Theplacementofa‘For Lease’ sign in front of the Sam Houston Memorial Montgomery has confused some people thinking that the facility is no more, but it’s only in a state of transition The SHMFH has moved to temporary offices just down the road at the Heritage Place II Building. The new temp offices are next to Cedar Brake Park, at 21300 Eva Street, on the second floor west entrance The building at the 20850 Eva St location is being remodeled under new management but the funeralhomewillcontinue tomaintainitscurrentlevel o f s e r v i
surrounding communities despite the temporary change.
Greg Smith, owner of theSHMFHhasannounced that the building has been sold to Montgomery developer Chris Cheatam, o
Management, LLC, who is going to remodel the building, and turn it into executive offices, with the SHMFH being able to maintain its front office footprint in the building uponthecompletionofthe project.
“This temporary move allows us to offer the same exactservicesthatwehave been offering since we
placementof ‘For Lease’ of the Memorial Home Montgomery confused people that more, but it’s state of The SHMFH moved to temporary road Heritage II The temp are next to Cedar Park, 21300 Eva on second floor est nc he Eva is being new but the home tomaintain currentlevel s t e o n g o temporary Smith, building has l t M m r er o Ch Management, LLC, is building, and it offices, SHMFH front footprint the upon temporary to the since
2000’s,” said SHMFH Owner Greg Smith. “With thisnewarrangement,once completed, we can run the funeral home more effectively efficiently and moreeconomically.”
Smith went on to say thattherearenochangesin phone email staffing or services. The only change willbethereshapingofthe chapel area in the SHMFH building, which is going to be remodeled into the aforementioned executive offices.
“If we have a funeral thatrequiresachapel,”said Smith. ”We have worked out an agreement with all the area churches to use theirfacilitiesformemorial
e in he ear said “With completed, can fu a m re effectively efficiently went no email only thereshaping building, which going be remodeled into aforementioned we have funeral achapel,” worked agreement with the area memorial
Cheatam owned the land next to the funeral owner, and both parties approached each other in regards to the sale of the building. Since the chapel wasusedonlyaboutoncea month, the idea Cheatam proposed about using the chapel for office spaces seemedtobeawin-winfor bothparties. Savingonthe heating and cooling charges for the funeral home will result in lower costs to families in their timeofgrievingfortheloss ofalovedone.
Cheatam owned the funeral parties in to the sale the Since chapel only oncea the idea Cheatam about using the chapel for spaces for parties. Savingonthe eat li g charges the funeral home will in lower in grieving loss of lovedone.
ChrisCheatamwantsto see Montgomery grow and beprosperous,andlastfall, ChrisandGreggottogether inreferencetothechanging
Chris wantsto grow and prosperous,andlastfall, Greg together in tothechanging
funeralindustry withmore funerals being cremations the use of a chapel is not needed near as often as in the past Smith whose company has funeral homes in Huntsville and Willis, wants to remain a presence in Montgomery but doesn’t need as much space. Chris on the other hand is looking for more opportunities for more o f f i c e s p a c e i n Montgomery which is b
cally fu
at the moment More office space means more jobs, more homes, more families, restaurants, businesses and visitors to
more being cremations the use chapel is not near often as in whose company funeral homes in and Willis, wants to remain a presence Montgomery doesn’t as much Chris on the other looking for more for more c e s p c e n is as a l ull a t e office means jobs, mo e ho es, o e restaurants, and to
organizations, she helps to organize and volunteers with Meal on Wheels, Angel Tree, Toys for Tots andBingoNight;however, toAddiethemostfulfilling of these is serving as a Sunday school teacher for preschoolers.
The Coushatti Trace Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), sponsors the DAR Good Citizen program at local high schools and selects an outstanding seniortobeenteredintothe statecontest.Thisyear,the chapter has selecte
Citizen Addison Hedges forthishonor Theprogram recognizes outstanding high school seniors who exhibit the qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism intheirhomes,schools,and communities.
M i s s H e d g e s
demonstrates good citizenship serving as a leader of MuAlpha Theta, Academic Decathlon, InteractClub,LeoCluband the National Spanish Honor Society Addison is most widely known by students and staff for her heart of se
Chapter DAR,is
d kindness Through the
C at i T e Chapter is lineageba e a i t
Preservation, Patriotism
Miss Hedges will receive a $500 scholarship andtheDARGoodCitizen Pin and Certificate Set from Coushatti Trace Chapter Her application and essay have been submitted to the Texas Society Daughters of the America Revolution for furtherconsideration. The Coushatti American the DAR Good Citizen selects an
n pr H sto c Preservation, Patriotism and du tio r membership information, please Regent Kay P o n t t CoushattiTraceDAR@gm ail com us
membership information, please contact Regent Kay P
a t CoushattiTraceDAR@gm ail com Follow us on FacebookpageatCoushatti TraceChapter NSDAR.
The Houston Texans stridesduringthe winning South division, the Wild Card playoff game against Angles the the Texans fell in heartbreaking CityChiefs
The Houston Texans madestridesduringthe24' season with winning the AFC South division, winning the Wild Card playoff game against the Los Angles Chargers, yet despite the improvements the Texans fell short in a heartbreaking loss to the KansasCityChiefs23-14.
defense that stepped up in this important playoff game led by Will Anderson,Jr.,whoplayed well the entire game with two (2) sacks and four (4) solotacklesanddefensive backEricMurrayhadfour (4)solotackles.
Texans' quarterback
EricMurray four solotackles. Stroud had brilliance on two and (245) even he was sacked eight (8) due to a weak and complacent line
n ec i ns w th number
Texans held Chiefs' offensive attack justthree(3) initialdrive.
Thegamestartedoffin a crisis as on the opening kickoff, the Chiefs went over half the length of the field along with a fifteen (15)yardpenaltytosetup for a perfect scoring opportunity The Houston Texans defense held the Chiefs' offensive attack to justthree(3)pointsonthe initialdrive.
It was the Texans'
C.J. Stroud had flashes of brilliance with nineteen (19) completions on (19) twenty-eight(28)attempts fortwohundredandfortyfive (245) yards even though he was sacked a record eight (8) times due to a weak and complacent offensive line He had connections with a number of his receivers including Texans wide receiverNicoCollinswho added to his total five (5) completions for eighteight (88) yards. Stroud wasnotabletofindtheend zonewithhisarm.
(13) yard touchdown run down the sidelines in the 3rd quarter to potentially tie the game; however, place kicker Ka'imi Fairbairn missed the extra point along with a fiftyfive (55) yard attempt earlierinthegame.Hehad a kick blocked the Chiefs that derailed another scoring opportunity Fairbairn's inconsistency defuses the momentum of the team. Mixon had a good showing with eighteen (18) carries for eighty-eight(88)yards.
Collins added to completions eight(88) yards. notable theend running back showed the league he was of
Texans' running back Joe Mixon showed the league what he was made ofwithabeautifulthirteen
was defense that up in this a e ed y W l Jr.,who well the game two and four (4)
However it was the Chiefs' tight end Travis Kelce who stole the show with his seven (7) receptionsforonehundred and seventeen (117) yards including a touchdown catch in the fourth quarter thatsealedthedealforthe Chiefs.
