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Montana-Cans Production
MontAnA German Quality Spray paint Cans
Photography Daniel Schreiber / Montana-Cans
LOcation Heidelberg, Germany
The machine behind the brand –
There are many destinations in Germany that tourists savor as »must do’s« on their travel itinerary. Visiting the office headquarters of a supplier is not normally high on the priority list. But this is not the case if the offices your visiting is that of Montana-Cans.

↑ Every product has its origin. Often not looking anything like the final product on the shelves, in store. ↓ Compromise is not an option.There can be hundreds of formula’s for any given product before it ever comes to market.
There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes at Montana-Cans before any product ever reaches the end-users. In a picturesque quaint little city tucked away in the valleys spanning around the Neckar river, Heidelberg is where the head office is located and happens to be the original town where Montana-Cans came to life. In a historic residence in a tree-lined street, here the thinktank behind the brand Montana-Cans takes care of daily business and looks after customers with direct and personal service all over the world. At second glance, it is obvious that this is not where the manufacturing magic happens. But the factory is only a short ride away by train or car with the Neckar river flowing gracefully aside you, through the green valleys and hills which stretch as far as the eye can see. Upon arrival at the main production site in the peaceful little Oden-Wald town of Haßmersheim, within seconds it is noticeable of the proud relationship between parent company Motip Dupli and daughter company, Montana-Cans. Artworks and photographs of all Montana orientations are strewn throughout the complexes buildings and offices.

← MADE IN GERMANY. This means something to each and every person working with Montana-Cans. Not excluding the latest technologies used for precision manufacturing.
Heidelberg is actually one of Germany’s humming graffiti and creative hubs and the original town of which Montana-Cans was born

← Caps and valves play a large role in the performance, handling and output of a spray can. Extensive testing is undergone to ensure the right combination is found for all aerosol products. ↓ You can’t cut corners in color. The sun will call your bluff each time. At Montana-Cans we use only premium quality, European made pigments. Proven to resist even the hardest of UV exposure.

← The Montana-Cans Warehouse has the perfect balance of space, efficiency and safety. Always filled to optimal capacity, this is a space that is a pleasure to move around for all those working in it. → It’s not just about the cans. In the Montana-Cans Warehouse every single item in our assortment is ready to go at all times.
↓ Fresh out the box: the new limited edition Montana BLACK Artist Series can featuring DEMS.

The pristine grounds of Motip Dupli are a buzz of activity. Between the chirping of birds in the shrubs and trees along the Eco Path, the sound of electric vehicles transporting products and raw materials from building to building and workers moving from space to space, show that German efficiency is well and truly at work. But this is not by accident, Motip Dupli’s has worked hard to achieve a quality management system certification ISO EN9001 and an environmental management system certification to the level of ISO EN 14001. The large, quiet buildings, hold within them the production heart of the Montana-Cans aerosol range. On multiple well oiled modern production lines, cans are electronically sent on their path under human assistance from empty container to premium quality German spray paint. At the blink of an eye, thousands of cans whizz by as they are boxed and loaded for their next destination, the Montana-Cans Warehouse. The Montana-Cans Warehouse is the hub within the hub for the full Montana-Cans assortment. Here all products are stored, processed and documented in preparation for the most important journey of all, to our customers. The solid in house team of Montana-Cans pickers and packers move with ease from position to position in one of the most modern aerosol warehouses available. With precision and care, goods here are picked and packed for transport to distributors and stores all over the globe.

↑ A vision of beauty. Even when unfilled, the empty Montana BLACK can litho is inspiring and enticing. A true symbol of our graffiti roots. ↓ The Montana-Cans ULTRAWIDE can, first of its type, best of its kind.
With a slight tilt of the head, there is no escaping the light glowing from the Montana-Cans Showroom which sits humbly over the Montana-Cans warehouse with a view of the products below it. The ideal space for distributors and store owners, the showroom is the ultimate display of the full Montana-Cans product range as would be on everyone’s wish lists. The inviting space also caters for meetings, testing, and creative brainstorming. With all this action going on, it is often frightening when you stop and realize how beautiful the surroundings really are. With castles perched on hilltops and the scent of trees and nature blowing in the wind, it's hard to fathom how they can actually get any work done. But as is proven in over 70 countries worldwide, they do.

↓ The path for a Montana-Cans aerosol can is one of precision and efficiency. Traveling on the most modern of production lines ensures quality and consistency every time.