Montgomery County News, March 6, 2024

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Texas Weekly






MontgomeryCountyis blessed to have talented people, and it takes a special talent to be patient enough to sit down and write a children’s book And two local authors Christine E. Gorhum and Jamie Sanderfer have published books about experiences involving children that have great meaning in their lives Christine’s book is a story a b o u t h e r o l d e s t grandchild,Aidan, and his adventures with his favorite stuffed animal in theLakeCreekSettlement; while Jennifer s tome, is based on her family's experiences in fostering youthsinMontgomery

MontgomeryCountyis blessed to talented takes a talent to be patient to sit and write a children’s book And two authors Christine E. and Jamie have about experiences involving children that have great meaning their lives Christine’s book story b u t h r o d t his dv ntur w th his stuffed animal in Lake Settlement; while Jennifer s tome, is based on family's in fostering youthsinMontgomery

G o r h u m s Th e Adventures of Bunny and Boy takes you on an adventure with boy, her grandchild, 4 at the time, whoinspiredthebook,and his stuffed animal Bunny Bunny goes on treks with boy, in and around her property as well as the neighbors, mostly notably Mrs Duncan The ‘SpookyTree’islocatedon their property The idea developed from Gorhum’s time caring for her grandson,now12,withher nap time stories, and it snowballed into a book f r o m t h e r e T h e adventurous tales of tales Bunny and his boy make for interesting bedtime

m s h e Boy you adventure boy, 4 at time, inspired book, his stuffed animal Bunny Bunny goes on and her as as neighbors, mostly notably r uncan he located property developed from tim g fo 12,withher time and it a book f r o m h e r T e of make interesting bedtime

byMCNcontributing writer,

Joan United Confederacy, Formal and ‘after’ Love celebrating for ladies ha F

JENNY all Chapter’s by ambitious achieved

The Beautiful Belles of Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721 Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy, met for their Formal February Meeting, and ‘after’ posed with lots of Love and Laughter, celebrating each other for Valentines. These ladies in RED know how to have Fun and still accomplish tremendous successes.PresidentJENNY LEHR gave her Welcome, andallPledges,Rituals,and Prayers were conducted This Chapter’s Ancestors Roll Call was held by each member Reports by every Officer and Chairman were respectfully given and ambitious goals achieved with more announced to come Appreciation Certificates were Awarded,

stories or as a gift for young children to read on their own. It’s a tale that e n c o u r a g e s t h e imagination of children, and will perhaps spark storiesfromotherchildren andtheirgrandmas.

Sanderfer’sbook‘Love You From Right Here: A Keepsake Book for ChildreninFosterCare,’is about her and her husband’s loving venture when they were foster parents for about four years.

‘Love You Right Here: Keep o for Children Care,’ abou h r a d er husband’s when they parents about four years.

“During that time we had 8 children stay with us, ” said Sanderfer Anywhere from a duration of 2 weeks to 8 months.Whenthechildren came to us, almost all of themcamewiththeclothes on their backs and nothing more.”

stories young to on their own. a tale e o r t h imagination of and will perhaps storiesfrom children and time we had 8 children stay u aid Sa f r yw er f o duration of 2 months. thechildren came to themcamewiththeclothes on their more.”

Sanderfer’s, knowing to took in children basically themselves clothes necessities sentimental On o a a h r heartbreakinggutcheck them when they learned that in move alot.

by MCN contributing writer,RubenBorjasJr

soughtoutaneffectiveway to communicate to the children going to their home that they were heading to a safe space. The Sanderfer s were committed to show that theycaredforthechildren. That their family would love them as long as they were under their roof, and even when they moved away

sought aneffectiveway to communicate to children going to home they were heading safe space. The Sanderfer were committed to show that they for That their family would love them long they were under their roof, and even when moved away

“The average number of times a child will move while in foster care is astounding,” Jamie told MCN “Our first placement was 3 years old andonher5thmovewhen shecametous.”

“The average of times move while in care is astounding,” Jamie MCN Our fir placement was years andon move she tous.”

It was based on those experiences,thatSanderfer

It was based on experiences,thatSanderfer

something to convey said aboutthe children who stayed with them “I a t a o k i h to true the andfeelingsthat

The Sanderfer’s, not knowing what to expect, took in children that basically came with just themselves No extra clothes, necessities, or sentimentalitems. Ontop o f t h a t a n o t h e r heartbreakinggutcheckhit them when they learned that children in foster care movearoundalot. “I wanted something morethanjustmywordsto conveymythoughts,”said Jamie,concernedaboutthe younger children who stayed with them “I wanted a book with pictures to show them true representations of the emotionsandfeelingsthat theywereexperiencing.”

Sanderfer searched all over for a book that expressed her thoughts Ultimately she decided to write ‘Love You From Right Here: A Keepsake Book for Children in Foster Care,’ which was published in 2017. The book is written from the perspective of a foster parenttothechildinfoster care. It takes you through an abbreviated look at the emotions a young child experiences throughout their transition to a new fosterhome. Themessage to the child is that while theyareinthathome,they willbesafeandloved,and if they have to leave, they

Sanderfer all for a book that her thoughts she decided to write From A Keepsake Book for Children in Care,’ which was published The book is written from the perspective of a foster tothechildinfoster care. you through an the a young child experiences throughout their transition to a new Themessage to the child while areinthathome,they willbesafe loved,and they have to leave, they

The parking lot was full, and the house was packed at Sawyer Park this past Sunday as Montgomery’s ownPaytonRileytooktothe stage at The Woodlands icehouse to entertain the throngs gathered to hear her newsingle‘NotAsMuchAs I Used To ’ Riley, 15, headlined a trio of talented singers, Jeff Canada, Donice Morace, and Bubba Westly; and the anticipation was palpable as Westly finished his set, and the Payton Riley Bandbeganitsprep.

The late afternoon's entertainment was held in conjunction with a fundraising event held by Love Heals Youth, a Conroebasednon-profitwith its goal of counseling, tutoring, and clothing of older kids in foster care Riley’s family had fostered youthsinthepast,andPayton works with LHYin different c a p a c i t i e s , o u t o f appreciation for the foster kids that have had a great impactonherlife.

The late entertainment held on ct w t a held Love a Conroe counseling, foster had inthe with in a a c t s u for that a onher

Riley remained cool and collected as the band started with ‘Jesus and Joan Jett,’ yielding to over a non-stop h o u r o f m u s i c a l entertainment You could tell she was in her element, a n d s h o w e d t r u e professionalism in maintainingcommandofthe stage. Ifshewasnervousshe didn’tshowit.

The house packed Sawyer this past Montgomery s Riley to at single As Used To ’ Riley, 15, a trio Westly; anticipation as his set, Payton song,

Payton’s song, ‘Packin,’ showcased her ability with the guitar and gave rise to where she will be in five or ten years with a prophetic sense that the crowd was listening to a future Country Music Association award winner Shehasalreadybeen namedthe2023YoungArtist oftheYear(18andyounger) by the Texas Country Music Association,andyetshestill remains humble and respectful of her elders and fans.

as the ‘Jesus Joan Jett,’ yielding to a o f l she was her h w e t rofe si is commandof stage. she she was and was amazing,”

“This was my first time hearing Payton and it was amazing,” said Stacy Burke, from Conroe. “She reminds meofayoungDollyParton.”


The intensity emotion shows her work.

those of local venues a of the Nashville. And can feed ‘Payton as through same And is on every

The intensity of Riley’s emotion shows in her work. Thepatiencesheexhibitsisa testamenttohersuccess,and all those years of playing open mic nights, church events local venues in Montgomery County, and now in a growing number of placesacrossthestate,andin Nashville. And you can see how she has progressed through the years in her YouTube feed ‘Payton Riley Music,’ as well as through her Facebook page of the samename. Andhermusicis easily downloadable on everystreamingplatform.

“She did really well “ “ said Kimber Mackell, 10, from Cypress, who attended the concert with her father “IwishIcouldsinglikeher.”

“She really well Mackell, her father wish sing her.”