However it the Chiefs' end Travis Kelce who stole show w t hi s en (7) receptions hundred and seventeen (117) yards including touchdown catch the fourth quarter that dealforthe Chiefs.
(13) touchdown run down the sidelines the 3rd quarter potentially tie the however, place kicker Ka'imi Fairbairn missed extra point with fiftyfive (55) yard attempt earlierinthegame.Hehad a blocked the Chiefs that another scoring opportunity Fairbairn's inconsistency defuses the momentum of the team. had a g o h wi g i h eighteen (18) carries for eighty-eight(88)yards. off a as on the kickoff, over half length of field with (15)yard toset for perfect scoring opportunity
throwing a touchdown pass toTravis Kelce as he wasbeingsacked,hisplay acting to draw penalties and his pre
Chiefs' quarterback Patrick Mahomes has become a prima donna in the league.Although he is talented, indicted by
Chiefs' quarterback Patrick has become prima in the league.Although is talented, by
ence treatment by the officially team resulted in two (2) roughing the quarterback penaltiesthatwereclearly unjustified.
InotherAFCandNFC playoff action, the NFC Philadelphia Eagles beat theLosAngelesRams2822, the Washington Commandos defeated the DetroitLions45-31.Inthe other AFC divisional game, the Buffalo Bills Buffalo surprised the Baltimore Ravens 27-22. The dance
nd h pre the officially resulted in two (2) the thatwere other andNFC action, the NFC Eagles theLos the Commandos Lions In AFC divisional game, Buffalo surprised Baltimore 27-22.
TheLakeCreekSettlement and Historic Montgomery area. It is a high-profile building, with an easy entranceandexit.
Lake Settlement Historic area. It is with an
“The anticipated date for the remodel start is approximately February 1st,” said Cheatam. “With a scheduled finish date in earlyAugustrunningtothe early fourth quarter if needed.”
card set n r n c Championship the Philadelphia n r n Championship the against City Chiefs and Superbowl the
card is set with the NFC C o n f e r e n c e Championship with the Washington Commanders facing the Philadelphia EaglesalongwiththeAFC C o n f e r e n c e Championship with the Buffalo Bills against the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday My gut instinct predicts a Buffalo and Washington Superbowl with the Commanders comingoutthevictors. It is time for the
regroupandshoreuptheir deficits that include poor tackling, revamping the special teams, improving
ust ans t andshore revamping the special Li a
administrator, has noted herofficehasfieldedmany calls inquiring if the business was open or closed. Shehasbeenwith theSmithFamilysincethe funeral home opened in 2003accordingtoSmith.
administrator, noted her many calls the business or closed. with the funeral home opened 2003 toSmith. from page 1
In moving I was surprisedtoseehowmany memories that I have accumulated, ” said Schneider in response to the temporary move. “We willstillcontinuetobethe
n c e Championship game this coming year Thank you for the opportunity to share with you the game review this year I hope to be back with you during the 25' season. Read all about your hometown team in your hometown paper
coverage,repairorreplace the offensive to assist in C Stroud continued development The Houston have a bright future with their current it is habits and AFC C e Championship this coming year you for the to share the game review to be during the all about hometown team in your hometown paper
S was surprised many memories I have a mul aid Schneider response to the move. “We willstill
S m Funeral strives ultimate provider creating experiences for have lost loved ones decades of experience caring from all are dedicated to maintaining the
ultimate provider for creating healing experiences in the community for those who have lost loved ones SHMFH has decades of experience in caring for families, from all walks of life, and are dedicated to excellence in service, while maintaining the highestintegrity S a
n Memorial Funeral Home: shmfh com 936-5977300.
Shirley Schneider, the Montgomeryfuneralhome
and compassionatecare.”
and compassionatecare.” anticipated date for finish Augustrunning
401(k)s, qualified plans and anything else that'd affect your heirs. If you've named a trust, have any relevanttaxlawschanged?
By Kent Pendleton,
By Kent Pendleton,
Start the new year right by reviewing and revampingyourfinancialplan.
LONGEVITY reviewing and financialplan.
Instead of about journal or drinking more water about on financial wellbeing? Here's confidence.
Instead of hauling out those familiar New Year's resolutionsaboutkeepinga journal or drinking more water how about focusing on your financial wellbeing? Here's a set of resolutions that can help ensure your long-term financialconfidence.
Update your beneficiaries
If you don't correctly documentyourbeneficiary designations, who gets whatmaybedeterminedby federal or state law, or by the default plan document used in your retirement accounts When did you last update your designations? Have life changes (divorce, remarriage, births, deaths, state of residence) occurred since then?
If you correctly documentyourbeneficiary designations, who gets maybedetermined or state law, the default plan used in your When did last update your designations? life changes remarriage, deaths, state of residence) occurred
Have you provided for the possibility that your primary beneficiary may die before you? Does your plan address the simultaneous death of you and your spouse? An estate attorneycanhelpwalkyou through these various scenarios.
Cash and opportunitytradeoffs, a lack can cause greater problems if you find yourself needing to draw your investments.Finding balancein line with life and goals is importantto avoid disrupting long-term plans.
Cash has inflation and opportunitytradeoffs,buta lack of access can cause greater problems if you find yourself needing to draw from your investments.Findingabalancein line with your life and goals is importantto avoid disrupting your long-term plans.
The right liquidity strategy will be different for every investor and could incorporate cash reserves, cash alternatives, highly liquid securities, lines of credit, margin loans or even structured lending Multiple institutions and account owners can be used to hold more than $250,000 with FDIC guarantees.
what types of securities you hold, your expected cash flows, your contingencyplans,yourassumed rate of return, inflation rates and how long you're planning for Retirement plans have many moving parts that must be monitoredonanongoingbasis.
Review your account titling
what types of you hold, your expected flows, your contingencyplans,yourassumed rate of return, and how long you're have many moving parts that must be monitoredonanongoingbasis. Review your account titling
Haphazard account
titling can create problems down the line If one partnerdies anaccount is onlyintheir assetscan'tbe accessed by the survivor
titling can create problems down the line If one partnerdiesandanaccount istitledonlyintheirname, thoseassetscan'tbereadily accessed by the survivor
The may creatingjointaccounts, not that simple. has implications across a range of estate planning issues, other situations such as Medicaid eligibility too.
ofwealthforgenerationsis nearly impossible without a mutual understanding among family members Consider creating a family mission statement that outlines the shared vision foryourwealthandlegacy T
The right liquidity strategy will be different for every investor and could incorporate cash reserves, cash alternatives, highly securities, lines credit, margin loans or even structured lending Multiple institutions account owners can be used to hold more than $250,000 with FDIC guarantees. Evaluate your retirement
The solution may be creatingjointaccounts,but it's not always that simple. Titling has implications across a range of estate planning issues, as well as other situations such as Medicaid eligibility and borrowingpower,too.
