MoniqueToday Magazine Vol. 1

Page 1

For the Purposeful Woman



Iyanla Vanzant




Lorraine Maplanka Stot



EDITOR M. Manatse


Interview: Susan Makore


We get to find out about the lady behind the powerhouse media company.





Nursel Music


Exemplary women in the bible show what being zealous in your belief means.


The God who speaks


Lorraine’s Biography

Fearfully made


every woman


Start now

If you never use your God given gifts and talents, what will happen to them on the shelf?


The captivating Nursel gets us singing God all the praise.

The Singing Glory songstress is climbing from strength. We find out what makes her tick.

Be the woman who follows the beauty standard set by God and who also inspires others.

published by tallsprings imaginarium email:


The heart warming testimony of how God opened doors for a young doctor.




One day my soul just opened up A review of a book by Iyanla Vanzant

kids corner


Keeping our kids safe in a digital age



Make time for exercise

It is absolutely up to us as women to keep our wonderfully crafted mortal being beautiful and functional.


My body, my choice

In order to appreciate the wealth of health knowledge around us and apply it consistently; we need to understand how valuable our bodies are.



Girls set apart I share my scars with girls so they may know they are not the only ones and to also give them hope

Copyright MoniqueToday ©. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the prior permission in writing form from the publisher.

Letter from the Editor. Monica Manatse is the editor of the magazine. Zimbabwe born, she worked in both financial and manufacturing industries. Monica is married with three lovely girls and is a devout Christian. She has always been passionate about making others realise what they are worth and having always been the voice speaking on behalf of others. Her story about the magazine “ l cannot wait to get started as l want to see what l have been dreaming about for so long becoming reality. There has always been a strong yearn in me to get my story and other people’s recorded for the benefit of those who have been asking “How can it be done” and l know the timing is just right. I have listened to and witnessed a lot of wealth in the form of true life stories that is yet to be tapped into.The stories and ventures cannot be kept to a few people when the world the world can use such to its betterment. This particular edition is close to my heart as it is the first one and seeing its

birth, no amount of words can describe the excitement. l have literally hand picked the stories as l am confident they will be worth reading and where possible putting to use. MoniqueToday is an online magazine that collects personal stories covering how people bypassed obstacles, forged ahead to be what they always wanted to be. The stories will be about faith, beauty and health, business ventures, diet just to mention a few. MoniqueToday exists on online magazine platforms like yumpu. com for now but in time shall have it’s own website. The website shall feature the stories, exclusive contributions and comments from its viewers. There is also a fantastic team who will produce great stories. The stories, ventures and content are aimed at everyone at large to read, enjoy and learn from. I hope as you visit the site, you will become our regular readers. Editor Monica Manatse @MoniqueToday_Ed



FAITH Sight Unseen

Author: Noma Makhanda But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed about by the wind. James 1:6


very day, we worry constantly about what we are going to eat, what we are going to do. We lose so much sleep it becomes normal for someone to say “I cannot sleep, I have something bothering me”. Yet countless people throughout the ages have acted in faith, going by belief and a hope that something will happen and not worrying about how God would make it happen. The Bible has so many stories of individuals who were so completely planted in their faith that nothing could shake them. Their faith enabled them to hold their heads high though they came from weak and at times, impoverished backgrounds. It enabled them to rise above their situations standing forever written in history. A look at just two Biblical women reveals how they exercised their faith.

Though she was looked down upon because of her profession, she had enough faith to believe that God would absolve her of her sins

Hannah suffered a great deal at the hands of her husband’s second wife Peninnah. 1 Samuel 1: 5-7 reflects how her inability to fall pregnant ensured she suffered verbal and emotional abuse at the hands of Peninnah, affecting her so badly that she could not eat at times! There were no miraculous births occurring at the hands of scientists such as In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF) in Hannah’s day. Faith was all Hannah had. She used her faith to approach God, her faith in God’s ability to relieve her distress was so absolute that she was ready to have the child live in God’s house permanently.

Another woman, Rahab, revealed in herself so much faith in God despite her profession. A Canaanite prostitute, Rahab lived in Jericho during an interesting time in Biblical history. Stories preceded the Israelites of how God had rescued them from Egypt and subsequently given lands and peoples into their hands along the way so that by the time they got to Jericho, the entire city was quaking in fear. And Rahab’s position on the city totem pole was low. Even now, prostitution is not a profession that is looked at as one to aspire to. Yet in spite of her profession, Rahab was clever and courageous enough to realise that Joshua and his men served a God far greater than any other and chose to protect them, putting faith in that they would stand for her when the time came (Joshua 2: 8-13). Though she was looked down upon because of her profession, she had enough faith to believe that God would absolve her of her sins and in so doing, found herself a place in a royal lineage by being the mother of Boaz (Matthew 1:5) who was part of the genealogy of Jesus. These are just two women whose exercising of faith earned them far greater reward than we could ever hope to achieve. Yet we fear to put our faith in God and believe Him for our basic requirements. How much greater the quality of our lives would be if we could do this one thing.


The God who speaks Author: Dr. Stebia Beremauro simply thought plausible. One day around 5 a.m. during my quality time, I was sitting up in bed… I felt impressed to go to medical school, really compelled, seeing as the message felt urgent. Besides, God knew I had resigned so all I could do was wait on Him before moving on.

Dr. Stebia Beremauro


he restlessness was unbearable, the despondency tangible; It had only been a couple of weeks since taking up a new role as a staff nurse in the ‘Cardiac Intensive Care Unit’ (ICU) in a London hospital. Longing for a fresh start, I had made the decision to relocate from Sheffield following a divorce, bearing in mind that I’d had a child at the age of 18; surely things couldn’t get any worse.

His response I could not have envisaged or


Once I was on the train, there was no time for looking pretty; it was time to be making Nonetheless, I was at declarations. I called on the God who had peace, so I decided to promised to keep the doors open until I got enquire about medical there. school, during my tea break. As soon as I stepped off the platform, I went straight into a taxi and asked how far we It was a short walk were from UCAS to which the driver replied: f r o m t h e I C U t o “Well, it’s not far from here but its peak hour t h e m e d i c a l s c h o o l now so it will be about 15 mins...” admissions office. As I walked out of the door The taxi pulled up in front of reception at with the prospectus 5:15 p.m. and I dashed out at the speed of in my hand, the lady lightning. As I walked towards the security who had given it to guard, a man was coming down the stairs me shouted: “by the to check out at the barriers and he said to way, the closing date the guard, “that would be the last one” as he for applications is this stretched his hand forward to take the brown Friday!”- What valuable envelope from me. Had he ended there, I information this was; would have thought it was all a big coincic o n s i d e r i n g I h a d dence... intended to browse through the prospec- The man went on to tell the guard: “This is tus over the weekend, meaning I would the only time in the last 10 years that I have have missed the deadline. Now the sense of had to leave the office after 5”. So, it turned urgency was justified. out that he comes to work for an early start and finishes at 4.30pm at the latest to get Just as well that Friday, I happened to have ahead of the traffic woes. For me, this was a the day off. prayer answered. God had been faithful and literally kept the doors open for me! I needed an open reference from my line manager for my application, so I called her Go d rem a i n ed fa i t hf u l t h ro u gh o u t m y and she agreed to meet at midday since she medical school years, from good friends to had no available slots any earlier. This then finances. He made a way for my daughter meant I would have to travel from London to go to boarding school (a testimony for to UCAS offices (Universities and Colleges another day) without which, it would have Admissions Service) in Cheltenham, to hand been very difficult, almost impossible to in the application in person to make the 5 gain a medical degree as well as ensure p.m. deadline. my daughter got a good quality education. Remember how He takes care of the lilies

For me this was a prayer answered. God had been faithful and had literally kept the doors open!

