRS, Hartke Sound and Lighting, MI Venue Tech Sarl Beirut info@venuetech.net www.venuetech.net Dealer Sound and Lighting, Hi Fi, Consumer
Al Hajiry Electronics Muscat ahted@omantel.net.om www.alhajiry.com Systems Integrator AV, Evac
Al Hassan Electricals Co LLC Ruwi Contact online www.al-hassan.com Systems Integrator Lighting, Architectural
Bright Lights Trading Muscat info@brightlightsoman.com www.brightlightsoman.com Distributor, Systems Integrator Formula Sound, OHM, Clay Paky Sound and Lighting HiTec Center LLC Ruwi hitec@omantel.net.om www.hitecoman.com Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
OHI Electronics Muscat info_bose@ohielec.com www.ohielec.com Distributor, Systems Integrator Bose Sound, AV, Consumer
Super General Trading Co Muscat info@sgtcpro.com www.sgtcpro.com Distributor, Systems Integrator Clockaudio Sound and Lighting Talentz Centre LLC Ruwi info@talentz.net www.talentz.net Dealer Sound, MI
Tunes Trading & Service Ruwi tunes@omantel.net.om www.tunesoman.com Distributor Yamaha Sound, MI
51 East - Music Square Doha msq@darwishholding.com www.51east.com Distributor PROEL, Yamaha, KRK, Konig & Meyer Sound, MI Al-Isteklal T.C. ( I.A.C) Doha info@iacqatar.com www.iacqatar.com Rental TW AUDiO Sound and Lighting Audio Visual Technology Doha avtech@avtech.com.qa www.avtech.com.qa Distributor, Systems Integrator Community Sound, AV, Broadcast Badie Studio & Stores Doha badiestudio@yahoo.com www.badiestudio.com Distributor, Dealer Montarbo Sound and Lighting, MI
Creative Communication Group Doha sofian.dudin@ccg-events.com www.ccg-events.com Rental Sound and Lighting
Crystal Studio Ad Dawhah www.facebook.com/crystalstudioqatar Rental Sound and Lighting
Fifty One East - Modern Home Doha 51east@darwishholding.com www.51east.com.qa Distributor Yamaha, Bose, Cloud Sound, AV, Consumer Innovations Unlimited ME Doha info@iu-me.com www.iu-me.com Rental
Sound and Lighting Light Box Doha contact@lightboxintl.com www.lightboxintl.com Systems Integrator Lighting, Architectural
MediaPro International WLL Doha qatarsales@mediaproav.com www.mediaproav.com Rental Sound and Lighting
National Technotrade Doha nttrade@qatar.net.qa Distributor JBL Sound
Qatar Neon Doha info@qatarneon.com www.qatarneon.com Dealer Signage
Qatar Vision Production Company WLL (Qvision) Doha info@qatarvision.com www.qatarvision.com Distributor, Rental Clay Paky Sound and Lighting, Video
Shredder’s Planet Musical Instruments Doha www.shreddersplanet.com Dealer FBT Sound, MI
Target for Events Doha support@totmusicstudio.net www.totmusicstudio.net Distributor DPA Sound
Techno Q Doha sales@technoq.com www.technoq.com Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV, Evac TechnoPro (Qatar) LLC Doha info.qa@technopro.me www.technopro.me Rental Sound and Lighting
ABU Moammar Jeddah info@abumoammar.com Distributor JBL Sound
Adawliah Universal Electronics APL Jeddah customercare@adawliah.com.sa www.adawliah.com Distributor Bose, Shure, Numark, Yamaha Sound, AV, MI, Consumer
Al Nasser Group Riyadh info@alnassergroup.com www.alnassergroup.com
Systems Integrator FBT Lighting, Architectural
Al-Hathoul Advanced Audios Riyadh info@hathloul.com www.hathloul.com
Systems Integrator Storm Sound
Can Do ME Jeddah sales@cando-me.com www.cando-me.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
CDS - Creative Data Systems Jeddah projects@cds-me.com www.cds-me.com
Systems Integrator FBT Signage
eVision Setra Riyadh info@evision-me.com www.evision-me.com
Gulf Creator Systems Damman jamal@gcs.com.sa www.gcs.com.sa
Systems Integrator
Halwani Audio Jeddah ian@havpro.com www.havpro.com Rental, Distributor ADJ Sound and Lighting
Inara Co Ltd Riyadh info@inara.com www.inara.com
Systems Integrator Lighting, Architectural Pro Mic Riyadh contact@promic.store www.promic.store
Distributor, Systems Integrator, Consumer Amate Audio Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast
SACS Electronics Saudi Contractors Supply Co Riyadh info@sacsgrp.com www.sacsgrp.com Distributor General Cables Industrial
Saudi Media Systems Riyadh Riyadh info@smediasys.com www.smediasys.com
Systems Integrator Bosch, Peavey AV
Technology Instruments Co Ltd Riyadh tic@tic.com.sa www.tic.com.sa
Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting
WED Productions Jeddah info@wedproductions.com www.wedproductions.com Production AV
Bob Toma Square Damascus raafatallaham@mail.sy Distributor B&C Speakers Sound
Hamzeh & Partners Damascus info@hamzehco.com Distributor ARX Sound
HAWA Trading Establishment Damascus hawamail@cyberia.net.lb Distributor Bose Sound
Technical Light & Sound Center Damascus tlsc@net.sy Distributor JBL Sound
Technical Trading Damascus ttic@scs-net.org Distributor Fane Sound
21st Century General Trading Dubai sales.21stcentury@gmail.com Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
A.V.L. Electronics Dubai avl@emirates.net.ae www.avlelectronic.com/uae Distributor beyerdynamic, Dynacord, Telex,
Teclumen, Cordial Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast Abacus Audio Visual LLC Dubai info@abacusuae.com www.abacusuae.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Abdulla Sultan Al-Sharhan Est Dubai info@alsharhanest.com www,alsharhanest.com Distributor Montarbo, Carvin Sound
Absen Middle East Dmcc Dubai jet@absen.com www.absen.com Manufacturer, Distributor Absen LED Displays
Access All Areas Production Dubai info@accessallareas.ae www.accessallareas.ae Rental AV, Corporate
Al Raisigroup Dubai www.raisigroup.com Rental Lighting, AV, Lasers Almoe AV Systems Dubai integration@almoe.com www.almoeavsystems.com Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV, IT
Alpha Data Abu Dhabi Contact online www.alpha.ae Systems Integrator AV, IT
AMB Electronics Dubai info@ambelectronicsllc.com www.ambelectronicsllc.com
Distributor Audica, AD Systems, Master Audio, QED Sound, Hi Fi
Archilum Lighting Dubai archilums@hotmail.com www.archilum.com Systems Integrator Lighting, Architectural Argosy Middle East LLC Dubai graham@argosycable.com www.argosycable.com Distributor Argosy Cables AV, Broadcast
Arts Outdoor Lighting Multimedia Events and Drones LLC Dubai info@ao-creative.com www.ao-creative.com
Rental, Service
FALCON Range Lighting, Architectural Drones, Multimedia
Arts Outdoor Lighting Technology Dubai info@ao-creative.com www.ao-creative.com
Rental, Service FALCON Range Lighting, Architectural Drones, Multimedia
Ateis Middle East Dubai Contact online www.ateis.ae Distributor Ateis AV
Audio-Technica Dubai Office Dubai supportME@audio-technica.eu www.audio-technica.eu
Audio-Technica Sound
AV Concepts LLC Dubai info@avc.ae www.avc.ae
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Avion Audiovisuals Dubai Dubai info@aviondubai.com www.aviondubai.com
Rental AV
Best Broadcast Hire Dubai dubai@bestbroadcasthire.com www.bestbroadcasthire.com Rental Broadcast
Bint Al Jazeera Electronics Abu Dhabi baaje1991@baajeuae.com www.baajeuae.com Distributor, Rental ADS Sound
Bose Export Inc Dubai Contact online www.bose.ae Distributor Bose Sound, Hi Fi, Consumer Broadcast Media Zone Dubai imran@broadcastme.tv www.brodacastmediazone.com Systems Integrator AV, IT, Broadcast
Catertainment Dubai inquiry@catertainment.com www.catertainment.com Rental AV
Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc
Middle East Branch Dubai Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer, Distributor Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia Clay Paky UAE Dubai claypaky@emirates.net.ae Distributor Clay Paky Lighting
Congress Rental Emirates Dubai office@congressrentalemirates.com www.congressreantalemirates.com Rental AV, Conference
Creative Technology-Emirates LLC Dubai info@ctme.com www.ctdubai.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Delta Dubai Dubai enquire@deltasound.ae www.deltasound.ae Rental, Distributor DiGiCo Sound and Lighting, AV Desert Beat Trading Dubai info@desertbeat.com www.djcorner.ae Distributor ADJ, FBT Sound and Lighting, MI
Echo Beats Professional Electronics Dubai info@echobeats.ae www.echobeats.ae Distributor
B&C Speakers
Sound, AV, Home Automation
Eclipse Group Dubai info@eclipse.ae www.eclipse.ae Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
El Pyro Dubai sales@elpyro.com www.elpyro.com Rental, Distributor Galaxis Showtech Pyro
Electrosonic LLC Dubai info@electrosonic.com www.electrosonic.com Rental AV
Em-Tec Fzc Dubai andy@em-tec.ae www.emtecav.com
Distributor, Rental Funktion-One, QSC Sound, AV
ETC Dubai - The Studio Dubai uk@etcconnect.com www.etcconnect.com
Distributor ETC, High End Systems Lighting
Future Art Broadcast Trading Ltd. Dubai fabtuae@fa-bt.com www.fa-bt.com
Systems Integrator, Distributor Altair Sound and Lighting, Broadcast Gefco Systems Dubai info@gefcosystems.com www.gefcosystems.com Distributor Ashly, EAW, Fonestar, Soundboks Sound
Giochi De Luce LLC Dubai info@gdluae.com www.gdluae.com Rental Lighting, AV
GSL Professional Dubai info@gslprofessional.com www.gslprofessional.com Dealer
L-Acoustics, Tascam, Klotz, Calrec, DTS Sound, AV, Broadcast, Lighting
Gulf Show Power Dubai sales@gulfshowpower.ae www.gulfshowpower.com Rental Generators
Harman House Dubai info@harmanme.com www.harmanme.com
Distributor HARMAN Consumer Brands Sound
Havells Sylvania Dubai Dubai info.ae@havells-sylvania.com www.havells-sylvania.com
Distributor Lamps Lighting
IBSfc Dubai Dubai sales@ibsflightcases.com www.ibsflightcases.com Manufacturer, Distributor Penn Elcom Flightcases
Ignition FZ LLC Dubai info@ignition-fz,com www.ignition-fz.com Manufacturer, Distributor Ignition LEDs Lighting
INFiLED Middle East Dubai info.emea@infiled.com www.infiled.com
Branch Office
In-Sync Event Services Dubai sales@insyncworld.com www.insyncworld.com Rental Sound and Lighting, Staging InHouse Productions Dubai booking@inhousefilm.com www.inhousefilm.com Rental Film
Jayna Mid East FZE Ras Al Khaimah jaynamideast@gmail.com Distributor B-52 Sound
Laseronics UAE Dubai info@laseronics-me.com www.laseronics-me.com Rental Lasers
Lightbox Professional (7Hz Trading) Dubai db@lightboxpro.co www.lightboxpro.co Systems Integrator, Distributor d&b audiotechnik, DPA, DiGiCo, Dali, HK Audio Sound and Lighting, AV
MA Lighting Middle East Dubai infoarabia@malighting.com www.malighting.com Distributor MA Lighting Lighting
Madar Group Dubai sales@madar.ae www.madar.ae
Rental, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Magical Production L.L.C. Dubai info@magical-water.com www.magical-water.com Design, Manufacturer, Installer Fountains
Martin Professional Middle East Dubai info@martinpro-me.com www.martinpro-me.com
Martin by HARMAN, AMX by HARMAN, Barco, Gesab, Mitsubishi Video Walls Lighting, AV
Masterpiece Dubai info@masterpieceproav.com www.masterpieceproav.com
HARMAN Audio Brands Sound and Lighting, Broadcast, AV
Matrix Laser Middle East Abu Dhabi m.hilgemann@matrix-laser.com www.matrix-laser.com
Distributor Matrix Laser, Look Solutions Lasers, Fog Machines
Mediakraft LLC Dubai info@mekraft.com www.mekraft.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, Trussing
MediaPro International LLC Dubai info@mediaproav.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
MEEN The Middle East Event Network FZE Ras Al Khaimah holger@meen.ae www.meen.ae
System Integration, Rental, Install Vioso, LaserAnimation, easyRaum, Syncronorm, Swefog, Elbjungs Lighting, Effects, Lasers
Melody House Dubai info@melodyhouse.ae www.melodyhousemi.com
Distributor Radial Sound, MI
Meyer Sound Middle East Dubai middleeast@meyersound.com www.meyersound.com Distributor Meyer Sound Sound
Mindstec Distribution FZCO Dubai info@mindstec.com www.mindstec.com/uae Distributor Atlas Sound, RTI Sound, AV, IT
Mode Lighting Middle East L.L.C Dubai info@modelighting-me.com www.modelighting-me.com Distributor Mode Lighting Lighting
Most High Productions Dubai info@mosthighproductions.com www.mosthighproductions.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
Mougharbel Light Dubai mogarbel@emirates.net.ae www.mougharbel-light.com
Rental Lighting
Multitech AV Dubai info@mutitechav.com www.mutitechav.com Systems Integrator Signage
Neumann & Mueller Event Tech Dubai Contact online www.neumannmueller.com Rental Sound and Lighting NMK Electronics Ent. Dubai marketing@nmkelectronics.com www.nmkelectronics.com Distributor Neutrik, Shure, Cloud, Williams Sound, AV, MI
Oasis Enterprises LLC Dubai info@oasisppd.com www.oasisppd.com Systems Integrator, Distributor ETC, Schnik-Schnak-Systems, Outline, Link Lighting, AV, Broadcast, LED Systems, LED Components
Omnix International L.L.C Dubai omnix@emirates.net.ae www.omnix.ae Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast OSRAM Middle East FZE Dubai info@osram.de www.osrammiddleeast.com
Distributor Osram
PAXT Middle East FZE Dubai paul@paxt.com www.paxt.ae Distributor
Allen & Heath, Focusrite Sound, MI
PRG Gearhouse Dubai dubai@prg.com www.prg.com/ae Rental Sound and Lighting Prince AV
Dubai info@princeav.com www.princeav.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Procom Middle East LLC Dubai sales@procom-me.com www.procom-me.com Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Avolites, Antari Sound and Lighting, Effects Production Technology LLC (Protec) Dubai sales@productiontec.com www.productiontec.com
Rental, Distributor Lee Filters, Dirty Rigger Sound and Lighting ProLab Trading LLC Dubai jan@prolabllc.com www.prolabllc.com
Distributor Powersoft, TW AUDiO, 18 Sound, ChamSys Sound and Lighting, MI Provision AVL Dubai info@provisonavl.com www.provisionavl.com Distributor ProCab, Prolite, Elation Sound and Lighting, Rigging
Pulse Middle East Trading Dubai info@pulse-me.co www.pulse-me.co Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Rave Audio Visual Dubai rave_av@eim.ae www.rave.ae Rental LED Screens
ROBE Middle East Trading LLC Abu Dhabi info@robe-me.com www.robe.cz Distributor ROBE Lighting
Sennheiser Middle East Dubai export@sennheiser.co.uk www.sennheiser.ae Distributor Sennheiser Sound, MI, Consumer SGTC Pro UAE Dubai info@sgtcpro.com www.sgtcpro.com Distributor Clockaudio, Kelsey Sound and Lighting ShowLED FZC Sharjah info@showled.com www.showled.com Manufacturer, Distributor ShowLED LED Curtains Showtech Dubai info@showtechme.com www.showtechme.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Showtex ME FZC Sharjah info.me@showtex.com www.showtex.com Distributor Showtex Stage Fabrics
SLS Production Dubai slspro@eim.ae www.slspro.net
