Montgomery County News, March 13, 2024

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The Scouts were at Montgomery Memorial last a Turn graves oc t d a t l ck cemetery north of Historic The had been the December, Christmas Wreaths the graves many Veterans that are buried in a t ’s w h e e had an Scout to resurrect the cemetery, to rectify of graves ha f n o Boy Oscar u e i e h i s opportunity and back with a of to complete

The Boys Scouts were back at Montgomery Memorial Cemetery last month, doing a GoodTurn for the Veterans graves located at the Blackc cemetery located north of the Historic District. The Scouts had been at the cemetery in December, laying Christmas Wreaths across the graves of many Veterans that are buried in the hallowed ground T h a t ’s w h e n o n e enterprising Scout had an idea for his Eagle Scout Project, to resurrect the Project, ailingcrossatthecemetery, and to rectify the state of numerous Veterans graves that had fallen into disrepair BoyScoutOscar H u s s , s e i z e d h i s opportunity and was back in mid-February with a plan and had a cadre of assistants to help complete thetask.

AUSTIN – Governor

Greg Abbott today released his2024ReporttothePeople of Texas looking back over all that was accomplished in 2023 a year of historic firsts—andsharinghisvision for the year ahead. Released in interim years when the Texas Legislature does not meet and no formal State of the State address is given, this is the Governor’s fifth Report to the People since takingofficein2015.

We live in a state of infinite possibilities,” said Governor Abbott. “Freedom and opportunity are deeply rooted in the history of our great state. As a result, the Texas of today is where innovation flourishes, where hard work is rewarded, and whereTexansprosper.”

Part of Oscar’s project consisted of ordering headstones for several Veterans who never received tomb markers Headstoneswererequested from the Veterans Administration for Veterans Willis and Felix Byrd,whohadbeenburied inthecemeterybutdidnot have headstones After

Part of project consisted of ordering several ns w r received tomb requested from h Vet ns A min t a f r Veterans Willis Felix buried in butdidnot headstones After

amistake initial li ti ns w VA, headstones

discoveringamistakewith the initial headstone delivery decades ago, new applications were submitted to the VA, and the headstones quickly approved, made, and delivered.

newheadstonesweighedin excessof200lbsandwere over 3 feet tall prior to installation The headstones were placed and their graves were finally recognized after over44years.

WillisByrdwasbornin 1891 and served in the US Army during World War I. He passed away in 1971. Felix Byrd was born in 1900 and served in France in the USArmy during the First World War He passedawayin1980. The

WillisByrdwas served in the Army during World I. away in 1971. in in the Army during World War in

"It abeautiful tosee together from

"Itwasabeautifulthing toseesomanyyouthcome together said Madison Bowman from Troop 907, whose father is a USNavy veteran. “It was an honor to help the Veterans by restoringtheirgravesites."

The second part of the project included the resetting of veteran headstones that had become sunken over time. Huss and his team had identified the graves of World War I Veterans Horace Brown, Perkins Franklin, and Jimmie Starks Volunteers were able to remove excess dirt, roll the headstones forward, then they

TheReporttothePeople features updates on the Governor’s initiatives and budget priorities to ensure a brighter, safer, freer, and more prosperous Texas, as well as a summary of impactful legislation GovernorAbbottsignedinto law following the 88th Legislative Sessions, includingthelargestproperty tax cut ever in the history of Texas.

Following a year of smashing record after record for total jobs, the number of Texansworking,andthesize of the Texas labor force, the Reportprovidesanoverview of the state’s nation-leading economic dominance, along withasummaryofprograms within the Office of the Governor dedicated to ensuring public safety and broadening the

Here She

Hereisashoutoutto:Ready.Set.Grow A businessthatisdedicatedtopersonalized tutorialscurrentlyforstudentsfrom Kindergartento3rdgrade. LocatedinThe WestmontBuildingonLibertyStreet,owner MontanaGreer,bynextyearanticipatesadding anotherteachernextyear,andtutoringPre-Kto 5thgrade.

Greerofferstutoringsessionsduring summerandafterschool,andsheteaches Kindergarten-3rdgradefortheacademicschool year. ShehasaMastersDegreeinEducation fromSHSU. Shehastaughtinthepublicschool systembeforedecidingtostartherbusiness.

“Ready. for said

“Ready.Set.Grow.isaplaceforstudentsto receiveone-on-oneindividualizedinstruction,” saidGreer. “Theaimistosupportstudentsto reachtheirgoalsandsucceedinallacademic areaswithafocusonearlyelementary education.”


Thebusinessisdesignedtobethesole educationyourchildneedsfortheacademic schoolyear Thereisa structured,4-hour

Looking ahead in his closing statement, Governor Abbott notes, "By the grace ofGod,andwithunwavering optimism and a steadfast focus, we will continue to turn bold ideas into reality Together, we will build a bigger, better Texas for generationstocome.”

new in excess over tall prior ins lation Th headstones
part oj d t e r tt n o e e h sunken and graves
remove he eads o o rd h
and their graves finally recognized after
War Brown,
an by Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXIX NUMBER 10 Section 1 10 pages March13,2024 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly PRE-SRT POSTAGEPD #80 MONTG.TX Montgomery County News WEDNESDAY Average gasoline prices in Texas have fallen 1 8 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $2 89/g today according to GasBuddy s survey of 13,114 stationsinTexas.PricesinTexasare 11.4 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand 17.5 cents per gallon lower than a year ago. The national average price of diesel has fallen 1.3 cents in the last week and standsat$4.02pergallon. According to GasBuddy price reports,thecheapeststationinTexas was priced at $2 29/g yesterday while the most expensive was $3.99/g,adifferenceof$1.70/g.The lowest price in the state yesterday was $2.29/g while the highest was $3.99/g,adifferenceof$1.70/g. The national average price of gasoline has risen 6 2 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3.40/g today.The national average is up 23.0 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 4.5 cents per gallon lower than a year ago, according to GasBuddy data compiledfrommorethan11million weekly price reports covering over 150 000 gas stations across the country SanAntonio-$2.79/g,down8.9 cents per gallon from last week's $2.87/g. Austin-$2.83/g,down9.0cents pergallonfromlastweek's$2.92/g. GasBuddy is the authoritative voice for gas prices and the only only source for station-level data GasBuddy's survey updates 288 times every day from the most diverse list of sources covering nearly 150,000 stations nationwide, the most comprehensive and up-todateinthecountry GasBuddydatais a c c e s s i b l e a t March 11, 2019: $2.25/g (U.S. Average:$2.49/g) Neighboring areas and their currentgasprices: March 11, 2016: $1.67/g (U.S. Average:$1.89/g) March 11, 2018: $2.28/g (U.S. Average:$2.51/g)
11, 2023: $3.06/g (U.S. Average:$3.44/g) March 11, 2022: $4.00/g (U.S. Average:$4.33/g) March 11, 2020: $2.05/g (U.S. Average:$2.31/g) Historical gasoline prices in Texasandthenationalaveragegoing backtenyears: March 11, 2017: $2.09/g (U.S. Average:$2.30/g)
11, 2015: $2.25/g (U.S. Average:$2.45/g)
11, 2014: $3.24/g (U.S. Average:$3.49/g) Midland Odessa- $2.96/g, up 8.1centspergallonfromlastweek's $2.88/g. March 11, 2021: $2.56/g (U.S. Average:$2.84/g) "The national average price of gasoline has seen a continued but measured rise compared to last rise week, but the pace of increases has slowed slightly in the last few days. With government data showing a riseinrefineryutilizationlastweek, theremaybesomegoodnewsonthe horizonfordrivers,"saidPatrickDe Haan,headofpetroleumanalysisat GasBuddy "Much of the seasonal risethathappensthistimeofyearisa culmination of refinery maintenance, the switch to summer gasoline and rising demand If refineriescontinuetoboostoutputof productslikegasoline,diesel,andjet fuel it could mean earlier-thanexpected relief However, the changeover is still in process, so while we'll likely see the continuation of upward pressure on prices,improvementinoutputcould slowthatpressuredownsome." SOURCEGasBuddy gasoline prices in have cents per gallon in averaging 89/g according to GasBuddy's 13,114 inTexas. Texasare cents per gallon than a per gallon lower a year ago. The national average has in last week and stands $4.02 According to GasBuddy price reports,the station Texas was at yesterday most was differenceof The lowest in state yesterday while was adifferenceof$1.70/g. national average of has risen 2 per gallon averaging $3.40/g The national average gallon a and stands 4.5 cents per than year ago, according GasBuddy data compiledfrom million price over the Antonio- down8.9 per gallon week's Austin-$2.83/g, cents gallon last $2.92/g. GasBuddy is authoritative voice for prices and the source for GasBuddys updates times list of country c c l e $2.25/g (U.S. $2.49/g) areas
$1.67/g (U.S. $1.89/g) March $2.28/g (U.S. $2.51/g) March 11, $3.06/g (U.S. $3.44/g) March $4.00/g (U.S. Average:$4.33/g) March $2.05/g (U.S. $2.31/g) Historical prices in Texas national March $2.09/g (U.S. $2.30/g)
$2.25/g (U.S. $2.45/g)
$3.24/g (U.S. $3.49/g) up per
$2.56/g (U.S. $2.84/g) average gasoline a continued compared but of slowed the few refinery newson fordrivers,"said head "Much the that timeof l a o r f to summer rising continue output products diesel, jet could relief so e li l pressure that PBOX Magnolia,TX 77353 Index Community........2,3,4 Commentary 3,4,5 ChurchDirectory..............5 Legals...........................6,7,9 BusinessDirectory...........10
Texas Weekly GasPrices
path to prosperity for all Texas families. In addition to the First Lady’s Report and updates from several of the Governor’s commissions of Texans serving Texans, the Report details the Governor’s decisive actions tosecuretheborderandstop theflowofdeadlydrugslike fentanyl into our nation. It alsohighlightsthededication of the men and women in uniform who safeguard our children and help keep our communitiessafe. We state of infinite said Governor of our As a of today flourishes, is prosper.” Looking statement, Abbott "By of andwith will bold into Together, will a Texas tocome.” The to on and to a brighter, as m c u e isla signed e a i S ever released his2024Report of looking all that for interim years the Legislature of is since 2015. of for jobs, of working, Texas force, along the safety prosperity all In Report o se f of e o d border stop drugs fentanyl into dedication and who children our safe. See Cemetery, page 2 Ready. Set, page 2 ThisAd SpaceAvailable 4 column x 1.5 inch 936-449-NEWS BoysScoutimprove MarkersforVets atMemorialCemetery HistoricMontgomery BusinessHighlight: Ready.Set.Grow Ready GovernorAbbott Releases2024 ReportToThe PeopleOfTexas Boy Scout Oscar Huss at Montgomery Memorial Cemetery for his Eagle Scout Project Sendyour storyto news@ montgomery

e t Max a old were became from word with the Alaska

as attend events in town. Good Luck TEX, and Congratulations on being MCNs‘PetsoftheWeek’.

