Collegian | Fall 2009

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The magazine for members of the MSU Alumni Association | Fall 2009

In this issue: From attorney to author and playwright 463 retroactive architecture degrees awarded Sustainability: A Montana State of Mind Measuring success from wheelchairs to pet toys



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sUsAn CArsTEnsEn

sTEVE DAInEs A Bozeman native, Steve graduated

graduated from MSU twice. The

A Billings native, Susan is a member of the

from MSU in ’84 with a B.S.

first time in 2000 with a BA in

class of ’85 with a BA in Political Science and

in Chemical Engineering. He’s

Computer Science and the second

a BS in Business. She’s been at RightNow

worked at RightNow for nine years.

time in 2002 with a Masters in the

for 10 years and serves on the MSU

His oldest daughter Annie will be a

same field. Jared will be teaching

College of Business Advisory Board. Susan

freshman at MSU this fall. Steve

CS 489 this fall at MSU. Jared is a

is RightNow’s Chief Operating Officer.

is RightNow’s Vice President and

development director at RightNow.

General Manager, Asia-Pacific. | 17 offices worldwide | Headquartered in Bozeman

T H E M AG A Z I N E FO R M E M B E R S O F T H E M S U A LU M N I A S S O C I AT I O N | FA L L 2 0 0 9 | VO L . 8 6 , N O . 3



Paul Wylie: From attorney to author and playwright


463 recipients awarded retroactive Master of Architecture degrees


Giving back with a song


Sustainability: A Montana State of Mind


Salient Technologies measures success from wheelchairs to pet toys


16 MSU Student Profile: Josh Mori 17 MSU Alumni Profile: Dan Mortensen

From the President


Mail Bag


20 New certificate program grooms leaders

Blue & Gold


21 Danforth Park restoration planned for spring

Class Notes


Association News


27 Woman’s Week founder honored with SUB window

Fall 2009 |

Cat/Griz 28



Dear Alumni and Friends, It has been a bittersweet time for me since announcing my retirement earlier this year. I relish the opportunity to explore the best of Montana with my wife Patricia and am anxious to return to the classroom and my other true love—teaching. Yet, the last nine years have been the best in my career thanks to the friendships Patricia and I have developed with so many of you, and the support our alumni have extended to the university. It has been a wonderful experience, and I have been deeply honored to serve as MSU’s eleventh president. Fall semester opened with great enthusiasm and record numbers of students. Catapalooza and Move-In day were exceedingly successful and brought together the community and campus to welcome our new Bobcats. The time is ripe for MSU to prepare more students to be successful in their careers and give back to their communities. Also, this fall, our third Convocation was held, building our tradition of launching the academic year with an inspirational message. Our keynote speaker was Steve Lopez, author of The Soloist: A Lost Dream, an Unlikely Friendship, and the Redemptive Power of Music. The story of how Lopez befriended a homeless man and how they each found a second chance is a story that has inspired thousands. You can watch a recording of the Convocation on our Web site at As I leave the presidency, I leave our students in the most capable of hands—our faculty and staff, who demonstrate daily their commitment to supporting our students’ success. I am also confident that our alumni will continue to strengthen MSU. Thank you, alumni friends, for your genuine dedication to MSU and your support of our students.

M S U A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N Chair Lois (Fulker) Norby, ’65, Excelsior, Minn. Chair-Elect Bill Perry, ’02, Bozeman Past Chair Todd Eliason, ’74, Bozeman Treasurer Rick Reisig, ’82, Great Falls Board of Directors William Breeden, ’65, ’68 M, Anchorage, Alaska Brian Clark, ‘82, Kalispell Florence Garcia, ’99, Bozeman Stephanie (Good) Bunkley, ’89, Bothell, Wash. John Green, ’70, Littleton, Colo. Dave Johnson, ’67, ’68 M, Bigfork Lea (Anderson) Moore, ‘93, Miles City Jeanette “Tootie” Rasmussen, ’60, Choteau Michael Sanderson, ’94, ’96 M, Billings Shaun Shea, ’98, Clancy Mark Sherman, ’97, Kalispell Mary Beth (Holzer) Walsh, ’86, Twin Bridges Brant Weingartner, ’98, Irving, Texas Student Alumni Association Laura Anderson, Lewistown Nate Carroll, Ekalaka M S U A L U M N I S TA F F President and CEO Jaynee Drange Groseth, ’73, ’91 M Associate Director Kerry Hanson, ’93, ’08 M Membership Director Jennifer Ward, ’94 Program Manager Rose (Healy) Hanson, ’82 Administrative Assistant Jennifer Anderson Communications Specialist Megan (Koehler) Walthall, ’06

Vol. 86, No. 3, Fall 2009 E D I TO R I A L B O A R D Caroline Zimmerman, ’83, Jaynee Drange Groseth, ’73, ’91 M, Suzi Taylor, ’99 M, Jodie DeLay, ’93, Julie Kipfer, Kerry Hanson, ’93, ’08 M, Tracy Ellig, ’92


E D I TO R Caroline Zimmerman, ’83

Geoff Gamble President, Montana State University

C R E AT I V E D I R EC TO R Ron Lambert D E S I G N A N D P R O D U C T I O N MSU Office of Communications & Public Affairs P H OTO G R A P H Y by Kelly Gorham, MSU Photography (unless otherwise noted) The Montana State Collegian (ISSN 1044-7717) is published four times a year by the Montana State University Alumni Association. Foundation & Alumni Center, 1501 S. 11th Ave., Bozeman, Montana 59717. Periodicals postage paid at Bozeman, Mont., and additional offices. Web address: Postmaster: Send address changes to Montana State Collegian, 1501 S. 11th Ave., Bozeman, MT 59717 • (406) 994-2401 • E-mail:

On the Cover Champ fires up the Gold Rush crowd. Photo by Kelly Gorham.

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MSU The Collegian magazine welcomes letters from alumni and friends of MSU. Send them to or MSU Alumni Association, P.O. Box 172940, Bozeman, MT 59717-2740. Scholarship Recipients Say Thanks I would like to express my gratitude for choosing me as one of the recipients of the MSU Distinction Scholarship. Thank you for awarding me with this $500 scholarship. This will help me financially throughout my freshman year at MSU as I study exercise and begin a career of helping people. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you again. Go Bobcats. Sincerely, Jamie Walden Dear Alumni Association and Jaynee Groseth, Thank you so much for the Alumni Endowed Scholarship. I plan on going into elementary education, and I greatly appreciate all your support. Thank you, Jamie Ries I want to thank you and the MSU Alumni Association for the unexpected Alumni Endowed Scholarship for my first year at MSU. I am so excited to go to MSU as both of my parents also attended and speak very highly of the programs and the quality education. The financial assistance is very much appreciated. Thanks. Callie J. Ralph I am writing to say a big thank you for the alumni scholarship. I greatly appreciate any money towards school I can get. I am

currently a film student entering into my second year. As you may know, all freshman in the film department have to make it through what is called the gate, which is the main film program that will continue for the following three years. Now only 48 out of maybe a hundred are chosen, and I was selected to be one of those fortunate 48. I am explaining this to you, so you will know that I am a very hard worker and I will not waste this generous gift. I have a family history with MSU and would very much love to continue studying at MSU. Sincerely, Justin Mckinsey Dear Alumni Association, I am a Montanan through and through and will always call this state home. When I was little, my family lived in Bozeman while my dad attended MSU. He graduated with a degree in construction engineering technology. After a year at MSU-Billings, I am now transferring to MSU to major in biomedical science.

After graduating in 2012, I plan on going to medical school. After my education is complete, I hope to get a job at a hospital in Montana. Wherever I’m living, I will continue to be active in the community. Once my college loans are paid off, I plan on going to Africa and third-world countries to help dig wells and plant crops to help villages and will also help with any health needs while I’m there. Thank you for your investment in my education at MSU.

Sincerely, Brook Murphy

MSU Alumni Association announces new board members

and practices, strategic planning and communications, and marketing.

The MSU Alumni Association appointed three new board members, effective July 1. The three new members join an 18-member board that oversees the Alumni Association’s finances, policies

Michael Sanderson, ’94 CE, ’96 CE M, Billings, Mont., principal and managing director of Sanderson Stewart, an engineering firm. Brian C. Clark, ’82 Bus, Kalispell, Mont., president of Fun Beverage, Inc., Fall 2009 |


10,000 Hours Volunteer Project Thank you so much for your official sponsorship of the 10,000 Hours Volunteer Project. With the support of the Alumni Association, we look forward to making this the first of many successful years. Best, Ted Koenig, Chair, 10,000 Hours Program (This program connects students to volunteer activities throughout the community.) Thank You Dear Jaynee, Thank you so much for coming to my mom’s “Celebration of Life” and for sharing your story. I’m so impressed that you took time out of your very busy schedule. Please accept this small donation for the department that was formerly Home Ec. I look forward to seeing you again at Homecoming 2009. My Pi Beta Phi friends are getting organized to attend. Sincerely, Cyndi Chauner Niendorf, ‘69 (Remembering her mom Jean Haynes Chauner Caldwell, ‘43) Dear Ms. Groseth, Thank you for your thoughtful message of support and condolence. It is difficult to find adequate words to express my gratitude to so many people. Until the very end, Maurice stood in the midst of life with an abundance of plans for the future. Your kindness and sympathy are greatly appreciated by my entire family. Warm regards, Lorraine Hilleman Wife of Maurice Hillerman ’41, HonDr ‘66

an independent wholesale beer, wine and soft drink distributor servicing northwest Montana. Lea Anderson Moore, ’93 ElEd with a library media endorsement, Miles City, Mont., currently a stay-at-home mother.


Montana State University wins $98.4 million in research dollars for fiscal year Big League Research MSU was sixth in the nation for growth in federal funds for academic research and development between 2000 and 2007, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education Almanac. Based on the NSF Science and Engineering survey, MSU had a tremendous 148 percent increase.

Research funding won by MSU rose $2.2 million in the past year, totaling $98.4 million for the fiscal year that ended June 30. “The competition for research dollars is fierce,” said Tom McCoy, MSU vice president for research. “Nationally, only one in five proposals for federal research dollars is funded on average. In some cases it is only one in 100. That our faculty continue to compete so well speaks well of their excellence and ambition.” Federal stimulus money had no effect on this year’s figures, but its influence will likely appear in next year’s report, McCoy added. The university’s largest college, Letters and Science, received $24.5 million in Fiscal Year 2009, making it MSU’s top grant-getting college again. The College of Engineering followed with $19.9 million, a $2.5 million increase over FY 2008. “Whatever the college, our students benefit from these research dollars by having hands-on opportunities to work on some of the most complex problems of our day with the most sophisticated equipment available,” McCoy said. In the past fiscal year, MSU’s research awards directly provided $7.76 million in undergraduate and graduate salaries, benefits, scholarships and fellowships. The top grant-getting department in FY 2009 was the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry with almost $10 million. The department moved into a new building in 2007 and saw its success in grant awards skyrocket, taking a 71 percent leap from $4.5 million in FY’06 to $7.7 million in FY’07. “Having quality research space plays a direct role in increasing a program’s competitiveness for research dollars,” McCoy said. “You can’t attract

world-class faculty for our students, without having good research space.” The university issued bonds to construct the $23 million chemistry building. Repayment is being made from the grants won by those programs housed in the building. Student success in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has followed suit. Since 2007, the department has had three undergraduates win Goldwater scholarships, the nation’s premier scholarship for undergraduates studying math, natural sciences and engineering. Thanks to those wins, MSU is ranked 11th nationally for Goldwater winners, just behind Yale and MIT and ahead of other distinguished institutions including Johns Hopkins, University of Washington, Purdue and University of Minnesota. David Singel, head of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, credited the hard work of all of the faculty for the department’s high standing, and called special attention to three major, multi-investigator programs: the Center for Bio-Inspired Nanomaterials headed by Trevor Douglas, the Astrobiology Biogeocatalysis Research Center headed by John Peters and the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence headed by Ed Dratz. Other top departments were the Department of Veterinary Molecular Biology with $7.8 million and the physics department with $6 million. The Western Transportation Institute in the College of Engineering received $8.1 million. MSU research is funded mostly by federal grants, with some money coming from state and private funds. — Evelyn Boswell

MSU School of Film and Television celebrates 50th anniversary It was in the mid-1950s and Roland Renne, then president of Montana State University, was so enamored with a new technology that he thought his university should become one of the first in the country to offer a degree in the new discipline—television. More than 2,000 students, three Oscars and several name changes later, the MSU School of Film and Photography celebrated its 50th

anniversary with a weekend of reunions and activities Sept. 11–12. “From its very inception the program was built upon hands-onlearning, real application and a spirit of exploration,” said Susan Agre-Kippenhan, dean of the MSU College of Arts and Architecture, which houses the School of Film and Photography. “We will honor these beginnings (with

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the celebration) even as we build programs for the future.” The School of Film and Photography’s 50th anniversary weekend included a roundtable of successful alumni; video retrospectives from film, television, theater and photography; photo displays; student film screenings; and tips for aspiring filmmakers and students from successful alumni.


