Uncovering Filipino Domestic Helper in Hong Kong
菲律賓女傭生活在香港 by Genie Yip 圖文/葉育霖
Dedicated to all Filipino Overseas Workers in Hong Kong 向在香港工作的菲律賓海外勞工 致意
Foreword: Since 1973, Hong Kong Government adopts overseas worker policy
and Filipinas are the first overseas worker imported. Until now, there are about 220,000 overseas worker in Hong Kong and more than 120,000 are Filipinas and 95% are female. Over 30 years, Filipinas overseas workers actually improve Hong Kong productivity. They are mostly employed by both foreign and local middleupper class family to do domestic house keeping and to take care of children. Therefore, more female in Hong Kong can pursuit career and leave the works to domestic helpers. Over these years, how much do Hong Kong people understand Filipinas workers and their culture? During holiday, people find this minority race gather up in Central, they are performing and doing many other activities, however, I realized they are being isolated or disrespected by the local community. This is the reason why I in search of this topic.
前言: 香港政府自1973 年引入批准外籍傭工入口,菲律賓女傭為最先引 進之傭工,現時全港約有22萬外籍女傭,菲律賓女傭之數目佔最 多約有12萬人,是香港第一大入口女傭。 在過去三十年,菲傭的出現使不少香港女性可以外出工作,可謂 功不可沒,香港經濟起飛,近半婦女出外工作,家務和照顧孩童 的責任便要假手於人,不少外國、本地家庭開始聘請菲傭。 於週日,我們不難在中環一帶見到這群民族聚集、表演或進行其 他活動,不過我亦發現大部人香港人都認為事不關己,雖然大家 都身處同一城市,但本地人與菲律賓女傭之間的絕緣孤立情況很 明顯,大家都不太了解外傭來港工作的文化、心理等等,甚至衍 生出不尊重歧視的情況,這正是我要做此書的主要原因。
Contents 目錄 5-6 Introduction 簡介 Working 8-12 工作﹒生活 14-16 Political Appeal 政治﹒訴求 18-21 Holiday 假日 23-34 Expense 消費 36-37 Telecommunication 通訊 39-42 Eating 食 44-49 Entertainment 娛樂 51-58 Religion 宗教 60 Gallery 相集
There are on average around 120,000 Filipinas in Hong
Kong, of whom most find work as foreign domestic helpers. More than 30,000 Filipinas are members of Filipino Migrant Worker’s Union. Filipino maids are known by the locals more often as feiyungs and the slang bun muis or bun buns. A Hong Kong work visa requires some amount of higher education; and in some cases Filipino women with university degrees and perfect command of English are willing to work as maids and nannies for the higher salary they will receive in Hong Kong than they could make at home. 在香港工作的菲律賓藉人口大約有十二萬人,大部份是外籍家 庭傭工,其中有三萬屬於「菲律賓外勞工會」。 香港人稱菲律賓女傭為是「菲傭」,俗稱「賓妹」或「賓賓」 。香港工作簽證要求較高的教育水準。她們都能操流利的英 語,有些甚至有大學學位的菲律賓女性都會願意到海外工作。 雖然工作只是家庭傭工和褓姆,但是主要原因是因為薪資比當 地高出更一倍甚至更多。
Contract Summary of Benefits * Paid annual leave.* One rest day for every 7 days. * A minimum monthly wage (currently $3,270). *A furnished accommodation and food Employment * 12 statutory holidays per year.
