I’ll be honest, I’ve had many different ideas for an editorial this issue, but there’s one pressing issue that needs to be addressed immediately. I couldn’t wait until the next publication to address my immense concerns for one of the main issues that Little Monsters have been faced with. Although this problem exists in every social group around the world, it’s about time that this particular one is called out specifically. With the extraordinary access we have at our fingertips and the privilege that we assess from the mere evolution in the world of technology, people continuously abuse this opportunity to bully others across the world. I find this matter absolutely absurd, but inevitably, unavoidable. This is why people say we can’t have nice things. But we can, and it starts with me and you. The simplest way I can put this is that you cannot spell “can’t” without “can”. We can all agree that the rising uproar within the fanbase is caused by a minority. We can also agree that those who aim to cause uproars are usually those who are the loudest. While we do not have the ability to control others, we all have the capacity to simmer and control ourselves. By this, I mean, we can control how we react and respond to such behavior. I find that a lot of people get caught up in the frenzy because they react negatively. Many people are being rapidly discouraged, thinking that because of how “out of hand” it’s become, there is nothing left we can do to redeem ourselves. This is false. And while we still have no control over others, we have each other in which we can begin the “movement” that has the potential to change the tide rather sufficiently... but only if we believe in ourselves and stick together. After all that we’ve been through, there are people out there who still believe that one voice cannot be heard. Understandably, but we have a large group of us who aren’t the minority and if we hold ourselves together, we can break the chain, and that is the essence of social evolution. This problem does not begin or end with Twitter. This problem is a plague among the fanbase on various social networking groups and forums all over the internet. The point of citing a specific “source” on a specific “social networking” group is irrelevant. It’s an epidemic that has swept a good part of our fanbase altogether. I can sit here and cite practically every reason a person might have to bully, or why a person who is bullied is an easy target, and why both parties play a very significant role in the vicious cycle. That is, however, not to say that the bullied are not a victim or that the bully isn’t also a victim. In such matters, both very well are victims directly and indirectly in a situation. It is important that both parties recognize this, but all the while, it’s not that simple. There are many reasons why people bully. A lot of bullies feel powerful, or important, when they have the ability to control another person through their emotions. They get a rise out of another person’s reaction. Why do they want to feel this way? This is more likely to happen when the bully feels they have no control over their own lives. More times than not, these people are bullied at home or in school, or they feel alienated in other ways. They say and do things that they know they wouldn’t get away with in real life. You simply cannot talk to people the way some people do online. However, they want attention, or to feel important, and they’ll do anything online to get it. Some people bully to simply fit into a group of people who bully. They do not want to be susceptible to bullying, so they join them instead. Speaking to Monsters in the past, a lot of them have actually confessed to me that the reason they have bullied me, or another Monster, is due to the fact that they either wanted to fit in or prevent being bullied themselves. A GagaDaily member posted a status once stating that if they were as kind as they wanted to be, people wouldn’t like them as much. It’s sad, and I never understood why “being mean” is such a trend in our fanbase. I’m almost certain it’s not only a trend in our fanbase, but for youth in general. Movies, such as Mean Girls, have glorified being mean. Anyway, I know that those who confessed would deny it. I could name a long list of them if I wanted, but that would make me no better than the bully. I’m not here to “call” specific people out on their bluff. I just want to raise awareness within the fanbase. L e t me a ls o p oint out t he fa c t t hat t he maj or it y of our fanb as e are natu r a l ly “s ass y”. T here’s not hi ng w rong w it h it but s ome t ime s I fe el li ke t his cou ld s ome-w hat cont r ibute to s ome of t he f ren z y t hat we ex p er i ence among ou rs elve s . B eing s assy do e s n’t ne cess ar i ly me an b eing a bu l ly. O ur s ass y ones may just cont r ibute by resp ondi ng to bu l l i es . So this brings me to my point regarding the victim attributing to the vicious cycle of bullying. I’m guilty of this myself (especially as a kid when I was severely bullied in school) and it wasn’t until I grew up, continuously analyzing my childhood, that I realized this. Bullies bully for the mere “fun” of it. Not only do they get the reaction from their peers (usually laughing at their jokes or causing their classmates to fear or praise them), they’re getting their biggest reaction from their victim. Typically speaking, of course, the victim responds either by lashing out dramatically, crying or attempting to stick up for themselves. This encourages others to react. The victim becomes the laughing stock of the school, or social group, and the frenzy continues through others. Those unaware of why a person is victimized may have a warped perception of the victim, assuming them to be the cause rather than the victim. People are put off, either because they believe the victim is the bully or because they’re afraid to be associated with them in fear of rejection. Truth be told, we’re always looking for someone to accept and love us. No one actually wants to be lonely, even if they’ve grown accustom to it over a period of time. The victim becomes known as the villain, or the despised, and they have no one else to turn to. I noticed this towards some of the most known, or “famous”, Monsters of our fanbase. People dislike them because they appear to be egotistical or rude to others. Yes, this happens too, but a lot of it started because they were bullied by people who were envious. They’ve reacted poorly and now, they’re known as a villain and in some cases it’s true. Some of them question the “relevance” of others in the fanbase based on how known they are or how often they’ve met Gaga. Our more “relevant” Monsters may also appear to be “egotistical” because they’re simply guarded. A lot of people associate with them to try and “get closer to Gaga”. I get it, I do, and it’s hard to know who’s real and who isn’t. Even then, some of them have admitted to me that they do it because “it’s how they’re supposed to act”. Are people truly expected to “act” a certain way in this fanbase? Why? Just recently, Gaga used Marc Monster’s Twitter account to state that she didn’t like they way he was being treated by other fans. This is another example of bully vs. victim. He was once a victim, and still is, but has responded to it poorly. That goes without saying that his ego has morphed. I mean absolutely no disrespect, and I honestly tried to refrain from using names, but Gaga addressed it herself. Will this make people stop? Probably not, but I’m glad that she finally said something about it. I’ve been saying for a while that instead of responding to a particular issue, or person, she should address the fanbase as a whole regarding their behavior. While it may not change anything and she knows that she cannot control her fans, it would at least make her look good. I’m hoping fans will take this particular response into consideration and rethink their decisions in the future. I’m not saying that a “victim” shouldn’t be brave or stick up for themselves; at some point something needs to be said. However, it’s all about the way it’s said. I could suggest remaining calm and reacting positively, but that may also cause a negative reaction. But the point is that two wrongs don’t make a right. The more positive you are about it and the less reaction you put forth, the less “jollies” the bully gets. I’m also not say-
ing it’s that simple. It’s very difficult to remain calm and collective, especially if it’s continuous, getting worse and/or more than one person. If you are unable to handle it on your own, please seek guidance. Reach out to other people, such as an adult or counselor, a friend or family member. They are there to protect and guide you to the best of their ability. You do not have to go through this alone, no matter how alone you may feel. Aside from bullies bullying, victims being victims and victims becoming villains, our fanbase is known for targeting fans of other artists. Our fanbase is also known for bullying Gaga’s contemporaries, or people with opposing opinions regarding Lady Gaga. Are we not confident enough for the music and art to speak for itself? Instead of targeting other people based on their looks or Twitter profile, why can’t we provide legitimate cases that back up Gaga’s talent? Instead of telling someone they’re irrelevant, stupid or ugly, we could be providing facts and YouTube links that support why we love Lady Gaga. Or, if you cannot do that, just simply ignore the nay-sayers. Why must we attack others who view her differently? If they dislike her, attacking such people aren’t going to change their opinions. If we want people to see why Lady Gaga is such a talented, inspirational artist, we should be telling them why. Have you ever heard the expression, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”? I think Gaga is a strong enough artist and she’s continuously proving herself as she progresses. I know a lot of people who were once “ignorant” about her abilities who have recently changed their opinions once they found out more about her. If anything, we are hurting our fave’s career by the entire backlash we have caused as a fanbase. We are taking huge steps backwards. If you truly care about Lady Gaga and this fanbase, it’s time for a change. Those of you who have said something nasty to another monster, fan or contemporary for absolutely no reason, perhaps the first thing you could do is to apologize. If you’re not one of those Monsters, perhaps you could “guide” our minorities in the right direction to having a positive presence on the Web. The most important thing to remember is that we cannot change overnight. It takes progress, and the only way we can do that is by continuing to practice what’s right. Now is the best time to change our ways, practice breeding compassion among ourselves and our competitors, and prevail. We are in NEED to BREED compassion. The past is the past. It cannot be undone. All we can do at this point is realize what we’ve done wrong, put it behind us and move forward. Most of us preach about love, compassion and acceptance, inspired by Lady Gaga herself, but we are in constant contradiction of ourselves. We must take this time now to reflect upon ourselves, re-evaluate our past behaviors, and continue into 2013 with a different outlook on ourselves and of others. While it may be “just the internet”, our everyday actions affect one or more people daily. Despite what you might think, the internet is more powerful than all of us. And regardless where the words are coming from, they are still just as potent as if you were to say them in real life. The Internet has become most prominent in our every day lives that we tend to take what happens online and carry it with us offline. Our communication has expanded beyond day-to-day conversation. Even if you disagree, or feel that there should be a separation between the two, words are still words at the end of the day. Though we may think we have an idea of who we’re talking to, or who our audience is online, there is no real way to tell. If we all took this into consideration, taking the necessary and courteous precautions as best as we can, the world would be a better place. And then we have those who simply don’t give a shit. They’re too young to think about the repercussions of their actions. They truly believe that everything said online stays online and doesn’t interfere with their life or others’ offline, but unfortunately it does. It catches up with us and eventually we must pay for our actions either by real-life consequences or guilt. I’m willing to bet that half of those online with this mentality would never dream of acting the way they do online in life outside of the internet. The way that some young people talk to others online, it makes me wonder how they’re making it, or will make it, out in the real world. You simply cannot talk to people like this and get away with it. You won’t get very far. Pe opl e of te n forge t t hat once you p ost s omet hing on line, it’s t here fore ver. Just b e c aus e you remove s omet h i ng d o e sn’t me an s ome one els e hasn’t a lre a dy s ave d it. It w i l l ma ke it s way b ack arou nd. What go es up must come d ow n . What c ome s around go es b a ck around. D ust yours elf of f and t r y ag ai n . (What t hre e ar t ist s have I reference d? ) Additionally, we have the Monsters who claim not to be “brainwashed” by Lady Gaga’s ways and have grown tiresome of her overly preachy “persona”. We have to remember that we’re all fans for different reasons. Gaga has attracted many people around the world, mixing different cultures, beliefs and lifestyles. We all have the right to agree or disagree with some of her ways, or the ways of our own, but we must still respect one another. Gaga has accepted to be whatever we need her to be, whether it is just a musician, an inspiration, a voice for our generation, a God-like entity (more or less) or a temporary escape from reality. This is how powerful Gaga is, and while these Monsters do not see her in that way, it’s best to keep in mind that there are some people in our fanbase who do. No one is forcing those Monsters to associate with the Monsters who do feel this way about her. Why even respond to it? And to top it all off, just like the bullies, some of these Monsters in particular have admitted to me privately that they also feel very strongly for Gaga (even crying to the Born This Way album), but put on a persona to prevent being picked on. Most people who have to prove themselves or make a point about a particular thing or personality trait are hiding themselves in regret. Why must we “hide” ourselves, or change the way we are, to be accepted? I can only imagine how awful that feels. If you cannot be yourself around these “friends”, perhaps it’s time to find a new niche. I’m almost certain that there are other Monsters who will be more than willing to be your friend, unconditionally. When it all comes down to it, we’re all insecure about something. We take this “weakness” and respond to it in different ways. People may be strong, trying to work on themselves while others may bully to cover them up. Some people bottle it up in an attempt to ignore it and hope it goes away eventually. It doesn’t. If anything, a problem unnoticed only grows bigger and stronger than ever before. It grows as we grow. The last thing you want to do is take old skeletons in your closet and bring them into your adulthood. It only worsens and becomes even more difficult to deal with. Be brave, face your fears and insecurities and squash them. Be the better you and do it the proper way. No one deserves to be a victim to your personal endeavors. This is a journey that you alone can walk. Do not drag others down with you. And most of all, remember to be your own person. Who wants to be a follower all their lives? No one wants to be someone’s punching bag. Rise above! You are an individual. Your decisions are your own. You are repellent to manipulation. You construct your opinions based on your own experience. You ask questions. You research as oppose to taking someone else’s word for it. You apply constructive criticism. Your friends are your own. You wear what you want. You are beautiful in your own way. And, you take no one’s shit. Please remember to breed compassion and help others along the way. You are the future. St ay tu ne d for t he ne x t qu ar te rly issue of Monster Maga zine… w hat shou ld you ex p e c t ? E x p e c t a more t horou g h l o ok on s el f-emp owe r me nt and ant i- bu l ly ing w it h in t he fan b as e. We w i l l dis c uss t he bu l ly vs. v i c t i m , ex press you r ne e d to bre e d comp ass i on , bu l ly i ng tow ard ou r p e e rs and Gaga’s c ontemp orar ies, and your role in ma k ing our fan b as e (and t he worl d) a b etter pl ace for you and me. Among t h is dis c ussion , we w i l l prov ide guid ance, p osit iv it y and supp or t in w ays you c an b e come (or cont i nu e to b e) s el f-emp owere d. In
t he
me ant ime,
brac e
yours elves
B or n
“Sp e ci a l
E dit i on”
issu e
Your Founder, Tiffa.
moment ar i ly!
Although there wasn’t any new music or video releases this year, 2012 has still been a significant year for our Lady, featuring a sold-out tour worldwide, the Born This Way Foundation and more. 2012 really was the year that FAME took over.
To kick off the year, Gaga was the cover star of both Elle UK and Vanity Fair magazines for their January editions. Gaga wore Alexander McQueen for one of the two covers for Elle UK, and was photographed nude for Vanity Fair. She spoke about her Marry the Night video, “It’s chaotic and sad. But I don’t want it to be safe.”
February was a busy month for Gaga. On the 7th, she announced the Born This Way Ball Tour, something which the Monsters had been waiting to hear since the album release in May 2011. Gaga went on her very first “Worldwide Tour”, touring in countries such as South Korea, Australia, England and even South Africa. Other significant events include the attendance of the 54th Grammy Pre-Awards performance and the launch of the Born This Way Foundation at Harvard University with Oprah Winfrey and her mother, Cynthia Germanotta.
Gaga, along with her mother Cynthia, did an interview with Oprah for her show, The Next Chapter, which took place in her parents’ apartment where she grew up with her sister. Cynthia spoke about her daughter’s outrageous fashion choices, “I was okay with the meat….loved the egg.” Gaga also added, “My mom loves my work, and my dad does too which is nice.” However, Gaga also said, “she [my mother] doesn’t like when I swear.”
This month was the start of the Born This Way Ball in South Korea, and Gaga also hit the headlines just by tweeting. She wrote ‘#PopSingersDontEat’ and it was inevitably misinterpreted by the media.
In May Gaga made an appearance at the Tokyo Sky Tree wearing a beautiful origami dress made with mirror tiles. She also rocked the hair style which she had named ‘Fox Blonde’. Gaga was due to play in Jakarta, Indonesia where she had sold over 50,000 tickets but due to protesters and risk of her safety, she had to cancel the show.
Australia was the destination of the Ball in June, where Gaga unfortunately suffered concussion after being hit on the head during her performance of ‘Judas’. However, she finished the show like the true performer she is, and even debuted a new song, Princess Die. The song features, arguably, what are some of Gaga’s deepest and darkest lyrics yet, such as lyrics ‘I need someone to love and save me from myself.’ The song is inspired by powerful women who died too young, such as Princess Diana and Amy Winehouse.
Gaga hit Hollywood this month where she had a sleepover with Lindsay Lohan (which involved taking pictures and eating cucumber) and announced her debut role in the film Machete Kills as La Chameleon, beside Danny Trejo [Machete], where she will fight to the death.