Rental Sound and Lighting, AV Sonia Electronics Dubai marky@emirates.net.ae www.soniaelectronic.com
P Audio, dBTechnologies Sound and Lighting
Space Tune Sound and Light Pro Sharjah info@spacetune.com www.spacetune.com Rental Sound and Lighting
Super Visions Electronics Dubai info@supervisionselectronics.com www.supervisionselectronics.com Systems Integrator Sound, AV
Techiline Electronics LLC Dubai tledubai@emirates.net.ae www.techniline.org Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
Technopro Dubai Headquarters (UAE) Dubai info@technopro-uae.com www.technopro.me
Rental, Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
Tectronics Sharjah tctronx@eim.ae www.tectronicsme.com
Systems Integrator Lighting, AV
Thomsun Electronics Dubai info@thomsun.ae www.thomsun.com
Dealer, Distributor Adamson Sound, MI
TOA Electronics Europe GmbH Dubai Branch (UAE) Dubai Contact online www.toa.eu Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV Triec AV Dubai info@tritecav.com www.tritecav.com Rental Sound and Lighting, AV
U-Link Systems - Dubai Dubai info@u-linksystems.com www.u-linksystems.com Manufacturer, Distributor U-Link, Waveburg, NOX Audio, Lumina Pro, WCAD Sound and Lighting, AV
Ultra Technology LLC Dubai info@ultratechdubai.com www.ultratechdubai.com Rental Sound and Lighting
Venuetech LLC Dubai sales@venuetech.ae www.venuetech.ae Rental, Distributor Aviom, Active Audio, SGM Sound and Lighting, AV
VFX Productions Dubai Contact online www.vfxme.com Production Film
VV & Sons LLC Dubai davis.pv@vvsons.ae www.vvsons.com Distributor NEXO, Australian Monitor, Allen & Heath Sound and Lighting
Xarin Advanced Technologies Dubai aeinehsaz@xarrin.com www.xarrin.com Design, Rental Lighting
Yamaha Music Gulf FZE Dubai Contact online www.asia.yamaha.com Distributor
Yamaha Sound, MI, Consumer Zarco Dubai events@alzarooni.com Distributor, Rental Pyro
Zio Technologies LLC Dubai Contact online www.zio.tech Systems Integrator AV, IT, Broadcast
Absolut Sound and Light Alger info@asldz.com www.asldz.com
Distributor Allen & Heath, Clay Paky, RCF, beyerdy- namic Sound and Lighting, MI Com7 sarl Alger brsystem2@yahoo.fr www.com7-dz.com
Distributor Shure, Tascam, ADB, Yamaha Sound and Lighting, MI
Eurosat Sonovision Oran eurosatsonovision@yahoo.fr Distributor Martin Audio Sound
Neosun Algerie eurl Alger info@neo-sun.com www.neo-sun.com
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
Sarl Audiomix Alger sarlaudiomix@gmail.com www.sarlaudiomix.com Distributor FBT Sound, MI
Leinunes Audio Luanda info@leinunesaudio.com Distributor 18 Sound, Lynx Pro Audio Sound Sistec Luanda dneves@sistec.co.ao www.sistec.co.ao
Distributor FBT, PROEL Sound and Lighting, Consumer
JB Systems sarl (Beglec) Akwa Doula Contact online www.beglec.cm Distributor PROEL, JB Sytems, SynQ, BriteQ Sound
Al Fanny Trading Cairo info@alfanny.com www.alfanny.com
Distributor Electro-Voice, Midas, LD-Systems, Behringer, Audac, Wharfedale Pro Sound
ACES Advanced Communication Electronic Systems Cairo info@aces-egypt.net www.aces-egypt.net
PROEL, Paso, Toa, audio-technica Sound, AV
Audio Technology Cairo info@audioteceg.com www.audioteceg.com
HARMAN Brands, Bose, Clay Paky, beyer- dynamic, Extron, L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting, AV Centre Stage LLC Giza tito@nacellegrooves.com Rental Funktion-One Sound
Concept for Sound, Light & LED Screens Cairo info@conceptegypt.com
Distributor Avolites, Meyersound Sound and Lighting, AV, Trussing Egyptian Engineering Projects Co Cairo quality@qualityegypt.com www.qualityegypt.com
Distributor, Systems Integrator SGM, LDR, BOSCH, Brahler, IC Audio, Robert Juliat Sound and Lighting, AV
GE Lighting International Operations Giza info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com
Manufacturer Lighting
Genius One Lighting and Sound System Cairo info@genius-1.com www.genius-1.com
Dealer Sound and Lighting, Effects Kyr Cairo kyr@kyrco.net Distributor, Installer FBT Sound
Laseronics Design Interstellar Cairo info@laseronics-me.com www.laseronics-me.com Rental, Design Lasers
Maxima Investments Cairo amrismail@hotmail.com Distributor Cloud Sound
Media International Trading Cairo adel@mediaegy.com www.mediaegy.com
Distributor QSC, Studiomaster, ADJ, Soundking, Nady Systems, Deton Sound and Lighting, Special Effects, Trussing Nando Music Centers Cairo sales@nandomusic.com www.nandomusic.com
Distributor Neutrik, B&C Speakers, Bespeco, Turbosound, Montarbo Sound, MI
New-Vision Media & Film Systems Giza info@nvmcs.com www.nvmcs.com
Distributor Clear-Com, Riedel, Manfrotto Broadcast NileTec Co Cairo niletec@intouch.com www.niletechegypt.com
Distributor, Installer
MA LightingLighting
Philippe Photo Trade Giza nfo@philippephototrade.com www.philippephototrade.com
Dealer, Systems Integrator beyerdynamic, QSC, Crestron AV
Quality Cairo quality@qualityegypt.com www.qualityegypt.com
Distributor, Systems Integrator Dynacord, Electro-Voice, ic audio, BOSCH, LDR, Robert Julliat Sound and Lighting, AV
Technology K.A.R. Giza kar@technologykar.com www.technologykar.com
Distributor d&b audiotechnik, Sennheiser, Neumann, SSL, DiGiCo, D.A.S. Audio, Sound and Lighting, Consumer TechnoTrade - Techscope Cairo techscope@link.net www.totmusicstudio.net Distributor. Dealer DPA, Presonus
Sound and Lighting, Broadcast U-Link Systems Cairo ghanem@u-linksystems.com www.u-linksystems.com Manufacturer, Distributor U-Link, Waveburg, NOX Audio, Lumina Pro, WCAD Sound and Lighting
ABC TradingAddis Ababa abc@ethionet.et www.abctrading-et.com Distributor, Dealer Shure, Montarbo Sound and Lighting, MI Unisound General Trading LLC Addis Ababa ethsound@gmail.com Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
E M K Beckley Accra boseghana@gmail.com Distributor Bose Sound, Consumer MusicBox Africa Ltd Accra Contact online www.musicboxafrica.com Distributor Void, Lab.gruppen, Q Acoustics, Midas, Turbosound Sound, Consumer
New Professional Audio System Accra newpaudio@gmx.net Distributor FBT Sound
Phasers Integrated Accra info@phasersintegrated.com www.phasersintegrated.com Distributor Music Tribe Brands, PROEL Sound, MI
Seidu Invisible Electronic Services Accra adams45t@yahoo.com Distributor Master Audio, Amate Audio Sound
Virtual Sound Laboratory Accra virtualsoundltd@yahoo.com www.virtualsoundlab.com Distributor Allen & Heath, Soundcraft, PreSonus, RCF, Shure, JBL Sound, MI
Zuly & Sons Ltd. Accra info@zulyandsons.net www.zulyandsons.net
Distributor, Systems Integrator Yorkville Sound, AV
Amiria Abidjan amiria2009@yahoo.fr Distributor FBT Sound
Milannais Services sarl Treichville vazoumanas@yahoo.fr www.milanaisservices.com Distributor Powersoft, Pioneer DJ, Clay Paky Sound and Lighting
Active Audio Visual Services Ltd Nairobi active.avs@gmail.com Rental
FBT Sound and Lighting, AV
Audio Visual Engineering Kenya Ltd Nairobi info@avesales.net www.ave-africa.com
Systems Integrator Sound, AV
Credible Sounds Nairobi credible@crediblesounds.com www.facebook.com/crediblesounds
Distributor Yamaha, Wharfedale Pro, PROEL Sound, MI
Decibel Audio Nairobi info@decibelaudiokenya.co.ke www.decibelaudiokenya.co.ke
Dealer Muisc Tribe Brands, Harman Audio Brands Sound
Fronier Audio Africa Nairobi info@frontieraudioafrica.com www.frontieraudioafrica.com
Rental Funktion-One Sound
Horizon Impex Nairobi zahir.manji@hotmail.com Distributor Bose Sound, AV, Consumer
Majestic Electronics Limited Nairobi majestic@spacenetonline.com Distributor Phonic Sound, Consumer
Nairobi Projectors Services Ltd Nairobi nairobiprojectors@inbox.com Installer FBT AV
Pro Audio Kenya Nairobi info@proaudiokenya.com www.proaudiokenya.com
Distributor, Dealer sE Electronics, Focusrite, Apogee Sound Sound Creations Narirobi arjun@soundcreationsltd.com www.soundcreationsltd.com
Distributor Shure, Music Tribe Brands, Focusrite, Chauvet, Allen & Heath, B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting, MI
The Beat Factory Ltd Nairobi thebeatfactory@yahoo.com www.tbf.co.ke
Rental Sound and Lighting, Trussing Ultra EquipmentNairobi info@ultraequipment.co.ke www.ultraeq.com
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, K&M, Klotz Sound
Discount Store Saturne Antananarivo saturne@moov.mg www.discountstoresaturne.com
Distributor Music Tribe Brands, Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI
BH Conception LTEE Port Louis admin@bhconception.mu www.bhconception.mu Distributor, Systems Integrator FBT, D.A.S. Audio AV
Damoo Sound and Music Port Louis info@damoo.com
Shure, Neutrik, Klotz, Wharfedale Pro Sound
Impact Production Group
Ile Maurice info@ipg.mu www.ipg.mu
Rental, Distributor D.A.S. Audio, NEXO, Avolites, VMB, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, AV J Kalachand & Co Ltd Pailles jk.importexport@jchalakand.com www.jkalachand.com
Distributor Yamaha, Wharfedale Pro Sound, Mi, Consumer, AV
Rentacolor Group Port Louis sales@rentacolormauritius.com www.rentacolortechnology.com
Rental, Distributor Electro-Voice, Sommer Cable, Ashly, ETC Sound and Lighting, AV
Robert Yip Tong Enterprises Port Louis ryte@intnet.mu Distributor
HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
SKR Communications Ltd Quatre Bornes Skrcom@intnet.mu www.skr.mu Distributor
Bose, beyerdynamic, Crestron, Marantz Sound, Mi, Consumer, AV
Abchir Casablanca m.bendhiba@abchir.com www.abchir.ma
Clay Paky, Audio-Technica Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast Africa Sono Casablanca africasono@gmail.com www.facebook/africasonoofficiel
Distributor Montarbo Sound, MI
Bedimpex Casablanca bedimpex@bedimpex.ma Distributor Martin Audio Sound
Casascene sarl Casablanca casascene@casascene.com www.casascene.com
Distributor Neutrik Connectors
Ines Casablanca amzil@ines.ma www.ines.ma Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
Jumbo ElectronicsCasablanca a.bouchoua@jumbo.ma Distributor RCF Sound, Consumer Maraci Casablanca maraci@maraci.ma www.maraci.ma
Distributor Yamaha Sound, MI
MIFA MusiqueCasablanca infomifamusique@mifa.ma www.mifa.ma Distributor Yamaha Sound, MI
RockMa Musique Tetuan clients@rock.ma www.rock.ma
Distributor Audio-Technica Sound, MI
Son Reseau Video Maroc Rabat kacizeghmouri@mac.com Distributor Fohnn Sound
Sono Shahrazad Casablanca oumouloud.k@gmail,com Distributor FBT Sound
Tekos sarl Casablanca nabilkrat@tekos.ma www.tekos-solutionsaudiovisuelles.com Distributor NEXO, Crest, Martin by HARMAN, Sennheiser Sound and Lighting, AV
Visual TechnologiesCasablanca lahcenboutegue@gmail.com Distributor NEXO Sound
Acti-Tech Ltd Abuja enquiries@actitech.net www.actitech.net Distributor Kling & Freitag, beyerdynamic, BOSCH, Crestron, K&M Sound and Lighting, AV Aficon Electronics and Communications Ltd Abuja addailink@gmail.com Distributor DIS Sound
Cousins Nigeria Limited Lagos cnllagos@gmail.com www.cousinsnigeria.com Distributor Eminence, Proel, Audix, Amphenol
Sound and Lighting, MI Cytech World Communication Lagos cytechsound@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/cytech-world-communication Distributor Outline Sound and Lighting, Consumer Electric Shack Ltd Lagos electricshack77@yahoo.com Distributor Bose Sound, Consumer Ezesonic Musical Ltd Lagos info@ezesonic.com www.ezesonic.com Distributor Yamaha Sound, MI
Gomac Ventures Ltd. Lagos gomac_ng@yahoo.com www.gomacmusicmart.com Distributor Shure Sound, Consumer
GQ Acoustics Ltd Lagos mail@gqacoustics.com www.gqacoustics.com
Distributor DiGiCo, Meyersound Sound
Irukka Online Ltd Lagos sales@irukka.com www.irukka.com
Distributor Wharfedale Pro. Presonus, Roland Sound, MI
Kontakt Pro Nigeria Ltd Abuja sales@kontaktnig.com www.kontaktnig.com
Distributor Sony, Avid, Arri, Link Sound, Broadcast
Mammyjay Productions Ltd Lagos mammyjay03@yahoo.com Dealer Sound and Lighting Memorex Ltd Lagos memorexltdng@gmail.com www.memorexltd.com Distributor FBT Sound
Musical Empire Lagos musicalempireng@gmail.com www.musicalempire.com.ng
Distributor, Dealer PROEL, Palmer, Avolites Sound and Lighting, MI New Media Technologies Lagos newmediang@mac.com www,newmediaeng.com
Distributor, Dealer EAW, Lab.gruppen, Rode, Presonus, Avid, Midas, DPA Sound
Praise Foundation Ikeja Gra info@praisefoundation.com www.praisefoundation.com Dealer, Rental Apex, Allen & Heath, Radial Engineering, L-Acoustics, Shure, Electro-Voice Sound
Pro Broadcast Sound and Light Ltd Lagos martinsekwueme@gmail.com www.facebook.com/probroadcasts
Distributor CHAUVET Sound and Lighting
Tehila Integrated Services Ltd Lagos info@tehilaservices.com www.tehilaservices.com
Distributor, Rental Amate Audio Sound
Zmirage Multi Media Ltd Lagos info@zmirage.com www.zmirage.com Dealer, Design Company Lighting
Dodo Musique Saint Pierre contact@dodomusique.com www.dodomusique.com Distributor, Dealer PROEL Sound, MI
Electronic & Acoustic Saint Pierre electronic.acoustic@wanadoo.fr Distributor Yamaha Sound, AV Fo-Yam Music Saint Pierre foyam@foyam.net www.foyam.net
Distributor Behringer, Shure, Roland Sound, MI
Fotelec Saint-Denis info@fotelec.com www.fotelec.com
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands, Yamaha, PROEL Sound, MI
LP Video Sonorisation St Louis lp-video@orange.fr www.lpvideosono.re
Distributor Electro-Voice, Midas, L-Acoustics Sound, AV
Star Music Et Son OI Saint Andre starmusicetson@gmail.com www.starmusiketson.com
Distributor FBT, 18 Sound Sound and Lighting, MI
A V GroupMahe Contact online www.avgroup.sc
Distributor Yamaha Sound
Relation Sound Production Mahe edtel@seychelles.sc Distributor FBT Sound
A.M. Audio Sandton info@amaudio.co.za www.amaudio.co.za
Distributor HME Sound, CCTV ACLA Pro Audio Cape Town ari@acla.co.za www.acla.co.za
Manufacturer, Distributor ACLA, PKN Sound
Amphenol South Africa Sandton sales@amphenolafrica.com www.amphenolafrica.com
Audiosure Midrand sales@audiosure.co.za www.audiosure.co.za
Distributor Wharfedale Pro, Martin Audio, Avolites, CHAUVET , Allen & Heath, EWI Cable Sound and Lighting, AV AudioTech Emmarenthia stephen@audiotech.co.za www.audiotech.co.za Systems Integrator AV
Concert Audio Cape Town info@concertaudio.co.za www.concertaudio.co.za Distributor, Rental Community Sound
DWR Distribution Gauteng sales@dwrdistribution.co.za www.dwrdistribution.co.za Distributor Robe, Claypkay, MA Lighting, Astera, DiGiCo, L-Acoustics, Absen, Green Hippo, Prolyte Sound and Lighting Eastern Acoustics Cape Town info@easternacoustics.co.za www.easternacoustics.co.za Distributor, Rental OutBoard Sound and Lighting, AV Electrosonic SA CC Johannesburg sales@electrosonic.co.za www.electrosonic.co.za Distributor, Rental Martin by HARMAN, Litec, ETC Lighting, AV
