Spring 1983 MKA Alumni News

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Alumni President's M essage This fall and winter have been partic­ ularly active ones at MKA, not only for the Alumni Council and volunteers, but for the many graduates of TKS, MA and MKA who returned for reunions. Reunion com m ittees were formed last spring by members of the classes celebrating their 50th, 40th, 30th, 25th, 20th and 10th reunions which resulted in a spectacular reunion fo r all con­ cerned. The participa ting classes en­ joyed a festive luncheon, hosted by P rincipal Frances R. O’Connor at the Academy campus, where old frie n d ­ ships were renewed, memories were shared, and old and new photographs were passed around. After the luncheon many attended the Homecoming foo t­ ball game while others toured the cam­ puses. Later in the day all alumni were invited to a cocktail party at the Kimber­ ley campus, and in the evening the reuning classes gathered for dinner at the Montclair Golf Club. Not to be outdone, the MKA collegeage alumni returned before Christmas fo r the annual alum ni hockey game


against our age-old rival Montclair High School. A beer and pizza party followed at Principal O’Connor’s home. At the end of October a record num­ ber of alum ni volunteers met at the school to phone classmates across the country asking their support for the an­ nual fund. Gifts are still coming in and this year promises to be the best ever. Alumni are also planning summer in­ ternship programs for MKA juniors to help introduce them to the business world. Others are organizing a boutique which will be an integral part of the Par­ ents Association’s spring luncheon and kitchen tour on May 3. Class secretaries have gathered news from the four corners of the earth and alumni questionnaires have been pour­ ing into the school all fall and winter. We are looking forward to the publication of the alumni directory which will help us locate our lost friends! W hat is th is renewed a c tiv ity all about? Is it ju s t a chance to see old friends and experience a wave of nostalgia? I d o n ’t believe so— I th in k as we look back and realize how important our years at school were to us, we want to help make these important years as rich as possible for those follow ing in our footsteps. That is the real attraction of working foryour “ old school” and being active in its Alumni Association. Many thanks to all of you who have been so helpful to MKA this year. It is truly an exciting school— I speak from the perspective of an alumna, a parent and a volunteer! Sincerely, Denise Farandatos Anastasiou ’62 President, MKA Alumni Association

Homecoming Reunion

1 Football players with Coach Carmen Marnell 2 Members of the Class of ’42 3 Reunion Chairman Fay Taft Fawcett ’52 4 Charlie Sage and Terry Wing’52 5 TKS & MA ’72— 10th Reunion 6 Honorary Trustee Howard Van Vleck ’22 with members of the Class of ’32


7 Principal Frances R. O’Connor and Anita Schwarz Beamon ’32 8 Cheerleaders 9 Homecoming Chairman Nancy Plummer Nazarian’68 and Henry Talbot’72 10 Georgia Sherman Glick, Joan Wallace Bryant and Joan Keller McFarland ’57 11 Susan Sanders, Gail Tomec Kerr and Dorie Ruprecht Carlisle ’52 12 TKS & MA— 20th Reunion



TKS We have learned that Helen Porter Simpson died on November 12, 1981. Our deepest sympathy to her family.


TKS In response to,the postcard sent out by the Alumni Office to all classes with­ out secretaries, both Alexandra Costikyan Jewett and ElizabethiJfSee” Prentiss Jones offered their services as secretary for the Class of 1914! Alexandra writes, “ Still live in Buffalo and summer In Eden, NY. Spent January In Pompano Beach, FL. Have Bree chil­ dren, eleven grandchildren and six great grandchildren." Elizabeth writes,fflhave one daughter and two sons, ten grandchildren and six great grands. I love to paint but have little chance to do It these days.” She also wrote that a third classmate, Eliza­ beth Stewart Provoost, lives in Pensa­ cola, FL. The school does not have her address, and we’d love to hear from her.


TKS Dorothy Cert Bailey writes, "I went to Alaska for a month last summer and plan to be in Italyjijp April. Meantime I go to the Center for Creative Retirement at Southampton College three times a week.” MA Pierre “Pete” Le Brun lives in Port De­ posit, MD. He has four children, twenty g randchildre n and fourteen great grandch; ildren.


TKS Mrs. Charles W. Williams (Geraldine McBrier) 1717 Gulf Shore Blvd. #404 Naples, FL 33940 MA Charles Cameron writes that he does not spend much time in New Jersey as hishome is now in Virginia.


TKS Mrs. Samuel Meek (Priscilla Mitchell) 88 Doubling Road Greenwich, CT 06832 From your secretary, “ 1982 consisted of some travel and a new Interest in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. I have been watching the towers going up and guiding visitors to see the great stone cutting, as well as the hand work in

pottery, china and textiles which dem­ onstrates am azing and beautiful workmanship. The locaf people of Har­ lem work as apprentices, being taught by British supervisors who were appren­ ticed in England. ;:,f*spent the month of October in Great Britain. North in the Lake Country, we found it wet, but in spite of the mists we saw brilliant sunsets over the quiet deep lakes. Scotland was cold and rainy, but we saw many facets of it as we stayed in a small mill cottage on the grounds of Cluney Castle which belongs to friends of ours. It was beside a roaring stream, and heated by coal and wood which we tended. We fished on the River Spey w h lli is an excellent salmon and trout stream. It is a wild rough country and a challenging environment to live in, but the people are strong and friendly.” Our deepest sympathy to the family of Marion Lincoln Cox who died on De­ cember 15, 1982. MA E. T. Seymour, M.D. 5055 Lakewood Drive Nashville, TN 37220 The only other surviving classmate apart from myself is Platt Rogers Spen­ cer who lives in Chestnut Hill, MA and still enjoys his dally tennis game. Oscar Mathiasen and Rolf Sylvan both died within the last few years. The four of us played together for two years on the Academy’s undefeated football team. I took a short Caribbean cruise before Christmas and went to California for the Rose Bowl in January.

TKS Elizabeth T. Staudinger writes, "My days are filled volunteering at Mountain^ s^sid&and id e an St. Luke's Hospitals."



MA Lewis Kleinhans writes, "At my age, having survived another year is suffi­ cient news— and in reasonable comfort at that!”

TKS Gertrude Smith Wister writes, “ I re­ ceived a gold medal In May from the AmericanLRhododendron Society for work in describing and registering rhododendrorwiybrids.” Elizabeth Eaton Gregg’s husband Bernard writes, “ Elizabeth has not been well for some time butsfie enjoys hear­ ing about the. school, as her memories of Kimberley are happy ones." MA A note from Harrie Hogan says, "Re­ gret to say I have lost all contact with members of my Class of ’22. Would sug­ gest you ask Howard Van Vleck to take ovefthe duties of Class Secretary. He

has always been most active In the af­ fairs of the Academ y.” How about it Howard? Harry A. Abbott sends best wishes to his classmates. Robertson D. Ward is retired and lives in Short Hills, NJ. George Raimes Beach, Jr. has cir­ cumnavigated the globe foufeimes, vis­ ited 102 countries as well as 50 states. / v ile has gone on eight hunting safaris in Africa and three tiger hunting shikars in India. Deepest sympathy to the family of Robert E. Cleary who died on October 2, 1982. ^ + ___ _ _ _ TKS Mrs. Jonathan W. Chatellier (Alice Vezin) 16 West Elm Street Yarmouth, ME 04096 Ruth Waring Bogart reports she and Harold celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1981. They have eight” grandchildren and three greats. Bridge H fs Ruth's hobby, but her busy schedule also includes making dried flower ar­ rangements and collages, and singing in the church choir., Elizabeth “Bece” Hawkins Wilson writes that she is still employed full time as a nursing school instructor. Her three children are married and she has eleven grandchildren and four greats. Bece shares her house with students from Bowdoin College as she lives very near the campus. B arbara Zim m er Borden d id n 't graduate with us but was a class mem­ ber for several years. She and husband Arthur live in Asheville, NC and love It. Instead of writing, Elizabeth “Libby” Taylor Randall phoned last week and we had quite a reunion. B e last time we met was when we got together with our babies fifty-three years ago! Libby continues to sell real estate ipiRumson, NJ, but takes lots of time off to visit R i e r son and daughter, both, oi whom ■ ive near Washington. She has five grandchildren. A year ago, I was honored by the town of Yarmouth for being chairman of a Rnj'ptor corps for over eleven years. My volunteers drive patients to doctors’ of­ fices and clinics, and fill a big need in the town, which has no public transpor­ tation. My six grandchildren have grown up and ate involved In many fields. I also have one great granddaughter who lives in Montclair so I don’t see much of her. My Maine granddaughter Meg Is a surveyor and In her spare tirpe does Morris dancing. Miss Naughton taught us some of that for May Day. Barbara “Bobby” Cronin Lovell '50 often calls when she comes to Maine and we have had many fine times together. Audrey Maas Lewis '50 was In Portland for a month planning her daughter Tracy’s wedding, which I attended. I may have

been the only guest -there who was at Audrey and Dick’s weddingffii Upper Mpntclair back iiggfie 50’s. Word has been received of the death of Myra Halligan Evans, in October 1982. We send our sympathy to Dave and the family. MA Richard E. Kleinhans Many Echoes, Scribner Avenue South Norwalk, CT 06854 Theron Butterworth writes, “ I am re­ tired and keep very busy; the daily chores now seem to take up too much time.” Richard Kleinhans has volunteered as Class Secretary. Send him your news for the next issue of the magazine!

TKS Mrs. Philip B. Taylor (Helen Patrick) Quoquonset Lane Little Compton, R102837 Pat Driver Shuttleworth '45 sent in a clipping about our late classmate Helen Raynor Hannah. “ The Friends of the Riverhead Library celebrated their 25th birthday on August 15, 1982. Helen was their first president in 1957 . . . The Friends dedicated the Helen Hannah Garden during the Silver Jubilee cele­ brations." I sold my tbuse in Upper Montclair in September '82 and moved to Little Compton to be near my two sons. Phil Jr. and his wife live right next door. My other son, Don Taylor '49, lives in Dover, MA about an hour from here. No news from any classmates this time around. H o ve to hear what you have been doing so please send me your news for the next issue of the Alumni News. MA Joseph E. Wiedenmayer has been doing volunteer work with the deaf and blind since his retirement from the U.S. Foreign Service in 1965. He has one son, Joe M , two daughters and five grandchildren.

TKS Marietta Ewald Cook writes, "Son Bill had a new design in the November issue of Yachting magazine. Win and I Ibve Cape Cod but will head for Florida for three months this winter.” MA Gustave Wiedenmayer writes, “Am enjpying winters in Boca Grande, FL and summers in Dorset, VT. Saw Ches­ ter Baylis and Helen Raymond Halli­ gan and Kim '26 in Vermont. Dick Overton is also there but t haven’t seen him.”

26 = —


TKS Our deepest sympathy to the family of Barbara Geertz Gordon who died on April 5, 1982, and to Phyllis Bower Lamborn whose husband Arthur died last year following a lengthy illness.

MA Lt. Cmdr. Alden W. Smith Penury Priory Temple, NH 03084 Your new Class Secretary writes, “There is an occasional echo from the past! A friend, who visited Hawaii some time ago and was briefly on K a u l|| thought he heard of a Ward family that had migrated from -New Jersey years ago. If so, it must be associated with Si W ard. (Ed. Si does indeed live on Kauai). Aside from that bit, I can only report that my wife, myself, eleven cats and one dog maintain reasonably good health. Of course the snow shovel is much heavier thaiftt used to be, .so this relatively snowless winter is a blessing. Have finished my last term as a Select­ man and Planning Board member, which is also a blessing to me and the town!” Homer G. Whitmore writes, "Often think of Headmaster Walter Head’s ad­ vice to me regarding criticism, ‘Think it, but don’t say it.’ On December. 12^1982, t reached 76 years.”

TKS Mrs. Paul Macdonald (Louise Russell) 35 Bank Street New Canaan, CT 06840 One weekend last fall Gretchen Eshbaugh Ehgel, Dot Ayres Holt, Eda Bainbridge Kolbe, Louise “ Chip” Stauflen Barnard, Hat Lowry Rydstrom, Barbara Barker Sprouse and I met in Heritage Village, Southbury, CT for a mini-reunion. Gretchen, Dot and I are all Connecticutters. Eda was be­ tween her summer home on Long Island and her winter one in Florida. Chip lives in Vermont, but Hat came lift from Den­ ver, CO, and Barbara all the way from Portland, OR! How’s that for old school ties? Friday night Gretchen and Bob EngeHad us to dinner at their condo­ minium along with the only other two husbands, Frank Barnard and John Sprouse. The next day we had lunch to­ gether and attended a dinner theater. We had great discussions about old times at Kimberley, current interests and loudest grandchildren! Dot's grand­ daughter, Kyfe Holt is a freshman at Smith where my son teaches. Resa Dar­ ius Hayes and Dick were to have joined us but a hospital stay for Re prevented it. She's home and recovering, l.’.rn glad to report. I'm in fairl^ciose touch with all of the above J wish the rest of Kimberley '27 wouHsend me their news.

MA Eugene Speni 85 Undercliff Road Montclair, NJ 07042 John J. B. Cooper writes, “ Louise and I are ready for another year. Ran across some pictures of Glen Ridge High Schoo|.f(Class of ’24)-Hager and Margaret Patrick Bryant '26 take noteand Camp Dudley on Lake Champlain. How many are left in MA ’27?” Edward Phillips reports, “ I am retired from the brokerage business. My wife Lillian died in 1980. My son is married and is News Director at EAZY 101 FM in Philadelphia.” Congratulations to Ralph Van DUyne and his wife who celebrate their golden wedding anniversary this year. One son, Don, works for Wang Labs and travels worldwide. Their other son, Peter, is a carpentry contractor in Maine. Daughter Susan is an officer of Aetna Life and Casualty Insurance Co. Our deepest sympathy to the families of Donald B. Knowlton who died at his home on Lake George in the summer of 1982, and John B. Minor who passed away in 1981.

TKS Mrs. Gordon Bowen (Barbara Newell) 50 Forest Avenue Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 Barbara Newell Bowen has volurH teered to be Class Secretary, so please send news to her for the next issue of the Alumni News. Barbara writes that her children and grandchildren gave a sup-J prise dinner for her 50th wedding ann;H versary on O ctober 9.: Two of her bridesmaids and four ushers were there. MA Nicholas R. Leaycraft writes from Burlington, CT, "Retired in 1972 from in­ dustrial and government personnel fields. Keep busy reading, studying and participating in church activities. Mar­ ried 46 years. No children and have never owned a television, vl’ve always been appreciative of the good teaching I received at the Academy.” Joseph Doremus reports that he will be relocating within the next couple of years as his home in Towaco, NJ is in the final realignment of Route 287 from Towaco to the New York State Thruway. Blake Reynolds '32 reports that Tom Young was written up in Yachting mag­ azine (September 1982). He won the Vineyard Trophy in 1963 and 1965 aboard the yacht Shearwater.


TKS Miss Charlotte H. Fitch Box 45, 24 Cape Bial Lane Westport Point, MA 02791 On August 18 a mini-reunion was held at the home of Laura Hurd Motion and her husband Bob -in Madison, CT. The

intention was to corral all classmates in the New England area biMsome had to decline, mostly due to grandparental commitments which are especially prevalent during the summer months. However, Mary Stewart Johnston, Charlotte Fitch, Jane Foster Lapham and her husband Lewis, and the Motions had a good talk, a good swim and a delicious luncheon. Mini-’reiihions are heartily recommended.

