Fall 1990 MKA Alumni News

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Contents Teacher: In Memory of Robert C. Hemmeter / 1 From the Office of External Affairs / 3 Brookside Dedication / 4 Commencement Awards / 6 Notes Around MKA / 8 From the Alumni Association / 10 Class Notes / 13

The MKA Alumni Association is an organiza­ tion o f all men and women who have attended the school. Its purpose is to make known to MKA the ideas, interests, and concerns o f alumni and to inform alumni of the accomplishments and objectives o f MKA. The Alumni Council is a representative group elected at the Association’s annual m eeting to sponsor events and activities linking alumni with their alma mater.

1990-91 Alumni Association Council Joseph Alessi ’68 Melissa Cohn ’78 Margaret Crawford Bridge ’65 Martha Bonsai Day ’74, Vice President Alan Deehan ’77 Stephen T. Dodd ’79 Robert H. Gardner ’78, Treasurer Geoffrey A. Gimber ’75, Secretary Hugh Gleason ’75 Kristine Hatzenbuhler ’83 Edward G. Healey ’77 Robert A. Hoonhout ’71, President Gail Tomec Kerr ’52 Paul A. McFeeley ’76 Peter McMullen ’77 J. Blake O’Neill ’82 J. Dean Paolucci '73, Vice President Robert D. Post ’77, Vice President Rudolph Schlobohm ’74 Ellen Wahl Skibiak ’73, Vice President Cynthia Mann Treene ’54 Albert D. Van Eerde ’73 Frances R. O’Connor, Principal Judy Polonofsky, Director of External Affairs Christie Austin, Alumni Director

Front Cover Robert C. Hemmeter, 1933-1990, Dean of the Faculty, tennis coach, and revered member of the Academy and MKA faculty for 28 years. In memoriant: pages 1 and 2

P hotographic Credits W. L. Bill Allen, Jr. Christie Austin William Bullard Steve Tober

B oard of Trustees 1990-91 Joan Arboit-Ainbinder Margaret Crawford Bridge ’65, President Rose L. Cali, Secretary Austin C. Drukker ’52 John E. Garippa A. Lawrence Gaydos Sharon M. Gray Robert A. Hoonhout ’71 John L. Kidde ’52x Austin V. Koenen, Vice President Robert S. Kramer James Magna Anne Muenster-Sinton, Vice President Frances R. O’Connor Newton B. Schott Jr. Jodi Smith Martin L. Sorger Herbert H. Tate, Jr. ’71 Ronald L. Tobia Jean N. Torjussen Eugene R. Wahl ’66, Treasurer

Advisory Trustees Peter J. Bruck James A. Courter ’59 Frank Di Girolamo Gail Tomec Kerr ’52 Susan N. Krouse

Honorary Trustees Aubin Zabriskie Ames ’54 Joseph A. Courier Susan H. Ruddick James S. Vandermade ’35 Howard A. Van Vleck ’22

Member: Alumni Presidents’ Council of Independent Schools Council for Advancement and Support of Education National Association of Independent Schools New Jersey Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS) Published twice yearly by: The Montclair Kimberley Academy 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042 (201) 746-9800 Notice of non-discriminatory policy as to students: The Montclair Kimberley Academy admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. Entered as third class matter at Montclair, New Jersey 07042 Design: The Gemini Studio, Montclair, NJ

M emorial The Robert C. Hemmeter Memorial Fund has been established. A committee of students, faculty, and administration is working on how to best remember Bob and keep his name alive. The next A lum ni News will provide the details. Donations may be sent to: MKA, Office of External Affairs 201 Valley Road Montclair, NJ 07042. Checks should be made out to MKA - Hemmeter Memorial.

T eacher D edicated To B ob H emmeter Teaching is the ultimate expression of human love. The true teacher enables his pupils to grow, to live more fully and to discover talents and potential previously undreamt of. The teacher’s joy is greatest when his pupil surpasses him in some area of thought, creativity or achievement. It is far more difficult to be a great teacher than it is to be a great scholar. The latter requires time, intelligence and research but the former needs all of that plus the ability to reach another person, to see potentials that the pupil is not yet aware of and to transmit not only knowledge, but love of knowledge and love of life. Great teachers exist in every discipline: mathematics, humanities, foreign language, the arts, science and athletics. Their pupils remember them not so much for the mastery of their subject but for the energy, encouragement and enthusiasm they shared. Great teachers free their students. Their lessons are internalized, in so personal a way that often only the pupil knows from whom the inspiration came. Great teachers are often surprised to learn the effect they have had on others! The Montclair Kimberley Academy lost a great teacher last spring. Bob Hemmeter passed quickly from our midst, too quickly for us to say goodbye, too quickly for us to acknowledge all he had given us. To his friends and colleagues, he gave

the example of true dedication to teaching, a love of life and a love of friends. We sang with him, sampled his gourmet cooking, read the books and saw the movies he recommended, and rejoiced in our time with him. His young pupils shared his enthusiasm for history, for life and for the complexity of human behavior. He inspired them to search for truth, to dare to think and find relationships and to love to learn. He pulled them out of their adolescent myopia, out of their adolescent doubts and into a joy in life, knowledge and achievement. His passing numbed us all, and the normally boisterous halls and classrooms at the Upper School fell silent for several days. But teaching is immortal, and Bob lives on in the hearts of his pupils, colleagues and friends. Teaching is the ultimate expression of human love. It is the free sharing of intelligence, emotion and spirit. It seeks nothing in return, but rather respects and rejoices in the gains of the student. And yet, there are few activities as rewarding as teaching. Few uses of our time or energy produce the deep thrill of teaching. To teach is to love. We love you

Frances R. O’Connor Principal i

H emmie Following the sudden death o f Bob Hemmeter on May 25, a special Morning Meeting was held at the Upper School to commemorate his life. Long-term faculty members spoke about his influence on generations o f students and faculty members. Some excerpts: Nixon Bicknell: Last Friday, Robert C. Hemmeter died of a heart attack. He was the dean of the faculty senior faculty member with 28 years of service to Montclair Academy and The Montclair Kimberley Academy teacher, friend and advisor to us all.... What sort of man was Bob Hemmeter? .. .Hemmie was a cheerful and enthusiastic man. His goodhumored, fun-loving, teasing ways were always welcome. He bounced into a room with that jerky, hurried gait of his, sang out his cheery “How’re ya doin’?” and the room lit up no matter what the weather....He was an active man, always on the go. An avid tennis player and coach, his teams were often champions, although he was modest about that despite the satisfaction it gave him. And he loved to dance! Bob was an artistic man. He played the piano, sang, and composed musicals and musical revues for fundraising entertainments for Montclair Academy while these buildings were being built, and for the Mental Health Association, which he served in many capacities, including president. He directed dramatic productions of all kinds in the ’60s and ’70s and his production of “The Crucible” on this stage in 1973 remains a special triumph in my mind to this day. ...Bob was a scholarly, intellectual man who read omnivorously on a wide variety of topics, especially in his field of American political thought, history and law. He was equally excited about good fiction. Aiguing politics with him was great fun, that is, if you could get a word in edgewise. And, of course, Bob was a master teacher who cared passionately about education. Anyone in his classroom for more than a few minutes knew that. Hemmie cared so deeply about his students that he worried frequently about the lack of discipline and direction in young people. He wanted young people to

lift their eyes to the best that life has to offer: great ideas, books, pictures, sculpture, architecture, music, travel. He wanted them to develop an inner life where they became their best selves...[through] hard work and disciplined, concentrated effort. Out on Van Brunt Field the shed roof sign reads: We love you Hemmie. Let each of us who loved him resolve that his example shall be ours; that for us his death shall not be a brief, intense experience of sorrow and regret and then back to business as usual. Hemmie loved this school deeply and if his 28 years of service has any meaning for us, we will go about our daily lives with renewed self discipline. Our higher ideals in education and in our personal lives will be a fitting memorial to him and a blessing to us. John Noble: I was deeply touched by the inscription, slanted slightly toward the heavens, on the shed below: WE LOVE YOU HEMMIE. We love you Hemmie. A very long time ago, a writer of letters put it this way: We love him, because he first loved us. We love Hemmie because Hemmie loved people and among the people that Hemmie loved were his students and his fellow teachers. No less than twenty-eight years ago, before all of us, Hemmie was here - first. Robert Sinner: Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.” That is a secret that Bob Hemmeter knew fully. His chief guiding principle was respect respect for students, for colleagues, for friends, for mankind. ¡Bob also understood the therapeutic value of “good times” of joy and laughter. He was the funniest man - and yet the most compassionate - that I have ever known... 2

Hemmie had, and has, many, many friends. Not acquaintances, not colleagues, not students, but friends. He was and is “life incarnate” - he drank its cup to the brim. Tennis, teaching, history, drama, music, movies, food, people - even football. Do you know he was an Academy football coach in his early years here? But most of all, Bob loved people... I met him 17 years ago, when he interviewed me for a job at Montclair Academy. [The appointment was rescheduled and started late.] Bob immediately sensed I was nervous and somewhat upset at the time. He read my mood and immediately acted to reach out a hand. He took me out to supper, where he shared his love of learning and of people (students, teachers, even administrators) with me. He made me feel at home... .Over the years I have gotten to know Bob better, but I will never forget his first outreach to me at that, my most vulnerable moment. I would like to share with you a statement by John Ruskin on education because I feel it embodies Bob’s spirit so well. “The entire object of true education is to make people not merely to do the right things, but enjoy them; not merely industrious, but to love industry; not merely learned, but to love knowledge; not merely pure, but to love purity; not merely just, but to hunger and thirst after justice.” Bob was a true master teacher, as well as a friend. His teaching will never end, because we share it, you and I, and we will pass it on as a torch is passed on. The illumination will continue.

B oard O f T rustees I look forward to serving another term as President of the Board of Trustees of The Montclair Kimberley Academy and thank my colleagues for their support. A special thank you to the Nominating Committee and its chair, Anne E. Muenster-Sinton, for all their efforts. Elected to the Board for a second term are Rose L. Cali, Martin L. Sorger and Eugene R. Wahl ’66. Newton B. Schott Jr., Herbert H. Tate Jr. ’71 and Jean N. Torjussen are new members of the Class of 1993. Susan H. Ruddick completed her term as a regular trustee but will continue to share her expertise with this Board as an Honorary Trustee. MKA parents Peter J. Bruck, Frank DiGirolamo and Susan N. Krouse will serve as Advisory Trustees. The slate of officers for 1990-91 are Vice Presidents Anne E. MuensterSinton and Austin V. Koenen, with Rose L. Cali and Eugene R. Wahl ’66 again serving as Secretary and Treasurer. Newton B. Schott Jr. and his wife Toni are the parents of Keith ’87, now at Wittenberg University, and April, a fifth grader at MKA. Newton graduated from Princeton University and received his J.D. from Columbia University Law School. He is an Executive Vice President and General Counsel with Thomson McKinnon Asset Management L. P. and is a member of the American, New York

City and State Bar Associations. Herbert H. Tate Jr. ’71, received his B. A. from Wesleyan University and his J.D. from Rutgers University. A member of the American, New Jersey and Essex County Bar Associations, he is currently the Prosecutor for New Jersey’s Essex County. Jean N. Torjussen and her husband Martin are parents to three MKA students. Martin Jr. ’90 will attend Norwich University this September, Meghan is an eighth grader and Kyle, a fourth grader. Jean attended the University of Maryland (B.F.A.) and Columbia University and received her C. L.U. from the American College of Insurance. She is a pension benefit consultant who found time to serve the MKA Parents’ Association as Community Vice-President last year. Peter J. Bruck and his wife Elizabeth are the MKA parents of two: Amanda who will be in kindergarten and Andrew, a second grader. Peter is President of Bruck & Franzese, Inc., a design and construction management firm in New York City. He holds a B.S. in architecture from the City College of New York. Libby was the ad journal chair for the PAMKA fundraiser in March 1990 and has volunteered to do publicity again for the 1991 PAMKA fundraiser. Frank DiGirolamo and his wife Laurie are the parents of Eden, a

1990 graduate, who is off to Lehigh University in September. He is the Vice-President of DiGirolamo Construction Company. Susan N. Krouse has agreed to serve as Advisory Trustee for Annual Giving. She and her husband George, MKA parents since 1982, served as Parent Phonathon Chairmen in 1988- 89 and Gift Club and New Parent Phonathon Chairmen in 1989- 90. Geoffrey ’89 is at Duke University and Alison is a junior at the Upper School. Susan has been actively involved in PAMKA as Survival Shop chair, overall sports hospitality chair and individual hospitality chair for both the boys and girls teams. The Board and I welcome Peter, Frank and Susan as Advisory Trustees and look forward to working with them. I can only hope my second term as President of the Board of Trustees of The Montclair Kimberley Academy is as exciting as the first two years. I know it will be enriched by the presence of these new members and the commitment and dedication of those who renewed their commitment to MKA. My sincere thanks.

Margaret Crawford Bridge ’65 President, Board of Trustees

From The O ffice O f External A ffairs ANNUAL GIVING FOUNDATIONS FOR LIFE, MKA’s 1989-90 Annual Giving Campaign, ended June 15 with a total of $455,000 raised. The goal of $400,000 was sur­ passed with a 14% increase. For details, see MKA’s Annual Report this fall. A special thank you to Trustee Sharon M. Gray for her leadership of Annual Giving for the past two years. Sharon will continue as Fundraising Chairman for the Board of Trustees concentrating on raising funds for endowment and capital projects.

MKA Trustee Sharon M. Gray, Fundraising Chairman.

Ju< ly Polonofsky Director of External Affairs 3

The Edward E. Ford Foundation Grants MKA $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 In April, 1990, The Edward E. Ford Foundation approved a grant of $50,000 to The Montclair Kimberley Academy in response to Dr. O’C onnor’s proposal for pro­ fessional development endowment funds for grades 9 through 12. This request was made as part of the ongoing fundraising outlined in MKA’s capital program “A Commitment to Children,” in w hich the Board of Trustees resolved to raise an endowment of $1,300,000 specifically for faculty education and curriculum development.


Top Left: Sharon Gray, MKA’s Trustee fo r Fundraising, and Brookside parent Carol Wall study the D edication program. Bottom Left: Trustee John Garippa and his wife, Linda, share a m om ent to reflect cm the im portant role new parents to MKA played in m aking the Brookside Capital Project a reality. The Garippas along with the Wahls co-chaired the project. Bottom Right: Brookside parents M ary and Chris A xentiou with Joan and B em ie Carl in the new Library.

BROOKSIDE C APITAL P R O JE C T In contrast to a regular school day, on Sunday, May 20, the Primary School was filled with adults. The occasion was the dedication of the expanded Brookside building, including a large new library, computer, science, and music rooms, two second grade classrooms and a faculty room. The art room and second grade classrooms were also renovated and the administrative offices were given a much-needed facelift. It was all made possible by the fundraising efforts of Eugene Wahl ’66 and his wife, Patricia, and John and Linda Garippa, who co-chaired the Brookside Capital Project. They began in October of 1988 and raised $855,000 in seven months. Ground was broken in March 1989 and the renovated school was open that September. Brookside Headmistress Anita Cole welcomed generous parents, faculty


and friends whose gifts made it possible. Margaret Crawford Bridge ’65, President of the Board of Trustees, alumna and parent, spoke of MKA’s continuing commitment to children and the long-term goals for the school. Trustee John Garippa, parent of a second grader, spoke about his experience with the Brookside project, calling himself one of the “new kids on the block.” He shared with the audience how he learned to be a fundraiser, drawing on his admiration of and faith in the people who are unique to MKA. He reminded those present that each and every one had made a difference in the overall picture, and he thanked them personally and for the school. Eugene Wahl ’66, trustee, alumnus and parent, followed with “ the joy of giving.. .and asking.’’ He spoke about the beginning of the school 100 years ago, started by a few

parents who wanted something special for their children. He thanked past MKA parents for their belief in the value of the school which he attended and especially those present parents who make it possible for the school to continue to grow. He emphasized the personal feeling of stewardship in his role as trustee, and his loyalty as an alumnus and parent of four current students. The ceremony closed with a “look forward” by Principal Frances R. O’Connor as she spoke of the fulfillment of goals that she and the Board developed for the future of MKA. She encouraged the parents to tour the newly renovated campus and see the plaques commemorating the gifts to the campaign. A reception followed in the sunfilled new library. Virginia Montemurro

Top Left: Trustee Gene Wahl '66 shows wife Pat and bis mother, Evelyn Wahl, the new Science Room. The Wahls and the Garippas co-chaired the Brookside Capital Project. Top Right: Board President Margaret Crawford Bridge '65, with husband D avid in Brookside’s new Computer Room. Middle: (L to R) Brookside parent Richard Pisacane, MKA’s Trustee Chairman o f Development Ron Tobia, Director o f External A ffairs Judy Polonofsky and Joanna Pisacane a t the Reception im m ediately follow ing the D edication Ceremony. Bottom: Brookside’s Headmistress A nita Cole leads Brookside parents Lisa and Andy Abramson '71 on a tour o f the new library.

C ommencement Awards

ETHEL M. SPURR AWARD for cooperation, responsibility, service and citizenship Ellen Gilson

MARJORIE WINFIELD EASTER AWARD for sportsmanship, self-discipline and behind-the-scenes service Timothy Scherzo

BUD MEKEEL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP for a worthy senior Meridith Dorner

COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD for positive action which shows unselfish concern for the larger community beyond school Claire Acher Sabrina Yellin

RUDOLPH H. DEETJEN AWARD for athletics and academic achievement Carl Rabke Kimberly Charlton

Brian D avis ’83, A laina ’90, and their parents, Preston and Grace Davis.

Nicole Anastasiou ’82, A lex ’90, and their father, Alex. Their m other was Denise Farandatos Anastasiou ’62, President o f the MKA A lum ni Association, 1983-85.


Awards N ight The Barras English Prize Joshua Ford Modern Language Prize In French Claire Acher Modern Language Prize In Spanish Alden Jones Latin Prize Jamie Reif Social Studies Prize Joshua Ford The Nazarian Mathematics Prize Susannah Arwood The William H. Miller Science Prize Stephanie Stark Brett Zbar The G.A. Downsbrough Science Scholarship Timothy Scherzo Fine and Performing Arts Prizes Art: Rebecca Blauvelt Jill Porter Musical-Vocal: Ellen Gilson The Marilyn Faden Award for Excellence In Theatre Arts Joshua Ford Laura Gilman Cheryl Rizzo Michelle Santoro The Elizabeth O’Neil Feagley Creativity Award Kyung Lee ’91 Senior Art Exhibit Award Janna Weinstein The Maestro Thomas Michalak Instrumental Music Award Matthew Dairman

GRADE 9: Kristin Noell Solomon Steplight Health and Physical Education Department Prize Ellen Gilson The Frank “Poncho” Brogan ’72 Memorial Scholarship Alexander Balk ’91 Varsity Society Mark Politan ’91 Gail Szakacs ’91 Red and Black Society Roberta Griff ’91 Luke Sarsfield, III ’91 Organization o f Black Students Leadership Award and Scholarship Johanne Richard The Dartmouth Club Book Award Dara Marmon ’91 The Yale Secondary School Book Award AlQadir Walker ’91 The Smith College Club Award Tonia Walker ’91 The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal Michael Kramer ’91 The Montclair Society o f Engineers Award Meridith Dorner College Women’s Club o f Montclair Scholarships Claire Acher Meridith Dorner Ellen Gilson

Faculty Scholar Awards GRADE 11: Michael Kramer Dara Marmon Luke Sarsfield, III Anjali Sharma GRADE 10: John Eberhardt Enrique Neblett Cheryl Sinner GRADE 9: Laura Caprario Suzanne Jacobson Sunil Mirchandani Brian Wecht The Cum Laude Academic Honor Society Claire Acher Susannah Arwood Antony Brydon Kimberly Charlton Regina Chi Christopher DeStefano Meridith Dorner Joshua Ford Ellen Gilson Loyd Godwin Katherine Gutman Steven Manning Jill Porter Johanne Richard Timothy Scherzo Stephanie Stark Sabrina Yellin Brett Zbar National Merit Scholarship Finalists Susannah Arwood Brett Zbar National Achievement Scholarship Program for Outstanding Negro Students Johanne Richard

The James D. Timmons Scholarship Carl Rabke Headmaster’s Award Christopher DeStefano Brett Zbar Klein Awards for Achievement In Athletics and Scholarship GRADE 12: Alexander Anastasiou Meredith McGowan GRADE 11: Kimberly Kohlman Mark Politan GRADE 10: Martin Chen Jennifer Lonsinger

Former A lum ni Director Susan Jones, second fro m left, her mother, Ida Singleton, husband Rees, and their daughters, Alden ’90 and Am y ’92.


