MoniqueToday Magazine Vol. 2

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For the Purposeful Woman

RUTH MUTUMA How l overcame an abusive marriage Beauty

What is beauty?



Restaurateur: Called to serve


Patience Masiyambiri Mandizha





Cover Story



God still speaks



ADVERTISING GROUP ADVERTISING HEAD: B. Musuka PR: V. Nkomo BRAND MANAGER: M. Manatse published by tallsprings imaginarium email:


T h e c o n t i n u a t i o n o f a h e a r t wa rm i n g Judith Isabel Dlamini shines a light on how testimony of how God opened doors for a kindness is next to Godliness. young doctor.


Works Required

The bible is full of women of great faith to draw real inspiration from.



Reservation for two: Jesus and I

Literally, called to serve. How faith guides success for an internationally acclaimed restaurateur.

every woman

Pastor’s Kid

How l overcame an abusive marriage The dedicates of pain

Pastor’s Kid Our monthly foray into a selected PK’s life and challenges.


A touching cautionary recounting by a woman who found courage.





What is beauty?

The journey of a young woman to find the beauty that can only come from within.


Copyright MoniqueToday ©. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the prior permission in writing form from the publisher.


Patience Masiyambiri Mandizha

MoniqueToday finds out what makes this songstress tick.


MoniqueToday Launch

The event was well graced by God’s beautiful people.



Reservation for two: Jesus and I

The content of MoniqueToday magazine (and does not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or publishers and are the views of its contributors and advertisers. The digital edition may include hyperlinks to third-party content, advertising, or websites, provided for the sake of convenience and interest. The editor and publishers accept no legal responsibility for loss arising from information in this publication and do not endorse any advertising or products available from external sources. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the publishers. All rights reserved

Letter from the W Editor. hat an amazing start.

Since launching the MoniqueToday Magazine we have received overwhelmingly support. Just looking at the statistics from, the top five pageviews were from United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, Unites States, Australia and South Africa. This shows a tremendous level of interest in the content. Thank you, Thank you.

It seems that the readers enjoyed the stories of people who confronted their worst fears and found ways to overcome. A big thank you to the ladies who chose not to hide their challenges, but shared t h e m t o l i b e ra t e o t h e rs . Yo u a r e n o t t h e o n l y one in that fix. Someone else may already have s l a u g h t e re d t h a t f e a r. And what about the book? Since the launch, we have seen amazing support from the community. We now have added an established routine of mailing the books to our UK buyers. And proud new owners have been sending us pictures of their deliveries from the USA. The book is available online on and on other online bookstores. Even in Australia.

There is growing demand in South Africa a n d Z i m b a bwe . We w i l l b e s h i p p i n g consignments in the coming days. All this has been happening as we were working on the second edition of the magazine. New, fresh stories of triumph over seemingly impossible odds. This month our theme is “Dedicates of pain�, the story o a woman swept off her feet by the wrong man. As you read the stories, please be inspired to reflect on your own victories. Should you be interested in submitting an article to be featured in MoniqueToday, kindly email It goes without saying that our sponsors Micah & Jesse, Eliona Health Care, Mind After Christ and Interior Decorator Ms T Maplanka, contributed to the success of the launch. Last but not least the MC Mr Z Mashengele, the photographer Mr Anthony Niyi Onikan, friends and family who travelled from far and wide. But the biggest thanks, once again, is to you for support and I hope you enjoy what we have in store for you this month. . Editor Monica Manatse @MoniqueToday_Ed





God still speaks A continuation from the 1st Edition of MoniqueToday

Author: Dr. Stebia Beremauro down. This is however, not guaranteed.

We then re-located to Nottingham and I started specialist training in RadioloA friend of mine was standing with me in gy in August 2015. Two months later, on prayer regarding this, but I did not disclose the 30th of September to be precise, w h e re I wa s o n t h e wa i t i n g l i s t . S h e w e m o v e d i n t o a b r a n d n e w h o u s e ! understood that we needed a miracle…a “water-gushing-from-a-rock” type of Not only am I grateful that God enabled miracle. When I told my then Pastor (James me to jump through a troop as it were; Glass of Glasgow Elim) he gave me Psalm He stopped the purchase of the house in 18:29: “For by you I can run against a troop, Scotland through the bank error, knowing and by my God I can leap over a wall”. It it was the wrong location, since the job was as if he had inside information since he offer would be in Nottingham. In addition, too did not know whereabouts I was on the this error had been identified and resolved waiting list. in time for a new mortgage application such that I did not have to wait 6 months. Meanwhile, prior to all this, I had an inclination to save up for a deposit to buy a My daughter asked what the point of writing house and so I did, frantically for that a testimony that is similar to the one I wrote matter! I also started house hunting. in the 1st edition of MoniqueToday was, which some of you may be wondering too… After having found a suitable property, unfortunately (as it seemed at the time), T h e a n s w e r i s s i m p l e … G o d s t i l l my mortgage application was declined; s p e a k s ! F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e r e are learning points from this:


y the end of 2014 I had settled i n G l a s g ow w h e re I wa s wo r k i n g towards a Master’s degree. I was about to complete my studies and al s o p o n d erin g my n ex t career move.