在香港,菲傭的正當權益得到法律的保護, 除了有最低的工資標準($3,270),還能享有星期天和其他公眾假期。 此外,每年她們還能享受一次回國探親的假期, 往返路費完全由僱主承擔。
r k i n 工作。生活
Name: Josefina R. Amor Age: 52 Religion: Catholic Number of Children: 4 Josefina has been working in Hong Kong for almost 16 years. She rasied up 4 kids and 3 of them are univerisity graduated, the youngest son is still studying in college. She works for a Swedish couple in Hong Kong, who are professional lawyer and designer living in Stanley. She says she is lucky because her employer is really nice to her. She is going to retire very soon and return to her home town and enjoy the rest of her life. Josefina 在香港工作已經十六年,並打算於月內退休回鄉。她 把在香港打工的薪水用來養活四個小孩,供書教學,其中三個 孩子都已經大學畢業,最小的兒子仍然在學。她覺得自己在香 港工作最幸運的是她的僱主對她非常好,是一對住在赤柱的瑞 典夫婦,替他們打工已長達十三年,大家關係也很融洽。
Name: Almira Amor Age: 24 Daughter of Josefina, has been worked in Hong Kong almost 3 years. She worked in a bank in Philippines and earn 5000p (equilevant to HK$800) a month, however, now she can earn HK$3,400 a month working as a domestic helper in Hong Kong. 10
Almira是Josefina第三女兒,在港工作接近三年。中學畢業時曾經在菲律賓的銀行做文員,賺取五仟披索大約相等於港 幣八百元左右,但現在於香港做家庭傭工便可每月賺取港幣三仟四百元。
Name: Leah Maria Tanglao Age: 21 Religion: Catholic Leah has been working in Hong Kong for 4 months, her mother also has been working in Hong Kong as domestic helper for over 10 years, she came to Hong Kong is mainly for better working experience for her further career, she plans to work in Canada. For such a young age, she also loves pop music, especially love songs from Celine Dion and Britney Spears. On the day of interview, it was her birthday and she has just turned 21, she misses her family especially her little brother and sisters, fortunately, her mother is also with her in Hong Kong. They see each other on every holiday. 在被訪當天Leah 剛21歲,在香港工作了四個多月。年輕的她也很喜歡美國流行音樂,特別是Celine Dion的情歌和 Britney Spears。身在異鄉的她也份外有少女情懷,就例如生日這天,或是節日裡都倍感思鄉, 尤其是在家鄉的兄弟姊妹們。幸好的是,她的媽媽也同時於香港工作超過十年,所以每逢假日她們都必會一聚。 Leah的夢想是於香港累積工作經常,然後轉到加拿大工作,有更好的事業與薪酬。
It was Leah’s 21st birthday gathers with her mother on a Footbridge in Central. Leah在二十一歲生日那天和媽媽及其他親 友在中環的行人天橋聚會。
菲情歌 :周博賢
感覺夢到你 昨晚依稀的 嬉戲 一起沙灘中 將你全包庇 差點可伸手 我與你 那鐘聲分開 工作像機器 開始一天的 疲憊 照顧棄嬰極 理 須仔細地清 無邊的家居 要處理 每一餐匆匆 氣 停下喘一口 到深宵才能
你 沉鬱中偷想 體貼入微 和藹親切 你 虛擬親親 相隔數千里 抱者你 床舖中假裝 我是你 唯一肯聽聽 你 容我偷偷想 體貼入微 和藹親切 你 虛擬親親 里 千 數 隔 相 抱著你 床舖中假裝 你 無休止的想 跟你高飛 寧可跟你 優美 樣樣事亦 地 福 片 到 飛 會受氣 再不會再不 抱著你 可 真 天 一 那
你 浮生偷得想 體貼入微 和藹親切 你 虛擬親親 相隔數千里 抱著你 床舖中假裝 告別你 明朝早不需 給我來休憩 丁方的空間 無味 禁閉寄居極 氣 通不到像空 同屋的都溝 過怨氣 每一天堆積 伴開解心理 良 為 成 像 皇后
This is a Canton-Pop song written by Adrain Chow (Producer) and performed by Kay Tse. The lyrics is all about Filipino Overseas Workers in Hong Kong, how they miss their love ones with distantce while they work really hard to strive a living.
