GINDO 2013 Conference Booklet

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Our story begins with the Global Issues Network. GIN's vision is to empower youth around the world to develop and implement sustainable solutions for humanitarian and environmental issues which affect present day civilization. This network was created by a group of students and teachers living in Europe, after being inspired by the book, “20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them” written by Jean-Francois Rischard. GIN’s vision is to empower youth

The essence of our conferences are to inspire students to collaborate in finding solutions to

around the world to develop and implement sustainable solutions for humanitarian and environmental issues

make our world a better place. This year, we have even introduced the ActionX component of the conference to really inspire participants to start making a change.

GINDO was subsequently created in 2009, not long after JIS students returned from the first

Albert Pine once said, "What we do for ourselves

annual GIN Conference in Beijing. Since then,

dies with us. What we do for others and the

four conferences have been held, and countless

world remains and is immortal.” Let the mark

students from all across Indonesia have had the

you leave on this earth be one which has

chance to raise awareness and collaborate on

affected our civilization for the better, even if it

global issues that affect their local communities.

may be just one minuscule action.


NOTE FROM THE HOST A lot has happened in the five years since GINDO was established. GINDO has constantly been bold with its innovative ideas and has, from the start, seeked to inspire. While the previous years have certainly inspired those who were fortunate enough to attend the conferences, they have not always been successful in sparking immediate action. Tired of being labeled as ‘all words and no action’, this year’s conference is aimed to provide hands-on experience to all participants as well as to focus on maintaining the projects and networks we will build throughout the conference. With new concepts such as the Passion Fair, Passion Groups, ActionX and the GINDO Board, we aim to not only build strong partnership between schools across Indonesia but to also inspire and empower them into taking action. What I’ve learned from the past four GINDO conferences is that we’re never too small, too young, or too inexperienced to change the world. In fact, being fueled with innovation, passion and determination, I would argue that small people can indeed do big things. In every GINDO conference I’ve helped organize, present during or participated in, I always came back feeling

inspired and even more eager to make the change I want to see in the world. Often we see ourselves stuck in the position between not wanting to make a change and not knowing how to, and that’s what GINDO aims to overturn. We hope that the partnerships we came to build and the ideas we came to make do not simply stop after the conference but rather that we work towards sustaining them. We want to demolish the wall between age, ethnicity, gender and status and become a truly effective platform where students, organizations and corporates work together towards forming a better world. On behalf of the SWA and JIS GINDO team, I hope that the little things that go wrong -because things will go wrong -- during the conference won’t become the things that you take back, but instead that you take all the good things; the friends you made, the ideas you built, the services you did or perhaps the food you were forced to eat. Let GINDO be the knot that ties passion and action together. Most importantly, talk to inspire, walk to empower and run to change!

-Elena Lie President of GINDO at SWA


FROM THE CO-HOST My journey with GIN

At GINDO this year, I encourage you to try and

started five years

meet as many other people as possible, and to

ago, and I am so

share your interests, goals and visions with

glad it did. I was

them. Hopefully, this will amount to a new

introduced to this

partnership and an adventure into a great

movement at an

service project.

early age, and it has helped form the person I am today, and the person I want to be going into the

It has been quite a tumultuous ride planning this

future. This is now the fifth conference I’m

conference since we have completely

participating in, and it has been incredible seeing

reconfigured how our conference works, and

how we’ve transformed and spread the

we’ve tried to reach out to more schools around


Indonesia. At the end of the day, though, it has all been worth it. On behalf of the JIS and SWA

At GINDO, we hope to provide opportunities for

committees, I hope you have an incredible time

participants from all around Indonesia to be able

this weekend, that you learn something new, and

to change the world for the better in a

that you make lasting friendships and

sustainable way. The aim of the conference is to

connections with at least one other person! Let

foster creativity, knowledge, and a sense of

us all keep this year’s theme in our heads during

global partnership in participants, and we hope

this weekend. Don’t forget to “talk to empower,

you will have felt this way at the end of Sunday.

walk to inspire, [and] run to change!”

It doesn’t matter what you’re interested in, what you’re passionate about, or what you enjoy doing, as long as you are passionate and excited to make a change in this world.