Museum of the Rockies receives significant history collection The Museum of the Rockies at Montana State University announced in September that it had received the most significant history collection since its founding more than 50 years ago thanks to a generous gift from Eleanor Hamilton Povah of West Yellowstone. Povah is the daughter of Charles A. Hamilton, founder of the Hamilton Store chain that operated in Yellowstone National Park from 1915 through 2002. She and her deceased husband, Trevor Povah, assumed the operation of Hamilton Stores and ran the company for many years. During their long involvement with the park, the Hamilton and Povah families acquired a unique Eleanor Hamilton Povah has donated more than 1,000 items to the Museum of and valuable collection related to the history of the the Rockies. Among the hundreds of items in the Hamilton Povah Collection are Native American objects that would have been representational of inventory in Yellowstone area. the park stores. More than 1,000 items from the Hamilton Povah Collection are being McKamey said, adding that “Currently MSU’s donated. They include vehicles associated with focus has been based on scientific research in the the families’ business operations in Yellowstone, Yellowstone ecosystem, but this collection will help items from the stores themselves and Native us better understand the area’s cultural history.” American objects that would have been represenMuseum Curator of History Michael Fox said tational of inventory in the stores. Among the the museum will use the collection as the basis for vehicles are an authentic Yellowstone bus, a 1941 a long-term multidisciplinary project to interpret Lincoln Zephyr and a horse-drawn oil tanker. the history and legacy of the Hamilton and Povah Povah said it was important to keep the colfamilies and their contributions to the cultural lection together in a location associated with development of Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone National Park, rather than have the A full-scale exhibit of the collection is planned items sold individually at auction. at the Museum of the Rockies within the next “It’s a matter of keeping something together five years, and traveling rental and/or online that we spent a lifetime of putting together,” exhibits are possible. Isolated objects from the Povah said. collection will be displayed as soon as they are Sheldon McKamey, museum dean and direccatalogued and conserved. Artifacts from the coltor, said, “The collection itself is extensive but lection would be available to researchers and hisMrs. Povah’s generosity didn’t stop there. She is torians including students at MSU, and objects also providing a substantial financial gift to supcould be loaned to other qualified institutions. port the curation and interpretation of the collecFinancial support from Povah will be used as tion, which makes it possible for us to accept it. a match in securing federal support for the colThe collection complements MSU’s intention lection, and fundraising from private donors and to be known as the University of the Yellowstone, foundations will be ongoing. —Evelyn Boswell

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Vets Get Big Welcome G.I. Jobs magazine has named Montana State University as one of its “Military Friendly Schools” for 2010 in recognition of the work MSU does to support student veterans. MSU will be included on the magazine’s list of Military Friendly Schools. The list named the top 15 percent of more than 7,000 colleges, universities and trade schools with programs that support veterans.


Author of ‘The Soloist’ inspires students at MSU freshman convocation Bobcat Forever Evin Groves, ‘09 LibStud, former Bobcat running back, wrote and recorded “Bobcat Forever,” in which he vocalizes how proud he was playing for the ’Cats. To hear his ’Cat tune, go to www. As Evin says, “Being a Bobcat is in his soul.”

Steve Lopez, the award-winning Los Angeles Times columnist and author of The Soloist: A Lost Dream, An Unlikely Friendship, and The Redemptive Power of Music, spoke at the Montana State University 2009 Freshman Convocation on Sept. 9. Lopez discussed the four-year odyssey and friendship with Nathaniel Anthony Ayers, a journey that led to his writing of The Soloist, which in turn inspired a recent motion picture by the same name starring Jamie Foxx as Ayers and Robert Downey, Jr., as Lopez. Incoming MSU freshmen read the book over the summer. The book and related issues of music, homeless-

Los Angeles Times columnist and author Steve Lopez

ness and mental illness will be discussed in MSU classes during the fall semester. Lopez met Ayers, a homeless musician with schizophrenia who slept on a Los Angeles’ skid row street, while he was looking for a topic for an upcoming column. The encounter led to a friendship and a number of columns that resulted in a bestselling book about friendship, second chances, the power of human connections, and the healing power of music and art. The friendship of the two men continues today. As a salute to the role music plays in the book and Ayers’ life, the convocation also included a performance by MSU cello professor Rebecca Hartka and some of her MSU students. Trained in classical bass at the prestigious Juilliard School before his career was cut short by mental illness, Ayers also taught himself to play violin, cello and trumpet. The MSU Convocation is an annual event that celebrates the entrance of freshmen into MSU. It provides incoming students with the opportunity to meet peers and connect with faculty and staff. The MSU Leadership Institute of ASMSU, the MSU Alumni Association and the Bozeman Public Library Foundation were also sponsors of the event. — Carol Schmidt

MSU College of Arts and Architecture names three new directors Perhaps because they come from far-flung places, the three new directors for the MSU College of Arts and Architecture bring a world of experience to the college. They are (from left): Robert F. Arnold, a filmmaker who comes from Boston University, director of the MSU School of Film and Photography; Fatih A. Rifki, former dean of the School of Architecture and Design at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, director of the MSU School of Architecture; and Vaughan Judge, a fine art photographer from The Glasgow (Scotland) School of Art, director of the MSU School of Art.

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MSU scientists to design optics for new solar mission Montana State University scientists are involved in a new space mission to figure out how energy is transferred through the sun’s atmosphere. As a partner on the IRIS team headed by Lockheed Martin, MSU will receive about $3 million to design an optical system for a telescope that could be launched on a NASA rocket in 2012, said solar physicist Charles Kankelborg. If Lockheed Martin agrees, MSU could receive another $2 million for an associated project involving MSU students. “It is really exciting,” Kankelborg said. IRIS, short for Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, was one of two missions that recently won NASA’s Small Explorer Competition. The IRIS team will design its telescope to face the sun at all times, orbit the Earth at least three years and gather images from the sun’s chromosphere and transition region, Kankelborg said. The sun’s transition region is invisible from the ground. During a total eclipse of the sun, the chromosphere is seen as a thin red layer of atmosphere just above the bright yellow photosphere. Dave Klumpar, director of MSU’s Space Science and Engineering Laboratory, said the MSU student project, if allowed to continue, would ride on the same spacecraft as MSU’s optical system. Instead of facing the sun, however, it would face away from the sun and gather information from the dust particles that scatter sunlight in space. Called

Raising Adventure Kids Bozeman was named one of National Geographic Adventure magazine’s top three cities for an adventurer to start a family in the October 2009 issue. Bozeman’s hiking and biking trails, proximity to ski resorts and Yellowstone National Park, coupled with highly ranked public schools and culture that “comes courtesy of Montana State University” supported the selection.

MSU solar physicist Charles Kankelborg

the Gegenschein Imager, the instrument would be built largely by MSU undergraduates with oversight by Klumpar and Larry Springer, senior engineer and project manager for SSEL, formerly of Lockheed Martin.

“A perfect opportunity for students to apply their skills, the knowledge that they get in the classroom and bring it into a real life design fabrication and operation effort that involves students from a wide variety of disciplines.”

a “perfect opportunity for students to apply their skills, the knowledge that they get in the classroom and bring it into a real life design fabrication and operation effort that involves students from a wide variety of disciplines.” IRIS is the latest in a string of solar missions involving MSU scientists. TRACE, or Transition Region and Coronal Explorer, was the one that drew Kankelborg to MSU in 1996. The same scientist who headed that mission—Alan Title from Lockheed Martin—is heading the IRIS mission.

“By looking at that reflected light coming off these little dust particles, we can learn a lot about how that dust gets generated, how it behaves, how it moves around, what the sources are and how it finally dissipates and if there are variations in dust distribution in time or space,” Klumpar said. He added that the Gegenschein project would be

The IRIS observatory will carry an optical system developed at MSU.

—Evelyn Boswell

—Dave Klumpar

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New SUB memorial wall pays tribute to Al Bertelsen Montana State University’s Strand Union Building has a new memorial wall in honor of the SUB’s longtime director Al Bertelsen, ’63 GenStu, who died in March following complications from back surgery. He was 69. Bertelsen was a well-known figure at MSU, devoting himself to the campus and community that he loved, said Frank “Butch” Damberger, ‘80 PE, the director of the SUB. The wall has been named “Bobcat Spirit Lives,” and it honors Bertelsen as well as the SUB and campus, according to Damberger, who spearheaded the effort to create the wall. The wall features a bronze Bobcat statue and photographs of various campus scenes, including one image of Bertelsen and his daughter Julie. The memorial encompasses a section of wall that is approximately 8 feet by 8 feet and is visible to people entering the

SUB by the new south entrance. A plaque near the wall also pays tribute to Bertelsen. Bertelsen was a ranch kid who was raised near Ovando, Mont., and moved to Deer Lodge, Mont., where he attended high school. While attending MSU, he worked his way up from student pot-scrubber in the SUB cafeteria and building custodian to clerk in the game room. After a stint in the military, where he was involved in Army intelligence, Bertelsen taught social studies in California. Lured home by the Bridger Mountains, he returned to Montana, and MSU, as the SUB activities and building supervisor under Mildred Leigh. In 1974 he became the SUB’s third director. During his more than four decades of service with the SUB, the building was expanded and renovated three times, most recently in 2008. Bertelsen retired from his post in September 2008 after 34 years as its director. “(Al) helped so many people,” Damberger said. “Al devoted 43 years of his life to the Strand Union, and I truly believe every decision he made over those years was in the best interest of the students of MSU. “I think Al would have enjoyed this new part of the SUB,” Damberger said. “I think many people will enjoy it.” — Anne Pettinger

Bertelsen memorial wall designed by Alison Gauthier, ’06 Art, MSU Creative Services

Moshavi named MSU College of Business dean Dan Moshavi has been named dean of Montana State University’s College of Business for a three-year term. Moshavi served as interim dean during the 2008-2009 academic year and has been a member of the management faculty since 2000. “A major focus of mine will be on finding new and innovative ways to create hands-on opportunities and a personalized learning environment for our students, with a big emphasis on professional skill development,” Moshavi said of his appointment.

Moshavi has taught a variety of management courses and has won more than a dozen teaching awards during his career, including the MSU President’s Excellence in Teaching Award, the MSU Cox Award for Creative Scholarship and Teaching and several MSU Alumni Association / Chamber of Commerce Awards for Excellence. In 2003 and 2007, College of Business students voted Moshavi the Gary Bracken Student Choice Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching. “Dan brings a great understanding of what our students need to be successful,” said Joseph Fedock, MSU provost. “I know he will lead the college in making it a place where our students are well prepared for success after they leave our campus.”

