The Effect of Online Game Addiction and Learning Concentration on Social Science Students' Learning

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ISSN: 2581-8651 Vol-4, Issue-5, Sep-Oct 2022 Peer-Reviewed Journal

Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)

The Effect of Online Game Addiction and Learning Concentration on Social Science Students' Learning Outcomes in Eight Grage of Private Junior High School Kartika 1-4 Pematang Siantar Devi Irene M Rumapea1, Susy Alestriani Sibagariang2, Benjamin Albert Simamora3 Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematang Siantar, Indonesia Received: 21 Sep 2022; Received in revised form: 15 Oct 2022; Accepted: 21 Oct 2022 ©2022 The Author(s). Published by TheShillonga. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of online game addiction and learning concentration on social studies learning outcomes at Kartika 1-4 Private Junior High School Pematang Siantar. The research method used ex post facto. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Respondents were 86 students. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression. The results showed: 1) in the calculation of online games students of Kartika 1-4 Private Junior High School Pematang Siantar obtained a significant level of 0.241 > 0.05 and Fcount (1,394) > Ftable (3.11) so Ho was accepted, thus there was no significant effect between the games. on the learning outcomes of eighth grade students of Kartika 1-4 Private Junior High School Pematang Siantar. 2) In calculating the learning concentration of Kartika Private Junior High School students 1-4 Pematang Siantar, the significance level was 0.027 < 0.05 and Fcount (5.010) > Ftable (3.11). So, Ho is rejected, thus the effect that occurs is significant between learning concentration on learning outcomes. 3) In calculating online game addiction and learning concentration of Kartika Private Junior High School students 1-4 Pematang Siantar, the significance level was 0.021 < 0.05 and Fcount (4.034) > Ftable (3.11). Thus, there is a significant effect between online game addiction and learning concentration on learning outcomes Keywords— Online game addiction; learning concentration; learning outcomes. I.


In this modern era online games are no stranger to teenagers. Over the past decade, online games have mushroomed everywhere. As a result, there are many in the environment that offer affordable prices to teenagers. Online games are usually dominated by students, be it elementary, junior high, high school, and college students, even adults. Addiction to online games will damage academically and socially, online games also have a significant impact on mental development, especially for students. Although in playing online games we can interact with other players, online games often make players forget their real life. According to Yee in Rahmi Kurniawati (2019:67) "Online game addiction is a continuous unhealthy behavior that is difficult for the individual concerned to end."

Concentration of learning is an action that focuses on the mind, attention, and awareness of students to learn and understand subjects and the educational process by blocking or ruling out anything that is not related to learning activities. According to David in Diana Aprilia, et al (2014:2) "learning concentration is the concentration of attention in the process of changing behavior which is expressed in the form of mastery, the use of assessment of attitudes and values, basic knowledge and skills contained in various fields of study." In the social studies learning process, students with high learning intensity will certainly be very interested in understanding a problem. The effect is that students can absorb, understand a problem. The effect is that students can absorb, understand and process all information comprehensively and thoroughly and process

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well all information that affects student learning outcomes while studying. During the learning process the core activities, which most students can concentrate on learning, students can only concentrate for the first few minutes. This is shown when the teacher gives an example to students and then asks students to show the difference between each material being taught. Education is a very important part for the government to realize national ideals. Education begins with a learning process in which there is interaction between students and the environment. The learning process is considered successful if the learning objectives can be achieved. The achievement of learning objectives depends on the student's learning process. Every student expects good learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are students' ability to know one's learning progress. In measuring progress, we need measures that relate to goals that show how much teaching and learning strategies can affect academics. According to Sudjana in Dina Astuti, et al (2018:104) "Learning outcomes are abilities that are possessed after students receive their learning experience." The learning process in schools is the process of transforming knowledge from communication in creating an effective learning process for teaching, guiding students to master certain competencies. These competencies help teachers to educate and guide their students. The success of learning with learning goes hand in hand. Because learning is a process, it cannot be separated from one another. Learning success is the result of the learning process. Playing online games can disrupt the teaching and learning process. This is because students tend to be less focused on their lessons, which causes students' learning time to be reduced, learning enthusiasm is reduced, and student learning outcomes are not good. Then concentrate on learning, when the teaching and learning process takes place, students are less attentive to the teacher who is explaining the lesson in front of the class, there are some participants who are also busy with their own activities, some are whispering with their friends next to them, and some are people whose gazes listen intently to what the teacher is saying, but they don't concentrate on the lesson the teacher is explaining.

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The Addiction to online games Online game addiction is an addiction caused by games that use the help of internet technology to access online games. According to Yuwanto & Listyo in Merita Ayu Lestari (2018:23) "Online game addiction is a form of addiction caused by internet technology, better known as internet addictive disorder." According to Yee in Andri Arif Kustiawan & Widgita Bayu Utomo (2022:16) "Online game addiction in general is the behavior of someone who wants to continue playing online games that spend a lot of time and it is possible that the individual concerned is unable to control or control it." According to Gentile in Ni Putu Arika Pande and Adijanti Marheni (2015:165) "Children who are addicted to online games tend to experience decreased achievement at school, increased aggressive behavior, and social problems such as withdrawal from social interactions in the real world due to the length of time spent by playing online games.” Factors that influence online game addiction according to Immanuel in Andri Arif Kustiawan & Widhiya Bayu Utomo (2022:25) are internal factors which 1. 2. 3.

a strong desire from teenagers to get high scores in online games the boredom that teenagers feel when they are at home or at school lack of self-control that causes negative impacts arising from online games

Which external factor 1. 2.