Following the 2nd unsuccessful attempt, I had given up. I came to the conclusion that this was not meant to be.

In the previous two years, I had applied for specialist training in radiology and on both occasions I had been unsuccessful. Consequently, I considered applying for paediatrics instead, for which I had a couple of interviews lined up. However, m u c h t o m y s u rp r i s e . . . Th e m o r t g a g e I fe l t s t ro n g l y t h a t I s h o u l d re - a p p l y advisor informed me that I would have to for radiology and reluctantly, I did so! wait another six months before I could re-apply. I paid no heed to his advice and Following the 2nd unsuccessful attempt, went on to contact a credit bureau and I had given up. I came to the conclusion my bank to get to the bottom of this. It that this was not meant to be. So when I took about 3-4 weeks to rectify what had felt this strong unction, I explained to God gone wrong with the application. Further that I was willing to re-apply as He was to my surprise, the bank acknowledged the instructing but I did not want the feelings error had been on their part, for which they of disappointment, failure and stagna- voluntarily paid a tiny compensation…Phew! tion all over again. I submitted my application, prepared for and attended interviews It was now May 2015 and jobs would in January 2015. Needless to say, when h a v e b e e n o f f e re d a n d a c c e p t e d b y the results came out, the outcome was M a r c h l a t e s t . Ye t , t h e r e I w a s s t i l l exa c t l y t h e s a m e : “s u c c e s s f u l i n t h e w a i t i n g o n t h e R e d s e a t o p a r t o r a interview, however on the waiting list”. drop of water to come out of the rock. In brief, the way it works; there will be a specific number of jobs nationally, for instance 200 vacancies and these a re a l l o c at e d a c c o rd i n g t o ra n k i n g i n the interviews. Essentially, the top 200 applicants get job offers. If a job is not accepted, then it’s offered to the next applicant on the waiting list and so on. If then there are four or five people ahead of you on the waiting list, you stand a good chance of getting a job, on the basis that a few of those offered the jobs turn them

• I h a ve re i t e ra t e d p a r t o f t h i s ve rs e , Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick…”, to justify when I want to give up. Yet the full verse says “... but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life”. God fulfils our desires. He has given us those desires and He wants to fulfil them. •So don’t give up! Make another attempt. You will remember the disciples having toiled all night but caught nothing. Luke 5:5 “Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” Especially when He says so, incline your ear therefore to His instruction. Dig another well and God will make room for you in which you will be fruitful… Genesis 26:22

•Don’t go ahead of Him… If He has given you an instruction and you are carrying it out, find out the next step. Similarly, if you believe He has called you, into ministry for instance, the next noble step may be to find out what exactly it is he has called you to do. No assumptions! He had said to save up for a house purchase, but He didn’t say to buy now. The timing w a s c r i t i c a l . “ G o d m a k e s eve r y t h i n g It was within the 3 weeks of waiting for the beautiful in its time…” Ecclesiastes 3:11 bank’s investigation that the email came through. I had been offered a job! I had When we were young, my mum would call 48-hours to accept or decline the offer so us (myself and 2 other siblings). We would I went online immediately to accept. It was all answer to the call and go to wherever she only then that I realised, there had been was. She would then assign duties accord104 people ahead of me… Yes, one hundred ingly, for one to go to the butchery; the and four!! I had known prior to this that other to tidy the house while someone else there were about 95-100 people ahead of watered the plants. God has called all of me, which is why I hadn’t disclosed this to us and He sends each of us as He wills MT those who stood with me in prayer, lest they became disheartened or lost faith.



How l overcame an abusive marriage The dedicates of pain Based on extracts taken from the book “A roller coaster marriage”

Author: Ruth Mutuma


hen we are born, there is this hope that life gives us when we come into the world. Hope that we will become what we are destined to be, hope that the right people will come into our lives and leave a lasting footprint, hope that we won’t have to endure more than we are able to handle.

I had been on numerous dates in the past; but there was something about Ray that set my heart alight. There was this undeniable chemistry between us and I think it was safe to say that he stole my heart on that very first day. I was giddy, I couldn’t contain the excitement and I couldn’t wait for our first date.

As girls, we grow up hoping that we will get the job of our dreams, meet and marry our soulmates. We dream of the white picket fence, the big family and a journey of eternal bliss. However, we never fully anticipate who we are going to meet and how they will affect our lives.

The week flew by, which was surprising, especially considering I was eagerly anticipating this date. I even knew exactly what I wanted to wear and I had gone as far as imagining what our date would be like. As a child to two pastors, you can imagine the pressure and the expectations that are placed on you but I was not too worried about this date, in fact, I was a little bit too excited.