Payton has a unique

Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXIX NUMBER 9 Section 1 8 pages March6,2024 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly PRE-SRT POSTAGEPD #80 MONTG.TX Montgomery County News WEDNESDAY Austin- $2 92/g up 14 7 centspergallonfromlastweek's $2.77/g. SOURCEGasBuddy "A majority of the nation's 50 states have seen gasoline prices rise, with the national average posting a gain for the second straight week, a trend thatishardlysusprisingforthis time of year and will likely continueastheentirenationhas now made the first step toward summer gasoline," said Patrick De Haan head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy The pinch at the pump has been manageablefornow withprices about30centshigherthanmidJanuary, but that will likely changeasweenterthemadness we tend to see in March with refinery maintenance hitting its peak impacting how much gasolinecanbe producedas we make the changeover to the summer blends This always crimpssupply,leadingtofurther gaspriceincreases." March 4, 2014: $3 20/g 20/g (U.S.Average:$3.46/g) Neighboringareasandtheir currentgasprices: Midland Odessa- $2 88/g up0.6centspergallonfromlast week's$2.87/g. San Antonio- $2 87/g up 14.0 cents per gallon from last week's$2.73/g. According to GasBuddy price reports, the cheapest station in Texas was priced at $2 00/g yesterday while the most expensive was $3.90/g, a difference of $1 90/g The lowest price in the state yesterdaywas$2.00/gwhilethe highest was $3 90/g a differenceof$1.90/g. Average gasoline prices in Texas have risen 11.4 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $2 91/g today accordingtoGasBuddy'ssurvey of 13,114 stations in Texas PricesinTexasare8.5centsper gallon higher than a month ago and stand 2.6 cents per gallon lower than a year ago The national average price of diesel has fallen 2.7 cents in the last week and stands at $4.03 per gallon. The national average price of gasoline has risen 10.0 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3 34/g today The nationalaverageisup22.0cents pergallonfromamonthagoand stands3.2centspergallonlower than a year ago, according to GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million weekly price reports covering over 150,000 gas stations across the country Historicalgasolinepricesin Texas and the national average goingbacktenyears: March 4 2023: $2 93/g (U.S.Average:$3.37/g)
4 2018: $2 28/g (U.S.Average:$2.52/g)
4, 2017: $2 10/g (U.S.Average:$2.31/g)
4, 2016: $1 60/g (U.S.Average:$1.81/g)
4, 2020: $2 11/g (U.S.Average:$2.41/g) March 4 2021: $2 47/g (U.S.Average:$2.75/g)
4, 2022: $3 56/g (U.S.Average:$3.92/g)
4, 2019: $2 19/g (U.S.Average:$2.43/g)
2015: $2 24/g (U.S.Average:$2.45/g) $2 92/g up 14 7 pergallonfromlastweek's $2.77/g. GasBuddy "A the nation's have seen gasoline rise, with the national average a gain the straight trend thatis susprisingforthis of year and will likely as entire has made first toward gasoline," Patrick head of petroleum analysis GasBuddy The pinch at has been prices about30 higherthanmidlikely enterthemadness tend to March with maintenance hitting its peak impacting how much as we changeover the blends This always leadingtofurther gaspriceincreases." 4, 2014: $3 (U.S.Average:$3.46/g) andtheir prices: Odessa- $2 88/g cents gallonfrom week's 87/g week's to the station Texas priced while expensive was difference $1 90/g The lowest yesterday $2.00/gwhile h gh s was /g differenceof gasoline in Texas 11.4 gallon last week, averaging today accordingtoGasBuddy'ssurvey of stations PricesinTexasare cents gallon than and 2.6 per lower year national average of has in week and $4.03 gallon. national average of has 10.0 per gallon averaging $3 34/g today nationalaverage per fromamonth stands than year to GasBuddy data from more than 11 million price reports covering 150,000 gas the country pricesin Texas and average going ten 2023: (U.S.Average:$3.37/g) 2018: (U.S.Average:$2.52/g) 2017: (U.S.Average:$2.31/g) 2016: (U.S.Average:$1.81/g) (U.S.Average:$2.41/g) 2021: (U.S.Average: 2022: (U.S.Average: 2019: (U.S.Average: 2015: (U.S.Average: PBOX Magnolia,TX 77353 Index Commentary 3,4,5 Community........2,3,4,7,8 Legals.................................6 BusinessDirectory.............8 ChurchDirectory..............5
her ability guitar be or the listening has been 2023Young the andyet e i u e d her elders a See Book, page 2 See Meeting, page 2 ThisAd SpaceAvailable 4 column x 1.5 inch 936-449-NEWS See Riley , page 2 LocalAuthorsBrighten Children'sSpirits JaimeSanderwithherbook“LoveYouFromRight Here:AKeepsakeBookforChildreninFosterCare.” ExcitingNews-TheRebel JoanofARCHeldMeeting attheHeritageMuseum ARC
LefttoRight:TOPROW:AnnaGreathouse,MyraListon,SusanJohnston,Donna Summers,DianneKebodeaux.2ndTopRow:KarenJacobs,ReginaRiney,Cynthia Riney Connors,KarenDeBerry,CindyDittrich,AnitaStevens.3rdRow:Katherine Taglienti,AnneCarter.1stRow:ElaineCollings,DaneanMyers,
LynHoward, JennyLehr,BarbaraEddleman,SheliaWilliamson.
Payton Riley Rocks Sawyer Park Icehouse







Lake Creek of Although won'tfind wolves in Texas it's to that once a necessary and of state's ecosystem. Both red and wolves were abundant in Texas with theeasternhalf state and wolves west.

MexicangraywolforLobo, which is the Spanish word forwolf.

graywolf is wolf.

As youngsters, we are told to be afraid of the “big bad wolf” but in reality, wolves don't see us as prey and attacks on humans are veryrare.

we are told wolf” in wolves don't as attacks on are

habitatlossled to a rapid in their They now considered extinct Texas thought to learn few

The two wolf species that roamed Texas were the southeastern red wolf and the gray wolf. There was alsoasubspeciesofthegray wolf that was called the


from page 1

will still be loved “from righthere.”

Wolves travel and hunt in small packs usually consisting of a male, his femalemateandtheiryoung from both the current breeding season and past seasons. The leaders of the pack, Mom and Dad, are sometimesreferredtoasthe alpha wolves although somethinktheword“alpha” isoutdated. L.DavidMech, a renowned biologist, discourages the use of the word and explains that the “alpha” couple are just parents to the wolves in the pack.

mostpart, are and with for however, male a eye a after a period, a packs formed leaves the pack a a

Forthemostpart,wolves are monogamous and will staywitheachotherforlife. Occasionally, however, the maleparenthasawandering eye and may cheat. If a partner dies and after a mourning period, the other one will eventually find a new mate. New packs are formed when a wolf leaves the pack and finds a mate. They breed and a new pack

hunt in small packs a male, mate young the leaders the Mom and are asthe wolves “alpha” outdated. L. a biologist, discourages of the and the couple just the wolf species that roamed Texas were the southeastern and the was also gray wolf called the



Another aspect that Sanderfer noticed about children in foster care was their special memories, likes, dislikes, etc. They weren’t always being documented through their many moves. They didn’t come with photos of them at previous ages to follow them if they moved to anotherhome.

Another aspect Sanderfer in foster They their moves. come photos previous to if moved anotherhome.

“I of last

“I wanted to provide a solution to that, so my to favorite part of the book is the last few pages that are slotted specifically for journaling,” said Jamie

“My hope is will not the for said things child can them foryearstocome.” an nature uses sounds birds the catalyst

“My hope is that foster families will utilize this as a resource to not only comfort the children in theircare,butalsoprovide akeepsakeofmemoriesfor the child to take with them,” said Jamie. “These arepricelessthingsthatthe child can keep with them foryearstocome.”

Christine E Gorhum, besideherchildren’sbook, isanawardwinninglegally blind nature photographer She uses the sounds that birds make as the catalyst for taking her photos Gorhum has been losing her sight since her early 30s, and even before. She plans to publish a book of herbirdphotosintime.

ChristineE.Gorhum,holdsacopyofherbook“The AdventuresofBunnyandBoy”

“There to of care, lines

“There are spaces to add photosofthechild,datesof their care, and lines for lines journaling.”

For Sanderfer, the journaling prompts are for their foster parents to document things Like their favorite things to do, favorite places to go

Both onlineretailers. can be

Wolvesdon't howl at full some believebuttheydo a way communicatingwith each Their is 20times oursand they can hear a fellow wolf howling 10 Wolves have ways of communicating well like growling, barking, and whimpering.Bodylanguage is used, too, posturing, using and eyecontact.

rodents, along with fish and evenbirds.


Both Gorhum’s and Sanderfer’s books can be purchased atAmazon,com andotheronlineretailers.

Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount

and before. She to Sanderfer, parents favorite to

Wolves are carnivores. They prefer hooved animalslike moose,and deer will also prey on beavers, rabbits, and

Wolves are carnivores. They prefer large hooved animalslikeelk,moose,and deer but will also prey on beavers, rabbits, and


from page 1

Certificates were toMembersby DANEAN was held


Supplemental Ancestor Certificates were presented toMembersbytheRegistrar, DANEAN MYERS, and a drawing was held for the beautiful “GrandMother’s Antique Buttons Necklace and Bracelet that B Chairman, LAURA

McCRACKEN had graciously donated for the Drawing. Scholarshipswere discussed by 2nd VP LYN HOWARD, and the Chapter Voted on their generous Annual Donations to be given. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee, SHELIA WILLIAMSON, announced the New Slate of Officers suggested to be votedonattheMayMeeting.

nd racelet th ha an LA A c R KEN h d donated the were by 2nd and the Voted on their to given. The Chairman the Nominating WILLIAMSON, the New be votedon


from page 1

abilitytotakeasong,suchas Miranda Lambert’s ‘Mama’sBrokenHeart,’and quite simply makes it her own in an almost alluring sense. She knows her craft andisabletoexciteacrowd looking for top quality entertainment Riley s twangy voice breathes new lifeintooldsongslike4Non Blondes What s Up making them more palatable. And in time as she further builds up her song inventory and stagework,thePaytonRiley Experience, will definitely be a Bucket List item for sure.

abilitytotake song, as Lambert’s her sense. her craft for top entertainment Riley new them more in further builds will a

It is believed that our beloved family dogs are decendants of wolves. For the most part, scientists believe domesticated dogs evolved from gray wolves over 15,000 years ago. It remainsamysterywhenand where wolves began to evolve into dogs and with what group of humans

is believed beloved are of For most part, believe domesticated over 15,000 ago. amystery where evolve into and with what group of humans

The RJOA Officers will again be supporting the ConroeGoTexanParade,in theirPeriodDress,inCARL

RJOA be supporting Go Dress,inCARL

H O W A R D S f u n Limousine-Golf Cart!

CARLisaPast-Recipientof the “RJOA PRESIDENT’S R E D F E A T H E R BRIGADE”. The Dignitary that RJOA has invited to Honor this year is RANDY HALL, US AIR FORCE, whowasalsoHonoredatthe T X D i v i s i o n U D C Convention this year

CYNTHIA CONNORS Officer of Military Service Awards and Veterans Chairman, announced the collection of 375 pairs of socks by this Chapter for Chapter “Warm Feet for Warriors”, and more Veterans to be Honored by RJOA coming up. The RJOA Endowment

O W A u m usi e olf a is of PRESIDENT’S R E D T E BRIGADE”. The that RJOA this year is RANDY FORCE, whowas Honored D i o n U C vention s e CYNTHIA of Service rds a d Vetera collection of of socks this Feet for Veterans to by coming up. The RJOA Endowment

so energy

so much energy It was amazing.”

Riley’snewrelease‘Not As Much As I Used To,’ received a grand applause and cheers from the crowd,

Looking at some of the dog breeds like tiny chihuahuas and fluffy pomeranians, it's hard to believe they are are relatives of wolves. Though their physical appearance doesn't resemble wolves their genetic makeup remains similar to that of a wolf. There are some dog breeds, however that are genetically closest to wolves They are the

of dog chihuahuas and fluffy to their doesn't wolves genetic makeup that wolf. are some dog breeds, however that closest They

has been byTexas res d nt, LOU U , h x s

Doll Project has been appointedbyTexasDivision President, LOUANN RUBEL, to the Texas B Division Minutes Book under Special Committees.

ELAINE COLLINGS has beenAppointedChairmanof theEndowmentDollProject by President RUBEL, and her Committee is LYN HOWARD, and KAREN D e B E R R Y R J O A KATHERINE TAGLIENTI is the Texas Division s ChairmanofthenewSpecial Project of making the 1st ever Texas Division UDC Ancestor’s Book of Proved Confederate Soldiers!

Chairman theEndowment President her is LYN HOWARD, KAREN

e B E R R R J

Texa isio of Special Project making 1st UDC Book of **WOW!

**WOW! These ladies just keepongiving!** RJOA Business: more, more, and more! But it was time for their Program by RJOA Member ANNE CARTERonherFamilythat

RJOA Business: time e on that

got Payton it

got this Long Live Cowboys,’ a song about Payton’s perfect guy had couples dancing in front of the stage, and makes you hope she does meet that

Alaskan Malamute the Siberian Husky the Shiba Inu, the Pekingese, the Saluki, the Afghan Hound, the Chow Chow, and the ShihTzu.

Husky Pekingese, the the Chow, and Tzu.

Wecanthankwolvesfor giving us our faithful furry companions. The next time you hug your dog, you're r e a l l y h u g g i n g a domesticated wolf. Pretty amazing,wouldn'tyousay?

We thankwolves faithful furry The next time hug your e a l y domesticated Pretty wouldn't say?

the the Battle Man Per Minute” the War between The in Tennessee. Meetingended, “DIXIELAND

RJOA wereadorned

Valentine Gifts RJOA

includedtheCarterHousein Franklin Tennessee, where the Bloodiest Battle Per Man Per Minute” happened in the War between the States over her Family Home The Carter House andinFranklin,Tennessee. AftertheMeetingended, and “DIXIELAND SUNG”, the RJOA RED FEATHER BOASwereadornedbyALL and FUN HAPPENED! Valentine Gifts were given! Then the RJOA Lunch Bunch went for more celebrating and fun time together Still more Fun Times are planned for the restofthisyear


nc e t or o together Still more Times planned restof year IS COLOR OF IS ER, DE TI , P S O D C N E E SPIRIT”!~

struttingitsstuff. Rileyhad hands clapping and heads rocking,asshedisplayedthe rangeofhervoice. I had a blast said Riley “I will never forget thisday,itwasawesome.”

hands clapping and rangeofhervoice. I had said Riley will thisday,itwasawesome.”

Payton's rising nationally, and with Packin, Boys Keep newest impress drive to writing songs make her uptothetask.

Payton's star is rising She has been interviewed nationally, and invited to songwriting retreats in Nashville, and with catchy tunes like Packin, Make It Sad, Boys Keep Up, and even her newest songs; she continues to impress Riley’s drive to continue writing original songs will make her career, and she is uptothetask.

and she showed great pride in promoting her new offering With her song ‘Make It Sad,’ which was played three-quarters of the way through her set, the swag she projected said, “I

Used applause from the she showed With her the projected

trial balloon ‘LimitedEdition,’apossible future strong rhythm had

perfect gentleman someday and leads a fairytale life And even after an hour, she feltasfreshasherfirstsong. “I think that Payton and the band killed it tonight,“ said Lexi Groves, fromThe Woodlands. “They brought

Payton’s trial balloon ‘LimitedEdition,’apossible future release, had a strong rhythm that had the band

Payton Riley o r

To search out Payton Riley s music go to: https://linktree/Paytonriley m u s i c o r @paytonrileymusic

Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty

Sports Community
Creek Nature
Wolvesdon'treallyhowl at the full moon like some believebuttheydohowlasa wayofcommunicatingwith each other Their hearing is 20timesbetterthanoursand they can hear a fellow wolf howling 10 miles away Wolves have other ways of communicating as well like growling, barking, and whimpering.Bodylanguage is used, too, like posturing, usingfacialexpressionsand eyecontact. BoardofDirectors
Althoughyouwon'tfind wolves in Texas it's interestingtoknowthatthey were once a necessary and important part of the state's ecosystem. Both red and gray wolves were abundant in Texas with red wolves occupyingtheeasternhalfof the state and gray wolves in thewest.Extensivehunting, trappingandhabitatlossled to a rapid decline in their numbers They are now considered extinct in Texas butIthoughtyoumightlike to learn a few things about thisfascinatinganimal.



Equity investors didn't mind the extra day this February as both domestic large-capstocksandsmallto-mid-cap stocks saw steady gains through the month, bringing both groups into positive territory year-to-date, though the latter continues tolag.

Equity investors didn't mind day this February as both domestic large-cap andsmallto-mid-cap stocks saw steady gains through the month, bringing both group into positive territory year-to-date, though latter continues tolag.