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Moshavi has consulted for a variety of large and small organizations, including Nike and Blue Cross/Blue Shield, helping them manage their critical interactions and relationships with both employees and customers. He has been a research fellow with the Nemours Center for Medical Leadership and focuses his research on how organizations, especially professional service providers such as physicians, accountants, professors and others, successfully manage key stakeholder relationships. He received his doctorate in management and organizational studies from the University of Oregon. His master’s and bachelor’s degrees are from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. — Tracy Ellig

Paul Wylie: Attorney turned author and playwright BY M A RJOR IE SMIT H



hen Paul Wylie, ‘59 ChE, graduated from Montana State College 50 years ago, he never imagined himself as an author. Yet, there he was last St. Patrick’s Day in a Barnes and Noble bookstore in New York City, autographing copies of his 2007 volume The Irish General: Thomas Francis Meagher. Successful author is Wylie’s third career. “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done the hard way,” he says, acknowledging that he’s had some lucky breaks as well, including getting signed by the preeminent publisher of Western history books based on a very rough draft. After a few years as a chemical engineer, Wylie earned a law degree at American University and embarked upon a career as a patent attorney. Then, with young children, the Montana native and his wife, Arlene, decided to raise them in Bozeman, and he began work as an expert witness on the economic worth of patents in infringement cases. “I tried to limit my practice by insisting on consultations and depositions in Bozeman, only willing to travel to trials,” he explains. “But it turns out everyone likes to come to Bozeman, so I was busier than ever.” Later, when Wylie tried to retire, he discovered, “I don’t do well with free time.” So, he launched his current career. “At first I was just doing research,” he says, but eventually friends like MSU history professor emeritus Pierce Mullen urged him to publish his findings. His choice of subject was natural. On vacation in Ireland, Wylie was struck by fre-

quent mention of Thomas Francis Meagher. then this year at Fort Benton’s 33rd Annual Having grown up in Montana’s Meagher Summer Celebration. County, Wylie was intrigued. Meagher Wylie had already made several appearserved as territorial secretary and acting gov- ances at the Meagher County event. “I’d ernor of Montana from 1865 to 1867, when read from the manuscript in progress and he died mysteriously after falling off a riverfrom the book, and I’d signed copies,” he boat in Fort Benton, Mont. Although he is says. “Putting it into play form was a memorialized with an impressive equestrian new way to participate.” As an attorney, it statue outside the Montana state capitol, was easy for Wylie to create dialogue and Wylie recalls that Meagher was mostly retestimony for the courtroom drama. He membered as a dissolute drunk recruited friends and colleagues to in Montana tradition. play the parts of judge, witnesses “He did have a problem with and potential villains and seated alcohol, but he was also a major a jury from the audience. At the character of the mid-19th cenperformance’s end, they present tury,” Wylie says. Like Wylie, their verdict and the audience also Meagher had several careers. votes on “who dun it.” He was a firebrand for Irish “My wife is the narrator,” Wylie independence, condemned by says. “She introduces each characthe British to be hung, drawn ter as the inquest progresses.” and quartered, a sentence later Wylie’s Bozeman office is commuted to exile in Tasmania. decorated with copies of paintings He escaped from Australia and made his of Thomas Francis Meagher, and he proudly way to New York, where he found fame as displays a framed certificate commemoratan orator and editor of the Irish News. He ing his induction as an honorary member joined the Union Army in the Civil War, of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. “You rose to the rank of brigadier general and led have to be Irish and Catholic to be a regular a contingent known as the Irish Brigade. His member, and I’m neither,” he explains. appointment to the territorial government He has embarked upon his next book. of Montana followed. “The Baker Massacre,” he says. “In 1870, Wylie recently embarked upon a new Major Eugene Baker, Commander of Ft. Elendeavor, writing and producing his lis, just outside Bozeman, was sent to punish “Coroner’s Inquest into the Death on July 1, the Blackfeet Indians for the murder of Mal1867 of Thomas Francis Meagher,” first in colm Clarke. He attacked the wrong village, White Sulphur Springs, Mont., at the 2007 and 173 Indians died—mostly women and Meagher County Festival of the Book, and children. It’s a story worth telling.” Fall 2009 |



Vince Werner, Architecture Class of 1948

463 recipients awarded retroactive BY E V E LY N B O S W E L L

Vince Werner, ‘48 Arch, if he wanted, could drive all over Montana and visit buildings that the PageWerner architectural firm designed over four decades. They would include the C.M. Russell Museum in Great Falls, a building on the University of Great Falls campus, schools and medical offices across north-central Montana and the Creative Arts Complex at Montana State University.

It’s an impressive legacy, but it wasn’t enough for the Great Falls architect who formed Page-Werner with George C. Page in 1953 and retired in 1988. When Werner, 87, learned that the MSU School of Architecture planned to award retroactive master’s degrees to qualifying alumni, he knew he wanted one. “I needed to continue to grow the rest of my life, right up to the last moment,” Werner said during a summer visit to MSU. The Montana Board of Regents decided last year that MSU could retroactively offer a master’s degree to all alumni who had received a Bachelor of Architecture degree before 1998. To receive the degree, the graduates had to complete an online course that focused on sustainability issues. Encouraged to pursue the degree by John Brittingham and Steve Juroszek, architect professors and interim directors of the School of Architecture before the arrival of new director Fatih Rifki, Werner headed for his home office.

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The online course he took was the same kind that any practicing professional would take, Brittingham said, but Werner said the content was relatively new to him. As he and Page approached their mid-60s toward the end of the 1980s, they didn’t cherish the thought of converting to computers from their familiar design/drafting table. Steve L’Heureux bought their interests in 1991, forming L’Heureux Page Werner PC. He “fiddled around” with the course content for quite awhile, then decided he’d better finish, Werner said. When he took the final exam in December 2008, he passed and became the oldest person to receive MSU’s retroactive master’s degree in architecture. He was one of 463 recipients. “I guess it was probably considered an easy exam, but not for this old bird, retired for 22 years,” Werner said. To celebrate their accomplishment, Werner and more than 100 other recipients, their families and friends gathered June 27 in MSU’s Strand Union Building for a banquet and formal ceremony. Aaron Betsky,

MSU architecture professors John Brittingham (left) and Steve Juroszek

Master of Architecture degrees an architect, critic, curator, educator and writer, gave the keynote address. For Werner, the event came within days of celebrating his 65th wedding anniversary and climbing once more into the nose cone of a B-17 bomber. Werner was a B-17 navigator during World War II and flew in his old navigator position during a special exhibit week at the Museum of Mountain Flying in Missoula. Daughter Lisa was in the bombardier seat for the event. “I have had about eight decades of good memories,” Werner said. Werner came to MSU the day before the ceremony and stopped by Cheever Hall where the School of Architecture is housed. Clearly welcomed around campus, Werner visited friends and pointed out various aspects of the building he helped design. Juroszek said the ceremony itself was probably the largest gathering of MSU architectural alumni in 25-30 years. Bill Hoy, ‘81 Arch, ’08 M, came from Maryland for the festivities. He worked nearly 20 years for Marriott International

(He was senior vice president for Marriott Architecture and Construction). He now works for a private developer in Washington, D.C., and heads up the construction and development department for a company named BF Saul. Despite all that, he still wanted a retroactive master’s degree from MSU. It was a matter of pride, Hoy said. As soon as he heard it would be offered, he decided, “Absolutely. This is fantastic.” Catherine M. Herbst, ‘85 Arch, already chairs the Department of Undergraduate Architecture at Woodbury University in San Diego, but said the retroactive master’s degree will still benefit her. “I get rank advancement because of it,” she said. Brittingham and Juroszek said former School of Architecture Director Clark Llewellyn introduced the idea of a retroactive master’s degree, and the enthusiasm grew from there. It was only right, they added, that architecture students who graduated before and after 1998 receive the same Fall 2009 |


degree for doing the same work. In 1998, the National Architectural Accrediting Board gave MSU the go-ahead to replace its fiveyear Bachelor of Architecture degree with a five-year Master of Architecture degree. In a handful of cases, architectural firms who bid on government jobs lost out because they didn’t have as many architects with master’s degrees on staff as their competitors did, Brittingham said. It didn’t matter that the MSU graduates had equivalent educations. Juroszek said, “Whenever you said you had a five-year bachelor’s degree, it sounded like it took you an extra year to finish a demanding degree. The master’s degree really recognized their level of academic accomplishment.”

Giving back with a song BY ANNE PET TINGER


A Montana State University alumnus and country musician who credits the university with helping him get his start in the music industry has written a song about Montana to promote conservation efforts.


hane Clouse, ‘96 Bus, wrote “Montana Matters” for a campaign of the same name. He also performed as the headlining act for a concert that was held this fall to raise money for the campaign. According to campaign materials, the Montana Matters campaign “aims to preserve Montana’s rich and storied past and its vibrant history as the embodiment of the Wild West, while at the same time ensuring the state’s abundant wildlife and magnificent forests, fields, lakes and streams are preserved for generations to come.” Montana Matters is a collaboration between the International Wildlife Film Festival and Media Center based in Missoula and the Montana Wildlife Federation. Clouse said he was eager to give back to the state that he loves so much. “Agriculture, wildlife and conservation are three things I’m really passionate about,” Clouse said. “I’m willing to donate significant time and effort for this project.” The youngest of eight children, Clouse started singing on the hearth of his family’s farmhouse in Missoula, Mont., and won his first singing contest at the age of 5. Since then,

In 2006, while singing the national anthem for a College National Finals Rodeo that was held at MSU, Clouse landed a job as a sports marketing event coordinator for a company that was then called United States Tobacco Company, and he started traveling around the country for work. While he said the job was a great learning experience, it also helped him realize that he really wanted to get back to Montana. So, in 2000, Clouse quit the job and began splitting his time between Montana and Nashville, Tenn. Three years later, he decided to return to Montana full time. He now lives in Lolo, Mont., with his wife, Kelly (Powers), ‘88 HomEc, who was the school’s homecoming queen in 1987. He and his family own a nursery business and garden center in Missoula. He also spends a great he has performed on stages across Montana, deal of time on the road, playing music. throughout the U.S., and around the world. Clouse’s degree in business has proven to Clouse and his band, Stomping Ground, were be extraordinarily useful as he navigates the named Montana’s best country act in 2005. business world, he said, and he attributes his Though Clouse was born in Missoula and musical success to opportunities that sprouted both of his parents attended the University from his connections at MSU. of Montana, his allegiance to MSU has been “Being at MSU is what made me go down long-standing. this path,” Clouse said. “Had I not been “I’ve grown up being a huge MSU fan my involved with the rodeo finals, I never would entire life,” Clouse said. have gotten these musical opportunities.” In fact, he said there was never any question “Montana Matters” honors the state that he in his mind where he would go to college. dearly loves with music that crosses all politiSix of the Clouse kids attended MSU, and cal boundaries, Clouse said. Shane’s older brother was a freshman player “The song has the potential to bring folks on MSU’s 1976 national champion football together for a common cause,” Clouse said. “That’s what I’ve always wanted to do with team. Watching games was a normal part of my music.” Clouse’s childhood—a habit that continued “We all love Montana so much,” he added. when he enrolled in the university. Clouse said “To have the combination of free spirit, he never missed a home football game when wildlife, wild places and huge tracts of open he attended MSU in the ‘90s. agricultural land is really unique.” As an MSU student, Clouse also played To watch a video of Clouse performing music in a rock band, “Father Midnight.” “Montana Matters,” visit www.montanamat“It was a period of time when grunge For more on Clouse, visit was really popular on the national scene,” Clouse said, laughing. “So a couple of farm kids grew their hair long and played in a rock band.” Collegian | 12

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MSU aims for sustainability with initiatives, academics, awareness, facilities and programs BY M E LY N DA H A R R I S ON


Recycling bins are popping up around campus, students are turning off the lights when they leave their dorm rooms and new buildings are more energy efficient than their predecessors. Thanks to the interest of Montana State University students and the hard work of many in the MSU community, the campus is becoming more sustainable. Many of the changes got their initial push in December 2007 when MSU President Geoff Gamble signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment giving direction to sustainability efforts on campus. The Climate Commitment tasks the university with reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing sustainable practices. Sustainability and energy conservation concepts are integrated into many aspects of the university’s mission: academically through the colleges’ curricula; through outreach and Extension programs throughout the state; through cutting-edge research programs; through student initiatives; and through facility projects.


