part ial

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[and perhaps even worse than no freedom, because not only do you not have freedom, you’re assuming that you do.]

perhaps some things take more of an all-or-nothing approach/mindset. perhaps trust is one of those things.

ie: too many people think we can’t trust learning, we can’t trust the learner, we can’t trust essentials to show up. perhaps their analysis comes from experimenting with only a half a shot of trust. or more accurately/recently, 20% a shot. which generally results in us thinking that people appear to need mandates/rules/compulsory-curriculum. the evidence seems clear, that without them, we humans have a propensity toward laziness.

what if that’s not the whole story. what if people actually have a propensity toward hard work, it just needs to matter to them. and what if, because we haven’t yet experimented with 100% choice/trust/people, the idea of societies built on trust are reaffirmed to be a utopian fantasy. not because they are (utopian fantasy), but because we haven’t trusted them to not be. perhaps that’s why we are missing it. science of people in schools.. grey research law.. et al.

completeness seems to be at the center of shalom ‌

as partial researches/experimentations are mounting.. ie: bi, commons, .. just a few recent questions/comments from twitter: Do commons bring more justice? Can they challenge political hierarchy?

probably not if we common partially. commons = any resource accessible to everyone. There are many commons. Most don’t provide food/shelter. That’s the problem.

so.. not yet commons..? perhaps commons = all the resources accessible to everyone

commons/freedom/trust ness begs everyone/

Is universal basic income a poor tool to fight poverty? No, it’s the best.

perhaps neither poor nor best..just partial.

our ongoing perpetuation of not-us ness via

p a r t \ial ness

[holacracy et al law ness]

ie: short bp & short of a nother way


we keep missing it (betterness.. equity) because we keep doing part\ials..

and so .. we .. can’t dance. since the dance takes all of us.. and all the things.. no?

along the same lines.. we probably won’t get to equity via part\ial disengagement..

perhaps the act offrom disengage\ing is the glue..can we get to that ginormously small structure/glue.. bureaucracy ness

one that works/fits for all the things for all of us for all the time

can we go deep/simple/open enough..

it’s time to leap… for (blank)’s sake… we can. so we can’t not.

let’s disengage from

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