The growth in large company stocks has been driven primarily by enthusiasm for artificial intelligence(AI).

The growth in large company has been driven pr m rily by enthusiasm for artificial intelligence(AI).

In the technology

It's time to go *Boujie onaBudget*

In all my time realestating, I've seen some impactful upgrades that give the homes a fresh lookANDareeasyonthe wallet.

These are a few of my favorites:

This week we have a go-getting young man, Simon (13), an MISD junior high student who is partoftheNationalJunior Honor Society His favorite subjects are math and science because he says they “get straight to the point.” Simon even won the Outstanding Student of the Year award at his school in both math andsciencelastyear Heis an athlete as well having joined the cross-country team,andwaselectedtobe the Vice President of his NJHS council. He was part of the Veteran’s Day celebration held at the school, which is where I methim. Simonalsoloves the theater and has

sector, the move has an earnings-driven story, with the sector benefiting the AI revolution While some consolidation likely after the run-up in stock we favorable on the sector said Raymond Chief Investment LarryAdam. Fixed income sawlessreasonto 29-day however, as bonds cooled January's inflation report – it ticked upward –and persistently economic data. There seems to be broader thatthe Reserve (Fed) is likely to hold interest rates for longer than many had expected.

is likely to hold interest rates steady for longer than many had expected.

A strong economy continues to support the Fed's position The unemployment rate has

A strong conomy continues to the ed's position rate

Upgrade door knobs and hardware. Estimated cost: $28 per passage door and $31 per privacy lock.

Swap builder-grade switch plates for decorativeones.Estimatedcost: tiveones. $5-25 per plate, dependingonstyle.

Refresh rugs. Check outRugsUSAorLoloion Amazon Both sites partner with designers, like Rifle Paper Co and Arvin Olano for elevated

performed in productions at The Crighton Theatre, andtakespartinthe’Bear Productions’at his school. Simon uses his brain, and in UIL competition last year, won 1st place in ListeningSkills. Thisyear he is competing in a One Act Play, and has won the ‘Best Performer’ and ‘All Star Cast’so far Simon has a lot of good friends, and is close to his brother He plans to go to universitystudyingmathematics, andaimsforadoctoratein a field of science. Simon aims to be a professor and teachatuniversityintime,

remained at or below four percent for 26 consecutive months–arecordlastseen in the late 1960s And consumers at the high and low end of the income spectrumarestillspending.

remained at below four percent for 26 consecutive months arecordlastseen in the late 1960s And at high and end of the income

The Leading Economic Index was weaker than expectedinJanuary,butno longer indicates a recession according to the Conference Board, the group that publishes the report. The body expects the economy to remain relatively flat during the secondandthirdquarterof theyear

Refuting seasonality, which has February the third-weakestmonthofthe year, the stock market continues to hold strong, but volatility is to be expected in the months ahead as the Fed's timing remainsadominanttheme.

looks Estimated cost: $189fora5x8rug.

I'm a huge proponent of making small changed thatgoalongway

Want more tips about small projects with big impact? Reach out - I'll share what I'm seeing localDIYerstakeonthese days.



and we can all appreciate his confidence Good

LuckSimon,andCongratulations on being MCNs ‘KidoftheWeek’.

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Meet CABLE A lovable 16 week old CatahoulaLeopard,owned by Ellie and Keith Shriner CableistheOliverTwistof Montgomery dogs, since he was a rescue and now lives with a nice family with other animals He works in the Kemifor Atrium Building in Historic Montgomery, where he meets with two colleague cats, Socks (formerPofW),andEmma, (future PofW) every day There is no word if they meet around the office water cooler, or take conference calls, but they havebeenknowntogossip. Cable is MCN’s first bougiedog. Andalthough he works in an office, he does not file or type. In

fact, he has a secretary to walk him around the Historic Montgomery Community Building Cable’s diet is awesome. HelovesStella&Chewy’s rabbit, chicken, lamb, goose, venison, beef, and surf and turf. Sounds like mydiet. Buthedoesn’tdo pan sauces. Cable has a teenage big sister at home, who’s name is Emma (not the cat, but a dog), and there are also two cats at homeaswell. Infact,Ellie was the one who found Emma (the cat), under her car, and brought her to be

Sock s playmate at Kemifor Good Luck CABLE, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Pet oftheWeek’.

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Estimated cost: $150-
kitchen faucet
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all my seen
a few MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,March6,2024,Page3 RealEstateCornerwithMeganStultz Brought to you by Megan Stultz and Coffee & Contracts Kent Pendleton, AAMS®
Leading Economic Index was weaker than expectedinJanuary,butno longer indicates a recession according to the Conference Board, the group that publishes the report. The body expects the economy to remain relatively flat during the secondandthirdquarterof theyear
seasonality, which has February as the third-weakestmonthofthe year, the stock market continues to hold strong, but volatility is to be expected in the months ahead as the Fed's timing remainsadominanttheme. In the technology sector, the move has been an earnings-driven story, with the sector benefiting from the AI revolution While some consolidation is likely after the recent run-up in stock prices, we remain favorable on the sector said Raymond James Chief Investment OfficerLarryAdam. Fixed income investors sawlessreasontocelebrate the 29-day February however, as bonds cooled after January's inflation report – it ticked upward –and persistently strong economic data. There now seems to be a broader realizationthattheFederal Reserve (Fed)
some that
Estimated $28
Refresh Paper Co for looks
builder-grade switch
about small big impact? - I'll share seeing localDIYerstakeonthese days. proponent of changed thatgoalongway
TX 77356 Investing involves risk and investors may incur a profit or a loss All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the authors and are subject to change. There is no assurance the trends mentioned will continue or that the forecasts discussed will be realized Past performance may not be indicative of future results Economic and market conditions are subject to change. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is an unmanaged index of 30 widely held stocks The NASDAQ Composite Index is an unmanaged index of all common stocks listed on the NASDAQ National Stock Market. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index of 500 widely held stocks The MSCI EAFE(Europe,AustralasiaandFar East) index is an unmanaged index that is generally considered representative of the international stock market. The Russell 2000 is an unmanaged index of small-cap securities.TheBloombergBarclays US Aggregate Bond Index is a broad-based flagship benchmark thatmeasurestheinvestmentgrade, U.S.dollar-denominated,fixed-rate taxable bond market An investmentcannotbemadeinthese indexes The performance mentioned does not include fees andcharges,whichwouldreducean investor's returns. Investing in the energysectorinvolvesspecialrisks, including the potential adverse effects of state and federal regulation,andmaynotbesuitable for all investors Investing in commodities is generally considered speculative because of the significant potential for investment loss. Their markets are likely to be volatile and there may be sharp price fluctuations even during periods when prices overall are rising. International investing involves special risks including currency fluctuations differing financialaccountingstandards,and possible political and economic volatility The companies engaged in the communications and technologyindustriesaresubjectto fierce competition and their products and services may be subject to rapid obsolescence. The ConsumerPriceIndexisameasure of inflation compiled by the US Bureau of Labor Studies The Labor Leading Economic Index (LEI) provides an early indication of significant turning points in the business cycle and where the economy is heading in the near term. Material created by Raymond James for use by its advisors Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services Inc Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are offered through RaymondJamesFinancialServices Advisors,Inc.PendleHillAdvisors isnotregisteredbrokerdealersand is independent of Raymond James FinancialServices. Pendle Hill Advisors LLC
Liberty St, Ste 109 TX
Investing involves and investors may incur a profit or a loss All expressions of opinion reflect the of the authors and are subject to change. There is no the trends mentioned will continue or that the forecasts discussed will be realized Past performance may not be indicative of future Economic and market conditions are subject to change. Dow Industrial Average is an index of 30 held stocks The NASDAQ Composite an unmanaged index of all common stocks listed on the NASDAQ National Market. The 500 is an unmanaged index of 500 held The (Europe,AustralasiaandFar East) index is an unmanaged index generally considered representative of the stock market. The 2000 an unmanaged index of small-cap securities. BloombergBarclays Bond Index a flagship benchmark measuresthe U.S.dollar-denominated,fixed-rate ta a e ma e cannotbe in exe T e erf rma ce mentioned does include fees and whichwould an returns. Investing the involvesspecialrisks, the potential of and federal regulation,andmay besuitable all investors Investing in c m d t es i e ll considered because of significant loss. are be and there may be price fluctuations even rising. International special risks including fluctuations accounting and possible and volatility The companies the communications technology are competition and products and may rapid obsolescence. The is measure of compiled by the US of Labor The Economic (LEI) an early of points the business cycle the heading the near Material created James for use by its ec r e ere t r u ay d ame Fi anc al r ice nc Me b advisory offered through RaymondJames Inc. Hill not brokerdealersand independent of James Pendle Advisors LLC Congratulations ‘Kidof theWeek’ Congratulations ‘Petof theWeek’ ‘CABLE’ Weekly Columns FebruaryMarketReview Simon

Opinion / Editorial


Borjas Jr, Columnist

Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

This column may upset some, and maybe make some see the light, but it neededtobewritten.