N otes A ro und M ka Decade Club At the 1989-90 opening faculty meeting, the following were honored for ten years of loyal service. Theresa Detorie Louella DeVita Evelyn Martin Frances R. O’Connor

Faculty Farewells From Tributes by Fran O’Connor and Faculty at Year-End Faculty Meeting Mimi Crawford: The Right Hand o f Admissions From speech by Barbara Rabuse Mimi was already part of the MKA community when she joined the staff in 1978: she is the mother of alumni Douglas ’71, Jeffrey ’74, and Anna ’75. She has been Alumni Director, secretary to Principal Richard Day and to three admissions directors, has survived four office locations and revised record keeping methods at least five times - always with grace and enthusiasm. She is a kind, compassionate listener, whose dry wit saved many a difficult moment. We will sorely miss her care, confidence, dignity and aplomb. Miriam Kennedy: The Joy o f Kindergarten From speech by Vicki Wheeler Through Miriam, more than 100 kindergarteners learned that learning is exciting. Her vision is to affirm and nurture the fundamental integrity of very young children....She captivates children by working beside them, infecting them with her own enthusiasm, and understanding how the world looks from their point of view. She is found among them - on

the floor, at a table, in a small chair, or down on a mat. We wish her the best as she spends more time with her grandchildren, art history, Hospice, and travels. Ruth Meglio: Four-inch Heels in the Athletic Office From speech by George Hrab Ruth not only handled typing letters, seasonal schedules, weekly schedules, daily schedules and contests, roster lists, officials, weather, postponements, teachers, coaches, students, phone calls, BandAids, fencing announcements, day camp, awards lists, snacks from PAMKA mothers, busloads... she did it all with that famous smile and that breathy, unruffled 2:00-in-themorning-FM-radio-station-female disk jockey voice. She put that special Meglio care and total perfectionism into every single thing she did. All our people such as Ruth of our “support staff’ are not just support, they are the bedrock on which the school’s foundation is built and its existence depends. At Brookside, Anita Cole announced that art teacher Wendy Lewis was leaving to pursue an M.EA. in sculpture with a fellowship at SUNY Binghamton. Robbie Hart is moving to her favorite place, East Falmouth, Mass., where she hopes to teach after traveling for a few months. At the Middle School, Jim Burger announced that after 10 years of “ making music part of the entire school life with her time, talent and incredible energy,’’ Bev Wilkinson DiPaolo was departing with her husband for the Rectory School, Conn. Linda Humphreys, “the heart of the Middle School” since 1975 as reading, math and computer teacher and one-time Director of Admissions, is leaving with her family for a new life in New Hampshire. Connie Insley, ‘‘the soul of the Middle School,” has undertaken “a grand new quest” at seminary in


Bangor, Maine. Connie has been at MKA since 1974 as coach, teacher and leader of Survival trips. Bonnie Jason, after a year’s leave, has decided to stay on for adventure in Alaska. Jim thanked Bob Jerome for helping implement the fourth and fifth grade science program, LegoLogo, and a whale watch - and for teaching Talent Explosions in the summer. Holly Jervis ’83 - Spanish teacher, photographer, tour leader will “spread her wings in new artistic endeavors.” French teacher Heather Palmer will attend U. of Michigan for a master’s in educational administration. Joan Weller and Kay Wylie-Jacob will be on maternity leave. At the Upper School, Academic Dean Bob Sinner thanked Kurt Andersen for his math teaching, Danish jokes, and “making us look at ourselves from a different perspective.” He thanked Bob Gannon for “ making Latin a living language,” his outstanding work on the Senior Projects, and dynamic morning programs. Spanish teacher Joel Hildebrandt, “an adament, effective advocate of social and ecological causes,” is leaving for California. Anna Houben, whose “logical, clear mind embodies both rational and romantic,” leaves the math department and yearbook for Livingston High School. Deb Jennings will continue maternity leave. Athletic Director Gene Rochette, who balanced academic and athletic programs and nightmare schedules, is returning to college coaching - “a real Cougar.” Linda Schaefer, once a language teacher and recently admissions coordinator, is “retiring” to her family. Bob wished Ce Schafler good luck with her new dramatic endeavors; “Who will ever forget ‘Pippin’ or ‘Gypsy’?” Anna Segreto, “the living embodiment of Writing Process’’ and great teacher of English, leaves a great big gap as Master Teacher and Freshman Dean as she moves to Florida. Another

Cougar Sports 1990 English teacher and “resident reading expert,” Mary Tennaro, moves on to new challenges. Assistant Principal Jean Gisriel announced that Sue McGough, who started the Extended Day program on two campuses and trained the staff, was relocating with her husband to Maryland. Business Manager Rich Sunshine announced that Lynn Evangelista, who “endured, survived, and trained three business managers with flash, grace and loyalty,’’ was leaving for greater happiness in the world of matrimony after 10 years at MKA.


Most Improved

Outstanding Competitor

Taryn Reif

Seth Abbey

Alexander Anastasiou

Most Dedicated

Coach’s Award

Lisa Bombardier!

Christopher DeStefano Timothy Scherzo

Special Recognition


Kristy Scanlan Heather White Coach’s Award

Jill Porter Janna Weinstein

Leah Napolitano Amanda Powers Gail Szakacs

VOLLEYBALL Most Promising

Coach’s Award

Lisa Groudan

Ann Napolitano

Most Improved

Unsung Player

Stephanie Decker


Coach’s Award

Merle Pear

Luke Sarsfield III Thomas DiDomenico


Coach’s Award

Katherine Schroeder

Joshua Ford

Most Improved

MVP Defense

Jennifer Lonsinger Michele Sorce


Unsung Player

Tifflni Kriegel

Jamie Reif

MVP Defense

Meredith McGowan Most Improved

Denise Russ Katherine Schroeder GIRLS TENNIS MVP

Christopher Simon Carl Rabke Seiji Nakamura

Most Improved

Michael Kramer Most Improved

Coach’s Award

Stephanie O’Brien

Pamela Pogorelec

Coach’s Award

Jonathan Crowell

Steven Manning


Most Improved

Richard Diamond

Marc Dauzier

Coach’s Award

Coach’s Award

Shane Mahieu Gregg Cademartori Steven Manning

Bruce Herforth



Peter Benedict

David Bettencourt

Cougar Award

MVP Offense

Matthew Fiore Thomas DiDomenico

Lee Cornish MVP Defense


Craig Lilore Most Improved

Nicholas Graziano

Jeffrey La Grasso

Most Improved

Coach’s Award

David Choi

Martin Torjussen

Coach’s Award

Steven Most Eugene Mazo


Jennifer Blanes


Outstanding Competitor


Jennifer Blanes Most Improved


James Ringwood Martin Torjussen Coach’s Award

Matt Fiore

Erin O’Neill

Jessica Ball

High Mileage

Coach’s Award

Jill Porter Eden DiGirolamo

Katelyn Hnatow


Christopher Burchell

Marni Schinman


Mami Schinman Margaret Tilton


Kimberly Charlton Most Improved

Special Recognition BOYS BASKETBALL Coach’s Award

Coach’s Award


Most Improved

Margaret Irwin Coach’s Award

Kimberly Charlton BOYS LACROSSE MVP Offense

Carl Rabke MVP Defense

Gregg Cademartori Coach’s Award

Christopher MacKenzie GOLF MVP

Meredith McGowan John Sorger SOFTBALL MVP

Katherine Schroeder Most Improved

Margaret Tilton Kimberly Kohlman Best Freshman

Suzanne Jacobson Coach’s Award

Lisa Groudan Katelyn Hnatow BOYS TENNIS Coach’s Award

Christopher Simon David Becker Loyd Godwin

From The A lumni A ssociation Many thanks to these retiring members of the Alumni Council for their years of commitment and service to MKA: Fay Taft Fawcett ’52, Anne King Franges ’56, and Linda Horowitz Rosier ’60. Fay leaves after more than 30 years of hard work, inspiring leadership, and enthusiastic commitment to the alumni associations of Kimberley and MKA. We are very grateful for her friendship and dedication. Robert A. Hoonhout ’71 President

Senior Breakfast The Class of 1990 was welcomed into the MKA Alumni Association at the annual Senior Breakfast in April. President Robert Hoonhout ’71 and Margaret Crawford Bridge ’65, President of the Board of Trustees, spoke about the activities of the Association - which are organized by the local Alumni Council - and the special bond of being alumni. Principal Frances O’Connor offered best wishes and presented the now-traditional laundry bags, autographed with the signature of every member of the class.

Right: Upper School Head Charles Henderson chats with Geoffrey Benjamin and Steven Most. Left: Principal Fran O 'Connor, Bookstore Manager Bernice Belverio, and class advisor Char Charlton search laundry bag fo r signatures.

Center Right: Senior break: L to R: Chris DeStefano, D avid Becker, Chris Simon, Nick Graziano, Craig Lilore. Bottom Right: Alumni-to-be, L to R: Alexa Fitzpatrick, Kate Hnatow, Robyn Williamson, T iffini Kriegel, Em ily Ertel. Bottom Left: Faculty m ember Anne Moore makes a p o in t with Ruchira Haidar.


Career Day 1990 One of the goals of the MKA Alumni Association is to increase networking. This year more alumni than ever returned to MKA to tell about their education, experience and careers. Long-term faculty members were particularly pleased to see “ their” former students return to be teacher for a day. The event was organized by Alumni Co-chairmen Ellen Wahl Skibiak ’73 and M elissa Cohn ’78; Suzanne Saldarmi, Director of Student Services; and the Alumni Office. Career Day Speakers F = Faculty P = MKA Parent Year = A lum na/us A dvertising

Hal Goodtree ’76 A rchitecture

Robert Brandt ’66 Special E du catio n

Dawn Geannette ’68 E ngineering/Science

David Soule ’73 E n trep ren eu rsh ip

Melissa Cohn ’78 Film P ro d u c tio n

J.C. Svec F F inancial Analysis

Dana Cestone ’78 C o rp o rate M anagem ent

Anita Sims ’79 G raphic D esign

Deborah Tirico In v estm en t B anking

Barry Ridings ’70, P Jo u rn alism

Diane Haines ’63 Law

Joshua Cohn ’80x Robert H. Gardner ’78

Top Left: Dawn Geannette ’68. Top Right: Sari Kramer ’66. Middle Left: Barry Ridings ’70. Middle Center: Diane Haines ’63- Middle Right: Dana Cestone ’78. Bottom Left: Peter McMullen 77. Bottom Center: D avid Soule ’75. Bottom Right: Robert B randt '66.

M edicine, Surgery

Kenneth Holwitt, M.D. P Music

Barry Centanni ’77, F P h o to jo u rn alism

Michael Yamashita ’67 P sychology

Sari Kramer, Ph.D. ’66 Real Estate

Nellie Matjucha ’77 S ports A d m inistration

Peter McMullen ’77 n


Thomas G. Stockham, Jr. and his fam ily, L to R: John, a student a t Utah State; Tom, III, an MBA student a t Stanford; Tom and his wife, Martha; David, a ju n io r a t St. M ark’s School, Salt Lake City; Carol Stockham Forester, Paul Forester (seated), and son Sam, who live in Alaska.

1 9 9 0 D istinguished A lumni Award T homas G reenway Stockham , Jr . ’51 “He did fo r sound what the written word did fo r the spoken word-kept it pure.” The MKA Alumni Council is pleased to announce that the 1990 Distinguished Alumni Award will be presented to a true pioneer, an inventor so outstanding that he has revolutionized not only an industry, but the modern lifestyle. We honor him, too, for his perseverance, insight, and commitment to a dream. For more than 30 years, Thomas G. Stockham, Jr. has worked within the world of electrical, computer and audio engineering to perfect recordings. The result of his research is digital recording - a revolutionary method of processing images and sound that led to the development of compact disks (CD’s) and new television recording methods. The magnitude of his discovery is so great that he is listed along with Thomas Edison under “Phonograph” in the World Book Encyclopedia.

Before digital recording, sound was recorded by physical means - wiggles and grooves on a record, wiggles on magnetic tape. Dr. Stockham gave sound a num erical value, so it could be recorded without physical contact. The result is pure sound: because there is nothing wearing out, there is no static, no distortion with each subsequent playing. After his graduation from Montclair Academy in 1951, Tom Stockham received his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in electrical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He spent more than 10 years at MIT both as a professor of electrical engineering and in research positions. Since 1968 he has lived in Salt Lake City, where he has been a professor at the University of Utah. He founded his own company, Soundstream, Inc. in 1975 to develop digital signal processing. Initially his adversary - because his ideas were so revolutionary - the recording industry now recognizes 12

his achievements. Stockham won an Emmy Award in 1988 for his “pioneering efforts in the development of tapeless audio recording and editing technologies.” The electrical engineering world has honored him many times. He has received numerous awards, including the 1957 Goodwin Medal from MIT “for conspicuously effective teaching.” Dr. Stockham has published more than 30 papers and holds five patents. Research done by Stockham and his students has influenced technologies of the U.S. Space and Defense programs. In 1973-74, he served on the six-member “Panel of Experts on Tape Recordings” which investigated the authenticity and accuracy of the Watergate Tapes. We are pleased and honored to award Dr. Thomas G. Stockham Jr. ’51 the 1990 MKA Distinguished Alumni Award. He has selflessly pursued his chosen career with such brilliance that he has affected history. Martha Bonsai D ay ’74 Distinguished A lum ni Award Committee Chairman

C lass Notes 14

Editor’s Note As those of you in classes that have secretaries already realize, we use one official mailing each year to obtain news, which will be in the FALL magazine. SPRING magazine Class Notes are taken from reunion, holiday, and phonathon news, the flap on the Annual Giving remittance envelope, and the “Grapevine” on the inside back cover. Although the news items might seem “old,” we have found that most people love to read news whenever. This time lapse is unavoidable, as the processing of Class Notes from secretary to Alumni Office to classmates to secretary to Alumni Office to typesetter to printer covers a 14 to 16 week period! Please remember that you can send a note to your class secretary or to the Alumni Office anytime. To those of you whose class has no secretary, how would you like to volunteer? The job has been simplified to the point that you will probably find it downright enjoyable! It is no exaggeration to say that the position of class secretary, like that of class agent and reunion chairman, is absolutely essential to the vitality of the school. Please consider it.

TKS Mrs. Henry W. Jones (Elisabeth Prentiss) 254 Ivy Street, Wallingford, CT 06492


TKS Mrs. Sam uel Meek (Priscilla Mitchel) 88 Doubling Road, Greenwich, CT 06830 Priscilla Mitchel Meek spent much of 1989 celebrating her 90th birthday, enter­ taining or visiting children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and friends. Priscilla visited the home where she was born in Rhode Island, where she’d lived on Long Island and in Montclair, including a tour of Kimberley. She visited friends in Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York, and had a special service at Christ Church in Greenwich.


- =

TKS Mrs. Jonathan Chatellier (Alice Vezin) 16 West Elm Street, Yarmouth, ME 04096

Price Ten Cent»,

The Churchman An Illustrated Weekly News-Magazine. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1894.

Montclair Military

M. H. M allc ORY & C o ., Publisher», 4 7 Lafayette Place, N ew York.

A cad em y,



MA No secretary


TKS Mrs. Philip Taylor (Helen Patrick) 590 Palm Circle West, Naples, PL 33940 Our condolences to the family of Katherine Meyer Mauchel.


Fiftieth Year. Vol. L X X . —No. 24.—W hole No. 2604.

Libby Thylor Randall phoned and we had a great time catching up. She has been in real estate in Shrewsbury for almost 50 years, keeps busy and has many young friends. Marge Parkhurst Sommer writes from Florida that she and Bud were with Bill and Dotti Monro Dill ’24 when they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in Kennebunkport last summer. In April Marge and Bud and their two daughters, grandchildren and friends celebrated their 60th. Congratulations! Killy Greene Cole’s grandson from London has been seeing the USA before entering college and Killy had a brief visit with him. Polly Richardson Evans ’24 comes to see me and it is a treat to be with an old Montclair friend. Weezle Rudd Hannegan ’47 and I keep in touch and she phoned to wish me a happy birthday on my 85th. I’m following her career with great interest. Such talent! Alice

13 miles

Summit of



New York.


Is beautifully situated on the southerly slope of the Orange Mountains. 500 feet above the sea level, with an extended view overlooking the surrounding country for miles. It is provided with every modern convenience, is perfect in sanitary appointments, and heated with both hot air and steam. In it the boys, with the teachers, form a family circle in the truest sense. Every attention is given to the improving and building up of the mind, conscience, and body of the boy, and of laying a solid foundation for a true manhood. Thorough preparation for College or Scientific School. Certificates admit to various Colleges. Excellent Gymnasium with special Physical Instructor. . The school is now in full operation, and parents who are thinking of entering their sons for the unexpired half year are cordially invited to come and see how we live, study and play. Catalogue will be mailed on request. $500 per year. J . 6 . Mac VICAR, H ead M aster.

Prof. George D. Olds, Ph.D., Department of Mathematics, Amherst College, writes : 111 believe that the aim and attainm ent o f the M ontclair M ilitary Academy is the development o f high scholarship and noble manhood.". _______________ __________ '______‘


Ellas J. Marsh, M.D. ’32 sent a copy of “The Churchman,” December 1894, to MKA for the archives, with observations: “[The ad is a] reminder that Montclair was founded as a military academy. When I was there the vestigial remains of the military consisted of a rifle range in the basement of the old main building where some of us practiced our marksmanship as members of a rifle club of sorts.... “As a day student, I never lived at MA, but I do remember Bradley House. Mr. Head lived there, and several times when he was sick those of us who were studying German with him went up to his living room in Bradley House for our class. We considered it a privilege...but when we were late getting back to Latin class, Mr. Monson could be his usual sarcastic self, unwilling to concede any special prerogatives to pupils of the headmaster.... “The cost of $500 a year in 1894-95 strikes me that MA must have been a rich man’s school. I compare it to costs at Harvard at the same time. (I happen to have a Harvard catalogue of 1896.) TUition there was $150 a year, and...there is a table giving estimates of total costs: for a “low” standard of living, $372, a “moderate” standard, $472...and a “very liberal” standard, $1010. (The latter included $25 for a servant!).... “ ‘The Churchman’ was basically an Episcopalian sheet, so I suppose Mr. MacVicar thought he was reaching out to J.P. Morgan and his ilk....”