As part of the Climate Commitment, GamAn undergraduate Bachelor of Science in ble appointed 17 members of the university sustainable food and bioenergy systems and Bozeman communities to the Campus (SFBS) started last spring. The new major Sustainability Advisory Council (CSAC) is a partnership between the College of and charged them with developing a campus Agriculture and the College of Education, sustainability and energy conservation plan. Health and Human Development. The inCSAC works with students, faculty and terdisciplinary degree promotes sustainable staff exploring ways to fund and promote production, distribution and consumption sustainability efforts. of food and bioenergy (renewable energy Students have prompted several initiaderived from biological sources). tives to make University Food Service (UFS) This fall, 120 undergraduates are taking an energy and sustainability course taught dining halls and cafeterias more sustainable. by Paul Gannon, CSAC member and asIn fall 2010, UFS will go “trayless” to save water, reduce food waste and chemical waste, sistant professor in chemical and biological engineering. Students are surveying modern and to reduce overeating. UFS is currently energy technology and learning how their encouraging people to give up bottled water lifestyles impact the global environment. with its “Take Back the Tap” program. It is MSU is leading the way in research realso exploring the feasibility of composting lated to alternative energy and food systems. food waste. Faculty and students create “smart” wind UFS currently spends 12 percent of its food budget on products that are grown turbine blades with embedded sensors, and/or processed in Montana, which means install wind turbines at schools around the state, study how to sequester carbon $460,000 per year goes towards Montana dioxide and work to make fuel cells an affarmers, ranchers, processors and distribufordable and practical source of energy for tors. UFS has also been working with the MSU student farm, Towne’s Harvest Garden, the 21st century. to use the farm’s food in some meals. UFS donates used cooking oil to a biofuels colAbove right: This fall professor Paul Gannon is lective, offers discounts to customers who teaching 120 undergraduates enrolled in an energy bring their own mug at retail operations and and sustainability course. purchases energy saving equipment whenFar right: Sophomore and CSAC member Blake ever possible. Bjornson spearheaded a program that put recycling “Being as sustainable as possible is a major bins in many of the residence halls. goal set forth by the director of University Right: Rendering of MSU’s Gaines Hall, currently Food Services, and a goal we are excited to under construction. The renovated building will be working on,” said Deb Crawford, market- comply with LEED standards for high performance ing manager for University Food Service. green buildings. Collegian | 14




A new Web page on the MSU Web site provides a comprehensive look at sustainability efforts of faculty, staff, students and the greater Gallatin County community. www. The CSAC communications subcommittee is instituting a series of monthly challenges to encourage a culture change toward sustainable thinking. One challenge will be “Turn it off, turn it down, unplug it,” encouraging energy savings. Future challenges include conscious consumerism, or considering whether a purchase is necessary.

Since 1995 MSU has invested more than $3 million on energy conservation projects with $7 million appropriated over the next two years. Facilities Services staff have done everything from installing water fountains instead of electrically-cooled water coolers; putting motion sensors on lights; upgrading insulation and installing energy-efficient windows in older buildings; and conserving $100,000 annually in natural gas by shutting down the university’s central heating plant at night during the summer. The remodel of Gaines Hall will comply with LEED standards. LEED is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. David Klem, CSAC member and a consultant with Integrated Energy Solutions, was hired to help save energy across campus. Integrated Energy Systems is paid a percentage of verifiable energy savings that the university realizes over the life of the five-year contract with his company. In his first four months on campus, MSU has saved a little over $100,000, according to Klem. Klem is trying to influence behavior— encourage people to turn off lights and computers when they aren’t using them— and change certain operations, such as not heating or cooling unoccupied buildings.

Blake Bjornson, a sophomore from Whitefish, Mont., CSAC member, assistant pro tempore of ASMSU and president of Network of Environmentally Conscious Organizations (NECO), was surprised to arrive at MSU and find there weren’t recycling bins in the residence halls. “It’s a basic, low-hanging fruit kind of thing,” said Bjornson. “I got together with my pod-mates in Roskie and came up with a proposal for recycling in our dorm.” The Resident Hall Association accepted the proposal and recycling bins are now found in many of the residence halls at MSU. “We’ve more than doubled the recycling at MSU,” said Bjornson. NECO is encouraging other students to bring their sustainability ideas to them. Their special research projects provide support, framework and networking. Last fall, MSU students passed a sustainability fee on themselves. Each semester each student pays $3.50 for recycling and other projects such as the Sustainability Center, which helps organize campus recycling, sustainability luncheons and will be working on initiatives such as creating a sustainability curriculum. “There is so much to accomplish at MSU,” said Bjornson. “It’s really exciting.”

T H E A M E R I C A N C O L L E G E A N D U N I V E R S I T Y P R E S I D E N T S C L I M AT E C O M M I T M E N T, S I G N E D B Y P R E S I D E N T G E O F F G A M B L E I N 2 0 0 7 , TA S K S T H E U N I V E R S I T Y W I T H R E D U C I N G G R E E N H O U S E G A S E M I S S I O N S A N D I M P L E M E N T I N G S U S TA I N A B L E P R A C T I C E S .

Fall 2009 |





A different kind of Native: Hawaiian finds purpose and passion at MSU



t might be said that Josh Mori, ‘09 Phil, has a smile that could melt a snowman, which he needs frequently in Montana given his penchant for wearing Hawaiian rubber flip-flops and board shorts. Mori, a native of the Hawaiian island of Molokai who plans a career as a professor and Native Hawaiian activist, came to Montana State University three years ago in search of adventure. And while Mori didn’t necessarily find the diversion he was seeking in this icy land thousands of miles from the islands, he did find a greater sense of himself and what he wants to do with his life. “I’ve made some great connections here. I’ve met a lot of really smart people, and they have allowed me to focus on my culture.” Mori graduated in May with honors with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and minor in Native American Studies. This fall he began work on a master’s degree in Native American Studies and is a teaching assistant. “I’ve definitely grown up here. Sometimes, it’s just easier to see where you are going when you have some perspective when you are far away.” Mori is one of a handful of Hawaiian students at MSU, including a few Hawaiians

and Pacific Islanders. As he explains it, he was at loose ends and set to enroll at the University of Hawaii-Hilo when a former girlfriend encouraged him to leave Lihue on the garden island of Kauai for a northern latitude. His tenure as an MSU student far outlasted the romantic relationship. Mori said it sometimes still surprises him that he stayed, because previous to coming to Bozeman he had the reputation of someone who jumped from place to place. While Mori was born on the island of Oahu, he grew up in Colorado, Oregon, New York and California. He played football at Eastern Oregon and California’s Merced Community College. It was there that Mori first became interested in philosophy. After he graduated with an associate’s degree, he returned to Hawaii and was set to enroll at the University of Hawaii-Hilo before he followed his friend to Montana. Mori said his first months at MSU were tough and isolating. Fellow philosophy student Nicholas Ross-Dick, a Yakima Indian from White Swan, Wash., brought Mori to the Indian Club Room in Wilson Hall. “I just felt at home there,” Mori said. “The students looked a little like me.” Soon, he beCollegian | 16

gan pitching in at various Indian Council activities and taking Native American Studies classes. In the process he became acquainted with his essential self, playing in the local Hawaiian reggae band, “Landlocked.” Mori said while MSU’s Indian students may have an entirely different history, they grapple with some of the same issues as Hawaiians. “Josh is an inspiring character to have around,” said Kristin Ruppel, MSU professor of Native American Studies. “I appreciate his sense of urgency and social justice.” Mori said he couldn’t have imagined even a year ago that he would be looking forward to returning to Montana. Now, he knows the road to his future in the land of the rainbows goes right through the Big Sky State. “My time here has been hard, but one thing that it has done is to challenge me to look at myself and the way I go about things,” he said. “I have matured a lot in my thinking here. I know I’m going to be better for it.”




Rodeo legend Dan Mortensen riding high B Y D AV I D R E V E R E


It was while representing MSU on the an Mortensen, ‘92 AgBus, received college rodeo circuit that Mortensen began official recognition as one of the his professional career. He was PRCA Rookall-time greats in the world of rodeo ie of the Year in 1990 and won the National by being inducted into the ProRodeo Hall Intercollegiate Saddle Bronc Championship of Fame in July. As a six-time Professional in 1991—all while going to school. Rodeo Cowboy Association saddle bronc “I’ve never actually used my degree, but it riding world champion and all-around definitely gave me peace of mind,” he said. world champion in 1997, his accomplish“Rodeo is such an unstable, unforgiving ments are among the greatest in the history sport. You face the fact that every day your of the sport. Mortensen said his achievecareer could be over because of injuries. It’s ments reflect a lifetime in the saddle. nice to know you can do something else.” “I was just always around horses growMortensen has suffered many injuries ing up,” said the Billings native. “From the on his way to the top, most notably while time I was 11, I geared everything in my life competing at the ProRodeo Tour’s 2004 towards rodeo, and I was lucky enough to season championship. After the eight-second have the support of family and friends.” whistle, his horse ran into a fence. The imMortensen said the university was also a pact broke a bone in his foot and damaged a large part of his success. major tendon. He recovered, but he said the “I attribute most of my bronc riding sucvolatile nature of the sport is something he cess to what I learned in college,” he said. “I have a tremendous amount of respect for the always tries to teach young rodeo athletes to prepare for. collegiate rodeo program and what it gave “If you’re ‘rodeoing,’ you have to be aware me. It was there when I needed it. It gave of the potential of injury,” he said. “You me access to a coach and a regular practice have to do everything you can to stay in facility. I think it really helps kids who want shape. You have to learn how to be aware to go into the sport of rodeo.”

Fall 2009 |


and ready for the potential hazards that lie out there.” Despite hazards and injuries throughout his career, Mortensen stayed in the saddle and achieved his dreams. He retired from professional rodeo in 2006 with well over $2 million in career earnings—the first rough stock cowboy in history to pass that benchmark. He said he stays involved in rodeo today by teaching young athletes in programs at Billings area schools as well as at Northwest College in Powell, Wyo. He was immortalized in 2002 with the unveiling of an 18-foot bronze statue at the Montana Wall of Champions at MetraPark in Billings. The statue stands as a monument to Mortensen’s legacy as a Montana cowboy who grit his teeth and rode to the top. “It’s like anything in life,” he said. “You have to keep your nose to the grindstone no matter what. You have to get your priorities and goals in line. Then you have to go out and actually try to achieve them.”

Take a few notes and diagrams scribbled on a cocktail napkin, a couple conference calls with billion-dollar companies and toss in a dash of top-secret patent negotiations, mix them together, and you might come up with something approximating a day’s work for Stephen Sanford, ‘00 ME, and David Yakos, ‘02 ME. The two men, both mechanical engineering graduates from Montana State University, own and operate Salient Technologies Inc., a product design consulting firm in Bozeman. Salient helps people make their products ready for manufacturing. “We take ideas from conception to production,” said Yakos. “We’ll work with everything from a paper napkin sketch on up. We do everything from wheelchairs to pet toys.”

