Space Jam - Scientific Thinking Magazine.

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WE BELIEVE in fascinating the world with the ever so EXPANDING UNIVERSE.


MISSION STATEMENT We at Space Jam believe in curiosity and imagination. We are a publication that touches on the minds of those who believed that there is more to the unknown in the universe. We believe that everything is a pattern related to a bigger picture that envelops us all. We delve into the questions that the greats have asked, and answered, and we travel with them to the realms that we have never known. We believe that to gain more knowledge, we must be able to think strategically and. We state theories that have empirical evidence.


PLANETARY BODIES THE SUN It is a huge ball of hydrogen, helium and other gases. It is so big that it can contain a million Earths within it. The heat and light that travels 92.96 million miles to reach Earth is necessary to for the survival of any creature. The Sun has influence on 1.5 light years away.

MERCURY Mercury is named after the Roman Messenger of the gods. It is the closest planet to the Sun. It is about a twentieth of the mass of our Earth. A year in Mercury is only 88 days. Mercury can reach the temperatures of 450oC during the day and drop below 150-oC at night.


5 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT MERCURY: 1. Humans have known Mercury for a lot of years to the point where it dates back to ancient Greeks and Romans. 2. A year in mercury is just 88 days in Mercury that is because it is closer to the sun. 3. Being so close to the Sun, the daytime temperature on Mercury is scorching - reaching over 400 Degrees Celsius. At night however, without an atmosphere to hold the heat in, the temperatures plummet, dropping to 180- Degrees Celsius. 4. Although Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, it is the second hottest planet in the universe after Venus. That is because Venus has gases that absorb the sun heat making Mercury the second hottest planet. 5. The surface of Mercury is very similar to our moon. It has a very barren, rocky surface covered with many craters.


VENUS Named after the Roman goddess of beauty. Closest planet to the Earth. Venus is almost exactly the same size as planet Earth. Most of Venus’ core is frozen solid. Most probes that landed on Venus barely survived for no more than 2 hours and melted down due to the large amounts and intense heat on Venus.

EARTH It is the home of humans. A blue, white and green planet with active on going geology. By far the only planet that is proven to sustain life. The moon (Luna) is its planetary partner and has a major influence on Earth throughout history.


MARS Named after the Roman god of war. It is also known as the “Red Planet.� Mars is considered smaller than the Earth. Mars was once like Earth filled with water but it lost its magnetic fields and was pounded by solar winds until most of what was an atmosphere was stripped away. It is the most likely planet to be colonized in the next 20 to 30 years.

JUPITER Named after the Roman supreme god. Jupiter is surrounded by a large system of moons consisting of 63 moons and 4 of them are planet sized. Jupiter has no solid surface. It is mostly composed of pure hydrogen. At the center lies a small core.


SATURN Named after the Roman god of agriculture. Like Jupiter, Saturn is dominated by hydrogen and has a strong magnetic field. Saturn rings are either made of remnants of destroyed moons or leftover nebular material from which Saturn is formed. Saturn has 47 known moons some of which are planet sized.

URANUS Uranus was first called Georgium Sidu meaning George’s star. Uranus contains mostly hydrogen, helium and methane. Its axis rotation is tilted 98 degrees. Its magnetic field does not pass through the core.


NEPTUNE First planet to be discovered by a mathematician. It›s a planet of aggressive 4000kph winds. It is also a gas giant like Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn.

ASTEROID BELT Patrolling the boundary between the inner and outer solar system are at least 200 million asteroids in which is called the asteroid belt. Due to Jupiter’s far reaching gravity preventing it, the asteroid belt is a result of a planet that would have formed.





PLUTO A planet or Disney’s favorite dog? Pluto has been a hot topic for many years, as it was once considered to be a planet of the solar system, and no longer is. It was discovered as a planet in 1930, and described as the smallest planet of the solar system, and the farthest from the sun (Dunbar, 2).. However, astronomers were unclear concerning Pluto’s definition as a planet due to its small mass, until it’s moon was discovered. Nevertheless, in 2003, an astronomer found another object after Pluto, which was named Eris and seemed to be larger than Pluto, yet consists of the same materials. This discovery led astronomers to discuss the definition of a planet, and whether Pluto should fit under this definition. Officially, a planet is a celestial body that orbits elliptically around a star (NASA). Moreover, Pluto is no longer considered a planet anymore due to its size and location. Pluto is so small that it cannot clear objects out of its path. It›s 2300 kilometers wide which is about half the width of the United States (NASA). Additionally, Pluto is also unique since its orbit is not circular like the other 8 planets, but is oval shaped. Also, the sun does not lie in the center of Pluto’s orbit, which is also tilted. Such descriptions of Pluto allowed astronomers to deduce that this celestial body is not a planet, but a dwarf planet. A dwarf planet is “a celestial body resembling a small planet but lacking certain technical criteria that are required for it to be classed as such.” (Dunbar, 1).