After many rumours and a ton of fan speculation, Gaga announced the title of the next album via Instagram, where she uploaded a picture of her new ‘ARTPOP’ tattoo with the caption ‘new ink new album’. Other highlighting events included Gaga vs. PETA, where Gaga was called out for wearing fur coats. She responded to the opposition with an open letter to the fans, ‘You see a carcass, I see a museum piece de resistance’. The first 30 second FAME trailer was released (featuring Gaga in a black catsuit and more) and finally, the release of the final ‘Yoü & I’ fashion film, which fans had been waiting for since the release of the first film in 2011.
Perhaps Gaga’s busiest month of 2012, September came with three FAME launch events (two in New York where Gaga slept and peed in a bucket, and one in Paris where a picnic with fans), being on the cover of Vogue, the the full FAME commercial by Steven Klein, attending and opening for Philip Tracey at London Fashion Week (wearing a pink burqa) and showing fans her fiber-optic wig which the Haus had been working on for over six months.
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This month brought another FAME launch in London, and our Lady went to Iceland to accept a peace prize from Yoko Ono. Using the chat on her website: littlemonsters.com, Gaga revealed that the songs on ‘ARTPOP’ will be ‘a bit more modern’ and she added that ‘you never know if radio is ready.’ Gaga also attended a Versace store opening in Soho with Donatella Versace and went to a Halloween party, dressed as ‘Princess High’.
After the chaos of Hurricane Sandy in New York, Gaga donated one-million dollars for relief efforts on behalf of herself and her family. Gaga spent a lot of time promoting the presidential elec- tion this month (Pro-Obama), and spending time with children in Brazil. She felt like she had such a great experience that she actually got a ‘Rio’ tattoo behind her left ear.
To end the year, Gaga performed ‘Gimme Shelter’ with the legendary Rolling Stones at their 50th anniversary concert, debuting the infamous ‘fiber optic wig’, making headlines across the globe. She also caused more controversy in Norway, Russia, New York and Chicago for wearing fur coats.
Having been able to see Lady Gaga on tour, enjoy her choreography and live performances, what would be a better completion for this amazing experience other than The Born Brave Bus by Lady Gaga to all her fans in the United States? It’s a new experience where you can find help to let go of your insecurities and feel the ability to apply everything you’ve learned during the Born This Way era message and stand up for yourself, and be brave and able. Following her successful international tour as well as her message to help individuals to be true to themselves and the people around them, The Born Brave Bus was created by the help of The Born This Way Foundation which teamed with different organizations (such the MacArthur Foundation and the California Endowment) in the country to follow The Born This Way Ball Tour in North America and help fans under 25 be themselves by creating a safe and secure environment for them. “Many fans are distraught that the bus is only open to those who are under 25, but the Born This Way Foundation is primarily focused on “youth”. The youth is our future and their focus is to create a better world for them and our future. However, the main argument in bullying today is that help and support starts at home. Hopefully the BTW Foundation can propose a support system for adults (parents and teachers) that will continue to help youth around the world. “Those who are qualified and interested in visiting the bus can already pre-register for a visit to the bus on the official BTWF website (www.bornthiswayfoundation.org/bus). The first 100 people to pre-register in each city are guaranteed access to the bus. Those who pre-register after the 100 reservations have been met will have “priority access” to the bus among those who haven’t pre-registered. It’s also important to remember that anyone can visit the bus, even without having a ticket to the show,” Tiffa, 24, tells Monster Movement, “Fans can “tail gate” at the Born Brave Bus, which opens at 3 PM the day of each show, where Gaga’s friends Breedlove and Lady Starlight will DJ. This provides a fun, exciting experience for the fans and those who participate in the event.”
The bus, whose design was created by Japanese artist Iggy Proof and Da Morgue, has several drawings and illustrations on it. These include a drawing for the BTWB castle, Gaga-related drawings and other drawings contributed by the two artists. Although ‘The Born This Way era’, focused mainly on themes regarding being yourself and standing up for your thoughts and beliefs no matter how rejected and criticized you might be, is kind of over, Gaga seems to still be interested in applying all the messages and themes she carried on during that time to help her fans to be brave enough to stand up against those who reject them and tell them that they can’t do this, or that, look beautiful or be successful in doing what they like to do. The Born Brave Bus offers a positive atmosphere for people to talk about their problems in order to find solutions with the help from a group of [psychology] professionals and creative team brought by the bus. No matter how hard you might have been bullied, no matter how afraid you might be to talk about it, The Born Brave Bus offers the advice for those who seek it and are willing to participate in the whole process of making others feel brave about themselves and their situations.
The Born Brave Bus isn’t only interested in helping people feel secure, safe and brave, but also in making them able to help others around them who might have a similar problem to theirs. In other words, the experience of the Born Brave Bus is a progress of completing each other in one community. The creative team on the bus offers tips and teaching methods for those who visit the bus in order to be able to give advice for the youth around their communities. All this and much more is ought to complete the Born This Way Foundation goal: making a difference and building a braver world.
his issue’s very talented featured fan artist is 20 year-old Jessica Ronita Cull-Thomas, from United Kingdom, Gloucestershire. Here’s a little bit of her art, and this is how she expresses it. “I’ve always had a dream of becoming a recognized artist but when everything went down hill in 2011-2012. I had a terrible two years with my art A level in school. I honestly never wanted to draw again due to low confidence and lack of inspiration. Listening to Gaga and her message helped me to regain my confidence, and after watching ‘A very gaga thanksgiving’ when she talks about how marry the night is about marrying her music and marrying her work to achieve her dream, I started to feel the same way about my art work, regardless if people didn’t approve or think I didn’t have talent.”
I guess what I’m trying to say is that Lady Gaga made me brave again and I am so thankful for her and her ability to change lives.
n preparation for her innovative black eau de parfum, FAME, Lady Gaga took time out of her busy world-tour schedule to attend a “Fame Launch” in NYC on September, 13, 2012 to properly promote her perfume fragrance. In an erratic performance at the Guggenheim Museum in front of hundreds of people and 15,000 viral viewers via a live broadcast (www.littlemonsters.com/ famelaunch), she did private things in public. In her 15 minutes of fame and within the confines of fame, she is a sleeping beauty. The dark soul of fame keeps her in her slumber; the public hand penetrates the barrier to share a fabled handshake with the sleeping princess. Think Andy Warhol, Sleep (1964), as a rejection of narrative in film and a purporting of mindless fame obsession and Marina Abramovic’s Rhythm 0 (1974) as commentary on the limits between performer and spectator. Watch Princess High as she sleeps. Private in Public. ARTPOP (2013). Guests arrived in masquerade wear, as instructed for the event. Invitations called for a “mask, hat, tiara, crown or lobster”. Entering the auditorium, guests were greeted by men in tight leather pants and body harnesses.
The art performance, the Black-Tie Masquerade, or otherwise known as “Sleeping with Gaga”, at Guggenheim Museum broadcast started with Gaga “sleeping” inside of a transparent glass egged-shaped bottle, an exact replica of her Fame fragrance, for nearly an hour as guests entered the darkened auditorium. The
broadcast opened in black and white as the Exorcist’s theme song, Tubular Bells, played. Several candid shots from different angles from inside the glass bottle were shown. As David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust played, more candid shots were shown from the foyer of the Guggenheim (also in black and white).
Now in color and an hour later, the broadcast premiered Lady Gaga’s Fame commercial (as seen on YouTube). Back inside the Guggenheim, the lights beamed while Gaga continued to sleep inside a boudoir-like room (the bottle or “vessel”). Guests inside the auditorium were instructed to touch Gaga’s hand as she slumbered. Edith Piaf songs played throughout the entire sleep sequence. Another hour passes, at approximately 8:29 PM EST, Gaga is now awake inside the bottle where she primps in front of her mirror brushing her hair and touching up her make-up. She is then seen urinating in a [champagne] bucket. Gaga is then seen getting dressed, with the
help of an assistant, inside of her boudoir at about 8:44 PM EST, wearing a dress from Prabal Gurung, Fall 2012, Ready-to-Wear runway, as seen on Joan Smalls. At 8:49 PM EST, Gaga was taking “selfies” (pictures of herself taken by herself) with her iPad as ‘Trap on Acid’ by RL Grime is played. Trap music continued to be the “theme” throughout this sequence where Gaga is seen getting her head shaved in the shape the infamous triangle that caused so much anguish in the past. A sketch of a cherub (or angel) was then placed in the newly shaved area, in preparation for a tattoo.
The tattoo and the shave are both said to be in homage to Terry Richardson’s mother who tragically passed away due to cancer. The cherub looks very similar to Hypnos, Greek God of Sleep and his twin, Thanatos, the God of Death. This concept, though speculation, seems to fit the theme of this erratic performance like a glove. Later, tattoo artist, Mark Mahoney commented on the design, ‘It’s kind of a Renaissance era cherub, a nod to her Italian heritage.’ Having met Gaga on September 9, 2012 backstage in Manchester, Lady Gaga was contemplating the idea of shaving her head but didn’t mention the reason. No one was fond of the idea and Freddie, Gaga’s hairstylist, was reluctant. I was the first to speak to Gaga that night, and said, “Gaga, the way I see it, it’s just hair. If you don’t like it, it’ll grow back.” Freddie agreed. Regardless whether or not this influenced the shave, I’m pretty sure Gaga would have done it anyway. Prior to proceeding to tattoo the cherub in Guggenheim, Gaga was seen smoking something that appeared to either be an electronic cigarette or a vaporizer pen (a one-hitter used in smoking pot). During the time the tattoo was being inked, Scheiße (DJWS Remix), Alejandro (lullaby version) and Bad Romance (lullaby version) played. Right before going into Paparazzi (lullaby version), Gaga’s nip tap was exposed! Tara Salevo, Gaga’s makeup artist, then kissed Gaga’s ass. At about 10 PM EST, Gaga’s nipples were exposed and the broadcast went off air at 10:09 PM EST.
“Sleeping with Gaga” appeared to be a crossover between pop culture and art, bringing performance art and pop culture together as one piece. This is also the essence and creation of Lady Gaga’s upcoming album, ARTPOP. And as an ode to Andy Warhol, you can see a clock located to the left of the vessel-like Fame bottle that counted down to 15 minutes. This symbolizes a person’s “15 minutes of fame”.
As Lady Gaga graced the public with her sheer presence, it kept people watching even though she was doing “normal” things. This would be boring, if we were watching someone else do it, but because she’s famous (or “Lady Gaga”), we were intrigued. This performance could simply indicate the “power of Fame” and the world’s obsession with celebrities, idols and deities. In speculation, the sleep sequence could have been in reference to the Roman Catholics who make sculptures of Jesus and put Him into a glass box. During Holy Week, they make an opening in the glass box where devotees can touch Jesus’ hand. This is often symbolized as a form of mourning. Also, as Christians believe, Jesus “rested” for three days prior to reanimating as “Christ” after crucifixion. Gaga is known to have an obsession with the Ca-
tholicism symbolism and often times have brought it to life in her artistry. The infamous interpretation to the blackcolored liquid inside the egg-shaped bottle is supposed to signify the truth about Fame behind closed doors. “It’s black like the soul of fame.” Lady Gaga was literally in the belly of fame (the black liquid in the bottle); she symbolized the fame, as over fifteen-thousand people watched her from home. You wouldn’t think that people are that interested in the superstar that they’d sit for hours just to watch a celebrity do practically nothing. Due to how we as a society perceive celebrities and our idols, we sat watching her every move as we analyzed everything she did. However, the most popular interpretation of this performance is the “decay of the superstar”. After your fifteen minutes of glorious fame, the paparazzi and public yearn for more. They want to see you eat, sleep and shit. Once you’ve shit, they want to drag you out and watch you fail as you disintegrate into the abyss. That’s what is faithfully known as “the decay of the superstar”. Some would say that she paid homage to Britney Spears, who is the most prime example of the fallen blonde superstar, by shaving her head. As she martyred herself, allowing people from all around the world have a sneak-peek into her private life; it symbolized a private life being brought to public by the paparazzi due to our macabre obsession with the rise and fall of the superstar. Seemingly
opening as “Princess High” inside the belly of the “Fame Monster”, she later came out tattooed, martyred and destroyed, as “Princess Die”. Vanity Fair interviewed Steven Klein, the director of the FAME commercial, where he explained the the performance art of both the launch and the video. “It’s the idea of the pleasures and pain of fame, and the temptation of fame. What is it like to embark on the journey of fame, and what are the costs of fame?”
He continued by explaining the idea because Gaga’s “Sleeping Beauty” performance. “Everybody wants a piece of fame. It’s simple. Everybody wants a piece of fame, so it’s like, in the end, what do they really want? They don’t really know. But unless they touch her, they’re not really satisfied.” That said, this partially confirms our speculation that it was about the curiosity, or obsession, with fame rather than the decay of the superstar, as our last interpretation suggests.
e l o h w e h t d e g n a h c e h S . a g a G g n s i e k c c e u n f t y o d N a L . e s b ’ e o h t s t e n s a u w a c l e l b a r e e w t e s t e n a r o h f M w e e h s l t t t n t s e i t s L n e e r s p e e r r p I’m a e e r h S e h . s 9 0 t 0 u 2 b n s , i d s n s p a e o t r P s d f e t o h a s e e m , p n a a w o r d a e d w e landsc k o c t o n t k n a s w t e l g l a e g h e e s l w n g r e n u h i o W n y a . e e l m n e i e f f e d l l s a sarily e s d i l u u r o b c d e n w a h s d i i o d w o n l o l b c l n a e u h e t s w e t t v e a o L l “ e . h e s m dom th i m t o h y w r e s v n e a f t i R r O e s h e . o S d r E o O f d D n a E p H u , S p s Y d A n W a t E s H back u T d n S a T H s G t I h F g i S f S E e N h I s S U y B a w S I e H h T T N . I ” E S L acy E E N O O N . g n i z a m a s i y l l a tion . . H g C n U i M z a S m A a , s T i S c i s u m AT LEA r e h d n a , w o h s g n i z a m a n a n o s t u p e h s e s a u i a l c a e r b t s , u y A l l , a e n l a M , ) And fi a l l i n a V ( - James
Im not a ‘Little Mon ster. I’m a Gaga fan . The term “Little Monster” has such a negative connotation , I don’t want to use it. It’s so funny! When I first heard her, I hated her like with a passion. I s ecretly started to like Gaga, then one magical day I was li ke, “I love her!” lo l Then I got really into her music an d everything she doe s. She’s inspiring and has a sense of power to her and in fluences the people around her. She has a strong hold of wha t she wants to accomplish. I look up to her.
