Paams 2012 udvalencia

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Computing Real-Time Dynamic Origin/Destination Matrices from Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Messages Using a Multi-Agent System Rafael Tornero, Javier Mart´ınez, and Joaqu´ın Castell´o

Abstract. Dynamic Origin/Destination matrices are one of the most important parameters for efficient and effective transportation system management. These matrices describe the vehicle flow between different points within a region of interest for a given period of time. Usually, dynamic O/D matrices are estimated from traffic counts provided by induction loop detectors, home interview and/or license plate surveys. Unfortunately, estimation methods take O/D flows as time invariant for a certain number of intervals of time, which cannot be suitable for some traffic applications. However, the advent of information and communication technologies (e.g., vehicle-to-infrastructure dedicated short range communications –V2I) to the transportation system domain has opened new data sources for computing O/D matrices. Taking the advantages of this technology, we propose in this paper a multi-agent system that computes the instantaneous O/D matrix of any road network equipped with V2I technology for every time period and any day in real-time. The implementation was carried out using JADE platform.

1 Introduction Origin to destination (O/D) matrices are a vital artefact for effective and efficient transportation system safety, operation, design and planning. O/D matrices represent the network user’s demands given some network traffic conditions. They contain information about the spatial and temporal distribution of activities between different traffic zones in a determined study area. From a logistic standpoint, long-term average O/D trip demands are needed for transportation design and planning purposes (e.g., future network expansion or urban planning). On the other hand, short-term Rafael Tornero · Javier Mart´ınez · Joaqu´ın Castell´o Robotics and Information and Communication Technology Institute, Universitat de Val`encia, Catedr´atico Jos´e Beltr´an 2, 46980 Paterna, Spain e-mail: {rafael.tornero,javier.martinez-plume}, {joaquin.castello} J.B. P´erez et al. (Eds.): Highlights on PAAMS, AISC 156, pp. 147–154. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012


R. Tornero, J. Mart´Ĺnez, and J. Castell´o

time-varying O/D demands are important inputs to intelligent transportation systems (ITS) such as advanced traffic information systems (ATIS) and advanced travel management systems (ATMS). For instance, with the information contained in timevarying O/D matrices, it is possible to forecast future traffic conditions and predict congestion so that appropriate control actions (e.g., ramp metering, re-routing) can be determined and effective traffic information can be provided to drivers; thus contribute to improve the safety of the transportation system [11]. O/D trip demands are traditionally obtained from home-interview surveys and/or license plate surveys, which are highly expensive and time consuming. Another economical source of information to infer network O/D demands is automatically recording the traffic counts from induction loop distributed on some links of the road network. Since link traffic counts are measurements of various O/D flows using these links, the information contained in the measured link traffic counts can be used to estimate the unknown O/D demands. The combinination of different sources of information to determine time-dependent O/D demands has been investigated by several authors [16, 11, 15]. Furthermore, the advent of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in the transportation system domain offers new data sources for obtaining short-term time-varying O/D demands [12, 14, 7]. These estimation approaches are classified into two classes: dynamic traffic assignment (DTA)-based approaches [16, 11, 14, 7, 12] and non-DTA-based approaches [15]. In [13], Kattan and Abdulhai formulates the dynamic estimation problem for both families in general terms. The main problem of these methods is the assumption that O/D matrices are constant during some sub-sets of intervals in the period of study, which can be adequate for some traffic applications but not for others, as for instance re-routing. In addition, several important innovations are coming up in the next years; such as the use of new ubiquitous and integral artificial vision based applications or the development of new technologies, allowing direct communication from vehicles to infrastructure (V2I) and among vehicles (V2V) as well [1]. The goal of V2I and V2V integration is to provide a communication link between vehicles on the road (via On-Board Units, OBU) and between vehicles and the roadside infrastructure (via Roadside Units, RSU), in order to increase the safety, efficiency and convenience of the transportation system. These new innovations will generate such a huge amount of data that they will call for distributed processing and storing. For example, let us assume a set of RSUs set up with V2I technology and situated every 500 meters in a 100-kilometres two-way road network with two-lanes in each direction. It results on 200 RSUs. Let us also assume that 1500 vehicles per hour and per lane drive on the network, which results on a total flow of 6000 vehicles per hour. This scenario implies that there are approximately 1.2 millions messages to be processed and/or stored per hour. Multi-Agent systems have been proposed to solve distributed problems in an extensive number of application domains [10]. In the traffic context, these systems have been applied for solving vehicle routing problems [17, 6] and urban traffic regulation problems [5, 9], among others. In this paper, we aim at obtaining the dynamic O/D matrix of any road network provided with V2I equipment. To achieve this goal, we propose a multi-agent