TKS ’29. Mini-reunion, Mary Stewart Johnston, Charlotte Fitch, Jane Fos­ ter Lapham and Laura Hurd Motion The Laphams were full of news. They had recently returned from a trip to th'ë Netherlands where Lewis, had been made a Knight of the House of Orange and/Nassau, (we felt we s^ouid be call­ ing them Sir Lewis and Lady Lapham) and Jane had a rose grown especially for her and named the Jandtlapham. While on their trip they also spent some time in Paris and London. Another big ’82 event in their lives was in October w h e n ||e y celebrated their 50th wed­ ding anniversary. The party took place in Lewis’ ancestral home in G re e n w illl in which his parents and grandparents had also- celebrated their 50th anniversariesB'he home had been given teffhe town for a community hall but the family* tradition of celebrating 50th anniversa­ ries issfliif carried oh there, ’ Ginny Hamilton Adair and daughter Katharine have plans for a springfiiip to Portugal. She wrote she has been in­ vited to give a readigj of her poems at Pomona College in February while Ad­ rienne Rich is poet-in-residence. For the past five years Ginny has been playing soprano, alto- and tenor recorder with a group that specializes«#! Baroqiüfand earlier music. A new musical career after 60! Plans are afoot for thé whole Adair clan to come* East for a-summer vacatifli. The Mofilfpnsr had the pleas'ure of a Thanksgiving visit from son Ben and family and they all went to Disney World for three days. At Christmas, Laura and Bob flew toplouston, TX to celebrate their grandson Rip’s second bii||day. Ethel Kellinger Woodruff and Alson areffiiping to visit daughter Nancy and family in Paris next summer. Their o ile r daughter, Barbara, is now liiying in Fair­ banks, AK, where her«husband has a parish chiplh. The day Harriet Laffey File’s card ar­ rived to say she had no news^her home

town of Monroe, LA was on the news, inundated with flood waters. I expected to see Harriet appear on the screen any m inify piling on sandbags. Although Kit Meeks now makes Co­ ronado her year-round base iifhasn’t kept her from making an annual winter pilgrimage to Florida to visit various rel­ atives. Jeanne Price Goodlatte looked for­ ward to having all 13 of her family at her » m e for Christmas. D:ck’s son Douglas is at nearby Springfield College and she sees him frequently.1 Louise Raynor wrote that she now has only three cats and misSes her Sheba who died at the venerable age of 16. Your secretary, who should stay home and mend fences, Is planning to go to Spain in May for about two weeks on a Smith Alumnae Tour. Most of you know of Jean DeWitt Fitz’s deatljiflast November 11. The Jean DeWitt Fitz Memorial Fund is being set up in Augusta, GA, to recognize and en­ courage local writers. The Fund will be administered by the Augusta College Sand Hills Writers Workshop which is held each spring. MA Robert Dorrill 42 Godfrey Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Ted Holmes writes, "Forced to retire in 1977 (when the law stiifl: permitted such an outrage), but s t jB keop 1 1 teaching part time at- the U. of Maine, conducting freshman and sophomore Bnonors sem inarsM ’s an easy and re­ warding job-fabur studies range from Euripides to Einstein!”

TKS Mrs. Paul Christner, Jr. (Esma Currier) 31 Aubrey Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Marjorie Kieselbach Dumont re­ ports, “ We’re putting a wing on the house and taking a plicate course in conversational French— hard work rat first, but it’s coming back!” News from Chara Church Phillips, “ Summer, spring and fall we enjoy the Jersey Shore and then, after Christmas with children, grandchildren and three greats, weff f off to Siesta Key, FL for sun and warmthffl produce occasional art projects for my own enjoyment. Life is pleasant if not exciting!"


TKS Mrs: Tyler M. Bartow (Nancy Holton) 88 Forest Way Essex Fells, NJ 07021 , Zaida Jones Dillon moved^lrom Princeton last sprBfg to Beaufort, SC. She islaking the docent training course for the Beaufort Historic Foundation and

has joined an aqua dynamics class in the local swimming pool which she says is "great for the heart and for limbering up.” Just when she thought she had overcome her homesickness for Priri.ee|M ° n along came Jimmy Stewart difthe Johnny Carson Show describing his 50th reunion with camera shots of the Parade and local scenes! Tyler and I had an unusual trip to Al­ bany, TX to visit a classmate of hfs who owns the largest private ranch in Texas — his driveway was seven milesrang! We ate In the. cook house, went to fish fries and barbecues where we sampled buffalo meat and w ild turkey, not to mention Thlgsuperb beef. There was a • herd of buffalo, another of Texas long H B r-n s , and wild game for those inter­ ested. The wild fldwers were abundant . . . but what struck us most was the heartfelt hospitality we encountered everywhere. En route to Albany we vis­ ited with Virginia DeGolyer Maxson in Dallas. Gina and I had a ball playing word games until the late hours. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Jean Senior Darlington who died sud­ denly on September 1, 1982. She leaves her husband Bob, a son Bix and a daughter Kate Dany. Jean was a long­ time volunteer at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and was an active member of St. Andrew’s Altar Guild. Her intereS n birds, her enthusiasm for golf and fish­ ing and her lovely disposition are ¡ jig things we will remember most. MA Our deepest sympathy to the family of Dan Seymour who died of a heart at­ tack on July 27, 1982 in New York. After graduating from Amherst College, Dan became an announcer on the Yankee Network's WNAC in Boston. He joined J. Walter Thompson Co. in 1955 as a radio-tv director, and was named chair­ man in 1972.iBuring his tenure, JWT be­ came the advertising industry’s first $1 b illio n a gefpy; it also wenf public. Since his- retirement in 1974, he had been active as a director for several cor­ porations.

b& RSsi&Q TKS Mrs. Arthur Van Brunt (Mary Harrsen) 14 Oldchester Road ESSex Fdlls, NJ 07021 The |h ie f news lit h e celebration of our 50th reunion tB s past October 2. The follow ing classmates attended: Anita Schwartz Beamon, Audrey Ayers Burgess, M argaret Doody, Nancy Audette Evans, Frances Hardy Feezer, Lucy Fields Haskins, “Anson” Church Kidd, Frances Elliott McCahill, Helen Duffy McNally, Mar­ garet Wenk Spencer, Anne Anderson Thompson and m yself— plus a few brave husbands, notably, Bill McCahill, who, despite a recent and very serious injury, was not only the life of the party b u tlls o a most thoughtful and kind guests’

We are also involved in starting a vine­ yard in Orange County, NY.” Edith has volunteered to be our Re­ union Chairman for October 15 and is looking for volunteers to co-chair w lft her as she will be very busy with her move.

Principal Frances R. O’Connor at re­ union luncheon with Frances Hardy Feezer and Reunion Chairman Mary Harrsen Van Brunt We all had a wcncerfui time together catching up on each other's news, in fact, we felt so much at ease with each other that it was hard to believe so many years had gone by. Even the weather cooperated by being perfectly beautiful. Mary Turnbull Barfield and Joan Williams Van Dolen regretted that they were unable to attend but unfortunately their husbands were hot well. We were very sorry to hear that Midge Spencer had a serious operation not long after reunion but sj)e*js making a good recovery. My thanks to all of you for your 'thankyou’s’ and the photographs of reunion. We must get together again very soon.

James Rogers, Elias Marsh and Gene Wallwork at 50th reunion luncheon Richard Lardner writes, “ I live i,§.; Essex, CT with my wife Virginia. We play tennis and paddle, and sail in the sum­ mer. We have two daughters, one in Sun Valley, one in California, and two sons in Connecticut. All are married withrets of kids.” A note from Tuffy Mason’s wife, Win, “Tuffy wouldn’t tell you—too modest— but on November 30 a festive dinner was given by the town, community, board of education, and church, honor­ ing Tuffy as school physician since 1947 and town physician for almost 20 years. There were over 400 guests pres­ ent including our six children and theflf’ spouses, and several of the interns with whom he served at Mountainside Hos­ pital. ’ John J. Newberry writes, “ Retired since 1973 after 35 years in retailing. Moved from su burbia to w o n d e rfH Stowe, VT in 1974 whereHenjpy skiing, gardefijing, travelling, and community work.”

Anita Schwarz Beamon, Helen Duffy McNally and Marge Doody MA James A. Rogers, M.D. P.O. Box 95 Normandy Beach, NJ 08739 Tom Braine did a marvellous job as Class Reunion Chairman for our 30th. Leon Heuser, David Haviland, Elias Marsh, Blake Reynolds, Eugene Wallwork and myself turned up for lunch at MKA and dinner at the Mont­ clair Golf Club. Many reminiscences were exchanged.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Heuser ’32 at 50th reunion luncheon

Everett P. Tomlinson reports, “ I am still running full out, teaching physics at Cape Cod Community College since 1967. My first wife Nancy Kershaw died in 1977, one week short of our 40th an­ niversary. In June, 1980 I married Anna Lowell Flnnerty whom I met on Martha’s Vineyard. With her I have also acquired three children and two grandsons to add to my own three daughters, one grand­ son and six granddaughters.’”'

TKS Mrs. Thomas Shaughness ' ’ (Ruth Powers) 6428 Banfield Drive Dallas, TX 75252 It was so good to hear from those of you # 19 sent in news. We are still miss­ ing addresses for the ^Following: Frances Kopper Sumwalt, Eleanor Madge Astein, Barbara Hess, Doro­ thy Hand Lockhard, Mary Wells Schmid, Barbara Cook Tattersall and Margot Veit. If anyone knows their whereabouts It would be good to gijpin touch to remind them that October 1 5 If. our BIG 50th! I believe the girls of ’32 came back to the s#fpol from all over the country. Edith Bull Miller writes, “ We are trying to sell our ho’a;se in Essex Fells and will be moving to West Caldwell.

Edith Bull Miller’s vineyard in Orange County Virginia Wertz Weiss is still living in Montclair but has moved to 51 S. Moun­ tain Avenue. She is a real estate broker and was recently made Vice President of the New Jersey Real Estate Commission. Virginia Vogt Stevenson has moved to 142 Meircer Street, Princeton, NJ 08540. Doris Bainbridge Macintosh writes, “ Moved to Old Saybrook— a block fro B tlife'fbeach on L.l. Sound— love it! Vol­ unteering and tennis keeps me busy. Have five darling grandsons---all too far away, unfortunately.” Joy Egleson Bower w rites from Longboat Key, FL, “ It was great to see Jean Getty Laurence when she and Perry were here. We have now settled into a quiet leisurely life In Florida, w H a small s¡Simmer place in Maine. We h'ave two sons. Peter, who teaches in Phoenix, AZ, spends his summers bicy­ cling. Robert lives in Wellesley, MA where he Is the comptroller for Wellesrey College. He Is married and has two daughters.” Janet Watkins Cook sent a long newsy letter, “ I am looking forward to our 50th. I remember when I saw the 50 year a lu m n a S it our graduation and thought them an'oient, but M e rta in ly don’t feel ancient! ¡Plieiyast quite often, so the idea of a class reunion doespjm me on! O urHder daughter Claire lives in Boston and I still have several c o H sin's imNJ. We have also been doing qutte a bit of International travel, high­ lighted by a fascinating trip to China last spring. The most thrilling parts of our trip were actually walking (or rather climbing, as it is extremely steep!) Im the Great Wall and having some delight­ ful-conversations with several young Chinese students there. We also en­ joyed SHjPeking Opera and seeing the pandas and their baby at the Peking Zoo. Wherever we went we were struck by how welcom ing and friendly the Chinese are. We spent-four days In Ma­ nila before-flying to Peking. W hilM glre we took a trip to Corregidor----a very mo\fiSg experience and--one I never ex­ pected to have some 40 years ago!

The only person from our class with whomH have been in touch is Eloise Moore Warner. Eloise and I had a great trip to Egypt two years ago. She also travelled to China last year.” Margaret Church Perkins reports, “ I’m having a marvellous time .since re­ tirement last year doing B ln g s B didn’t have time to do before. Keeping up my interest in collecting shells with atrip to Costa Rica right after Thanksgiving.” MA William J. Thompson, Jr. 415 Claremont Avenue #2E Montclair, NJ 07042 Jay “Herb” Reid divides his time be­ tween Bethesda, MD and Hilton Head Island, SC. After graduating from Wash­ ington and Lee U., he served as a WashIngtorwews correspondent, and then as Director of Public Information for the In­ ternational Monetary Fund. He and his wife Virginia have a daughter, four sons, and three grandchildren. Herb writes that he has many enjoyable memories of Montclair,Be Academy, and the Jersey Shore and Is looking forward to our 50th Reunii|§ on October 15. Charles E. “Charlie” Roh writes, “ I have retired after 35 years from my prac­ tice of pulmonary medicine. My wife Sara Cole Roh ’35, was my secretary, nurse and receptionist for ¿he last ten years. We are now enjoying retirement together with many hobbies and Inter­ ests to fill the days. We have four married childreMAnn is a physical therapist and lives here in West Hartford. Patricia and her hus­ band, a computer engineer, live in w H «|hester, MA. Chip (Charles, Jr.) a lawyer m arried to a lawyer, ^ v e s a jJ jG e neva,Switzerland where he works for the Jsj.S. Trade Mission. Our youngest, David was married to a lovely software engineer tjjj|s spring^¿yadrftn^y compute in the Boston area. Dave’s godfather, Dave Stanley, attended the wedding. He and I swore a fH y oarato attend our 50th next f a l l l haven’t been back to Montclair for years.” Oliver “Elly” Wood writes, "Since I retired from the Army in 1967 after 34 years service In the artillery, Sue and I have been living In Carmel, CA. I teach ijgatB physics and driver education; at Robert Louis Stevenson, a private coed prep school very similar to MKA. I ex­ pect to continue teaching at least until I reach 70, as working with young people is stimulating and rewarding. For many years my hobbies have included sailing and skiing. I have an 18 foot racing sail­ boat wh||h I race and sail year round. I enjoy skiing at Squaw Valley where as a ‘Senior CitlzenM ski all day for $5! After 70 It’s free! We spend Christmas with our,son Chips and his family in Colorado Springs. We have two grandchildren, Catharine and Oliver of whom we are very fond. I’ll do my best to make re­ union in October. Our guest bedrooms,, open to all classmates for a visit. There are at least six fine g o lf courses nearby!”

TKS Mrs. David Haviland (Barbara Spadone) 185 Gates Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 Elizabeth “ Lib” Gracy Kenny and Bill find their Rockcliffe Apartment very handy— they can turn the key and dis­ appear to Paris in September, Antigua in January, and Eleuthera in February. They may look for a pled-à-terre in New England for summers. Once again the happiest event of the New Year was a luncheon given by Mar­ jorie “ M idge” Atwater Crane and Ralph at their farm in Stockton, NJ. My husband, David Haviland '32 had his 50th reunion at MKA last October. H enjoyed talking with everyone who re­ turned, but especially our daughter Nancy Haviland Hutchinson’s '62 classmates who were celebrating their 20th reunEfflNancy came from Virginia Beach for the event and loved it! We look forward to seeing Jean Berry Walton and Hunter, Terry Bull Sterling and ArtM and Kay Halsey Hutson and Frank in Naples, FL this winter. MÀ Harry W. “Hap” Hazard writes,.“ I am still working full time trying to finish my six volume series on the Crusades.” H. Henry Bertram reports, “ After more than 20 years as D irector offe fflum an Resources for the New York Hospital, I retired with my wife, to Amagansett, NY in May ’82. Keep up witral hospital work as a volunteer at Southhamptonmlospital and devote spare time to making miniature furniture and doll houses for our grandchildren."