London was full of life – sunny, at the time, vibrant and the multi-racial members of staff at my new workplace were the icing on the cake. However, barely had I started work when I realised the job was exactly what it was in Sheffield, only with different demographics. My heart sank at this point…I went on to explain this to God, even went as far as writing and handing in my resignation letter to Him (a copy of which I still have on file in case God has lost His)!

After hopping on and off the underground, I got to Paddington station about 5 minutes late, just missing the train. The next one was at 3 p.m. and it would take 2 hours to get to Cheltenham station. I didn’t know how far the UCAS office was from the station, but they closed at 5 regardless so I would still be late!! Nevertheless, I bought a ticket and reminded God that this was never my idea, to begin with so if the instruction was truly from Him, He would somehow have to keep the doors open...

of the valley? How much more of us… [Luke 12:27-28; Matthew 6:26] When I got it all wrong… In 2009, a year before completing my degree, I had been considering purchasing a flat. As house prices in London were unaffordable, I considered buying through an auction. I considered this, viewed a few properties, and attended a couple of auctions to see how it all worked… Then, one night I had a dream: we were at a picnic but as we were leaving, I realised I didn’t have my handbag. When I turned back to fetch it there was a massive black snake lifting its head as if it was protecting the bag. I could not get it back... I shared this dream with my house fellowship group. One of the other members was adamant this was a sign of an attack on my finances and that we should pray about it. He gave me a strong warning to be very careful, especially where my finances were concerned because I could not get my handbag back in the dream. Weeks went by then I eventually forgot about the dream. I had seen a reasonable property that I liked and got a mortgage in principle with my bank. On the day of the auction, everything seemed hunky-dory, there were only a few other bidders for the property and so I was persistent. My hand was the one last up when the final hammer went down…phew, I had GOTTEN it!! The paperwork thereafter was minimal and everything was finalised for completion within 28 days after negotiating. The deposit was then paid to the auctioneers within 7 days. Unfortunately, the bank that was providing the mortgage pulled the plug, citing structural concerns to the property which had been raised by their surveyor. I got an independent surveyor, as advised by the bank. After all, had been said and done, I lost £10,000!!! How could God have let this happen? Just sitting on my bed and letting the tears roll down my face made my entire body ache. I felt sick for days. I then remembered the dream…yes, I had lost the handbag with all its contents. God speaks to you, makes sure you have peace. Don’t make a move until you are at peace. If He has said something to you, he will repeat it, He will confirm it, he will clarify… he is NOT a God of confusion [1 Corinthians 13:33]

a Master’s degree. I applied to a couple of we had been childhood friends. universities in London as well as Glasgow. My daughter was going to a university in After the call, I felt it was a done deal; I Scotland so I didn’t mind the move. stopped searching for houses and started considering removals and storage. Before I got an offer from Glasgow Universi- the end of the day, ‘Janet’ called back. ty, so I had two weeks to find accommoda- She explained that she felt it was her I was tion before the start of term. The first week supposed to move in with and how she had came and went, then the second. Now I had taken the rest of the afternoon off to pray to list more estate agents with the relevant about it to make sure she was doing the right properties to rent and calling each one. The thing. responses were similar; either the property had been taken or they insisted on arrang- We agreed on the terms and so I set off early ing a viewing first. I offered to take any flat on a Sunday morning. Delayed by a tyre going based solely on the pictures and puncture, I was now going to get to Glasgow descriptions provided, as I was in London. around 7 p.m. by which time ‘Janet’ would Surely, I couldn’t just travel to Scotland to have left for evening service. find accommodation, especially within such a tight time-frame. I pulled up into the driveway, got the keys and let myself in, bathed then warmed and enjoyed dinner she had prepared for me. I welcomed ‘Janet’ home later that evening. The following day was a bank holiday so we sat and talked for eight hours... She was my sister from another mother. It could only have been God who arranged this.

She was my sister from another mother. It could only have been God who arranged this.

With no luck in sight, I decided to change tactic. I asked God! Oh, how many times we go ahead and try doing things our way then when it doesn’t work, we turn to Him instead. Should we not just ask Him in the first place?

All in all, what am I getting at? That God always speaks; we just must listen… Learn to be still and know that He is God [Psalm 46:10] Knowledge of who God is will come in your quiet moments. He will reveal Himself in your situation and provide solutions whatever the need.

“Call upon me and I will answer you and show Anyway, as I sat quietly with my notepad you great and mighty (unsearchable) things and pen glaring at all the numbers I’d rang, which you do not know” [Jeremiah 33:3 the Holy Spirit said: “call ELIM church, there NKJV] is someone there looking for a house share”. I heard it in my heart very clearly… Wait for the answer, for His response, after you have called on Him. A few weeks prior, I had been discussing churches with my daughter as she had You do not need a special gift to hear from just started university in Dundee where Him. After all, He says: “My sheep hear my she mentioned that she would be going to voice…” [John 10:27 NKJV] Dundee ELIM. I had concurred with her and “Call upon me and I will answer you and said when I moved to Glasgow, I would also look for an ELIM church so we would both be show you great and mighty (unsearchable) under the same church (not that it matters things which you do not know” [Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV] really).

So, I called the church that afternoon but there was no response. Called again the day after, still no response. The day after that, a Thursday, I decided to give it a miss and go back to calling more estate agents. Anyhow, on the Friday I felt led to call the church again so I did so grudgingly since I’d had no response on previous days.

This time, I called earlier than usual, 1 p.m. to be precise. Much to my surprise, a lady (let’s call her Janet) answered. After introducing ourselves, she sought to establish the reason for my call. I told her I had been “informed” that there was someone in their And if you are not sure, then stay put! church looking for a house share and I went on to explain my situation. She mentioned After having worked as a junior doctor for that she knew a couple looking for a house 2 years, I was going to have a gap year as share and that she would speak to them that since I had not been accepted into a special- Sunday then let me know on Monday. As we ist training post. I then decided to apply for talked, we connected and it felt as though

Wait for the answer, for His response, after you have called on Him.