P o l i t i c a l a
Name: Rima Cumaman Vice President of “Gabriela Women’s Party”Hong Kong Based Chapter Chairperson of United Pangasinan (班詩蘭) Filipinas Overseas Workers from Philippines form an Alliance with provincial associations in their home country, so that they can be united. “GABRIELA: The General Assembly Binding Women for Reforms, Integrity, Equality, Leadership,and Action” The Filipinas are running Philippines Congress under the Gabriela Women’s Party (formed in 1984) “Gabriela” is a minor political party in Philippines which advocates women’s issues and has been at the vanguard of women’s rights and welfare in the Philippines. They launched the party’s overseas campaign Central to urged the 96,000 registered Filipino absentee voters to vote for her party. 在港工作的菲律賓女傭會以家鄉的省份組成不同的組織,再組成一整 個菲律賓海外傭工大聯盟,並定期舉辦不同類型活動,為在港工作的 同胞爭取權益、提供協助等等,猶如一個有組織的工會。 而“Gabriela”是一個菲律一個屬於婦女的政黨,代表著勇敢女性的驕 傲、改革、正直、平等、領導、維護和平等。她們在中環街頭拉票, 希望在港工作已登記註冊的同胞,為大家的政治訴求出一分力,在五 月臨近的菲律賓國會選舉中作海外投票。
The Hong Kong Based Gabriela Committee are mostly domestic helpers in Hong Kong. They launch campaign to ask their fellows to take part in coming selection of the congress in Philippines. 香港區(海外) Gabriela 委員落力呼籲其他同胞登記於臨近的菲律賓國會選舉中參與海外投票。
They marched to voice out their appeal which is a protest against the Philippines government extortion policy on about the new POEA forced additional “Supermaid” “Technical training” scheme that include English Proficiency, First Aid and other skills that will further enhance their skills and qualifications in doing their domestic chores. It is because the migrant workers are required to complete and obtain national certificates in order to process an overseas working contract as household servants. Moreover, these Filipinas have to pay up to P1,500 (HK$240) to P15,000 (HK$2,400) for training and placement fees. They strongly against and believe that this is an extortion by the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo government. Dolores Balladares, chairperson of the United Filipinas in Hong Kong (UNIFILMIGRANTE-HK) explained.
菲律賓女傭們舉行了數次遊行,強烈不滿 菲律賓政府於零六年 十二月推出的培訓「超級菲傭」計劃。因為要想出國當家庭傭 工的國民必須年滿二十三歲並接受勞工部逾四百小時的訓練, 包括如何使用現代化家電、醫護急救、廚藝、家事等等,以及 工作國基本語言及文化常識。此外,申請人要付出訓練及實習 費用大約港幣二百四十元至二千四百元。她們認為這是總統阿 羅約夫人政府的苛政。
l i d a 假日。環境
Every Sunday, such phenomenon appears around Central. Filipino maids will gather up and have a relaxing “picnic”, they enjoy so much. 每個星期日,在中環一帶都會遇見這些境況。菲律賓女傭都會好好享受這一天假期,與好友席地而座,一起聊天聚餐。
They use different methods to create their own spaces within the crowded place in public areas. 她們會有不同的主意在鬧市中製造出屬於她們自己的空間。
In Hong Kong, “Employer’s home is my WORKING space; Central is my LIVING space.” 在香港... 「 僱主的家是我工作的地方;而中環是才我真正生活的地方 。」
Where else can they go other than public area... 除了街道公園廣場,她們可以到哪裡去?
e n 消費
為於中環心臟地帶(介乎 於德輔道中,干諾道中及 畢打街交界)的環球商場 裡有八成商舖都是與菲律 賓有關例如、售賣菲律賓 日用品、傳統特色食物/ 小食、菲律賓潮流娛樂 雜誌、音樂電影的商店, 還有專運速遞公司、售賣 手提電話及長途電話卡的 電訊公司及菲律賓匯款銀 行等等。每逢假日都擠滿 了不少菲律賓女傭前來消 費,場面車水馬龍,彷彿 置身於菲律賓一樣。 Every Sunday, at the heart of central, the World-Wide Plaza located between Connaught Road Central, Pedder Street and Des Voeux Road Central. It’s an arcade very popular with the large Filipino population, particularly on Sundays, as many of the shops are run by Filipinas. The wide assortment of typically small shops caters to their needs, selling food, entertainment AV, telecommunications and banking services, to food, and magazines.