Develop charitable
Develop a charitable strategy
Updateyourbeneficiary listings on wills, life insurance,annuities,IRAs,
Evaluate your retirementprogress
What changes are needed given your current lifestyle market environment? Don't fixate solelyonyourassets'value – instead, drill down into
Update your beneficiaries What changes are needed given your current lifestyle and the market environment? Don't fixate solelyonyourassets'value – instead, drill down into
Updateyourbeneficiary listings on wills, life IRAs, 401(k)s, qualified plans and anything else that'd affect your you've named trust, have any relevant lawschanged? Have for the possibility that your primary beneficiary may die you? Does your plan address the simultaneous death of you and your spouse? An estate attorneycan walkyou through these various scenarios.
comes the heart, you can also do wellwhendoinggood.For it'd sense to low-basis stocks in lieu cash, learnabout establishing a donor to contributions made over the several butdosowithaneye toward reducing your tax
Giving comes from the heart, but you can also do wellwhendoinggood.For example,considerwhether or not it'd make sense to donate low-basis stocks in lieuofcash,orlearnabout establishing a donor advised fund to take an upfront deduction for contributions made over the next several years
Give,butdosowithaneye toward reducing your tax liability
The Woodlands Children s Museum and TheWoodlands Methodist School
Partner on Dig Pit Exhibit
The Woodlands, TX –TheWoodlandsChildren’s Museum is delighted to announce a new partnership with The Woodlands Methodist School who will provide ongoing support for the popular Scoop and Shovel Dig Pit Exhibit that is featured at themuseum.TheDigPitis enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year and provides children with a wide variety of learning experiences.
The Woodlands, The Museum is delighted announce a new partnership Woodlands Methodist who will provide ongoing support for the popular Scoop and Shovel Dig Pit Exhibit themuseum.The Pitis enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year and provides children with a wide variety of learning experiences.
“We are grateful to Woodlands Methodist School for their generous support and the vision
The Scoop Shovel Dig Pit with ties
The Scoop and Shovel Dig Pit provides children with hands-on opportunitiestodevelop:
Fine Motor Skills: Using tools like brushes, spades, and trowels helps develop fine motor skills as children grip, scrape, and carefully handle materials.
nd Control: Digging and sorting requires hand-eye coordination and control, aiding in muscle development and spatial awareness.
Motor Skills: tools like and trowels develop fine motor as children grip, scrape, and carefully materials. Partner on Pit Exhibit ordi ion and and requires coordination and control, aiding in muscle ment and spatial ness. Storytelling: ofteninvent their activities, using their imaginations to thetrucks other in the This creative and
fostering ch ldren s curiosity the atory tactile and sensory experiences provided the museum’s Scoop and Shovel Dig Pit, stated
“We are grateful toThe Woodlands Methodist School for their generous support and recognizing the shared vision of fostering children s curiosity with the exploratory tactile and sensory experiences provided in the museum’s Scoop and Shovel Dig Pit, stated
Storytelling: Children ofteninventstoriesaround their activities, using their imaginations to create narrativesaboutthetrucks and other construction vehicles in the exhibit This experience promotes creative thinking and storytellingabilities.
If working in pairs or
Teamwork: If children are working in pairs or
nonfinancial topics, too, like your values, expectations and important life lessons.
nonfinancial topics, too, like your values, expectations important life lessons.
Digitize your record keeping
You likely receive emails, letters reports and updates from multiple accounts. Consider going paperless and centralizing importantfilesinoneplace to reduce frustration and ensure easy access when needed.
Digitize your record keeping You likely receive emails, letters reports and updates from multiple accounts. Consider going paperless and centralizing importantfilesinoneplace to reduce frustration and ensure easy access when needed.
Have you ever wondered if your investments couldreflectyourpriorities andvalues?Youabsolutely can in today's financial markets!Forinvestors,this might mean avoiding companies that promote ideologies or policies you disagreewith.Instead,you can focus on supporting businesses that align with your values, principles, and a commitment to
Have you ever wondered if your investments couldreflectyourpriorities andvalues?Youabsolutely can in today's financial markets!Forinvestors,this might mean avoiding companies that promote ideologies or policies you disagreewith.Instead,you can focus on supporting businesses that align with your values, principles, and a commitment to
Sustaining the benefits ofwealthforgenerationsis nearly impossible without a mutual understanding among family members Consider creating a family mission statement that outlines the shared vision foryourwealthandlegacy This shoul
small groups can and s ari g is
small groups they can collaborateondiggingand
economic responsibility
Bytailoringyourportfolio, you can ensure your investments reflect what trulymatterstoyou.
economic responsibility By yourportfolio, can ensure investments reflect what toyou.
in with your can offer tools, impartiality and experience by dealing with many market cycles and client Communicate openly about what's happening your today and wha
Check in with your advisor
Your advisor can offer specialized tools, impartiality and experience earned by dealing with many market cycles and client situations. Communicate openly about what's happening in your life happening today and what may happen in the future. It's difficult to manage what they aren't aware of, so err on the side of overc
may happen in the future. It's difficult to manage they aren't aware of, so err on the side of overc
establisharegularcheck-in schedule for the year ahead.
establisharegularcheck-in schedule for the year ahead.
News with our financialnewsand topics If you have
RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz
, promoting teamwork, communication,andsocial interaction. T
Sharing and Taking Turns: Digging together encourages children to practice patience, sharing, and taking turns as they work in a group environment.
promoting teamwork, andsocial T
Sharing and Taking Turns: Digging together encourages children to practice patience, sharing, and taking turns as they work in group environment.
Methodist School, serving through 8th grade students, shares passion serving by
Methodist School, serving Pre-K through 8th grade students, shares a passion for serving children by
4775 W Panther Creek Drive, The Woodlands, 77381. Hours Tuesdaythrough Th r ay 9:30am –2:00pm, 9:30am –4:00pm Saturday – The is closed on Mondays. o
which students develop lifelong love of e
4775 W Panther Creek Drive, Suite 280, The Woodlands, Texas 77381. HoursareTuesdaythrough Thursday 9:30am –2:00pm, Friday 9:30am –4:00pm and Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm The museum is closed on SundaysandMondays.
lifelong love of
through which students develop
and positively
excellence, and positively impactingtheworld.
"We are
o partner with The Woodlands Children's Museum, anorganizationthatshares ourdedicationtofostering
"We ar rou to partner with The Woodlands Children's Museum, organizationthatshares dedication fostering and -on l rning, curiosity and stated KenWest, ofSchool MethSchool “Together, strive to empower children build confiexplore new ideas, their fullest
, sparking curiosity and inspiringcreativity,”stated KenWest,HeadofSchool at The Woodlands Methodist School “Together, we strive to empower children to build confidence, explore new ideas, and reach their fullest potential."