My journey has been a roller coaster. I met Mr Wrong when I was a girl but at the time he seemed like Mr Right. He said and did all the right things in the beginning, and yes, he stole my heart. When I look On the day of the date, my parents were out. My mother had gone back now, I am aware of my naivety but, go back 32 years, I was a shopping and my father was out at a fellowship group. woman in love, but to what end? Prior to Ray picking me up, I had a coffee and drifted off into my own For over three decades, I was a woman enslaved, a prisoner at the world. I was so deep in thought I did not hear my father come back mercy of a ruthless bully – and for as long as I can remember, I was in. his punching bag. I was a victim trapped in a loveless marriage but scared to escape. I lived a life of sadness and reached a place of My father was obviously concerned for me, as in this instance, he hopelessness and despair. realised that his little girl was not so little anymore, and as much as he was overprotective, he knew he had to let I met Raymond in March 1980. It was a me live my life. warm and beautiful Sunday afternoon. My cousin and I were waiting to catch a lift to Ray arrived and before coming to my door, I the supermarket in a suburb called Highfield saw him chatting to one of my neighbours. in Zimbabwe. I lived about five miles away I remember feeling a bit anxious minutes in Houghton Park. However, the shopping before he walked up - it finally hit me, I was centre there closed on a Saturday afternoon about to go on my first date with him. and this was the reason, on this particular day that we decided to go to Highfield. I remember how we glanced at each other as he led me to his car. We chatted endlessI recall that my cousin and I were deep in ly about what we had done during the week conversation while we waited for a taxi. I was and it was lovely. I think he sensed that I was nineteen at the time, had left school and, was doing a secretarial nervous as I did not maintain eye contact and kept fidgeting. Despite course. I was looking forward to what the future had iin store. this, he made me feel comfortable. He did most of the talking and I was fascinated by his stories and how he had fought in the war. While we chatted and laughed away at things I can’t even begin to tell you about, we were oblivious to the fact that there was a We had dinner and after that had drinks and went dancing. It was handsome guy and his friends who had stopped a few meters away an amazing date, which was sealed with a kiss. It was official, I was from where we were standing. Suddenly, this car reversed and Ray smitten and I knew I wanted to get to know this man more. rolled down his window, greeted and asked if we needed a lift. He seemed warm, generous even, and that was our very first encounter We dated for seven months and I think at this point I knew I wanted – I remember it as if it were yesterday. to spend the rest of my life with him. He proposed on or around our seventh month – I call it the dessert proposal, as Ray, on that date, His friends were aware that he was besotted with me, and of course ordered my favourite dessert. Unbeknown to me, he had placed an teased him about it. They thought he never stood a chance with me, engagement ring in it. All I remember was eating this strange object I probably thought the same as well. and spitting it out quickly, only to discover it was a ring. In that moment, before I even had a chance to compose myself, Ray was on We chatted on the way to Highfield and moments before we went his knee and asked me to marry him. I accepted.I was engaged and, I our separate ways, Ray asked if we could be friends and whether we couldn’t be happier. could meet again. He was handsome, very charming and he looked like someone I could easily get to know. I was tempted to say yes The wedding preparations came together nicely. Both families were immediately but, as you do, I played it cool and said that we could happy for us and we did not waste time planning the big day but, this potentially meet again. is where everything took a turn for the worse. The sad thing is I did not see it coming.


* Not his real name

He a l s o a c c u s e d m e of talking to one of his groomsmen. I was taken aback and I remember crying in shock


It was after a pre-wedding meeting, when Ray lashed out at me on the way home, slapping me for being late. He also accused me of talking to one of his groomsmen. I was taken aback and I remember crying in shock. Ray quickly apologised and blamed it on the pressure of the wedding. I naively forgave him, not knowing that this was the beginning of a terrible nightmare.

realise that all the warning signs were there from the beginning but I choose to ignore them because I thought I knew better.

