June July 2014

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Governor’s Conference on Aging: Inspired Aging – Innovations in Health & Wellness

– pages 30-37

Alex Hasson Is Glacier Park’s Eyes In The Sky By Gail Jokerst www.gailjokerst.com

Although you are unlikely ever to see an ad like the one above, the description does portray the ideal person to staff a fire lookout. It hints at the challenges a lookout faces and indicates why some folks find one stint of mountaintop living more than enough. However, for people like Alex “Buck” Hasson, who serves as Glacier National Park’s eyes in the sky above Swiftcurrent Pass, coexisting with curious critters and lightning is no hardship. For the past five summers, this retired Burlington Northern railroader has manned Swiftcurrent Fire Lookout to help keep the park flame-free. And he plans to return in 2014 for another volunteer season. It is a post that suits Alex and his appreciation of wilderness and wildlife as comfortably as his favorite blue jeans. “Living in the clouds is a whole other world. At 8,436 feet, it’s intense. Every day you live with the wind. It gets your attention. Rocks can fly through the windows at 70 mph and it snows every month of the year up there,” recounts Alex, who thrives on the demands of the area as well as its roughhewn beauty. “I see a little of everything. Alex Hasson on a bad hair day in the Logging I’ve watched wolverines, mink, Lake area of Glacier National Park returning weasels, and black bears – after a week of tracking wily, wary, wolver- even a mountain lion stalking ines – the wolverines won! [Photo provided a goat. For two or three weeks, by Alex Hasson] before moving on to different pastures, mountain goats literally live with me,” notes Alex. “As many as five kids have played on the porch in the morning. And during evenings, I can walk along the ridgeline and watch the moon rise while the sun sets. It’s so peaceful and silent then.” In addition to staying watchful for potential conflagrations throughout this heavily forested region, Alex industriously maintains the inside and outside of the 78-year-old one-room building, which doubles as his residence and workplace. “When I began volunteering here, I was told ‘this is your home’ and I took that to heart. I take pride that this is my house for the summer,” says Alex, who makes his own repairs and annually paints the lookout when he is not busy communicating weather and fire information to park personnel. The tools of his trade are both historic and contemporary. At the older end of the spectrum is the Osborne fire finder, a type of (Continued on page 77)



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Montana Senior News A Barrett-Whitman Publication

P.O. Box 3363 • Great Falls, MT 59403-3363 406-761-0305 or 800-672-8477 FAX 406-761-8358 montanaseniornews.com email: montsrnews@bresnan.net

It’s Up To Us Thanks for Jim Meade’s contribution “Read Carefully...” in the April/May 2014 edition of Montana Senior News. Your article parallels my favorite quote by a well-known theologian and Chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary, Charles Swindoll. It is simply entitled Attitude and it goes like this: “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say, or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company... a school... a home. “The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past; we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one thing we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” From a like-minded friend, Eric Hagstrom, Sidney

Puzzles Popular I would like to submit my answers to the Add A Letter Word Puzzle on Page 56 of the Montana Senior News April/May 2014 edition. I enjoyed doing this puzzle. Congratulations to Pete Shea for submitting a fabulous entry and many thanks to your staff who chose to feature such a fun puzzle. Thanks again! Donna Wiebe, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

The Hidden Easter Eggs puzzle in the last issue of the Montana Senior News is a great example of the phenomenon that “Often we don’t notice all that our eyes see.” Our entry is enclosed and it was fun! Whitehall Senior Center

Thanks For Article On Ukrainian Culture The Montana Senior News is outstanding in news, stories, and ads. Unbelievable! I received the April-May edition in which, among the many articles, was one on the Ukrainian Cultural Institute. Bernice Karnop is an excellent writer. She connected the history of a century ago to the present. Thank you. Our documentary film premieres in July. Agnes Palanuk, Dickenson, ND

Happy to Read Your Paper I received my Montana Senior News paper and was so happy reading all the good stuff from Montana. I was born and raised in Montana and went to school there, becoming a registered nurse. I worked 40 years in Seattle, mostly at Providence Group Health Hospital. I raised a family of two and was married 68 years to a boy from home. I’ve been here in Nevada three years but feel my heart still belongs to Montana. The weather is so nice and warm and it seems everyone loves golf. Well anyhow, I had a good time trying to find all the eggs. I hope I win! I’m 94, and my sister Amy Damm from Froid sent me the paper. Thank you, I really enjoy it! Mary Hilla, Mesquite, Nevada

The Montana Senior News is published six times each year in February, April, June, August, October and December at 415 3rd Avenue North, Great Falls, MT 59401 and is distributed free to readers throughout the state of Montana. The mail subscription rate is $8.00 per year (6 issues). The Montana Senior News is written to serve the reading interests of mature Montanans of all ages. Readers are encouraged to contribute interesting material. Views expressed in opinion stories, contributions, articles and letters are not necessarily the views of the publisher. The appearance of advertisements for products or services does not constitute an endorsement of the particular product or service. The publisher will not be responsible for mistakes in advertisements unless notified within five days of publication. All copy appearing in the Montana Senior News is protected by copyright and may be reprinted only with the written permission of the publisher. Advertising copy should be received or space reserved by the 5th of the month preceding the month of publication.

Jack W. Love, Jr., Publisher/Editor Colleen Paduano Kathleen McGregor Lisa Gebo Jonathan Rimmel Peter Thornburg Sherrie Smith

Production Supervisor Advertising Sales Advertising Sales Advertising Sales Production Assistant Graphic Designer Distribution Admin/Production Assistant

Contributing Writers Bob Campbell Connie Daugherty Clare Hafferman Sue Hart Kim Thielman-Ibes Gail Jokerst Bernice Karnop Craig Larcom Liz Larcom Michael McGough Jack McNeel Dianna Troyer © 2014

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Mrs. Gehring’s Piecrust I enjoyed the 2014 April/May issue, especially the cover article on pie making. The picture of Mrs. Gehring is lovely, very colorful. It goes without saying I was disappointed she didn’t share her piecrust recipe. Her piecrust sounds so delicious. I am always looking for the best piecrust and baking powder biscuits. Mrs. Sheelman, did you get the recipe? Are you willing to share if you did? Thanks. Emma Lee Martin Billings

Pleasant childhood experiences with a grandparent form some of the fondest and vivid memories that we have – instantly available to relive the warmth and love as though they were with you this moment. Smell the farm, feel the warm summer sun and the green glow of the vegetable garden, taste the warm rich milk just from the cow – every sense alive in the presence of that wonderful grandparent who accepts you without condition and the burden of being a parent. Simply put, grandparents are the best! This issue’s Remember When selection is by Rebecca Orford of Missoula who shares the love she felt for her grandfather and the loss at his passing. Thank you, Rebecca for sharing this memory with our readers. Remember When contains our readers’ per-

Montana And Idaho And South Dakota Borders Montana lucked on both its eastern and western borders. While it may be true that part of western Montana belongs in Idaho, there’s a similar story regarding Montana’s border with the Dakotas. I was doing research on railroads in the Richland county courthouse years ago. The gentleman that helped me discovered that the railroad tracks had to be completed to the Montana border by a certain date. The workers would be penalized if they did not reach Montana by the deadline. Knowing full well they were behind schedule, they posted signs showing the border Continued on page 10

sonal reflections, contributions describing fictional or non-fictional accounts from the “Good ol’ Days” or reflections on life in general. Contributions may be stories, letters, artwork, poetry, etc. Photos may be included. Each issue of the Montana Senior News features the contributions deemed best by our staff. The contributor of the winning entry receives a $25 cash prize. We look forward to receiving your contributions for our August/September 2014 issue. Mail your correspondence to Montana Senior News, P.O. Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403; email to montsrnews@bresnan.net; or call 1-800-672-8477 or 406-761-0305. Visit us online at montanaseniornews.com.

To Carry on With By Rebecca Orford, Missoula When I was very young, we lived in the country, and although we did not own a farm, we lived only about a mile from the farm owned by my maternal grandparents. This was in the late 1940s and early 1950s, just before the rise of factory farming. The farms and ranches that I knew as a child were like the farms in storybooks, with assorted cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, chickens, small orchards, large gardens of vegetables and flowers, and the occasional bison. However, the barns were weathered and unpainted rather than shiny red. My grandfather brought us glass quart jars of milk with a thick layer of cream on top and small,

bright Macintosh apples, which he would peel for my sister and me. In summer, my mother took us with her when she went to help my grandmother with the garden. We picked raspberries and ate them warm with sun in air thick with the buzz of bees. When we left, my grandmother let us cut flowers to take home. Perhaps because my father, a dark, depressed man, seemed to dislike me, I felt particularly close to my grandfather. He stopped at our house on his way into town and when he found me crying because I had lost my little scissors, he stopped on the way back to bring a new pair. I remember his crossing his legs and holding our hands and one after the other, giving us bouncy rides on his shoe while reciting:

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This is the way the lady rides, trippety-trot, trippety-trot. This is the way the gentleman rides, jiggotyjog, jiggoty-jog And this is the way the farmer rides, whoppetygee, whoppety-gee, whoppety-gee! The lady rode with a barely perceptible movement, but by the time he came to the farmer, we were tossed, laughing into the air. In his own living room, my grandfather sat in a worn leather chair reading farm journals by the light of a small table lamp with a metal horse base. The horse had a little circlet of metal beads that ran through its mouth representing reins, which you could pull through with a small rattle, and place back over its neck or let dangle. There was a radio on the end table next the horse lamp. It featured a translucent picture of a waterfall lit from behind by successive colored lights. My grandfather’s head was bald, fringed by, mostly, still dark hair. Outdoors, he always wore a hat. My sister would still be in the kitchen with our grandmother when he rose to milk the cows. I went with him to the small, enclosed back porch where if it was winter, he pulled his red plaid wool jacket on over the long-sleeved shirts that he always wore. Then he helped me with my mittens before putting on his cap with ear flaps. The barn was down an often-icy little slope, so he used his cane. The two or three milk cows were ready to enter their stalls. He milked by hand, seated on a wooden stool. The barn cats appeared, forming a semi-circle just out of my reach. My grandfather spoke to them, turning an occasional teat toward one and shooting milk into its mouth. When he had finished, he poured the milk from the metal pail into the separator and let me try turning its handle. Life went on like this, season to season, and, although, as a child, I knew that I was expected to grow and change, it never occurred to me that my small world could crumble away from me in the way that it did. No one told us when my grandfather first

became ill, and even when someone said that Grandpa was sick, I understood it only as a temporary state. After all, my sister and I had been sick many times and then got well. Of course, they never spoke the word “cancer.” People didn’t in those days. All I remember is he finally went to the hospital, and our parents took us there once to see him or, perhaps at his request, so that he could see us one last time. The room was a glaring white and the high bed looked strange. There were unidentifiable astringent smells. We hung back as my mother approached the head of the bed and clearly my grandfather... yet he was not my grandfather. I had never seen my grandfather’s naked arms before, and I wondered if they had always been so thin beneath the long sleeves of his shirts? I was frightened by their thinness atop the white sheet and his unfamiliar attire, and by the way his head was canted on the white pillow just enough to look at us. My father had moved back against the wall and gestured for us to approach the bed. My mother was hiding her face because she was crying. And we were afraid. And then in his soft and kind voice my grandfather said, “I have candy for you in the drawer of the nightstand.” I moved toward him with my sister following. I opened the nightstand, pulled it open, and there were peppermints. We thanked him and stayed near him and he let us have two each. I think he would have let us have more, but my mother was very strict about such things. After he died, my grandmother sold the farm and moved to town. We moved to town also, and the dark years began. My father drank more and more, and my mother had more and more children that she clearly didn’t want. Our small house was filled with tension and anger and a deep sense of sorrow. But I had a secret source of strength, although sometimes it seemed a secret even from me. It was the memory of a man whose love for his


grandchildren was so transcendent that even in the midst of dying, he was able to reach out, not to ask for comfort, but to comfort them. I am a grandmother now and am experiencing the grandparent’s privilege of being able to love inclusively, without judgment or expectation. My greatest wish is that I, too, will be able to end my life with dignity and grace and with love that will survive me and support those whom I love. MSN



Golf Tips from a No-Longer-a-Low-Handicapper By Tait Trussell, Senior Wire If you are a golfer, you will read this. There is no such thing as a golfer who is not looking for some new secret that can lower his or her score. Even though I am too old to play low-handicap golf any more, I do know what works. Golf is an important part of life for millions of men and women. No longer does anyone exclaim “wow� when I whack the ball off the tee. As age

Change is inevitable except from a vending machine. - Robert C. Gallagher

accumulates, strength dissipates as well as focus to follow all the correct techniques. I am now satisfied if I can see my drive safely in the fairway, even if it is only 160 or so yards out. If it takes three or even four shots to get to the green on a par-four hole, I know I can still putt. No Herculean effort needed there. Like most other golfers, I still watch the tournaments on TV, read the golf magazines, and I used


to buy the latest equipment. I have taken lessons along the way from five different teaching pros. I even spent the day with the famed British teaching guru David Leadbetter. But, let’s get to the tips. First, a couple of things about the grip. As one scratch golfer once told me, “You should hold the club in a manner that you would grasp a small bird. In other words, not too tightly. Squeezing can create tension that transfers to your whole body. Next, to assure a relaxed grip, try lifting your thumbs from the shaft on short iron shots – just hold the club with your other fingers. Kenny Perry is the only golf pro I know who lifts the club with his arms on his backswing. Somehow, he gets away with it. Practically every other successful golfer – as you know – accomplishes a smooth backswing by turning his shoulders to carry the club behind his head. That tends to put the club on the correct path. Of course, the downswing is most important. Just before the downswing is when many golfers find the 250 things they have been taught rushing through their brain: Keep the head still, eye on the back of the ball, right elbow close to your side, etc., etc., etc. All that is important, but if you have developed your swing, it is no time to think of what is right and what is wrong. Think instead about NOT hitting

the ball. If just hitting it is the goal in your mind, you are giving up much of your power. As you must know, if you have had any instruction, that you must swing through the ball, ending up facing toward your target. Everyone knows that club head speed is what is important for long shots. That is what makes many golfers begin building speed at the top of their backswing. This often leads to flailing, rather than fluidity. Follow-through completes the swing arc. Most importantly, it builds the continuing power for long shots. But you knew that, didn’t you? One pro, years ago, told me, “You have to go through a little hell to get to heaven.” What he was saying was that you have to wind your shoulders to get that club back as far as possible to unleash the power to send the ball soaring toward heaven. You know you have wound up tightly if your left shoulder touches your chin. Some fine golfers have built a pause into their swing at the top of the backswing. A friend, who once invited me to play at the exclusive Burning Tree club where President Eisenhower and other notables played, always had a momentary pause at the top of his backswing. His handicap was in single digits. I trust you know the downswing does not begin with your hands. It starts with your feet, legs, and

Lots of New in Montana’s Oldest Community – Fort Benton “I love Fort Benton! What a wonderful town!” said folks at the Governor’s Conference on Tourism in April. If you haven’t been to Fort Benton for a while, then it’s time to visit again – it is even more charming now! The iconic Grand Union Hotel has been lovingly restored and boasts world-class dining. Fort Benton is the gateway to the 149-mile Wild and Scenic Missouri River corridor, and the BLM’s Missouri Breaks Interpretive Center gives visitors an eagle’s-eye preview. Reconstruction continues on the Old Fort, which houses an 1850s-era adobe blockhouse – the oldest building in Montana still on its original foundation. The Bourgeois House shows life from the fur trade era and exhibits Montana art in one of the state’s newest historic galleries. Visit new boutiques and specialty shops on Front Street – once known as the Bloodiest Block in the West. The Old Bridge is lit to guide levee walkers out for an evening stroll. So if it has been awhile, visit Fort Benton

soon – the Birthplace of Montana where history and hospitality flow by as smoothly as the wide Missouri, and listed by Forbes.com as one of its 15 Prettiest Small Towns in America! Visit fortbenton.com or call 406-622-5316 for more information. MSN


hips. That pivot commences the downswing. “Oh, no, not in the bunker” You have missed the green. Your ball is in the sand. But no real problem getting out. Set up with your feet farther apart than usual. Weight on the left foot. Open the face of your sand wedge. Then, hitting an inch or two behind the ball, drive through the sand with your arms while keeping your legs still. Out pops the ball. I’ve found on almost any putt, if I stare at the hole long enough to implant a mental picture of its location, I can then stroke the ball in or quite near the hole. Finally, do not wear yourself out with all those practice swings; save your strength for swinging at the ball. MSN



The Montana Department of Revenue may be holding property you forgot you owned – an uncashed payroll check, for instance, or a stock, bond, dividend income, contents from a safe deposit box, or another kind of personal property. Search for unclaimed property by going online to revenue.mt.gov or by emailing us at unclaimedproperty@mt.gov. You can also call us toll free at (866) 859-2254 or in Helena at 444-6900.

There Can’t Be Too Many Puns Submitted by Julie Hollar Getting braces: Putting your money where your mouth is. Did you hear about the nuclear scientist who swallowed some uranium? He got atomic ache. Epitaph in a dog cemetery: “He never met a man he didn’t lick.” Squirrel’s nest: A Nutcracker Suite. Social diseases: Germs of endearment. What’s the funniest animal in the world? A stand-up chameleon. She was only a moonshiner’s daughter, but he loved her still.


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(406) 243.6022 info@humanitiesmontana.org www.humanitiesmontana.org

Avoid Fumbling the Football in the Red Zone of Retirement – The Six Documents You Need for Your Estate Plan Playbook By Ginny Grimly The start of football season may be months away, but the game’s on the minds of many after the NFL draft. Minicamps are gearing up and team personnel are organizing in preparation for the 2014-15 season. Football is a big deal in the United States – and so is the surge of retirees – 10,000 baby boomers every day for the next 18 years, says multi-certified planner Larry Roby. The last thing pre-retirees want to do at this stage of their lives is to fumble while in the red zone of their retirement date, he says. “Only 23 percent of pre-retirees have calculated how much they’ll need to save for retirement, according to New Retirement Landscape. While threequarters say they’re confident in the red zone of retirement, an equal amount of people haven’t even done the math yet!” says Roby, founder and president of Senior Financial Advisors, (sfabridge.com), a wealth-management firm. “Confidence in your retirement portfolio is good – if it’s justified. Otherwise, it can lull people into a false sense of security and lack of preparedness.” Having a diverse portfolio and understanding your options for life insurance, Social Security, and 401(k) or other retirement accounts are staples for retirement planning. But there are also six crucial documents that are often overlooked in an individual’s playbook. Here are the six documents you need for a solid red zone estate plan: • Joint Ownership – Enables you to own property jointly with another person and upon the death of the joint tenant, the surviving joint tenant automatically becomes the owner of the property. • Last Will and Testament – A legal document that expresses the wishes of a person concerning the disposition of their property after death and names the person who will manage the estate. • Durable Power of Attorney – Grants authority to another individual to act on behalf of the person who executes the instrument and is commonly used for legal and financial purposes. • Durable Health Care Power of Attorney – Grants authority to another individual to make health care decisions on your behalf should you be unable to make such decisions. • Advance Care Directive – A set of written instructions in which a person specifies which actions should be taken for their health, if they are no longer able to make decisions due to illness or incapacity. • Living Trust – Created during your lifetime. Assets are transferred to the trust while you are alive and provides written instructions for the disbursement of the trust assets upon your death. “These documents can play a vital role in the major plays during the fourth quarter of your life,” Roby says. “Understanding how they work now can make the difference between a last-minute victory or loss.” Larry Roby is a four-year member of the Million Dollar Round Table and has achieved “Court of the Table” status for the past three years. Roby attained his Series 65 license, which allows him to serve as an Investment Advisor Representative. He is also a Registered Financial Consultant, Retirement Income Certified Professional, Licensed Insurance Agent, Master Certified Estate Planner. MSN

Unclaimed Property Marketing Checking and savings accounts, stocks and bonds, income from dividends or interest, safe deposit box contents – these types of properties the State of Montana often receives after owners lose track of their property. The state often receives this property because the owner’s heirs don’t know the property exists or because the heirs didn’t know where or how to locate the property. The state will hold the property until someone comes forward to claim it. The Montana Department of Revenue, the state agency that handles unclaimed property, encourages seniors to draw up a list of any property you own and make sure your heirs know exactly where and how to locate that property. With this list, heirs can make sure that your property passes to them, and not the state. If you think you may have left a payroll check uncashed or forgotten about a stock, bond or anything else you owned, it’s worth taking a look to see if the state is holding that property. You can do that by going online to revenue.mt.gov and clicking on “Find Your Unclaimed Property.” You can also call the Department of Revenue toll free at (866) 859-2254 (in Helena at 444-6900). MSN



Families AreThe Foundation Of Our Community

Capture The Vision… Capture The Future

Failure To Plan Is Planning To Fail

The Family Tree Center’s Child Abuse Prevention Center is proud to announce that it recently received a national designation as The Family Nurturing Center of Montana by The Family Nurturing Center International, the umbrella to the Nurturing Parenting Programs, the most widely used parenting curricula in the nation and used by area agencies. Nurturing Parenting classes run for 15 weeks and teach parents and caregivers skills in child development, brain development, appropriate expectations, discipline, rewards and punishment, problem solving, empathy, family rules, drugs and alcohol, and more. Children grade school age and older attend classes at their level while their parents/caregivers are in their respective classes. Comments from participants include: • “They taught me to be a dad.” • “I have more parenting tools.” • “My family works together more and in a healthier way.” • “I try to recognize my kids’ feelings and thoughts before I react.” For 28 years, The Family Tree Center has been the only agency in the Billings area whose sole mission is preventing child abuse and neglect. You can help us “stop the hurt before it happens” by donating through our web site or as part of your annual giving. Please call 406-252-9799, stop by 2520 5th Ave South, or visit familytreecenterbillings.org. MSN

Salish Kootenai College is excited to announce the launch of the Capturing the Vision Capital Campaign. The campaign will elevate the Salish Kootenai College to a new level of academic excellence, building on the collective vision of our founders, and inspired by the individual vision of our students. The campaign is creating opportunities that will enhance and enable the College to continue to develop, engage, and inspire students to achieve greatness. Capturing the Vision Capital Campaign is a five-year, $20-million, campus-wide endeavor focusing on five priorities: Student Success, Academic Excellence, Campus Infrastructure, Increasing Community Capacity, and Culture & Legacy. These key priorities represent opportunities that will build on the dreams that have made SKC one of the most accomplished Tribal Colleges in the United States and a beacon to tribal members throughout the nation. Salish Kootenai College invites you to join us in Capturing the Vision of a greater future for SKC as we embark on this journey of enriching and edifying the lives of our students, and sharing the vision of propelling Salish Kootenai College forward to a new level of excellence! For more information visit foundation.skc. edu or call 406-275-4820. MSN

By Megan S. Berg You have probably heard that saying often in your life, and yet we don’t always take it to heart. I often hear people say they don’t need an estate plan because their family knows what they want to do and who should receive a particular asset. But without a properly executed will, your family may not be able to transfer ownership of assets where you would intend. Instead, the laws of the state of Montana will dictate how your assets will pass to your family by a specific formula. A complete estate plan is more than your Last Will and Testament, it also includes planning for your end of life healthcare and making decisions about your finances should you be unable to do so. I understand that estate planning is not a fun task, but it is a necessary one. The Office of Gift Planning at the Montana State University Foundation can help you start the process. As always, I also recommend that you see an attorney to make sure that your documents are properly prepared and executed. For more information, call 406-994-2053 or visit our website msuaf.org/plannedgiving. MSN

Discovering Humanities Montana By Connie Daugherty According to the Encarta Dictionary, humanity is, “the qualities or characteristics considered as a whole to be characteristic of human beings.” So what is Humanities Montana? It is the one charitable organization that literally, “touches every county, every corner of Montana” from Miles City to Eureka. It is about preserving the past, exploring the present, and preparing the future. It is about connecting, about those “qualities… characteristic of human beings.” Humanities Montana (HM) is made up of historians and business owners, ranchers and museum directors, librarians and teachers – people just like you and me. “It is especially gratifying to welcome an experienced, retired member of our community to our classroom to share her many years of experience. I think it’s a superb way of maintaining the vitality of our aging citizens and make a link for our youth,” said one Helena teacher after hosting a speaker in her classroom. The speaker was one of several from the HM Speakers in the Schools program. Affiliated with the National Endowment for the Humanities, yet independent in many ways, Humanities Montana has enriched the lives of all Montanans since 1972 with programs, services, and grants that foster inquiry and stimulate informed conversations about the human experience. “Humanities Montana provides vast connections for our small population: brings the world to us, and us to the world! Humanities Montana provides the conversations we must have about our civilization if it is to endure,” says Sheryl Noethe, former Montana’s poet laureate. HM brings the world to us – with a special emphasis on Montana’s smaller communities – by providing a variety of programs including Speakers Bureau and Speakers in the Schools which bring live, interactive presentations on history, Native American culture, literature, civics, living history, current public affairs, and more to audiences across the state. Speakers are recognized experts in their fields. After bringing a Speakers in the Schools program to her classroom, an Ovando schoolteacher wrote, “We are so pleased Continued on page 37




Letters To The Editor - continued from page 4 east of where it was supposed to be. They wired the boss when they reached “Montana” saying, “We made it!” If I remember correctly, Fairview, Sidney, and Glendive should have been in the Dakotas. Kay Kalidja Missoula

What Does a Montana-style Monopoly Look Like?

Housing Discrimination is Illegal! In the state of Montana, it is illegal to discriminate in any housing transaction against any household because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Disability, Familial Status, National Origin, Marital Status, Age, and/or Creed.

Answer: The Montana Funeral Board. Civic leaders tried for years to bring direct cremation to Lewistown but these efforts failed. My family researched the law, built a new building, purchased a new cremator, trained employees, got licensed by the State, and went to work. We opened October 1, 2003, and for over a decade now we have served hundreds of families, without complaint or problem from them. The morticians, however, view us as competitors and have filed numerous complaints against us and our employees in a concerted effort to close our operation. Many of these complaints

are from the Montana Funeral Board itself, which is controlled by the morticians. The morticians have also acted through the Montana Funeral Directors Association (MFDA), which has challenged us on all fronts – the courts, the legislature, and the Governor’s office. The MFDA has brought its battle before the Funeral Board, where its members are complainant, judge, and jury; it is no surprise that this strategy has worked in their favor and against our interests. Why does our business offend the morticians so? We offer what the vast majority of Montanans really need – a simple service at a flat fee with no hidden charges. We encourage our customers to honor the memory of the deceased through a dignified gathering of their friends and family. This taxpayer-funded assault on our business continues unabated. Please keep a watchful eye on the amendments to the new, more restrictive Funeral Board regulations, with hearings set for May. William A. Spoja, Jr., President, Central Montana Crematorium, Inc. MSN

For more information about discrimination in housing, contact:

Montana At The Crossroads Do We Want Clean Water Or Not

Montana Fair Housing (406) 782-2573 / MT Relay: 711 1-800-929-2611 519 East Front Street Butte, MT 59701

e-mail: inquiry@montanafairhousing.org website: www.montanafairhousing.org FAIR HOUSING - It’s your right, it’s your responsibility, and IT'S THE LAW!!! The work that provided the basis for this publication was supported by funding under a grant with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. The author and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in this publication. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the iews of the Federal Government.