-Priyasha Madhavan President of GINDO at JIS


THE UNMDGS ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER The 1st millennium development goal was founded to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger throughout the world. It’s aim, divided into 3 smaller targets, is to ensure that the proportion of population below $1 per day was halved, and effectively halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger as well. In doing just this, the UN hopes to also achieve decent employment for women, men, and young people. ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION The 2nd Millennium development goal was founded to ensure that all children (girls and boys) could complete a full course of primary schooling by 2015. By virtue, this goal is meant to relieve gender disparities in not only the world of academia, but emphasize the equality in aptitude in both the male and female genders. This would entail the complete enrollment in primary school education of all children across all continents and subsequently, the completion of that education. PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWER WOMEN The 3rd Millennium development goal was founded to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015. This development goal recognizes that in some regions, education

remains elusive, and that poverty can be a major barrier to education. Considering that women are largely relegated to more vulnerable forms of unemployment, this goal seeks to eradicate educational barriers towards girls in hopes to raise political awareness and power in women across all nations. REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY The 4th Millennium development goal was founded, principally, to reduce the under-five mortality rate of all children between 1990 and 2015, by two thirds. The United Nations concedes that revitalizing efforts against pneumonia and diarrhea, while bolstering nutrition, could save millions. Generally, funding in the form of monetary aid should be maintained on a consistent basis towards NGO’s and programs worldwide, as momentum in this campaign is vital to its success. IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTH The 5th Millennium development goal was founded to significantly reduce the maternal mortality ratio by three quarters, and to achieve universal access to reproductive health. It’s evident that most maternal deaths throughout the world can be avoided with the proper precautions. This is especially the case in Southern Asian and sub-Saharan African nations where most women deliver without skilled care. What needs to be done is the abridgement of this rural-urban gap of skilled birth care, and that adequate funding and family planning must be paramount to the livelihoods of these individuals. 8

COMBAT HIV/AIDS, MALARIA AND OTHER DISEASES The 6th Millennium development goal is primarily concerned with halting and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS throughout the world, and achieving universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency virus, and can subsequently develop into the disease of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). HIV/AIDS has become a prevalent disease that has taken the lives of some 35 million people, and its path of death and despondency has left whole communities a sunder in its wake. Â More than 8 million people in low- and middle-income countries were receiving antiretroviral therapy at the end of 2011 throughout the world. However, the greatest source of fear lies in the fact that more than two-thirds of new HIV infections were found in sub-Saharan Africa. ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY The 7th Millennium development goal is meant to allow the integration of sustainable development principles into country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental resources. Thus, it seeks to reduce the loss of biodiversity, halve the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water, and improve the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers. Though the rate of deforestation shows sign of decreasing, the world must still be on high alert for any body that threatens the acceleration of climate change through the destruction of vital rain forests. By making considerable efforts to enhance our local

environment, this goal opens up individuals to greater standards of living. BUILD GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT

The 8th Millennium development goal was founded to further develop an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system. In lieu of the 2008 financial collapse, many countries residing outside the western world have been cautious as to not feel the full effects of the economic vacuum. By allowing developing countries to gain greater access to markets of developed countries, we see risk in trading to be lowered, as the aggregate risks associated with a broader trading sphere will allow developing countries to fully benefit from tariff reductions on agricultural products. Alongside with greater trade and cooperation with the private sector, new technologies will become available in the form of information and communication devices and mechanisms. This is supported by the clear disparity with those who have higher speed Internet connections in developed nations and those who do not in respective developing nations.


QUICK GUIDE Need help? Look for the SWA & JIS students in the black GINDO shirts. Another way to spot a chaperone is by their nametags. Anyone with a title or position such as PRESIDENT, CHAPERONE, MEDIA or LOGISTICS will gladly help or direct you to someone who can.

seated according to their Passion Groups to ease organization of the bus.

Conference Registration: Find the registration booths in the Arts Center Lotus Lounge to sign into the conference and receive your nametag and t-shirt.

Passion Groups: Passion Group Sessions will take place in Da Vinci. Speak to your Passion Group leader if you are unsure where to go.

Conference Cashier: You will find our cashier next to the registration booths in the Arts Center Lotus Lounge.

Mixed Passion Groups: You will be grouped with another Passion Group. Discussions will take place on the 1st to 3rd floor of the Da Vinci building.