I’vewrittenonoccasion about quality the product publicschools are putting out. It’s not only a national concern, but states as especially in urban school districts, and rural I watch a whole of local

I’vewrittenonoccasion about the quality of the productthatpublicschools are putting out. It’s not only a national concern, but states as well, especially in urban school districts, and rural too. I watch a whole lot of local

news, but from in Democrat run cities. And wasreminded a piece from News in Baltimore Maryland last year which up the rotation of YouTube feed. sinceIjustwroteabout Martin Black student performance, as compared reality

news, but from news channels in Democrat run cities. AndIwasreminded of a piece from FOX45 News in Baltimore Maryland last year, which came up in the rotation of my YouTube feed. And sinceIjustwroteaboutDr Martin Luther King’s vision of Black student performance, as compared to the reality of the Black

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Patchyfogbefore8am.Otherwise,mostly sunny,withahighnear80.Calmwind becomingsoutharound5mphinthe afternoon.


Increasingclouds,withalowaround62. Southeastwindaround5mph.


A20percentchanceofshowersafternoon. Mostlycloudy,withahighnear76.Southeast wind5to15mph,withgustsashighas20 mph.


Achanceofshowers,withthunderstormsalso possibleaftermidnight.Mostlycloudy,witha lowaround67.Chanceofprecipitationis40%.


Showerslikelyandpossiblyathunderstorm beforenoon,thenachanceofshowersand thunderstormsafternoon.Partlysunny,witha highnear73.Chanceofprecipitationis60%.




SaturdayNight Sunny,withahighnear64.












studentoutcomesoftoday, IthoughtImightexpandon ithere.

studentoutcomesoftoday IthoughtImightexpandon ithere.

Lifeisshort, I you amount youngpeople(ofallraces) I arenotready thejourneyintoadulthood. There are so many youths the best time of their to for living, and quite they gonna faced with a life ofmediocrity Mybrothersays ’get credentials and that issotrue. AndI’mamazed the don’t it. I’ve mentioned my epiphany as a 17 old, how enhanced desiretogetoutofmylittle town (Pearland); and do somethingmeaningful. I the Army, not consideringmyselfcollege materialatthe the military matures Incredibly I was an 18 I arrived in Europe, and

Lifeisshort,andIcan’t tell you the amount of youngpeople(ofallraces) Iseewhoarenotreadyfor thejourneyintoadulthood. There are so many youths who are literally wasting the best time of their lives to prepare for living, and quite frankly they are gonna be faced with a life ofmediocrity Mybrotherin-law says ’get your credentials early,’and that issotrue. AndI’mamazed thatthe young don’t see it. I’ve mentioned my epiphany as a 17 year old, and how it enhanced my desiretogetoutofmylittle town (Pearland); and do somethingmeaningful. So I joined the Army, not consideringmyselfcollege materialatthetime. Well, the military matures you quickly Incredibly, I was still an 18 year-old when I arrived in Europe, and started furthering my education.

Education, or the pursuit of it, takes an individual will, and nudgings from parents, teachers, family and friends, ministers, and mentors. The problem is the nudgings are not there onablanketlevel,orifthey are, they can be halfhearted. Kids need to be constantly motivated by

Education or the pursuit of takes an individual will, nudgings from parents family and ministers, The problem is the nudgings not there onablanketlevel,orifthey are they be halfhearted. to be motivated

responsible They need conversation with parents, guardians, teachers, find out their hopes dreams. They need to be taught about finances, future careers, hownottogetpregnant(or someone else, until a proper time), and how to save for retirement. In addition, kids need to be taught to critically think, along a nonpoliticized curriculum that teaches ‘how to think’ instead of to think’. Kids should not be raised by phones nor game consoles. They their place,butnotasaconstant. And unfortunately that’s thecaseforsomany

responsible adults. They need conversation with parents guardians teachers, to find out their hopes and dreams. They need to be taught about finances, future careers, hownottogetpregnant(or someone else until a proper time), and how to save for retirement. In addition, kids need to be to taught to critically think, along with a regular nonpoliticized curriculum that teaches ‘how to think’ instead of ‘what to think’. Kids should not be raised by cell phones nor game consoles. They have their place,butnotasaconstant. And unfortunately that’s thecaseforsomany

My youngest nephew just 24, and in HVAC he technicians who work for himthatareup 20years older than him. He is a good case of don’t have to go to make a good living Having expectations in kids not badthing. when students from high school, college or trade the ones with and secondary educationalstandardswere reduced, they simply ready for their adventures.

My youngest nephew, just turned 24, and in his HVAC work, he has has technicians who work for himthatareupto20years older than him. He is a good case of you don’t have to go to college to make a good living Having expectations in kidsisnotabadthing. But when students graduate from high school, enter college or trade schools, the ones with primary and secondary educations obtained in areas where educationalstandardswere reduced, they are simply not ready for their postsecondaryadventures.

And this can FOX45 report

And this can be seen in that FOX45 report that I

mentioned. Maryland State of Education has changed high school graduation requirements and removed state standardized in amoveformorestudentsto earn their diplomas. But the idea has had those unintended consequences that I about that Democrats never seem to grasp. One parentin Baltimore, Desmond Stinnie, learned that his daughter honors student in 2020, was unprepared for college level courses, surprised how she was unprepared. it’smuch worse the lesser high schools. And this doesn t begin to investigate quality of teaching.

mentioned. TheMaryland State Department of Education has changed high school graduation requirements and removed state standardized tests, in amoveformorestudentsto earn their diplomas. But the idea has had those unintended consequences that I speak about that Democrats never seem to grasp. OneBlackparentin Baltimore, Desmond Stinnie, learned that his daughter, an honors daughter, student who graduated in 2020, was totally unprepared for college level courses, and was surprised how woefully she was unprepared. Andit’smuch worse in the city's lesser high schools. And this doesn’t even begin to investigate the quality of teaching.

The Baltimore parent called FOX station to complain, and surprisingly they the story, not one Republican in sight to blame. It’s really not a laughing matter The family didn’t live in the projects, but in an uppermiddle class house with a largemanicuredlawn. His oldest daughter graduated from the so-called elite Baltimore Polytechnic Institutein went onto the U S Naval Academy where soon fo n h r elf v r-

The Baltimore parent called his local FOX station to complain, and surprisingly they ran the story, with not one Republican in sight to blame. It’s really not a laughing matter The family didn’t live in the projects, but in an uppermiddle class house with a largemanicuredlawn. His oldest daughter graduated from the so-called elite Baltimore Polytechnic Institutein2020,andwent onto the U S Naval Academy, where she soon found herself over-

whelmed mathematishe should have known. The academy had a to the cadet on track, hassince

whelmed with mathematical concepts she should have already known. The naval academy had to prepare a remediation program to help the cadet get back on track, and she hassincerecovered.

“We’re setting them up to fail,” said Stinnie, in reference to students. “I think that it’s counterproductive if we lower our standards. Ithinkthat'sat the detriment of the children.”

The lowering of standards creates a false sense of confidence in students(andtheirbubbles burst when placed up against well prepared competition). Their skin color (and neither merit, nor character), is the basis for the lowering of standards. I believe that Dr King intended for Black students to be assessed at the Same Levels as White students. Yet Democrats intend for everyone to be treated equally, in poverty And Mr Stinnie was right Students in Democrat run areas are being set up for failure,andthatcanbeseen in all Leftist run areas, from the East Coast to the West. Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount

The lowering of standards creates sense confidence in students(andtheirbubbles when placed up well competition). Their skin color (and neither nor character), is the basis for the lowering of standards. I believe Dr intended for Black students to be assessed at the Same Levels as White students. Democrats intend for everyone to be treated equally, in poverty And Mr Stinnie was right in run areas are being set up for failure,andthatcanbeseen in all Leftist run areas, from the East Coast to the West. Ruben can be a t : ruben@montgomerycount

“We’re setting them up said Stinnie, in to “I think that it’s we I at the detriment of the children.” web;



AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest

Editor:MonteWest RyanWest


Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews.