The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery. - Francis Bacon

By Bob Campbell The time for debate is over. The overwhelming evidence establishes that climate change is not only here but accelerating and changing the quality of life on the planet. Massive destruction from stronger tornadoes, floods, and a worldwide drought in important agricultural area is the result. Countries are divided between winners who have access to clean drinking water and losers who do not. Montana is a clear winner because we are a vast watershed capturing mountain precipitation. Our water fills the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean, and from one mountain in Glacier Park, Hudson Bay. When Lewis and Clark first set foot in Montana, they were overwhelmed at the lush grasslands that supported herds of animals that flourished with what seemed to be an endless supply of water. At the time that agriculture arrived, the home-

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steaders were promised bountiful harvests but when the sod was turned the years of drought turned their dreams to dust. When large corporations opened gold, silver, and copper mines they successfully fought regulation and their toxic waste sites were considered the cost of doing business. Today we have an increasing threat to our clean water unless the next legislature agrees that our top priority is funding the cleanup we need to protect our most important resource, clean water. The clean and healthful environmental protection in the 1972 Montana Constitution has never been funded to clean up the toxic waste sites left after the mining claims were abandoned. Our future depends on the dedication of all elected officials to prevent new pollution and clean up the toxic waste sites we can no longer ignore. MSN



When You Need a Little Help, But Aren’t Quite Ready For Nursing Home Care By Ron Pollack, Families USA Have you started to experience challenges with living on your own? Do you need help with medical care or daily activities? A nursing home may seem like your only option. But there are good alternatives, including home care and assisted living. However, it is important for you to learn what kinds of services Medicare and Medicaid will and won’t cover. Medicaid is the nation’s health insurance program for low-income individuals and families – including seniors – and for people with disabilities. What is home- and community-based care? You may have access to services such as Meals on Wheels, visiting and shopper services, and adult day care programs. But what if you need other kinds of assistance? Home health services (also called home- and community-based care) help folks who need additional support so they can safely stay in their homes or who are recovering after a hospital stay. These services include short-term nursing care and rehabilitative care – like physical therapy. Registered nurses, physical therapists, occupational

therapists, speech pathologists, home health aides, and medical social workers provide home health care. Medicare pays for a limited number of onehour home health visits, but only for medical care. Medicaid may pay for other types of home care, depending on your situation and the state you live in. You may be able to find other non-medical services in your community through your local Area Agency on Aging. What is assisted living? Assisted living facilities (or assisted living homes) bridge the gap between independent living and nursing homes. These facilities typically provide services like assistance with personal care and medications, and they give residents more freedom and privacy than nursing homes. They range in size from small houses that serve a few residents to very large facilities with hundreds of residents. Assisted living facilities cost less than nursing homes but are still very expensive, costing an average of $3,300 a month.

What do Medicare and Medicaid pay for nursing home care and nursing home alternatives? Many people are confused about what Medicare and Medicaid cover. Nursing Home Care Medicare does not cover most nursing home care. Medicare pays only for certain skilled nursing or rehabilitative care, and only after a hospital stay. The duration of this coverage is limited. To learn more about coverage limits, visit the Medicare website at medicare.gov/coverage/skilled-nursingfacility-care.html. Medicaid covers most nursing home care if you have a low income. Each state sets its own income eligibility level for Medicaid coverage of nursing home care. In many states, you must also have limited assets to have Medicaid cover your nursing home care. Alternatives to Nursing Home Care Medicare covers very little of this care. For example, Medicare won’t pay your rent for an assisted living facility, but it will cover some health care you receive while you are in assisted living.

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Medicaid pays for some assisted living costs for people with low incomes in several states. Every state has at least one Medicaid program that will pay for other alternatives to nursing facility care, and most have multiple programs. Each state’s program is different. Plus, individuals must meet


the eligibility rules for that particular program. For example, some programs focus on individuals with particular health care needs. And some programs are limited to a certain number of people, which creates waiting lists. Many people end up paying the full cost of assisted living entirely out of their own pockets. To Learn More To learn more about Medicare and Medicaid coverage of nursing home care, assisted living,

and other options, contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program, or SHIP. SHIPs offer free counseling and assistance by phone and in person. Find the SHIP in your state online at shipnpr.shiptalk.org/shipprofile.aspx. Also, the Eldercare Locator connects older Americans and their caregivers with information on senior services. Find it online at eldercare.gov/ eldercare.net/Public/Index.aspx. MSN

End-Of-Life Planning Requires Family Discussion Provided by Montana Funeral Directors Association (MFDA) The Have the Talk of a Lifetime Campaign initiated by the Funeral and Memorial Information Council (FAMIC) stresses the importance of family members’ expressing how they would like to be honored and remembered when they pass on. These discussions between adult children and parents can be rich and satisfying as it helps families preserve their heritage, assist in estate planning, and protect their most prized and precious possessions – the treasured recollections and memories of their loved ones. It can reacquaint us with our loved ones and help us to get to know them in a new and different way. And it

can help bring us closer to those we care about most. Open and heartfelt end-of-life discussions will help preserve the estate planning and memorialization wishes of the deceased, a major goal of this campaign. MFDA’s goal is to have campaign materials and community discussion technology available at local funeral homes. To find out more about the campaign or to have a local funeral director discuss The Talk Of A Lifetime in your community, contact your local funeral home, visit famic.org/index.php/ have-the-talk-of-a-lifetime/ or montanafuneraldirectors.org, or call 406-449-7244. MSN

Just Pick Up Your Pen and Make a New Irish Friend! By Jonathan Rimmel In 1976, during a particularly cold winter, Willie Bermingham – a Dublin, Ireland fireman – found a number of older folks dead in their homes, ignored and forgotten. This discovery ignited a passion within Mr. Bermingham. Together with a small group of friends and colleagues, he distributed food, fuel, and blankets to suffering seniors. ALONE – an independent charity – builds upon this legacy. ALONE continues today, assisting those at risk of homelessness, the socially isolated, the vulnerable, and those in crisis. It provides Supportive Housing, Befriending, Community Response, and Campaigning services to over three hundred seniors weekly. ALONE’s age-friendly homes provide affordable accommodations to one hundred residents supported by staff developed plans, individually tailored to maximize independence and quality-of-life. With ALONE’s Befriending Service, volunteers make visits to over two hundred older folks each week, offering companionship and practical assistance with daily needs. The ALONE Community Response Service supports those in crisis, dealing with an average of thirty such emergencies each month. ALONE’s Campaigns for Change shine a light on poor or inadequate services in addition to campaigns for policy changes to protect seniors’ rights. Most citizens in Ireland live cheerfully and fulfilled, but for one-in-ten seniors still vulnerable, ALONE lends a hand. We invite you to give a little cheer to Irish seniors in need. Certainly, donations and legacy gifts keep ALONE running, and they are vital, however by offering your personal touch you can brush away the clouds of loneliness. Become a pen pal with one of ALONE’s clients and make a new Irish friend! We list below three short biographies of Irish folks who would like to hear from you. Martha, 86, lived in the UK most of her life, though remaining strongly involved in the Irish community. Later, she returned to Ireland, but with her family still living in the UK, Martha had little support. She now lives in a small, comfortable bedsit – a form of rented housing – receiving visits from


an ALONE Befriending volunteer. Though a very social lady, Martha recently became housebound due to poor mobility. Each Monday, Martha’s volunteer, Mary, takes her for drives along the coast, followed by a cup of tea and a chat. Martha really looks forward to these visits, being the only social outlet she has each week. Patrick, 70, originally hails from Donegal, though at present lives in Dublin. He has two sons, one daughter, and three grandchildren, all of whom live in England. As a former carpenter, Patrick worked in many countries, including Wales, England, and Holland. He lived on the second floor of a bedsit so damp he says, “You could keep your hand on the radiator for an hour and only be barely warm. I would take my clothes out of my wardrobe, and they would be damp and moldy.” These unsuitable conditions severely affected Patrick’s mental health. Thankfully, he loves his new age-friendly home from ALONE, settling in quite well. Speaking of his new home Patrick exclaims, “The house is warm and comfortable


and I rarely have to put on the heat.” Joan, a 93-year-old widow, lived in many different countries, held numerous jobs from secretary to governess, and even wrote a published book in the 1970s titled, Love in the Fast Lane! In 1980, Joan’s husband sadly passed away. “I miss him terribly even after all these years.” A few years later Joan lost sight in both eyes – consequently she struggled to survive each day and had little money to her name. Thankfully, ALONE came to the rescue, and she now lives with her adored Pekinese dogs, Tarquin and Tanya, and enjoys visits from ALONE volunteers to help her. We urge you to pick up a pen and make a new Irish friend by writing a letter (regular post or email) to one of these folks. Please send your letters to Montana Senior News, P.O. Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403 or by email to montsrnews@bresnan.net. We will forward your correspondence to the intended recipient. In the future, Martha, Patrick, and Joan will share their experiences with our readers. MSN

A Tale of Two Riders Eagle Transit provides public transportation services in Flathead County Monday through Friday including city bus service within Kalispell, Whitefish, and Columbia Falls; commuter service between the cities; and door-to-door service by appointment for seniors and people with disabilities. Most services are $1-$1.50 each way, and adults 60+ ride for a donation. “Rita” received the life changing news that she had multiple sclerosis. As her health began to deteriorate rapidly, Rita closed her business and moved into an assisted living center. Eventually, Rita’s condition improved and she decided to reclaim her independence. She moved into an apartment, signed up for Eagle Transit DialA-Ride, and has been a regular rider since. Complete darkness in the early morning win-

ter hours in Flathead Valley can be difficult, but for “Scott” it is a way of life. He is legally blind, lives on his own, and depends on Eagle Transit to commute safely to and from his job. Each weekday morning, he is one of the first passengers to board an Eagle Transit bus to get to his job before 7:30 a.m. Rita and Scott, like many other Eagle Transit passengers, use the services to get to social activities, medical appointments, jobs, shopping, and other activities that are essential to remain independent, engage in meaningful pursuits and enjoy daily life. To learn more about Eagle Transit services, call 406-758-5728 or visit us on the web at https:// flathead.mt.gov/eagle. MSN


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Walking the Walk At the Area IX Agency on Aging, the Information and Assistance staff assists seniors living in Flathead County with a wide variety of concerns and questions. Sometimes the help is simple – a phone number, a brochure, a quick explanation about a program – but most often our task is to guide someone through what can be a complex and daunting maze of services. By walking with them every step of the way we can ease their

anxiety and ensure they get the support they need. Recently, “Mary” sought us out. She suffers from a work-related injury that causes chronic pain and memory loss. Her condition prevents her from holding a job and makes it very difficult for her to navigate the service system. Not yet eligible for Medicare and having lost her health insurance along with her employment, Mary was unable to pay for the treatment she needs.

Staff helped Mary apply for Social Security disability benefits, accompanied her to the interview, and problem-solved with her throughout the process. Mary was awarded disability and health coverage and can now afford to go to the doctor and fill her prescriptions. She is hopeful about the future. We are honored to have been able to help. Always feel free to call us at 406-758-5730. MSN

Alzheimer’s disease: Caregiving and Communication Over 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease and as many as 16 million will have the disease in 2050. The cost of caring for those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias is estimated to total $214 billion in 2014. Approximately 18,000 people in Montana have been diagnosed with the disease and over 48,000 Montanans are caregivers. Caregiving for a loved one can be very rewarding. But as those 48,000 caregivers know, it can be challenging, frustrating, and stressful. As families try to deal with memory loss, behavior changes, financial planning, and safety issues they need to reach out to find resources and ideas to support these efforts. Here are some helpful ideas to address one challenge – maintaining communication. Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias gradually diminish a person’s ability to communicate. Communication with a person with Alzheimer’s requires patience, understanding, and good listening skills. Changes in the ability to communicate are also unique to each person with Alzheimer’s. In the early stages of dementia, the person’s communication may not seem very different, or he or she might repeat stories or not be able to find a word. As the disease progresses, a caregiver may recognize these other changes: • Using familiar words repeatedly • Inventing new words to describe familiar objects

• Easily losing his or her train of thought • Reverting to a native language • Having difficulty organizing words logically • Speaking less often People with Alzheimer’s and other dementias have more difficulty expressing thoughts and emotions, and they have more trouble understanding others. Here are some ways to help the person with Alzheimer’s communicate. • Be patient and supportive. • Let the person know you’re listening and trying to understand. • Show the person that you care about what he or she is saying and be careful not to interrupt. • Offer comfort and reassurance. If he or she is having trouble communicating, let the person know that it’s okay. Encourage the person to continue to explain his or her thoughts. • Avoid criticizing or correcting. Don’t tell the person what he or she is saying is incorrect. Instead, listen and try to find the meaning in what is being said. • Avoid arguing. If the person says something you don’t agree with, let it be. Arguing usually only makes things worse – often highlighting the level of agitation. • Offer a guess. If the person uses the wrong word or cannot find a word, try guessing the right one. • Encourage unspoken communication. If you don’t understand what is being said, ask the person to point or gesture.


• Limit distractions. Find a quiet place. The surroundings should support the person’s ability to focus his or her thoughts. While a person with later-stage Alzheimer’s may not always respond, he or she still requires and benefits from continued communication. When communicating with a person with dementia, it’s especially important to choose your words carefully. • Identify yourself. • Call the person by name. • Use short, simple words and sentences. • Speak slowly and distinctively. • Patiently wait for a response. • Repeat information or questions as needed. • Avoid confusing or vague statements. • Turn negatives into positives. • Avoid quizzing or asking, “Do you remember when…?” • Write things down. • Treat the person with dignity and respect. • Convey an easygoing manner. Alzheimer’s disease is a challenge, but with patience and understanding, you can give the best care and love possible. Content for this article was excerpted from the Alzheimer’s Association website. Find more information about care, support, and research at www. alz.org. Contact your local Alzheimer’s Association chapter for information on other resources such as free classes, support groups, and fundraising activities at 406-252-3053. Contact us at our free 24/7 hotline at 1-800-2723900. You are not alone. MSN

Three Tips for Choosing an Assisted-Living Home for Your Parent – Expert Also Shares the Biggest Mistake You Can Make Seventy percent of people age 65+ will need long-term care at some point in their lives, according to a 2014 study by CareScout, a division of Genworth Financial Services. “But that doesn’t mean they have to sacrifice their quality of life,” says Peder Johnsen, CEO of Concordis Senior Living, www.concordisseniorliving. com, which owns, operates and develops senior housing communities. “In fact, a person who needs some assistance with day-to-day living will often find he or she is much happier in a good assisted-living community with an atmosphere that reminds them of their former home.” And it doesn’t have to be outrageously priced, notes Johnsen, a thirdgeneration assisted living facility operator whose family pioneered the contemporary congregate community model. The median price for a private, one-bed home in an ALF community is




$42,000, he says, citing the CareScout report. By contrast, a semi-private nursing home bed costs a median $77,000 a year. But it’s up to prospective residents and their families to ascertain the quality of the community and whether it’s a good match for the person who will be living there. “ALFs are not federally regulated and states vary widely on the breadth of oversight they provide, so you can’t necessarily rely on the law,� Johnsen says. “And don’t rely on salespeople either – that’s the biggest mistake people make.� There are, however, a number of easy ways to see if a home has a

truly caring atmosphere and well-trained staff. Johnsen offers these tips: • Ask to see the home’s state licensing survey, an assessment that usually includes inspections, audits, interviews with residents, etc. Every state has an ALF licensing agency and all have some form of survey system for ensuring that certain standards of quality are met, according to the Assisted Living Federation of America. “Requirements vary from state to state, but no matter what state you live in, you should be able to ask the ALF for its most recent report, or obtain it from the licensing agency,â€? Johnsen says. The surveys will tell you if problems were found – or not – and what the ALF did to address them. • Visit the ALF during non-business hours. Go before breakfast or after dinner – times when the administrators aren’t around. What’s the atmosphere? How do employees behave with the residents? “That’s a good time to talk to residents, too,â€? Johnsen says. Be a “mystery shopper,â€? he suggests. Pretend you’re just visiting the community – not scouting it out as a prospective customer. • Ascertain how truly “homelikeâ€? the community is. In your own home, if you don’t feel like eating breakfast at 7:30 a.m., you don’t have to. You can have breakfast at 10. You can get snacks when you want them. “Depending on what’s important to your loved one, there are potentially many rules that can affect how ‘at home’ a person feels,â€? Johnsen says. “Some communities allow residents to have pets, others don’t. Some provide lots of activities. At some, residents can quickly and easily arrange for transportation or a service like hair styling. Not every community can offer everything, he notes. That’s why it’s important to look for those features that are especially important to your loved one. Peder Johnsen is the CEO of Concordis Senior Living and a thirdgeneration assisted-living specialist whose grandfather and father built one of the first contemporary-style ALFs in Florida more than 30 years ago. He is an industry leader in staff development and training, and has overseen the development, acquisition, and financing of several communities. MSN

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Having “The Other Talk” Between Parents And Children Not Storks, But Caregiving And Financial Matters Q: My dad is in his mid-70s and my mom passed away about ten years ago. Dad has since remarried. My sisters and I all know that we need to have “the talk” fairly soon with Dad about caregiving and money matters, but frankly it is quite painful because it will be opening up some old wounds. We are at odds with how to proceed – do you have any tips or advice? A: Among the more difficult family challenges in life is knowing how and when to have the talk about money matters or caregiving wishes with one or both of our parents. Then there’s the other side of the equation. Have you talked with your adult kids about your financial matters, and your vision of how you’d like to live out your life as you age? Your kids are probably as uncomfortable broaching the subject with you as you are broaching it with your own parents. Follow these suggestions on how to talk to your parents about their finances, and then turn around and talk to your kids about yours. You will find that it will give everyone peace of mind. Approaching Your Parents Talking with your parents about their finances and caregiving preferences is bound to be awkward. They may become defensive, thinking that you don’t trust them to take care of things anymore. You know your parents best, so think about how to set them at ease. It’s helpful to say upfront that it’s a difficult conversation for both of you. Before you have the talk, put together a list of financial and caregiving information you will need to help them. Get help by going to www.aarp.org, and searching for “organize important documents.” When you’re ready, here are some tips on having the conversation. • Share a story. A great way to start the conversation is to share a story about a friend or neighbor that your parents could relate to. • Be respectful and positive. Let your parents know that you’re interested in helping make their lives manageable as they age. • Start small. If your parents are hesitant to talk, try taking on something

small. For example, ask them to tell you where they keep their important documents. • Ask them to talk about their caregiving preferences. Do they want to age in place? Would they be open to moving into a retirement community with continuing care options? Find out if they have long-term care insurance or other means of paying for care if they need it. Talking to Your Adult Kids Now that you’ve started the conversation with your parents, it’s time to talk to your adult kids. They will likely appreciate that you initiated the conversation so they didn’t have to! A great place to start is to take AARP’s 40-day pledge to create a “Living Longer, Living Smarter” plan at decidecreateshare.org. It will help you decide what kind of future you see for yourself, create a plan to achieve those goals, and then share that plan with your kids. The pledge will take you through the process of organizing documents, calculating long-term care expenses, and creating an advance directive. This document identifies the kind of care you want in the event you aren’t able to make medical decisions down the road. It’s up to you how much you want to share with your kids. Think about what’s useful to know about your own parents, and let that be your guide. We wish you all the best with your planned talk. At this stage of life, one of the best gifts one can give and receive is peace of mind. By talking to your parents, and to your kids, peace of mind is within reach. For help on financial matters such as planning, budgeting, and goal setting check out www.aarp.org/readyforretirement. Do you have a question for AARP Montana? Send your question to “Ask AARP Montana” at MTAARP@aarp.org or 30 W 14th St., Helena, MT 59601 or call our toll-free hotline at 866-295-7278. As we receive questions, we will consult with both internal and external experts to provide timely and valuable advice. MSN

The Value Of Respite – Enjoy Personal Time By Lisa M. Petsche While the days of summer offer many of us the chance to enjoy a well-deserved break, sometimes family caregivers are reluctant to take one. They know that their responsibilities are constant, regardless of the season. But time away from caregiving duties – commonly known as respite – is essential in order for caregivers to provide optimal care to their relative. Breaks can take place at home or away, and involve anywhere from a few minutes or hours to several days or weeks. The goal of respite is to refresh caregivers physically, mentally, and spiritually. The change of pace – and often environment – can renew their energy and restore their perspective. When practiced regularly, respite helps keep the stresses of caregiving manageable, warding off physical and emotional burnout. While respite is a year-round need, the dog days of summer are the perfect time to begin the habit of taking time out from caregiving. If you are regularly providing care to a senior relative, read on for some seasonal self-care tips. Even if you are not a caregiver, these suggestions are worth checking out. Lighten the load Buy low-maintenance outdoor plants or consider container gardening. Make double batches of meals and freeze half so you don’t have to cook on hot days, or stock up on pre-cooked foods that only require warming. Better yet, order takeout food during a heat wave. Just be sure to make healthy choices. When summer sun and heat keep you indoors, research options for adult day care, which would allow you a significant break and your loved one additional stimulation. You might also locate a suitable caregiver support group in your area. Many take a summer hiatus, but you can learn about options for the fall. Contact your local office on aging or the non-profit organization associated with your loved one’s medical condition. Don’t pass up an opportunity for a vacation, with or without your loved one, whether to a friend’s cabin, a resort, an out-of-town wedding, or to visit relatives at a distance. Enjoy personal time Get a portable baby monitor or two-way radios to allow you to engage in outdoor pursuits worryfree while your loved one is resting or engaged in indoor activities. Read a magazine about a favorite summer

pastime – gardening or golf, for example. Have a picnic in your backyard or a nearby park. Listen to relaxation tapes that feature your favorite summer sounds – for example, a waterfall, gentle rain, birds, or other wildlife. Sit on your front porch or balcony or go to a park and people-watch. Go to the local farmers’ market and marvel at the offerings. Pick up a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as favorite meat, cheeses and baked goods. Take a drive in the country or the old neighborhood. Pamper yourself Buy toiletries in a favorite summer scent. Grill your favorite meats and vegetables. Try some new marinades or salad dressings. Stock up on refreshing drinks, such as lemonade and iced tea, or the necessary ingredients to make your own, if you prefer. Buy a box of favorite ice cream treats the next time you’re at the grocery store. Or head out to your local dairy for an ice cream cone, sundae, milkshake, or float. Bring in flowers from your garden and display them in an attractive vase. Purchase something seasonal for your enjoyment – an indoor plant or a plant for your garden, wind chimes, a bird feeder, solar lights or an outdoor lounge chair. Shop by mail order if it’s hard to get out. Buy votive candles in floral or fruit scents and place them in decorative holders. If you don’t have central air conditioning, get a window air conditioner or oscillating fans for the rooms you use the most. Keeping cool will help prevent irritability and maintain your energy level. Lisa M. Petsche is a medical social worker and a freelance writer specializing in boomer and senior issues. MSN



Live Theater On Flathead Lake

Thirty-nine seasons of live theater in a beauti- thru July 20. Curtain time is 8 Wednesday thru ful 1938 log building gracing the southern shores Saturdays, with Sunday matinees at 2. Please of Flathead Lake await you! Your evening with note Amelia Earhart opens on a Thursday. the Port Polson Players will include pre-show Who Gets The Lake Place, written by John and intermissions watching the sun set on the Mercer, has proved to be a top selling show. This will be the third immaculate “old nine” of time the Players have the Polson Golf Course, produced this musiframed by the majestic cal comedy, back by Mission Mountains. popular demand. Re Inside the air-conserve your tickets earditioned comfort of the ly. The show plays the theatre, audiences are Polson stage July 24 treated to musicals, comthru August 10. Lake edies, and historical thePlace also opens atrics performed by some on a Thursday, and of western Montana’s will run Wednesday best-loved performers and thru Saturday at 8, guest artists. with Sunday matinees The Players 2014 theat 2. atre season continues with Wrapping up The Neil Simon’s Fools, a reSummer Theatre seafreshing, delightfully goofy son is the comedy Altale of love that captimost, Maine. Author vates with its combination John Cariani aims of humor, romance, and for the heart by way suspense. Fools plays of the funny bone in June 27 thru July 6 and an utterly endearing includes Friday and Satcrowd-pleaser. Almost urday shows at 7:30, with Maine plays ThursSunday matinees at 2. day, August 14 thru With the summer in full swing, you’ll have nine Playwright John Mercer fine-tunes his popular musical A u g u s t 3 1 . O n c e comedy Who Gets The Lake Place with performers Katie chances to catch Amelia Rehberg and Neal Lewing on the shores of Montana’s again, an 8 pm curtain Earhart. This marvelous beautiful Flathead Lake. [Photo provided by Port Polson is slated for Wednesday thru Saturday eveplay recounts a still un- Players] nings, with 2 Sunday solved mystery that has captured the imagina- matinees. tions of old and young for Please call 406-883-9212 for reservations and seventy-six years. Ame- more information, or visit portpolsonplayers.com. lia Earhart plays July 10 MSN

Across Montana It’s Curtain Time The Bigfork Summer Playhouse will celebrate its 55th Season of live professional theatre thru August 24, 2014 with exciting productions of You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown, West Side Story, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Tarzan, and The Full Monty followed by a late summer show, Hits From the 50s, 60s and 70s. The theatre is located at 526 Electric Avenue in Bigfork. Visit bigforksummerplayhouse.com or call 406-837-4886 for more information.


For over 60 years, friends and strangers have gathered through Billings Studio Theatre, a volunteer-based community theatre located at 1500 Rimrock Road. Productions this summer include Shrek the Musical and Spamalot through September 27, 2014. Visit billingsstudiotheatre. com or call 406-248-1141 for more information. Considered the Jewel of the Prairie, the Fort Peck Theatre will celebrate its 45th season of professional theatre thru August 31, 2014 with Driving Miss Daisy, The Buddy Holly Story, Cheaper By the Dozen, and A Grand Night For Singing. The theatre is located at 201 Missouri Avenue in Fort Peck. Visit fptheatre@nemont.net or call 406-228-9216 for more information. “It’s hard to imagine community theater could get any better than this!” says the Independent Record about Helena’s Grandstreet Theatre at 325 North Park. Upcoming productions include The 25 Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Mary Poppins, and Other Desert Cities through September 28, 2014. Visit grandstreettheatre. com or call 406-447-1574 for more information. In the Bitterroot, the Hamilton Players at 100 Rickets Road will present The Music Man through June 29, 2014 and Boeing Boeing Aug 8-10, 15-17, & 22-24. Visit hamiltonplayers.com or call 406-375-9050 for more information. The 1891 Opera House Theatre in downtown Philipsburg at 140 South Sansome St. is recognized as the oldest continually operating theatre in Montana! The 2014 season runs from June 26 to August 31 and will feature Wife Begins at Forty, Current Economic Conditions, and Vaudeville Variety Show. Visit operahousetheatre.com or call 406-859-0013 for more information.