Every Sunday, Filipinas workers are very busy and try their very best to pack a lot of stuff into a fixed size cargo box. They use many adhesive tapes to wrap the box repeatedly as to ensure the cargo box will not be damaged during transfer to their home town. Afterwards, they write the address carefully and clearly on the box. 每逢假日菲傭們都忙於將不同物品包括衣裳、日用品等貨 物盡可能擠滿固定大小的紙箱,非常忙碌,各人都努力重 複用膠紙封好幾層,確保貨物不會在運送家鄉途中有絲毫 受損,然後再仔細清楚在紙箱上寫好收件人地址。
Filipinas in Hong Kong receive minimum HKD$3,270 as their monthly salary. However, except holiday expense, they mostly do not have any saving. They remit money back to their home country for their family financial support. Remittances from all Filipino Overseas Workers are 64.7 billion Philippine pesos (equals 1.2 billion USD) Annual. 大部份於香港工作的菲律賓女傭在香港工作都很少會有儲 蓄。除了假日消費外,她們都會把大部分收入匯回老鄉養 活家人、供書教學。每年,於海外工作的菲律賓勞工總匯 款額達647億披索,相當於約12億美元。
Filipinas agree that Hong Kong is a shopping paradise, and they love shopping too, to buy gifts and clothing for themselves and their love ones & family. 菲律賓女傭都認同香港是一個購物天堂,而她們都喜愛於假日與 三五知己到中環購物,買的大多數是給親人的衣物,禮品等。
Outlet stores of casual wear are Filipino maids’ favorites, for example: Bossini; Giordano; U-right; Blue Star etc. They try their very best to get the nicest deal with high quality of clothes which make the staff of the shop really busy on holidays. 一些輕便裝品牌的特賣場都是菲律賓女傭最愛消費的地方, 例如:Bossini; Giordano; U-right; Blue Star…等等。她們 都會精挑細選,以較低價買較高質素的衣物,猶如尋寶中, 使店員們都忙得不可開交。
Filipinas buy large towel for the cargo box when packing. 菲律賓女傭會購買大毛巾用來墊著外運包箱。
Filipinas Treasure Hunt 菲律賓女傭在時裝店內尋寶。
Besides clothing and accessories, Filipinas also like buying cosmetics and perfume, this is to fulfill their desire to be pretty and attractive. 除了衣飾物外,她們也很愛到大型化妝品連鎖店購物,特別是香 水,好們認為香水除了令她們香之外,還增添了不小魅力,始終 女人都是愛美的,希望更有吸引力。
Li Yuen Street East and West are the hot spot for Filipino maids to spend. They call these two street “Alley Alley” 中環的利源東街及利源西街都是菲律賓女傭的購物熱點,因為貨品 種類款式多,而且價廉物美,她們稱之為“Alley Alley”。
Most of the Filipino Women like to be clean and tidy. They helped each other do haircut during holidays in public area. This is the save up money from going local salons which is relatively more expensive. At the same time, they can chat with friends. Most of the Filipino Women are tidy. They helped each other do haircut during holidays in public area. This is the save up money from going local salons which is relatively more expensive. At the same time, they can chat with friends. 菲律賓女傭都愛整潔,但由於為了省錢,為免到相對比較 昂貴的本地髮廊而且沒有歸屬感。所以,她們都在公園裡 為同鄉理髮,同時又可以與其他友人聊天聯誼。
二十八歲的Irene, 在香港當家庭傭工 只有四個月。這位 年少媽媽在菲律賓 有一個一歲大的兒 子,而她在香港為 愛兒買下了不少衣 服和玩具。你準備 託同鄉朋友於年假 時為她帶這些衣錦 還鄉。
Name: Irene A. Marcus Age: 28 Irene has been working in Hong Kong for 4 months only, she has a 1-year-old son in Philippines. She has bought a lot of things for her son, clothes, toys and many others. She is asking her friend to bring all these gifts and necessities to her home during the annual leave.
Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n 通訊
Phone card has always been the main tool for Filipino maid to communicate with their familiy and friends by longdistance call to Philippines. And it is quite costy up to 20% of their monthly salary. 長途電話卡是菲律賓女傭與在家鄉的家人朋友聯絡的主要工 具,而在此方面的支出也頗為高,約佔她們薪水的兩成。
Selling phone cards has always been the busiest business in World-wide Plaza. 在環球商場裡售賣長途電話卡的檔口生意非常繁忙。
隨著科技先進發展, 菲律賓女傭也會利用互 聯網與在遠方的親友溝 通。有些店舖會提供這 些電腦互聯網服務,價 錢為十元港幣一小時 (假日收費)。除了電子 郵件外,她們還會透過 Yahoo! Messenger裡 的視像通訊功能,用視 像攝錄器及麥克風進行 視像會議。
For the advanced of technology, Filipino maids would also use Internet to communicate with friends and family. There are shops providing such internet services with charging HK$10/hour (holiday charge). Beside e-mails, they would also use Yahoo! Messenger and with its Video Call function, they can see and to talk to their family and friends through web cams and microphones.
Philippine food is a fascinating blend of Malay, Spanish and Chinese cultures. Their food can show the communal existence. 菲律賓特色食物柔合了馬來亞、西班牙及中國食的文化, 而她們的食物亦特顯她們的群族生活方式。
Filipinas will prepare simple and classic food they are accustomed to with their exotic culture. Some of them would prepare a great quantity, and sell it to other Filipino maids. They enjoy the food that packed into individual little plastic bags and with disposable utensils. 菲律賓女傭會自備簡單小吃,但有些則會預先做好大量的 家鄉小菜/飯盒,在廣場內向同胞兜售。 她們的家鄉小食大多會以一個個小膠袋包起來,用即棄餐具 進食,很有地道風味。
甜飯糕 sweet glutinous rice cake
炒米粉 Pancit Palabok (Fried Noodle)
沙律 Macaroni Salad
Even though Filipino maids are in Hong Kong, they gather on holidays and share traditional food/snack from their home places. It gives more relish while some of them would use their right hand to eat. 雖然菲律賓女傭身處異鄉,但她們每逢假日都會同知己分享家鄉美食,雖然是都是一些簡單小吃,但都別有一番風味, 而且有些女傭還會保留用右手進食的傳統。
They gather in groups and enjoy their interesting feast on their own by just simply sitting down on the ground roadsides. 她們都三五成群一起聚餐,就坐於行人區的路旁,分享不同的家鄉小食。
除了自家製作小吃及小 賣店售賣的菲律賓食品 外,還有美式快餐店例 如McDonalds’, 其中一 間較為特別的是祖樂比 (Jollibee)快餐,位於中 環干諾道中13號地下( 即環球商場側),因為 它是一家自菲律賓的跨 國企業,對於菲律賓人 來說應該更有歸屬感, 尤其是餐單上也有菲律 賓的特式食物。
Apart from home-made food and food stalls, fast food shops like McDonalds’ are also very popular to Filipinas during holidays. A special one is called Jollibee located at 13-14 Connaught Rd. Central, Hong Kong (just next to World-wide Plaza) which is a fast-food restaurant chain based in the Philippines, which is Filipinas favorite and even provide fast food in Filipino style.
Entertainment 娛樂
Filipinas are musically very talented and with creativity, most of them love music and groove along with it and even the pedestrians would stop by and watch their enjoyable performance. 菲律賓人一向給人印象熱情奔放,而且這群族特別 有音樂天份,表演時亦非常投入兼有節奏感,能使 路過的途人駐足欣賞。
Filipinas enjoys the music they play, as a leisure and they would like to be in groups and perform on street during holidays. The songs they sing are mostly gospel they created by their own. 菲律賓女傭也很享受音樂,她們會自備結他及一些簡 單敲擊樂器例如搖鈴等,結伴作樂,在街頭表演,盡 情投入地唱,而她們的所表達的都是一些基督教的福 音歌曲,而且是她們的自家創作。
They play music and sing in the park to entertain and for leisure. 菲律賓女傭於假日在公園裡唱歌作樂自娛。
This group of Filipino domestic helpers are also choir of the church, they sing to worship the god they believe in. 這群菲律賓女傭是教會裡的合唱組,她們於假日以美妙動人的歌聲歌頌她們相信的神。
Besides music, they love dancing too, they can do various dancing like their own special traditional folk dance to pop dance. They held various performance and practice during their holidays. 除了音樂之外,她們也很喜歡舞蹈。每當假日她們都會 排練及進行表演,而且舞蹈的種類很多,例如流行舞、 健身舞、傳統民族舞等等。她們認為可以舒緩平日工作 壓力,又可以強健身心。
R e l i g i o n 宗教
Most of the Filipino workers in Hong Kong have religion, and mostly they are either Catholic or Chrsitan. Some call themselves “Born Again Christian”. They regard the religion they believe is the most highest position in their lives as if they cannot live without it.
