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I.E .S .

B .H .I.


This evaluation questionnaire was answered by twenty-seven parents of students of IES Ekialdea BHI who took part in the school exchanges that our school organises every year with three European schools in Carquefou (France), Berlin (Germany) and Arnhem (The Netherlands) during 2012-2013 school year..

The questionnaire I was published at our Elos blog eloseki.blogspot.com.es and filled in in January 2014. The main goal of this questionnaire was to receive feedback from our students' parents about their own Elos experience. We are really interested in their opinion so that we can improve the organisation of any future projects.

On the next pages there is a sample of the questionnaire that parents filled in. You can read online, too.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-K9O3e_tPeAKCSydL3-7IqFLJvhSCd6-aMh18o6xv0g/viewform

GURASOEN ELOS PROIEKTUAREN BALORAZIOA VALORACIÓN DEL PROYECTO ELOS POR PARTE DE PADRES/MADRES 1. Zein da eskola-trukeari buruz duzuen iritzia? ¿Cual es vuestra impresión general del intercambio? oso txarra 1 muy buena





oso ona muy mala

2. Zer nolako esperientzia izan da zuen etxean beste kultura ezberdinetako persona bat izatea? / ¿Cuál es vuestra valoración de la experiencia de tener una persona de otra cultura en vuestra casa?*

2.1 Etxeko arauak errespetatzea (ordutegiak, jatorduak...) Respeto de las normas de la casa (horarios, comidas...)* oso txarra 1 muy buena





oso ona muy mala

2.2 Nola ikusi duzue zuen seme-alaben erantzukizuna? Responsabilidad de vuestro/a hijo/a.* oso txarra 1 muy buena





oso ona muy mala

3. Ikastetxearen aldetik ekintzaren antolakuntza baloratu / Valora la organización de la actividad por parte del instituto: *3.1. Gurasoei emandako argibideak Información a las familias oso txarra 1 muy buena





oso ona muy mala

3.2. Elkartruke daten egokitasuna Idoneidad de las fechas del intercambio* oso txarra 1 muy buena





oso ona muy mala

3.3 Egonaldiaren iraupena Duración de la estancia* oso txarra 1 muy buena





oso ona muy mala

3.4 Zuen seme-alabak atzerrian egindago proiektuak Proyectos realizados por vuestro/a hijo/a en el extranjero* oso txarra 1 muy buena





oso ona muy mala

4.Baloratu zuen seme-alabak bizi izandako esperientzia Berlinen, Carquefou-n edo Arnhemen / Valora la estancia de vuestro hijo o hija en Berlin, Carquefou o Arnhem. *4.1. Ikastetxeak antolatutako ekintzak Actividades organizadas por el centro oso txarra 1 muy buena





oso ona muy mala

4.2 Hango familiak zuen seme-alabari egindako harrera Acogida de la familia a vuestro hijo o hija* oso txarra 1 muy buena





oso ona muy mala

4.3. Zuen seme-alabak ikasitakoa (erantzukizuna, autonomia, arauak Aprendizaje de vuestro hijo o hija (responsabilidad, autonomia, oso txarra 1 muy buena





betetzea ... ) respeto de normas... )*

oso ona muy mala

Utzi zure iruzkina/ Deja tu comentario.*




ERANTZUNETAN 1etik 5era, HAU DA, OSO TXARRETIK OSO ONERA EN LAS RESPUESTAS VALORA DE 1 A 5, ES DECIR, DE MUY MALA A MUY BUENA. 1. What's your general impression about the school exchange?