The Port Polson Players celebrates its 39th summer theatre season with music and comedy at the beautiful 1938 John Dowdall log theatre at Port Polson Golf Course on Flathead Lake, 111 Bayview Drive. The 2014 season includes Fools (Neil Simon Comedy) – June 27-29 & July 4-6; Amelia Earhart – July 10-20; Who Gets the Lake Place (A Musical Comedy by Montanan John Mercer) – July 24-Aug 10; Almost, Maine (a Romantic Comedy) – August 14-31. Visit portpolsonplayers.com or call 406-883-9212 for curtain times and ticket information. In the West Yellowstone area, take in live productions at the Playmill Theatre at 29 Madison Ave, which will present Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Les Miserables, and Beauty and the Beast through August 30, 2014. Visit playmill.com or call 406-646-7757 for more information. With more than 70 performances scheduled, the 41st season of Montana Shakespeare in the Parks will present As You Like It and Romeo and Juliet from June 18 through September 7, 2014 in every corner of Montana. Visit shakespeareintheparks.org or call 406-994-3303 for the touring schedule and more information. Since 1948, the Virginia City Players Theatre Company has been performing authentic 19th century melodramas and a varied, vigorous vagary of vivacious vaudeville variety acts in the Virginia City Opera House located at 338 W. Wallace St. in one of the most intact Old West towns in the country. Productions include Cat & the Canary, On the Gold Trail with Deadwood Dick, and Dracula through September 1, 2014. Visit virginiacityplayers.com or call 1-800-8292969 for more information. MSN

Turn Your Ear To The Big Sky Classical Music Festival Presented by the Arts Council of Big Sky, the fourth annual Big Sky Classical Music Festival is slated for Friday-Sunday, August 8-10, 2014, in beautiful Big Sky – three nights of world-class music – two nights with free admission. This year’s theme is Beethoven Meets Mozart in the Mountains, with the Big Sky Festival Orchestra featured Sunday evening and highlighting the best players in Montana conducted by Peter Bay conductor of the Austin, Texas Symphony Orchestra, Music Director of the Hot Springs, Arkansas Music Festival, and recently Music Director for Oregon’s Britt Festival Orchestra. Performances will include Mozart’s “Sym-

phonie Concertante,” and “Overture to Don Giovanni,” as well as Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 2.” This outdoor performance is free in Town Center Park in Big Sky. Other performers at the festival include Angella Ahn and David Wallace on Friday at the Warren Miller Performing Arts Center (ticketed) and Spectrum Brass on Saturday outdoors in Town Center Park (free). There are also other events throughout the weekend. The music begins at 6 p.m. each evening and is free and open to the public. For more information, please visit www.bigskyarts.org, or call 406-995-2742. MSN




Discover the magic of the Symphony Orchestra & Chorale Nothing compares to the magic of a live orchestra! Billings Symphony Music Director Anne Harrigan will celebrate her tenth year conducting and is very excited to present an unforgettable season. Experience opening night like never before with live image magnification, which displays up-close and personal views of the musicians, conductor, and soloist in action. Opening Night features Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and Dvorak’s Cello Concerto, one of the greatest cello concertos of all time. From All That Jazz, featuring pianist Conrad Tao to Holiday Spectacular with Broadway superstar Doug LaBrecque, you will love the energy and excitement that first half of the season brings.

Rosie Weiss, the only Montanan selected for the National Youth Orchestra, joins us for the second half of the season for Symphonic Fantasy. Dig out your cowboy boots for Gone Country. From Hank Williams and Johnny Cash to Elvis and Patsy Cline, Gone Country features hits from all your favorite country legends. The Symphony’s season culminates with From Russia with Love, which features some of the greatest musical treasures the world has ever known. Season tickets are on sale now; single tickets go on sale Monday, August 4. For more information, call the Billings Symphony office at 406-2523610. MSN

Don’t Miss Butte’s Montana Folk Festival!

More than 200 of the nation’s finest musicians, dancers, and craftspeople including Montana’s finest will be on tap in Butte Friday-Sunday, July 11-13, 2014 for the Montana Folk Festival. Noteworthy for its quality and variety of continuously live entertainment, admission throughout the three-day festival is free. The 2014 theme is The Culture of the Car: The Influence of Automobiles and their Roadways on Heritage and Culture in Montana and the Mountain West. Situated in the heart of uptown Butte, the nation’s largest National Historic Landmark District, open air and tented sites will provide performance venues from intimate to amphitheater-sized stages. The Original Stage offers a spectacular view of Butte, the northern Rockies, and is located at the historic original mine yard with its dramatic headframe from Butte’s early days as an underground copper mining center.

Up to 50 traditional artists and craft vendors will be featured at the Montana Traditions Arts Market and the nearby First Peoples’ Market, which will feature Native American artists and craftspeople. Nearly 30 food and beverage vendors will serve ethnic and festival food representing the cuisine of natives and immigrants to the region as well as festival favorites such as kettle korn, funnel cakes, fresh squeezed lemonade, and huckleberry shakes. At assigned booths, festivalgoers can purchase festival merchandise including shirts, hoodies, hats, and other commemorative merchandise. Beer and wine will be available for sale at special booths and imbibing areas. For more information regarding the festival visit montanafolkfestival.com or call 406-497-6464. MSN

Craft Beer - Delicious With Food By Patrick Rollins Beer in America has been and is still in the process of going through a transformation. Beer is shedding the lifeless husk of the bland, the unoriginal, and unimpressive for the glorious wings of quality, variety, and possibility. Since the beginning of the beer renaissance in the late 1970s, consumers in America have been looking for new and delicious beverages to experience and many of them have turned to microbrews/craft beer. Craft beer offers variety with many styles available; it can offer full flavor with exciting and quality ingredients; and it can offer new ways to present meals with unique food pairings.

Everyone has a different taste, and since beer is a very subjective medium, craft beer embraced the ever changing and exploratory palate. Since prohibition, the number of breweries in the United States has blossomed to over 1,400 brewing over 60 different styles of beer. The “big three” breweries currently hold roughly 95% of the American beer market and produce the same style of beer (American light lager) with slightly different variations. By the 1970s, Americans had decided they wanted something different and wide variety of beer became readily available to the average consumer. People could enjoy the golden/amber color, the floral aroma, and hoppy bitterness of an India Pale Ale, or the nearly black, sweet smelling, malty, roasted taste of a Porter. The flavor profiles of these beers were something never experienced before by the average American considering the bland, watery, pseudo lager flavors of what the big three offer. The flavorless ubiquity of the big three breweries comes from the corn, rice, and other adjuncts they put in their brews which do absolutely nothing to expand the flavor of their beer. Craft beer is brewed using traditional methods with an eye to what’s distinctive and flavorful rather than mass


appeal. The craft brewer’s focus is to enhance the flavor and overall experience of their beverage. The flavor profiles of craft beers can range from crisp and light to full bodied and heavy on the tongue, from the dry, spicy, hoppy notes to the rich, sweet, malty taste. As the diverse mouth-feel of the different craft beers is enjoyed there is a symphony being played upon the taste buds with a variety of flavor notes such as vanilla, coffee, fruity, toffee, and nutty. The taste and flavors offered by craft beer are marvelous by themselves but soar to new heights when paired with food. Craft beers’ broad range of flavors, aromas, and textures make them a perfect match for nearly any kind of food, from a rich blue-cheese hamburger to the most luxurious of gourmet dinners. Balance is provided from hop


bitterness with sweeter richer foods and sweet maltiness with spicy more acidic foods. Similar flavors will enhance one another such as the perceived spiciness from hops to the spiciness of hotter foods; while other combinations will complement one another, like roasty, nut-brown ale to the smooth creaminess of a New York style cheesecake. Most of all, just take on the adventure of experimentation! The brave new world of beer has so much to offer and is certainly more interesting then the bland, yellowish, fizzy liquid most Americans are used to. With the variety, quality, and food pairing possibilities available from craft beers, let us raise a toast to continually expanding our horizons and trying new things! Cheers! EzineArticles.com/4135432. MSN

Missoula Farmers’ Market Through Natalie’s Eyes

Natalie Lyon circa 1970s

Diemers’ Gladiolas circa 2000s

By Rebecca McClellan Before her passing a year ago, Natalie Lyon was the photo documentarian of the Missoula Farmers’ Market, having recorded its sights and situations for four decades. At the time the market began in 1972, Natalie was winning awards and recognition such that museums like the Holter Museum of Art and the Hockaday Museum of Art were buying her work. So, when she had the opportunity to indulge her creative affinities – flower arranging and ornamental gardening – she jumped in and became the self-appointed official photographer as she sold her flowers during the market season. Her husband Jack who lives in Missoula says, “You won’t believe what she did in order to get her flowers to market. She got up at an ungodly hour on those Saturdays, clipped the flowers for bouquets, and went through all sorts of special treatments to each variety to ensure that at market they would stay fresh and last for weeks.” We are grateful for the same dedication and care that she took composing each shot because it provides a look at the past and a legacy for many who continue to enjoy the vibrancy of Missoula Farmers’ Market. For more information, visit missoulafarmersmarket.com or call 406-274-3042. MSN

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Almost Losing Our Bill of Rights By Gordon Mercer and Marcia Gaines Mercer “A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse...” Thomas Jefferson As the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention recessed in 1787, the delegates were reasonably confident that their work on a strong national constitutional form of government with separation of powers and checks and balances would be easily ratified. As delegates began to arrive home, however, they were hit with a “firestorm.” They had not put in a Bill of Rights with freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, trial rights, the right to bear arms, and the many rights we value today. “Wasn’t this tyranny all over again,” many asked? Before the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention ended, George Mason, a delegate from Virginia, began arguing for a Bill of Rights. Elbridge Gerry presented the motion but Federalists like James Madison, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and most other delegates thought the separation of powers and other checks on power protected the people’s rights sufficiently. (Cont’d on pg. 41)





Big Sights To See In The Big State Article & Photos By Victor Block When many people think of taking a trip to Alaska, the word “big” comes to mind. When they arrive there, that becomes “BIG.” The size of the “Great Land,” as the Aleutian native people named the region, makes the most immediate and dramatic impression. Alaska is twice as large as Texas and if cut in half, would be the first and second biggest states. Mount McKinley, the tallest peak in North America at over 20,000 feet, looms over Denali National Park, which itself is larger than Massachusetts. The magnificent scenery immediately catches the eye. Row after row of glacier-garbed mountains stretch to the horizon. Many lakes and rivers are dyed a bluish hue by the silt of melting ice and snow. Streams meander through U-shaped valleys that were gouged eons ago by advancing glaciers. Opportunities to observe wildlife in its natural setting are virtually everywhere. In Denali National Park, sightings of the “Big Five” – grizzly bear, caribou, moose, wolves and Dall sheep – are most prized. A menagerie of other creatures also makes the area their home. Those who don’t make it to Denali need not despair. Towns in Alaska are never far from the wilderness. Parks often begin within city limits and extend to backcountry landscapes. For example, the Far North Bicentennial Park at the edge of Anchorage provides inviting habitat for bears and moose. People gather along riverbanks there and d summer tto observe b th i run off salmon. l elsewhere during spring and the spawning As they return to their birthplace after several years at sea, the fish battle their way up rushing water, leaping to surmount low falls along the way. Another obstacle is the phalanx of hungry bears that congregates to gorge on their favorite food. Along with their close relationship to nature, cities and towns share a rough and rugged history. With a population near 300,000, Anchorage has an urban setting that resembles other U.S. cities of comparable size. But there also are differences. There, as everywhere in Alaska, untamed nature is not far away. Chugach State Park just outside the city has stretches of alpine terrain that are visited by more animals than humans. The Far North Bicentennial Park/ Campbell Tract provides habitat for bears, moose, and spawning salmon. The Alaska Native Heritage Center delves into indigenous cultures. The customs and traditions of the 11 major cultural groups are presented through dance, music, and storytelling. PLAN YOUR 2014 DREAM GET-A-WAY TOURS, NOW! JUNE



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Gold was responsible for the location of Juneau, the state capital, when it was discovered there in 1880, about 15 years before the Klondike Gold Rush began. Visitors today may relive those heady days during visits to several mining sites, or by trying their hand at panning. The terminus of the most readily accessible of the 10,000 or so glaciers in Alaska, the Mendenhall, is not far outside town. Looming above the suburbs of Juneau, bearing the typical bluish-white glacial hue, it flows 12 miles from the ice field where it originates. At the lake where the glacier ends, large chunks dramatically break off to become icebergs, a process called “calving.” Ketchikan occupies the site where Tlingit natives set up fishing camps near salmon-rich waters, and it lays claim to the title “Salmon Capital of the World.” It also boasts the largest displays anywhere of standing totem poles, in three collections as well as in front of private homes. Another popular attraction is Creek Street, a wooden boardwalk over a stream that runs through the heart of town. For three decades beginning in the Prohibition era, some buildings perched above the water served as brothels. That time is recalled by a sign welcoming visitors to Creek Street, “Where fish and fishermen go up the creek to spawn.” Those structures now house restaurants and gift shops. The setting is very different in Sitka, where evidence remains of Russia’s incursion, which ended in 1867 with the sale of the territory to the United States. The Russian Bishop’s House (built 1842-43) and onion-shaped domes of St. Michael’s Cathedral are among reminders of that chapter of history. Remnants of Russia’s brief influence merge with constant reminders that



native peoples have lived in what now is Alaska for thousands of years. Everywhere, their rich cultures are nearby. For example, many Alaskans continue to call Mount McKinley “Denali,� Athabascan Indian for “The Great One.� I spotted representations of totem poles and traditional images adorning many T-shirts worn by locals. And I was moved by the pride with which an Aleut guide at the Alaska Native Heritage Center described how men from

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his village still hunt for whales from kayaks using poison-tip spears, and how women weave baskets that are among the finest in the world. Travelers seeking an adventure vacation couldn’t do better than to think Alaska. Others who prefer to observe wild animals and equally wild scenery from a distance also are likely to find much to like about the state. For information about Alaska, log onto travelalaska.com or call 800-667-8489. MSN

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Get to the Point with a Drive on the Needles Highway in South Dakota It reportedly took two years and 150,000 pounds By Bernice Karnop The Black Hills area in western South Dakota of dynamite to blast out a road that wound around is packed with attractions that lure travelers off the and through the Needles spires. The road was completed in 1922. Interstate. Today’s visitors One of my favorites should not be surprised is the Needles Highat the hairpin turns way, U.S. Highway 87, in and narrowness of the Custer State Park, south road and the tunnels. of Mount Rushmore. The Norbeck succeeded Needles Highway may in taking you to where be looped with Highway you could see natural 16A to take visitors past formations that look pointy rock formations, like needles, organ lovely forests, lakes, pipes and cathedral engineering feats, and spires. The Needle’s amazing wildlife. Eye, a well-marked The common thread wonder, has a long thin to the roads, and indeed hole that resembles its to Custer State Park namesake. Expect to itself, is Peter Norbeck. take nearly an hour to Norbeck was a busidrive the 14-mile scenessman who served as a state senator, Lieuten- Completed in 1932, the Pigtail Bridges on the Iron Moun- nic byway. With that success ant Governor, and Gov- tain Road in Custer State Park, South Dakota, opened ernor of South Dakota. more of the scenic beauty of the Black Hills for all people under his belt, Norbeck In 1920, he was elected to enjoy. These unique engineering features are neither mapped out the Iron straight, level, nor flat. The rustic logs, taken from the loto the U.S. Senate and cal hillsides, vary greatly in quality. [Provided by Bernice Mountain Highway, or Highway 16A. He served three terms. Still, Karnop] first scouted the area he wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. He was born in a dugout shelter where three tunnels would frame the four unfinin eastern South Dakota and later moved to the ished faces on Mount Rushmore in the distance. Custer State Park superintendent, C.C. GideBlack Hills. Custer State Park, Norbeck Wildlife Preserve, and Mount Rushmore National Memorial on, who dropped out of school at age 13, designed exist today as a monument to his passion for the a “corkscrew spiral road” that connected the tunland. His fingerprints are also on such things as the nels. He called the twists “spiral-jumpoffs”; NorFederal Duck Stamp Program, Badlands National beck called them “whirly-jigs”; and today they’re Monument, and Grand Teton National Park. He wanted the public to enjoy the Black Hills without compromising the natural beauty of this special place. On foot and horseback he tramped through forest, rocks, and watersheds mapping a route that cooler heads would insist couldn’t be built. He was not be deterred. In 1919, engineer Scovill Johnson agreed to build the Needles Highway.

The Buffalo Bill Name Is Still A Dominant Force In Wyoming In some places Buffalo Bill is more than a just a name. It’s a place to camp, an event for purchasing fine art, or a museum in which to learn about someone who at one time was the most recognized person on the planet. In northwest Wyoming, the man is still a dominant force with a town, museums, events, and more bearing his moniker. Tourists even know the town and surrounding area as Buffalo Bill’s Yellowstone Country. “For most people, William F. Cody is equal parts man, myth and legend,” Claudia Wade, director of the Park County Travel Council. “For those of us live and work here, we view him as 100 percent man who made such an indelible mark upon the region that his spirit will always be with us.” The town of Cody was founded in 1895 and

known as Pigtail Bridges. It took Superintendent Owen Mann and 16 men about a year and a half to build the road. They finished it in 1933. People with large vehicles or trailers should check the tunnel height and width. The roads are closed in the winter due to ice and snow. There is so much to grab the senses at Custer State Park – scenery, history, geology, wildlife, caves, trails, and more. If you can’t do it all, at least drive the scenic loops and appreciate the effort of people of the past to open the door for the rest of us to see this part of the beautiful Black Hills in South Dakota. MSN


incorporated in 1901, and Buffalo Bill’s legacy lives. It’s just a short drive to find major attractions with his name, but the main drag is not named for him. That would be Sheridan Avenue, named after Philip Henry Sheridan, a general for the Union in the Civil War. Sheridan was later appointed general-in-chief of the United States Army and was instrumental in protecting Yellowstone National Park before the National Park Service was created. The Buffalo Bill Center of the West is actually five museums with the Whitney Gallery of Western Art, Firearms Museum, Plains Indian Museum, Draper Museum of Natural History, and of course, the Buffalo Bill Museum. There is the Buffalo Bill State Park just to the


west of Cody camping, fishing, and hiking. In Nebraska there is also Buffalo Bill State Historical Park preserving 25 acres of what was Buffalo Bill’s home, Scout’s Rest Ranch. Cody’s elegant Victorian house, built in 1886, is a museum, with numerous exhibits depicting the life and times of Buffalo Bill and other members of his Wild West Show. The Buffalo Bill Art Show and Sale occur every September during Rendezvous Royale, the town’s most prestigious event of the year. In February, the town celebrates Cody’s birthday in style with the Buffalo Bill Birthday Ball. Buffalo Bill was born in 1846 in Leavenworth, Kansas. West of Cody on the way to Yellowstone National Park is the Buffalo Bill Dam. Seeking to irrigate land in the Big Horn Basin, Cody and his associates asked the federal government’s Reclamation Service – later known as the Bureau of Reclamation – to construct a dam on the north fork of the Shoshone River. One of the first such projects undertaken by the service, the dam was the tallest in the world when it was completed

in 1910. The manmade lake it created is named the Buffalo Bill Reservoir and is part of Buffalo Bill State Park. From the reservoir to Yellowstone’s East Entrance, US highway 14-16-20 traverses the Wapiti Valley through the Shoshone National Forest. Once inside the forest, the highway is designated the Buffalo Bill Cody Scenic Byway. The Wapiti Valley is known for its abundant deer, elk, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, and more. The areas closer to the park become more heavily wooded and are prime habitat for grizzly bears and moose. Yellowstone Country is comprised of the towns of Cody, Powell and Meeteetse as well as the valley east of Yellowstone National Park. The Park County Travel Council website, yellowstonecountry.org, lists information about vacation packages, special events, guide services, weather, and more. For more information, call Park County Travel Council at 1-800-3932639. MSN

Recapture The Steamboat Era In Bismarck Steamboats, not wagon trains or railroads, were first to open the middle and upper Missouri River to American commerce. Following the human-powered keelboat and pirogues of Lewis and Clark and St. Louis fur traders, steamboats made the fur trade at Fort Clark and Fort Union profitable. Keelboats and flatboats were fine for going downriver. Upriver was a whole other thing. From 1832 into the 20th Century, steamboats like the Yellow Stone, the Far West, and the Rosebud fought their way around sandbars and submerged tree trunk snags, bringing sup-

plies, ferrying troops, and carrying wealth in gold dust and buffalo hides back downriver. That era is recaptured by the only passenger vessel in North Dakota, the fabulous Lewis & Clark Riverboat, with full bar, operating out of the Port of Bismarck on a daily schedule from May through September. The nonprofit Fort Abraham Lincoln Foundation operates the Lewis & Clark and is engaged now in a fundraising effort to build a steamboat-era museum at the Port of Bismarck. To ride the Lewis & Clark, book your reservation online at lewisandclarkriverboat.com or call 701-255-4233. MSN

Lethbridge’s High Level Bridge Is Spectacular By Bernice Karnop People really have made a lot of progress in the past 100 years. Certainly life has changed. But just when one starts to think that today’s citizens have something over those of the past, a marvel like Lethbridge’s century-old High Level Bridge comes to mind. Most people can’t imagine the confidence, commitment, and perseverance it would take to tackle such a project. The Canadian Pacific Railway built the bridge in response to a need to access to the coal mines. They had tracks, but they went down the steep sides of the Oldman River Valley and then climbed back up the other side. In that short span of distance, trains crossed 22 wooden trestles, crawled around 37 curves, and struggled up steep grades. The Canadian Pacific Railway spent $1.3 million dollars building the bridge. A custom-built steel railroad crane with a 116-foot boom made the construction possible. With it, 33 rigid steel towers were erected, strong enough to support the trains and resist the wind. When they were finished, they had cut five miles from the route between Lethbridge and Fort MacLeod, and cut out all those wooden trestles and turns. The grade was reduced by half. It’s still the longest and highest railroad bridge of its type in the world. It is 5,328 feet long – a little more than a mile – and it is 314’ high. And it is strong! To this day, there are no restrictions on the weight or length of trains passing over it. The bridge is also a thing of beauty and one of Lethbridge’s most prominent landmarks. Visitors stopping at the Brewery Hill Rest Area west of the city can’t resist getting a camera for a photo of it. In celebration of the bridge’s 100th birthday, Lethbridge businessman Del Allen spearheaded an effort to make it a public work of art. Lighting the bridge had been suggested in the past, but no one had actually tackled such a huge project. To light a mile long structure required a great deal of confidence, commitment, and perseverance! The spectacular view of lights reflecting on a mile-long row of steel trestles gives visitors an irresistible reason for grabbing a camera. In addition to beautifying the city, the lights demonstrate that the people of Lethbridge still have a strong commitment to their city. The bridge is lighted every year on the anniversary of the bridge’s completion and on other special occasions as well. Del Allen enjoyed the challenge, saying, “It was very exciting and I like doing exciting things.” MSN



Canada Day Celebrations Sparkle North of the Border By Bernice Karnop Don your red and white! Pin on a maple leaf! Pack up the grandchildren and a picnic lunch and head north across the border to peek at how the Canadians celebrate their independence on July 1, Canada Day. While the biggest and loudest celebrations are in the nation’s capital, Ottawa, every little town near the Idaho border goes all out with wonderful and sometimes wacky community celebrations. Small communities in British Columbia and across the country rock on Canada Day! In Rossland, for example, they often start the day with a hike up Mount Roberts. They sing the national anthem, O Canada, at the top while they raise the striking red and white maple leaf flag. After a photo shoot, hikers leisurely trek back down the mountain. By lunchtime, the town fills with the fragrance of cooking burgers. Everyone savors a piece of the national birthday cake and enjoys the music at a live outdoor concert. A few years ago, they topped off the event with a “Clean up You Pet Day” at the new dog wash! These events evolve so you need to check them out as the day draws near, but you will find pancake breakfasts, barbeques, face painting, and fireworks at places like Trail, Castlegar, and Nelson. The long summer daylight gives you plenty of time to hang out, enjoy the weather and compete in bocce tournaments or watch the kid parades in places like Fruitvale, Nakusp, and Crawford Bay. Games for the kids and a slow pitch tournament for adults are part of the celebration in Revelstoke. Some readers may be asking why they have never heard of Canada Day. One reason is our neighbor to the North does not share our history of separation from England. Their independence was not won with boots and bullets. While it took longer, they didn’t mind. In fact, they have been most relaxed about gaining their independence. Here is a bit of Canada history for you. On July 1, 1867, with the United States just two years away from its Civil War, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada (now Quebec and Ontario) were united into a single country. They were given a measure of independence from England, which increased gradually over a century. In 1917, Canada celebrated a Golden Anniversary of that event, Canada Day, also known as Dominion Day. Ten years later in 1927, they had another low-key party. Fast forward to 1958. The government recognized Canada Day with the trooping of the colors on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Canada Day was not a big deal. Canadians still identified themselves as British. The first countrywide celebration came on Canada’s 100th anniversary in 1967. The weather was fine, the days were long, and it was a perfect time to appreciate what it means to be Canadian.

O Canada was named the official National Anthem in 1980. In 1982 remaining dependence on England ended and Canada Day was made an official holiday by a unanimous vote of Parliament. We salute Canada on her birthday as well. Canadians have much to honor and appreciate about their unique heritage and history. If you travel to Canada over July 1, you will see that they have, indeed, finally embraced this day of pride and patriotism. MSN

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2014 Governor’s Conferences on Aging in Bozeman and Kalispell Tackle Inspired Aging: Innovations in Health and Wellness By Bernice Karnop The 2014 Governor’s Conferences on Aging (GCA) aimed to inspire, and by all accounts they met their mark. Not only did the programs inspire individuals to live a more vital life, it equipped them to take steps in that direction. Montana has one of the fastest growing 65-year-old plus populations in the nation. By 2025 this demographic is projected to be 25 percent of Montana’s population. You may already have known that, and the GCA lets you know what the state is doing to prepare for it. During Older American’s Month

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each May, the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging hosts the GCA, which is open to anyone who wants to hear about the latest research, products, and innovations that affect seniors. It is also an opportunity to honor those who have lived 100 years or better. More than 90 centenarians were identified in Montana and 21 of them came to Centenarian dinners. As Governor Steve Bullock noted, all of them together represent more than 9,000 years of life! It is a privilege to rub shoulders with the creative and energetic people who serve seniors, both as staff and volunteers. This year conferences were held in Kalispell May 6-7, under the leadership of Lisa Shepherd, and in Bozeman, May 8-9, under the leadership of Judy Morrill. Both were supported by a host of volunteers. Both shared innovative programs that help their communities and the seniors themselves. In the Flathead, Lifeside Farms gives seniors and people with other issues a day on the farm, gathering eggs, caring for animals, or digging in a garden. Other programs connect seniors with grade school kids to teach them how to play cribbage. Knitters warm Headstart children with hats and mittens. Volunteers teach pickleball, a growing sport that people can play with their grandchildren as well as with their peers. ASSIST exists to tell people about providers that can help them. The Senior Center in Bozeman offers a rainbow of activities from exercise to woodworking and travel. While these programs don’t translate to every community, they may stimulate creative thinking about what things might be done in each community. A mini grant went to the Senior Mobile Home Repair Program in Flathead County. Concerned citizens started this program which modifies and repairs mobile homes owned and occupied by low income seniors in Flathead County. It is volunteer run and donation-based so all money is used for repairs. Last year alone, this remarkable effort spent $37,402 on 58 mobile home repairs and accessibility modification. That represents a lot of happy seniors who are now empowered to stay in their own homes rather than a care facility. The Montana Association for the Blind received a mini grant to establish a telephone support group for isolated individuals who live in rural areas. Support groups are an avenue for the visually impaired to give help and encouragement to one another. They can share ways to perform basic tasks and just talk with someone who understands the challenges they face. Most blind people today are older individuals with glaucoma or macular degeneration. Improved treatment of eye problems has cut the number of vision defects earlier in life, although it hasn’t eliminated them, according to Joselyn DeHaas, manager for the Association. Would you like to get straight answers about things like fraud and identity theft, when to quit driving, estate planning, and options for senior living?