I’m a Little Monster because I have this amazing attraction to her music, her personality, what she stands for and her way of doing things, basically. She hits this sweat spot perfectly for me. - Mitch, 17, Male, Australia
- Kat, Female, 22, C alifornia
I’m a Little Monster cause I love Lady Gaga and believe in her message. Since joining GagaDaily, I’ve established myself more and more overtime as a monster. I feel so part of a big family of sorts. I’m like the big brother. Or Uncle, to be honest. - Mikey (Hardmikey), male, 34, Canada
It was cack in mid 2 010, when I heard Al ejandro for the firs I’ve ever heard bef t time. It was unlik ore, and I instantl e a n y thing y b e c a me a fan! I listene ly and a few stand o d to her singles ca ut tracks, like Star sualstruk and Monster, b whole albums. I was ut didn’t really car only a man, not a cr e f o r the a z y M onster. As time went on, I b egan to struggle wit h my sexuality. I wa and family that I wa nted to admit to all s gay. I finally bui m y f r iends l t u p the courage around J best friend. But sin anuary 2011, and tol ce I live in a small d my town, it got around one knew. fast! Within the wee k, everyI started to become teased, bullied, and most of my guy frie felt completely alo nds stopped talking ne. Even my family t o me. I w a s d i s die. Every night I w appointed in me. I honestly wanted to ished for something just to come save me; a p take all the fear, a owerful force of som nxiety, and frustrat e k i nd to i o n a w change my life forev ay. To my disbelief, er. something did come a nd Everything changed i n February when Born This Way [single] ca to hear it, but I wa me out. I was kind o sn’t a hardcore fan, f e x cited s o I wasn’t going crazy l be. When the song pr ike most Monsters wo emiered, I listened to it. Upon hearing uld I became liberated a the beat, lyrics and lmost. I felt a huge m e s sage, e m p o w e erything that was ev rment crash over me; er bothering me! like I was free of e vI listened to Born This Way hundreds o f times upon the fi quickly became obses rst few days of its sed. I even started r e l e a s e t . o I r e s e Fame Monster a week a r c h G a g a more, and bought The later. I over played F a m e a n d The a l l t h been ever since. e tracks on them. I was obsessed, and I have I believe the turni ng point of why I b ecame a Little Mons sage. She proved to ter was because of me that she could s G a g a ’s mesa v e my life from all th and she did. Her mus e darkness surroundi ic and message aided ng it, me in a time of need . - willocrisp, 18, Ma le, Canada .
t n u o m a e s n e m m i n a s a h e h s e s u a c e b r e t s n o M e l t t i L I am a e v o l I . e l p o e p f o s e p y t l l a r o f n o i s s a p m o c d n a , t n of tale e v o l I . k n i h t e m s e k a m k r o w r e h l l a w o h , y t i v i t a her cre g n i l l e t h t i w n o i h s a f s e t a r o p r o c n i e h s w o h d n a , e l her sty s y a l p e h s n e h w d n a , e r u p o s t s u j s i e c i o v r e H . a story e h T . r e h y b d e z i t o n p y h e b o t t u b p l e h t ’ n a c I o n the pia , x o b e h t e d i s t u o k n i h t o t d i a r f a t o n s i e h s t a fact th . e s l e e n o y r e v e n a h t t n e and be differ t s u J , e c a F r e k o P y o j n e d i d I , t u o e m a c t s r i f a g When Ga t ’ n d i d I t u b , e m a F e h T f f o s e l g n i s e h t f o l l a d n Dance a i z z a r r a p a P e h t d n u o r a y l l a u t c A . n a f a f l e s y m r conside t ’ n d i d I e m i t d n a t n i o p t a h t t a t u b , r e h d e k i l s i d era, I s a w e h s t h g u o h t I . G N I S y l l a u t c a d l u o c e h s t a know th k o P n i e k i l ( e n u t o t u a d e s u t a h t r a t s p o p r e h t o just an , g n i g n i s r e h f o o e d i v c i t s u o c a n a w a s I , n e h T . ) er Face s a w I , e c n a m r o f r e p A M V e h t r e t f A . Y A W A N W O L B s a and I w ! n a f a n e e b e v a h I , e c n i s hooked. Ever . S . U , 9 1 , e l a m e F , ) s m a - Michelle (FairyDre
Her music makes me brave, confident and optimistic. Her messages inspire me not to give up despite very difficult challenges. She completely changed my life. - vgavorn, Male
a g a G . d e n e p p a h f o t r o s t s u It j o h w n o s r e p l u f r e d n o w a h c u is s r e h d n a e g a s s e m l u f r e d n o w a has s y a w l a s i y r e g a m i d n a c i s mu . t c e f r e p s ’ e h S . t n i o p n o t righ s i r h C r e t t e b a e m s e k a m e Sh g n i e b n a m u h r e t t e b a d n a n tia . t c e f r e p . . . s ’ e h S . d n u o r a all 1 2 , z l - Paper
It was a beautifully gloomy ove rcast sky on the ThirtyFirst of October of 2008. I stro lled into my local Gallery of Sound, listening to “Halloween ” by Siouxsie and the Banshees. Since my birthday was twen ty days prior, I had a bit of money left, so I decided I wo uld purchase something I’d never heard before. Naturally, I browsed the New Releases section first. I lightly scanne d the album covers when I noticed one that caught my eye. “THE FAME LADY | GAGA”, it read. Of course, I picked it up . I’d never heard of this woman before, but she sounded in teresting enough for me. I took the CD over to the little lis tening station and selected “Poker Face” first. I soon fo und myself bobbing my head to the beat. After the song was ov er, I immediately took the newfound gem to the counter. As he [the cashier] scanned the disc, I told the cashier, “This woman is going to go places.” He shrugged and said, “Eh, I’ll check it out.” I finished the transaction and left. W hen I got home, I ran to my bedroom and popped it into my CD player and listened to the whole thing from start to finish . Then I did it again. And again. And again. And again. I w as hooked. I looked her up on YouTube and watched The Fame: Part One. I felt a connection I’d never felt with an arti st before. I felt that she was just like me. I watched some interviews and realized we had the same viewpoints on art a nd pop culture and fashion and even men. I think I became a Little Monster that very day.
e h t e h t d n a c i s u m r e h h t i w d e k o o h t o g e v ’ I e s g u n a i c s e b d ’ s e p h a s h r e r p e v t e s n r e i h F w s s e Why? w o r p l a c o v r e h n e h t d t n a A t . n 9 e 0 r 0 e 2 f f n i i d n i k c a g b n i e s b c m o r atri f ; e m r o f l a e d e h t d e l a n e e s t s i o l n a d i e p t s r e e r h e t h n t i i w e r e m just a g n i m o c e b o t s y a d e c a F i s r u e h k t o n P e r n e a h g g n n i i m r o u c d e b t y l l firs a n i f o t , d e s a e l e r s a w w i e z n z k a r r a e p v a e P n e I m i . t e r e e h h t w y y r e v e er b s t r a h c e h t d e h s a m s e c y n t a i m r o b R e l d e a c B a n e e h n w o l n a a f t e c l r asti o , t s i t r a n a h c u s o t d . e r x e i h f f s a d r y a l w e o t t e l e p m m o s c w a e r b d t a I’d h t r e h t u o b a g n i h t e m o s e s h ’ s e r g e n h i T g a . m r i e t d t n a a m r b t a e h h t t r o for , y t i l a n o s r e p d l o b r e h , e c i o v r e h . y s l e b v a i b t o a r e p r c l a It’s u s i v d n a s e c n a m r o f r e p r e h h g u o r h t d e y has conve t u b , e s r e p t n e l a t e h t r o e g a m i e h t r o c i s u m k e r h o t w t s r u e j v e t y a l h l w a e r r e t v ’ i l e d o It isn t s t r e x e e h s t r o f f e h c s u e m o d w o y h h w e e e s r o d f ’ e I b r g e n i k s a whenev p e e k I . e r o m n e v e r e h t e a r h o t d a d e e z m i l a s e e r k a I m n , e s h t d n A she ha ? g n i h t y r e v e t s o m l a n i d t n r a o f , f e e l b h i c s u s m o p o s y a t w r e y n a n i she ex e c n a m r o f r e p e l i h w h t r o w f o a g s n u i r e t v s i g a o d t l r e o r w e h e h t e v she’s i g o t t s u j e r e h t o n s i d i n s a u b , e w n o o h s g n s i e n o i d a t t r a e h w y a w an ent a n i d e h s i l b a t s e e r s , a l h a i e r h e s t a , m e m n w r o o F r e . h s t s e c u d o pop hi r p e h s , t a h t n a h t e r o m t i d m n m A o c . s r n e a h e m d n y a l l n a o e i t a c i d ness r e d e h T . s y a d e s e h t e l b d a n d a n e e m n m o o d c s y a l h h g e i h h s s s i g n i h t which e h t e r o m e t a i c e r p p a e m s e k a m t f a r c . r e t s n ment to her o M e l t t i L a m ’ I y h w s ’ t a h t d n A . g n i o d e u n i t con 8 1 , e l a m e F , t s i F r e k - Po
- Spooky, Male, 21
: t a e w s : e c i o h c y b s a w t i e r u s n e v e t o n m I d n a d It just happene g n i t t i m d a y l t n a t c u l e r r e t f a ( e c n a D t s u J e c n i s r e n t s i l l a u s a c / n a f a n e e b e v Seriously though, I ha k c u r t s t s u j g n i h t e m o s , e m i t t s r i f e h t r o f o e d i v c i s u m i z z a r a p a P e h t w a s I liked it) but when I i b s a w t i , t n e m o m e h t n i a l p x e n e v e t ’ n a c I , t n e r e f f i d s a w e h s d e s i l a e r me. It was as though I o t n o g n i o g r e b m e m e r I . l a u d a r g e r o m s a w t i , h g u o h t n e h t t h g i r n a f e g u h a zarre. I didn’t become e r I . t s r i f g n i n e t s i l n e v e t u o h t i w t i t h g u o b I d n a e r e h t n o 1 # e c n a m o R iTunes and seeing Bad n e h T . t o l a t i d e k i l I t u b , ’ d r i e w g n i k c * f y l l a e r s i s i h t ‘ g n i k n i h t d n a member listening to it s a w o h w n a m o w s i h t n i d e t s e r e t n i e r o m n e v e e m a c e b I r o t c a f x n o t i m r o f r when I watched her pe o e d i v e n o h p e l e T e h t w a s I n e h w n e h T . b u t h t a b t n a i g a f o e d i s n i t a b c i t s dressed like a futuri n e e w t e b n I . e v i l r e h e e s o g d l u o w e w t a h t d n e i r f y m h t i w d e d i c e d d n a t i I was so awestruck by e s a b n a f e h t n i ’ d e v l o v n i ‘ e r o m h c u m o s e m a c e b t s u j I , w o h s e h t o t g n i o g d booking the tickets an . r e t s n o M e l t t i L a y l u r t d n a l l e w s a w I w o h s e h t r e t f A . e r e h t m o r f w e r g t i s s and I gue k n i h t I n e h w d n a , a g a G r o f e v o l y m d e i f i d i l o s y l e t e l p m o c t i , t u o e m a c y a W I think when Born This n e g n i a g a G t s u j d n a e g a s s e m r e h d n a c i s u m r e h t u o h t i w t a h t e s i l a e r I r a e back now to the last y r o f t ’ n s a w t i f i w o n m a I e r e h w e b d ’ I k n i h t t ’ n o d y l e n i u n e g I d n a h c u m eral has helped me so . r e h o t l u f e t a r g r e v e r o f t s u j m ’ I d n a , e c a l p d a b a n i e b d ’ I k n i h t I . r he e g a t s r e H . r e t s n o M a m I y h w o s l a s i g n i z a m a d n a d e t n e l a t g n i k c * f o s t s u j The fact that Gaga is r e H . y t i v i t a e r c r e h o s l a d n a e m s e t a v i t p a c t s u j w o h s t n a i l l i r b a n o t u p o presence and ability t k r o w r e h e v o l I d n a r e h y b d e s u f n o c d n a d e w o w y l t n a t s n o c m ’ I . g n i t s e r e t n i mind must just be so d n u o t s a s i r a f o s s s e n i s u b c i s u m e h t n i e m i t t r o h s r e h r e v o d a h s ’ e h s e so much. The influenc . c i t s a t n a f g n i k c * f y l l a r e n ing and she’s just ge a i l a r t s u A , e l a m e F , 7 1 - Elizabeth,
I became a Little Monster after I saw the Monster B all for the first time in The first time I really c February 2010. hecked her out was when s he performed Bad Romance just remember watching i on Jay Leno. I t and just sitting there on my bed in awe of this captivating that perform woman and how ance was and how awesome the song was. Not to ment gorgeous. So that night, ion, she looked I looked her up, realize d she did Poker Face, an Speechless and Alejandro d got hooked on and Bad Romance. And the n a few weeks later, my if I wanted to go see Lad friend asked me y Gaga with her in concer t, I said sure, she and h everything, and I went an er mom paid for d enjoyed the concert far more than she did. After The Fame Deluxe Edition that, I bought and I’ve been following her ever since. Now, the moment I became a stan? Definitely Marry The Night (MTN). I never intensely day in and day followed her so out like I did during th e MTN era. God, I was ro song so hard, haha. I co oting for that oled off a little in May /June once the tour star of went away to do that ted and she kind for awhile, but I starte d back up again in Septe rumors were getting heavy mber when ARTPOP and I have never been a b igger stan of the woman t han I am now. - nick4bty, 19, Male, U. S.
Since very young, I felt different from my other friends. When I was in school, and nine years old, some students in my class started making jokes that made me embarrassed in front of other students. They called me nasty names and criticized my way of dressing. To hide the shame, tried to smile and hide to tears running down my face. When we started a new year, I asked my mother to get me to change schools, under the pretense that I wanted better teaching. This change was very important in my life, not only in teaching, but also because I could discover who I really was. I made friendships that were very important to me years later and that, unlike students from another school, loved being in my presence and it made me feel really happy. When I was fourteen years old, and in eighth grade, a new student was assigned in my classroom. He couldn’t see me as an equal. I was mocked because I did not play football, have more girls as friends and for other idiotic reasons. After many weeks listening to horseplay and jokes during my art class, a song played on the radio that gave me a sense of freedom, something I had not felt in a long time. The following year, during a break, a friend showed me a video of a song called Paparazzi; I was fascinated by this woman who was thrown from the top of a house by her boyfriend, and then avenged. I started to search on it and found that the music I heard last year was Just Dance, Lady Gaga’s first big success. I also found that she played in clubs and festivals all over the world. In the same year, the student that made me mad changed schools. After that, I felt my life take a new direction, not just because he had left, but because I found a refuge from bullying that I had been suffering for months, Lady Gaga. My life began to revolve around her, many people thought I was crazy and weird, but I never really cared about that. When the anthem, Bad Romance, was released, I became a Little Monster. I felt I had a new mother, and she spent teaching her other sons and daughters around the world. These teachings, made them stronger and alive. No more suffering with bullying when Born This Way was released, the album was more than just a ‘single’ album, it was my way of refuge from all evil thoughts, and it somehow made me see what I really was. I accepted that I am bisexual. Thinking about my childhood and adolescence, I noticed that not only did I have true friends but I also had people who made me feel like crap. I had more sad moments than I had joyful moments. The moment I felt happier, and I will never forget it, was when I attended the concert of Lady Gaga in Sao Paulo, on November 11, 2012. That’s when I felt strong enough to leave behind all of the things that made me feel bad, and I started living as I thought about good things. Always in my heart will I remember the teachings of my Mother Monster.