Portrait o f th e P rincipal Through the eyes of student, parent, and artist, Polly Richardson Evans ’24 has known the heads of The Kimberley School. She painted the portraits of founding headmistress Miss (Mary Kimberley) Waring and her associate Miss (Mary) Jordan, and later painted Miss (Ethel) Spurr. She is now painting a portrait of current Principal Fran O’Connor. Mrs. Evans, who lives in Kennebunk, Maine, after years in Montclair, does landscapes and portraits in watercolor and pastel. Her daughter, Betsy Evans Manchester ’59, recently moved back to New Jersey, giving them both an excuse to visit the campus of MKA.

MA No secretary



TKS No secretary MA No secretary Gustave Wiedenmayer had “a surprising and pleasant letter’’ from Si Ward (E. Sayre Ward ’26) from his longtime home in Hawaii, also inquiring about Walter Mitchell, Jr. ’26. After some alumni detective work, Gus located Walter in Laconia, N.H. and had a long and fine conversation after a 25-year interim. Gus reports that both he and his brother Joseph ’24 are in “pretty good shape.”


Louise Stauffen Barnard lives in a very busy retirement settlement in Gladwyne, Pa. near Philadelphia. I saw her and Frank this winter in Marco Island, Fla. They are both fine and as usual she is a riot. Eda Balnbridge Kolbe lives in Naples, Fla. at Bentley Village, another lovely retirement settlement. I visited her also. Harriet Lowry Rydstrom has an active life in Denver, travels, and keeps up with her son and daughter and their families. Jo Gibbs DuBois sounds great and keeps busy in Wisconsin. She does volunteer work at the-hospital - Meals on Wheels - and church, and she does synchronized swimming twice a week! Honey McElrath Light does a lot of traveling, and is moving to Lenox, Mass, to be near her children. She should try to see Resa Darius Hayes who lives near there in Cambridge, N.Y. I see Gretchen Eshbaugh Engel quite often as she and Bob meet me for lunch every month or so. They are both fine and very busy with GOOD WORKS and social activities in Southbury, Conn. They travel a bit to see their large and scattered family. I do hope to hear from more of you as time goes on. After all we go back to the Good Old Days when Miss Waring and Miss Jordan sat on those miserable swivel chairs and glared at us when we recited our many misdemeanors. Fun. Dot

Alexander Hehmeyer is president of the Chicago International Visitors’ Center, and chairman of the Advisory Board, Midwest Office of the Institute of International Education. “The Academy was so many years ago!!” he writes. John J.B. Cooper sent the sad news of Alfonso Alvarez’ death. He had seen him in early February for the first time in 62 years. Our condolences to the Alvarez family.

MA Mr. Eugene Speni 85 U ndercliff Road, Montclair, NJ 07042

Doris Blondel Krebs had four grandsons graduating this spring. Daughter Dorie ’54 and Bryant Barnard ’54x (son of “Chip”


TKS Mrs. Gordon Bowen (Barbara Newell) 50 Forest Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 Emily Parsons Rldgway had a 25-day trip around the world on a Concorde with Frank Borman, the astronaut - “fabulous experience.” Her four children have produced 11 grands and five step-grandchildren. MA No secretary



TKS Miss Charlotte H. Fitch, Box 45 24 Cape Bial Lane, Westport Point, MA 02791

TKS Mrs. Julian M iller (Julia Hawkins) 4747 Bayard Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 MA Lt. Cmdr. Alden W. Smith Penury Priory, Temple, NH 03084 Our condolences to Homer Whitmore on the loss of his daughter Anne. Homer was recently awarded another Bronze Star and a Combat Infantryman’s badge for service in World War II, so his Bronze Star is now listed as Bronze Star Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster.



TKS Mrs. John E. H olt (Dorothy Ayres) 189 North Bigelow Rd, Hampton, CT 06247 As you may know, I have taken over as class secretary in place of Louise Russell MacDonald, who died last year and is VERY MUCH MISSED. I hope another year to hear from even more of you. First, our condolences to the family of Helen Dayton Masson.

4 0 U p p er M ou n tain

In about 1895, m y grandfather, Henry Judson Chapin, purchased the considerable property a t 40 Upper M ountain Avenue Here he built a large and comfortable home, much loved by three generations o f his fam ily. Following grandfather's death, his widow, Elizabeth Christy Chapin, continued to live in the fa m ily home with her youngest son, Warren Chapin, as well as her daughter and fam ily. This daughter was m y mother, Mabel Chapin Eshbaugh. She bad m arried W illiam Eshbaugh in 1900. This couple had fo u r children, all bom and raised a t 40 Upper M ountain Avenue. In 1929, the house was sold. A few years thereafter, the dear old home was demolished, leaving only the big old bam and carriage house. Over the years, that home had been the setting o f so much jo y and rewarding fa m ily life. I am grateful that this property is now the site o f a new MKA athletic fie ld [Muenster Field] and hope it w ill again be the source o f much pleasure and activity. G retchen E sbbaugb E ngel ’2 7




Stauffen ’27), have Robert graduating from Oberlin, Scott from Wittenberg, and Timothy from high school. Doris’ daughter Joan Krebs Neuhoff ’57 had son Ken graduating from E.Carolina U. Doris gave us the address of Jeanne Price Goodlatte, whose nursing home in Longmeadow, Mass, is not far from her old home so friends can visit. Doris speaks with her on birthdays and holidays. Jane Ferris Fryatt spent last summer convalescing from a broken hip. She was getting about well just before she went to Thcson for fall and winter. Newton and Maisie Fobes Williams have moved from California to Oregon to be near their son. Virginia Hamilton Adair’s birthday was a memorable occasion - a 5.5 earthquake with the epicenter right there in Claremont! She said her house surely did rock and roll. Ginny was a featured poet at a writers’ workshop at U.C. Riverside in February, and was relieved that the light was good enough for her to read her work herself. Ginny has completed two videotapes of her poems with a friend and they will make three more. Her greatgranddaughter, Robin’s granddaughter, was two in May. We have at least two great-grandmothers in the class. Do Minsch Hudson and Jim had a great-granddaughter born in February. They have moved to a retirement condo with nursing facilities nearby. Pearce and Connie Parkhurst Chauncey went to two granddaughters’ weddings. A grandson graduated from UVA in May, another is at Duke; two older ones have graduated. The Chaunceys have 16 grandchildren in all! They planned their annual trip to Sanibel Island and Maine for the summer. The highlight of the year for your secretary was two wonderful weeks on a small canal boat floating through Burgundy, France - 137 locks in all - with just four other women. Our skipper, the youngest, was in her 60’s. Five gray-haired old ladies all on their own caused quite a stir along the waterways! The other extra pleasure was a Thanksgiving visit with her great-niece in Colorado, climaxed by seeing her great-grandniece and namesake, 12, dance Clara in “The Nutcracker,” in a beautiful performance accompanied by the Boulder Symphony. While in Boulder she called Hat Lowry Rydstrom ’27, who is still in her old home in Denver and has one son near by. Thanks to all who responded. Let’s hear from everyone again. An old line I had in a play by James M. Barrie comes to mind as we dwindle, “We are thirteen, Lady Wraithe.” Charlotte

.1 MA Mr. Robert Dorrill 42 Godfrey Road, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

Thank You to these new class secretaries for volunteering: Dorothy Ayres Holt 1927 C. Irving Porter 1930 John Sheldon 1964 Eric Weis 1969 Ann Patrick Degener 1974


~ =

IKS Mrs. Richard D um ont (Marjorie Kieselbach) P.O. Box 766, Bemardsville, NJ 07924 MA Mr. C. Irving Porter Box 2750 Quaker H ill Rd., Unity, ME 04988 Welcome to new class secretary, C. Irving Porter! He and Belle celebrated their 58th in January and joined the “80 Club” in March. “It’s the zeroes that count,” he says. John Seed, retired, writes, “We spend a lot of time in Mad River Glen, Vt. and the balance in Newington, Conn.” Our condolences to the family of McCaughan Heizer.







TKS Mrs. Jerome Drew (Jesse Taylor) 1076 S. E. St. Lucie Blvd., Stuart, EL 34996 You were all so dear with your letters of condolence to us on the loss of our daughter Virginia. Only Tavle Roberts Allis forgot to include any of her own news. Nancy Holton Bartow is leaving Montclair to go to a life care center in Kennett Square, Pa., near Winterthur. She is in good health and has a very supportive family. William and D ell Halsey Bell are in a life care center in Naples - “Lots of wonderful people and things to do.” There is a Philharmonic near them. They are planning a 10-day Alaskan cruise in August. I am sorry to report that Gay Lemkau Fitt died very suddenly in September after hip surgery. Irene Burbank Frell has sent the school a gift in her memory. Zaida Jones D illon says if any of us go through Beaufort, S.C. on the 195 exit just north of Savannah, give her a call (803/524-3093). She thinks many people pass by going to and from Florida. She and her husband visit their daughter in Alexandria, Va. Irene Burbank Frell (“Nikki”) has finally found her Memories of Kimberley, but says they cannot be edited. When she sends me a copy, maybe I’ll send them along to you all. She’s so busy staving off old age she hardly has time to sleep: She goes to Bible study, plays golf and is taking up piano. She would like to get together for the 60th. Anyone ready to organize it? Eleanor Vreeland McKnight visits her son in Florida twice a year, and attended her grandson’s wedding in March. Her daughter lives in Little Silver, N.J., has two daughters, 18 and 20. “Ronny’s” great-grandson is three. Barbara Williamson Mial keeps busy on her 50-acre farm with three houses in Hanover, N.J. She spent the summer of ’89 on Long Beach Island. “Leenie” Halligan Forman is fine and had a wonderful summer in ‘89 visiting the Pacific Northwest. It is with sadness that I report the death of Norman Wagner, husband of Virginia Taylor Wagner, on Easter Sunday. Our condolences. As for me, Jesse Taylor Drew, I have a challenging job on the “search committee” of the church for a new rector. Very informative


and interesting. I am learning a lot. Both Jerry and I are well. Keep in touch. Jesse MA No secretary State Senator Wayne Dumont Jr., was lauded by this constituents and colleagues as he retired in June after 36 years in the New Jersey Legislature, “...always a gentleman...and by every standard is a premier citizen of our state.” Montclair Academy’s 1931 Head Boy has a distinguished record of service (earned in 100-hour work weeks), particularly in the field of education.


- =

TKS Mrs. W illiam McCahill (Frances Elliott) Apt. 318 Adams Bid., 9100 Belvoir Woods Pkwy Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-2714 Anita Schwarz Beamon wrote one of her happy, interesting letters: son Kim lives with her and her daughter lives near by. Anita is active in her garden club and participated in the Philadelphia Flower Show for the past two years. She traveled again this year to St. John, U.S. V.I. Mary Harrsen Van Brunt’s news was not so good. Her husband, Van, suffered two small strokes in March. Unfortunately his sight was affected so he can no longer read. We send our best wishes that with time there will be improvement. Bill and I had a rough year but fortunately things are better now. He suffered a massive heart attack in May [1989]; however, he’s doing nicely though our lifestyle has changed dramatically. We sold our house of 30 years - a terrible wrench for me - and moved into an Army retirement community. Our three sons and their families are not too far away. We are settling in and learning to slow down; I still do a bit of guiding in Washington though the commute is long and difficult. Frances MA Dr. James A. Rogers, Apt. 205 921 Seagrape Drive, Marco Island, FL 33937 After 44 years with Selective Insurance co., Ross Roe retired as Sr. V.P., now enjoys six months in New Jersey and six months in Lake Worth, Fla. He is “proud to see all five grandchildren making it through college (almost all at the same time).” His current distinction: oldest member and past president of the Branchville Rotary Club. Tom Braine volunteers with the Habitat for Humanity and the Sandhills/Moore County Coalition for Human Care, in addition to winning tennis titles in the Southern Tennis Association.

33 TKS No secretary


W elcome Tb O ur N ew est A lumni The C lass O f 1990 •SSP'

Eden DiGirolamo...... Meridith Dorner....... Macaya Douoguih..... Emily Ertel................. Marissa Fanelli........... Matthew Fiore........... Alexa Fitzpatrick....... Joshua Ford............... Jonathan Friedman Kenneth Gattie......... Laura Gilman............. Ellen Gilson............... Loyd Godwin............ Meredith Grasso........ Nicholas Graziano..... Patrick Greco............. Marc Gurtman............ Michael Gurtman...... Katherine Gutman..... Ruchira Haidar........... Clarissa Hart.............. Katelyn Hnatow......... Alexis Hughes............ Margaret Irw in........... Suzanne Jenkins........ Christopher Jespersen Alden Jones................

C o lle g e P la c em e n t D e c isio n s Claire Acher................. Bryan Adel.................. Ji-Young Ahn................ Alexander Anastasiou.. Susannah Arwood...... Naveen Ballem............ Soo Mi Batoff.............. David Becker.............. Geoffrey Benjamin...... Danielle Bergamo....... David Bettencourt...... Rebecca Blauvelt........ Karen Bodner.............. Lisa Bombardieri........ Jonathan Boswell........ Antony Brydon............ Gregg Cademartori..... Kimberly Charlton...... Regina Chi................... David Choi.................. Christopher Clarke...... Matthew Dairman....... Alaina Davis................. Christopher DeStefano Nicole DeVita.............. Thomas DiDomenico..

................... Oberlin College ................ Drexel University .................. Barnard College ......U.S. Air Force Academy .................. Duke University ....................Boston College ...................... Smith College ................Tulane University .... Northwestern University ......................Ithaca College Choate Rosemary Hall (PG) ......... New York University ......................Vassar College ...........Muhlenberg College ................ Goddard College ....................Yale University ....... University of Vermont ...............Cornell University ......... Columbia University ............. Rutgers University .............. Haverford College .............. Skidmore College ..Old Dominion University ......... Princeton University ................. Drew University ...............Emory University 16

................Lehigh University ..............Cornell University ...............Brown University ............Bryn Mawr College ......................Hood College ................ Lafayette College ................ Bowdoin College ................. Grinnell College ......... Connecticut College ...........Bucknell University ............Brandéis University ........ Wheaton College (IL) University of Pennsylvania ........ .....Wellesley College ................. Duke University ........ Seton Hall University .....University of Rochester ............... Tulane University ......... Columbia University ................. Barnard College .......University of Vermont ...............Skidmore College ...............Wellesley College .... University of Richmond University of Pennsylvania ....................Ithaca College ...............Brown University

Rhoan Jones................. Danielle Katz............... Sean Kelly................... Paula Kovanic.............. Tiffini Kriegel.............. Brittany Lee.................. Charles Lee................... Conway Lee.................. Michele Lee.................. Craig Lilore................... Parag Lodhavia............. Christopher MacKenzie. Shane Mahieu................ Steven Manning............ Allison Maranz............. Michael Mark............... Meredith McGowan...... Kristin Meyer............... Steven Most................... Lorelei Muenster.......... Seiji Nakamura............. Ann Napolitano............ Leah Napolitano........... Todd Norton................. Bradley Padden............. Alyson Pardo................. Merle Pear.....................

..........................Boston College George Washington University .................. Bucknell University .......... Mount Holyoke College ...............University of Virginia ....................Dickinson College ......................Lafayette College ......................... Boston College ........................... Smith College .................Muhlenberg College ........ Northwestern University .................. Gettysburg College ....................... Drew University ................ Princeton University ....... Johns Hopkins University ...........................Ithaca College .................... Lehigh University ......................Gordon College ................. Brandéis University ................. Syracuse University ..................... Skidmore College ................ Connecticut College .......University of Notre Dame ............................. Bard College ...........University of Colorado ......................... Rollins College .................... Emory University

William Pietrucha Pamela Pogorelec..... Jill Porter.................. Carl Rabke............... Jamie Reif.................. Johanne Richard...... Cheryl Rizzo............. David Rudder........... Michelle Santoro...... Kristy Scanlan.......... Timothy Scherzo...... Katherine Schroeder. Jenifer Schlyen......... Mathew Silverman.... Christopher Simon... Allison Smith............ Vincent Smith........... Stephan Stark............ Stephanie Stark........ Martin Torjussen...... Krishna Vallabhaneni Janna Weinstein........ Heather White.......... Robyn Williamson Sabrina Yellin............ James Yoo.................. Brett Zbar.................. 17

..................... Moravian College ....................Lehigh University .................Dartmouth College ....................Skidmore College .....................Bowdoin College ........................ Yale University ..........................Ithaca College ....................Lehigh University ........................ Trinity College ................Wesleyan University ...................Cornell University ...............Muhlenberg College ...........Washington University ................. Brandeis University .................... Emory University University of New Hampshire .................. Howard University ........ University of Richmond . College of William and Mary ................Norwich University ......Johns Hopkins University .............. New York University .................. Cornell University ..................... Lafayette College ............... Connecticut College ................... Boston University ........................ Yale University

Elizabeth Dixon Vogt has been living in Los Altos, Cai. for two-plus years, near daughter Jess and her family - “three darling granddaughters.” Betty notes that after college and a stint in real estate, she took a paralegal course and loved being office manager of a large law firm. She missed the 50th because of her grandson’s graduation. MA Mr. W illiam J. Thompson 36 Hawthorne Place #1K, Montclair, NJ 07042 Congratulations to Vardy Laing, who received an M.A. in history from the U. of Calgary in June - and two new grandchildren in 19891

34 TKS Mrs. D avid H aviland (Barbara Spadone) 10 Crestmont Rd. Apt. 3B Montclair, NJ 07042 MA Dr. WalterJ. Sperling, Fearrington Village 192 Weatherbend, Pittsboro, NC 27312

35 TKS Mrs. Stewart Carpenter (Josephine Fobes) 4 LaSalle Road, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Stewart and Josephine Fobes Carpenter drove 7700 miles to the northwest coast of the U.S. and back across Canada last summer - “a long trip but very interesting.” William and Helen Strong Oechler have lived in the same house in Cincinnati for 30 years. They visited daughter Kathy, her husband, and two grandchildren in Florida this winter; usually are with family in New York at Christmas and go to Long Island in the summer. Harold and Jeannette Bell Winters’ trip to Alaska last summer included an elderhostel at Denali National Park. They were looking forward to Bill and Marie Pels Stuart’s 50th wedding anniversary party in April.

Mr. M ontclair D onald L. M ulford MKA has lost a great friend and enthusiastic booster with the death of Don Mulford ’35x in June. He was the publisher of The M ontclair Times and a civic leader for 50 years. “He extolled Montclair’s virtues and its heroes as a journalist; he supported his causes as a philanthropist; he delighted in its life as a citizen,” the paper quoted a former mayor. Don’s lifelong friend Dallas Townsend ’36 said in his eulogy, “My first memory of Don was that of a working journalist [for the Academy’s Eagle Rocket]. He was one of the best newsmen I ever knew in any area of journalism.’’ Through the years MKA benefited from Don Mulford’s energy and enthusiasm. He was generous to the school personally and through his family’s foundation. We will especially miss the warmth, wit and great sense of fun he brought to all our school occasions. Tom and Olive Cawley Watson’s 14th grandchild arrived in the spring; their two oldest will graduate next year from Brown. Tom’s book, Father, Son & Co. was published in June. They were having a family reunion at the Coral Beach Club in Bermuda, then spending the summer at their home in Maine. Olive sent a card with photos of last year’s reunions: one showed 29 handsome children and grands - and she had written “1936” on her T-shirt! Patsy Soverel McGee had luncheon with Jean Winpenny Manley and Jim and Mary Ayres Schweppe in Palm Beach in February, and will see Mary this summer in Maine. She spoke with Betty Howe Glaze. Last summer Betty hosted a group in Manasquan. “Such fun to see her, Betty Bell Miller, Elaine Beling Phillips, Mary Osborne Beam, Jean Winpenny Manley,” writes Josephine Murray Schmid. The Schmids drove West in

October to visit daughter Susan in Albuquerque and Gretchen in Colorado Springs, spent a night with the McGees in Kansas City en route. “Just call me the Garbage Lady,” writes Doris Keller Hamlin, who is recycling chairman for the League of Women Voters and a member of Litchfield town recycling committee, plus conservation chairman of the garden club. “Have fun too, seeing old friends, trips to Florida plus Italy in the fall.” MA Mr. W. Kent Schmid 44 Nauyaug Pt. Rd., Mystic, CT 06355



TKS Mrs. Charles Leavitt (Virginia Kracke) 93 Stonebridge Road, Montclair, NJ 07042

15,000 Hours The lead editorial in a January M ontclair Times lauded Ruth Duff Eager ’37 for her “exceptional efforts as president of Mountainside Hospital’s vigorous Auxiliary.’’ The Township granted her the Health and Human Services Award, citing her 26 consecutive years as a Mountainside volunteer and her five twoyear terms as president of the 300-member Auxiliary. Ruth was credited with attracting male volunteers and leading the effort that raised more than *350,000 for special equipment. “She has an intimate understanding of the hospital, gained in some 15,000 hours of volunteer work the equivalent of seven and a half years of 40-hour work weeks.”