GE Lighting South Africa Midrand info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com Distributor Sound
Gearhouse South Africa Johannesburg jhb@gearhouse.co.za www.gearhouse.co.za Dealer, Rental L-Acoustics, ROBE, Martin by HARMAN, MA Lighting, Avolites, Prolyte Sound and Lighting, AV
Gearhouse South Africa Cape Town ctn@gearhouse.co.za www.gearhouse.co.za Dealer, Rental L-Acoustics, ROBE, Martin by HARMAN, MA Lighting, Avolites, Prolyte Sound and Lighting, AV
Gearhouse South Africa Kwa-Zulu Natal dbn@gearhouse.co.za www.gearhouse.co.za Dealer, Rental L-Acoustics, ROBE, Martin by HARMAN, MA Lighting, Avolites, Prolyte Sound and Lighting, AV
Global Music Instruments Sandton Contact online www.yamaha.co.za Distributor Yamaha Sound
Hola4 Events Nelson Mandela greg@hola4.co.zaBay www.hola4.co.za Distributor, Rental ShowMagic AV
Homemation Pty LTD Johannesburg info@homemation.co.za www.denon.co.za Distributor Denon Sound
Inhouse Venue Technical Management Cape Town info@inhousetvm.co.za www.inhousetvm.co.za Rental AV
Laser CorporationPretoria info@lasercorp.co.za www.lasercorp.co.za Rental Sound and Lighting, Lasers, Pyro LaserX cc Midrand Contact online www.laserx.co.za
Distributor, Rental Pangolin
LED Vision Johannesburg info@ledvision.co.za www.ledvision.co.za Rental LED Screens
Leisure Tech Lighting Midrand info@leisure-tech.co.za www.leisure-tech.co.za
Distributor Coemar Lighting
Matrix Sound CC Ferndale mcats@matrixsound.co.za www.matrixsound.co.za Rental, Design Alcons, ARX, Link, Dynacord Sound
Metropolis Sound Cresta info@metropolissoundandlighting.co.za www.metropolissoundandlighting.co.za Distributor Swefog Sound and Lighting Midi Music Johannesburg midimusic@midimusic.co.za www.midimusic.co.za Distributor QSC, Alto Sound, MI
MJ Event GearJohannesburg info@mjeventgear.co.za www.mjeventgear.co.za Rental Sound and Lighting Movievision Johannesburg info@movievision.co.za www.movievision.co.za Distributor, Rental DTS, ChamSys, Jands, Studio Due, Rosco Lighting
Orion Audio Visual Midrand sales@orionaudiovisual.co.za www.orionaudiovisual.co.za Distributor Taiden, Clockaudio, Lectrosonics, LDA AV
OSRAM (Pty) Ltd Gauteng info@osram.de www.osram.co.za Distributor Osram Lamps
Outline Pro Audio George sales@attech.co.za www.outlineproaudio.co.za Distributor Outline Sound
Paul Bothner Pty Ltd Cape Town info@bothner.co.za www.bothner.co.za Dealer MI
Phuture CC Pretoria anton@sinovich.co.za Distributor Funktion-One Sound
Pro Audio South Africa Sandton sales@proaudio.co.za www.proaudio.co.za Distributor Music Tribe Brands, Bespeco, RCF, Pioneer DJ Sound, MI ProfAudio Lyndhurst info@profaudio.co.za www.profaudio.co.za Distributor
C Ducer, Celestion, Pedal Train Sound, MI
Prosound Pty Ltd/T & A Lighting Johannesburg audiosales@prosound.co.za www.prosound.co.za
Distributor, Manufacturer ETC, Meyer Sound, Look Solutions Sound and Lighting, MI
Rolling Thunder Distributors Cape Town sales@rollingthunder.co.za www.rollingthunder.co.za Distributor Antari, Eurolite, Liteputer, Omnitronic,
Tasso Sound and Lighting, AV, Trussing, Effects Sattech SA Xquizit Sound George sales@sattechbroadcasting.co.za www.sattech.co.za Distributor, Rental Crown Broadcast Broadcast
Sets, Drapes and Screens (Pty) Ltd Gauteng info@setds.co.za www.setds.co.za Manufacturer
Drapes, Screens
Sonic FactoryMidrand jpetrie@sonicfactory.co.za www.sonicfactory.co.za Distributor Alcorn McBride AV
Sound & Light City Investments Midrand slcity@soundandlightcity.co.za www.soundandlightcity.co.za Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
Sound Fusion (Pty) Ltd. Pinegowrie info@soundfusion.co.za www.soundfusion.co.za Dealer, Installer Broadcast
Sound Harmonics Kyalami sales@soundharmonics.net www.soundharmonics.net Distributor, Rental Altman, Cadac, MADRIX, Cordial, FBT Sound and Lighting
Sound ImportsRosebank pierre@sound-systems.co.za www.soundimports.co.za Distributor Bose Consumer, Hi Fi Soundworks Cape Town info@soundworksmusicstore.co.za www.soundworksmusicstore.co.za Dealer Sound, MI
Stage Audio WorksJohannesburg gustav@stageaudioworks.co.za www.stageaudoworks.co.za Distributor Sommer Cable Sound
Sun Pro Audio Cape Town clint@sunproaudio.co.za www.sunproaudio.co.za Dealer, Rental Faital Pro, Neutrik, MC2 Audio, ADJ Sound
Surgesound Johannesburg admin@surgesound.co.za www.surgesound.co.za Distributor EAW, Powersoft, Audica, Van Damme Cable, B&C Speakers Sound
Tadco Pty LimitedJohannesburg sales@tadco.co.za www.tadco.co.za Distributor NEXO, Camco, CODA Audio, Quest, Kelsey Sound
That Other Music Store Johannesburg braam@toms.co.za www.toms.co.za Dealer MI
The Production Warehouse Johannesburg info@productionwarehouse.co.za www.productionwarehouse.co.za Distributor Elation, Capture, ChamSys, Eurotruss, Hazebase, GIS Lighting, Video, Truss
Thrive Productions Derdepoort chris@thriveproductions.co.za www.thriveproductions.co.za Distributor, Rental Montarbo Sound and Lighting
TI Distribution (Alpha Technologies) Randburg info@tid-sa.com www.tidistribution.co.za Distributor
beyerdynamic, Bittner, AMC, Cloud AV, Broadcast
TOA Electronics Southern Africa Pty Ltd (Southern Africa)
Port Elizabeth Contact online www.toasa.co.za Manufacturer, Distributor TOA, Xilica, Akuvox, Cambridge Sound, AV
Tone Definition Johannesburg info@tonedef.co.za www.tonedef.co.za Distributor Void Sound
Durban tradco@iafrica.com www.tradelius.co.za
Distributor JTS Sound, MI
TruFi Electronics Pty. Ltd. Northriding trufi@trufi.co.za www.trufi.co.za
Distributor Drawmer, Genelec, D&M, Junger, Gepco Sound, MI, Broadcast Tuerk Music TechnologiesJohannesburg info@tuerkmusic.co.za www.tuerkmusic.co.za
Distributor sE Electronics, Studiomaster, RME Sound, MI
VIVA Afrika Sound And Light Rivonia bernard@hybrid.co.za www.vivaafrika.co.za Manufacturer, Distributor Hybrid, beyma, Numark, Audiocenter, REAL Sound Sound and Lighting, MI
VUSA Aluminium Trussing Johannesburg info@vusatruss.co.za www.vusatruss.co.za Manufacturer
Wild & Marr Pty Ltd Johannesburg info@wildandmarr.co.za www.wildandmarr.co.za
HARMAN Audio Brands, Neutrik, Shure, Ateis, Klotz, AVID Sound, MI
Al Roaya Media Service Khartoum info@roaya.com www.roayapro.com Distributor Lighting Bamo CompanyKhartoum www.bamosudan.com Distributor FBT Sound, Evac Media One Omdurman ammarmusa@hotmail.com Distributor Yamaha Sound
Clouds Entertainment Company ltd Dar es Salaam dlembuya@cloudsmedia.com www.cloudsmedia.com Distributor FBT Radio
East Coast Africa Music Dar es Salaam contact@ecam.co.tz www.ecam.co.tz Distributor Algam France Brands Sound and Lighting, MI Top Shop Ltd Dar es Salaam topshoptz@gmail.com www.topshoptz.com
Distributor Yamaha, Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI, Consumer
Acoustic Design and Broadcast Tunis walid@adb.tn www.adb.tn/adb
Distributor, Systems Integrator Proel, Camco, dBTechnologies, beyerdy- namic, B&C Speakers Sound, AV, Broadcast
BS Technology Tunisia Tunis info@bs-technology.fr www.bs-technology.fr Rental, Distributor Adamson, Robert Juliat Sound and Lighting Evevig sarlMenzah edevig@planet.tn www.edevig.com.tn
Distributor Bose, Lutron Sound and Lighting, AV, Consumer, Intelligent Home Ghariani Son & Vision Sfax ghariani.taieb@hotmail.com
TOA Sound, AV, Hi Fi Maalej-Audio Sfax maalej.elec@planet.tn
Distributor Montarbo Sound
Tunis hello@mediacom.tn www.mediacom.tn
HARMAN Audio Brands, Shure, MA
Lighting, Neutrik
Sound and Lighting
Contact online www.facebook.com/Mediason
Amate Audio Sound
PAL Production Tunis sami.sidhom21@gmail.com www.palproduction.tn
Distributor, Rental Clay Paky, Clair Bros, DiGiCo Sound and Lighting
Pro Audio & Light Marsa el Hana ssidham.ssp@planet.tn
18 Sound Sound
Saila Rafika Alibaba Music Sfax rafika@alibabamusic.com www.alibabamusic.com
Music Tribe Brands Sound. MI
Sono Lumiere Tunis sono_lumiere@yahoo.fr www.sonolumiere.net
Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound and Lighting Sonomusic Tunis sonomusic@gnet.tn www.sonomusic.com.tn
Yamaha Sound and Lighting, MI, Hi Fi Sybel Light & Sound Tunis sybel@planet.tn www.sybel.com.tn
Rental NEXO Sound and Lighting
Tanit Production & Music Plus sarl Tunis contact@musicplus.tn www.musicplus.tn
Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI Tunisie Haute Fidleite SA Tunis thftss@topnet.tn Distributor 18 Sound Sound
KB Agencies (Pvt) Ltd Lusaka sales@theonlymusicstore.com
Distributor Yamaha Sound
Native Sound Lusaka musindapj@yahoo.com
FBT Sound
Sound Wave Zambia Lusaka info@soundwavezam.com www.soundwavezam.com
Rental Sound and Lighting
Hard Sound Pro Audio Harare hardsoundplaza@gmail.com www.hardsound.co.zw
FBT, B&C Speakers Sound, MI
Metro Systems Ltd Harare metro@africaonline.co.zw www.metrosystems.co.zw
Distributor Eminence Sound, MI
Progressive Audio Harare ali@aimlink.biz www.progressiveaudio.co
Lutron Sound and Lighting
Twin Trade Audio Visual Pvt Ltd Harare micouzelac@yahoo.com
Distributor Bose Sound, AV, Consumer
Absen Brasil Importação e Exportação Ltda Sao Paulo lily@absen.com www.absen.com.br
Manufacturer, Distributor Absen
LED Displays
AmerCo Brasil Curitiba contato@amercobrasil.com.br www.amercobrasil.com.br
Distributor PROEL, Tasker, Faital Pro, Axiom, Arko Audio Sound
AMI International Commercial Ltda Sao Paulo info@amimusic.com.br www.amimusic.com.br
Distributor Symetrix, Elation, Orion, Soundtube, Renkus-Heinz, High End Systems Sound and Lighting
Arena Audio Electro-Voiceentos Ltda Salvador contato@arenaaudio.com.br www.arenaaudio.com.br
Rental Meyer Sound Sound
Audio 5 Sao Paulo contato@audio5.com.br www.audio5.com.br
Distributor beyerdynamic, Presonus, Alto Sound
Audio Premier Sao Paulo atendimento@audiopremier.com.br www.audiopremier.com.br
Dealer Electro-Voice, Allen& Heath Sound
Audio Systems Com Rep Ltda Casa Verde lorenzetti@audiosystems.com.br www.audiosystems.com.br
Distributor DiGiCo, Allen & Heath, L-Acoustics, HK Audio, DPA, Radial Sound
Aurolights Equipmentos e Producao Sao Paulo vendas@aurolights.com.br www.aurolights.com.br
Rental Lighting
B&C Speakers Brasil Sao Joao - Porto Alegre info.br@bcspeakers.com
Distributor B&C Speakers Sound
Barra Som Ltda Manaus contato@barrasom.com.br www.barrasom.com.br
Beaver Music Uberlandia contato@beavermusic.com.br www.beavermusic.com.br
Dealer Sound, MI
Bonfante Iluminacao Sao Paulo bonfante@boonfante.com.br www.bonfante.com.br
Rental, Dealer Strand, Avolites, ETC, MA Lighting Lighting
C. Borges Do Nascimento Manaus Contact online www.cborges.com.br Distributor RCF Sound, MI
C.I. Tronics Blaumenau vendas@citronics.com.br www.citronics.com.br
Distributor C.I.Tronics Sound and Lighting Cheda’s Sao Paulo vendas@chedas.com.br www.chedas.com.br
Dealer Sound, MI
Christie Digital Systems South America Ltda Sao Paulo
Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer, Distributor Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia Ciclotron Sao Paulo ciclotron@ciclotron.com.br www.ciclotron.com.br
Manufacturer Ciclotron, Techvox, Watson Sound
DAS do Brasil Sao Paulo
geremias@dasaudio.com www.dasaudio.com Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound
Decomac Brasil Sao Paulo gdistefano@decomac.com.br www.decomacbrasil.com
d&b audiotechnik, Audiolab, Griven, Antari, Jands, Neo Sound and Lighting, Effects
DGC Audio Belo Horizonte curso@dgcaudio.com.br www.dgcaudio.com.br Education Sound
Dimmer Lights Sao Paulo dimmer@uol.com.br www.dimmer-light.com.br Distributor Vari-Lite Lighting
Electra Light Ltda Sao Paulo vendas@electrolight.com.br www.electralight.com.br Distributor, Dealer Pangolin, Lightconverse Lighting
Equipo Sao Paulo info@equipo.com.br www.equipo.com.br Distributor Phonic, CHAUVET DJ, CHAUVET Professional Sound and Lighting, MI Foxtrot Instrumentos Musicals Salvador Contact online www.foxtrot.com.br Dealer Sound, MI
FZ Audio Diadema contato@fzaudio.com.br www.fzaudio.com.br Manufacturer FZ Audio Sound
Gabisom Audio Equipment Sao Paulo gabisom@uol.com.br Rental Sound
Global Sales Management Cabo Frio info@globalsalesman.com www.facebook.com/globalsalesmanagement
Brand Representatives Adamson, Audient, Lea, Mackie, Switchcraft Sound, MI
Gobos Sao Paulo esteban@gobos.com.br www.gobos.com.br Distributor Audix, K-array, Powersoft, Sunlite, Smoke Factory Sound and Lighting
Grupo Studio Brazil Sao Paolo mrodriguez@dpunion.com.br www.studiobrazil.com.br
NEXT-proaudio, MyMix, Avalon, Heill Sound
Grupo TACC Iluminacao Profissional Sao Paulo Contact online www.tacciluminacao.com.br Dealer Lighting
Habro Music Sao Paulo info@habro.com.br www.habro.com.br
Line 6, Mackie, Focusrite Sound, MI
Harman do Brasil LTDA Nova Santa Rita tecnica@harman.com www.harman.com/Brasil
HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound
Hot Machine Sao Paulo comercial@hotmachine.ind.br www.hotmachine.ind.br
HPL Light Company Sao Paulo hpl@hpl.com.br www.hpl.com.br
Distributor DTS, ASL, Clay Paky, ETC, Litec
I Beam Sao Paulo Sao Paulo
gbortolotti@ibeamsp.com www.ibeamsp.com.br
Distributor Lighting
Ilumatic sa Iluminacao Sao Paulo vendas@ilumatic.com.br www.ilumatic.com.br Manufacturer Ilumatic Lighting
Importadora Carioca Manaus contato@icarioca.com.br www.icarioca.com.br
Distributor dBTechnologies Sound
INFiLED Sao Paulo sandro@infiled.com www.infiled.com
Branch Office INFiLED LED Displays
L.O.D Led and Sound Systems Sao Paulo contato@lodsystems.com.br www.lodsystems.com.br Distributor Funktion-One, MADRIX Sound and Lighting
Libor Sao Paulo libor@libor.com.br www.libor.com.br
Distributor Optocore, ARX, Clark Cable, Soundcraft Sound, Broadcast
Lighting Bits Sao Paulo contato@lbits.com.br www.lbits.com.br
Distributor MA Lighting, Robert Juliat, ELC Lighting, MDG Lighting
Line up Broadcast Solutions Sao Paulo comercial@lineup.com.br www.lineup.com.br
Distributor Lawo, Bel Sound, Broadcast
Loudness Special Projects Sao Paulo loudness@loudness.com.br www.loudness.com.br
Rental Sound and Lighting, Video Mac Audio Sound Services Ltda Rio de Janeiro Fred@macaudio.com.br www.macaudio.com.br
Rental Meyer Sound Sound
Made in Brazil Sao Paulo sac@madeinbrazil.com.br www.madeinbrazil.com.br
Dealer Sound, MI
Maxi Audio Luz Imagem Sao Paulo jaugusto@maxionline.com.br www.maxionline.com.br
Rental Meyer Sound Sound and Lighting, AV
Mega Disconildo Rio de Janeiro Contact online www.megadisconildo.com.br
Dealer Sound, MI
Move Color Light Design Sao Paulo movec@movec.com.br www.movec.com.br
Manufacturer Lighting
Mundiaudio Taquaritinga mundiaudio@beyma.com.br www.mundiaudio.com
