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can we cure the dis\ease of the world

we can if we could all get back/to..

what the world needs most is the energy of 7b alive people

authentic art can ongoingly get us to fittingness

art is your being.. not a drawing or creation or anything that you do.. but something you can’t not do. well not if you’re seeking soul peace

that’s why so many people are unsettled, take meds, do bad things.. they haven’t found their art.. to get back/to fittingness


art is human being.. being what you can't not.. as the vehicle.. to get you to that conversation.. that soul peace.. that shalom.. that well being.. that eudaimonia.. that fittingness

art’s fitting\us\ness.. is our cure

if we could just all (in sync) have the unconditional time and space to get back/to listening for our art.. we’d begin being fit\tingness..

when everybody is doing something else (the thing they can’t not do).. that’d be our best safety - against ourselves/others/disease/atrocities

our dis\ease came/perpetuates when we quit listening to

..our fittingness ..thru art

how can authenticity exist without fittingness..?

how can attachment exist without fittingness..? ‘the opposite of belonging.. is fitting in..true belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are.. it requires you to be who you are.. and that’s vulnerable..’ - Brené Brown

without 7b people living their fittingness there can be no soul/world peace ‘in undisturbed ecosystems ..the average individual, species, or population, left to its own devices, behaves in ways that serve and stabilize the whole..’ –Dana Meadows

we need to let go of fitting-in and recapture our fitting-ness

be your art -even as it changes daily. be curious. be still. be curious some more. be you. be.

for all of us

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