Loving congratulations to Ruthie from her class! There should be a line above for Assistant to the Class Secretary, Peggy Klotz Young is such a generous ‘‘passeron-er” of gleanings! Grateful thanks. Peggy and sister-in-law Sally Young Shertzer helped Ruth Russell Gray

M.A No secretary John Graham, retired, moved in September into a 130-year-old farm house in Bandera, Texas, which they renovated and modernized. Eddy Palmer continues to practice gastroenterology on Schooley’s Mountain (N.J.), while Jeanne keeps the farm going. He has “seen no classmates except Don Mulford, a friend who goes back into the ’20s.” Bergen newspapers quoted attorney Jerome Yesko as he spoke about legislation to reform New Jersey’s No-Fault automobile tort system. A former Assemblyman, he was chairman of the Insurance Committee in the NJ. Legislature. He also addressed the New York State Trial Lawyers Assn, about wrongful death and autopsy procedure.


Mrs. W. Kent Schmid (Josephine Murray) 44 Nauyaug Pt. Rd., Mystic, CT 06355

Tom and Olive Cawley Watson (in “1936” T-shirt) and their fa m ily a t a grand Fourth o f July reunion.


celebrate her 70th birthday in Florida, a wonderful gala. Peggy also saw June Mitchell Kimball ’38 last winter. Another gala was the 50th anniversary party given to Peggy and Bill Young ’28 by their four children, attended by ’37’s Ruth Duff Eager, Teppy Holton Sjolander, Frances Montgomery, and Ginnie Kracke Leavitt. Honored guest was our teacher Ellen Wright Drewes Studdiford. The Youngs' best anniversary gift is a new granddaughter born in April. Best wishes to Shirley Noyes, now Mrs. Lathrop, who has joined the Floridians of our class. No other details known at this point. Betsy Townsend McFadden, busy around Washington, D.C., planned a July getaway in Maine with daughters Diana and Pam, her children, and perhaps son Peter from California. She visited brother Dallas ’36 and Lois in Florida last fall and saw Tac ’36 and Sally Jennlson Riter, reports they both look well. Curt and Margaret Richards Chapman journeyed from Colorado to Connecticut for the holidays with their children and grands. George and Janet Gaylord Newsome spent a happy month in California, joined by grandson from Paris. Jane Rinck reports from Vermont that she has cracked the secret of the 48-hour day! She teaches fifth and sixth graders nature every month, and leads a handbell choir, which she organized, and arranges much of their music. She is sculpting a set of stations of the cross for her church. Jane also serves on the town planning commission, plays the violin, and volunteers at the library and natural history museum. Charlie and Virginia Kracke Leavitt planned to spend June in Ireland, then settle in to Peacham, Vt. Last year’s month in China including the fateful June 4 - was the “most exciting, interesting, rewarding travel experience of my life.” MA No secretary



TKS No secretary Small world - Three members of the Class of ’38 now live in La Jolla, Calif.: Shirley Jones Durbin, Katherine Jackson, and Edythe Henderson Scripps! MA No secretary Best wishes to Irene and John Schreiner on their wedding! They will spend summers in Cape May Point and winters in their new home near Wilmington, N.C., adjacent to the Intracoastal Waterway.


TKS Airs. John Rauch Jr. (Jane Wilson) 8115 Spring M ill Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46260 A postcard from Ginny Thylor Voorhees from Palm Canyon, Calif.: “Warm and lovely desert - tennis and golf daily.” Maryl Riter Walker writes that her Johnny is slowly recovering from a gall bladder attack.

Daughter Maryl ’61 has her own marketing research firm. Son Johnno and his wife, Kim, have two daughters: Rebecca, “7 going on at least 18” and Dara, 15. He works at First Nationwide Bank. MA Mr. Charles McGinley 1911 W. Magic Place, Tucson, A Z 85704 Tere and Chuck McGinley were expecting “the annual summer invasion” of their five grandchildren. Various friends from their foreign service days visited during the winter “always great fun to visit with old friends, including last year’s golden anniversary of graduation from the Academy.”

Word Power Peter Funk ’39 has written “It Pays to Increase Your Word Power” for the Reader’s Digest since 1962. He has written and also co-authored thirteen books, a Paramount Studio movie, two vocabulary computer programs and an audio cassette. Peter has had several careers: publishing, investments and writing, in addition to having run a small farm. He and his wife, Mary, live in Princeton and have seven married children, “14 plus” grandchildren.


TKS Class Secretary and Reunion Chairman: Mrs. Charles V. Cross (Barbara Armstrong) 2306 Cardinal Dr., Point Pleasant, NJ 08742 Joan Bayne Williams divides her time between Yarmouth, Maine, and a woodsy camp about an hour north. Baynie manages to travel a lot and is hoping for the best now with daughter Allie’s Hodgkin’s disease. She sees Jean Glrdler Grinnell and Bobbie Kluge Denting quite often, and Emily Meeker Cunningham stopped by last summer. Sis Underwood Gregory had a reunion in Maine with the Demings and Baynie. Betty Burnham Hinckley has been seriously ill, in addition to the death of her husband. Our love and condolences. Her spirits are great and we hope she will be well enough to join us in September. Harriet Palmer Pickens loves their new house and welcomed grandchild tfl in December. Jo Watt Clark divides time between Texas and Michigan. They have 11 grands; youngest son Mark is engaged. Nancy Schoonmaker Heldt and I enjoy a bit of golf and volunteer at All Saints’ Church in Bay Head. We see Nancy Taylor Craw occasionally. She is working hard on a cookbook, sort of an encyclopedia of healthful meals. See you at reunion! Barbara LOST: Mary Miller Clapp, Peggy Nlcol MA No secretary Reunion Chairman: Benjam in Bartlett 768 Park Ave., Bound Brook, NJ 08805


Planning ahead: Carlton Frost is already at work as chairman of his 50th reunion at Dartmouth. He is also involved with student interviews and the class reunion fund. Locally, he is chairman of the board of the Bergen Philharmonic and on the board of the Bergen senior citizens’ group, plus active in his church. LOST: Bailey Bill, Robert E. Byrne Jr., Jose de la Casmera, Robert Holzl, Stanley Luques Jr., Frank McDonald, Robert H. Purnell (a.k.a. Robert H. Meyer), Donald Remig, David Savage, Frederic Van Arnam

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TKS Mrs. James F.C. Hyde Jr. (Enid Griswold) 5402 D uvall Drive, Bethesda, MD 20816 MA Mr. D avid Baird Jr. 9 Parkway, Montclair, NJ 07042 Retired after 21 years with the City of Kansas City, Mo., Bruce Cornish is still busy. He has taken an agriculture course with the Missouri Extension Service, and is involved with local and U.S. Greens - an environmental, politically based organization with a national clearinghouse in K.C. Howard Dodd enjoys retirement in a house on the water in Groton, Conn, and summers on Lake Winnipesaukee, N.H. He hopes to stir up great interest in the 50th reunion next year! Charles Ebers lives in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. “Messieurs Barras, Miller, and Munson may not have taught this unwilling student much, but they did make me curious to know,” writes Dick Carrie, “and that intellectual curiosity is paying off in retirement.” Dick is taking college courses and traveling all over the U.S. and Europe. He spent three days with old MA roommate Perry Minton and his wife Siby in L.A. Perry has retired from being public affairs director at Chevron, has four grown children, and spends time in community activities and traveling. Dick invites classmates to have lunch with him in Spring Lake (N.J.).

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TKS Mrs. Robinson V Sm ith (Joan Kimble) 16 Marshall Terrace, Wayland, MA 01778 Joan Trimble Smith saw Grace Aldrich Andersen in Florida, says Grade “seems her usual effervescent self.” Helena Burrill visited Joan in January, in time to see her show at Bentley College. The college used one of Joan’s paintings on a brochure for their summer program - some 125,000 printed! From Audrey Gates Bonney: “Daughter Christine ’70, her family, and I went to Sweden for daughter Barbara’s (74x) wedding and Christmas. A very beautiful celebrity wedding, and Christmas in a different culture and language was fascinating. Then Barbara and I rushed to Chicago Lyric Opera where she did seven more performances of 'Die Fledermaus.’ Between performances we joined daughter Linda ’63x and her family in TUcson for New Year’s .;

“Christine and I will be in town for several days (fall 1990) as Barbara will be at the Metropolitan in NYC doing ’Der Rosenkavalier.’ Maybe we can visit some of you then. Be in touch.” Jean Jeffers Hill had a four-month visit Down Under: two weeks in New Zealand then on to Tasmania, Australia to visit her daughter, her Australian husband and two small boys "the youngest I had never seen....I rented an apartment near by and had a car; tried to fit into the community by volunteering at a local school and hospital....Just a memorable event.” Gordon and Polly Rowe Barrows are spending a year in London with side trips to France, Italy, and Yugoslavia. They will then move to Jupiter, Fla. Polly saw Bickie (Eleanor) Watt Shull and “she looks 26!” Mini reunion: Jack and Elsie Luddecke Kelsey, Tom and Bickie Watt Shull, Jim and Peggy Krout Taylor, Bob and Babs O’Donovan White, Jack and Ginny Westen Usher met for lunch and spent a wonderful afternoon in June at the Shulls’ in Westport, Conn. Our condolences to the family of Constance Kraetzer Halsey. MA No secretary Congratulations to Jack Kelsey, who received the Lawrenceville School Alumni Service Award in May! This is the school’s most prestigious alumni award. Janet and Ralph Shearer attended the swearing-in of David Lewis as Assistant Secretary of the Dept, of Veterans’ Affairs (see spring Alum ni News) by Vice President Quayle in Washington in early January. Dave’s wife, Anne Reppert Lewis ’43, joined him with their daughter, Laura, and Dave’s brother Larry and his wife, Carol. John and Pat Lambom Coward '44 commute between Essex Fells and Martha’s Vineyard all year long, “trying to see something of six grandchildren in between.”



TKS Mrs. E.B. R uffing Jr. (Joan Sweeney) 125 Westview Rd., Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 David and Sheila Feagley James moved back to Honolulu in April. He is the chairman of business programs at the East-West Centre, and Sheila returned to her old job as guide at the Mission Houses Museum. The youngest of her six children, Adam, lives in Honolulu; the rest are scattered about the mainland. MA Mr. Jam es Mackey 213 Geneva Street, Elizabeth, NJ 01206 Mr. Barras would be proud: Ted Brohl writes poetry and short stories and his work has appeared in 15 American poetry anthologies. In the fall his collection, Ted Brohl’s Gargoyles and Other Muses, reaches the bookstores. Ted retired two years ago as sales manager for a pharmaceutical company. A few years ago he saw A1 Soria, and last year he and his wife, Ellie, visited Carol and Dave Patton in Quechee, Vt. The Brohls have two grandchildren. Ted sends regards to the Class of ’43.

MKA Chairs



TKS Anne Feagley Wittels (Mrs. Jerome L.) 2116 Via Alam itos Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274

Wonderful gifts or graduation presents! MKA chairs are antique black with maple arms and bear the official MKA seal in gold. Each chair sells for $160 and is shipped express collect directly to you from MKA. Your order must be accompanied by a check made payable to The Montclair Kimberley Academy. Send to: The Alumni Office, MKA, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042.

A1 Soria is also retired, after 40 years with Sterling Drug in Rennselaer, N.Y. He started as a chemist and left in 1988 as head of technical services in the pharmaceutical research department. A1 plays golf (handicap 14), travels, and reads a good bit. He and his wife, Freda, have a married son, Peter. A1 looks forward to a 50th Academy reunion. John Henry has retired to Maine from law practice in Ohio. He now volunteers with “Legal Services for the Elderly,” a non-profit organization which offers free legal advice to senior citizens. John and his wife, Babs, indulge in skiing and hiking with local groups, and enjoy theatre and concerts. They have three children and 2 grandchildren. Another poet, James Mackey, has published about 30 poems, in anthologies of the American Poetry Association, Santa Cruz, Cal., and Vantage Press, NYC. Our condolences to Bill Gardam on the death of his wife, Carol. He will live year-round in Tequesta, Fla. “After 41 years of lively and interesting assignments in the business and education fields,” Paul Miller, Jr. retired from the Council for Aid to Education. He and Susan Ailing MUler ’45 retired from NYC, packed up and moved to their house in Amagansett, way out on Long Island.

44 TKS Mrs. Nancy Heydt Green 99 Belvidere Road, Falmouth, MA 02540 MA Mr. W interford J. Ohland Box 137, R.D. #3, Blairstown, NJ 07825


There’s sad news this year. Perhaps you read the item in the spring, but Barbara Creighton Ulbrand died in November. Bill writes, “I am trying to get things together but it’s rough.” Jane Hagan Farno has suffered the worst ache, the death of a child. Their only daughter, Stephanie, died in September 1987. Leigh wrote, but too late for last year’s news. On a cheerier note, Jane and Glenn’s four sons and three grandchildren are fine. Leigh Berrien Smith, as you may have figured out, is the lynchpin which keeps our class together. She writes that Nancy Lockerty Hoffmann ’46 and Bill now live nearby - “great to have a Kimberley colleague to chat with.” Nancy Brown Prachar thinks if we call her Nancy instead of Brownie it means we don’t know who she is! John is thinking of retiring after 36 + years with M&M/Mars. She’s given up tennis since contacting Gillian-Barre syndrome, making do with volunteer work, bridge, sailing, traveling, and house redecorating. Her doctor says she’s the healthiest sick person he’s ever seen, and she’s “very thankful.” Tom and Barbara Bumsted Shand live in Village of Golf, Fla.; spend summers in Lancaster, Pa. Ann Gerhauser Buchblnder says, “It’s fun and hard work having my own business.” Josie Murphy Rayermann had two bouts with shingles and spends lots of time at the nursing home visiting her mother, who celebrated her 100th birthday in October 1989. The whole family assembled, including Army son Patrick on special leave from Germany and Naval son Richard from Texas. Josie is also busy with San Marino Garden Club. In the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo, my cousin Hayden O’Neil ‘46 wrote from his home in Charlotte, N.C. by small kerosene lantern. He and Pat thought their beach cottage would be wiped out, but “only a few shingles missing, and even had electricity and water. We don’t in Charlotte!” Another cousin (Hayden’s sister), Joy O’Neil Banta ’39, keeps in touch from Jupiter, Fla. She’s been busy tutoring immigrant children. Nancy Nevins D’Anjou had no specific news on her Christmas card. Betty Specht ’44, another faithful Christmas correspondent, sent a picture of her two darling daughters, Louisa and Diana. She keeps in touch with Judy Shearer Ibrnbull, getting together when in Florida. Rudd Trimble Kenvin and Roger enjoy retirement - she docenting and other volunteer jobs (politics, condo board), he writing short stories. They were to visit daughter Brooke in California in May, arriving by ship via Panama Canal. We’re hoping for a mini-reunion. As for the Wittels: Jerry and I took the trip of a lifetime, to Antarctica. Daughter Laura, in San Francisco, survived the earthquake without damage, son Steve is in college in Bakersfield. Jerry will retire in December. I’m still on the board of the Museum of Neon Art (special tour to visiting friends!), and as board president of the library district. It occurs to

me: if you would like a classmate’s address, let me or the Alumni Office know. Plus a directory will be out next year. Anne MA Mr. Robert Nebergall 610 South Second Street, Wilmington, NC 28401




Condolences to the family of faithful class secretary Elizabeth Smith Shoemaker, who died in June. Abby Keebler Ryan, Heidi Ames Troxell, Betty Specht ’44, and Connie Ritchie DuHamel had lunch in February. Then in March, “Spechtie,” Connie, Franny Furlong ’42, and Mrs. (Ellen) Drewes Studdiford got together. Connie writes, “We had a great time, finding out Mrs. Studdiford’s thoughts about us! She was/is one of the best. Really dragged and inspired us into the 20th century world of atoms in chemistry class....” Connie also noted that Heidi was to give a lecture to the Numismatic Society, NYC, on coins of Alexander (Greek) with slides. Abby has her own freelance grant-getting consulting firm in Philadelphia, with excellent clients. “She always gets her mon-ey!” Betty has been honored by the town of Montclair for her excellent building rejuvenation and design. Franny “is one of Shearson’s best investment sales persons! People line up for her vast advice. Her volunteer work and excellent results with some Newark schools and children is already well known.” Connie wrote that five DuHamel daughters live in NYC, four married; Charlotte is a junior at Holy Cross. MA No secretary



TKS Mrs. D avid Hannegan (Louise Rudd) 301 Concord Road, Carlisle, MA 01741 Oh, ’47, you were splendid in response and news, edited now but I’ve enjoyed your every word. Joan Cole Roberts gets top prize for breaking a 43-year silence! She and Dick have retired from the corporate and publishing world, live in New Haven and love to travel. They have five children and seven grands, and may move to the Chesapeake Bay area to be in the middle of them. Bar Nash Hanson and Herb enjoyed the winter in Southern Cal, moved to Belvedere for the summer. Jay Smith Hague’s wedding photography business is booming. She and Buff James Hague ’46) often see David Duys ’46. Sister Betsy Smith Berquist ’53, out in Washington, has come forth with the family’s first grandchild.

