This questionnaire was given to ten teachers. Some of them from the different languages departments we have at Ekialdea (English, German, French and Basque languages) , as these teachers are more actively involved in the Elos project -they usually take part in Comenius projects, school exchanges or any other Elos activities. The feedback we can get from these teachers is very relevant to assess the work done so far and it offers us a good opportunity to improve the weak points for further bilateral or multilateral projects. We thought it could also be interesting to ask some members of the management team as they may offer a different insight about the project . The Headmistress and the Head of Studies have a close relation with parents, students, all the staff in the school and with other schools. They may not be so directly involved in the project but their contribution in supporting the project is really helpful.
What do you think has been the most important impact of the Elos project in your school? According to the questionnaire, this project has been really helpful for both students and teachers. Students have the opportunity of living, even if it is for a short period of time, in another European country with a different language, culture, gastronomy, education, rules, etc., they communicate in a foreign language in real situations and they become more aware of the importance of learning languages. Students participation in projects makes them more autonomous and tolerant. All the teachers think that students are more motivated to learn a foreign language once they have taken part in a project. The school as a whole benefits from the Elos project. Students and parents are aware of our experience in international projects and this is sometimes a key fact when it comes to choose a secondary school for their sons and daughters.
Questions and answers As a result of taking part in this project, and from the point of view of a teacher do you think the project has helped students....? Improve their language skills?
Not at all To some extent Quite a lot A lot
0 0% 3 30% 5 50% 2 20%
Feel more confident speaking in English?
Not at all To some extent Quite a lot A lot
0 4 3 3
0% 40% 30% 30%
Improve their social skills as a result of the contact with other European skills?
Not at all To some extent Quite a lot A lot
0 1 4 5
0% 10% 40% 50%
Improve their ICT skills?
Not at all To some extent Quite a lot A lot
0 3 6 1
0% 30% 60% 10%
Are students more motivated?
Not at all To some extent Quite a lot A lot
0 1 4 5
0% 10% 40% 50%
From the point of view of a teacher do you think you think the structure of the ELOS programme could be improved? Most teachers consider that the programme should reach all the school community. They think that more resources from the institutions, more teachers involved, (at least one teacher from each department) and more time to devote to the project are essential to reach the aim of integrating and developing the European and international dimension in the curricula. If more teachers were involved in the project, European issues would be more present in our school life.
PERSONAL LEVEL How would you define your participation in the project?
Very intense Intense Middle Low
1 10% 1 10% 6 60% 2 20%
Do you think you have learnt anything in the following areas as a result of taking part in the ELOS project? Have you improved your language level?
Not at all To some extent Quite a lot A lot
0 6 2 2
0% 60% 20% 20%
Have you improved your knowledge about the European Union, different cultures and problems?
Not at all To some extent Quite a lot A lot
0 3 3 4
0% 30% 30% 40%
Could European issues have more presence in some of the subjects?
Not at all To some extent Quite a lot A lot
0 2 6 2
0% 20% 60% 20%
When asked about the impact on them as individual teachers, all of them agree on having improved their language level as well as their knowledge about Europe. However, they all think that European issues should be more present in some of the subjects.
UNEXPECTED OUTCOMES Were there any positive or negative unexpected outcomes? There aren't any remarkable unexpected outcomes. Everything turned out to be as expected or even better.