You do not need a special gift to hear from Him. After all, He says: “My sheep hear my voice…” [John 10:27 NKJV]


I am fearfully and wonderfully made Written by: Wanani


hen you take a look into the mirror, do you love and appreciate what you see or you are quick to make a list of your faults and imperfections and even go to the extent of wishing you were someone else. The majority of us women do not love ourselves and can actually spend a fortune just to be a duplicate of someone else. Do you not know that when God made you, he took his time making sure that he would produce a perfect figure and to top it all, he blew his breath into you? You are cut from the finest material, carved by the greatest sculptor and made in the image of the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Wow! What more could one ask for?! You may be big, small, short, tall, dark or light, whatever the case, embrace your uniqueness as it


distinguishes you from everybody else. Accept what God says about you in his Word and be confident knowing y o u r va l u e a n d w o r t h i n Jesus Christ. Be the woman who follows the beauty standard set by God and who also inspires others to follow suit. Therefore I dare you to celebrate your uniqueness as an individual and truly praise God, for “you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalms 139v14)

If you aspire to be Beyoncé, who is going to take your place as you?



Interview: S u s a n Makore part one

MT: How do you handle having to make decisions that conflict with your faith and belief system? SM: The first admission I will make is that I am a human being therefore if you are a human being you are a sinner (chuckles). I am very clear that I am a sinner and I know that I will be challenged by the things of the world. In the industry that we work in, you cannot have a black and white about things although re l i g i o n i s re a l l y b l a c k a n d white, it is either you believe in certain principles or you do not. Because of the industry I am in, perhaps I tend to consciously compromise a lot more than I should. Let us say that it is a Friday and the Sabbath is supposed to be kicking in – it is not always possible for me to say that I cannot attend a crucial meeting even if it is after six o’clock. However my Saturdays are rarely compromised because once I am in church I am in church, whatever will find me will find me after church. The greatest thing about where I am right now is that there are so many structures in place such that if I am to do anything on a Saturday it i s p ro b a b l y a n a p p e a ra n c e .

MT: W h o m e n t o r s y o u a n d w h o d o y o u l i s t e n t o? S M : M e n t o r s h i p i s a b ro a d process and I think sometimes people make the mistake of thinking that it is all about a name. It can be a name but you can be mentored by a lot of people who may never know that they are mentoring you. I know a lot of people who were mentored by Oprah Winfrey but obviously she doesn’t know that she is mentoring them. There is a thinking that the mentorship process means having someone that sits you down and you talk about challenges etcetera. I have been mentored by different people (chuckles) including Oprah Winfrey. The time we started watching TV it was more for entertainment content, there was no depth and there weren’t that many women who would sit and ask deep sensible questions. There was a time when I would say that if I could sit and ask questions like Oprah Winfrey then I would make a difference in women’s live. Growing up in a society where the voice was where it was, you would not think that a woman would have an authoritative voice. The women I grew up watching were women like Noreen Welsh and Dorcas Chibanda, they were

Susan Makore news readers and it was very rare to see them doing discuss i o n p ro g ra m s . W h e n I w a s growing up it was your Godfrey Majonga’s and Joseph Matimba’s. One of my greatest mentors p o s t e d u c at i o n w h o m I m et when I started work and she was coming to the then College o f D i s t a n c e Ed u c a t i o n a s a Pro -v i c e C h a n c e l l o r wa s D r Primrose Kurasha. We welcomed her into was then later to be Z.O.U. and throughout my life she would always remind me to do more “Kudzidza hakupere”. As an open university there was always this thing that you a re a l w a y s s u p p o s e d t o b e studying and she kept urging me because knowledge is power. If I am to mention anyone, I will mention her because when I left the academic world going to work as ZBC I said my passion is education and sharing knowledge at higher level like at a university and she would say “Kana uchida kudzidzisa pa university unofanira kudzidza ka” M T: W h a t i s t h e k e y t o t u r n i n g p ro m i s i n g i n d i v i d u als into brilliant individuals? SM: Identifying a great talent is easy, sometimes it is doing the right things with that person so that that talent does not become

wa s t e d . Th e c h a l l e n g e i s i n finding ways to fine tune, horn in and preserve the talent so that it has meaning to the world. Because talented people are difficult to manage , it is rare to find a talented person who is easy going, one who is not stubborn, arrogant and full of themselves –who believe they know everything. It because of that challenge, the fact that they are brilliant and there is always this belief that brilliant people are crazy somehow, you can’t be brilliant not have something that does not quite conform. Brilliance does not conform. For you to be brilliant you have to be operating outside certain constraints that put brakes on you. By definition itself, brilliance is operating outside the box. At the end of the day, even brilliant people will realise perhaps if they had done things in a certain way they would have been better.

Continued: p30


Start Now Noma Sithole – The Voice Within MC, Compere, Director of Ceremonies


ow often have you heard the phrase, Managing and setting my own business If you never take risks, how will you know the “I’ll start when the time is right or hours, learning when and what to say yes positive ifs and what ifs? when I have enough capital”? and most importantly NO to. Learning to charge what I am worth for my services and I saw this quote and it always rings in me Well you may as well wait till the world stepping out of my comfort zone , doing comes to an end. things I never thought I would do (– all legal and authentic I might add), and in all this, I took the leap of Faith, based on my inner even taking time to rest. Yes I have an hour Spirit and my conversation with God. Was slot of sleep penned into my calendar for - Author Unknown everything in place? Not at all! days I do need it.

“90% of what we FEAR, never happens!“

I had no business plan to attract capital, no marketing plan on how I would advertise my business. Just a gift I knew I had and a thought of monetising it. Let me tell you – it has not been the easiest journey. However, slowly plodding into my third year I find it was the best decision ever.


Rest and feed the body that works – there is only one!!! So here is my conclusion – If you don’t start now – when will you? If you never use your God given gifts and talents – what will happen to them on the shelf?

when fear creeps in, you know that horrid uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach? Everything you want is on the other side of FEAR.

It all

‘s up to a healthy balance.


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n the past few years, health has become a huge part of people’s lives. With the rise of social media, waist trainers, corsets and vannabelts are the latest crazes in fitness all aimed at helping women achieve their ideal body shape. People are so obsessed with looking good that all they do is tend to their exterior. When health is mentioned, B.M.I (Body Mass Index) and weight are all that pop into the mind. What about mental health??? Who is helping women get over their post-partum depression? their suicidal thoughts and their somatic diseases?

One of the most inspirat i o n a l f e m a l e p owe r h o u s e s t h a t l a d o re usually says that you can not pour from an empty cup.

migraine, or amnesia, or insomnia is that you have no peace? Women are so busy taking care of things and other people that they often forget to take care of themselves. One of the most inspirational female power houses that i adore usually says that you can not pour from an empty cup. Women give until they have nothing more to give and even then they continue to give, draining themselves.

How about taking some time out from the stressors of your life? Have a glass of ice The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, patience, cold mazoe orange crush, watch the sunset, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control and take a walk or even get some decent sleep. Clear your mind and peace. Having to worry about job assignments and the family, replenish your soul. Instead of giving to other people and doing for women are more prone to suffer from somatic diseases (mostly other people, take care of yourself. Treat your self with something caused by stress) and depression. How can one lead a peaceful life other than shoes, lipstick or foundation. Buy a book, not a magazine when all they are is anxious about one thing or another? What do or a tabloid, but a book for your soul. A book from an author that you do to be peaceful? helps you grow, that helps you identify the peace within you. Living in a society that focuses more on primer, concealer and contouring it is not easy to take care of the core of who we are as women.....our souls. Most people find themselves looking “on fleek” but feeling empty inside. Some find themselves feeling ill but with no diagnosis to help them ease the pain. What if the answer to your

Before you pick up your eyeshadow palette or bronzer or your superfoliant ask yourself, “What will I do for myself today?” Listen to your favorite song, say a prayer or meditate. Just do something to help you find the peace within. I hope you realise that - YOU DESERVE THE LOVE YOU GIVE TO OTHERS, LOVE YOURSELF.


