WEDNESDAY VOLUME XXII NUMBER 1***** Section 1 8 pages
January 1, 2020 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’ and
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Texas MISD Fishing Team Weekly Begins New Decade in First Place Gas Prices (December 30, 2019) Texas gas prices have risen 5.5 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $2.27/g t o d a y, a c c o r d i n g t o GasBuddy's daily survey of 13,114 stations. Gas prices in Texas are 2.5 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand 31.3 cents per gallon higher than a year ago. According to GasBuddy price reports, the cheapest station in Texas is priced at $1.99/g today while the most expensive is $3.19/g, a difference of $1.20/g. The lowest price in the state today is $1.99/g while the highest is $3.19/g, a difference of $1.20/g. The cheapest price in the entire country today stands at $1.88/g while the most expensive is $5.19/g, a difference of $3.31/g. The national average price of gasoline has risen 1.6 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $2.57/g today. The national average is down 2.0 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 32.3 cents per gallon higher than a year ago. Neighboring areas and their current gas prices: Midland Odessa- $2.42/g, up 2.6 cents per gallon from last week's $2.39/g. San Antonio- $2.18/g, up 2.0 cents per gallon from last week's $2.16/g. Austin- $2.24/g, up 4.7 cents per gallon from last week's $2.19/g. “The streak has been broken: for seven straight weeks we saw the national average drop, but the fun has come to an end as oil prices continue to show strength into the last days of 2019 boosting the national average this past week," said Patrick DeHaan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy. "Prices jumped thanks to a notable, yet anticipated drop in oil inventories, sending oil to multi-month highs above $61 and gasoline prices f ollow ing . H ow ev er, weakness will likely return to gasoline prices in January and February as demand weakens, so perhaps all is not lost. As we say goodbye to 2019, here are some interesting figures from this decade: the U.S. consumed 1.25 trillion gallons of gasoline, which is enough volume to raise Lake Superior's level 2.3 inches, having spent $3.625 trillion on gasoline alone, and driving 31.25 trillion miles, enough for 5,208 round trips to Pluto on the consumed gasoline. With 2019 nearly behind us, many are asking what lays ahead for 2020? GasBuddy will be releasing our 2020 Fuel Outlook this week, and in it, answers to many asked questions about how bad gas prices will get over the coming 365 days."
By Mark Hooker As the first half of the 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 Te x a s H i g h School Bass Association season came to a close in December on Lake Houston, the MISD Fishing Team could relish in the fact that they would begin the new decade in a familiar spot, First Place in the Houston Division of the THSBA. By finishing in 2nd Place at Lake Houston, the team was able to acquire enough points to break a tie with Brenham for 1st Place. This left your MISD Fishing Team with sole possession of 1st Place, with Brenham lurking in 2nd, and Tomball Memorial in 3rd, out of 23 High Schools in the THSBA Houston Division. Leading the way for MISD aB a stingy Lake Houston was the Team of Fallon Clepper and Wyatt Ford. The newcomers to the Team weighed in one of only 4 Five Fish limits weighed, out of 144 Individual Teams. By doing so, Clepper and Ford claimed 3rd place, with a total weight of 9.82 pounds. Also doing well for MISD was the team of Jack Haag & Connor Callihan, claiming 13th, and the tandem of Jack
Business Directory.............6
of the Year competition for the Houston Division, as well as being the highest ranked team for MISD. First off, this pair of Freshmen is very talented, and possesses poise
beyond their years. They also have an “Ace in the Hole,” by having Local Legend Julian Clepper as their Captain.
See Bass, page 3
United States Daughters Of 1812, Thomas Bay Chapter, Celebrate 205th Anniversary Of The Star Spangled Banner
{Photo L to R): Carol Hicks, Texas Society State President and Chapter Vice President ); Pat Spackey (chapter Historian); Sissie Kipp (chapter Treasurer), Lady Dalton (Chapter Parliamentarian); Judy Weidner (chapter Secretary), Eugenia Letbetter; Sue Hereford, Rebel Dawn Fendley (Seated) Chapter Chair for the Ft McHenry and Ft. Niagara Committee), Laura Dahlberg and Karen Kurth Hall (Honorary Texas State President and President of the Thomas Bay Chapter U.S,D, 1812) and Janis Hoag.