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Even if you missed the conference you can find this information at your local Area Agency on Aging, which can point you to information on health topics like pain management, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease. Vendors brought products and services together under one roof so people can see what’s available. Readers should know that there are a lot


of products and services available in Montana, they just have to find them. Wherever you are on your aging journey, it’s always time to take stock of what you are doing to steward your days and years with purpose and meaning. Set some goals and then take the first step on your way to Inspired Aging! MSN

The GCA is all about learning, even if you’re the one who came to teach. Keynote Speaker Jane G. Baker gamely tosses a pan of fried eggs after a lesson from Kalispell Red Lion’s cook, Lester Ebert. Jane’s Memory Techniques talk flipped some common ideas about memory and the process and difficulty of remembering. She says it’s possible for everyone to improve memory, but you have to work on it. Her hands-on demonstration centered on the RAVE technique – Repeat, Associate, Visualize, and Exaggerate. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

The Retreat at Buffalo Hill, a ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Communities, opened its doors to GCA attendees with tours, gourmet treats, and an ambiance enhanced by the music of harpist Katy Meyers, a certified music practitioner. The Retreat at Buffalo Hill is a nationally praised outpatient and short-term rehabilitation care facility that provides physical, occupational, speech, and aquatic therapy in a luxurious, spa-like environment. The environment is designed to promote healing and recovery. The facility won the Grand Award in a national architectural and design competition sponsored by the Assisted Living Federation of America and is featured on the Nov/Dec cover of Senior Living Executive. The best award, however, according to those who work here, is that the people who come here don’t want to leave. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

Hardworking RSVP volunteers, Marianne Dyon, Kathy Cozad, Chuck Wilhurst, and Doug Gilbertson from the Whitefish Community Center wore their smiles and their identifying yellow and pink ribbons. The area where the conference was held kept them busy pointing people in the right direction. The seniors in Whitefish officially changed their name from the Whitefish Golden Agers to the Whitefish Community Center in 2010. The intent is to welcomes folks of all ages to their building. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

Nadine Eckert and Bess Lynch from Kalispell picked up everybody’s favorite senior newspaper at the registration table. Both of these long-term volunteers deliver meals-on-wheels. Delivering a warm welcome from behind the table were Helena Office on Aging staff Glenna Kerns, Mary Beall, Kerrie Reidelbach, and Connie LaSalle. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

A fourth grade student overheard Sharon Bristow, shown in the photo, explaining that the game of cribbage teaches fourth graders math skills, socialization, and sportsmanship. “You’re sneaky!” he remarked. “I thought we were doing this for fun!” Teaching cribbage is a 20-year-old program offered in eight schools, one of several creative and innovative efforts to build intergenerational relationships and engage seniors in meaningful pursuits. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]


JUNE/JULY 2014 Dwight and Sharon Spaulding, along with Park and Recreation, the Area Agency on Aging, and the Flathead County Fairgrounds, spearheaded an effort to bring Pickleball to the Flathead. Their goal is to make this fastest growing sport in the country, a very popular sport in the area. Benefits include socializing around a fun and friendly game; exercising at various levels of ability, and enjoy intergenerational fun because it’s easy for all ages. This winter they played indoors at the Expo building in the fairgrounds. They will move outside to the tennis courts for the summer. It’s addicting, according to Dwight. You can learn more at www.usapa.org or call Dwight by phone at 406-270-5522 or email Spaulding@ActiveHealthConcepts.com. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

Dr. Linda Hitchcock, M.D., from North Valley Hospital in Whitefish, admits that the 14 centenarians honored by Governor Bullock at the Kalispell GCA make it look easy. However, turning 65 is dangerous! More than half of the older population has three or more chronic diseases, the top ones being arthritis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Despite the need, there are only 3.6 geriatricians for every 10,000 seniors today, and by 2045, there will be only 1 per 10,000. “Geriatrics is a team sport that involves many specialties in the care of frail, older people who have complicated medical and social problems,” says Dr. Hitchcock. At NVH, the geriatric assessment team evaluates the individual’s medical, social, emotional, and other needs while focusing on geriatric syndromes such as incontinence, falls, memory problems, multiple chronic conditions, and multiple medications. The holistic evaluation includes the geriatrician, a licensed clinical social worker, a geriatric certified pharmacist, a registered dietician, and a physical therapist. Patient and family input is also vital. The process results in a care plan with specific goals. What about readers who won’t be getting such an evaluation anytime soon? Take charge of your health by getting regular check-ups, vaccinations, and screening tests, by making sure your physician knows all your medications, by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, quitting cigarettes, moderating alcohol, and by taking part in social activities. [Photo by Bernice Karnop] Centenarians in Kalispell enjoyed a luncheon in their honor, but no one enjoyed it more than Governor Steve Bullock. He awarded each legacy citizen a plaque and thanked them for the heritage they passed on to our wonderful state. Shown with Governor Bullock is 100-yearold Beulah Brown from Kalispell. The highlight of her life was the day that her husband returned from the South Pacific in World War II to meet his two year old son for the first time. She moved to Montana when she was 96-years-old to be near her daughter. Beulah takes things in stride and says her secret to a long life is believing that everything works together for good. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]


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Governor Steve Bullock honors Forrest Thompson, 101-years-old, who came to Montana in 1956 to hunt with friends and fell in love with the place. This retired carpenter and cabinetmaker from Big Fork, hung up the hammer and saw when he was 93. Like many of the 14 Centenarians at Kalispell, he credits a good life, good health, and hard work for his long life. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

Mary Reiken, a new member of the Kalispell Area IX Agency on Aging board, couldn’t resist joining Jenna Justice in a lively rendition of Down by the Riverside. Jenna is director of Frontier Hospice and is a board certified music therapist. Jenna teaches a sing-along choir for a Parkinson’s Support group where breathing techniques help patients use their voices longer. Music connects a patient to family and faith, and delivers big outcomes for Hospice patients, she says. Mary loves her job and loves the Flathead since her arrival 20 years ago as the director of the Big Fork Players. She has been active in the performing arts with the Kalispell Repertory Theater and the Community Theater in Libby. Before coming to Montana she performed in California for ten years. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]



Crown of the Continent Community Choir, Headwater’s Chapter, transported listeners Somewhere Over the Rainbow. These five representatives of the choir from left to right are Amy Vanderbilt, Lucy Smith, Jeanne Grace, Neil Grace, and Dave Reece. Next fall they’ll welcome “anybody, any age” to the no-audition choir. [Photo by Bernice Karnop] Carrie Bearchief-Evans sang the opening prayer, first in the lyrical beauty of the Blackfeet language and then again in English. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

Ann Karp enjoyed a moment with Montana Lieutenant Governor Angela McLean at the Centenarian Luncheon in Bozeman. Ann is 101 and lived all but her first eight years in the Gallatin. She was born in Muskegon, Michigan, but her grandparents were from Holland. Her parents moved to the Churchill area where her father raised potatoes and peas in this Dutch community. She lives in her own home close to family, which includes five great, great grandchildren. Ann’s secrets to longevity include a strong Christian faith and a healthy lifestyle. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

Marilyn Lehuanani Salgado grew up dancing on the beaches of Hawaii. “There is such a mix of nationalities in that island state that you can hear five languages in one sentence,” she says. Today Marilyn and her husband Frank Salgado, teach Polynesian dance in Bozeman. Listeners could hear the moving rhythms of the ocean in the Hawaiian, Tahitian, and Maori music, even here in Montana. Marilyn taught dance in California for 20 years before moving here and meant to keep her dancing secret, but such talent has a life of its own. She began her expert and professional dance instruction in Bozeman ten years ago. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

“There’s more going on in your head than in the entire universe,” says Dr. Richard Popwell, Jr., M.D., a Bozeman neurologist. And all those neurological connections begin within days after an individual is conceived. The brain is an exciting study, but this complex organ also holds tightly to its secrets. Many claims are made about maintaining your aging brain, but according to Dr. Popwell, “it’s like connecting two dots on a line that doesn’t exist.” The good news here is that they are working on it, that there must be something better out there. Studies, clinical trials, and emerging possibilities give us hope that there will be a cure for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease before it bankrupts our health care budgets. Researchers have learned a lot about how the disease works and have developed some drugs that treat the symptoms and help some people. In his address, The Aging Brain: What to Expect and Strategies to Maintain Optimal Cognitive Health, Popwell placed social interaction at the top of the list for helping the aging brain. “We are pack animals,” he noted. “The worst thing you can do for your brain is to stop socializing.” Listeners were happy to hear that. It’s exactly what they were doing! Other things that help the brain involve physical activities, diet, and very complicated and challenging intellectual stimulation. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

It’s possible that retired Montanans will meet an old friend at a GCA. These two attended Gallatin County High School together. Fran Shellenburger remembers that Don Beatty took pictures for several of the school’s annuals in the early 1950s. Don learned photography from prominent Bozeman photographer of the day, Chris Shelecton. After high school, Don attended MSU and the McPhail School of Music on a full scholarship. He served four years in the Navy, playing drums in the Navy Band. Don, now 79, traveled extensively through Australia and New Zealand following his photography passion. In Mexico, he shot photos of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. His photos appeared in galleries and traveling shows. He is particularly proud of his abstract photos and that he was sponsored for a time by Polaroid. Don continues to snap photos at his current residence at Bozeman’s Highgate House. Visitors enjoy the collages hung in various places in the building. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]


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It was the closest thing to Hawaii that you can get in Bozeman. The pig was stunning to look at as well as to eat! Shown here admiring the pig are some of the volunteer servers at the Bozeman Senior Center, Audrey Walton, Donna Isaacs, and JoAnn Murray. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]


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It doesn’t take long to make friends at the GCA. Dallas Roots, Big Timber, and Col. Charlie Soha, Bozeman, enjoyed each other’s company while they waited to sink their teeth into the delicious meal of roast pig, sweet potatoes, corn bread, green beans, and pie. Charlie says he was named for Montana’s famous western artist and he, in turn, named one of his son’s for Charlie Russell. His mom, who grew up on Fourth Avenue North in Great Falls, worked for Nancy Russell for several years. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

The Bozeman Polynesian dancers look beautiful standing still, but really, you should see them move. This awardwinning professional group kept the Luau audience spellbound with their beautiful costumes and graceful movements. Who knew a body could even do that! Find them on the web at Lehuananiamehalauhulakawilialoha. webs.com. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]



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Discovering Humanities Montana with this program. We operate on a very slim budget and reach a lot of different students and this opportunity is invaluable for us to bring humanities education to our program. We can’t say enough positive about this.” Imagine having Jeannette Rankin or Teddy Roosevelt visit a classroom or a group sponsored program in your community. Or maybe exploring the development of songs like Sixteen Tons and What Do You Get… or song clips from the Civil War or American Indian Music. Other HM sponsored programs include Festival of the Book programs around the state, Letters About Literature, (students writing letters to their favorite authors), and the Montana Authors Project, all of which focus on and encourage reading and writing in all aspects of our lives. Reflect and Gracious Space invite civil dialog and discussion about sometimes controversial, but always mean-

- continued from page 9

ingful topics. “All in all these sessions stand out for me because they were so directly focused on subjects that were clearly important to the participants – the firefighters – even when we were immersed in the picky details of a story or poem,” says Jason Neal of a Reflect series at the Frenchtown Rural Fire Department. During a Hometown Humanities sponsored gathering in Dillon recently, more than 80 people filled a room to discuss water concerns and water issues. Ranchers sat at round tables with scientists, students, watershed representatives, and political leaders all expressing their opinions and needs – all listening to each other. At the end of the evening, phone numbers were exchanged and new relationships were begun. Besides sponsoring these sorts of programs, a large portion of HM’s work provides grants to other

organizations supporting lecture series, exhibits, oral history projects, research fellowships, radio and film projects, and public conferences. If a welldeveloped project meets the specific grant requirements and follows the HM mission to “deepen our understanding of where we have been, were we are, and where we are going,” Humanities Montana tries to find a way to help support it. Most of Humanities Montana funds come from supporters around the state. Some donations are small ($10-$25) others are large ($1,000). Some come from individuals, some from businesses. All show a personal appreciation and support for the mission of Humanities Montana to “stimulate reflection, create knowledge, explore issues of enduring and contemporary concern, encourage critical thinking, and examine civic issues.” Many supporters have included Humanities Montana in their estate planning by taking part in the HM planned giving opportunity. “I can’t think of any all-encompassing cultural organization in Montana that offers such a wide range of programs and activities. I have enjoyed these, and I would hope that by giving, future generations can be assured that these will continue,” says Tom Kotynski. Taking part in “the qualities… of being human” is something we all do every day whether it’s discussing the local news with a stranger in the line at the grocery store, sharing a favorite book with a friend over coffee, or telling the grandkids stories of how it used to be before electronics. Humanities Montana takes these everyday encounters and enlarges them to “enrich the lives of all Montanans by fostering inquiry and stimulating civil and informed conversations about the human experience.” Because we all care, we want to remember and respect the past, to understand and contribute to the present, and prepare and influence the future. Humanities Montana cares about what we care about – Humanities Montana is Montanans like you and me taking part in being uniquely and determinedly human. To find out more about Humanities Montana programs and opportunities visit www.humanitiesmontana.org. MSN



Pat Donohoo, a genuine “Jamaican-Hawaiian Irishman,” hammed it up at the pig feed on Thursday night at the Bozeman Senior Center. The dreadlocks he bought when he was on a cruise to the Caribbean disappeared before the party was over. “They offended someone and they cut them off,” he joked. With Pat is Emily Propst, Assistant Director, who heads up hiking and outdoor events at the center. Her gerontology degree is from the University of North Carolina in Charlotte but she fell in love with Montana and obviously loves the people she works with. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

Keynote speaker in Bozeman, Kay Van Norman, says, “You can view life as if nothing is a miracle or everything is a miracle.” Kay has spoken and written nationally and internationally about purpose-centered senior living for more than 24 years. Her philosophy is driven by hope. Interactions with older people either support or diminish their resilience, she notes. Low expectations and low levels of activity create a culture of depression and defeatism. Care is important in senior residences, but it is secondary to creating an environment where individuals believe in their ability to affect outcomes, focus on possibilities instead of disabilities, and accept their limitations without defeatism. Kay VanNorman challenged listeners to pay attention to their aging journey. Positive steps include such things setting goals, seeking challenges, maintaining intellectual curiosity, and staying engaged in your community. A sense of meaning and purpose, optimism and humor, according to Kay, inspire lifelong vitality. [Photo by Bernice Karnop]

If you’re in a bad situation, don’t worry it’ll change. If you’re in a good situation, don’t worry it’ll change. - John A Simone, Sr



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Finally, after what seems like a long winter (although probably not by traditional standards) those skeletons of trees have burst forth green leaves to hide their boney branches. Patty Friedrich of Missoula created this issue’s winning quiz, Do You Know Your State Trees. Thank you Patty for reminding us of our giant friends who keep us company on our streets and in our forests. We hope you enjoy figuring out this quiz. Two $25 cash prizes are awarded from the

Contest Corner in each issue of the Montana Senior News. One prize goes to the person who submits the entry that our staff selects as the featured quiz or puzzle for that issue. Be creative and send us some good, fun, challenging, and interesting puzzles! The second prize goes to the person who submits the winning answers to the quiz presented in the previous issue. This month’s $25 winner of the Add A Letter Puzzle from the April/May issue is Kim Pankratz of Shawmut. Thank you, Kim. Thank you to all of the folks who sent entries

to the special Easter egg hunt from the April/May issue. The winner of the $25 cash prize is Rosita Moe of Fort Benton. Thank you, Rosita. Congratulations to all our winners! Please mail your entries to the Montana Senior News, P.O. Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403, or email to montsrnews@bresnan.net by July 10, 2014 for our Aug/Sept 2014 edition. Don’t forget to work the crossword puzzle on our website montanaseniornews.com. MSN

Do You Know Your State Trees? By Patty Friedrich Below are the numbered names of 25 states and the lettered names of 25 trees. On a numbered sheet of paper, match the name of the official state tree with the name of its state. Mail or email you answers to montsrnews@ bresnan.net and you may win $25! 1. California 2. Arizona 3. Colorado 4. Idaho

There is no pleasure worth forgoing just for an extra three years in The geriatric ward. - John Mortimer

5. Indiana 6. Iowa 7. Kansas 8. Arkansas 9. Maine 10. Montana 11. Nebraska 12. New Hampshire 13. New York 14. Ohio 15. Oregon 16. Pennsylvania

17. South Carolina 18. Texas 19. New Jersey 20. Utah 21. Vermont 22. Wyoming 23. Alaska 24. South Dakota 25. Virginia A. Tulip Tree B. Palmetto

C. Redwood D. Blue Spruce E. Dogwood F. Cottonwood G. Pecan H. Sugar Maple I. Buckeye J. Oak K. White Pine L. Cottonwood M. Sugar Maple N. Red Oak

O. Blue Spruce P. White Birch Q. Cottonwood R. Palo Verde S. Black Hills Spruce T. Southern Pine U. Sitka Spruce V. Ponderosa Pine W. Hemlock X. Douglas Fir Y. White Pine Z. Ponderosa Pine

Answers to Add A Letter Word Puzzle Submitted by Pete Shea

East Glacier Park 1. n. damp 2. d. heaven 3. c. carp 4. z. plane 5. v. ream 6. q. niece 7. j. heart 8. g. free

9. bb. port 10. t. pearl 11. x. cosmic 12. l. wheat 13. dd. lest 14. r. rain 15. b. outrage 16. u. crack

17. o. latter 18. y. tired 19. h. shave 20. i. crow 21. a. note 22. cc. bandana 23. w. carve

24. e. fright 25. m. table 26. s. cramp 27. aa. beard 28. k. deter 29. p. harm 30. f. quiet

Answers to Gather the Hidden Eggs Below are the page numbers where the twenty-five Easter eggs were hidden in the April/May 2014 issue. Thank you to the many folks who participated! 16. 50 21. 73 1. 2 17. 60 22. 74 2. 6 18. 65 23. 75 3. 9 19. 68 24. 77 4. 12 20. 72 25. 78 5. 14 6. 19 7. 21 8. 25 9. 27 10. 30 11. 32 12. 36 13. 38 14. 42 15. 45

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30. *Cross between varieties 35. Church sound 37. Mojito, _ ___ drink 39. Wintry mix 40. Norse capital 41. Brightest star in Cygnus 43. Approximately, two words 44. Japanese port 46. Slash mark 47. Drawn tight 48. House cat, e.g. 50. Greek Hs 52. *Special Hawaiian flowers form this garland 53. Getting warm 55. Street in Italy 57. Hang a banner, e.g. 60. *Refuse turned fertilizer 64. Ancient assembly area 65. Unagi 67. Like outside-of-main stream art 68. Relating to aquarium scum 69. Shag rug 70. Spaghetti Western maker Sergio _____ 71. Short of history 72. Sophomore’s grade 73. Dog-_____ book

potassium 8. Thin mountain ridge 9. Old-fashioned bathtub foot 10. *What gardener did to riding lawn mower 11. It will contraction 12. So long! 15. Plural of #15 Across 20. Homeric epic 22. Rally repeater 24. Club enforcer 25. Tina Fey/Amy Poehler schtick, e.g. 26. Siddhartha author 27. Conforming to dietary laws for Muslims 29. Greek god of war 31. Soak some ink 32. Opposite of urban 33. Question in dispute 34. Hindu garment

36. Mischievous Norse deity 38. *What Venus flytrap eats 42. Opera house exclamation 45. *One-time plant 49. Poetic always 51. He fights like a lion, e.g. 54. Warn or arouse 56. Sleeper’s woe 57. Wrinkly fruit 58. Wooden pegs 59. Short for brotherhood 60. Family group 61. *The corpse flower is famous for its bad one 62. Cosine’s buddy 63. ____ up a golf ball, past tense 64. I see! 66. *Potato bud MSN

DOWN ACROSS 1. Torah expert 6. Chain letters 9. Barred bed 13. Shoelace tip 14. *First gardening mo.? 15. Unit of money in Poland 16. Abdul or Zahn

17. White House Dwight 18. Big dipper 19. *Climber support 21. *Tiny garden shovel 23. Afflict 24. Lick 25. Be quiet! 28. Ta-ta! in Italy

1. Feeling great delight 2. Lab culture 3. *Like many Gentians or Delphiniums 4. Swan of Twilight 5. Emphatic, in print 6. Honoree’s spot 7. *Short for nitrogen, phosphorous,

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(Continued from page 23) They argued that if they put in more rights, it would suggest citizens did not already have these rights and many feared freedom of expression and a free press. George Mason of Virginia had authored the Virginia Declaration of Rights and felt the proposed U. S. Constitution left out the very freedoms we had fought the Revolutionary War to gain. As the delegates at the convention decided against a Bill of Rights, 13 unhappy delegates left the convention early. George Mason and Edmund Randolph of Virginia and Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts remained but refused to sign. The Anti-Federalists urged their state conventions not to ratify the proposed Constitution because a strong central government without a Bill of Rights would permit tyranny. Anti-Federalists were so effective in arguing that liberties and freedom would be lost without a Bill of Rights that ratification in Virginia, New York, and Massachusetts was threatened. James Madison and other key Federalists at last agreed that the first priority of the new U.S. Congress would be to propose and pass a Bill of Rights, which led to the passage of the new U.S. Constitution. James Madison led the successful effort to establish a Bill of Rights as the new U.S. Congress convened. The passage of a Bill of Rights was a turning point in our history. We had learned without a strong, vocal minority our rights of freedom of religion, freedom of press and assembly, the right to bear arms, the right to petition the government, the right to a fair trial, as well as rights reserved to the people and states would have been lost. A small persistent minority is always the starting point of a better community. MSN

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2014 Summer Family Fun in Glasgow!

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Montana Governor’s Cup Walleye Tournament–July 10–12. 27th Annual at beautiful Ft. Peck Lake! $300 Entry Fee/2 person team with 100% payback. Optional Day Money & Big Fish Pot. July 10, Guys & Gals Tournament-$25. Friday, July 11th, Tournament begins & Community Fish Fry at Kiwanis Park. Enjoy kids entertainment, raffles, food & drinks, Calcutta on Thurs & Fri. Saturday, July 12, Kids’s Fishing Tournament 8am & Weigh-Ins & Awards at Kiwanis Park.

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By Bernice Karnop the Wagon Ride Dinner menu with homey delicaWhen a tour group that had caravanned across cies like fresh bread and huckleberries. the western U.S. visiting Lewis and Clark sites re“I don’t feel like it’s right to be singing about ported the highlight of its adventure, it was Bruce them and then not serve them,” Bruce explains. Anfinson’s Last Chance Ranch Wagon Ride and For the past 20 years, Bruce has been giving Dinner. sleigh rides and entertaining at Lone Mountain What made this night so special? Everything! Ranch at Big Sky. He enjoys meeting people from This unique off-the-road Montana experience the global community and just having fun. combines a wagon ride “But they don’t have huckbehind a pair of powerlleberry cheesecake,” he says ful draft horses, stunw with a chuckle. ning mountain scenery, His draft horses work at and an all-you-can eat B Big Sky and then return to his prime rib served with 8 80-acre homestead south of huckleberry cheesecake H Helena in the summer. About and cowboy coffee for tten years ago, he built wagdessert. Best of all, it o ons and began the wagon includes owner and cowrride shows for people who boy Bruce’s “cowfolk” vvisit Montana in the warm music and stories told w weather. He admits that it’s all Minnie and Pearl, powerful Belgium draft horses, a vehicle to play music. around the campfire. “I don’t let ‘em leave love pulling the covered wagon to the Last Chance “That’s my bliss in life,” he until they have a good Ranch for the Wagon Ride Dinner and western en- says, and his CDs are availtertainment. A third Belgium is named Hobo, and time,” he quips. visitors love Bruce Anfinson’s gentle, giant Suffolk able at charlierussell.com. Topping his list of horses. [Photo by Bernice Karnop] Bruce’s first “dining room” loves are guitars and was a 30-foot teepee, but horses. Both have been part of his life since he more recently he built an enclosed pavilion from was a kid growing up in Great Falls. trees on the property. It holds 60 people with room His dad bought him a guitar when he was nine, for 50 more on the wrap-around deck. A small and introduced him to the Sons of the Pioneers, creek runs nearby and you can see the Elk Horn Eddie Arnold, and the like. He took lessons from Mountains from the deck. Bill Kane, who let him join his trio that played out in “We made lemonade from lemons,” he says. Sand Coulee. When they were still in Junior High “We call it the pine bark beetle house.” School, he and some friends learned eight songs And the work continues. This summer he and and played them at a school dance. his three sons will put up a barn. They’ve started As a professional booking weddings in this spot after remodeling the singer and songwriter, old cook shack into a honeymoon cabin. his guitar has taken him All kinds of people are welcome and all sorts across the continent and show up. They come from overseas and around overseas to Germany, the U.S. Tour groups and individuals eat together Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, family style and the relaxed atmosphere gives and more. But, his heart people a chance to rub shoulders and get acand the inspiration for his quainted. The grandkids won’t soon forget expesongs are right here in riences at the catch-and-release frog pond, the Montana as he captures close encounters with the gigantic horses, and the scenery, the history, lively songfests around the campfire. and the feel for the state. Bruce is proud of what we have here in MonAnd capture Mon- tana. He gives guests a few hours to enjoy “the tana he did with Home real deal” as they step back in time to relax over Is Where Montana Is, gourmet food, fun stories, lively songs, and diverse the theme song for the company. Montana PBS show, The cost for the wagon ride dinner and enterBackroads of Montana. tainment is $79 for adults and $65 for grandchilSome songs tell stories, dren. This covers the bus ride to the ranch from and others are food love Helena, the wagon ride, dinner, and entertainment. songs. These mouthReservations and info. visit lastchanceranch. watering tunes reflect biz or call 406-442-2884 or 800-505-2884. MSN


All Aboard For Yellowstone Many early visitors began their journey to “Wonderland” by stepping down from the train and passing through the Union Pacific Depot in West Yellowstone. Today the depot is home to the Yellowstone Historic Center (YHC) Museum, where exhibits and programs illustrate the history of travel to the Park. And it is still a great place to begin your “Wonderland” journey. Each year the YHC Museum celebrates Train Day on June 11. This year Betsy Watry, author of Women in Wonderland, will take us on an engaging journey back to Yellowstone’s bygone days. Come enjoy a delightful glimpse into the evolution of tourism in America’s “Wonderland.”