Computing Real-Time Dynamic O/D Matrices Using a MAS


Fig. 1 A theoretical road network

Table 1 Distances (in meters) between road side units From I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 D1 D1 D2 D2 D3 D4 D4 D5 D6 D7 To D1 D1 D4 D6 D7 D2 O1 D3 O2 D4 D5 O3 D6 D7 O4 Distance 500 50 50 50 50 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500

system composed of two types of cooperating agents. In the system, agents cooperate hierarchically to compute the instantaneous matrix in a distributed and real-time way for any time period and day. We validate our implementation by means of the SUMO simulator, which is based on a microscopic traffic model simulation and modified for supporting V2I communication technology [8]. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 defines the problem of obtaining dynamic O/D matrices. Section 3 describes the multi-agent system implemented to solve the problem. Section 4 shows the results of the evaluation and the discussion. Finally, Section 5 presents the conclusions and put forward the future work.

2 Problem Definition In this section we define the problem of obtaining the dynamic O/D matrix among a set of different traffic zones on any road network equipped with V2I technology. We focus on the real-time or on-line computation problem, since the on-line or real-time problem involves the O/D computation with regard to real-time traffic management systems. Network of Study We compute the dynamic O/D matrix for the road network in Figure 1. This network represents a segment of a theoretical freeway that is composed of 5 entry points and 4 exit points. Table 1 shows the distance between consecutive RSUs. RSU detectors are grouped into three groups: input, exit and intermediate detectors, which are referred to as I, O and D, respectively in Figure 1. The mainline and the on/off ramps consist of three and one lanes, respectively. The vehicles flow from left to right in an one-way unique direction. Problem Formulation Time-dependent O/D matrices are obtained by using the data provided by all of the vehicles along a given period divided in a set of intervals of interest. Then an O/D


R. Tornero, J. Mart´ınez, and J. Castell´o

matrix is obtained for each interval. To state the problem formally, the following variables are defined: qi (k) gi, j (k) bi, j (k)

number of vehicles entering the network of study using entry Ii during time interval k number of vehicles entering the network of study using entry Ii during time interval k that are destined to output O j proportion of vehicles entering on entry Ii during time interval k that are destined to O j

The cells of an O/D matrix can be specified directly as gi, j (k) or bi, j (k) among others. In this work, we focus on proportions; thus, each cell of the O/D proportion matrix is calculated according to equation 1 bi, j (k) = gi, j (k)/qi (k)


3 Multi-agent System Next, we present a hierarchic cooperative multi-agent system solution for solving the distributed problem of obtaining dynamic O/D trip demands for any road network equipped with V2I technology. Figure 2 shows a diagram of the solution. As observed in Figure 2, our solution is composed of three types of agents mainly, namely RSUAgent, ODMatrixAgent and BrokerAgent. RSUAgents are always ubicated at RSU devices. The agents of this type communicate with agents of the ODMatrixAgent type by means of the request protocol. The cardinality of the relationship is one-to-many, i.e., each RSUAgent only communicates with one agent of the ODMatrixAgent type. The unique goal of RSUAgents is to send the V2I messages received at RSUs to the agent they communicate with. Every V2I message exchanged between two agents is composed of a vehicle identification tag (which is unique for every vehicle) and the timestamp in which the vehicle went through the RSU device. ODMatrixAgents are usually ubicated at near road equipment distinct of the RSU devices. The main goal of these agents is to compute the partial dynamic O/D matrix. For that purpose, they receive V2I messages from RSUAgents or other ODMatrixAgents, depending on the level of the hierarchy the agent belongs to. With the data received, these agents fill a data journey structure (a hash table that maps vehicle identification tags with the RSUs the vehicle has gone through) that contains the partial journey carried out by each vehicle so far. This structure is used to update qi (k), gi, j (k) and bi, j (k) appropriately. BrokerAgent. There only exists one agent of this type in the system. This agent is just in charge of getting the distributed partial dynamic O/D matrix that each ODMatrixAgent owns. It can act as a wrapper for storing the O/D matrix in a database or as a broker for an ITS system that requires this matrix as an input to carry out its normal operation.