BORN THIS WAY FOUNDATION • A CRITICAL ANALYSIS BY TIFFA, ADAM AND JONO. The Born This Way Foundation (BTWF) was founded on November 2nd, 2011 as a non-profit organisation, when Lady Gaga and Cynthia Germanotta (Gaga’s mother, BTWF Co-founder and President) announced the following: “My mother and I have initiated a passion project. We call it the Born This Way Foundation. Together we hope to establish a standard of Bravery and Kindness, as well as a community worldwide that protects and nurtures others in the face of bullying and abandonment.” The BTWF was inaugurated in Harvard’s University’s historic Sanders Theatre on February 29th, 2012 where the public was able to tune in to a live stream of the launch on foundation’s website, www.bornthiswayfoundation.org. It was a fitting location, a place in which Martin Luther King, Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill had all spoken at – and history was being made again. Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Cynthia Germanotta, Lady Gaga as well as a panel of social and cultural experts and students came to debate and speak on issues regarding bullying and self empowerment. It is important to notate that BTWF has support from two prestigious philanthropies that focus primarily on human rights and sound health: the John D & Catherine T MacArthur Foundation and the California Endowment. The non-profit organisation also garnered funding from the MacArther Foundation and the Barneys New York. Barneys also featured “Lady Gaga’s Workshop” that benefited the Born This Way Foundation. (Mahoney) partnered with Viacom. The foundation is also open to working with other organisations and interests to not just tackling the issue of bullying, but also empowering today’s youth and altering the negative climate that breeds hate and intolerance to a positive one. Additionally, the BTWF has garnered support from the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and Professor Charles Ogletree of Harvard Law School, all of whom had appeared at the launch of the foundation. (Cole) By opening up her support for other existing organizations to aid in the cause and joining forces with them to gather knowledge on the best approaches to tackling bullying, creating a safe place for victims, and giving kids the tools to intervene. Although it will greatly help the cause for parents and teachers to be trained for such situations, it may not be enough. If kids can be taught to intervene themselves in situations regarding bullying, they could greatly influence others and set an example for kids facing the same dilemma to follow. The previously mentioned ideas like those discussed in the launch event summarize the goals and intentions of the foundation. Determined to do what she [Gaga] could to find ways to bring an end to tragedies like Jamey Rodemeyer’s, a fourteen year old victim to bullying and suicide, she met with President Obama concerning the issue. It wasn’t too long later that this foundation was founded. The non-profit organisation came as an utter given and total non-surprise to the global community, who were sledge-hammered with Gaga’s message of the widespread empowerment of the insecure and socially disenfranchised during Gaga’s Born This Way era. The BTWF ultimately topped off the forthrightly blunt and upfront year of philanthropy for Gaga. Many understand that the installation of the BTWF meshes seamlessly with Gaga’s current era, but they
may question how it fits with her entire catalogue of work. However, the general public are relatively unaware that this empowerment-ideology was embedded in Gaga’s work since The Fame era, in which she hoped to inspire a sense of fame in the world, that they were worth it and they were famous in themselves, as long as they had the courage and nerve. For anyone to call it out of the blue or unwarranted only shows perverse cynicism or a great ignorance about Gaga’s work. Gaga was inspired to create the foundation from the dialogue that she began having after she had released Born This Way, the single, and the stream of letters from fans asking her for help or thanking her for bringing bravery, love, and acceptance in their lives. Gaga plans to continue interjecting messages of kindness, empowerment, and encouragement non-exclusively through the foundation, but also in her art, music and messages. Lady Gaga makes the point that her goals and intentions in the foundation are completely separate from the music and other factors in her life. No matter where she goes with her art or how long it takes, she claims to be committed, even if the results come into affect long after her demise. The plague of bullying has been so common place in society, that many even feel it is a rite of passage. Yet it can be damaging to millions of developing minds and even deadly as seen in the news of the last ten years. Will this generation be brave enough to engage and challenge a culture that assumes the vicious cycle of bullying, harassment, and demeaning others in order to feel superior or to entertain themselves is just the way life is? Although there are numerous school and community organizations and initiatives dedicated to helping the youth facing these trials, what will it take to reach out in a big way to young people where they are at in this day and age? Why not from the voice from the artists they listen to and enjoy? Pop culture and the entertainment business, a cutthroat, competitive industry which is not always the best place to find role models for kids and a future to look up to, is ironically probably one of the best ways to getting the attention of the coming generation and giving them messages that amount to more than superficial gains and pleasures. What is the meaning of this foundation and what are its goals? Can such a foundation led by a pop star and her mother garner practical and pragmatic solutions for such a complex and imbedded issue facing society’s youth? It is easy to only consider the obvious positives and good intentions behind the organisation but we must take a step back nonetheless, and critically evaluate the Born This Way Foundation as an independent and objective anti-bullying foundation rather than a ‘Gaga-foundation’. Is the company just a perfunctory-follow-up to Gaga’s latest album or is it a genuinely cohesive and operative aide to society?
The ultimate bottom line of the BTWF is to move towards acceptance, bravery and love. It is apparent that there has been thorough psychological and sociological research into the creed and philosophy of the entire organisation, as well as how these concepts will flow through to practical applications to achieve the aforementioned goal. This main ‘method’, which is marketed by the BTWF, is what is called Three Pillars of the Born This Way Foundation: 1. Safety – creating a safe place to celebrate individuality 2. Skills – teaching advocacy, promoting civic engagement and encouraging self expression 3. Opportunity – providing ways to implement solutions and impact local communities Now we do not want to vex you all with a psychological lecture, but it is a necessity to state that the Three
Pillars are explicitly reminiscent, or rather inspired, by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Abraham Maslow is a revered 20th century psychological expert who spent decades of research on what motivates and cultivates the healthiest individuals – especially youth. And the Three Pillars of the Born This Way Foundation ultimately encompasses all the above principles. Ultimately, we can assume that the mission statement of the BTWF is reliable and ratified by scientific understanding. SAFTEY First and foremost, a person must feel physically and mentally safe in their environment, before he or she can develop skills which can increase their confidence and effectiveness with others. It all starts with constructing a safe environment for those who feel vulnerable in their day to day life, to begin exploring and celebrating that individuality. SKILLS The focus on teaching advocacy and how to engage others in a civil manner, while at the same time encouraging healthy ways of self expression. As these skills are grasped and understood by those taught, they capitalize on the opportunity to come up with solutions that have a profound impact in local communities as a classic grassroots approach. OPPORTUNITIES Once individuals have acquired what they need to offer themselves as an asset to others, they can seek opportunities in their community and throughout their day to make change happen, one person, one heart at a time. MISSION “to foster a more accepting society, where differences are embraced and individuality is celebrated.” Acceptance of one’s individuality is something any human can relate with, so its scope reaches far beyond simply LBGT community youth to anyone facing hate and discrimination. By focusing on the three pillars of safety, skills, and opportunity, individuals following the foundation’s can have a collective impact to their local areas and thus to the greater world. However, how is this theoretical basis infused into society? Bullying and social exclusion are intensely real and individuated problems. Lady Gaga does not claim to have the answers to solve the daunting problems, but she aims to bring transformative change in culture over a period of time. The organisation is not centered around being against bullying, but for youth empowerment in their day to day life. It is about changing the social environment by not just putting power in the hands of teachers and government officials, but also in the youth who are usually come face to face with the problem. Lady Gaga’s strong bond with her mother was what made her inspiration complete for the foundation. The bond from parent to child is one of the most important support systems for the development of a person’s life. In a way, she wishes to create that nuclear family support system or a safe place for those who lack and
need it. If everyone could spread that message of creating that culture of love, small pockets of communities could slowly develop with the same goal of youth empowerment, which will empower the future.
The way the organisation works is that it really shifts the focus onto individuals (both the bully and victim) and allows them to take a stand and be creative rather than being aimlessly taught ideas. Gaga said that the focus needs to be placed on the victim as well as the bully, to address the mental turmoil in both parties. How can bullied victims deal with the effects and prevent those who feel they need to engage in bullying to feel value? In those situations, she feels a friend or peer intervention may be the best form of behaviour altering. If peer pressure can be powerful enough to cause negative outcomes, it can cause positive ones as well. The BTWF’s Stories of Bravery and Do Your Part functions forthrightly enlist participating individuals to practically breathe and radiate the principles of the organisations. The stories on the BTWF’s website express the reality and imperative nature of fighting bullying while acting as motivators and examples of success. The organisation further fosters creative expression and individuality through the outlet of a Poster Competition and a Name That Club initiative. This essentially enlists individuals to participate in the BTWF’s future promotion and essentially obliterates the all too common problem of ignorant and unaware boardroom-marketing being inapplicable to the practical missions of the respective company. In this sense, the BTWF solves the proverbial problem of great theory but social-impracticability by designing its functions to being genuinely self-reflexive of its mission; theory is embedded rather than simply told and the organisation.
The Born This Way Foundation’s activities in 2012 ranged from fundraising, research, and engaging youngsters battling with bullying and gaining feedback from their perspective. To achieve the goals highlighted during the Born This Way Foundation Launch Event, acquiring tons of data and making sense of the information is crucial. These tasks are handled by the foundation’s own Research Advisory Board that is headed by Professor Susan M. Swearer from the University of Nebraska and a number of experts including: Doctor Danah Boyd from Microsoft Research, Professor Marc Brackett from Yale University, Doctor Dewey Cornell of the University of Virginia, Doctor Melissa Gilliam from the University of Chicago, and Doctor CJ Pascoe from Colorado College. With the best minds in their respective fields of research, the organization can gather vast amounts of information and conduct effective analysis. Another side of the organization is the Youth Advisory Board (YAB), which comprises of a group of young people from the ages of 17 to 23 who gather to give honest, constructive feedback on the future efforts of BTWF. According to Co-Founder Cynthia Germanotta, the YAB was created to “to reflect and magnify the strength, determination, creativity, and capacity of our youth, and to have them provide insight on issues that are most important to them.” The YAB also serves as a means to spread the message and information from community to community and keep the Foundation youth centered and based to maximize its possible reception with the upcoming generation. Other activities of the foundation ranged from a poster contest conducted on their website meant to inspire bravery that occurred from late March to early April of 2012 to Cynthia Germanotta appearing at the Fed-
eral Partners in Bullying Prevention Summit back in August 2012. The poster campaign asked supporters “What does bravery mean to you” by submitting pictures for a prize. It was part of the greater challenge for inspiring bravery, as seen in the site’s blog or their Facebook page. Regarding the Bullying Prevention Summit, Cynthia, who appeared next to the President Obama’s senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, explained the bullying her daughter went through that helped inspire her to create the foundation. (“C-SPAN” ) The summit illustrates the great amount of support and recognition the foundation is getting from the government, even some of the highest levels in federal office. Also to add momentum to the movement, the foundation has put together a “Born Brave Bus” to travel along with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way tour to provide help and support for youth that come to her concerts. It was announced back in spring of 2012 and has coincided with North American tour dates. It is part of a larger campaign in building its Born Brave Nation network, which the foundation claims it has already drawn thousands of founding members to lead local groups in communities throughout the nation. (Cole - BTW Nation) Though the Born Brave Nation network has yet to launch, it is currently seeking founding members open to anyone pretty much under the age of 100. That is quite a large range to choose from! To reach out to the youth and get awareness in schools, the BTW Foundation worked with Office Depot to provide school supplies and gift cards that carried messages like “Be Kind” or “Be Brave,“ to encourage bravery. Office Depot also agreed to “donate 25 percent of the sales of these limited edition products directly to Born This Way Foundation, with a guaranteed donation of $1 million” in 2012. (Pannacione) The endeavor, which was supported and promoted from the likes of Patrick Schwarzenegger and Greyson Chance, served as a huge fundraiser and doubled as spreading awareness for the organization and its statements for encouragement. Another development in the foundation came as a result of the negative press Lady Gaga was getting about her weight and appearance from her Born This Way Ball shows. With the focus on her body image as a topic of criticism among the press, in cyberspace, and even a division among her fan base, that led her to take issue with in the form of a campaign called A Body Revolution 2013, which she started by posting a picture of herself in underwear on her social network site, LittleMonsters.com, along with stating how she struggled with eating disorders since she was 15. (Jio) It was followed by many of her fans posting images of themselves in a movement for body acceptance and confidence. It appears to be the latest project that goes along with the message of bravery and against negativity. The Born This Way Foundation is a very young organization with less than one month away from its one year anniversary from its launch and the message has already reached millions through its site and endeavors. With a world renowned pop star as its co-founder, some of the best minds in the country, other organizations, the American government supporting the foundation, it has promise. Only time will tell if its ambitious sights to start a movement that will bring lasting change to the youth in America and abroad facing discrimination and harassment in the coming years. A great way to stay posted on the foundation‘s activities and future events to check its site blog or its Facebook page. As a notable philanthropist in the short span of five years into her career, Lady Gaga has shown the world the depths of her heart as well as a talented voice and creative mind. However, the Born This Way Foundation is a bigger endeavor than her and has the potential to sow seeds of compassion, courage, and consideration for others in tomorrow’s generation.
The greatest problems that need to be addressed by the BTWF are the potential for reverse-discrimination and the organisation’s deeply American and online marketing frame. The BTWF is not a exclusively a ‘Lady Gay-Gay’ or Little Monster club, however, the organisation’s constant pandering of the LGBT community and Lady Gaga fans can cause a distinction between different demographics in society, which is ultimately detrimental. There is a fine line between supporting a community, and simply piteously and discriminatingly segregating them as a special needs group in society – whether this be intentional or unintentional (which it probably is), it still needs to be addressed. When you put the LGBT on a pedestal, like they need to be coddled and treated with extra focus, you are actually discriminating against them by labelling them as different. You do not circuitously address the needs or speak like a baby to a disabled individual because they do not want to be the special needs case, they just want to be another normal person – which they are. This is the same with how one should treat the LGBT community. When you explicitly point out that they have special needs or treat them differently, you make them feel like they’re different and a division between them and who or what they perceive as normal is installed. This is discrimination. An example could be the BTWF’s use of a promotional poster which included two sexually intimate samesexed-individuals unfocused in the background. This really draws the line between the LGBT community and general society – in a sense it is rather non-conformist shock promotion rather than egalitarian. You would not have a picture of two different-sexed individuals in such a position for an equality promoting campaign, why differentiate the LGBT community? When this is recurring in an organisation, people start saying “it’s that gay promoting organisation”, instead of “it’s that anti-bullying organisation”. The BTWF should exclusively not be a ‘this-is-a-safe-haven for the gays kind of organisation’. The company really builds upon Lady Gaga’s mastering of the web and social media, however, it is questionable how much practical and real-life impact they have. The developing Born to Be Brave is a smaller initiative to tackle this issue but this area needs development.
Ultimately, the BTWF is of great benefit to society, as long it stays on track with its practical approach to its mission and it continues to utilise its strong ideology as the backbone of these activities. The organisation needs to address the possible reverse discrimination and marketing frame focus problems that can cause further divisions in society rather than creating a “global community”. Furthermore, the organisation should try to develop more ways of real-life means of addressing bullying and promoting bravery rather than its current online focus. The BTWF has had a successful and well-prepared launch and first year. We’re on the right track baby, we were Born This Way.
