ITS cooperativos para el desarrollo urbano: proyecto europeo CIMEC

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653637

CIMEC Cooperative Its for mobility in European cities










Main activities

Key outputs


concept CIMEC is a city-focused project which will explore the role cooperative ITS systems (C-ITS) can play to support city authorities in managing their transport networks and the delivery of other transport-linked services. It will reach out to key stakeholder groups (both public and private) to ensure a smooth and cost-effective deployment of C-ITS in cities around Europe. Two years project: June 2015 - May 2017.

Why CIMEC? • Deployment barriers are not technical: CIMEC aims to facilitate the take-up of C-ITS by increasing the alignment of technological solutions with user needs. • Deployment in cities is not keeping pace with the highways: CIMEC focuses specifically on this urban C-ITS context. • Deployment should happen in an open market place: CIMEC will engage with the larger traffic system suppliers and reach out to the small and medium-sized ones, in order to ensure a rich and open market place for C-ITS. • Deployment should be simple and integration automatic: CIMEC will drive the development and adoption of effective technical, operational and commercial standards.

Objectives • Develop an understanding of the challenges, enablers and barriers, and strategies for use of C-ITS solutions in European cities. • Bridge the gap between C-ITS development and deployment through cityfocused discussion on the most relevant applications of C-ITS technology. • Define city specific processes and interfaces for easier, more manageable and more standardized C-ITS deployment. • Identify how emerging standards for C-ITS will affect, and should respond to, the systems and processes in the urban environment. • Document practical system architectures and workflow of C-ITS support systems. • Raise awareness and understanding of C-ITS by promoting multi-sector stakeholder dialogue and collaboration.

Main activities • Local dialogue to establish city needs and requirements: workshops with key officers from the local authority and other local agencies to define city needs for C-ITS Jan – March 2016 • Engagement with suppliers and other c-its stakeholders: overview of commercial entities active in the C-ITS domain. Workshops to promote discussion among the city authorities, suppliers and other stakeholders (eg, vehicle manufacturers) Ongoing • Roadmap for the deployment of C-ITS: goals and constraints of cities and product emergence and commercial expectations of suppliers • Wider engagement • Four national/regional dissemination workshop. • An international City Pool to enable wider group of cities active/interested in C-ITS to follow and provide input. 1st meeting scheduled 1/12/15, Brussels • Synergies with other similar initiatives (e.g. H2020 project CODECS) joint City Pool

Key outputs •

City requirements for C-ITS, the main barriers and how these can be overcome.

A set of realistic use cases for C-ITS in cities, together with outline business cases.

Overview of anticipated market developments of C-ITS.

Recommended amendments to city ITS systems to facilitate C-ITS extensions.

A roadmap for city deployment of CITS which has been validated against user needs and technology maturity, captured in meaningful project descriptions.

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Implementation CIMEC Work package structure Click icon to add chart

• WP1 concentrates on the cities' situation • WP2 explores C-ITS solutions • WP3 draws up a roadmap to implementation for relevant C-ITS solutions in the cities. • WP4 includes a pool of follower cities: CIMEC City pool will provide •

input to WP1 and WP2

review forum for WP3 roadmaps

results from WP1 to WP3 will be disseminated through WP4.

• WP5: project management activities.

Our partners

Thank you! Nerea Rojas 10

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