Page2,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,March13,2024 M e e t M A X a n d ALASKA. Maxisalovable 3 year old Soft Coat WheatenTerrier Alaskais a 1 year old Border Collie mix. They were with their owner Jennifer visiting the First Saturday Market in Montgomeryrecently Max and Alaska became best friends immediately when they met at a Border Collie rescue Max will eat anything, while Alaska loves chicken and cheese (especiallytheGreenOnion cheesefromSliceofAmish). There is no word if Alaska loves some wine with the cheese. Max loves chews, whileAlaskalovessofttoys shecanripapart. Theylove to walk with Jennifer and playwitheachother,aswell

Sports Community from page 1 Cemetery

project,” said Huss. “And we hope the families are excited to see the improvement of the e gravesites of these veterans." the placing the headstones a stable u s to p ace headstonesin position, at a

prepared the ground by placing sand and gravel beneath the headstones which provided a stable base This allowed the Scouts to place the headstonesintheiroriginal position, but at a higher elevation.

"This was a fun project to be a part of,” said Boy Scout Caleb Riise from Troop 351, the son of an ArmyVeteran. “It means a lot to honor the soldiers’ memories who can only talk through their gravestones."

TheBoyScoutwasglad to have taken part in a project and in his way givingbacktotheVeterans and their families in recognition of the service theyprovidedthiscountry

Tocompletetheproject, Huss had the large cross located at the cemetery stained, reset, and secured in place with a concrete base, in addition, a new fabric around a cross that was in place at the cemetery A new fabric drapewasalsoinstalled.

Tocomplete cross the secured place with in a new around a s i place at he A fabric alsoinstalled.

"I am thankful for the manyvolunteerswhocame to participate in this

Boy Scout Troops 351 and 907, along with Cub Scout Pack 907 assisted in the project The Montgomery High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps also provided volunteers as well as MontgomeryVFW Post 12223 who aided in theproject,andgenerously provided funds for materials along with McCoy'sBuildingSupply

a fun be part of,” said Scout Riise Troop son of an Army means to the t k th h h gravestones." will put in make look a t O l

"Thisprojectshowsthe discipline and hard work people will put in just to make something look better," MHS JROTC Cadet LT COL Kyle Boehm.

project,” said Huss. d t e yourchild'sgradelevel withintheschoolyear Montana’svisionfor privateeducationisthat yourchildwillbeableto

Max and Alaska Sendus yourpet foraspot lightin Montgom ery County News Yes,longtimeWhataburgerMontgomeryUn-PhilosophyCoffeeGroupandLoneStarHonorFlightVeteransGroup member,aswellasformerMCNVeteranoftheWeek,DonEwing,90,ismovingtoUtahtobeclosertohisdaughter HehaslivedinWaldensincehisretirement,andhasbeeninvolvedwithVeteranssincehearrived. Donisveryunique inthatheturpentinedapigasateen,turnedinanakedU.S.MajorsclothestotheCaptainoftheshiphewason,and wasabletowakeupfromanapontheroad(whichcanorcannotbeproven),andhavetheotherdriverleavethescene oftheaccident. TheCoffeeGroup,Whataburgercrew,andMs.Sandy,aregoingtomissyouDon!!! AndGoodLuck onyourmovetowhateverthatotherstateiscalled?

enteranypublicorprivate schoolandexcelinall subjectareas.” Formoreinformation

PetorPetsoftheWeek from page 1 Ready. Set He’s Not Dying … He’s just moving to Utah!!!


TheBoyScout taken in his givingbackto Veterans their service theyprovided country with in th p e Th Reserve ai i g rp volunteers well Montgomery Post in p id fu f along the came this h i pro t g a e s s timeperiod,inasmall groupsettingwherewewill divedeepintoeachsubject area. Theobjectistolearn allTexasStateStandardsof


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ta MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,March13,2024,Page3 RealEstateCornerwithMeganStultz We typically think home buying is all about square footage and bed/bath count...

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the web and using social media. Kent.Pendleton@raymondjam e s c o m | lladvisors Disclosures: UNDERSTAND WHO C A N S E E Y O U R PROFILEANDPOSTS Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the Montgomery County News with our weekly curated financialnewsandtopics.If you have any questions about the markets, your financial plan, or anything, pleasefeel free to reachout to our office for a no cost initialconsultation. Any opinions are those of Kent Pendleton and not necessarily those of Raymond James The foregoing information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA / Services, SIPC Investment advisory services offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors,Inc.PendleHillAdvisors LLC is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services. Kent Pendleton AAMS, Founder of Pendle HillAdvisors,LLC


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Avery loves apple pie and chocolate cake It’s amazing she is such a small thing withallthose f a v o r i t e foods. Avery has a great friend named Skylar, and aims to be a nurse when shegrowsup. Good Luck Avery, and Congratulations on being MCNs‘KidoftheWeek’. Outdoor escapes: toparksandtrails, evenbalconies apartment are snapshot what

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(WASHINGTON) –March 12, 2024 – U S Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack announced yesterday the finalization ofarulethatwouldsolidify voluntary “Product of USA”labelingclaims.

The United States Cattlemen’s Association (USCA) has worked tirelesslytoclarifyyearsof confusion at the consumer levelregardingthelabeling ofUSbeefproducts.

Starting in 2017, USCA’s Director Emeritus Leo McDonnell led a nationwide fundraising effort of cattle producers from across the country that initiated federal

rulemaking to close the loophole created by the 2015 repeal of mandatory country of origin labeling. The final rule announced yesterdayfollowsarequest made by the USCA in a petition for rulemaking submittedtoUSDAsFood Safety and Inspection Servicein2019.

McDonnel stated, “This announcement takes the necessary steps to bring back truth in labeling Consumers will no longer be misinformed when purchasing meat that is labeled as “Product of the USA”. It is rewarding to see this Department move intherightdirection.”

USCA President Justin

Tupperstatedthefollowing on the announcement: “In our 2019 petition for rulemakingtoFSIS,USCA called out the practice of applying ‘Product of USA’ and ‘Made in the USA’ labeling claims on beef products that the food safety agency itself admitted could have come from other countries USCA is thrilled that the finalrulefinallyclosesthis loophole by accurately defining what these voluntary origin claims mean. If it says ‘Made in theUSA,’thenitshouldbe from cattle that have only knownUSAsoil.Consumers have the right to know where their food comes from,fullstop.”

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a snapshot of what buyers are asking for in their searchrightnow:
it is certainly the And starting point! But these days, I'm hearing from buyers who areinsearchofafewextras. Home Office Spaces: The percentage of U.S. companies offering flexibility increased from51%atthestartof2023to 62% around November –Forbes With remote work still going strong, a dedicated (and quiet!)workspaceisamustfor many
2020, the number of people who spend time in nature has increased by more than 25%, according to the 2022 Outdoor Participation TrendsReport. Energy efficient upgrades: Lowerutilitybills*and*kinder to the environment - sign buye
r u appliances solar panels and high-efficiency windows are increasingly sought-after features.
ready condition: M
This cute little girl is Avery, 9, and she was recently at the Montgomery Community Building atafishfry Shewaswith herGrandpaMike. Sheis in 4th grade in MISD Avery’s favorite teachers are Ms. Ferguson and Ms. Cash. She loves to read, which is her favorite subjectinschool. Avery’s favoritebookis‘TheBaby Sitters Club,’ which is a series of books, of which therearealot. Herfavorite sport is gymnastics, and she can do a round off, whatever that is? Avery’s love steak, and mediumrareatthat. Shealsoloves pizza,frenchfries,andice d maintenance is a big plus especially for my young familiesandemptynestbuyers. Open layout: No matter
profile. For example, users may use a pet's name with their date of birth as a password which is information that may have been shared in a post or profile.
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compromise using to are plenty of and some are even determine if it's right fitforyou. In were 3.96 billionactiveusersonsocial mediaandthenumberkeeps growing Whether it's to find stay in touchwithfriendsorfamily, or connect with industry peerstogainknowledgefor your growth, social mediahasaplatformforyou and your interests. are you being with divulging personal information, as personally identifiable information(PII)? are path to personal information safe using social media. Kent.Pendleton@raymondjam e c m | lladvisors Disclosures: WHO C N S E R PROFILEANDPOSTS Advisors is to contribute to the you questions about markets, plan, or pleasefeel reachout office a cost initialconsultation. Any are of Kent Pendleton necessarily those Raymond James The foregoing been obtained considered be reliable do not that it is or Securities through Financial member / advisory services offered through Raymond is not and is Congratulations ‘Kidof theWeek’ Weekly Columns PROTECTINGYOURPRIVACYONSOCIALMEDIA:HOWMUCHISTOOMUCH? Avery USCA’s Long Road to Truth in LabelingSecuresMajorVictory


Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

Youknowwhenyouhaveas friends get invited a events.

two members my VFW Post, Lone Star Flight Veterans Group, and me to accomatripto now Fort Johnson, western It was essentially for them.

events. And two members of my VFW Post, The Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group, andWiseCrack Warriors, asked me to accompanythemonatriptoFortPolk, now Fort Johnson, in western Louisiana. It was essentially a bucket-list trip for them. Two had arrived at Polk in 1967, and one in 1970, for BasicTraining.

