10 Steps To Change Your Life

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10 Steps To Change Your Life

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‘Think Positive Power’ series by Peter Ford If you would like to learn more about

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Disclaimer The author has striven to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of outcomes. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of health, legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek the services of competent professionals in health, legal, business, accounting, and financial fields.

Think Positive Power reports by Peter Ford


You Can Change Your Life The idea that you can change your life by changing your thinking can be a difficult concept to grasp. But if you only have the courage to try, you will soon find, as you proceed further along this path, that it is not that difficult. The first step you have to take is to start believing in yourself. For most people the hardest part is actually taking that first step out of your comfort zone. It is not easy and will require great courage. However, it will be worth the effort because the results you will get are bound to be positive and wonderful. We only have one life. Why waste it pondering over worthless and unimportant issues when life has so many great things to offer? So many of us waste our energy on pointless complaining about our careers, relationships, work, friends or just about life in general. All that negativity will only make your life more unhappy, more complicated and more difficult. You must learn to value and respect your life. You need to understand that wherever we are in our lives it is as a result of our thoughts and actions. It’s a fact that ‘you get more of what you focus upon’. So, you can focus upon negative, destructive thoughts that take the joy out of life, or you can focus upon positive, constructive thoughts that will lead to a much better, happier life.

Think Positive Power reports by Peter Ford


10 Steps to Change Your Life Changing your life is possible, but it requires a real desire to succeed and plenty of effort on your part. You must start by transforming the way you think and changing your attitude towards life. Here are some steps you can take to help enable you to live your life the way you dream it should be. Remember that you could be just 10 steps away from changing your life. 1) The first and most important step is to have the willingness to change and learn. It’s no good just jotting down your desired changes and then forgetting about them. If you’re not prepared to work at this then the following steps will prove to be useless. You will feel discouraged at times, and you may well find people try to stop you from bringing about your desired changes, but remember, this is your life and that makes you the boss. At times, you will have pre-conceived notions about particular things, which will make them seem difficult to change. However, you must be prepared to accept new ideas, look at things in new ways and be willing to break away from your old ideas (after all, where have they got you so far?) and keep your motivation levels high. 2) Another important thing is to know the specific changes you want to make to your life. Merely wishing to change your life is all well and good, but it is too vague a notion to focus on. You should make a list of the changes you would like to see and work towards achieving them one by one. Turning these changes into reality becomes mush easier when you have the list in front of you. You can then focus on each one in turn. You can also categorize the changes into work, relationships, career prospects, creative pursuits etc. This helps in getting a clear view of desired changes.

Think Positive Power reports by Peter Ford


3) Another thing you need to do right from day one is to stop complaining. Most of us have a tendency to constantly grumble and complain. We complain about everything that comes our way. Your mantra should be ‘you get more of what you focus upon’. When you are constantly finding things to complain about, all you are doing is focusing on negatives. This will stifle your ability to create a new life. Stop complaining and instead learn to deal with situations effectively and quickly so that any negative effects they are quickly removed. Look for the positives in every situation. This will allow you to create your own life without any inhibitions and doubts. 4) Be prepared to take risks. Risks are a fact of life and should be accepted as such. There is always risk involved when you embark on any new venture or project, or when you wish to make any major changes. When you decide to change your life, some risks are inevitable. If you run away from risks, your progress will be permanently blocked. Accept that you may sometimes make a wrong decision, and if you do, take the positives from it, learn from it, and move on. It’s called learning from experience and it’s the way most people learn about life. Any kind of change involves risk and changing your life is no different. 5) Live every moment of your life fully and enjoy the beauty surrounding you. Look for the joy of experiencing new things that life gives you. Stop worrying about present situations or about your future and enjoy the present. Worrying only leads to high levels of stress, which again affects you in a negative way. If you look closely at most of the things you worry about, you will find that all your worry doesn’t actually make the slightest difference to the situation. It is usually a waste of time and a waste of energy which could be far better employed.