Works Referenced “Born This Way Foundation Poster Contest Official Rules.”Born This Way Foundation. N.p., 14 May 2012. Web. Web. 26 Jan. 2013. <http://bornthiswayfoundation.org/pages/bornthis-way-foundation-poster-contest-official-rules>. Cole, Alan. “LADY GAGA: BTW Nation.” CHARITY NEWS XPEREDON. 26 07 2012: n. page. Web. 26 Jan. 2013. <http://www.xperedon.com/news_1533>. Cole, Alan. “LADY GAGA: Foundation clubs .” CHARITY NEWS XPEREDON. n. page. Web. 23 Jan. 2013. http://www.xperedon.com/news_1440.
ur, burqas, and diamonds galore, oh my! 2012 was, without a doubt, one of the highest in fashion ever presented by the tour-de-force, Lady GaGa. For the superstar, this was the year of the media “blackout”; however, her strong and often avant-garde fashion statements still put her name in the middle of every internet front page entertainment section. With a world tour, a new album in the works, and, as of the time of this article, 33 million followers on Twitter, Lady GaGa never failed to turn some heads, raise some eyebrows, and step out in style as she took the fashion world by storm. The most recent, and arguably the most controversial, fashion statement GaGa has made is her extravagant and, often times creative, use of furs. Whether they are real or fake is up to question, although she did release a statement earlier in the year saying that it shouldn’t matter whether they were or not because they were “works of art”. Just last week, the Lady was seen stepping out of a Chicago movie theatre in a full-length fur coat and hat. In Russia, it was rumored she purchased several fur pieces including a sable coat. And let’s not forget the infamous fur burqa. Many have come to question GaGa’s choices regarding fur not only due to personal beliefs but also in conjunction with a statement on the Ellen show back in 2009 where GaGa said she hated fur and would never wear it. Just as many have to come to her defense, taking into regard that, while the fur industry is rather, in most cases, unethical, it is part of the fashion world in which GaGa has become a part of. Another argument is that it’s a personal choice to wear fur just as it is to eat meat and should not be viewed upon as a judge of character. Either way, all bias aside, many can come to the conclusion that wearing fur not only looks good on GaGa, but was a very clever fashion choice to raise a lot of questions and distance herself from any pre-conceived notions or otherwise void opinions on the matter of fur as fashion. 2012 was also the year of the rainbow weave... literally. On several occasions in Asia, GaGa
arrived wearing a rainbow dyed, blonde wig complete with a unicorn side pony. In other regions such as Oceana, teal and turquoise made triumphant returns from the Yuyi and Edge of Glory days of yore. But what may have shocked and/or awed the world the most was the transition from blonde to
brunette. The once platinum blonde Pop goddess returned to her roots saying the media had
America, GaGa sported a light shade of pink reminiscent of cotton candy or roses and paired it with light,
“killed the blonde”, revealing the full transformation via her Twitter. In South
pastel floral print dresses. A new element to GaGa’s style was the implementation of blonde dread locks for a while; the superstar even took to her Twitter to tweet a twitpic of her glorious and gnarly locks in the studio. And there was the occasional ultra-yellow wig of the Monster Ball era. All in all, it’s been a very varied and unpredictable year in the Haus of GaGa salon.
in 2012 for Lady GaGa was her purchase of a portion of Michael Jackson’s wardrobe. GaGa bought many iconic pieces to archive in a private collection. Rumors of public display started circulating shortly after. Also, in relation to the King of Pop, GaGa also was asked to wear the famed Mouse Ears and one of Michael’s gloves at Phillip
If one were to listen to the few new tracks that GaGa has unleashed to the general public this past year, one would notice a certain fascination with the word “burqa”. Yes, it’s no secret the Lady has fallen for the style of dress worn by the women of the Middle East. Presented in a variety of different colors and patterns, GaGa has covered herself head to toe for a number of reasons, one famous example being famed haberdasher and milliner Phillip Tracey’s show in fall of 2012. “Burqa” is even reported to be a track on the anticipated new relase ARTPOP. As GaGa says, “it’s all in the details”; perhaps “burqa swag” will turn out to be more than just an interesting fashion statement by a bold woman who used to wear no pants. Probably the single best fashion achievement Tracey’s fashion show in London. For many, this was a benchmark of respect for GaGa among the hallowed music and fashion world which so often work together to produce classic Pop iconography like that of the late Michael Jackson. From fur to the King of Pop’s wardrobe, GaGa and the fashion world seemed to have a tumultuous and unpredictable love affair in 2012 that left the whole world asking, “What next?” Certainly GaGa has come a long way from being the queen of “no pants”, and she is taking advantage of the blank canvas set before her while pulling from the references of the past. The only thing left to figure out: What will the Haus concoct for 2013?
Excited for the official launch of Gaga’s innovative perfume, FAME, I rushed from work to our local Macy’s to purchase the fragrance. I was even more amazed when I was faced with a large, life-like Gaga statue and the “Atom Factory” displays that were seductively gracing my presence. At that point, I knew that not only did I need to purchase one; I needed a second bottle for my girlfriend as a “surprise” gift. Prior to purchasing the egg-shaped beauty, I snapped a few photos of the display with my cellular phone and leaped to the purchase desk. After making it home, I hid my own and wrapped my girlfriend’s gift, anticipating her arrival from work. She was stunned, almost in disbelief that she was holding her very own bottle. After figuring out how to remove the golden gem claw-shaped top, we immediately sprayed the black, transparent fluid on ourselves and smelled it through-out the evening. The smell was extravagant and rich, but not overbearingly so. Most perfumes seemingly give us headaches, but we weren’t bothered by this particular scent. I felt like an expensive hooker. The smell was almost as if it were an aphrodisiac; it turned me on. Perhaps it was the scent, or maybe it was because it was created by Lady Gaga herself, but I was indulged! However, we noticed that the scent died off very quickly. Could we have become accustomed to the smell over time, or was it really that temporal? After scoping fan’s reviews online, we found that we weren’t the only ones with this concern. Reading further into it, it’s apparent that if you rub your wrists together, it breaks down the undertones, causing the scent to die out a lot quicker than it should. Having tried this theory, I’ve found that the scent lasted longer than it did before. However, it still didn’t last as long as my Marc Jacob’s Daisy, which usually lasts over 24 hours. If you’re lucky, Fame could last up to 8-12 hours. So, I tried a different approach. I started spraying Fame on my clothes which, for some reason, made it last longer. Depending on what detergent or dryer sheets you use, it could determine the ultimate scent of the perfume. Luckily the perfume is transparent and doesn’t stain your clothes!
Nonetheless, I am happy with the product overall. I just wish it would last a bit longer. I’ve recommended this product to my friends and family, and will continue to do so.
I won a competition to go to Gaga’s VIP perfume launch party in London through littlemonsters. com. I went to London the day before to camp out and have fun with my friends. It was a long and cold night, but definitely worth it. At 5 PM the next day, we were taken into the VIP area. There was food and drinks before they took our bags, phones and personal items. We couldn’t take anything into the party with us. After the pre-party, we were taken outside to watch her arrival, where we stood in our VIP box for over an hour in the cold. When she came out, she gave us a wave, posed for the paparazzi and then got into her carriage, pulled by four black horses, and drove off. Not too long after she had gone, the Harrod’s Staff took us inside and sat us down with a drink, mini sandwiches and macaroons. At first they told me I couldn’t have alcohol since I was under 18, but the staff didn’t realize and gave it to me anyway. After a while, we went to the toilets just to use the free bottle of Fame. We were spraying it all over, only to turn around to see Gaga there. I almost had a heart attack. Five minutes later, she sat down on the table and talked to us for what seemed to be ages! She told us how she threw up on Fozzi and other things I can’t really remember.
The drink had kicked in. Afterwards, she went into the VIP room to get ready for our pictures. Before I took my picture, I was talking to her dad about his restaurant, Joanne’s, and how I will be going to New York for the Born This Way Ball. As I was called for my picture, they put me in with a group of people I didn’t know (which wasn’t the best idea but oh well, I still met the Queen).
As I was leaving the room, I asked Gaga if she remembered me and she said, “Yes, of course. I love your outfit. You look fabulous.” I almost died again. On the way out, they gave me a Fame gift bag, which included the Fame soap and an eventinspired teacup. As we were just leaving, Gaga passed us one more time and said, “Bye.” I didn’t expect this night would be so amazing. I won the tickets last minute so it was a huge surprise. This was one of the best experiences of my life.
THE KINGDOM PREDICTED It’s their prolific nature that both creates and procures what will later be perceived as The Kingdom. So, the real truth about Lady Gaga fans lies in this sentiment: They are the kings. They are the queens. They write the history of the kingdom, while I am something of a devoted jester. (Manifesto of Little Monsters 2009). THE KINGDOM PROCLAIMED The Haus of Gaga and I have worked for months conceiving a spectacular stage. The Born This Way Ball is an Electro-Metal Pop-Opera; the tale of the Beginning, the genesis of The Kingdom of Fame. How we were birthed and how we will die celebrating. (Born This Way Ball Promotion 2012). THE KINGDOM ARRIVES ACT I – The Escape The concert begins: the trotting of a horse and an indeterminate neigh beckons the anxious crowd. The void blackness of the stage is semiotic of evil and darkness. Gaga emerges on the back of a mechanical faux-animal figure. It’s a unicorn. Gaga was seen riding a unicorn after her birthing of a new space race in the Born This Way video, which was simply a prologue perhaps? Gaga, on her Highway Unicorn with her entourage, traverses along the Road to Love toward the castle (the kingdom).
Gaga arrives but the lighting around the stage turns to search spotlights and an alien faced gem encased alien, whom Gaga names Mother G.O.A.T., appears on stage. Mother G.O.A.T. Manifesto I Initiating satellite Space renegade - Lady Gaga has escaped Downloading image of personnel Alien fugitive objective: To birth a new race. Operation: Kill the Bitch
It is revealed that Gaga is a fugitive from G.O.A.T (Government Owned Alien Territory) and she on an escapade to birth a new race on our earth – the genesis of the kingdom of Little Monsters. However there are those that want to stop Gaga and her Little Monsters. This is representative of Gaga’s journey of philanthropy
and empowerment in Earth, and her fight against the evil of society who want to stop Gaga’s escapade. The evil only have one thing in mind, which is to ‘Kill the (Gaga) Bitch’. Gaga’s former captivity is reflective of the encaging of the globe under oppression and inequality before Gaga’s inception onto the Earth. Gaga then appears on the right side of the stage and the spine-tingling opera shrills from Government Hooker begin to play. Her costume becomes more apparent – it is a mesh of Alien (the film) inspired head, claw and tail contours melded with a metal and caged bondage look. She lurches toward the centre of the stage to a seated man dressed with a similar extraterrestrial S&M-esque headpiece. Gaga is expressing that she is privy to the discrimination and corruption undercurrents in the government and she will not have any of it. As a slave and a prostitute to the government, it is suggested that Gaga sexually engages with the man and then…BANG! Gaga kills the government and runs, breaking past a gateway into the castle.
A birth interlude is played verbatim of the Manifesto of Mother Monster in the Born This Way video. An obscene contraption appears on stage – a giant pair of open legs and a pregnant stomach. Cue Born This Way. Gaga has escaped. She is free. She is birthing her prejudice and judgement free race on Earth. Her dancers emerge from the makeshift vagina garbed in skin-toned latex, like the newly born. Black Jesus † Amen Fashion is inserted here in the set list with little relevance to the story. Let’s suppose it symbolises the birth of ‘Gaga’ herself as she moved downtown in New York, took hold of her dreams and began her adult musical journey. It is revealed Gaga’s hunters are catching up with her. She hides in an ethereal giant headpiece and ghost cloak garb and glides around the stage singing Bloody Mary. She flees from her captors. Bad Romance follows in the set list with no real significance in the narrative. Gaga then turns to the crowd, explaining her pregnancy and escape to Earth on a faithful mission to create as many Little Monsters as possible. During her speech, she is interrupted and two prison guards grasp her from behind, pulling her up the castle toward a medieval noose. Judas is sung, during which Gaga escapes from her captors again by holding them at bay at gunpoint.
ACT II – The Rebellion 1 The narrative of the ball takes a backseat in Act’s II and III with vague references to invading and infesting the Earth with love and freedom. Gaga’s songs here are loosely linked to liberalistic and empowering notions and expressions of Gaga’s personal plight to stardom and philanthropy in her own life. Fashion of His Love and Just Dance reflect having a good time with others on Earth while remaining constructive. Gaga dons Lady Liberty’s headpiece during LoveGame and let’s suppose Telephone is about remaining yourself and not being suffocated by others and overwhelmed by your circumstances.
ACT III – The Rebellion 2 Mother G.O.A.T. Manifesto II It was instantly that this enigmatic fugitive became the host agent and body to a new colony. A colony which would strive to extract our most classified information. A monstrous preparation it was. Training and decoding the creativity of rebellion for one purpose: to invade Earth. The above ‘mission interlude’ assigns creativity as an aspect of Gaga’s mission of rebellion. Gaga is reborn again into a motorcycle during Heavy Metal Lover, during which she rides around the runway while a scantilyclad dancer rides her. “Do you give a fuck?” “I don’t give a fuck”. “You’s a bunch of Bad Kids”. Gaga vexes the crowd with a plethora of verbal expletives, she and her dancers parade around the stage. This is symbolic of Gaga’s rebellious spirit, which she hopes will infuse into her Little Monsters. At one point during a show in Thailand, Gaga even shocks crowd security by grappling him from behind and turning him around. The show takes a turn toward sentimentality and slows down. Gaga shares childhood stories and anecdotes about her personal struggle during her life in New York: High School, bullying, rejection, the Music Industry, Religious extremists, and her family; preaching to never give up.
“I want you to take stock in your life. Are you too hard on yourself? Are you not hard on yourself enough?” “Grab the hand of the person next to you – it doesn’t matter if you don’t know them.” “Let’s say a prayer, a prayer for our future – I’ve had enough, this is my prayer that I’ll die living just as free as my Hair.”
Gaga churns out the tears and raw emotion during this acoustic set on a motorcycle piano. This is followed up by Yoü and I which reveals Gaga’s attempt at mimicking 80s stadium-rock anthems instances as she gestures the crowd to wave side to side. Act III ends with iridescently lit castle and Gaga’s unfortunate awkward attempt at a guitar. It is representative of the ball as a “safe place for my fans”, an Electric Chapel. ACT IV – The Prime Rib “I am not a piece of meat.” Gaga states on Ellen, stating that she is independent and strong; she is a pioneer for the Prime Rib of America (freedom/equality). Gaga hides amongst the meat churners in none other than a meat dress – her most iconic fashion statement to date. The battle with Mother G.O.A.T escalates to fully fledged gun warfare during medley of Americano/Poker Face where Gaga churns her captors’ bodies in a meat grinder after they refuse to wed a same-sex-couple. Gaga is commentating on ideas of migrant acceptance and marriage politics. During the battle however, Gaga herself is forced into a grinder where she meets and embraces her captors on a meat couch during Alejandro.
The battle finally ends during Paparazzi. It is Gaga’s ultimate conquering of fame as Mother G.O.A.T. who hypnotically sings the first verse of the song to trance Gaga with the lure of the flashing lights. But Gaga fights her off and slays oppression forever finally with a gun, signalling the defeat of the ultimate enemy – Fame. ACT V – Freedom Gaga screeches with faux alien-gibberish at the death of Mother G.O.A.T and this drives into the obvious crowd pleaser, Scheiße. She and her Monsters are finally free. The show climaxes with at the bridge of the song which entails Gaga’s fiercest dance break to date. However, during the show’s double encore, Gaga still faces the inevitability of death in life of any human. An acoustic/studio set of The Edge of Glory obviously represents this death – relating to the passing of Gaga’s late grandfather. However, Gaga rebukes death again during Marry the Night when she is reborn again after the ‘death’ to fight again as she encourages all Monsters to pick themselves up when they fall and to live passionately. The birth and celebration during death is the journey is finished - the genesis of the Kingdom of Fame is complete.