Salient Technologies measures success from wheelchairs to pet toys BY MICH A EL BECK ER

From left: Stephen Sanford, Bryan Walthall, David Yakos and Jens Anderson. Collegian | 18

Neither of them wanted to get Sanford and Yakos met as undergraduates regional distributor for Solidlost in the “large corporation at MSU. Despite being two years apart in Works, a computer program that shuffle,” Sanford said, where classes, the two became good friends and makes it possible to do fast and an engineer can spend months found that they shared similar ideas about accurate three-dimensional where they saw themselves going after college. working on a tiny piece of a design work. Salient provides much bigger project and never “Dave and I knew we wanted to be in the software, support and get a look at the big picture. some kind of enterprise together since we certified training. The software “I didn’t want to spend a year of met, and that we wanted to stay in Bozeis central to Salient’s work with my life designing some little hoseman,” Sanford said. “It turns out that we clients, Sanford said. clip and never see the rest of it,” Yakos said. really work well together. We have enough For example, Salient has worked with “Here, it’s like solving little puzzles every day.” ROC Wheels, a local nonprofit that builds differences to make up for each other’s difSo, with an eye on the big picture, Sanference, if that makes sense.” highly adaptable wheelchairs for children ford and Yakos bought Salient Technologies Sanford, a native of Fairbanks, Alaska, in third world countries. The chairs make it in April 2007 from its founder, MSU grad started working at Salient right after gradupossible for children with certain disabilities Brad Wright, ‘83 Eng. Since then, they’ve ating from MSU. His father had been an to sit comfortably, or, in some cases, even hired a pair of MSU engineering grads, Jens engineer working in the Alaska oil industry, sleep through the night. Anderson, ‘09 ME, and Bryan Walthall, and, for a while, it was Sanford’s intention Sanford and Yakos helped ROC Wheels ‘08 ME. to do the same. Instead, he fell in love with design the chair in the SolidWorks software “One of the benefits of being in Bozethe Bozeman area and decided to find a way to reduce the complexity of the design and man is that we have the ability to hire these to stay. make producing it easier and less expensive. engineering students right out of college,” Yakos’ story is similar. After college, the “Every single nut and bolt was in SolidSanford said. Racine, Wis., native did some traveling and Works first,” Yakos said. “We even knew how Another benefit of Bozeman, Yakos said, worked in the engineering field for a short much it would weigh before it was made.” is the number of technology companies that time, but he too was drawn back to BozeSanford said the company now counts the man and eventually joined Sanford at Salient. have sprung up in the area. Having so many number of products it has consulted on in the thousands. The list includes items such as GPS units, plastic water bottles and pet toys. Both men say their time at MSU provided them with a strong foundation of engineering knowledge to take out into the business world. “College gives you a huge breadth of information,” Sanford said. “I think MSU has done a good job. Within very short order, we’ve had grads up to speed on the things we do here, and that’s impressive.” Part of the joy Sanford takes in the job is seeing real people enjoying products he’s helped design. On a recent trip to a local park, he saw a man tossing a toy for his dog, and Sanford recognized the product as one that Salient had helped develop. “It’s always fun to see your product out high-tech developers in one there in the real world,” he said. “Plus, it’s place not only gives MSU gradu- a really, really neat thing to see our names ates the opportunity to work in listed on a lot of patents.” Montana but also gives businessThe best part of the work for Yakos is the es a chance to connect and work variety. Every client who walks through the with each other, he said. door brings in new ideas, and getting to see “It’s heaven on earth here that process—from conception to manufacwith all the tech industries crop- turing —is priceless, he said. ping up,” Yakos said. “We even “We see companies coming up and going see a handful of products that from startups to having the tools to really Top: Products representing a wide variety of industries, from awardhave come through the hands of help themselves advance,” he said. “The best winning pet toys to an ergonomic clipboard—all designed by Salient. measure of our success is the success of the MSU students.” companies we work with.” Based in offices on the north Bottom: Computer rendering of a cryogenic valve being designed by Salient for a high-tech firm (Patent Pending). side of Bozeman, Salient is the Fall 2009 |


New certificate program grooms leaders BY M E LY N DA H A R R I S ON


ast spring, students in the Principles in Leadership class read books by Rudy Guillani, Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. According to Greg Young, vice provost of undergraduate education and head of University College, by reading books by leaders, not about leaders, students gain a first-hand perspective on what it’s like to make the difficult decisions required of leaders. “On the whole, most of the students have considerable respect for leaders in tough situations and can only imagine how they might react,” said Young. A new program at Montana State University challenges students to investigate leadership, through case studies, service-learning and exploring their own leadership. Called the Leadership Fellows Certificate Program, it aims to equip students with critical and ethical thinking skills so they can become positive agents of change in their communities. “I was looking for a professional experience to supplement my academic studies,” said Jen Poser, a liberal studies major from Denton, Mont., who is currently enrolled in the program. “I wanted to learn outside the classroom and have a hands-on leadership experience.” The Leadership Fellows Certificate Program is a collaboration between the Associated Students of MSU, the MSU Leadership Institute and University College. The program came out of a request by students for more leadership education, according to Carmen McSpadden, director of the MSU Leadership Fellows Program. “There was a real thirst for this kind of training,” said McSpadden. The service component aims to get students involved in the MSU and Bozeman communities. “Given the increased emphasis on service at the university and the direction to integrate what students learn in the classroom

with what happens in the community, we knew we needed to step up our servicelearning to create the leaders of the future,” Young said. For her service component, Poser created a proposal to make MSU a smoke-free campus. She met with the marketing director of Bozeman Deaconess Hospital to understand how the hospital went smoke-free.

Jennifer Poser

Poser is also the president of the MSU chapter of Colleges Against Cancer, and she networked with the American Cancer Society as part of her project. “I have learned that implementing a smoke-free campus is a challenging process, and there will be opposition. However, I do have faith it will happen as there are already more than 300 smoke-free campuses in the United States. “The Leadership Fellows program has been a phenomenal experience,” said Poser. “I’ve learned to express myself articulately and network, both skills that will pay off in the job market.” Collegian | 20

Students come to the program with varying levels of leadership experience. Some arrive with experience as leaders in large high schools. Others, like Poser, discovered their leadership potential at MSU. Poser will be the only woman from her high school class of 16 to graduate from college. Each year at MSU she has gotten more involved in leadership, including as an officer in her sorority, AOΩ, ASMSU Homecoming chair, senior associate for the MSU Leadership Institute and as an orientation leader. “It’s very rewarding to see her personal growth as she takes on leadership roles and responsibilities,” said McSpadden. Students in the Leadership Fellows program take two classes in the program and another 12 credits from major and nonmajor courses in addition to the servicelearning piece. In the capstone class students reflect on their leadership experience. “It’s that reflective piece that allows them to go into the workforce and articulately and knowledgeably talk about leadership,” McSpadden said. The program has been in development for three or fours years. A pilot class took place last spring with nine students. The program officially launches in spring 2010. “It’s the wave of the future to prepare tomorrow’s leaders,” Young said. Poser feels she has learned a lot from the program so far and “definitely recommends” it to others. “I am grateful for the opportunity to add value to my undergraduate degree,” she said.

Danforth Park restoration planned for spring BY E V E LY N B O S W E L L


ighty years ago, inspired to create a garden area on the Montana State College campus, the dean of women students, Una Herrick, called a meeting to consider the idea of an iris garden. Although the Great Depression was under way, the proposed garden won unanimous approval. Female students donated 50 cents each. Male students gave a dollar. Now, during another economic downturn, Montana State University students are working to restore and revitalize the garden that has fallen into disrepair. The Danforth Park, once known as the Iris Garden, is located between Herrick and Hamilton Halls on the east side of campus. It was renamed Danforth Park in 1972 because of its proximity to the Danforth Chapel. “In the past, the park has been used for wedding receptions and collegiate events,” said English instructor Jill Davis. “More recently, however, it has provided students with a quiet respite, a peaceful sanctuary, an oasis from the stresses of college life.”

The project will “Project Iris Garcost an estimated den” grew out of Da$60,000, Davis said. vis’ Writing II class, If fundraising goes which explores social well, students hope networking, change, that the “hardscape” agents of change and work will begin how each impacts Top: Planned garden perspective rendering; Above: in the spring and society. After The Iris Garden in an undated historic photo. “softscape” work will reading Malcolm begin in the fall of 2010. Hardscape prioriGladwell’s book, The Tipping Point: How ties include fixing antique lamps and stone Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, the work. Softscape work includes planting students proposed several projects the class might pursue to improve and strengthen the flowers and bushes. The garden, once completed, will be MSU community spirit. They decided to maintained by four student clubs and other concentrate on the Danforth Park restoration project, which was proposed by student groups that may decide to adopt a campus space for restoration and revitalization, Alexey Kalinin. Plans for the garden include blue and Davis said. gold irises, native plants, flowering bushes Approximately 18 groups, departments and shrubs, an amphitheater for 250 people, and clubs are involved in the project, as well and three sculptures, Davis said. The stone as faculty, staff, students and members of pathway from Wilson Hall to the park will the Bozeman community, Davis said. be extended to the Hannon lawn. For more information, see Fall 2009 |


Class Notes 1960s

Class Notes are compiled by Jennifer Anderson. Alumni Association members will receive priority listing in Class Notes. If you would like to George Cheng, ’60 EE MS, submit information, please submit to Virginia Beach, Va., sends his best her via e-mail to alumni@montana. regards to all old and new friends edu or through the Alumni Web site of MSU. http://alumni. montana. edu/classnotes. Charlotte (Brown) Shackelford, Or drop a line to the MSU Alumni ’60 ElEd, and husband, Bill, WilAssociation, P. O. Box 172940, liamsburg, Va., live most of the Bozeman, MT 59717-2740. year in Williamsburg and escape


summer and early fall to Columbus, Mont. They enjoy the Big Sky Country.

Leslie Cowan, ’47 I&ME, Seaview, Wash., reports the class of 1943 was delayed to 1947 by WWII.

JoAnn (Koford) Paullin, ’68 Bus, Kalispell, Mont., has just retired and thinks it’s great. Thank you for the wonderful degree from Montana State. It made good jobs attainable.

1950s Marvin Beatty, ’50 Ag, Madison, Wis., published a historical novel, A Few Good Acres, which traces five generations of farmers from colonial times in Appalachia to the mid 1950s in Montana. Beatty retired from the University of Wisconsin as emeritus of soil science and associate dean emeritus of Cooperative Extension. William Lassey, ’56 AgEcon, ’61 Econ M, Tucson, Ariz., taught from 1963-1972. He recently completed Fabulous Journey, a memoir with his wife, Marie, about growing up on a small North Dakota farm, teaching, authoring nine books and traveling the world during 36 years at Montana State and Washington State. He retired in 1999 to the good life in Tucson. Lu (Bokenkroger) Nauman, ’56 Nurs, ’81 M, Topeka, Kan., has downsized to a two-bedroom home in a retirement community. She continues playing her E flat alto saxophone and bells at their Countryside Methodist Church. Lu plays bridge and husband Alan stays active with his retired military officers’ organizations. They had a super time at their 50th MSU class reunion.

1970s Ron Campbell, ’70 ME, Plano, Texas, has retired from Texas Instrument and Raytheon’s Space and Airborne Systems in McKinney, Texas, after 31 years. He served as lead mechanical engineer on the Air Force Predator Drone, Navy helicopter and fighter programs. He contributed to the design of reconnaissance systems, which included night vision and color TV pictures transmitted to ground or airborne receivers via satellite link. The systems included a laser or guiding missiles to targets. He now operates CompuForms. com in Plano, Texas. He and wife, Rhonda, enjoy raising longhorn cattle, snow skiing and showing Brittany dogs. Willis Conover, ’71 ApSci MS, ’77 Educ PhD, Clarks Summit, Pa., has retired after 31 years of teaching and service at the University of Scranton, a Jesuit institution in northeastern Pennsylvania. As emeritus professor he will return to teach history and geography part time and continue his research on local history. Russell Ewan, ’71 Bus, Spokane Valley, Wash., is retired and lives in McLeod on the ranch for about seven months a year. He married Eileen Garcia Dec. 21, 2007. She is an EWU grad and retired middle

school teacher from Evergreen Jr. High in Spokane. James Harwood, ’72 CET, Houston, Texas, will be moving to Abu Dhabi. Nanci Bain, ’73 ElEd, Allentown, Pa., is still enjoying her 20th year as a life enrichment director at Valley Manor Nursing and Rehab, but still misses Montana. She also works in their marketing and admissions department, while enjoying the fun and challenge of the environment. Her only child, Maine Coon Kitty, Tana Jo, is 13 now and adjusting to her four siblings. Douglas Chapman, ’73 PreMed, ’76 Micro M, Naperville, Ill., is currently seeking new employment opportunities at companies across the U. S. Previously, Douglas served as a senior specialist, QA Customer/ Mfg. Support at Unilever Food Solutions located in Lisle, Ill. Business reorganization resulted in being laid off after 27 years of service. Donna (Ault) Jennings, ’73 Nurs, Missoula, Mont., is expanding her mental health center to include clinicians and co-occurring integrated treatment. She is enrolled in the psychiatric nurse practitioner program at Gonzaga. She plans to graduate May 2010. Suzanne Thomason, ’75 Micro, Terry, Mont., received her master’s degree in education from Minot State University last May.