Myonlyconditionswere:ThatI drive have them buy my

had arrived at Polk in and in 1970, BasicTraining. were:That drive, buy

gas/meal,andlaughatmyjokes. So we set a date of March 5th, metat0600hoursatadesignated location,andstartedmakingour wayeast. Wemetupwithathird guyuptheroad.

Along the way I got to hear everyone’s stories. My friend Harvey “Hee Haw” Yaw (Polk 1970) and Ed In-Head Holesovsky,(Polk1967),joined me along with Ed’s basic along training platoon friend, Paul “Harvey” Harp, (Polk 1967). After basic Ed met Paul several

gas/meal,andlaughatmyjokes. we set a date of March metat hoursata our wayeast. Wemet witha guyupthe Along the way, I hear My Harvey “Hee Yaw (Polk 1970), and In-Head 1967), me along with Ed s basic friend, Harp, 1967). After basic Ed met Paul several

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Patchyfogbefore8am.Otherwise,mostly sunny,withahighnear80.Calmwind becomingsoutharound5mphinthe afternoon.


Increasingclouds,withalowaround62. Southeastwindaround5mph.


A20percentchanceofshowersafternoon. Mostlycloudy,withahighnear76.Southeast wind5to15mph,withgustsashighas20 mph.


Achanceofshowers,withthunderstormsalso possibleaftermidnight.Mostlycloudy,witha lowaround67.Chanceofprecipitationis40%.


Showerslikelyandpossiblyathunderstorm beforenoon,thenachanceofshowersand thunderstormsafternoon.Partlysunny,witha highnear73.Chanceofprecipitationis60%.














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AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest


Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews.

©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023 Montgomery Montgomery

times in Vietnam, then lost contactfor53years. Thiswasa chance of a lifetime for these former soldiers. Neither had been back to Fort Polk since theyleftwellover54yearsago.

And I’m calling it Fort Polk (sincetheguysknewitasthat).

Iknewthedaywasgonnabe something special but the something morning weather wasn t morning cooperating.Itwascloudywith lingering fog, which later yielded to rain, but it was more of a nuisance than a hazard. And yet we trudged on in our journey at speeds that would makeadrivinginstructorblush, whileavoiding5or6accidents.

Anormaldaywithmyautobahn styleofdriving.

Each of my friends had a different story to tell after they leftFortPolk. Theplaceholdsa sentimental value in their lives. They spent at least 8 weeks of their lives there. In tough conditions,trainingforcombat, not knowing if they would be aliveordeadinayear Ed Holesovsky and Paul Harp, came from different parts of the Gulf. Ed on the Coastal Bend of Texas, Refugio, and Paul from the Panhandle of Florida,FortWaltonBeach. But they came together to receive their basic training at Polk. Ed was older, 26, while Paul, just out of high school at 18. Ed already had a degree, and was teaching/coaching school when he was drafted. Paul volunteered straight out of high school. HarveyYaw,camefrom Houston, just north of Hobby Airport. He was 19 when he arrived at Polk, and like Ed completed his infantry training. Paul went on to become a helicopterpilot.

times in Vietnam, then lost contact years. Thiswasa chance a these former soldiers. Neither had been back to Fort since they wellover yearsago. And Polk (since guys it I day gonnabe special, the wasn’t cooperating.Itwascloudywith fog, later rain, but it was more of a nuisance than a hazard. yet we trudged on in our would makeadrivinginstructorblush, accidents. day myautobahn driving. Each my a story to they holdsa in their They spent least 8 their there. In forcombat, not knowing would be or in year Ed Holesovsky Harp, came from different parts of the Ed on the Bend of Texas, Refugio, Paul from the Panhandle of came receive their basic was 26, out of high had and teaching/coaching when volunteered Yaw came just north of Hobby Airport. He was arrived at Polk, and like infantry went to become helicopterpilot.

helicopters during the conflict. His two tours involved piloting smallscouthelicopters,theOH6. He was an officer and flew many combat hours. It was on oneofthosehours,hovering<50 feet above the ground; when he spottedanenemysoldieraimhis weapon at him. He tried to swing the chopper so that his gunner could take action, but it wastoolate. Theenginewashit, and Paul and his gunner found themselvesdowned. Thankfully they were soon evacuated to safety

helicopters conflict. His involved piloting smallscouthelicopters,theOH6. was flew many on oneof hours, <50 feet above ground; he spottedanenemy aimhis weapon He tried to swing the his gunner could take but it wastoolate. hit, and and gunner found themselvesdowned. Thankfully they were to safety

and him before transferred stateside Paul years ago, they other

trainingbuddy,andhewouldsee him again before being transferred stateside Ed googled Paul 3 years ago, and theyfoundeachother

stan, to reviewing base newspapers and basic training yearbooks And holding dangerousweaponstoo.

HarveyYawwenttoVietnam as a 19 year old in 1971, and spent three-quarters of his tour on patrol. Of course, he was in danger Injured too. But he survivedandhetookepthiswits abouthimliketheothers.

HarveyYawwenttoVietnam three-quarters his patrol. Of course, too. he he kept wits

All the way to Fort Polk, the guys told stories and laughed. Paul relayed his time in

All the Fort Polk, the told laughed. Paul relayed his

EdremainedatFortPolkfor a period after his training, and when he arrived in Vietnam, he drew a lot of rear guard duty Some luck for an infantryman. Well maybe not, he could type. AnditwasatCamRanhBaythat Ed met his wounded basic

Edremainedat Polkfor a his and when in Vietnam, he drew a lot of rear Some for infantryman. Well maybe could type. Anditwasat that Ed met basic

The meat of the trip happened at the Fort Polk Museum. The curator, Gregg Grant, was jaw dropped at the trio and their reminiscences of the base from 54+ years ago. Andnoonehadlostanyoftheir memories from back in the day Gregg’sassistant,AmyBrennan, was equally impressed too. A full two hours of the visit was spent looking at the exhibits from 10,000 B.C. to Afghani-

The meat of happened Fort Polk was their reminiscences base 54+ years no lost memories from back in the day assistant,Amy was equally A of spent at to Afghani-

Afterwards, we took a drive around the base (and the Sun came out), going south to view theonlybuildingsremainingthat harbored soldiers training back in the 1960s/70s. We also went northto‘Tigerland,’whichwasa simulated Viet Cong village all those years ago. Incredibly, 98%ofthebasetheytrainedatis gone. But the guys got to remembertheirgood‘oldays. These fresh memories of the guys may possibly be part of their departing days, and I was gladtohavetakenpartofit.

Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountynew

newspapers and weaponstoo. Afterwards, we a drive around the base (and the going south to the buildings that training 1960s/70s. We went ‘Tigerland,’which years ago. Incredibly 98%ofthebase trainedatis to their These of the was gladtohavetaken ofit.

“Oh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

SpongeBob SquarePants!”

Yes,kidsintotheirthirtieswill have a vivid memory of the cartoon, and The Players Theatre Company production of “SpongeBob The Musical” has hit Conroe and your memories of the friendly spongewillberekindledinthis song and dance packed underseaadventure.

in fact, most; but they come together and make an extraordinarily entertaining musical.

Older folk might be reserved at first, but I say “go with it.” I did, and I left the theater younger A lot of pop androckbignamescontributed songs. Cyndi Lauper David Bowe,Aerosmith’sJoePerry& Steven Tyler Lady Antebellum, John Legend amongst others. ThemagicoftheSBM is the mishmash of styles and voices,shapesandsizes,which meldstoacoherencyasawhole makingforagreatshow

The gospelly ‘Super Sea Star Savior performed by Patrick and the Sardines (Julia Brumfield, Mariah Graves, Colton Land Victoria Tonsfeldt, and Mekhi Allen), will have you dancing in the isles.


Director Ashlie Driver did an amazing job with dozens of castmembers. She’snotafraid to pray with her players, and I respectthat. Herteachingstyle isoneofbuckingupheractors togetthebestoutofthem,and they were at their best. She chosethecreamofthecropfor herproduction,anditworked.

We then meet SpongeBob (David McNight), the ever optimisticspongewhoawakes, and starts up with Bikini Bottom Day,’ which generally introduces the cast of characters. Primeamongthem are Patrick (Connor Evers), a starfish; Squidward (Kyle Hamsher), the ever grumpy, and constantly migrained octopus; and Sandy (Veronica Amandola), a homestate expat sharp as a tack land mammal squirrel.

You gotta love SpongeBob with his pacific blond hair and effervescent optimism. He looks at life through rose colored glasses, and why not? TheWorldneedsmorejoy and he’sjustthespongetospreadit.


The musical story is pretty simple. The rumblings of the nearby Mount Humongous signals an impending eruption thatthreatenstodestroyBikini

Bottom So it’s up to SpongeBob, Sandy, and Patrick,tostopthevolcanoand save their hamlet from total destruction. Sandy uses her smarts and comes up with a plantostopthevolcano. Willit work? Veronica Amandola captured the essence of her squirrel character, playing it perfectly

Squidward s (Kyle Hamsher) nasally voice and mannerisms in portraying Squidward were spot on Plankton (Mark Doreza), impressed with 8 months of preparation. Hisrapanddance in ‘When The Tough Going Gets Tough’, were exciting to watch,

Choreographer Meika Phillips did a wonderful job. Thearrangedmovementswere exciting to watch, and accommodated all the cast, no matter their ability I appreciatedthetallentertaining scenes with Plankton and his computer wife, Karen (Isabel Flanery),whichtookplaceona platformabovethestage. The homes of SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward were well constructed. Theinterpretation ofthemountainandvolcanoby setdesignerAlysonMillerwas very commendable. Sound designerPhilHarrismadesure allmarkswerehit. TheMusic Director Brandon Christian, Costume Designer Dee Willis, and Hair/Makeup Designer Maddie Driver should be laudedforalloftheireffortsas

The SpongeBob Musical is morethanatripbackintimefor your 30 year old. It’s a reminder of good times spent with your kids, then and now Because those kids are now takingtheirkidstothetheater

I give SpongeBob a big thumbs up. The cast certainly deserved their standing ovation. See you at the Owen Theatre!

Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycountyne

friends as
lot of
knowwhenyouhaveas many
you get invited
Page4,Wednesday,March13,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNewsarereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395. MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas. MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement.
PleasesendaddresschangestoMontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 used the circulating the Montgomery,Texas. Mail,Faxor E-mail: Mail,Faxor Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395, Webpage: Editor’sExpress MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper We furnish
D&B#12-976-8354. POSTMASTER:
Opinion / Editorial
Ruben Borjas Jr, Columnist
Andevenbeforethecurtain is pulled back, Patchy the Pirate (Hunter Hovorka). A crusty mariner from Encino, takesaselfiewiththeaudience, thenissoonrushedoffthestage by security guards, who warn the audience of cell phone usage. ThenaFrenchaccented narratorbegins,wakingyouup to a fresh day under the waves ofBikiniAtoll.
whole production is chock-full of vivid colors, brilliant costumes, and all manners of wigs/headdress, and jellyfish that best embody an animated scene from down below It’s a complex show, with some ensemble cast members performing in so manymusicalnumbers,thatit’s hardtokeeptrack. Thecastis made up of dozens of very unique individuals, some quirky, well,
as well as his backup dancers Pearl (Victoria Tonsfeldt), the frustrated daughter of Mr Krabs (Elijah Flanery),reallyimpressedwith her vocals in ‘Daddy Knows Best,’ and sang a memorable performance. David McKnight played an impressiveSpongeBob,andthe amount of material he has had to absorb, no pun intended, is remarkable. Hereallyknocked songs like ‘(Just A) Simple Sponge’ out of the park. His singing and acting are exceptional, and that goes for manyinthecastaswell. The kids in the audience were well entertained. Little thingslikethefriendshipdance of SpongeBob and Patrick, put smilesonallfaces. Thequirky sounds brought joy, and the lightingwastops. ‘The SpongeBob Musical’ runs at the Owen Theatre until M a r c h 2 4 t h www.playerstheatrecompany.c om or936-539-4090. A day trip to Fort Polk: A Step Back in Time for 3 Vietnam Vets SpongeBob,TheMusical? StandLtoR:Ed,Amy,Paul,Gregg,andHarvey

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ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356

GaryChapelBaptist Church

Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-478-1256, SundayBibleClass10:00 am,WorshipServiceat 11:00am.

Meetsat464McCaleb Rd.

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedinDobbin, P.O.Box112,Montgomery, 77356

DacusBaptist,Dacus, 936-449-0845




Mt.CalvaryBaptist OldHwy105,936-5882330



UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas

SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,WednesdayBible StudyandYouthGroup6pm

109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186

FM1774,Plantersville, 936-894-2223 7:45Service St.Joseph’sCatholic, CR213,Stoneham, 936-894-2223

CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944


Montgomery TX 77356

Phone: 936-597-6162





Place,TheWoodlands, 281-362-1100 936-441-8875

n e s , t h e loyalty is great, but each cruise l i n e h a s a different feel, a d i f f e r e n t atmosphere and a different clientele We ventured away from our preferredcruiselineforthe first time this past Christmas,andournextcruiseis also on a different cruise line. We plan on trying several different cruise lines in the near future as well as different ports and destinations around the world. We have the same loyalty with United Airlines because the vast availabilityofflightsoutof H o u s t o n U n i t e d MileagePlus members receive a few perks like free baggage, complimentary upgrades, and earning miles for free flights. If you fly a lot for work or pleasure, you will find being loyal to an airline willpayoffinthelongrun. Come & Go Maundy Thursday Prayer 7pm Montgomery Normal Sunday Servce 10am Sunday School 8:45am Easter Services 7:00 & 10:00 United Methodist Church Good Friday Cantata 7pm MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,March13,2024,Page5 To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397 ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismadepossiblebythesebusinesses Review Obituary ArthurHermiz-Travel Consultant 777TravelForallyouLeisureand Businesstravelneeds 281-541-1301 Travel AREACHURCHES Areyouloyaltoanycertaintravelbrand? SundayEveningWorship 6:00p.m. ChinaGroveBaptist Church,Willis,936-7674744 NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-588-3399 Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027 FaithBaptistChurch CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755 Dobbin,936-597-5560 FM2854,936-756-2505 FirstBaptistChurch, 936-588-1260, dacusbaptist@consolidated.n BenuiBaptistChurch, ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation), 1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe, Texas,Phone:936-4945775, www.churchofthegoodsoldie Worship:Sundayat 10:30am,SundaySchool: 9:30am St.Mary’s Catholic About11miNof Montgomery onFM149 CATHOLIC SacredHeartCatholic, JEWISH SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.
2854,Montgomery, BAPTIST POBox125,
GraceLutheran (ELCA), MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch LUTHERAN 22548Highway105West 10AMWorshipService SundaySchool10AM PorterChapelA.M.E. LivingWayChurch 2080LongmireRd, Conroe HopeTabernacle Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery 1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, LivingSaviorLutheran Church-LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356Church phone:936-597-8013Web: PastorDavidR.Bailes. RichardsUnited MethodistChurch ZionChurch, Thursday7:30pm PastorDavidWhitaker 936.582.7722 SundaySchoolat 10:00am SundayWorshipat 6:00pm CommunityAnd Interdenominational LoneStarCowboy Church 21627EvaSt.Montgomery,TX77356(936)5975742PastorsRandy&Darla WeaverServiceTimes: Sundays@8AM,9:30AM &11AMMondays@7PM Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM&11 AM@lonestar.tvandclick onWatchnow AbundantLifeMinistriesCornerofFM149& FM1097W.Montgomery TX77356Prayer/Sunday School9:30amSunday Service11:30am WednesdayPray/Bible Study6:30pm TransformationChurch Montgomery Montgomery TX77316 Sun:10:30am Admin@TCMontgomery org 67½AprilWindS., AprilSound,936-5882832 LighthouseFellowship Church, LivingBranchChurch, AprilSoundChurch 20350FM2854 Montgomery,936-5827700 Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400 NewBeginningBible Church, TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter 936-756-7792 LakesideBibleChurch, Montgomery,936-5821977 SeniorPastorDale Talbert WaldenCommunity Church, 2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936-5975757 ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries EPISCOPAL Services9:30and11a.m. 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-449-4414 CornerstoneChurch, 18940FreeportDrive Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660 1011W.Lewis,Conroe, 12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-597-8921 FellowshipofMontgomery ChurchofSt.John, (936)597-3949 Montgomery,TX77356 WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery online.churchorfollowus onFacebook@thefmchurch! retreatandwildlife center 12681FM149 CarbonChurch, RiverofLifeChurch, St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, 1803HighlandHollow, Conroe,936-756-8831 Mt.PleasentBaptist Church 10amWorshipService CovenantFelloship 302N.Danville,Willis, Tx.77378 936/890-8034 936-689-3141 1701McCalebRd CelebrationService10am Sundays 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas PastorCarySmith FM149N.,Montgomery, 936-449-6807 TheChurch@Lake Conroe Montgomery TX77316 936-588-4975 Sundayworship@10:00 a.m.Wed.activites6:308pm NorthShoreChurch 18501Fm1097West@ theBentwaterWest GateEntrance Wednesday - 7:00pm YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays PastorsSean&LoriJo Cook PRESBYTERIN SunSch10:00 ChurchofChristin Montgomery Nurseryprovided SundayBibleClass9:30am Phone: 936-582-4855 2727N.Loop336West FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe Sun.9:00&11:00 301PondStreet, Montgomery,TX. Worship -10:30amand 6:00pm Web: Conroe,Texas936-7568884 PaulPraschnik,Minister Email: cofcmontgomery@consolida

NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may

To: The Unknown Heirs at Law of Jaqueline Howard A/K/ A Jacqueline Howard, Deceased

29th day of January, 2024, in this case, numbered 24-01-01449 on the docket of said court.