Members of the United States Daughters of 1812, Commentary............................4 Thomas Bay Chapter, Devotional..........................5 celebrated the 205th Anniversary of the Star Legals.................................6 Spangled Banner while
Community............2, 3, 7, 8
Middlebrook following close behind, with a 15th place finish. It should be no surprise that Fallon and Wyatt are off to a tremendous start, ranking 4th in the Anglers
hearing a presentation by member Rebel Dawn Fendley during the September, 2019 meeting held at the Carriage Inn in Conroe. Mrs. Fendley
presented a program on Lt. Col. George Armistead, who fought at Fort Niagara and was commander of Fort McHenry during the Battle on September 12-
14, 1814. Francis Scott Key was so inspired by the massive size Flag that flew
See Daughters of 1812, page 2
TCOLE Finds No Intent To Submit False Training Report Constable Rowdy Hayden Responds To TCOLE Investigation NEW CANEY, TX Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constable Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden previously confirmed the existence of an investigation by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (“TCOLE”) related to alleged errors in reporting attendance of a civil service training course. The course in question occurred in the days prior to Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Constable Hayden respects the rule of law and the integrity of the investigation, and therefore did not publicly address or attempt to refute the allegations or attacks made against him while the investigation was ongoing. However, the TCOLE investigation has now been completed and found that the error in reporting occurred not because of any action of Constable Hayden. Regarding the outcome of the investigation, Constable Hayden stated, “I was confident that the investigation would confirm the truth: There was no intent to falsify continuing education reports. I am disappointed by the wasted time and resources that have been devoted to furthering a political vendetta. I look forward to continuing to focus on what matters most to the people of Precinct 4 making it a safer place to live, work, and raise a family.” At no point was Constable Hayden or his deputies suspended by TCOLE or charged with any criminal action. However, as the supervisor of the responsible law e n f o r c e m e n t o ff i c e r, TCOLE issued a reprimand to Constable Hayden, which he is now appealing. The reprimand letter stated in relevant part, “As the chief administrator, you are responsible for ensuring that all reports and documents required of your agency are accurately and timely submitted to TCOLE… However, [the evidence] demonstrates the situation was neither systematic nor intentional. Importantly, you have shown it has been corrected.” Grant Goodwin, Staff Attorney for Combined Law Enforcement Association of Texas, provided the following information regarding the appeal: “Constable Hayden is appealing this reprimand as it is inconsistent with the law which would require the outside agency providing the instruction and employing the instructor to insure the accuracy of the instructor’s reporting, and not the individual officers who attended, regardless of their rank.” More information about Constable Hayden’s office is available at
Page 2, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Entertainment Tonight At A Christmas Day Dinner Party, You Can Entertain The Teenagers With Some “Christmas One-liners!” By “Doc” Fennessy This one is for the Oldsters on Christmas Day as you are out of the conversation and line of attention at a crowded family Christmas dinner! So, sit in a big lounge chair and draw in the older teenagers for a guessing contest of “Christmas Oneliners.” Usually, the older teens get the understanding of the unique answers. You start by reading the one-liners and ask how do they do this? Etc. (1.) How can Santa deliver presents during a
thunderstorm? ANS.=. His sleigh is flown by reindeer! * (2.) What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? ANS. =Frostbite! * (3.) What did the stamp say to the Christmas card? Ans.= Stick with me and we’ll go places! * (4.) Why don’t you ever see Santa in the hospital? ANS. = Because he has private elf care! * (5) Why is it getting harder to buy Advent calendars? Ans. = Their days are numbered! (6.) What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging about
their games in a hotel lobby? ANS. = Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer! * (7.) What did the beaver say to the Christmas tree? ANS. = Nice gnawing you! *(8) What do you call a snowman with a six pack? Ans.= An abdominal snowman! * (9.) What do you call a kid who doesn't believe in Santa? Ans.=A rebel without a Claus. * (10.) Who is Santa's favorite singer? ANS. = Elf-is Presley. (11.) What do the elves call it when Father Christmas claps his hands at the end of a play?
Ans. = Santaplause! * (12.) How much did Santa pay for his sleigh? Ans.=Nothing, it was on the house! * (13.) Why did Santa’s helper see the doctor? ANS. = Because he had a low “elf” esteem! * (14.) Who hides in the bakery at Christmas? ANS, = A mince spy! * (15.) How do snowmen get around? ANS. = They ride an icicle. (16.) What does Santa do when his elves misbehave? ANS. = He gives them the sack! * (17.) What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations? ANS. =
Tinsilitis! * (18.) What’s green, covered in tinsel and goes ribbet ribbet? ANS. = A mistle-toad! * (19.) Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing? ANS. = They always drop their needles! * (20.) How will Christmas dinner be different after Brexit? ANS. = No Brussels! (21.) What would you call an elf who has just won the lottery? ANS. - Welfy. * (22.) What do you call Santa’s helpers? ANS. = Subordinate Clauses. * (23.) How did the bauble get addicted to Christmas?
ANS. =He was hooked on trees his whole life. * (24.) Why are Christmas trees so fond of the past? ANS. = Because of the presents beneath them! * (25.) What’s the difference between Santa Claus and a knight? ANS. = One slays a dragon, the other drags a sleigh! A merry C h r i s t m a s a n d goodnight!!!~{Thanks to Spike at the Sunday Family Humour Group in England!}.
Suggestions For Mindful Eating: Corn Tortillas Food for Thought Diana Anderson
No seriously, yes you can! They are easy, fun and delicious. Plus they solve a real problem for me when I buy tortillas. I use a few and then they sit and go bad. Not so when you make them fresh and only use what you make or make what you use. In any event,
no waste. Last night I traded my husband a batch of homemade corn tortillas if he would take down the Christmas tree. He was watching football anyway – like all day – so it wasn’t really a stretch for him to do it. I know he thought he was getting the best end of the deal but the tortillas were a much easier proposition. The masa is sold in every supermarket on the
flour aisle. It is usually seen under the brand MASE-CA. The ingredients are pure, just corn and lime. Just take 2 cups of the maseca and put it in a bowl. Add ¼ t. salt to the bowl and combine. Next just take 1 cup of warm water and with your hands combine trying to form it into a ball. The water portion is very important in tortillas. You will need to add an additional ½ cup of warm water and continue
to form into a ball in the bowl. Continue adding water ¼ cup at a time until the consistency holds the masa together so there is no dry crumbly masa left but not that it is too wet and therefore sticky. Press and turn it until the dough is soft, softer than playdough. That’s it. Now to cook the tortillas. If you begin to cook them a lot you will want a
tortilla press. I don’t have one so I’ll tell you what I did. Take two pieces of parchment paper and lay one on the counter. Take a hunk of the maseca and roll it into a ball a little smaller than baseball size. Wet your hands a bit to prevent sticking. Lay it on the parchment with another piece of parchment on top and flatten it slowly with a skillet bottom or cutting board then roll it a bit
Daughters of 1812 from page 1 over Ft. McHenry with it’s huge stars measuring 2 ft. by 2 ft, that he penned the "Star Spangled Banner" while watching the flag wave during the Battle of Fort McHenry. Lt. Col. George Armistead loved "Big Flags and also
ordered the Banner that flew over Fort Niagara, which was 48 ft. by 38 ft. Mrs Fendley serves as the Thomas Bay Chapter Chair for the Ft. McHenry and Fort Niagara Committees of the United States Daughters of 1812.
flatter with a rolling pin. Meanwhile heat a skillet super hot until it smokes then reduce to medium heat and lay the tortilla in it until it browns a bit around the edges – around a minute, flip it for another 60 seconds and it is done. Cast iron works really well for this step. These are so good with a little butter or as a foundation for eggs or of course enchiladas.
