Why Has Terrorism Become Global

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THE MUNICH MASSACRE The Munich Massacre occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, when members of the Israeli olympic team were taken hostage and eventually murdered by the Palestinian terrorist group Black September. They were attacked on the evening of September 5th after eight terrorists, disguised as athletes, climbed the perimeter fence of the Olympic village and managed to gain access to the Israeli team apartments. The terrorists first broke into the apartment housing the Israeli officials and coaches. Wrestling coast Moshe Weinberg tried to fight the intruders, but they shot him through the cheek and forced him to lead them to the other athletes. 2 Israeli athletes were shot and the 9 other members of the Israeli Olympics team were held hostage. The event was highly publicized in the media and the terrorists demanded the release of 234 Palestinians jailed in Israel. If their demands were not met, they would kill the remaining hostages. After hours of negotiations, the kidnappers demanded to be flown to Cairo, along with their hostages. The German authorities agreed, thinking that this would give them

a chance to stop the terrorists and free the hostages. Armed policemen and snipers were posted around the airport and in the plane. However, the policemen on the plane abandoned the mission and left. When the terrorists realized that there were no air crew, they immediately became suspicious. A German sniper opened fire but missed, causing a frenzied firefight. Several hostages were killed in the shoot-out and one of the terrorists, now desperate, pulled the pin on his grenade, killing several hostages. Another terrorist machine-gunned the remaining 5 hostages. By the end of the ordeal, the terrorists had killed 11 Israeli athletes and coaches and 1 West German police officer. Five of the eight members of Black September were killed by police officers during the failed rescue attempt. The three surviving terrorists were captured, but later released by West Germany following the hijacking by Black September of a Lufthansa airliner. Two terrorists were killed by Israeli forces but one, Jamal alGashey is still alive and evading capture.


Following the bomb, hospitals THE BALI BOMBINGS

were overwhelmed with the number of injured people who

The 2002 Bali bombings occurred

needed help. Some had to be

on 12 October 2002 in Kuta, Bali.

placed in hotel pools. Many were

The attack killed 202 people,

even flown to Australia to receive

including 88 Australians, 38

specialist burn treatment.

Indonesian, 27 Britons, 7 Americans and 5 Swedish citizens.

The bombing hurt Bali’s economy severely and many people were

The first attack happened inside

traumatized by the event.

Paddy’s Pub when a suicide bomber, detonated a bomb hidden

The attack was blamed on Jemaah

in his backpack. The second, more

Islamiyah (JI), a South East Asian

powerful bomb was hidden inside

Islamic militant fundamentalist

a white Mitsubishi van and

group with links to al-Qaeda.

detonated outside the Sari Club, opposite Paddy’s Pub.

In a voice recording, Osama bin Laden, leader of al-Qaeda, claimed

Property damage was extremely

the bombs were the result of the

severe. It damaged residential

supporting the Americans and

areas, neighbouring buildings and

Australia’s involvement in East

even shattered windows that

Timor’s liberation.

several blocks away. The car bomb also resulted in one meter deep crater.

Since the attack, Indonesia has tried and executed three perpetrators and killed other key

A third, smaller bomb was

conspirators in police raids. The

detonated seconds later outside

last man to stand trial over the

the U.S. consulate but it caused no

blasts, Umar Patek, was jailed for


20 years for helping to assemble the bombs.


THE DELHI DEVASTATION The 29 October 2005 Delhi bombings occurred on 29 October 2005 in Dehli India, killing 62 people and injuring at least 210 others. The bombings occured only two days before Diwali, The bombs were triggered in two markets in central and south Delhi and in a bus in the Govindpuri area in the south of the city. The first bomb exploded outside the New Dehli Railway Station. The bomb was planted in a motorcycle and blew up a nearby medical shop. It injured and killed many people who were nearby. The Govindpuri explosion, which took place inside a bus, injured nine people and killed four. 35–40 people were travelling in the bus when the conductor of the bus spotted a suspicious plastic bag which none of the passengers claimed. The passengers were already suspicious as a man had climbed aboard the bus and refused to buy a ticket and left a large, black bag aboard. The driver and

conductor of the bus quickly alerted and disembarked the passengers and threw the bomb outside the window. At the time of the explosion, only five people remained inside the bus. However, the driver and conductor sustained injuries in their rescue effort, and the driver's condition was critical. The third and most devastating explosion took place in a very crowded corner of Sarojini Nagar market. The bomb went off near a vendor using a gas cylinder, which exploded, triggering multiple explosions and leading to an outbreak of fire in a row of shops. Apart from resulting in the death of 43 people and injuring about another 28 people, several shops and a few vehicles parked behind these shops were destroyed due to this explosion. The Pakistan-based Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organisation, Lashkar-eTaiba is suspected for orchestrating the attacks however a perpetrator has not been charged.