Distributor beyma Sound
Musical Express Sao Paulo info@musical-express.com.br www2.musical-express.com.br Distributor Shure Sound, MI
Ninja Pro Audio Sao Paulo atendimento@ninjaproaudio.com.br www.ninjaproaudio.com.br Distributor RCF Sound, Consumer Opmat Ltda Sao Paulo contato@optomat.com.br www.opmat.com.br Distributor QSC, Whirlwind, Switchcraft Sound
Osram do Brasil Lamapadas Sao Paulo sac@osram.com www.osram.com.br Distributor Osram Lighting
Partylight Sao Paulo partylight@partylight.com.br www.partylight.com.br
Manufacturer Lighting
Penn Elcom Comercial e Importadora Ltda Sao Paulo penn-elcom@penn-elcom.com.br www.penn-elcom.com.br Distributor Penn-Elcom Trussing, Flightcases
Playtech Pinheiros sac@playtech.com.br www.playtech.com.br Dealer Sound, MI
Pride Music Sao Paulo proaudio@pridemusic.com.br www.pridemusic.com.br Distributor Neutrik Sound, MI
Proshows Comercio de Eletroeletronicos SA Sao Paulo proshows@proshows.com.br www.proshows.com.br Distributor Audio-Technica, Midas, Turbosound, DBR, Avolites, Acme, Behringer, Klark Teknik, Turbosound Sound and Lighting
Quanta Live Qieroz Filho av@quanta.com.br www.quanta.com.br Dealer Sound, AV
River Music Pro Audio Preto contacto@rivermusic.com.br www.rivermusic.com.br Distributor, Dealer 18 Sound Sound, MI
Roland Brazil Jardim Belizario atendimento@roland.com.br www.roland.com.br Distributor Roland Sound, AV
Rosco do Brazil Sao Paulo ventas@roscobrasil.com.br www.roscobrasil.com.br
Distributor Rosco Lighting SD Live Sao Paulo contato@sdlive.com.br www.sdlive.com.br
Sonorous Lourdes sonorous@sonorous.com.br sonorousbhz.wixsite/sonorous
Sound and Lighting
Sotex Campina Verde info@sotex.com.br www.sotex.com.br Distributor Adamson, Lab.gruppen, Aviom, Adam, Dolby Lake Sound
Staner Electronics Ltda Sao Paulo Contact online www.staner.com.br Manufacturer Staner Sound
Star Lighting Division Sumare vendas@star.ind.br www.star.ind.br Manufacturer
Star Lighting Lighting
Sunshine Entertainment Sound & Lighting Sao Paulo contato@sunshine.art.br www.sunshine.art.br
Rental Sound and Lighting
Syncrotape Andar vendas@syncrotape.com.b www.syncrotape.com
Distributor Revolabs, Biamp, Spectrum, Denon AV
Telem Sao Paulo telem@telem.com.br
www.telem.com.br Distributor ETC, Dedolight, Barco Sound and Lighting, Broadcast Teleponto Sao Paulo contato@teleponto.com.br www.teleponto.com.br Distributor Shure, Glensound, Optocore, RTS Sound
Tukasom Group Sao Paulo info@tukasom.com.br www.tukasom.com.br
Rental Sound
UM Instrumentos Rio de Janeiro vendas@uminstrumentos.com.br www.uminstrumentos.com.br Distributor RME Sound
Xpro Store Sao Paulo online.br@xprostore.com brasil.xprostore.com Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Visom Digital Rio de Janeiro estElectro-Voiceao@visomdigital.com.br www.visomdigital.com.br Distributor API, Millenia Media Sound
Yamaha Music do Brasil Ltda Sao Paulo Contact online www.yamahamusical.com.br Distributor Yamaha Sound
Alliance Empresa de Servicios y Especta Rio Negro info@alliancesrl.com.ar www.alliancesrl.com.ar
Rental Sound and Lighting
Amphenol Argentina Buenos Aires info@amphenol.com.ar www.amphenol.com.ar
Distributor Amphenol Sound and Lighting, AV, Broadcast ARS TechnologiesBuenos Aires rpousa@arstech.com.ar www.arstech.com.ar
Distributor Sennheiser, Allen & Heath, Neutrik, BOSCH, Electro-Voice, Rane Sound, Broadcast
Audio By Max Buenos Aires audiobymax@hotmail.com www.audiobymax.com.ar
Dealer Sound
Audio Inginiera SRL
Rosario Contact online www.audioing.com.ar Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV Audiocenter Resistencia audiocenter-music@gigared.com www.audiocenter-music.com.ar
Dealer Sound, MI Audiotechnica Rosario Contact online www.audiotecnicarosario.com
Dealer Sound and Lighting
Audiotienda Buenos Aires info@audiotienda.com.ar www.audiotienda.net
Dealer Sound and Lighting
Avolites Argentina Buenos Aires com@avolitesarg.com www.avolitesarg.com
Distributor Avolites Lighting
AVS Electronica Buenos Aires info@avselectronica.com www.avselectronica.com
Dealer Sound and Lighting
BSAS Pro Audio Buenos Aires contacto@bsasproaudio.com.ar www.bsasproaudio.com.ar
Dealer Sound and Lighting, Consumer Buenos Aires Lasers srl Buenos Aires info@buenosaireslaser.com www.buenosaireslaser.com
Buenos Aires Live Show (BALS) Buenos Aires fsainz@baliveshow.com www.baliveshow.com
Rental Sound and Lighting
CAI Buenos Aires info@cai.com.ar www.cai.com.ar
Dealer Lighting
DA Professional SRL Buenos Aires info@daprofesional.com www.daprofesional.com
Funktion-One, XTA, MC2, Bespecco, Altair, FBT Sound
Dexel srl Buenos Aires sales@dexel.com www.dexel.com
Manufacturer Dexel Lighting
Digitalsolutions srl Buenos Aires info@digisolutions.com.ar www.digisolutions.com.ar Distributor Native Instruments, Akai, CAD Sound, MI
DMX srl Buenos Aires info@dmxsrl.com.ar www.dmxsrl.com.ar
Dealer Sound and Lighting Elecom Buenos Aires elecom@elecom.com.ar www.elecom.com.ar
Distributor beyma, Audiocenter, MLB, CR Laser Sound and Lighting Electronica Dancis Buenos Aires ventas@dancis.com.ar www.audioventas.com.ar
Sound and Lighting Equaphon Sistemas de Sonido Buenos Aires info@equaphon.net www.equaphon.net
Manufacturer, Distributor DPA, DiGiCo, Genelec, Powersoft, Lectrosonics, STS Touring Series, B&C Speakers Sound
Exosound Olivos ventas@exosound.com.ar www.exosound.com
Distributor Audio-Technica, L-Acoustics, Switchcraft, Whirlwind, RME Sound
GE Illuminacion SA Beccar
Contact online www.gelighting.com Distributor GE LightingLighting
Go Concert Buenos Aires info@goconcert.com.ar www.goconcert.com.ar Distributor QSC Sound
Groupo Ikono Buenos Aires jorge.petrich@grupoikono.com www.grupoikono.com Distributor Monster Cable Sound
Grupo Romulo Garcia Buenos Aires ventas@gruporomulogarcia.com.ar www.romulogarcia.com.ar Distributor Soundbarrier Sound, MI
Havells Sylvania Argentina SA Buenos Aires info.ar@havells-sylvania.com www.sylvania-americas.com Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
ICAP SA Buenos Aires ventas@icap.com.ar www.icap.com.ar Dealer AV
Import Music SA Buenos Aires ventas@importmusic.com.ar www.importmusic.com.ar Distributor Cerwin Vega Sound
JS AudioBuenos Aires info@jsaudio.com.ar www.jsaudio.com.ar Distributor Meyer Sound Sound
Kol Ram Dagher SA Buenos Aires ventas@kolram.com.ar www.kolram.com.ar Distributor GBR Sound and Lighting Laser SystemsBuenos Aires contacto@lasersystems.com.ar www.lasersystems.com.ar Rental Lighting
Los Angeles Musica Buenos Aires info@losangelesmusica.com www.losangelesmusica.com Distributor NEXO, SSL Live, AuviTran Sound
Macaio Tecnologia para el espectaculo Buenos Aires ventas@macaio-web.com www.macaio.com.ar Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Antari, d&b audiotechnik, JTS, FENIX, Clay Paky Sound and Lighting, Effects Magic Music SRL Buenos Aires info@magicmusic.com.ar www.magicmusic.com.ar Distributor PROEL, EIKON Sound, MI
Magneto Sonora Buenos Aires info@magnetosonora.com.ar www.magnetosonora.com.ar Distributor Gotham, Rycote, Switchcraft Sound, Broadcast Martcar Buenos Aires ventas@martcar.com.ar www.martcar.com.ar Dealer Sound, Consumer MJ MusicSanta Fe info@mjmusic.com.ar www.mjmusic.com.ar Distributor Audix Sound
Music Co SA Buenos Aires ventas@music-co.com.ar www.music-co.com.ar
HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound
Osram Argentina SACI Buenos Aires info@osram.de www.osram.com.ar
Distributor Osram Lighting
Penn Elcom (Argentina) Buenos Aires contacto@penn-elcom.com.ar www.penn-elcom.com.ar
Distributor Penn-Elcom Trussing, Flightcases Prina GroupBuenos Aires
ventas@prina.net www.prina.net Dealer, Rental Sound and Lighting, LED Screens
Prind-co srl Buenos Aires info@prind-co.com www.prind-co.com Distributor RCF, QSC, Numark, Eminence, JTS, Takstar Sound and Lighting
Pro-Show SA Buenos Aires contacto@pro-show.com.ar www.pro-show.com.ar Dealer Sound and Lighting
Promusica Buenos Aires Contact online www.promusicaonline.com Distributor beyma Sound
RMS Buenos Aires info@rms-enlinea.com.ar www.rms-enlinea.com.ar Dealer Lighting
Show Control Buenos Aires info@showcontrol.com.ar www.showcontrol.com.ar Distributor Dataton, Alcorn McBride, AV Stumpfl, Logic 4D, Richmand, Tecnomad, Damme Sound and Lighting, AV Show Room Buenos Aires contacto@show-room.com.ar www.show-room.com.ar Dealer Sound and Lighting
Someco Electronics SA Buenos Aires service@someco.com.ar www.somecoelectronics.com
Distributor Presonus Sound
Solomanic Buenos Aires ventas@solomanic.com.ar www.solomanic.com.ar Distributor Better-sun, PF-Electronics, RV Lighting Sound and Lighting
Stagetech SRL Buenos Aires jorge.iglesias@stagetech.com.ar www.stagetech.com.ar Distributor ADB, MA Lighting, Robert Juliat Lighting
SVC Buenos Aires info@svc.com.ar www.svc.com.ar Distributor Avid Live Sound, Broadcast Tevelam SRL Buenos Aires testai@tevelam.com www.tevelam.com.ar
Distributor Midas, Lake, Turbosound Sound
TodoDJ Contact online www.tododj.com Dealer Sound and Lighting Todomusica Buenos Aires proaudio@todomusica.com.ar www.todomusica.com.ar Distributor Shure, dBTechnologies, Biamp Sound
TSD Lighting System Buenos Aires Contact online www.tsd.com.ar Rental Sound and Lighting
Under-Music Buenos Aires undermusic@undermusicweb.com.ar www.undermusicweb.com.ar Dealer Sound and Lighting
Viditec SA Buenos Aires infoweb@viditec.com.ar www.viditec.com.ar Systems Integrator AV
XPRO Buenos Aires online@xprostore.com ar.xprostore.com Distributor RCF, Wharfedale Pro Sound
Wilkok Santa Fe Contact online www.wilkok.com.ar
Dealer Sound and Lighting
Yamaha Music Latin America S.A. Secursal Argentina Buenos Aires Contact online www.asia.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha Sound
A&B Music Supplies St Michael Contact online www.facebook.com/abmusicsupplies Distributor Shure Sound, MI
Music N’ Echo Supplies Ltd Christ Church musicnecho@sunbeach,net www.musicnecho.com
Distributor Shure, HARMAN Audio Brands Sound, MI
West Riley Electronics Bridgetown christine.riley@westriley.com www.westriley.com
Distributor JBL, Denon, Kenwood Sound, Consumer
Great Sound and Lighting and A/V Devonshire info@greatsound.bm www.greatsoundbermuda.com
Rental, Distributor Shure Sound and Lighting, AV
ARZE Asociados SRL La Paz aasrl@arzeasociados.com www.arzeasociados.com
Distributor Sennheiser, Clear-Com, Kramer Sound, Broadcast AutoRed Sr La Paz info@autored.com.bo www.autored.com.bo
Distributor beyerdynamic Sound, Broadcast Dunamis Santa-Cruz info@dunamisbolivia.com www.dunamisbolivia.com
Distributor FBT, CHAUVET DJ, Audix, Ashly, Sound Barrier Sound and Lighting, AV
IEE Electronics La Paz julio@ieeelectronics.net www.ieeelectronics.net
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions, Shure Sound Madak Music jfernamdez_bol@hotmail.com www.madakmusic.com
Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Yamaha Sound
Rojo Audio e Iluminacion La Paz rojobolivia@rojobolivia.com www.rojobolivia.com
Distributor Avolites Lighting
Yamabol S.R.L La Paz yamabol@entelnet.bo www.yamabol-srl.com
Distributor Audio-Technica, Yamaha Sound
Barnett Music Centre - Cayman Islands Grand Cayman musishop@candw.ky
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
INTEC Research Production Services George Town mm@intecproductions.com
Rental Sound and Lighting, Staging, Effects
AB Lights Santiago ventas@ablights.cl www.ablights.cl
Distributor Soundking Sound and Lighting, Effects Aliaga Sonido Santiago ventas@aliagasonido.cl www.aliagasonido.cl Dealer Sound and Lighting Audio Musica Santiago info@audiomusica.com www.audiomusica.com
Distributor Allen & Heath, beyerdynamic, D.A.S. Audio, HARMAN Audio Brands, Wharfedale Pro Sound
Audio Systems Santiago ventas@audiosystems.cl www.audiosystems.cl
Distributor Neutrik, Gotham Cable, Electro-Voice Sound Audiopro Ltda Santiago info@audiopro.cl www.audiopro.cl
Distributor DiGiCo, Meyer Sound, Whirlwind Sound, Broadcast
Casa Amarilla Vitacura gespinosa@casamarilla.cl www.casamarilla.cl Dealer Sound, MI Chroma Ltda Fono contacto@cromaltda.cl www.cromaltda.cl
Distributor Radial, Rode Sound
Comercial Mercury Music Ltd Santiago contacto@mercurymusic.cl www.mercurymusic.cl Distributor Shure, Akai Pro Sound
Commercial e Importadora Penn Elcom Inc Santiago penn-elcomchile@penn-elcomchile.cl www.penn-elcomchile.cl Maufacturer Trussing, Flightcases
Commercial RG Music Ltda Iquique Contact online www.rgmusic.cl Distributor PROEL, DiGiCo, RGB, d&b audiotechnik, Sennheiser, Axiom Sound and Lighting CyV Music Ltd Iquique info@cyvmusic.cl www.cyvmusic.cl
Distributor Powersoft, Prodipe, B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting Emmett Santiago info@emmett.cl www.emmett.cl Dealer Sound and Lighting
Galilei Ltda Santiago info@galilei.cl www.galilei.cl
Design, Systems Integrator, Install Lighting, Trussing Iluminacion Professional Valook S.A. Santiago
ventas@valook.cl www.valook.cl Distributor Avolites, ETC, Rosco Lighting
Osram Chile Ltd Santiago osramchile@osram.com www.osram.cl Distributor Osram Lighting
Power Lights Santiago info@powerlights.cl www.powerlights.cl Dealer Sound and Lighting
Pro Music Santiago Contact online www.promusic.cl Dealer
CHAUVET DJ, CHAUVET Professional, ADJ, Audix, DPA Sound and Lighting
Prolux Limitada Santiago prolux@prolux.cl www.prolux.cl Dealer Lighting
Prosound Vina del Mar Contact online www.prosound.cl Distributor Sommer Cable, HK Audio, Celestion, Nady, SoundK&M
Proyectos y Productos Profesionales Ltda Santiago contacto@pypp.cl www.pypp.cl Distributor
Bosch Security Systems, General Electric Security, Ranger Security, XTSVideo, Siera Electronics, Optimus, Astrophisics, Impro Sound and Lighting, AV
Purpura Producciones Santiago contacto@purpuraproducciones.cl www.purpuraproducciones.cl Distributor, Rental Funktion-One Sound, AV
Real Audio Sistemas S.p.a Santiago info@realaudiosystemas.cl www.realaudiosystemas.cl Distributor NEXO Sound
Ricardo Neira Soto Electronica Santiago ricardo.neira@digitalprostudio.cl www.digitalprostudio.cl Dealer
CHAUVET Lighting
Spevi Santiago info@spevi.cl www.spevi.cl Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, AV
Stelauphipat Santiago phipsa@gmail.com Distributor MiPro Sound
Tracolight Santiago cplb@tracolight.cl www.tracololight.cl Distributor Martin by HARMAN Lighting
Urdile Santiago consultas@urdile.cl www.urdile.cl Dealer B&C, FBT Sound and Lighting
Velocity Lighting Santiago info@velocitylighting.com www.velocitylighting.com
