Big Sky Homes Dec 2015

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homes & real estate rÊ • AD publication

December 2015

B i Bg i Sg kSyk y s. . S . . kSi k- iin- i/ns /ksi k- oi -uotu itni n .. Ski-in/ski-out in Big Sky Oppo Orptpuonrittuine ist i e s O p p ort u n i t i e s

I n d i aI n n dSi ua m n mSeurm#m1 e0 r # 1 0

3 B ed w/lof t -w/lof 4.5 Bath - Gara 3 B ed t - 4.5 Bathge- Gara ge ski-i n/skiski-iout n/ski- out I n d i a$1,699,000 n S u$1,699,000 mmer#10 3 B ed w/lof t - 4.5 Bath - Gara ge ski-i n/ski- out $1,699,000

3 6 3 L3o6w Doowg D o g 3 L

5 B ed ski-i n/skilo g out cabilo n.g cabi n. 5 B ed ski-iout n/ski$3,095,000 $3,095,000

363 Low Do g

5 B ed ski-i n/ski- out lo g cabi n. $3,095,000

Vi l l ag e net eCre n t e r VielC l ag

Slop eside condos w/ski low/ski cker. lo cker. Slop eside condos f rom $210,000 f rom $210,000

Vi l l ag e C e n t e r

Slop eside condos w/ski lo cker. f rom $210,000

4 0 6 .995.6333 RSk e a yl R E stat . come . com 406.995 . 6| 3B3i3g Sk | Byi g e a l Eestat L o cated in theinBig Center L o cated theSky BigTown Sky Town Center 4 0 6adjacent .995.633 3 | B i g Sk y R e a l E stat e com to Grizzly O u tfit ad jacent to Grizzly O ters u tfit.ters

L o cated in the Big Sky Town Center This information isThis subject to errors, isomissions, sale, change, withdrawal and approval of purchase by owner. All information from deemed reliable, butdeemed not guaranteed by Montana Livingby - Big Sky Real Estate, independent investigation is recommended. For information subject toprior errors, omissions, prior change, withdrawal and approval of purchase owner. Allsources information from sources reliable, guaranteed Montana Living -Living Big Sky Estate, independent is recommended. Fo properties being purchased at being Spanish Peaks Club approval forsale, membership prior toters If you areby another real estate this is but not not intended as aissolicitation. Montana is Real aMontana registered trademark of investigation Newwest LLC. adjacent toMountain Grizzly uis required tfit properties purchased at Spanish Peaks Mountain Club O approval for membership isclosing. required prior tocurrently closing. Ifworking you arewith currently working with agent, another real estate agent, this not intended as a solicitation. Living is a registered trademark of Newwest LLC This information is subject to errors, omissions, prior sale, change, withdrawal and approval of purchase by owner. All information from sources deemed reliable, but not guaranteed by Montana Living - Big Sky Real Estate, independent investigation is recommended. For properties being purchased at Spanish Peaks Mountain Club approval for membership is required prior to closing. If you are currently working with another real estate agent, this is not intended as a solicitation. Montana Living is a registered trademark of Newwest LLC.

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