A TERRORIST’S THOUGHTS Jamal Al-Gashey is the sole surviving perpetrator of the 1972 Munich Olympic Games massacre of 11 Israeli athletes by members of the Palestinian group, Black September, a branch of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). As of today, Al-Gashey is currently living somewhere in Africa living with his wife and two daughters but in 1992, he gave an exclusive interview with director Kevin Macdonald of “One Day in September”, discussing his role in the Munich Massacre. In the interview, Al-Gashey, said that he was proud of his role in the murders because he believed it helped the Palestinian cause enormously. He also mentioned that he was brought up in conditions of great poverty, mostly in the Shatilah refugee camp in Lebanon after his family was displaced in the 1948 war between the Arabs and Israel. He claimed that it was unfair for him to live in squalor and rely on handouts while the "intruders" were living on his land. This led to his joining the PLO in 1967. He said that during his initial training he felt, for the first time, "truly Palestinian … not just a wretched refugee, but a revolutionary fighting for a cause."

Al-Gashey’s perspective is subjective because he is emotionally attached to his cause. He strongly believes that what he did was right and while we might consider him a terrorist, he considers himself a freedom fighter. The benefits of knowing his perspective is that we can pick into the mind of a terrorist. We can try to see things from their side and use this to understand their situation. Also, since he was directly involved in the murders, we are able to know how the event unfolded (at least in his point of view). The limitations to this source is that it is biased and highly subjective. As one of the perpetrators of the Munich Massacre, he only argues his side of the argument and not the Israeli’s. He defines his actions as an act of justice and portrays his fellow mujahideens as heroes and is convinced that his cause is noble and right. I think Al-Gashey thinks this way because of his background and upbringing. As someone who has been directly affected by the ArabIsraeli conflict, it is not unusual that he feels hatred and resentment towards the Israelis. In Al-Gashey’s perspective, the Israelis have taken away

Al-Gashey under disguise during his interview

everything from him—his land, his livelihood, his home—and he feels victimized by this. "As refugees my family moved from camp to camp ... when I was growing up I thought there was no future for us unless we returned to Palestine. If we didn't return I would spend my whole life as a refugee, deprived of my human rights," claimed Al-Gashey. Throughout the interview, AlGashey’s tone is passionate and genuine. He genuinely believes what he did was right. He wants the world to know this and also in a way, raise awareness for the Arab-Israeli cause. The source is valuable because we are able to see things from the terrorist’s point of view and gain insight on what his past was like. This can also be compared with other terrorists who also have a similar psyche.

However it is also full of emotional bias and subjectivity as there were many factors leading to him being indoctrinated into believing that terrorism is justifiable. He was displaced in the IsraeliArab war, grew up in poverty, was indoctrinated by fellow Black September and members of the PLO. While this doesn’t excuse his crimes, I think this is evidence that his life has been greatly impacted with conflict and has made him say what he said in this interview.

A POLITICIAN’S PERSPECTIVE George W. Bush is American politican and businessman. In 2000, Bush won presidential elections in American history and became the 43rd president of the United States. Bush’s Administration is amongst one of the most controversial in history. On September 9th 2011, terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked numerous planes and crashed two of them into the Twin Towers in New York. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon and the other near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 9/11 took 2,996 lives and caused more than 6000 injuries. After the events of 9/11, George Bush made several speeches addressing the American public.You can read the full transcription and video here. First of all, the source is quite subjective. As a politician, Bush must make his speech sound strong, confident and well-written in order to console the public and prevent the country from chaos. His tone is sombre and sincere and he uses emotive vocabulary like “deadly”, “despicable” and “evil” to describe the terrorists. These words are harsh and meant to dehumanize the terrorists, thus so it shows emotional bias.

The limitations of the source is that is biased. Politicians are certainly biased and overtly so. They belong to parties and espouse policies and ideologies. And while they may think their individual ideologies are simply common sense, they understand that they speak from political positions. Bush can’t express the truth in the same way regular citizens can because he is the face of America. He needs his speech to gain the support and acceptance of the public. One of ways to do this is by appealing to those who are grieving. But also because he is politician, he needs to use his speech a way that benefits him. Bush is well known for his views on terrorism. He wants to use the attack to justify a retaliation against the perpetrators. Another limitation is that the speech could possibly be written by someone else and not Bush himself. This means that the words he is saying might not be genuinely his. He didn’t experience the attack first hand so he cannot truly understand what it is like to be in the victim’s shoes. Even so, I still think that Bush agrees with what is being said and the speech was clearly written in a pro-American point of view. The purpose of the speech is really