CHAUVET, Apollo, Lightsource, Antari Lighting, Effects Videomedia Santiago cabarzua@videomedia.cl www.videomedia.cl Distributor DPA Sound, Video, Broadcast VGL Santiago contacto@vgl.cl www.vgl.cl Distributor Avid Venue, L-Acoustics, Lawo Sound and Lighting, AV
Videocorp Ai Pro Audio Santiago contacto@videocorp.com www.videocorp.com Distributor Shure Sound and Lighting, AV
AMG Import Bogota tienda@amgvirtual.com www.amgvirtual.com Dealer FBT, Presonus Sound and Lighting
Audio Centro Bogota info@audiocentro.com.co www.audiocentro.com.co
Distributor Community, Auralex Sound and Lighting
Audio Concept de Colombia S.A. Bogota info@audioconcept.com.co www.audioconcept.com.co
Distributor Allen & Heath, Neutrik, Prolyte, Meyer Sound, HARMAN Audio Brands, Clay Paky Sound and Lighting
Audio Spain Memoelectronics S.A.S Cali servicioalcliente@memoelectronics.com.co
Miche Instrumentos Musicales Barranquilla direction.institucional@miche.com.co www,miche.com.co
Proel, Electro-Voice Sound
Amexco de Costa Rica SA Guadelupe ventas@americanmusiccr.com www.americanmusiccr.com
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound
Audio Cinema SA Santa Ana info@audiocinema.net www.audiocinema.net
Distributor Denon DJ, Soundtube, Rane, Furman Sound, AV
Decente Showtec SA San Jose dshowtec@ice.co.cr Distributor Kling & Freitag Sound
Feilo Sylvania Costa Rica SA San Jose Contact online www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
Grupo Iliaco Profesional SA San Jose info@lucesysistemas.com www.lucesysistemas.com
Sound, MI
Musitempo CA Santo Domingo info@musitempo.com www.musitempo.com Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions, Neutrik, Shure Sound, MI
Profesional Audio Components Corp Distrito Nacional beymadominicana@yahoo.com Distributor beyma Sound
Solumex Group Santo Domingo solumex@solumex.com www.solumex.com
Design, Installer Lighting, Architectural Sound Video Light Santo Domingo info@soundvideolight.com www.soundvideolight.com
Martin Audio Sound and Lighting, Video
Telexport, Inc, C/o Danilo Electronics Santo Domingo telexport@aol.com www.danilomusic.com
Distributor Rane, American Audio Sound
Osram de Colombia Bogota info-co@osram.com www.osram.com.co
Distributor Osram Lighting
Distributor Antari, PR Lighting, Meyer Sound, Avolites, Martin by HARMAN Lighting, Effects La Voz San Jose info@lavozcr.com www.lavozcr.com
ADJ, Cerwin Vega Sound and Lighting Mas Musica Internacional SA Cartago henry.quiros@masmuscacr.com www.masmusicacr.com
TM Music Santo Domingo industriatmsrl@gmail.com Dealer FBT Sound, MI
Dealer B&C
Audioluces Cali ventas@audioluces.com www.audioluces.com Distributor, Dealer D.A.S. Audio, ADJ Sound and Lighting Audiomax Bucaramanga Contact online www.audiomaxpro.com Distributor Klotz, Audix, Bose Sound
Audiomusica Colombia S.A.S Bogota info@audiomusica.com www.audiomusica.com.co
Distributor Audio-Technica Sound, MI AVCOM Colombia Bogota info@avcom.com.co www.avcom.com.co
Distributor L-Acoustics, Waves, FBT, Belden Sound and Lighting
Central de Parlantes Santiago de Cali asistentegeneral@centraldeparlantes.com www.centraldeparlantes.com
Distributor Eminence Sound
Christie Digital Systems Colombia SAS Bogota Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer, Distributor Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia Coaxial Pro S.A.S Medellin mercadeo@coaxialpro.com
Penn Elcom de Colombia S.A.S. Bogota colombia@penn-elcom.com www.penn-elcom.com
Distributor Penn-Elcom Trussing, Flightcases Publik LatAm Bogota Contact online www.publik.co Distributor
INFiLED LED Displays
Sonora Spot Enterprises S.A.S Bogota raribe@sonoraspot.com www.sonoraspot.com
Distributor Community, Audio-Technica, RCF, Denon, KEF Sound and Lighting, Consumer Sonygraf Integradores S.A Bogota digitsound@sonygraf.com www.sonygraf.com
Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting, Broadcast Sound Logics Bogota info@soundlogics.com www.soundlogics.com
Distributor beyerdynamic, NEXO, SSL, Radial, Primacoustics, Mogami Sound
STEREO S.A.S SURTI Barranquilla City logistica@surtistereo.com www.surtistereo.com
JP Audio Sound and Lighting
Super Audio Bogota ventas@superaudio.com.co www.superaudio.com.co
ADJ Sound and Lighting
MS Lighting, beyerdynamic, DiGiCo, Whirlwind, Presonus Sound and Lighting
P.Audio Sistema San Jose info@paudiocr.com www.paudiocr.com
P. Audio, Unika, NightSun, dB-Mark Sound and Lighting
Pro Video San Francisco de dos Rios provideo@racsa.co.cr www.provideo.co.cr Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Canare Sound and Lighting Promusica SA San Jose info@promusicacr.com Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
Abasto & Servicios C.x.A. Santo Domingo a.ruiz@abasto-servicios.com www.abasto-servicios.com Distributor Turbosound Sound
Audio Diseno Santo Domingo info@audiodiseno.com.do www.audiodiseno.com.do
d&b audiotechnik, Work, Soundtube, Electro-Voice, Bosch, CHAUVET, Symetrix Sound and Lighting, AV
BM Eventos SA Santiago info@bme.com.do www.bme.com.do Distributor MA Lighting Lighting
Casa Musical Nunez Casa Musical Nunez Ambato ventas@casamusicalnunez.com www.casamusicalnunez.com Distributor QSC, Audix, RCF, CHAUVET Sound and Lighting
COTZUL SA Guayaquil info@cotzul.com www.cotzul.com
Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI, Projectors Electronic Amusement SA Quito byron@easa-ec.com www.easa-ec.com Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Clay Paky Sound
Feilo-Sylvania n.v (Ecuador Branch) Quito info.ec@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com
Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
GND Music Machala info@gndmusicec,com www.gndmusicec.com
Distributor, Dealer PROEL, RCF Sound and Lighting, MI, DJ
Import Music Quito ventas@importmusic.ec www.importmusic.ec
Distributor RCF, Audix Sound and Lighting
Livansud Guayaquil info@livansud.com www.livansud.com
Distributor Italy Audio Sound and Lighting
Codiscos S.A Medellin sebastian@codiscos.com www.codiscosaudio.com Distributor Rane Sound and Lighting
Ecotech Ingeneria S.A.S Medellin dcabrera@ecotech.co Distributor Zero 88 Lighting
Feilo Sylvania Colombia S.A Bogota info@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com
Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
Import FD / Fernando Daza Bogota fdaza01@hotmail.com
TOOLS 4 MEDIA Bogota info@tools4m.com www.tools4m.com
Distributor Audio-Technica, Avantone, EVE Audio, Manley, Waves Sound
Yamaki S.A.S. Bogota info@yamaki.com.co www.yamaki.com.co
Distributor Shure, Whirlwind, QSC, Numark, Phonic, Proel Sound
AR Sistemas SA San Jose info@arsistemas-cr.com www.arsistemas-cr.com
Distributor Allen & Heath, NEXO, Midas, Turbosound,
Danilo Music Santiago info@danilomusic.com www.danilomusic.com Distributor QSC, RCF, ADJ Sound and Lighting, MI
D’JR Electronica SRL Santo Domingo djrelectronica@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/DJRElectronica/ Distributor, Dealer PROEL, AKG Sound and Lighting
Electronica Santiago Santo Domingo esa@codetel.net.do Distributor B&C SoundSpeakers
Instrumentos Fernando Giraldez Santo Domingo ventas@instrumentos.com.do www.instrumentos.com.do Distributor D.A.S. Audio, dBTechnologies
Mamcorp Group Quito Contact online www.mamcorpgroup.com
Distributor Musicson, Admix Sound and Lighting
Mas Musika Guayaquil ventas.gye@masmusika.com www.masmusika.com
Distributor dBTechnologies Sound and Lighting
Mejor SonidoPinchincha Electro-Voiceallejo@mejor-sonido.com www.mejor-sonido.com
Distributor DiGiCo, Lab.gruppen Sound and Lighting
Prosonido Quito info@prosonido.net www.prosonido.net
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions, Shure, Gemini, Neutrik, Martin by HARMAN Sound and Lighting
Sonotec Quito k_arevalo@sonotec.com.ec www.sonotec.com.ec
Dealer Sound and Lighting
Valparr Importaciones Quito vallparr@interactive.net.ec www.vallparr.com Distributor
Allen & Heath, NEXO, Turbosound, Powesoft, Yorkville, ADJ, Elation Sound and Lighting
Electronica 2001 San Salvador san.salvador@electronica 2001es.com www.electronica2001es.com Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Presonus, Pro Lok, B&C Speakers Sound
Feilo-Sylvania El Salvador S.A de C.V San Salvador info.sv@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
Music Center Professional San Salvador info@musicenterpro.com www.musiccenterpro.com Distributor Strand Lighting Sound and Lighting
Omni Music San Salvador Contact form on the website www.omnimusicsv.com Distributor Yamaha, HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound, MI
Imagine Music Le Moule azarmarc971@hotmail.com Distributor Shure, Soundcraft, Crown Sound
L’Audiophile Basse Terre joseph.saintclement@wanadoo.fr Distributor JBL, Lexicon Sound
Number One Electronique Les Abymes numberoneelectronique@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ NumberOneElectronique Distributor, Dealer PROEL Sound, DJ
Almacenes Music Corp Quetzaltenango musicorpxela@hotmail.com Distributor
Blessure S.A. Guatemala City ermpro@gmail.com www.blessure.com.gt
Rental Sound and Lighting
Casa Instrumental SA Guatemala City info@casainstrumental.com www.casainstrumental.com Distributor, Dealer PROEL Sound and Lighting, MI
Central de Bocinas Halcon Guatemala City Contact online www.bocinashalcon.com
Loudspeaker components Sound
DoMiSol Guatemala City www.facebook.com/domisolmusic www.domisolmusic.com
Dealer Bose, Cerwin Vega Sound
Inversiones Casa Instrumental, S.A Guatemala City president@casainstrumental.com www.casainstrumental.com
D.A.S. Audio, dBTechnologies, Shure, Allen & Heath Sound
Music Corporation SA Guatemala City rayherbert@gmail.com Distributor beyerdynamic, Nord Sound, MI
Musical Inversiones W.G. Guatemala City
jwunder@musical.com.gt www.musical.com.gt
HARMAN Professional Solutions, Monster Cable Sound, Consumer Prosound Guatemala City info@prosound.gt www.prosound.com.gt Rental Sound and Lighting
Sipro S.A. Guatemala City ventas@sipro-eq.com www.sipro-eq.com
Distributor Clay Paky Lighting
Sistasa Guatemala City contacto@sistasa.com www.sistasa.com
Amate Audio Sound
Super Bocinas Guatemala City info@superbocinas.com.gt www.superbocinas.com.gt
QSC, CHAUVET, Audix, Gemini, Wharfedale Pro Sound and Lighting
Supersonidos Guatemala City erick.deleon@supersonidos.com.gt www.supersonidos.com.gt
Powersoft Sound and Lighting, AV
Almacen Pajaro Azul Almacen Pajaro Azul San Pedro Sula sm@almacenpajaroazul.com www.almacenpajaroazul.com
Distributor Shure, QSC Sound
ELECTRONICA GEO S.A. San Pedro Sula juanandonie@pagsa.com www.pagsa.com
HARMAN Professional Solutions, Sennheiser, Sound King Sound
Electronica Triple A Comyaguela antoniokafati@electronicatriplea.com www.electronicatriplea.com Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound
Mango BTL Tegucigalpa info@mangobtl.com www.mangobtl.com Distributor Meyer Sound, Martin by HARMAN, Avolites, High End Systems Sound and Lighting
Audiofon Systems Ltd Kingston audiofon@cwjamaica.com Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound
Cool Connections Ltd. Kingston hotelstuff@cwjamaica.com Distributor CHAUVET Lighting
Intec Research Kingston info@intec-research.com www.intec-research.com Distributor ADJ Sound and Lighting Starlight Production Ltd Kingston starlightproductionja@gmail.com www.starlightproductionja.com Distributor, Rental B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting, AV Island Integrators St Catherine contact@islandintegrators.com www.islandintegrators.com
Distributor Shure, Extron Sound and Lighting, AV
Giga Music Fort-De-France Contact online www.giga-music.com
Distributor Allen & Heath Sound, MI
Musique et Son Fort-De-France musicson@wanadoo.fr Distributor Shure Sound, MI
ADJ Products Group Mexico ADJ Products Group Mexico Lerma ventas@adj.com www.adj.com Manufacturer, Distributor ADJ Sound and Lighting Alien Pro Mexico City ventas@alienpro.mx www.alienpro.mx
Distributor Technoshine, American Audio, Alien Sound and Lighting Amphenol Mexico Mexico City info@amphenolmexico.com www.amphenolmexico.com Distributor Amphenol Sound, Lighting Amtec Juarez ventas@amtec.com.mx www.amtec.com.mx
Distributor Sound, Broadcast Audio Acoustica y Electronica Mexico City contacto@audioacustica.com.mx www.audioacustica.com.mx Distributor Powersoft, Void, SSL, Martin Audio, XTA, Duran, Martin by HARMAN Sound and Lighting Audio, Video & Control SA de CV Mexico City administracion@avcs.com.mx www.avcs.com.mx
Distributor Arthur Holm, Cloud Lighting and Sound, AV Audiomex SA de CV / Distele Juarez ventas@audiomex.com www.audiomex.com Dealer Sound and Lighting
Audyson Mexico City administracion.ventas@audyson.com www.audyson.com Distributor Electro-Voice, Wharfedale, Work, 18 Sound, Sennheiser Sound
AV Asesores, SA de CV Corregidora Contact online www.avasesores.com Distributor Anchor Sound, AV
Absen Holdings México S. de R.L. Mexico City latin@absen.com www.absen.mx
Manufacturer, Distributor Absen LED Displays
Betta Sistemas Acousticos SA de CV Mexico City info@bettasistemas.com www.bettasistemas.com
Distributor Symetrix Sound
Backstage Tools for Music Monterrey contact@backstage.gs www.backstage.gs Dealer Hosa, American Cable Sound and Lighting
CHAUVET Mexico Lerma alevit@chauvet.com.mx www.chauvetlighting.com Manufacturer
CHAUVET Professional, CHAUVET DJ, Iluminarc, ChamSys Lighting
Christie Digital Systems Mexico S de RL de CV. Mexico ContactCityonline www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer, Distributor Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia Cooper Lighting Mexico Monterrey alejandro.leal@cooperindustries.com www.cooperlighting.com Distributor Zero 88 Lighting
D.R Ampere Manufacturas Electronicas SA de CV Iztalapa ventas@ampere.com www.ampere.com Distributor Inter-M, Community, dBTechnologies
DeSisti Mexico SA de CV Atizapan De Zaragoza alberto@desistimexico.com www.desisti.it Distributor DeSisti
Diamant Mexico City contacto@diamant.com.mx www.diamant.com.mx
Dealer Sound, Flightcases
Dor Internacional Guadalajara ventas@dorinter.com www.dorinter.com
Dealer Sound and Lighting, AV
Elation Professional Mexico Lerma ventas@elationlighting.com www.elationlighting.com
Gama Music Monterrey Contact online www.gamamusic.com Dealer Sound, MI
Gonher Torreon administracion.ventas@gonher.com www.gonher.com
Distributor Sennheiser, PROEL Sound and Lighting, MI
Grupo Covix SA de CV Mexico City ventas@grupocovix.com www.grupocovix.com
Distributor Biamp Sound and Lighting, AV, Consumer Hermes Music Mexico City jorge@hermes-music.com www.hermes-music.com