Making time for exercise


really want to drop the kilos but I don’t have the time”. This is a thought that has jogged through the mind of every woman. In between work, changing diapers and assignments there never ever really seems like there is an extra second to spare to rest, let alone exercise. That, however, is a lie from the enemy himself. The perks of exercise can never be overstated, from the release of the happy hormone endorphin that will make you go through life more happily, to the feeling of confidence and self-assuredness. Surely the good book says “we are wonderfully and fearfully made”; however it is absolutely up to us as women to keep our wonderfully crafted mortal being beautiful and functional. To keep the body functional one therefore has to find the time and the energy to exercise. These 3 tips if religiously followed may be your salvation in answering that Herculean question: Is there really time for exercise?

Tip 1. Overcome the grip of your mind. The mind is a very powerful force and influence in our lives. It is what presses the snooze button when our alarm rings at 5:30 am for our morning jog. It is what says “next Monday” week after week till the year ends and it is what keeps us from achieving that healthy body that could help us attain peace and serenity. Therefore, once you loosen and overcome the grip your mind has on you, you are well on your way to achieving your goals. Telling your mind that there is time for exercise will make you make time for exercise. Philippians 4:8 says, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think of such things.” Certainly exercise is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. Therefore redirect your mind to thinking that way, get yourself new running tights and get ready to go!

Tip 2. Exercise in the morning. Morning is the best time to exercise as this leaves no room for excuses. So much happens during the course of the day that makes us justify our excuse of having no time. Sealing your workout out early morning before work or university guarantees that you will have time for exercise and everything else that follows.

Tip 3. Variety is the spice of life. Let’s face it, running endless miles on potholed roads is not for everyone. Just because running is not for you does not mean you are not meant for exercise. The reason you are not making time could be due to your lack of interest in the type of exercise regimen you want to take up. There are many options to consider, however. There is aerobics, horse riding, swimming, dancing, cycling or just walking. A different activity after every two days can therefore keep you motivated and interested in finding time to exercise. Equipped with these tips and one less big excuse you are ready to buy yourself a pair of trainers and get working out. If there is time for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter there is definitely time for exercise. Let’s get moving for Jesus.


My Body, My Choice T

he dawn of 2017 saw me shattering my beloved glass bathroom scale. At first I was also shattered inside. You see, I had recently committed to a “healthy lifestyle”, which translated to obsessing over my “ideal” weight, budgeting calories hourly and constantly calculating how much exercise I hadn’t done. It was driving me crazy! I realized then that I could do with a break from the dizzying numbers and choose instead to focus on the real value of pursuing and preserving a healthy and happy lifestyle.

God. You should therefore keep yourself clean and serene. Cut out the garbage and toxins you have been consuming. Cut out the stress and drama that has been cluttering your mind. And we all know that thorough cleaning requires lots and lots of water: two litres or more daily to be precise. Choosing nutritious and wholesome food will allow your body to work at its optimum so that you can feel The World Health Organisation defines health wonderful and think as a state of complete physical, mental and with clarity, convicsocial well-being in its 1948 Constitution and tion and efficiency. not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The way to attain health is to learn how A s K a y Te r e r a , a your body works, what it needs and apply natural hair enthusiast once said about her that knowledge consistently according to hair; your body is like a whole other person actress Cameron Diaz in her life-chang- you constantly have to think about. To be ing book “The Body Book”. Now in order to healthy you have to develop a relationship appreciate the wealth of health knowledge with your body, mind and spirit. You have to around us and apply it consistently; we need be able to listen and attend to the needs of to understand how valuable our bodies are. your body so that you can grow stronger physically, mentally and spiritually. You have 1 Corinthians 6v19 narrates how your body to choose to enjoy good food and embrace is a temple. A temple is a holy place: revered, exercise. Your body craves to move and cherished, sacred. A temple is a clean place: be strong, not to sit around all day feeling tidy, serene, refreshing. Some of the most sluggish. It desires to be as resilient and stunning structures are temples, St Basil’s exquisite as you let it be. Cathedral in Moscow or Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. A temple is you. You So fall in love with your body, with all the are holy, revered and cherished by a loving bumps, dimples, stretch marks and I-don’t-

know-what-that-is’s. Stand in front of the mirror. Admire your body and say, “Dear body, I love you, I appreciate you, I choose you and I promise to take care of you.” Your body will thank you for it.

A temple is you. You are holy, revered and cherished by a loving God.


Unveiling the cloud over sexual abuse and mental health issues – Part 1


endured and survived sexual abuse from a very young age till my early teens. I was abused by people who were trusted by the family and lived with us. I don’t remember at all at a young age anyone talking about sexual abuse, or as a child anyone telling me about inappropriate touches. In as much as I had a feeling it was wrong, I spent my childhood in a cloud of confusion. I needed someone to validate my thoughts on the abuse and the fact that it was wrong. Without that validation, I was scared to speak up in case it wasn’t received well and in fact I was the one in the wrong. That, coupled with the fact that the abuser warned me never to tell anyone. All my adult years (until not too long ago) were spent in silence. Silence in depression, silence in mental health instability. I didn’t know what was happening to me. At first I thought I was lazy and needed to aim for bigger goals and work harder. At some point I even overworked. Still, that didn’t help. I struggled with my mental health and I viewed my issues as weaknesses that needed exorcism. The more I struggled, the more negative and vicious my internal dialogue became towards myself. Of course that didn’t help matters and so I struggled even more. And on and on the vicious circle went until I spiralled to a point of almost no return. Oh, did I mention that I was in the prayer team in my church, and one of the lead worshippers? Yes, I even tried spiritual warfare, there is no trick in the book that I didn’t try. Deliverance against this thing that


I perceived to be laziness. I tried it all.