During the meeting, Carol Hicks, State President and Chapter Vice President and Karen Hall, Chapter president shared news of the recent United States Daughters of 1812 Texas Society State Council held in Temple Texas. Member Janis Hoag gave a presentation on her U.S.D. 1812 ancestor, Elisha Bayles.
Montgomery County News, Wednesday, January 1, 2020, Page 3
Comments According to Doc Rules for a Sumptuous, Merry And Safe Christmas Party! Walden Happenings By Doc Fennessy The opinions expressed in this editorial do not necessarily reflect those of MCN.
This is late but not too late because we still have Christmas Dinner, New Year’s Eve and day plus The Super Bowl Game Day for big group parties!! Tis the time of year that people delay their diet for a few weeks in order to “actively” celebrate the Christmas Season. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, or not celebrating the holidays at all, these tips on “Christmas Eating Season” should help everyone. Christmas Season {All ’ya’al hear that – It’s Christmas Season!!!}. Not the phony “Political Correctness” non-religious Holiday Season! Christmas Season is a fun time
Bass from page 1 Also doing well in the Angler of the Year Race is the formidable pair of Dallin Turner and Carson Rennell, currently in 5th overall for the year. “Turner & Hooch” were the best team for MISD in the 2018/19 campaign, leading the Team to a 2nd place finish in both the Conference & Regionals, as well as a 4th place finish, out of 225 High Schools competing in the entire THSBA. As the squad looks forward to the new decade,
that you learned as a kid. Let’s keep it a fun season and celebrate. (1.) Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they are serving rum balls. (2.) Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. It’s rare. You cannot find it any other time of the year but now. So, drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It’s not as if you are going to turn into an eggnog-alcoholic or something. It’s a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for us here in the newspaper office! Have two!! It’s later than you think. It’s the Holiday, use that as the excuse. (3.) If something comes with gravy, use it. That’s the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. they will compete on Toledo Bend on February 15th, followed by a quick turnaround in March, competing on the 7th at Lake Livingston. It will be here that the MISD Fishing Team is hopeful to claim Conference Title number 5, out of 6 years in existence. Then, on April 11th, MISD will have the honor and distinction of hosting the Regional Tournament on Lake Conroe. Here, the Team looks to earn its’ 3rd Regional Crown, looking to advance as many Individual Teams to the State Championship, to be held on Lake Belton on May 9th & 10th. It will be there, that the squad looks to claim another State Title.
Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat! (4.) As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they’re made with skim milk or whole milk. If it’s skim milk, pass. Why bother? It’s like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission. (5.) Do not have a snack before going to a Christmas celebration party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people’s food for free. Lots of it! HELLO? (6.) Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year’s. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you will need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog. (7.) If you come
across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don’t budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They’re like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you’re never going to see them again. (8.) Same for pies. Apple, Pumpkin, Pecan. Have a slice of each. Or if you don’t like pecan pie, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three! When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day? (9.) Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it’s loaded with the mandatory booze and celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards. (10.) One final tip: If you don’t feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you h a v e n ’t b e e n p a y i n g
attention. Re-read tips: start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner. Remember this Christmas Party Motto to live by: “Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and wellpreserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming “WOO HOO what a ride!” Have a safe and happy holiday season whatever you are celebrating or not celebrating. WOW? Am I forgetting something? This actually could be a gastronomical lifethreatening disaster!!! I forgot that Christmas Season begins before Thanksgiving nowadays? Then it is followed by Christmas and of course New Year’s Eve and the bowl games on January 1st! Beware! For some of you; if you actually attempt to
follow the Party Rules – we may not be seeing you next Christmas Season!!! Hum! Better rethink those dates when your New Years’ Resolution promises you to restart your diet! WHY?? Because whether you like football or not you are going to be involved again to the magnanimous BarB-Ques and celebrations of S U P E R - B O W L S U N D AY ! BON APPETIT!!! To explain several Christmas traditions as poems, stories, songs and items, I will present the histories of “The Christmas Tree; “The 12 Days of Christmas,” The Scotland’s “Auld Lang Syne” and “Amazing Grace,” if for no other reason so Daddy can explain them to the kids while they [the kids] are still young! So, let’s start next week!