Uncontrolled environment Lack of good social competence

The Concentration of Study According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) concentration is the concentration of attention or thoughts on one thing. According to Sumarto in Nur Hasanah (2014:8) "Learning concentration is a behavior and focus of students' attention to be able to pay attention in every learning, and be able to understand every subject matter given." According to Slameto in Ruslina Isnawati (2020:79) "To something by conveying all other things that are not related where in learning, concentration means focusing the mind on the subject by conveying all things that are not related to the lesson." The Concentration is a psychological aspect that requires focusing the mind and focusing attention on a particular object. Concentration in the learning process is very important for teachers in presenting material that needs to be seen, heard and paid attention to seriously, then can ask questions if needed, and be better able to understand the aims and objectives to be conveyed.

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Factors that influence learning concentration are internal factors and external factors, internal factors are factors that come from within a person, external factors are factors that come from outside a person. The Learning outcomes According to Suprijono in Widodo & Lusi Widayanti (2013:34) "Learning outcomes are patterns of actions, values, understandings, attitudes, appreciation in skills" According to Riska Ayunda Bella Efendi (2021:29) "Learning results are the results achieved by students in the form of numbers or scores after being the results achieved by students in the form of numbers or scores after completing the given test." Therefore, learning outcomes

can be used as a benchmark for developing skills during the learning process. Bloom's Taxonomy Theory about learning outcomes in the research framework is achieved through three domain categories, namely: the cognitive domain, the affective domain, and the psychologic domain. Factors that affect learning outcomes according to Slameto in Nurullita Rizki P (2017: 24-25) are internal factors which include physical, psychological and fatigue then external factors include family, school, and community. Based on the literature review as described, it can be described a conceptual framework

Addiction to online games

Learning Outcomes Concentration of Study



This research uses quantitative research with ex post facto method. Respondents were 86 students of Kartika Private Junior High School 1-4 Pematang Siantar. The independent variable was data collection using a questionnaire and the dependent variable was the data collection using student scores in even semesters. Descriptive statistics to find out how the description of perceptions by respondents regarding online game addiction and learning concentration on student learning outcomes.

ANOVAa Model

Sum of Squares Regression








Mean Square 2




85 IV.


The relationship between online game addiction and learning concentration on learning outcomes. Based on Figure shows that the high intensity of online game addiction obtained by respondents 29 students (33.72%) the remaining 15 students (17.44%), 10 (11.63%) and 3 students (3.49%). The Effect of Online Game Addiction and Learning Concentration on The Students' Students' Learning Results The Effect of online game addiction and learning concentration on social studies learning outcomes for eight grade students at Kartika 1-4 Private Junior High School Pematang Siantar T.A 2021/2022.

F 4.034

Sig. .021b

Table shows that the results of the simultaneous test obtained a sig value (p < 0.05), then the decision that can be taken Ho is rejected or there is a significant influence between online game addiction and learning concentration on social studies learning outcomes for Eight grade students at Kartika 1-4 Private Junior High School Pematang Siantar The results of the test using SPSS Statistics on the effect of online game addiction on learning outcomes obtained FCount (1.394) > Ftable (3.11) with the

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regression equation Y = 85,664 + (-0.072) X1 so that Ho is accepted which means online game addiction has no effect on learning outcomes students eight grade social science. The coefficient of determination is 0.016. The test results using SPSS Statistics on the effect of learning concentration on learning outcomes obtained FCount (5.010) > Ftable (3.11) with the regression equation Y = 71.012 + (0.231) X2 so that Ho is rejected means that learning concentration has an influence on Social Studies learning outcomes for eight grade students. The coefficient of determination is 0.056 The test results using SPSS Statistics on the effect of online game addiction and learning concentration on learning outcomes obtained Fcount (4.034) > Ftable (3.11) with the regression equation Y = 73.048 + -0.103X1 + 0.267 X2 so that Ho is rejected it means online game addiction and concentration learning has an influence on the social studies learning outcomes of eight grade students. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination is 0.089.



The partial value of online game addiction on learning outcomes with the ANOVA table obtained sig 0.241 and Fcount of 1.394. from the following results it means that the significance level is > 0.05 and Fcount (1.394) > Ftable (3.11) with the regression equation Y = 85.664 + (-0.72) X1 so Ho is accepted, thus there is no significant effect of online game addiction on the results students Kartika Private Junior High School Pematang Siantar. The partial value of learning concentration on learning outcomes using the ANOVA table obtained sig < 0.028 and Fcount t of (5.010) > Ftable (3.11), with the regression equation Y = 71.012 + 0.231X2 so Ho is rejected. Thus, there is a significant effect of learning concentration on the learning outcomes of eighth grade students of Kartika Private Junior High School Pematang Siantar. The regression value of online game addiction and learning concentration on learning outcomes using the ANOVA table obtained sig of 0.021 and Fcount of 4.034. From these results it means that the level of sig is 0.021 < 0.05 and Fcount (4.034) > Ftable (3.11). So, Ho is accepted, thus there is no significant effect of online game addiction and learning concentration on the learning outcomes of eighth grades of Kartika Private Junior High School Pematang Siantar.

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