imensional tolerances are small on vertical pumps, as pumps can be 0.2-0.5m in diameter and 20-40m long. Conversely line shaft bearings, often carbon bearings are generally used which do not perform well under prolonged stress and slowly loosen over time. These resultant increased bearing clearances culminate in shaft whipping, high vibration and severe pump damage. At ITT Blakers, we upgrade line shaft bearings with a selection of engineered materials used for extreme wear applications. Without these modifications line shafts, line shaft couplings and line shaft bearings are frequently replaced during overhaul. The ITT solution provides the redesign of the bearings to introduce shaft sleeves. Here, the sleeve becomes a consumable item, thus protecting the shaft. For extreme wear conditions such as those experienced
by seawater intake/lift pumps, ITT has also successfully developed hard-faced shaft sleeves using laser bonded plasma arc technology, increasing the wear resistance of the shaft. Saltwater also damages the wetted parts severely, the bowl assembly, columns and line shafts. The ITT solution to this is to upgrade standard materials to Super Duplex, SS Grade 5A with PREN>45 to significantly increase corrosion resistance. In addition, we also offer impeller and/or bowl redesign plus hydraulic changes for the ultimate life extension and energy reducing solution. In all instances, a separate bearing retainer with additional accessory parts makes it difficult to achieve positive alignment. The ITT solution is to upgrade columns with a Goulds integral bearing retainer which are economical to produce and vastly reduce any chance of misalignment.
g n i n g i Redes the For more information, visit www.ittblakers.com and www.gouldspumps.com
When your process demands critical vertical lift pump reliability. ITT Australia’s pump upgrade engineers reduce complex repair risks via true one-stop-shop local in-house capability including the latest, innovative corrosion resistant alloys and coatings. “I recommend ITT Goulds VIT model for superior corrosion resistance performance in seawater lift applications and am replacing all existing pumps now with ITT Goulds.” (Australian Major Mining Customer).
pump industry | Spring 2020 | Issue 33
Future Ph: 1300 333 488 Email: sales.blakers@itt.com Web: www.ittblakers.com