P. Montgomery

©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023

for spring storms by followingthesesafetytips:

* Makeaplan.Sit downwithyourfamilyand share all emergency contact information, so everyone knows how and whotoalert.Designateone or more out-of-town

* Keep up with weather updates. Install a smart phone app that will alert you when severe weather is in the area or sign up for emergency alertsonyoursmartphone. A weather radio with a loud alarm can also help wake you when severe weather threatens overnight. Stayinformed

Knowing how to communicatewithEntergy Texas after a storm hits is important There are several ways to report outagesanddownedpower lines:

* Downloadourfree appforyoursmartphoneat

* Sign up for text alerts by texting REG to 36778 and have your account number and ZIP code handy The registration pattern is as follows including spaces: REG (account number) (ZIP code) Once registered, text OUT to 36778 to report an outage. You can also report an outage onlineasaguest.

* VisittheEntergy Texas Storm Center website and our View Outagespage.

* Call us at 8009OUTAGE (800-9688243).

Storms aren’t the only emergencies for which we prepare. Team members fromacrossEntergyTexas’ service area recently completedEntergyGridEx training which drills participants on extreme hypotheticalnaturaland/or man-made threats to operations Observing Texas’ Severe Weather Awareness Week reminds us that extreme scenarios could happen during severe weather – underscoring the importance of advancedplanning.

Entergy Texas encourages customers to prepare

This column may upset some, and maybe make some see the light, but it neededtobe
Page4,Wednesday,March6,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews D&B#12-976-8354. D&B MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNewsarereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. POSTMASTER: PleasesendaddresschangestoMontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement. MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas. weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. used the to circulating in Montgomery,Texas. Mail,Faxor E-mail: Mail,Faxor Editor’sExpress Webpage: Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395, MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper We furnish
contacts. Be aware of the emergency plans at work, and if applicable, your children’sschoolorelderly family members’ residences if they do not live with you. If your household depends on lifesupport or other medical equipment, discuss a plan with your physician including alternate living arrangements, should unplanned, extended outagesoccur Entergy Texas crews and contractors plan and train for storm readiness year-round,whichhelpsus safely restore power as quicklyaspossible.Teams also perform routine inspections of electric infrastructure, trim trees away from power lines, and upgrade equipment to reduce the likelihood of outages from severe weather Assevereweather threatens, we monitor, mobilizeandact. * Keepakitnearby Experts agree it’s a good idea to have items such as non-perishable food, plenty of water, flashlights, a first aid kit with extra batteries, and an easy-to-access portable phone charger on hand in caseofstorms.Remember to check the expiration dates on your supplies often and replace the expireditems. THE WOODLANDS, Texas – Spring weather is welcomed for its sunny skiesandcoolbreezes,but the season can also bring dangerously irregular storms Ahead of the seasonal switch, the National Weather Service declared March 4-8 as SevereWeatherAwareness WeekforSoutheastTexas. The annual observance educates Texans on weather hazards that can occur during the spring months, like thunderstorms, tornadoes, and extremeheat. Kids Being Set Up for Failure EntergyTexasEncourages CustomersToPrepareFor SpringStorms
The company shares spring safety tips during Texas’ Severe Weather Awareness Week, observed March 4-8

I’m in Conroe’s Switch thisweek,takingafewsips, feasting on a NY Strip and broadening my burlesguial h o r i z o n s a t ‘ A GameChanger’ (AGC) located at 109 Metcalf Street, in Conroe. I was in downtown Conroe last month,andIdecidedtohave a walkabout and check out the bar/pub scene. That’s when I ran across AGC, which then had been open for only a few weeks. So I got to talking with the ownership group; Andy Adams Gary Nunn and CarlosdelaHaba,whoeach brought their specialized talentstotheenterprise.

AGChassomanyaspects toit,andhaslittlenichesfor everyone; kids parents grandparents even greatgrandparents. Ithinkofitas a mini-version of one of those family entertainment places on the interstate They’ve got arcade games from the ‘80s, Galaga, Ms. Pac-Man, air hockey, pinball;stuffthatservesupa lot of memories from our high school dayz. I even saw a great-grandma with dementiaenjoyingherselfat one of the shooting games thatAGCoffers.

If you love to hang out, AGC is right for you. In lingering, I confirmed my resolve to start tapping out these mixed-drinks columns. Igottotalkingto Gary Nunn a trained sommelier and he invited me to a wine tasting class thatAGCofferstogroupsof individuals, and even wine clubs. They have several shotgun style bars on location, with one on each floor Andtheyarecozytoo.


Baptist,Dacus, ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery Dobbin,936-597-5560



Continuing on the progression of lighter to bolder,Garyfollowedwitha red wine, Willamette Ridge

Pinot Noir, an Oregon product,withablackcherry and raspberry blend of fruit wrapped with fine satiny tannins. IfIwouldhavehad some Gruyere cheese, it would have been a nice pairing An Argentinian product Bandini Dos Cauces Malbec from Mendoza, was next. It is produced at the base of the Andes mountains I appreciateditsattractivered

color with deep bluish and black tones. Its bouquet had a pleasing scent of red plums. My palate found it fresh and fruity, and it left me wanting more. I next tried two white wines. A Fantinel Borgo Tesis Pinot Grigio, which again made me beg internally for some cheese It’s a product of Friuli, Italy, with a radiant dry white, with ingredients we Texans don’t normally see in a wine. The subtle aromas of bell pepper, banana and apple that left my palate velvety for the lackofabetterword.

Two California products concludedthetasting. Ared from the Northern California Coast, Buena Vista Cabernet Sauvignon. The bouquet revealed the dark fruit aromas of blackberry black cherry and cinnamon onthenose,whichputmeon no-tice Black currant flavorsareaccentedbyplum andblackpepperwithahint of dark chocolate Its medium bodied, with rich tannins matched by sweet fruit creating a long finish, and it almost made me call forapieceofchocolatecake. Lastly,Itriedawhite,Sierra delMarChardonnay hailing Clarksburg California, near Sacramento And since I appreciate tart, this made a nice ending to the experience. Idiscoveredalemon, clove and honeycomb bouquet, along with green apples, tangerine, kiwi and passionfruit. Thisisperfect wine to end a meal with a sweetaftertaste.

AGC,foryoubeeflovers outthere,doesofferaSteak Night. Chef James Cole, who made his name with Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse, does wonders with hissteakwithgarlicmashed potatoes and asparagus. I dared not ask for any steak sauce Not with the

BaptistChurch, 936-449-0845 SundayEveningWorship 6:00p.m. St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedinDobbin, P.O.Box112,Montgomery, 77356

bubbles Sunday School 8:45am Normal Sunday Servce 10am Come & Go Maundy Thursday Prayer 7pm

ChapelBaptist Church HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356 ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation), 1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe, Texas,Phone:936-4945775, www.churchofthegoodsoldie Worship:Sundayat 10:30am,SundaySchool: 9:30am Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027 ASSEMBLYOFGOD CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755 NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-588-3399 METHODIST Montgomery TX 77356 22548Highway105West 10AMWorshipService 8:45SundaySchool Phone: 936-597-6162 MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch BethelRoad,Montgomery,936-597-4668

from Montgomery United Methodist Church

excellent product that Cole putsout.

The place even has a speakeasy‘ABankJob,’for the more discerning individuals who wish to escape to the past. And on occasion,AGC even throws a burlesque show, with ladies who entertain mostly couples,wishingtospiceup theirlovelives. I’vebeento the show and found it interesting Actually my lipsaresealed.

A GameChanger has a littlebitofeverythingforthe family,andindividuals. You can meet friends on occasions throughout the week. AGC has $2 Buck Beer Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s Wine Class (Call ahead to book), and Thursday s Golden Steak Night. It'saplacetoletyour hair down play some games,andrelax.