Keynote Speakers: Head to the Trini Dewi Theater in the Arts Center. Seating will be arranged according to Passion Group. The seating chart will be available to you on the day of the conference.

Passion Fair Set-up: If you are setting up a booth for the Passion Fair, set-up will take place in the Da Vinci buildng 1st floor.

Food: The food provided throughout the conference will be vegan and vegetarian to promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Snacks: We are providing local snacks, which help reduce our carbon footprint in the Arts Center. Lunch: Lunch Day 1 will be packaged and eaten on the way back from the ActionXs. Lunch Day 2 will take place in the Arts Center. Dinner: Dinner will be provided in the Arts Center. ActionX: Prior to leaving campus, the meeting point for the ActionXs is in the Lotus Lounge, Arts Center. Participants will be

ActionX Presentations: Each Passion Group will present what they did during the ActionX in the Trini Dewi Theater, Arts Center.

Passion Fair: Da Vinci buildng 1st floor. Simulations: Simulation locations vary for different groups. Please speak to your Passion Group leader for more information. Thirsty? To minimize plastic waste, all participants need to bring their own water bottles. We have stationed water stations around campus. I feel sick: Please let a chaperone or member of staff if you feel unwell and we will call the on-duty nurse. Lost item? Revisit the last place you had the item. If it is still missing, you can report to our conference chaperones and we will do our best to locate it.


FAQ Q: What do I need to bring? A: If you are being billeted, comfortable clothing, shoes and toiletries are essential. We also recommend bring a water bottle as we will not be providing bottled water. You may also want to bring sunscreen, mosquito repellent, a laptop or an iPad, a notepad and writing utensils. Other than that, your ideas and enthusiasm are all you’ll really need. Q: What do I need to wear? A: The dresscode for both days is smart casual. Keep in mind that you will be taking part in the hands-on ActionXs on Day 1 so be prepared to get hot, sweaty or soaked. We will are also pleased to say that we will be providing free GINDO t-shirts for all participants. For Saturday only, please wear your conference t-shirt. Q: What’s good etiquette/behavior? A: Sinarmas World Academy (SWA) wholeheartedly welcomes you to our school. Please keep in mind we are an educational institution where you are expected to act maturely and responsibility. Do treat our school and each other with respect, and behave appropriately and safely. Above all, please remember that you are part of a group representing your school. Q: What if I get sick? A: A nurse will be on duty throughoiut the conference and each bus is equipped with a first aid kit. If the problem is serious, Sinarmas World Academy is within 7 minutes of Eka Hospital. If you become sick during your homestay, your hosts are obligated to take you to the nearest hospital.

Q: I’m allergic to ___ and have __ medical condition. How can I inform you? A: We have all allergies and medical conditions on record, however please do not hesitate to contact any of the GINDO chaperones or staff if you are concerned about anything. If you are being billeted, you should also notify your hosts about any allergies or medical issues as a precaution. Q: I’m coming from out of town. What about transportation between the airport and my location. A: A GINDO representative will be ready meet you at the airport. We have transportation arranged for you to go to SWA or JIS to be picked up by your host families. If you have any concerns regarding transportation to and from the airport, please refer to the contact details on the back of this booklet. Q: How do I get to SWA? What if I get lost? A: Please refer to the map on the website or contact one of our contact persons using the contact details on the back of the book. Q: How will I get from the house I’m in billeted in to SWA each day for the conference? A: Your hosts are responsible for getting you to and from the conference. Q: Do I need to bring a laptop/tablet? A: A laptop or a tablet is recommended but optional for regular participants. They will help access research and online resources such as important documents, files and websites.


Please do not use your computers in during in the Trini Dewi Theater and during other presentations unless you are taking notes. If you have signed up for the leadership team, then an iPad or tablet is required. Don’t forget to bring any laptop adaptors or accessories if needed. Q: Do you guys have wi-fi? A: Yes, wi-fi is available throughout the school campus, however there will be no wifi during the Action Excursions. We will inform you of the wi-fi name and password on the day of the conference. Q: I haven’t paid for the conference yet. Where do I pay? A: Conference fees must be paid in full at our payment booth before registration. A small fee of RP150,000 is required per participant (including supervisors) in cash. It is not necessary to bring any money except the conference payment.

