Montana Tech Viewbook

Page 1


Lisa Wareham Photography


Table of contents Facts & Rankings


Degree Programs


School of Mines & Engineering


College of Letters, Sciences & Professional Studies


Highlands college




Campus Support & resources


athletics & club sports


campus life 14 campus overview


explore butte, montana


montana 20 history & traditions


admissions & financial aid


Lisa Wareham Photography



facts & Rankings

Type of college Opened


Enrollment Mascot Colors





Placement Rate


Male-to-Female Ratio


Average High School GPA Average ACT



Average Class Size


Student-to-Faculty Ratio Countries Represented Athletic Conference





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Lisa Wareh

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raphy am Photog

Lisa Wareham Photography

Lisa Wareh


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will help y ou reach it. At Tech, we provide a challengin and reward g ing educa tion for su oriented s c c e sstudents. S pecializin g in the science, te chnology, engineeri math (ST ng, and EM) discip lines, any field of stu you choos dy e at Monta n a Tech wil you toward l lead success. O ur studen in state-o ts learn f-the-ar t fa cilities pe rforming hands-on work that is relevan t to today’s industries . Pair that with Monta long-stan na Tech’s ding repu tation for excellenc and you w e ill be living th e fu tu re always dre you have amed. Montana

School of Mines AND Engineering Electrical Engineering (B.S., M.S.) Environmental Engineering (B.S., M.S.) General Engineering (B.S., M.S.) Options: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Welding Engineering Geological Engineering (B.S.) Options: Geotechnical, Hydrogeology, Mining, Petroleum Geophysical Engineering (B.S.) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (B.S.) Metallurgical/Mineral Processing Engineering (M.S.) Mining Engineering (B.S., M.S.) Petroleum Engineering (B.S., M.S.) Safety, Health and Industrial Hygiene (B.S.) Option: Applied Health Sciences Foundations of Engineering and Science Program (FESP) Industrial Hygiene (M.S.) Distance Learning/Professional Track Masters in Project Engineering and Management (M.S.)

HONORS PROGRAM: 1-800-445-8324 4

The Honors Program at Montana Tech gives undergraduate students of all majors the chance to engage in challenging and rewarding educational opportunities. These opportunities enhance Montana Tech’s already rigorous curriculum, both in and out of the classroom.

Lisa Wareham Photography

degree programs


Lisa Wareham Photography

College of Letters, Sciences, and Professional Studies Biological Sciences Options: Cellular, Organismal Business and Information Technology Options: Accounting, Information Technology, Management Chemistry (B.S., M.S.) Options: Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Geochemistry, Professional Computer Science General Science Health Care Informatics Liberal Studies Mathematical Sciences Network Technology Nursing (ASRN, BSRN) Professional and Technical Communication (B.S., M.S.) Software Engineering Statistics Pre-Professional Health Students may prepare for entry into professional schools of health (including medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, optometry, podiatry, chiropractic, etc.) by completing a Bachelor’s degree at Montana Tech.


highlands college Accounting Technology Options: Health Service, Human Resources Associate of Science Automotive Technology * Bookkeeping* Business Technology Options: Administrative Computer Specialist, Medical Office Specialist Carpentry * Civil Engineering Technology Computer Assistant* Construction Technology/Carpentry Drafting Technician * Drafting Technology Historical Preservation Technology Medical Assistant Medical Receptionist * Metals Fabrication Technology Network Technology * Nurse Assistant (CNA) * Pharmacy Technology (via Missoula College UM) * Pre-Apprentice Line Program * Radiologic Technology * Surgical Technology (via Missoula College UM) Sustainable Energy Technology – Wind * Web Development and Administration * * Certificates available 5

• In Environmental Engineering, you will work on finding methods to purify water in underdeveloped locations such as Kenya and El Salvador. • In Mining Engineering, you will gain hands-on experience finding, developing, and processing natural resources in our own Montana Tech Underground Mine Education Center. • In Petroleum Engineering, you’ll investigate how water and natural gas interact in a well bore using our 50-foothigh flow-loop system (one of the highest vertical drops at any university).