TKS Mrs. Stewart Carpenter (Josephine Fobes) 4 La Salle Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Many thanks to all those who re­ sponded to my letter. Kay Richards DeLancey and her husband Bob enjoy retirement but keep busy with part-time jobs. Kay is planning a trip to Italy and England to see friends. All her family were with them for Christmas in New ^Ham pshire. Patty Tonnele Wilson writes from C anandaigua, NY about her busy scbjdule as co-treasurer of the Hospital Guild, OntjanoBlstorical Society and The Granger Homestead. She was in Cape May last June and Seattle in Sep­ tember visiting her children and grand­ child. I enjoyed talking to Bobby Littlejohn on the phone. She still lives In New York and is reallj|enjoying retirement. Along with other volunteer duties she Is Public Relations Director at Rusk Rehabilita­ tion Institute. She went to Bermuda on the QE2 last fall with her four pound Yorkie.

Ruth McCord Alexander and her husband B ill keep travelling— Europe, Bermuda, Florida. Betty Blackledge Fenger has moved to 1543 Babcock Road, Apt. 602, San Antonio, TX 78229. A note from Jeannette Bell Winters suggested we start to plan soon for our 50th in 1985. I’d be glad to make the arrangements. Any Ideas?


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TKS Mrs. W. Kent Schmid (Josephine Murray) Mason's Island Mystic, CT 06355 Betty Howe Glaze writes, “Andy and I celebrated our 40th anniversary Octo­ ber 24th. Many thanks to classmates who sent the lovely “anniversarygrams.” Olive Cawley Watson’s daughter Helen was married to Mark Wentworth! Blodgett on October 2, 1982.

Josephine “Jodie” Murray Schmid ’36 and Connie Hay Van Heuven ’57, Nan­ tucket, Summer ’82 MA W. Kent Schmid Mason's Island Mystic, CT 06355 Dallas Townsend reports, "We now have seve^grandchildren. On October 16 I received the Amstrong Memorial Research Foundation Award 'for out­ standing news coverage over a quarter of a century.’ Have no intention of retir­ ing yet!"

TKS Ruth Russell Gray (Ruth Russell) 60 Stirling Road Watchung, NJ 07060 Several classmates st-ITI continue to meet monthly. The stalwarts are Peg Klotz Young, Kathryn “Teppy” Holton Sjolander, Jean Hamlin Noyes, Vir­ ginia “Ginnie” Kracke Leavitt, Mar­ jorie “Midge” Rile Weigel, Ruth Duff Eager and occasionally Jane Rinck, Frances Montgomery and myself. The latest group gathering was on Decem­ ber 17th at The Coach and Paddock Restaurant outside Clinton, NJ. A merry time was had by»i!i,l. Peg Young te lls of a visit several months ago with Dee Vondermuhl

Young which they both enjoyed. Peg also reports that her annual trip to France was wonderful this year as she took her two granddaughters. They spent a week in Paris and then conH n e c te d with her French group from Montclair and toured Brittany and Nor­ mandy for ten days. Etretat was a real “ pilgrimage of nostalgia” for Peg who summered there as a child. Upon her return from France Peg joined her hus­ band in Seattle to visit their remarkable Aunt Doff who is about to turn 104 years of age! Peg’s children and grandchil­ dren continue to do interesting things— like playing soccer, entertaining foreign students, renovating brownstones in New York City,Biting roofs on houses while living underneath, and adopting a new daughter to add to the offspring of offspring. Jane Rinck writes that she also spent two glorious months in France this past year with her niece skiing and sculpting. She then toured the Alcan Fiighway end to end. Alaska and the Yukon, from her H o f t y seat in a travelling motordrome, was beautiful and exhilarating. Jane comments, "Our continent is a wonder!" Another of our peripatetic classmates, Ginnie Kracke Leavitt, decided the weather around here was too warm for Christmas, so she and her spouse set out for the Canadian Rockies. Starting out on the Empire Builder train, they went through Glacier National Park, on to Seattle, Vancouver, Lake Louise and Banff for a New Year’s Eve celebration. Then back to New Jersey from Calgary. Ruth Duff Eager writes that husband George retired and then decided to “ un­ retire” and start his own consulting bu.sfl ness. At least his time is his own whicl| gives their lives more flexibility. They are delighted withftheir new and second grandson. . This past year was one of change for me. I sold my business building of 17 years in Plainfield and moved my office to Watchung, NJ. I have also moved from my former home and bought a condominHm in Bridgewater Township (near Somerville), NJ. I still run back and forth to bask in the sunshine in Cler­ mont, FL. I plan to have bilateral hipsocket surgery in the near future. When I have two new hips, plan to celebrate with a Hip, Hip Hooray party!


TKS Miss Jane Carpenter 12 Francis Place Montclair, NJ 07042 Barbara Bailey Hoey celebrated Thanksgiving in Wilton, CT with her son Richard and family, two grandchildren Alice, 8 and Benjamiri^4. Richard is very busy as chief economist of AG Becker. At home in Remsenburg, Long Island, Barbara and Bernie tend their gardens and engage in sports, from year-round swimming to golf. Barbara is also active in civic affairs. Priscilla “Pril” Bennet Ritter is to-

ta lly involved with her new home in Mendham, NJ. Surrounded by friendly neighbors, she thoroughly enjoys Ca­ nadian geese, woodpeckers, plovers, etc. You name it, it’s there, even a deer! She comes down to earth occasionally with temporary work at AT&T and visits from her children and grandchildren. Daughter Lynn is handling large crowds at the Tewkesbury Winery as well as tak­ ing care of Skye, 10 and Tyler, 5. Son Ben is working hard ih "|jis home which has gas lights and birch trees lining the driveway. He has two daughters, Heidi, 5, and Stephanie, 2. Son Shelly lives in California in his dream house and is working hard to support it. Dorothy Booth Pearson and her husband had a wonderful trip to Portu­ gal and London last summer. Joan Garrigan Dial and Charlie have moved to North Carolina and are build­ ing a house at 305 Linden Road, Pinehurst, NC 28374. One of their sons is married, the other is a professional jazz pianist, playing throughout the United States and sometimes in Europe. He must have inherited his mother’s ability to play the piano. Remember? Edie Henderson Scripps took another trip to North Africa this fall. Her children áre not too far from her. One daughter lives in northern Cali­ fornia, and her sons live in Nevada and Mexico. Narcisse Kunz Cadgene has also had a travelling year. She and George spent their first winter in a condo in Belleair, FL. During the summer they came north and took the Concorde to Paris, then toured 5,000 miles through France, Switzerland and Spain. Ber­ muda in October, and an occasional stop in New Jersey, where they keep an apartment, rounded out the year||r'heir two daughters are both doing well in their vocatións. Ann McNair Bushnell and her hus­ band had a year of weddings. Their son Frank was married to Jean O liver in Wacoffi'X in February. Then H Novem­ ber thetr.youngest son John married Laurie Bartholomew in Pennsylvania. The Bushnells have spent the last three winters in Florida and love it. Margot Meehan Weidlich and her husband also enjoy Florida— a number of our class seem to have migrated there. Five children and eight grandsiiildren aged from 3 to 18 keep them hop­ ping. A garden, Kiwanis and VA acres of lawn are there when things slacken up a bit. Margot is a Christian Science Practitioner. In addition to her other re­ sponsibilities, she cares for her 87 year old motheBi-law who lives with them. June “Holly” Mitchell Kimball sent a great Christmas letter telling of the ar­ rival of twin grandsons, the first grand­ children in her family. She has become very “ grandmotherly"— complete w |hl pictures! She and Ed did find time to go to Tucson in February and to the Virginia Hot Springs for the fall foliage. Daughter Carla got her MBA at Rollins and won the Wall Street Journal Award. She is

now on her own in computer software. Holly invites us all to come down ,to visit EPCOT, Disney’s new project. Spe­ cial effects include robots, snythetic .itriists and d a zzling lig h t displays. Spaceship Earth rides forward into the past and backs ¡ntosMie future. Figure that one out! It was great to hear from so many from such a small class. The postcard system seems to work. I am enjoying my new, smaller homeEless upkeep, yet very adequate. Commuting to New York full tim e and several c iv ic a c tiv itie s — church and club— keep me going full blast most of the time. How about those of you who were not heard from and j{ ||a y b e a picture thrdwn in next time of yourself or your family? MA G. John Schreiner, Jr. writes, "Re­ tired in Ocean City, NJ, but keeping busy with various investments. Was elected Republican Committeeman, Cape May County Economic Develop­ ment Com m ission and Ocean City Coastal Conservation Commission. My wife, Julie and I have four children and nine grandchildren. One daughter lives in Phoenix, AZ and the other lives in the Netherlands. Oldest son lives close by and our youngest son ijwes in North Carolina and plans to marry in June." l i l



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MA Peter Funk writes, "All ouEseven children are married. My seventh book to be published by Doubleday in Octo­ ber ’83. Mary and I have a software com­ pany (computer use). Have written H Pays to Enrigh Your Word Power” in the Reader's Digest for many years, including two English language foreign edi­ tions. Run 26 mile marathons. Mary and I are very active in church and related matters.”

4( ) = = = = = = = = = = TKS Mrs. Charles V. Cross (Barbara Armstrong) 2306 Cardinal Drive Point Pleasant, NJ 08742

Barbara Armstrong Cross and her new home Selina Hird Taylor and Lou '37 have lots to report. January brought a new granddaughter, February found them in Atlantic City— walking the boardwalk,

not g a m b B g — March in St. Maarten, July at Eaton’s Ranch in Wyoming, a r | f , August at Skyto:f®Besides all this ife y play bridge and golf and she is presi­ dent of the Women of Warner Presbyter­ ian C h u ro w jS e lln a had lunch with Eleanor Strohm Leavitt ’41 who came forth for successful eye surgery. Marilyn Gates Crandell and George put (Sits of miles on their trailer home. In Jariuaryrfhey went to Death Valley, in April to the H i j l Sierras-Srecord snow, B en around Lake Tahoe, down the Sac­ ramento Delta and through San Francisico, Monterey and Carmel. In September and October they made a 10,000 mile trip to points in Alaska, the Inside Passage, British Colombia and home through Washington,' Oregon and Idaho. They made another brief m b in November to th e B g h Sierras where they met the weather created by Hurri­ cane Iwa. During the summer they re­ modeled their house w h B fflw w has a wraparound^ew of Santa Monica Bay. There are still four generations in resi­ dence at her home— her mother across the patio in a little house and her nephew and family next door. Nancy Kluge Rumery’s first grand­ child Whitney David Brooks was born on .July 29th.- , Carolyn Bedell Kennard is recover­ ing from a broken wrist suffered on the tennis court. No more hard courts for her! Betty Burnham Hinckley andBjer husband Hugh still live in Riverside, CT. Hugh retired from Doulton and Co. re­ cently. Betty, still in real eitate. 'is Pres­ id e n t of Wood A ssociam s, Inc. .in Greenwich.Mheir daughter D ebbie|s m arried and lives in Chicago. Son Carter is with Merrill Lynch in New York. They have two granddaughters, Joan Bayne Williams writes, “ We visited Montclair fgf the first tige.in 30 years last summer. We had lunch at the Golf Club with Barbara Malcolm w Hse daughter went to-Kimbeney and saw Bev Crane Osborne ’39, Carol Chris­ topher Schmitz ’39, and Frances Johnson Furlong ’42 all in about 15 minutes. Earlier Betty Burnham Hinckley ,i|ad a mini-reunion invGreenwich with Bobby Kluge Denning and Sis Under­ wood Gregory. What a treat to .¡visit and talk for a whole evening! The husbands were most R derstanding. Saw Jean Girdler Grinnell andffifer daughter in Maine last August. Bud is retired and Therefore we now spend six months in Maine— in an elastic cabin . . . » a y s room for more— and six months in Palps Verdes.” Helen Keenan Thatcher and A j spen®anuary and February at Hilton Head. I managed to clear out 28 years of ac­ cumulation p m y old 14 room house and move to a little house in Point Pleasant —what a chore! In spite of itspize, all four childre n and th e ir spouses squeezed irtfifdi Christmas. I love*it-here and have found a part-time job at Point Pleasant Hospital, i have lunch with

Nancy Schoonmaker Heidt frequently. She and Bob went to Nova Scotia and New England in September and pian a trip south i#the winter. . MA Frederick Little writes, "Daughter Linda Russell is.a special ed teacher in A sheville, NC where her husband, Glenn, is a CPA with Axzona Corp. Both are graduâtes of Emory U. Daughter Jane is a graduate of Southern Method­ ist and has a management position with South West Bell.Telephone CoHn Dal­ las. Jeanne and i just completed afis other gilt shop seasffl irMLondonderry, VT and are now back in Fort Lauderdale, FL where I am a director of Pine Crest Prep Schpdj{fji.enroHment 1,350 stu­ dents."

TKS Mrs. William P. Breen ¿.(Helen Hanau) 24 Greenview Way Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 MA David G. Baird, Jr. 9 Parkway Montclair, NJ 07042 David Baird has volunteered to be Class Secretary so please send your news to him at the above,addrn§s.4.#

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TKS Mrs. Robinson V. Smith (Joan Trimble) 16 Marshall Terrace Wayland, MA 01778

40th Reunion MA & TKS Thanks to Elsie Luddecke Kelsey who, as Reunion Chairman, really gath­ ered our class together. Fifteen of us, and quite a few hulbands, returffid to the school on October 2 for om 40th reuniefif; See photios at the beginning of th || Section. A note from Janet Gates Bonney says, “ Daughter Barbara just signed up toeing role of Sopftfe in the opera “ R P senlfclvalier” at Royal Opera Houle inRphdon, England ih’December 1984. in the meantime she’s spending a year with an opera house in Darms'tjSdt, West Germany, and then will move on to an­ other in Frankfurt. I have a Main'S'salt water farm with a tree farm, three differ­

ent kinds of berriesfSSnd over 50 ani­ mals.’ ; am also clearng land and plan to build a house myself. All of this makes me very happy!" Frances Johnson Furlong’s daugK ter Mary-Lucinda was married on No­ vember 21 to Peter M itc h e J During phonathon Franny found Marie Holmes Stevenson’s new address. She is living at 54 Turner Street, Salem, MA 01970. MA Thanks to Reunion Chairmen Bill Schulting and Jack Kelsey, 14 mem­ bers of the Class of ’42 tumed^jffip at school for their 40th reunion in October. A!tetter from David E. Lewis reports, “ I thought it was an excellent reunion ®hd all of my classmates remarked on what a really splendid show the school put on. It may be interesting to know that three members of the Class of 1942 are H sted in the Who’s Who in America. There may be more but I juPt haven’t had a chance to check them all. Our class­ mate, Allan “Sandy” Brown, who very much wanted to attend our 40th but could not because of other com m it­ ments, is busily engaged working in the office of the Chairman of the Board of Exxon Corporation. He travels widely throughout the world and continues his writingL-=a skill which he acquired many years ago in Mr. Barras’ English Honors course at the Academy.” E. D. “Ted” Etherington writes, “ Re­ ceived the Baldwin Medal, Wesleyan’s AlurpffAssociation’S highest award, in June. I have now run the Whole course: student. faculty member, administrator (Assistant Dean); then Distinguished Alumnus Award, Honorary Degree; then President, then Trustee— now President Emeritus. It’s a record that can be tied but not broken, and means a lot to me dnd my family.” John Coward writes, “We welcomed spy birth of our third grandchild, Eliza­ beth Audrey Post, last October, f t e nest is almost empty. Anyone want to buy a big house?” ' B ill S chulting re ports-that Fred Calder is recuperating nicely after a multiple heart by-pass operation. Fred plans to continue golfing within what­ ever limits his physiefen sets. Malcolm Tenney writes, “ I’m the Reglemal Medical Director for the Virginia State Health Department which covers 24 counties and 8 cities in the northwest area of the State. Also serve on State Health Coordinating Council, the local fire department'and as an adjunct p m fpssor iffta m e s Madison U. where I ‘teach several health courses each year, ■¡lav’s’ three children, two daughters and a son.”