1 2 3 4 5

0 0 6 12 9

0% 0% 22% 44% 33%

2. How did you feel about hosting a foreign student? 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 11 13

0% 4% 7% 41% 48%

2.1 Respect for the home rules (schedules, meals...) 1 2 3 4 5

0 0 2 5 20

0% 0% 7% 19% 74%

2.2 Your son/daughter's responsibility 1 2 3 4 5

0 0 1 12 14

0% 0% 4% 44% 52%

3. How did the school organise the event? 3.1. Information provided to the students' parents

1 0 2 2 3 2 4 12 5 11

0% 7% 7% 44% 41%

3.2. Were the dates of the exchange suitable?

1 2 3 4 5

1 4 8 6 8

4% 15% 30% 22% 30%

3.3 Length of the stay

1 2 3 4 5

0 1 7 11 8

0% 4% 26% 41% 30%

3.4 Projects carried out abroad

1 2 3 4 5

0 3 4 12 8

0% 11% 15% 44% 30%

4. Value your son's/daughter's stay in Berlin, Carquefou or Arnhem 4.1. Activities organised by the school

1 2 3 4 5

0 0 2 18 7

0% 0% 7% 67% 26%

4.2 Family welcome

1 2 3 4 5

0 2 3 9 13

0% 7% 11% 33% 48%

4.3 What did your son/daughter learn? (responsibility, autonomy, respect the rules...)

1 2 3 4 5

0 1 3 15 8

0% 4% 11% 56% 30%

Parents were asked to leave a comment about their experience and this is what they said: The questionnaire shows that parents highly value the efforts the school makes to carry out this kind of activities. Some parents really appreciate teachers involvement and commitment to this kind of projects and that is encouraging for us for further projects. They think the school exchange has been a very positive experience for both parents and children. They feel that their children are more responsible and autonomous than they thought they were and more motivated to travel abroad and even take up a new language. Most parents enjoy having a guest student from another country and do their best to communicate with them and make their stay comfortable. A few parents think that students (both our students and the foreigner students they hosted) should have a better command of the language in order to take part in this kind of school exchange. They would have liked to interact more with their guest but not being able to speak a foreign language was a handicap for some of them. Some parents complained about the information we offered about their guest (religion, meals, routines...). We regret not having given them all the information they needed. Meetings with parents are organised along the year for this particular reason, to provide parents with as much information as they need (about the school, the family, their host ‌.) . We understand parents' frustration when expectations fail. We give our students all the information we get from their hosts/guests by means of a questionnaire students fill in with their personal data (about heir family, pets, hobbies, allergies, music, sport, special needs...).Then students start e-mailing each other so they can get to know their partners before their visit to the country. When asked about the length of the stay most parents think it is long enough but some others think that it should be longer because it's too little time for students to get used to each other, to the family, the country... Unfortunately these activities have a deep impact on school life , there is a lot of work to be done before, while and after the activity and very few human resources to cope with them. Ekialdea organizes three exchanges every year and that means six times a year some teachers and students wont't be attending lessons. In addition, it is more and more difficult to get substitute teachers for those travelling abroad with the students. Some parents worry about their children keeping up with the lessons while they are abroad but most of them think that the experience is worth living. Choosing dates is always a problem and this has been the most controverted issue among parents. The English exchange we have with Olympus College in Arnhem (The Netherlands) is always very late for us, our students go there in April and Dutch students come to Ekialdea in May. It's not easy to do, when they have to coordinate students from four or five different European countries and in the same week. School holidays and terms are not on the same dates for all the European countries, the number of teaching days as well as national holidays vary from countries, that reduces options. A few parents complain about the stay in Berlin because they thought that their children would have meals at home with their host families and most of the days children had to pay for their food because German students didn't take them home to have dinner with their family. Another complain in Berlin has to do with free time. According to parents, students had no afternoon/evening programme at all and they expected more activities at school.

Some parents feel that just a few teachers are involved in this project and Ekialdea as a school is not represented . They think that school life goes on those days and most students or teachers don't get any profit from such a rich experience. They thank the teachers involved in the project. We really appreciate comments from parents because they play a very important role in this project, especially now that students are not granted any scholarship from the department of education to help pay for their travel expenses when they go abroad. Parents must support economically this school exchanges and some of them make an effort because they believe it's a very good opportunity for their children to live a first hand experience in an European country even if it is for a short period of time. Parents get really involved in the project when they host a foreign student in their own homes, a fact that most of the times turns out as a very rich experience for the whole family.

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