Join us at the historic Union Pacific Dining Lodge on July 17 for our Annual Heritage Celebration. Experience dining as in the days of old when traveling by train to Yellowstone began the journey of a lifetime. The YHC will be hosting other programs including everyone’s favorite, “Pie on the Porch.” Strange things happen in the museum after dark, so do not miss “A Night at the Museum” if you dare. For more information on events and programs, visit yellowstonehistoriccenter.com, and then stop by the YHC Museum, where it’s “All Aboard for Yellowstone.” MSN

Museum At Central School Has Flathead Valley History If you are interested in local history, there is no better place to start in the Flathead Valley than the Museum at Central School. In 1999, the City of Kalispell renovated the 1894 Central School building, one of the first stone and brick structures in the Flathead Valley and one of a few remaining examples of Richardsonian Romanesque architecture that retains its original appearance. Now operated as the Museum at Central School, this elegant facility features exhibitions that illuminate Northwest Montana history, including the History of the Flathead Valley; Indian Culture; Montana pioneer Frank Bird Linderman; the Northwest Montana timber industry; and the turn-of-the-century community of Demersville.

The Museum at Central School has a monthly History Book Club, Historic Film Club, annual lecture series, native plants garden, free student tours, an 1895 Classroom experience for 3rd graders, a free traditional quilt workshop, a variety of rotating displays, elegant meeting rooms for rent at reasonable rates, and a gift shop featuring Montana-made jewelry, crafts, toys and books on Montana history and lore. The museum is open year-around, Monday through Friday 10 to 5, except holidays. Located at 124 2nd Avenue East just two blocks east of Highway 93 in historic Downtown Kalispell, we encourage you to stop by, phone 406-756-8381, or visit yourmuseum.org for more information. MSN

A Journey to Montana’s Missouri River Country Traveling in Northeast Montana will give you an opportunity to discover new, unique experiences. Missouri River Country is known for our spectacular wide-open spaces, charming small towns, and unspoiled nature. Follow the Montana Dinosaur Trail, explore the educational museums, tour Fort Peck Lake, the largest hydraulic earth filled dam in the world. Enjoy the drive and relive history with its many facilities devoted to pioneers, settlers, cowboys, and Indians. Explore the many things to do and see. There is something for everyone including car shows, festivals, jamborees, races, 4th of July celebrations, fishing, farmers markets, county fairs, and rodeos. Hiking, biking, camping, bird watching, and wildlife viewing are all a part of Missouri River Country. Wildlife abounds in this home to an enormous population of turkeys, burrowing owls, white pelicans, elk, osprey, deer, blue herons, pronghorn antelope, Canada geese, sandhill cranes, cormorants, ducks, foxes, eagles, bighorn sheep,

pheasants, coyotes, Hungarian partridge, grouse, prairie dogs, and more than 200 species of birds. Enjoy good food, friendly company, and an amazing good time! Missouri River Country is waiting for you! Start planning your vacation today by visiting our website www.missouririver.visitmt. com or calling for a free travel planner at 1-800653-1319. MSN




Uncover The Magic Of An Afternoon Drive On The Trail Creek Loop Near Bozeman By Bernice Karnop Roads Go Ever On by J. R. R. Tolkien Roads go ever ever on, Over rock and under tree, By caves where never sun has shone, By streams that never find the sea; Over snow by winter sown, And through the merry flowers of June, Over grass and over stone, And under mountains in the moon. J.R.R. Tolkien spoke to the magic of following a road to undreamed adventures, to unimagined beauty, and to discoveries that feed the soul. When the days lengthen, the trees leaves unfurl and spotted fawns cautiously leave their hiding spots, it is time to grab the binoculars and turn your vehicle off the pavement. Dozens of drives beckon in the Bozeman area. The scenery stacks up on itself around every bend. Historic sites, wildlife viewing, bird watching, and fishing holes await. Meadows turned purple, scarlet, or gold by mountain wildflowers appear serendipitously around a bend. Roads lead to picnic places, trailheads, and obscure small towns. The hard part is simply to determine which road you will take.

Consider the Trail Creek Road loop that takes off of I-90 about nine miles east of Bozeman and travels through the Gallatin National Forest to the Park County town of Emigrant on Highway 89 south of Livingston. From there one may take Highway 89 north to Livingston and return to Bozeman on I-90. It is easy to access. Take I-90 east into the Rocky Creek Canyon. About midway through the canyon is the well-marked Trail Creek road, exit 316. The road follows the winding path of Meadow Creek past ranches where newborn calves or colts play. This area started out as important coal mining country. The industry supported several small towns including Chestnut. Visitors cans still see the crumbling remains of coke ovens here, where they refined the coal. Chestnut was established around 1894 and lasted until around 1914 when the post office closed – one hundred years ago. The road crosses a pass to the Trail Creek drainage on the east side. With a nod to more recent history, one can see where the Fridley Creek Fire devastated the area in 2001. Gallatin National Forest trailheads are accessed on the Trail Creek side. Adventurous folk may ask at the Livingston District office about a no-frills stay at the Trail Creek Cabin. Before drivers see the valley, they are treated to a stunning view of the tops of the Absarokee Mountains and especially of the towering 10,960foot giant, Emigrant Peak. Coming down the east side into the Yellowstone River valley one can understand why early visitors called it Paradise. At every season of the year, it is picture-worthy with the valley, the Yellowstone River, and the mountains teaming up for the show. Once you reach Emigrant and Highway 89,

you can turn north to Livingston and head back to Bozeman completing the loop. However, there is no rush. One cannot beat a stop at the Ice Cream Emporium in Emigrant and a stroll through some unusual shops there. Glastonbury, up on the hill above Emigrant, was a center for the Church Universal and Triumphant in the 1970s and 1980s. Since founder Elizabeth Clare Prophet resigned in the 1990s and the church sold its Royal Teton Ranch, it leaves a much smaller footprint today. Something new on the west side of the river, Music Ranch Montana, is about ten miles south of Livingston. As the name indicates, this music venue attracts Park visitors as well as local folk. The new barn-like structure is huge and one side opens for views of the valley and to expand the number of people who can attend concerts. To find out who is playing, and to buy tickets, visit musicranchmontana.net. Instead of going down the west side of the river, motorists may cross the Yellowstone to the historic and iconic Chico Hot Springs. Gourmet meals, swimming in the natural hot springs, and hotel accommodations are a few of the treats available there. Delicious down-home meals can also be purchased at the Pray Café or the Pine Creek Café. The winding old Highway 89 on the east side of the river is more like the one in Tolkien’s poem and a good choice for those taking their time getting back. Some will remember that route as the way to Yellowstone National Park before the newer, safer road was built on the west side of the river. It crosses the Yellowstone and joins the west side highway just before you get to Livingston, and then the loop to Bozeman may again be completed on the Interstate. MSN



Living In The Moment By Saralee Perel Recently, my husband, Bob, was taken by ambulance to the emergency room. He was having sharp chest pains, so I called 911. By 4 a.m., the ER doctor reported that Bob’s tests were good, but that he needed to see a cardiologist right away. Thank God, he has been feeling good ever since, though he’s gone through many cardiac tests and has worn a monitor to record data via electrodes on his chest. This experience has transformed him. He has a newfound appreciation of life. I find it nauseating! “Saralee,” he said one morning, “look at my water glass.” “Yes, Bob. It has water in it.” He said, “It has water in it!” “Uh huh.” “I’m drinking the water,” he said, closing his eyes while he “fully experienced” as he put it, a “sacred” swallow. Then he kissed me. “Bob.” I was choking during the inordinately long kiss, “I can’t breathe.” “I can’t either.” He gasped for breath. “Isn’t this magnificent?” Then he turned on a lamp. “Look at that!” he said, wide-eyed. “I’m looking.” I didn’t see anything. “The bulb. It’s giving out light.” I sat him down. “Sweets,” I said. “This new shtick? It’s got to stop.” “Why?” “Because – because.” And then I realized that Bob had nothing to stop. He’s always been appreciative of the greatness of so many things that I take for granted. Why on earth would I ever put a damper on that? On that dreadful night when he had chest pains as I waited for the results, I wondered if the next thing I hear would be, “We have bad news.” Sometimes love can be so painful. How shockingly and suddenly a life can fall to pieces. Was that the lesson I was supposed to learn from all this? No. That night in bed, Bob and I cried. We were so relieved to be touching each other. In silence, we tenderly caressed each other’s faces. No words were needed. We knew we were both thinking that our lives have been unusually beautiful – with good times and bad, through loss of loved ones, pets, and personal tragedy – when literally in a moment, our lives changed

What Love Means To A 4-8 Year Old... Submitted by Julie Hollar Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss. – Emily, 8 Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen. – Bobby, 7 If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate. Nikka, 6 Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt and then he wears it every day. – Noelle, 7 Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well. – Tommy, 6 My mommy loves me more than anybody does. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night. – Clare, 6 MSN

and we wept with grief over the loss of a way of life that was never again to be. “Bob,” I said in bed, still touching his face. “We both know that anything can happen suddenly to horribly change the present.” He smiled as he looked at me and whispered, “We’re not going to live that way. Look at us at this very moment. Have you ever experienced such beauty in your life as now?” I said, “It couldn’t be better than this.” He told me, “If we concentrate on awful possibilities, we’ll miss out on the wonders we’re sharing – right now.” “Right now,” I whispered back. “Now is all we have.” “But tomorrow, anything can….” He stopped me from finishing my sentence. “Who knows about tomorrow?” he said. “All we can be sure of is this moment. Our kitten in my armpit, sleeping and purring at the same time. Me massaging your thumb knuckle, which always makes you sleepy. The sounds of the wind. This kiss.” Bob’s kiss was a gentle as a butterfly’s wings. I was filled with light and love in these moments – these beautiful moments on this beautiful night, with my husband safe in my arms. I was contented and fulfilled – completely. Award-winning columnist, Saralee Perel, can be emailed at sperel@ saraleeperel.com or at saraleeperel.com. MSN



From Hands of Clay – The Rise of Coffee Pot Bakery Café and Mountain Arts Pottery Article & Photo By Kim Thielman-Ibes David Lockie tells the story this way: Their company started in 1978, when his wife, Jennie, gave him a series of pottery lessons so every Monday evening, he could be in a place where no one could find him. But this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface on the rise of the Coffee Pot Bakery Café and Mountain Arts Pottery. As David says, the beginning of their successful Gallatin Valley business did find its inception with his hands of clay – though as successful as he is, he still claims no artistic talent. But the genesis for turning an unlikely pastime into a thriving business was failure. “I was in the excavating business. In 1980 interest rates went to 22% and nobody builds houses at 22%,” David recalls. The housing market in Bozeman collapsed with the rest of the country. David sold off all his equipment but still found himself in debt with little prospects to i d and d production d ti support his family of six. A ffriend, potter, encouraged David to consider pottery. Against many odds, David made a number of samples – unique utilitarian pieces like the soup bowl with a handle that they still make and sell today, presented them to the Yellowstone Park Concessionaire, and to their surprise, walked away with an order worth $7,200 – a tidy sum for 1980. Full of promise, David bought a book on how to build a kiln, purchased the requisite materials, poured a concrete base, and until recently, has never looked back.


“David is incredible with his hands and could always make anything and fix anything... that’s one of his blessings,” says his wife, Jennie. “I think one of the greatest gifts my dad gave us,” says David, who grew up on a sprawling Montana ranch where his dad worked as a mechanic, “Was seeing how my dad handled problems. He never once got uptight, he just found a solution.” The solution for the Lockies began with faith, followed up by years of hard work. It took the family 15 years to pay off their debt from the excavating business. “If you were to stop and think about it,” says David, “I’m a fish out of water in art and to build a company based on art… I can’t take much credit. I worked hard but it’s more than working hard, God got us in the right place, at the right time, and he caused the increase and here we are today.” In part, the irony is that David loves to k M cook. Many years ago, JJennie asked him if he could do anything, what would he do. He told her he would love to cook. While the Coffee Pot Bakery Cafe has been wildly successful, it was not at all precipitated by David’s cooking, but rather Jennie’s. After over twenty years on the road, selling pottery both wholesale and at weekend art shows around the country, the Lockies decided it was time to open a hometown, retail business. They couldn’t afford downtown Bozeman, but they found a dilapidated log cabin southwest of town on Highway 191 – an unlikely place for a pottery studio


and even more unlikely for their bakery and café. They bought the place in 2003, and with plenty of hands-on work remodeled it into a pottery retail store. Business wasn’t quite as booming as they would have liked, so Jennie, a prize-winning and sweepstakes-winning baker for her caramel and cinnamon rolls, thought if she could just sell 100 of her champion rolls a day she could pay for the business’s daily expenses. By 2004, Jennie’s rolls were flying off the shelves, so they hired their first baker. In 2006, they added a full kitchen and started selling homemade soups and bread – all made from scratch. “Jennie and I would tell you that going broke in 1980 was the 7th best thing to happen to us. The first was becoming a Christian, the second was finding each other (over a piece of cake in high school), three, four, five, and six are our kids,” says David. “We work five days a week together and we love it, we’ll be married 45 years this fall.” They have continued to defy the odds. Along


with their unconventional business start, they have a pioneering mission statement in their lives as well as their work. “People are more important to us than what we sell,” says David. “Sometimes a person comes in and what they really need is a cup of coffee and an ear. If we can provide that and they go away feeling better, then we’ve fulfilled our mission statement.” The Lockies continue to innovate as opportunities present themselves. Jennie’s prize-winning cinnamon and caramel rolls still fly off the shelves and are still baked, as needed, a baker’s dozen at a time to keep them fresh, hot, and tasty. Sitting alongside them are homemade pies and many treats to compliment their ever-expanding lunch and dinner fare, all served in David’s beautiful, handmade pottery dishes. Today, they employ over 31 people and their simple, single emphasis on people first –customers, employees, and friends – continues to ground not only their business, but also their life. MSN

An Artisan For The Ages: Blacksmith Glenn Goldthwait By Gail Jokerst gailjokerst.com To many people, a hinge is just a hinge – a necessity. If they have to buy a hinge to pivot a door, they visit a hardware store and lay down their $15. So, why would anyone pay Glenn Goldthwait ten times that amount for a hinge? One look at Glenn’s artistic, hand-forged hinges with their classic colonial and European-style designs answers the question. “People like having something hand-wrought in their home. They like things made the old way. When hand-hewn and timber-frame log houses became popular, people wanted the real thing for them, traditional ironwork,” says Glenn, a Sheri2! dan, Montana-based blacksmith. “Hand-forged OATW N ONS I hinges have a different look, feel, and texture than LOC machine-made hinges and can be as pretty as the woodwork. Machine-made pieces have no aesthetic value. What today’s blacksmiths make looks old because we’re using the same techniques and tools as the original blacksmiths used ages ago.” Unlike most other professional Montana blacksmiths – and Glenn estimates there are fewer than 20 professional smiths in the state – he cannot lay claim to a family heritage skilled in this craft. As an uncle and cousin before him, Glenn was educated to pursue criminals not creativity. However, he chose not to go into that line of work. “I have a lot of police in my family, but no blacksmiths. I’m one of the only people around here whose grandpa was not a blacksmith. One hundred years ago in Montana’s rural areas, it was common for ranches to have a blacksmith set up in their barns. This was to repair wagons, shoe



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horses, or make things for the homestead,” says Glenn, who nonetheless had his own childhood introduction to this ancient art. “My parents took me to Cooperstown, NY when I was around six and a blacksmith there was making rings from horseshoe nails. They bought me one and it became my prized possession; I wore it for a long time,” recollects Glenn. “How someone could take a piece of steel and bend it was fascinating to me.” Decades later after his parents moved West in 1984, Glenn built them a log cabin near Whitefish and wanted it to have traditional ironwork. Since he couldn’t find any hand-forged rails or latches locally, he made his own. “That project kicked me into gear. I realized how much I loved ironwork,” remembers Glenn, who taught himself the basics from books and practiced moving steel until he felt confident about his abilities. “Once I got started, I never had to advertise. Friends and neighbors spread the word. Other people in rustic homes wanted something that would have been in a log house 200 years ago. I didn’t expect people to appreciate it this much but I stay busy.” Glenn has built three log homes in the Flathead and Sheridan, all with hand-forged hardware, which can be decorative as well as functional. “It connects me to another era to have these things in my home. I like creating something that will last a long, long time,” says Glenn. “I

love the physicalness of it and the creative part, as well.” As he explains, the design of items such as hinges has varied little since Paul Revere’s day. “This is what functions well and is reasonably easy to create. It’s how they did it for hundreds of years before machines made them. Blacksmiths continued making them until the industrial revolution, which almost put them out of business.” Fortunately, blacksmithing did make a comeback with the past constantly flavoring contemporary designs. “Almost all the ironwork you see today is influenced by the hand-wrought pieces created around the world in bygone eras. You won’t find any distinct differences between a hinge pintle – the part of the hinge on the building itself – from Ireland, colonial America, or Spain,” says Glenn. “I’ve seen a pintle in Virginia City that was identical to one in an old Spanish mission near San Diego. Once blacksmiths found the right way to do something, they reached a skill plateau and continued doing it that way.” Living close to historic Virginia City, Glenn has a mother lode of inspiration available a short drive away. On a moment’s notice, he can copy and adapt designs for old-time latches, candleholders, and handrails dating back to the 1800s. He can just as readily pick up metal to make those items thanks to the region’s deserted mines. Whether he is working with scrap iron from a long-defunct gold mine or newly purchased mild or high-carbon steel matters not to him. “It’s the same thing if I buy half-inch round stock from Pacific Steel or find it laying out in the woods. Around here, with all the old mines, it’s everywhere,” notes Glenn, who follows the same time-tested process as his predecessors. He heats


metal in a forge and wields tongs, trip hammers, and hot cutters to create each piece. In addition, Glenn enjoys fashioning tools such as knives and axes. Ever since he moved to Montana in 1977, he has attended mountain men rendezvous, where he puts those implements to good use. “They’re very functional pieces. I like that I can make such essential tools and be self-sufficient,” remarks Glenn, who in 2009 was inducted into the Circle of American Masters by the Montana Arts Council. “I feel I can count on myself and not have to rely on someone else for things.” He also participates in historic reenactments along with other qualified demonstrators in locales such as Bannack and Fort Benton. After donning the garb of an 1860s blacksmith, Glenn acts as both entertainer and teacher showing the public how to make anything from a fireplace crane to a coat rack. Glenn’s ironwork even played a role in courting his wife of 11 years, Ann. At that time, Ann’s Kindred Spirits Gift Gallery was located at Glacier Park International Airport and both Ann and Glenn lived in Whitefish. Despite having plenty of high-

end orders to fulfill for gates and fireplace screens, Glenn turned out a batch of small heart-shaped hooks to show Ann as an excuse to see her. “We’d known each other since the 1970s and both been married before. Now and then we’d bump into one another around town and I decided to ask if she’d be interested in selling the hooks. Work-wise, it was the last thing I needed to be doing, but I invited her to meet me for a glass of wine on Valentine’s Day and said I’d bring the hooks,” recalls Glenn. Ann enjoyed the reunion so much, she jotted a note on the back of Glenn’s invoice saying she’d like to get together again. Unfortunately, Glenn didn’t notice the message until several months had passed. After realizing his oversight, he promptly called for a date and the romance took flight. As did those heart hooks, which have become one of Ann’s best sellers at her Sheridan gift shop. For more information, email mtforge@3rivers. net or kindred@cyberport.net; visit montanaforge. com or kindredspiritsgiftgallery.com, or call 406842-7948 (blacksmith shop) or 406-842-7702 (gift gallery). MSN

By Connie Daugherty Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford; Ballatine Books, New York; 2013 The year is 1934. “William Eng woke to the sound of a snapping leather belt and the shrieking of rusty springs that supported the threadbare mattress of his army surplus bed… he drifted on the favoring currents of his imagination, as he always did, to someplace else – anywhere but the Sacred Heart Orphanage.” Jamie Ford has once again created a powerful, moving, and beautifully crafted novel. Set in Seattle’s China Town during the Depression, Songs of Willow Frost tells the story of a young orphan – twelve-year-old William Eng – and his estranged mother, Liu Song. With heartbreaking detail and unexpected twists, Ford depicts both the vulnerability and resiliency of childhood. It is a story of loss and love, of loneliness and belonging. Shifting between the 1920s and 1934, Ford examines the meaning and importance of family from the perspective of an abandoned child and a desperate mother. Songs of Willow Frost is a must read for its historic examination of a changing world as well as for its touching story of love and sacrifice. “The last time he saw her he’d been seven years old. His mother had half-whispered, halfslurred, ‘I’ll be right back,’ as she had been carried out the door.” Although nobody has actually told him so, he has come to believe that his mother must be dead. He has no idea who his father is. Then on his twelfth birthday – or at least the day designated by the nuns as birthday for the all boys from the orphanage – he is allowed a special outing. The boys are taken to a movie theater in downtown Seattle. “As William stared at the flickering screen, he was stunned silent, mouth agape, popcorn spilling. The singer was introduced as Willow Frost,” but William knew her simply as Ah-ma. Soon, Willow and several other performers are scheduled to appear live in the area. William determines he will go to that performance – he must see his ah-ma. He must find out if Willow Frost is indeed the mother he remembers. And if she is, he needs to know what happened five years ago and why she has not come back for him. He needs to know if she even remembers him – let alone loves him. Back at the orphanage he tells his friend, Charlotte all about the outing, he also tells her about seeing a woman on the on the big screen who he is convinced is his mother. Gradually a plan develops in William’s young mind. Charlotte insists on being included in the adventure. “William didn’t know if his story had a moral to it. Honestly,

he didn’t care. He was going to find Willow Frost. All he wished for was a happy ending.” But it’s the height of the Depression and happy endings are hard to come by. The twelve-year-old Chinese boy and the young blind girl find themselves wandering the streets of Seattle looking for hope, dreaming of love and of belonging. “After Liu Song’s mother was lowered into the ground, Uncle Leo went out to dinner with his family and friends. He didn’t bother to invite Liu Song, so she stayed at the cemetery.” The year is 1921. “Liu Song bridled her anger and her fear. She remained silent and… she did what she was told.” Her stepfather’s first wife has moved in and taken her mother’s place. Liu Song has become no more than a servant in her own home, but she is dependent on her stepfather. She would run away if she had somewhere to run, someone to care about her. But she has nothing – not even her self-respect. What she does have is her mother’s exotic good looks, a beautifully haunting voice, a few dreams, and a growing determination. She is her mother’s daughter – a natural performer. “The whole thing left Liu Song happy but confused, accepted but still so alone – the much-adored center of attention while onstage, but a soloist in life.” And when her stepfather gambles her away, she has her freedom. She has a friend who offers her support, and maybe a chance at some sort of happiness. Then her life takes another surprising turn. “She touched her tight belly and remembered that her life of solitude was about to change.” Liu Song was pregnant. An unmarried pregnant Chinese-American woman, living in China Town in 1921 did not have a lot of options. But one thing Liu Song is sure of – she will find a way to keep her baby. Life is hard; every day is a struggle, every day she lives in fear. But when she holds her baby boy, sings to him, watches him smile, she knows love,


First, they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win. - Mahatma Gandhi


and that is all that matters. Things will work out, she tells herself. Then everything she has struggled so hard to build falls apart. Liu Song is once again at the mercy of other people’s decisions about her worthiness, about the life of her child. It’s 1934. William and Charlotte survived their adventure on the outside, but now they are back at Sacred Heart Orphanage. The experience changed them, brought them closer somehow, but life continues to push in. William came back with more questions than answers and now it seems as though Charlotte is going to be sent away. She is the only orphan who actually wants to stay at Sacred Heart – in a world she knows and understands, in a world where she is safe – and she is the one who is being given the opportunity to leave. Sometimes life just doesn’t make sense. As Jamie Ford shifts back and forth between the Depression in the spring of 1934 and the prohibition era of the 1920s, he takes readers on a ride that is both heartbreaking and eye opening. The Songs of Willow Frost is an emotional journey


set in two emotional eras of American history. Ford weaves together a tapestry of cruelty and kindness, of anger and acceptance, of confusion and understanding and most of all of love. The Songs of Willow Frost is an absolutely must read from one of Montana’s newest and most talented writers.