Page6,Wednesday,March13,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL Cause Number: 24-01-01449 CITATION BYPUBLICATION - CIVIL ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService MelisaMiller RonnyVGeorge P.OBox2985 13105NorthwestFreewaySuite960 Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77040 By:/s/TraciGunter PublishedDates:March13,20,27,andApril3,2024 Jaqueline Howard and the Heirs at Law of Jaqueline Howard, Deceased; David Oral Howard Heir at Law of Decedent; Rick Howard Heir at Law of Decedent; KC Howard HeiratLawofDecedent;HeirsatLawofJaquelineHoward,DeceasedareDefendants THE STATE OF TEXAS
officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday the 22nd day of April, 2024 beforethe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasattheCourthouseof saidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthis the
employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou." NationstarMortgageLLCarePlaintiffsand IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe5thdayofMarch,2024. The Petition seeks an order to foreclose the lien on the property and assert a claim to the property located at 14434 Tower Glen Dr, Conroe, TX 77306 and legally described as: A TractOrParcelOfLandContaining2.0000AcresBeingTheNortherly2AcresOfACertain 4.668AcreTractDescribedInInstrumentRecordedInVolume122,Page371OfTheOfficial RecordsOfMontgomeryCountyAndBeingKnownAsLot39OfTowerbrookSubdivisionA Resubdivision Of Said 4.668AcreTract (Called SAcres) Out Of The Clark Beach Survey, Abstract79InMontgomeryCounty Texas,SaidLot39BeingA2.0000AcreTractConveyed By Piney Point Estates, Inc., Described In Instrument In Clerk's File No. 2002-071098 Of The Real Property Records Of Montgomery County Texas Said 2.0000Acre Tract Being More Particularly Described By Metes And Bounds As Follows To-Wit: Beginning At A ConcreteMonumentFoundAtTheNortheastCornerOfSaid4.668AcreTractDescribedIn Volume 122, Page 371 Of The Deed Records Of Montgomery County Marking The Southeast Corner Of Lot 1, Block 1 Of Tower Glen North Subdivision Conveyed ToArthur Whitmire,EtuxReginaWhitmireInInstrumentDatedJune10,1996(ContractForDeed)In The West Right-Of-Way Line Of Tower Glen Road (60 Ft. In Width); Thence South 10 Degrees20Minutes49SecondsEastWithTheWesterlyRight-Of-WayLineOfTowerGlen RoadADistanceOf174.08Ft.ToA5/8InchIronRodFoundAtTheSoutheastCornerOfThe HereinDescribedLot39MarkingTheNortheastCornerOf1.334AcreLot40DescribedIn FilmCode0303-01-04000OfTheRealPropertyRecordsInMontgomeryCountyAndThe Southeast Corner Of Said 2.0000 Acre Tract; Thence North 89 Degrees 47 Minutes 58 Seconds West WithAFence LineAnd With The North Boundary Of Lot 40AndThe North BoundaryOf1.334AcreLot41DescribedInFilCode03030-01-04100OfTheRealProperty RecordsOfMontgomeryCountyADistanceOf509.72Ft.ToA5/8InchIronRodFoundAt TheSouthwestCornerOfTheHereinDescribedTractMarkingTheNorthwestCornerOfLot 41 In The West Boundary Line Of Said 4.668 Acre Tract Thence North 09 Degrees 54 Minutes 42 Seconds West With A Fence Line And With The Westerly Boundary Of Said 4.668AcreTractADistance Of 173.84 Ft.ToA5/8 Inch Iron Rod FoundAtThe Northwest CornerOfSaid4.668AcreTractAndMarkingTheSouthwestCornerOfSaidLot1,Block1 Of Tower Glen North SubdivisionAnd Said Whitmire Tract; Thence South 89 Degrees 47 Minutes58SecondsEastWithTheNorthBoundaryLineOfSaid4.668AcreTractDescribed InInstrumentInVolume122,Page371OfTheOfficialRecordsOfMontgomeryCountyAnd The South Boundary Of Said Whitmire Tract A Distance Of 508.38 Ft. To The Place Of BeginningAnd Containing 2.0000Acres Of LandAnd Being KnownAs 14434 Tower Glen Road,Conroe,Texas77306. MelisaMiller DistrictClerk TraciGunter 3/5/202412:25:49PM TAXACCOUNTNUMBER(S):00.2674.02.12300 COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT SIX (6), IN BLOCK EIGHT (8), OF FINAL PLAT BRIAR GROVE, SECTION TWO, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLATRECORDEDINCABINETZ,SHEET1222OFTHEMAP RECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTYTEXAS. STREETADDRESS:1011BriarCutOff,Conroe,TX77301 NoticeofForeclosureSale THISNOTICEOFFORECLOSUREISGIVENpursuanttoTex.TaxCodeChapter34,andTex. R. Civ P 21a. by virtue of an Order of Sale issued on January 9, 2024, pursuant to the Judgment renderedonDecember15,2022bythe284thJudicialDistrictCourtinMontgomeryCounty,Texas,in CauseNo.22-05-06755styledCAZCREEKTX,LLCvs.SUSANLWRIGHT ETAL,onFebruary 7,2024,Ilevied,againstalllegalinterestand/orrightofalldefendantssubjecttosaidJudgment,upon thefollowingdescribedtractsorparcelsofland: "ENALGUNASSITUACIONES,UNLOTEDECINCOACRESOMENOSSEPRESUMEQUE ESTE DESTINADO PARA USO RESIDENCIAL. SIN EMBARGO, SI LA PROPIEDAD NO CUENTACON ELSERVICIO DEAGUAS BLANCAS OAGUAS NEGRAS, PUEDE QUE NO CALIFIQUE PARA USO RESIDENCIAL. UN POSIBLE CLIENTE QUE DESEE MAYOR INFORMACIÓNDEBERÁINVESTIGARMASOASESORARSECONUNABOGADO." THESTATEOFTEXAS "THE PROPERTYIS SOLDAS IS, WHERE IS,AND WITHOUTANYWARRANTY EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. NEITHER THE SELLER NOR THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT WARRANTS OR MAKES ANY REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE PROPERTY'S TITLE, CONDITION, HABITABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.BUYERSASSUMEALLRISKS. "ESTA VENTA SE LLEVAA CABO CONFORME A LOS REQUISITOS ESTATUTARIOS O JUDICIALES.LOSOFERTANTESPRESENTARANSUSOFERTASSOBRELOSDERECHOS, TITULOEINTERESES,SILOSHUBIERE,DELBIENINMUEBLEEzVENTA. "LAPROPIEDADSEVENDEASÍCOMOESTA,DONDEESTA,YSINNINGUNAGARANTÍA, NI EXPLICITANI IMPLÍCITA. NI ELVENDEDOR NI EL DEPARTAMENTO DEL SHERIFF ASEGURA NI DECLARA NADA EN CUANTO AL TITULO DE PROPIEDAD LA CONDICIÓN, HABITABILIDAD, COMERCIABILIDAD O IDONEIDAD PARA UN DETERMINADOPROPÓSITO.LOSCOMPRADORESASUMENTODOSLOSRIESGOS. DatedatMontgomeryCounty Texasthis16thdayofFebruary2024. MontgomeryCountyConstable'sOffice "THIS SALE IS BEING CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO STATUTORY OR JUDICIAL REQUIREMENTS.BIDDERSWILLBIDONTHERIGHTS,TITLE,ANDINTERESTS,IFANY INTHEREALPROPERTYOFFERED. Precinct2,Texas OnApril2,2024,beingthefirstTuesdayofsaidmonth,betweenthehoursof10:00amand4:00pm, at the Courthouse steps of 301 N. Main St., Conroe, Texas, I will offer for sale and sell at public auction,forcash,alltheright,title,andinterestofalldefendantssubjecttosaidJudgment,inandto said tracts or parcels of land, as provided for by the Texas Tax Code, to satisfy said Judgment for delinquentpropertytaxes,accruedpenalties,interests,andattorney'sfees,totaling$53,543.94,plus allpostjudgmentinterest,courtcostsandcostsofsaleawardedthereinorpursuanttotheTexasTax Code,dueonsaidtractsorparcelsofland.Iherebyverify,certifyanddeclareunderpenaltyofperjury thatIdeliveredatrueandcorrectcopyofthisNoticeofForeclosureSalebyCertifiedMailandFirstClassMailthroughtheUnitedStatesPostalService,returnreceiptrequested,toeachofthedefendant namedinsaidJudgment. "INSOMESITUATIONS,ALOTOFFIVEACRESORLESSISPRESUMEDTOBEINTENDED FOR RESIDENTIAL USE HOWEVER, IF THE PROPERTY LACKS WATER OR WASTEWATERSERVICE,THEPROPERTYMAYNOTQUALIFYFORRESIDENTIALUSE.A POTENTIAL BUYER WHO WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION SHOULD MAKE ADDITIONALINQUIRIESORCONSULTWITHPRIVATECOUNSEL." ConstableofMontgomeryCounty Precinct2,Texas By:/s/P Hubbard By:DeputyP Hubbard GeneDeForest PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * BATES 01, BLOCK 8, LOT 3;ALSO DESCRIBEDAS BEING LOT 3, BLOCK 8, OFTHE BATESADDITIONTOTHE CITYOFWILLIS, SECTION 1, MONTGOMERYCOUNTY, TEXAS,ACCORDINGTOTHE MAPOR PLATTHEREOFRECORDED INVOLUME 1, PAGE1OFTHEMAPRECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS. By:S.Closson Sergeant th Witnessmyhandthis20 dayofFebruary 2023. MontgomeryCounty,Texas CASHIER'S CHECK OR MONEY ORDER MUST BE PRESENTED BY THE WINNING BIDDERATTHE CONCLUSION OFAUCTION. THEREARE NO WARRANTIES FOR THIS SALEOFANYKIND,EXPRESSEDORIMPLIED.THEPROPERTYISSOLD“ASIS,WHERE IS.” IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS,PLEASECONSULTANATTORNEY THESTATEOFTEXAS * PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 PhilipCash th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe20 dayofDecember,2023pursuanttojudgmentdatedAugust22, 2019 for foreclosure of tax liens in Cause No. 18-07-09094 styled FNADZ, LLCVS TAMARA YOUNG AND MARK HECTOR, wherein plaintiffs and intervenors collectively recovered the totalsumof$20,230.36pluspostjudgmentpenaltiesandinterest,costofcourtandcostsofsale,said OrderofSaleplacedinmyhandsforserviceandexecution,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1, th MontgomeryCounty Texas,didonthe8 dayofFebruary,2024levyonREALpropertydescribed nd below,andonthe2 dayofApril,2024 Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe, Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothe highestbidder allright,title,andinterestthatthedefendantsinsaidsuithadinthepropertydescribed below: ConstablePCT 1 LOTNINETY(90),BLOCKONE(1),OFWOODFORESTSECTION1,ASUBDIVISIONOF 37.03 ACRES OUT OF THE JAMES PEVEHOUSE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 29 AND THE ARCHIBALD HODGE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 18, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 146 PRONGHORNPLACE,MONTGOMERY,TX77316 NOTICEOFCONSTABLESALE BYVIRTUEOFAORDEROFSALEissuedoutofthe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County StateofTexas,inacertaincausenumbered21-09-12726onajudgmentrenderedinsaidcourt onthe20thdayofAugustA.O.2022anddirectedanddeliveredtomeasConstableofMontgomery CountyPrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty Texas.Ihaveonthe27thdayofFebruaryA.O.2024 levieduponandwillofferforsalebetweenthehoursprescribedbylawatapproximately10:00A.M. onthefirstTuesdayinAprilA.D.2024,itbeingthe2ndofsaidmonthatpublicauctiontothehighest bidder, for cash in hand at the Courthouse steps of 301 N Main St. Conroe, TX 77301 of said MontgomeryCounty,Texas,alltherighttitleandinterest,ifany,whichthedefendanthadonthe20th dayofAugustA.D.2022,oratanytimethereafter ofandinthefollowingdescribedpropertytowit: ("PROPERTY”). 1. $4,314.46PrincipalSum 2. $4,953.06AttorneyFees 3. Post-judgmentinterestattherateoffivepercent(5%)perannumonthetotal judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgmentsigneduntilfullypaid. 4. $602.67CourtCost/processserverfees 5. $5,479.50JudgmentCredit MontgomeryCounty Texas PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 MontgomeryCountyPrecinct2 TheabovepropertyisleviedonasthepropertyofMichaelL.Spezialeandwillbesoldtosatisfya judgmentinthe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasrenderedonthe20thday ofAugustA.O.2022infavorofWoodforestOwnersAssociation,Inc.andagainstthesaidMichaelL. Speziale.
UNDERMYHANDonthisDate29thofFebruaryA.D.2024 TexasRulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurityforanydebt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignment·ormortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenit is held by the pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignmentormortgage. DeputyPaulHubbard FORTHEPRINCIPAL,INTERESTANDALLCOSTSACCRUINGBYVIRTUEOFSAID SUITTHETOTALSUM.
priortothesaletobidonthisproperty(CivilPracticeandRemedies Code34.0445) By:/s/PaulHubbard COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § NOTICEOFEXECUTIONSALE LOT 3, BLOCK 8, SECTION 4 OF LAKELAND, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME5,PAGE181OFTHEMAPRECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS.LOT 4, BLOCK 8 OF LAKELAND, SECTION 4,ASUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOF RECORDEDINVOLUME5,PAGE 181OFTHEMAPRECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS. THESTATEOFTEXAS § By virtue of a Order Of Sale issued out of the Honorable 457th Judicial District Court, th MontgomeryCounty Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe19 dayofOctober 2023,,inthecaseof Lakeland Section Four Civic Club., Plaintiff, vs. Jose Moreno (1) $1,427.95 principal sum (2) $6,615,07Attorneyfeesandexpenses(3)Interestonthetotaljudgementfromthedateofjudgement at the rate of 7.5% per annum compounded annually until paid.(4) $382.00 court costs, $0.00 Judgmentcreditandforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty Defendant,CauseNo. 23-06-09305insaidcourt,judgmentbeinginfavorofLakelandSectionFourCivicClub.,Plaintiffas th againstDefendant,Ididonthe4 dayofMarch2024,at1:10o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowingdescribedpropertyofDefendant: /s/JohnGVasquez DeputyJohnGVasquez RyanGable-ConstablePct.3 1520LakeFrontCircle,Suite200 TheWoodlands,TX77380 281-364-4211 th DATEDat1520LakeFrontCircleSuite200,TheWoodlands,Texas,thisthe4 dayofMarch,2024. PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 andonthe2nddayofApril,2024,betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clockp.m.,at theMontgomeryCountyCourthouselocatedat501N.ThompsonSuite402,Conroe,Texas77301,I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Jose Moreno,Defendantinandtosaidproperty THESTATEOFTEXAS § COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § NOTICEOFEXECUTIONSALE ByvirtueofaOrderOfSaleissuedoutoftheHonorable457thJudicialDistrictCourt,Montgomery st County,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe1 dayofNovember,2023,,inthecaseofImperialOaks Park Property OwnersAssociation., Plaintiff, vs. Cathy Kekeocha (1) $1,552.96 principal sum (2) $5,989.83Attorneyfees(3)Post-JudgmentInterestattherateoftenpercent,(10%)perannumonthe fullamountofthejudgmentawardedhereinfromthedatehereofuntilpaid.(4)$377.00CourtCosts, $0.00 Judgment credit and foreclosure of a lien on the following described property, Defendant, Cause No. 22-11-15566 in said court, judgment being in favor of ,Imperial Oaks Park Property OwnersAssociation,Inc.,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant,Ididonthe1stdayofMarch2024,at1:10 o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant: LOT8,BLOCK1,IMPERIALOAKSVILLAGESECTION1,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPOR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET G, SHEET 146A AND 146B, OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS (THE PROPERTY) ; and on the 2nd day of