“I chose Montana Tech because it offers excellent knowledge, hands-on experiences, and respectable degrees for very affordable tuition costs. Montana Tech students have an opportunity to learn from excellent professors both in classroom and outside the classroom.” Asel Sherimkulova ’12 Shopokov, Kyrgyzstan Petroleum Engineering

g Salary:

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$64,924 nt: 94% ll Placeme

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Lisa Wareham Photography

School of Mines & Engineering

The School of Mines and Engineering houses the heritage programs that gave Montana Tech its name and foundation for excellence. Growing from a small mineral science school that focused on programs such as Mining, Metallurgical, and Geological Engineering, we now offer degrees in eleven of the most sought after engineering fields in the world. As a student in the School of Mines and Engineering, you’ll quickly discover that our way of learning goes far beyond the classroom.

College of Letters, Sciences & Professional Studies

The College of Letters, Sciences, and Professional Studies (CLSPS) is comprised of several science and technology majors ranging from Business and Information Technology to Pre-Professional Health. As a student in the CLSPS you will be exposed to realworld research projects while working closely with your professors and classmates. • As a math student, you can participate in annual Calculus Bowl hosted by the Math Club. The bowl brings together students to compete in Calculus I and Calculus II categories with final rounds in a jeopardy style format. • As a chemistry student, you can present fire experiments in front of K-12 classrooms all across Southwest Montana.

Lisa Wareham Photography

• As a computer science student, you have the opportunity to compete in the International Collegiate Programming Competition, one of the most prestigious computer programming competitions of its kind.

“I chose Montana Tech because of the amazing scholarship opportunities and because of its overall reputation as a great school for the sciences. I enjoy the small class sizes and I love the new workout facility.” Ashley Kelly

Butte, MT Occupational Safety & Health- Applied Health Science Option


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$44,360 ent: 93% ll Placem



HIGHLANDS COLLEGE Highlands College specializes in Associate Degrees and Certificate programs that provide you with the job skills needed to enter or re-enter the workforce quickly. As a Highlands College student, you can enjoy the traditional college experience while earning your degree in half the time, and at a quarter of the cost, as a Bachelor Degree seeking student. We aim to provide you with program opportunities in some of the fastestgrowing fields in the country. • As a Construction Technology student, you will help build the future by obtaining hands-on experience constructing Habit for Humanity homes in our community.

• As a Radiological Technology student, you will learn how to produce images of tissue, organs, bones, and vessels of the body. • As a Civil Engineering Technology student, you will work on real life projects such as measuring and confirming the elevation of Silver Bow County’s highest point or helping to establish a Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS).

“My experiences at Montana Tech have been great. I like the opportunities Tech has offered for students to get involved in campus events and activities. Once I graduate, I would like to work as a Health and Safety Supervisor on the oil rigs down in Texas.” Chelsee Thornquest Hailey, ID Associate of Science


Lisa Wareham Photography

$32,017 % ment: 82 rall Place




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“I chose Montana Tech because of the one-on-one faculty to student interaction. I love getting involved with the research and programs on campus. I am involved with Tech’s hantavirus research that is conducted throughout the state. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has funded Montana Tech for numerous years to acquire blood and saliva samples from small rodent populations by means of live trapping. The blood and saliva is processed in Tech’s lab facilities to test for hantavirus antibody prevalence. This research has been ongoing since 1994 and allows students to get hands-on experience with real life based research, data processing, management, and publication writing.” Cody Richardson Boulder, MT Biology

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Rock umonia on ehavior in Lost Creek e n P f o ts c B • Effe lations and r from Sheep Popu GroundwateMontana g n ti ra a p e mically S er River, • Geocheelt in the Upper Bould m f Historic Snow Indicators o io B s a e m a dG • Harvestemental Conditions 17 n o ir v En isaster of 19 D e in M in ta utte nite Moun Girl Mine, B n a h rp • The Gra O e of th all ic Geology Effects of F tana re tu ra e • Econom p m n e o ,M nd T etown Lake n, Timing, a • Locatio g Salmonids in Georg myscus Spawnin abits of Pero H g n ti s e N e ations of th • Observ latus e on manicu nts’ Relianc e d tu S f o n stigatio • An Inve tors t Strain of la Calcu n of Mutan o ti a z ri te c n and Chara • Isolatioacteria Smegmatis Mycob h/urp/

Lisa Wareham Photography

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Find out


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Campus Support and Resources

