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Step Out of the Arena
Step Out of the ArenA 2019

Location Eindhoven, Netherlands
Photography @lukedaduke
Graffiti Jam in Eindhoven

For every yin there is a yang. The Step In The Arena graffiti festival in Eindhoven Netherlands is no exception. Logically the artists that step in the arena need to step out. But there is no half-steppin!
1 Riot1394 keeping it warm with some three dimensional letter trickery. 2 TelmoMiel abstracting this image of a young female figure. 2

Step Out Of The Arena (SOOTA) took place shortly after the creative hangers of SITA started to fade. This time staying in the home of SITA, Eindhoven, SOOTA was like the aftershock to the earthquake that was SITA. Confused? Don’t be. The artists still hanging around after the main event got together to rock a concept wall that was not located at the SITA site. The Montana GOLD and Montana BLACK cans that were still warm from the days before were at the ready for a color connected afterburner.

3 In progress, NovaDead has Biggie Smalls on the radar for some creative re-invention. 4 Attention to detail. Even after the main event, Russia's Zmogk took his work equally as seriously. 5 Reser from Italy making light work of his time away from home.


6 Ladders at full extension as complete wall space is utilized. 7 Jos Hoppenbrouwers keeping the cultures connected with a street version of his Nike Air's. 8 Pauks flying the Dutch flag with some classic yet contemporary graffiti style writing. 8

9 French artist Babs creating some extremely impressive cutting edge contemporary graffiti.

Made 514 (ITA), TelmoMiel (NL), Chas (NL),Neist (FR), HrvB (D),Rate (BUL), FatHeat (HUN), Dater (D), Mister (NL), Fleks (NL), Dart (SE), Aroe (UK), Babs (FR), Nilko (FR), Bios (UKR), Zmogk (RUS), Truba (RUS), Novadead (B), Puaks (NL), Saker (ES), Fork (HUN), Beyond (NL), Ceser 87 (ES), Reser (ITA), Riot1394 (D), Norm (D), Fokus (FR), Kush (NL), Jos Hoppenbrouwers (NL), Real (NL), Toren (ES) & Angel26 (HUN)

10 Nilko's work of a street smart gorilla image brought a touch of animalia to the concept. 11 »Stopping all Stations«. Swedish train writer Dart makes a welcomed abnormal stop on the static concrete wall.