H ave w e m isse d you? S ee in sid e b a ck cover. Our condolences to Midge Bethell Cross, who wrote of sorting old pictures, clippings, etc. from her mother’s house. Midge loves

living on the shores of Lake Sunapee, N.H., hosting children and grandchildren (eight, ages 1-10). They spent last June driving Court’s 1913 Pierce Arrow through the Northwest with 50 other vintage cars. Dave and Cindy Youngman Adams live in Sanibel for the winter months, then to Verona and up to Lake Champlain for part of the summer. All kinder are great; a seventh grandchild was expected. Sad news from Teeny Redfleld Sander that Bob died in March; our love and condolences. Teeny will divide her time between New Canaan and Longboat Key and visits to children. Teeny’s mom has moved to a retirement community near Janie Redfleld Forsberg ’52. Retirement is “delightfully busy” for Andy and Katy Watt Cangelosi in Michigan. Two grandsons were born in 1989, and youngest daughter graduated from U. Oregon this year. Gray and Cyn Overton Blandy enjoy retirement pace, visiting children Robin and Peter and families, and a Pacific Northwest tour after a family wedding in Alaska. No retirement for Joan Cook. Her nephews both graduated - Hunt is now at UVM, Cleave on to job hunting after summer in Europe. 1 saw Janet Heller last fall for the first time since school. A freelance writer, she taught a feature writing course and organized an international conference for Johns Hopkins on “The Future of the Industrial City.” Only one of her three children is married, “no grandchildren, alas.” Bill and Annie Staudinger Abels’ five children, two grands are spread out and have interesting careers. Daughter Sue was married in 1989. They were in Montclair for Anne’s mother’s 90th birthday party, organized by Betty Specht ’44. Kay Crowell was getting in shape for a covered wagon trek and raft trip in Wyoming. Ford ’44x and Sue Harrison Schumann divide their time betwen Arizona and California, keep busy with horses and family visits. Ed and Petey Hofmann Reade enjoy life on the Vineyard and celebrated their 40th anniversary in June. Cheers! They now have three granddaughters. Petey served as chalice bearer for Bishop Barbara Harris at her consecration as first woman bishop of the Anglican Communion. Tom and Peggy Soucek Welssenborn’s three children and three grandsons are spread out over the West. Family reunions are at Christmas and Bermuda in July. Sally Funk Ellinger has a busy dog-and-cat grooming shop in Staunton, Va., and husband Dick is manager at a Ford dealership. Daughter Jane has two sons, 11 and 19; son Andy has three children, 12, 10, and 7. Dave and I continue our stage and TV work and love it. We went to the British-American Drama Academy in Oxford last July to study Shakespeare and classical comedy. We were definitely senior students! We have a new grandson, Taylor, son of Dave and Penny in Colorado. Weezie MA Mr. D. Chase Troxell 20 Fox H ill Lane, Short Hills, NJ 07078 Best wishes to Ann and A. Robert Rafner on their wedding! Bob is a manager for the Grumman Corp. space station program support division in Reston, Va.


Happily married with three daughters and four grandchildren, and president of Fair Haven (N.J.) Construction Co., Eugene Miltenberger writes, “It’s hard to believe it was 43 years ago I attended MA as a boarding student. Where did the time go?”



TKS Mrs. Stanley M iller (Frances Lane) 7440 Chablis Street, Boca Raton, FL 33433-3024 “A year past full of life’s natural sorrows and joys,” writes Nancy Rudd Wahlberg. Her mother died in June, and son Theodore was married, lives in Boston. She enjoys varied activities of garden club and Animal Welfare League; is civic beautification chairman and prospective manager of ancestral house museum. The Wahlbergs vacationed in Hilton Head this winter, hope to travel via military transport to England in the fall. “Retired at last and doing what 1 want to!” writes Polly Miller Spalding. “One child in Boston, a minister; one in northern Vermont; two nearby in Connecticut; one grandchild. Saw quite a few young and old Kimberleyites at a camp reunion last June.” MA No secretary





TKS No secretary Morgan and Joan Duffy Murray had a wonderful Christmas 1989 with their family (children and spouses): 12 of them sailing for ten days in the British Virgin Islands. They were expecting another grandchild in July Son Stephen will teach at Deerfield next year. MA Mr. Richard M. Drysdale 10701 Wilshire Blvd., Apt. 1905 Los Angeles, CA 90024


TKS Mrs. Louise Green D unham 73 Brookstone Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540 Reunion Chairman: Mrs. Richard Lewis (Audrey Maass) 20 Sturbridge Road, Wellesley Hills, MA 02181 Dick and Audrey Maass Lewis are proud grandparents of two little girls (one each from daughter Tracy and son Jonathan), with two more expected. They all live in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, where the Lewises have a retirement home on the ocean. Dick’s job with CPA firm Ernst & Young involves travel and Audrey goes along sometimes. She has become “addicted” to golf. Bruce and Audrey Carroll McBratney’s son Bruce ’78, and wife Julie, had a son, Benjamin, in April. She writes, “Hope to see everyone at our 40th!” LOST: Joan Max Barr

Commencement ’9 0 - A Fam ily Affair: (Back) Pegeen Eustis Keating ’50, M iriam Eustis Irw in ’51, James W. Irw in ’80, Margaret E. Irw in ’90. Theodore “Tuck" H. Irwin, Jr. ’78. (Front) Catherine Irw in Hippie ’74, Marcelle Irw in Pope ’77, Lisa Irw in Keane ’75. Missing: Lisa’s husband, Brian T. Keane ’75 MA Class Secretary and Reunion Chairman: Mr. Rudolph Deetjen, Jr. Northgate Road, Mendham, NJ 07945 LOST: Robert Furter


TKS Mrs. Gail Robertson Stroh 476 Lakeland Ave., Grosse Pointe M I 48230 A lot of mini-reunions this year, leading up to the big one in 1991! Betsy Smith Berquist and Bruce have up and moved to the great Northwest, Washington! They are near Sally and Bo, and hope Sam (in Boston) will join them. Betsy returned to school (challenging Miss Henny’s disparaging comment years ago) and graduated from Dartmouth with an MALS in 1988, now is in the graduate program in psychology at Antioch (Seattle)! Congratulations! Betsy had a mini-reunion at her sister’s in Essex Fells with Franny Hedges Parsons, Judy Frost Costikyan, Miriam Eustis Irwin, Joan Jacobus Miller, and Gerrie Lockerty Hendricks, and saw Suzie Bailey Twyford in Virginia. She reports that Suzie does wonderful oil paintings, mostly hunt scenes. Betsy also saw lots of Kimberley alumnae at the Camp Wabasso reunion last June. Anne LaBastille is going to advise whether Betsy’s master’s thesis on the Baker River School (which the Berquists founded) should be published. Anne’s fifth book, MAMA POC: An Ecologist’s Account o f an Extraordinary E xtinction, was published in May. It represents 24 years of research on giant grebes in Guatamala. Anne was given a Chevron Conservation Award in Washington, D.C. for her work in Guatemala. Anne will also receive an honorary Doctor of Science by SUNY/Plattsburgh, for her ‘‘sensitivity for the environment and particular love for the Adirondacks.” Travel award: Linda Herbert visited four countries on a cruise up the Black Sea. She

spent Christmas with her family in Massachusetts then New Year’s at Lake Tahoe, Calif., and planned a trip to England in June. Robert and Diane (Stoney) Moore are semi-retired so do lots of traveling. Son John works in Philadelphia, daughter Cindi is in New Jersey. Jim and Pat Overton Lee work hard with their Birch Hill Inn in Vermont. They have three granddaughters. Daughter Sue is in Manchester, Pam in Scarsdale, son Jamie is headed for graduate school. Joan Jacobus Miller wrote that their two oldest are still “batching it” - John in Chicago, Tom in Boston. Steve has been in France for over a year. Joan spends half her time visiting her mother, who has Alzheimer’s, in a nursing home. Her father died two years ago. On a wonderful three-week, 7,342 mile trip along the west coast, Gail Robertson Stroh stopped to spend an afternoon with Polly Fawcett Redfleld in San Francisco. Polly is an alcohol and drug counselor and runs a home for addicted women. “Polly has not been to Montclair for 19 years and is coming for our 40th reunion! I am thrilled and hope she will be an inspiration....” MA Mr. Ernest F. Keer III, P.O. Box 1030, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742


TKS Mrs. Edward C. Fawcett (Fay Taft) 9 Gordon Place, Montclair, NJ 07042 David and Nancy Booth Kelly’s store in Nassau is now the largest retail outlet in the Bahamas. All three sons live at home and work in the store. Nancy writes that she and Gail Tomec Kerr are in their fourth year of being class agents for Smith College. 22

MA No secretary


TKS Mrs. Thomas Burgin (Lolly Penick) 328 Fairway Road, Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Suzette Armitage Whiting reported a new grandson, born to daughter Amy in February.

In Cincinnati, Frank A. Fiore is president of Comprehensive Benefit Services, Inc., employee benefit consultants for companies with 500 employees or more. His nephew, Matt Fiore ’90, graduated from MKA this year.


Congratulations to David and Gail Tomec Kerr on the birth of a granddaughter whose middle name is “Gail” ! Son David ’77, wife Ruthann and baby live nearby. Gail continues as Trustee of MKA and member of the Alumni Council and does an outstanding job for both. She and Dave spend weekends at their home in Bay Head. Susan Sanders has quit her job in advertising in NYC and enjoys not working. She reports having a nice visit in the city with Daphne Driver McGill. Jean Fairgrleve Granum’s daughter Audrey had a son in February one week after Anne Dwyer Milne’s daughter had a girl. Jean’s twin boys are in college and Rob is majoring in German and speaks five languages. Bob and Jane Redfleld Forsberg’s daughter Kristen was married Sept. 1989. At the reception Anne Dwyer Milne, Wain Koch Maass, and Fay Taft Fawcett had a mini-reunion. Janie’s mom just sold her Montclair home and will be moving near Jane. Bill and Wain Koch Maass are also grandparents: Andrew and his wife had a son in September. Bill, Jr. was married in July; both daughters live in Boston - Kathy a stock trader, Amy getting a master’s in teaching from Lesley College. Wain still teaches third grade. Jim and Babs Pendleton Donnell are fine; Babs works full time as a “chapter teacher” in the middle school. All four children attended a family reunion of four generations of Pendletons one week, a similar reunion of Donnells the next. Your secretary Fay Taft Fawcett and Ned are well and have nothing exciting to write about (I wish I were a grandmother). Ashley ’85 lives in Boston working for a division of American Express. Pam ’87 is a senior at Gettysburg, playing field hockey and lacrosse after a summer in Europe. Fay

MA No secretary Richard Stein, M.D. wrote from California. After MA, he graduated from UVA and New York Medical College, spent two years in the army, and has practiced pediatric cardiology ever since. He and Linda have two children: Ron, a senior at Tulane, and Susan, a senior at UC/Davis who will enter law school in the fall. Another Golden State physician, Robert Weinmann, M.D., was elected president of the California Federation of the Union of American Physicians & Dentists. He has become known as a physicians’ union advocate, active in protecting public health care policy. As a medical scientist, he is known for his work on brain death and electroencephalograjjhy (EEG).



TKS Miss Georgia Carrington 38 Silver Spring Lane, Ridgefield, CT 06877 Thanks to those who answered; I’m happy to pass on news. Everett and Dawn Ramhurst Hallman have two daughters; the oldest graduated in international business and the youngest will be a teacher (good choice). Dawn, a nursing supervisor, is active in the American Nurses’ Assn. Ev teaches international relations. The Ballmans live only 60 miles from the border, so if you’re traversing Canada, drop down into North Dakota. Lynn Towner Dodd’s son Peter ’80 and wife live in Greenwich (so does Pixie Cole Pendergast’s son John). Lynn’s son Bill, newly married, lives in California; Steve ’79 is in NYC, and Debbie finished Ohio Wesleyan in May. Lynn saw Pat Taylor Stabler when visiting Debbie. Sylvia Middleton Seymour enclosed a great picture in which she looks just the same! She and Dave just bought a townhouse “in the country” in Berwyn. Sylvia is a reading specialist and is finishing her master’s thesis this summer. Dave often travels to Asia (I think the last time I saw the Seymours was 25+ years ago in Singapore). Son Andy has graduated and joined the computer world, Holly is a college sophomore. Sylvia sees Amy Roberts Beebe occasionally, reports she is “a fine calligrapher.” Adrianne Onderdonk Dudden’s brother, John, died suddenly, and I know we all join in sending our deepest sympathy. Tookie and Arthur had a trip to Japan to visit daughter Alexis, there for her junior year. Tookie does lots of graphics work, and Arthur is writing away at his latest book. Julian and Barbara Hobart Valbuena frequent Spain and Mexico when possible; she recommends the Yucatan in particular. Daughter Vivian is with Knoll Inti. Corp. Gael Seton Habernickel and Duke ’51 are in Eatonton, Ga. on a business move, though home base is in N.J. Their home is on the Historical Registry - if you want to visit and play “Scarlet O’Hara” for awhile. The Habernickels are grandparents, youngest daughter is at Rollins, other children doing well. 1 bumped into George and Marian Miller Castell at a polo match in Darien last fall. She is active in town affairs and all “children” are doing well. At the same function, Margie Shannon recognized me in the mob. She lives in New York, which appears to agree with her. Mary Case Durham finished her M.S. in land use planning, which has whet her appetite for travel. She traveled to Asia and stopped in Australia, where she visited Gail Zabriskie Wilson. She ran into other alumni, Carol and Ray Biggs '49 in Indonesia. Small world! Vicki Wendt West sent a picture of her with all her handsome men. She loves being district secretary of the Greenville fire district; it allows her to travel with Peter and help with his Enterprises. All the Wests are active in a multitude of sports. She is ladies golf champion at Scarsdale, and has just finished a term as inter-club chairman of Westchester. Saw Leslie Bunce one afternoon; she looks great. She does books for a caterer and accounts for several people. Leslie reports that

Miml Evans Harmon and Nell Fisk Hamlen are keeping busy. I spoke with Lee Wood Audhuy during her 1989 summer visit with children, Leslie, 16, and Thomas, 14. She spent time with sister Nancy Wood ’59 in Virginia. Lee teaches at the U. of Toulouse, enjoys tennis and skiing when possible. I try to stay one step ahead of my English classes and keep the ninth grade homeroom out of trouble. The tennis team is doing well, but I’m giving it up to spend more time involving students in community service programs. Still play tennis myself all summer, am less awkward at golf. Guess we should put 1994 on the calendar for a big one! Until next year - peace. Georgia MA Mr. Santo DeStefano 336 Madison Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07524



TKS Mrs. Susie Forstmann Kealy 232 E. Walton Place, Apt:2E, Chicago, IL 60611 It is such fun catching up! Marguerite Ramee Kaiser divides her time between managing a hospital consignment shop, part-time sales “rep.” for candy companies, and training six horses. Husband, John, has retired; oldest daughter, 26 and married, lives in Virginia Beach; sons are 18 and 20, the oldest at Unity College in Maine. Priscilla Cole 111 is ‘‘into grandmothering in a big way.” Prissy is divorced and moved into “an English cottage with nursery upstairs for the grands” in West Caldwell. Two of her three children are married, and Pris travels a lot, as she is in the business. Gail Smith Buermaon’s daughter Tracy ’80 graduated from the U. of Minnesota and works in Palo Alto, Cal. Katy majors in psychology at Mills College (Cal.). Gail has traveled all over the U.S. and Canada with son George (’92x), who plays hockey with the Devils Youth Hockey team. He will finish at Avon Old Farms, Conn. Marilyn Walrath Elliott works in the same building as Beth Hyde Whlttemore in Roseland, N.J. Beth has a son, 28, and a daughter, 25, who was married in October. Marilyn is executive assistant to the senior VP of Clarke American Bank Printers. Son Doug graduates from Susquehanna College and Steve is at Georgetown School of Foreign Service. Carol Hanschka Traenkle saw Carol Thrtle at their 30th Smith College reunion. Carol Cloke Wildhaber traveled from California last summer to visit Diana Whittaker in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Last May Cecily Wilson Lyle, Nancy Joyce Buckley, and Barbara Ives Riegel had a reunion at Diana Brown Donaldson’s farm in Unionville, Pa. Diney and Nancy were immersed in horse breeding endeavors, Barbie involved with civic commitments in Wilmington. Cecily enjoys her grandson and real estate in Washington, D.C. A granddaughter was born in Paris last summer and two grandchildren were expected in New York. Leigh Eberstadt Brenza writes that her oldest, Karl, is married and with Pru-Bache in


NYC. Lin is a lawyer in Chicago; Amy studying dance at U. of London; Andy is the teenage sports enthusiast. Trips this year were to the Orient, Austria, and Turkey. I, Susie Forstmann Kealy, enjoyed lunch in New York with Dee Donlln Mell, who works in Far Hills and is thinking of moving west. My painting commissions are still going, plus travels to Nepal, India, Key West, and Utah for skiing. Susie Note from the Alumni Office: Thank you to Susie Forstmann Kealy for sending news of 16 classmates! MA No secretary Since August 1989, Paul Nejelski has been one of the two Immigration judges in the Washington, D.C. area, deciding cases involving political asylum, marriage fraud and aliens convicted of crime, “for a steady diet of violence, sex and drugs.” He gave his first reading of his own poetry last fall. He and Marilyn will celebrate their 25th anniversary in October. Congratulations on all the above!

56 — TKS Mrs. Lawther O. Sm ith (Linda Lovell) 30 Water Crest Drive, Doylestoum, PA 18901 In the 1990 report, most 56ers have travel or graduating young people facing the F word, “the future,” in their news. Carol Van Brunt Raslc sent a postcard from Italy, which she, Janko, Tim and Lynn visited. In Santa Fe, Nicole de Jurenev is busy designing and building houses and being a real estate broker. Bob and Nancy Prescott Ward took a 25th anniversary trip to Hawaii, where Judy Lindeman was the perfect local guide. Nancy also saw Lilia Emetaz McDonald during her annual visit to Montclair to visit her mother. Daughter Vicki graduates from Yale; Jen’s a junior beginning college search, and “Rob’s in sixth grade, tired of hearing about careers and colleges!” Gall Zabriskie Wilson had a warmweather Christmas Down Under. She and Peter have been traveling about Australia and visiting Far East spots, and will extend his assignment to enjoy more “G’day” life. Son Peter works in San Francisco; Anne and husband Toby are in Colorado. Bonnie is director of L’Herbier de Provence in Washington, D.C., and Sarah plans to start divinity school after social service work.

Will You? Have you included MKA in your estate plans? If so, please let us know. Perhaps a charitable remainder trust would meet your family’s needs better. For more information and help, please contact: Judy Polonofsky Director of External Affairs The Montclair Kimberley Academy Montclair, New Jersey 07042 201/746-9800

Molla Kaplan Reisbaum visited Italy with daughter Emily, an art student in Paris; Alvin joined them for London and Paris. Son Michael is engaged; Jonathan will complete law school this year. Molla writes, ‘‘At our age we look forward to finishing college and post-graduate payments.” Bart and Henny Nelson Skeen were looking forward to Peter’s graduation from St. Lawrence. Janie Goodwillie Swann is “rooted at the Epstein School teaching and preaching 5-8th grade English/history and tutoring by the light of the moon.” Jody, graduated from Presbyterian College, works in Vermont; Eliza is a sophomore at Williams, will study at Oxford next year. All’s well on the “Western front,” says Lilia Emetaz McDonald from Oregon. She and John traveled to Switzerland for their 20th anniversary, and saw many of her relatives. The country has changed considerably since her visit 35 years ago. As a final travel note, Larry and I enjoyed an alumni trip with my parents going up the Mississippi on the Delta Queen. Being “steamboaters” traveling at a slower pace through history, professors on board, was a memorable experience! Linda MA Mr. John Clapp 3 Fox Hollow Rd., Spring Lake Heights, NJ07762



IKS Miss Linda B aldanzi 2 Greenview Way, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 MA Mr Edward T. O'Brien, Jr. 2 Knapton Estate Rd. Sm ith’s Parish FL08, Bermuda B.C.C. Everyone notes that we are at the 50-plus mark, which seems incredible. Dick Schlenger is living and working in Parsippany, N.J. and is well. Philip Amsterdam sent a lot of news. He has two children, Alison, a freshman at Cornell, and Andrew, who attends Newark Academy. His father is 82 and still practices law. Philip is president and chairman of Marsellis-Warner Corp. in Montclair, in its 96th year in road and construction business. He is active on several hospital and philanthropic boards. He sees Mike Chodorcoff ’58, who is a senior partner in SLAC, a large insurance firm. I have gone into private practice with another psychologist in Bermuda. I close this by quoting Phil, “Let’s not make it 33 more years until we see or write each other.” Ted



TKS Mrs. Judson Breslin (Wendy Worsley) 44 Lake Drive, M ountain Lakes, NJ 07046 Sally Braddock Dinsmore pulled up stakes and moved back to New England. She lives on the town green in Middlebury, Conn., and works across the street in the Alumnae Office of Westover School. Both Sally and

daughter Liz are “adjusting after easy-going California.” She would be delighted to see old friends and classmates. Anne Bobst-Highley is a freelance writer in New York. Her daughter Melinda’s engagement was announced in The New York Times in April. MA No secretary Howard Levine started his own executive search business in 1988, serving the financial community. His wife, Susanne, teaches at Greenwich Academy; son Jonathan graduated from Williams College (’89) and daughter Jennifer is at Bowdoin. Michael Gennet is president of SMY Media, a national media buying service. He and Melanie have two children, 17 and 14, and live in a refurbished old home on Chicago’s North Shore. They have become Francophiles, with a summer apartment in Cannes. Meritt Gavin has his own law firm, Gavin and Gavin, in Cranford, N.J.