Page 4, Wednesday, January 1 2020, Montgomery County News
My Five Cents Texas State Senator
Robert Nichols As I look back on this year and all that was accomplished during the 86th Legislative Session, I am once again reminded that it could not have been done without you. While you are making your own resolutions for your personal life and businesses, the Senate is doing the same thing through its interim charges and interim hearings, as we plan for the 87th Legislative Session. I look forward to this next year and working together to make a difference for our state. Happy New Year! Here are five things happening around your state this month: 1. Feral Hogs
Along with nine other states, Texas has received an approximately $1.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to help fund feral hog control and eradication programs in our state. This program was created by the 2018 Farm Bill to respond to the threat that feral hogs pose to agriculture, human and animal health, the ecosystem, and personal property. Texas is currently home to one of the largest feral hog populations in the United States with an estimated 2-3 million hogs in the state, with a large part of that population being in East Texas. They can cause millions of dollars worth of damage on the land of farmers and property owners. The funding will include loaning hog traps to farmers, ranchers and landowners in an attempt to
Weather for the Lake Conroe area New Year's Day A 50 percent chance of rain. Cloudy, with a high near 54. Calm wind becoming east around 5 mph in the afternoon. Wednesday Night Showers and thunderstorms likely. Cloudy, with a low around 49. Chance of precipitation is 70%. Thursday A 50 percent chance of showers, mainly before noon. Patchy fog before noon. Otherwise, mostly cloudy, with a high near 66. Thursday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 46. Friday Sunny, with a high near 61. Friday Night Mostly clear, with a low around 40. Saturday Sunny, with a high near 61. Saturday Night Clear, with a low around 39. Sunday Sunny, with a high near 66. Montgomery County News Phone (936) 449-6397 Fax (936)597-6395 E-mail: web; Publisher: M. Ryan West Editor: Monte West Account Executive: Camilla Blum, M. Ryan West Photography: Monte West, Wade Stultz, Bobby Strader, Lance Bridges R e p o r t e r s / C o n t r i b u t i n g Wr i t e r s : D o c Fennessey, Carol Fennessey, Gail Box, Margie Barlow, Kim West, Sharon Faison, Dortha Ruthstrom, Megan West Stultz, Narcissa Martin Boulware, Gary Curran, Students and Staff of MISD, and friends of Montgomery County News. ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery, Texas 2017-2018 Montgomery County News is a weekly, locally owned and operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County News at 14375 Liberty St. PO Box 1, Montgomery, TX 77356. Telephone number 936-449-6397, Fax 936-597-6395. MCN welcomes any comments or suggestions, submitted in writing to the paper. Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the views and opinions of the Montgomery County News. MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the Montgomery County area by retail, subscriptions and occasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in county and $45 outside Montgomery County. Bulk Rate Permit is held by the Postmaster at Montgomery, TX 77356, Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery, Texas. MCN expects honest advertising standards from its patrons, and does not in any way take responsibility for false or misleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement. All contents of Montgomery County News are reserved, and we prohibit reproduction of the items without permission. D&B #12-976-8354. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Montgomery County News, PO Box 1 Montgomery, TX 77356
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address the problem. 2. Senate Finance Hearing Earlier this month, the Senate Finance Committee, on which I serve, held its first interim hearing. We discussed spending limits in the state and examined options for strengthening restrictions on certain appropriations defined in state statute. We looked at options to ensure available revenues that may be above the state's spending limit are reserved for tax relief for Texans. We also discussed the business personal property tax, which is the tax on the value of a business' inventory and equipment. Testimony was heard on the economic and fiscal effects of possibly increasing the exemptions for this tax, as well as what would happen if it was eliminated overall. The committee will create an interim report before next session, which will include our recommendations regarding all interim
charges, including these. 3. STARR Test During the most recent legislative session, concerns were raised that the STARR tests may be too advanced for the grade levels of the students taking the tests. To address these concerns, the Legislature ordered a study to evaluate whether STARR passages and questions were written at an appropriate grade levels for students to understand, and whether these tests align with the state's curriculum standards. The first part of this study was recently released and showed for the 20182019 school year, between 93 percent and 100 percent of the questions in the five subject areas, for the third through eighth grades tests, aligned with curriculum standards. They also concluded that between 86 percent and 97 percent of the passages in the reading and writing tests were readable. The study will
continue next year with the 2019-20 STARR tests. 4. Adoptions Increasing in Texas In the 86th Legislative Session, the Texas Legislature increased spending for community-based foster care by approximately $67 million, and increased the rates paid to foster care providers by $12 million. Support was also expanded for kinship caregivers, those who commit to caring for young family members.. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services recently announced the number of children adopted from the state's foster care has reached a four-year high and just over half of these children had been adopted by family members. 20,000 children left the Texas foster care in the last year, with the number of children leaving foster care outnumbering those entering into the system by more than 1,700 children.
To learn more about the adoption process in Texas, y o u c a n v i s i t 5. Agencies Evaluating Licensures At the beginning of D e c e m b e r, a l l s t a t e agencies in Texas were asked by Governor Abbott to review and overhaul their licensing requirements. They were urged to do this with a focus on providing Texans "the opportunity to earn a living free from unnecessary state intrusion." They were directed to trim licensing regulations, reduce fees and educational requirements for certain professions, and determine where appropriate, licensing barriers for individuals with criminal records could be removed. They were also asked to reduce license applications fees to 75 percent or less of the national average for comparable occupations. I will keep you updated, as this process continues.