A GameChanger’s w e b s i t e i s :

Review FOOD&DRINK A Sip and A Thought: A GameChanger's AREACHURCHES

25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas 936-689-3141 936-588-4975

Alcohol Disclaimer: This column is intended for entertainment purposes only Pleasedrinkresponsibly,notjustforyourself,but forothersaroundyou. Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty

TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter

Wine Tasting, Steak Night and More ... Oh My!! PastorCarySmith CelebrationService10am Sundays

12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696



andwildlife center

BaptistChurch, JonesChapelBaptist, FirstBaptistChurch,, dacusbaptist@consolidated.n AbundantLifeMinistriesCornerofFM149& FM1097W.Montgomery TX77356Prayer/Sunday School9:30amSunday Service11:30am WednesdayPray/Bible Study6:30pm 1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, TransformationChurch Montgomery 20350FM2854 RichardsUnited MethodistChurch Sun:10:30am SundaySchool10AM CommunityAnd Interdenominational 6639FM1696Richards Montgomery,936-5827700 AprilSoundChurch 2080LongmireRd, Conroe LoneStarCowboy Church Montgomery TX77316 ZionChurch, Admin@TCMontgomery org 67½AprilWindS., LighthouseFellowship Church, LivingBranchChurch, AprilSound,936-5882832 Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400 NewBeginningBible Church, 936.582.7722 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-597-8921 WorshipService11AM 936-597-5331or936449-5983 936-441-8875 HopeTabernacle Thursday7:30pm PorterChapelA.M.E. Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery LivingWayChurch PastorDavidWhitaker SundaySchoolat 10:00am 21627EvaSt.Montgomery,TX77356(936)5975742PastorsRandy&Darla WeaverServiceTimes: Sundays@8AM,9:30AM &11AMMondays@7PM Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM&11 AM@lonestar.tvandclick onWatchnow SundayWorshipat 6:00pm POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-478-1256, SundayBibleClass10:00 am,WorshipServiceat 11:00am. FaithBaptistChurch Meetsat464McCaleb Rd. SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m. BAPTIST


936-449-6807 1701

Sundayworship@10:00 a.m.Wed.activites6:308pm

CornerstoneChurch, 2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936-5975757


Conroe,936-588-4660 (936)597-3949 CarbonChurch, RiverofLifeChurch, 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-449-4414 FellowshipofMontgomery WaldenCommunity Church, ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries ChurchofSt.John, EPISCOPAL St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery online.churchorfollowus onFacebook@thefmchurch! 936-756-7792 Montgomery,936-5821977 LakesideBibleChurch, SeniorPastorDale Talbert Montgomery,TX77356 1803HighlandHollow, Conroe,936-756-8831 Mt.PleasentBaptist Church GraceLutheran (ELCA), Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944 LivingSaviorLutheran Church-LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356Church phone:936-597-8013Web: PastorDavidR.Bailes. 281-362-1100 JEWISH CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend Place,TheWoodlands, LUTHERAN


10amWorshipService CovenantFelloship

Wednesdays 302N.Danville,Willis, Tx.77378

18501Fm1097West@ theBentwaterWest 936/890-8034

PRESBYTERIN SunSch10:00 YouthExplosing 7pm

SundayBibleClass9:30am Hwy105W.,Montgomery,936-597-4230 FM2854,Montgomery, Mt.CalvaryBaptist FM2854,936-756-2505

2727N.Loop336West Wednesday - 7:00pm

Conroe,Texas936-7568884 ChurchofChristin Montgomery NorthShoreChurch GateEntrance

Nurseryprovided Worship -10:30amand 6:00pm

Email: cofcmontgomery@consolida Web:

PastorsSean&LoriJo Cook FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe 301PondStreet, Montgomery,TX. Phone: 936-582-4855 PaulPraschnik,Minister

MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,March6,2024,Page5 To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397 ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismadepossiblebythesebusinesses

Iwasintheupstairsbar,I enjoyed the little sitting areas where small groups couldconverseandsip. Isat withseveralladieswhowere interested in widening the scope of their vinoian prospects,aswasI. Gary showed us the first bottle, a sparkling wine, Bodega Putruele Finca Natalina Brut, bottled near Mendoza, Argentina I enjoyed the citric aromas with soft tropical notes. It was refreshing with flavors of grapefruit, lemon and lime Tropical notes of peachandpineapplemakeit ideal as an aperitif or for dessert. I wasn’t that big a fan of sparkling anything, boilingitdowntoaftertaste; but this selection, and the conversation, convinced me Ishouldbemoreopentothe nowon. Good Friday Cantata 7pm Easter Services 7:00 & 10:00
Schoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,WednesdayBible StudyandYouthGroup6pm Mt.SinaiBaptist, CATHOLIC SacredHeartCatholic,
GroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas About11miNof Montgomery onFM149 936-756-8186
Joseph’sCatholic, CR213,Stoneham, 936-894-2223
N.Frazier,Conroe, St.Mary’s Catholic FM1774,Plantersville, 936-894-2223 7:45Service
McCalebRd 1011W.Lewis,
Conroe, 18940FreeportDrive
TheChurch@Lake Conroe
Montgomery TX77316
GroveBaptist Church,Willis,936-7674744 AntiochBaptist,



GREETING: You are commanded to appear and answer to the Petition for Determination and DeclarationofHeirshipfiledbyKatherineAnnMorrisBoeckman,atorbefore10O'clock

A.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationofTen(10)daysfromthedateofPublicationof this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County at the CourthouseinConroe,Texas.SaidapplicationwasfiledonFebruary23,2024.



Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.

Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe, Texas on this the 26th day of February,2024.



Page6,Wednesday,March6,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL PublishedDates:February21,2024andMarch6,2024 First Public Notice of Stored Vehicle Notice of stored vehicle: 2002 Fabrique MajicTilt, VIN 1MSBA202721E73430, was towed/storedon02/14/2024@JasonAdamick'sWreckerService(0612563vsf),14534 HWY75N.,Willis,TX.Ph:936-856-9595. Chargesdueoneachinclude:$272TowFee, $22.85DailyStorage,8.25%taxonStorage. CITATION BYPUBLICATION PETITION FOR DETERMINATIONAND DECLARATION OF HEIRSHIP 24-46184-P CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYOFRECORD L.BRANDONSTEINMANN MAXBTURNER,JR. POBOX959 322NORTHMAINST CONROETX77305 CONROETX77301
stylebeing:ESTATEOF:THOMASLEEMORRIS KiarraFlores,DeputyClerk
LEEMORRIS,Deceased /s/KiarraFlores
34GlowingStarPlace Claimsmaybepresentedasfollows: EstateofIlle“Elizabeth”Marcontell,Deceased PublishedDate:March6,2024 All persons having claims against this estate, which is currently being administered, are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw DeborahMarcontellMichel IndependentExecutorofthe TheWoodlands,Texas77382 DATEDMarch4,2024 AttorneyforIndependentExecutor By:StephenChrisPappas NoticetoCreditors NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofIlle“Elizabeth” NottbeckMarcontell,Deceased,wereissuedonFebruary21,2024,underDocketNo.24-46039-P, pendingintheProbateCourtNumberOne(1)ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,toDeborahMarcontell Michel. AttorneyatLaw c/oStephenChrisPappas NOTICETOCREDITORS StateBarNo.24092946 MeghnaPatel EstateofDarleneSueDover,Deceased Thenamewhereclaimsmaybesentis:MeghnaPatel,TheLawOfficeofMeghnaPatel, PLLC, Three Sugar Creek Center, Three Sugar Creek Center Blvd., Suite 100, Sugar Land, Texas 77478;Telephone:281-675-5003. /s/MeghnaPatel CAUSENO.23-45245-P PublishedDate:March6,2024 OnFebruary16,2024,aLetterofAdministrationupontheEstateofDarleneSueDover Deceased,wasissuedtoMichaelDuaneDover,IndependentAdministrator,bytheProbateCourtNo. 1ofMontgomeryCounty TexasinCauseNo.23-45245-PpendinguponthedocketofsaidCourt.All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present them within the time prescribedbylawattheaddressshownbelow INTHEESTATEOF § INTHEPROBATECOURT § BARBARAANNPAXTON, § NO.ONE(1) § No.22-42,564-P AttorneyatLaw TheEstateofBarbaraAnnPaxton Datedthe1stdayofMarch,2024 ChristopherColeForbes 103W PhillipsSt. c/oChristopherColeForbes Conroe,Texas77301 /s/ChristopherColeForbes AttorneyforTammiePolnickRogers E-mail: AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstthisEstatewhichiscurrentlybeingadministeredarerequiredto presentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw PublishedDate:March6,2024 COUNSELANDSERVICES NOTICETOCREDITORS Conroe,TX 77301 NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersofAdministrationfortheEstateofBarbaraAnn Paxton, Deceased, were issued on January 17, 2024 in cause number 22-42564-P, pending in the CountyCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,to:TammiePolnickRogers. 103W PhillipsSt. STEINMANNLAW Facsimile: (936)756-3304 DECEASED § MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS StateBarNo.: 24034000 Telephone: (936)441-8675 TO: The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: LAUREN ELISE RIPPLEY Deceased; and unknownheirsofPHILLIPANDREWRIPPLEY,Deceased 23-45369-P CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYOFRECORD SUPPLEMENTALAPPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP L.BRANDONSTEINMANN HOWARDMKAHN POBOX959 POBOX3466 CONROETX77305 HOUSTONTX77253 THESTATEOFTEXAS CITATION BYPUBLICATION
You are commanded to appear and answer to the Supplemental Application to Determine Heirship filed by Brenda Rippley andAlex Nicole Villarreal, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court No. 1 of Montgomery County at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said application was filed on January 09, 2024. Thefilenumberofsaidmatterbeing:23-45369-P Thestylebeing:ESTATEOF:LAURENELISERIPPLEY Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe, Texas on this the 20th day of February,2024. (SEAL,ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk /s/DenaMizell MontgomeryCounty,Texas DenaMizell,DeputyClerk PublishedDate:March6,2024 Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled. 0313 AdvertiseintheLakeConroe AreaBusinessDirectory