22nddayofFebruary,2024at1:01o'clockp.m.levyuponthe following-describedpropertyofDefendant:




Andonthe2nddayofApril,2024,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaid month, on the Courthouse Steps located at 301 N. Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 of said MONTGOMERYCounty, Texas in the City of CONROE; I will proceed to sell at the time of the publicauctionforcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofCoreyEdwardSmith,Defendantinandto said property representing interest and costs of suit, together with legal fees and commissions throughthedateofjudgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesand interestrecoverablebylawinfavorofWoodforestOwnersAssociationInc.


Cause Number: 23-10-15814

P.OBox2985 8700CrownhillSuite505


To: ToLenaBFreemanAKALenaFreemanandNormanLarryFreeman,andallother persons, Including adverse claimants, owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable Interest In or lien upon the following described property delinquent to Plaintiffhereinfortaxes,to-wit:

WhichsaidpropertyisdelinquenttoPlaintifffortaxesinthefollowingamounts:$11,557.08, exclusiveofinterest,penalties,andcosts,andthereisincluded


thesuitareMontgomeryCounty MontgomeryCountyHospitalDistrict, Lone Star College, Emergency Services District #7, and New Caney Independent School District.

Plaintiff and all other taxing units who may set up their tax claims herein seek recovery of delinquentadvaloremtaxesonthepropertyhereinabovedescribed,andinadditiontothe taxesallinterest,penalties,andcostsallowedbylawthereonuptoandincludingthedayof judgment herein, and the establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the paymentofsame,asprovidedbylaw

Allpartiestothissuit,includingplaintiff,defendants,andintervenors,shalltakenoticethat claimsnotonlyforanytaxeswhichweredelinquentonsaidpropertyatthetimethissuitwas filed but all taxes becoming delinquent thereon at any time thereafter up to the day of judgment, including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by law thereon, may, upon requesttherefore,berecoveredhereinwithoutfurthercitationornoticetoanypartiesherein, andallsaidpartiesshalltakenoticeofandpleadandanswertoallclaimsandpleadingsnow on file and which may hereafter be filed in said cause by all other parties herein, and all of those taxing units above named who may Intervene herein and set up their respective tax claimsagainstsaidproperty