Nations Women estimates that women who have experienced sexual abuse are twice as Again, I didn’t know something was genuine- likely to experience depression. ly wrong with me and that there was help out there. In my community there had been Mental health issues that arise out of silence once again, on all things mental sexual abuse and other issues should never health. So how was I to know? My turning be ignored. They rob one of esteem and point truly began when I sat on a talk on suppresses their ability to flourish and live mental health and depression in my church’s life to their fullest potential in life. For, after women’s group meeting. As the speaker all, we were all created for a purpose. rattled on listing symptoms of depression and mental ‘unhealth’, things began to It was only when I knew that something make sense. I was even more alert when was wrong with me, that I was able to seek she talked about ways to help yourself and help that was available to me from the seek help. Funny enough, there were people appropriate channels. It was when I knew against the talk. ‘How dare you preach what was wrong with me that I was able to depression and tell people to go to their apply Biblical principles for my recovery. doctors to seek help? Aren’t we in the house As Christians we must understand that not of God?’ Some were advocating the fact every trouble in life can just be prayed away. that the solutions the speaker brought out After the prayer, there is the doing. In this were a soft touch to demonic activity, can’t case the doing is to do with the renewal of we just do spiritual warfare and get rid of the one’s mind. My pastor’s wife once when demons? counselling me likened the renewal of the mind to rinsing washing up liquid from All these questions, all these issues promote a bottle. One rinse doesn’t do the job. silence. But the more you rinse, the weaker the soap becomes and the cleaner the bottle According to the United Nations Women, becomes. Renewal of the mind is a continual around 120 million girls worldwide (over process which is not easy either. Hence the 1 in 10) have experienced sexual abuse. need for us to learn to be our sisters’ keeper, It is estimated that over 35% of women be kind always and positive. worldwide have experienced sexual abuse at some point in time. Bringing it closer to Hosea 4:6 My people perish for lack of home, in August 2016, The Chronicles in knowledge Zimbabwe reported that about 325 girls are raped every month in the country. To put it in Romans 12:2 ….but be transformed by the context, 1 girl child is raped every 2-3 hours renewal of the mind…’ in Zimbabwe. It is estimated that a majority of these cases go unreported. The United

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Nursel Music


Nursel Masuka-Mandiopera

ngaging harmonies, ministering lyrics and a divine driven purpose exudes Through her Christian upbringing and from the music by this UK based singer/ support from her family, from the age of songwriter Nursel Masuka-Mandiopera. three, Nursel is excited to have finally found a way to use her talents and artistically In her debut single, Like Heaven, she uses share her passion for praise and worship. her voice to echo Jesus’ prayer that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Her music has both traditional and contemHer desire is to offer splendor worship and porary styles of the gospel genre. While praise to the Father, spread joy, hope and Nursel continues to work on her music love through the power of music, passing on and record new albums, she also fits in inspiration from other powerful and anointed her other roles as a mother of two young gospel artists worldwide. children Benaiah and Neshama, as a wife to her husband Bernard MandiopNursel’s highest level of fulfilment as a era and as a member of the praise gospel singer comes when her listeners’ and worship team at her church world changes for the better, through peace, happiness and spiritual messages that come from her music.


Contact Details:

Facebook: Nursel music Twitter: @nursel_music YouTube: nurselmusic For bookings:

Lorraine’s Biography Written by: Blessing Sitotombe


orraine Maplanka Stot is a Minister of the Gospel in song, she works with and is mentored by Minister Takesure Zamar of Worship Addicts. She is married to Blessing ‘Stot’ Sitotombe of the The Outfit band. Mr Sitotombe popularly known as “Stot” is the person behind the production of Lorraine’s first album working under Stot Bass Productions. She started singing when she was still in primary school, she is from a family of musicians as her sister and brothers are musically talented as well. The Mother, Mrs Maplanka is a music leader at ZAOGA and the father plays guitar. When she was at high school, St James, she was made choir leader.

The project was recorded live and it has DVD and CD out. The video is doing well, some clips are on YouTube and they have over 2,000 views at the moment. The album is receiving good reviews, it’s playing on Star FM and Skyz Metro. One of the songs “Singing Glory” has been on the Star FM gospel greats charts for 17 weeks and has been number 1 for weeks in a row.

arise she is pioneering a Women’s Concert which will be running annually. The first took place in Bulawayo at the Academy of Music on the 1st of May under the theme “Women of Valour” she also took this platform as well to introduce a few new tracks that she has been working on.

Lorraine is also building her own music label She has also been invited to the ZBC live called Inspired Music, in the near future she news for an interview on the album as well as will be helping and assisting other musicians Skyz Metro. arise and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music. This is just the beginning of her career, more projects are in the pipeline already. As a person with a passion to see other women

Lorraine has performed with several artists and groups, the likes of Conquorers (an acapella group), Zaza from South Africa, and Avis from South Africa among many others. Recently she performed at the Gospel Divas show which hosted Rebecca Malope and the Worship Altar Festival which was done beginning of the year in Bulawayo with Takesure, Vocal Ex, Ayanda from South Africa, and Avis from South Africa as well. On the 15th of July 2016 she recorded a live project at Sound Kalcha titled “Chronicles of a Worshipper”. It is an 8 track album, including a short sermon from her pastor, Apostle B. Ndlovu. The album was released on the 16th of December during the Kingdom Summit, an annual church conference hosted by Kingdom Life International Church (KLIC) led by Apostle B. Ndlovu.

Lorraine Maplanka Stot


Review: One day my soul just opened up Book by: Iyanla Vanzant Reviewer: Nonsikelelo Happy Suluma


love learning about how people cope with this thing called life. Anything that will help me on my journey to enlightenment I will read or I will watch. The book that immediately came to mind when I was thinking about female authors was, “One day my soul was opened” by Iyanla Vanzant. Anyone who knows me knows I love Miss Iyanla Vanzant. She is who and what I hope to be some day. What is not to love about her? She is a lawyer, author, TV personality and inspirational speaker. She has been on the list of the 100 most influential black Americans. At 63 years old her “say it like it is” attitude is still celebrated on her show, Iyanla fix my life. She also shares her knowledge on Oprah’s Life class. Personally, what I love about Iyanla is that she teaches people basic principles to make life a little easier.

Being called insane is enough to stop anyone in their tracks and make one throw the book across the room but something about the way Iyanla puts together her words will make you continue reading. If you do, you are in for a treat! It is not an easy read but it is necessary and even Iyanla writes that the good thing about the book her misery was telling herself the truth, she hated her job, she was dating a married man, she felt she had been a horrible mother and she was lonely. Everything in her life fell apart and she went through what she calls temporary insanity which she defines as being upset. She mentions that ‘it is a kind of insanity that keeps you in a struggle for control of your life and everyone in it’. She goes on to write that she has met hundreds of thousands of people she recognizes from her own experience to be utterly insane: Iyanla dedicates her book to Ego. In case you ‘These insane people stay in relationships are wondering you read that right. Ego is not were they are cheated on or cheat and they a person, she dedicates the book to the ego remain in situations where they are neglectwe all know. She writes ‘This book is dedicat- ed, demeaned and overlooked. The insanity ed to Ego, that part of us that continues to I am identifying here is the kind that makes worry, lives in doubt, is afraid, needs to be you forget who walks besides you and who rescued and beats up on self’, and with these lives within you’. words the whirlwind journey of introspection begins. When you pick this book up you Being called insane is enough to stop do not expect to be called out and forced anyone in their tracks and make one throw to face the truths of your life but that is the book across the room but something exactly what this book does. Iyanla does not about the way Iyanla puts together her beat around the bush, she puts you through words will make you continue reading. If your paces and requires you to do the work you do, you are in for a treat! It is not an yourself. You read it at your own pace and easy read but it is necessary and even you decide what you learn from it. All she Iyanla writes that the good thing about the asks is 30 minutes of your time a day and to book is that when you need the book you not stop reading the book. have it. When I say she takes you through the motions I kid you not. She talks about She writes about her struggles in life and everything from the types of people we have how she went from being content with her around us when we are facing our struggles, life to being miserable overnight. The reason trying to impress God, she even has a for her misery was telling herself the truth, commentary journal and morning affirmashe hated her job, she was dating a married tions. One moment in the book that was an man, she felt she had been a horrible mother “Aha!” moment for me is found in her truth and she was lonely. Everything in her life fell postulates and it is in postulate number apart and she went through what she calls eight, she writes ‘When we do not choose, temporary insanity which she defines as we live by default’. being upset. She mentions that ‘it is a kind of insanity that keeps you in a struggle for I encourage you to get your hands on a copy control of your life and everyone in it’. She of this book, think of it as an investment goes on to write that she has met hundreds even. You will find yourself on a journey of of thousands of people she recognizes from self-compassion and self-knowledge as you her own experience to be utterly insane: read this book and the good thing is you get ‘These insane people stay in relationships thirty minutes a day to just relax and take were they are cheated on or cheat and they time out from the constant “busy-ness” of remain in situations where they are neglect- the world. Other books by Iyanla include ed, demeaned and overlooked. The insanity Yesterday I cried, Forgiveness and until I am identifying here is the kind that makes today. As Iyanla would say ‘As you move you forget who walks besides you and who through the day be aware of how you treat lives within you’. yourself’.