1980s Rodney Brook, ’82 AgBu, Judith Gap, Mont., still ranches east of Judith Gap. Wife Carla is employed as a nurse practitioner with the Great Falls Clinic. John Floyd, ’83, Alexandria, Va., left active duty with the Navy in July 2008. He then visited Bozeman for the first time since the big Y2K New Years Eve bash at the Baxter Hotel. He enjoyed a Sig Ep reunion to mark 25 years since graduation in 1983. John has just completed his first year as a defense contractor in the Pentagon for the support of the Navy’s Air Warfare Division. He is still living the dream.

Collegian | 22

Lee Kierig, ’83 Arch, ’09 M, Hamilton, Mont., has written a book titled Where Is Infinite Love? Public Welfare, Human Responsibility and Sustainability of Earth. Eric Peterson, ’83 F&PH, Great Falls, Mont., has served as director and produced stories for the 2008 Montana Air National Guard Year in Review, which won 1st place in the 2008 U. S. Air Force Media Contest. He was also named the 2008 Air National Guard Broadcast Journalist of the Year. David Sutherland, ’83 Acctg, Kalispell, Mont., has been appointed to a three-year board of director term with the Montana Society of CPAs (MSCPA). Tamra (DeRudder) Jackson, ’84 Engl, Cody, Wyo., became one of only 10 Wyoming teachers to receive a 2009 Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Award. She’d like to share some words of wisdom for those considering the profession. First, be completely in love with your subject matter, because students positively respond to the example a teacher sets. Also, treat every student as though he or she will be your banker, doctor or building contractor one day. She believes the teaching profession is the foundation for everything else that matters. Charles Fulcher, ’85 Art, was recently juried into the Montana Painters Alliance (MPA). He was the winner of the C. M. Russell Art Auction’s 2006 Ralph “Tuffy” Berg award and is proud of his affiliation with the prestigious group. In addition to his success in oil painting, Charles is also a renowned graphic designer and musician. Col. Paul Funk II, ’85 SpCom, was recently appointed Brigadier General, US Army. He is the son of Paul “Butch” Funk, ’61 Ag, ’72 EHHD M, ’73 PhD, ’98 HonDoc, and Sheila (Brown) Funk, ’72 EHHD. Kelly (Broere) Brough, ’86 Soc, Denver, Colo., became president and CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce on Aug. 7. Bruce Fox, ’87 EHHD MS, Littleton, Colo., has been awarded a Fulbright Teacher Exchange grant to

CLASS N OT E S teach in Wil, Switzerland. He will be accompanied on the exchange by his wife Jean and daughters, Sarah, 15, and Rachel, 13. Robynne (Warren) Sindelar, ’87 Spcm, Littleton, Colo., is currently employed by Pfizer Animal Health Therapeutic Specialists. She has two sons, Dylan, 16, and Kohl, 13. Martin Dahl, ’89 EE, Minot, N. D., serves as general manager and CEO of McLean Electric Cooperative in Garrison, N. D. His position began last January. Jean (Warmbrod) Dixon, ’89 Nurs, Tucson, Ariz., received an MSN ED from the University of Phoenix this past June.

1990s David Johnson, ’90 CE, Plano, Texas, has been appointed operations vice president, branch manager for FM Global company’s Forest Products operations based in Stockholm, Sweden. David will oversee all client relations, underwriting, engineering, processing and administration for the operation. Margaret (Doyle) Treat, ’91 Engl, ’05 Art, Billings, Mont., enjoys teaching at the Career Center in Billings. Raymond Johnson, ’96 MET, Sidney, Mont., received a master’s in business administration from the University of Mary in Bismark, N. D. He moved back home to Sidney, along with his wife, Heather (Hansen) Johnson, ’96 Acctg, and their three children. Ray is the new director of operations for his in-laws businesses, the South 40 Restaurant Lounge and Casino and the Winner’s Pub Sports Bar and Casino. Heather assists with parttime accounting for both businesses when time allows while raising their children. Ray and Heather are very happy to be back in Montana. Ryan Schrenk, ’97 EHHD, Great Falls, Mont., has been promoted to director of the Extended Learning Division at MSU–Great Falls College of Technology. He has served as the director of Technology Facilitated Learning, working primarily in distance learning at the college since 2002. Under Ryan’s leadership, the college has experienced a doubling in the number of online offerings. Kate (Quintero) Stafford, ’97 Acctg, ’00 M, Bozeman, has been appointed as president of the board

of directors for 2009-2010 with the Montana Society of CPAs (MSCPA). Kyla is a shareholder in the Bozeman office of Anderson ZurMuehlen and Company. Bobbi Jo (Miller) Rettmann, ’98 BioSci, ’04 HHD M, Spokane, Wash., was selected as Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year for 2009 at the annual Washington State Dietetic Association on April 28. The award is granted annually to a registered dietitian in the state who has made a significant contribution to the dietetic profession and is 35 years of age or younger.

2000s Andy Schottelkorb, ’04 Ag, Gettysburg, Pa., was ordained as a Lutheran pastor (ELCA) on Sep. 13th in Princeton Junction, N. J. Andy graduated from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. Andy’s wife, Lucy Francisco Schottelkorb, was also ordained. They are the new pastors of Emanuel Lutheran Church of Elmer, N. J. Philip Schatzka, ’07 Psy, Great Falls, Mont., is enrolled in a graduate program at MSU–Northern at this time. He will graduate with a master’s degree in May 2010.

MARRIAGES Jamie Hass, ’04 EHHD, married Michael Hass, June 6. They make their home in Billings, Mont.

BIRT HS Kimberly (Steffel) Duis, ’93 PSci, Woodbury, Minn., had a son, Logan, born Oct. 10, 2008. Jim Magera, ’93 ChE, has completed a six-year urology residency at the Mayo Clinic this past year and is now a practicing urologist in Iowa City, Iowa. Jim and wife, Jody (Verploegen) Magera, ’93 Bus, Coralville, Iowa, had their third daughter, Macey Grace, born Feb. 1, 2008. Amy (Stewart) Stemple, ’93 ElEd, and husband, Randy, welcomed a baby girl, Lindsay Marie, born June 30. Lyndsey (Medsker) Thomas, ’97 Bus, Washington, D. C., had a baby boy, Atley West, born May 1.

James Stephens,* ’51 Arch, Kalispell, Mont., died April 22.

Heidi (Broadbent) Rubich, ’01 Art, ’03 M, and husband, Mark Rubich, ’04 ChE, welcomed their newest addition, Cooper Bannon, on June 30. Cooper joins big brother, Michael, 2 ½.

Thomas Waldo, ’51 PE, Hamilton, Mont., died April 16.

Joshua Alzheimer, ’03 EE, and wife, Sara Kay (Schwartzenberger) Alzheimer, ’02 Psy, Boise, Idaho, announce the birth of their son, Conlin Joshua, born on April 8. He joins sister Anika, 2 ½.

Robert Maquire, ’52 I&ME, Butte, Mont., died April 11.

Matthew Hoffmann, ’04 CE, and wife, Kaitlen (McCafferty) Hoffmann, ’04 ElEd, had a baby boy named John. He joins sister, Addee. Mark Paske, ’05 Acctg, and wife, Jessica (Clayton) Paske, ’03 Acctg, celebrated the birth of son, Brandon, born July 2. They currently live in Boise, Idaho.


Valerie (Glynn) Brinkman,* ’52 HmEc ’81 Educ M, Billings, Mont., died May 7.

James Thiel, ’52 Bus, Reno, Nev., died Oct. 27, 2008. Berney Kempton, ’53 Bus, Montebello, Calif., died June 1. Georgia (Bourquin) Jaskot,* ’54 HmEc, Media, Pa., died May 27. Clifford Poor,* ’56 Che ’59 ChE PhD, Las Vegas, Nev., died July 1. John Woodmansey, ’57 EE, Billings, Mont., died May 28. Jane (Shope) Hyatt,* ’60 Ex HmEc, Bigfork, Mont., died July 3. Martin Perga, ’60 ChE, Joliet, Mont., died May 30.

Robert Patton,* ’35 BioSci, Dexter, Mich., died April 28.

Edythe Crouse,* ’61 ElEd, Bozeman, died May 20.

Charles Bohlig,* ’39 CE, Crockett, Calif., died March 13.

Sandra (Skelton) Antonich, ’62 I&ME, Great Falls, Mont., died June 20.

Elizabeth (Craine) Duykers,* ’39 Bus, Sebastopol, Calif., died April 4. Don Brown, ’40 F&WL, Helena, Mont., died May 1. Allan Roush,* ’40 Chem, ’51 PhD, Bozeman, died May 19. Ruth (Grainger) Dreyer,* ’43 HmEc, Glasgow, Mont., died April 10. Robert Rieman,* ’43 Micro, Redmond, Ore., died April 17.

Lucille (Campbell) Balfour, ’63 Nurs, ’70 M, Helena, Mont., CORRECTION, we’d like to report that Lucille is still very much alive and happily living in Helena. Wanda (Parent) Browne, ’64 ElEd, Hillsboro, Ore., died July 3. Susan (Davis) Gum,* ’64 ElEd, Ferndale, Wash., died May 31.

Jean (Chestnut) Armstrong,* ’44 Art, Spokane, Wash., died Dec. 27.

Larry Morrow,* ’64 AgEd, ’65 M, Columbia Falls, Mont., died April 6.

William Swartz,* ’44 Sci&Tech, ’49 Math M, ’55 Math PhD, Bozeman, died July 27.

Jim Mayo, ’66 AgPl, Marmath, N. D., died May 7.

Robert Oertli,* ’48 I&ME, Tomahawk, Wis., died April 18. Dorothy (Krulatz) Barker, ’49 Bus, Mercer Island, Wash., died June 27. Eugene Coleman,* ’49 I&ME, Cupertino, Calif., died April 20. Terrance Cypher, ’50 GenStu ’58 Math M ’77 Educ Phd, Dillon, Mont., died April 9.

Gerald Cormier, ’69 Ag, Billings, Mont., died May 21. Cheryl Knuchel, ’71 ElEd, Deer Lodge, Mont., died May 1. Raymond Stubbs, ’71 I&ME, Bozeman, died April 14. Jack Williams, ’71 Math ’76 M, Clancy, Mont., died April 28. Janet (Lane) Eaton, ’74 EHHD, Mukilteo, Wash., died March 15.

Harold Harding,* ’50 EE, Albany, Ore., died Dec. 24.

James Ellerton, ’74 Bus, Overton, Nev., died June 1.

Joseph Meyer, ’50 AnSci, Harlowton, Mont., died April 30.

Jeff Holder, ’76 Educ M, Medford, Ore., died April 5.

George “Ed” Deschamps,* ’51 Ag, Missoula, Mont., died April 2.

Judee Wargo, ’76 Biochem, Fort Benton, Mont., died July 7.

Robert Hockett, ’51 AgPl, Havre, Mont., died May 7.

Fall 2009 | 23

continued on page 26


FROM THE PRESIDENT & CEO Dear Friends, The Alumni Association at Montana State University is much more than an organization. While your membership brings you benefits and opportunities, it also gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you are supporting an association that advances your alma mater, Montana State. Let’s talk about benefits. Take a look at the career services provided for alumni at Here you can get assistance in updating your resume and posting it for employers to see. You can review a list of potential jobs. You can post job announcements and have the opportunity to hire a Bobcat. The Association offers group inwsurance plans for auto, home and renters insurance. We also offer short term medical and life insurance. For those of you who love to travel, think about an Alumni Association trip. You will be assured of an outstanding itinerary, excellent accomodations and informed tour guides. The Online Community is a perfect way to find your classmates and college friends, as well as to network in your new residence or as you search for employment. Looking for fun? Alumni events are just that. The calendar in this issue covers several events that you may enjoy attending. Please encourage your friends and family to join the Alumni Association. The Collegian, Mountains and Minds and the alumni calendar are member benefits. If you know someone who isn’t receiving them, suggest that they join. In Blue and Gold,

Jaynee Drange Groseth, ’73, ’91 President and CEO Montana State University Alumni Association

Lois Norby: New Chair of Alumni Association Board of Directors “Twice blessed." That is how Lois (Fulker) Norby, '65 HomEc, describes her feeling about Montana State and her role as Chair of the 18-member volunteer Alumni Association Board of Directors. First, as an MSU student and now as a member of the board of directors. "I have been given the opportunity to give back to the institution that gave me so much,” she said. She met her husband, Kent Norby, '64 Ag Bus, at MSU. They have three married sons, five grandchildren, and split their

time between homes in Minnesota and Montana. Lois retired from the Minnetonka Pulic School System in Minnesota, where she served as the community resource coordinator. Working with volunteers and as a member of Junior League of Minneapolis, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, gives Lois an edge for managing and leading the Alumni Association board. “We are here to help alumni become more involved in their university and to develop partner-

Collegian | 24

ships that promote MSU. We are the lifetime connection for alumni of Montana State University,” she added.“I love returning to campus where the atmosphere is energizing and stimulating.” Lois carries with her a point of pride that is unique to her graduating class. “We were the last class to graduate from Montana State College. In 1966, MSC became MSU,” she notes. The name may have changed, the campus has grown, faces are different, but to Lois Norby, Montana State will always be a special place and one in which she is willing to invest her time and her talents.