Wednesday,March13,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews,Page7 LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL You are hereby commanded to appear and defend such suit on the first Monday after the expirationofforty-twodaysfromandafterthedateofissuancehereof,thesamebeingthe 22nddayofApril,2024(ExpirationDate:thefirstMondayfollowing42daysafterIssuance Date) before the honorable District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, to be held at the courthouse thereof, then and there to show cause why judgment shall not be rendered for such taxes, penalties, interest, and costs, and condemning said property and ordering foreclosureoftheconstitutionalandstatutorytaxliensthereonfortaxesduetheplaintiffand the taxing units parties hereto, and those who may intervene herein, together with all interest,penalties,andcostsallowedbylawuptoandincludingthedayofjudgmentherein, andallcostsofthissuit. IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe8thdayofMarch,2024. MontgomeryCounty,Texas (SEALDistrictCourt,MontgomeryCounty,Texas) PATRICIAIVEY MelisaMiller DistrictClerk PublishedDates:March13,20,2024 By:/s/PatriciaIvey 3/8/20242:46:11PM THE STATE OF TEXAS MelisaMiller YaniraReyes You are hereby notified that suit has been brought by Panacea Fund I, LLC as Plaintiff, against Lena B Freeman aka Lena Freeman, Norman Larry Freeman, Jimmy Wolsey (In Rem Only), andAlma Resources, Inc. (In Rem Only), by the Petition filed on October 20, 2023,InasuitstyledPanaceaFundI,LLCvsLenaBFreeman,ETALforcollectionoftaxes on said property and that said suit is now pending in the District Court of Montgomery County Texas,284thJudicialDistrict,andthefilenumberis23-10-15814,thatthenamesof all taxing units which assess and collect taxes on the property hereinabove described are notmadepartiesto
inthissuitinadditiontothe taxesallsaidInterest,penalties,andcoststhereon,allowedbylawuptoandincludingthe dayofjudgmentherein. InthenameandbytheauthorityoftheStateofTexas ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService Conroe,Texas77305 SanAntonioTX78209 Beinga1.334acretractoutofandapartofthe9.8acretractintheSemoreGarseeSurvey, Montgomery County Texas, being more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit"A"attachedtoTaxLienTransferContractfromLenaBFreemanandNormanLarry Freeman to Panacea Fund I, LLC recorded under document# 2022002121 in the official public records of Montgomery County, Texas. and commonly known as: New Caney, TX 77357fortaxaccounts:R42119 April, 2024, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at the Montgomery CountyCourthouselocatedat501N.ThompsonSuite402,Conroe,Texas77301,Iwillofferforsale andwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofCathyKekeocha,Defendant inandtosaidproperty st DATEDat1520LakeFrontCircleSuite200,TheWoodlands,Texas,thisthe1 dayofMarch,2024. 281-364-4211 /s/JohnGVasquez RyanGable-ConstablePct.3 JohnGVasquez TheWoodlands,TX77380 1520LakeFrontCircle,Suite200 PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 NOTICEOFSALE (REALPROPERTY) THESTATEOFTEXAS § COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe30thdayofAugust,2023,inthecaseof OakhurstCommunityAssociationInc., Plaintiff,vs. WilliamChadwickStanley,Defendant(s), CauseNo.23-06-08024insaidcourt,judgmentbeinginfavorofOakhurstCommunityAssociation Inc.PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe11thDayofMarch2024at2:00o'clockpm.,levy uponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):WilliamChadwickStanley Lot Twenty-Three (23), Block one (1), of Park at Oakhurst, Sec. 1, a Subdivision of 26.2602 AcresofLandoutoftheWilliamMasseySurvey,A-391,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,according totheMaporPlatthereofrecordedincabinetW,sheet182,oftheMapRecordsofMontgomery County Texas(the"property")A.K.A.25613ThistleValleyCt.Porter Tx.77365 andonthe2nddayofApril2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clock p.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe,Texas,I willofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofWilliam ChadwickStanley,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty Witnessmyhandthisthe11th_dayofMarch2024. KennethHayden,ConstablePct.4 DeputyR.CROWDER#8451 /s/R.Crowder 281-577-8985 PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 21130USHwy59#C NewCaney,TX.77357 NOTICEOFCONSTABLESSALE CONSTABLESHRISJONES,PCT 5,MONTGOMERYCOUNTYTEXAS COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutoftheHonorable284thJUDICIALDISTRICTCOURTof MONTGOMERYCounty Texas;Cause#220913029CVinaJudgementrenderedonthe14thdayof February, 2023, where as in Style GLEN OAKS/ GRAND OAKS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC/A TION,INC.,PlaintiffagainstDeannaHighsmith,Defendant.Ididlevyonthe28thdayofFebruary 2024at12:20o'clockp.m.uponthefollowingdescribed"property"ofDefendant: LotTwo(2),inBlockOne(1),ofGLENOAKS,SECTIONONE(1),asubdivisionof23.92Acres ofLandintheCyrusT WardSurvey,A-612,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,accordingtothemap orplat thereof recorded in CabinetV Sheets 76 and 77, of the Map Records of Montgomery County,Texas. ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE.
2024;AT1900UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas. Andonthe2nddayofApril,2024,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaidmonth,on theCourthouseStepslocatedat301NMainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301ofsaidMONTGOMERY County,TexasintheCityofCONROE;Iwillproceedtosellatthetimeofthepublicauctionforcash, alltherights,titleandinterestofDeannaHighsmith,Defendantinandtosaidproperty representing interestandcostsofsuit,togetherwithlegalfeesandcommissionsthroughthedateofjudgment,plus allcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesandinterestrecoverablebylawinfavorof GLENOAKS/GRANOOAKSHOMEOWNERSASSOC/AT/ON,INC.
/s/AshtonHedrick THESTATEOFTEXAS GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe19thdayofJanuary,2024, By:/s/ChrisJones InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 THESTATEOFTEXAS ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutoftheHonorable457thJUDICIALDISTRICTCOURTof MONTGOMERY County Texas; Cause# 221216195 in a Judgement rendered on the 2N° day of March,2023,whereasinStyleGLENOAKS/GRANOOAKSHOMEOWNERSASSOCIATION, INC.,PlaintiffagainstJenniferDeniseEgbert,Defendant.Ididlevyonthe28thdayofFebruary,2024 at12:19o'clockp.m.uponthefollowingdescribed"property"ofDefendant: LOTTWELVE {12), IN BLOCKTHREE (3) OFGLEN OAKS, SECTION FOUR REPLAT NO. 2, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN CABINET Z, SHEET 4203 OF THE MAP RECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS Andonthe2nddayofApril,2024,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaidmonth,on theCourthouseStepslocatedat301NMainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301ofsaidMONTGOMERY County TexasintheCityofCONROE;Iwillproceedtosellatthetimeofthepublicauctionforcash, all the rights, title and interest of Jennifer Denise Egbert, Defendant in and to said property, representinginterestandcostsofsuit,togetherwithlegalfeesandcommissionsthroughthedateof judgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesandinterestrecoverableby lawinfavorofGLENOAKS/GRANOOAKSHOMEOWNERSASSOC/ATION,INC. ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE. GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe30thdayofJanuary 2024, COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY NOTICEOFCONSTABLESSALE th DATEDthis28 dayofFebruary 2024;AT1900UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas. By:/s/ChrisJones CONSTABLESHRISJONES,PCT 5,MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS By:/s/AshtonHedrick InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 th DATEDthis28 dayofFebruary,2024;AT1900UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas. COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE. NOTICEOFCONSTABLESSALE ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutoftheHonorable457thJUDICIALDISTRICTCOURTof MONTGOMERYCounty, Texas; Cause# 230609318 in a Judgement rendered on the 30th day of August,2023,whereasinStyleGLENOAKS/GRANDOAKSHOMEOWNERSASSOCIATION, INC., Plaintiff against Ethan Davis Wilson and Melissa Nicole Watters, Jointly and Severally th Defendants. I did levy on the 28 day of February 2024 at 12:20 o'clock p.m. upon the following described"property"ofDefendant: LOTFORTY-SEVEN(47),INBLOCKTWO(2),OFGLENOAKSSECTIONTHREE(3),A SUBDIVISION MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINCABINETZ,SHEET6341OFTHEMAPRECORDSOF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe24thdayofJanuary,2024, Andonthe2nddayofApril,2024,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaidmonth,on theCourthouseStepslocatedat301NMainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301ofsaidMONTGOMERY County TexasintheCityofCONROE;Iwillproceedtosellatthetimeofthepublicauctionforcash, all the rights, title and interest of Ethan Davis Wilson and Melissa Nicole Watters Jointly and Severally Defendants in and to said property representing interest and costs of suit, together with legalfeesandcommissionsthroughthedateofjudgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpost judgment penalties and interest recoverable by law in favor of GLEN OAKS/ GRAND OAKS HOMEOWNERSASSOC/ATION,INC. THESTATEOFTEXAS InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 CONSTABLESHRISJONES,PCT 5,MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS By:/s/AshtonHedrick By:/s/ChrisJones PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 THESTATEOFTEXAS COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY NOTICEOFCONSTABLESSALE By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 457th JUDICIALDISTRICT COURTofMONTGOMERYCounty,Texas;Cause#23-07-10193inaJudgmentrenderedonthe6th dayofFebruary 2024,whereasinStyleWoodforestOwnersAssociationInc.,PlaintiffagainstCorey EdwardSmith,Defendant,Ididonthe
this28 dayofFebruary
MORE COMMONLY KNOWN A S 251 SOUTH SPOTTED FERN DRIVE MONTGOMERY,TX77316.("PROPERTY") DATEDthis22nddayofFebruary 2024;at19100UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas ConstableChrisJones-Pct.5,MontgomeryCounty Texas By/s/AshtonHedrick GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe22nddayofFebruary,2024, PublishedDates:March13,20,27,2024 /s/ChrisJones InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE. c/oZachCeleste 550Fannin,Suite600 POBox3708 NOTICETOCREDITORS Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Jordan Hunter Smith, Deceased,wereissuedonMarch6,2024inCauseNo.24-46119-P pendingintheCountyCourtof MontgomeryCounty,Texas,toMaryGraceSmith. AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstthisEstatearerequiredtopresentthemwithinthetime andinthemannerprescribedbylawto: MaryGraceSmith AttorneyatLaw P O.Box3708 Beaumont,TX77704 th DATEDthe6 dayofMarch,2024 ZachCeleste WellsPeytonPartainBaldo&Lighty,LLP Beaumont,TX77701 PublishedDate:March13,2024 Beaumont,TX77704-3708 LegalNoticesContinuedonfollowingpage





Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of JAMES WILBURNHUDGENSII,Deceased,wereissuedonDecember5,2023,inCauseNo.23-45361-P, pendingintheProbateCourtNo.One,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to:JULIED.HUDGENS All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o:JULIED.HUDGENS C/OSHERRYD.TAVEL 316E.Main Humble,Texas77338 th DATEDthe6 dayofMarch,2023 /s/SherryD.Tavel StateBarNo.:19681250 Humble,Texas77338 Tel:(281)354-8156Fax:(866)454-7124 PublishedDate:March13,2024

§ Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of GENE ALLISONKENNEDY,Deceased,wereissuedonMarch7,2024,inCauseNo.24-45954-P,pending inCountyProbateCourtNo.1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to: Cleveland,Texas,77328

DATEDthe dayofMarch2024. th7 MOLLIEC.LAMBERT

State THEFOWLERLAWFIRM /s/WilliamT Fowler Telephone:281-592-5243

CAUSENO.24-45954-P GENEALLISONKENNEDY § N0.1 c/oMollieCohnLambertPLLC All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law All persons having claimsshouldaddr themincareoftherepresentativeaddressstatedabove. ess Facsimile:281-592-5244



P.O.Box490 MOLLIECOHNLAMBERTPLLC Cleveland,Texas77328




§ P.O.Box490 PublishedDate:March13,2024 Conroe,TX 77301

101Simonton AttorneyforCheriLouiseAmos StateBarNo.: 16287350 Telephone: (936)756-5511

NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofIrmaRuthCrow Carrell,Deceased,wereissuedonMarch6,2024,inCauseNo.24-46053-P pendingintheProbate CourtNo:1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to: CheriLouiseAmos. Facsimile: (936)441-5745

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: GinaA.Price,AttorneyatLaw,101Simonton,Conroe,TX 77301. th DATEDthe6 dayofMarch,2024.

/s/ PublishedDate:March13,2024 Email:

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law Claims should be addressedtotheIndependentExecutorthroughherattorney H.DEANOWEN,JR.,atthefollowing address:

5632HavanaDr NorthRichlandHills,TX76180 /s/H.DeanOwen,Jr

AGAINSTTHEESTATEOFARLENEMARIEVOLKEYMARTIN th DATEDthis11 dayofMarch,2024. PublishedDate:March13,2024

FirstNotificationtoOwner 2021Taiz,Whiteincolor,Vin:L5YACBPH4M1127099,Plate#93B466A TowedFrom422CountyRd3792ClevelandTx77328 R&R Towing and Recovery, TDLR# 0006596365C, VSF# 0659815VSF, Storage address:22031aWalnutDrPorterTx77365,281-601-7832 PublishedDate:March13,2024 AttorneyforIndependentExecutor

Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of ARLENE MARIEVOLKEYMARTIN,Deceased,wereissuedonMarch8,2024,inCauseNo.24-46108-P pendinginProbateCourtNo.1ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,totheIndependentExecutor: 936-449-NEWS(6397)

LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL Page8,Wednesday,March13,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews All persons having claims against the Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentsamewithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylawtoBriceW Sherrod, Creighton,Fox,Johnson&Mills,PLLC,P.O.Box5607,Beaumont,TX77726. NOTICETOCREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Margaret D. Carson,Deceasedwereissuedonthe28thdayofFebruary,2024,inCauseNo.24-45977-P,pending in the Probate Court No. 1, Montgomery County Texas, to Rebecca Sue Carson, as Independent Executor DATEDthis6thdayofMarch,2024. RebeccaSueCarson,IndependentExecutoroftheEstateofMargaretD.Carson, Deceased PublishedDate:March13,2024 All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw DATEDthe8thdayofMarch,2024. NOTICETOCREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Joseph N. McLaren,Deceased,wereissuedonMarch6,2024,inCauseNo.24-46155-P,pendingintheProbate CourtNo.1ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,toJudyN.McLaren. Claims may be presented to Judy N. McLaren, Independent Executor of the Estate of Joseph N. McLaren, Deceased, c/o William T Fowler, The Fowler Law Firm, 505 West Davis, Conroe,Texas77301.
T Fowler
JosephN.McLaren,Deceased PublishedDate:March13,2024
AttorneyforJudyN.McLaren,the WestDavis

SAR Freedom Chapter Installs New Officers

The Rebel Joan Of Arc


DaughtersoftheConfederacy participated in the annual Conroe Go Texan Day Parade It was an extremelycold,dreary,and windyday buttheseBelles are not only lovely representatives of our

historictimeperiodduring the War Between The States,butalsofullofspirit and support for their community The United DaughtersoftheConfederacy organization was formed in 1894 to honor the proved noble Confederate ancestors of


The Rebel Joan Of Arc Officers are led by the courageous RJOA President/Vice President: JENNY LEHR, 2nd Vice President: Lovely LYN HOWARD, Recording Secretary: Elegant ANITA

STEVENS, Corresponding Secretary: Spirited ELAINE COLLINGS (Founder and Charter President), Co-Founder of RJOA: Devoted DIANNE KEBODEAUX, and OfficerofMilitaryService Awards: Patriotic CYNTHIACONNORS.