Scoop and with admission to The Foradditionalinformation
s v i i t www Wood-
The Scoop and Shovel Dig Pit is included with admission to The Woodlands Children’s Museum. Foradditionalinformation and to purchase tickets, p l e a s e v i s i t wwwwoodlandschildrens museum org The Woodlands Children’s Museum is located in the Panther Creek Village Center at
About The Woodlands Children’s Museum The Woodlands Children’s Museum, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
About The Woodlands Children’s Museum The Woodlands Children’s Mus u , a 01( )3 nonprofit organization of the need a positive ronmen r and their can learn, play,
wasfoundedoutofadesire to meet the community’s proven need for a positive environment where children and their families can learn, play, and make specialmemoriesthroughout the year At the museum, fun and learning go hand in hand, whether children are creating art, singing along to a musical performance or conducting a science experiment. The museum also has
made it a priority to bring children multi-ethnic and multicultural experiences that celebrate cultural and global differences and strengthen common bonds Programs frequently are delivered in partnership with other nonprofit organizations always with the goal of making a positive difference in the life of a child. woodlandschildrensmuse
out h y r At h museum, fun and in hand, creating art, singing to a musical conductscience experiment. museum also it priority to bring multi-ethnic and experiences that cultural and differences and str then common frequently are delivered in with other nonprofit organizations with the goal of making positive differin life of child. woodlandschildrensmuse
John Trump, Numbers 45 & 47, who will MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
States, Donald John Trump, Numbers 45 & 47, who will MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
Monday, January 20th, wasagreatday Anhistoric day For only the second time, a President was sworn in for a nonconsecutive presidential term. It hadn’t happened since Grover Cleveland (22/24) in 1893. But from noon on the 20th, wenowhaveaChiefCitizen that doesn’t need to wear adultdiapersorgetwipedby
Monday January 20th, wasagreatday Anhistoric day For the second time, a President sworn in for a nonconsecutive presidential It hadn’t happened Grover Cleveland (22/24) in 1893. But from noon on the 20th, wenowhaveaChiefCitizen that doesn’t wear adult orgetwipedby
a presidential Nanny We have a Commander in Chief who knows to exit a stage getting lost.
We have a Chief Executive who is in complete command of all his mental faculties. We have a Chief Diplomatwhowillbeableto getTheWorldbackinshape. And now a President of The United
a presidential Nanny We have a Commander in Chief who knows how to exit a stage without getting lost. We have a Chief Executive who is in complete command of all of his mental faculties. We have a Chief Diplomatwhowillbeableto getTheWorldbackinshape. And we now have a President of The United
Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Eva Raines, Kim West, Megan WestStultzStudentsandStaffofMISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews. Montgomery County RyanWest
MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews.
wrotebackinDecember the an essay about the 2020 Election, and it was byDemocrats, effects on the people. showed how inept Democrat Party was in runningTheCountry for the four years. And the emboldened The World to start into Adults backin Iargued if Trump had won in his term have been as effective as the mainstream media at time had been spayed say ‘spayed,’ because all Democrat feminized). with mediachoppeddowntosize, ifthey to successful, going a load
Trump supporting media typesoutthere arealot want the UnitedStatesandTheWorld tosucceed.
IwrotebackinDecember ‘WastheSacrificeWorthIt,’ an essay about the 2020 Election, and how it was stolenbyDemocrats,andits devastating effects on the Americanpeople. Butitalso showed how inept the Democrat Party was in runningTheCountry for the last four years. And the Democrat weakness also emboldened The World to start turning into hell, but thankfully Adults are now backincharge. Iarguedthat if Trump had won in 2020, his second term would not have been as effective seeing as the mainstream media at the time had not been spayed (I say ‘spayed,’ because all Democrat men are feminized). But now with the current legacy the mediachoppeddowntosize, iftheywanttobesuccessful, they’re going to have to compete with a load of new Trump supporting media typesouttherewhoarealot more fair and want the UnitedStatesandTheWorld tosucceed.
After the inauguration, and thankfully a peaceful one at that, PresidentTrump started signing Executive Orders. He signed dozens and dozens of EO’s, at the CapitolBuilding,theCapital One Arena Presidential Parade, and dozens at The White House, in The Oval Office, while giving a two and a half hour press conference. Something that President Biden could never have done. The inauguration on Monday, being held insidethecapitol,savedwho knowshowmanymillionsof dollars, which I think is a good move. It made sense. Our Country is hurting financially, and in so many other ways, that needless spending, and waiting endless hours outside in the cold,justwasn’tworthit.
After the inauguration, thankfully a peaceful at that, PresidentTrump started signing Executive signed dozens of at the the Arena The White House, The Oval Office, while giving a and a half hour press conference. President Biden could never have done. The tion on Monday, being held insidethecapitol,savedwho knowshowmanymillionsof which a move. It made sense. Our is financially, and in other ways, needless spending, and waiting endless hours outside in the cold,justwasn’tworthit.
President Trump has assembled an incredible team of people, who all appeartobetotallycommitted,fromVicePresidentJ.D. Vance on down. It’s gonna
President Trump assembled an incredible of people, who all tobetotallycommitted,fromVicePresidentJ.D. Vance on down. It’s gonna
Thisweeksessionbegan! It will be an exciting and fast-paced140days.Wewill do our best to keep East Texans informed about the goingsoninAustin.
Here are five things happening around your state:
1 89
to andTheWorldreact to President Trump’s in his Term. He’s playing games,andwinningonclear mandates thepopularvote and electoral has to shift the and politicians. bureaucracystillneedstobe whipped into shape, since they still they counterTrump’s mandate of The People. But when the of
started, the current federal employees who want counter behind scenes, will find themselves a andcareer Elon Musk get he by every position, and team will have inplacetoensurethat promised by the Deep cannotpossiblytakeplace.
be exciting to see how The CountryandTheWorldreact to President Trump’s leadership in his Second Term. He’s not playing games,andwinningonclear mandatesofthepopularvote and electoral college, has appeared to shift the attitudes of the people, media, and politicians. The bureaucracystillneedstobe whipped into shape, since they still believe they can counterTrump’s mandate of The People. But when the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) gets started, the current federal employees who want to counter Trump behind the scenes, will find themselves outofajobandcareer Elon Musk didn’t get where he is bynotverifyingproductivity at every position, and Musk’s team will have the rubricsinplacetoensurethat promised undermining by the Deep State Bureaucracy cannotpossiblytakeplace.