Computing Real-Time Dynamic O/D Matrices Using a MAS


Fig. 2 General agent hierarchy for O/D matrix computation

Description of Agent Behaviour RSUAgent: In order to convert the raw data received at RSU devices into valuable information (O/D flow or proportion), this type of agent request the corresponding ODMatrixAgent agent to compute the O/D matrix every minute (which is the common time in which traffic events are communicated in current ITS systems). For that purpose, the RSUAgent agent also sends the new data that the RSU device attached to the agent has received from the vehicles that went through that RSU between two consecutive requests. ODMatrixAgent: When this type of agent receives the request for computing the O/D matrix, it first try to complete the path for some of the vehicles stored in the agent data journey structure using the V2I messages received with the request. Then, the agent updates qi (k) when it finds V2I messages received from an input RSU. The agent also updates gi, j (k) and bi, j (k) when it finds an ended journey (i.e., journeys initiated by a vehicle at input RSU i and ended at output RSU j). Once the journey for a vehicle has been processed (i.e., gi, j (k) and bi, j (k) have been updated for that journey), it is removed from the data journey structure of the agent. For the rest of journeys, a negotiation procedure is initiated for determining those journeys that cannot be processed at the level of the hierarchy this agent belongs to and, thus, has to be processed on upper levels, by means of other ODMAtrixAgent agents. The data corresponding to those journeys are packed in a message that is sent with the request for computing the O/D matrix to the corresponding ODMAtrixAgent agent.

4 Results In order to validate the multi-agent system proposed, we have developed a prototype using the Java Agent DEvelopment Framework (JADE). JADE provides a middleware which enables the developing and executing a peer-to-peer application based on agent paradigm [2].


R. Tornero, J. Mart´ınez, and J. Castell´o

Fig. 3 Agent hierarchy for the theoretical road network

Figure 3 shows the agent hierarchy for the road network under study. As shown, there are 16 RSUAgents (one agent for each RSU device) and three ODMatrixAgents. These agents are organized into two logical segments. Both segments consist of 8 RSUAgents and 1 ODMatrixAgent. In this way, the two ODMatrixAgents compute the partial dynamic O/D matrix for each segment; meanwhile, the root ODMatrixAgent computes the O/D flows for the journeys initiated on one segment and ended on the other one. The agents communicate one time per minute. SUMO simulator [8] has been used to simulate the road network under study. This simulator has been modified attaching an embedded database to each RSU so as to emulate the real behaviour of V2I technology. Each V2I message only consists of a vehicle identification but, when the message is stored in the database, a timestamp is also added. This allow us to sort these messages and recover the path that each vehicle followed on the road. We have verified and validated the system creating uncongested and congested traffic scenarios. Both scenarios consist of different O/D flows depending on the time of the day, generating more traffic in rush hours. We have verified and validated the system creating uncongested and congested traffic scenarios with SUMO simulator. Both scenarios consist of different O/D flows depending on the time of the day, generating more traffic in rush hours. However, due to space limitations, we only show here the results for the congested traffic scenario. Nevertheless, the results obtained for uncongested traffic conditions are similar to the ones presented here. Figure 4(a) shows the O/D proportions obtained by SUMO for pairs I1 − O1 , I1 − O2 and I3 − O3 . Concretely, this figure shows on the X-axis some intervals of 1 hour and on the Y-axis the proportions of vehicles that initiate the journey at I1 and end the journey at O1 or O2 in each interval. Also, the figure shows the proportions of vehicles that initiate a journey at I3 and end the journey at O3 . Figures 4(b) and 4(c) show the O/D matrix obtained by the multi-agent system implementation for the intervals 8-9 and 11-12, respectively. These figures show on the X-axis the origin of the journeys, on the Z-axis the destination of the journeys and on the Y-axis the proportions of vehicles that initiate the journey at origin Ii and end the journey at O j . As it can be seen in these figures, the OD patterns for pairs I1 − O1 , I1 − O2 and I3 − O3 in interval 8-9 are 12%, 19% and 60%, respectively. Looking at the interval 11-12, the OD patterns for the same pairs I1 − O1 , I1 − O2 and I3 − O3 are 7%, 43% and 75%, respectively. Therefore, these figures show us that the multi-agent system is able to obtain the dynamic O/D matrix exactly and in real-time.

Computing Real-Time Dynamic O/D Matrices Using a MAS




(c) Fig. 4 (a) O/D flows for pairs I1 − O1 , I1 − O2 and I3 − O3 (b) instantaneous O/D matrix for interval 8-9 and (c) instantaneous O/D matrix for interval 11-12

5 Conclusions and Future Work In this paper we have proposed a multi-agent system for obtaining dynamic O/D matrices on any road network equipped with V2I technology. Also, we have shown that when 100% of vehicles are equipped with the adequate technology, the proposed method obtains the exact dynamic O/D matrix for any time period and any day. As future work, we want to extend the results presented in this paper. Specifically, we are planning to study the penetration rate, transmission errors and RSU/OBU failures with the accuracy of the O/D matrices obtained. We will also present the extension of the multi-agent system so as to obtain the dynamic O/D matrix of a general network of roads, where journeys can be initiated and ended on different roads. Acknowledgements. This work is part of the INTELVIA project, which is supported by the AVANZA I+D program of the Spanish MITYC, under grant TSI-020302-2009-90.

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R. Tornero, J. Mart´ınez, and J. Castell´o

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