Sen. Cruz: ‘It’s Been a Fantastic Year Fighting for 28 Million Texans’ Highlights legislative efforts to preserve constitutional freedoms and work for Texas HOUSTON, Texas – From fighting to confirm constitutionalist judges and holding Big Tech accountable, to ensuring Texas remains a pillar of America’s defense and reaffirming Texas as America’s leader in space exploration, to strengthening America’s leadership on the world stage, Sen. Cruz has fought each day for the men and women of the Lone Star State. “It is a great honor to represent 28 million Texans and to fight for the constitutional rights of all Americans in the U.S. Senate,” said Sen. Cruz. “As we reflect on 2019, we are grateful for the booming economy, the freedoms we have as Americans, and the opportunities that another year brings. I remain committed to fighting for Texans in 2020 and look forward to the new year.” S e n . C r u z ’s 2 0 1 9 Highlights Fighting for Constitutionalist Judges * Confirmed 105 judges, including 12 judges for Texas. H o l d i n g B i g Te c h Accountable * Held a Constitution Subcommittee hearing holdi ng Facebook and Twitter accountable for their censorship policies. * Held a Constitution Subcommittee hearing holdi ng Google accountable for its anti-conservative bias and cooperation with the communist Chinese government. * Wrote a letter to Facebook demanding that it stop censoring pro-life advocacy group Live Action’s posts that were rated ‘false’ in a supposedly neutral ‘fact-check’ conducted by two prominent pro-abortion activists. Facebook responded by dropping the restrictions. Protecting Religious Liberty * Introduced the Preserve Charities and Houses of Worship Act, to repeal a mandate requiring charities, churches, and traditionally tax-exempt organizations to pay federal taxes on employee fringe benefits. This provision was included in legislation signed into law by President Trump. * Wrote a letter to Yale denouncing Yale Law School’s decision prohibiting students who work for organizations that advocate for traditional Christian values from receiving
financial assistance that is available to students who work for many other types of organizations. Defending the Second Amendment * I n t r o d u c e d the Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act of 2019, also known as “GrassleyCruz,” a bill to preserve lawabiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights while putting in place requirements to ensure relevant agencies and institutions accurately submit records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) in order to prevent criminals from obtaining firearms. Making Healthcare and Retirement Affordable * I n t r o d u c e d the Retirement Freedom Act, which empowers senior citizens and create more options and opportunities for healthcare by allowing senior citizens the choice to opt-out of Medicare Part A and utilize other healthcare options without being forced to lose their Social Security benefits. Sen. Cruz included the Retirement Freedom Act in President Trump’s October 2019 Executive Order on Medicare. * I n t r o d u c e d the Personalized Care Act, legislation to make Americans’ healthcare more portable, accessible, and tailored to meet their unique needs by dramatically expanding Health Savings Accounts – a pre-tax savings tool millions of American use to cover the costs of their healthcare. Strengthening K-12 Education and Workforce Development * I n t r o d u c e d the Education Freedom Scholarships Act, which would expand elementary, secondary, and vocational education opportunities for students by providing a federal tax credit to encourage individuals and businesses to donate to nonprofit scholarship funds. Securing the Border * Wr o t e m u l t i p l e letters to ensure the federal government reimbursed Texas border communities providing care for illegal immigrants. * Introduced the EL CHAPO Act, which would reserve any amounts forfeited to the U.S. government as a result of the criminal prosecution of ‘El Chapo’ (formally named
Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Lorea) and other drug lords for border security assets and the completion of the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Advancing U.S. National Security * Introduced the Hong Kong Policy Reevaluation Act directing the State Department to report on China’s encroachment on Hong Kong’s autonomy. This bill was wrapped into another bill that passed Congress and was signed into law by President Trump. * Was one of the first U.S. senators to visit Hong Kong since the protests began, on a weeklong IndoPacific tour. * Succeeded in getting Chinese entities involved in China’s surveillance of religious minorities in Xinjiang added to the BIS Entities List. * Secured Senate passage o f a resolution acknowledging the Armenian genocide. * Successfully pushed the Trump administration to prevent Iran from raising revenue, especially from oil s a l e s . * Blocked the completion of the Russian-German Nord Stream 2 pipeline to protect European energy independence. * Secured Senate passage of a resolution calling on the Trump administration to ensure that Sudan does not receive premature relief from measures aimed at countering terrorism. Standing Up for Israel and Against Anti-Semitism * Successfully secured Senate passage of a resolution that condemned all forms of anti-Semitism. * F o u g h t f o r U.S. recognition of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory, leading the Trump administration to issue the recognition. Strengthening Our National Defense * S e c u r e d 1 3 measures into the final FY2020 NDAA, including a range of amendments directly relevant to Texas military communities and our military families. * Secured a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act to enhance congressional oversight of the B-1B fleet and that requires the United States Air Force to brief Congress on a plan to increase readiness on the aircraft. The long-term
health of health of the B-1B will help maintain Dyess Air Force Base as a premier installation in our nation’s defense. * Secured a provision in the NDAA directing the Department of the Army and the Marine Corps to jointly develop a plan to sustain the Rough Terrain Container Handler fleets. This provision will support both the work occurring at Red River and Texas companies. Standing Up for Our Veterans * Helped lead a resolution recognizing the service of our veterans and establishing a ‘Military Retiree Appreciation Day,’ which was passed by the Senate. * Eliminated the ‘tax’ on spouses of service members who have died due to service-related causes. F i g h t i n g f o r Te x a s Energy * W o r k e d t o secure approval of four liquefied natural gas (LNG) export projects in Texas, which will bring billions of dollars in investments to the state and create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs in Texas. Reinforcing America’s Lead in Space * Successfully worked to create a Space Force so that the United States has the resources to address challenges in space as space increasingly becomes a domain of military competition. * Worked to secure Commerce Committee passage of the NASA Authorization Act of 2019, which would provide NASA a clear direction to advance our nation’s space initiatives and assert the United States’ leadership in the final frontier. * Introduced and worked to secure passage of the Space Frontier Act in the Senate Commerce Committee. The Space Frontier Act would support the continued development of a robust commercial space sector and extend America’s leadership in space by maximizing our utilization and operation of the International Space Station. Leading in the Race to 5G * Introduced the EFRONTIER Act, bipartisan legislation to prevent the nationalization of commercial 5G networks. The bill has passed out of the Senate Commerce Committee.