I Trump asks the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) for their opinion on PresidentialPardons. Biden made a mockery of the practice, and in-kind demeaned the Office of The President. Are preemptive pardon legal? A e pardoning family members legal? Are pardoning members of a political party who knowingly committed crimes (J6 Committee), legal? ASCOTUS decision is needed. It sets a dangerous precedent that if a President's family members or fellow party members commit a crime, they can easilybepardoned the said President leaves office. Ifanyoneknows that has the ear of someone in Congress,TheWhiteHouse, orSCOTUS,pleaseaskthem on my behalf about this concern. Back that Press Conference where 45/47 signed the dozens of EOs in The Oval Office. He would sign an EO, then answer a question. To me, the media seemedtamerthanusual. It could be a honeymoon period, but with this Administration s attitude
I hope Trump asks the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) for their opinion on PresidentialPardons. Biden made a mockery of the practice and in-kind demeaned the Office of The President. Are preemptive pardons legal? Are pardoning family members legal? Are pardoning members of a political party who knowingly committed crimes (J6 Committee) legal? ASCOTUS decision is needed. It sets a dangerous precedent, that if a President's family members or fellow party members commit a crime, they can easilybepardonedwhenthe said President leaves office. Ifanyoneknowsanyonethat has the ear of someone in Congress,TheWhiteHouse, orSCOTUS,pleaseaskthem on my behalf about this concern. Back to that Press Conference where 45/47 signed the dozens of EOs in The Oval Office. He would sign an EO, then answer a question. To me, the media seemedtamerthanusual. It could be a honeymoon period, but with this Administration s attitude
By: James M. Rankin, Sportswriter Montgomery County News from page 1
bills and joint resolutions, other than local bills, emergency appropriations and emergency matters submittedbythegovernor
· Monday, June 2, 2025–140thday;lastdayof the 89th Regular Session, also known as Sine Die (Latinfor“withoutdays”).
towards anti-US media, andthesamelegacymedia needing to make a buck to stay in business, they may not be in such a mood to resist like they did during Trump’s first term. CNN has exiled Jim Acosta 47’s pledge of transparency of telling the truth, which is the right way to govern, is gonna cause leftist heads to explode. How can a media that hates the US promote hatred against a truth teller Of course, not everything shouldbeoutintheopen,but being honest with the American people is the best wayforward.
towards anti-US media andthesamelegacymedia needing to make a buck to stay in business, they may not be in a mood to resist like they did during Trump’s first term. CNN has exiled Jim Acosta 47’s pledge of transparency, of telling the truth, which is the right way to govern, is cause leftist heads to explode. How a media hates the US promote hatred against a truth teller Of course, not everything should in open,but being honest the American people is the best wayforward.
have shown the total incompetenceofDemocrats, and with the anticipated actions on voter identification requirements coming the line, states like California are gonna be forced to ‘play fair’when it comestovoting.
have shown the total incompetenceofDemocrats, and with the anticipated actions on voter identification requirements coming down the line, states like California are gonna be forced to ‘play fair’when it comestovoting.
The media after Lyndon Johnson started acting like The Soviet Union’s KGB, and weak Republicans back then, had no idea how to react. PresidentReaganhad somesuccess,GeorgeBush, somewhat, but it wasn’t until Trump, who started to outwit the leftist media, calling their bluffs, that startedtotakenotice, but the GOP weaklings
The media after Lyndon Johnson started acting like The Soviet Union’s KGB, and weak Republicans back then, had no idea how to react. PresidentReaganhad somesuccess,GeorgeBush, Jr somewhat, but it wasn’t until Trump, who started to outwit the leftist media calling their bluffs that peoplestartedtotakenotice, but the GOP weaklings durin
linguini spined, and refused toback47. DonaldTrump’s third Presidential Campaign was a Masterclass in how to take on the legacy media, and coupled with Elon Musk’sbravadointakingon the social media class, and winning; it set the stage for to have another chance at success. And ThankGodforit!
re linguini spined, and refused toback47. DonaldTrump’s third Presidential Campaign was a Masterclass in how to take on the legacy media, and coupled with Elon Musk’sbravadointakingon the social media class, and winning; it set the stage for America to have another chance at success. And ThankGodforit!
growth in population, and the level of appropriations fromthepreviousbiennium. This year the LBB announced the amount of appropriation that can be made without a special concurrent resolution is just under$147billion.
3. New laws in effect on January1
MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas.
MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement.
D&B#12-976-8354. MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.
POSTMASTER: PleasesendaddresschangestoMontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 reserves to used the circulating Montgomery,Texas. weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission.
Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395,
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OnJanuary14,2025,the 89th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature began at noon. On the Senate side, members who successfully won in the general election were sworn in There are threebrandnewmembersof the Senate: Senators Molly Cook, Adam Hinojosa, and Brent Hagenbuch I look forward to getting to know my new colleagues and working with them on their prioritiesthissession.Inthe House, all 150 members were sworn in on Tuesday, including 31 freshman members Then House membershadtovoteforthe Speaker of the House Representative Dustin Burrows won the Speaker election on the second ballot Congratulations to Speaker Burrows, I look forwarding to working with himandallofourpartnersin theHousethissession.
Here are some important dates to know as we move throughthesession:
· Friday, March 14, 2025 – 60th day; deadline for the unrestricted filing of
2 Comptroller releases BiennialRevenueEstimate Comptroller Glenn Hegar released the Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) which he does before every regularlegislativesession.It projects the revenue that lawmakershaveavailableto spendthroughtheupcoming biennium Because the Legislature meets every otheryear lawmakerscreate budgets on a two year, or biennial, basis The 89th Legislature will have a surplus from the 2024-2025 biennium of $23.76 billion. For the upcoming 20262027 biennium the Comptroller estimates the Legislaturewillhave$194.6 billion in total revenue
available for general purposespending.However severalyearsagoaconstitutional amendment passed to limit the state's spending to ensure fiscal responsibility The Legislative Budget Board determines the constitutional tax spending limits before each session. That formula is a combination of the rate of growth of the Texas economy, the
- House Bill 3297 –Authored by Representative Cody Harris, this bill eliminates the requirement for annual vehicle inspections for personal vehicles. However, some counties have adopted vehic
e emissionsstandardsandwill require vehicles registered inthosecountiestoundergo anemissionsinspection.
- Senate Bill 2 – A section of this bill goes into effect this month The section makes property tax compressionandhomestead exempt
President Trump’s attitude is gonna lift the spirits of The Nation. A leader’s attitude is always a great indicator of how a nation responds. Biden had no relationship with the American people, and we sawhowTheNationwanted a change. And we got the rightleaderattherighttime, toleadusoutofharm’sway, and back into prosperous times. God Bless President DonaldJ.Trump!!!
President Trump’s attitude is gonna lift spirits of The Nation. A leader s attitude is always a great indicator of how a nation responds. Biden no relationship with the American people, and we sawhowThe a change. And we got the rightleader therighttime, toleadusoutofharm’sway and back into prosperous times. God Bless President DonaldJ.Trump!!!