It is so easy to think you know what is best for you, to believe that love can conquer all, to be so in love that you are blind to the behaviour of someone who claims to love you. What my experience taught me, is that no one should ever be treated as though they are Two days before the wedding, Ray came to see me, he was drunk. worthless. I had an unsettled feeling. The truth is, all the warning signs were right in front of me; but because I loved him I refused to accept Ray had power over me for a long time, even to the point that my that I was potentially marrying an abuser. He was very manipulative children did not quite understand why I stayed with him. However, and did whatever it took to get his way. His friends had warned me the day I finally stood up and told myself I was not going to stand for that he had a temper. My friends and family also felt that there was it, was the day I found my voice and set myself free. something ominous about our relationship, but I was determined to marry this man and no one was going to stop me. I have now started a charity called Ruth for Women that advocates for abused women and children. This project was borne out of my On our wedding day I had this gnawing and unshakeable fear that own struggle and the last four years have been very rewardsomething just wasn’t right. It was as though my intuition was trying ing. I have seen myself develop and I have become a voice for the to save me from heartbreak but I put it down to wedding jitters. voiceless. It took me over three decades to set myself free. Nonetheless, the man I had fallen in love with had changed, he was like a stranger in my life and it later dawned on me, I had married an I am grateful that God preserved me and has given me the opportuabuser. nity to share my story and help others who are going through similar or worse experiences. As the years went by, I experienced both verbal and physical abuse. Anything I did or did not do enraged him, I felt suffocated. He was Today I stand with my head held up high. Today I am not a victim but manipulative and constantly played mind games, often making me I am a victor. I won a battle that Ray thought he could keep me from feel guilty for things I had not even done. I was walking on eggshells winning. in my own home but I was powerless to leave. In the last two years, I have won numerous awards for the various Deep down I was in hell but I loved him and I thought he would initiatives I have started; including being recognised by the West change. I tried to do the right thing, say the right thing and be how Yorkshire Police for the work I am doing to stop abuse. There is so he wanted me to be. I even gave up work and became a housewife much happening at the moment and there is still more to come and I but, nothing was ever good enough for him. There were times when look forward to sharing my next chapter with you soon. I thought he was going to kill me but l chose to be loyal and true to my vows and remained with him. The truth is, we may think we know someone based on what they say but actions speak louder than words. It is important to recognise Most people would think that being the wife of a successful diplomat how a person treats you, how they react to your beliefs and how far was something out of this world but I was a wife yearning to be they will go to defend and protect you. rescued. I smiled outwardly to keep up appearances but my heart broke a little more each day that I stayed in a marriage that had Loving someone is no guarantee that they will love you the same, or been over for years. treat you the same, but allow your God given intuition to help you to discern the type of man you have in your life because invariably, God Ray left me a broken woman, a woman who had lost her voice and always reveals to redeem. We must be willing to listen to His voice purpose. On occasion when I reflect on my roller coaster marriage, I and take heed to the signs he shows us. MT


Works Required Author: Nomathemba Makhanda

T h e y w o r r y constantly yet say “The Lord will provide” and do nothing but sit and wait for the Lord to provide

What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. James 2: 14 – 17(NIV)


t is so easy for us to say “I am a Christian”, yet we worry constantly about what we will eat, what we will wear, where we will sleep among so many other worries. And for many, they worry constantly yet say “The Lord will provide” and do nothing but sit and wait for the Lord to provide. Many of us cannot fathom that God has already provided; it is up to us to act on our faith. God clearly tells us not to worry and He even gave us examples of real life humans who were at their wits end but renewed faith gave them a life. It is noteworthy that faith on its own did not – and does not - do anything for anyone. Rather, faith requires the addition of a “commitment fee” if you will - action. James 2:18a (NIV) says “Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” It is not enough to say “I am faithful that God will do this or that for me”, rather it is essential for us to be faithful and combine it with some form of faith affirming action. As a child, it was easy for me to believe that

God would do everything, make everything happen the way it was meant to be, even without my input. Indeed, Jesus in Matthew 18:3 (NIV) says “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” In growing up and learning more about the world and gaining an element of cynicism that so often plagues teenagers and young adults, I found myself questioning and at one point, even doubting the very existence of God. Yet still, I was intrigued by stories of people such as the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17. She had been gathering sticks to make a final meal for herself and her son, after which they would wait for death. Clearly she was at her wits end and had accepted that all was lost to her. But when Elijah came along and told her not to worry, she stopped worrying immediately and acted in faith. She followed his instruction, doing everything as he had said and through her actions, she showed faith in God and managed to avoid death and survived to become a testament to faith in God. As long as she woke up and made the bread daily, her flour and oil did not run out. Her acting in faith and hospitality to the prophet meant that he was on hand when her son fell ill and he was able to save his life. This story amazed me because of complete act of faith that the woman had. Could I possibly do that? Then yet again, another widow intrigued me. The story in 2 Kings 4 relates that a certain prophet’s widow approached Elisha at her wits’ end, believing her sons were about to be taken away to be slaves. She had no idea whether he could or would help her and how he would help her, yet she sought him out. Driven by hope and faith, she sought him out, knowing only that he was a man of God. He did not do anything for her but rather told her what to do. She could have given up and said he was a fake, yet she acted on his word, believing him to be a man of God. The widow is the one who had to act, doing something so simple yet completely life changing. Just like Peter’s