TKS Mrs. E. B. Ruffing, Jr. (Joan Sweeney) 125 Westview Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

MA Richard “Dick” Angus writes, "After graduating from MA in 1943, I went into the Army and then to Rutgers U. Since S e n I have worked at various jobs. Re­ tired last October from the W estinghouse Elevator Co. in Randolph, NJ. My wife Helen and I have lived in Denville, NJ since 1955. Our three married chil­ dren and one granddaughter all live nearby.” J. Randall “Randy” Gritzan writes, “ I am still working for the New Jersey Department of Transportation as a civil engineer in Charge of state-aided bridge and road construction projects in six northern NJ counties. I have bepn married 34 years and have three chil­ dren and a granddaughter.” Edward S. Olcott writes, “ Retired as Director of Planning and Development at the Port Authority in January '83 after nearly 34 years. J plan to write and con­ sult in planning, m anagement and transportation fields.” James T. Mackey retired in April 1982 after 25 years of service with S p e g cer-Kellogg (Textron).

TKS Mrs. Nancy Heydt Green (Nancy Heydt) 99 Belvidere Road Falmouth, MA 02540 Suddenly g e deadline.for the spring issue is here, and I haven’t been exactly swamped with r\ews items. I spent two weeks In Essex Fells in the fall helping out my mother who was re­ covering from surgery. She’s well now and ¡.«he Bahamas with father regain­ ing her strength. My hope was to take advantage of thé time and geography to contact you alM buftim e became filled up, and it didn’t happen. Spent a delightful afternoon with Betty Specht and the enchanting Louisa,||ë :r titëe'e year old adopted daughter. They live In one of Betty’s re­ modeled homes on Montague Place, and it's lovely— light, bright and spa­ cious. Louisa is a petite, sloe-eyed imp of Brazilian background, and she and Betty seem to be best friends as well as mother and daughter. Betty and I hadn’t seen each other in 38 (is it p o |lible) years, but after the first minute or two, the years vanished. While In New JerseyH tried to reach Janet Harris O’Toole with no luck. C alled her again ju s t recently and learned that the year has been a good one— a pjouple of trips to Bermuda to see her son Richie, a business course, job hunting, some temporary jobs, aero­ bic dancing, church work, etc., etc. All sounds fine and good. Jan had suffered a serious sunburn .last summer o n ltra Cape— hospitalized in fact. She, J ilw l and I had a splendid evening together on the Cape a few years ago, and hope to again in the future. Managed to catch Betty Deyo Gar­ ner at home in Orleans-, MA arouhd

Christmas. Since their son Billy is still in high school, she and Steve are living in Attleboro, but plan a permanent move to the Cape when B illy graduates this spring. In the meantime, they’ve been to San Francisco to visit daughter Linda and brand new grandchild, Meagan Elizabeth. They have plans to go to An­ tigua and Vero Beach during the winter. Betty hopes to see Connie Soverel Gattle while In Florida. Got a waflpi and breezy note from Connie at Christmas. She and Tom cel* ebrated their first wedding anniversary in October, and she’s bubbling over. They do a lot of traveling for Tom’s bed and bath stores and plan to go to Ma­ deira in February. Connie’s new adress is 14077 Paradise Point Road, Lake Park, FL 33410. Was saddened to learn recently of the death of Ann Harvey Rapkin last May. Our sympathy to Ann’s family. MA Arthur Harris 2 Jarvis Street Norwalk, CT 06851 Michael Poydinecz writes, “ I am cur­ rently developing Lost Pine Village, a luxurious home development, three miles south of Smithville, NJ.” Our deepest sympathy to the family of James F. Fowler who died in March 1982.

TKS A ¡Rote from Pat Driver Shuttleworth says, “ Please correct in the next issue . . . the Historical Societies with which I am involved are on Long Island, not Cony Island. It caused a lot of laughs!" Leigh Berrien Smith writes, “ Our three children are married, living and working in the Boston area. Procter and I enjoyed Thanksgiving and Christmas with them. We toured the historic sites of Boston and walked around Walden Pond on an unusually warm December day. We enjoyed seeing Susan Ailing Miller and Tony." Jane Hagan Farno’s son Greg mar­ ried in May '82. He lives in Baltimore, as does his sister Stephanie. Son Eric is teaching, son Clay is in college and tl® youngest, Peter, is a senior in high school. Jarag says grandson Christopher is a joy. She still works seasonally for H & R Block. A Christmas message (inffluding some o’f her fine poetry) from ‘Anne Feagley W ittels, mentions she saw Joan Bayne Williams '42 in California. When lastgeard from' Judy Shearer Turnbull and Bob were spending the winter months at their Florida home. Her daughter and son Jason live in Dum­ fries, VA. Josephine Murphy Rayermann’s younger son Richard, ijjlraduated from Annapolis|*ffih June. While in Maryland,

she pained Rudd Trimble Kenvin and Judy Turnbull. Classmates w ill be happy to hear Jo’s mother is in her 90’s and is still very active'’. . In her Christmai/iewsletter, Phyllis Harder Reininger and Dick reported a full year with their four sons and one daughter. Rick was married in Septet® ber. He works In construction and lives in West Seattle. Craig, a stockbroker, lives w iflm is wife on a farm in eastern W ashington. Fred and his w ife pre­ sented the family with the first Reininger grandchild, Rebecca Loren, last July. Youngest son, Chuck, graduated from U. of Puget Sound last May, and daugh­ ter Sharon is a junior there. Their dog, Rascal, graduated as the oniy nop? Shepherd search dog in the Northwest, and iisjinow tra in in g for avalanche searches: Many thanks to Leigh Smith who has acted as temporary Class Secretary. She would-like someone to volunteer to take, over on a permanent basis. MA William B. Grant 1444 S. Calle Rolph Palm Springs, CA 92262 Emil D. Tietje writes, "I have five chil­ dren and live invFalmouth, MA where l run a small fish market, party boat busi­ ness and marina.”

TKS Mrs. Thomas F. Troxell, Jr. (Heidi Ames) 50 Glenwood Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Elizabeth “ Libby” Smith Shores, who’s first husband died years ago, was Carried to George Shoemaker, a wid­ ower, on February 15th. The Shoreses and the Shoemakers had been friends In Scarsdate, NY for 15 years, co-parish­ ioners .at church, and joint Minders of a ijg h ly successful Little Theater move­ ment. Now, to general rejoicing, Libby and George have married. AJ good wishes. Another newlywed is Joanne Harder Woodward. She married Jay Woodward p A prgl982 and now lives in San Luis Rey Downs, Bonsall, CA. She writes, “We are involved in .thoroughbred horse racing and do t-hii,California circuit: Santa Anita, Hollywood Park, Dei Mar.”

Joanne Harder Woodward and hus­ band Joe

MA Richard A. Cluthe sends his best re­ gards to all his friends. He and his wife, Nancy, live and work in Vero Beach, FL. He reports, '¿Two of our three grown Chil­ dren remained in Michigan where we lived for many years before moving here; the other lives in Florida.”



TKS Mrs. Edwin Reade, Jr. (Petey Hoffman) Box 165 Deerfield, MA 01342 My thanks to the many of you who re­ sponded to last year’s letter and for your Christmas greetings. Now to hear from the rest of you! Janet Heller writes that she very excited about her 'perfect jo b ,’ as re­ search supervisor for “ Inside Washing­ ton,” a weekly TV program hosted by syndicated columnist Mark Shield on Maryland's PBS station. Janet has lived in Baltimore since 1963. She has three children: Claude, a senior at the U. of California, Santa Cruz; Thomas, a junior at the Friends School In Baltimore, and Kate, a former student at Notre Dame who is now a farmerette! Cynthia Overton Blandy writes that she and her husband Gray had a beau­ tiful trip to England In ¡¡¡lily. They be­ came ‘Instant grandparents’ when s o |I Peter married and became the father of two step-daughters. Cyrajsays that her daughters, Robin and Jennifer, both hold excellent jobs. She hopes to have a reunion of New England classmates. My summer was incredibly full! Our daughter Katherine (Emma Willard 76, Vassar ’80) was married on a PVD (per­ fect Vineyard day) to Joshua Chishold Rosenblatt of San Francisco. They first met on the Emma W illard-Thafcher S c h o o li exchahge program'. Many Deerfifeld friends joined all our Vineyard H friends for the outdoor wedding and re: c e p tffl|K a tie wore my wedding dress and a cathedral veil that her grand­ mother had worn. (Ed. note: MKA Prin­ cip a l, Fran O 'C o a io r, was K a tie ’s Principal at Emma Willard. She said she knew the California-New York exchange was a great educational venwe, but the marriage Is an unexpected bonus!) A week later, T r f lt y Episcopal C h u rc » Oak Bluffs, of whlcffljam a warden, was rededlcated by the Right Reverend Jdhn B. Cobugg, Bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts. In honor of the church’s centennial, I wrote the church’s first hisStory. Part of my researf|’ involved 100 years of Vineyard Gazette microfilm! Throughout the summer we entertained v is itin g cle rg y and eminent guest preachers. It was a wonderful 100th an­ niversary! Alison Smith, daughter of Procter and Leigh Berrien Smith '45 was married to Jonathon Hitesman on the Vineyard the day before our daughter’s wedding. Both families were delighted and hon­

ored by the presence of old Montclair friends. Barbara Nash Hanson’s daughter Lynn Armitage Sullivan married Jeffrey Earle Dooley of Honolulu, HI on May 14, 1982. Please keep sending news! MA Chase Troxell 44 Windemere Terrace Short Hills, NJ 07078 When volunteering to be Class Sec­ retary, Chase Troxell wrote, “ I entered MA 45 years ago and am still intemper­ ate, rancorous and thoroughly unpleas­ ant— but older! I practice law in New York and Summit. My wife and I’Tive in Short Hills, and have three grown chil­ dren. Would love the chance to see any of the old gang.” Andrew Davlin writes, “ I am starting a new career in Aquaculture, growing channel cat fish in geothermal waters in the middle of a Nevada desert. I am still Chairman of Bonney Motor Express and commute cross-country once or twice a month." News from Sam Hakim reads, 'Tve lived in Virginia Beach for 22 years and would be delighted to hear from any classmates who might vis it® am presi­ dent of Commodity Trading and Service Co., play a lot of tennis, do some Little Theater acting and directing. My daugh­ ter Ellen graduated from the U. of Ver­ mont. HeriSusband Todd Johnson, a landscape architect, has a graduate de­ gree from Harvard and holds Harvard's Jerusalem Fellowship. My son Jeff is a graduate math student at the U. of Chi­ cago and my youngest Danny, is in the sixth grade at Norfolk Academy.” Cole Sheehey writes, “ Still wittnHennepin County. Both children married,^so I have the house all to myself.” Deepest sympahy to the family of Wil­ liam G. Behlen who died on September 16, 1982.

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Bombs?” . Other creditsm clude man­ aging editor of the Yale Record and some drama (Jodie Foster et al). More academ ic matters: I was the Mountcastle Lecturer at Gilman Schodtjast year, which involved time in the class­ room. We ran a symposium on “ Medi­ cine and Anthropology" with Richard Leakey for the H opkins M edical School.”

TKS Joan Newell Sanford writes, "I am a Vice President of Safeguard Business Systems in Montclair. AllHjve children a rr iv in g away from home. My oldest, Buck, is married and getting his doctor­ ate at Berkeley. Pat is married and lives outside Chicago with two sons. Beth, also married, lives in San Francisco. Dick is a junior at U. of Pennsylvania and Tom® a senior at Kent S chooH H Our deepest sympathy to Mary Ann Nebergal Bliss whose husband Peter died on September 16, 1982. MA Richard M. Drysdale P.O. Box 217 Bay Head, NJ 08742

SSEEEEESESZSSESSZ TKS Mrs. E. Alden Dunham III (Louise Green) 73 Brookstone Drive Princeton, NJ 08540 Louise Green Dunham who has vol­ unteered to be class secretary as of the ■next issue writes, “All Dunhams doing fine in Princeton, NJ. It is so nice to have all our children nearby. My oldest son is married and lives in the area. Both daughters attend Princeton, one a grad­ uate student in architecture and the other a sophomore. The only child living at home is our youngest son who is in high school. Send me your news by May ¡ § ^ ¡ 5 for the fall issue of the Alumni News."

TKS Mrs. A. Stanley Miller, Jr. (Frances Lane) 2498 NW 25th Street Boca Raton, FL 33434

MA Joseph Bamford writes, "Retired from ob-gyn practice in St. Johnsbury, VT and am now writing fiction and re­ storing old inns. My wife, Sue, is the as­ sistant manager of the Old New England Inn in Waterford, VT. My soteJoe, works for Lever Bros, in New York and my daughter Betsy is attending college in Vermont. She plans to marry ¡¡¡¡May 1983.” Richard Macksey writes, “ Our son? Alan is a junior at Yale. His singing group, The Baker’s Dozen, has just is­ sued a record, “California Dream” , that will probably not make it to platinum. B jjh e y also supplied the music for a CBS Sunday morning show “ Books or

Wedding of Audrey M aas Lew is’ daughter Tracy to Larry Lydon Audrey Maas Lewis writes, "Our daughter Tracy married Larry Lydon in Cape Elizabeth, ME last August. He is a carpenter with a Portland, ME construc­ tion firm. We rented a house in Maine for the month of August so mother could “take charge." Our youngest son, Dan, is in high school. Jonathan, 22, gradu­ ated as a chef from the Culinary Institute of America in January 1983. Dick is a

partner in the CPA firm of Ernst and Whinney. Two neighbors and I have pur­ chased a franchise of White Gloves and Party Manners, which we have named Conn-Etiquette. We teach etiquette and social skills to girls aged 6-11. Good manners, kindness and thoughtfulness to others are back in style and we have been very favorably accepted in the community." MA Rudolph H. Deetjen, Jr. Northgate Road Mendham, NJ 07945 We had the pleasure of a mini-reunion with Bill Rowe who stopped by Mendham on his way to the New York Boat Show. Buicks are begone for Bill, and Rowe Boats International is blooming! He and his wife, Bunny, and their two sailor daughters welcome any MA or TKS classmates for a sailing or skiing rendezvous at Valcour in Peru, NY. Just call them at (518)563-2628. On the tom e front, the Deetjens are hail and hearty. Our athlete, C liff,jfs making honor grades in his junior year at Morristown Beard and Leif is finishing at the Tabor Academy and looking to­ ward college for the fall. SEND IN YOUR NEWS!

TKS Mrs. Erie Stroh (Gail Robertson) 350 Provencal Road Gross Pointe Farms, Ml 48236 Miriam Eustis Irwin spoke to Beth Sherman Fisher during phonathon. Beth keeps busy with her two sons aged 11 and 8. She is involved with the Monjfe clair Garden Club and was about to take an exam to qualify .as a flower show judge.