Leave an Enduring Legacy The Alumni Association is pleased to introduce the Alumni Plaza, a project to instill pride and provide a focal point for spirit on campus. The vision for the Alumni Plaza is to capture the rich tradition of spirit at MSU and express it in a physical space built around a six-foot high bronze bobcat, where the campus community and visitors alike can gather, connect and celebrate. The Bobcat was selected as MSU’s mascot in 1916 for its cunning intelligence, athletic prowess and independent spirit. These attributes are elegantly reflected in Spirit, the plaza’s centerpiece, a bronze sculpture named for Montana State’s first bobcat.

Blue and Gold Fridays

The Association is offering for sale two versions of collector quality, limited edition small copies of Spirit to fund the project. To learn more about the Alumni Plaza and how you cn help support it through a Spirit bronze purchase, visit or call 406-994-2401.


Alumni Calendar of Events Oct. 11

Alumni Association Board of Directors Meeting


Oct. 17

Bobcat Football vs. South Dakota­—1:05 pm


Oct. 23

Bobcat Friday Night in Spokane, Wash. at Heroes & Legends

Spokane Wash.

Oct. 24

Bobcat Football & Tailgate @ EWU—1:05 pm

Cheney, Wash.

Oct. 29

MSU Libraries Dinner & Auction


Oct. 30-31

Parent/Family Weekend at MSU


Oct. 31

Bobcat Football vs. Idaho State—1:35 pm


Nov. 1

Bobcat Women’s Basketball Season begins vs. MSU Billings


Nov. 3

Bobcat Men’s Basketball Season begins vs. Saskatchewan


Nov. 6

Bobcat Friday Night in Portland, Ore.

Portland, Ore.

Nov. 7

Bobcat Football & Tailgate @ Portland State, PGE Park—1:05 pm

Portland, Ore.

Nov. 9

Montana Farm Bureau MSU Alumni Social—Missoula Hilton Garden Inn Missoula

Nov. 13-14

Ag Appreciation Weekend


Nov. 14

Bobcat Football vs. Sacramento State—12:05 pm


Nov. 21

Cat/Griz Member Breakfast—Alumni Center


Nov. 21

Cat/Griz Football on the home turf!—12:05 pm


Nov. 21

Cat/Griz Satellite Parties around the country—see pg. 28

Dec. 3

Montana Graingrowers MSU Alumni Social

Great Falls

Dec. 10

Montana Stockgrowers MSU Alumni Social


Jan. 23

Bobcat Women’s Basketball @ Univ. of Montana


Jan. 23

Bobcat Men’s Basketball vs. Univ. of Montana


Watch Montana State-ments for updated calendar of events or check the Web at

Fall 2009 |


Show your Montana State school pride by wearing MSU apparel on Fridays throughout the year. Check out the latest Bobcat gear at the MSU Bookstore’s Web site www.msubookstore. org. Look sharp, be proud. Let the world know that you are a MSU graduate.


Monumental Rome

Aegean Adventures Cruise

See remnants of past civilizations, revel in architectural splendors, stroll over the Tiber’s graceful bridges and sample the world’s best espresso; welcome to Rome, a city steeped in nearly 3,000 years of history. .

Twelve nights of luxurious and highly personalized accommodations and cruising to historic and scenic ports of call including Isatanbul, Kusadasi, Rhodes, Delos, Mykonos, Santorini, Katakolon, Corfu, Dubrovnik, Crete and Athens.

Cruising the Canary Islands, Madeira, Morocco and Gibraltar

Mediterranean Inspiration Cruise

One of the most popular programs of last year, join in this nine-day journey to the exotic and beautiful Canary Islands, Madeira, Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula.

Twelve nights on board Oceania Cruises visiting some of Italy’s most amazing ports with stops in Monte Carlo, Corfu, Montenegro and Croatia along the cruise. An amazing itinerary with diverse ports of call is sure to create your own Mediterranean Inspiration.

March 12-19, 2010 $2599/person (includes airfare from many major cities)

2010 MSU Alumni Association Adventure and Educational Travel

Mysteries of the Mekong: Saigon to Angkor Wat Aboard the Deluxe Jayavarman.

March 7-18, 2010 $2995/person

This unique itinerary features a five-night cruise along the Mekong River, the historic lifeline of Southeast Asia, where the traditions of bygone centuries still thrive.

Natural Wonders of Costa Rica March 12-21, 2010 $1839/person

Experience the incredible sights and people of Costa Rica at an affordable price with amazing amenities.

April 8-16, 2010 $2595/personn

The Romantic Rhine: Switzerland, France, Germany and Holland Sept. 18-26, 2010 $2287/person

A seven-night cruise aboard the newest Avalong ship being introduced to the fleet in 2010.

For more information All trips are listed on the Cat Treks Web site— Or, call to request a brochure: 1-800-842-9028.

IN MEMORY continued from page 23 Nancy Dahy, ’77 Ex Educ, Great Falls, Mont., died March 10. William Menghini, ’78 EE, Sandpoint, Idaho, died June 1. Linda Reynolds, ’78 Soc, Lake Stevens, Wash., died April 30. Dennis Schoepp, ’78 Anth, Columbia Falls, Mont., died June 11. Jan (Davidson) Gilligan, ’79 AgPl, Great Falls, Mont., died April 19.

Sept. 21-Oct. 4, 2010 $3699/person (includes airfare from many major cities)

Oct. 17-30, 2010 $3699/person (includes airfare from many major cities)

Israel & Jordan: A Grand Journey Nov. 19–Dec. 1, 2010


Discover the magnificent wonders of Israel and Jordan and immerse yourself in local cuisine, architecture and landscapes, people and culture. Limited passenger numbers encourage camaraderie with unique opportunities to explore a region in a more expansive manner.

Catherine (Rammer) Kopp, ’79 Nurs, Spokane, Wash., died May 29.

Susan (Daines) Owenhouse, ’88 ElEd, Bozeman, died April 13.

Brian Johnson, ’80 I&ME, Littleton, Colo., died Aug. 13.

Constance “Connie” Staudohar, ’92 Hist M, Bozeman, died May 19.

Wallace Leider, ’82 ElEd, ’97 Educ M, Lodge Grass, Mont., died April 14.

Jennifer Ferguson, ‘01 Engr, Madera, Calif., died June 8. She was 30.

Byron Berglind, ’87 EE, Townsend, Mont., died July 30.

Shannon Oliver, ’06 Art, Belgrade, Mont., died May 17.

Patricia “Patty” Kern, ’88 AgEd, Pryor, Mont., died June 8.

*Life member of the Alumni Association


Collegian | 26

Woman’s Week founder honored with SUB window B Y M A R J O R I E S M I T H A series of airy new decorative windows grace the north wall of the North Lounge in the Student Union Building, and the person responsible for it couldn’t be more pleased. “I’m thrilled with it,” says campus and community activist Dorothy Aasheim, ’44 EX Bus, a 2005 recipient of the Alumni Association’s Blue and Gold Award, who instigated creation and installation of the window as a memorial to Vivienne Kintz, ’32 HomEc, founder of Woman’s Week. When Dorothy Aasheim’s husband, the late Torlief Aasheim, ’37 Ag, ’54 M Agron, ’96 HonDoc, took over as director of the Extension Service, he asked Kintz, an Extension specialist, to develop a special program for the women of Montana. In 1966, Kintz put together the first Woman’s Week, which offered Montana women of all ages a chance to spend a week on campus, living in dormitories and choosing from as many as 35 short courses taught by faculty members. “In those days, many rural women hadn’t had a chance to go to college, and they led

rather isolated lives,” Aasheim explained. “Woman’s Week opened up the world of higher education to them.” Hundreds of Montana women attended each year, one year as many as 500 came to campus for the program. Aasheim herself attended all 42 Woman’s Weeks. Some of her favorite classes through the years were the late MSU President Mike Malone’s classes on Montana history, retired English professor Alanna Brown’s literature courses, courses in philosophy and creative writing, and “a fascinating course on chemistry in the home.” When Vivienne Kintz died, Aasheim set out to raise money from Woman’s Week alumni to establish a memorial. “She gave us so much. I didn’t want her to be forgotten,” she said. Aasheim chose the artist to create the window—David Fjeld, of Big Sky Stained Glass. “I’ve known David since he was a little boy,” she says. “His work is beautiful and sensitive, just what we wanted.” She also shepherded

the project through approximately seven university committees. Much of the window remains clear glass, preserving the view across the Centennial Mall to Hamilton Hall, the original women’s dorm on campus, but Fjeld has sprinkled colorful vignettes through the space. Books, flowers and hot air balloons are among the images that convey a sense of the freedom and expanding horizons Woman’s Week represented to its participants. Although she was sad to see the program end in 2007, Aasheim muses, “Maybe it had run its course. Nowadays so many women are in professions and attended college, there’s not such a need for it.” But thanks to Dorothy Aasheim, MSU’s efforts to extend its offerings to all Montanans will be remembered by future generations as they take seats by the windows in the SUB’s North Lounge to study or eat their lunches in a contemplative setting. PHOTOS BY STEPHEN HUNTS

Historic Bobcat goal post survives explosion and finds a new home BY M ICH A EL BECK ER

Two things happened on Nov. 19, 2005. The MSU Bobcats football team defeated its rival, the University of Montana, and the Rocking R bar in downtown Bozeman got a new decoration: an MSU goal post. Excited fans swarmed the field after the Bobcats’ 16-6 victory and, in true college football tradition, tore down the goal post. The crowd then marched its souvenir downtown to the Rocking R, where the post was hung behind the bar, covered with the autographs of the fans present that day. The post hung there for five years until March 5, 2009, when a natural gas explosion tore through downtown Bozeman, killing one person and destroying several buildings, including the Rocking R. Amid the confusion and rubble, the fate of that particular piece of Bobcat history was unknown.

It wasn’t until two months later that the Rocking R’s owner, Mike Hope, ’87 Bus, got a chance to walk through the remains of his bar. The goal post, he said, was very much on his mind. “The bar’s always been tied to the Bobcats and that tradition, so the first thing I did when I got in there was to look for the goal post,” said Hope. Hope found the goal post pretty much where he left it, albeit covered in rubble and soot. It was charred; much of the yellow paint was gone; and only a handful of the autographs were still readable. Hope had the goal post removed from the blast site and, on July 11, he brought the post—along with current football coach Rob Ash—on stage at one of Bozeman’s Music on Main events to ask the crowd for help moving the goal post to its new home. Fall 2009 |


At Hope’s behest, the crowd marched the goal post to its new, temporary home at Hope’s nightclub, Mixers. There it will stay until the Rocking R is rebuilt and reopened in early 2011. Tony Kaber, ’05 Bus, the manager of Mixers, said the customers are glad to see the goal post, both because it reminds them of the 2005 game and because it’s something positive that survived the explosion. “People like to see it there,” Kaber said. “It’s a part of the community and a part of MSU as well.” Hope was happy that his businesses could help preserve something that’s so meaningful for the community and the university. “We had the whole community down there chanting ‘Go, ’Cats, Go!’ It was really special. I think that’s good for school spirit and community, he recalled”

2009 Satellite Parties Saturday, November 21


The MSU & UM alumni associations bring you these national satellite parties.