by Tiffa On September 4, 2012, I fulfilled a dream that many Monsters share by flying to Manchester to attend the London and Manchester shows for the Born This Way Ball on a last minute trip. Not only was I eager to see Lady Gaga and obtain the Monster Key, it has always been a dream of mine to set foot in the Beatles’ homeland, Liverpool, in which I did as well. Fortunate to have met a few friendly Monsters online, Junior Maxwell, Cat Lowe and Ciaran Walker, we were able to formulate a line buddy system that ensured our spots in the Manchester, U.K. line at the M.E.N Arena (now known as M.C.R.). While Junior and I were away being tourists and attending the London, U.K. shows, Cat and Ciaran secured our spots in line. Between the four of us, we all have camped a total of eight days leading up to the day of the show. Being that Junior was hand picked by Gaga at the last London show, he was kind enough to give his spot to Callum Powell for a chance to meet Lady Gaga backstage after the show. Since Ciaran was sweet enough to secure our spots in line, we gave him the honor of being “Key Holder”. Despite the rising intensity and anxiety leading up to the event, the four of us were overzealous and counting down the minutes to seconds. Though we enjoyed the show, we were more than ready to finally have our chance to meet Lady Gaga. It was a first for all of us. Among those backstage who were hand picked by Gaga herself was our friend Chezza. She and I had been longtime online friends since we joined GagaDaily back in 2010. It was an honor to spend our firsts together; it was like we were all apart of this ritual orgy where we all sacrificed of our hymens willingly for the cause. It was I who held the group’s sanity together, for everyone was silently wigging out on their own while I sat there calmly for our que to go. It was almost as if a force lured over me that slayed me of my concept of reality. This was real. This was happening. My anxiety and fear was ripped out from under me and I was just this vessel of a person, still having not processed
the fact that I was minutes away from finally fulfilling a dream that once seemed like a fantasy. There I was, standing in the midst between reality and fantasy, not having the ability to differentiate the two. After signing release forms, we were escorted to Gaga’s dressing room in a massive group of approximately 10 or more. We passed the usual “meet and greet” area where Gaga’s Versacesque “kingdom” lied. There was a bed against the wall, backed by gold and white Versace curtains, and in front of it layed softest white rug I’ve ever seen! In front of that was a camera. The dressing room was beyond that. Passing a door on the right, a lady stood in the door way with Fozzi, Freddie’s dog, in hand. Straight ahead was our final destination. Entering, we were engulfed in the foul smell of pot where previously, Gaga and her friends got high. I saw Tara Savelo, make-up artist, standing beside a chair in front of the vanity. To the far left (and straight ahead) against the wall were Gaga’s friends: BREEDLOVE and Lady Starlight. Freddie, Hairstylist, and Gaga’s assistant, were also accompanying the room. Completely vesseled, I walked to the far left of the room, trying to take it all in. I was faced with Gaga’s Versace gold wallpaper and a photo of Gaga and boyfriend Taylor Kinney in a swimming pool where she laid gracefully in his arms. To my right was a bucket of hair supplies that Freddie selects from when dolling Gaga up for the ball, or in this case, to see Taylor later that night. That’s when I noticed that not only does Gaga use some of the same products as me (such as Ojon), but she was actually sitting in the chair the whole time. Forgive me, but not only was I overwhelmed, I also didn’t recognize her small, sweet voice. I hadn’t heard it before as I only knew her larger-than-life stage presence and being that I hadn’t met her before, I had no idea what she was like off-stage. Her presence, or vibe, was completely different than I expected and it wasn’t that same strong, overpowering force of a personality that I was so accustomed to from the stage to the crowd. Once realizing that Gaga was beside me the
entire time, my attention on her was in full force. I watched Freddie straighten her nappy, exposed extensions from behind as she sat in a broken chair in a brown robe. She sat barefooted, exposing her half polished red toe nails and what seemed to be the smallest, cutest feet in the world. At this point, I was scrutinizing every inch of her in awe. Gaga spoke to us openly, debating the idea of shaving part of her head, just underneath her hair, explaining that it wouldn’t be anything like “Skrillex” as she scoped the room for approval. All of her friends: Tara, Colleen (Lady Starlight), BREEDLOVE and Freddie all shook their heads, mouthing “no” to all of us in the room. Her fans agreed, saying no. Freddie said, “I just couldn’t do it. I can’t. I won’t do it.” I, however, had an opposing opinion. I said, “Gaga,” she turned her head to me, her eyes gazing directly into mine, “how I see it is that it’s just hair. If you don’t like it, it’ll grow back.” Gaga then turned her head, looking forward into her vanity mirror without saying a word. I was the first person in the room to speak to her directly. Everyone in the room laughed, agreeing with me, where Freddie also agreed that it wouldn’t be that bad. Aside from just shaving a quarter of her head, just underneath her hair, Gaga also had the idea of putting a tattoo in that area. She debated “Mother Monster” and “blank blank”. Inevitibly, it ended up being neither, however, I had this urge to suggest “666” and to levitate in the air saying, “Your God is not here, Michael,” just like that tabloid suggested she’d done. (For those of you who know what I’m talking about are probably fuming right about now, being that I didn’t say it.) Once Freddie exited the room, leaving her hair unfinished, I moved behind Gaga where she turned around to socialize with us. There she was, and there I was, face to face. I said to her that I was from America and that I flew just to see her show. She glared at me, her eyes piercing through my soul, drawing me in, as if she were the Maenad, Maryanne, from True Blood. Again, she said nothing. She didn’t even smile or extend her arms to embrace me in a hug, like I had anticipated. Feeling awkward, I broke
the invisible force between us by removing my eyes from hers, moving to the right of her chair to give others a chance to be awkwardly channeled by Lady Gaga’s seductive gaze. We were then instructed to get into a group so we could all get a picture. I didn’t come all this way and work this hard to get backstage to be a lurking face in the background. I got right beside Gaga, resting my head against hers, putting my arm around her shoulders. She was very tiny and I could feel her bones through her robe. We ended up snapping two pictures because the first one was ruined by the boy from Liverpool who, unsuprisingly, had his mouth open during the first take. Once our picture was done, we all circled around Gaga’s chair where we had a group discussion. The guy from Liverpool hijacked the discussion, asking irrelevant questions that we already knew the answers to. As he continued to speak and ask questions, Gaga’s eyes said it all. You could simply tell that she was slightly annoyed that he was the center of the conversation, leaving no room for anyone else to talk. Gaga broke the conversation by asking for the Keyholder. Ciaran, holding his arm half up, said, “That’s me.” Gaga smiled, summoning him, saying she had a gift for him. It was the exclusive Keyholder necklace. He asked if he should kneel, or bow, and she laughed, “You have a sense of humor. I love it,” and jokingly said, “bow to the queen,” while doing the “bow motion” from her chair. She put the key around his neck and suggested to have an individual picture taken. Afterwards, Ciaran presented the fanbook we made earlier that day in line. As Gaga was flipping through it, Ciaran informed her that she skipped the front page. She scrolled back as Ciaran, Callum, Cat and I laughed. The front page read, “How big is Taylor’s ding dong?” Gaga laughed and said, “Well... it’s nice. He would be mad if I didn’t say that.” She then spoke to the group, stating that Taylor sometimes gets jealous by the amount of time she spends with us on littlemonsters.com but made sure to mention that he loves us and appreciates our love and dedication for her. Gaga continued to rave about her newfound lover and how happy she was. She mentioned that she spends so much time with us and now it was time to see him in Chicago that night. I had my fan letter separately from the book because I wanted to personally hand it to her. I handed it to her, asking her to write the first thing that comes to mind on the side
of my lower right arm and then to sign it. I had a crappy off-brand Sharpie that I knew would probably not work. Gaga agreed, taking my electronic cigarette from my hand. She looked at it, confused, probably wondering why it wasn’t a pen. I said, “It’s an electronic cigarette,” and took it from her hands. She looked confused. We then asked Gaga’s assistant for a pen. She handed one over, but it ended up not working out too well, but it was good enough. As she wrote the first word that came to mind, I mumbled, “It’s probably going to be ARTPOP,” and it was. She didn’t sign it. I said, “Could you sign it?” She responded, “Oh? You want me to sign it too?” and I said, “Well, yeah...” Afterwards, I went to thank her but before I could finish my statement, she interrupted me and said, “Yeah, I know. I’m sweet, you love me, blah blah blah.” I didn’t know how to respond to that, or if I even should. Once again, it felt as though I was smited by Gaga’s powerful glance, and this time, her words. I broke our infamous glare and looked down at her chest, still savoring every moment that I could. I noticed that from her neck to her chest, she had uneven skin tone (or perhaps it was a spray tan gone wrong). Something about that, even still, was beautiful. I always thought that Gaga’s physical imperfections were “perfect”. She was too beautiful to be real, and I still feel that way about her. Offended and slightly upset, I put my poker face on and stepped back into my place in the circle. Gaga finally has control of the conversation. In between conversation, I kept asking myself why she would do that and continued to for months after. “Was she just trying to be funny? I mean, she did say she loved British culture. But I’m not British, and she knows that. We do not share the same humor. Was she really just being sarcastic, or was she simply being rude?” I questioned to myself silently in my head. I could literally drive myself insane, over-analyzing the incident and making plentiful excuses for her behavior. In conversation, Gaga wanted to make it clear that the Monster Pit was designed specifically for us. Stating that she wanted it to be fair, and personally hated the 8 AM rule, she wouldn’t let anyone into the Pit who didn’t line up with the rest of us. Apparently several celebrities asked to be placed in the Monster Pit and she said no because it was meant for the dedicated, hardcore fans who waited all day in line for it. Unfortunately, no one else was even able to speak to Gaga. Scott, the LiveNation repre-
sentative in charge of the Monster Pit, was disgruntled when Gaga continued to pull people on stage during Marry The Night. She was told specifically not to pull too many people up this time because she only had so much time before she was due for her flight to Chicago. While pulling people up on stage, she said that she was told not to bring up very many people and that she was “taking the piss” by doing it anyway. The only thing new we learned that night was that she had a song called “Ratchet”, which was a collaboration song with Azealia Banks. This song is now facing elimination in the final song selections for ARTPOP. I suppose we also learned that Gaga likes to have a group collaborative discussion, and she doesn’t like individual input. Perhaps that assumption is inaccurate; maybe it was that we were cramped for time. After talking to other fans regarding my personal experience, fans chalked it up to the fact that she was high and due to the unfortunate time restriction. Chezza said that she would be absolutely delighted, had she been interrupted by Gaga and another fan said they would be happy if Gaga just sh*t all over them, literally and hypothetically. However, my friend Jamie was distraught after her horrific experience in New York City for the Fame Launch and she was dissatisfied with Gaga’s antics that day. The Fame Launch was literally a few days after Manchester, so perhaps she was just in a “mood”. However, fans are always looking for ways to validate and excuse Gaga’s unfavorable behavior. We do not want to simply believe that Gaga was being “rude”. I’m still processing the situation, hoping for a more pleasant experience in the future. All the while, being the “deluded” Gaga “stan” that I am, I went ahead and had the signature tattooed on my arm the next day in Manchester, after mistakenly missing my flight after a long night with Gaga. In addition to the delusion, I’ve already purchased seven tickets to the Born This Way Ball in America and I’ve spent countless dollars on my costumes for the shows. Here’s to a better year and a more fortunate experience (if I ever get the chance to meet her again). This is a perfect example as to why a fan should learn to separate their love for an artist’s work and the love for the artist themselves. I suppose this is also why Gaga herself advised others not to meet their idols.
Lady Gaga, Thank you so much for bringing so many ‘Little Monsters’ together. We are like a dysfunctional family, but we are truly grateful to have one another. The support and compassion that I’ve seen and experienced among this fandom is truly inspirational. Without them, Monster Movement wouldn’t have been possible, and without you, none of this would exist. Through you and meeting other fans, it has given me an opportunity to do what I’ve always wanted to do: help people around the world through the internet. My team, your fans, have been able to gain a sense of security in their own creativity through the encouragement of one another. I’ve noticed an increase in their confidence in their own abilities which inspired them to try new things. Having tried new things, they have discovered that they could do things they never thought possible. I feel so honored having been apart of their self discoveries and I hope to continue being an inspiration to them and our future staff members. One of my main goals for Monster Movement is to take your message and make it become a reality. You’re always saying that you would like for your fans to learn to love themselves and to become strong individuals through their own passage in life rather than relying solely on you, or anybody else. I feel like this message has been distorted over time and fans have become more reliant on you than themselves or their friends and family in their own lives. It is my goal to help people realize how invaluable they truly are and how much power they do have, especially among others who are working towards the same goal. I feel that if we can work together, we can better the world and our lives individually through love and support. I feel the best way to do that is by having fun and expanding our artistic and creative abilities. Realizing our strengths and weaknesses will help us determine just how much of a difference we can make. Through realization, we can gain a newfound confidence that will increase our will to move forth. Aside from Monster Movement and my overall goal, you have also introduced me to life-long friends that I will never forget. Specifically, I met my girlfriend, Megan Schuster, at one of your shows back in 2010. We have since then been in a relationship for nearly 2 years and she now lives here in Columbus, OH with me. When given the chance, our group, ‘The Mid-West Monsters’, travel together from show to show. We will reunite in Detroit and a few of us will continue our Monster Adventures together at other shows this tour. We are looking forward to seeing you again! Thank you for making this possible and continuing to stretch our possibilities through your kind words of love and encouragement. Tiffa, 24, Columbus, OH. @fuckingfierce
Gaga: This letter was originally delivered (handwritten) in Portland, Oregon on January 15. I threw it on stage after Scheiße, and one of the dancers took it back with him. A few days later, I got a call from a venue staff member who found it, read it, and said it was so meaningful, he couldn’t throw it away. So he mailed it to me. Here it is.. January 2013 My dearest Gaga, My name is Alex Horsey. I’m 17 years old, and I’ve been a monster since 8th grade..2008, I believe. I’ve seen every Portland show since The Fame Ball. That’s what I need to write you about. At The Fame Ball on March 17, 2009, we met. That itself was a honor. But during our few minutes together, you changed my life. You called me beautiful, kissing my hand. In the past 7 years, I’ve battled eating disorders, bullying, and depression. But one day, during a particularly rough patch of life, I was reminded of what you said to me. How you called me beautiful. If you said that, then how could it not be true, right? Last year, I founded Portland’s only youth-founded, youth-driven anti-bullying nonprofit organization. Project Believe in Me (projectbelieveinme.org) enables young people to create change in their communities in an issue directly affecting young people. We just produced “Songs for Project Believe in Me,” a one-for-one anti-bullying compilation album. For every copy sold by our business partner, one will be donated by us to a youth struggling with bullying. I believe that the Born This Way Foundation truly reflects what PBIM is doing--empowering young people to create a braver, kinder world. I would love for our organizations to work together. There are so many possibilities in a partnership between us! Also--I was at the Born Brave Bus, and a local staff member I’m friends with said that someone on the team has my business card. I don’t know where they got it, but that means everything to me. Love you. Thank you. Paws up forever. Alex Horsey, Portland, OR.