I only wish that everyone of you had come to our 30th reunion. It was fabu­ lous to be together after 30 years! We had the added bonus of joining with some '52 graduates of the Academy. Babs Pendleton'Donnell reports the marriage of her oldest, Bridget, to Fred­ erick W. Newton on September 4. Her husband Jim escorted the bride down the aisle and then performed the cere­ mony. Janie graduated irpjjune 1982 from College of Wooster and son, Cal, is a junior at Ohio Wesleyan. Anne Dwyer Milne and Norm are building a smaller house on their property in||jew Hampshire hoping to seitthe main house which is huge and magnifi­ cent. Jane Redfield Forsberg and I visited the Milne's with our families last winter and enjoyed a day on the farm snowmobiling and cross-country skiing. Wain Koch Maass vacationed with friends in Spain last summer. Her ..oldest son, BilHives and works in Boston. The other three are still in school. Nancy Booth Kelly missed our reun­ ion, but I ran into her in Montclair a few times last year. On one occasion it was her parents’ 50th anniversary and I met her three charming teenage boys. The MKA May in Italy tour sounds too good to miss so your secretary will be joining the group of twenty. Ned and the g irls seem delighted I’m going. . . . makes one wonder! Our deepest sympathy to Jean Fairgrieve Granum whose mother died last December. Gail Tomec Kerr, Carol Humphrey White and I attended the lovely memorial service in Montclair during which Jean and her two sons spoke. MA Joseph L. Bograd 10 Gorham Court Wayne, NJ 07470

MA Ernest F. Keer III P.O. Box 1030 Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742

TKS Mrs. Edward C. Fawcett (Fay Taft) 9 Gordon Place Montclair, NJ 07042

30th Reunion MA ’52 Congratulations to Austin Drukker who did a great job as Reunion Chalg

Ban. Ten members of the&lass came back: Daniel Read from V irginia, Charles Sage all the way from Iowa, Robert Kim and Roger Webb from Massachusetts and David Kerr, Terry Wing, Robert Evans, John Kidde and Burton Bronander from local areas. A great time was had by all. :

TKS Mrs. Thomas Burgin (Lolly Penick) 328 Fairway Road Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Jaquelin Ambler Cusick writes, “Peggy Jones Steuart and I spent two wonderful weeks in France last Septem­ ber. We spent a week in Paris and Nor­ mandy and a week in Monte Carlo studying im p re ssionist and postimpressionist painters.” Patricia Eddy Ford writes, "Ben and I went to Spain to see Doug (Bowdoin ’83) while he spent a semester there. He is now in Moscow on the ACTR program. Andy is a freshman at Dartmouth and Jeff is stilt at home. I head the volunteers at his high school.” MA Peter A. Cockshaw 641 Lakeview Circle Newton Square, PA 19073 I received a newsy letter from Bob Coningsby whose business, Apex Ma­ chine Co., is very successful and growing. It entails a lot of travelling which he enjoys. His two eldest sons, Bob and H fo d d , are now working with him, so “ nepotism is reaching its heights.” Bob’s third son, Greg is a mechanical engineering major at "Old Miss” and his fourth son, R ussellis a freshman at Fur, man U. Bob admits, “As a very selfish father I would love to see all my sons in the business.” His daughter Kris is “ 13 going on 20 and the apple of her father’s eye." Bob and Bette celebrated their 25§jjwedding anniversary last year and “ look forward to the day when our chil­ dren w ill be married and we can be­ come doting grandparents!" Meanwhile they are extremely active in their church, Rotary,|jhe Museum for the Arts and sev­ eral other groups. Bob, as well as most of our class­ mates, is looking forward to our 30th re­ union on October 15 this year. As he put it, “ I will try to arrange«y schedule to be there and hope we can get everyone ■ back this time.” How about it guys? Mark your calen­ dar for October 15 and please send me your news.

54 30th Reunion TKS ’52 Reunion Chairman Austin Drukker

TKS Miss Georgia Carrington Westtown School Westtown, PA 19395 Many thanks to those of you who re­ sponded to my plea for news. Indirectly heard from Leslie Bunce that she has

left New Jersey and headed for Con­ necticut whereBie, found a cottage right on the Sound. Good luck Leslie. I know the crew' in Montclair writ miss you! Had a great fetter from Janet Cook Phillips with news of her family. Thej;r oldest son is a college graduate curreH y working with Smith Barney in New York. Their .second son is at W&Band daughter Janet is a sophomore at MKA. Doug, the youngest, is at elementary school and plays hockey all over New Jersey. The women in the family con­ tinue the tennis tradition. Janet helps John with his business and does volun­ teer worfeThe whole fam ily looks for­ ward to those Nantuckellurnmers. Lynn Towner Dodd’s news: Her old­ est boy, Bill Jr.Bs working in San Fran­ cisco. Steve 7 9 is a sennlr at Ohio Wesleyan, Peter ’80 attends Duke, and Debbie is at Morristown Beard. Lynn has just finished a job with the American Comedy Theatre and is enjoying a mo­ mentary lull. She had seen “ Fluffy” Ferguson Morse who looked wonderful and was excited about her daughter’s wedding. A Christmas card from Maree Calla­ han Currey said she had seen Mary Lee Bonnell. Collins and her {wo youngest this s rn p e r. The Currey girls are doing well at school and Maree’s travel business is booming. Had a wonderful visit with Adrianne Onderdonk Dudden and saw the book she designed which is now in the Li­ brary of Congress. Very impressive! She is.) as usual, swamped with work, orga­ nizing her 25th reunion at Vassar and chauffe.uri.ng daughter Alexis to her many activities. Arthur continues to chair the History Department at Bryn Mawr and is very active with Fulbrighjt-' activities. Aubin Zabriskie Ames reports that daughter Heidi ’81 is a sophomore at Duke and the two boys are at MKA, “all growing up too fast." A i||n 'j§ very ac­ tive With volunteer activities and up­ holds the reputation of the Class of ’54 at MKA— “working hard for the School.” Westtown continues to keep me busy with varied activities from play directing to teaching and disciplining. Paddle tennis season was a welcome diversion. So, enjoy your 2 5 ^c o lle g e reunions and please send news for the next Alumni News. MA Donald Karp 18 Shawnee Road Short Hills, NJ 07078 w m _________________________ i&fe.


TKS Mrs. Susie Forstmann Kealy 21 Sunny Brae Place Bronxville, NY 10708 As your new Class Secretary I must say it has been great fun hearing from so many of you. Diana “Diny” Brown Donaldson writes that she and Barbara “Barbie” Ives Riegel see eaofl||ther quite often. Their sons are both juniors

at Salisbury School in Connecticut. Diny’s daughter, Heather Baldwinffis a junior at the U. of.Vermont, She is a horseback rider and tennis player, and serves on the Admission Board. If anyoriefYs going to UVM for an interview, look her up. Son Clay plays hockey and golf. Husband BriMefls also a golfer. Diny runs their thoroughbred breeding farm and still foJMiunts. She’d llv e to see any classmates commg-her way. Her phone number is (215) 347-2197. Another avid rider is Nancy Joyce Banta whom i saw at a horse show at Madison Square Garden. Nancy has a large farm in southern New Jersey. She has been di vorced for two years and her children Laurie and Eric are in high school. Eric attends Andover. Nancy H ias- been working on an architectural com m ittee for restoring landm ark hotises. Caroline “Carrie” Cox Eckert writes that she and Bob cMebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last June. Bob works for A tla n tic Research w h ic § l makes rocket motors for missiles. Carrii enjoys being a “ house-mouse" keeping up their la r g e ftm e and almost two acres. S fB volunteers as a nurse’s aide at the lo c a ^ p ’^ t a l f It was very sad to hear that they lost their only son, Mark, 2 x in ap'accident in October .1980. Reverend Lynn Homeyer Ramshaw is now Assistant to the Bishop for Social CoSperns in theTEpiscopal Diocese of Southeast Florida. There are eighty churches involved and Lynn loves her work. Lynn is a single p a r||t with three children: Brjiiipe, 19, a Sophomore at the si), of Florida; David, 17, a senior in high scnool; and Tracey, 13, ip the 8th grade. Carol Hanschka Traenkle writes that her son Scott is a senior at Northfield Mount H erm onS ler daughter Wendy who is-.Currently working for a year is applying to Smith and Mt. Holyoke next year, Carol sings.classical music with a choral group and plays lots of tennis. In the winter she supervises a bus load of kids on weekly ski trips. Summers are spent on Martha’s Vineyard. "Husband Jeff is a V.P. at Arthur D. Little. He trav­ els often, likes tennis and flying (an old mavy man from Priifleton).” Had a wonderful p s it with Di Whit­ taker in Boothbay Harbor, ME last fall. S tra n d her mother live in a marvellous Victorian houseHwith cats, o f course. Di works in two local shbps during “the season.” Next year she will be manag­ ing both stores. One sells sweaters and bags and the other sells everything re­ lated to cats.... Carol Cloke W ildhaber who was widowed five years agi®5as now remar­ ried. Her husband, Willy, has ten chil­ dren, and Carol, two, however, the “even dozen” are ¡¡It living at home. Carojjl. Eldest, Deb, 22 is married, and Carol has been a grandmother singe August 16. Congratulations! Son Pete is a junior at San Diego State, Carol and Willy are renovating their house in San Diego and Carol is working for the Pennysaver. She stiflfhas a horse, retired now. My news is thatJ have enjoyed my first

Christmas with the/children in my own house. Ryan, 12, has severe dyslexia. He attends the Landmark School in Manchester, MA, which is a wonderful school for kids with learning disabilities. ■Tory” is 10, and attends the local ele­ mentary school. She loves riding, tennis and piano. We all ski andHhave been attending art lectures at the Metropoli­ tan Museum and plan to take a photog­ raphy course in the city this spring. In October I took a very exciting last min­ ute trip to the Orient with friends from Chicago. Cecily Wilson Lyle still has her place in France but is back in Maryland for the winter. She is separated and all five of her children live in the U.S. Qici and I hope to get together one of these days and inspect the old “ stamping grounds” of Montclair. I do hope to have more news from the rest of the class for the next issue.

TKS Mrs. Lawther O. Smith (Linda Lovell) 30 Water Crest Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 Gail Zabriskie Wilson writes, "I am working at Greenwich High School as an instructional aide in English and so­ cial studies. I also serve on the boards of our YWCA, library, and as an Elder of the First Presbytefjan Church. Sarah, 15, and Peter, 16, are both in Greenwich High School. Anne, 19, is a sophomore at Yale and Bonnie, 21, is a junior at William Smith. I am an alumnae trustee of Weils College, Aurora, NY.’’ MA John Clapp Box 256 Sea Girt, NJ 08750

TKS Mrs. Wichard Van Heuven (Connie Hay) 703 Morning Hill San Antonio, TX 78230 It was w onderful to see so many gassmates at our 25th reunion. Ten of us were there from far and wide and we had a wonderful time. Carolyn Van Vleck Edwards writes, “Am moving my Usually ‘empty nest’ to Boston where I will be setting up a Back

25th Reunion TKS ’57

Bay office for the Cambridge firm of In­ gram, Rettig and Beaty Realtors. Anne is a senior at Colby College, Peter is a senior at Tabor Academy and Eliza is a junior at Northfield Mount Hermon.” MA Hal Cohen, Norris O’Neill, Philip Sarna, Jack Hardman and David Marocco attended their 25th reunion on Homecoming Day, October 2. Richard C. Dimond, M.D. is Chief of General Medicine Service at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Associ­ ate Professor of Medicine. Edward T. O’Brien writes, "My ten year old daughter, Kathy, my wife and I ¡1st came back from a lovely holiday in Bermuda."

Linda Michele Bragg and her hus­ band Stacy have five c $ |d re n ;;i|iz a betM13, Andrew, 11-, Jason, 9, David, 7, and Timothy, 5. All attend the Colo­ rado Springs Christian SchooMlmda volunteers with the s c h o o l,c h u r c h , and the La Leche League. Her husband, now retired from the Army after 21 years, fs; a facilities engineer. Linda welcomes classmates to their home overlooking Pikes Peak anytime!



TKS Mrs. Ralph Perry III (Helen Bryant) 18 Warfield Street Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 On May 22, 1982, Betsy Barney Johnston married Roy Gill. She was at­ tended by her daughter, Ginger, a soph­ omore at Southampton Coiiege, and by her son, Richard, 20, who four weeks later marched to the a ltar to marry Brenda Fey. Betsy and Roy honey­ mooned in Colorado, and Texas, and in October vacationed in New England where they vis ite d Nancy Adams Scherer and her husband, Jeremy. Congratulations, Betsy, and best wishes from all of us.

Betsy Cole Sabel has been promoted to Training Manager at Coulter Electronics where she designs and im­ plements management and supervisory training programs. 'Her children, David and Liz, are enjoying their college ex­ perience at Brown and Simmons. Over Thanksgiving Betsy, her husband Mike, and 18 friends canoed down the Peace River, braving two nights of wilderness camping on the river bank. Gail Garnar Jacobus, our 25th Re­ union Chairman, saw Wendy Worsley Breslin this w inter at a Morristown Beardllockey game in which Wendy’s second eldest son was participating. Any classmates interested in helping out with our reunion should contact either G a it Wendy, Joan Eberstadt Weiant, or your class secretary. We hope to discuss ideas and plans over lunch one day soon! Keep in touch.

Wedding of Betsy Barney (Johnston) and Roy Gill Helen Dubois Veitkamp reports that she has written a manuscript about her childhood home in Berkeley Heights which was purchased and ,is being re­ stored as a museum by the local histor­ ical society.

TKS Mrs. Robert P. Sumas (Deana Rogers) 4 East Greenbrook Road North Caldwell, NJ 07006 MA Benjamin Fischer 26 Delia Boulevard Palisades Park, NJ 07650

Linda Michele Bragg’s children

25th Reunion MA ’57

MA Robert R. Haney, Ph.D. Department of Psychology Georgia Southern College Statesboro, GA 30458 •

Mystery photo of TKS ’58 Classmate?

TKS Mrs. Emily Stark Danson 130 Old Stonebridge Road Cos Cob, CT 06807 Emily Stark Danson has volunteered to be class secretary, so send your news to her at the above address f o f t e next issue. Susan Bart Harrison writes, I am a service rep for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Colorado in Durango. Jim is Execu­ tive V.P. of United Bank of Durango. Daughters Jennifer® 5, and Kathleen, 10, are very active in school sports. MA George A. Bleyle, Jr. 2259 Weir Drive Hudson, OH 44236 Your new class secretary is George Bleyle, so send*ail your news to him for the next issue of the Alumni News!

TKS Miss Judtih Poor 96 North Mountain Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 Christine Keller has been promoted to Vice President, General Counsel of the Great Southernglife Insurance Com­ pany in Houston, TX. Last October Chris was one of five nominees for'SH ston’s ‘Working Woman of the Year Award.’ She didn’t win but had good fun appear­ ing on several TV shows. A wonderful addition to the f irst C o ll gregational Church where i am a mem­ ber is Maryl Walker Lewis who joined the choir last October as alto soloist. Patricia Harrison Case writes,¡¡¡Hus­ band Dan and l have a real estate office. I am active in the women’s council of the Board of Realtors, Beta Sigma Phi and Sweet Adelines. I play te n n fl piano and swim. We havejfhree sons, Douglas, 15, David, 13, and Danny, 11.” Your secretary still continues to re­ ceive great benefit and enjoyment from special magnified glasses, the Keelers and the Bioptic. I am also a very happy aunt f®i the third time. My sister Joan Poor C larke ’66 and her husband Larry’s son, David, was b®rn an Decem­ ber 15.