to gain the support of the general public and subliminally persuade them into liking him. The speech resulted in Bush’s approval ratings to soar to 90% so it was definitely effective. Still, his speech does have some value. It gives us insight on America’s thoughts on terrorism and how they intend to respond to it. We can look back at this source and see how Bush dealt with the issue. I think Bush is a firm believer of the war against terror because of personal bias as well. First of all, he is a white American and a devout Christian. His race and religion is what Islamic fundamentalists are completely against He certainly opposes Muslim ideologies and beliefs and stereotypes the religion so racism might be a possible factor. Secondly, he served in the Vietnam War. His experience as a fighter pilot might have influenced or even glorified his decision to declare a war on terror. Third, he has a very all-American, republican mentality and wants to use 9/11 as an opportunity to strike back. "Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended” is a quote from George Bush.

From this, we can gather than Bush sees the terrorists as the enemy and calls them ‘faceless cowards.’ He doesn’t ever try to show a second opinion and never empathizes with the terrorists. He has never tried to see things from their perspective but then again, he has a certain anger towards them and cannot accept terrorist threats against his nation. I believe that Bush thought his intentions were good but the factors of it was a mix of greed, idealism, and arrogance.

THE MEDIA EYE An online article by the Washington Times titled ‘ALQAEDA HURTS MUSLIMS THE MOST’ is an example of a relatively objective source. I think this source can be considered reliable because first of all, it is from a credible news source, the Washington Times. While there may be some media bias involved, the article itself was not particularly opinionated. Throughout the article, facts are used rather than opinions. Citations from other published works and statistical reports are noted and the tone of the article is pretty much your regular run-ofthe-mill newspaper talk. The language isn’t emotive. The articles informs the reader that Muslims are most affected by terrorists and terrorists attack. Personally, it is quite a balanced perspective because it tells people in the Western world another side of the story. The article itself is filled with lots of information from studies and reports from academic research. One of the facts was that, “Only 15 percent of the 3,010 victims killed in al Qaeda-related attacks were Western.” Because it is the Washington Times, the paper is targeted

towards the American public, thus the publication of this article aims to educate and open up people’s mind towards the fact that not all Muslims are bad. It shares that Muslims are also victims of terrorism. However though the article is fairly balanced, it does lean slightly towards the anti-terrorist part of the scale. The article itself doesn’t doesn’t denounce nor advocates terrorism but we are simply not told things from a terrorist perspective. Instead, the article is written by people who are opposed to terrorism but are open-minded about the rest of the Muslim world. I think the purpose of the article is to explain to the public that Muslims shouldn’t be stereotyped as the terrorists or the bad guys. They too suffer under the hands of terrorist and many Muslims actually despise groups such as alQaeda for giving them a bad name. This source is very valuable because we can read real factual data that has been collected by professionals. It also explains things from both sides- the Western side and the Muslim side. I personally think it is a lot more reliable than other news sources regarding terrorism today.


HISTORICAL The Arab-Israeli conflict has been the center of countless terrorist attacks. The conflict can be traced back to 1500BC when the Jews fled Egypt and settled into what we now call Israel. In AD135, the Israelis were forced out of Israel by the Romans. The Israelis settled in Western Europe particularly Poland and Russia where they were often persecuted. During this time, Israel was taken over by Arabs who named the land Palestine. Most of these people were of Islamic religion. However, a movement called Zionism called for the Jews to return back to Israel as they believed Israel was the land promised to them. Because Palestine was under British authority after World War I, the Jews were allowed to return to Israel. However, the massive influx of Jews stirred anger and rebellion between the Arabs and the Jews. Unable to handle the pressure, the British handed Israel over to the UN. The UN decided to separate the land into Israel and Palestine but this caused major conflict on whose terroritory belonged to whom. This erupted the ArabIsraeli war which resulted in thousands of Palestinians being displaced and becoming refugees.

This s a major factor of global terrorism because it is because of this historical background that the first acts of terrorism such as the Munich massacre and skyjackings took place. The Jews also had the full support of the Americans, which is why Palestinians don’t like them. SOCIO-ECONOMIC Socio-economic reasons are a major factor because many terrorists are brought up in poverty, in slums and in communities where father figures are uncommon. There is also an absence of identity and cultural links in the neighbourhoods where they live. Basically, many terrorists grow up without an authority figure or someone who looks out for them. This makes it easy for the recruiters to indoctrinate these minds.



Again, socio-economic factors of many recruits is a reason why terrorism has become so global. A lot of terrorists feel like they don’t have a choice and that this is their only way out.