59 TKS Mrs. Robert P. Sumas (Deana Rogers) 4 E. Greenbrook Rd., No. Caldwell, NJ 07006 “The class reunion was most rewarding,” writes Lily Solmssen Moureaux, “and I hope we will be able to reunite again. Amazing what happens over a period of time.” Lily went to Pakistan and Nepal last fall to cover work of the U.N. Population Fund. Her material was used for an A-V presentation and exhibition at the Safe Motherhood/South Asia Conference in Pakistan in March 1990. Her husband is active in rehabilitation. In addition to being language program director for Stanford in Italy Center in Florence, Joan McConnell, Ph.D. published a textbook on sociolinguistics for Japanese university students in 1989; it has already sold 25,000 copies. She has two more underway. Joan spent six weeks in the Orient, lecturing and meeting colleagues and publishers. She also lectured to the Stanford Alumni Assn, and U. of Rhode Island. Joan would love to see any Kimberley alumnae in Florence (Sept.-May) or in Glen Ridge in the summer. Having acquired three graduate degrees for a college teaching career, Betsy Marshall Hood changed directions and entered the counseling field. She is now a partner in an independent substance abuse agency in Portland, Me. She is a single parent of two teenagers “and love the energy they bring to my life.” Betsy got her private pilots’s license, has two horses, and hopes to become a handicapped ski instructor. She, too, would like to hear from Kimberley friends. MA Mr. Benjam in Fischer 26 Delta Blvd., Palisades Park, NJ 07650

Tom and Virginia Petrin Doolittle own a sod business in Florida. Their daughter, married in August, is a law student at Florida State U.; their son is on the Clemson men’s golf team and was Jr. 1st team All-American in 1989. Emily Stark Danson has moved to Florida and lives a few miles away from Jinny. Dave and Sheila Albright Hogan are ownermanagers of Lake of the Woods Resort in the White Mountains of Arizona. Son Don has a landscape business in Phoenix, Patty is at Arizona State, Frank and Nancy are busy with school. Sally Minard reports that “marital status, address and business haven’t changed, but if you see ads/commercials for new Navy fragrance by Cover Girl, Sm ithsonian Magazine, Knox gelatin, Ladies’ Home Journal magazine, they all come from our four-year-old advertising agency. It’s hard work and great fun.” Sally Unkles enjoyed visiting with Phyllis Michele Nielsen last spring. Sally has been promoted to VP of Sales with the Citizens and Southern Trust Co., is serving her second term as president of the Friends of the Ft. Lauderdale Library. She spends summers in Maine. MA Mr. George A. Bleyle Jr. 2259 Weir Drive, Hudson, OH 44236 Reunion chairman: Mr. Marc Kirschner 1120 Park Ave., New York, N Y 10128 In March, the New York Law Journal (the daily professional newspaper for NYC lawyers) did a long profile of Marc Kirschner, who landed the plum assignment as counsel to the creditors’ committee in the Drexel Burnham Lambert bankruptcy. Marc, who graduated from Dartmouth and U. of Michigan Law School, specializes in bankruptcy cases at Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue. He and his wife, Nancy, have two children, Philip, 9, and Diana, 5; he has Jeffrey, 24, and Pamela, 21, from a prior marriage. Pete Lima is a senior engineer at CAE-Link in Silver Spring, Md. He manages systems design and development of tactical training simulators for the U.S. Navy - antisubmarine, aircraft, helicopter, fighter, ship engine-room. He and his wife, Patricia, have four daughters: Cara, 20; Katy, 20; Sarah, 18; Kendra, 17. Three daughters and his wife attend college! Phil Leone is a physician and director of Leone Pathology Associates in Gastonia, N.C. He practices pathology, clinical, surgical and forensic medicine and is active in several medical and civic organizations. He and his wife, Cheryl, have two children, 15 and 13. George Bleyle flies 737s as a captain for United, based in Chicago. When son Mike, 22, graduated from UVA with B.S. in aeronautical engineering in May, George had the honor o f commissioning him an ensign, USN. Daughter Alison enters Bucknell in the fall; Jill is 14, Sarah, 11. Wife Jane, with new M.S. in special ed., teaches fourth grade in Hudson, Ohio, schools.


TKS Mrs. Em ily Stark Danson 23215 L’H ermitage Circle, Boca Raton, FL 33433


If you have any information about any of the alumni listed as “lost” in the reunion year classes, please call or write to the Alumni Office, MKA, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042. 201/746-9800. Thank You!



TKS Miss Christine Keller 1702 Church Street, Galveston, TX 77550 Patricia Harrison Case chairs and serves on the Port Charlotte, Fla. Association of Commerce and Economic Development Council committees. Our condolences to Margaret Mayes Boyd, who lost both her patents last year. Peggy’s family is “well and growing” : Duncan, 16, Andy, 13; husband Joe is well and “working too hard.” Christine Keller is a partner in a medium­ sized law firm - “challenging and exciting.” She is very involved with her church, Galveston Historical Foundation, the 1895 Grand Opera House, and the Children’s Center. “Let’s all plan for our 30th next year!” MA Mr. Robert Tyler Root III 24 Wiedeman, Clifton, NJ 07011 Craig Van Tatenhove is VP of manufacturing for Myron Manufacturing Co. in Maywood, N.J. “The Money Show” national radio program heard on Sunday afternoons frequently has John B. Lowy as a guest. John, a securities lawyer, also had an article published in the January 12 issue of Today’s Investor magazine.



TKS Mrs. C. D. Creed (Barbara Bywater) 1769 Forest View Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 The class extends its heartfelt condolences to Carlo and Tina Schultz Bilottl on the death of their daughter Lisa in 1989. She was a sophomore at Boston U. Catherine Homan Brown writes of seeing Pat Dordelman Schmid, Tina Schultz Bilotti and Wendy Solmssen Sommer at a 30th reunion of the Essex Fells eighth grade class of 1958. Catherine lives in Asheville, N.C., is a ceramicist with a line of garden sculpture and fountains, and is planning a garden for her family’s 1920’s arts-and-crafts style house. Your class secretary enjoyed a delightful letter from Ruth Davis Cahalan who is spending a sabbatical year with her husband and children in West Germany. What an exciting time to be near all the late-breaking news! Barbara MA Mr. Lawrence J. Magnes 3222 Lexington Rd., Louisville, K Y 40206-2714



TKS Ms. Sharon Livesey 12 Gorham Avenue, Brookline, MA 02146 Teena McConnell divides her time between New Jersey and Florence, Italy, where sister Joan ’59 lives. Teena is working on a cookbook and gives lectures on the theme of career change to Rotary and Lions Club groups.

One such lecture will be published internationally in The Rotarian. Teena sees classmates Diane Haines, Anna Marla Ciccone Wein and Ann Wilhelm occasionally. Diane spoke about journalism at MKA's Career Day. After 18 years as art director of The New Yorker magazine, Ann Gel Fairlie Michelsen started her own graphic design business, Ask Ann Gel. Her husband, Konrad, works with her. They have two children, 5 and 18 months. MA Mr. Bronson Van Wyck RO. Box T, Tuckerman, AR 72473



TKS Mrs. PE. Madsen (Betsy Ridge) 58 Chestnut Street, Boston, MA 02108 Reunion chairman: Mrs. D avid Bridge (Margaret Crawford) 152 South M ountain Ave, Montclair, N.J. 07042


TKS Dr. Deborah Pines 7800 Belleflower Drive, Springfield, VA 22152 As promised, reunion was great fun. Sue “Pembroke” Herbert Kyle told us the' story of changing her name to Pembroke, and caught us up on some missing classmates. Sally Webb Armstrong is a rep. for Handprints, inc., which designs silk fabrics. They did a design for Pine Manor, her alm a mater. Her daughters are a freshman at Princeton and a junior in high school. Linda Brennan Hymans loves teaching preschool. She says her art skills are just on their level. Son Michael had a good year at Roanoke, daughter Kerry is in high school. It was good to see Carl and Barbara Mahler Markussen and Richard and Randl White McGinnis at reunion and fun to get to know the spouses! Barbara Doubleday Perry lives in Vermont and weaves the most beautiful clothes that she sells in very exclusive shops. She enjoys her family and seems very happy. Lynn Buttell McElroy enjoys her two active sons: Jeff, with “a major in band” and Eric, into sports. Our condolences to Lynn Ritter Vernon, whose mother died in December. Lynn has THREE TEENAGERS! Shelby is at Pace in NYC and modeling; Skye’s a junior in high school; Ty is “into everything in which he can get hurt.” Lynn works for Unisys in a small marketing office. Her brother lives with them. Toni Dul Wellemeyer sent the most beautiful letter summarizing 25 years; I wish I could convey the tone, reflection, and beauty. Toni graduated from Finch College with B.A. in French, worked in publishing in NYC, traveled in Europe for five months with only $200, came home and was introduced by her brother to Charlie, whom she married in 1976. They have a son, Jonathan, 6. Sandy Brett, in upstate New York, designs hooked rugs; daughter Megan is at Wesleyan. Debby Pines is “still missing deadlines, seeing patients, loving my work, but ready to run off to Europe with $200 in my pocket. Midlife crisis continues....” MA Mr. John Sheldon P.O. Box 96, Paris, ME 04271 Ronald Intile has owned Intile Realty in West Orange for 15 years. He and his wife, Janet, have three sons: twins Ronald and Joseph, 19, and Gregory, 14.


John Benigno was elected to the board of Philomel Concerts, a Philadelphia chamber orchestra that specializes in performing 17th and 18th century music on period instruments.

Sharyn Griffith Garfield is a divorce litigation attorney in Palm Beach County, Florida. She has two children, Marc and Kristy. She talks with Sari Gombos McLaughlin occasionally. MA Mr. R. Victor Bernstein 290 West End Ave. #3C, New York, N Y 10023 Reunion chairman: Mr. Peter Stem 77 Seventh Ave. PHB, New York, N Y 10011 Michael Fink appeared in a photo in The Star-Ledger in March after his installation as secretary-treasurer of the Builders Assn, of Northern New Jersey. Michael has also been president of the Foundation for the Preservation of the American Dream (Plainsboro, N.J.), “to restore balance to the land use planning process.” Jim Kuzmick is commanding officer of his Marines reserve fighter squadron. He spends about 90 days a year “deployed” somewhere, i.e., flying.

66 TKS Mrs. W illiam E. Crawford (Francine Onorati) 421 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02115 Nicole Ihghert Bergstrom has a film pro­ duction studio, Bergstrom Taghert, in Chicago. MA Mr. John F. Hawley 1402 Washington Street Holliston, MA 01746-2215


TKS Ms. Margot Escott 2980 Kings Lake Blvd., Naples, FL 33962 MA Mr. Craig C. Perry 119 East 84th St., Apt. 6C New York, N Y 10028 Jack Hobson-Dupont writes that he is married and has a son, Maximillian, 5- Living year-round in Nantucket, Jack owns a software development business with another Academy alumnus, Barry Belmont ’65. Jack also reports that he saw Peter Brundage in Connecticut where he works as a welder in a

shipyard and that Russ Roche lives in Florida and is rebuilding a racing/cruising sloop. Perhaps we will see Russ up here on a summer cruise? Joan and Skip Degan are busy raising three kids (Chip 19, Kim 14 and Sean, 10) and looking forward to another 20 years of marriage. In his spare time Skip enjoys flying and is a flight instructor at the local airport in Andover, N.J. Since 1973, Charlie Gardner and his wife, Stephanie, have been in Florida, where he runs a computer hardware business. They have a son, Jason, 13.



TKS Ms. Avie Claire Kalker 5805 Birchbrook #202, Dallas, TX 75206 Congratulations to George and Maggie Johnson Sllker, whose son Henry was born in April. Maggie is in touch with the MKAMaryland contingent: Nancy Penick Corcoran; Rob Sanders, his wife Beth, and three kids; his brother John Sanders ’75, wife Lisa and son. MA Mr. Burton M. Webb Box 29, Free Union, VA 22940

69 TKS Mrs. Charles Gildea (Lynn Ehrhardt) 46 E. Saddle River Rd. Saddle River, NJ 07458 Terry Solmssen Shartar moved to London, England in December. Terry shared some very sad news about the accidental death of her son Joshua, 6. We all send our deepest sympathy to Terry, her husband, and sons Jonathan and Jeremiah. Susan Atkins Malerlch’s son Christopher was born in December, joining Jeremy, 11, and Charlotte, 7. Phyllis Latouche Rawlins had a busy winter with vacations in sunny climes. Phyllis heard from Christine Wakefield, who lives in Alameda, Calif. She is married and works as special projects manager for Photo and Sound Co., selling video equipment and computers. She’s been there 12 years. For those of you at our reunion - Phyllis wants to know how our spa plans are going...any suggestions?

Betsy Kimball had a five-game tour of England and Wales with her rugby team. They won four, lost to Great Britain’s Select Side, and had a great time. She asks: Who’s up for a Kimber-Lee field hockey game at our reunion (half-field only, no one under 30 allowed on field, 10-minute halves)? Betsy works with the Mass. Dept, of Environmental Protection. Randy and Pat Vilas Brown welcomed their second daughter, Matthea, in October. Pat teaches prenatal classes at a hospital one evening a week, and loves being fulltime mom, busy with co-op preschool and home remodeling. Georgia Buckner is ‘‘home playing mom to Brigid, 5, and Anna, 1.” Her husband is doing historical restoration work throughout New England; they plan to build their own home in Vermont soon. Julia Haines is having a great year. She received two grants: to develop interdisciplinary music and dance performances, and create two sound programs on the environment from New American Radio. Julia was nominated best instru­ mentalist, folk, by the Philadelphia Music Founda­ tion and was commissioned to write a piece. Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner was elected to the New Jersey Ronald MacDonald House in March and has been nominated to the Advisory Board of the National Institutes of Health. She is the featured media speaker about Lyme Disease for Hartz Mountain print, TV, and audio spots. MA Mr Garret S. Roosma 30 Cottage Lane Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Reunion chairman: Mr. Frederick Sheldon 109 Clemson Rd., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Alan Mancusi-Ungaro is assoc, professor of medicine at SUNY Health/Science Center in Syracuse, N.Y., specializing in emergency medicine. He reports that Thane Benson has a Ph.D. in neuroanatomy and is doing research in Boston. “Anyone coming to our 20th?”

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TKS Ms. Sydney Johnson Petty 134 Sum m er Village Dr. Annapolis, MD 21401 Sarah Ridge Cushing has been working as a legal secretary in a small law firm for more than 10 years; she has been married for five. She teaches Sunday School and is a board member of the Essex (Mass.) Shipbuilding Museum.

MA Mr. Eric Weis 5 Camillo Dr., Wayne, NJ. 07470

MA Mr. Jam es Bryan, Jr. 305 Kimberly Dr., Greensboro, NC 27408

Welcome new class secretary, Eric Weis! Eric is VP and general manager of Capintec, a manufacturer of scientific instruments. “We actually make things,” Eric says, “X-ray equipment, heart monitors, radiation measuring devices.” He attributes his interest in business and science - as well as attendance at Bowdoin College - to Mr. (Steven) Bean at MA.

Ava and Michael Zebrowski have a new baby, a son, born in February.



TKS Mrs. Linda Finney W illiams Box 1446, 5 S. Pasture Lane Nantucket, MA 02554


TKS Class secretary and reunion chairman: Ms. Leslie Bryan 844 East M omingside Drive, NE Atlanta, GA 30324

Final Four Bruce Downsbrough ’71 was on the Organizing Committee for the NCAA Final Four basketball tournament this spring in Denver, as head of the decorations committee for McNichols Sports Arena. This involved two years of planning, half a million dollars of renovations, and five days to set up banners, 600 telephone lines, etc. According to the Rocky M ountain News, Bruce is a lawyer who left to be director of development at CU School of Business, and ‘‘all of his jobs have helped him to prepare the arena.” Thanks from fans everywhere!

Lisa Bom bardieri ’90 and her cousins, Heather and Lauren Abramson, tw in daughters o f Andrew Abramson ’71. The tw ins are in second grade a t Brookside.


Isabel Vock Hart was promoted to VP/planning and analysis for T.J. Maxx in Framingham, Mass. She graduated from Middlebury and has an M.B.A. from Boston U.

MA Mr. Steven Schottenfeld 23 Woodfield Drive, Short Hills, NJ 07078 John Sperling is a general surgeon with the USAF, stationed at Griftiss AFB, Rome, N.Y. He completed the aerospace medicine course in San Antonio - “Got my wings now!” He also has four children, ages 5,4,3, and 1!!! “Greetings to all my classmates from the land of the Alps and cheese,” writes Christopher Schulz. “Please get in touch if your travels bring you to Geneva!” He is with Reed Travel Group there. Bruce Pollack announced the newest arrival, Meredith Elyse, in February, joining Andrew, 2, and Benjamin, 5. Raymond King was named manager of the microsupport group for CDCSA/CSC (Computer & Data Communications Service Agency, Computer Service Center), City of New York. Also in New York, Sam Weiss manages the Doblin Fabrics division of Springs Industries. Doblin, a manufacturer of fine jacquard upholstery fabric, started in Paterson about 75 years ago.


IKS Mrs. Michael F. Moreno (Martha Del Negro) 31 Lasalle Drive, Providence, R I02908 Stancy DuHamel has bought an 1824 weekend house in Dutchess County, N.Y., where she sees Debra Kent, who is the fish & game warden on the Pawling nature preserve down the road. Stancy still sells municipals at Kidder Peabody. (“Doesn’t anyone buy them in some professional capacity?”) She reports that Rob, Anthony, Elizabeth and Meg Penick Federico have gone to Halifax - “We’ll miss them terribly.” Debra Kent writes, “Despite Stancy DuHamel’s persistent fantasy that I am a forest ranger, I pursue a career in celluloid, not wood pulp. I just finished working as assistant director on the reshoots of Woody Allen’s new film, and am leaving for South Carolina to shoot the movie version of The Prince o f Tides with Barbara Streisand.” Martha Del Negro Moreno keeps up with her violin by giving concerts. She and Michael travel a great deal and intend to make their expected baby a good traveler. Best wishes to Bill and Susan Read Danick on their wedding! The engagement of Barbara Schadler and David Keating was announced in The M ontclair Times. Barbara graduated from Vassar and received a law degree from George Washington U. She is an associate in the Washington, D.C. office of Perkins, Coie. MA Mr. Gregory Lackey 165 Chickahominy Trail Medford Lakes, N f 08055 Peter Redpath takes full advantage of living in Sanibel Island, Fla., playing outdoor sports. In free time out of the sun Red is manager/VP of Shearson Lehman Hutton. He and his wife were expecting a third child to join their two sons, 6 and 3. Pete keeps in touch with Mike Adams ’74, Tbm Arthur ’74, and Dean Paoluccl.