ACADEMIC SUPPORT Tech Learning Center (TLC)

Counseling Services

• Walk-in, appointment, and online tutoring services

• Personal counseling

• Educational resources available for checkout

• Health and wellness promotions

• Offers Montana Tech Success, a college study skills class

Health Center

• Stress management/test anxiety support

• Located on campus in the Student Union Building Disability Services

• Medical professionals available 5 days a week

• Access point for accommodation requests

• Annual flu shots available free of charge

• Explore options available for assistive technology/resources

Campus Security

• Provide education/training to students, faculty and staff about disability needs

• Emergency notification program including emergency text messaging • Security on campus 24/7

Career Services

• Escort services available

• Provides assistance in career exploration and job opportunities

Campus Recreation and Wellness

• Connects students and alumni with employers

• Fitness center

• Teaches students interview skills and assists with resume writing

• Outdoor rental equipment

• Intramural sports

Veterans Support Library • Access electronic books, journals and more from anywhere • Meet your friends to do homework together on the first floor or find a quiet place to study on the second floor

There are many services available on campus to help Veteran students be successful at Montana Tech and Highlands College. Here are a few of the services available: • Assistance with the applications for admission, merit scholarships, and federal financial aid.

• Use the library’s computers to get all your projects done.

• Assistance completing the paperwork required to use your VA Educational Benefits on the Montana Tech Campuses.

Academic Advising

• Aid in obtaining reasonable accommodations for disabilities, to allow equal opportunity in campus life.

• Personal attention from faculty advisors • Help to maximize your learning opportunities • Professional, academic, and career guidance


Personal Support

Lisa Wareham Photography



Exciting opportunities aren’t limited to our classrooms; we invite everyone to challenge their inner athlete. Our fitness facilities and recreational activities allow you to play as hard as you study. The newly renovated Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) complex includes a new weight room and a new cardio room also equipped with several multi-jungle weight machines. Intramural and Club sports are offered for our team enthusiasts, and if the bleachers are where you are most comfortable, you can cheer your fellow Diggers on to victory by becoming a HPER Hooligan. At Montana Tech you can work both your mind and body, building the best person you can be.

NAIA Sports The Montana Tech Orediggers are proud members of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Frontier Conference and are recognized as one of the top ten schools on the champions of character scorecard.

Silvernale Photography


Silvernale Photography

Men’s Sports: Basketball, Football, Golf Women’s Sports: Basketball, Golf, Volleyball

“Orediggers do the ordinary better than the rest. That is what makes us the best. I am an Oredigger.� Silvernale Photography

Nick Baker Lake Stevens, WA Mathematical Sciences Quarterback

John Wick

ore-dig-ger, v.: to be part of something bigger than myself


Campus Life


The time you spend in the classroom and with your friends and colleagues is what shapes you into the person you will become. With so many ways to get involved and so many new adventures to take on, you’re bound to have a one of a kind experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. Here is a small selection of the clubs and organizations that students are involved in. We encourage you to get involved too!

• Circle K • CRABS Rugby


• Engineers without Borders

• Dance Club

• Running Club

• Hockey Club • Judo Club • Math Club • Rodeo Club • Ski and Snowboard Club • Soccer Club



y Photograph

• Students for the Exploration and Development of Space


Mining & Mucking The Mining and Mucking team joined two hundred students from universities across the globe near Camborne, Great Britain to take part in the 34th Annual International Mining Competition in Spring 2012. The two-day competition saw teams of six compete in men’s, women’s, co-ed, and alumni classes. Montana Tech took home first place in track stand, swede saw, and air leg and the co-ed team took home 2nd place overall out of 36 teams.

Canoe Competition Each year, Montana Tech participates in the American Society of Civil Engineer’s North-West Regional Concrete Canoe Competition. General Engineering Professor Brian Kukay and his teams are quick and impressive both in and out of the water. The team spends the year dedicating themselves to designing, constructing, and fundraising for the competition. Last year the team placed 5th overall.