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions, Clay Paky, DiGiCo, PR Lighting, Prolight, Adamson Systems, DPA Sound and Lighting
Hi-Tech Audio Mexico City antonio.martinez@hta-audio.com www.hta-audio.com
Distributor beyerdynamic, HK Audio, d&b audiotech- nik, Klotz, VMB Sound
Inovaudio Mexico City gerencia.ventas@inovaudio.mx www.inovaudio.mx
Distributor Behringer, TC Electronic, Turbosound, beyma, Tannoy Sound
Libher Music SA Puebla info@libhermusic.com www.libhermusic.com
Distributor Bose, Celestion, Faital Pro, LD Systems, Pioneer Sound
Loto Audio Mexico City info@lotoaudio.com.mx www.facebook.com/lotoaudio
Funktion-One Sound
Meyer Sound Mexico Mexico ContactCityonline www.meyersound.com
Distributor Meyer Sound Sound
Music Club Mexico City ventas@musicclub.mx www.musicclub.mx
Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI Novotech Juarez novotech@novotech.com.mx www.novotech.com.mx
Distributor, Systems Integrator Symetrix Sound, AV
Onsound Mexico City info@onsound.com.mx www.onsound.com.mx
Rental Sound and Lighting
Osram Mexico SA de CV Tultitlan info@osram.de www.osram.com.mx
Osram Lighting
Proaudio Comercializadora Mexico City ventas@proaudiocomercializadora.mx www.proaudiocomercializadora.mx
Distributor Alto, B&C Speakers, Numark Sound
Representaciones de Audio SA de CV Iztapala contacto@rda.com.mx www.rda.com.mx
Distributor Allen & Heath Sound
Rocketerias Mexico City info@rocketerias.com.mx www.rocketerias.com.mx Distributor EAW Sound and Lighting
Sennheiser Mexico SA de CV Mexico City sennlatam@sennheiser.com www,sennheiser.com
Distributor Sennheiser, Neumann Sound
Sensey Guadalajara direccion@sensey.com.mx www.sensey.com.mx
Manufacturer, Distributor MiPro, Eminence, P Audio, Back Stage, Elipsis, Auric Sound
Showco SA de CV Naucalpan info@showco.com.mx www.showco.com.mx
Distributor Meyer Sound, ETC, FBT, Robert Juliat, Lightconverse Sound and Lighting
Sin Limites S.A. de C.V Mexico City info@sinlimites.com.mx www.sinlimites.com.mx
Distributor Sunlite, MADRIX Lighting
Teletec de Mexico SA de CV Naucalpan de Juarez ventas@teletec.com.mx www.teletec.com.mx Distributor Teletec Lighting
Top Music Mexico City ventas.pal@att.net.mx www.topmusic.com.mx Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound
Vari Internacional Mexico City vari@varinter.com.mx www.varinter.mx
Distributor L-Acoustics, Avid Venue, ChamSys, Vari Sound and Lighting
Yamaha Mexico SA de CV Mexico ContactCityonline www.yamaha.com.mx Distributor Yamaha Sound
Bansbach Managua galvarado@bansbach-cr.com www.bansbach-cr.com Distributor Shure Sound
Comunicaciones Globales Managua ventas@comunicacionesglobales.com www.comunicacionesglobales.com Distributor Sennheiser Sound
Instrumentos Musicales la Voz Nicaragua S.A Managua ventas@lavoz-ni.com www.lavoz.com.ni
Distributor beyerdynamic Sound
Multicomercial SA Managua ceca@cablenet.com.ni www.ceca.com.ni
Distributor Shure, HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting
Audio Concept Panama SA Panama City administracion@audioconcept.com.pa www.audioconcept.com.pa
Clay Paky, PROEL Sound and Lighting, Residential
Audio Foto Pro SA Panama City ventas@audiofotopro.com www.audiofotopro.com
Dealer Denon, JBL, Tannoy
Sound and Lighting, AV Consumer Deka Group SA Panama City info@dekapanama.com www.dekapanama.com Distributor beyerdynamic, Alto, FBT, Avid Venue, CHAUVET Sound
Feilo Sylvania Panama SA Panama City info.pa@havells-sylvania.com www.sylvania-lighting.com
Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Sound
L & Sons Panama City info@landsons.com www.landsons.com Dealer Sound, Lighting, AV Macro Group Panama City rene.lee@macrogroupcompanies.com www.macrogroupcompanies.com
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions, ADJ Sound
Musix Works Panama City jacinto@musixpro.com Distributor Neutrik Sound ProAudio Center Panama City info@proaudio-center.com www.proaudio-center.com Dealer
Sound and Lighting Productos Superiores SA Panama City suproadmin@supropanama.com www.supropanama.com
Distributor Shure Sound, Consumer RW Lights and Video Panama City jaime.sierra@rw.com.pa www.rw.com.pa Distributor Vari-Lite, MA Lighting Lighting, Video
Yamaha Music Latin America SA Panama City Contact online www.asia.yamaha.com Distributor Yamaha Sound
Audio Par Encarnacion Contact online www.audiopar.com.py Dealer Sound and Lighting AW Acoustic Design Asuncion alan@aw-acousticdesign.com www.aw-acousticdesign.com Distriibutor Powersoft, FBT, 18 Sound, DTS Sound and Lighting, AV ESMART Fernando de la Mora esmelanzoategui@esmart.com.py www.esmart.com.py
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound
Estudio DJ Encarnacion info@estudiodj.com.py www.estudiodj.com.py
Distributor Clay Paky, Avolites, PROEL, Martin Audio Sound and Lighting Man/Pizzo Paraguay SRL Asuncion info@manpizzo.com.py www.manpizzo.com.py
Distributor Sennheiser, Canare, Neumann Sound, Video Microsystems SRL Asuncion martin.martinez@ottonelli.com.py www.microsystems.com.py Distributor Shure Sound
Music Hall Asuncion info@musichall.com.py www.musichall.com.py Distributor dBTechnologies Sound
Music Store Asuncion Contact online www.musicstorepy.com Dealer Sound, MI Tentaciones SA Asuncion
cantacto@tentaciones.com.py www.tentaciones.com.py Distributor Rane Sound, Consumer World Music Ciudad del Este contacto@worldmusic.com.py www.worldmusic.com.py Distributor Whirlwind, Allen & Heath, Neutrik Sound and Lighting
Xpro StoreCuidad del Este online@xprostore.com py.xprostore.com Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound
Audiomusica Peru SAC Lima contactoweb@audiomusica.com.pe www.audiomusica.com.pe Distributor Wharfedale Pro Sound, MI
BF Import SAC Lima Contact online www.bfimportsac.com Distributor Lexsen Sound
Cover Music Corporaton SAC Lima covermusic@hotmail.es www.covermusicperu.com Distributor American Audio, QSC, RCF, Peavey Sound
Corporacion Sonotec SAC Lima ventas@sonotecperu.com www.sonotecperu.com Distributor
Allen & Heath, DiGiCo, Powersoft, L-Acoustics, B&C Speakers Sound
Denky Callao Contact online www.denky.com Distributor FBT, TOA, Audio-Technica Sound
Distribuidora Perfection SA Lima import@perfection.com.pe www.perfection.com.pe Distributor Shure, Tascam, Roland Sound
Feilo Sylvania Peru SAC Lima info@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Sylvania, Lumiance, Concord Lighting
GE Lighting Peru Lima info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com Distributor
GE Lighting Lighting Layset Lima info@layset.com www.layset2.com Distributor
PR Lighting, Avolites, Showart, Polaris Lighting
LO Electronics Lima info@loelectronics.com www.loelectronics.com Distributor
Twist Light, JTS, beyma, Eminence, Faital, Audiocenter Sound and Lighting
Music Market Lima ventas@musicmarket.pe www.musicmarket.com.pe Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Crest Audio Sound
Novolite Screen and Light Lima asanchez@novolitesac.com www.novolitesac.com Distributor
Clay Paky, MA Lighting, Antari Lighting, Effects Numark South America Lima Contact online www.numark.com
Distributor Numark Sound
Osram de Peru SAC Surco info-pe@osram.com www.osram.pe Distributor Osram Lighting
Penn-Elcom SAC Lima ricardo@penn-elcom.com.pe www.penn-elcom.com.pe
Distributor Penn-Elcom, Fane Trussing, Flightcases
Red Power Lima informes@redpowerperu.com www.redpowerperu.com
Rental, Distributor Vari-Lite Sound and Lighting
Sistemag Peruana SA Lima ventas@sistemag.com www.sistemag.com
Distributor Neutrik Sound, Broadcast Telewatt SA Lima ventas@telewatt.pe www.telewatt.pe
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting
Zoladi Lima info@zoladi.com www.zoladi.com
Distributor CHAUVET Sound and Lighting
Audio Visual Concepts Caguas jacuna@mig-avc.com www.mig-avc.com
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound, AV
Bonnin Electronics Santurce carlos@bonninelectronics.com www.puertoricosuppliers.com Distributor Shure Sound
Bose Store Hato Rey info@bose.com www.bose.com
Dealer Bose Sound, Consumer Box Electronic Sound & Lighting Inc Bayamon juancarlos@boxelectronics.com www.boxelectronics.com Distributor, Dealer ADJ Sound and Lighting
Caribbean Audio Group Ponce sales@cagpr.com www.cagpr.com
Rental, Distributor beyerdynamic, Avid Live, d&b audio- technik Sound Corcovada Electronics Hatillo corcovasaelectronic@sales.com
Distributor B&C SoundSpeakers
JC Electronic Distributors Inc Caguas cosso@jcdistributor.com www.jcdistributor.com
Distributor Behringer, Eurocom Sound
Musique Express Networks Bayamon info@mxnpr.com www.mxnpr.com Distributor, Rental ADJ Sound and Lighting
Rosado Music Vega Alta rosadomusicpr@gmail.com www.rosadomusic.com Distributor Audix Sound, MI
Tropical Music San Juan boyde@tropicalmusicpr.com www.tropicalmusicpr.com
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound
Witchie Sound Performance Inc Ponce wichie@wichiesound.com www.wichiesound.com
Rental Meyer Sound Sound
Sound Masters Saint Martin soundmasters185@yahoo.com Distributor B&C SoundSpeakers
Wanica emftheband@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/emfaudiosuriname Rental Sound and Lighting
Shaike LightsRainville electrounie@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/shaikelights Distributor Avolites Lighting
Sound Pro MarketingParamaribo jamilma@pacbell.net Distributor Shure Sound
Carribean Entertainment Technologies Ltd Barataria info@caribbeanav.com www.caribbeanav.com
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions Sound and Lighting, AV Fidelity Electronics Ltd Cunupia info@feltd.co www.feltd.co
Distributor FBT Sound
Rent-A-Amp Sound Co Ltd St James rajiv@rentaamp.com www.rentaamp.com Distributor JBL, Lexicon Sound
Shammi Professional Sound San Juan shammisound@yahoo.com www.shammiprosound.com
Distributor, Dealer, Installer B&C Speakers, Yorkville, MC2 Audio, XTA, dB SoundTechnologies
Steve’s Electronics Ltd San Juan info@steveselectronics.biz www.steveselectronics.biz
Distributor Neutrik, Shure, CHAUVET Sound and Lighting Streamline Systems St Anns info@streamlinesystemsltd.com www.streamlinesystemsltd.com
Distributor, Installer Electro-Voice, BOSCH, Extron, Shure Sound and Lighting
Dekanil SA Montevideo info@palaciodelamusica.com.uy www.palaciodelamusica.com
HARMAN Professional Solutions, dBTechnologies, Numark, Antari, B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting, Effects Detec Montevideo contacto@detec.com.uy www.detec.com.uy
Distributor Yamaha, Drawmer Sound, Broadcast Equaphon UruguayMontevideo infouy@equaphon.net www.equaphon.net
Distributor Powersoft Sound
IP Iluminacion Profesional Montevideo ipiluminacion@gmail.com www.ipiluminacion.com
Distributor CHAUVET Sound and Lighting Oidos SA Montevideo enrique@oidos.net www.oidos.net
Distributor D.A.S. Audio, Shure, HARMAN Professional Solutions, Eminence Sound Palacio de la Musica Montevideo info@palaciodelamusica.com.uy
Distributor, Dealer PROEL Sound and Lighting, MI
Pro Musica Montevideo info@promusica-uy.com www.promusica-uy.com Distributor Audio-Technica, Electro-Voice, BOSCH, K-array, Neutrik Sound
ROBE Lighting Inc Montevideo info@robecsa.com www.robe.cz Manufacturer, Distributor ROBE Lighting
Xpro Store Montevideo online.uy@xprostore.com uy.xprostore.com Distributor QSC, RCF Sound and Lighting
Caracas info@audioconcept.com.ve www.audioconcept.com.ve Distributor QSC, dBTechnologies, Clay Paky, Neutrik, Allen & Heath, Shure, RCF Sound and Lighting
Audioson Caracas Contact form on the website www.audioson.net
Sound and Lighting
C&M Audio Caracas info@grupocm.com www.grupocm.com
Camco, beyerdynamic, MA Lighting Sound and Lighting, AV Cvilar S.A.S Caracas mauricio5d@gmail.com www.cvilar.com Distributor Adamson Sound
GE Iluminacion de Venezuela Chuao info@gelighting.com www.gelighting.com
GE Lighting Lighting
Feilo Sylvania Venezuela CA Caracas info@sylvania-lighting.com www.sylvania-lighting.com Distributor Sylvania, Concord, Lumiance Lighting
Ilardo Audio Systems Maracay Contact form on the website www.ilardoaudio.com
Dealer Sound and Lighting
Media CA Caracas preben@jblvenezuela.com www.jblvenezuela.com
Distributor HARMAN Professional Solutions, Sennheiser, DTS Sound and Lighting
Morcar Electronics CA Maracaibo powermusicpresidencia@gmail.com Distributor CHAUVET Lighting
Sonido e Iluminacion Penalver, C.A. Caracas sonidoeiluminacionpenalver@hotmail.com
Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound and Lighting
Sound Freaks Carabobo info@soundfreaks.net www.soundfreaks.net
Dealer Sound, Consumer
Sun Music International Caracas hchirinos@sunmusicpro.com www.sunmusicpro.com Distributor NEXO, Ecler Sound
3l Sound & Lighting Ltd Mississauga, ON 3linfo@3lsound.com www.3lsound.com
Rental, Dealer Yorkville Sound
AC Lighting Inc. Toronto, ON northamerica@aclighting.com www.aclighting.com
Distributor Chroma-Q, Jands, Luminex, LumenRadio, ArKaos, Prolyte Lighting
Acideo Cote-St-Luc, QC www.acideo.com www.acideo.com
Distributor coolux, Schnik-Schnak-Systems, Ghost, Pandoras Box Lighting, LED Systems, LED Components
ACT Lighting Canada Inc Mississauga, ON sales@actlighting.com www.actlighting.com
Distributor MA Lighting, Robert Juliat, Ayrton, MDG, Chainmaster Lighting
Goldline, Evidence Audio Sound, MI
AVL Media Group St-Laurent, QC jptremblay@avlmediagroup.com www.avlmediagroup.com
B&J Pro Baie D’Urfe, QC Contact online www.bjmusiconline.com
Distributor HARMAN Audio Brands Sound, MI
Bose Canada Markham, ON Contact online www.bose.ca
Distributor Bose Sound, Consumer Briere Sound Burnaby, BC Contact online www.briereproductiongroup.com Rental, Production Sound and Lighting, Video
Heinz, OutBoard, Optocore Sound
Crescit Software Inc London, ON Contact online www.crescit.com Manufacturer Crescit Lighting, Video
d&b audiotechnik Canada Inc Quebec City, QC francois.corbin@dbaudio.com www.dbaudio.com Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
Eastern Audio Ltd St John’s, NL Contact online www.easternaudio.com Rental AV
Erikson Pro Audio Baie D’Urfe, QC info@eriksonpro.com www.eriksonpro.com Distributor Allen & Heath, Martin Audio, ChamSys, dBTechnologies, Wharfedale Pro Sound and Lighting
Fleet Pro Sound & Lighting Ottawa, ON info@fleetsound.com www.fleetsound.com Dealer Sound and Lighting, MI
Ledvance Canadian HQ Mississauga, ON Contact online www.ledvance.com
Distributor Lighting
Luminergie, Lumen Truss Montreal, QC info@lumentruss.com www.luminergie.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Lighting, Trussing