Dean continues to be a tireless fundraiser for MKA on the Alumni Council among his many other alumni activities. He added another trophy to his case as 1989 Club Golf Champion at the Glen Ridge Country Club. Jim Crooks sent word of the birth of daughter Laura in January. All that time Jim spent “in the booth” was not for naught as Jim channeled his Audio-Visual Club experience into a successful career. After completing the lighting on the new Oprah Winfrey studio in Chicago, Jim moved from the corporate world into a partnership venture for marketing lighting equipment. Best of luck to Jim with business and family! Yancy Thompson sent a business card but no note. He lives in Tinton Falls, N.J. and works in NYC as manager with Empire Office Equipment. Hugh and Adrienne Maroon Crowther (’73, ’74) live in Middletown, R.I., near Newport. All sources say Tom GalUgan talks and eats Cajun down in Baton Rouge, where he is a tenured law professor at LSU. He, wife Sue, and children Patrick, 5, Sarah, 3, and Aisling, 1, spent the summer in Aix, France. Malcolm O’Hara practices “country law” in Glens Falls. He occasionally shares the links with Dean in Glen Ridge. Mai is proud godfather to Vicki and Rudy Schlobohm ’74’s newborn, Melissa. Mai writes that Dave Brandley (last seen in a cameo in the movie “Wall Street” in an $800 suit with a glass of Chivas) is a new partner in the NYC office of the law firm Hunton and Williams. As for me, one day I looked in the mirror and immediately began running in earnest. I play softball and volleyball during the seasons. I purchase land and construct new post offices out of my Philadelphia office, only at a loftier corporate level than before. The three boys get bigger and brassier; Toni is as beautiful as ever and quite accomplished at antique furniture restoration. Oh where have you gone, Johnny B., Hunt, Hugh, Turf, Durwin, Ed F., Greg F. Greg

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TKS Mrs. Richard Degener (Ann Patrick) 609 Sunset Blvd., Cape May, NJ 08204 Welcome, new class secretary Ann Patrick Degener! Opera star Barbara Bonney and her husband are so well known in Sweden that their wedding pictures were on the covers of three national magazines! She will be at the Met in October for a new “Rosenkavalier.” Erin Cuffe made the 1989 Million Dollar Sales Club with Degnan & Boyle real estate in Montclair. Ann Gerson Flynn has joined Ryan Beck & Co. as a VP in public finance department. She lived in NYC after law school, was married in 1985 to lawyer Jeffrey Flynn. They have a son, Matthew, 6 months in April. Don and Sally McBratney D ’A lessandro enjoy Southern living in Charlotte, N.C. Billy, 4, and Tommy, 2, keep Sally busy; Don specializes in shoulder and knee surgery. Brian and Seton Daly Beckwith’s third daughter, Tess, was bom in April, joining Micalagh, 6, and Brindley, 3.


MA Mr. Anthony M. Celentano 3 Condict Street, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 A professor at Cornell U. Medical Center, Owen Davis M.D. specializes in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Congratulations to Robert Powell, whose poster session at the National Asbestos Council’s conference in San Antonio (March 1990) won first place! Topic: “The Use of PCBased Video Image Analysis in Analysis of Asbestos Using Thtnsmission Electron Microscopy.” Rob works with AMA Analytical Services of NY/NJ. John Lagasi, chief pharmacist for the Medical Center Pharmacy in Livingston, N.J., recently celebrated the family-owned business’ 25th anniversary. John lives in Montclair. Brother Anthony ’75, who is legal counsel, lives in West Orange. Sharon and Dirk Buikema’s daughter Laura Beth was born in October, joining brother Benjamin, 3. Dirk was promoted to division counsel, Motorola, Inc., and reports that Chris Beling ‘69 works for Codex Corp., a Motorola subsidiary there! Dirk also said that David Forman, former MA Spanish teacher, lives in his neighborhood and teaches at the Middlesex School in Concord, Mass. Congratulations to Dorothy and Earl Perretti on the birth of daughter Frances Claire in January.



Mr. D avid Soule 120 Linden Ave., Verona, NJ 07044 Gleaned from the UVM magazine: David Sperling and his wife, both graduates of UVM, moved to Glorieta, N.M., where they built their own log home. They have a daughter, Leslie, 3. David is a paramedic and a firefighter for the city of Santa Fe. Janet Kluge Wlggin sent a photo of herself, Dede Newman Griffin, Lisa Irwin Keane, and their combined six children at a spring picnic in Brookdale Park. Janet was expecting her third child in July and Dede her second in August. Russ Freed writes as a naturalized Texan from Kingwood, Texas: “I recently left Reagent Chemical to join Calabrian Chemical Corp. as director of domestic operations. Our only “child” is a 90-lb. black bouvier dog named Robear.” Moving west, Jay Finney sent a note from San Francisco, where he has left the corporate world of marketing communications and is now consulting to museums, theaters, symphonies, etc. Diana Rowe does land planning and design in Mamaroneck, N.Y. She would love to hear from old friends in the area, and figures she is only an hour away from Montclair. Dallas Gordon has also returned to the area. He left the Ohio State Police, moved to California, got married, discovered property management, and now lives with his wife, Patty, and children Janella, Dallas III, and Ryan in East Orange. Congratulations to Heather and James Giarrusso on their wedding. Jim graduated from Ohio Wesleyan U. and Rutgers U. School of Law, and practices law in Hillsborough.

While in the congrats corner, your class secretary recently became engaged to Karen Schultz and we are planning an October wedding. Looking forward to a great year and D avid more notes from you.



Mrs. Paul McFeeley (Laurie Hoonhout) 5 Kenneth Road, Upper M ontclair NJ 07043 Dr. Charles Read 3115 Carroll Place, Falls Church, VA 22042 “Our most exciting news is the birth of daughter Isabel Zuckoff in June 1989,” writes Julie Bellet. Since then, they moved to Massachusetts where Mitch is a reporter for the Boston Globe. After time at home with Isabel, Julie has returned to work part time for the Emergency Dept, at Boston Children’s Hospital, with a clinical appointment at Harvard Medical School. Laurie writes: Thank you, Liz Bruns Johnson, for responding to my request for class information. Liz and Tom had a second son, William, in March, joining brother Thomas, 2. They enjoy life in Old Greenwich and were looking forward to summer on the beach. Paul and I enjoyed seeing Chip Read, John Crga, Matt Troxell, Katie Kolbe, Andy Read, and Emily Troxell over the holidays. It is fun to get together after all these years. Please drop a line and let us know what the rest of you are up to. Laurie



Miss Beverley D. Hall 127-A Skunk Lane, Wilton, CT 06897 Mr. Andrew Pedersen 334 West 86th St. A pt 16 B New York, N Y 10024 Harpist Robbin Faye Gordon performed at a “Camelot Celebration”, hosted by the Friends of Barnet in February. Robbin, a graduate of the Manhattan School of Music, is studying at Montclair State. She spent summers in Dublin at the Royal Irish Academy of Music, and was a gold medalist at the Granard Harp Festival in Ireland. She often appears with symphony orchestras in the metropolitan area. Jon Grevatt writes from NYC, where he is national director of publicity for Arista Records. He sets up interviews with current big-name artists, including Whitney Houston, The Grateful Dead, Hall & Oates. Jon, a parttime disk jockey for rock station WDHA-FM in North Jersey, is known as Jonathan Clarke on the air. Best wishes to Kevin and Pat Cane Donahue on their wedding! They have bought a home in Metuchen. Pat is with the office of Legislative Services and reports that the new administration and assembly are keeping them on their toes! Steve Mahler is now a flight instructor at Teterboro airport. Besides teaching at Greenwich (Conn.) Country Day, Bev Hall is attending Fairfield and Wesleyan universities to earn a secondary ed. certification and a master’s.

Marty Cohn lives in Miami Beach, and is manager of sales promotion for Royal Caribbean Cruise Line - “great benefits!” Son John is 4 and they expect another child in September. David Kerr has become director of mergers and acquisitions at Rodman and Renshaw, an investment firm with offices in New York. He and Ruthann live in Short Hills with daughter Alexandra, 6 mos. David sees Bob Post, “who doesn’t let a job in NYC or his family interrupt a ski season.” Peter Adubato practices law in Philadelphia with his wife, Sara, also an attorney. Ed Healey, attorney at law (the five most dangerous words in English), divides his time between private practice and several business endeavors. He and Alan Deehan join Bob Post and Peter McMullen on the MKA Alumni Council. Peter Valentine sells commercial real estate for Coldwell Banker. Son Patrick William was born in January. Jason Apter is a portfolio manager for a NJ. securities firm. Keith Ridings is learning the ways of the Japanese at Panasonic. Andy Pedersen lives in NYC and expects a second child in November. He works at Merrill Lynch, ‘‘but would appreciate any job offers from some senior alumni.” Bev, Andy



in September. They live in Rockaway and Andy works for a law firm in Clifton. Nancy and BUI Transue expected their first child in June. They live in Wellesley, Mass. Tom and Susan Felber Durkin have a son, Tommy, born May 1989, and expea another baby in October. They love living near the ocean on Boston’s Northshore. Joy and George KeUer live in Rutland, Mass., have a son, James Daniel, 2. Julie and Bruce McBratney made “an addition to the ’78 baby boom” : Benjamin Allen McB was born in April in Evanston, 111. Bruce works with the Boston Consulting Group in Chicago. Katie Kolbe is surviving the commute from Little Falls to NBC in New York (6:00 News). Dr. Ricky Doerr lives in Clifton and works at Hackensack Medical Hospital. Julie and Bart Lund live in Montclair. He has started his own consulting business on Church Street.



Mrs. Carlos O rtiz (Shawn Mahieu) 1740 Fallsway Dr., Crofton, MD 21114 Dr. Jack Brink 1290 Beech Valley Rd., Atlanta, GA 30306

Miss Pamela Zeug 19 D owning St., Apt. 3, New York, N Y 10014 Mr. John Glicksman 1440 Holly St., Washington DC 20011 From California, Lawren Soule Amela writes that she’s sorry to have missed reunion. Alexander was born in December. She and Jane Lugaric (based in San Francisco) are celebrating their 30th birthdays together on July 29 with a huge party in Santa Cruz (“All invited!”). Karl Mills works for Jurika & Voyles, an investment management firm in Oakland; was preparing for the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) exam and windsurfing season. Karl also sees Jane Lugaric (‘‘a fellow windsurfette!”) “One of the best things about planning my wedding in May, is that I’ve caught up with old MKA friends," writes Dr. Suzanne Conzen. She and Tim have moved to New Hampshire: she has a fellowship in hematology and oncology and he is a resident in surgery at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Jean-Marie deMoose Burgi is a buyer for a chain of fine jewelery stores in NY/NJ area. She has her own aerobics studio, The Body Shop, on North Fullerton Ave. in U.M., where she teaches nights and weekends. She is engaged to be married in late 1990. Also engaged, N. Heath Betke and P. Austin Shelby will be married in September. She has her own interior design studio and was very involved in the Junior League “Centennial” Show House. (Tricia Felber ’79 was her faux painter.) Austin is an attorney with Nagel & Rice in Livingston. John Stone works with Austin at the same law firm. John spoke on environmental law at Career Day at MKA last year. The Mommas and the Papas: Diane and Peter Van Leer had a baby girl in the fall of 1989. They bought a house in Upper Montclair. Lori and Ajidy Blair had a daughter, Jennifer,


Shane Mahieu ’90 and sister Shawn Mahieu O rtiz ’79 a t Commencement. Our 10th reunion was almost a year ago! What a blast! We hope those who came had as great a time as we had. As it was collected at reunion, some info may be dated: Christof Stork is an exploration geophysicist for Amoco in Denver. Jim Carter is an associate pastor at a Methodist church in Dallas. Dave NoUe works for the E.P.A. in Philadelphia making sure the computer systems do what they’re supposed to do. IppoUt Matjucha is doing his residency in opthamology in San Diego and was planning a trip to the Soviet Union with a community choir. Dana Cestone is a senior consultant with the accounting firm Peat, Marwick. Anita Sims is working on an MBA at Rutgers. Andy Rod and his beautiful bride Randi Pickelny ’82 looked great. Andy is director of operations at Northern States Office Supply.

Bryan Gordon is a real estate investment broker with Smith Barney. He and his wife, Jill, have been married three years and live in NYC. Dan Kiselik was married in June 1989 and is in the family business in packaging, advertising, and graphic design. Tony and Tina Celentano Mullen live in Montclair and have two beautiful girls, Katie and Annie. John and Lee Anne Perrlno Brensinger have also bought a home in Montclair. Their firstborn, Peter, was 8 mos. as of the reunion. Leslie Coleman has returned from France where she was a museum curator and dealt with antiques. She also returned with a handsome Frenchman, Jean Francois, whom she will marry in August. Gwen Jones is studying for a master’s in art history at the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, specializing in the conservation of paintings. Gwen was one of only six chosen each year for the scientifically oriented course, whose professors include curators/conservators from big New York museums. She was also selected for an internship with the NY Historical Society. David Fernald, Jr. earned an M.S. in Engneering from Stevens Institute of Technology in May; his second child was born in April - “One of each now.” Our condolences on the death of his father. Best wishes to Kent and Eugenia Cane Wissing on their wedding. She has passed the New Jersey, New York, and District of Columbia bar exams (!) and is with a law firm in West Orange. Shawn, Jack From the Alumni Office: Please note change of address for both class secretaries.

Hamilton (Tony) Bowser does contract proposals and audits for General Dynamics Corp., land services division, in Michigan. Tony has a BA and MBA from Washington U. Lise Cooper manages corporate benefits for Weichert Realtors (200-plus offices, 6000 people). She is a part-time graduate student at Montclair State in clinical psychology, and works part time at Carrier Foundation, a private psychiatric hospital, as experience for her master’s degree. She hopes to enter a doctoral program for clinical psych. Melanie Gold is doing a pediatric residency at U. of Maryland Medical System, and plans to go on to an adolescent medicine fellowship. In Coconut Grove, Fla., Jonathan Parker specializes in family law with Highsmith Strauss, telling clients, “I’ve never been married, but I’ve been through many divorces.” Jon, single and childless, lives in Miami. David ’79 and Karen O’Connor Dunnigan love San Francisco “as long as it stays still!” He was promoted to senior sales position with a computer firm. They enjoyed an MKA reunion with several alumni and families at the wedding last fall of Bill Dodd, brother of Steve ’79 and Peter.



Miss Shelagh Daly 55 Willow Terrace Hoboken, NJ 07030 Miss Karen M am ell 289 Hempstead Road New Hempstead, N Y 10977


Mrs. M artin Garvey (Pam Eastman) 105 Glen Ridge Ave., Montclair, NJ 07042

Best wishes to John and Christina Swanson Montgomery on their wedding. Dede graduated from Colgate and is a coordinator for special events at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Reunion chairmen: Miss Julie Ruddick 15 West 72nd St. A pt 4A, New York, N Y 10023




Mr. M artin Brayboy 12 D utton Place, Glastonbury, CT 06033 Congratulations to Dr. Michael Feldman, who completed a dual degree, MD/PhD in immunology at UMDNJ! Michael arranged for MKA AP Biology and Anatomy students to observe an open heart surgery this winter. The M ontclair Times did a front-page feature in February on Brian Morris and his new business on Watchung Ave., BP Sports Investments, which specializes in quality baseball cards and sports memorabilia. Brian and his partner travel to trade shows all over the country. Charles Davis, who is senior investigator in the drug metabolism department with Smith Kline Beecham in Pennsylvania, is engaged to Carina Miranda of Trujillo, Peru. Eric Betke was best man at the wedding of Elizabeth and Martin Brayboy last October. Martin, a graduate of Amherst, is an account executive with CIGNA in Springfield, Mass. Eric is entering U. of New Hampshire for a master’s in ecology. Best wishes to Michael and Lisa Lagasi Ward on their wedding. Lisa works for Liz Claiborne in North Bergen.


Mr. Thomas Robbins 1204 Fairview Road, Havertown, PA 19083 Thanks to Blake O’Neill for his continuous work in the alumni phonathons and Alumni Hockey Game, and to all who sent a note of their activities! Best wishes to our newlyweds! Eric and Beth Cherashore Schlager both work in the real estate investment/development field in Boston. Beth, a graduate of U./Penn, is a second VP with Chase Manhattan; Eric is a VP at the Bulfinch Co. Eric Roberts was married last June to Pam Miller ’83. He is on his way to St. Vincent’s Hospital, NYC, to lose sleep and join the internal medicine residency program there. I speak for all of us wishing them the best. Pam Reisch continued a fine '82 tradition by holding her wedding to Bob Lasher at the Carson Farm. They live in Columbus, Ga., and she is learning to speak funny, cook Southern, and learn the insurance business. Good luck, Pam! Beth and Robert Carson celebrated their fifth anniversary; they have two daughters. He is a rep with Hardesty Industrial sales in Mt. Freedom, N.J., and runs into Peter Edge, Robert Kramer, and Billy Hall. He also


reports that Allen Salamone seems to have disappeared. MKA lax goalie Billy Hall is now head lacrosse coach at Fairfield (Conn.) University, after two years as assistant. At Denison U., Billy was twice named Division III Honorable Mention All-American. In April, his team played against former mentor Doug Alsofrom, now coach at Montclair State. Dave Greenbaum is completing his MBA at Columbia, along with Gardner Semet ’79. Liz Abrams finished her first year there and was spending the summer in Tokyo. I am happy to report that Dave finally appreciates the suggestions of his mentors, Bill Bullard and Barbara Gerry: he is doing his homework. In my backyard at Hahnemann U., Joe Klapper is reported to be earning all kinds of awards while completing his MD, and is going to SUNY Stony Brook for his internship. Dan Perera lives in Dedham, Mass, and parties in Vermont with his wife and two Springer Spaniels. During the week he is a credit analyst with Shawmut Bank. Dan adds that Milton Robinson is studying law at Emory College. David Simon graduated from Emory Law School in May and has begun working in the San Bernardino (Cal.) District Attorney’s office. Paul and Elizabeth Gibson Boyer welcomed a 10 lb.-6 oz daughter, Rebecca, in May. Very proud grandparents are faculty members Nancy and Ken Gibson! Alexandra and Blake O’Neill had a son, Nicholas Blake, in May. Hope you all had a great summer. Tom


Miss Holly Jervis 55 South M ountain Ave., Montclair, NJ 07042 Class agent: Mr. Kevin W ilkins 95 Heller Way, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Ron DeMatteo graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Johns Hopkins in 1986 (three years!). He was president of his fraternity. This year he graduated from Cornell Medical School, NYC and made Alpha Omega Alpha, medical honor society. He will do his residency in surgery at the hospital of U. Penn in Philadelphia. Octavia Loyd helps with the distribution and marketing of toiletries for Browns of Melbourne. In her first six months on the job, she spent four in their UK headquarters! Though she will continue to travel, Octavia plans to buy a cottage or carriage house in Princeton. Karen Harmnerstroem is an assistant broker at Alexander & Alexander in NYC, and has passed three of the 10-part CPCU designation. She sees Becky Bowser occasionally as she works a few blocks away. Jennifer Rosenblatt will graduate in the spring from NYU with a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree. A photo of Alan Wilzig was spotted in The New York Times article, “Rites of Spring...Mean Dancing,” about an April benefit for the Guggenheim Museum. MKA North: Tamar Lehrich lives in Boston and has finished her first year at Harvard Law School. Eric Green is with ADP, and Doug Colwell was transferred to Boston by Control Data. Both Eric and Doug live in Newton.

