Cover Photo: Ruth Gilberger, Cologne / Translation: Jill Denton / Design: www.labor
The Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft is a legally responsible foundation under civil law and is a part of the group of the Montag Stiftungen in Bonn, Germany.
Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft GemeinnĂźtzige Stiftung Adenauerallee 127, 53113 Bonn, Germany phone: +49 (0) 228 267 16-230 e-mail:
Arts in Society
It supports those in the arts or cultural sector who are working to create a society that assures equal opportunities for access to and participation in both tangible and intangible cultural assets. It contributes to promoting the arts as a means to palpably and sustainably improve the quality of people’s everyday lives. The Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesell schaft implements art projects with the potential to bring about change. Such projects address social, political and economic conditions by actively engaging “on the ground” with the daily realities of diverse individuals, whose participation in turn shapes the projects’ respective form and outcome.
photo: Roland Kersting, Bochum choreography: Dorothea Eitel, “Auf dass wir werden, was wir sind”, Dortmund
photo: Sarah Heuser, Bonn artists: Miriam Nolte, Loic Deveaux, “sKULpTURALLEE”, Bonn
The Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft is a German foundation that focuses on the arts in society. In committing itself to creative ideas, concepts and projects it strives to create a society in which everyone is free to explore diverse forms of artistic expression and discover their potential for her or his personal development.
All kinds of contemporary art genre and cross-medial activity are considered. Participatory art projects are uniquely placed to identify and establish latitude for social development: the imagination, personal initiative, creativity and self- confidence of every participant broaden her or his scope for action. A further aim of the foundation is to heighten awareness in the various art fields both of social problems and possible solutions to them. By artistically inter vening in social processes, the projects spark creative approaches to issues of co-existence. The foundation thus seeks to firmly anchor the social relevance of contemporary art in the minds of the general public. The practice-based
projects are reflected on, assessed and further developed in cooperation and partnership with other players in the arts and cultural industries, the sciences and society. In accordance with the primary objective of the foundation’s benefactor, Carl Richard Montag — namely to foster a sense of community— the Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesell schaft remains true to the mission of the group of the Montag Stiftungen:
acting with social responsibility.
Cover Photo: Ruth Gilberger, Cologne / Translation: Jill Denton / Design: www.labor
The Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft is a legally responsible foundation under civil law and is a part of the group of the Montag Stiftungen in Bonn, Germany.
Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft GemeinnĂźtzige Stiftung Adenauerallee 127, 53113 Bonn, Germany phone: +49 (0) 228 267 16-230 e-mail:
Arts in Society