MA Robert Tyler Root III 4 Wiedemann Clifton, NJ 07011 Congratulatiorfs and all best wishes to John Lowy who was married to Barbara Fleischmann on March 18,1982. John Is still with the same law firm In New York City, now named Gusrae, Kaplan, Lowy and Bruno. Joe Waugh is involved in a medita­ tion society, Giddha Yoga Foundation which “teaches a spontaneous medita­ tion very good for a clear mind and en­ ergy." Joe may be moving to New York City soo|| but can still be reached at 8 Holly Drive, in Chatham, NJM!D7928. Joe reports that Ed Roselene is a-ipotter in Roc,bister, NY. Your secretary still officiates high school and college volleyball, basket­ ball and softball. My son Stephen is a sophomore at MKA, and is getting ready fpi the lacrosse season. r r = = = . , , . . ..........................i TKS Mrs. Alexander Anastasiou (Denise Farandatosy Oak Hill Road Clifton, NJ 07013 I did not want '.October 2 to end! Eleven of us were finally together after twenty years and it fe lt like time had stopped. Barbara Black Gurnsey is s tillln e shining spark of our class. Susanne “ Sue” Wilson Howson and Bruce told many stories about their fofiigorgeous sons. There were seven of our alumni ci'ildren and innumerable pho­ tos at the luncheon. Margaret “Marby” Agens Morgan still has that devilish twinkle in her eye. Margaret “Teena” Schultz Billotti looked as glamorous as ever and Holly Harrison Gathright all Hgvway from Louisville, KY, was sveltly thin, with no southern drawl and as funny as ever. Nanci Kraus Rothchild and Ron were with us, and Nanci was voted the youngest looking of us all! Carolyn Heath Cariello brought along her beautiful daughter Laurie. Barbara Bywater Creed, our corporate lawyer, started everyone on passing out busi­ ness cards. We re s iz e d how far we have really come! Patti Doran Schaum couldn’t make it butewdihad a letter and a photo to pass around the table. Other glamorous members of the party were Nancy Haviland Hutchinson and Susan Marin Montaner. Sue’s dashing husband Fer­ nando joined us for dinner. I B p e by now the rest of you are jealous! Believe me, you really missed an unforgettable day. Everyone there promised to return for our 25th. Lynn Skinner Klee had hoped to come from CaliformaSeVeryone missed you Lynn, and we send our love. Last November ¡Jfudy A llen, our Alumni Director, and I went to Baltimore for an Alumni President’s Couneil Meet­ ing. On our way we h a d r f B o ^ m Georgetown with Margaret “ Minky”

Crane Morfit, Patty Doran Schaum, Daphne Bethel McCarthy ’61 and Marilyn Madden ’61. It was a wonderful mini-reunion. Minky Is expecting her second child this spring. Her son is 10 years old. She keeps busy with her in­ terior decorating business. Patty is vice

20th Reunion. Nancy Haviland Hutch­ inson, Sue Wilson Howson, Barbara Bywater Creed and Denise Anasta­ siou president of an export company, a maratldn runner, co-ordinator for “Women on the Run” in the Washington DC area and she teaches exercise and running —we were lucky to, .catch her! She has one 17 year old son who is In college. MA Laurence J. Magnes 6 DuPont Way #3 Louisville, KY 40207 ■ Larry Magnes and his new wife, Dottie, came north for reunion. He has vol­ unteered to be class secretary, so send your news toAim for the next is $ ) ^ S Meanwhile Larry writes,,, “ I have re­ cently left my positloglas Director of Creative Services at WAVE-TV to be­ come president of the, newly formed Apple Advertising Agency.” Barry Nazarian did a wonderful job as Reunion Chairman getting members of the class back from all over the country. Richard Rosenblum writes, “ I am now working as an Insurance agent for Mutual,of Omaha In Cherry Hill, NJ. Pre­ viously I was a teacher and librarian. I graduated from Pratt Institute.”

Dooley Dui with African tawny eagle Emily Dooley Dui writes, "Last sum­ mer I completed a course at the Fal­

conry School at Frost Valley, NY. Eight students from as far away as Florida, Texas and Oregon made up the class. We were taught'how to identify®rap, care for, feed and train raptors for hunt­ ing, and daily handled and flew several species of hawks, owls, falcons and even an eagle. Also on hand was “ Harry" the famous Harris hawk who has appeared on TV, album covers, com­ mercials and even on stage at the Met. The school headquarterifis “The Cas­ tle," the summer residence of the late Julius Forstmann." A note from Kenneth Kessler M.D. says, Q enjoyed my 20th reunion very much and look forward to seeing my friends from Montclair again soon."

TKS Mary Jane Gillespie Knapp writes, “After 18 years of marriage, David and I had a baby girl, Jennifer Rebekah, on November9,1982. We are all doing well and adjusting to our new life. I arrMplonger pastor of two churches but still preach and keep up professionally."

Jennifer Rebekah Knapp Elizabeth Thieme Valiulis writes, “Aftgrr a year of tuving just outside New Orleans, we are still getting used to the ‘Cajun’ life styles However, George’s job down here is winding down and we ex­ pect to be on the move again soon.’TOie kids, Jenny, 7, and Holly Ann, 4, have adapted quite w eH Thelr southern ac­ cent Is astonishing.” The Class of 1963 feeds a Class Sec­ retary and a Reunion Chairman to orga­ nize its 20th reunion on OctoberB5. During pnonathon, Nanci Kraus Roth­ child ’62 spoke to Sharon Livesey, Mary Ellen M ichele, Teena Mc­ Connell, Elizabeth Thresher Sharlack, Beverly M iller, Sarah Wells Robertson and Mary Jane Gillespie Knapp and they were all interested in learning more about reunion! MA Harvey Cohen is a consulting Indus­ trial psychologist in San Diego, CA. He has published over 45 articles and researcIWeports and is currently working on his second book. DuringKls summer and fall he will be lecturing In Israel and Sweden. His wife Priscilla Is completing her teaching credentials. They have

three sons aged 15, 12 and 7. John Lawrence writes, “ I am cur­ rently vice president and national sales manager of Fante. This entails a lot of traveling which I enjoy. Am still single and live imManhattan.” The Class of '63 needs a Class Chair­ man for Reunion, October,;! 5, and a Class Secretary— any offers??? (ed.)

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TKS Mrs. James G. Ward (Carolyn Wilson) 1148 Celwood Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23464 I hope all of you will pull out that letter I sent and send me some news for the next issue. Meanwhile, Nancy Finn Kuper writes that this year was both happy and sad for her family. The happy news is the birth of her third child and second daughter, Wendy Beth, on Fa­ ther’s Day. The sad news was the death of her father in September. We offer our slncerest sympathy a n d p o p e with Nancy that 1983 will be a better year. Judy Hesse Mick writes, “ It’s almost 20 years— I can’t believe it.” She is in Chester, NH starting a new company and renovating a three hundred year old farmhouse. She and her husband have two daughters, Laura, 5, and Christina, 1, Their project for 1983 is tile formatioff of the National Flydrocephalus Associa­ tion. Barbara Mahler Markussen writes from Omaha, NE, where Carl works in SAC Headquarters. She keeps busy with girl scouts, PTA, Sunday school and as a math volunteer for 5th and 6th graders. Kris, 13, is in 8th grade and Jeff, 9, Is in 4th grade. Randi White McGinnis and Dick had their fourth child, Ariel, on June 6. We are still here in Virginia Beach and would love to hear from anybody in the area. Jim i&'jiow based with an A-6 Squadron that flies off the USS Kennedy. I keep busy with our toddler and flute playing. Hope you all have a good year. MA Roy T. Van Vleck Pinnacle Road Lyme, NH 03768 During phonathon Geotf Gregg ’68 gathered some news from the Class of '64. Robert Eliezer is living in London, KY. He and his wife have a daughter Gwendolyn Armor, 1. John Benigno is in charge of devel­ opment and public relations at the Set­ tlement Music School in Pennsylvania. Frank Penick Is living In Nova Scotia, Canada, where he teaches law. He and his wife have two ch ild re rfe j

year has certainly had Its highs and lows. In February Jeffrey and I cele­ brated the birth of our first child Chris­ tiana Victoria, who is the pride and joy of my life. Jeff had started his own law firm and was doing marvelously but in September he died in his sleep of an undiagnosed brain cyst. It's a littfe strange being alone but between my job as VP at MGM/United Artists, and Chris­ tie, my life is very busy so I have no time to sit back and be morose.” We alj^end our love and deepest sympathy for your great loss, Andrea. Cheryl Calmenson Graff who has b e e n ||v in g in Toronto for 13 years writes, “ My husband Dennis is in com­ mercial real estate. We have three chil­ dren, G lente 11, Samantha, 9, and Colby, 6. I was an elementary school teacher the first two years of our mar­ riage, then stopped to raise the family. Last year I went back to work as a real estate agent with a large company, Can­ ada Permanent, lenjoy it and find it very challenging. Withirapne year I entered their 'Leader Club'.” Cheryl said that she had been ¡^con­ tact with Lucille “Lucia” Russomanno DeBoissezon. She is living in .Hong Kong with her banker husband and their first child, a boy, who was born last summer. Merrill Adickes Rich is still active in dance in Wolfeboro, NH. Her daughter Becky Is a second grader and Ben, a kindergartener, “ grows and grows and grows!" They have sold their natural foods store and Dave sells rebounders and Shaker products. Merrill’s Classes and studio continue, and she hopes to take some classes soon! Another dancer, Mary Ayres Hack, writes from Greenwich, CT, "Randy and i had our fir^t child, Tobin Ayres (a girl), on September 29. I performed ’til three months pregnant and am getting back to classes now but don’t know when I’ll have time for rehearsing and perform­ ing again. Going to New York City takes too much time from Tobin, and Randy doesn’t think she’s ready for dance studios!"

Sally Poor Owen’s children TKS Mrs P. E. Madsen (Betsy Ridge) Box 415 Essex, MA 01929 Andrea Sporer Simon writes, "This

M argaret “ M om m it” Crawford Bridge who graduated from Seton Hall Law School irfflune '82 writes,^Bwas admitted to the New Jersey Bar on De­ cember 16,1982 and will become a cor­ porate laywer. My three children, David,

10, Allison, 7, and Michele, 4, survived my three years in school and are doing well. My husband David has his own business, a budget payroll and time­ accounting computer service organiza­ tion In Upper Montclair. I stop in at Me Academy once in a while to say hello. Dr. O’Connor Is doing marvelous things there!”

Mini-reunion Class of ’65 From Denver, CO, Sally Poor Owen writes, “ My husband continues to sell farm equipment and is once again a Green Beret In the National Guard. Scott, 9, who is In the 4th gradeHs an avid reader and a member of an award winning soccer team. After four years of teaching at a preschool, I am running a preschool/daycare program in my home in order to spend time with our wonder­ ful two year old daughter, Heather.” Susan DeBevoise has beenjlsiting many classmates and writes, "Those who I’ve seen are thriving. A big treat was visiting Kathy Schaffer in Dallas last spring. Lyn Schultz Blackwell is bringing to press her six year project on the history of Montpelier— and Is active in the Governor’s Council on Libraries and on Arts Policy; Joan Vanderbeck Taylor is working for her husband’s new Investment firm. Joan saw Ruth Sisler Morine at Amherst this fall and said she looks great. Ellen Malcolm is in busi­ ness school in Washington, D.C. Every­ one’s busy, and I love NH." From Dallas, Kathy Schaffer writes, “ I am a psychologist employed by the Dal­ las County Schools and am building a private practice which Involves working mostly with children. I am ajso president of the Dallas Vassar Club and keep in touch regularly with Susan DeBevoise.” a S h is f a * your secretary taught an early childhood education course (Ex­ pressive Arts) at North Shore Commu­ nity Collegej^am president of the Essex Historical Society and. j.usi received a grant from the Massachusetts Counell for Arts and Humanities to be a local history consultant for the 5th and 6th grades of the Essex Public Schools. Sally, 3, goes to Montessori School and loves it. Deane, 1, loves “ter-ucks”, tow­ ers, and trains. Peter is an architect and a partner at Graham Gund Associates, Cambridge, MA. He is very active in both renovation and new construction.

topher, 2, and David, 3 m onttegloan has tak;e,p a leave .of absentee from Rocky Mountain Airways where,sfijs worked in management for seven years. She plans to, return part time once she gets settled.”

Peter, Sally, Deane and Betsy Mad­ sen MA R. Victor Bernstein 40 W. 77th Street, Apt. 4E New York, NY 10024 Greg Shupik w iftes, “ Much has changed in my life sippe I last setfoot in MA. I practice Periodontics in Morris­ town and ||ie rry Hill, Ns| My offices are almost two hours apart and the drive is hectic, but the practices are doing very well. My wife Rosalie and I enjoy our daughter Jessica, 1. Perhaps we can al l get together for our 20th reunloMin 1985.” Steve Edelstein and Peter Stern are each partners in their own successful law firms, Craig and Edelstein in West Caldwell, and Berger, Steingut, Weiner, Fox and Stern Hit New York. Rob Livesey is Director of Design at CUH2A, arYarchitectural firm jji Princeton, NJ. My wife Gall and I are expecting our first child in May. It is a bit shocking to realize, as Greg points out, that In June, 1985 It will be 20 years since our coii? mencement, but I, for one, feel every bit as young! Does anyone know the whereabouts of Whit Gregg and Bill Davis last heard from In New York City and Smoke Rise, NJ, respectively?

TKS Mrs. Johan M. Andersen III (Alina SeborowskiWb 64 Rachelle Avenue Stamford, CT 06905 Betsy Ridge Madsen '65 sends the following news of tffi Class of '66. “ And they called: the wind ‘M ariapi Martha Ridge Lane and her husband Peter are deeply committed to the de­ velopment of alternative power systems. Their company, Mariah, installs and re­ pairs windmills throughout eastern Mas­ sachusetts. Last fall, Peter appeared on a CBS morningifiews program about windmills. Peter and Martha have just added a solar wing to their house ¡n Essex, MA. Their 2 year old son, Jeffrey Lord, helps wiH gardening and raising ch'ie^prs. Joan Poor Clarke has moved from Vail to Colorado Springs, CO, where her husband manages his company office. They'tiave three sons, Nathan, 6, Chris­

MA John F. Hawley 220 Wood Avenue Hyde Park, MA 02136 Larry Guerke ana r ill wife Gail had their first'chi fe], Bradley Lauren, last De­ cember. Larry works in New York City as a market research manager with Rolf Warner Rosenthal Advertising Com­ pany. A note from Mark Geannette, "I have just completed coursework for a Master of Arts degree in underwater archaeol­ ogy, at Texas A & M :J . Spent summer, 1982 divlpg in Port Royal, Jamaica. Now back to the real world w ith ^M la w firm of Jones & Jones in Hackensack. My wife Gloria and son Christian, 3, are doing fine." Robert Wenger writes, “ My wife Kate and l live in Washington, D.C. ®|ir first J& ild , EdriaK was born last f® . This y e a S a 'te r 4 :/? years as counsel to a ,.S S . Senate Subcommittee, I was one of the founding principals of Environ, a health and environmental!'Science con­ sulting firm.” William Beckley writes, 3 « April 198sm oved from Santa Fe, NM to MiH waukee, Wl to take a posllbn as Assis­ tant Regional Director with Northwestern Mutualljife Insurance Company." In response to a plea from the Alumni Office for g Class Secretary, John Haw­ ley volunteered. He writes,; “ My wife Claire and I manage a 1,500 square foot veggie garden and ten fruit trees in ad­ dition tojbyiregular jobs for the Christian Science Cij^rch. We also sing in a 28 voice chamber choir.” Send your news for the next issue to John at the above address.


