1 minute read


CRAMPSTOP for any kind of cramp is an essential addition to your medicine cupboard.

It’s 100% natural and safe, even during pregnancy.

Make sure you always have some on hand, just one spray for instant relief!

The chances of getting cramp increase over time. The changes that occur in our bodies as we age make us a prime target for muscle cramps. The older you get, the more likely you may begin to get cramp on a regular basis.

One of the reasons for this is dehydration.


We naturally lose water daily through breathing, working in air conditioned rooms and drinking coffee or other sugary drinks which are actually very dehydrating. We also lose water from the more obvious like sweating, urination, vomiting and bowel movements.

The general effects of dehydration are feeling lethargic and run down.

It occurs when our bodies are losing more fluid than we are putting in. You shouldn’t ever ignore any lethargic feelings as being dehydrated can lead to serious health concerns. It’s so important for our bodies and general health to make sure we are drinking enough water regularly.

Common signs of dehydration are:

• muscle cramps

• dry mouth

• headaches

• dry skin

• decreased or dark yellow urine output

• moodiness

• difficulty concentrating

You may also think you are hungry – how often do we gravitate to the biscuit tin for a sugary snack to fill that need? You are more likely to actually be dehydrated in this case, not hungry at all!

Hydration and Muscle Cramp

One of the first things to try if you are getting regular cramp is to up

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