ThreeGenerationsVisitConfederate VeteranInMission,Texas!

Coushatti Trace

Chapter, NSDAR, started the new year with a meeting that welcomed new members and celebrated milestones of returning members During the meeting, attendees also made

Valentine Treat Bags for the teachers and staff at Sam Houston Elementary School as a service activity New members received gift bags presented by officers and are pictured,LtoR,MembershipChairGingerDarnell, Chaplain Cheryl Bolt new members Linda

Hubert, Alice Melancon, Lois Bilby, Nancy Smith, Leigh Billingsley, Judith DuBose, and Regent Kay Pontious.

If you are interested in learning about or joining our organization, please send an email to CoushattiTraceDAR@gm

AnnualVictorian LiteraryTeaHeld inMontgomery

Duringtheafternoonon the17thofFebruary2024, some twenty-nine folksmet at the Living SaviorLutheranChurch,in their Fellowship Hall and enjoyedthe 6th annual Victorian Literary Tea The tea was hosted by the ThomasJefferson Stubbs

2523, Conroe Chapter of theTexasDivision,United DaughtersoftheConfederacy Thetableswerespread with beautiful blue and white coverings The chinawas of assorted designs and of many colors, the silverware was ofantiquedesign.


withcheesewraps,sausage balls with sauce, many pastriesandaheartycrystal bowl of greens with other vegetablesforasalad. The hot Earl Grey tea wasextremely welcomed, asitwasachillyday

Being a literary program, four ladies gave boo


Composers presented by EvaRains. Center of the Earthby Jules Verne was presented by Schelle Taylor, Vicksburg A City Under Siege from the Diary of Emma Balfour was presented by Iva Gilliam, The

MorgesonsbyElizabeth Stoddardwaspresentedby Naschele Taylor and last wasMusic of the 18611865 Erawith Various

Thereweredoorprizes handed out to many surprised attendees and laughter and good conversationswerehad.

Abigthankyougoesto Schelle Taylor and her committee for putting on another successful tea and providingsomeculturefor theafternoon.

the delight of everyone'spalatethebuffet wassetwithscones,finger sandwiches, rolled meat
k reports on the f o l l o w i n g T h e Three Musketeers by Alexandre
Dumas was presented by Carolyn
article by
Publicity Chairman
the Stubbs Chapter
Picture and
Eva Rains,
seatedlefttoright...NormaMartinez(guest),LindaBrill(UDC),PeggyNorton(UDC),CarolynJamail (HonoraryPresident,TexasDivision,UDC),BerniceElgar(formerTexasDivisionPresident&memberofthe DickDowling404BeaumontChapter),AnnaShepeard(HonoraryPresident,TexasDivision&Presidentofthe MagnoliaRangers2544,HumbleChapter),EmilyButler(UDC),NaschelleTaylor(UDC),standing2ndrow LynnannGlass (guest),JanSchroeder(guest),LindaSaucedo(guest),CathyHarbour(guest),SherryMcKey (UDC&ThomasJeffersonStubbs2523,ConroeChapterPresident),KeriHigginbothon(UDC),KayCook (UDC),JessicaRizk(UDC),EvaRains(UDC),backrowlefttoright...IvaGilliam(UDC),JudyPrice(UDC), DenaLambert(UDC),ElsaLandais(exchangestudentfromFrance),BeckieEndebrock(UDC),Bridgett Sepulvado(guest),SchelleTaylor(UDC),KayCampbell(guest),SavannahPatrick(guest),DebbieChance (UDC),MonteWest&GaryChancearenotpictured.


r e n Page8,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,March6,2024

you for your years of service Ed and Jayne. And Good Luck General, and

KY in towork issues issued Desert hats duty Jersey their their n d seen, fairytale. for your Ed and Good L ra d

Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran of the Week’.


C.A.RPresident ArabelleCampbell SpeaksatMeeting

Earlier this year, the Coushatti Trace Chapter, NSDAR was honored to have President Campbell share what C.A.R. means to her at their monthly chapter meeting She asked how many chapter members had children, and grandchildren who were not members of C A R and challenged them with, Why not?” She described this year's C A R State Project focusing on the Morris Family Center for Law & Liberty’s tours for school children.

Trace was honored what at monthly how had grandchildren not and on Center for tours for t o n n the and C.A.R. attendshigh

Arabelle also serves as the Corresponding Secretary of the Texas Society C A R and the Investment Chair of the National Society, C.A.R. Sheattendshighschoolat the Acellus Academy and hasbeenaC.A.R.member

for eleven years.Arabelle hasreceivedthePresidential Service Award Gold MedallionfromthePoints of Light Foundation for threeyears.

tial Gold Light

Followingthepresentation,RegentKayPontious presented Miss Campbell with a monetary donation to the Texas State Project “LibertyLivesintheLone StarState.”

ByJanNixCook tion,RegentKayPontious Miss a donation Project in State.” Coushatti Trace of Hall Museum annual the For nf m b u email o i

In April, Coushatti TraceChapterwilltourthe replica of Independence Hall and the Southern History Museum during their annual field trip to TheMorrisFamilyCenter forLaw&Libertylocated on the Houston Christian Collegecampus.Formore information about Coushatti Trace Chapter please email Regent Kay P o n t i o u s a t CoushattiTraceDAR@gm

Pharmacy Farm&Ranch RealEstate RealEstate Community SubscriptionCostis$40peryearforin MontgomeryCounty,and$45peryear outofMontgomeryCounty.Checksmay bemadepayabletoMontgomeryCounty NewsandsendtoPOBox1,Montgomery, Tx77356,wealsoacceptmostmajor creditcards. MCN Subscription

This week’s Veteran is our second General Officer so look sharp people Ten-Hut!!! Brigadier General Ed Brown, United States Army,retiredtoBentwater in 1995. Ed was commissioned as an officer in 1963, after graduating Oklahoma State He arrived in West Berlin at the height of the ColdWar in 1964, which was a serious time Ed was initiallyanInfantryOfficer then changed branches to Army Ordnance as a Combat Service Support Officer He served in numerous duty stations in his 31 years of service to Our Nation. The General served in Hawaii, numerous state-side bases, including near Washington. D.C. and Fort Campbell, KY Ed did a tour in Vietnam and Desert Storm Following his second war Ed and his wife Jayne were stationed inSaudiArabia,toworkon issues following the conflict. EvenMrs.Brown was issued sets of Desert Battle Dress, hats and boots, which she proudly wore. It was in Saudi Arabia that Jayne, through a friend, saw a video of Bentwater, and they purchased property soon after The General and Mrs. Brown’s last duty station was Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey Theyopenedtheirmansion totheofficers,theirwives, and senior enlisted personnel, a place many had never seen, and were excitedtosee. Mrs.Brown says it was like living in a fairytale. Thank
ra sharp Ten-Hut!!! United commissioned in State of 1964, an changed branches to Army in in 31 to in numer-
MCN’s VeteranoftheWeek: BrigadierGeneralEdBrown

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