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TKS Ms. Margot Escott Miller 75 Summit Street Norwood, NJ 07648

MA C raig'& Perry 219 East 76th Strpet #A New York, NY 10021 John Rudd writes that he Is still employefihjBA major accomplishment in Mfc-higan!” — as an engineer with the Public Service Commission. His wife Karly Is a school teacher in Holt, where they live. John says they botmenjoy semi-rural, middle-Amerioan life: Bob Wolff is owner-operator of tennis/ racql£etbal! clubs in Morris and Warren Counties. Still an avid tennis player! he is also .into long-distance,cycle touting. He Ifps/in Randolph, NJ. Richard “ Rich” Szot is»self-employed as a health and safety consultant and lives In Glen Ridge.

Y B r secretary’s old college room­ mate, Pat Paterson called up to report that he has finished M errllH Lyrch's sales course and is selling stocks and bonds'for them ¡4 Wilson, NC. Pat and his wife Mary, have two children, Juli’C 2, and Bret, 1. During the last phonathijn Fred Palen told Jeff Podesta that hepas been a programmer/writer for Sperry Univac for five years. He and his wife have a three year old son.’ Howard Zuckerman writes that he is a lawyer and his wife is a registered nurse in Morristown, NJ. They have a year old son, David. Richard Sheldon/fs: living in Tokyo, Japan, where he is a manager for United Arab Shipping.

TKS Ms. Avie Claire Kalker 5805 Birchbrook #202 Dallas, TX 75206 Ann Lowry Lawler recently remar­ ried. She and her husband, John E. Hubbard, live in Essex, CT. MA Burton M. Webb Box 29 Free Union, VA 22940 Lou Salerno writes, "Spent my first GnHstmas in my newly built home in Wall Township, NJ. Just celebrated 5th anniversary as General Manager (oper­ ations) with the Video Corporation of America and am still single (of course).”

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Mrs. Charles Gildea (Lynn Erhardt) 46 E. Saddle River Road Saddle River, NJ 04758 Ann Lavoy Guerra wrote at Christ­ mas that she and Bob were expecting a baby in January. In addition to their re­ spective radle shows, Bob has been busy doing TV news and sports,, Phyllis LaTouche Rawlins and her IR u s b a n d Morgan recently returned from a week In Barbados. I heard through the grapevine that Phyllis really likes those slot machines! She has recently been promoted to Marketing Director for Ger­ maine Monteil fragrances in New York City. We would like t@express our sym­ pathy t® Phyllis whose father passed 4_away last fall.

Brant and Mary Devon McWilliams

Lisa Schultz Vanderlinde writes, “ We are lucky to have two beautiful girls. Life is very hectic now. Katherine is walking and getting into everything, but Kristin is a good baby which makes it easier for me.” Chip and I have been very busy with our real estate firm, Marron & Gildea-, which has been doing very well. If any­ one is looking for a home in the Ridgewood-northern Bergen County area, please get in touch. Our office is in Ho-Ho-Kus.

winters down there—their garden pro­ duced peas for Christmas. Georgia writes, "I had the lead role in Cactus Flower with a community theater group here— all that Kimberley drama with Mrs. Faden has really paid off!” Between writing assignments, Karen Braeder Conniff and her husband are restoring an old stone houstJn Deep RiverLCT where they moved last year. Heidi Sanders Bryan and Will still live in Port Washington, L.l. Heidi writes, ■ enjoy my work on two community boards. Our son Winston, who just had his first birthday, is a great joy In our lives and keeps me busy. W ll still en­ joys his work as an ENMA dealer here in to w i^ H

Weekends I play the piano at a piano bar and private parties. Much less tire­ some than life on the road! My husband Lulz works at Greenwich Federal & Loan and joins me on B e drums for weekgffp parties or weddings.” Gail Herbert Trask writes, "As usual, we keep busy. b B ’ s job with Radio Shack Computer Center takes up a lot of our time. Besides trying to keep up with Billy and Jimmy, I keep the inventory for Bill’s store, a general ledger and aninvestment portfolio on our home com­ puter.”

The Trask family

Winston Bryan

Lynn, Chip, Brian and Kristin Gildea MA Christopher C. Beling III 116 Righter Road Succasunna, NJ 07876 Bob and Barbara Brogan write, “We are both working in the Washington D.C. area. We'try to find as much time as pos­ sible to spend with our one year old s jjft Justis. Recently we had some whirlwind visits with Michael Wesson and his son Jason who are thriving in Virginia. MS chaei graduates from UVA Medical School in May. Frank LaRocca and his wife Priscilla live and teach m u s jS ||f outside of San Frane!lc<lf*5 John Bale lives in Bethel Park, PA with his wife Jill and their two children, Jimmy, 7, and Jennifer, 3. Thomas “Dutch” Vanderhoof is fin­ ishing his MBA at Fairleigh DickinsornGJ.


TKS Ms. K. Vanderhoof-Forschner (Karen Vanderhoof) 39 Anderson Road Tolland, CT 06084 It was so good to hear from,our class­ mates. H tru ly appreciated the holiday cards. Georgia Buckner and her husband Blase PronjtojLa are still working hard in Louisiana. Georgia does title wor^ and oil leasing for oil companies. Blase is a carpenter/woodworker. They To ve the

Judy McCreedy Mount and John are proud to announce the birth of their secojtg daughter, Jennifer Alana, on No­ vember 1, 1982. Jennifer joins the other cHldren, Joshua, Jason, Jessica and Justin. They w ilt send a family portrait for the next Alumni News. Barbara “ Bobbie” Dixon was pro­ moted to Managing Editor of Architec­ tural D lg e s tB a s t November. Last September she travelled to the Scandi­ navian countries on business for the magazine. A ll’s well with Kathy Powell Cohn and her husband Rick. They both wish us all a happy and healthy ’83. Carol Ladner Berger writes from Greensboro, NC, “ My husband BruceJ© Assistant Director of the Adolescent C lin ic at Charter H ills Hospital, in Greensboro. Last spring I passed the Certified Data Processor exam and I am now self employed as a systems analyst consultant. Trap shooting has gone downhill for me, but Bruce tried for:tie? North Carolina State Championship last June." Leslie Bryan, who recently re­ assumed her maiden name.fts-stifLjhappily married to Bruce Maloy. “ Hyphen­ ating got too complicated . .. Brucepid I just Jgturned from a vacation’l l ling with friends to uninhabited Bohemian is­ lands and highly recommend it to oth­ ers. I work as a paralegal and Bruce recently formed his,>own|§w firm, Horn and Maloy, specializing if: criminal de­ fense. I have been elected tojhe Board of Directors of the Atlanta YWCA, ^ ¡g u r spare time, we are renovating an older home.” Another busyr tfassmate, Lydia Keyser Nabuco, writes, "I’ve been teaching piano at home and also 'at Putnam In­ dian Field School in G rftn w ftffiC T .

Debbie Von Hoffman Lanzone writes, "My husband Dale and l survived the ‘purge’ and continue to be employed by the Federal Government. I was re­ cently promoted to manager of the Sec­ retary’s Coastal Barriers Task Force and Dale Is the executive assistant to the Deputy Director of the National Park Service. We have just moved into our own home which we love: a three year old brick townffiuse in Reston, VA.” Mary Brooks Larson has settled into Tucson, AZ. Brooks writes, "I really love Tucson, especially the warm weather. I’ve been substitute teaching and hope to find a permanent'teaching job this year. I’m going back to schobf next se­ mester to finish up some credits. Other­ wise enjoy my rldingB-have m yow n horse which I plan to show this winter. I’ve been divorced for two years and have no children.” I had a chance to visit with Alison Smith Hitesman during a business trip to Commerical Union Insurance Com­ pany where she works. She was married last June to Jon Hitesman and they moved to Charlestown, MA. Jon is an ad manager with Ad East, a New England trade journal. Marcia Rickenbacker writes, ’H a v e been busy with activities through the Doylestown Newcomers Club and the local YMCA. My daughter ElizabetWand I went to an eight week waterbabies ses­ sion and then to- a session of gym ’n swim. Elizabeth really loves me water. Dsug continues to enjoy his work at Merck. He is concentrating on cardfy, vascular research.” Congratulations to-Anne McIntyre Graves and Susan Buttel O’Brien who; both h a f ibaby girls iW*1982! Tom and I are doing juliflSe. My busi­ ness is picking up and I’ve finished an­ other article on group property/casualty ■surahee for 'BJ|r-S Review'mnBsurance publication. I’m writing my class

newsletter on my new IBM personal computer and Diablo printer which has helped my business tremendously. We spent Christmas in West Palm Beach with Tom’s parents. My brother, Dutch ’69,¿¡is finishing his MBA at Fairieigh Dickinson U. H m anyone has a.current address for Dianne Phelps McGinty who used to live in Hoboken, NJ, please let me know. MA Garret S. Roosma 44 Buttonwood Drive Marlboro, NJ 07746 M l this issue, Jim Castiglia provides us with his first alumni news contribution since we graduated.Hwas glad to see hi®letter arrive and found out that he is married and has been an attorney for five years. If you need a New Jersey law­ yer, give him a call at (201) 523-6277. Jim Guterman, his wife Wylly, and daughter Lydia live in Charlotte, NC. Over and above his active law practice, last summer Jim taught a portion of the North Carolina Bar Association’s review course.

Jim Guterman and daugnter L y a ia Al Thrower, te . Dr. Thrower, finished orthopedic surgery training at thetiy^of Pennsylvania last June and joined | |e Westfield Orthopedic Group in Westfie tt NJ. He specializes in sports mediclne and spinal surgery. He and his wife Patti have a one year old son, Al­ bert, Jr. Frederick Sheldon is currently in Borneo working on a research project for his Ph.D. at Yale. His wife Joan is his chief assistant?. Incidentally, you.f secretary is not selling Twinkees to MKA seniors anymore! I became a senior financial analyst for General Cable Company in Mar,of« 1982. My wife Emily and I expect our second child in March. Son Colin is four. In case you hadijJlj noticed® moved a little farther south to Marlboro, NJ.


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TKS Miss Amy Schechter 74 Montclair Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 During Alumni Phonathgjfi I was able to catc.hBp with many of you. Thanks again to those who were able to give. Linda Braeder Boschen also helped at phonathon. She and her husband

both work on Wall Street. She trades bonds for Thomsen McKinnon. They live in a renovated 200 year old house in Montclair. The closest I was able to get to Alison Anderson was her answering machine, but a Triend in California reports she is doing fine. Cindy Dillenbeck Breakfield and Jo­ seph are expecting their second child this spring. Tjteijf daughter Ashley is one year old. Sally Boyden-Smith says she is working "at a boring job," but she and her husband Craig have recently started their own business on the side selling the Cambridge Plan International, a weight loss and nutrition aid. They love it and hope to go full time. Sally’s neighbor, Eugenia “Gina” Jones Ingleheart, was married last summer. She and her husband Kimball '■ke” live In Stamford, CT. Gina is an X-ray technician in Rye, NY. Brenda Madison is currently back in Montclair staying w ffl her mother. She is singing, and pleased with the direc­ tion her m u s ic i taking her. Monique Mustacci is also back in Montclair staying with her parents for the moment. Last year she attended the wedding of Sandra Von Salis to Walo S choc||||l Jean Hutson Lister is recovering nicely from a recémllness. She and her fellow,geologist husband Jim love Col­ orado and they would love to see every­ o n e ® you’re passing by, the invitation is open. Kathryn “Kiesy” Strauchon lives in Minneapolis. She works at the U. of Min­ nesota which enables her to contìnue taking courses. Susan Von Hoffman keeps busy with her job and school. She takes business courses at New York U. and is moving up the ‘corporate relations' (PR) ladder at Philip Morris. Right now she is work­ ing on the Virginia Slims tennis tourna­ ment series. Sarah Ridge of Essex, MA, is very happy in her house on the ocean. She enjoys her job and her sailing. Gillian Blauvelt Capparelli lives in the Dominican Republic with her pfsband and one year old ElizabethifTiey are setting up a medical missionary clin ic which should take three years. She will be sending newsletters to keep us up to date. The letterfflreceived from Philippa Bowles is too long to quote here but she wishes to share with us the message of Christ’s love. MA David H. Freed 119 Buckingham Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Robert Benigno writes, “ In June i will complete my residency in internal med­ icine at George Washington U. Hospital. Then begins a two year fellowship in cardiology at St. Vincent’s Hospital in New York City.”


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TKS -Ms. Linda F. Williams (Linda Finney) Box 1446, Greglen Avenue Nantucket, MA 02254 The Class of 72 wants to thank Henry Talbot 72 and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Talbot, for opening their home to us for our reunion buffet on October 2 and for being such graciousJsiosts. Many thanks also to Liz O’Neill Coopersmith who as chairman orga­ nized the reunion which brought many of us back to school. Liz is the only one of us still living in Montclair. Actu­ ally, she lives in Upper Montclair with her husband Marvin and their little daughter.

10th Reunion TKS ’72 While enrolled at Dartmouth, Brewer Doran spent a year in Africa studying body decoration as an alternative art form. Since graduating from college, she has moved quite a bit, spending time in Germany, Chicago, Dallas and Charlottesville, VA. At the moment, she is a freelance management consultant in the Vail, CO area. She has learned to fly, passed her IFR rating, and currently has an interest in an airplane brokerage business. She says she'd love to hear from anyone passing through Vail— (303) 949-0287. Robin Silver will finish in March at New Jersey Medical School in Newark. She plans to travel in Europe for two months before starting a residency in surgery in July. She hopes to go into plastic surgery. At the moment she is still Iivinq with her parents in Essex Fells. Denise Chezek, a lawyer who works for the government, is looking for a re­ search job In New York City, Boston or Washington. She lives in Aberdeen, NJ. Tacey Phillips completed a national tour of “A Day In Hollywood/A Night in the Ukraine" this past summer. Tacey says she’s planning something different this yearjgpColumbia Business S chool ' Lillian Leung Louis, who has a Ph.D. in physical-inorganic chemistry has worked for the past two years as a tele­ communications analyst at Citibank. Her husband practices dentistry in Union, NJ. Barbara Peto Kilnapp stays at home to keep up with Leslie, "who crawls all over the place.” Her husband Dave is an Assistant Vice President at Bay Bank in Middlesex, MA.

Aipalbot, Henry’s parents who so gen­ erously opened their house to the whole Class of 72. Tom Brueckner writes, “ I’ve been married for five years. My wife Susan and iBive In Madison, NJ with our children Katie, 3, Janey, 1 V2, and Mickey, six months. I work at the fam­ ily business, Medical Service Co., in Fairfield, NJ.”

David, Barbara and Leslie Kilnapp Darcy Witt Zonino was expecting a baby around reunion time, so was un­ able to attend. Kate Curtin Lindsey was also ex­ pecting when she came to reunion on October 2. Kate Boyden Thompson Is living in Englewood, CO with her husband, Bruce who is an engineer for an aero­ space firm in Denver. Kate has quit her job and has been fencing fulltime. She plans to go to the nationals in San Fran­ cisco this year. She also hopes to go skiing sometime with Brewer. Debbie Peck Is living in New York City and loving it. . Jackie Collier Thomas brought her new husband of ten days to reunion. They planned to move into a hew house a few weeks later. After spending time In Boston and California', Pam Taylor has moved to Little Compton, Rl. Robin Wachenfeld has returned from the "wilds of the Rockies," and lives In Hackensack, NJ. • Leslie Lord, who attended Connecti­ cut College, now lives nearby in Stonington, CT. Amy Nussbaum Mack graduated from law school a few years ago and works In a law office. Her husband Bill, an engineer, is also studying to be a lawyer. They live in Cherry Hill, NJ, with their five year old son, Richie. Grant Huber, who lives In Peaks Is­ land, ME, recently returned from visiting her sister Madge 70 In Germany. Louis Bertsche was married a few years back and lives In Chicago. After 8V2 years of managing a large car rental agency, fflia v e joined the ranks of the unemployed. I remarried on Halloween '82, and my new husband, Mark Preston Williams, and I are very happy. My daughter is now in kindergar­ ten and is ‘almost six' to hear her teil It. My short stay in Nantucket ten years ago has turned into a permanent thing as I married a native. Anyone coming to the Island please call.Hwould love to hear from you all— (617) 228-4556. MA Samuel S. Weiss 160 Riverside Drive New York, NY 10024 Peter Perretti did a great job orga­ nizing our 10th class reunion. Thanks, P eterB t was great to see everyone again. Our thanks also to Mr. and Mrs. John

10th Reunion MA&TKS


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TKS Congratulations to Margot Bolton Dockrell who was married to Edmond Philippe de Vilmorin Horsey on October • 2 , 1982. Ellen Wahl writes, "Having finished the management training program at the Irving Trust Company in New York, I am currently assigned In the Financial Insti­ tutions Division-Sloping for a promo­ tion soon!” MA J. Dean Paoiucci 46 Village Road Clifton, NJ 07013 Be prepared for our big 10th next Oc­ tober 15 everybody!