12:05 MST Kickoff in Bozeman For updated party information visit: ALASKA: Anchorage*—The Peanut Farm 522 Old Seward Hwy • Cari (Boltz) Zawodny ’98 (907) 223-0477 • Fairbanks—Red Fox Bar & Grill • 398 Chena PumpRd.•Joni(Gardner)’82&Tom’82Simpson • (907) 460-6635 • Juneau— Location TBA. • Virgil Fredenberg ’83 • (907) 523-6025 • ARIZONA: Flagstaff*—Granny’s Closet • 1 blk S of underpass on Milton Rd • Howard Hansen (UM Coordinator) • (928) 774-3175 • Peoria*— McDuffies • 15874 N. 83rd Ave. • Dave Melrose (UM contact) • (623)-972-0144v Scottsdale— Duke’s Sports Bar • 7607 E. McDowell • Brad ’91 and Brenda (Sedivy) ’92 Neubauer • (602)524-9509 • • Tricia (Ketterling) ’91 and Jim ’89 Quitmeyer Tucson —Stadium Grill & Bar • 3682 W Orange Grove Rd • Julie Goswick ’82 • (520) 296-0725 • jpgoswick@raytheon.comYuma—BuffaloWild Wings Bar and Grille • Yuma Palms shopping center • Pat (Smith) Hall ’58 • (928) 314-3252 ARKANSAS: Little Rock*—West End Smokehouse & Tavern • 215 N. Shackleford • Allen Davis (UM Coord.) • (501) 804-7987 • CALIFORNIA: Chico*—The Graduate • 344 W.8thSt.•MaryAnnWilliams(UMCoordinator) •(530)518-3322• Fresno—Silver Dollar Hofbrau • 333 E Shaw Ave. • Don Henderson ’63 • (559) 435-8874 • LA-Culver City—Joxer Daly’s • 11168 Washington Blvd. • Chris Kubin ’86 • (310) 466-4827 • Orange County-Rancho Santa Margarita— Daily’s Sports Grill • 29881 Aventura • Lisa Rockwell ’83 • (714) 832-6371 • Rockwell_L@ AUHSD.US Palm Desert-La Quinta— Beerhunter 78-483 Hwy 111 • Mark ’88 & Laurie Pertile ’88 • (909) 795-5895 • mlpertile@aol. com Sacramento-Fair Oaks—Players Sports Pub•4060Sunrise Blvd • Bonnie McCracken ’84 • (916) 784-3507 • bonnie.mccracken@ucdmc. SanDiego—McGregor’sGrilleand Ale House 10475 San Diego Mission Road Pete Burfening ’94 • (619) 933-2272 • pburfening@ SF East Bay: San Leandro— Ricky’sSportsTheaterandGrill•15028Hesperian • Steve Wray ’84 • (925) 672-0976 • s.wray@ SF North Bay: San Rafael area—Flatiron Sports Bar • 724 “B” Street, San Rafael • Bob ’59 and Bonnie ’56 Smith • (415) 892-3123 • COLORADO: Colorado Springs—Dublin House Sports Bar & Grill • 1850 Dominion Way • Art Post ’58 • (719) 634-5907 • sharcampo@ • Rick Smith ’60 Denver— Brooklyn’s @ The Pepsi Center • 901 Auraria Pkwy • Margie Barnes ’63 • (303) 696-6359 • • Al Nelson ’78 Fort Collins—TBD Grand Junction—Wrigley Field • 1810 North Avenue • Dusty Dunbar ’83 • (970) 858-9132 •

FLORIDA:Pensacola—SevilleQuarter–Pool Room • 130 E. Government Street • (850) 4346211 • Jeff Neely ’91 • The Villages—Beef O’Brady’s Sports Bar • 353 Colony Blvd., Suite 100, Colony Plaza • • Steve Gamradt ’72 • (352) 259-6070 • sigamradt@ GEORGIA:Atlanta-Alpharetta—Montana’s Sports Bar and Grill • 13695 Hwy 9 • Josh Earhart ’86 • (770) 516-0547 • josh_earhart@ HAWAII: Oahu—Legends Sports Bar • 411 Nahua St., Honolulu • Martina Bannon • (808)265-3637 • IDAHO: Boise—Dutch Goose • 3515 W. State St. • Brad Schmidt ’91 • (208) 938-4795 • Brad. Idaho Falls —Fanatics • 2040 Channing Wy. • Christy Frazee ’84 • (208) 521-3888 • Moscow area (Pullman, Wash.)—My Office Bar & Grill • 215 S. Grand Ave, Pullman • Mike Holder ’77 • (509) Twin Falls—The Pressbox • 1749 Kimberly Rd. • Jessica Myers ’00 • (208) 420-2830 • jmyers@ ILLINOIS: Chicago-City—Fireplace Inn • 1448 North Wells • Jeana Lervick ’99 • (312) 399-7546 • • RSVP to Chicago-Schaumburg—The Fox and Hound Smokehouse andTavern • 1416 N. Roselle Rd • MattMulryan’83 •(847)548-1149mattm180@ Rockford*—LT’s • 1011 S. Alpine Rd. INDIANA: Indianapolis—Fox and Hound EnglishPub&Grille•4901E.82ndStreetSte900 • Donna (Swank) Rudiger ’75 • (317) 788-1299 •

NEBRASKA:Omaha—DJ’sDugoutWest636 N 114th St. • Jennifer (Trowbridge) Krantz ’00 • (402) 493-7312 •

TENNESSEE: Nashville—The Crow’s Nest 2221 Bandywood Dr. • Bret Quinn ’86 • (615) 460-7894 •

NEVADA: Dayton/Carson City—1st and 10 Sports Bar (in Dayton) • 240 Dayton Valley Rd., Suite 101 • Tanya Edmondson ’02 • (775) 291-8737 • Las Vegas—Torrey Pines Pub 6374 W Lake Mead Blvd • David Thiel ’85 (702) 845-7832 • Mesquite—TBD • Karen ’60 and Curt ’59 Dassonville • (702) 346-2861 • (through Oct.) Reno—Bully’s Sports Bar & Grill - Robb Dr location • 1640 Robb Drive • Sam Kumar ’93 (775) 324-3146 • sam.kumar@

TEXAS: Austin—Cool River Café • 4001 Parmer Ln • Clark Knopik ’93 • (512) 636-2899 ••MaureenLee-Robinson ’86 Dallas-Richardson—The Fox and the Hound•112WestCampbell•BrantWeingartner ’98 • (972) 906-3431 • Houston—The Fox and the Hound • 11470 Westheimer Rd. • David Ayers ’81 • (281) 4942828 •

NEW MEXICO: Albuquerque—Coaches Sports Grill • 1414 Central Ave SE • Becky (Bondurant)’96andStuartCrane’97•(505)8993268 • NEW YORK: New York City—The Australian • 20 W. 38th St. • Sean Steyer ’93 • (212) 3894255 • NORTH CAROLINA: Charlotte—DD Peckers • 10403-E Park Rd. • Dorrance (Davis) ’93 and Travis ’95 Bickford • (704) 756-3134 • Raleigh/Durham— Woody’s Sports Pub • 8322 Chapel Hill Rd., Cary NC • Duncan Riley ’85 • (919) 572-0024 • NORTH DAKOTA: Bismarck—Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar • 212 South 3rd Street • Gerald “Poke” Buck ’81 • (701) 355-7929 • gbuck@ Fargo—SideStreetGrilland PubattheHowardJohnsonInnDowntown•301 3rd Ave. N. • Annie (Lind) ’81 & Chip Young ’79 (701) 282-2816 •

KANSAS / MISSOURI: Olathe (Kansas City)—Johnny’sTavern•10384S.RidgeviewRd. • Rick Marr ’87 •

OHIO: Cincinnati-West Chester—Willie’s Sports Café • 8188 Princeton Glendale Road • Charlie’68&Gloria(Stevens)’68Garrison•(513) 378-0635 •

LOUISIANA: New Orleans-Monroe— RJ Gators • 1119 Garrett Rd in Monroe, La. • Deanna Buczala ’05 •

OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma City—The Fox & the Hound Pub • 3031 W. Memorial Rd • Randy Smith’92•(580)481-0249•

NEW ENGLAND / MASS.: Salisbury, Mass.—The Winners Circle • 211 Elm Street (Route 110) • Chris Mattocks ’65 • (508) 8831706x106•

OREGON: Bend—The Village Grill • 1033 NW Bond Street •Todd ’86andCandy ’86Peplin (541) 923-9695 • Portland-Pearl District—On Deck Sports Bar • 910 NW 14th • Deborah Quitmeyer • (503) 347-1820 •

MICHIGAN: Detroit Area-Utica—Dave and Buster’sofDetroit•45511ParkAve(Intersect.of M59 &M53) • Fred Quinn ’60 • (586) 781-0605 • MINNESOTA: Minneapolis-Mendota— Lucky’s13Pub•1352SibleyMemorialHighway Jerod Fehrenbach ’02 • (952) 334-0680 • MISSOURI: St. Louis—Ozzie’s Restaurant & Sports Bar • 645Westport Plaza•BrettGreen’88 • (314) 721-0590 • • David Bauer ’78

PENNSYLVANIA: Allentown•Forks Township—Big Woody’s Sports Bar, Forks Township • 1855 Sullivan Trail • Greg Korin ’77 • (570) 283-2951 • Philadelphia—The Field House Sports Bar • IntheMarketSttrainstation•ChaseMcLaughlin • (480) 678-9299 • McLaughlin_chase@yahoo. com Pittsburgh—Damon’s,The Place for Ribs • MiracleMileShoppingCenter,Monroeville•Jim ’75 and Kathie ’75 Montana • (412) 373-0947 • • Chauna Craig ’92

Collegian | 28

UTAH: Salt Lake City—Gracie’s • 326 SW Temple • Rachel (Riley) Heitz ’92 • (801) 3023959• • Beth Riley ’91 WASHINGTON:Bellingham—Quarterback Pub & Eatery • 356 36th Street • Sarah Hickman • (360)-510-6367 • Olympia-Lacey*—O’Blarney’s Pub • 4411 Martin Way East Pullman—My Office Bar & Grill • 215 S Grand Ave. • Mike Holder ’77 • (208) 746-7270 • Pat Shannon (UM coord) Seattle-Renton—The Spot • 4224 E. Valley Rd • John Keil • (206) 3103821 cell • • Holly (Briggs) Kessler ’02 Spokane—The Swinging Doors • 1018 W Francis Avenue • Robert ’86 &Tana (Turnquist) ’86 Hoyem • (509) 924-9881 • hoyemrtbb@aol. com Tri-Cities-Richland*—Kimo’s • 2696 N ColumbiaCenterBoulevardYakima—Jackson’s Sports Bar • 48th and Tieton • Lynda (Nelson) Matthews ’86 • (509) 452-3074 • lyndamatt@ WASHINGTON, D.C.: Arlington, Va.— Rhodeside Grill • 1836Wilson Blvd (Corner of N Rhodes St. & Wilson Blvd.) • Bruce Larsen ’89 • (202) 414-4399 • • LyndseyMedsker’97• WEST VIRGINIA: Morgantown*—Kegler’s Sports Bar and Lounge • 735-A Chestnut Ridge Rd. • Scott Schield (UM alumni volunteer) WISCONSIN: Madison—Pooley’s • 5441 High Crossing Road • Mark Rinehart ’90 • (608) 839-8514 • • Katie (Schruth) Cappozzo ’00 Milwaukee— Henry’s Tavern • 2523 E. Belleview • Stacy Blasiola ’01 • (414) 708-2527 • sblasiola@ WYOMING: Casper*—Sidelines Sports Bar • 1121 Wilkins Circle Cheyenne— TBD Gillette*—Mingles 2209 S. Douglas Hwy Sheridan*—Ole’s Pizza & Spaghetti House 1842 Sugarland Dr Ste 110 • Garth French ’04 • *MSU coordinator needed— call Kerry Hanson to volunteer at 1-800-842-9028 To help defray costs of the satellite transmission, there will be a $5 cover charge per attendee.

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