Being called insane is enough to stop anyone in their tracks a n d m a ke o n e t h row t h e book across the room but something about the way Iy a n l a p u t s t o g e t h e r h e r words

Reviewed by

Name: Nonsikelelo Happy Suluma Mini Bio: Nonsikelelo Suluma is a 23 y ea r o ld p s y c h o lo gy s t u d ent wh o aspires to be an influential psychologist and motivational speaker. Her dedication and willingness to learn is what sets her apart from her peers. She is a well-rounded individual who lives with passion, dedication and grace. In her spare time she enjoys reading and writing about herself in third person.

Pastor’s Kid or Minister’s child


eing born in a family of pastors or ministers is a blessing. It is full of fun but also challenges. Not only do we share our parents and give up our bedrooms but we also have to leave up to unrealistic expectations. For some this is the most exciting and fulfilling pleasure as they experience the opportunities that come with it and they experience God and form a relationship with Him. The experiences and views are different. Both positive and negative. The one thing we cannot ignore is the stigma that is attached to “Pastor’s kid / Minister’s kid).

How do you think people describe a Pastor or Ministers’ kid? Well, you are either a reincarnated angel from heaven with no imperfections but full of grace and compassion resulting to instant forgiveness at the point of sin as one is holy and blameless. Or you have the other who is of eccentric and deviant behaviour that causes them to run away from the calling of God upon their lives which is to be a Pastor! Oh yes, the more naughty you are, the more the anointing.

Is that description not a bit harsh? For a long time, that’s how I felt I was identified. I would hear conversations and it was either I was “Holier than thou” or I was “a schemer”. These were totally two different groups. The only time I wasn’t called virgin Mary or “Tsotsi” (can be equivalent to Schemer) was when I was with my close friends. My friends and certain mentors knew the real me. The 3rd definition that “She is human, just like us”. That is probably the real deal for me cause it never separated me from my colleagues.

So the reincarnated angel must have been a challenge to keep up with? I suppose it was hard but I kept it up throughout my teen years and parts of my adult hood. See I felt I was expected to be flawless, clean and blameless. The best way to do this was to attend most prayer meetings, bible study, sing in the choir and lead praise and worship till people were moved. In front of my parents and elders I had to play the part and be the part. For me, sleeping in Continued: p28



THE DIGITAL AGE. Written by: Velempini Veap Thuthani Ndlovu


f there is one thing we agree on as parents, it is that, all children deserve a safe and happy childhood. This is getting harder for parents to ensure with the advent of gadgets as parents no longer know how to protect their children from evils that inadvertently come with these gadgets. When I was growing up in the 80s, ‘out there’ meant outside my home and later, school. For today’s children ‘out there’ is now vast and includes the cyberspace where parents now have to protect their kids from child predators, sexting, social media and gaming addiction as well as cyber bullying. No matter the level of a parent’s techno savviness it is still primarily the parent’s responsibility to educate their children of all the possible dangers in vast cyberspace. First thing any parent should do is to educate themselves about and how to install monitoring apps on their kids’ devices. Parents should stress to the kids that this is done for protection and not to invade the child’s privacy. These monitoring apps are very helpful as they block the kid’s device from accessing websites with adult content. The apps can also be used to track the device and by extension the child’s exact location. Some even allow the parent to remotely shut down the kid’s device thereby allowing parents to control how long their children spend on their devices even during those times when the parent is not at home and the child has to go to sleep. If parents cannot install or use these monitoring apps then they should not allow their children to use internet connected


devices in the privacy of their rooms. Parents should have their children use their devices in a place like the lounge where when they walk past they can have sight of the device screen. Asking to read what the children have on the screen also helps parents know whether their children are not communicating with people that the parents’ would not approve of.

Social media and gaming addiction is a growing problem. Parents just need to get their children to reduce the sites they have accounts on as well as reducing the hours they spend on their devices playing games. Parents should monitor who their children are befriending or following. Priority should be for the children to befriend and follow people they know personally with any other “follows” only approved by the parents. No parent should allow children to have Parents should have their children on their social media accounts on platforms like devices a certain number of minutes or Facebook or Twitter before they are of an hours and children should set prescribed age that understands the pitfalls that come time allocations for the use of gadgets. with these platforms. If your children for whatever reason have social media accounts Cyberbullying takes the form of other teach them carefully what to and what people spreading lies about your child on the not to post. Impress upon them that once internet thereby undermining your child. It something has been posted in cyberspace it can also be the posting of nasty comments stays online forever even after they ‘delete’ on your child’s posts and pictures. Cyberbulit. lying might lead to your child’s depression, low self-esteem, constant anger, and failure Parents should teach their kids that there at school and in extreme cases, suicide. As are many predators that prey on children with most things in life, prevention is the who are online. These child predators often best form of defence. Should cyberbullyuse sexting to groom children first online ing occur however parents should encourand then later arranging meetings with them age their kids to report any such incidence to engage in sexual relations with them that as soon as possible so the parent can help. are nothing but statutory rape. Children need to know that they are targeted not because Lines of communication between parent and the child predators ‘love’ them but because child should always be open. Children should of their immaturity that make them easy to be made aware and avoid anyone who intimitake advantage of. The most effective way dates, threatens, excessively teases and of dealing with such is making your children who promises to harm them in any way. aware of the existence of such people Parents should always believe in and be and teaching to avoid them at all costs supportive of their children. This will make as nothing good ever comes out of such them feel secure and be willing to easily liaisons. open up.