Jamie Ford is the son of a Chinese-American father and the author of the New York Times bestselling novel, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, which won the Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature. He is also an award-winning short-story writer. He was raised in Seattle and now lives with his wife and children in Montana. MSN

The Making Of A Dream – Warren Miller Performing Arts Center Artaicle & Photo By Kim Thielman-Ibes Big Sky, Montana is well known as an outdoor Mecca, a place where everything is big: big mountains, big skiing, and frankly, big money. It can now boast “big culture” as well, with the opening of the Warren Miller Performing Arts Center (WMPAC) in the spring of 2013. The performance center completed its first full performance debut season this past winter. The WMPAC has Big Sky written all over it. As students and patrons alike enter the performance center, they are welcomed by a rendering of Lone Peak, a flying skier’s silhouette, and a quote from William Shakespeare: “All the world’s a stage.” The center’s existence extends Big Sky’s marriage between its arresting outdoor culture and maturing artistic sensibilities. The center was named for Warren Miller, a longtime, seasonal resident of Big Sky, known globally for his snow sports movies, and known locally for his work with Ophir’s high school students through his Freedom Foundation – an educational non-profit aimed to help students develop entrepreneurial skills, and his involvement in community affairs. While the WMPAC was built to play host to world-class cultural events and performers – in 2013-2014, it hosted the James Sewell Ballet, Chicago’s Second City, and the Brubeck Brothers Quartet among others; it was also built for the community, and perhaps foremost, for the children at Ophir School. Student schedules and activities come first when booking the performance center’s space. After the Ophir School concerts, award ceremonies, guest speaker series, and movie screening schedules are set, the Warren Miller Performing

Arts Center organization steps in to fill its performance season. Next up, the community and its many non-profits play host at the center when available. The center’s artistic director, John Zirkle, is also a teacher at the Ophir School. He not only teaches music, drama, and theatre to its students during the day, in the off-season and after school hours, this avid musical talent conducts the Big Sky Chorus and founded and directs both Big Sky Broadway (a youth theatrical camp) and the Big Sky Community Theatre. He is also an avid outdoorsman, nearly a prerequisite for teaching in Big Sky’s Ophir School. The Warren Miller Performance Center is more than a building, more than a performance hall, and more than a school cafeteria and theatrical venue. The center is an integral part, the glue, if you will, that bonds this small Big Sky community so closely together. All this is reflected in its mission to establish and maintain a clear and stable artistic infrastructure to grow a community of confident performers and inspired audiences. This small, but mighty, performance building was built to sustain its performers and patrons far into the future. Built with technology and flexibility in mind, the center seats 280 patrons – coincidentally, the same number of students that reside in Ophir School. Twelve tiered rows rise from the stage in a 2,000-square-foot theatre. If an orchestra pit is required, front-row seating can be removed to provide one. The latest technology from Strand Lighting fills the stage utilizing 12 LED fixtures and a 7-speaker sound system that reflects off sound diffusing panels. These blue-shaded panels replicate Montana’s big skies and were placed with reference to the Fibonacci sequence –musical scales are based on Fibonacci numbers, ensuring optimal sound from every available seat. In the control booth full of technological wonders, there is an analog control board to provide ease of use for the Ophir students. Of course, the sound system boasts a state-of-the-art digital signal processor. Even here, students come first. The magnificent rosewood Bechstein grand piano that sits on the main stage was gifted to the performance center by the prestigious Yellowstone Club. These German pianos are designed specifically for virtuosi pianists. During this past year, Montana’s own Philip Aaberg, performed a commissioned piece to celebrate the Warren Miller Performing Arts Center’s inaugural season. The performance center was built in the Ophir School’s old gymnasium, freed from its past use thanks to a new gym built in 2009. The $1.94 million it took to renovate Ophir’s old gym into a state-of-the-art performance center, exhibition hall, and school cafeteria (the reception area during performances) took a little over two years to raise, thanks to a collaborative effort among the Big Sky community, the FOBSE (Friends of Big Sky Education), and Big Sky School District #72 and with assistance from Big Sky’s Resort tax dollars. For Big Sky and all of Montana, the Warren Miller Performing Arts Center is a cultural gem. MSN


‘Tis The Seasoning – All About Herbs By Clare Hafferman Sometime ago I cut a circle out of the lawn by the kitchen steps, dug up the dirt, added a little sand and some compost, and then put in a few herbs. I had chives, sage, parsley, and thyme and later, some basil. Eventually I moved these to larger spot and added Tarragon. Until I did some research using Rodales Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs, I was unaware of the many uses for them. I knew about the basics of putting sage, marjoram, and thyme in the dressing for the turkey and that you can sweeten your breath by chewing a sprig of parsley. I use various other herbs for marinades in cooking. One paragraph relating to the history of herbs stresses that without refrigeration, universal use of herbs was essential. At one time herbs were gathered from the countryside, but later they were cultivated in gardens. In the middle ages, ladies of the castle were the gardeners. They had been taught by the monks to cultivate healing herbs and how to grow vegetables and other culinary plants. Since the women also tended the sick, wounded, and poor in both castle and village, it meant the herbs for such charities must be near at hand. The lady was the gardener for centuries. So ancient is the use of herbs, it is impossible to trace their first use. We do know that various tribes and ancient Greeks used them. Greek gardens were planted with fragrant herbs and so were their graves, which often were part of the garden. Other plants were gathered from the countryside or imported, and many found their way into the gardens where they were cultivated to be nearby. Ultimately, the monks were most informed. A garden was an essential part of their lives, and vegetables formed the bulk of their diet and had to be grown since the monks had to be self-supporting. All the herbs for medicinal and culinary uses had to be grown, along with flowers for the church. Monks had international contacts so people, treasures, and plants including dried herbs were constantly being exchanged. Their gardens were said to contain lilies, peonies, roses, violets, and other flowers that had medicinal and religious value. For the wealthy, meat, and game were easily obtained. Vegetables would only be served in any amount on fast days, but herbs were used in stuffing, flavorings, and sauces. To expand your use of herbs for culinary purposes or as gift, try making flavored vinegars using white, cider, or red wine vinegar in the following combinations: Dill, nasturtiums (chopped fine), and garlic (minced) in cider vinegar. Sage (cut up leaves), parsley (chopped), and shallots (or a mild flavored onion) in red wine vinegar. Mint (chopped), 1-2 tablespoons of honey and

cardamom seeds in white vinegar and used on a fruit salad. Tarragon vinegar is made by stripping some leaves and adding them to 1.5 pints of cider vinegar. Cover the jar and let it sit for an hour or two. Strain off the tarragon and put a lid on the jar. To make garlic-flavored vinegar that would be good to add to a marinade for meat or to flavor a salad dressing, mash six garlic cloves in a mortar and pestle. Boil white or cider vinegar and pour it over the garlic in a warmed quart jar. Let this steep for two or three weeks, then strain and bottle it. When you make flavored vinegar, heat it but don=t boil it. Pour it into a glass jar to which you can add fresh herbs or leaves. Use two-inch sprigs. If you use opal basil, it makes beautiful colored vinegar. You can dry your herbs by spreading them on cookie sheets and placing in the oven at its lowest heat. Check once in awhile and stir them. They are dry when the leaves crumble when pinched. Remove the leaves from the stems after they are completely dry and put them in a tightly closed jar. Any fresh herb can be mashed in a mortar and pestle and added to olive or vegetable oil. After several days in a warm place, strain and bottle it for use in salads or marinades. Herbs can also flavor butter. Chill butter in the freezer after blending with herbs. When it is semi-frozen, scoop it onto some waxed paper and form into a log. Then cut the log into rounds and freeze it again in aluminum foil. Use the rounds to flavor casseroles, stews, spread on homemade bread, or grilled meats. If you want to grow your own herbs, send for a black and white 18page Le Jardin Gourmet




Seed Catalogue, P. O. Box 75, St. Johnsbury, VT, 05863-0075. They have a wonderful selection and feature sample packs of herb, vegetable, and flower seeds and carry live herb plants. Herbs not only enhance the flavor of your food, but they can be a healthy substitute when other food-enhancements, need to be limited. MSN

Cats and Dogs By Tait Trussell Few people don’t like pets. I’ve always been a dog kind of guy. We did have one cat in the family when I was growing up, however – until an unusual case of forgetfulness occurred. First, a little information about my dogs. There was my Jimmy. I chose that name because it seemed a friendly name for a dog. And because I believed all dogs were male, while all cats were female. I was seven years old at the time and a bit less sophisticated than I am now as quite an old man. One day, to my great surprise, Jimmy had a large litter of puppies. Struggling with this confusing development, I listened to a sex lesson from my father. That’s when I learned that not all dogs are boy dogs. In years that followed, I also had a fox terrier, Spot. But perhaps my family was too strange for Spot. I do know that Spot went totally bonkers, and we had to have him put down. It was either Spot or the family. I missed Spot, but not as much as I missed my next dog, an English setter named Duke. We all loved Duke even though he slobbered over anyone who petted him. Duke disappeared mysteriously. We figured some hunter driving by had stopped and invited friendly Duke into his car. I had no dog for years. But now we have Beans, about whom I have written, including his almost magical medical expertise. So, what about the cat? Our one and only cat was Malaga. My mother and younger brother liked Malaga. As indicated earlier, I much preferred dogs. When we were kids, in the summertime our maid would call my brother, Doug, and me in to get cleaned up for dinner. In those long gone days, we had an icebox on our back porch. A couple of times a week, the iceman would deliver a large block of ice. We did have a refrigerator with an ice tray. But the block ice was used for the punch bowl. On that particular day that my brother and I were called in for pre-dinner cleanup, Doug had been playing with Malaga. For some unknown reason, on the way indoors, Doug placed Malaga in the icebox, which still contained a block of ice. Later that evening we wondered where Malaga was. The next day, still no Malaga. Doug, meanwhile, had forgotten that he had placed Malaga in the icebox. Mother was worried. We all were a bit concerned about Malaga’s disappearance. Later in the week, the iceman came with his block of ice. When he opened the icebox, Malaga leaped out. The iceman called us to announce the appearance of the cat, and a cool cat she was. We watched as Malaga shook herself, strolled to the porch stairway, walked down the stairs and across our side lawn, never to return. Malaga was the last cat we ever owned. She was replaced with a parakeet, named Daniel of Saint Thomas Jennifer, after the Maryland delegate to the U.S. Constitutional convention, who rarely spoke during that historical event. I’m not certain why my mother chose that name, other than the fact that we lived in Maryland – and the bird never spoke much either. MSN

Flash Drive Longevity By Mr. Modem Q. I use a flash drive to back up my data and I leave it plugged in all the time. Does leaving it plugged in wear it out quicker, or should I be plugging it in only when I need to copy something to it? A. Leaving a flash drive plugged in will have no adverse effect on the drive. Wear and tear occurs during the read/write process, not from a flash drive sitting idly in a USB port. I recommend (and use) a rotational flash-drive backup protocol which results in one or more backup flash drives NOT residing in a computer at all times. In other words, I have two or more flash drives for each computer and each time I back up data, I remove one drive and insert another. So at any time, my flash drives are either current or one backup behind. I also keep my most important data


backed up within a free Gmail account I maintain for that specific purpose. To do this, I simply mail (as an attachment) any important files I want to keep safely off-site. Q. I went to delete a file and it just deleted without asking for confirmation. I intended to delete it, so the lack of a confirmation wasn’t a big deal, but I prefer having a “safety net” requiring me to confirm any deletions. Do you know why it would do this? A. Did you perhaps speak to it harshly? It sounds like your Recycle Bin settings may have changed, but it’s easy to get them back on track: Right-click your Recycle Bin and select Properties. Select the Global tab, which will encompass all hard drives. (In Windows 7, select the General Tab, which not many users know was named after General Horatio Tab, an unsung hero of the Civil War.) Click to place a check mark in the box next to Display Delete Confirmation dialog, followed by Apply > OK. The next time you delete a file, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Q. Why do I keep getting a message that my


Windows 7 is not genuine? It came installed on my Dell computer that I bought in December 2011. A. Windows 7 includes a Windows Genuine Advantage checker that verifies that your copy of Windows is legally licensed. However, sometimes an error may occur which causes Windows to forget it is registered. Fortunately, there is an easy fix for this. The first step is to look on the back or bottom of your computer for the Windows Authenticity Label. This label will display your Windows Product Key or serial number. Write it down. Next, click the Start button and in the Search box type Activate Windows. In the window that appears, you will be able to enter your Product Key and proceed with activation. You may need to click the Change Product Key button and type the Product Key again. Once activated, you will receive a message confirming activation and you will no longer be pestered by an impertinent message that dares to suggest your copy of Windows is not genuine. (Of all the nerve!) MSN

Prevent Falls – Don’t Let Gravity Get You Provided by the National Safety Council Falls are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States, accounting for approximately 8.9 million visits to the emergency department annually (NSC Injury Facts 2012). Adults 55 and older are more prone to becoming victims of falls, and the resulting injuries can diminish the ability to lead active, independent lives. The number of fall deaths among those 65 and older is four times the number of fall deaths among all other age groups. Most people have a friend or relative who has fallen, or maybe you have fallen yourself. Falls are the second-leading cause of unintentional death in homes and communities, resulting in more than 26,000 fatalities in 2012. The risk of falling, and fallrelated problems, rises with age and is a serious issue in homes and communities. Take the time to remove slip, trip, and fall hazards. The following are common locations for slips, trips, or falls: • Doorways • Ramps • Cluttered hallways • Areas with heavy traffic • Uneven surfaces • Areas prone to wetness or spills • Unguarded heights • Unstable work surfaces • Ladders • Stairs Many falls can be prevented by making simple personal and lifestyle changes. Your doctor also can assess your risk of falling and suggest ways to prevent falls such as: • Securing electrical/phone cords out of traffic • Removing small throw rugs or use non-skid mats to keep them from slipping • Removing tripping hazards (paper, boxes, toys, clothes, shoes) from stairs and walkways • Periodically checking the condition of walkways/steps, and repairing damages immediately • Never standing on a chair, table or other surface on wheels • Clean up all spills immediately Mild weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, climbing stairs, and water workouts may help slow bone loss from osteoporosis as well as maintain strength, coordination, and balance. Having strong bones, especially in your lower body, can prevent fractures if you fall. Practicing tai chi will also help prevent falls by improving your balance and control. It uses slow, flowing movements to help you relax and coordinate the mind and body. Group and community exercise programs, such as A Matter of Balance and Stay Safe, Stay Active, will help increase your flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination. These kinds of exercises also can be done at home. Maintaining your overall health is important to effective fall prevention. Take the following steps to reduce your risk: • Have your vision tested at least once a year or if you think it has changed. • Get an annual physical examination and have your blood pressure checked both lying down and

standing up. • Reduce your risk of bone fractures by maintaining a diet with adequate amounts of vitamin D and calcium. Proper shoes and clothing are also important to your personal safety. • Wear properly fitting, sturdy non-skid shoes. • Replace loose/stretched-out slippers. • Use a long-handled shoehorn if you have trouble putting on your shoes. • If you are a woman who cannot find wide enough shoes, try men’s shoes. Medications can create an increased risk of falls. Take the following steps to minimize the risk. • Ask your doctor or pharmacist to review your medications – prescription and over-the-counter medicines and anything else you are taking. Some medications do not work well together and may affect your coordination and balance. Lifeline Lif Li feli line iis a si simp simple, mple le, wirele wireless i less • Make sure all medidevice worn as a pendant cations are clearly labeled and stored in a or wristband that allows the well-lit area according to wearer to call for help with instructions. the push of a button from • Have an up-to-date anywhere in and around your medication list and bring home. For the price of a daily it with you to all doctor cup of coffee, Philips Lifeline visits. can help you maintain your • Take medications on independence, and also give schedule with a full glass of water and avoid drinkyour family peace of mind. ing alcohol in excess. Call today. Taking the above steps will go a long way in Serving these cities and areas: helping you avoid uncomfortable, inconvenient, Billings Ɣ Bozeman Ɣ Butte Ɣ Helena Ɣ Great Falls Ɣ Livingston Ɣ Missoula 1-800-357-4799 Ɣ www.HomeHealthNursing.com and perhaps deadly falls. MSN

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Beware the Danger of Getting Behind on Property Tax

We Salute the Brave who have Fought for Our Nation

By Teresa Ambord You may think being a little behind on property tax couldn’t do you any real harm, other than a penalty. But some former homeowners would be quick to warn, do not let that happen. If that’s your situation, clear it up as soon as possible. The same may be true if you fall seriously behind on city-owned utility bills like water and sewer. If the amount remains unpaid, a lien could be filed against you. Even if that lien is only for a few hundred dollars, you could end up losing your home. Here’s how this happens: A recent report from the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) described the gory details. Homeowners, often seniors or persons with very low income, miss a property tax payment or other municipal obligation. All states have laws permitting local governments to file liens in order to collect unpaid amounts. These tax liens take priority over all other liens, including mortgages. You, as the homeowner may receive notice of the lien, but in many areas, the seriousness of the situation is not made clear. In fact, the NCLC report says the deck is often stacked against homeowners. Most state and local governments just don’t have the resources to educate and assist the homeowner. Few have any process at all for protecting homeowner interests. According to the report, there have also been cases where corrupt officials worked with investors to make the possibility of foreclosure more likely. Many people have come to believe there is no real danger until they’ve gotten several notices of increasing urgency. You may remember an episode of Roseanne where the Connors fail to pay their utility bills for months, and finally the power is shut off. Roseanne cries “unfair,” because they only got three final notices none of which was pink. We’ve grown used to multiple warnings before anything serious happens. We may even wait until the sheriff shows up. If you are behind in your property tax or city-owned utility bills, trouble may be brewing that you aren’t aware of. That’s why you need to take action immediately to clear up the problem.

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If the amounts owed are not paid, a lien may be filed against your property. Once the lien is filed if you don’t take care of it, local authorities may sell the lien at auction to the highest bidder. To add insult to injury, the new owner of the lien may have paid only a few hundred dollars to buy your house, then turn around and sell it for an enormous profit. Not only is your home gone, but so is the equity you built up over many years. What is the motivation for investors to buy property tax liens? Simple. The bank pays interest on most savings of less than one percent. But in some locations, state law allows the purchasers of tax liens to earn as much as 20 to 50 percent interest, according to the NCLC report. If you’ve never heard of such an outrageous practice, that’s probably because you are not in the market for shady deals. Property tax lien sales are promoted mostly on the Internet, or in late night get-rich-quick infomercials. They emphasize the “get rich” aspect of course, and fail to mention the former homeowners evicted from their homes. It’s not unusual, said the report for the owner of a home worth, say $200,000, to fall behind on property taxes, through misunderstanding or neglect or inability to pay – the reason doesn’t matter. For the default of property tax that may amount to only $1,200 or so, a lien may be issued, then the lien sold at auction. The bidding process is often biased against the homeowner, said the report. The result, the lien is sold to an investor. Attorney John Rao of the NCLC said in the agency report: “The tax sale procedures in most states are exceedingly complicated and are generally understood only by investors and purchasers. Inadequate notice and a lack of judicial oversight over the process leave many homeowners in the dark about steps they can take to avoid a home loss. Homeowners most at risk are those who have fallen into default because they are incapable of handling their financial affairs, such as individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia or other cognitive disorders.” Two specific cases cited in the NCLC report


include a homeowner in Baltimore who was behind in her water bill to the tune of $362. Legal fees, interest, and penalties were added to bill, which quickly rose to $3,600. When she could not pay it, she was evicted. In another instance, an 81-year-old Rhode Island woman was evicted from her home two weeks before Christmas. After 40 years in the home, she could not pay a $474 sewer bill. A lien was filed, the home sold for $836 and later resold for $85,000. Is There a Remedy? If you are behind in property tax or city-owned utilities, contact the proper authorities and ask about payment arrangements in order to avoid


a lien. Once a lien is filed, before your home can be foreclosed upon, you have the right to redeem your property, according to the report. You do this by paying the purchaser of the tax lien the purchase price, plus interest, penalties, and costs incurred, within a specific time. If you do not redeem the property on a timely basis, foreclosure may result. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous investors and others have been known to tack on expensive legal fees that appear to jack up the price. They do not tell you, however, that it is not necessary to pay all of these fees in order to buy back the lien. If you believe you are in danger of a lien, or

are already subject to one, don’t wait until further action is taken against you. Contact your local property tax office to find out about installment payment plans. You may need to seek legal advice or the help of another trusted advisor, but do it quickly. If you have a mortgage, you might be able to set up an escrow account for the payment of property tax and avoid future delinquencies. MSN

Ten Tips for a Safer Garage By Bill Siuru Retirement often means spending more time in the garage or workshop. Whether doing woodworking or restoring an old car, here are a few tips to make the time spent safer and healthier. 1. Disposable gloves protect hands from caustic materials like paint strippers, etching acids, rust removers, epoxies, etc. Surgical gloves, found at most drug stores, are great because their thinness does not hinder dexterity – surgeons use them for delicate operations. Leather gloves can prevent cuts and abrasion when handling metal, slivers from glass or wood, burns from hot items, acid burns from batteries, or hurt knuckles when wrenching a stubborn bolt. 2. Use safety glasses or goggles whenever there is a risk of flying debris, which is any time you are using power tools, sanding, or filing. Also, wear them when working under a vehicle, under the hood of a running vehicle, or doing anything with batteries. 3. Invest in a good pair of muff-like ear protectors and wear them whenever you use power tools and especially air tools, which have a high-pitched wail. Alternatively, use small foam or putty-like ear plugs. 4. Wear a disposable surgical mask whenever there is any chance of dust getting into your lungs. This is important because the particles from many materials like asbestos used in brake shoes and pads can be cancer producing. You will need a respirator with charcoal filters when painting or around chemical fumes. 5. A readily available fire extinguisher allows you to snuff out a small fire before it gets out of control. It has to be mounted where it can be reached instantly. Learn how to use it. Once a fire starts, you won’t have time to find the instructions and read them. Fire extinguishers have to be properly charged and ready for use, so check extinguishers periodically When buying an extinguisher, make sure it is designed for any type of fire that could occur in your shop – Class A (ordinary combustibles

like wood and paper), Class B (flammable liquids like grease, gasoline, oil, etc.), Class C (electrical fires), and Class D (flammable metals like magnesium). Either purchase an extinguisher with multiple ratings (A-B, B-C, and A-B-C) or purchase multiple extinguishers to handle the expected risks. Be particularly careful with flammable materials. If possible, do not store them in the same garage with valuable vehicles. If you must store them, make sure they are in sealed containers and as far away from the collector cars as possible. 6. Smoke detectors provide sufficient warning to keep a minor fire from turning into a major conflagration. Make sure you can hear the alarm even when you are not in the shop or garage, which may require a more sophisticated alarm than the inexpensive battery-powered ones. Consider a security system that is professionally monitored or sends an alarm directly to the fire station, especially if you have a detached garage. 7. Carbon monoxide is called the “silent killer” because it’s odorless, you can’t feel it and it doesn’t cause irritation. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, and dizziness. Often you are unconscious or even dead before you’ve noticed the symptoms. The best defense against CO poisoning is a good carbon monoxide alarm. Smoke detectors do NOT detect carbon monoxide. You need both or a detector that includes both functions. Buy a battery-powered one that will work even during an electric power outage and replace the batteries periodically 8. Have a first aid kit in the garage or workshop. 9. Install a phone in your workshop so you can call for help. Slip a cell phone into your pocket so you can call for help no matter the situation. 10. Buy extra gloves, ear protectors, and surgical masks for friends who might come to help or just watch. MSN

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How Much Do You Know About Montana? So many facts about Montana are unique that discovering them all is probably an insurmountable task, but Janet Spencer, author of Montana Trivia (Riverbend Publishing $10 + $2 S & H; 866-787-2363) probably knows more than anyone, so we have reprinted a few for your enjoyment. • There are almost three times as many miles of railroads than interstates in Montana: 3,300 miles of rails but only 1,200 miles of interstate.

• Browning, near Glacier Park holds the national record for the greatest drop in temperature in twenty-four hours, for a 100-degree drop on January 23, 1916, when the temperature went from 44 above to 56 below zero. • Powell County, with Deer Lodge as the county seat has the greatest ratio of men to women in Montana, with 139 males to every 100 women. An average of 1,440 men resides at the State Penitentiary there.


t "/% ."/: 05)&3 #&/&'*54 Become part of a group that shares a passion for Montana’s history. Call (406) 444-2918 or join online at www.montanahistoricalsociety.org 1 0 #PY t / 3PCFSUT 4U )FMFOB .5

• Only California has more hiking trails than Montana’s 15,000 miles of trails. • The Assiniboine tribe was named for the Indian phrase meaning “stone boilersâ€? referring to their custom of cooking meat by dropping heated stones into the stew. • On average, one human is killed by a grizzly bear in North America each year, while another 45 will die by insect bites; 85 by lightning; 12 by snakebite; and 22 by dog.


• At the state capitol in Helena, the Montana Statehood Centennial Bell is rung once per year, at precisely 10:40 a.m. on November 8 to commemorate the moment President Harrison signed the proclamation making Montana a state. • For their efforts during their expedition, Lewis earned $40/month; Clark earned $25 per month; the privates earned $5 per month; and Sacajawea and York earned nothing. • The Berkeley Pit in Butte is the

C entral

deepest man-made lake in the state at 1,800 feet and getting deeper. Tally Lake near Whitefish is the deepest natural lake at 500 feet, followed by Lake McDonald and Flathead Lake. • The paddlefish was thought to be extinct until a man accidentally caught a sixty-five-pound one in the Missouri River in 1962 near Fairview. • Fifty-seven percent of Montanans live in a household with at least one gun. The only states with a higher percentage are Alaska (58%),

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Montana South Dakota (59%), and Wyoming (60%). • It takes about 13 hours at max capacity of 72,000 people per hour to give a lift to the entire population of Montana in the state’s 65 ski lifts. • Giant Springs, one of the largest freshwater springs in the world, pumps out 7.9 million gallons per hour at a constant temperature of 54 degrees Fahrenheit and is carbon dated at three thousand years. • Butte gave birth to the game of keno when a cigar store manager adapted it from a Chinese gambling game that his customers played in his shop, and then took it to Las

Vegas. • When a flash flood destroyed a train trestle over Custer Creek on June 19, 1938, killing 49 of the 140 people on the next train, some bodies were carried 130 miles downriver to Sidney. • The largest Native American gathering in the country is the Crow Fair held each August, on the Little Bighorn River near the site of Custer’s Last Stand. MSN





A justly deserved summer is finally arriving... it’s true! Warm days are finally here with all the rodeos, family reunions, 4th of July celebrations, farmers markets, ice cream socials, fairs, expos, carnivals, camping, fishing, hiking, boating, and more. Isn’t this a fine time to find a friend or someone special with whom to share these endless activities and events? Take time today to write a personal ad or reply to one of the personal ads on these pages. To respond to any of these personal ads, simply forward your message, address, phone number, or email address to the department number listed in the particular personal ad, c/o Montana Senior News, P.O. Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. We will forward your response, including your address, phone number, and/or email address to the person placing the ad. When you respond to an ad in this section, there is no guarantee that you will receive a response. That is up to the person who placed the ad. Please submit your correct address plainly printed, so you can promptly receive responses. Respond to the ads in this issue, and also sit down now and prepare your own ad to run in our next issue. There is no charge for this service, and your ad may lead you down the path of true love! Responses to personal ads appearing in this column can be submitted at any time. However, to place a personal ad in the August/September 2014 issue, the deadline is July 10, 2014. SWF attractive, 70-years-young. Seeks honest, old-fashioned, and trustworthy kind soul. Take the time to write me a note. This is the first step to a lasting and loving relationship. I can’t wait to hear from you. Reply MSN, Dept. 30501, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. SF 67-years-old, 5’1” tall, short dark blonde hair, and average weight. Non-drinker, nonsmoker. Looking for a gentleman age 68-70 who is honest, a good person and believer in Jesus Christ. I would like someone to be a friend first with a possible later relationship. I am retired, independent, and strong-willed. I like to cook, watch movies, hear concerts, and take walks. My hobbies include needlework, crochet, and sewing. If interested write me a note. Bitterroot Valley area. Reply MSN, Dept. 30502, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. SWM 81, 5’6” 140 lbs, seeks female friend. Likes home life, home cooking, gardening, rummage sales, cuddling. Photo and phone please. Reply MSN, Dept. 30503, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. WWF slim, good health, active, would like to meet a gentleman in his 70s in the Billings area. I do not smoke or drink. I like to walk for exercise, go to movies and plays, some travel, and go to church. Phone and photo would be nice. I will answer all replies. Reply MSN, Dept. 30504, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. SWF 70. Classy Lady. If you are gentleman with high morals look no more. Must be 70+ and retired. Old-fashioned. I like good meals (I am a good cook), a clean home, and the jackpot would be me! I don’t care for traveling much. I like old movies (westerns), and one-day trips are okay. I’ve seen it all in my younger years. Seeking livein companion (own my home). So if you live in Cascade area, I’d like to hear from you. Reply MSN, Dept. 30505, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403.