McBride Loudspeaker Source Ltd Waterloo, ON sales@loudspeakers.ca www.loudspeakers.ca Distributor Eminence, B&C Speakers, Celestion Sound
MDG Fog Generators Limited Montreal, QC info@mdgfog.com www.mdgfog.com
Manufacturer Fog Machines
MVI-Multivision Inc Scarborough, ON business@mvidisplay.com www.mvidisplay.com
Rental Video, Broadcast
Omnimedia Corporation Dorval, QC djoseph@omnimedia.ca www.omnimedia.ca
PAG Canada Ltd sales@pagcanada.com www.pagcanada.com
BOSCH, Electro-Voice, RDL, Que Audio, Sound and Lighting
Pathway Connectivity Solutions orders@pathwayconnect.com www.pathwayconnect.com/
canada@penn-elcom.com www.penn-elcom.com
Cases, Trussing
Production Design International, Inc www.pdifx.com
PROJEC.com INC. gaetan.ruel@projec.com www.projec.com
Pyrotek Special Effects Inc. www.pyrotekfx.com Manufacturer, Design
Ranger Son Eclairage
Roland Canada Surrey, BC Contact online www.roland.ca
Roland Sound, Video
SC Media Canada Lachine, QC Contact online www.scmediacanada.com
HARMAN Audio Brands, Barco, Clay Paky Sound, AV
Scapin Scene Staging Montreal, QC info@scapinstaging.com www.scapinstaging.com
Dealer Prolyte, Doughty Staging, Rigging
Sennheiser (Canada) Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, QC info@sennheiser.ca www.sennheiser.ca
Distributor Sennheiser Sound
SF Marketing Dorval, QC info@sfm.ca www.sfm.ca
Distributor Neutrik, DTS, EAW, Shure, QSC, Antari, ADJ Sound and Lighting, AV. Effects
Show Distribution St Leonard, QC info@showdistribution.com www.showdistribution.com
Distributor Rigging
Solotech Inc. Montreal, QC mduchesne@solotech.com www.solotech.com Rental, Distributor L-Acoustics Sound and Lighting
Sound Dymax Inc Mississauga, ON info@dymax.net www.dymax.net Design, Installer Sound and Lighting, AV
Sounds Distribution Inc. St Laurent, QC info@soundsdistribution.com www.soundsdistribution.com
Distributor, Dealer RCF, Blizzard, Microh, Road Ready, Novastar Sound and Lighting
Stageline Mobile Stage Inc L’Assomption, QC Contact online www.stageline.com
Manufacturer Stageline Staging
TCH Toronto, ON info@tchweb.com www.tchweb.com
Distributor Cases, Hardware
Theatrixx Technologies Inc. Markham, ON info@theatrixx.com www.theatrixx.com
Design, Manufacturer, Distribution JB Lighting, Ayrton Lighting
TMB Meaford, ON tmb-info@tmb.com www.tmb.com
TOA Canada Corporation (Canada) Mississauga, ON Contact online www.toacanada.com
Manufacturer, Distributor TOA Sound, AV
Ultratec Special Effects London, ON info@ultratecfx.com www.ultratecfx.com
Manufacturer Effects, Fog, Pyro
Westbury National Show Systems Toronto, ON Contact online www.westbury.com
Yamaha Canada Music Ltd. Scarborough, ON Contact online www.yamaha.ca
Distributor Yamaha Sound, MI
Yorkville Sound Ltd Pickering, ON canada@yorkville.com www.yorkville.com
Manufacturer, Distributor Yorkville, Apex, Art Pro, Traynor, Avantone Sound, MI
4 Wall - USA Las Vegas, NV virtualproduction@4wall.com www.4wall.com Rental Sound and Lighting, Video
AB International Electronics Inc Loomis, CA absales@abamps.com www.abamps.net Manufacturer Audio manufacturer Sound
Absen Inc Orlando, FL info@usabsen.com www.usabsen.com Manufacturer, Distributor Absen LED Displays
Acclaim Lighting USA Los Angeles, CA info@acclaimlighting.com www.acclaimlighting.com Manufacturer Lighting, Architectural
ACT Lighting Inc Burbank, CA sales@actlighting.com www.actlighting.com Distributor
MA Lighting, Robert Juliat, Ayrton, Chainmaster, MDG Lighting
Adaptive Technologies Group Signal Hill, CA sales@adaptivetechnologiesgroup.com www.adaptivetechnologiesgroup.com Manufacturer Rigging
ADJ USA Los Angeles, CA info@adj.com www.adj.com Manufacturer
ADJ, America Audio Sound and Lighting
Advanced Visual Production Richmond, VA info@avp-ric.com www.avprva.com
Rental, Installation, Distributor ShowMagic Sound and Lighting, Video
AES Lighting Group Omaha, NE Contact online www.aeslight.com Dealer Lighting
Alcorn McBride Inc. Orlando, FL info@alcorn.com www.alcorn.com Manufacturer Sound and Lighting, Video
All Bulbs & Expendables Rockville Center, NY sales@allbulbs.com www.allbulbs.com
Dealer Lighting
All Music Corporation Miami, FL sales@allmusiccorp.com www.allmusiccorp.com
Distributor Caribbean and Latin America Allen & Heath, Adamson, B&C Loudspeakers Sound and Lighting
Allied ProTech LLC Rancho Santa Margarita, CA info@alliedprotech.com www.alliedprotech.com Distributor Linea Research, Luminex, Active Audio
Sound, AV
Alpha Sound & Lighting Co Santa Clarita, CA sales@alphasoundandlighting.com www.alphasoundandlighting.com Dealer Sound and Lighting
Altman Stage Lighting Co. Inc. Yonkers, NY customerservice@altmanlighting.com. www.altmanltg.com
Manufacturer Altman, Pegasus Lighting
Aluma Tower Co. Inc. Vero Beach, FL atc@alumatower.com www.alumatower.com
Manufacturer Towers
American Music and Sound Newbury Park, CA info@americanmusicandsound.com www.americanmusicandsound.com
Allen & Heath, dBTechnologies, Focusrite, Fostex, Lewitt Sound, MI
Antari Lighting & Effects USA Corona, CA antariusa@antari.com www.antari.com Manufacturer, Distributor Antari Effects
Aphex Long Beach, CA info@aphex.com www.aphex.com Manufacturer Sound, Broadcast
Apollo Design Technology Inc Fort Wayne, IN sales@apollodesign.net www.apollodesign.net Manufacturer Gobos
Area Four Industries Direct America Inc Knoxville, TN info@areafourindustries.us www.areafourindustries.us
Distributor MILOS, LITEC, EXE Technology, Mobiltechlifts
Trussing, Structures, Roofs, Hoists, Lifts
Area Four Industries Direct America Inc Thousand Oaks, CA info@areafourindustries.us www.areafourindustries.us
MILOS, LITEC, EXE Technology, Mobiltechlifts
Trussing, Structures, Roofs, Hoists, Lifts
ARRI Inc Blauvelt, NY sales@arri.com www.arri.com Distributor ARRI Lighting, Video
Arriba Products LLC City of Industry, CA info@arribacase.com www.arribacase.com Manufacturer Cases
Ashly Audio Inc Webster, NY sales@ashly.com www.ashly.com Manufacturer
Ashly Sound
Atlas Speciality Lighting Tampa, FL
Contact online www.asltg.com Manufacturer, Distributor Cermax, PANI Lighting
Audio Alchemist LLC New York, NY Contact online www.audioalchemist.com Brand Management Sound, MI
Audio Precision Beaverton, OR message@ap.com www.ap.com Manufacturer Sound
Audio Technica US Inc Stow, OH pro@atus.com www.audio-technica.com Distributor Audio-Technica Sound
Audio Video Export Miami, FL info@av-export.com www.av-export.com Distributor (Caribbean and Latin America) Sound, AV
Audio Visual Imagineering Orlando, FL joanne@av-imagineering.com www.av-imagineering.com Manufacturer SkyLase Lasers
Audix Microphones Wilsonville, OR info@audixusa.com www.audixusa.com Manufacturer Sound
Aura Technologies Inc Chicago, IL steve@aura-technologies.com www.aura-technologies.com Systems Integrator Lasers
Avid Santa Clara, CA info@avid.com www.avid.com Manufacturer Sound, Video Aviom Inc West Chester, PA info@aviom.com www.aviom.com Manufacturer Sound
B-52 Professional Huntington Park, CA information@b-52pro.com www.b-52pro.com Manufacturer Sound
Bag End Loudspeakers Algonquin, IL Contact online www.bagend.com Manufacturer Sound
Bandit Lites Inc Knoxville, TN Contact online www.banditlites.com Rental, Distributor Lighting, Architectural Barbizon Lighting Company New York, NY inquiry@barbizon.com www.barbizon.com Dealer
Lighting Bass Boss Austin, TX Contact online www.bassboss.com Manufacturer Sound
BBI Engineering Inc San Francisco, CA sales@bbinet.com www.bbinet.com Rental, Installation, Manufacturer MicroMSC Sound
B&C Speakers NA LCC Pompton Plains, NJ info.usa@bcspeakers.com www.bcspeakers.com Distributor B&C Speakers Sound
Beamin Lasers Phoenix, AZ info@beaminlassers.com www.beaminlasers.com Service Lasers
beyerdynamic Farmingdale, NY info@beyerdynamic-usa.com north-america.beyerdynamic.com Distributor beyerdynamic Sound, Consumer Biamp Systems Beaverton, OR biampinfo@biamp.com www.biamp.com Manufacturer Sound, AV
Bose Corporation Framingham, MA Contact online www.bose.com Manufacturer Sound, Consumer
BTG Solutions Ft Lauderdale, FL sales@btgsolutionsinc.com www.btgsolutionsinc.com Distributor Stetsom, Timpano, PRV Audio Sound
Bulbtronics Inc Farmingdale, NL custservdept@bulbtronics.com www.bulbtronics.com
Dealer Lighting
CAD Audio Solon, OH info@cadaudio.com www.cadaudio.com Manufacturer Sound
Cadon Technical Sales Co. Cottleville, MO info@cadon.biz www.cadon.biz
Manufacturer’s Representative Sound, MI
Cambridge Lasers Laboratories Freemont, CA Contact online www.cambridgelasers.com Service Lasers
Cambridge Technology Inc Bedford, MA Contact online www.cambridgetechnology.com Manufacturer Lasers
Carvin Corp
San Diego, CA Contact online www,carvinaudio.com
Manufacturer Sound, MI
CE Distribution Tempe, AZ sales@cedist.com www.cedist.com Distributor Celestion Sound, MI
Cerwin Vega Chatsworth, CA Contact online www.cerwinvega.com Manufacturer Sound
CHAUVET Global Headquarters Sunrise, FL Contact online www.chauvetlighting.com Manufacturer
CHAUVET DJ, CHAUVET Professional, ChamSys, Iluminarc, Trusst Lighting, Trussing
Christie Digital Systems USA Inc Head Office Cypress, CA Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia
Christie Digital Systems USA Inc Branch Office Phoenix, AZ Contact online www.christiedigital.com Manufacturer Christie Projectors, Video, AV, Multimedia Christie Lites Kent, WA Contact online www.christielites.com Rental Lighting
Chromateq USA Highwood, IL Contact online www.chromateq.com Branch Office Chromateq Lighting
CITC Everett, WA info@citcfx.com www.citcfx.com Manufacturer Effects
City Theatrical Inc Carlstadt, NJ Contact online www.citytheatrical.com Manufacturer Lighting, Effects ClearOne Salt Lake City, Utah global@clearone.com www.clearone.com Manufacturer ClearOne Sound
Cloud (USA) Park City, UT info@cloud.co.uk www.cloud.co.uk Distributor Cloud Sound
Coherent Distribution Chicago, IL info@coherentdistribution.com www.coherentdistribution.com
Distributor Funktion-One, FFA, NST Audio Sound
Coemar USA Ft Lauderdale, FL info@coemar.com www.coemar.com
Distributor Coemar Lighting
Coherent Inc Lasers Group Santa Clara, CA tech-sales@coherent.com www.coherent.com
Manufacturer Coherent, Lee Lasers
Color Kinetics Distribution Inc Itasca, IL orders@ckd-inc.com
www.colorkinetics.com Distributor Philips Color Kinetics Lighting
Columbus Mckinnon Corporation Getzville, NY Contact online www.cmworks.com Manufacturer, Distributor Hoists
Community Professional Loudspeakers Chester, PA info@communitypro.com www.communitypro.com Manufacturer Sound
Complete Production Systems, inc Ann Arbor, MI comprodsys@comprodsys.com www.comprodsys.com
Distributor Prolyte, Rosco, Rose Brand, Jands, Lightronics, ETC Lighting, Trussing
Creative Stage Lighting Co. Inc. North Creek, NY info@creativestagelighting.com www.creativestagelighting.com Manufacturer, Distributor Compulite Lighting
d&b audiotechnik USA Asheville NC Contact online www.dbaudio.com Distributor d&b audiotechnik Sound
DAS Audio of America Inc Miami, FL jvillegas@dasaudio.com www.dasaudio.com Distributor D.A.S. Audio Sound
digiLED LLC Las Vegas, NV info@digiLED.com www.digiLED.com Manufacturer digiLED LED Displays
Digital Lighting Systems, Inc Miami, FL info@digitallighting.com www.digitallighting.com Manufacturer Lighting, Architectural Diversitronics Inc Chicago, IL sales@diversitronics.com www.diversitronics.com Manufacturer Lighting
Dolby Laboratories Inc San Francisco, CA Contact online www.dolby.com Manufacturer Sound
Doughty Engineering USA Mount Juliet, TN doughtyusa@gmail.com www.doughty-usa.com Distributor Doughty Rigging
Earthworks Milford, NH info@earthworksaudio.com www.earthworksaudio.com Manufacturer Earthworks Sound
East Coast Control Systems Inc Bigler, PA jon@eastcoastcontrol.com www.eastcoastcontrol.com Manufacturer Laser
EAW Inc Whitinsville, MA Contact online www.eaw.com Manufacturer EAW Sound
Eighth Day Sound Systems Inc Highland Heights, OH Contact online www.8thdaysound.com Rental Sound
Elation Professional Inc
Los Angeles, CA sales@eleationlighting.com www.elationlighting.com Manufacturer Elation Lighting
Electrix Pro Laguna Niguel, CA Contact online www.electrixpro.com Manufacturer Sound
Electro-Voice Fairport, NY Contact online www.electrovoice.com Manufacturer Electro-Voice Sound
Electrosonic Systems Inc Orlando, FL Contact online www.electrosonic.com Distributor AV
Eminence USA Eminence, KY info@eminence.com www.eminence.com Manufacturer Eminence Sound
ETA Systems Ennis, TX eta@etasys.com www.etasys.com Manufacturer Ennis AC Power AV
ETC Middleton, WI Contact online www.etcconnect.com Manufacturer ETC Lighting
FBT USA Inc Armonk, NY info@italianspeakers.us www.fbtusa.com Distributor FBT Sound
Fingerprint Audio Wimberley, TX Contact online www.fingerprintaudio.com Distributor Van Damme Cable, sE Electronics, UNiKA Pro, Nixer Sound
FirstLight Laser Productions Bridgeville, PA info@firstlight-laser.com www.firstlight-laser.com Design Laser
Franklin Audio St Augustine, FL franklin@franklinaudio.net www.franklinaudio.net Distributor Master Audio, Amate Audio Sound
Fulcrum Acoustic LLC Rochester, NY info@fulcrum-acoustic.com www.fulcrum-acoustic.com Manufacturer Fulcrum Acoustic Sound
Full Compass Madison, WI customerservice@fullcompass.com www.fullcompass.com Dealer Sound, AV, MI Furman Petaluma, CA powertechsupport@corebrands.com www.furmansound.com Manufacturer Sound
Future Light Inc Cleveland, OH info@future-light.com www.future-light.com Design, Manufacturer Edgelyte Lighting
GAM Products Inc Los Angeles, CA Contact online www.gamonline.com Manufacturer
GAM Filters Lighting
GE Lighting Cleveland, OH lightinginfo@ge.com www.gelighting.com Manufacturer Lighting
Gem Sound Corp Bronx, NY gemsoundco@gmail.com www.gemsound.com Manufacturer GEM Sound
Gemini Sound Elizabeth, NJ service@geminisound.com www.geminisound.com Manufacturer Gemini Sound
Genelec Inc Natick, MA genelec.usa@genelec.com www.genelec.com Manufacturer Genelec Sound
German Light Products Inc San Fernando, CA info@germanlightproducts.com www.germanlightproducts.com Manufacturer GLP, Cosmic Truss, Scene X Lighting, Snap Lighting, Trussing
Gerriets International Inc Ewing, NJ Contact online www.gerriets.com/us Manufacturer, Distributor Screens, Textiles
Gli Pro Brooklyn, NY info@glipro.com www.glipro.com Manufacturer Sound
Global Truss America - HQ Los Angeles, CA info@globaltruss.com www.globaltruss.com Manufacturer Duratruss Trussing
Grace Audio Technologies Inc. Murrieta, CA pilar@grace-audio.com www.grace-audio.com Dealer Used Equipment Sound and Lighting