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eah Chikumbindi founded of Girls Set Apart Ministries in 2014. A platform where she uses her scars to teach young girls to know their self-worth and bring hope to broken women whose dreams were stolen or thwarted by the enemy. Through this organization, she leads a team of Christian women volunteers to drive home that message through God’s word first and foremost because “He is the reason of our existence”.

within and they shape who you become on the outside. They shaped mine. I started to believe I was ugly I didn’t fit in, I didn’t deserve any good thing, I was a people pleaser just to gain approval. If everything was well with everybody else, that was

I share my scars with girls so they may know they are not the only ones and to also give them hope.

Your past does not define you because your future lies in the hands of the Master. Many have heard of that truth and believe it, but the hardest thing is to walk beyond the past freely. When the past has defined our path, the world has put limitations on you, you are likely to live in defeat. It’s easy to settle for what the world gives us because it encourages one to be an accomplice in their vulnerability. perfect for me, because I never measured up. I believed and felt I didn’t matter that much I was sexually molested in my early teen to anyone and never valued myself as good years for 3yrs. I never told anyone and my enough. Being in a relationship was gold, abuser made it a point that I never did. I but the unfortunate part of that is you fall feared too that if I tell anyone, no one will for the wrong relationships because all you believe me or I was going to be blamed are looking for is acceptance and validation. for it. When your life is interrupted in that What is even more devastating is that you manner and fear is instilled in you, it takes are likely to fall for broken people just as you root in you. If I had told my mother, I know are. People who don’t know what true love she would have believed me but, what were is because they never experienced love as the chances of her taking it up further and designed by God. be heard? According to me, they were slim to none. I didn’t want her to hurt, so I never Molestation leaves you to feeling dirty and brought it up to her. exposed. I felt that way for so long and that unworthiness took residence in me. The Untreated wounds of this nature lie deep world saw my insecurities and it treated me


Leah Chikumbindi

Leah with some of the girls she mentors.

the very same way. Truth be told, the world does not validate you but Jesus does. He knows you that you were worth dying for and so He came and died for all of us more two thousand years ago! I accepted Jesus into my personal life at age seventeen and a lot changed, but I never dealt with the molestation. I never wanted to think about it and I pretended it never happened because every time I thought about it, I was sad and I relived the moments all over again. Any untreated hurts from our past never disappear until we address them no matter how we choose to live our lives. Those wounds affect us one way or another. Jesus, the greatest Physician, sees the heart and knows it all. He took away this pain 22 years later. I attended a Women of Faith conference in 2004 in Dallas, Texas. For the first time in my life, I heard that I was a daughter of the King of all kings whose name is Jesus. Sheila Walsh shared her story about how things seemed to be going well at some point in her life. However, that was the outward beauty, while her inner beauty lacked the brightness. She was dying on the inside. She felt unworthy and found herself in the darkest moments of her life until Jesus whispered to her that she was His princess. I listened to message intently and wholeheartedly. It reached the depth of a bottled soul within me and I sobbed uncontrollably. I was taken back to my teenage years. A thirteen-year-old girl who was molested, could not say or do anything

about it. At that moment, I felt that the little girl was set free to tell her story to the entire world. A story which would be used to reach out to other girls to encourage, inspire and let them know of their self-worth regardless of what they go through.

journey. Now I stand in victory. I am not a victim but a victor.

I share my scars with girls so they may know they are not the only ones and to also give them hope. If you have been silenced, it is high time you found someone to share Women around the world are being robbed your hurt with to receive your healing. Tell of their joy because they have experienced someone you trust because by so doing you trauma and are afraid to talk about it. Many will be releasing yourself. gave up living fulfilled lives. They ruled out ever experiencing joy, acceptance. They My personal story is being used to change find it difficult to develop close relationships. lives so can your story too. Girls Set Apart’s They are settling for lies brought to them by vision is to empower and equip girls and the enemy because he is the father of lies. young women alike to know and believe that they are unique, beautiful and adored by Three in every six women I share my story their Maker. Insecurity is a daily struggle for with have also been either sexually abused, many women, Christians, and non-Christians molested or raped by a trusted person at alike, but His word is alive in us. The word can some point in their lives, and they never be declared every day to overcome negative told anyone. Why? Because it’s humiliating, voices surrounding us. It’s never a one-day it affects family relations. Also, when such victory, but an everyday walk in victory. stories are shared, people tend to change their view of the victim. Girls Set Apart was awarded Community Organization of the year at the ANNUAL In Mathew 27:35-36 we learn of how Jesus ZIM ACHIEVERS awards ceremony held in was humiliated. And they crucified him, the USA in 2016. To read more about Leah’s and parted his garments, casting lots: that ministry visit or www. it might be fulfilled, that which was spoken by the prophet. They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. He didn’t deserve any of that. I know Jesus took my hand that day in 2004 at that conference and said: “Leah, I understand, I was humiliated and they even called me names too”. He used many people who walked with me through my healing


Continued from: p23 church was not an option. Being seen going into a club or drinking was a no no! Boys, what boys? As long as I kept it up, I felt safe and spiritual enough to fit into my parents shoes and everyones expectations. After all, the expectation were that I too would become like my prophetic mother and overflow with wisdom like my father. To be honest, this was exhausting but kept the “lectures” to a minimum.

You make it sound like there

what I think I was about. So with all the unrealistic expectations I figured it would be easy to do exactly what I had been told not to do. I know, it was really sad but it happened. So from parties, to dating, to drinking and trying a cigarette which didn’t work for me. I literally just got wild. I think in it all, I am grateful that God always found a way to get me back. My wild moments lasted for a good 2 years which were born out of frustration and anger towards certain things. To say I had backslid wouldn’t really be it, but I was playing God.

is a stigma attached to being Any self assessment? a Pastor or Ministers kid? In my case, Yes. Could be different for others but I felt the stigma. I was not even sure I could be proud of the association. See, each time I made new friends the question would be “Are your parents Pastors?”. My immediate reaction would be to say no because the next statement would most always be “Aarrhh you are a Pastor’s kid”.....”We know your kind” Already I would feel the need to fight that stigma and hope that one sees me as Me and not the tag of a naughty pastor or ministers’ kid. The expectation is that I am wild and crazy but I cover it up well. To a degree yes at some point in my life, Yes! Now I see the disappointment in their eyes when I don’t meet their expectations.

Would you say then you had two lives? Of course, I did and I am not proud of it. In fact the older I got the more I realised that people where not so scary and it mattered more to be right with God. Life in church comprised of me being part of the youth team, leading youth services, being able to appear well dressed and decent with good manners and English. Yet in school, I remember cursing to a point where my best friend who also used to curse decided that I cursed way too much and needed to stop. I remember her saying she would stop cursing if I gave it up to. I hid all my short outfits and only wore them after sneaking out. See a friend would politely ask for permission from my parents to have me for the weekend. We would talk about girl support system and spending time indoors when actual fact we would be attending clubs and private parties. I was able to drink on a Saturday and be drunk however not one day did my parents see me drunk and not ever did I miss church. I am sure by now, some of you are binding but this is the reality of it all and one doesn’t even have to be a minister’s kid to qualify.