First of all, the terrorists misinterpret and twist the words of the Qu’ran in order to justify their violence acts. This helps to globalize terrorism because they are spreading their ideologies into millions of people when their commit terrorist acts. It is often evident in their videos or terrorist demands.

Indoctrinators are particularly skiled at targeting the poor and vulnerable so they offer these people money for their families and the reward of paradise. They brainwash potential recruits into believing that their cause is noble and just. Hence, many terrorists call themselves freedom fighters. Most of the time they have been thoroughly manipulated by the indoctrinator and don’t realize it or don’t care - because they think will be rewarded.

Money is also obviously an issue. When you are brought up in a shantytown without access to food, water and adequate health care, it is very hard to resist joining a terrorist cell, especially when they promise riches and redemption.

The indoctrinators are master manipulators and they also use the Qur’an to promote terrorism and violence towards their enemies. Sometimes, it is the sheikh who tells his disciples to support the terrorist and this is harmful because they are influential to communities.

Because poverty is so prevalent and the socio-economic status of many suicide bombs or recruits are low, this allows the globalization of terrorism.

The ease to indoctrinate vulnerable recruits makes it easy for terrorists to spread global terrorism.

But Western media is also misinterpreting terms such as “Jihad.” The word is stigmatized so that people think jihad is the equivalent to terrorist - however the word means to struggle to achieve good things. As Mr Ahmad said, to commit jihad, might be to do your homework or help your parents. Jihad does not mean “strap a bomb to your chest and blow yourself up.” The problem is particularly evident in the US, where the word jihad is banned because it supposedly glorifies terrorism. This misinterpretation is very dangerous and globalizes terrorism because causes resentment between both sides and won’t resolve anything,


AGGRESSIVE WESTERN FOREIGN POLICY I believe the West has responded to terrorism quite aggresively. The US in particular has engaged in a war against terrorism, resulting in war and occupation of Islamic nations. Islamic fundamentalists are clearly unhappy about this and are using terrorism to remove US forces from their grounds. This helps encourage global terrorism because as the US is quite an influential country and their actions reflect what many people believe to be patriotic and right. This will cause a lot of people to believe that war on terror is justified and for terrorists to retaliate and fight back. TECHNOLOGY & INTERCONNECTEDNESS Technology has certainly helped to spread terrorism as it has allowed people to become connected quicker, easier and faster. The internet, especially has made it easier for terrorists to communicate with other members recruit new members. They can

use applications such as Skype and Facebook and thus, operate from virtually anywhere in the world. Not only does this make terrorists more accessible worldwide, it also allows them to remain anonymous. The internet is a highly anonymous place and it is extremely difficult for authority to track these people down. The age of the internet also makes it easier for terrorists to buy and sell weapons off the online black market. Technology is definitely one of the biggest factors because it allows terrorists to conspire and collaborate undetected and from anywhere in the world, thus one of the reasons why terrorism has become so globa. CONCLUSION In conclusion, there are many reasons why terrorism has become such a global phenomenon. First of all, the historical background plays a significant role because it is the backbone of countless of terrorist acts. The ageold conflict between the Jews and the Arabs has made lots of tenson

both nations and America because they are supportive of the Jews. This is the reason behind the hatred and the wars and hence, the acts of terrorism. Secondly, socio-economics is a key factor because many terrorists grow up in poverty and destitute, which led to desperation and misery. These people don’t have anywhere to go and most of the time, they need to choose between starving and suicide-bombing.The uneducated and underpriviliged terrorists are easy targets for people who want to use them as pawns for terrorist acts. Thirdly, potential recruits are indoctrinated by people who exploit their vulnerability. Recruits are given the promise of wealth and paradise. Sometimes, they are influenced by their sheikhs and imams into believing that the West are evil and must be destroyed. Fourth, Indoctrinators twist and manipulate the Qu’ran s to nurture a hatred for those who oppose their cause. This is also an issue for Western media who are not accurately explaining the truth of what words like “jihad” mean.

Fifth, aggressive Western policies have caused tension between the United States and the Middle East. The war against terror hasn’t really helped but just made more Muslims angry resulting in more terrorists. I also think that the US response to terrorism is also portrayed in the media as righteous. Too often the media portrays the US fighting against terrorists - typically of the Middle Eastern kind. Americans are usually always the protagonist while the Arabs are the bad guys.This gives a negative message to the rest of the population who are not terrorists and instills into the minds of many people that these people are terrorists. Terrorism is no doubt global but to end it, we need to end prejudice within ourselves. We need to start educating people about who the terrorists really are, stop labelling Muslims as the bad guys and start to focus on preventing indoctrinators from brainwashing potential victims of terrorism. We can work to rehabilitate shanty towns and try to help refugees of the Arab-Israeli war find permament homes to start their lives again.


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