The merging of spatial data and game engine platforms makes the ingestion of massivescale data for real-time and ultra-immersive experiences more accessible to the geospatial industry. It opens new opportunities for the infrastructure industry to showcase large projects.
he launch of the “Cesium for Unreal” plugin shows how close 3D geospatial modelling and game engine visualisation sectors are merging. That new plugin is getting significant interest from the industry, but Esri, Skyline, Unity and multiple other platforms are rapidly developing for more robust and diverse ways to visualise 3D data. 3D modelling specialist Aerometrex constantly tests the newly bridged and evolving platforms with its high-resolution city models as the base dataset. SPATIAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN Over recent years, the advancement of 3D photogrammetry has meant that
June 2021 // Issue 19
more of our world can be captured and recorded digitally. Aerometrex’s 3D models have been getting more detailed, with street-level enhancement able to capture the finest features. While the geospatial and simulation industries have tools and packages to deal with the ever-growing data requirements, the real-time engines have lacked a mainstream solution that could leverage open documented file formats. The merging of 3D spatial data and gaming is creating the most powerful visualisation platforms for spatial professionals. These platforms open substantial opportunities for infrastructure design, planning, showcasing and visualisation. Spatial teams involved in infrastructure industries can now leverage the significant power of game engines.
STREAM LARGE 3D DATASETS OF INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Game engines ingesting spatial data make working with high fidelity, complex and extensive 3D models much more straightforward. The fact that data is streamable instead of pre-loaded and managed through local datasets, has made the user workflow much more effortless. You can add entire Aerometrex city models with three clicks from a local location or use hosted models within the platform. Large-scale infrastructure – think the size of an airport, highway, bridge, or rail network – can be quickly loaded
into a 3D city model to simulate the real-world impact. Once loaded, you can unleash the full realism potential of game engine visualisation.
IMMERSIVE REALISM Game engines have in-built 3D asset libraries and simulation capabilities which give infrastructure modelling an ultra-realistic potential. It is possible to reach a level of production quality traditionally beyond the reach of spatial work. Adding an Aerometrex 3D city model with atmospheric lighting, volumetric clouds, realistic weather, people and vehicles, lets you build and populate the world. Those digital flourishes turn infrastructure simulation and visualisation into engaging assets to showcase projects or build robust concept designs for tenders. The 3D asset libraries are rich enough for the smallest details. You can, for example, fully recreate a café across the road from a new building model and view it from the diners’ point-of-view. Or drive a car along a new highway model. The freedom and flexibility is only limited by the creator.
Speak to Aerometrex about your next infrastructure project and the new visualisation techniques at