1 minute read

Duringhistimeinthe Coast Guard, he received m a n y c o m m e n dations...they are: Antartica ServiceMedalw/2Bronze Stars, Bicent- ennial Unit Commendation, the next seven all start with Coast Guard E Ribbon w/2 Gold Stars, Achievement Medal Arctic Service Medal w/1 Bronze Star, Conduct Medal w/1 Silver Star, Meritorious Team

w/1 w/1 Star, and

Service Ribbon, Unit Gold


Award, Humanitarian Medal

Commendation w/3 Gold Stars, Meritorious Unit Commend-ationw/2Gold Stars, Rifle Marksman Stars, Ribbon, Service Ribbon w/3 Bronze Stars, Special Ops Service Ribbon, Unit Commendation w/1 Gold Star, Comdt's Letter of Commendation w/1 Gold Star, DOT Outstanding UnitAward, Humanitarian ServiceMedalw/1Bronze Star, Joint Meritorious UnitAward w/1 Gold Star and 1 Oak Leaf Cluster, National Defense Service Medal and a Transportation 9-11 Ribbon. Mr Plowman was at sea for many years aboard the ice breaker Polar Sea WAGB11. Carol Dyson of the Texas Division, UDC and chairmanofthe American Patriot Medal award, is also president of the Fort Virginia Point chapter in Texas City and the Stubbs chapter registrar, Beckie Endebrock, presented the medal and certificate to Plowman's widow Ronald Plowman was born in Washington State on September 22, 1963 and passedawayonNovember 18,2021inSpring,Texas.

Guests attending the

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By Gail J. Box

There are so many books about love, and also movies, TV shows, and magazines available that tellusaboutwhatloveisin the entertainment category That’s why some views of love may not truly give us the right meaning that we aresearchingforinalifeof love.

Let s go to the Bible,first,tofindthefirst use of the word, “Love.”

It s found in Genesis Chapter 22, where God is speakingtoAbraham: He (God) said, ‘Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the

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