few steps of walking on water (Matthew 14) required faith, she required faith believe be able to achieve the seemingly impossible the feat of producing oil from one jar into the jars until she had run out of jars was one no human mind could comprehend. Yet her acting on faith made it a reality. She was able to fend for herself and clear the debts her family had and remain with something to be able to survive a while longer. Her acting positively on her faith enabled her sons to avoid slavery and living a full life. I found it interesting to note that widows in Biblical times were constantly linked with fatherless children, the impression given being that widows were just as helpless as fatherless children and needed taking care of just as badly. The reminders for people to take care of widows are numerous. Deuteronomy 26:12 says “When you finish tithing the entire tenth of your produce in the third year, the year of the tenth, you will give to the Levite, foreign resident, the fatherless child and the widow and they will eat their fill within your cities” while yet another verse says “When you gather the grapes of your vineyard, you must not return to gather the leftovers. They will be left for the foreign resident, the fatherless child and the widow” (Deuteronomy 24:21, NIV). Once their husbands passed away, their source of livelihood became tenuous and uncertain. A look at the widow Ruth’s story shows how she had to go back home in order to progress with her life. Yet in spite of their circumstances, they were able to help themselves through faith and acting on that faith. Looking at my own family, I see that efforts have been actively made to ensure the basic needs and wants of the widows and fatherless children in my extended family were taken care of, though inevitably the quality of life would change, particularly if the widow in question was a fulltime housewife. The objective of the assistance would be for the widow and the children to get to a point where they were able to stand on their own two feet and fend for themselves. But for the most part, the widow in question would have requested the assistance herself, thus having faith that the family would work with her and give her assistance that she required. On a more personal level, the perusal of the Bible has enabled me to pray and work harder in my own life, to prove to myself that God will and wants to do things for me but I must act first so God can show his miracles through me. With every step of faith, through my actions and prayers, God continually shows himself. MT


What is beauty? Author: Trish


t all began when I was 16. I walked into my new school common room where it seemed I was the only bare faced girl there. The next day I made sure l put on some eyeliner, which was the only make up I wore at the time. As the year went on I gradually started wearing mascara then I made a new friend. Previously I’d attended a predominately white school so when I saw this girl, she was the most beautiful black girl I’d ever known in real life, she had flawless dark brown skin and her make up was always done perfectly . I asked her how she did her eyeshadow and made her eyeliner look so neat, to which she responded by suggesting I watch make up videos on ‘YouTube’. That day after school l decided to visit ‘Superdrug’ to get started up on my journey. I bought my very first eyeshadow palette.

since moving schools. She tried as much as she could to reassure me but that did not help. I didn’t trust her judgement or believe her reassuring words because l thought her generation wouldn’t understand not understand my generation. I always

l simply wanted to hide what I thought was an ugly face. With this as my driving force I quickly perfected the art.

From then on I started watching different girls do their makeup on YouTube. I also started buying more products and constantly practising on myself even when I wasn’t leaving the house. Initially, the results were horrendous as you can imagine – it was like learning to draw on paper or paint on the saw her as confident so I found it difficult wall. The difference was that l wad doing the to confide in her. I alone and kept my artwork on my face. feelings to myself. In church they would always encouraged us to know who we are Initially my main motivation for being made in Christ but that meant nothing to me. I did up wasn’t only to fit in, but l simply wanted not understand, l had no clue of what that to hide what I thought was an ugly face. With meant. this as my driving force I quickly perfected the art. I did not understand the meaning of Fast forward to 19 years of age, I started being fearfully and wonderfully made. I kept going to university up in Scotland where it simple by not changing anything else but there were once again very few black my face. It was always made up. When I people. Much to my surprise I got a lot more turned 18, l wouldn’t go anywhere without attention from boys and girls alike, who make up or earrings on. I also wore a long would tell me how beautiful they thought weave that covered most of my forehead I looked. In my head I still believed this was and other parts of me I felt insecure about. because I was wearing make up and they didn’t know what was hidden beneath. Then My mum noticed how insecure I had become it dawned on me that l should start accept-


ing me for who l was. I took on the compliments and my mums’ advice about speaking to myself in the mirror and started to tell myself I was beautiful. I read books and quotes about self love and self confidence which led me to faking confidence until one day, I realised, I was actually becoming confident. “I faked it until l made it”. My luck suddenly changed about 8 months before my 21st birthday, it started as a small rash on my forehead then two weeks later it was full blown adult acne, on my cheeks and forehead. I was mortified. I tried everything, antibiotics, facial cleansers and scrubs, home remedies I found online, prayed about it, drank loads of water and nothing seemed to work. It got so bad that wearing skin make up was just detrimental to my recovery process so, very unwillingly, I had to stop wearing it. After 2 years my skin completely cleared up. In hindsight, having adult acne was the best thing that happened to me. During that time I started to care more about how I was as a person and not just my appearance. Presently my beauty product best friend per say is my eyebrow pencil, from being a girl who couldn’t leave the house without a full face on to spending most days with nothing on except my eyebrow pencil, may not be that significant but for me, it really is. I’ve learned what exactly it means to know who we are in Christ: that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, that he made us perfectly in his image. Although I wouldn’t say I’m the most confident person but my appearance isn’t the reason I wouldn’t be confident in myself. Continued: p20


Patience Masiyambiri Mandizha


orate with, who would it be and highly talented and motivated vocalist. genre? why? Passionate about succeeding, enjoys new challenges and meets goals that I sing gospel (Jazz/ Traditional). Zahara – I just love her calmness, she she takes on. She has 12 years in the Gospel Music Industry and has worked with many Every artist has an idea of where inspires me. artists be it studio works, live recordings and they want to be in life music wise, whats your ideal place? How do you balance being an artist corporate branding. Patience is knowledgeable, creative and resourceful musician. She studied music. She has skills in vocal training, song writing and mentoring others.