RANDY HALL of the UnitedSatesAirForcewas Honored as this year’s RJOA Dignitary selection for the annual Conroe Go Texan Parade. Driver and EscortfortheRJOABelles was Mr JIM STEVENS. TheBellesandBeauswave their Historic Honored Flags of the United DaughtersoftheConfederacy’s: First National Flag, and the Sons Of The ConfederateVeteran’s:The BattleFlagoftheStarsand Bars.

Submitted by: RJOA Chairman of Public Relations, Elaine Collings,

RJOAalsoextendsgreat appreciation to CARL HOWARD for his Limousine Golf Cart complete withTexasCowHornsand the RJOA Belle Boyds sign, for his RJOA Belles toenjoy The

Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapterwishestothankthe Conroe Chamber of Commerce, City of
Conroe, and Montgomery County for thisAnnual Co Texan Parade for all the community to appreciate
Therewerewell over160entriesweheard.
and Celebrates
The Freedom Chapter #38, of the Sons of the American Revolution, installed their new chapterofficersonTuesdaythe 20th of February The chapter was chartered March 1, 1986, and they will celebrate their 38th birthday The meeting locationwasfullofmanyofthe chapter members and their wives.Almostalltheremaining past presidents and current president were in attendance for the installation of the new officers.Thisgroupofmenhas done many things in our community from supporting our Veterans Programs, Youth Programs Scholarships Program, Naturalization Program to Wreaths Across America Program You see them in many venues around Conroe, The Woodlands, Montgomery Bryan/College Station, Houston, and the Springarea,dressedincolonial attire The new officers are DavidHamaker–President,Ed Sellards - 1st Vice President, John Thompson – 2nd Vice President, Don Kluth –Secretary Don Hayes –Treasurer, Bill Myers – CG Commander Matt Hoffman –Media Chairman, Don Stone –Chaplin/Historian and John Meredith–IT/Webmaster REBEL JOAN OF ARC OFFICERS PARTICIPATE IN CONROE GO TEXAN PARADE! AnitaStevens,DianneKebodeaux,andElaineCollings. LefttoRight:LynHoward,CynthiaConnor,RandyHall,JennyLehr,JimStevens,

Veteran Jeff“Gunny”Shilanski

Thisweek’sVeteranis Jeff “Gunny” Shilanski, who retired from the United States Marine Corps after 20 years of service, 1993-2013 Gunny started out as a Mortarman, and became an Infantry Unit Leader as a Staff Sergeant. Jeff served in various Infantry roles on multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan After retirement Gunny faced struggleswithPTSDand Alcoholism,andby2016 heattemptedsuicide,but his trusted German Shepherd‘KuppHolder’ intervened. Jeffthengot help, and met a Korean

War Veteran who was in a POW camp in North Korea,whohadsuffered like Gunny did. The crusty old Veteran guided Jeff to gather around other Veterans whosufferedlikehedid, so they can find healing amongstthemselves,and seek others who need help Gunny’s best friend and battle buddy JoeRasorkilledhimself, and Jeff had regrets about not showing his friend what he had learned from his Korean War friend. Years later Gunny realized he needed to take action, andhonorhisfriend,Joe

Rasor Conroe, warriors mentor prevent show enjoymentcanbe of their in Mandatory Fun around Conroe. and his crew with i R h , e Montgomery Jail andVeteranSoberliving homes. Good Jeff, and on beingMCNs of the RealEstate RealEstate

Sen.Cruz:WeCanCome TogetherToPreserveCollegeSports

In Roundtable facing

In opening remarks at In NIL Roundtable Cruz discusses challenges facing collegeathletics



In his opening today’s sion need for to con ens s d pa bipartisan codify name, image, Sen. Cruz the of challenges facing including the litigation, inconsistent regarding thecolleges’ l ect ve i e t ar of e i a

In his opening statement at today’s roundtable discussion regarding the urgent need for Congress to find consensus and pass bipartisan legislation to codify name, image, and likeness (NIL) rights for student-athletes, Sen. Cruz highlighted the myriad of challenges facing college athletics including the uncertainty from pending litigation, inconsistent state laws questions regarding athlete employment status, andthecolleges’inabilityto collectively impose standards of ethical h behavior and sportsmanship.

The entire event is availablevialivestream

The entire event is availablevia

https://www m/watch?v=igyFgdiRi94

https://wwwyoutube co m/watch?v=igyFgdiRi94

The roundtable discussion will feature former UniversityofAlabamahead football coach Nick Saban, commissioner of the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Jim Phillips, women’s basketball players Haley and Hanna Cavinder, University of Alabama athletic director Greg Byrne, president of The Collective Association Russell White, and NIL attorney Darren Heitner Additional senators are expectedtoattend.

discussion will feature former UniversityofAlabamahead football coach Nick Saban, commissi ner f the Atlantic Conference ( C ) Ji P ill , women’s basketball players Haley and Hanna Cavinder, University of Alabama athletic director Greg Byrne, of The Collective Association Russell White, and NIL attorney Heitner Additional are expectedtoattend.

Here are Sen Cruz’s remarks as prepared for delivery:

“College sports are an are amazing cultural unifier When so many other issues divide us, we know on gameday that we can all cometogetherandcheerfor our teams no matter the sports.

Here Sen Cruz’s remarks as prepared for delivery: sports are an amazing cultural unifier When issues divide we know on gameday all cometogetherandcheerfor our teams the sports.

“College alsogive thousands studentathletes,includingformany first-generation college students, and theabilityto critical lifeskills.NILonlyprovides evengreateropportunities.

“Collegesportsalsogive thousands of studentathletes,includingformany first-generation college students, an education and theabilitytodevelopcritical lifeskills.NILonlyprovides evengreateropportunities.

“Unfortunately, college sports are critical legal crossroads now with significant including:

“Unfortunately, college sports are at a critical legal crossroads right now with significant challenges including:

who camp in who old Jeff to other like they themselves,and who help best friend killedhimself, learned action, VeteranoftheWeek: Pharmacy Farm&Ranch

Contradictory state NIL laws that make compliancedifficult,

Contradictory state L aw that a e

Active litigation that revent the NC A, conferences, and universifrom basic rules – even rules to protect athletes from takenadvantageof,

Uncertainty for student-athletes,agents,and collectives who are seeking tonavigateevolvingandthe appli

Uncertainty for agents,and collectives are navigateevolvingandthe applicatio of o ten

cation of often seemingly inconsistent rules,

The looming challenges associated with athlete employment status orunionization.

chalassociated with employment status

“I am concerned that unless Congress acts, the college sports system will collapse and those opportunities for student-athletes particularly those in smalland mid-sized schools and women’s and Olympic sports,willbelost.

“I concerned that unless Congress the college sports system will collapse and those opportustudent-athletes particularly those smallschools and Olympic sports, lost.

As the Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce Committee with jurisdiction over sports related policy, I ve been workingforsometimewith my colleagues on finding a path forward on legislation that addresses these outstanding legal issues legal whilepreservingwhat’sbest aboutcollegesports.

As he Ranking of the Commerce Committee over policy, ve been forsometime colleagues a forward on that ad re the legal best sports.

“We are here today to have an important discussion on today’s challenges and hopefully generate consensus and momentum forabipartisandealthatwe can put on the President’s desk, but no bill is going to besignedintolawunlessit’s bipartisan.I’mpleasedtobe joined by several of my colleagues today on both sides of the aisle who I’ve begun negotiations on a bipartisanpathforward.

“We to an important discuson today’s challenges hopefully generate and momentum forabipartisan thatwe put on President’s desk, but no bill is going to intolaw it’s I’mpleased be joined several my colleagues today on both of the I’ve on a pathforward.

“Today I hope we can have a more detailed and robust dialogue together in which we can discuss the current issues facing e collegiate athletics and thus inform my and my colleague’s legislative work so league’ we can come together to preserve college sports as weknowit.”

MCN Subscription

MCN’s Community SubscriptionCostis$40peryearforin MontgomeryCounty,and$45peryear outofMontgomeryCounty.Checksmay bemadepayabletoMontgomeryCounty NewsandsendtoPOBox1,Montgomery, Tx77356,wealsoacceptmostmajor creditcards.

hope we can a and robust dialogue in can discuss the u en s f cing athletics and thus inform my my colwork so can come together to college sports as weknowit.”

Rasor In 2020, Jeff started FOB Rasor in Conroe, a peer support group that now provides support to between 120 and150warriorsaweek, with the aim to mentor, prevent suicides, and show warriors that enjoymentcanbepartof their lives in Mandatory Fun events around Conroe. Gunny and his crew meet withVeterans in VA Rehab, the MontgomeryCountyJail andVeteranSoberliving homes. GoodLuckJeff, and Congratulations on beingMCNs‘Veteranof theWeek’.
as a and an se r to Alcoholism, attemptedsuicide,but trusted German ‘Kupp Jeffthengot a Korean Page10,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,March13,2024
Active litigation that prevents the NCAA, conferences, and universities from enforcing basic rules – even rules intended to protect athletes from beingtakenadvantageof,

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