Ruben can at: ruben@montgomerycounty
The leftist media on Monday were their usual negative selves, with CNN and MSNBC topping the It was wall to wall negativity, where those that hate themselves, yet love their negativity; go to comforteachother Toeven think like a Democrat nowadays boggles the logical mind. Conservative Scott Jennings, a CNN Senior Political Commentator, is saving the financially strapped network now, because he offers a voice of reason,opposedtotheraging socialism of CNN leftists. Jennings logic simply outruns his left of center colleaguesatCNN, is no question that if he is forcedfromthepanelshows on CNN, the may fold due to echo-chamber inducedboredom. lovehowTrumphandles the media. He fights back. He has a backbone of steel, which does not bend. He’s legendary Able to look a bulletin eye,and itto ‘gotohell.’ Trump’slegacy isRepublicanswhocantake on the media shut them down, and it happens a lot. That of course, and leaving Americainalotbettershape thanhefound underBiden. I believe the are stunned, and they may not recoverforalongtime. And if they do, they are gonna have to tack starboard close to center to even stand a chance the future. The California fires this year
The leftist media on Monday were their usual negative selves, with CNN and MSNBC topping the charts. It was wall to wall negativity where those that hate themselves, yet love their negativity; go to comforteachother Toeven think like a Democrat nowadays boggles the logical mind. Conservative Scott Jennings a CNN Senior Political Commentator, is saving the financially strapped network now, because he offers a voice of reason,opposedtotheraging socialism of CNN leftists. Jennings logic simply outruns his left of center colleaguesatCNN,andthere is no question that if he is forcedfromthepanelshows on CNN, the network may fold due to echo-chamber inducedboredom. IlovehowTrumphandles the media. He fights back. He has a backbone of steel, which does not bend. He’s legendary Able to look a bulletintheeye,andtellitto ‘gotohell.’ Trump’slegacy isRepublicanswhocantake on the media and shut them down, and it happens a lot. That of course, and leaving Americainalotbettershape thanhefounditunderBiden. I believe the Democrats are stunned, and they may not recoverforalongtime. And if they do, they are gonna have to tack starboard close to center to even stand a chance in the future. The California fires this year
Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycounty
This month, President Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law The bill eliminates the reduction of Social Security benefits for certain populations, including some Teacher Retirement
permanent for elderly and disabledhomeowners. 5 New leadership at Texas Department of Public Safety
ASipAndAThought:Margaritaville's NewMocktails
Last Friday I needed a break, a day to get out of theroutineofwritinginmy homeofficeaftergathering myintel. Soaftermeeting with my Montgomery Whataburgercoffeegroup, I decided to head down to the Margaritaville Lake Conroe Resort, just hang outforabit. Itwasalittle cool, but tolerable. And still before an appropriate lunch time, I took my reMarkable tablet like I alwaysdo,walkedaround, stopped sat down for a minute here, or leaned on something there just jotting down thoughts that came to me. I’m planning on staying for a few days when the weather warms up, so getting a mental pictureoftheplaceisnota badidea.
Around11ish,Idecided to head to the LandShark Bar & Grill. I had made some asparagus cream soup the night prior due to having a big breakfast before, so I was partly famished My server, Trish, asked what sort of refreshment I required. I thought for a second since it was early Then ‘5 o’Clock Somewhere,’ popped into my mind, of which they have a bar of thenameontheresort.
“I’llhaveamargarita,”I said confidently, then quicklybacktracked. “No, it’s really too early, I’ll have sweet tea ” Trish could tell I wanted somewhere with alcohol, butwasunsure.
“Wedohaveamocktail menu, if you would like to tryone,”repliedTrish.
interest Besides, I had heardof‘DryJanuary,’and it’sbeenawhilesinceI’ve had a mocktail, which I thought was unexciting back then. Why not? It's five o clock somewhere right The Landshark Mocktail menu offers four drinks: Pineapple Cooler, Cranberry Paradise Tropical Breeze, and NoRita all of which are served over ice, and contain a lime wedge unlessspecified.
I ordered a Pineapple Cooler mocktail which immediately took me to one of Jim Buffett’s beaches. I pulled out my tablet, and started writing. ‘There’s a column in here somewhere,’ I thought Madewithpineapplejuice, lime juice, simple syrup, ginger ale, and garnered with pineapple leaves, this wouldbeagreatadult-type drink for the kids. The coconut leaves add to its tropicalmystic,asdoesthe coconut rimmed glass, which includes another layer of flavor and texture to the offering. The juice duo is a real hit with the simplesyruptostartoffthe sip,followedbytheginger ale, which leads to a wonderfulfinishwithjusta hint of tart. It’s a well thought out beverage, and would give anyone a tropical feel on a cool blusteryday
I also called for a Hot Honey Chicken Sandwich, which blew me away Immediately, the crispy crust and moist chicken made me think Best Chicken Sandwich Ever,’ and it will make you think of LandShark, the next time you crave a chicken
sandwich. TheHotHoney Chicken is topped with havarti cheese, lime aioli, honeychipotlesauce(very slight heat) lettuce pickles,allplacedbetween a brioche bun. It is a great
to the taste finishing with tangy refreshment. Next timeIgo,Iwilltryonewith the sugar rim, which I suspect the kids will chooseifgivenachance.
I was about to leave the
combination, and is an excellent example of what a chicken sandwich is supposed to taste like that doesnotcomeoffafactory line.
After finishing the sandwich,Iagainlookedat the mocktail menu, thinking ‘What’s the harm,’ there’s no alcohol involved, so I ordered a No-Rita Made with LemonX,Sprite,SaltRim (or Sugar), and a lime wedge. Ithasanicetangto startoutwith,thenyoufeel theSprite. TheLemonXis thehousemargaritamixto give some authenticity to the drink yielding to the impression of a real margarita without the alcohol. Eachsipwiththe salt adds a new dimension
resort for home, but then remembered there were twodrinkstotry Ithought for a quick second, it’s off season; I’m gonna stay the night. I always carry an overnight/ER bag in my Lexus, so I grabbed it, along with my iPad, and got a room. 10th Floor on the poolside, with great views of the pools, and lake. M-Villeisaverynice resort, with each area having its own look and feel, from golf, to the spa, tennis, pickleball, fitness center,miniaturegolf,plus the water park is great for the toddlers, a figure eight for those ‘lazy’swimmers, and those who appreciate slides. Ofcoursewhenthe warmweatherreturnsthey evenhaveasandybeachif
I sent a text to a lady friend about dinner at Margaritaville, and promptlytookanaponthe long lounge chair in my room after finding a comfortable position I woke up refreshed, pulled outmyiPadandfinisheda piece I had previously started. Igotareplyabout dinner whichwason,buta little sad, because my friend had to attend a
LandShark, the mocktails came in handy because Lady X was headed home to pack and leave after dinner WesplitaSeafood Platter since she and I are not big eaters, so it was perfect The fish and chips, along with the coconut shrimp were a hit. TheKeyWestcocktailand citrus tartar sauces were even dippable with the fries. Verynice. Weeven split a Chocolate Lava Cake which was scrumptiousaswell. Youcan’tgo wrong with chocolate on chocolate.