Green-Rose Laser Company Chestnut Ridge, NY great@lasershows.com www.lasershows.com Design Laser
Group One Ltd Farmingdale, NY sales@g1limited.com www.g1limited.com Distributor
XTA, MC2, DiGiCo, Blue Sky, Avolites, DTS Sound and Lighting
HARMAN a Samsung Company Northridge, CA Contact online pro.harman.com Manufacturer Soundcraft, JBL, AKG, Martin by HARMAN, AMX, Lexicon Sound and Lighting
Hermes Music McAllan, TX Contact online www.hermes-music.com Distributor, Dealer Sound and Lighting
High End Systems Austin, TX sales@highend.com www.highend.com Manufacturer Lighting
Holo-Spectra Van Nuys, CA info@lasershs.com www.lasershs.com Service Lasers
Holoplot Inc, Las Vegas, NV Contact online
DeSisti Lighting
Image Engineering Baltimore, MD Contact online www.imageengineering.com Design, Manufacturer Lasers
INFI GROUP INC City of Industry, CA usa@infiled.com www.infiled.com Branch Office INFiLED LED Displays
Infinite Systems Miami, FL lord@goinfinite.com www.goinfinite.com Design, Manufacturer, Systems Integrator Sound and Lighting
InMusic Brands Inc Cumberland, RI Contact online www.inmusicbrands.com
Manufacturer Akai, Numark, Alesis, M-Audio, Rane, Denon DJ Sound
Inner Circle Distribution Davie, FL info@icd-usa.com www.icd-usa.com Distributor Astera, MADRIX, Eurolite, Futurelight Lighting
Innov8 Events Agency Ft Lauderdale, FL info@innov8events.com www.sammycaban.com Design Sound and Lighting, AV
Corporation Gilroy, CA sales@ittcusa.com www.ittcusa.com Manufacturer Truss
Jaffe Holden Norwalk, CT info@jaffeholden.com www.jaffeholden.com Design, Installer Acoustics, AV
James Thomas Engineering Inc Knoxville, TN salesus@jthomaseng.com www.jthomaseng.com Manufacturer Trussing, Structures, Roofs
JBL Professional by HARMAN Northridge, CA Contact online www.jblpro.com Manufacturer JBL Sound
Kozmic Lazer Show Nashville, TN mrlaser800@aol.com www.kozmiclazershow.com Design, Manufacturer Lasers, Effects
KRK Systems Hollywood, CA Contact online www.krksys.com Manufacturer Sound
L-Acoustics Inc Westlake Village, CA info.us@l-acoustics.com www.l-acoustics.com Distributor L-Acoustics
Lantis Fireworks and Lasers Draper, UT Contact online www.lantisfireworks.com Design Lasers, Effects
Laser Fantasy International Bellevue, WA info@laserfantasy.com www.laserfantasy.com Design, Manufacturer Lasers
Laser Magic Productions Los Angeles, CA Contact online www.laser-magic.com Manufacturer TransScreen, Holomirror 360 Lasers
Laser Production Network Miami, FL sales@lasernet.com www.lasernet.com Design, Rental, Dealer Lasers
Laser Rentals, Inc Joplin. MO laserwam@swbell.net www.laserrentalsinc.com Rental Lasers
Laser Spectacles Inc San Marcos, TX laserinfo@laserspectacles.com www.laserspectacles.com
Laserium Eugene, OR Contact online www.laserium.com Design, Rental
Laseronics Portland, OR laseronicsusa@gmail.com www.laseronicsusa.com Design, Rental Lasers
Le Maitre USA LLC Las Vegas, NV info@lemaitreusa.com www.lemaitreusa.com Distributor Le Maitre Effects
Lectrosonics Inc Rio Rancho, NM sales@lectrosonics.com www.lectrosonics.com Manufacturer Lectrosonics Sound
Lee Filters Burbank, CA Contact online www.leefiltersusa.com Distributor Lee Filters
Lehigh Lighting Pennsylvania Allentown, PA demitry@lehighdim.com www.lehighdim.com Manufacturer, Distributor Zero 88
Leprecon Hamburg, MI lepsls@leprecon.com www.leprecon.com Manufacturer Lighting
Lexicon, IN Elkhart, IN Contact online www.lexicon.com Manufacturer Sound
Lighting Systems Design, Inc Orlando, FL info@lsdi.com www.lsdi.com Rental, Design, Manufacturer Lasers
Lightronics Stage Control Virginia Beach, VA Contact online www.lightronics.com Manufacturer Lighting
Lightspeed Design Inc
Bellevue, WA info@lightspeeddesign.com www.lightspeeddesign.com Manufacturer Depth Q Lighting, Cinema
Logic Systems Inc Antelope, CA dan@lsione.com www.lsione.com Manufacturer Logic Systems Lighting
Look Solutions USA Wilmington NC usa@looksolutions.com www.looksolutionsusa.com Distributor Look Solutions Effects
Lumalaser Eugene, OR info@lumalaser.com www.lumalaser.com
Distributor, Rental LaserAnimation Lasers
Lumina Pro Pleasanton, CA info@syncrotek.com www.lumina-pro.com Manufacturer Lighting
Lutron Electronics Co Inc Coopersburg, PA intcustsvc@lutron.com www.lutron.com Manufacturer Lighting
Lycian Stage Lighting Sugar Loaf, NY slerman@lycian.com www.lycian.com Manufacturer Lighting
Manfrotto Distribution Upper Saddle River, NJ Contact online www.manfrotto.us Distributor Manfrotto Video
Marketing Concepts Dallas, TX orders@mar-con.com www.mar-con.com Regional Rep Sound and Lighting
Mega Systems Inc Helotes, TX sales@mega.lighting www.mega.lighting Manufacturer
Mega Lite, Mega View, Texas Structures.
Mega Cases Lighting, Trussing, Flightcases MeshTel Genoa, NV info@meshtel.com www.meshtel.com Dealer Lasers
Meyer Sound Laboratories Inc Berkley, CA Contact online www.meyersound.com Manufacturer Meyer Sound Sound
Mobile Video Devices Reading, PA mary@mobilevideodevices.com www.mobilevideodevices.com Distributor Magewell Electronics, PTZOptics, Riversilica Video
Mojo Tone Burgaw MC sales@mojotone.com www.mojotone.com
Distributor, Manufacturer Celestion Sound, MI
More Technologies Los Angeles, CA sales@moretec.net www.moretec.net
Export Distributor for APAC HME, Lectrosonics, K-Tek, UltraStereo Sound
Morpheus Lights Las Vegas, NV sales@morpheuslights.com www.morpheuslights.com
Mountain Productions Wilkes-Barre, PA info@mountainproductions.com www.mountainproductions.com Rental Staging
MSE audio Overland Park, KS sales@mseaudio.com www.mseaudio.com Manufacturer SoundTube, Soundsphere Sound
MusicPro! Marketing Nassau, DE order@musicpromarketing.com www.musicpromarketing.com Regional Rep Sound
Nady Systems Inc Richmond, CA support@nady.com www.nady.com Manufacturer Sound
Neumann USA Old Lyme, CT Contact online www.neumannusa.com Distributor Neumann Sound
Neutrik USA Inc Charlotte, NC info@neutrikusa.com www.neutrikusa.com Distributor Neutrik Connectors
Nicolaudie America Inc Orlando, FL Contact online www.nicolaudie.com Distributor Nicolaudie, Daslight, Sunlite Pro, Lumidesk Lighting, Architectural Northmar Inc Seattle, WA sales@northmar.com www.northmar.com Regional Rep Sound
Numark Industries Inc Cumberland, RI Contact online www.numark.com Manufacturer Sound
Olsen Audio Group Scottsdale, AZ web-info3@olsenaudio.com www.wind-tech.net Manufacturer Sound
Omnisistem Kent, WA info@omnisistem.com www.omnisistem.com Manufacturer, Distributor Omnisistem Sound and Lighting
One Stop Laser Shop Inc Clearwater, FL osls@laser-light-show.com www.laserlightshow.com
Dealer Lasers
Online Marketing Wadsworth, OK info@onlinerep.com www.onlinerep.com
Regional Rep Sound, AV
OPTI Kinetics Ashland, VA optius@optikinetics.com www.optikinetics.com
OPTI Kinetics, OPTI Trilite Lighting, Effects
Osram Americas Wilmington, MA piacustsrv@osram.com www.osram.us
Manufacturer Lighting
Pangolin Laser Systems Inc Orlando, FL contact@pangolin.com www.pangolin.com
Parts Express Springboro, OH sales@parts-express.com www.partsexpress.com Distributor B&C Speakers Sound, Electronics, Consumables
Peachtree Laser, Inc Atlanta, GA ptlaser@bellsouth.net www.peachtreelaser.com
Design, Manufacturer Lasers
Peavey Electronics Corp Meridian, MS intsales@peavey.com www.peavey.com
MediaMatrix, Crest Sound
Penn-Elcom Inc Garden Grove, CA california@penn-elcom.com www.penn-elcom.com
Distributor Penn-Elcom Cases
Philips Strand Lighting Dallas, TX Contact online www.strandlighting.com
Manufacturer Philips Strand Lighting, Philips Selecon Lighting
Philips Vari*lite Dallas, TX info@vari-lite.com www.vari-lite.com
Manufacturer Lighting
PixelRange Inc Knoxville inquiries@pixelrange.com www.pixelrange.com Distributor PixelRange Lighting
Plus24 Los Angeles, CA sales@plus24.net www.plus24.net Distributor Sanken, Brainstorm, DAD, NTP Sound
Preston Productions Inc Marlborough, MA info@prestonevents.com www.prestonevents.com
Design, Rental Sound and Lighting, Video PRG New York, NY Contact online www.prg.com Rental Sound and Lighting, Video Pro Sound & Video Miami, FL info@prosound.net www.prosound.net Design, Installer Sound, Video
Pro Sound Service Braintree, MA info@prosoundservice.com www.prosoundservice.com Distributor Celestion, B&C Speakers Sound
Proel North America Santa Clarita, CA info@proelnorthamerica.com www.proelnorthamerica.com Manufacturer, Distributor PROEL, AXIOM, EIKON Sound
Profesional Audio Components Corp Island Park, NY jdiaz@beymsamerica.com www.beymaamerica.com Distributor beyma Sound
ProTapes and Specialities Inc North Brunswick, NJ dennism@protapes.com www.protapes.com Manufacturer, Distributor Protapes Tapes, Consumables
Pyrotek Special Effects Ltd Las Vegas, NV info@pyrotekfx.com
www.pyrotekfx.com Manufacturer Effects
QSC Audio Products Inc Costa Mesa, CA Contact online www.qscaudio.com Manufacturer QSC Sound
Radian Audio Engineering Orange, CA info@radianaudio.com www.radianaudio.com Manufacturer Sound
Rane Corporation Cumberland, RI Contact online www.rane.com Manufacturer Sound
Red Fish Illuminations Newnan, GA info@redfishilluminations.com www.redfishilluminations.com Design Lighting
Renkus-Heinz Foothill Ranch, CA sales@renkus-heinz.com www.renkus-heinz.com Manufacturer Renkus-Heinz Sound
RGB Lights Inc. Chicago, IL info@rgblights.com www.rgblights.com Manufacturer FlexiFlex Lighting
Road Ready Cases Santa Fe Springs, CA support@roadreadycases.com www.roadreadycases.com Manufacturer Road Ready, GigSkinz, IntelliStage Cases
ROBE Lighting Inc Davie, FL info@robelighting.com www.robelighting.com Manufacturer, Distributor ROBE Lighting
ROE Visual US Inc Chatsworth, CA usa@roevisual.com www.roevisual.com Manufacturer
ROE Creative Display LED Displays
ROE Visual US Inc Nashville, TN usa@roevisual.com www.roevisual.com Manufacturer
ROE Creative Display LED Displays
Roland Corporation US Los Angeles, CA proavsales-rus@roland.com proav.roland.com Distributor
Roland Sound, AV
Rosco Stamford, CT info@rosco.com www.rosco.com Manufacturer Lighting
Rupert Neve Designs Wimberley, TX Contact online www.rupertneve.com Manufacturer Rupert Neve Designs Sound
Samson Technologies Corp Hicksville, NY Contact online www.samsontech.com Manufacturer Samson, Hartke Sound
Sennheiser USA Old Lyme, CT contact@sennheiserusa.com www.sennheiserusa.com Distributor Sennheiser Sound
Setwear Products Inc Canoga Park, CA Info@setwear.com www.setwear.com Manufacturer Accessories
Show Control Software Plano, TX kurt@showcontrolsoftware.com www.showcontrolsoftware.com
Distributor ShowMagic Lighting
Solaris Atlanta, GA Contact online www.solarisnetwork.com
Dealer Used Equipment Sound and Lighting
Sound Investment Chicago, IL info@soundinvestmentav.com www.soundinvestmentav.com
Rental Sound and Lighting
Special FX Lighting Inc Hurricane, Utah info@fxlight.com www.fxlight.com Manufacturer Lighting
Spectra-Physics Lasers Inc Santa Clara, CA sales@spectra-physics.com www.spectra-physics.com
Manufacturer Lasers
Stardraw.com Inc New York, NY info@stardraw.com www.stardraw.com
Manufacturer Design Software
Starin Marketing Chesterton, IN info@starin.biz www.starin.biz
Distributor Music Group Brands Sound
Stellar Designs Inc
West Milford, NJ aj@stellardesigns.com www.stellardesigns.com Design Lasers
Strictly FX Wood Dale, IL info@strictlyfx.com www.strictlyfx.com Design, Rental Pyro, Effects
Summit Audio Inc Tustin, CA sound@summitaudio.com www.summitaudio.com Manufacturer Summit Sound
Symetrix Mountlake Terrace, WA sales@symetrix.co www.symetrixaudio.com Manufacturer Symetrix Sound
New Smyrna Beach, FL jacubec@trussaluminium.com www.trussaluminium.com
Manufacturer TAF Trussing
TCH Inc Dallas, TX info@tchweb.com www.tchweb.com Distributor Cases, Components
Techni-Lux Inc Orlando, FL Contact online www.techni-lux.com Manufacturer, Distributor SGM, Studio Due, Unisson, Swefog Lighting, Effects
TEI Electronics Inc Hialeah, FL sales@teilighting.com www.teilighting.com Manufacturer
Lighting, Effects
Thinderball Marketing Avenel, NJ joe@t.ball.com www.t.ball.com Dealer
B&C Speakers
Sound and Lighting, Consumables
Times Square Lighting Stony Point, NY Contact online www.tslight.com Manufacturer Lighting
TLC Creative Marina Del Rey, CA info@tlciscreative.com www.tlciscreative.com
Design, Rental
Lighting, Effects
TMB San Fernando, CA tmb-info@tmb.com www.tmb.com Dealer
Hungaroflash, Wildfire, LumenRadio Lighting, Rigging
TOA Electronics Inc (USA and LTN) Secaucus, NJ Contact online www.toaelectronics.com
Manufacturer, Distributor
TOA Sound, AV
Tomcat USA Inc Knoxville, TN sales@tomcatusa.com www.tomcatglobal.com
Manufacturer Tomcat Trussing, Structures, Roofs
Total Structures Inc Ventura, CA sales@totalstructures.com www.totalstructures.com Manufacturer Trussing, Structures
Towards 2000, Inc Burbank, CA info@t2k.com www.t2k.com
Tropical Music & Pro Audio Miami, FL sales@tropicalmusic.com www.tropicalmusic.com Distributor Caribbean and Latin America Sound, MI
Universal Music Miami, FL jean@universalmusicusa.com www.universalmusicusa.com Distributor Colombia, Carribean, Peru Powersoft, 18 Sound, Clair Bros Sound
Ushio America Inc Cypress, CA ushio@ushio.com www.ushio.com Manufacturer Lighting
US Speaker Freehold, NJ service@usspeaker.com www.usspeaker.com Dealer
B&C Speakers Sound, Components
UV/FX Santa Monica, CA uvfx@uvfx.com www.uvfx.com
Design, Manufacturer Lighting, Effects
VEI Queens, NY george@visualeffectsind.com www.visualeffectsind.com Manufacturer Effects
Vincent Lighting Systems Solon, OH info@vls.com www.vls.com Design, Rental, Installer Lighting
VIP Pro Audio Brooklyn, NY vipproaudio@gmail.com www.vipproaudio.com Dealer
B&C Speakers Sound and Lighting
Waveburg Pro Pleasanton, CA Contact online www.waveburg.com Manufacturer Waveburg Sound
Westlake Audio Newbury Park, CA info@westlakeaudio.com www.westlakeaudio.com Manufacturer Westlake Sound
Wildfire Lighting & Visual Effects Torrance, CA sales@wildfirefx.com www.wildfirefx.com Manufacturer, Rental Lighting, Effects
Wybron Inc Colorado Springs, CO info@wybron.com www.wybron.com Manufacturer Lighting
Yamaha Commercial Audio Systems, Inc. Buena Park, CA Contact online www.yamahacommercialaudiosystems. com/ Distributor Yamaha Commercial Audio Sound
Yamaha Unified Communicatons Sudbury, MA Contact online uc.yamaha.com Manufacturer
Yamaha Unified Communications Sound
Yorkville Sound USA Niagara Falls, NY Contact online www.yorkville.com Distributor Yorkville, Apex, Traynor Sound
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