You mention at some point in your life you were wild, what was that like? Lets use the word rebellion cause that is


The one major one for me was pride. I became proud because I always was told that I was good and had visiting pastors give beautiful prophecies and comments. You know that one sister in church that is always picked by the visiting speakers and always told beautiful prophecies. I was her one time. Yes, I know God knew I loved those no doubt . That all led to me feeling a lot more self absorbed and feeling better than other people. I was so buried in my selfishness and I was out to please me. Don’t get me wrong, I had genuine moments with God and where I truly felt Him talking to me. In fact, I am very confident that in all my ups and downs He never left me. I think He knew exactly what phase I was in as a person and He also knew how to love me. I used to be so worried about what people thought and said and I was so fragile and easily hurt.

Do you feel any different now from then? A lot different now yes. My relationship with God is healthy and real. I don’t have to fake who I am or hide things. I do have my private life because I choose to. I have mostly become an introvert and in a way that helps to stay away from people’s opinions. I focus more on loving people and accepting that we are different. I focus more on my own calling and allowing The Holy Spirit to teach me as we go. I still make mistakes and bad choices but not as terrible as before (chuckle). However I don’t feel condemned, I can confidently speak to God and ask for forgiveness as I go. I don’t leave two lives anymore. I think I can safely say my work colleagues, friends and church colleagues will all find me the same. I am passionate about God and my calling and less focused on people’s views. I know that sounds a bit awful but I always think of it this way. Human beings are not always consistent so opinions will always change based on experience, wisdom, motive, revelation and all sorts. Therefore if I base my life based on what people think, that becomes confusing as already two people will have two views about certain things. I find it better to respect and appreciate people and their opinions and do take some things on board because of their wisdom and guidance. The difference is I seek God first and He has the highest say and He cares enough to speak to me.

I always was told that Very informative, anything I w a s g o o d a n d h a d to say to the PKs out there? of all, being a Pastor or Ministers kid visiting pastors give First does not give you a pass into Heaven. There no favouritism with this “For all have beautiful prophecies issinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). So whether you want to be and comments. . in ministry or not, you have to work out your So what changed? Honestly, I stopped caring about what people thought and cared more about what God thought and felt. It became more important to me to please God in all areas of my life, including my private life. I grew tired of pretending and lying. You know it takes so much energy and creativity to keep lying and maintain the lie. Sin does cost! In all the chaos I genuinely loved God and wanted to serve Him faithfully. It is so easy to be unfaithful but a challenge to remain sold out for Christ in your thinking and things you say. I remember feeling so alone and feeling torn apart and life was just too heavy for me. I remember wanting to only be with God and no one else and wanting to go off somewhere where I could press the restart button. I was tired of being told how to be and behave and tired of pleasing all the other pastors and church people. The hardest part was probably the anxiety of disappointing my parents.

own salvation. When it comes to being you, be you but also respect the people that God has put around you to help you with your journey. It is a tough walk but even tougher if you do things to please people and not God. By following God I don’t mean disregard what people say or be rebellious and don’t submit, instead be in a place where you seek God and honestly chase after Him. If you fall, get up and get back into it cause God is always waiting. Once I understood God and Grace, I began to understand what God’s heart was for me. Build a solid relationship with God.

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Continued from: p11 Unfortunately some of these brilliant people crush and burn a bit too early because they do not realise their brilliance and they don’t realise that their brilliance needs managing and growing – some tend to arrive before they arrive so they crash and burn. It is a process, I don’t think that you need to give them time and be patient. Ultimately what is important is to try and mentor as well as to try and give as much of stringent information to that person as possible and obviously pray that if they don’t listen to you today it will hit them tomorrow. M T: D o y o u f e e l t h e p i n c h o f l o s i n g some of these brilliant people? SM: Definitely! Even a parent parents are heart broken when their children leave the house, let a alone in an organisation where you are grooming someone for succession purposes you would expect that a certain person will make my organisation better in the future. One day they wake up and they are gone and that kills the progress. There is a saying that once you get a job the only that is left is leaving, however you leave it is something else. The issue of young people is that they need to grow by experiencing some things. If you hire someone when they are in their early twenties, it will be very foolish for you as a manger to expect them to spend the rest of their life with you until they become the CEO. What you want to do is make the most of the time you have with that young person, make them see how valuable they are so that wherever they go, they will always remember the place that treated them well and gave them opportunities and at some point they can always return to you. That


is why people leave organisations and they will come back because the grass is always greener on the other side and you don’t know what is fertilising that grass. If they want to make their impact and have brilliant ideas they will return to that place because they would you to benefit the most. But when young people leave they do not always leave in a harmonious way, they leave because they feel you have done something wrong and you are not giving them room to breathe, you are not paying them or treating them well just like older people would. The difference is that older people are a bit more absorbing because they evaluate the risk of not getting another job or returning to the old one. Young people are not supposed to do that and I don’t think any managers should expect them to stay for the next 20 years without them leaving to experience other things. It is only when you experience different things that you become better

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A woman’s crown Written by: Natasha Mubare


o you’ve been staring at your hair and • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day your just not happy with the way it’s been growing. Maybe you are suffering • Be sure to eat lean protein such as from split ends, breakage, a thinning hairline chicken, fish or tofu. or even hair loss. It’s probably time to start a healthy hair journey, but where exactly do • Break a sweat with exercise for at least 20 you start? Right here! I am going get you minutes a day. started on your journey with the basics. The crown I am referring to is a woman’s pride, her hair. This pride does not deserve shame and that would be the damaged hair you hopefully would not have been holding on to for too long. Contrary to popular product claims, split ends cannot be repaired by slathering pricey serums over them. The best thing to do with those split ends is to cut them right off. Once the general damage has been cut away, you will have a clean slate to start with.

Clean Up Your Body and Diet

Get The Goods

Now it’s time to get a few products to help you along the journey. Here are the products you need and their specific purposes.

• Moisturizing Shampoo – The color of this

shampoo is usually opaque, and will be used weekly or biweekly to cleanse the scalp only.

Clarifying Shampoo – The color of this shampoo should be clear, and will only be used on a monthly basis to remove product build-up.

A healthy hair journey doesn’t just begin with • Moisturising Conditioner – Your moisturizwhat you do to your hair, but a large part of ing conditioner is used after every shampoo it has to do with your health. It’s far more in order to keep your hair soft and manageimportant to keep a healthy body and diet so able. that what grows out of your scalp is in tiptop • Protein Conditioner – A protein conditionshape. er is for hair that is suffering from breakage and damage. Use this product after cleansHere are a few tips to get you started. ing and follow-up with moisture.


L e a ve - I n C o n d i t i o n e r – A l e a v e - i n conditioner should be applied to the hair in order to prepare the hair for styling and manipulation. It can also be used throughout the week for general moisture.

Natural Oil – Use natural oils such as jojoba, coconut or olive oil to apply on top of your leave-in conditioner in order to seal in moisture.

About the author

Natasha Mubare is a passionate creative with her own blog called Tashamat Hair Dairies, where she writes on taking care of natural ethnic hair. Follow her journey with haircare on: Blogspot: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram:

Tashamathairdairies MyHairMyCrown1 TashMat22 the_tashamat

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