1 minute read

husbands'servicetoour country


The mighty “Texas Live Oak Tree” with its magnificent wide branches and far reaching roots, is the perfect representative for the TEXAS UDC living, growing, expanding, families in its searches to honor and prove their Heritage and Family Trees. The overall size of thepinis2’.


* The large PEARLS represent our glorious


* T h e S m a l l CRYSTALSglowingwith life are their Descendants, whohaveworkedtoprove and honor them. In each Family Today, YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE CRYSTALS!

The Angel sits at the baseoftheTreeandkeeps watchoverallofus.


Any person, Man or Woman, who wishes to honor their Family may orderthisPendent/Pin.Itis suitable for Framing in a Shadow Box and can be givenasaGift.

For more information please contact CHAIRM A N : E L A I N E C O L L I N G S , ehcollings@gmail.com,to getontheorderlist.

Submitted by Chairman: Elaine Collings, ehcollings@gmail.com

Medal TexasDivisionUDC,President’sPinProject: “CelebratingTheSpiritOfTheSouthernFamily”

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