SWM – are you a 65+ single gal living in the Great Falls area? Are you slightly full-figured to kind of slim? Do you get lonely from time to time? Would you mind sending a photo of yourself? Would you mind meeting a gentleman that is somewhat shy? I am a very gentle and caring person. If so, then please answer this ad and I will tell you more. Please include a phone number. Reply MSN, Dept. 30506, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. I am 67, 239 lbs, and enjoy the quiet simple life in Miles City. Retired, no debt, own home. Enjoy dining out, travel, drives in country, nature. Have three dogs, love animals. Was teacher and farmer. Masters degree in biology. Looking for lady 59-75 for dating and more. Reply MSN, Dept. 30507, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. SF. Young, attractive, 63; love the outdoors, working out, historical novels, good music, and meeting new people. College graduate. Looks unimportant. Being kind, considerate, and caring towards one another is what it’s all about. Hope to hear from you. Reply MSN, Dept. 30508, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. SWM seeks single lady who is seeking a good man to cuddle with. Looks and age unimportant. I do not drink or smoke. I live in Great Falls. My home is paid for. Reply with photo and phone. I will answer all replies. Reply MSN, Dept. 30509, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. SWF, 65 look younger, 140 lbs. Seeking a Christian male 55-70 companion. In Kalispell area. Likes movies, camping, travel, and dining out. Reply MSN, Dept. 30510, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. I am a 70-year-old white male who is looking for a nice lady 55-70 years old for a long-term relationship. Prefer someone either in the Flathead or Polson areas. I don’t drink, smoke, and am


looking for someone of that same bent. I do like to cook and bake. I also like hiking, camping, movies, theatre and plays, and just being at the lake. I am a churchgoer and when we talk or meet I will tell you more about that. I also have a 5-year-old pug dog, which I totally love and adore. I prefer dogs but can get along ok with cats. I can’t stand any kind of cruelty to either humans or animals. So please reply if you are interested. If you would like to send a photo please do. Reply MSN, Dept. 30511, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. SWF, 5’5” early 60s, fluffy, honest, attractive, opinionated, tenderhearted, affectionate, funny, and high morals. Own home, non-relocatable. Disabled with chronic pain, but enjoy camping, dancing, singing, art, classic rock, my 12-step program, movies, plays, TV, cards, games, eating out, family, laughter, good conversation, and mutual TLC. I would like a special friend or passionate life-mate already in the Hamilton area, or who is willing to relocate. Prefer slim to med build; height, age, race not important. Must be clean, honest, financially stable, dependable, gentle natured guy who loves Jesus and isn’t into drugs, drinking, smoking, or gambling. Please send photo and address. Reply MSN, Dept. 30512, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. SF. I would love to have a cup of coffee and visit with a new friend. I’m 76 years young, gray hair and freckles, 4’8” tall and weigh 110 lbs, trying to gain some more weight. I live in Columbia Falls in a big three-bedroom home with big back yard for a boat or camper. The front yard is good sized too. I have one boy Charlie who is 53 and handicapped. I love to go on day trips, fish, camp, and go to rummage sales and thrift stores. I’m a Yankees fan and like to watch them play. I love country music and used to sing with my brother. I don’t smoke, drink, or use drugs. If you like what you read, contact me and send a photo and I will do the same. I love to get letters. God bless you. Reply MSN, Dept. 30513, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403.

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SWF, non-smoker, 58, 5’4”, 150 lbs, blonde hair, green eyes. I am a rockhound and love to camp, travel, explore new areas, paddle my kayak, and just be outdoors. Some of my other interests include reading, history, photography, jewelry making, and playing cards. I would like to meet a non-smoking man who is also a rock-


hound, kind and considerate, and who shares several of my interests as well as a love of the outdoors. If you feel that we might have a lot in common, please write to me and I will answer. Reply MSN, Dept. 30514, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403.

SWM, 81, 140 lbs 5’ 6”, blue eyes. I am hoping to find a lady that likes home life, gardening, country music, yard sales, home cooking, and taking drives, sightseeing, picnicking, and also some traveling and just enjoying what life has to offer. MSN, Dept. 30515, c/o Montana Senior News, Box 3363, Great Falls, MT 59403. MSN

More Preservation Means More Fish On The Madison Founded in 2002, the Madison River Foundation works to preserve, protect, and enhance the Madison River ecosystem to benefit its wildlife and the people who enjoy it. They apply professional expertise and advocacy on behalf of worthy public policies to ensure the well-being of this valuable resource. The Foundation sponsors the Ennis on the Madison Fly Fishing Festival each year in Ennis over Labor Day weekend. They present their accomplishments, entertain members and the public, inspire new memberships, and generally have a great time. There are speakers and mini-events that educate and explain their work,

as well as fly tying classes, casting lessons and competitions, auctions and raffles, and more. There is also a chance to sample some local cuisine while listening to favorite musicians. There are always plenty of volunteer opportunities with MRF, such as willow plantings along the river and its tributaries, rescuing fish stranded in irrigation ditches in October, water quality monitoring, and more. You can learn more about the Madison River Foundation or the Ennis on the Madison Fly Fishing Festival in August by visiting its website at www. madisonriverfoundation.org or calling us at 406-682-3148. MRF is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. MSN

Livingston’s Yellowstone Gateway Museum – A Montana Treasure

Relive History At Custer’s Last Stand

The Yellowstone Gateway Museum of Park County houses and exhibits more than 75,000 collection and archival items related to Park County and Yellowstone National Park history in the former 1907 North Side School, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. These collections represent the county’s residents, businesses, towns, and industries. With more 11,000 years of occupancy, Park County provides stories for everyone. Four rooms house permanent and temporary exhibits – Pioneers, Transportation, Expedition, and Native Cultures. New displays coming this summer/fall interpret On Fire: Structural and Wildland Firefighting, Yellowstone’s Fossil Forests, From Wilsall to Wonderland: Trails Rails and Roads, and children’s activities, making the museum a great family destination. Experience outdoor exhibits The Urbach School, Vink Blacksmith Shop, the Red Caboose, and more historic vehicles. The museum is open year-round and operates 7 days a week from Memorial Day weekend through September from 10 a.m. to 5 pm. The research center is available Mon-Fri 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information and group appointments, call 406-222-4184, stop by 118 W. Chinook St. Livingston, Email museum@parkcounty.org, visit yellowstonegatewaymuseum.org, or visit on Facebook at Yellowstone Gateway-Museum. MSN

The annual Custer’s Last Stand Reenactment celebrates the anniversary of the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Presented by the Hardin Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture, the performance takes place 6 miles west of Hardin. Joe Medicine Crow, Tribal Historian tells the tale of the famous battle from the Native American perspective. The reenactment is about living history – taking historical events and performing so our visitors from near and far can see history right before their very eyes. Sacagawea and Lewis & Clark make an appearance in this tale of the first foray of white men into Montana. Mountain men and trappers meet and make peace with Indian chiefs, paving the way for the pioneers soon carving ruts across the prairie with their heavy wagons. The pioneers’ dusty way across the plains is punctuated by the terror of Indian attacks, and visitors feel transported back in time as they watch the wagons circle and hear the warriors’ blood -curdling war cries. The tribes realize their way of life is on the verge of being destroyed. Warriors and cavalry face each other in a whirling tornado of horses, dust, and gunfire. Soon the battle is over, the shouts die out, the dust clears, and all that’s left is a lone horse on the hillside, standing among the bodies. Custer has been defeated. Custer’s Last Stand Reenactment is June 27-29 at 2 pm daily. For more information, please call 406-665-1672. MSN

Art is made to disturb. Science reassures. There is only one valuable thing in art: the thing you cannot explain. - Georges Braque

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Six Tips That Could Save Your Life By Suzy Cohen Dear Pharmacist: I take four different medications now. Lately, I’ve had stomach pain, insomnia, headaches, and dizziness. I am sure it’s related to my medicine. What should I do, stop everything? While I do believe in drug holidays, I don’t think you should ever undertake those without your physician’s approval and supervision. If you stop certain medications suddenly that you are supposed to be weaned from slowly, it could cause seizures or major withdrawal problems. If you’re fed up and insist on stopping everything, you must do it properly, and with supervision by your doctors. When beginning a medication, or new dietary supplement, it’s ideal to keep a little notepad handy, an app, or a computer document to track progress. Doing this allows you to pinpoint which medication triggers a side effect. I believe many side effects are caused by drug nutrient depletion, something I call the drug mugger effect. Unfortunately, the side effects are often misdiagnosed and labeled a symptom, thus giving you some new disease. By restoring nutrients stolen by your medicine, you can avoid these new symptoms. That’s important, because nutrient deficiencies look just like diseases. For example, a diagnosis of restless legs syndrome could be tied to your cholesterol medicine stealing vitamin D and CoQ10. Your depression diagnosis may just be related to your acid blocker, which suppresses your ability to make neurotransmitters by mugging your body of probiotics and methylcobalamin (a form of B12). I’ve been a pharmacist for 24 years, so here are

some of my ninja secrets to help you minimize side effects and interactions: • Go to the same pharmacy each time. There is a computer record of your medication profile that automatically screens for interactions. If you chase coupons and stray, the new pharmacy will not have the rest of your medication profile and you’re more apt to experience an interaction. • Take your medication at the same time each day. If you take your blood pressure pill at different times of the day, you will experience more highs and lows in your blood stream, and the swinging blood levels can cause dizziness, nausea, and faintness. • Consider the drug mugging effect. If you take only a couple of medications and suddenly need more medications for brand new symptoms, it’s probably related to one of your drugs stealing nutrients! You have to fix the nutrient depletions, not layer on more medications. • Don’t drink coffee with stimulants. There’s an additive effect of caffeine with certain drugs like Provigil, Adderall, Concerta, and Ritalin. Avoid the stimulants. • Don’t drink alcohol with sedatives. There’s an enhanced effect on your nervous system, and the alcohol can make your medicine work much more strongly causing your breathing to stop completely. It’s bad news to combine drugs that depress your nervous system. Ask both your doctor and pharmacist directly, “Will this new medication interact with anything I’m taking.”

This is particularly important if you visit multiple physicians. MSN

All of us have moments in our lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them. - Erma Bombeck



Study: Even Low-Intensity Activity Shows Benefits For Health CORVALLIS, Ore. – A newly published study looking at activity trends and outcomes among American adults found that you don’t need to kill yourself by running 10 miles a day to gain health benefits – you merely need to log more minutes of light physical activity than of sedentary behavior. And the bar is pretty low for what constitutes light physical activity, researchers say. It can mean sauntering through a mall window-shopping instead of ordering online, fishing along a riverbank, or ballroom dancing. In other words, casting a spinner or spinning on the dance floor can help offset our sedentary ways. The problem, the authors say, is that nearly half of Americans surveyed did not engage in a sufficient amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (more than 150 minutes a week) and, in fact, spent more time in sedentary mode than even doing light physical activity. “That’s actually rather frightening,” said Bradley Cardinal, co-director of the Sport and Exercise Psychology Program at Oregon State University and co-author on the study. “About half of the people in this country are incredibly sedentary – basically, couch potatoes. And that can have some very negative effects on one’s health.” Results of the study have been published online in the journal Preventive Medicine. The study looked at the activity patterns of more than 5,500 adults through the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Participants wore accelerometers recording movements that could be broken down by the minute, and the researchers found that 47.2 percent of Americans engaged in less than 150 minutes a week of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and, perhaps more importantly, logged fewer

minutes of light physical activity than of sedentary behavior. They found that when the balance was on the positive side – adults spending more time moving than sitting – there was a strong association with favorable levels of triglycerides and insulin. “It is preferable to get at least 30 minutes a day of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in each day, but we now know that if you sit for the remainder of the day after getting this dose of exercise, you might not necessarily be escaping the risk of developing chronic disease,” said Paul Loprinzi, a former doctoral student under Cardinal in OSU’s College of Public Health and Human Sciences. Now an assistant professor at Bellarmine University, Loprinzi is lead author on the study. “These findings demonstrate the importance of minimizing sedentary activities and replacing some of them with light-intensity activities, such as pacing back and forth when on the phone, standing at your desk periodically instead of sitting, and having walking meetings instead of sit-down meetings,” he added. Cardinal said results can vary with individuals, based on age, fitness levels, movement “pace,” and other factors. In general, however, when even light activity minutes in a day surpass sedentary minutes, it can result in improved triglyceride and insulin levels. “Someone just ambling along on a leisurely stroll may not get the same benefits as someone moving briskly – what we call a ‘New York City walk,’” Cardinal said, “but it still is much better than lying on the couch watching TV. Even sitting in a rocking chair and rocking back-and-forth is better than lying down or just sitting passively. “Think about all the small things you can do in a day and you’ll realize how quickly they can


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(pictured L-R): Mark Piedra, MD, Neurosurgery; John Schallenkamp, MD, Radiation Oncology; Dennis Cheek, PhD, Medical Physics (not pictured): Eugen Dolan, MD, Neurosurgery; Miguel Lopez-Gonzalez, MD, Neurosurgery; Christopher Goulet, MD, Radiation Oncology; Michelle Proper, MD, Radiation Oncology; Christopher Veale, MS, Medical Physics



add up,” Cardinal pointed out. Some of the ways Americans can get in some light physical activity without Olympic-style training: • Go on a leisurely bicycle ride, at about 5-6 miles an hour; • Use a Wii Fit program that requires a light effort, like yoga or balancing; • Do some mild calisthenics or stretching; • If you want to watch television, do it sitting on a physioball; • Play a musical instrument; • Work in the garden. “Even everyday home activities like sweeping, dusting, vacuuming, doing dishes, watering the plants, or carrying out the trash have some benefits,” Cardinal said. “Remember, it’s making sure you’re moving more than you’re sitting that’s the key.” MSN

Consider A Conversion Van To Assist With Your Mobility Challenges

CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY! Sudden loss of vision, speech or understanding Sudden trouble walking or dizziness Sudden severe headache or confusion Sudden numbness or weakness especially on one side of the body

Cars are for everybody and even those physically challenged enjoy the comfort of a car. And that is exactly the reason accessible conversion vans exist. With the comfort of a car and ultimate convenience and practicality, a conversion van is just the answer. Not only do they have sufficient space, they too can run at nearly the same efficiency when loaded as if they are empty. Compared to trucks, vans have the proper coverings and frames, which provide protection and comfort to their passengers. These features are something that few trucks have. Although a truck can be converted for use by the disabled, it would surely cost a lot. In the case of other cars, like minivans, some features would also put them in “not so okay” or “just okay” categories. Of course, although they can be used too, it would still be better to provide


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the best available comfort to our disabled family members, friends, or clients. Again, the main considerations are comfort and convenience. Unfortunately, though some vans may look good, they lack certain features to accommodate wheelchairs or scooters. A vehicle that lacks space is uncomfortable not only to the disabled person, but to those riding with them. Moreover, this equipment contributes weight, and so a car with no capacity to load heavy weight is not practical. Conversion vans are special because they are intentionally customized to benefit handicapped people depending on the person’s disability and the necessary equipment to assist them. But remember, there are some basic common features that are important. Here are the four essential features of accessible vans:

How to exercise without hurting your feet! Warm spring days have arrived inviting us to jump into our favorite outdoor sports after hibernating all winter. However, a quick move into high physical activity when your feet are not quite ready can cause major injuries to the feet ruining those plans for a summer of fun. Injuries related to plantar fasciitis, arch pain or flat feet, bunions, and arthritis to name a few can be avoided with proper planning. Tips from the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) can be invaluable in developing an exercise program that will be sure to keep your feet healthy. One of the most important ways to obtain good foot health is to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle throughout the year so extra weight does not suddenly adversely affect your feet. If you feel any discomfort with your feet, have them evaluated by your orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon before beginning an active exercise program. Remember, the feet are the body’s shock absorbers. What are some of the tips for keeping your feet pain-free? • Warm up exercises such as a short period of walking and stretching. • Stretch again after exercising. • Be sure to wear footwear that is specific to the sport. This may include being evaluated by someone who is knowledgeable in shoe wear and biomechanics, such as an orthopaedic surgeon, pedorthist, or physical therapist. • Appropriate training for the specific sport. Impact sports such as running will place greater stress on your feet. Without proper training that builds up your tolerance to impact activities, stress fractures can occur. • Cross-training with “feet-friendly” non-impact activities, such as swimming, biking, elliptical trainers, and steppers. If maintaining your fitness goals remains difficult, adding an orthotic device in your shoes may offer you what you need to remain active. Before doing this, always have your feet checked by an orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon. AOFAS member, Stephen J. Pinney, MD, of San Francisco says, “Walking puts more stress on your feet than you might think! Every time you take a step, 2-3 times your body weight goes through your feet, more if you are running. It is not uncommon for an active person to take 10,00015,000 steps per day. That is a lot of cumulative force going through the sole of the foot and the various tendons that control the movement of the foot. This repetitive loading can predispose to many common “chronic” foot conditions such as metatarsalgia, tendinitis, and plantar fasciitis. Metatarsalgia is a painful condition involving the forefoot. It occurs when the tissue in the sole of the forefoot gets irritated and painful from the repetitive loading especially if the force is concentrated in a localized area in the forefoot. It is treated by trying to disperse the force away from the painful area by using appropriate shoe wear

• Mobility is a primary consideration... making the ease of moving in and out of the vehicle an enhancement to their freedom of movement. • Elevation. Wheelchair vans must have proper elevation to allow entrance of passengers. A car that can’t be entered is useless. • Space. Some people may carry more than one wheelchair and different kinds of equipment so it is important that the right space will provide comfort. • Affordability. Of course, a conversion van is good only if you can afford it. Be sure to shop thoroughly among auto dealers (both new and used), financing options, and conversion companies. If you do, you will end up with the best value and hopefully the most comfortable and convenient solution to the mobility challenges you face. ArticlesFactory.com. MSN



and orthotic inserts.” He continues, “Tendinitis occurs when a tendon gets excessively overloaded just like a rope that starts to fray after it is subject to wear and tear. The body responds to this type of tendon injury by sending inflammatory mediators to the area and this is what leads to the pain and swelling associated with tendinitis. Depending on which tendons in the foot are excessively loaded will determine which part of the foot will develop tendinitis. Not all of the tendons in the foot are loaded equally in every foot. For example, people with flatfeet will tend to overload the tendons on the inside of the ankle and may develop symptoms in this area whereas people with higher arched feet are more likely to develop tendinitis symptoms in the


outside part of their ankle. Treatment of tendinitis may include: modifying activities to rest the painful area; using shoes and orthotics that help to smoothly spread the force of running or walking up the leg; gently strengthening and stretching the involved tendons; and possibly bracing the ankle.” Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of chronic heel pain. It develops as a result of repetitive microtrauma to the heel region. As Dr. Pinney says, “The plantar fascia is a dense tissue that is found in the sole of the foot beginning at the heel bone. With each step a person takes, this tissue is loaded. If someone increases the amount of walking they do, walks on hard surfaces, or gains extra weight they may suffer repetitive microtearing of the plantar fascia insertion. This will lead to heel pain, particularly first thing in the morning, which is a characteristic sign of plantar fasciitis.

Like other types of chronic foot pain, plantar fasciitis can usually be successfully treated by decreasing the overall loading to the foot. Dr. Pinney recommends, “Wearing appropriate shoes, walking or standing less and on softer surfaces, stretching your calf muscles, or losing extra body weight will all be helpful in decreasing or eliminating the symptoms associated with chronic foot conditions, such as plantar fasciitis.” To keep those feet healthy, always remember: • Proper shoe wear that is appropriate to the specific sport • Proper evaluation by an orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon • Adequate training • Stretch before and after exercising • Mix activities through cross training MSN

Montana Brain Injury Consortium (MTBIC) Helps Build Awareness of Brain Injury By Cindi Laukes The devastating problem of brain injury in our veteran population has gained attention as more soldiers return home with life-altering head injuries. Sometimes these injuries are obvious and critical rehabilitation has started early. Unfortunately, these injuries may be undiagnosed since symptoms caused by a blast or other impact to the head can appear more subtly, causing mood changes, headaches, changes in balance, vision, perception, or thinking. These subtle changes can affect the ability to function well in relationships and in all aspects of life. Overlapping complications from post-traumatic stress (PTSD) have been well publicized. For various reasons soldiers, who are trained to act courageously, will not always seek help for their symptoms. They may fear appearing weak, fear recrimination, lack good services, or simply lack encouragement from a trusted person to seek the help they need. Veterans face significant challenges as they work to

reintegrate their lives after returning home from combat. Those suffering from brain injuries, or injuries combined with PTSD, can face an even steeper climb, and it is critical that these injuries are properly diagnosed. It is essential that services for proper diagnosis are made widely available and accessible. It is vital that each community support all those with brain injuries, including our veterans who have risked their lives in combat. Clinical caregivers, families, and friends must become familiar with brain injury symptoms such as memory or concentration problems, dizziness/ balance issues, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, sensitivity to light or sound, mood changes, excessive fatigue or sleeping more than usual, or difficulty sleeping. Although there can be other causes of these symptoms, they are closely associated with brain injuries, which must first be ruled out as a cause. There is a critical lack of services in Montana for brain-injured people from all walks of life. It is important for communities to take a stand for those who may need help. The Montana Brain Injury Center is a network of resources dedicated to educating our professional and public community and raising awareness of brain injury and the need for early, accurate diagnosis and treatment. This Montana consortium includes physicians, researchers, veterans, rehabilitation professionals, brain injury survivors, caregivers, advocates, support services, nurses, and students. The group works to address brain injury care, build awareness of existing resources, and create a louder, more informed voice for our veterans and others with brain injuries in Montana. For more information on the MTBIC, contact Cindi Laukes, Clinical Research Director at the Montana Neuroscience Institute at 406-3295663. MSN


How Do You Handle Your Stress? Submitted by Julie Fink-Brantley A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to her students. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half... empty or half full” question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired, “How heavy is this glass of water?” Answers ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. She replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each

case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels.” She continued, “The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything.” It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses. As early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don’t carry them through the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down! MSN

Blindness Cure Advancing with New Studies By Tait Trussell British scientists have used a functioning gene to replace a defective one to restore sight in six blind men age 35 to 63. A single injection in the patients who suffered with a degenerative eye disease called choroideredmia, which affects one in 50,000 people, helped restore their sight. The disease progresses to complete blindness by middle age. The blindness is caused by degeneration in the eye’s retina, which is the part of the eye that sends visual information to the brain. This gene therapy is a big step past a partial cure for the blind, which I have reported earlier. That was a breakthrough for people with macular degeneration – the number one cause of blindness – and a disease that increases with age. It is possible through a new technology that combines an eye implant with glasses in which is enclosed a tiny video camera. The device is called Argus II. Perhaps gene therapy some day may lead to a cure for that most common cause of blindness in seniors – macular degeneration. As for the choroideredmia eye disease, the scientists at the University of Oxford hoped that the functioning gene would stop the cells in their patients’ photoreceptors from dying. The men who were patients in the study had not yet reached the stage of blindness, but the disease was advancing. Six months after the injections of the healthy gene, the team of researchers conducting the trial found the retinas improved in six patients, and two

of the patients had substantially improved vision. These results, which have been published in The Lancet medical journal, are encouraging, though this is just the first phase of a trial with a small sample group. So far, the researchers have analyzed only the data from the first 6 months after the procedure, so we don’t know what the long-term effects of this kind of treatment are. Writing on the results of the trial, Hendrik Scholl, from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md., said, “The short follow-up of the new study prevents any conclusion about preventing degeneration in the long term. It remains to be determined if gene therapy will have an effect on the progression of photoreceptor degeneration. Even if the effect turns out to be only slight, this might have important positive implications because there are additional therapeutic avenues targeting photo receptors that could help to save or restore visual function.” Age-related macular degeneration might well be one of the diseases that could be subject to gene therapy, the British scientists suggested. If so, the procedure would have very broad consequences. Based on published data, an estimated 8 million older Americans are at high risk to develop advanced macular degeneration (AMD). Of these 8 million, 1.3 million would develop advanced AMD within 5 years. However, now with treatment, 300,000 of these patients could avoid the severe vision loss associated with advanced AMD over a 5-year period. MSN

Under-Eye bags or Festoons? Nationally Recognized Physician Explains Why You Should Know the Difference For a malady that’s as common to aging as waning vision, festoons – also called “malar mounds” – aren’t well understood by the public, says Adam J. Scheiner, M.D., an international eyelid and facial cosmetic surgeon specializing in the treatment of festoons and featured on The Dr. Oz Show and The Doctors. “The more people know about the causes of festoons and how they are often misdiagnosed, the better informed they are to be their own effective health-care advocates,” says Dr. Scheiner,

who educates the public through his popular blog at www.adamscheinermd.com and his new book, The True Definition of Beauty. “A growing part of my practice is correcting treatments with less than favorable results that patients have had done elsewhere; like fillers used under the eyes to treat bags, or lower eyelid surgery that doesn’t address the patient’s festoons,” Dr. Scheiner says. “The lack of awareness around festoons and how ubiquitous they are – and how often they are misdiagnosed – is why my practice has executed an educational marketing campaign to bring clarity



to combat the misinformation and confusion surrounding this condition,” he adds. What is the difference between bags and festoons? “Bags are caused by fat protruding through the skin in the lower eyelid area, while festoons, which also protrude, are primarily on the upper part of the cheek,” Dr. Scheiner says. “The two together can look like one large protrusion, but they’re separate issues.” Physicians will perform procedures to help a patient’s lower eyelid bags, but often they leave the festoons behind. This is because festoons are notoriously hard to treat. The result? When they are not repaired at the same time as the bags, festoons can actually look worse compared against the newly rejuvenated lower lid. Festoons can also be a marker for pre-cancerous skin conditions on other parts of the face – another good reason to know the difference between festoons and bags. Dr. Scheiner offers tips for evaluating whether you have bags or festoons, the causes of both, and solutions: • Are they bags or festoons? Bags often appear as puffy circles directly beneath the eye. “If you touch them, they’re usually firmer, and you can’t easily move them from side to side. That’s an indication they’re bags,” Dr. Scheiner says. “Also, if you look up, they become more prominent.” Festoons, on the other hand, are high on the cheek, although they can extend to the lower lid


area. “They feel squishy to the touch, and they can be easily moved from side to side. They don’t become more prominent when you look up.” • What causes them? Bags are generally associated with aging, although younger people can also get them, Dr. Scheiner says. Festoons are usually the result of damage. Sun exposure, smoking, and aging are among the possible causes, and the results can be worsened by the contrasting pull of underlying facial muscles over the years. Fair-skinned people tend to be more susceptible to festoons. • What can you do about them? “Effective treatments for removing bags have been available for quite some time, but physicians have struggled with removing festoons,” Dr. Scheiner says. “Festoons are complicated to treat.” Medications and steroid injections can provide temporary improvement, and some older surgical procedures offer mixed results. One of the biggest problems with festoons and eye bags is that they occur around the most expressive area of the face – our eyes. The eyes speak volumes, but they can give off the wrong message if they are framed by festoons or eye bags. “My patients say people are always asking them if they’re sick or if they’re tired,” Dr. Scheiner says. “It’s hard to hear that over and over again, and it begins to impact how you feel about yourself, as well as your energy level. What I love about the advanced laser and heating protocol that I

developed is that it fundamentally changes the quality and the health of the skin – it takes swollen, sun-damaged skin and makes it smooth, tight and younger. It cleans up the messages around the eyes so that people can appear well and rested.” Adam J. Scheiner, M.D. is world-renowned in laser eyelid and facial plastic surgery for his groundbreaking treatment for festoons. He wrote the medical text on the condition and treated two complex causes of festoons for The Dr. Oz and The Doctors TV shows. MSN