Montgomery County News, Wednesday, January 1, 2020, Page 5
Facing The New Year With Faith, Hope, And Love Spreading the Word
By Gail J. Box
We are soon to see the brand new year of 2020 arrive. That means we did our best to be of service to the Lord in the last twelve months. Now, with the coming days, we can put all our triumphs and trials behind us as we go into a new time. We can look forward to new growth in
being with Him in prayer and new strength to follow the walk Jesus told us about before He left this earth so long ago. This is the first scripture He brought to my mind concerning faith: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,…who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be
Area Churches This Devotional and Directory page is made possible by these businesses
ASSEMBLY OF GOD Cornerstone Christian Assembly of God of Conroe, located at 100 Mosswood Dr., Conroe, Texas in front of River Plantation. 936273-1755 New Life Assembly of God, Rabon Chapel Road, Montgomery, 936588-3399 BAPTIST Church of the Good Soldier (Baptist Affiliation), 1501 North Frazier (McKenzie's BBQ), Conroe, Texas, Phone: 936-4945775, www.churchofthego Worship: Sunday at 10:30am, Sunday School: 9:30 am Heritage Baptist Church19087 Lake Mt. Pleasant Rd, Montgomery 77356 Phone: Pastor Bear 936 448-4027 Gary Chapel Baptist Church PO Box 125, Montgomery, Texas 77356, 5525 Spring Branch Road, Montgomery. 713478-1256, Sunday Bible Class 10:00 am, Worship Service at 11:00 am. Faith Baptist Church Meets at 464 McCaleb Rd. Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. St. Beulah Baptist Church, located in Dobbin, P.O. Box 112, Montgomery, 77356 Benui Baptist Church, Scott Ridge and FM 1097, Montgomery Antioch Baptist, Dobbin, 936-5975560 China Grove Baptist Church, Willis, 936-767-4744
Dacus Baptist, Dacus, 407-735-6403, dacusbaptist@cons www.dacusbaptist.o rg First Baptist Church, Hwy 105 W., Montgomery, 936-5974230 Honea Baptist Church, FM 2854, Montgomery, 936-588-1260 Jones Chapel Baptist, FM 2854, 936-7562505 Mt. Calvary Baptist, Old Hwy 105, 936588-2330 Mt. Sinai Baptist, Bethel Road, Montgomery, 936-5974668 Union Grove Baptist About 11 mi N of Montgomery on FM 149 Service 10:50, Sunday 9:45 CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Catholic, 109 N. Frazier, Conroe, 936-756-8186 St. Mary’s Catholic, FM 1774, Plantersville, 936-894-2223 7:45 Service St. Joseph’s Catholic, CR 213, Stoneham, 936-894-2223 JEWISH Congregation Beth Shalom, 5125 Shadowbend Place, The Woodlands, 281-362-1100 LUTHERAN Grace Lutheran (ELCA), Highway 105 W., Lake Conroe, 936588-1944 Living Savior Lutheran ChurchLCMS 309 Pond St. Montgomery 77356 Church phone: 936597-8013 Web : www.livingsaviorte Pastor
revealed in the last time…so that the proof of your faith being more precious than gold, which is perishable,…may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;…” First Peter 1: 3,5, and 7. So in a few words, faith is believing in something which has not yet happened. Our faith in God pleases Him. Next, we begin building up our hope as we read God’s word and all the promises He has laid out for
us – His faithful servants. Faith and hope are so close in meaning, that it’s hard to separate, like pen and paper. His written word is so inspirational for the new or the elder Christians because it continually builds up our spirit as we yearn to know more about Him. Here is what God says about hope. “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into His grace
in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God.” Romans 5:1,2. Now we come to love. Everything about God is love. He Is Love. Without it, we are poor and downtrodden. God has shown love to us from the beginning of time, as He placed our earth into exact position from the sun in this universe. He gave us His Son who died so that His love is there for those who believe in Him, that they shall have everlasting life. Love is the beginning of
a life lived for Him – our Savior and our God. Here are our instructions for the new year coming: “You did not choose Me, but I chose you…This I command You, that you love one another.” John 15: 16, 17. Have a beautiful New Year, and delve deeply into His Word with faith, hope, and love. Paul says: “But now faith, hope, and love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.” First Corinthians13: 13.
David R. Bailes. METHODIST Montgomery United Methodist Church 22548 Highway 105 West Montgomery, TX 77356 Phone: 936-5976162 Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m., 9:45 am., 11:00 a.m. Praise & Worship Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Richards United Methodist Church 6639 FM 1696 Richards Worship Service 11 AM Sunday School 10AM Porter Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church, 1308 S. Hwy 1486, Dobbin, 936-597-5331 or 936-449-5983 Living Way Church, 2080 Longmire Rd, Conroe 936-441-8875 Hope Tabernacle Pastor David Whitaker Meets at 18961 Freeport Dr Montgomery 936.582.7722 Thursday 7:30pm Sunday School at 10:00am Sunday Worship at 6:00pm Community And Interdenominational Lone Star Cowboy Church 21627 Eva St. Montgomery, TX 77356 (936) 597-5742 Pastors Randy & Darla Weaver Service Times: Sundays 8:30; 10:00 and 11:30am Mondays 7:00pm Livestream: Watch us live Sundays & Mondays @ or go to the Lone Star Cowboy Church Facebook page and click on the Livestream link. Website: Abundant Life Ministries Corner
of FM 149 & FM 1097 W. Montgomery TX 77356 Prayer /Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Service 11:30 am Wednesday Pray/Bible Study 6:30 pm RiverStone Community Church 19380 Hwy 105 Ste. 500 Montgomery, TX 77356 Sun: 9:00 Kingdom Life, 10:30 Worship Wed: 6:30 p.m. April Sound Church, 67 ½ April Wind S., April Sound, 936588-2832 Lighthouse Fellowship Church, Montgomery, 936582-7700 Living Branch Church, Highway 105 W., Lake Conroe, 936588-3400 New Beginning Bible Church, 19087 Mt. Pleasant Cemetary Rd, 936597-8921 Father’s House, Family Worship Center, Highway 105 W, Lake Conroe, 936588-4660 Walden Community Church, 12400 Walden Rd, Walden, 936-5826696 Services 9:30 and 11 a.m. River of Life Church, 17156 FM 1097, Montgomery, 936449-4414 Cornerstone Church, 1011 W. Lewis, Conroe, 936-756-7792 Lakeside Bible Church, 18940 Freeport Drive Montgomery, 936582-1977 Church of St. John, retreat and wildlife center, 2615 St. Beulah Chapel Rd., Montgomery, 936-5975757 Fellowship of Montgomery Pastor: Dr. Dale Talbert