Gaga: I love you so much, it’s almost ridiculous, but it’s not. I’ve always loved your music; you turned me into a Monster from your VMA Paparazzi performance in 2009. Your story is truly inspiring, always will be. A life without Gaga is a life not lived. Bless you for your beautiful messages, your hard work; it all matters. I’m an actor; I work hard, & will never give up. Was recently laid off; it’s a blessing in disguise. My life has been acting & music, every day this year. I want to change the world, one role at a time, and be a part of projects that make a difference in a positive way. You’ve inspired me to be more fearless, brave, and kind. Thank you for re-birthing my art. I can’t wait to give you a hug, and thank you personally. You saved me. I would love to make you proud in my artistry. I’ve seen your last six Balls here in Vancouver! I was front row as Peg Bundy, at the last Ball for you, as I wanted to make you smile. I’ve never loved an artist the way I love you. Your musical talent reaches deep into my soul. Your kindness, genuineness and sense of humour never fail to brighten my day, even the darkest of days. I can’t look too long at my BTW poster; I start tearing up, because I love you so much. Much Care, Denise A Ryan, Vancouver, Canada. @deenie016 www.deniseryan.ca
Dear Gaga, How are you today? As for me, I’m doing fine. I think you might remember me from a letter I sent you a long time ago but just in case you forgot, my name is Kim and I’m from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I went to see you in Phoenix, AZ twice for the Monster Ball and I enjoyed it both times. I got floor seats at both shows and you were fantastic. The first time I went, I was wearing the red “I enjoy vagina” shirt with blue jeans (yeah, I’m not much into fashion these days) and I had a ball. The second time I went, I still had a ball but I was madly hungover. Yeah, that wasn’t so good but at least I enjoyed the show. Maybe you can perform here in Albuquerque someday or you can bring the Born Brave Bus? Thanks for reading my letter and thanks for being such an incredible person. Take care. Love you, Kimberly Beck, Albuquerque, New Mexico. @Igotills4skills
It’s almost like Gaga is a beacon of light in the darkness, my darkness. In the darkest and confusing times she has lit the way when I felt I couldn’t carry on, when I thought I wasn’t good enough, and when I thought nobody cared, she was there. It was her music, her message. When I had no one, when I was alone in the darkness crying myself to sleep, her voice was in my head telling me that it’s ok. It sounds psychotic but it’s the truth. Some people may just see her as a Popstar but to me, she is so much more. She’s my hero, my guardian angel. Every time I feel lost or upset, she points me in the right direction. She taught me to be strong, and to be brave. I have too much to thank her for because when no one could help me, she was there. She saved my life; if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t know where I would be or what I would be right now. No one, apart from Little Monsters, will ever understand how much this woman has done for me and how much I love and look up to her for changing my life forever, one sequin at a time. Alice Warren, 20, England
Dear Gaga, Thank you for all that you have done. I don’t think I could list every single thing that you have done for me, it’s such a long list. However, I can list a few of the ones I consider you have impacted the most: 1. You have saved my life, literally, multiple times. Because of you and your music, I found the strength to carry on. January 16th, 2011 would have been my last day if I hadn’t told myself to get myself down from a train bridge and be brave for you and to wait for the Born This Way single and album. I cannot thank you enough. 2. You have inspired me to inspire. From what I have gained from you, I only want to pass on. I have friends that are not confident in themselves and are not brave, and they say I have inspired them, through you, to love who they are. It’s beautiful to see someone who once felt dimmed to be a bright star. It’s all because of you. 3. You influence me to be the best version of myself I possibly can. I’m compassionate, I’m judgement free, I’m brave enough to wear the clothes that I want, and be the person that I want to be. I don’t give a f**k about what people think of me. I’m so carefree that I’m stress free. 4. Through you, I found love, friendship and family. I met my first boyfriend through you and Little Monsters. Monsters have become a family unit to me, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all of them and you. Through you, I now have a friendship group. I spent years alone, but now I’m with friends most everyday... lately I haven’t had days off, we’re just always together, I feel included and no longer an outcast. Without you or your music, I wouldn’t have been able to have become who I am today. Thank you, so so so very much. I love you with every fiber of my being, I cannot EXPRESS it. Words are not enough, I don’t think I can conceive how much I love and admire you. (Maybe it’s because you’re a transcendent being...), thank you. A million times. P.S. You tweeted me on April 18, 2012 and it was the best day of my life. So to know you have read this would mean even more. Drew Clark-Richards, 17, England. @BadKidDrew
My dearest Gaga, My name is Miranda and I am 19-years-old. I have been a die-hard Monster since 2008 after hearing “Just Dance” on the radio. I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at the age of four and was subjected to horrid, horrid comments and physical actions particularly in middle school and the first two years of high school. My condition is not as severe as most children who are diagnosed, however, I felt judged. In middle school, my “friends” would push my chair into walls and let me fall over. I was suicidal and wished to end everything. In high school, it only got worse after I had to move away, not knowing anyone. Due to residual feelings from eighth grade, I was still suicidal and ate lunch alone in the Biology room by myself. When you came into my life, you become my sunshine. Your music freed me from the chains I felt tied me down. I remember watching you on Ellen and you said, “If you have a voice, how are you going to use it to change the world?” From then on, I have since spoken out about my condition and have become a motivational speaker, speaking all around California AND written a memoir about my life set to debut this year. I attended the Monsterball on YOUR BIRTHDAY and there in the handicapped seating section, is where I first stood up and didn’t use my chair. I wasn’t able to attend the BTW Ball because my health has somewhat declined. However, with your music and Youtube videos to fawn over, I should be on a fast-track to recovery. I would LOVE to have you read my book since you are the one person who lifted my heart up during a horrible time. Thank you for being you and giving me the strength I needed to realize my purpose in life. I may be a bit frail, but I am sending you a hug from my bed. I love you to the moon and back, my love. I’ll be with you until the end because I know you’ll do the same for me. All my love, Miranda Grace Casanova-MacDonald, Simi Valley, CA. @uhmitsmirandaxx
Dear Gaga, I just wanted to write you a short letter to show my love and gratitude. My name is Ally Burr, I’m 19 years old and I come from a little town in the North of Scotland. I’ve seen you perform live on five separate occasions all over the United Kingdom, and after each time I see you perform, I can honestly say I feel braver and more secure in myself through the love and acceptance shown by you and other Little Monsters. I still remember the first time I ever heard your name. It was actually my mother who said to me, “Ally, have you heard of this new Lady Gaga “chick”? She has a song out called Just Dance.” Being the typical son, I raised an eyebrow at my usually outof-date mother. It wasn’t until I heard Poker Face that I started to wonder, “Who is Lady Gaga?” …and I’ve never looked back. I researched your past and the struggles you had made to get to where you were. By this point, it was on the lips of millions across the world. It’s now gotten to the stage where I cry over every new album, single, music video, award show appearance – it must be so humbling to know you have this adoration from so many fans compared with the struggles and fighting you had to do in your youth. My first time seeing you in concert was in March 2010 at The Monster Ball in Glasgow. I came away from that show not knowing how to describe my emotions: I witnessed an acceptance I hadn’t been used to coming from a small, conservative town up north. Three weeks after that show, I found the strength to come out to my family, who fully supported me. I will never be able to thank you and the Monster family enough for giving me that support. In 2011, I travelled all the way down to London to see you at the Paul O’Grady, Lady Gaga Special. I danced right in front of you, along to the choreography of Judas, and I could swear you looked me straight in the eye and smiled – a moment I’ll never forget. In November, I then travelled back down to England, this time Manchester, to see you at Children In Need – and once again, got myself to the front, touching distance away from you. It was at this show I first had the privilege of making new Monster friends, many of whom I have since become very close with and have regular contact with. In 2012, I came to the Born This Way Ball in London and Manchester - a more liberating experience than ever. I made even more Monster friends here, and met up with those I had previously met. In Manchester, you told me “not to cry, cutie” whilst standing right in front of me during Marry The Night – which of course only made me worse. But to have you speak real words to me, I can’t tell you what that felt like. The love and acceptance you breed has helped me believe in myself and my abilities. Since 2010, I have done nothing but work hard and have confidence in my own ability – something which has now led me to the top Law School in Scotland, in which I am currently in my second year of study. Gaga, I don’t think you truly understand what you do to us, and how you help us in so many different ways. You must hear it a lot, I know, but you truly are an inspiration to millions and your work currently with the Born This Way Foundation has taken my love and respect for you to even new levels.
I can honestly say I am so proud to be part of the Little Monster family. We’re getting some bad press right now, but I feel that this is just jealousy of our dedication and love towards each other and towards you. Many thought you, us, would just be a phase – well they were wrong. As you once famously said, “But I’m not going anywhere” – well that goes for us too. We’re not going anywhere. We are all so excited for the next era, and for the future. When I look back at my ‘Gaga experience’, I’ve learned so many things about myself and about others and I truly thank you for that. I don’t know if you’ll ever see or read this letter, but if you do then please know that I’m thinking about you, The Haus and the Monster family, as always. Even if we don’t have anyone else, we’ll always have each other. X Love you always, Ally Burr, 19. @allyburr
Gaga, You always talk about how much we’ve changed your life. But you have no idea how much you have changed ours, so this letter is to say thank you in a way. I think I speak on behalf of every Little Monster when I say that we love you so much that you will never know. The messages you send out about equality and love are so true! Without you, the world would be such a dark place. There are times in my life when I have never felt lower, lying on my bed thinking, “WHAT IS LIFE ??!!” Then I turn my head towards the walls and see all the posters I have of you, of this beautiful Angel that has been sent down from Heaven to look after us! Then I turn to the right and see my Gaga albums and I know its time to “DANCE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!” There are people in this world, young people like myself, who without you wouldn’t be here today without you, your music, and your passion! Well, look at me going on, haha. I want you to know that I love you, all of you! Gaga, everybody in the HAUS and all of my Monster brothers and sisters, you mean the world to me and most of you I haven’t met (YET!). You probably wont even see this letter but if you do, thank you for everything and have a whiskey on me. Paws up FOREVER! George McKeown, 17, United Kingdom. @31KiddMonster
Gaga, Hey girl, how are you? I just wanted to write “thank you” for being so nice to me backstage in St. Paul on February 6th. Never in a million years would I thought I have would be able to spend such a long time with you talking about everything under the sun; it was the best night of my life. I totally admire your creative process, I feel like we really have a lot in common with the way we look and execute our creative endeavors. You have inspired me now more than ever to keep fighting for my work and kick major ass. I also got the tattoo you wrote out for me, thank you for writing it out. See you at Madison Square Garden! Your loving Jersey Girl, Stephanie Blackmore, Monster Movement Forum Administrator http://sblackmoredesign.carbonmade.com
Dear Gaga, I just want to say a huge thank-you for taking me backstage at the Born This Way Ball in Melbourne on June 30, 2012. It was the BIGGEST dream come true and I will never forget how amazing it was to finally give you a hug. I asked you to write “love” on my wrist and I got it tattooed the next day. I wanted “love” tattooed in your handwritting because you taught me how to love myself and everyone around me. The Born This Way Ball in Australia was the best ever. Being front row of the Monster Pit every night was amazing! I went to 9 shows - 2 Sydney, 5 Melbourne and 1 Perth. It was the best experience of my life and something I will remember forever. Being a super fan has allowed me to meet so many new friends who are amazing and share so much love and support for you. I love you so much and thank-you for everything you’ve done for my confidence and self love. You really did change my life. I can’t wait to see you back in Australia; we miss you so much! Love, Steph, 21, Melbourne, Aus. @stephhaniieex0
Gaga, I love you so much. You’re one of the main reasons why I’m still alive. You mean everything to me and you’re a huge inspiration! @itsjesygaga, United Kingdom.
Since the dawn of time, art has always been a form of creativity that we, as humans, have created to express ourselves and to keep our lives more interesting. Art comes in many shapes, sizes and colors, and that’s what helps keeps it relevant. It’s the evolution of time and mind that keeps the envelope pushing and fluid of creativity flowing. Among these many, magnificent pieces comes “Fan Art”. What is “Fan Art”, exactly? It’s an art form from the creative minds of a certain interest. It doesn’t just stop at writing, role-playing or fan fiction, or at paintings and drawings. And in the world of Lady Gaga, it extends far above the sky and into a land once unknown. As we know it, Gaga’s art is anything but ordinary. Due to this known fact, it has attracted people from all around the world from different cultures, beliefs and backgrounds. While all of these alone can create something most profound, it’s even more extraordinary when these people come together, influencing the creative minds of others who share perhaps just one interest alike: Lady Gaga. In the new world of the 2000’s and the limitless possibilities of technology and social networking, we as fans can jump in a huge melting pot, perverting and violating ourselves and others with our extravagant minds. As it’s been proven time and time again, the mind is the most powerful of all. Combining this power among many creative individuals can create something even more revolutionary than ever before, especially when you mix culture and traditions together, changing them forever. You could say that with advanced technology and how often people travel the world today that this has been most possible in everyday life but how often do people truly focus on the creative mind to create something visual while loudly expressing a feeling, or statement, without having to say anything at all? It’s not often. We could say that this is something that has been happening for centuries, and you’ll be correct, but the way we express ourselves individually and as a group is evolving. Would we give the course 100% credit to the one and only Lady Gaga? That would be far-stretching, but she is certainly playing a huge part in the way we do things today and how creativity will prevail in the future. I think it’s safe to say that today Lady Gaga is it and in the future, there will be something else but without Lady Gaga, that something in the future may never exist. The Beatles, anyone? Monster Movement encourages you to take advantage of this revolution, to express yourself limitlessly, and indulge into the world of Fan Art. Your “Fan Art” can be anything. Whether you’re a beginner or a long-time advocate, we cordially invite you to submit your art to us for a chance to have it displayed in one of our quarterly or fan edition issues. To do so, please include your artwork in an attachment e-mail and send it to tiffa@monstermovement.net. Before submitting any work, please read our Terms of Service on the website. We are looking forward to seeing your talent and sharing it with fans across the Web. Thank you in advance for your participation. Tiffa
Monster Movement continuously speaks upon redirecting your energy toward something more positive. For those with the passion, or free time, are encouraged to express themselves freely, but constructively. One, of many ways, to accomplish this goal is through art. Art can be anything you want it to be. The most intricate thing about art is that not only is it meant to be what the artist creates it to be, but also how the art is perceived by others. Art, regardless what it means to the artist, can be something even more profound to the consumer. Many people find liberation and happiness through their art and the art of others... this is also where inspiration is obtained. We would like to see this art and display it courageously via our website, forum and magazine. If thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s anything Monster Movement is most passionate about, it is courage, bravery and creativity. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Monster Mashâ&#x20AC;? section of our website is for fans who are confident in their work enough to submit it competitively for users to vote for their favorites among their competitors. The Mash will have many opportunities for Monsters to submit their art (whether it be graphics, essays, magazine covers, banners and so-forth). Not only will your art have the potential of being seen by Gaga or her team, but it will provide room for opportunity, growth and expansion. Our competitions will provide specific instructions, ideas and projects, while leaving plenty of room for creativity. If your future career goal lies in any of these fields, this would be the perfect opportunity to explore your talent. You may learn your limits, strengths and capacity while learning new things that you never thought possible. This is what Monster Movement has been about since the beginning. Many of our team members have learned so many things, even outside of their criteria, that will help them achieve their goals outside of Monster Movement. Our ultimate goal is to praise the fans for their contributions and creativity. Please be sure to scope our website for future competitions, plans and ideas. There will always be room for you to be apart our project. However, prior to submitting any work, please read our Terms of Service located on our mainpage, www.monstermovement.net. We are looking forward to your submissions. Tiffa
Inspired by the Born This Way Foundation and as a personal intrepretation of “breeding compassion”, the Monster Medics were reformed. Founded in May 2010, the project underwent several changes prior to becoming what it is known for today. Now under new management, the project is founded by Tiffa, 24, whom partnered with Stephanie Picher, 30, who is now the Medic Manager. Monster Movement [the home of the Monster Medics] offers an innovative approach to bring fans of Lady Gaga [Little Monsters] together with the creation of a unique and profound communion. As a team, we aim to empower creativity, self-expression and support. The Monster Medics (often referred to as “Medics”) is a support group for Little Monsters, organized and run by Little Monsters. We aim to support all Little Monsters who are seeking comfort, support and advice from the security of their own home or preferred environment through an online community (forum) and networking (facebook, e-mail, twitter). We (the “Medics”) strive to offer help and support to everyone and respond to inquiries within a reasonable time frame. The Medics are willing to cover all serious topics (such as depression, anxiety, social disorders, eating disorders, online and offline bullying, domestic violence, teen pregnancy, self-destruction, LGBTQ community support, complicated relationships and other social diseases). The Monster Medics are on a volunteer-basis only for those who are passionate and dedicated to helping and supporting others. Our Medics are chosen based on their online presence, previous experiences, location, availability and communication skills. Most of our volunteers are teens and young adults who are not certified professionals. The only member with a certification is Stephanie Picher, certified by the Institute of Addiction Studies at Union University in Miami, Florida in 2006, specializing in Addictions. Additionally, she got her Bachelor’s in Psychology in 2004 from Bridgewater State University. She’s also been certified in Meditation since 2000 by the District Court, Brockton, MA. Among both certifications, Stephanie was also trained in various specialties in the mental health field, such as relapse prevention, trauma counseling and gender specialties. Picher is a highly invaluable member to our team who was hired as a Medic Manager for her superb knowledge in this field. While only one member is a certified professional, the Medics are careful to only provide support, words of positive encouragement and limited advice. In any complicated or serious instance, we will provide links to our extensive professional “Helpful Resources” directory to ensure that Monsters [Lady Gaga fans] are getting the help that they need beyond our jurisdiction. The “Helpful Resources” are an extensive World-Wide directory of professional resources in various categories (such as suicide, bullying, eating disorders, domestic violence, teen pregnancy, self-destruction, depression, anxiety and other social diseases). The Helpful Resources include directories of telephone numbers, addresses, e-mail contacts and websites of professionals around the world who are specifically certified in each category. Among this directory are self-help lines, churches and recreation centers who help teens and young adults in their area. In each inquiry, we will be sure to provide a link to these resources and encourage them to contact a professional should they need further assistance. If you would like to contact a Monster Medic, you may join our forum (www.monstermovement.net/ forum) where we have a section dedicated to the project or e-mail Tiffa and Stephanie at medics@monstermovement.net. You may also inquire within our “Safe Space” thread, send a Private Message [PM] to
one of the Medics, send an anonymous e-mail using the resources provided in our “Safe Space” thread or e-mail us directly. However, if you do not wish to join the forum or you do not feel comfortable posting, you may still contact us via email stating not to post your inquiry in the “Safe Space” thread and we will forward your inquiry to the most qualified Medic for your cause. While the “Monster Medics” is specifically designed for the fans of Lady Gaga, we will not turn away anyone seeking assistance. If circumstances require, we will refer them to a more qualified or professional source. If you are interested in becoming a Medic, please e-mail medics@monstermovement.net with a list of your experience, what you’re most comfortable discussing and how many days (and hours) you will be available to provide assistance. You will then be sent an application and a “test inquiry” that you will need to respond to as if it were an actual submission. Serious applicants only. Disclaimer: Know that Monster Medics and it’s Services are not an alternative or equal to professional services. The material provided on our website is for informational and reference purposes only and is not intended to substitute any professional resources or assistance. If you are feeling suicidal or you need a prompt response, please visit our Helpful Resources page for local assistance in your country. MonsterMovement (Monster Medics) will not be held responsible for any loss, damage, personal injury or death, or advice given to Users by Users on our MonsterMovement site by the exchange of personal email, use of our Forum, Services, or other exchange of User Content through the MonsterMovement.net site via our Services, whether online or offline. Children under the age of 13 are not permitted to use our Services and should we find out, our Services will be withheld.