Chuckles And Grins Submitted by Julie Brantley Grocery Fast Lane I was in the six-item express lane at the store quietly fuming. Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead of me had slipped into the checkout line pushing a cart piled high with groceries. Imagine my delight when the cashier beckoned the woman to come forward looked into the cart and asked sweetly, “So which six items would you like to buy?” Reservations For What? Because they had no reservations at a busy restaurant, my elderly neighbor and his wife were told there would be a 45-minute wait for a table. “Young man, we’re both 90-years-old,” the husband said. “We may not have 45 minutes.” They were seated immediately. Who Made These Rules? The reason Politicians try so hard to be reelected is that they would “hate” to have to make a living under the laws they have just passed. She Is On Her Own All eyes were on the radiant bride as her father escorted her down the aisle. They reached the altar and the waiting groom. The bride kissed her father and placed something in his hand. The guests in the front pews responded with ripples of laughter. Even the priest smiled broadly. As her father gave her away in marriage, the bride had given him back his credit card. MSN





Ideas For Grilling and Smoking… and Rhubarb for Father’s Day By Ann Hattes Rhubarb, a native of China, was first used in medicinal treatments there and much later in European countries as well. A versatile vegetable, it is classified and most often used as a fruit here in the U.S. Rhubarb Renaissance (Minnesota Historical Society Press) by Kim Ode introduces more than 50 practical recipes, concoctions like rhubarb corn fritters, spiced couscous with rhubarb and figs, rhubarb-bacon compote, and rhubarb ketchup. In the dessert category, there is rhubarb foster, salted caramel rhubapple pie, rhubarb-peach pavlovas, rhubarbzucchini bread, and more. Salmon and

Rhubarb in parchment paper deliver sophisticated results, as do the other recipes. Savory roasted rhubarb is made similarly by drizzling with ¼ cup real maple syrup, and sprinkling with ½ teaspoon dried thyme, ¼ teaspoon dried rosemary, pinch of cayenne pepper and pinch of salt. Serve as is alongside grilled meats, or scrape into bowl, stirring briskly to make a puree. Brown sugar may replace maple syrup, sage or marjoram, the rosemary. The purees can be frozen for up to six months. The Ultimate Guide to Grilling (Skyhorse Publishing) by Rick Browne informs how to grill just about anything, from

steaks to lobster, tofu to apples. Divided into chapters such as fish and shellfish, lamb, beef, sauces and marinades, and vegetarian BBQ, this book makes it easy to plan for a huge party, complete with sides and desserts. With easy-to-follow instructions and detailed photos, grillers have no problem making maple-smoked lamb shanks with whiskey onion marmalade, southern sugared ribs, Teriyaki buffalo rib eyes, zesty smoked oysters, crab cakes with basil mayonnaise, or grilled nectarines. Rick also includes tips on building barbecue pits and anecdotes about his travels as an award-winning griller. Weber’s Smoke by Jamie Purviance is a


guide to smoke cooking for everyone and any grill. The 87 recipes inspire, ranging from the classic best-on-the-block baby back ribs to the ambitious, like smoked duck and cherry sausages. And many of the recipes let you achieve that smoke flavor in a matter of minutes, not hours. There are basic and advanced smoke cooking methods for traditional smokers as well as standard backyard grills. Learn about smoking woods’ flavor characteristics and food pairing suggestions that complement each distinct type of wood. The delicate flavor of alder, for example, pairs well with fish, while the mild, slightly sweet, but dense fruity flavor of apple pairs with beef, poultry, game birds, and ham. Slightly sweet mild cherry also pairs with poultry, game birds, and pork. The moderate pungent, bacon-like flavor of hickory goes with pork, poultry, beef, wild game, and cheeses, while strong mesquite, in a class by itself, pairs best with beef and lamb.

Try the recipes for various rubs, marinades, brines, and sauces. And for the best possible results, follow Weber’s Top Ten Smoking Tips: Start early. Go low and slow (most of the time). Regulate the heat with a water pan. Don’t overdo it (i.e. don’t add too much wood; smoke should flow like a gentle stream). White smoke is good; black smoke is bad. Keep the air moving (open vents draw smoke from the charcoal and wood so that it swirls over the food). Don’t go golfing (be mindful and safe, checking the temperature every hour or so). Try not to peek. Let the bark get dark (Ribs and large chunks of beef and pork should be enveloped in a dark mahogany, borderline black crust called “bark,” the consequence of fat and spices sizzling with smoke on the surface of the meat developing into a caramelized crust.) Feature the star attraction (every flavor plays a supporting role to the main ingredient). MSN




The Road To Becoming The Lincoln Lawyer Articled & Photo By Gail Jokerst gailjokerst.com It is probably safe to say that few criminal defense attorneys invite their clients home for Thanksgiving dinner. Grabbing a cup of coffee while conferring – that you might expect. But asking a convicted felon to pass the candied yams to your wife and kids may be a bit much for even the most liberalminded counselor – unless that counselor happens to be David Ogden, a.k.a., The Lincoln Lawyer. If you’ve read Michael Connelly’s book of that name or seen the Matthew McConaughey film version, you’re already acquainted with Ogden. Granted, Connelly’s book is a work of fiction. But he did partially base his lawyer-protagonist, Mickey Haller, on Ogden, whom he met through a mutual friend at a Dodgers game. Ogden’s driver joined the men at the stadium and while the foursome sat behind home plate, Connelly quizzed Ogden about his law practice. Half-jokingly, Ogden said his office was in L.A. but he spent more time working out of his Lincoln than at his desk. “Four days later, Michael called and said he was thinking of doing a story about a lawyer. He wanted to use me as a model for the type of practice he envisioned – someone who ran from courthouse to courthouse with a black driver. But he was concerned it might be too close to reality for me,” recollects Ogden. “I assured him I was fine with the idea and

afterwards we had several extensive chats about my approach to the legal profession.” Connelly’s book soon became a New York Times bestseller; the film became a commercial success, and Ogden became almost famous – for a brief time taking the celebrity hoopla about as seriously as a hangnail. Although Ogden bears no resemblance to McConaughey, he has been mistaken for William Conrad, star of the 1970s TV series Cannon. As police detective Frank Cannon, Conrad, like Ogden, drove a Lincoln, sported a dark moustache, and was considered big by any standard. At 6 feet 2 inches and hovering around 290 pounds on one of his leaner days, Ogden has been called a fat boy by a fellow lawyer and a fat *!*! by a thug. But he remains as unimpressed with those monikers as he is with most individuals he meets at whatever end of the social stratum they inhabit. The back-story behind how Ogden came to be one of L.A.’s busiest criminal defense attorneys and the inspiration for a popular crime novelist is as intriguing as a Connelly plot. The son of a St. Louis mortician, Ogden grew up in the funeral business where he developed a taste for piloting vehicles commensurate with his size. At 16 he sat behind the wheel of ambulances and hearses. Limos followed soon after. In addition, it was through the mortuary business that Ogden developed a blasé attitude towards death, which should amaze no one since his father was an embalmer and one of Ogden’s first jobs entailed going on emergency ambulance calls. “Hauling bodies on a stretcher or in caskets never bothered me, never made me queasy. You get used to accidents,” he explains. “They desensitize you to death.” To help cover tuition costs during his undergraduate and graduate years at Cal State L.A., Ogden worked as a pick-up/delivery man for a funeral home. One drawback, though, of juggling school with ferrying bodies, was the limited time it left for courting his girlfriend, Patti. Consequently, she would accompany him perched in the roomy front seat of a hearse. “If Patti or my other friends wanted to see me, they had no choice but to go with me,” says Ogden. “After awhile, they got used to having a body in the back of the car.” That was certainly the case with Patti, who recalls one date that turned into a 28-hour, 1,000mile odyssey with virtually non-stop driving. It involved their dropping off one occupied casket at a cemetery for a graveside service and collecting another one to bring to a train station. Patti not only remained unfazed, she took the hearse wheel at times and can still hear the screech of tires as she pulled into Los Angeles Union Station in time to meet their designated train.

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It was while driving hearses during college that Ogden inadvertently changed his future by collecting 16 moving-violation tickets. “I paid the first four then decided to defend myself for the remaining 12. They were jury trials and I won every time; it was fun. Afterwards, several judges said they thought I had a flair for this,” recollects Ogden, who was then a speech and English major. “They encouraged me to pursue a law career.” Thinking that sounded more promising than teaching Hamlet and ever one to recognize shrewd advice when he heard it, Ogden enrolled at UCLA School of Law. With that decision made, he never doubted his ability to succeed and went on to earn his J.D. Ogden attributes his confident approach, in part, to the example of his father, who as a youngster had been counseled by an uncle. “Look around,” he said. “You are as capable as anyone so you can do anything you need to or want to do. There are no limitations unless you set them on yourself.” By the time Ogden was studying legal briefs, he was living with Patti, then his bride, over the Santa Monica funeral home that had hired him. One of his duties was to go on “first-calls” to retrieve the “found dead” wherever they happened to be – nursing homes, crime scenes, office buildings, or anyplace else someone could inhale a last breath. Additional routine tasks also included vacuuming, casketing, and playing Amazing Grace along with other old hymns on the organ. For Ogden, it was all part of a normal day or night’s work, though some first-calls remain more vivid to him than others. “Once I had to get the body of a guy who died in a pickup. The body had been there three weeks in the summer and was about to explode,” he remembers. “About the time I saw the five parking tickets on the windshield, I heard some passerby comment, ‘Oh, man, I been smelling that for a week’ before moving on.” At the opposite end of the mortality spectrum were the very-much-alive celebrities – think Ira Gershwin, Hoagy Carmichael, and Charlton Heston – that Ogden occasionally chauffeured as part of the limousine services he also performed. While he found many of these individuals affable, he formed different opinions of some others. “I’ve never been in awe of many people. You get to learn their peculiarities and see they’re like everyone else,” says Ogden, who felt Steve McQueen’s insistence on being served breakfast toast on a silver tray before he’d step into the limo was a tad self-indulgent. “I think many of the problems in the world occur because people take themselves too seriously. It’s best if you don’t let your ego get too involved with anything,” remarks Ogden, whose courtroom career began in 1970 with his prosecuting drunk driving, petty theft, and lewd conduct cases for the city of Los Angeles. Over the next seven years, he snagged as many “ride-alongs” as possible in patrol cars and fire engines. The former better to understand police procedures; the latter to assess situations when the firefighters were under assault in various communities. “It was a chance to learn what was going on on the street and to experience the differences in people from the valley to downtown,” remembers Ogden, who read court dockets and rap sheets expecting them to teach him something as well. By 1977, he felt he had journeyed as far as he could as a prosecutor. So he jumped the legal fence to open his own private law practice. Since then, Ogden has defended hundreds of individuals indicted for crimes ranging from misdemeanors to premeditated murders. Now semi-retired and living in Montana, Ogden still takes the occasional case if it can be disposed of quickly. In his spare moments, he has taught a driver-safety course and transformed Flathead cherries into juicy tortes. Though he could have ventured into civil rather than criminal law, Ogden preferred – what was to him – a more stimulating path.

“Cross-examinations and closing arguments in criminal cases force you to be alert, creative, and spontaneous. You have to be able to listen, organize, and form questions from what you hear,” he explains. “Civil lawyers are paper crazy and civil law is boring. Personal injury rewards the least injured and is hardest on the most injured. I don’t enjoy being part of it. But I do enjoy being able to help people, to right a wrong.” Having said that, Ogden won’t help just anyone. “I’ve represented prostitutes but I won’t defend a rapist, a crime of violence involving humiliation. And I won’t defend pedophiles anymore,” states Ogden. “I tell them to thank their lucky stars some other attorney will take their case.” Once a pedophile is convicted and sentenced, Ogden hopes justice has been – and will continue to be – served. Not only by the court system, but also by fellow prisoners whom he notes, “have their own peculiar ethic about these things.” Ogden estimates the majority of people he represents are guilty. However, he tells them up front he doesn’t want to know if they committed the crime. “The scariest client you can have is one that is innocent,” he admits. “There is so much pressure on you to see justice is done.” Oddly enough, Ogden’s experience as a limo chauffeur played a role in his hiring an exonerated client to be his driver. The day that Ogden cleared him of his most recent charge, Lonnie Henderson asked him if he could use a driver. Considering why Henderson had been arrested, the question actually made sense. “He would drive around in an empty limo looking for passengers at airports and big hotels. It’s illegal to do that,” explains Ogden. “You have to call a limo company and reserve one to pick you up. But the crime is not having a Public Utilities Commission Permit and being properly licensed as a commercial operator.” During this phase of his law practice, Ogden was covering 30,000 miles annually racing between courthouses with the trunk of his Lincoln loaded with files and evidence. The prospect of having someone else find parking spaces and run his errands was irresistible – even if that someone was an ex-con. Ogden needed a driver; Henderson needed a job; a deal was struck that lasted 17 years. “Because he had extensive burglary and dope records, Lonnie was unemployable. But he had experience as a driver and was willing to work for cheap. He also knew the criminal justice system as well as I did, but from a different vantage,” adds Ogden. “I figured he could help with lightweight investigations and take photos. We both enjoyed the arrangement.” In background and appearance, this duo could not have been more different. “Lonnie was a black child of the street and resembled a balding Gregory Hines – dapper, thin, and wiry. His slacks were always pressed and his shoes shined. He looked like my black cousin,” deadpans Ogden, a size 50 long with obvious Anglo-Saxon heritage and equally obvious unconcern about creases in his slacks or polish on his shoes. Since many places the two men drove to were




destinations you’d avoid taking your grandmother, unless she possessed Annie Oakley’s marksmanship skills, Ogden carried a Walther 380 semiautomatic in his jacket. Not being an exhilaration junkie, though, he wisely chose when to expose that piece of information. Henderson, however, couldn’t carry a gun because he was an ex-felon. But being a hood-savvy black man, he found ways to protect his boss, as he showed at one crime scene Ogden was inspecting. As a gang threateningly surrounded Ogden, who kept his Walther pocketed to avoid escalating the problem, Henderson strode over from the Lincoln. Mindful of neither alarming nor challenging the gang, Henderson, with just a few words, defused the potential bomb. “Hey, man, back off. He’s a good guy; he’s defending one of us.” “Lonnie was intuitive, sharp. He was also an addict but I never felt endangered by his dope history. I felt more unsafe with his driving,” remarks Ogden. “He would collect money for me and I never questioned his honesty. But I wouldn’t give him the keys to my office. It was too easy for him to fall back into dope. I’m willing to risk my car and my wallet but not my clients’ information.” While not a central character in the book or film, Henderson was portrayed in both as Earl, Mickey Haller’s driver. That distinction brought him his own moments of fame autographing copies of the bestseller for his friends. “The movie caught the relationship well, though we were more open than Mickey and Earl. I never rode in the back seat like Mickey, I think that’s a little pretentious,” states Ogden. “Aside from that, it was easier to sit in front and use the console telephone. And Lonnie never wore earphones. He heard it all and kept it to himself.” Lest you think Ogden’s penchant for riding in big vehicles has been limited to Lincolns, ambulances, hearses, and Cadillac limos, please note he now owns a retired red fire engine. It might reside in a garage 364 days of the year but Ogden

does bring it out of seclusion to drive in Fourth of July parades. In the distant past, he even owned a caboose. And while that railcar can no longer claim to be part of the counselor’s life, one offbeat memory related to it lingers. “Lonnie stole a railroad-crossing sign and presented it to me as a gift after I got the caboose,” recounts Ogden. Dismayed but also touched by Henderson’s act, Ogden told him, “I appreciate the sign, Lonnie, but you can go to jail for stealing it and I can go to jail for receiving stolen property. No more gifts!” Henderson’s desire to do something special for Ogden stemmed from the unexpected friendship that developed between these two men who partook of many a turkey-day dinner together. Yet if you peek below the surface of Ogden’s persona, you realize his befriending a former client wasn’t so surprising. He has always discerned his own measure of a person and acted accordingly even if his m.o. seems indecipherable to others. Ogden considers religion as important as winning his cases. Yet he is the first to agree that irreverent aptly describes him. He is irreverent towards death, societal expectations of him, and people who deem themselves important – be they judges, politicians, or gun-wielding thieves. On the other hand, he is empathetic towards people he feels deserve a break and indifferent to their social status – be it glamorous or grungy. “I’ve watched the world unfold and worked with a bunch of reprobates and loved every minute. It’s been a fun and interesting life. And I’ve been fortunate, too, for the opportunity my parents gave me to go to college,” says Ogden in a rare moment of seriousness. “I’ve been lucky.” Should David Ogden ever decide to write his own epitaph, it might read something like “He loved a good meal, a good laugh, his family and friends, and his Lincoln Continentals – not necessarily in that order.” MSN

Alex Hasson Is Eyes In The Sky- continued from page 1 alidade fire lookouts have depended on for decades to find a directional bearing to smoke for fire crews. At the newer end of the spectrum are the solar panels and batteries Alex relies on to power his laptop, cell phone, park radio, and digital camera. According to Alex, the biggest mistake most newbie fire lookouts make is calling in “raindogs,” which in wild-land firefighting parlance is a false alarm. “You have to be patient before you get everyone

excited. After a good rainstorm, steam may rise that looks like smoke,” he explains. “You learn to not get in a hurry to call it in.” When he does spot an authentic burn, he quickly sends digital pictures of it to park headquarters. “Taking photos is one way lookouts have to make ourselves valuable to the park,” states Alex. “We can provide visual as well as written reports to show how much a fire has grown or to give a weather update.” Not surprisingly, in between his daily tasks Alex serves as an ambassador to visitors who trek to his alpine abode. Glacier’s lookout buildings have always ranked high as hiking destinations and Swiftcurrent is no exception. During prime hiking season, he welcomes some 1,600 stalwart trekkers who have tackled 36 uncompromising switchbacks to reach the lookout from Swiftcurrent Pass. They begin showing up around 10 in the morning and continue until about 6 when Alex starts thinking about fixing dinner.


“I’ve been fortunate to travel. But I’m also fortunate to live in a place where the world comes to me – Africans, Israelis, Palestinians, Bulgarians, Koreans, Japanese, Europeans,” cites Alex. “People have so many wonderful questions to ask. And I have questions for them about their countries. Everyone who gets to the lookout wants to be up there and is happy to be there, especially those who struggle with the hike and are proud to make it.” Although Alex maintains a firm policy that entering the lookout is by invitation only, he enjoys


putting on the teakettle for guests – be they from near or far – when circumstances allow. “But no matter who comes by,” he adds, “my binoculars are always out to check the viewshed. My job is to watch for fires though it is also an ambassadorship.” Of all the park’s lookout sites, Swiftcurrent was the one Alex felt especially drawn to. Perched in the middle of Glacier’s one-million-plus acres, it continues to lure him like a thirsty man to cool water.

“There are not many places you can go without seeing mankind’s intrusion. I’m a loner by nature and find solitude there. You hardly hear anything but the breath of the wind. It’s refreshing to be someplace where you can just think,” he says. “I look east in the morning and see where my great grandparents homesteaded near Fort Benton. I look west and see where I raised my family. Both are only a five-day ride apart on horseback to encompass my family’s Montana history. All that’s happened in my life is right there.” MSN

Giving The Gift Of Music – Columbia Falls Community Choir Article & Photo By Gail Jokerst / gailjokerst.com When Ron Bond started the Columbia Falls Community Choir (CFCC) some three decades ago, he had no idea how far this gift would reach. The choir launched with 37 singers and now includes over 100 voices melding in eight-part harmony. People come from as far as Fortine, an hour’s drive away, to participate with Flathead Valley residents in this beloved volunteer coalition. And so far, the trend of more singers wanting to join shows no signs of abating. Initially, Ron believed CFCC would mostly benefit audiences. He figured area residents would enjoy hearing live music as well as seeing friends, neighbors, and family perform sacred and secular works. That has not changed. But what has changed is the realization that this choir has been equally meaningful to those standing on stage. Experienced singers are grateful for the opportunity to display their talents for the public and unite with others who share their passion for song. But the biggest surprise for Ron came not from those musicians who can hit high C or low D but from the newcomers who never before had sung in a chorus or learned the difference between a sharp and flat. As one fledgling choral participant commented, “Man, I never knew I could do this.” Another singer, whose son has Down syndrome, hesitantly asked if his son could join the choir. To his amazement, Ron welcomed him. “That dad was so excited just because we let his kid sing,” recalls Ron, who taught music in Flathead schools for over 40 years. While many choral directors hold auditions and require singers to read music, Ron took a different approach from the start and has never regretted his decision. His only requirements for membership in the CFCC is the ability to carry a tune and willingness to attend as many rehearsals as possible. “Half of the choir can’t read music. But they are there because they want to sing. And they can sing and learn their music really well. Our goal is to have fun and you do that by doing things well. We won’t be perfect but we strive for excellence,” states Ron, who grew up in Walkerville and graduated from Rocky Mountain College. “If you work really hard to do the best you can do, I accept that.” When selecting concert scores, which can take a year or more, Ron chooses music by how it is arranged and how complicated it is to learn.

“I go for a little bit of everything – a mix of classical, jazz, religious, and show tunes. I want the program to challenge those who can read music but not be impossible for those who can’t,” he explains. “When the group works hard and finally gets it, it’s a great thing to know they have accomplished something.” So, what makes singing in a 100-person choir different from singing in the

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shower or at a worship service? Why do people drive 50 miles to practice sessions held weekly and semiweekly through the winter? “It’s a teamwork thing. Some of these people have never been part of a team before. There’s also an equality,” states Ron, who counts doctors, lawyers, housewives, schoolteachers, high-school students, octogenarians, and many of his former music students among the CFCC’s ranks. “There is every profession you can name represented. We have a city within ourselves.” In thinking about why he has led the CFCC for all but four years’ of its existence, Ron says, “I believe everybody owes something to their community and that we should try to do something for others. I may not be the best at what I do, but I’m capable and willing to do it.” He is quick to add, however, that he is only one cog in a very big musical wheel. Credit goes to numerous others who assist with the behind-the-scenes preparation needed to pull off annual events of this magnitude. “This choir is like a big family. I’m the director but I don’t do all the work. We have an incredible support team to handle the scheduling, finances, and refreshments. Plus, we have a super accompanist,” adds Ron, who feels that singing in a community choir is a particularly good avocation for retirees. “I can’t throw a baseball or play basketball anymore,” he admits. “But I can

sing and that says it for a lot of people, many of whom are former athletes.” Each year, CFCC gives two spring performances at Columbia Falls High School and a summer concert at St. Richard’s Catholic Church. In between, the troupe entertains residents at nursing homes and independent living centers. The general-audience spring concerts definitely have grown in popularity. When people had to be turned away at the auditorium doors on Saturday night because no more seats were available, Ron introduced a Sunday afternoon concert, which now fills up. But it is the visits to older Americans that have touched Ron’s and the singers’ hearts in an even deeper way. “They made us who we are and they don’t get a chance to hear things like this,” says Ron. “We owe tons to our senior citizens and the chorus feels the same way. We see the expressions of joy or tears on their cheeks and how they clap in appreciation. As one man at the Veterans’ Home told me, ‘I love good music and this is so well done.’ They see it as special and we do it to have it be special.” If you can carry a tune and would like to join the CFCC, phone Ron at 406-892-5174. MSN

Relive History at Custer’s Last Stand The annual Custer’s Last Stand Reenactment celebrates the anniversary of the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Presented by the Hardin Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture, the performance takes place 6 miles west of Hardin. Joe Medicine Crow, Tribal Historian tells the tale of the famous battle from the Native American perspective. The reenactment is about living history – taking historical events and performing so our visitors from near and far can see history right before their very eyes. Sacagawea and Lewis & Clark make an appearance in this tale of the first foray of white men into Montana. Mountain men and trappers meet and make peace with Indian chiefs, paving the way for the pioneers soon carving ruts across the prairie with their heavy wagons.

The pioneers’ dusty way across the plains is punctuated by the terror of Indian attacks, and visitors feel transported back in time as they watch the wagons circle and hear the warriors’ blood -curdling war cries. The tribes realize their way of life is on the verge of being destroyed. Warriors and cavalry face each other in a whirling tornado of horses, dust, and gunfire. Soon the battle is over, the shouts die out, the dust clears, and all that’s left is a lone horse on the hillside, standing among the bodies. Custer has been defeated. Custer’s Last Stand Reenactment is June 2729 at 2 pm daily. For more information, please call 406-665-1672. MSN

Affordable Housing Creates Stronger Montana Communities NeighborWorks creates opportunities for families and individuals to live in affordable homes in strong communities – a simple statement filled with meaning. What does “home” mean to you? A safe place where you can recharge from your day, find comfort in family, and live your lifestyle. Home matters to everyone. Remember when you bought your first home, and how exciting it was to be a homeowner? NeighborWorks creates that excitement in low-income homebuyers every day. In 2013, NeighborWorks helped 237 families step into homeownership and helped 55 more stay in their homes through foreclosure prevention, all across the state of Montana. For many seniors, a quality, affordable apartment is the key to a good life. In the past six years, NeighborWorks has helped non-profit developers repair and preserve 616 affordable apartments. Your donation can help NeighborWorks continue to create and preserve homes for low-income families. You can reduce your income taxes and make a huge difference in a family’s future by making a planned gift to the NeighborWorks Endowment. Outright donations are gratefully accepted, as are funds to help families save for a down payment. Find out more at nwmt.org or by calling Sheila Rice at 406-216-3504. MSN

Competition Awaits You In St. George, Utah The Huntsman World Senior Games have come a long way since that first year in 1987 when St. George, Utah, USA, welcomed a few hundred athletes competing in a handful of sports. From those humble beginnings, the Games have grown into the world’s largest annual multi-sport event for men and women ages 50 and better. They continue to take place in St. George, Utah, each October and are open to athletes of all skill levels. In 2014, the Games will welcome more than 10,000 athletes. Beginning on Monday, October 6, and running through Saturday, October 18, these participants enjoy the competition and camaraderie of what has become an annual tradition for many. Traditionally, all 50 of the United States of America are represented and athletes from a couple dozen different countries take the playing field. Since 1987, the Games have hosted 66 different countries at the event. It truly is an Olympic-style experience. This year, the Games offer 28 different sports. From archery to volleyball, individual events to team sports, there is something for everyone. Online registration is currently open at www. seniorgames.net and remains open until September 1, 2014. Register today. MSN





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