Executive Pastor: Dr. Brian Roberson 12681 FM 149 Worship Service: 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Children & Student Ministries: 6:30 p.m. 936.597.3949 www.fellowshipof EPISCOPAL St. James the Apostle Episcopal, 1803 Highland Hollow, Conroe, 936-756-8831 The Grace Christian Outreach Center 25293 Tisdale Road, Dobbin, Texas 936-689-3141 Mt. Pleasent Baptist Church FM 149 N., Montgomery, 936-4496807 The Church @ Lake Conroe 1701 McCaleb Rd Montgomery, TX 77316 936-588-4975 m Sunday worship @ 10:00 a.m. Wed. activites 6:30-8pm North Shore Church 10 am Worship Service 18501 Fm1097 West @ the
Bentwater West Gate Entrance Pastor Cary Smith Covenant Fellowship 302 N. Danville, Willis, Tx. 77378 936/890-8034 Celebration Service 10am Sundays Youth Explosing 7pm Wednesdays Pastors Sean & Lori Jo Cook PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church of Conroe 2727 N. Loop 336 West Conroe, Texas 936756-8884 Sun. 9:00 & 11:00 Sun Sch 10:00 Nursery provided Church of Christ in Montgomery 301 Pond Street, Montgomery, TX. Sunday Bible Class - 9:30 am Worship - 10:30 am and 6:00 pm Wednesday - 7:00 pm Phone: 936-5824855 Email: cofcmontgomery@ Web: www.cofcmontgom Paul Praschnik, Minister
Page 6, Wednesday, January 1, 2020, Montgomery County News
COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY § By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 1st day of March, 2019, in the case of Tax Loans U.S.A. Ltd., Plaintiff, vs. David W. Sargent Jr. and Rhonda Sargent, Defendant(s), Cause No.17-05-05807-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of Tax Loans U.S.A. Ltd., Plaintiff as against David W. Sargent Jr. and Rhonda Sargent Defendant(s), I did on the 4th Day of November, 2019 at 2:51 o'clock pm., levy upon the following-described property of Defendant(s). TRACT 1: Acct # 0021100001500 Being 5.0 acres of land out of the Robert Gilbert Survey, Abstract No.238, in Montgomery County, Texas, also being out of a 222.83 acre tract deeded to B. D. Griffin, et al, recorded in Volume 678, Page 375, of the Deed Records of Montgomery County, Texas, and being more particularly described by Metes and Bounds in Correction Warranty Deed dated June 7, 1996, and recorded on June 27, 1996, as an instrument No. 9638755, Real Property Records, Montgomery County, Texas, from Leo T. Metcalf, III, and Barbara Metcalf, to John D. Pool and (wife) Elena T. Pool. Save and Except the following Tract of Land. 2.00 acre tract out of that certain 5.00 acre tract of land shown as tract 15 of Adcock Acres, an unrecorded subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas, according to the Map or Plat thereof recorded in the Montgomery County Appraisal District's Office, in the City of Conroe, Montgomery County, Texas being situated in the Robert Gilbert Survey, Abstract No. 238, in Montgomery County, Texas and being out of that certain 222.83 acre tract described in Volume 678, Page 375, of Deed Records of Montgomery County, Texas: said 2.00 acre tract being more particularly described by Metes and Bounds in Warranty Deed dated June 8, 1996, and recorded on June 27, 1996. As Instrument No. 9638756, Real Property Records, Montgomery County, Texas from John D. Pool and (wife) Elena T. Pool to David W. Sargent Jr. and (wife) Rhonda Sargent. TRACT II: Acct# 0021100001510
By virtue of a Order Of Sale issued out of the Honorable 284th Judicial District Court, Montgomery County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 15 day of July, 2019, ,in the case of Tom Alan Fennel and Amber Renee Fennel, Plaintiff, vs. Michael Lee Boyd and Top Dollar Realty, LLC, Jointly and Severally, Defendant, Cause No. 18-05-06335-CV in said court, judgment being in favor of Tom Alan Fennel and Amber Renee Fennel, Plaintiff as against Defendant, I did on the 2 day of December 2019, at 11:00 o'clock a.m., levy upon the following described property of Defendant: LOT TWENTY - THREE (23), IN BLOCK TWO (2), OF HICKORY RIDGE SUBDIVISION, AN UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION IN THE MATILDA WILBURN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 597, IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A (THE "PROPERTY"). COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF RIVER RIDGE ROAD (60.00 FEET WIDE) AND THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NEEDHAM ROAD (60.00 FEET WIDE); THENCE SOUTH 89 DEG. 40 MIN.00 SEC. EAST WITH THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF RIVER RIDGE ROAD FOR A DISTANCE OF 1990.00 FEET TO A 1/2-INCH IRON ROD FOUND FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER AND POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE NORTH 00 DEG. 20 MIN.00 SEC. EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 138.00 FEET TO A FENCE POST FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEG.40 MIN.00 SEC. EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 90.00 FEET TO A FENCE POST FOUND FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEG. 20 MIN.00 SEC. WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 138.00 FEET TO A 3/8INCH IRON ROD SET FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT, AND POINT LYING IN THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF RIVER RIDGE ROAD; THENCE NORTH 89 DEG. 40 MIN.00 SEC. WEST WITH THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF RIVER RIDGE ROAD FOR A DISTANCE OF 90.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ; and on 7 day of January, 2020, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at the Montgomery County Courthouse located at 501 N. Thompson Suite 402, Conroe, Texas 77301, I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Michael Lee Boyd and Top Dollar Realty, LLC, Jointly and Severally, Defendant in and to said property.