TKS Miss Bonnie McBratney 1623 Third Avenue Apt. 15A West New York, NY 10028 Congratulations to Anne Stockton Johnson and Sara Lincoln Troxell who both married last year. Anne married Ig­ nazio Jay Silva on August 7. They live in Madrid, Spain. Sara’s «Husband, Robert Henry Winokur, Is a resident in emergency medi­ cine at Harbor General Hospital in Torr­ ence, CA. They were m arried on September 12 and are living in Redondo Beach, CA. Susan Widmark Ridgway and her husband Hap have a little daughter Kyle Mallory Ridgway who w ill be one on March 29.

MA Anthony M. Celentano ' 3 Conduct Street Morris Plains, NJ 07950 Stewart Carr is now in law school at Seton Hall U., having completed an MA S n Asian Studies. He spent a year In

. Tokyo on an Independent study of the Japanese language. John deC Blondel is in his second year of Harvard Business School. Joseph Scirocco and his wife Jill are the proud parents of a baby daughter, Stephanie jjguise. Joseph is a senior accountant at Price Waterhouse.

MKA Sally McBratney D'Alessandro 2308 41st. Street NW Apt. 101 Washington, D.C. 20007 David Soule 101 Stonebridge Road Montclair, NJ 07042 Can you believe it has now been four years since college and eight since we left MKA? I do have a few updates trac­ in g the careers of those I’ve heard from . . . •” .#n case anyone is wondeftfeg why Kevin White, Mayor of Boston, is do­ ing so well, it is due to the competence and expertise of his assistant Kassie Canter. Lucy DuHamel, who also lives in Boston, is a consultant for Commercial Union. . Anna Crawford is now active in labor relations at Yale U. in New Haven. Janet Kluge is reliving Kimberley days at Greenwich Academy, this time as a teacher of 4th grade girls. Malcolm Hall and his wife Bonny are the proud owners of a condominium in Guttenberg, NJ. He is a securities trader at Mabon-Nugent and she Is an account executive with a New York advertising firm. Newly employed as a sales assistant at the investment firm of Donaldson, Luf­ kin and Jenrette in New York City is Katie Grover. She lives in Roseland, NJ. Anne Benedict works for Tetra Tech on the technical assistance team to EPA Region l l l K Liz Newman is a full-time student at Fairleigh" Dickinson U. preparing for a possible career in medicine. Rob Pashman and Rich Steenland finish at New Jersey School of Medicine in May. Rumor has it that Rob is Inter­ ested In general surgery and Rich in anesthesiology. Lisa Irwin teaches at an elementary school In Bryn Mawr, PA. Geoff Gimber was active this fall in Mill ¡cent Fenwick’s campaign and Is planning a May wedding to Jill Snyders, a fellow U. of Virginia graduate. Roger Abbott is a mechanical ana­ lyst with Exxon in Baton Rouge, LA. He is very involved with soccer. As for life in D.C., Don and I love liv­ ing in Georgetown. Don finishes medi­ cal school in May and after two years of general surgery training he will be aresident at Columbia U. Hospital in or­ thopedic surgery® am still a nurse at Georgetown U. Hospital in a cardiac surgery unit.

Hope all of you are doing well! Please write to Dave or me so we can include you in the next Alumni NewsS)

MKA Miss .Laurie Hoonhout 14 Kenneth Road Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Charles Read 1557 44th Street NW Washington, D.C. 20007 While in Montclair for the holidays, I was fortunate to see severalflassmates. Frances Mills has returned from a brief trip to China. She lives in Green­ wich Village and teaches French and dance. Had lunch with another successful New Yorker, Matt Troxeil. Matt is em­ ployed by A. G. Becker, arid stars their soccer team! Warren Waters also lives in the area. He ijlworking very hard at Palm Beach Development, the.real estate develop­ ment firm which he founded. Unfortu­ nately, things have changed since our last Alumni News and he is no ¡anger engaged. On December 23H stopped by the secprid annual MKA alumni basketball game and witnessed the return of the Dave Minchin-Jim Ames tandem. The m agic was still there! Jim works in New York for ABC and plans orSiarrying next fall. Rob Pariseau is also engaged. ! had the pleasure of meeting his fiancé, Sarah “ Sadie” Izard. They wfflbelmarried in Georgia in April. Charlie Talbert plans to marry Ally.s'pn Cressie on May 28 in Chicago. Charlie, who is majoring in Human De­ velopment and Social Policy at North­ western U., plans to get his m aster^in Christian Education. He is a ls o S e Great Lakes Regional.Secretary for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. In adcB on he sings inmhe Northwestern Comm.urity Ensemble which participated in the Na­ tional B lack Gospel C oliege Choir Workshop. ¡■¡¡fag final engagement announcement w ill come as no-isurprise for these two good friends of mine have been going out since our days at MKA./Laurie Hoonhout (my co-class secretary) and Paul McFeeley were engaged over the Christmas holidays. Another MKA couple, Ward Dannemiller and Lisa Kruse were married in Montclair— with Margie Hollander n attendance—-on May 15 last year. They live in Marietta, GA. lis a is teaching at the Lovett School in Atlanta and Ward is a Corporate. Representative for Hertz. To all the above couples l want to wish my personal çprigratulations, and on behalf of our class, good luck! I also received letters/from Eric Schwarz who rfs, re sid in g In Palm Beach, FL and from Jeff Weiss. Jeff is h a p p ily m arried and fiv e s , * New Haven, CT. He received his M.A.in Art History from N.Y.Ù«s Institute of F iH

Arts and intends to continue for his Ph.D. Arta/Magazine has published Some of /his articles. Andy “Ru” Rachleff ¡s studying for his MBA at Stanford Business School. Finally, Janet Nagle returned from an enjoyable tap to China last summer and is now completing her. second year at Georgetown Medical SchoolB, on the other hand, returned from Montclair last Jrimmer and am trying to complete my second year at Georgetown Medical— C’est la vie!!

Jack Brink 81 Brighton Avenue East Orange, NJ 07017 My thanks to all of you who have writ­ ten over the past few months. A letter from Shawn Mahieu reports she is busy as director of publicity for a member of the New Jersey State Assem­ bly. She is also executive editor of a na­ tional trade publication, Fender Bender magazine. In addition to these activities, Shawn and Chet Juall have been de­ signing and selling needlework ban­ ners, four of which hang in the Club Meadowlands at Harmon Cove, NJ! Chet has recently been|®dbi3ted into Tau Beta PiHhe national engineeljfig honor society. He and Bruce Eng will both graduate from Stevens in May with degrees in e le c tric a l engineering. Bruce has designed a voice controlled dialing telephone for the handicapped as part of his senior design project.

Lisa Kruse and Ward Dannemiller on their wedding day May 15,1982

Bruce Eng and Chet Juall working on Chet’s 1969 Mustang

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■ MKA Miss Donna Crews 218 TUrrell Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079 Marty Cohn 499 Union Avenue Rutherford, NJ 07070 Due to a clerical error, this class (and many others who already have active class secretaries) was sent a postcard •.asking for news and volunteers for the job-of secretary. We are very sorry for this confusion. Pleasè,continue te sçnp. your news to your secretaries, Donna and Marty.

S * */& MKA Mis'p Pamela A. Zeug . 7 Van Breeman Court Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 John Glicksman 316 Grpenway Road Ridgewood, NJ 07450




MKA Miss Lori Dewey P.O. Box 146 Moravian College Bethlehem, PA 18018


Harry Harami has been inducted into both Phi Beta Kappa and Beta Beta Beta (Biological) Honor Societies as a juni|f| at Rutgers. Harry starts at New Jersey Medical School in September 1983. He has also received a nomination for Who’s Who Among S tudents» Ameri­ can Universities and Colleges. Betsy Stanton studied in France last year. She worked for ABC in New York the past two summers, and is currently a teaching assistant and tutor for the French Department at Williams. Betsy keeps up her ballet and writes for the college paper. After graduation she hopes to become a teaching assistant at Fulbright, teaching English to French students. Andrea Meshkow is majoring in po­ litical science at N.Y.U. She spent two non-resident terms interning for Com­ mon C a p e and for Congressman Rob­ ert Roe. Mike Sullivan, a two year starter as offensive guard helped Ohio Wesleyan U, to a 4-5 record this fa1!- -the school’s best record since 1971. Lisa Godlewski enjoys life in New York City. She finished at N.Y.U. in De­ cember a n dilas been doing freelance expediting for architects. S h e || plan­ ning a trip to Venice, Italy, to visit her brother Frank 76, who works with an architect thereS^ILisa ofteri sees Stefani Andreani, who is in her last semester at Rutgers. Before the holidays I saw Amy Pari­ seau and Phil Molinaro. Amy's family

has recently rnoveti to Pennsylvania. Jlpon graduation from Lehigh she will move to Dallas. Phil plays hockey for Lehigh. As for your secretary! Ken Dioguardi and I became engaged over the Christ­ mas holidays. Ken w ill be com m is­ sioned as a secondlieutenant in May and when we find out what the Army has planned for him, we will make our plans!



MKA Miss Shelagh Daly Box 53 Watson West 405 University Place Syracuse, NY 13210

Miss Karen Marnell University of North Carolina Morrison, Rm 1036 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Pam Berkowsky who. jpas been very busy at Princeton U. writes, “ I’ve been doing lots of theater, including costume designing for the Triangle C lub’s fall show. I was assistant stage manager and props master for their traveling show which played at MKA on Decem­ ber 14. I'm now working on the costumes for a production of Grease with a ,65 member castlTTPam is also a member of the hot-air ballooning club, quite a feat for “ someone afraid to sleep on the top bunk*She plans to enter the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Interna­ tional Affairs. She currently has a won­ derful job at the International Center on campus, which is headquarters for all visiting scholars and the foreign com­

Miss Angela DeCandia 90 Chittenden Road Clifton, NJ 07013 Susan Post was crowned New Jersey Honey Queen, 1983, at the Beekeepers 80th anniversary meeting last October. A ||:ording to the Caldwell Progress, “The selection of Honey Queen is made on the candidate’s knowledge of bee­ keeping as well as her poise and ability to represent the beekeepers publicly.” During the year Susan will hold court at various fairs and garden shows througng put New Jersey, as well as continuing her studies at Colgate U.

Members of the Class of 7 9 at Home­ coming, October 2,1982 Members of the Class of ’82 at Home­ coming, October 2,1982 MKA Miss Julie Ruddick P.O. Box 7237 College Station Durham, NC 27708 Miss Pamela Eastman Roanoke College Box 385 Salem, VA 24153 If was great seeing yeti all over the Christmas holidays. I fi'ppe everyone’s vacation was as relaxing as mine! Peter Oodd and Robert Cerfolio car­ ried the ball (or should I say puck) for us in the alumni hockey game. Speaking of “ Dr." Cerfolio, ask him about his six year medicafeschool plan. He explained it twice to me and I still don’t understand! Rumor has it that somewhere in up­ state New York there is a DJ whom we all know. Gary Kramer andlgis room­ mates are oh the radio at Hamilton Col­ lege. Carolyn Kuras’ family has moved to Texas. Chris Wanat is having a blast at Con­ necticut College. The class has had it’s first wedding (that is the first l’ve||eard about). Karen Gibson was married on February 6 and Estelle Osofsky was one of her. brides­ maids. Congratulations Karen! Well that’s it for now. Keep in touch with Pam or me. If you're eveiffiear Dur­ ham, come and visit!

Pam Berkowsky munity at large. Last summer Pam in­ terned in the Wbmen’s [Division at the Demoeiratic N ational Com'mittee in Washington, D.C. This summer she hopes to return to D.C,, with a job at the International Communications Agency, a branch of the State Department. At the opening convocation at Wells College last September, Nancy Nelson was elected to Phi Beta kappa.

MKA Miss Nicole Anastasiou Bok 27340 Furman University Greenville, SC 29613

Send your Alumni Magazine news to: The Alumni Office MKA 201 Valley Road Montclair, NJ 07042

D E A TH S 1910 1910 1915 1917 1917 1917 1922 1922 1923 1923 1926 1927 1927 1928 1929 1931 1931 1933 1942 1944 1944 1947

Helen Porter Simpson Alice Gates Pudney Mrs. W alter Abell M arion Lincoln Cox Oscar E. Mathiasen Rolf E. Sylvan Robert E. Cleary John W. Lamborn John K. Colgate Myra Halligan Evans Barbara Geertz Gordon Donald B. Knowlton John B. M inor Adelbert Colgate Kenyon Jean DeWitt Fitz Jean Senior Darlington Dan Seymour Nancy Noyes King Lee E. Silverbach James F. Fowler Ann Harvey Rapkin W illiam G. Behlen

November 12,1981 July 20,1982 December 15,1982 January 1979 April 1980 October 2,1982

October 29,1982 April 5,1982 July 1982 January 20,1981 November 11,1982 September 1,1982 July 1982

March 1982 May 12,1982 September 19,1982

M A R R IA G E S 1961 1970 1971 1971 1973 1974 1974 1976 1977

Barbara Fleischmann and John B. Lowy Alison Smith and Jon Hitesman Sandra Von Salis and Walo A. Schoch Paul B. Cosentino and Anne Hays Telley Margot Dockrell and Edmond Phillippe de V ilm orin Horsey Anne Johnson and Ignacio Jay Silva Sara Troxell and Robert W inokaur Lisa Kruse and Ward I. Dannemiller Marcelle Irwin and Harold Dane Pope

March 18,1982 June 1982 June 26,1982 Summer 1982 October 2,1982 August 7,1982 September 12,1982 May 15,1982 September 4,1982

Academy News

MKA Chairs Available

Have you subscribed to the Academy News? One Subscrip­ tion will bring you eight issues of MKA’s fine newspaper. Keep up with what goes on in the School! Please fill out this subscription and return it with your check to: Kris Hatzenbuhler, Academy News, MKA, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042. Checks should be made pay­ able to Montclair Kimberley Academy.

MKA chairs are available through the Alumni Office. They are an­ tique black with maple arms and bear the official MKA seal in gold. Each chair sells for $110 and is shipped express collect directly to you from MKA. Your order must be accompanied by check make payable to Montclair Kimberley Academy.

Yes I’d like to subscribe: Enclosed is my check for $8.50 Name Street City



Two MKA ties - navy blue and green stripes with the symbol in white, or green Cougars on navy blue. Available from the Alumni Office $15.00 each plus $1.50 for shipping.

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