絕大部分菲律賓女傭也有宗教信仰,她們是羅馬天 主教徒又或是基督教徒。而基督教徒中,她們有些 會稱為 “Born Again Christian”意思是從信奉基 督教中得到耶穌救贖,獲得永生。
The Church cluster learders hold gathering in Central on the street and do the bible reading, praying and preaching the word of God. 教會組織成小組,在中環街頭進行祈禱會、佈道會、 朗讀聖經名唱聖詩的活動。
The church cluster also organize other acitivities like birthday celebration, drama play etc.
Jesus is Lord Church (Christian) Hong Kong Chapter is a church to united christian regardless of race, color, nationality. they developed a glorious spirit evangelizing and discipling Filipinas then the rest of people through preaching gospel and spread the “Passionate Love of God”, regarding to the faithfulness to the God they believe in and compassion to the others. Jesus is Lord 是一個屬於菲律賓女傭最大的教督教組織,每逢週日早上 八時半在灣仔的熙信大廈二樓都會聚集近一千個菲律賓傭工在此祟拜, 場面壯觀,而所有的表演,佈道都以菲律賓語進行。
There are musicians play fantastic music in a live band inside the church, and those players are actually domestic helpers too. 教會裡有強勁的現場音樂隊伴奏,非常專業,但其實這幾位音樂伴奏表演者都是來香港工作的家庭傭工。
Their emotion was totally soothed when they were praying. Some of them even burst into tears. In fact, in their lives, as an overseas domestic helper in Hong Kong, it was harsh to leave their family and work long time (mostly for years) and some of them have to face family problem or crisis, for example like relationships with husband and children. Therefore, they think religion can help them to overcome all these problems and they hand over their souls to the God they believe in. 於祟拜的時候,她們都很投入,閉起雙眼認真地向神禱告,有些甚至會哭起來。 其實,她們要離鄉別井到香港工作是艱辛的,為的是賺取更多金錢養活家人,但同時要面對長 時間離開家人,每隔一年才可回鄉探親一年,有些不幸的還要面對家變、與子女相處和丈夫有 婚外情等等問題。所以,她們都將自己的心靈寄託於宗教,只有她們所信的神能令她們較容 易、樂觀去面對所有事情。
Name: Rowena Fransico Magbli Age: 44 Religion: Born Again Christian Rowena has been working in Hong Kong for 14 years and she has 1 daughter. She believes in Jesus Christ since she was very small and until now, she thinks that religion is the most important thing in her life and helps her a lot when there were ups and downs. Religion does developed her a compassioniate person with faith. Rowena四十四歲,有一個女兒,來港工作已經有
十四年。她認為信仰在她生命裡影響很大,亦對她遇過高低 成敗起了很大的幫助作用,亦令她個性變得積極、慈愛。
Rowena holding her dearest best friend -Holy Bible. 她視聖經如同她至親的好朋友。
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About the Project: This is a finaly year project which is SD3004 Independent Project for programme Higher Diploma of Multimedia Design and Technology by School of Design - Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Through making this photojournalism project, I am glad that I sucessfully uncovered the living of the Filipinas overseas workers in Hong Kong. I have learnt so much from their culture as well as improve my techniques of taking documentary pictures. Most of the interviewees are very kind and friendly and willing to share in order to complete this project. I would like to acknowledged to all who helped me and voice out the existence of such minority yet important to our community. Last but not least, I would like to thank my tutor-Edmund Chan who assists me during the process of the project and gives valuable comments on my work.