What got you into singing? My late father was a pastor and l was privileged in that l would join the praise and worship team whenever l could. I enjoyed being part of the team. My professional journey started as a backing vocalist for other musicians like Olinda Marova, Bethany, Kudzi Nyakudya, Mathias Mhere just to name a few.

with motherhood and being a wife?

I want to become a renowned and distinguished artist, who is not only known locally It’s the most difficult thing to balance but I but international as well. I want my music to can’t trade anything between being an artist, a mother and a wife. I just have to have it all, impact lives and give people spiritual hope. luckily my husband is very supportive of my I t s a c h a l l e n g e t o b e i n t h i s career so it also helps me with the balancing industry and remain grounded. act .LOL

How do you cope with it?

Any tour plans?

I think the key is to try to reinvent what is already there and moving with the times. Yes indeed, I am talking with a few promotThere is no challenge that our God cannot ers, nothing concrete as yet to announce conquer. Perseverance is also key, I am 28 thou and my very first recorded work was done Now that you have loads of music when I was 12.

you have written and sang... Which Do you remember your first solo You have had some collabora- one touches your heart the most? and what happened? tions and sang for other christian groups... What’s your favourite NDEZVEDU, it’s a track from my last albumMT When I was asked to lead a song during moment? my first show with Olinda Marova, I was so nervous and fearful. I did not know how the crowd would react neither did l know l was going to emotional control myself when all attention was then focused on me. But by the Grace of God I managed to pull through.

With Christian groups I would obviously mention Zimpraise, the tour that we did in 2014 when we went to UK, Scotaland and Dallas, that’s my best, shared the stage with many different artists there.

How would you explain your style/ If you could pick any one to collab-

Find her on facebook /PatienceMasiyambiriMandizha


Kindness Author: Judith Isabel Dlamini

Another group of people we have helped out are refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable people in Bradford. We also help older people in the community. Additionally, we help plan weddings for those who have limited funds and resources. When it comes to helping people who are getting married, we find the wedding dresses, decorate the venue and do the cooking for the wedding party. We have a company which supplies us with wedding dresses, as most of these people are not with their families and it is costly for them to bring their families here. We help them to work within a budget when planning their wedding. The church I attend has a number of conferences throughout the year with many delegates from other nations. We have helped accommodate some of these international delegates. In addition to this, we arrange parties for Christmas and Easter for those who are far from their homes and families so that they feel part of the celebrations. We also look after academy students at church throughout their studies in the UK. Bradford might not be the best place in the UK but we try to make it as comfortable as possible for students during their stay. Most of the families we help are in need of something. There are single mothers and fathers who escape domestic violence and abuse and they are not given enough finance by the government. We try to help them financially through the funds we receive. The government only provides them with a house but no furniture. We have been able to provide them with basic furniture, clothes, food,


y name is Judith Isabel Dlamini. I was born in Luveve Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. During my father’s days Luveve was one of the locations where black people lived. It was one of the poorest areas.

When I was young, my father became ill. As a result he could no longer work. Therefore, he moved to Lupane where he started farming. During the civil war, dad being a South African Zimbabwean, was tortured, arrested and poisoned. Through all the struggles, he still had time for other people. He was kind and accommodating. Even though our family was poor, almost always, we used to have strangers at our house. We fed the hungry and sheltered them. When the food was not enough to go round, my father gave his own plate. He believed that strangers were God-sent people and that it was our responsibility to take care of them. This is how my siblings and l learnt to love others and also to show kindness to those who are less fortunate. I believe it is what my father taught me that made me help others then and l am still doing it now. While I was working in Africa, my manager’s sister came to visit her from Cyprus. During her stay, my manager asked me to spend the time with her sister to familiarise her with the place since I am good at communicating and interacting with others. Without hesitation I agreed. To me it was an opportunity to show kindness, just like how my father had taught me. My manager’s sister was amazed by my kindness and offered me a job to work with her in Cyprus. Not only did she offer me the job, she helped me to get a visa and booked my flights to move with her.

We need to seek and pray for the prosperity of the city where we live.

white goods and also helped with decorating of the homes. There are also divorced people who have lost jobs and resulting in them being single mothers and fathers. It is written in Jeremiah 29:5-7 “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” We need to seek and pray for the prosperity of the city where we live. For example, some of the people that I have helped during their struggles have now moved around the world. I now get the privilege of travelling around the country to visit those I have helped. They offer to pay for my transportation and accommodation.