IfirstorderedaTropical Breeze mocktail for us, which I think is the most kid friendly of the drinks. It’s made with orange juice, pineapple juice, Sprite, and grenadine. I loved the tropical feel. It wassweet,tangy,fizzy,and hadanicefinish. Icrushed the cherry which of course changes the flavor profile slightly,anditenhancesthe grenadine with its sweet and tart flavors, since the syrup reminds me of cherriesandpomegranates. We then toasted to Lady X’s Aunt, a military nurse duringtheKoreanWar and
My last mocktail was the Cranberry Paradise, and it was lip smacking good Made with cranberryandlimejuice,along with the subtle spice of ginger beer It tasted the most alcoholic of the mocks,althoughthereisno alcohol in the beer It was tangy,andofferedaperfect blend of sweetness and zest. It’s a tiny barrel of goodness I thought, plus it hadthelongestfinishofthe four drinks lingering on thepalateIwouldsay
The Margaritaville Resort allows locals or gueststoindulgeinvarious activities,whetheryoustay overnight or not. If you haven’t been since Buffett and his crew bought the place, then you need to check it out again. I’m
https://wwwmargaritav andsearch for Lake Resort Lake Conroe-Houston Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount
andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,bythe ClerkofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedand deliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty IhaveonDecember13,2024 seized,leviedupon, andwillofferforsalethefollowingproperties,onthefirstTuesdayinFebruary,2025,thesamebeing the4thdayofsaidmonth,PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01,andasfurtherprovidedintheResolution adoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedas instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County,Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conducted as an ONLINE AUCTION at the following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions. The Montgomery County Constableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledinagiven month,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00AM, andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsin such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit:
MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § NOTICEOFSALE § STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,bythe ClerkofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedand deliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty IhaveonDecember13,2024 seized,leviedupon, andwillofferforsalethefollowingproperties,onthefirstTuesdayinFebruary,2025,thesamebeing the4thdayofsaidmonth,PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01,andasfurtherprovidedintheResolution adoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedas instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County,Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conducted as an ONLINE AUCTION at the following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions. The Montgomery County Constableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledinagiven month,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00AM, andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsin such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit:
(any volume and page references unless otherwise indicated being to the Deed Records Montgomery County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete descriptionofeachrespectivetract.)or uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney a sufficientportionofthepropertydescribedaboveshallbesoldtosatisfysaidjudgment(s),interest, penalties,andcost;andanypropertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendants oranypersonhavinganinteresttherein,toredeemthesaidproperty ortheirinteresttherein,within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to whichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedthereinmaybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Said saletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)renderedintheabovestyledandnumberedcause(s), togetherwithinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothe satisfactionthereof,andtheremainder,ifany,tobeappliedasthelawdirects.
Notes: TheMinimumBidisthelesseroftheamountawardedinthejudgmentplusinterestandcostsorthe adjudgedvalue. However,theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisa party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the propertyplusallcostsofsuitandsale.ALLSALESSUBJECTTOCANCELLATIONWITHOUT PRIORNOTICE.THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE
PROPERTYWHICH HAVE BEENASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For moreinformation,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP, attorneyforplaintiffs,at(936)760-1410 PublishedDates:January15,22,29,2025
(anyvolumeandpagereferences,unlessotherwiseindicated,beingtotheDeedRecords,Montgomery County Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respectivetract.)or,uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney,asufficientportionof thepropertydescribedaboveshallbesoldtosatisfysaidjudgment(s),interest,penalties,andcost;and anypropertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendantsoranypersonhavingan interesttherein,toredeemthesaidproperty ortheirinteresttherein,withinthetimeandinthemanner providedbylaw,andshallbesubjecttoanyotherandfurtherrightstowhichthedefendantsoranyone interestedthereinmaybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Saidsaletobemadebymetosatisfythe judgment(s)renderedintheabovestyledandnumberedcause(s),togetherwithinterest,penalties,and costsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothesatisfactionthereof,andtheremainder if any tobeappliedasthelawdirects.
DatedatConroe,Texas,the6thdayofJanuary 2025
By:/s/StephenClosson STEPHENCLOSSON,Deputy
The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudgedvalue.
You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expirationoftwentydaysafteryouwereservedthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmay betakenagainstyou.Inadditiontofilingawrittenanswerwiththeclerk,youmayberequiredto makeinitialdisclosurestotheotherpartiesofthissuit.Thesedisclosuresgenerallymustbemade
The petition of Texas Department of Family and Protective Services; Lisa Coaliron; Clayton Coaliron,Petitioner wasfiledintheCountyCourtatLaw#3ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,onthis the 17th day of December 2024, against Richard Coaliron Respondent(s) numbered 22-1217067andentitled
ApplicationhasbeenmadewiththeTexasAlcoholicBeverageCommissionforaWine-Only PackageStorePermit(Q)byOliveBusinessLLCdbaFuelMaxx#115 tobelocatedat 15752 FM 3083 RD, Conroe, TX 77302, Montgomery County, Texas. Officers of said corporationareFaeemMomin(Manager). PublishedDates:January8,15,22,29,2025 BeverlyKennedy Deputy
Thedateandplaceofbirthofthechildrenwhois(are)thesubjectofsuitis/are,DOB12/25/2022 Male
RichardCoaliron MontgomeryCounty Texas
The Court has the authority in this suit to enter any judgment or decree in the children interest which will be binding to you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity and appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the childrenadoption.
Issued and given under my hand seal of said Court at Conroe, Texas on this the 3rd day of January,2025.
To:RichardCoalironandtoallwhomitmayconcern,Respondent(s), (SEALCountyCourtatLaw#3) MelisaMiller,DistrictClerk By:/s/BeverlyKennedy 1/3/20253:49:57PM CONROE,TX77305 TheWoodlandsTX77381 THE STATE OF TEXAS
andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,bythe ClerkofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedand deliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty IhaveonDecember12,2024 seized,leviedupon, andwillofferforsalethefollowingproperties,onthefirstTuesdayinFebruary,2025,thesamebeing the4thdayofsaidmonth,PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01,andasfurtherprovidedintheResolution adoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedas instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County,Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conducted as an ONLINE AUCTION at the following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions. The Montgomery County Constableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledinagiven month,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday,beginningat10:00AM, andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsin such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit:
(any volume and page references unless otherwise indicated being to the Deed Records Montgomery County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete descriptionofeachrespectivetract.)or,uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney,a sufficientportionofthepropertydescribedaboveshallbesoldtosatisfysaidjudgment(s),interest, penalties,andcost;andanypropertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendants oranypersonhavinganinteresttherein,toredeemthesaidproperty ortheirinteresttherein,within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to whichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedthereinmaybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Said saletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)renderedintheabovestyledandnumberedcause(s), togetherwithinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothe satisfactionthereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthelawdirects.
PROPERTYWHICH HAVE BEENASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For moreinformation,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP, attorneyforplaintiffs,at(936)760-1410
However theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisa party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the propertyplusallcostsofsuitandsale.ALLSALESSUBJECTTOCANCELLATIONWITHOUT PRIORNOTICE.THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY *
annum from the date of judgmentuntilpaid.
Witnessmyhandthis16thdayof December 2024.
PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, didonthe16thdayofDecember,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe4thdayof February,2025 Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westside court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder, all right,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantThomasBlackhadinthepropertydescribedbelow: PhilipCash Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof nd Montgomery County Texas
ConstablePCT.1 MontgomeryCounty Texas
Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, didonthe17thdayofDecember,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe4thdayof February,2025 Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westside court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highest bidder, all right,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantJillL.Flowershadinthepropertydescribedbelow: th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof MontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe27thdayofNovember,2024infavorofOvationServices,LLC. recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.23-02-01792,inthe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County Texasonthe22nddayofOctober 2023,againstJillL.Flowers.
NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofSondraHarlene Davis, Deceased, were issued on January 15th, 2025, in Cause No. 22-44069-P pending in the ProbateCourtNo:ONE,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to:DianahShiflett.
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw
AttorneyatLaw c/o:RobertS.Griffin
122W DavisSt.Ste.101 Conroe,TX77301
StateBarNo.:24075836 122W DavisSt.Ste.101
All persons having claims against this Estate which is
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF DONALD LYNN REED as Independent ExecutoroftheESTATEOFCHARLESARTHURREEDa/k/aCHARLESARTHURREED, SR., Deceased. Pending in the Probate Court No. 1, Montgomery County, Texas, sitting in MattersofProbateCauseNo.24-47565-P TO ALLPERSONSINTERESTEDINTHEABOVEESTATE:WHEREAS,onthe15th dayofJanuary 2025,intheProbateCourtNo.1ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,theundersigned duly qualified as the Independent Executor of the ESTATE OF CHARLESARTHUR REED a/k/aCHARLESARTHURREED,SR.,Deceased. NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentonthisEstateweregrantedand this is to notify all persons having claims against said Estate to present the same to the undersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw Anypersonindebtedtosaid Estateisherebynotifiedtopaysametotheundersigned.DONALDLYNNREEDIndependent ExecutoroftheESTATEOFCHARLESARTHURREEDa/k/aCHARLESARTHURREED, SR.,Deceased.Address:c/oLawOfficesofThomasG.Bassler,P.C.,Attorneys,Attn:Thomas G.Bassler,306W Sunset,Suite119,SanAntonio,Texas78209.
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: JeanneM.Peltz
DATEDthe17dayofJanuary 2025.
StateBarNo.: 10386500
th DATEDthe17 dayofJanuary 2025.
StateBarNo.: 10386500
Telephone:(832)721.1679 10210GrogansMillRoad
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of DANIEL J. SWEENEY,Deceased,wereissuedonJanuary16,2025;inCauseNo.24-47524-P,pendinginThe Probate
Richards ISD celebrated Homecoming last weekwithdressupdays,a bonfire, a pep rally, a pregame tailgate event, Homecoming games, and the crowning of the HomecomingCourt.There was also a Homecoming dance last Saturday night. Here are some photos of theeventsleadinguptothe game:
Shelby and Chad Podraza. The second crown bearer was kindergarten student Jett Ketkoski. His parents are Larra and Jeffery Ketkoski Last year’s HomecomingQueen,Miss Kahlan Freels also helped crownthecourt.
Homecoming Friday began crown wasprek Miss Larra Jeffery year Queen,Miss Kahlan thecourt.
Richards High School held its 2025 Crowning of theHomecomingCourton Friday night between the basketball games in their beautiful new gym The crowning began with two little crown bearers The firstcrownbearerwasprek student Miss Priscilla Podraza. Her parents are
The runners up for Homecoming Queen were Miss Kira Coleman and Miss Alayna Francis Kira’s parents are Bonnie a
Alayna’s parents are Joy Boyce and Scott Francis. The ru
ners up for Homecoming King were Terry Dean and Hunter Fuller Terry is the son of Flecia Stribling and Terry Dean Sr Hunter is the son ofWendyandBevinFuller
Congratulationstoallof the members of the 2025 Richards Homecoming Court!
events all the Homecoming Queen Kira Miss are nd Alayna’s parents Joy and r Dean Terry is and Terry the
This week’s Veteran is Charles E Cox who served in the U.S. Army 1953-1955 He was recently at the Veterans Administration Conroe Clinic, for a dental appointment Charles servedstateside,trainingat Fort Chaffee, Arkansas as communications wireman for a Field Artillery Battalion. His job was to
run lines of communicationbetweentheindividual battery headquarters and thebattalionHQ. Coxlater served at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in the same position. He remembers seeing the M31 762mm Honest John Rocket being fired at Fort Sill which he considered an impressive sight The warhead consisted of bomblets, which spread out from the impact region causing
further the surrounding service Cox made out working the industry for retired from
further damage to the surroundingarea. Afterhis his service time Mr Cox made a career out of working in the metals industry He first worked for Seco Steel, and then retired from Reynolds Metals Company He Metals recently turned 92 years old. Good Luck Charles, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran of theWeek’. served the at Conroe for served training communications wireman for a Field His to of Cox He Fort Sill impact
LocalSpeaker: KevinBrady
The Woodlands, TX –
T h e 1 0 t h a n n u a l Live2Lead-The Woodlands is excited to announce one of the local speakers for the February 7th leadership event. This annual event is hosted locallybyBarryBlanton& BlantonAdvisors,LLC.
SPEAKER: Kevin Brady
–FormerU.S.Representative&FormerChairofthe House Ways & Means Committeewillparticipate in a fireside chat on the topic of “Leadership in a DivisiveWorld”.
Live2Lead is a leader
John Maxwell, #1 expert, author and Gordon, Best-selling & Keynote Michael Jr Comedic thought leader MalcolmGladwell, Canadian journalist, author&publicspeaker
development experience designed to equip attendees with new perspectives, practical tools and key takeaways. Attendees will learn from worldclass leadership experts via video Attending Live2Lead not only presentstheopportunityto get up close and personal with leaders you would never otherwise have the chance, but it also gives you the opportunity to be challenged to think differently L2L is designed to deliver the
very best leadership content to inspire and motivate you and your your team.Inaddition,youwill be able to connect with other influencers in your community and expand your business network with relationships that producetangibleresults.
T h e Wo o d l a n d s Methodist Church, 2200 Lake Woodlands Drive –Wesley Hall, The Woodlands,TX. WHEN? WHERE? February 7, 2025, 8:30am - 3:00pm. Registration and a light breakfastbeginsat8:00am.
has been providing grants annually for the present and the future well-being ofourcommunity Formorethan25years, CPMC (also known for its Rainbow Room initiative) has been providing basicneed services to children and adults under the supervision of Child Protective Service (CPS) and Adult Protective Service (APS) in Montgomery
The Community Partners of Montgomery County (CPMC) was recently recognized with a generous grant from Montgomery County Community Foundation (MCCF). Since 1983, the Montgomery County Community Foundation
program in one. the home the closely its have and over This each M i s donations from the add Montgomery
donations from the public, as well as the support of local organizations and we are thrilled to add the thrilled Montgomery County Community Foundation to ourlistofpartners. of recently recognized with Since been for CPMC Rainbow services adults Service Adult Protective Montinformation on
CPS child in need of one. In manycasesthisenablesthe children to remain in their home rather than being removedfromthehomefor their safety Since its inception, and working closely with CPS caseworkers, CPMC and its volunteers have provided new beds and bedding for over 620 children! This initiativecontinuestogrow each year and is the initiativewheretheMCCF grantwillbeutilized.