Holly Sobel Armitage graduated cum laude from law school in May and is beginning a state superior court clerkship in September. She and her husband are building a house and will move in the fall. James Saraa graduated from Cardozo School of Law. After taking the bar exam and traveling through the Middle East, Europe and the USA, he will work at a law office in the Chrysler Building, NYC. Walter “Bunker” Davis has spent three years in Nashville as a commercial loan officer with a bank, specializing in small businesses. This fall he returns North to attend Columbia Business School. “Of course I will be bringing my Southern belle, Mary, my wife, as well as my own Southern accent. I look forward to seeing everyone at Homecoming!” Brian Davis will complete a dual degree, MBA/JD, at Syracuse U. in December. He planned to work as an intern at AT&T in business planning this summer. Brian sent news of several classmates: Keith Fletcher has been working in NYC for his third year of Digital’s financial training program. David Spiller received a J.D. from U. of Pittsburgh Law School in May and is getting married next summer. Gary Powell is at the U. of Georgia pursuing a Ph.D. in industrial organizational psychology, specializing in computer-assisted instruction. Kris Hatzenbuhler graduated from Seton Hall Law School this spring, and was elected to the MKA Alumni Council.

guys’ minds that 1 am destined for the Olympic team.. .But you must prove yourself each year; in 1992 we start fresh.”



Mr. John Booth III 15 Hathaway Lane, Verona, NJ 07044 Class agent: Miss Loren M iller 1055 River Road, Apt. 5606 Edgewater, NJ 07020 Reunion chairmen: Mr. M ark McGowan 54 Gordon Road, Essex Fells, NJ 07021 Miss Alexis Polonofsky 584 Park St., Upper Montclair, NJ 07043


84 Miss Jennifer Jones 515 S. Aiken Ave. A pt 101 Pittsburgh, PA 15232-1507

Correction: Stephen Root graduated from Denison College, not Dickinson, as reported in the spring A lum ni News. He is a market analyst with the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.

Class agent: Mr. Larry Rosen 6 Shoshone Road, Wayne, NJ 07470 Ken Vostal is with TAB of Central Virginia and lives in Richmond. Maggie Welsh was pictured with Joanne Woodward in a New York Times article about the Paul Newman/Merchant & Ivory movie, “Mr. and Mrs. Bridge.” Watch for Maggie in it! Allan Klapper is a third-year medical student at Mount Sinai, NYC. Sonia Stetkiewych graduated cum laude from Connecticut College in 1988, moved to NYC and worked in publishing for a year. She has returned to school and is earning an M.A. from NYU in art therapy and working with children. World travelers Doug Keh and Bob Cottingham met in Italy this spring. Doug fluent in Italian, Spanish, and Japanese - was studying with a Johns Hopkins School of International Affairs program. After spending the summer in Sierra Leone, Africa with UNICEF, Doug will finish his M.A. at Hopkins in Washington, D.C. Bob was in Italy for a fencing tournament. Bob Cottingham ’84 won the US Fencing Assn. National Championship in sabre in June by defeating the 12-time champion. Bob is now both the National Champion and is ranked #1 in the USA after the compilation of all tournament points. When asked about Olympic possibilities, Bob said, “This is good for putting in other

As a producer for MTWH1, Ilene Saul interviewed “tons of people, including my dream, the Rolling Stones.” She now does freelance interviews (recently, Duran Duran) and television productions, and appears in a shooting scene in “The Godfather III.” Janet Phillips is a production manager at Stylair Mfg. in NYC. Edie Szakacs moved into NYC. She has a B.A. in economics from U. of Colorado. Mark Storms, with B.S. in marketing and management from U. Richmond, works for the Faithful Source. Matt Bannon is working as a pharmaceutical sales rep for Pfizer, after receiving a B.S. in management from Purdue’s School of Technology. Laveme Cerfollo plans to return to the tri­ state area and begin her doctorate degree next year. Robin Schwartz will attend NYU graduate school for a master’s in urban planning. After a year of graduate work at Bucknell, Chris Lillo is entering Penn Dental School. Jeffrey Pellecchia, with B.S. in business administration from Bucknell, has been working at Prudential in Florham Park since graduation in 1989. He reports that Jack Lee is attending Hahnemann Medical School, Philadelphia, after graduation from Columbia. Greg Sullivan, with B.A. in history from Reed College, plans to attend med. school after finishing pre-med requirements. Rosie Ahkaml, with M.S. in medical sciences from Boston U., will attend medical school in the fall. Candace Kruse Gernety and her architect husband, James, had a daughter, Candace Kathryn, in February. They live in Bethesda, Md., and “are all very happy.”

86 M ark McGowan ’85 and sister Meredith ’90 After graduating from Cornell with a B.A. in Asian studies, Matthew Rosin relocated to Japan. At Pacific Press Service, where he interned for two summers, Matt coordinates sales of photographs to museums as fine art and improves communication between New York/Paris/Tokyo offices. He is delighted to be MKA’s “Japan Connection.” From his family: John Booth left September 1989 for a trip around the world, to return in summer of 1990. “He has mined for opals, bungy cord jumped, traveled by oxen, lived in the Bush of Australia, celebrated the Chinese New Year, traveled in India, Thailand, Burma, etc. He’s been living in hostels and out of a backpack, his total gear.” Roger Brown attends Washington College of Law, American U., after a summer 1989 legal internship in Paris. Jason O’Neill was named Ivy League Player of the Week while leading Yale to the #2 LAX ranking in the nation. Jason broke the Yale record for most assists (47) after just nine games. At one time he was sixth in the nation, Division I, for points, second for assists. Lea Kraemer is a choreographer and dancer with the Cynthus Ridge Dancers.


Miss Sherry Ahkam i 37 Virginia Avenue, Clifton, NJ 07012 Miss M ary Louise Neary 27 Warren Place, Montclair, NJ 07042 Class agent: Miss Megan Cole 11444 Lost Bee Way North Palm Beach, PL 33408 Congratulations to our graduates! News of a few: Colgate U. featured Lisa Unger in a 25th Anniversary Edition publication. Lisa was an English/fine arts double major, business manager of the radio station, photo editor of the newspaper, as well as involved in student government. She swam on the varsity swim team and qualified for the E.C.A.C. championships. Doug Coyle, with B.A. in economics from Duke U., will be an analyst in the investment banking division of Goldman, Sachs in NYC. Charles Kim graduated from Boston U. with a B.A. in communications. AnneMarle Fell, with B.A. in studio art from Lake Forest College, planned to volunteer at the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art this summer and work in Chicago in the fall.

Sherry Ahkami, B.A. in government from UVA, will attend Fordham U. Law School after spending the summer in Europe. Rini Banerjee, after “four great years at NYU,” was to spend the summer traveling through India and Europe, then join Citicorp’s investment banking division. Lisa Cohen, a graduate of Columbia, will enter Columbia School of Law in the fall. Mario LaCorte graduated from Colgate, B.A. in English. She and Mary Louise Neary planned to spend the summer driving across the country, then live in Seattle, Wash, for a year or two. Mario hopes to attend graduate school for special ed.. Damon Zeigler, with degree in economics and math from Washington and Jefferson College, is working as a stockbroker with Hibbard Brown & Co. in Pittsburgh. He was VP of his fraternity and co-host of a campus sports-talk show. Sports awards: Mark Ames had an outstanding lacrosse season as middie for Princeton. The Star Ledger named him Male Athlete of the Week in April, after he led the team to an upset victory over Rutgers. Mark also made the winning goal when Princeton “stunned” Hopkins 9-8 in the NCAA tournament. Mark graduated with a B.A. in economics. Dave Weston earned All-State honors on Hobart’s soccer team last fall, and played goalie for their #\ lacrosse team. He was to work in Telluride, Col. this summer. Rob D’Alessandro was captain of Bucknell’s lacrosse team. Adrienne Amirata was captain of women’s fencing at U. Penn. Peter Silver was the alternate on the Penn men’s sabre team, which won the NCAA national championship. Marc Spiotta was one of three coaches of the MKA varsity lacrosse team this spring. He is attending Montclair State.


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Miss Laura Baczko 102 Highland Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042 Miss Ida Boodin 338 North M ountain Avenue Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Class agent: Miss Deborah Rosen 6 Shoshone Trail, Wayne, NJ 07470 Captains: Meg Allen was named co-captain of the 1990 Georgetown field hockey team. Alexa Magna is captain of the Wellesley tennis team and was elected to the College Captains’ Council. Ida Boodin was presented the Fanny Crenshaw Award scholarship for “leadership in athletics” at U. of Richmond. She was named president of the Student Athletic Board, and will be captain of the field hockey team. Ida was to join Pam Fawcett touring Europe this summer (Pam was studying in London). Pam is back playing varsity field hockey and lacrosse at Gettysburg after knee reconstruction. Laura Baczko is one of only 20 students in the U.S.A. selected for Harvard’s World Teach program, to teach English in Shanghai this summer. She is also secretary of the Georgetown chapter of Best Buddies, an organization which matches university students one-to-one with people of mental retardation.

Pat Coyle sings with the Connecticut College group, the CoCo Beaux, which just recorded their first album. He is majoring in government. The Coyles have moved to Hilton Head Island, S.C. Suzi Crlqui was chosen to be one of 20 senior bartenders for the Notre Dame Senior Bar. Merri Safirsteln will study in England next semester, then finish senior year at Colgate. Joy Booth spent second semester of junior year in Florence, Italy, with the Cleveland Institute of Art. She hoped to meet up with her brother in Rome and travel together for awhile. Jennifer Bowser “emerged” from a semester in Paris to return to Brown for her senior year. Betsy Osgood took the semester off from Stanford to travel across the country. Dennis and Sabino Rodano and Nico Sumas helped organize a 24-hour dance marathon for their fraternity at Lafayette which raised $10,000 for local charities. All three are majoring in economics: Dennis has a doublemajor with history, Nico with English.



Miss Karen Muenster 125 Country Lane, Clifton, NJ 07013 Mr. James Petretti 13 Otis Place, Verona, NJ 07044 Class agent: Mr. Alec Schwartz 181 Long H ill Road M5 Little Falls, NJ 07024 Johnny Richardson is singing and traveling with a Morehouse College a capella group. Jill Ibbla was elected captain of the Columbia fencing team, a singular honor, outstanding for a junior. Jim Garlno led the Connecticut College hockey team to the ECAC South championship with an .851 save percentage, 509 stops in 23 games, breaking all kinds of records. Transfers: Lauren Aquino to Notre Dame, where she is an English major and played soccer in the fall. Kim Uddin transferred from Oberlin to Douglass College of Rutgets and is majoring in Spanish. She is also taking a lot of women’s study courses thanks to Mrs. Speildenner’s influence from her “Gendered Society” class at MKA. Kim will study at the Universldad del Yucatan in Mexico this year. Meryl Griff has a DJ. radio show at U. Penn. Negi Ahkami is double-majoring in art history and Middle Eastern studies at Columbia. She interned at the Metropolitan Museum dept, of Far and Near East Asian art, and planned to study in Italy this summer. Michael Stawnychy was selected to be an usher at the Vassar College commencement and to assist in special events.


Miss Suellen Bizub 107 Country Lane, Clifton, NJ 07013 Mr. Louis Lessig 78 Kent Road, H untingdon, PA 19006 Class agent: Mr. Josh Raymond 4 White Oak Road, Roseland, NJ 07068


Jennifer Gentile was president of her fresh­ man class at Lehigh and chairman of a group called the Benefit for the Homeless, which organized a warm clothes drive. Jen is in the same sorority as Susie Bartlett ’88, and is a representative to the Panhellenic Council. Jeremy Kruger, at UVM, is involved with the Burlington community as part of a group which heightens the awareness of the environment to the local school children. Louis Lessig, as philanthropy chairman for fraternity AEPi at Muhlenberg, is organizing a baseball card show for the ALS Foundation in honor of Jack Rabuse. Louis, a student advisor, was appointed to the teachers’ ed. committee, and received an award for outstanding citizenship in the emerging leaders program. David Austin played club hockey and lacrosse at Northwestern, and is VP of the hockey club next year. He coached for the Special Olympics. Amy Lorentzen planned to return from California for the summer and work in NYC as a paralegal. Sean Fitzgibbon is studying Japanese at Lehigh and is pledging Kappa Sigma. David Ames started on the Bowdoin JV hockey team and was a member of the varsity lacrosse team. Peter DeCandla organized a trip to Jamaica with a few of the fellas from our class. He played soccer for UNH. “Freshperson” Daniel Murphy was sixthhighest scorer in the NCAC lacrosse league, and made headlines for his five goals when Oberlin beat U. Michigan. Michael Hunter started on the Army JV lacrosse team. He and Yale Levin survived their first and most difficult year at West Point. Andy Weiner, a brother of ADPhi, played varsity football at Johns Hopkins. Allie Dvorln (at NYU) is ranked 17th in the nation in sabre fencing. Josh Abbey, to enter Harvard this fall, spent a productive year: He worked at Time magazine’s copy desk; earned an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) certificate and volunteered with the first aid squad; analyzed tumor tissue in the St. Barnabas pathology department; was assistant fencing coach at MKA, then studied in Barcelona, Spain. Michael Hnatow, majoring in chemical engineering, plays saxophone in the Villanova Wildcats Pep Band for football and basketball games. He reports that Greg Sullivan and Todd Van Siclen ’88 are in the same fraternity at Hobart, and that John Boeckel is “really good” playing rugby at Babson. Donna Zanjanian, training to run a marathon, works as a personal trainer at a gym. George Hrab is in a band called "Mr. Brown.” Charlotte Tbomey is in a band called “Plumb Awfull.” Anjall Bhatt, a sister in Kappa Kappa Gamma, sings with the Duke Chorale. Meredith Fisher, VP of Hillel, is a radio D.J., member of her hall council, and assistant arts editor of the school paper. Beth Visceglia played soccer and sits on the Georgetown academic council. She is the literary editor of a quarterly campus magazine. Karuna Venter sits on the student senate and has performed in several plays at Smith. Josh Raymond, class secretary at Skidmore, is also on the student senate and academic council. Suellen Bizub pledged a sorority and enjoyed playing lacrosse for Hartwick. Douglas Dauzier, who joined the Marine Reserves, was promoted to private first class. He is attending Pratt. Suellen, Louis



Miss Meredith McGowan 54 Gordon Road, Essex Fells, NJ 07021 Miss Lorelei Muenster 125 Country Lane, Clifton, NJ 07013 Class agent: Mr. Shane Mahieu 4 Columbia Court, North Haledon, NJ 07508 Welcome, Class of 1990, our newest alumni!

DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD To all alumni, parents, trustees, faculty, staff and friends of The Montclair Kimberley Academy: The Distinguished Alumni Award Committee is hereby accepting nominations for the recipient of the 1991 Distinguished Alumni Award. The recipient should have achieved distinction in some field of endeavor, or through outstanding character or dedication been of special service to humanity. Race, creed, sex or contribution to the school should have no bearing on the choice of recipient. The purpose of the Distinguished Alumni Award is “to bestow recognition and appreciation for outstanding achievement.” This award will be a meritorious reflection on the school and will provide inspiration and encouragement for our young people. It is hoped that the recipient will come to MKA and address a gathering of alumni and of students. You may nominate more than one alumnus/alumna. There will be one Distinguished Alumni Award recipient each year; all nominations will be maintained in confidential files for consideration in following years.

1991 NOMINATION FORM Information on Nominee: NAME__________________________________________ CLASS__________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________ PHONE _____________ ___________ Please use a separate paper to state the case for your nomination, giving sufficient information to establish the person’s qualifications. Include, in as much detail as possible, the following: career and/or volunteer information; awards, achievements, honors; personal data. Submitted by: NAME_______________________________:__________ CLASS._________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________ PHONE ________________________ Detach and mail to: The Montclair Kimberley Academy, Alumni Office, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042 Lorelei M uenster and D avid Bettencourt.

Marriages 1938x 1947 1950 1973 1974x 1975 1975 1977 1977 1978 1979 1979 1979,82 1981 1982 1982,83 1982 1985

G. John Schreiner, Jr. and Irene Monge A. Robert Rafner and Ann Cornell Jean L. Larsen and Wilma Luck Susan Read and William Danick Barbara Bonney and Hakan Hagegard James Giarrusso and Heather Wilson Daniel Saucy and Stephanie Phillips Patricia Cane and Kevin Donahue Linda Haviland and Raymond Conte Suzanne Conzen and Timothy James Eugenia Cane and Kent Wissing Chester Juall and Kristine Juko Yi Andrew Rod and Randi Pickelny Christina Swanson and John Montgomery Beth Cherashore and Eric Dean Schlager Eric Roberts and Pamela Miller Pamela Siila and William Caywood Candace Kruse and James Gerrety

In Memoriam May 25, 1990 September 1988 October 8, 1988 August 1989 December 23, 1989 May 27, 1990 September 9, 1989 November 4, 1989 June 9, 1990 May 19, 1990 October 8, 1988 June 10, 1990 July 9, 1989 June 23, 1990 April 21, 1990 June 1989 June 9, 1990 August 1988


1924 1927 1927 1930 1935x 1935 1942 1946 19 4 8



Katherine Meyer Mauchel Alfonso Alvarez Helen Dayton Masson McCaughan Heizer Donald L. Mulford Devan Reid Constance Kraetzer Halsey Elizabeth Smith Shoemaker Philip Whitney Gary Nash

February 15, 1990 February 27, 1990 December 24, 1988 February 28, 1990 June 3, 1990 March 7, 1980 October 1, 1989 June 1, 1990 April 11, 1990 March 1, 1987

Have We Missed You? Recently all MKA alumni were notified of our upcoming new alumni directory and asked for their input. If you have not already done so, please return your questionnaire today. This will ensure that your personal information will be accurately included in this invaluable reference book. The directory w ill be available on ly to our MKA constituency and no lists w ill be sold for any purpose. The verification phase of this project will begin within two to three months. Alumni will receive a telephone call from Harris Publishing Company, the official publisher of our directory. Please give the representative who calls you a few moments to verify your listing. During that conversation, you can reserve your copy of the MKA Directory; this will be the only opportunity alumni will have to order the book. The Montclair Kimberley Academy Alumni Directory is scheduled for release in April/May 1991. It promises to be the definitive reference of more than 4,200 of our alumni - alphabetical, by class, and by geographic listing. Don’t miss your chance to be part of it!

Centennial Book Order Form I w is h to o rd e r _________ c o p y (cop ies) o f Within These H alls at... □

$ 2 0 S o ft C o v e r (Postage Paid)

$ 10 0 Lim ited E d itio n D e lu x e H ard C o v e r (Postage Paid)

To b e sh ip p e d to:




Order from the Office of External Affairs, MKA, 201 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 07042

« d p Keep Us On The Grapevine P lease s e n d n ew s, sn ap sh ots, and/or ad d ress ch an g es to th e A lu m n i O ffice. I f y o u k n o w a classm ate w h o is n o t re c e iv ­ in g alum n i in fo rm atio n , p lease let u s know . name

class year




2 2,


REUNION YEARS 1 9 4 0 , 1 9 6 5 ,

1 9 5 0 ,

1 9 7 0 ,

1 9 6 0 ,

1 9 8 0 ,

1 9 8 5

Commencement 1990: Left: Soo M i Batoff, Alexa Fitzpatrick, Jamie Keif, Leah Napolitano, Alden Jones, and M artin Torjussen. M iddle: M KA’s photographer-in-residence B ill Bullard. Right: Commencement congratulations.


Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage

PAID A great deal of money was spent last year by MKA on Postal Service address corrections. Keeping your address correct in our files will put this money to better use.

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