THEORIES OF T THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY In 1905, Albert Einstein determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and that the speed of light in a vacuum was independent of the motion of all observers. This was the theory of special relativity. It introduced a new framework for all of physics and proposed new concepts of space and time. Einstein then spent 10 years trying to include acceleration in the theory and published his theory of general relativity in 1915. In it, he determined that massive objects cause a distortion in space-time, which is felt as gravity.

Nothing is ever at absolute rest or absolute motion. Things move relative to each other. The earth, sun, and galaxies are constantly at motion. Einstein devised that time is not fixed for each observer. Time is relative. Speed of light is fixed for each observer. Space and time are not separate entities but they work as one. This is what is called SPACETIME.


THE UNIVERSE According to Einstein, is time travel possible? When objects travel at the speed of light that is when we can go back in time. However when objects to try to travel at the speed of light they grow in mass and not speed. It would take infinite amounts of energy to do this.

How Einstein challenged gravitiy. Einstein didn’t believe that there was a gravitational pull, he believed that the space around the earth is warped and therefore causes pushing force towards the earth. He thought of this when he imagined a person falling from a building and said that the person would be weightless, and the thing pushing him towards the earth was the warped space. He believed the same with the sun and other planetary bodies: The sun has a warped space around it that pushes the earth to orbit around in circular motion.


DIMENSIONS OF THE UNIVERSE Space is where there are multiple dimensions and they can all be studied. We know what 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional objects look like, but what we do not know is that the number of dimensions could be infinite!

Everything starts with a dot 1D object

4D object

2D object

3D object

6D object


Scientists use the figures of dimensions just as a tool to understand the depth of the universe. In real life, if 3D objects are considered as humans or any tangible shape, then 4D is considered as the spacetime continuum. The most common use of 4 dimensional space in physics is describing the position of events in spacetime (something that happens at some point in space and time), where the fourth direction you can go is no longer a length, but a distance in time. Physicists, when doing calculations involving spacetime, treat time like another direction we can travel in like when we move in space.

The 4th dimension adds a way for the 3rd dimension to change. In this sense, we use the 3rd dimension to look at the change that happens in the 2 dimensional world, and we use the 4th dimension (spacetime continuum) to look and the change that happens in our 3 dimensional world.

The most interesting this about this topic is that it can go as far as your imagination can take you. It can literally mean “thinking outside of the box� As Einstein once said




The Big Bang Theory is the theory existence of the universe. Accord “burst” into existence 1



that explains the beginning of the ding to this theory the universe 13.7 billion years ago.


COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT THE BIG BANG: Most people believe that the Big Bang was an explosion, however this is false: it was (and still is) actually an expansion of the universe. Another misconception is that there was an existing fireball in space, however this false because it is believed that space did not exist. According to the calculations of experts in the field such as Stephen Hawking, George Ellis and Roger Penrose is that “Time and space had a finite beginning that corresponded to the origin of matter and energy” However, scientists still cannot discover where how it all began and what this expansion resulted from.

EVIDENCE FOR THIS THEORY: It is reasonable to believe that the universe had a beginning. The Hubble Law that states that the galaxies appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance. “if the universe was initially very, very hot as the Big Bang suggests, we should be able to find some remnant of this heat. In 1965, Radioastronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a 2.725 degree Kelvin (-454.765 degree Fahrenheit, -270.425 degree Celsius) Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) which pervades the observable universe. This is thought to be the remnant which scientists were looking for. Penzias and Wilson shared in the 1978 Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery.” The light elements of Hydrogen and Helium are believed to support the Big Bang model of origins.



ASTRO WHAT IS ASTROLOGY? It falls more in the category of metaphysics, the study of that which is beyond the physical. It›s similar to other fields that are founded on ancient theories of energy patterns, like Feng Shui, acupuncture and yoga. Astrology at high levels is a mastery of its particular science and the intuitive arts. As the earliest known ordering of existence, long before recorded history, it›s been called the “Mother of all Sciences.”