A: Yes. We are providing snacks, lunch and dinner on Day 1 of the conference and snack and lunch for Day 2. As we are a BYOWB (Bring Your Own Water Bottle) school, we are asking all delegates to bring a named water bottle to use during the conference. There will be water refill stations throughout campus. All meals provided are vegan or vegetarian, sponsored by Loving Hut. Q: Are the nametags necessary or are they just for show? A: The nametags are necessary as they will help categorize you into your Passion Group and ActionXs. Please treat the nametags with care. You will be required to wear them on both days of the conference. Q: Is there a nightly curfew? A: There will be early starts, long days, busy evenings and increasingly tired delegates as the conference progresses. Although there is no formal curfew, we strongly suggest delegates be in their rooms (and stay there) by 22:00 each evening.

Q: I have already paid for the conference. What do I do? A: You can immediately head towards the registration table in the Lotus Lounge.

Q: How do I keep my stuff safe? A: Keep valuables like electronic devices with you at all times. SWA will not be responsible for any lost items or belongings.

Q: Where is my money going? A: We are aware that for the past 4 years GINDO conferences were free of charge. This year, however, we are making improvements to the conference. The money will go towards: food, transportation, goodie bags and donations. Please note that this year, we will be working towards continuous projects leading after the conference ends. The leftover funds will go towards the GINDO Fund for NGOs and collaborative projects that follows after the conference.

Q: SWA is huge! How do I get around? A: We have tried to keep our conference contained to a small area. Most conference activity will take place in the Arts Center and Da Vinci Building. Follow the on-campus signs if you are unsure of where to go. Do refer to the maps provided in this booklet and online. Rooms and activities for the conference will have signs with the GINDO logo on them. Our chaperones are also happy to help you out with any problems you may have. You can easily identify these chaperones by their nametags.

Q: Will you be providing food and drinks?




8.00 - 9.00


9.00 - 10.00

Introduction Keynote Speaker

10.00 - 10.30

Grouping of Buses

10.30 - 15.00


15.00 - 16.30

Passion Group Session 1

16.30 - 17.00

Break Time

17.00 - 18.00

ActionX Presentations

18.00 - 19.00


19.00 - 20.00

Passion Fair Set Up


End of Day 1




08.00 - 08.30


08.30 - 09.00

Opening Ceremony

09.00 - 10.00

Passion Groups Session 2

10.00 - 11.30


11.30 - 12.30


12.30 - 13.15

Keynote Speaker

13.15 - 14.15

Passion Fair

14.15 - 14.45

Break Clean Up Passion Fair

14.45 - 15.45

Mixed Passion Groups

15.45 - 17.00

Conference Social


WHAT’S WHAT? Registration REGISTRATION The registration will be held at the Lotus Lounge in the Arts Center. This is where you will be registered into our system, given a nametag and t-shirt. ActionX ACTIONX Want to take everything we discuss at the conference and put it into action? The ActionX is when we get out and get involved with service opportunities in Jakarta. In the provided time, you will be going off campus to one of the 8 organized service projects. Keynotes KEYNOTES The keynotes are presentations by inspirational and influential people who are passionate about environmental and humanitarian issues. Passion Group Sessions PASSION GROUPS Each Passion Group will be focused on one of the Millennium Development Goals. We will be discussing the actions that each individual can take on a personal level to improve the situation. We will be focusing on these goals, and applying them specifically to Indonesia. Passion PASSION Fair Set FAIR Up SET-UP

Simulations SIMULATIONS During this time we will break up into groups and go to different locations in the campus. Various simulation activities will be carried out to help us understand and visualize some of the issues around us. Passion Fair FAIR PASSION The Passion Fair will provide all the Passion Groups with time to come together and share ideas. All the Passion Groups will work together along with various NGOs, to mix inspiration and creativity. Mixed Passion Group GROUPS MIXED PASSION During this time each Passion Group will be paired with another group, to collaborate and share ideas. Conference CONFERENCE Social SOCIAL The Conference Social will provide you with free time to socialize, interact, and connect with all the interesting people involved in this conference.

