quotes in brown from (2009) documentary.. the money fix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwmM5Nb6hiE
more notes here and here
of math and men ness
and here(s)...
campos wake up law _________ debt
graeber job law.. earn a living ness et al
the future of money
bullshit jobs
wealth inequality in america video
what if money was no object – alan watts
earn a living
money enough – taxes on war
bucky\eisenstein earn law
rushkoff job law
radical econ
work ethic
a nother way radical econ et al
4 min - the money system went global and it began to disorder every local eco/social system on the planet
at bottom of all the rules is the rule that making money is always more important than anything else..
f a k e
today.. entire apparatus of assumptions underlying economics are simply wrong.. why do we allow societies to be run with this malfunctioning source code..
f a k e
rushkoff os law
saying money makes world go around.. but in more accuracy‌. money stops world.. doesn’t facilitate in current form it inhibits transaction/trade
money is one thing required for econ exchange.. channel thru which every transaction must go in order to be completed.. we live today by exchanging goods/services with one another and money is the medium we use to do that.. so money becomes the controlling element in economics.. those who control money control everything.. 6 min – thomas:
f a k e
9 min – is it possible that what a society chooses as its money can affect behavior of its people..?
f a k e rather.. if it chooses money (any measuring of transactions) at all.. ie: 10 day cares
9 min - bernard: conventional thinking about money: passive medium of exchange used as a convenience .. doesn’t affect 1\ kinds of transactions or.. 2\ relationships between the people.. both these things happen to be proven wrong..
f a k e
most people don’t realize that the fed reserve is a private corp and it is for profit ..and in fact is neither federal nor reserve.. 13 min- francis:
f a k e
18 min - william: at the end of the day.. they balance accounts and some numbers have been added to the supermarkets and taken out of our account robert: most of what we call money are bank accounts..
f a k e it is these bank account balances that make up about 97% of what we think of as money..
money is basically an idea.. that you owe something or someone owes something to you.. 19 min - francis:
f a k e money is simply credit.. which means.. it’s an information system..
so if money is no more than info about what we owe each other.. 21 min –
f a k e
so if money is no more than info about what we owe each other.. 21 min –
f a k e huge..
f a k e what if we don’t owe each other anything.. (or we owe each other everything.. same)
21 min - bernard: every dollar.. ever national currency you’ve ever seen.. is someone’s debt..
f a k e
f a k e what if we disengage from whole idea of debt
22 min – thomas: john kenneth galbraith in book ..money whence it came where it went.. says this:
the process by which money is created is so simple that the mind is repelled..
f a k e
and it’s true.. when i tell people how..
money is created by banks simply by making ledger entries .. they just can’t believe it..
22 min – thomas: john kenneth galbraith in book ..money whence it came where it went.. says this:
the process by which money is created is so simple that the mind is repelled..
f a k e
and it’s true.. when i tell people how..
money is created by banks simply by making ledger entries .. they just can’t believe it..
23 min - francis: the simple/uncomfortable fact is.. that if all the debts were *repaid.. the money supply would simply disappear..there would be no money.. and that would mean a complete and total collapse of the economy
f a k e *repaid..? or wiped out.. let’s do that..
24 min - bernard: go to buy a house for 100 000.. they check your credit.. and then decide to create the credit.. enter electronically in your account.. and say you have to bring back 200 000 in next 20 yrs‌ the 100 000 is created.. the second 100 000 is not created.. so
f a k e
..they send you into the world to compete w everybody else to bring in the 2nd 100 000 dollars.. that’s how the money is kept scarce.. thru the competition w/these diff players for interest that is not created.. so always less money than is necessary.. and is non systemic
26 min - everybody in the econ is vying w everyone else to avoid defaulting on their loans to the banks.. and the only way they can do that is by competing with one another for an inadequate supply.. so like game of musical chairs.. assures there must be some losers..
f a k e
what if there was a collective understanding of how phony the money is.. what would people do.. riot in the streets..? 28 min -
f a k e
33 min - lynne: a constant battle with.. there’s not enough.. i’m not enough.. an unconscious/unexamined mindset that creates distorted behaviors that are inconsistent with who we are
f a k e
we swim in unexamined/unconscious beliefs
this ‘there’s not enough to go around.. someone’s going to be left out’ gives us this difficult/unfortunate permission to leave people out.. 36 min - lynne:
f a k e
lynne: this.. there’s not enough to go around.. someone’s going to be left out… gives us this difficult/unfortunate permission to leave people out..
f a k e
is competition the world way? or is that the money system makes it that way?‌ i make the second claim.. 39 min - bernard:
f a k e
it’s that we do the work we do.. so often.. simply for the money.. now..since we’re all chasing this money around.. it utterly patterns our society.. 47 min - michael l:
f a k e
michael l: it’s that we do the work we do.. so often.. simply for the money.. now..since we’re all chasing this money around.. it utterly patterns our society..
f a k e
michael l: it’s that we do the work we do.. so often.. simply for the money.. now..since we’re all chasing this money around.. it utterly patterns our society..
f a k e
last section of documentary goes into solutions.. my take: i don’t think alternative/local currencies.. and/or mutual credit will ever get us to equity (everyone getting a go everyday).. we have to disengage from measuring transactions/us.. we have to disengage from info on what we owe each other we have to disengage from thinking that we owe each other we have to disengage from all the flapping about all the B/b/policy we have to disengage from fake\ness and wake up to alive\ness
we worry about things like ie: dr having degree..because we’ve only seen what people do when we depend on income depend on pkg deal..aka degree..to get that income degree didn't help rob hasn’t helped syrian children hasn’t addressed suicide et al we haven’t yet seen what people do when they are free because we have yet let go of fake/control/fear
whats making us sick/asleep/dead.. is not non-degreed drs.. it's people not thinking for themselves
what if free art\ists (meaning art\ists set free) frees us all..? what if money/policy/credentialing/proof is getting in the way of our breathing/being/eudaimonia\tive surplus..? .. of a global systemic change..?
via Dougald Hine (@dougald) Rereading @markravenhill‘s Edinburgh speech from 2013 – if you work anywhere near the arts and haven’t read it, do – theguardian.com/culture/2013/a…
If I didn’t have to fill in forms, tick boxes, prove how good, nice, worthy me and my project are to a well meaning gatekeeper maybe I’d make something better – more truthful, more radical? document everything (and nothing) ness in spaces of permission with nothing to prove
or the degree or the money or the whatever
If it’s your art, you will do almost anything to give it away. –Seth Godin, linchpin Trying to get away from acting, being people that we aren’t, for whatever reasons, and instead, doing what matters most to us. Art is that interesting piece inside each one of us. It’s that thing you can’t not do. In providing spaces to be, we allow people to find, grow, and create their art. If people are doing, making, and being their art, they become indispensable, rather than simply virtuous, or bored or delinquent or depressed.
or degreed/professional/educated/money-heavy We get so worried about, and expended in, a means to improve or to prove. If we focus on authentic art, as opposed to prescribed learning, the proving will not longer be an issue. We’ll wonder what all the fuss was. The kids already wonder. The art, the sharing of that art, because you can’t not, is its own reward.
no train just us
t r u s t
u s
generate some income.. such a made-up/fake/debilitating notion of what being human is all about.. and it’s making us
f a k e
is killing us let’s stop it