Galatians 6:7 says “A man reaps what he sows”. Instead of focusing on where we come from only, we need to start looking at the present situation and help the people around us. When we look back and I moved to Cyprus in 1991 and after working there for 10 years focus on the things that happened to us in the past, we lose appreciI moved to Bradford to study at the Leadership Academy of the ation for everything in the present. I have also come across many Abundant Life church. While I was studying, I met many people who international families who work very hard but they do not live were in need. This inspired me to start an outreach ministry known comfortable lives where they are. Instead they focus on building as “International connection” where we invited students, refugees, mansions with big swimming pools overseas. When are they going and people in need in the City of Bradford. The aim of this group to enjoy the fruit of their labour? The issue with this is, they don’t is to provide a welcome to people of all nationalities who come to spend quality time with their kids as they are always working. Jesus Bradford and Leeds. The Universities of Leeds, Bradford and Leader- said that we have to start in Jerusalem and that is our home, our ship Academy each year have students of different nationalities and present place. If we sow kindness to one another especially during we have helped them to feel at home in Bradford. difficult times the world will definitely be a better place MT


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Micah & Jesse

Reservation for two Jesus and I Author: Hazel Gumpo “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight” (Prov 3:5-6 NIV).


y name is Hazel Gumpo also known as Afia in Ghana meaning Born on Friday. I was born and raised in Zimbabwe in the beautiful ‘City of Kings’ Bulawayo. I am passionate about the Hospitality Industry where I have served in different spheres for the past 25 years. Currently I am the Chief Operating Officer for the Oak Plaza Group of hotels in Ghana, West Africa. I thank God for all the experiences that have led me to this time. They helped mould me into the woman I am today. My journey went thus. After completing my A’Levels, I had a 3 month industrial attachment stint at a leading hotel in my home town Bulawayo and there my love for the industry was born. My ever supportive parents then facilitated for me to travel to and study in Germany - a privilege I am forever grateful for. I received thorough grounding for my craft there. On returning home to Zimbabwe, my first job was with the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge. Unbelievably my first assignment there was to turn around a flailing little outdoor restaurant in the establishment – something that looked to me like a cattle kraal. I was met with broken chairs and tables, smelly old winter blankets, aged waiters - even snakes crawled in occasionally! This was after all a bush resort. What a waste of my European training I thought. I had wanted an opportunity to demonstrate my fish filleting skills, flambé etc, in a 5-star establishment. A far cry from the challenge thrust at me. The frustrations that followed led me to almost give up. I had to come to a place of fully trusting in God and His plan for my life. The testimony from this phase of my life is that the dumpy little place grew to become the award-winning

Boma – Place of Eating Restaurant. The must-do meal experience in the resort town. Over the ensuing years there were many opportunities to g row at t h e S afa r i Lo d g e . I went from Operations Manager to Capacity Building Manager, Deputy General Manager then Acting General Manager. The post of Head of Capacity Building was the most fulfilling for me because that was the period I could fully share the skills I learnt in Europe. I was privileged to train some of the finest chefs and hotel managers that are now making their mark on the world stage. The award-winning Victoria Falls Safari Lodge grew to a level of being the envy of many industry peers, both locally and internationally. It was on this backdrop that we started getting requests from other industry players for consultancy. A management company was established with a strong reformation mandate. I h a d t h e p r i v i l e g e of b e i n g appointed brand ambassador to act in the role of Consultant General Manager for the new properties. In the fullness of time, I eventually left the Safari Lodge, well-equipped for new adventures. Joining the African Management Services Company was a natural progression. There I carried on my role as a capacity-building General Manager under their UNDP programme seconded to the Oak Plaza Group of Hotels. One of the joys of my West African experience was having the Hotel Association of Ghana award me the Best Capacity Building Manager accolade for 2015 most recently I was acknowledged as one of the Top 100 Influential Tourism Personalities in West Africa by the ECOWAS regional travel fair, Accra Weizo 2017. To God be the glory.

I drive myself and my family mad because everything must b e d o n e w i t h a s t a n d a rd of excellence. This is coupled with an aspiration to create employment in Africa, enhance our standards of living and be a blessing to the nations of the world – a vision that is bigger than self. Some personal affirmations I live by: 1. Prov 22:29 “Our success is hidden in our daily routines” (John Maxwell). I am a woman of excellence. I always ask God to help me do things better and sharpen my skills.

5. Eph 4:21-32 “Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result” (Albert E i n s t e i n) . I a m a G o d -fe a ring woman, daily seeking to be a better hotelier, friend, sister, daughter and partner. 6. Eccles 9:11 “Success happens when preparation meets opportunity. I am designed for accomplishment, engineered for success and endowed with the seed of greatness”. (Zig Ziglar) 7. Habakkuk 2:2 “If you refuse to set goals for yourself, others will” (Duncan Williams). I am a goal-driven woman.