During this time, each Passion Group will have time to prepare for their contribution to the Passion Fair.v


ACTION X LUMINTU CRAFT UMDG: Gender Equality and Global Partnership Luminto was started by Mr. Slamet Riyadi back in 1998. The group focuses on providing extra income for housewives and elderly women in Ciledug through creating goods including robots, bags, and house decorations. All these goods are created from recycled plastic. KAMPUS DIAKONIA MODERN UMDG: Child Health KDM is a social institution assisting development of street children. The children are exposed to many career opportunities that allow them to develop into young, independent adults. They have the choice to continue broadening their education and improving their skills in a internship program or college through one of the various sponsors. MANGROVE PLANTATION Mangrove Plantation UMDG: Environmental Sustainability Muara Angke Mangrove is a mangrove plantation site located right beside one of Jakarta’s most preoccupied toll road. Muara Angke Mangrove conserves more than fifteen different types of mangroves, and gives anyone the opportunity to plant as well as adopt mangroves. Musika School MUSIKA SCHOOL UMDG: Universal Primary Education MUSIKA School is a school located in Bintaro that provides informal schooling for underprivileged children. MUSIKA teachers

teach core subjects as well as essential real-life skills mainly through music and art. NURABADI SLB SLB Nurabadi UMDG: Combat HIV/AIDs, Malaria and Other Preventable Diseases SLB Nur Abadi is a special school for gifted children located in Jakarta. Nur Abadi tries to provide education for these children through special methods such as audio books for children who needs them. It is their goal to create the sense of acceptance amongst these children. Yayasan UsahaUSAHA Mulia MULIA YAYASAN UMDG: Maternal Health Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM) is a non-profit organization aiming to improve the living quality of the poor in Indonesia. It was started in the late 1960s by Wilbert Verheyen, Sister Rina Ruigrok, and Ibrohim Wessels who created a small hospital to house the poorest of Jakarta’s citizens. YUM expanded its projects into education and rehabilitation projects for orphans and impoverished children. FOODEmmanuel RESCUE PROGRAM Yayasan Food Rescue UMDG: End Poverty and Hunger Yayasan Emmanuel’s Food Rescue Program collaborates with 12 4 and 5 star hotels from the Jakarta International Hotel Association. The organization focus on 7 malnourished and impoverished scavenger communities among Jakarta. Since 2003, the program has provided 167 tons of food and 170,000 meals to these communities.




TOMMY PACATANG Speaker 1: Tommy Pacatang Tommy Pacatang is the COO of Habitat for Humanity in Indonesia and the regional program manager for East and South East Asia. Habitat for Humanity is an international non-governmental organization which strives to build decent houses for those less fortunate. Many schools participate in the act of building these houses, and in the process learn how to not only work together, but also appreciate the hard work that the less fortunate often have to put in, in order to achieve the most basic of needs. Habitat for Humanity is an organization very well known and therefore, we have chosen Tommy Pacatang to reflect the people behind this effective, determined and succesful organization. Speaker Zack Petersen ZACK2: PETERSEN Zack Petersen, the co-founder of Drive Books, Not Cars and Count Me In, is the director of CSR initiatives at BeritaSatu media holdings. After graduating from the University of Northern Iowa, Zack spent 27 months as a Peace Corps volunteer in Mauritania, where he lived in a small village along the Senegal river with his dog Layla. Because he watched too much Animal Planet growing up, Zack moved to Indonesia following two years in Peace Corps and a year-long sabbatical in Barcelona. Zack, who is currently getting his master's degree at the University of Trisakti's Global Management and CSR program, has swum with whale sharks in Sorsogon, tracked tigers in Lampung and ate tambelo in Papua, but there is a special place in his heart for the kids from Sahabat Anak Grogol. 17


The GINDO website ( will be used as a medium for schools, NGOs and businesses to communicate with each other even after the conference. Please check the site for updates regarding the conference and do make friends with other likeminded GINNERS. Feel free to upload photos, videos and updates about your service projects or anything related to GINDO. To do this, you must register online. We also encourage you to upload your service project to the website so that other people can see what you have done and even join them! Please also follow our official Twitter and Instagram accounts: @ginindonesia.





ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many thanks to everyone who were generous enough to sacrifice their time and energy into making the 5th annual Global Issues Network Indonesia conference possible. The journey to making the conference itself isn’t smooth sailing. In fact, we ran into more obstacles than we anticipated. Through all this, thank you to everyone for have put so much effort into solving all obstacles and making this conference a reality. We would like to thank the following people who work endless hours to making this a reality: Greg Spechalske, Ida Darmapatni and Richard Hannah for guiding us through thick and thin from the very beginning, for giving us advice and for making sure we’re doing our job. Elena Lie and Priyasha Madhavan for making sure the partnership between SWA and JIS continues, for leading both GINDO teams to make sure everything’s good to go for the conference and for overseeing everything. Barry Thrasher and Monica Santa for making sure everything’s organized, creating the written documents and overseeing the conference. Reyhan Anwar and Shaun Tjahaja and the rest of the finance team for handling all finances in and out the GINDO bank account, for

finding sponsorships and negotiating discounts. Christy Zakarias and Samantha Hatten for taking important minutes during the meetings and sending all information out to everyone who needs them. Veny Puspasari, Andrew Toto and Joey Yao for handling all logistical things in campus including food, venues and t-shirts, ceremonies, etc. Special thanks to this group for handling all logistical obstacles calmly and solving all of them before the conference. Andrew Arismunandar, Elena Lie and Monica Santa for creating and beautifying the website. Sean Lin and Shoko Moniaga for taking charge of anything to do with designs including t-shirts, logo and name tags. Christy Zakarias, Min Sun Kim, Natasha Gunawan, Natasha Nurjadin and Nathalie Istanto for making the first ever ActionX a reality. Bishka Chand, Nabilla Gunawan and Won Chang for inviting all schools and following up with them to the conference and for arranging the housing.

We would also like to thank both our keynote speakers Tommy Pacatang and Zack Petersen for taking time from their busy schedule to inspire us with their work. Also, we would like to thank all NGOs for opening up their projects for us for the ActionX and making the first ever ActionX possible. Also, we would like to thank the Rawinala Orphanage, Jukebox, Project Voice and Crafts and Teach for performing in our opening ceremonies. We would like to thank Loving Hut Vegan Restaurant for giving us a special price for the food and making the conference meat-free thus reducing our carboon footprint. Special thanks to Pak Boen, Pak Firman, Pak Surya, Ms. Sofia, Ms. Novi and everyone else who have made such a contribution in helping us with logistical issues. Thank you to Sodexo and the SWA PTA for providing us with utensils. On top of all that, we would like to thank all chaperones and participants who are eager to make a change by participating in the 5th annual Global Issues Network Indonesia conference.

If your name is missing from this list, in no way does this mean that your special contribution is not valued.




Elena Lie President

Monica Santa Vice President

Christy Zakarias Secretary

Reyhan Anwar Treasurer

Nabilla Gunawan Schools Liason

Sean Lin Media & Design

Veny Puspasari Head of Logistics

Bishka Chand Schools Liason

Nathalie Istanto ActionX Coordinator

Andrew Aris Media & Design

Joey Yao Logistics

Won Chang Schools Liason

Shoko Moniaga Media & Design

Andrew Toto Logistics

Wyan Jonathan Finance

Min Sun Kim ActionX Coordinator




Priyasha Madhavan

Sasha Greene

Barry Thrasher Samantha Hatten

Nathan Potter Anna Francesca Macesar

Eunice Chen Yae Whan Lee

Elizabeth Anastasia KoswaraSimms

Shaun Tjahaja Mahika Narula

Tania Helena Lekhraj Jean Yesudas

Amanda Gunawan Ilene Fedora Limantoro

Kelly Arifin Suparna Arora

Hannah Lim Natasha Gunawan

Mika Mandeville Matthew Janelle

Natasha Nurjadin Isabella Pinerua

Cham Bustraan Connor Oliver

Priscilla Labbaika Cathy Bai

Julius Utama Manan Khanija

Latasha Harahap Adithya Srinivasa Kumar

Ritwik Bose Maryam Sajjad

Shayon Roy Eun Jee Chang

Sanjana Canumalla Risako Shima

Karishma Nanwani Jean Yesudas Beatrice Tan Kaelyn Do 22

SPONSORS The 5th Annual Global Issues Network Indonesia Conference 2013 at Sinarmas World Academy would not have possible without the contributions of our sponsors, who saw value in our goals and found ways to support them. Thank you!