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OLOGY THE HISTORY OF CONSTELLATIONS Astrology was invented 2000 years ago and the precession of the Earth’s pole has caused changes in the positions of the stars since then. Stars move across the sky on a regular schedule, much like the sun. At various times of year, different constellations appear at sunset. The rising constellations rotate based on the Earth’s path through space, and so can be used to mark the seasons in regions when moderate weather may not convey the change between winter and spring. However, the path the Sun follows is called the ecliptic. The ecliptic plane is the plane defined by the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. All of the planets except Pluto orbit very near the ecliptic plane, so you will usually find all of them in zodiacal constellations. Over the course of a year, the sun appears to be in front of, or “in”, different constellations. One month, the sun appears in Gemini; the next month, in Cancer. The dates listed in the newspaper’s horoscope identify when the sun appears in a particular astrological sign. For example, March 21 through April 19 are set aside for the sign Aries. But your astrological sign doesn’t necessarily tell you what constellation the sun was in on the day you were born.


Here’s a video that will teach you a little bit more about constellations:

CLICK HERE! ASTROLOGY AND PSEUDOSCIENCE: Pseudoscience is a claim, belief, or a practice which is presented as scientific, but does not adhere to valid scientific method. Astrologers vehemently deny that it is a pseudoscience and steadfastly resist any attempts to tamper with the veracity of astrology. They that astrology is based on statistics and may not, therefore, be accurate for an individual. However, Scientific disciplines based on hypothesis but with no consistent body of supporting evidence are called pseudoscience. Unfortunately, people put their trust on the predictions and advices offered by the astrologers without demanding proof or verification instead, their blind faith on the prophecies shows a lack of understanding of what science is and of the distinction between scientific theory and faith-based convictions. Astrologers divided up the year equally, ignoring variations in the size of the constellations. Pseudoscience misrepresents real scientific discovery and contributes to anti-intellectual attitudes. Scientists have made serious attempts to test this hypothesis, but no correlation has ever been found.

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This is why scientists consider astrology as a pseudoscience: 1. It has exaggerated claims. 2. Overreliance on anecdotes. 3. Vague. 4. Lack self correction. 5.Meaningless. 6. No real evidence behind it.


ELEMENTS All of the signs have the quality of called the triplicities because


(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

1. the fire spreading, are the first to set out into the unknown and take initiative with adventurous enthusiasm. 2. Fire is not a physical thing, it is quite mystical and fire astrology sign people apprehend the world through their intuition, they trust their gut instinct (or they should anyway) because it rarely ever leads them wrong. 3. Fire people have a strong sense of self just like fire which has no regard over anything in it›s path, fire people are quite self centered but they are moving so fast that they never get stuck on themselves, the fire needs to spread and explore. 4. Fire astrology signs can ignite easily too, they are very temperamental however if managed properly, they can be very beneficial. 5. In fact, fire signs must be managed and under control in order to be of benefit. 6. Fire can do good, like cooking food to eat and keeping us warm or it can do great harm, like burning a housedown.



one of the four elements. These are they are a group of three signs


(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

1. .Earth people are solid and stable and composed of many different parts, they are multi faceted people, like the many mineral compounds that make the earth. 2. Earth people are not fond of change, they like stability and regular life that can grow upon and develop. 3. Why start something new if what is already there is fine? Earth people are the most materialistic and possessive of all astrology zodiac elements. 4. Earth people are also concerned with what›s on the surface and never really dig deep to get to the bottom of it, they are happy with what›s on the surface.



(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

1. Since water is found in everything everywhere, water sign people have a knack for dealing with others, they can see into other people, they understand the motives and needs of other people and to sum it all up, they are borderline psychic and the most in-tune with others. 2. Water signs are the most emotional of all signs, they flow down deep and search out crevasses and cracks to explore, symbolic of the unknown emotions of the human psyche. 3. Water signs represent the intuition and emotional aspects because it flows and it›s liquid or it could be solid like ice, it can evaporate into air and turn into clouds. 4. Not only is water is essential to life and covers the whole globe, but water makes up the largest percentage of all living things. 5. Water that is contained is easy to deal with, like swimming pool, water that is un-contained and out of control can do great damage, like a flood.



(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).

1. Air people are free and cannot be contained or this same thing will happen to them. 2. They are very mental oriented people having a knack for intelligence but also lacking emotional depth. 3. Air is the element that you cannot touch or see, but it can be mysteriously contained, like blowing up a balloon. 4. Air is uncertain and unpredictable, it can spawn a horrendous thunderstorm with violent winds and the pressure drops and raises by the minute. 5. Air people are said to be out of touch with reality, but they are also very advanced in thinking. 6. They are caught up in their thoughts which take them high to new levels where no other element can reach, like the upper atmosphere. 7. Air sign people are elusive in this way, they are unpredictable and eccentric.






References: <> «WHY PLUTO IS NO LONGER A PLANET.» Universe Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2016. <>. factatrology.htm LearningAstrology/triplicities.htm


Zeina Moustafa Monica Qaldas John Ayad

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