PROGRAMMING HUMANOID ROBOTS The Montana Tech Computer Science department uses an Aldebaran Robotics Nao H25 Humanoid Robot for student projects, recruiting, and research purposes. The CS Department is working towards entering Montana Tech into the RoboCup competition, an international robotic competition, with the goal of promoting research and education in the area of artificial intelligence.



science & engineering

Lisa Wareham Photography

Chancellor’s house

Lisa Wareham Photography

Campus Overview

natural resources

Chad Okrusch Photography

Originally chartered as the Montana State School of Mines, Montana Tech has evolved into a dynamic institution composed of the School of Mines & Engineering; College of Letters, Sciences, & Professional Studies; Highlands College; Graduate School; and the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology. Prior to 1951, the college offered Bachelor of Science degrees in only five areas. Today, the college offers 10 certificate programs, 17 associate degrees, 23 bachelors, and 10 masters programs. The Institution which now has an enrollment of over 2,800 students, provides these graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful lives and careers, conducts basic and applied research, and provides related services to the citizens of Montana and beyond.

Overlooking the city from the shoulder of Big Butte, Montana Tech’s north campus can be seen for miles. Its tree-shaded perimeter encloses both the stately buildings of the Institution’s past and the modern facilities reflecting its present and its future. Since its inception, Montana Tech has come a long way. The university has maintained an onward and upward tradition, which has earned it a reputation as one of the finest science, engineering, and technical colleges in the country. The exceptional job placement rate of graduates and the success stories of alumni, combined with the low cost of attendance in a highly personalized environment, attest to both quality and value. Stressing a deep focus on achievement, Montana Tech provides the opportunity for students to be IN DEMAND.

highlands college


the mill building


explore butte, montana


Alycia Holland Photography

BUTTE FACTS Population:



5,538 FT.

Ideal Location: High in the Rocky Mountains, adjacent to the Continental Divide in southwestern Montana. Located at the intersection of I–90 and I–15 and home to the Bert Mooney airport. Festivals: Montana Folk Festival, An Ri Ra Montana Irish Festival, Evel Knievel Days, 4th of July Freedom Festival, St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, Chinese New Year Parade

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Montana Montana represents the natural and the scenic. Home to 54 state parks, 2 national parks, and countless other landmarks, you are bound to experience landscapes that will leave you breathless. Visit Glacier National Park and discover a world carved by glaciers, then trek over to Yellowstone and admire the vast expanse of land where bison roam freely and rivers rush with fervor. There are caves to explore and adventures to be had, but if solitary bliss is what you’re looking for, then a hike into one of our serene mountain lakes or waterfalls should do the trick. If winter is your playtime, then you are in luck. Winter cloaks Montana in a sea of glistening white. With over 15 downhill ski resorts, you can hit the slopes in a variety of settings. You may also choose to soak the cold away in one of Montana’s many natural hot springs and then cozy up next to a fire and immerse yourself into the warmth and quiet of a Montana winter night.

Jeremy Lu

raphy rgio Photog

Although Montana is natural and rugged, you can also enjoy a variety of amenities in the towns and cities spread across this vast state. Montana’s interstate and highway system makes it possible for you to enjoy the great outdoors and then head into town in time to see a concert, catch a movie, shop the evening away, or go to a football game. Here in Montana it’s easy to lose yourself in your surroundings. For more information, go to or and find your Montana.


Experience B Country while ig Sky e

arning a world-clas s degree from Mon Tech. Visit tana w for more M ontana ad ventures.


History & Traditions CARRYING TRADITIONS FORWARD In 1900, the Montana State School of Mines opened its doors with total enrollment of 21 students. Early curricula at the Montana State School of Mines were designed around two degrees: Mining Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Thus, mining became the mainstay during the college’s formative period.

Marcus Daly

MIDDLE YEARS In 1943, the Montana School of Mines experienced a great impact from World War II when it officially became a Naval College. Shortly after the war ended, acting president Francis Thompson embarked on a program that was destined to modernize the Montana School of Mines’ curricula. Overall, what took place was a general freeing-up of curricula so that students had not only more technical electives, but also more options in the humanities and social sciences. The modern College was born and in 1965 became the Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology. Enrollment increased from 303 students in 1957 to 998 students in 1971.



Lisa Wareham Photography

The Montana University System was restructured in 1994 and one of the major components of the restructure was that Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology would become affiliated with The University of Montana. As a result of this, the name was changed to Montana Tech of The University of Montana. Today, the university is known as Montana Tech and boasts enrollment of more than 2800 students on its two campuses. The North Campus offers four year and graduate degrees in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. The Highlands College offers associate degrees and certificate programs, continuing education, and customized training. The student body presents a national and global snapshot with over 39 states and 14 foreign countries represented. Montana Tech emphasizes teamwork, collaboration, and hands-on learning and has a long-standing reputation for producing outstanding graduates.