Alif Danesmana Putra Amalia Nurfitri Divanza Audi Gede Putra Witsen Indraneel Bhattacharjee Jennifer Wiedyanto Kazimiera Talaska Kevin Darmawangsa Marc Anthony Soedibjo Michella Chiara Navy Nionel Nata Nicole Hodiny Regina Angkawidjaja Sayed Zaky Arisyi Fakhry Suel Moris Syafi Kryan Hakim Tasha Mutiara Selo UNIVERSAL UNIVERSAL EDUCATION EDUCATION Aadi Konidena Alvin Ghossan Adhitya Christhalia Wiloto Da He Lee Dhea Mohammed Kritin Dhoka Luke Hamilton Marissa Irene Uli Siahaan Natasya Cahyadi Putri Thaliah Qaedi Amani Rebecca Isjwara Samuel Tjandrawinata Shafira Chairunnisa Sheeren Vitandry Sherry Tania Vanessa Tjandra Yen Yen Ko GENDER EQUALITY GENDER EQUALITY

Arib Kum Augustina Lidya Sukandi Feydrea Vialista Gabriella Fidelia Hanna Yovita Jae Hee Jang James Jenour Jamie Lee Jasmine Putri Effendi Jessica Carolina Jojo Middlebrook

Joshua Jerussalem Letitia Ayola Liam Greenbury Reggy Hanna Rizka Fadhila Dhuha Thomas Ishikawa Vida Zinia Putri Hardjono HEALTH CHILDCHILD HEALTH

Adinda Soerono Albertus Bagas Primaradi Bayu Prambudi Susilo Bradman Turner Candice Christania Citra Fibriyandi Clover Hogan Evanditho Armandiera Jae Won Park Jihyun Lee Martha Loisa Itaar Min Seo Natasha Hertanto Nurul Nadia Fakhrol Pradipta Adiwiria Reza Palevi Alren Salman Vermonte MATERNAL HEALTH MATERNAL HEALTH

Annisa Kania Ashley Juana Bening Mustika Brian Reynaldo Elda Georgina Lie Gillian Su Hannan Alkatiri Heizkel Javier Oszarwin Karina Kusara Kusumadewi Kianosh Kremer Maiken Hatten Muhamad Haryanto Nabila Danika Rifqi Muammar Hanif Saskya Citrananda Zoya Marie COMBAT COMBAT HIV/AIDS DISEASES Abigail Deodatus Annisa Rainy Putri Santana Arman Kremer Cyndy Beatrix

Gabriella Elaine Liman Jesslyn Lestari Tan Ji Yeon Lee Kirana Putri Wahyu Dewi Mika Aresdhayana Nadia Pritta Wibisono RM Ovito Ibnu Hernindyo Samuel Kristianto Sophie Lee Steven Yeo Vina Rachmawati Yeo Yoon ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABLILITY SUSTAINABILITY Antiokia Murib Arnanto Januri Byeong Kyu Park Do Yeon Isabella Pranadjaja Ivan Rangga Pratama Joanne Katarina Agus Maria Justina Mohamad Reyhan Huditama Natasha Ahman Nelson Kho Niamh Lyons Petri Ferendya Pritha Saraswari Warsito Sara Immaculata Terra Istinara Siti Fauziah Aprilia Wijaya Stephanie Rina Yonathan Hartojo GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP

Anggraeni Puteri Sarotama Annisa Vincent Calvin Sukmana Cindy Olivia Maretha Ng Clarence Adrian Darrel Wijaya Insan Putra Muia Basrewan Irene Jessie Tania Kianalis Ramadhanti Widodo Lintang Kathleen Donovan Mikha Silaban Nanistya Respati Probosutedjo Priska Totong Revandy Rasyad Satrio Bagus Sujiwo Spencer Hwang Vanny Vanesa Vincent Tay 24

CONTACTS Elena Lie SWA GINDO President 081387887799

Christy Zakarias SWA GINDO Secretary 081919190798 E-mail:

Priyasha Madhavan JIS GINDO President 08170918541

Nabilla Gunawan SWA Schools Liason 08119781086

Monica Santa SWA Vice President 087875443009

Gregg Spechalske JIS Teacher Supervisor 08161890847

Veny Puspasari SWA Logistics 01919194989

Richard Hannah SWA Teacher Supervisor 081298833252


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.