2.00 acre tract out of that certain 5.00 acre tract of land shown as tract 15 of Adcock Acres, an unrecorded subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas, according to the Map or Plat Thereof recorded in the Montgomery County Appraisal District's Office, in the City of Conroe, Montgomery County, Texas, being situated in the Robert Gilbert Survey, Abstract No. 238, in Montgomery County, Texas, and being out of that certain 222.83Acre Tract described in Volume 678. Page 375, of the Deed Records out of Montgomery County, Texas; said 2.00 acre tract being more particularly described by Metes and Bounds in Warranty Deed dates June 8, 1996 and recorded on June 27, 1996, as instrument No. 9638756, Real Property Records, Montgomery County, Texas from John d. Pool and (wife) Elena T. Pool to David W. Sargent Jr. and (wife) Rhonda Sargent. CAD Description: Adcock Acres, Lot 15-A, Acres 2.000
DATED at 1520 Lake Front Circle Suite 200, The Woodlands, Texas, this the 2 day of December, 2019. /s/ Bill Lang, 8321 Deputy William Lang Ryan Gable - Constable Pct. 3 1520 Lake Front Circle, Suite 200 The Woodlands, TX 77380 281-364-4211 Published Dates: December 11, 18, 25, 2019
and on the 7th day of January 2020 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at 501 North Thompson, Suite 402 Conroe, Texas 77301. Montgomery County, Conroe, Texas, I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of David W. Sargent Jr. and Rhonda Sargent, Defendant(s), in and to said property.
* *
Notice is hereby given that by a certain Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas on the 6th Day of November, 2019, in favor of White Oak Ranch Subdivision Homeowners Association, Inc. recovered a judgment in Cause No. 18-12-16464-CV, in the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas on the 26th Day of September, 2019, against Sebastian Casillas.
Witness my hand this the 4th day of November 2019. /s/ R. Ford Deputy R. Ford Kenneth Hayden, Constable Pct. 4 21130 US Hwy 59 #C New Caney, TX. 77357 281-577-8985 Published Dates: December 11, 18, 25, 2019
Placed in my hands for service, I, Philip Cash as Constable Precinct 1, Montgomery County, Texas, did on the 21st day of September, 2019 levy on REAL property described below, and on the 7th day of January, 2020, I will offer for sale and sell at 501 N. Thompson, 4th Floor, Suite 402, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder, all right, title, and interest that the said defendant Sebastian Casillas had in the property described below:
ATTORNEY REQUESTING THE SERVICE Juan Carlos de las Cuevas 2707NLoopW Ste 300 Houston TX 77008 THE STATE OF TEXAS
1. $6,784.79 Delinquent annual assessment fees 2. $7,923.17 Attorneys fees 3. Interest on the total judgment of delinquent assessments only, from the date of judgment at the rate of 5.25% per annum compounded annually until paid. 4. $354.00 Court Cost 5. $0.00 Judgment Credit And foreclosure of a lien on the following described property:
To: Nelson Antonio Zabaleta Alberto and to all whom it may concern, Respondent(s),
Lot Two (2), in Block Four (4), of WHITE OAK RANCH, SECTION ONE (1), a subdivision of 43.537 acres located in the James Edwards Survey, Abstract Number 190, in Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Cabinet Q, Sheet 74 of the Map Records of Montgomery County, Texas
You have been sued You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney does not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of twenty days after you were served this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you.
Witness my hand this 21st day of November, 2019.
The petition of Maria Esther Cortez Hernandez, Petitioner, was filed in the 410th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, on this the 6th day of June, 2019, against Nelson Antonio Zabaleta Alberto Respondent(s) numbered 19-04- 05375 and entitled
Philip Cash Constable PCT. 1 Montgomery County, Texas
In the Interest of Gabriela Abigail Zabaleta Cortez
By:S. Closson, Sergeant
The suit requests that, all as is more fully shown in the Petition on file in this cause. The date and place of birth of the children who is (are) the subject of suit is/are Found Within the Petition Gabriela Abigail Zabaleta Cortez The Court has the authority in this suit to enter any judgment or decree in the children interest which will be binding to you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity and appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the children adoption.
ACCT. #00.9531.00.07700
TEXAS Notice of Public Sale
Issued and given under my hand seal of said Court at Conroe, Texas on this the 15th day of October, 2019. Melisa Miller, District Clerk Montgomery County, Texas By Deven Maropis Deven Maropis, Deputy Published Date: December 25, 2019
Feed Store
Notice is hereby given that Sentry Self Storage at 30690 Aldine Westfield Rd, Spring, Tx 77386 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auction to satisfy a landlord's lien (pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Statutes – Property Code). The sale will take place at the website on 1/16/2020 at 9:00 am. The sale will be conducted under the guidance of Christopher Rosa (#16850) on behalf of the facility's management. Units may be available for viewing prior to the sale at Contents will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder. A 10% buyer's premium will be charged as well as a $50 cleaning deposit per unit. All sales are final. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale or to refuse any bids. The property to be sold is described as “general household items” unless otherwise noted. Property includes the storage unit contents belonging to the following tenants: Alexander Carvajal – Household Items, Corey Ferguson – Household Items, Charles Burchard – Tools, Kenneth Snyder – Household Items. Published Date: December 25, 2019 and January 1, 2020
Real Estate
Wednesday, January 1, 2020, Montgomery County New, Page 7
Page 8, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, January 1, 2020
25% OFF STOREWIDE!!! Some Exclusions Apply. Bring ad to store to receive discount or use MCNONLINE for online orders Sale Ends Saturday January 4, 2020
2020 Happy New Year 14375 Liberty Street
Owners, Megan Stultz & Bob Boyles 936.537.2587 713.829.9719