8. Judges 5:7 “Your response 2. Job 22:28 “It is not by might d e t e r m i n e s y o u r d e s t i n y ” nor power but by His spirit. (Bonnie Deuschle). I am a woman As a Christian I live with the under authority. understanding that I am a spiritual being having a human 9. Heb 11:1 “Success occurs experience” (Pier Teilhard) when your dreams are bigger than your excuse “(unknown). I 3. Isaiah 61 “Building people, am a woman of faith. b u i l d i n g d r e a m s “ ( To m Deuschle). I am a reformer called 1 0 . N u m 2 7 B e h i n d e v e r y to bring about positive change in successful woman is a tribe the lives of people. of other women who have her back. I understand the power 4. Ex 31:3 “Ability can take you of healthy synergies. – I have to the top, but it takes charac- been carried on the shoulders of Ultimately, all my achievements ter to remain there” (Zig Ziglar). giants. MT are based on a persistent desire I am filled with the spirit of God to provide quality and excellence anointed for my purpose. in everything I do. Sometimes


Pastor’s Kid

Our monthly foray into a selected PK’s life and challenges. What comes into mind when you hear “PK.”

Being a PK was extra hard for me because How did you manage it all..with the I am also an MK which is a Missionaries Kid. challenges? And that brings on a whole other aspect to Honestly, when I hear of someone else who being a PK. *chuckles* I didn’t manage it very well. Once I moved out is a PK, or the term in general, I get kinda of my parents house I was able to pursue the Would you ever choose not to be a of excited! When it comes to someone else inner healing I needed and the relationship being a PK, my response is always like, “Hey, PK if you could? with God that I needed and wanted. me too!” It’s like a shared experience that we actually haven’t even shared. A bond Now as an adult, no. After a lot of inner How do you remain sane as a PK? that makes no sense other that “I got you. I healing and more self awareness, I am totally understand you!” There’s something about it fine with the beautiful family that God has Now I just go with it. It’s part of who I am. allowed me to be apart of. At a younger It’s not my identity as I see myself as God’s that automatically makes that person safe. age, before my personal relationship with daughter and everything flows from there. I But in the realm of normal living, the world, the Lord had really developed I would have only see now that I have a rich heritage and within the general population being a to say that I wished many times that my parents that love me dearly. I choose to see the beauty of the situation even though it Pastor’s kid has always had more of a parents were pastors. was hard. It shaped me into who I am today, negative reaction when I have announced What challenges have you face? and I am so proud of the woman that I have to someone in conversation that I’m a PK. become. People either are confused or sympathetM o s t o f t h e c h a l l e n g e s I f a c e d w e re ic towards me. Both responses are annoying. struggling with what people thought of me. Have you had any benefits of being *laughs out loud* Cuz whatever I did, always reflected my a PK? You are a PK. How has that been for parents. Or that’s what it felt like. A lot of the you? times I felt like I didn’t have normal parents, It’s fun connecting with other PK’s. That’s my like (counselled a lot by them). I wished I had favourite part about being a PK. Once you Like I said previously it has its moments more of a mom and dad type relationships as meet another one, you are part of a secret of glory but it has also been hard for me. opposed to constantly feeling like I messed club or something. That person understands I’m automatically assumed to be either a up all the time and needed to be counselled. I you on a level that most cannot relate to! “goody-goody” or rebellious in nature. I have know now their hearts for me. But being kind struggled with both. For awhile I wanted of “born into the ministry” I became a target Yo u h ave b e e n t h r o u g h B i b l e nothing to do with God because of my in many ways. I struggled with feeling like school. Was this by choice or being parents ministry. I purposely did and said God cared about my needs. To this day I still a PK? things to be my own person and did the struggle with feeling like my needs matter to opposite of what was expected. Eventually, I God. Growing up it felt like the ministry and I am going through a program that is similar got caught up in Jesus’ love for me. I had to other people mattered more. And that has to Bible School. And it has been my own find God on my own. Not because I was/am taken a big toll on my heart and how God choice completely. MT a PK. meets my needs.




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Continued from: p12 Now, make up has now become a hobby/ talent I’m developing instead of a tool to cover up. I’ve been doing other people’s make up for about 2 years now. People always ask how I do my own. My answer is “it has been developing from age 16”. I have another cash cow at university. It is doing people’s hair. Although I also do make up, l rarely do I charge because I do it for fun. I even had the privilege of doing Aunty Monica’s make up for her book and magazine launch then gave her advice on maintaining a beauty routine based on what I’d done for her.

Make up has now become a hobby/ talent I’m developing instead of a tool to cover up.

My humble tips to people interested in the beauty industry or wearing make up in • Use make up to enhance your features and general: appreciate what you have, don’t hide behind • A d a p t w h a t e v e r y o u s e e o n T V o r it. elsewhere to yourself or whoever you’re making up, because makeup suits people • As a black woman I would say “look at your in different ways and different people have beauty without the lens of your colonised mind” different features which stand out.

• Never allow society to define beauty • Lastly, never compare yourself to anyone

for you, one thing I’ve learnt is, it can be else; one of my favourite quotes is “another extremely subjective. woman’s beauty is not the absence of your own”. MT • Try out different products and application methods, practice does make perfect and make up is an art so even if you feel like you’re not very good, you’ll always enjoy it.

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