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Lisa Wareham Photography


Montana Tech awards over $1.4 million in scholarships to new and transfer students each year.

Lisa Wareham Photography

admission & financial aid • Complete the application form. • Apply for scholarships by January 15th • Apply for housing and choose a meal plan. • Apply for financial aid online at by March 1st for PRIORITY consideration.

IMPORTANT CODES: FAFSA Code – 002531 ACT Code – 2418 SAT Code – 4487

80% of Montana Tech students receive some form of financial aid and/or scholarships. 24


For a complete listing of admission standard and requirements visit

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n h educatio c e T a n ta of a Mon ent. The value od investm o g a ly b is undenia


Montana Tech offers over 200 different scholarships for students from all backgrounds, degrees, and academic ability. Below is a sampling of some of Tech’s Scholarships: Marie Moebus Presidential Scholarship: Awarded to first-time freshmen students who demonstrate the highest academic and extracurricular achievement, these scholarships are a combination of fee waiver, WUE or Advantage Scholarships, plus a cash supplement of up to $6,000 per year. Marie Moebus Presidential Scholarships are Montana Tech’s highest honor and are the most competitive scholarships offered. These scholarships are renewable for up to four years.

ADVANTAGE SCHOLARSHIP: Awarded to students who demonstrate high academic achievement, the Advantage Scholarship is open to selected degree programs at Montana Tech. The cost of attendance for a student receiving an Advantage Scholarship will be 150% of in-state tuition for the student’s entire undergraduate term at Montana Tech, provided the student remains in good academic standing and is enrolled in an Advantage degree. This scholarship is available to all out-of-state students and equates to over $8,800 in savings per year!

Criteria: • Must be an incoming first-time freshman student • 3.75 GPA or higher • ACT > 30 or SAT >2010 • Actively engaged in community and school • Must be pursuing a Bachelor’s (four-year) degree at Montana Tech

Eligible Degree Programs: Biological Sciences, Business and Information Technology, Chemistry, Civil Engineering Technology, Computer Science, Drafting Technology, Environmental Engineering, General Engineering—Welding, Geological Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, Mathematical Sciences, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Metals Fabrication, Mining Engineering, Network Technology, Professional & Technical Communication, Safety, Health, and Industrial Hygiene, Software Engineering, Statistics

In addition to the online scholarship application, you must also submit: • A 500 word essay • Two letters of recommendation • Resume of activities


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WESTERN UNDERGRADUATE EXCHANGE (WUE): Awarded to students who demonstrate high academic achievement, WUE scholarships are open to all degree programs at Montana Tech. The cost of attendance for a student receiving the Western Undergraduate Exchange will be 150% of in-state tuition for up to 4.5 years, provided the student remains in good academic standing. This equates to over $8,800 in savings per year! You are guaranteed a WUE (or equivalent) if you are from one of the eligible Western states, meet the criteria listed below, and apply by January 15th. Eligible States: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming Advantage and WUE Criteria: 3.0 GPA; ACT >=22 or SAT >=1540 with ACT Math >= 24 or SAT Math >= 560. WUEs and Advantage may be available after the priority deadline. Contact an Enrollment Representative for more information.

January 15 is the PRIORITY deadline to apply for scholarships. 25

Come for a visit, and discover for yourself if Montana Tech is right for you.


As an incoming freshman in the Petroleum Engineering department, I chose Montana Tech for many reasons. I appreciated its stellar reputation for job placement upon graduation. My parents loved its affordability. I also loved its small town location and its wonderful outdoor recreation opportunities. But what really sold me on Montana Tech was how encouraging and supportive all of my interactions have been. The relationships that I have developed during my visits to Tech have been overwhelmingly positive. Everyone, from the students, professors, and staff to even


the residents of Butte, seem to be behind you. For me, it is the ideal place to be.

Kelly Hertel Lincoln, CA Petroleum Engineering



MontanaTech 1300 West Park Street Butte, MT 59701 1-800-445-TECH

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