Think Positive Power reports by Peter Ford


Worry is one obstacle, on the path to change your life, which can be difficult to overcome, but it is definitely worth it. You can make much more effective changes if your mind is calm and at peace. So get rid of your anxiety and fears as soon as possible. 6) There will probably be certain experiences in the past that have caused trouble and distress in your life. This sort of emotional baggage has a severe negative effect and will always obstruct your mind from making any sort of changes. So it’s important to deal with those experiences so you no longer focus on them. Forgiveness is an important tool for such problems, but it’s too easy to say ‘forgive and forget’. It’s not always easy to forgive, but there is a way of dealing with this. When you accept responsibility for the choices you have made in your life so far, it becomes much easier to forgive all those people who caused you trouble and start life afresh. I spent years blaming my ex-wife for affecting my life and breaking my heart, but when I realized that I chose to marry her, and I chose to stay with her even when she was breaking my heart it became much easier to accept that it wasn’t all her fault…… If you are moving from your house and you have painful memories to overcome, take the opportunity to link these experiences and memories to things you cannot take with you and so effectively leave them behind. 7) If you want to change your financial condition, you can analyze your present situation and map out an effective plan to increase your finances. Maybe you have health problems. Make a plan for bringing about changes in these fields too. 8) Changes can sometimes be hard to deal with. By nature, many people are averse to change, preferring familiarity and often associating it with security. At such times, we need support and care from loved ones. You can ask your friends for their support and help while making any major changes in your life. This reduces the intensity of the after effects of the change. Friends can be of great help at such times. 9) Change your life by changing the way you look at things. Start seeking out and finding the positive points in every situation and every person. Change your perspective

Think Positive Power reports by Peter Ford


about things and learn to enjoy the challenge in adapting to new surroundings and new people. Keep your mind open and view everything as a learning experience because that’s what it is, and that’s what it should be. Be prepared to open your mind and be prepared to learn things from others. 10) It is a fact that many of us lead hard lives, but that shouldn’t be an excuse to make everybody else’s lives miserable. Those people who love and support you need love and support themselves. Preserve and nurture relationships to the fullest to create stability in your life and a more stable mindset. Enjoying your relationships will make you feel happy. Your happiness will radiate from within and show on your face. This will start spreading happiness to those all around you. This process will give you amazing results.

Think Positive Power reports by Peter Ford


Conclusion The various points we have discussed in the 10 step plan will surely help you to change your life. You have amazing power and potential within you if only you learn how to utilize it. This may seem unbelievable right now, but if you’ll only make a determined effort to try out a few of these ideas, you will start to experience changes in you life. We often wonder how some people seem to effortlessly succeed in all areas of life and try to find their secrets. Those people practice the things we have talked about here. You will find some of them come quite naturally to you, whereas some others will require practice for you to get the best from them. You will probably have to make a conscious effort to motivate yourself at the beginning, but I promise you, when you start to see that things are changing in your life, you will become highly motivated to bring about even more changes. You should also be prepared to enjoy your successes and treat yourself when you bring about a particular change. Make use of the true power of your mind and start changing your life today. Persevere with these tips and suggestions. Use them consistently and observe the results. Be ready to accept and adapt to the changes that take place and start to lead a great life.

Think Positive Power reports by Peter Ford


About The Author Peter Ford regards himself as the king of self-doubt, having suffered from the problem for almost all of his 60 years, and even now, despite all his knowledge of the benefits of positive thinking, he still sometimes suffers it’s effects. Just a few short years ago, Peter’s self-doubt became so bad he was left with zero self-confidence, no self-esteem and a total lack of self-belief. The complete Mr Negative, he lost his job, business, home and friends…. But, fortunately for him this became a turning point in his life and he’s now on a mission to help anyone out there who feels they too want a better life, but somehow never quite seem able to achieve it. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone, and the ‘Think Positive Power’ series of free reports has been put together to help you see there is a way forward. To learn more about what Peter calls ‘Think Positive Power’, and get your hands on more of these free reports (available as .pdf, .epub and/or .mobi), use the link below to visit Peter’s website:


Think Positive Power reports by Peter Ford


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