Little Monsters are known to follow Gaga’s every move very closely, everywhere from Twitter, Tumblr, Paparazzi photos, Littlemonsters.com, News and unofficial news, and rumors among other fans. Unlike most artists, Lady Gaga keeps a close knit “relationship” with her fans. She speaks to them on her new social networking site, Twitter, through her performances and music, and through her fans during meet and greets. Due to the innovative social media world online, the information goes viral almost immediately. However, after the cancellation of Gaga’s Born This Way Ball due to a hip injury, “Mother Monster” suddenly cut the umbilical cord after “Monsters” rage on Twitter. Prior to the cancellation and during the time Gaga communicated openly to her fans via littlemonsters.com, the anticipation surrounding ARTPOP grew. As she shared information for the new album during its creative process, fans scrutinized every single piece of information given. This is very uniquely so as this is very rare for other artists to do. Lady Gaga deserves an applaud, or an award, for being so generous and direct with her fans. Furthermore, fans looked very deeply into Gaga’s tweets and communication online in hopes to decode any “clues” that may shed some light on ARTPOP. Gaga quickly released the title of the album back in August 2012 and fans have been clinging on the idea that the release would be “SOON”. However, it’s three months shy of a year since the initial announcement and the album is seemingly further away now than ever. During the last five months, fans have been hyping themselves on the album as each detail is clued. The fans have been getting increasingly impatient at this point, putting the blame on Gaga herself for releasing the title too soon. Unfortunately the injury delayed the album and fans grew more concerned about her absence and became more demanding of her presence. Gaga once asked for inspiration on a Littlemonsters.com chat and fans now fear that she has reached a dry spell, which they think the album is taking longer than she intended. Some fans are angry and presuming-ly ungrateful. On the contrary, other fans prefer that Gaga take her time and release a “masterpiece”. They are happy to be updated by Gaga as the album progresses. However, one thing her fans don’t grasp is that we are “blessed” to be fans of Lady Gaga. She has included us in a creative process and through her; we’ve been able to experience the evolution of the album and the changes that normally happen behind the scenes. We’ve seen many change ups in the theme of the album, songs and the inspiration of the entirety of the album. We’ve been able to see how things change naturally and how her day-to-day experiences have influenced her creative process. While this may be frustrating to fans, it’s fun for most of us and we’re delighted that we’ve been included in the process. Another rising concern among the fanbase is Gaga’s advocation of the use of drugs (such as pot). It’s been a constant mention on Twitter and at shows after she announced the album title. Rest assured, however, Gaga did confirm on Littlemonsters.com that there will not be any songs about it on the album. Fans are relieved, but still concerned because a lot of her fans are young. This is not to say that the blame is entirely Gaga’s, but fans have been more willing to be experimental with drugs since then. Fans feel that Gaga should take into consideration who her audience is and the heavy influence she has over people all around the world. Could this be simply be part of the creative process? She did mention on Oprah that her mother, Cynthia, isn’t fond of the things she does during her creative process. Or, could this be Gaga’s way of persuading the legalization of the substance? We’d say “the latter”.
Among the fan’s concerns is also Gaga’s behavior since the release of the album title. She’s been less guarded and a little more “honest”. In other words, she’s being “private in public”. Could this be the leading theme for ARTPOP? Many fans suspect that the theme will be the “decay of the blonde superstar”. Though it is speculation, it makes sense. However, Gaga confirmed in St. Louis that this speculation is incorrect. It’s more safe to assume that ARTPOP will be a Pop album that will incorporate performance art, possibly influenced by artists such as Tilda Swinton and Maria Abramovic. Speaking of the influence and direction in which ARTPOP may go, fans continue to speculate. Zedd, one of few producers to work with Gaga on ARTPOP, is a young, innovative remixer who works primarily on EDM (Electronic Dance Music, music genre). You’ve seen other artists (such as Rihanna’s “We Found Love”) flirt with the genre, but other artists have been less successful. Some fear that the lack of Gaga at this time could potentially kill the genre in the mainstream. Others fear the way the album will utlimately sound like (such as the genre or instrumentals), the overall production of the album and how well it will do on the charts. Other concerns are whether she will continue writing simplistic lyrics (as seen on Born This Way) or go back to her roots in writing clever complexity. Why are fans so concerned? It’s safe to say that Gaga knows what she’s doing. “Recently we have seen photos of Gaga looking extremely exhausted. To date, she’s performed six shows in seven days! There’s absolutely no question that Gaga is exhausted! Though we appreciate the hard work and dedication, we’d also like to see her rest and enjoy herself as well. Since the beginning of the United States leg, Gaga has taken fewer fans backstage and removed the intermission between Bad Kids to accept gifts from the pit. This has upset fans, but it’s important to realize that she’s human too. She needs rest and that’s less likely to happen if she’s up all night reviewing gifts and meeting several fans a night. Most artists charge for meet and greets. Gaga is doing this for free, and she doesn’t have to do it at all. Little Monsters are grateful that she does,” fans say in concern. Well, it appears that fans were right! Lady Gaga was on her last leg, no pun intended! Gaga had surgery in February and endured many physical rehabilitation sessions to bring her back to par. Though she appears to be better, she continues to skip out of the media and sneaking in and out of recording studios to avoid being noticed. The fans got what they so wished; Gaga is now resting and enjoying some-what of a normal life: going on dates with boyfriend Taylor Kinney and working in a healthy pace to wrap up ARTPOP. Last, but not least, bullying among this fanbase and other fanbases continue to be a concern for Little Monsters. It’s become an epidemic where Monsters constantly bully one another due to a difference in opinion or their personal reasons for being a Lady Gaga fan. A lot fans also bully people based on their “relevance”. It is as if their opinion is invalid if they’re unknown on Twitter or a fan forum. Yet, these same fans bully fans that are “famous” among the fanbase due to the amount of times they’ve met Gaga or seen her in concert (mostly out of jealousy). However, the vicious cycle continues as the “famous” Monsters lash back out at fans who are insulting them. Ultimately, they become bullies themselves, ignoring other fans who aren’t as known as they are and develop an egotistical personality due to the exclusive attention and love they get from Lady Gaga herself. The “famous” Monsters in our fanbase then complain that they’re victims, though they’re just as vicious as everybody else. And as mentioned in the editorial [pgs 6-7], fans attack other fanbases and artists as if they have absolutely no confidence that Lady Gaga’s work can speak for it’s self. Artists and other fans think that Little Monsters are the biggest bullies and rudest fans out there. While it’s not the majority of them, they’re the loudest and this is why people say what they do about “Little Monsters”. Instead of calling out a specific situation or person [Kelly Osbourne], the fan base should be addressed formally regarding their behavior. Both Gaga and Sharon had valid points but the letter shouldn’t have been addressed to Kelly at all. Should it mention Kelly, it could have been minimal. The loudest are the most destructive, thus the most heard... it is important to remember that these fans are the minority. Most of us are loving, caring, supportive and appreciative of Lady Gaga and of each other. Though all of us have our individual concerns with Lady Gaga and other Little Monsters, these are the most popular opinions among the fanbase. No matter how much is given to us, we always want more. This is only natural, but instead of worrying about what we don’t have, or could have, we should be focusing more of what we do have. Gaga has given so much of herself to us, dedicating her entire life to the performance.
The Born This Way Ball has finally landed in North America! On January 11, 2013, GaGa kicked of the North American leg in Vancouver, BC. Recurring costumes from previous legs made a debut during the show as well as additions to the collection by Versace for several new numbers. In Act I of the Ball, GaGa enters dressed in an Armani alien suit for the opening number, “Highway Unicorn”. This suit continues to be used in “Government Hooker”. The next track “Born This Way” is performed in a latex ball gown also designed by Giorgio Armani. For “Black Jesus † Amen Fashion”, GaGa strips down to a complimenting latex two piece ensemble designed by Armani with a cape to match. “Bloody Mary” as a performance relies on the costume to create the visual effects, and is done so by a mobile dress and hat custom designed by Armani himself. “Bad Romance” and “Judas” both have seen variations here and there around the globe, a notable one being the silk ensemble by Christian Lacroix worn in Mexico, but the iconic fashion choice for these numbers has been a white dress with geometric cutouts accompanied with a white ram mask.
Act II begins with GaGa using the second floor of her castle for all of her shopping needs. Iconic pieces from GaGa’s career are seen circulating on a rack, such as the dress from the Bad Romance Monster Ball performance. GaGa shops while singing “Fashion of His Love”; out of all the numbers in the entire tour, this could arguably be the one with the least consistent costume. One time it was a light pink structural dress that resembled origami swans; another time, an extravagant pink fur cape by Moschino. Whatever GaGa’s “Fashion” choice is, it carries over seamlessly into “Just Dance” before GaGa changes to perform “Lovegame” and “Telephone”. For these numbers, GaGa has mainly chosen a one-shoulder piece by Versace, and she wears the same ensemble for both performances.
Act III begins with GaGa in a blue two piece jumpsuit and jacket with a black fringe designed by Versace for the album version of “Hair”. Next she appears in a black jeweled trench coat designed by Void of Course for “Electric Chapel”. The next few numbers are performed in succession and generally use the same ensemble. Starting with “Heavy Metal Lover”, GaGa dons a brand new creation by Versace that features a metallic fringed bodice, slit skirt, and leather tights. She accompanies this with a military cap and oversized shoulder pads for her renditions of “The Queen”, “You and I” and “Born this Way” (acoustic) at the piano.
Act IV starts off with the Latin inspired, Edith Piaf-esque track “Americano”, where GaGa resurrects the infamous meat look, this time in a one piece leotard with a detachable skirt. She removes the skirt to perform “Poker Face”. Arising from a couch made of meat, GaGa performs “Alejandro” in green army pants, black boots, and, until recently, a gun bra that was featured in the music video. Due to the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, which left 20 students dead, the bra has been cut and replaced with a simple black one. The final number in act IV is “Paparazzi”, which GaGa sports a smart looking, business-like suit designed by Salvatore Salamone and accompanied by an asymmetrical hat.
Act V begins with the Slamone suit from “Paparazzi” as GaGa transitions into “Scheiße”. The two encores are “The Edge of Glory” and “Marry the Night” and they are performed in a studded jacket with a halter top and metallic accented mini skirt. Depending on the night, if “Marry the Night” is acoustic, GaGa performs this in a Versace dressing gown.
YouTube viewers and live audiences will agree that the Born This Way Ball is about a lot more than clothes; however, the fashion used in the production definitely has an impact. A wide array of colors and shapes provide a sensational buffet for the eyes and the mind as GaGa delivers a 2 and ½ hour set of hit after hit.
After asking Stephanie Cowie, the keyholder of the London, UK show on September 8th, about her overall experience, she had a lot to say. As any fan would, we wanted to know what her experience was queuing (and for how long), the organization (or unorigization) of the line, the enthralling reward of receiving the key and her anticipated meeting and greet with Lady Gaga. Stephanie wrote back a few weeks later, proudly telling us her story. The hard work finally paid off, and it was worth it! This is what she had to say: “As soon as Gaga announced the Monster Pit Key, I knew I had to try everything to get it. I got my tickets in April. The show was in September so I had five months of planning to do. I had to be really sneaky about it to avoid someone getting there before me. Whenever someone asked what time I was getting there to queue, I just told them I was camping out a night. I don’t think anyone thought that I’d actually try for the key. “Anyway, ten days before the show, I started camping outside the Twickenham Stadium [where the show was going to be]. As soon as I got there, I posted about it on my Facebook and Twitter. I had so many messages, good and bad, but nothing was stopping me from camping out for that key. The next day, two other people came (Thom and Nial). A few days later, everyone else came. We then had a campsite set up on a slope in the middle of Twickenham. “After ten days camping, the day finally came. It was nearly 8 am and the line was a complete mess. The people who camped out [for] nearly a week were pushed to the back and the people that showed up that morning got to the front. I was trampled and pushed back a bit but luckily the people I met from camping all stuck up for me and told Gaga’s team that I was first here. Then Scott [The Monster Pit facilitator] pulled me out of line and asked for my three friends. After trying to pull them out of the crowd (they were pushed back too), we were finally together. People were cheering and naturally, I had a breakdown. As we were led into the line, we noticed our friends were way back in the line, so we tried to get them closer to us. Eventually we got most of them at the front with us, but that’s when the drama started. “A group of girls that were being mean to us in line, kicked off (started arguing). They were determined to get us disqualified so that they could get the key. They tried so hard all day, but in the end, they failed. Miserably. “It was about 3:30pm when I was taken to sign the key. As soon as I seen the actual key, I was speechless. All my hard work of camping finally paid off. The key was actually quit heavy. I think it was metal, I’m not sure. After that, they took my picture and I got back into line. Not long later, we were taken into the pit. “The show was amazing, even though Twickenham made her cut the ‘meat scene’ (Americano). Just after Scheiße, we made our way out of the pit. We watched the last two songs from the side of the stage before getting rushed away with Gaga’s security. We waited in the backstage area for over an hour. “Then finally, we got taken into her dressing room. At first she wasn’t there but minutes later, she came walking in like an angel. We all just stood there speechless. She was flawless; I don’t even know how I stayed so calm. She asked who the key holder was and I stepped forward. She then asked me to go sit next to her. At this point, I was shaking and trying my best to hold back the tears. After she put the necklace around my neck, we all sat around her and had a chat. “I can’t remember everything she said in detail but I do remember her telling me that I needed a cheeseburger. She also said a few things about her relationship with her father [ Joe Germanotta] and boyfriend, Taylor [Kinney]. She then talked a bit about the Born This Way Foundation and how she wanted to set up a summer camp. After about 20 minutes of talking, we took pictures and left. “As soon as I left her dressing room, I cried my eyes out. The whole experience felt unreal. I’m still in shock. I can’t even believe that happened to me. All the stress, camping and tears actually paid off. This was the best day of my life.”
The gracious and kind-hearted Tracey B. Wilson, Virgin Mobile photographer on tour with Lady Gaga, set up a “#HealThisWay” project for Little Monsters to share their gratitude and “get well” wishes to Lady Gaga. Tracey sat aside money from her own pocket to put together the photographs she has taken on Friday, February 22 and Saturday, February 23 in a book along with fans’ letters to be given to Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga’s Born This Way album was spinning in the room as Little Monsters gathered into the studio room to check in, converse and have their pictures taken. It was a positive and laid back atmosphere where Monsters relaxed, and met new friends. Quirky and energetic (as usual), Tracey flawlessly graced the room with her presence, directing Little Monsters’ poses as they all bloomed into their own character in front of the lense. Tracey always fills the room with a positive aura, bringing the best out everyone around her. To view the photos, please visit: http://www.twilsonphotography.photoshelter.com/gallery/Heal-This-WayLittleMnstrPix/G0000drHogEPGWdQ Twitter: