Montgomery County News, April 3, 2024

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by Ruben Borjas Jr MCN contributing writer

K ow oi dedicated to prevention their children, recently equipment assistance maintenance of r i s u in th r KPN Founder, Ponikvar, new Honor G o u p t a t The skidloader is in n tr il used by in value

Galveston,Texas: T h e S i m o n a n d Garfunkel story opened Saturday in the historic Grand 1894 Opera House on Galveston Island to a seasonedaudiencereadyto hear the magic from their memorieswiththemusicof this dynamic due Paul SimonandArtGarfunkel.

organization's new Dozer Dog, at a recent breakfast gathering of the Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans G r o u p t h i s p a s t Wednesday The skidsteer loader is designed to empower Veterans in engaging in trail maintenance used by participantsintheprogram tobuildvalueintheirlives and help them heal from self-harmtendencies. The initiative, also aimed at preserving Montgomery County’s

natural beauty with the improvement of trails in and around Montgomery, for the use of PTSD Veterans and their kids, in off-road vehicles such as electric motorcycles, and track chairs. The original experimentstartedbackin 2006 by Pennsylvania

g Po of to work Veterans skid-steer up the trails ofelectric trackchairs. Some o s contributing

campground owner Brenda Fitch and her Veteran husband, in an efforttoacquireproperties for installing trails for Veteranandfamilyuse.

m a i g natural improvement and for the use of Veterans their kids, in off-road such electric and track The experimentstarted 2006 c d n Brenda her Veteran effort acquire for Veteranandfamilyuse.

Knowledge Point Network, which started in 2007, concentrates on the useofelectricmotorcycles and track chairs to allow forparticipantstotalkand heal while on the trails themselves They offer necessary and challenging work to Veterans with the useofaskid-steertoclean up the trails for program participants to enjoy the useofelectricmotorcycles andtrackchairs. Somegas

i e e l a President attending R d Knowledge Point Network, U.S.A., a local charity dedicated to the suicide prevention of Combat Veterans with PTSD and their children, recently unveiled a new piece of equipment to assistance them in the maintenance of the area trails used in their program. KPN Founder, Ed Ponikvar, unveiled the

Texas, to III C III Chairman

T h e S i m o n a n d Garfunkel Story is a chronologyofthecareersof these gifted musicians produced by Ruckus Entertainment and directed by Dean Elliott, some fans rememberhimintheroleof Buddy Holly in the musical, The Buddy Holly Story The production was multifacetedwithhistorical pictures on a large screen, full band and narrative about the formation and development of these iconic artists It was interesting that the show featured two (2) characters for Paul Simon the younger and the older versions were played by Jonah Bobo and Elliot Lazar Brendan Jacob SmithandMaxwellPinson played younger and older versions of Art Garfunkel. Eachofthepairsperformed i m p r e s s i v e l y a n d harmonized beautifully The joy of experiencing one guitar, two voices in perfectharmonywasgreat. In fact, the band had some outstanding musicians starting with Jay Hemphill whoblastedoutthebeatson the bass along with Zach Kamins on the keyboard with Billy Harrington and Josh Vasquez on the back up guitars. Each musician was able to perform a solo that lit up the auditorium withtherichacousticsound oftheOperaHouse.

Despite the lackluster response of Simon and Garfunkel's initial attempt to as the Tom and Jerry band, the duo persevered and reached heights that they never dreamed possible.

Theduosoldmorethan millioncopies won for their i nd A the Grammy's classiclyrics the Sound Darkness, my the Hallof Many their takeyoubackin the an friend. my the sample of the from that captured Galveston, h S o a Opera House seasonedaudiencereadyto hear magic memories music dynamic due andArtGarfunkel. the lackluster response and to the duo persevered and reached heights that e ev h S m o n a n is chronologyof prod c b Ruck and Elliott, some him u y l y n t Buddy large and the these was interesting that the two ul th and by Bobo Elliot andMaxwellPinson versions the performed e v e y beautifully of guitar, voices in harmony great. with Hemphill whoblasted on that auditorium sound OperaHouse.

Theduosoldmorethan onehundredmillioncopies of their albums, won over 10 Grammy's for their music Paul and Art received the Grammy's Lifetime Achievement Award.Theclassiclyricsof the Sound of Silence, “Hello Darkness, my old friend,” the song was awarded the Grammy's HallofFameAward. Many of their songs wouldtakeyoubackintime withthefondnessofanold friend. One of my personal favorites was the song Homeward Bound. Here is a sample of the lyrics from that song that captured and inspiredanentiregeneration.

“Tonight, I'll sing my s o n g s a g a i n ; I'll play the game and p r e t

“Tonight, I'll o g i ; the and e t ; all my words come t e ;

d ; But all my
come back t o m e ; In shades of mediocrity;
e n
On Saturday, March 23, 2024, six members from theThomasJeffersonStubbs 2523,ConroeChapter,Texas Division, United Daughters oftheConfederacy,traveled to Dayton, Texas, to attend theirDistrictIIIMeeting. ThomasJeffersonStubbs 2523 Conroe Chapter MembersAttend District III Meeting. District III Chairman Dena Lambert brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone Louann Rubel, Texas Division
President also brought greetings Other state officers attending were Sandra Giarrusso (Recorder of Military Service Awards), Clara
a l a k ( R e c o r d i n g Secretary), Jane Ranck On six the to Dayton,
Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXIX NUMBER 13 Section 1 8 pages April3,2024 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly PRE-SRT POSTAGEPD #80 MONTG.TX Montgomery County News WEDNESDAY Thenationalaveragepriceof gasolineisunchanged inthelast week, averaging $3.51/g today The national average is up 16.1 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 0 9 cents per gallon higher than a year ago, according to GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million weekly price reports covering over 150 000 gas stationsacrossthecountry April 1, 2016: $1.89/g (U.S. Average:$2.06/g) Neighboring areas and their currentgasprices: MidlandOdessa-$3.22/g,up 7.4 cents per gallon from last week's$3.15/g. April 1, 2023: $3.15/g (U.S. Average:$3.50/g) April 1, 2020: $1.71/g (U.S. Average:$1.94/g) April 1, 2022: $3.80/g (U.S. Average:$4.20/g) April 1, 2017: $2.13/g (U.S. Average:$2.33/g) SanAntonio- $2.92/g, down 15.1 cents per gallon from last week's$3.07/g. Austin- $2.99/g, down 12.4 centspergallonfromlastweek's $3.11/g. SOURCEGasBuddy April 1, 2015: $2.21/g (U.S. Average:$2.41/g) April 1, 2021: $2.62/g (U.S. Average:$2.87/g) April 1, 2014: $3.36/g (U.S. Average:$3.55/g) "No April Fools' joke: the national average price of gasoline has finally slowed a bit after four weeks of notable increases stalling in the mid$3.50s for the last week or two, while the average for diesel fell backbelow$4pergallon—nota bad week for motorists as rising demand would normally put solidupwardpressureonprices," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleumanalysisatGasBuddy "Fornow,motoristshaveabitof a reprieve from the constant big weekly price jumps. While we seem to be nearing a short-term peak, one word of caution for those in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast: you haven't yet yet finishedthetransitiontosummer gasoline,soyoumayexperience some sticker shock in a few weeks Be prepared for somewhatofapunch.Fortherest ofthenation,solongaswedon't see extenuating circumstances, we're likey close to a top in prices.Let'shopeitpansoutand sticks!" Average gasoline prices in Texas have fallen 5.3 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 09/g today according to GasBuddys survey of 13,114 stationsinTexas.PricesinTexas are 16.4 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand 5.6 centspergallonlowerthanayear ago. The national average price ofdieselhasdeclined2.9centsin thelastweekandstandsat$3.99 pergallon. Historical gasoline prices in Texas and the national average goingbacktenyears: According to GasBuddy pricereports,thecheapeststation in Texas was priced at $2.49/g yesterday while the most expensive was $3 99/g, a differenceof$1.50/g.Thelowest price in the state yesterday was $2.49/g while the highest was $3.99/g,adifferenceof$1.50/g. April 1, 2019: $2.46/g (U.S. Average:$2.69/g) April 1, 2018: $2.41/g (U.S. Average:$2.65/g) average of is last week, today national 16.1 month 0 per ago, data 11 reports 150 gas thecountry $1.89/g (U.S. $2.06/g) areas their currentgas Odessa- up cents from last $3.15/g. $3.15/g (U.S. $3.50/g) $1.71/g (U.S. $1.94/g) $3.80/g (U.S. $4.20/g) $2.13/g (U.S. $2.33/g) Antonio- down cents per last $3.07/g. Austin- down 12.4 per week's GasBuddy $2.21/g (U.S. $2.41/g) $2.62/g (U.S. $2.87/g) $3.36/g (U.S. $3.55/g) April joke: the of bit notable the mid$3.50s week two, the for fell below per a bad for as rising demand normally put upwardpressureonprices," of GasBuddy now,motoristshave of a reprieve big weekly jumps. we nearing a short-term caution for the and transition summer may some sticker shock in a few w k r pa e o of the longas extenuating circumstances, likey a top sticks!" gasoline per averaging s Pricesin month lower has last at and average going ten to cheapest was most was a differenceof yesterday while the $2.46/g $2.41/g PBOX Magnolia,TX 77353 Index Community................2,3,4 BusinessDirectory.............8 Commentary 3,4,5 Legals.................................6 ChurchDirectory..............5 PeteBlaydes Texas Weekly GasPrices See Funding, page 2 ThisAd SpaceAvailable 4 column x 1.5 inch 936-449-NEWS Meeting, see page 2 KnowledgePointNetwork SecuresGrantFundingfor ChildSuicidePrevention MembersoftheLoneStarHonorFlightVeteransGroup,standwithKPNFounderEdPonikvar,right,andthe newskid-steerthatwillenhancetrailsinandaroundMontgomery OneGuitar, TwoVoices withPerfect Harmony See Guitar , page 2 LocalCommunity OrganizationTraveled forDistrictMeeting picturedlefttoright...BeckieEndebrock,LindaBrill,CarolynJamail,SherryMcKey,NeldaShippey-McGuire, MicheleScanlinandLouAnnRubel

Sports Community

At TRD they make youfeellikefamily Kerr sees the store as an eclectic selection of clothing, jewelry home accessories, including one of a kind gifts for anyoneonyourlist. The store is home to numerous wines from Texas, as well as selections from other d o m e s t i c a n d internationalproducers.

The R

suicide when a parent has taken his or her own life. SotheideawithEdandhis team is save the parent, save the child, and that's KPN’sgoal. poweredvehiclesareused, but it’s mostly an electric venture.

“Building on the success of the initial program, KPN is proud to launchourgroundbreaking initiative aimed at preserving Our Nation’s natural beauty while fostering a spirit of c o m m u n i t y a n d m sustainability,” said Ponikvar The Dozer Dogzprogramrepresentsa unique evolution in ecosystem management, turning the act of consumption into a powerfulforceforpositive change.”

uild ng on he success of initial program, KPN to launchourgroundbreaking initi tive imed at preserving Nation’s natural beauty while fos erin a spirit of c o m m u n i t y a n d sus ain bility, aid Ponikvar Dozer Dogzprogram a uniq e evol ti n in ecosystem management, t rning th ac of consum tion i to a powerfulforceforpositive change.”

KPN really out their of the their families. trailsoffera chance to commune with nature, and the farther the participants go the forest,theclosertheyareto God and his ways. No one alone on the trailsbecausethe to be and your feelings be And thatgoesespeciallyforthe children of the Veterans, w o stantly bombardedwithcellphone and usage which detracts relationships with

suicide when parent has taken his life. Sotheidea Ed his team parent, save the and that's KPN’sgoal. powered used, but mostly an electric venture.

Ponikvar to Veterans a pur o , and tr i maintenance the the Dozer in the and it takes time of tomakethe trails safeas for his program's participants. s ntially KPN i sense pride of workmanship in Disabled Veteran the skid-steer use And a difference the ofsomeone have lost the or traumatic braininjury Despitetheir they can trail it for

Ponikvar loves to give his Veterans a mission purpose, and trail maintenance with the use of the Dozer Dog, is not a walk in the park, and it takes time and a certain amountofskilltomakethe trailsassafeaspossiblefor his program's participants.

Essentially KPN is rebuildingasenseofpride of workmanship in a Disabled Veteran with the skid-steer use And it makes a difference in the livesofsomeonewhomay have lost the use of his legs,orreceivedtraumatic braininjury Despitetheir condition they can still navigateaskid-steeralong a trail making it better for allwhotrekit.

In January this year KPN secured a grant to tackle suicides of the children of Combata Veterans. The grant from theAmericanLegionChild Welfare Foundation a (CWF), is designed to combat the alarming statisticssurroundingchild suicide, especially in familieswhereaparenthas served in a combat zone. The children of those Veterans are three times more likely to die by

KPN really thinks out their program of healing the Veterans and their families. Thetrailsoffera chance to commune with nature, and the farther the participants go into the forest,theclosertheyareto God and his healing ways. No one goes alone on the trailsbecausetheideaisto bechattingandlettingyour feelings be known. And thatgoesespeciallyforthe children of the Veterans, who are constantly bombardedwithcellphone and video game usage which detracts from the relationships with their parents.

January this year grant to suicides of the hildren f Combat Veterans. grant from theAmericanLegionChild Welfar Fo nd ion is the alarming surroundingchild suicide, in whereaparent in a combat zone. children of three times more likely to die by

Savinglivesisaserious endeavor with KPN, since according to the CDC suicide is the second leading cause of of death among children ages 1014;sokeepingthechildren busyintheoutdoorsrather than chained to in-home technology makes a real difference The Mayo Clinic has noted that increased physical activity forchildrenhelpsimprove theirmentalandemotional health. Couple that with recreational ecosystem management learning, withkidsbrushinguptheir knowledge of the forest andtrails,thenperforming maintenance with their maintenance family members, and you have a shared sense of accomplishment, building self-worth amongst each other

quarterly requirements for physical activity, stewardship of natural spaces (like pick-up trash, or planting trees), and building a toolbox of survivalskills,suchaswith navigation skills and orienteering.

quarterly for p ysica ti ty, stewardship of natural spaces (like trash, or and building of survivalskills,such with navigation and orienteering.

“KPN’s approach is centered around a unique, family orientated tracking

service that emphasizes self-growth and selfhealing, as well as gaining tools to overcome life’s challenges, ” said Ponikvar, upon receiving the grant The project focuses on children learning skills about the outdoors, and effectively makesthemleadersshould a situation arise when that expertiseiscalledfor.”

Saving aserious endeavor since according the CDC suicide second leading of death among children 1014; keepingthechildren busyintheoutdoorsrather than chained in-home technology makes real difference The Mayo Clinic has noted that increased activity for helpsimprove theirmental emotional health. Couple with recreational ecosystem management learning, with uptheir knowledge of the forest and performing with members, a sense each approach around a family orientated service self-growth as as to overcome g , aid Ponikvar, upon the grant “The fo uses o h ldren about the and effectively them should expertiseiscalledfor.”

Another takeaway the dissemination skills to the of an

p p r d g o o d measures achievements.

Another takeaway from the project is the dissemination of survival skills to the children through utilization of an online platform (KPN a p p r o v e d g o o d technology) that measures ongoing achievements. In addition, there are

ddition ther r

For more information abouttheKnowledgePoint Network: o r knowledgepointnetwork

For abouttheKnowledgePoint Network: o r knowledgepointnetwork

ancher's Daughter can handle events as well From bridal showers, rehearsal dinners,birthdays,bunco nights, wine clubs, baby s h o w e r s , a n d bachelorette parties! Besides their spacious Rockin'RWineBar,they have
purveyor of "All Things Fine And Funky." The neat thing about TRD is the ability togoin,purchaseaglass of wine, or beer, and just chat away; or walk around to other stores, or to an event nearby in Historic Montgomery They even have frozen sangria slushies from Thursday-Saturday byRubenBorjasJr you the one on o e to , w l e t d internationalproducers. nc can well o d they a r memorable. out arancher in 2009 as in,purchase have
Funding HistoricMontgomeryBusinessHighlight: Rancher'sDaughter Formoreinformationthewebsiteis: Like emptiness in harmony; I need someone to comfort me.” Simon and Garfunkel possessedararecombination of synergistic, soulful poetic lyrics, blending and perfect pitch of their vocals and a hungry generation who yearnedforthatcomfortzone that only music call fill in one s being It was a wonderfulexperienceandthe smiles on the faces of the audiencedocumentedthatall were pleased with these talented group of musicians dedicated to celebrating the historyandmusicbehindour belovedstarsofyesteryear Check out Neil Berg's 50 Year of Rock and Roll IV at theGrand1894OperaHouse onMay11foroneshowingat 8:00 p m tickets are still available. in someone generation the dedicated to the Year of Roll from page 1 Guitar (Registrar), and many other Committee Chairman attended Also, Janice Langford, ex-President General, ex-Texas Division President's, Bernice Elgar and Kathy Hillman, Honorary Pr
ille, Madisonville The Woodlands and Wallisville. The Thomas Jefferson Chambers2591,Wallisville, hosted the meeting and they served a delicious ample loaded potato bar and fabulous tasting desserts Thetableswerealldecorated inaTexastheme. A silent auction was had at the meeting and the earnings from that were halfedandweregiventothe Texas Division Children of theConfederacytohelpwith theirstateconventioninJune 2024 and to the Texas Confederate Museum Collection Operating Fund inFortWorth. The Texas Division President, Louann Rubel, hasforhertheme"Celebrate the Spirit of the Southern Family". Everytwoyearsanew chairmanandboardisvoted on for the district, the new chairman is Emily Allen fromtheBeaumontchapter A memorial service took place honoring the daughters from District III whohadpassedawayduring the year As that persons' name was read, the chapter members stood in honor of that daughter The service closedwithaprayer many other om i e ai a ex-Texas n at l an r ry r s Carolyn tenchapters themeeting, were u , i a is v l T e Wallisville. Thomas Jefferson 2591,Wallisville, and they ample and tasting desserts were decorated was had meeting the earnings were halfed were to Texas of the with theirstate June 2024 Texas C u m Collection Fort has two and for the district, chapter A daughters District year that honor
alargepatiothatcan make your event memorable.
isashoutoutto: The Rancher s Daughter Owner RendyKerr isthe daughterofarancher and acquiredtheboutiqueand wine bar in Historic Montgomery back in 2009 She describes herself as a
from page 1
esident's, Carolyn Jamail and Anna Shepeard. Therearetenchapters in District III and nine were presentatthemeeting,those chapters were Beaumont were Bryan, Burkeville, Conroe, Humble, Huntsv
from page 1 Meeting

March was a month of new records All three major equity indices — the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq hit all-time highs and equity markets were positive for the fifth monthinarow Theequity market rally was driven by mega-cap tech stocks, the broadening of the market and optimism that theFederalReserve(Fed) would deliver rate cuts laterthisyear “Equitymarketsroseto record highs as the Fed is still expected to cut interest rates three times and deliver a soft, nonrecessionary landing, which is supportive for corporate earnings,” said Raymond James Chief Investment Officer Larry Adam “That growing optimism appears to have beenpricedintotheequity market with valuations nowatstretchedlevels— thehighestoverthelast20

March was a month of new All three major equity indices — the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq hit all-time highs and equity markets were positive for the fifth monthinarow Theequity market rally was driven by mega-cap tech stocks, the broadening of the market and optimism that theFederalReserve(Fed) would deliver rate cuts laterthisyear “Equitymarketsroseto record highs as the Fed is still expected to cut interest rates three times and deliver a soft, nonrecessionary landing, which is supportive for corporate earnings,” said Raymond James Chief Investment Officer Larry Adam “That growing optimism appears to have beenpricedintotheequity market with valuations nowatstretchedlevels— thehighestoverthelast20

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Bond yields were largely unchanged this month,sittingclosetothe upperendoftheiryear-todate range as the March rate cut didn't materialize and the first rate cut now seems likely to happen in June or July A record amount of issuance in investment grade corporate bonds was met with strong demand by investorsasyieldsremain attractive even as credit spreadsnarrow Pendle Hill Advisors LLC

Bond yields were largely unchanged this month,sittingclosetothe upperendoftheiryear-todate range as rate cut didn't materialize and the first rate cut now seems likely to happen in June July A record amount issuance in investment grade corporate was met with strong demand by investorsasyieldsremain attractive even as credit spreadsnarrow Pendle Hill Advisors LLC

The U S economy remains on solid footing, supported by strong job gains, improving housing activity metrics and growing consumer spending.



Kent.Pendleton@raym o n d j a m e s c o m | wwwraymondjamescom /pendlehilladvisors

hasn't had one since September2023.Butlong term, our overall outlook remainspositive.

Investing involves risk, and investors incur a profitoraloss.Allexpressions o opinio eflect the judgment of the Raymond James Investment Officer and are to change.There is no assurance the trends mentioned will continue or that the forecasts discussedwillberealized.Past

RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz


-MeganStultz on hit mark critical space

They did this by planting pops of spring flowers, refreshing mulch, and hiring a few helping hands to ensure their yard was free of debris, dead leaves, and droopingtreelimbs.

ed s m d pe na livingthere. to touch! noout

I encourage my clients to put themselves in the shoes of a stranger walking through the house—whatwouldthey nix to create a more invitingatmosphere?

My clients took a criticallookattheirspace and cleared countertops, tidied closets, and removed personal momentos to help buyers envision themselves livingthere. Theyagreedtostaging. The final touch! My clients agreed to staging (withnooutofpocketcost to them) The stagers brought in a few key pieces that tied the space togetherperfectly

If you're curious about what your home is worth in today's market – Let's find out! A CMA will provide you with a detailed assessment of your property's value based on recent sales, market trends, and local expertise. Send me an email,andI'llreplywitha personalizedCMA.

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One reason I typically recommend it? It's been reported that professionally staged homes spend 73% less time on the market compared to homes that haven't been staged (Real Estate

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The few key space togetherperfectly that market that haven't (Real StagingAssociation) about what home worth in today's Let's find A will p v t a detailed assessment of your value based recent sales, market local expertise. email, witha personalized he s pops spring r f g to free of treelimbs. time you to impression ec rs was to uptheexterior Text d u e d can off in seconds encourage f e what -MeganStultz

Investing involves risk, and investors may incur a profitoraloss.Allexpressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the Raymond James Chief Investment Officer and are subject to change.There is no assurance the trends mentioned will continue or
berealized.Past performance may not be indicative of future results Economic and market conditions are subject to change The Dow Jones Industrial Average is an unmanagedindexof30widely held stocks The NASDAQ Composite Index is an unmanaged index of all common stocks listed on the NASDAQ National Stock Market. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index of 500 widelyheldstocks.TheMSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia and Far East) index is an unmanaged index that is generally considered l representative of the international stock market The Russell2000isanunmanaged index of small-cap securities. Investing in small cap stocks generally involves greater risks, and therefore, may not be appropriate for every investor The Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index is a broad-based flagship benchmark that measures the investment grade U S dollardenominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market An investment cannot be made in these indexes The performance mentioned does not include fees and charges which would reduce an investor'sreturns.Investingin the energy sector involves special risks including the potential adverse effects of state and federal regulation, andmaynotbesuitableforall investors. A credit rating of a securityisnotarecommendation to
upon market conditions and availability If bonds
soldpriortomaturity,youmay receivemoreorlessthanyour initial investment Income from municipal bonds is not subject to federal income taxation; however it may be subjecttostateandlocaltaxes and, for certain investors, to the alternative minimum tax. Income from taxable municipal bonds is subject to federalincometaxation,andit may be subject to state and local taxes Investing in commodities is generally considered speculative because of the significant potential for investment loss. Their markets are likely to be volatileandtheremaybesharp price fluctuations even during periods when prices overall are rising International investing involves special risks including currency fluctuations differing financial accounting standards, and possible political and economic volatility. The companies engaged in the communications and technology industriesaresubjecttofierce competitionandtheirproducts andservicesmaybesubjectto rapid obsolescence The Consumer Price Index is a measureofinflationcompiled by the US Bureau of Labor Studies The Leading Economic Index (LEI) providesanearlyindicationof significant turning points in the business cycle and where the economy is heading in the nearterm. Financial Advisor, RJFS PendleHillAdvisorsis Pendle proud to contribute to the Montgomery County News with our weekly curated financial news and topics. If you have any questions about the markets, your financial plan, or anything, please feelfreetoreachouttoour office for a no cost initial consultation. Kent Pendleton, AAMS® Material created by RaymondJamesforusebyits advisors Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc Member FINRA/SIPC Investment advisory services are offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc Pendle Hill Advisors is not registered broker dealers and is independent of Raymond James Raymond FinancialServices.
that the forecasts discussedwill
buy, sell or hold the securityandmaybesubjectto review, revision, suspension, reductionorwithdrawalatany time by the assigning Rating Agency Bond prices
yields are subject
change based
Sincerely, The equity market's The strong start likely increasesthelikelihoodof near-term volatility It typically experiences three to four pullbacks of 5%ormoreeachyearand
14375 Liberty St, Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX 77356
listed on the
500 is an
index of 500 widelyheldstocks.TheMSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia and Far East) index is an unmanaged index that is generally conside ed representative of the international stock market The Russell2000 anunmanaged index of securities. Investing in small cap stocks generally involves greater risks, and therefore, may not be appropriate for every investor The Bloomberg Barclays US Bond Index is a broad-based flagship benchmark that measures the investment grade U S dollardenominated, fixed-rate taxable bond market An investment cannot be made in these The performance mentioned does not include and
reduce an
energy involves
including the adverse effects state federal regulation, maynotbesuitablefor investors. A credit rating of a security tion to buy, sell or the security maybesubjectto reductionorwithdrawalat by the assigning Rating Agency Bond prices are subject to change based upon market conditions availability If bonds are soldpriortomaturity,youmay moreorlessthanyour initial investment from municipal bonds is not to federal however it may be subject stateand taxes certain investors, to the alternative minimum tax. I come from a able bonds is subject to federal taxation,andit subject to state local taxes Investing in is generally o side ed s eculative because of the significant potential for loss. Their markets are likely be volatile theremaybesharp price fluctuations even periods when prices overall are rising investing involves special risks including currency fluct atio s if erin finan ial ac ou tin standards, and political economic volatility. companies in the communicati s and te hnol y aresubjecttofierce competitionandtheirproducts servicesmaybesubject obsolescence The Price is measureof the Bureau of St ies The ea n E n mic In ex EI anearlyindicationof significant turning points the business where the economy heading in the near Advisor, PendleHillAdvisorsis proud to to the News with our curated financial and topics. If you have any about markets, your or anything, please office for a no cost initial consultation. Kent AAMS® Material created b foruse advisors offered Financial Inc Membe INRA SIPC Investment advisory are through Financial Services Advisors Inc Pendle Hill is dealers and Raymond Services. Sincerely, The equity market's strong start likely increasesthelikelihoodof near-term volatility It
14375 Liberty Ste 109 TX The S economy remains on solid footing, supported strong job gains, improving housing activity metrics and growing consumer spending. o j a s o m /pendlehilladvisors Weekly Columns column by Kent Pendleton, AAMS® MarchMarketReview
may not be indicative of future
Ec nomic an
et conditions are subject to change The Dow Jones Industrial Average is an unmanagedindex 30widely held stocks The NASDAQ C mposite Inde is an unmanaged index all common stocks
NASDAQ National Stock Market. The S&P
special risks
5%ormoreeachyearand hasn't had one since September2023.Butlong term, overall outlook remainspositive.

Being an influential member of the media in Montgomery County I sometimesgetinformation that I consider suspect. Recently I received a dossier, from a source I dubiously trust, a retired FederalAgent. I only talk to this man, and do not communicate electronicallywithhim. Hewanted to give me a document. A

sensitivedocument,hetold me as he whispered. The agent told me to meet him at this road junction on January20th.

SinceitwasnearAustin, or not, I decided to visit some cousins inAustin, or not. WhenIleftAustin,on the morning of January 20th after visiting my cousins, I followed the directions to meet the

Since not, I to some cousins inAustin, or WhenIleft on morning January 20th, after visiting cousins, I followed the meet

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Sunny,withahighnear73.Northwestwind 5to15mph,withgustsashighas20mph.

Clear,withalowaround48.Northwestwind around5mphbecomingcalmintheevening.

Sunny,withahighnear77.Westwind around5mph.

Friday Thursday WednesdayNight ThursdayNight

Clear,withalowaround52. Sunny,withahighnear80.


retired FA at this road junction. Ileftalittleearly because I wanted to get some sausage from Meyer s Elgin Sausage in Elgin (which is better than Southside in my opinion, and which is on the northside of Elgin). The coordinatesIwasgivenled toRoco’sHotWingsonSH 95 and Sandy Oaks Loop, right across from Camp Swift, The Texas Army NationalGuardBase.

at this road junction. Ileftalittleearly, get some sausage from Meyer’s Elgin Sausage in Elgin (which better Southside in my and which is the northside of The wasgiven toRoco’sHotWings 95 Sandy across Camp Swift, The Texas


Well, my friend wasn’t there. He was across the streetatLaDonitahavinga bowlofmenudo. ‘What?’I said to myself. An old white, or bald, or toupeed haired man, or woman, or transgender female male man? Well, he was finishing his bowl, saying he picked up a taste for it withhistimeinMexico. I waited as he or she slurped up the last of their soup. A burp later, he or she was heading to was they/them’s car He reachedinandhandedmea manila folder I started to openit.

Well, my friend wasn’t He was Donita bowlofmenudo. ‘What?’I said myself. An bald, or haired man, or woman, or transgender man? he his bowl, saying picked up for his in waited as he, or she, slurped up the last soup. A later, he or she was heading to they/them’s He in handedmea manila folder started to openit. she said, open it here be

Well, I recently found the document, or dossier, assomemaycallit. Ithad coffee stains, cheetos stains,onepageevenhada mustardstain,andonehad what appeared to be a bloodstain. Thedocument looked important. Then I realized that my fingerprints were now on it. I initiallypanicked. Whatif FederalAgentsbustedinto my house looking for this document. Would I be hauled off to jail like DonaldTrump?

“No, no, no,” she said, Don t open it here, someone could be watching.”



FridayNight SundayNight SaturdayNight

I she in her car drove didn’t

A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstormsafter1am.Mostlycloudy, withalowaround64.

A40percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Partlysunny,withahighnear 78.

A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlycloudy,withalow around65.

Saturday Monday

A40percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlycloudy,withahigh near80.

“OK, OK,” I told him. And she got in her car and quicklydroveaway I rolled my eyes, and didn’t bother to open the folder as I walked across thestreetbacktomycar I stuffed the folder in my documentbagwhichIkeep notesinforstoriesandopeds that I worked on duringthetrip. ButIdidn’t realize when I stuffed the fileinthebag,Ihadplaced it inside a sleeve that I

I immediately scanned the document. Now my scanner smells of stale cheetos. I counted 35 pages. Noteverypagewas numbered on the bottom right, but it scanned to 35 pages, or not. In fact I don’t know how many pages it was, but it could have been a number between1and35. With35 being the correct number of pages. I shredded the originals, seeing that at least my fingerprints would be non-existent now I’m glad I did, because a FEDEX guy rang and dropped off a package at that very that moment,andyouknowall those guys are informants forthegovernment.

On top of the first page w a s T O P SECRET/CONFIDENTI AL. Other pages had C O N F I D E NTIAL/SENSITIVE SOURCE..

Agents to come crashing through my door like they did Trump at Mar-a-Lago. My heart raced. Then I started reading. Right on the first page, I got a glimpse of the person of interest.

The code name was ‘Celtic Wiper.’ I said “What? Whattheheckisa CelticWiper? ThenIread thereare4CelticWipers.

he is headed out to Marine One. Yelled out to Press Corp, ‘My Butt’s Been Wiped.‘“ I can’t say anymore. Butbelieveme. It’smessy

Myheartstopped. Here IwasinpossessionofTS/C and C/SS material I shouldn’t be in possession of, and expecting Federal

he headed out One. out to Corp, ‘My Butt’s Wiped.‘“ can’t anymore. Butbelieveme. It’smessy

SomeexcerptsofCeltic Wiper’s notes started on page2.

Someexcerpts notes started on 2.

“July 21, 2021 08:00 am. - Celtic had a big blowout overnight. I’m told he had lots of ice creamlastnightforbeinga good boy Licked plate clean Scuttlebut says Caprirefusestosleepinthe samebed.”

I thought to myself, Celtic? Capri? Blowouts? What’sgoingon?

I of interest. code name Wiper.’ I said “What? Whattheheckis CelticWiper? thereare4 Wipers. top first page w a s O P SECRET/CONFIDENTI AL. pages had C O I E NT A /S N I IVE SOURCE.. “July 21, 2021 08:00 am. - Celtic a blowout overnight. I’m told had lots of ice cream a good boy Licked plate clean Scuttlebut says refusesto inthe bed.”

I thought to myself, Celtic? Capri? Blowouts? What’sgoingon?

I was intrigued and read-on Another note read.

“July25,20212:35pmCleaned up Celtic after stool in Oval Office, now

I was read-on Another 20212:35after stool

I recently found the or dossier, assome callit. Ithad coffee stains, cheetos stains,onepageeven a mustardstain,andonehad what appeared to be a bloodstain. Thedocument looked important. Then I realized that my fingerprints were now on it. I initiallypanicked. Whatif FederalAgentsbustedinto my house looking for this document. Would I be hauled off to jail like DonaldTrump? immediately scanned the document. Now my scanner smells of stale cheetos. I counted 35 pages. Noteverypagewas numbered on the bottom right, but it to 35 pages, not. fact I don’t know how many pages it it could have been a number between1and35. With35 being the number of pages. I the originals, that at least my fingerprints would non-existent now I’m glad I did, because FEDEX guy rang dropped a package at that very moment,andyouknowall those guys informants forthe heartstopped. Here I inpossessionofTS/C and I shouldn’t be in possession of, and expecting Federal Agents to come my door like Trump at Mar-a-Lago. I started on

I knew that if document out, it could sway 2024 Elections. JoeBiden,Capri Biden Celtic is, I then I Steele Dossier has been wiped by a nanny won reelection. fullythedossierdidn’tcost $6 Butit’s an important document, andasfaras knowit’s tobedisproven. I go on assumptionthatit’strue. AprilFools,orisit?

I knew then that if this document got out, it could sway the 2024 Elections. CelticisJoeBiden,Capriis Jill Biden, and Celtic Wiper is, well, Celtic Wiper I knew then I had this year’s Steele Dossier No president that has been wiped by a nanny has ever won reelection. Thankfullythedossierdidn’tcost me$6million. Butit’sstill an important document, andasfarasIknowit’syet tobedisproven. Untilthat time, I will go on the assumptionthatit’strue.


Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount

Ruben be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount

bother to folder as I walked I the in documentbagwhichIkeep inforstories that I Ididn’t realize when I in Ihadplaced it inside I rarelycheck. Being influential member the media in Montgomery I sometimesgetinformation that I suspect. Recently received a dossier, from I dubiously trust, a retired Federal only talk to and not communicate electronicallywithhim. Hewanted to give a A document, me as he agent told to him this road junction on MontgomeryCountyNews Phone(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395 Publisher:M.P.Stultz P AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson web; AssistantEditor:JamieSandefer DistributionManager:BethanySandefer Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews. ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023 Editor:MonteWest RyanWest Montgomery Page4,Wednesday,April3,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas. MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNewsarereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. D&B#12-976-8354. MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395. MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. POSTMASTER: PleasesendaddresschangestoMontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 circulating the publication Montgomery,Texas. reserves to weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. newspaper Any Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper Editor’sExpress Mail,Faxor E-mail: E-mail: Webpage: Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395, MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, will We
Ruben Borjas Jr, Columnist Ruben’s Montgomery Musings SEATED L to R: Nancy Hicks, Doris Golemon, Virginia Miller (MCRW President), Cat Parks (Speaker), Alice Melancon, Barbara Eddleman Beverly Wright. StandingLtoR: Pat Spackey, Marisa Rummell, PearlMaggio, Lindsey Kasprzak, Mary LeaKirk,CarrieStocker submitted by Pat Spackey Virginia Miller, President of the Montgomery County Republican Women and the MCRW Board of Directors were blessed to welcome Kat Parks as their speaker during their March meeting, held at the River Plantation Golf Club Mrs Parks presentedaveryinspiring and educational program TheMontgomeryCounty Republican Women meet the 4th Thursday of each month(11:00-1:00)atthe River Plantation Golf Club, 550 Country Club Dr Conroe TX (www.mcrepublicanwom
Opinion / Editorial
Montgomery County Republican Women ( MCRW) Board of Directors)withKatParks (Former Republican Party of Texas Vice Chair) during the recent meetingoftheMontgomery County Republican Women
Importance MontgomeryCounty RepublicanWomen WelcomeOutstanding Speaker
Photo L to R: The
A Document of Secret

The Old Montgomery Steak House: A Haven for Regulars

Any place that idolizes John Wayne on its walls, I’m game for I’m in Historic Montgomery this week at the bright red building on McCown Street, The Old Montgomery Steak House, having a late breakfast then early lunchwith‘TheDuke’,and scoresofotherregularsthat frequenttherestaurant. It’s Veteran-owned which checks a top box in my column,andeverywaitress seemed to know every customer that entered the premises That s why I loveHistoricMontgomery

IfirsttriedtheBreakfast Taco, which is a meal in itself. It’s a mix of scrambled egg bacon hash browns, and as many other ingredients you want Mine had bell peppers and onions And the taste Awesome And be remindedthatthecookonly lightlysaltshiscreations,in respecttotheseniorcitizen palates that frequent the OMSH. I also asked for somebacon,sausage,home fries, and hash browns, as sides They have the crispiest hash browns I’ve ever devoured, and the home fries were spot on. I only lightly salted them to


Everything’s bigger at Old Montgomery Steak House even the lemon slicesareaninchthick. The waitress sticks to you like glue. They are talkative and make you feel welcomed. Ofcourse,thereare so many other breakfast options with omelets, eggs special, house specialties, and kids menu as well as seniorbreakfastsspecials.

By the time I was finished with breakfast, it was time for lunch. I first tried the hamburger and fries. Andberemindedthat nothing is cooked to welldone at the OMSH. You dress your own here, makingitthewayyouwant. Myfirstbiteverifieditwas just a touch of pink in the middle, very nicely done, and delicious. The thick half-pound patty makes sure you will be stuffed when you leave. And for those Montgomery High School linebackers, double upthemeatandcheese,and you’ll be satisfied The fries were also very tasty, and natural cut in the kitchen, but remember to salttoyourneeds.

blown away with the texture of the fried shrimp, it held up to bites and saucings and was nicely seasoned too. They even have a steak night, every Wednesday and Thursday after 3:00 pm, where you can choose from a 12 oz Ribeye or New York Strip with4largeshrimp,friedor grilled Of course they have steaks on the menu, and grilled to perfection at that, mouthwatering chicken fried steaks, fried pork cutlets, and grilled porkchops.

Owner Wayne Kung, a Chinese born American came over with his parents from Hong Kong to San Francisco, at a very young age. KungservedintheUS Navy and was deployed to Operation Desert Storm in his early 20’s. After his military service Wayne started in the restaurant business, like his family His father was a master noodle maker, and his family’srestauranttradition dates back 500 years in China.

Steakhouse, and others

Wayne even worked in Jeddah for 8 years, where hecookedforSaudiroyalty and the American Ambassador He came back to Texasduringthepandemic, tohaveafreshstart.

It was several years ago that Kung drove up to Montgomery and fell in love with the restaurant and since then owners LloydandNancyAshbaker, werereadytoretire,Wayne boughtitanddidn’tchange athing. Hemightsellmore shrimpthanbefore,butwhy mess with a great thing The OMSH has a little bit for everyone, if you're dieting, they have soups and salads. For those who aren’t,theyhaveeverything else.

You gotta try Old Montgomery Steak House. It’s a proven winner You will feel welcomed and treated with kindness and respect.



CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755

NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-5883399


ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation),1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe,Texas,Phone: 936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsold Worship:Sunday at10:30am,Sunday School:9:30am

HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356

Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027


Incredibly Kung admits he is terrible at cooking Chinese food, but he is great at cooking American fare He worked for Luby s The Cheesecake Factory, Ruth's Chris

Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycount

GaryChapelBaptist Church FaithBaptistChurch

POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-4781256,SundayBibleClass 10:00am,WorshipService at11:00am.

Meetsat464McCaleb Rd.

SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.

SundayEvening Worship6:00p.m.

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356

ChinaGroveBaptist Church,Willis,936-7674744


HoneaBaptist Church, m, dacusbaptist@consolidated


SeniorPastorDale Talbert

AntiochBaptist, Dobbin,936-597-5560

JonesChapelBaptist, FirstBaptistChurch

FM2854,Montgomery, 936-588-1260


Mt.CalvaryBaptist, OldHwy105,936-5882330

Study6:30pm 20350FM2854


Mt.SinaiBaptist, UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas About11miNof Montgomery onFM149

SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,Wednesday

BibleStudyandYouth Group6pm

CATHOLIC SacredHeartCatholic, 109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186

FM1774,Plantersville, St.Mary’s Catholic,

St.Joseph’sCatholic, 936-894-2223


CR213,Stoneham, 936-894-2223

JEWISH CongregationBeth Shalom,5125 ShadowbendPlace,The Woodlands, 281-362-1100


BenuiBaptistChurch 936-449-0845 ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery





Mt.PleasentBaptist Church



2080LongmireRd, Conroe

PorterChapelA.M.E. 936-441-8875

St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter 1701McCalebRd NorthShoreChurch 1803HighlandHollow, Conroe,936-756-8831


1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, LivingWayChurch, 936.582.7722

HopeTabernacle Meetsat18961 FreeportDrMontgomery


SundaySchoolat 10:00am

SundayWorshipat 6:00pm

CommunityAnd Interdenominational

(936)597-3949 WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomer usonFacebook @thefmchurch! 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas 936-588-4975 GateEntrance 936/890-8034 CelebrationService 10amSundays YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays PRESBYTERIN ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries 2727N.Loop336West Conroe,Texas936-7568884 Sundayworship@ 10:00a.m.Wed.activites 6:30-8pm FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe 10amWorshipService Sun.9:00&11:00 PastorsSean&LoriJo Cook SunSch10:00 SundayServices 10:30am 22548Highway105 West RichardsUnited MethodistChurch Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944 LivingSavior LutheranChurch-LCMS 309PondSt.Montgomery 77356Churchphone:936597-8013Web: PastorDavidR.Bailes. OakHillsJrHigh ChurchatMontgomery(GlobalMethodist) 19190KeenanCutoff Rd. GraceLutheran (ELCA), Montgomery,TX thewoodlandsmethodist. org/montgomery MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch Montgomery,TX 77356 Phone: 936-597-6162 10AMWorshipService 8:45SundaySchool METHODIST Email: cofcmontgomery@consoli Web: Wednesday - 7:00pm PaulPraschnik, Minister Nurseryprovided Phone: 936-582-4855 301PondStreet, Montgomery TX. Worship -10:30am and6:00pm ChurchofChristin Montgomery SundayBibleClass9:30am Montgomery,TX77316 Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660 LoneStarCowboy Church LivingBranch Church, WaldenCommunity Church, 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-4494414 1011W.Lewis,Conroe, ChurchofSt.John, 67½AprilWindS., 2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936597-5757 Montgomery,936-5821977 AprilSound,936-5882832 FellowshipofMontgomery 12681FM149 12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696 CarbonChurch, Transformation ChurchMontgomery Montgomery TX77356 Admin@TCMontgomer LighthouseFellowship Church, CornerstoneChurch, Sun:10:30am Services9:30and11 a.m. NewBeginningBible Church, 936-756-7792 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-5978921 18940FreeportDrive AbundantLife MinistriesCornerofFM 149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService 11:30amWednesday Pray/Bible
TheChurch@Lake Conroe
TX77316 18501Fm1097West@
CarySmith CovenantFelloship
N.Danville,Willis, Tx.77378 EPISCOPAL
(936)597-5742Pastors Randy&DarlaWeaver ServiceTimes:Sundays @8AM,9:30AM&11 AMMondays@7PM Livestream:Watchus liveSundays@9:30AM & andclickonWatchnow Montgomery,936-5827700
I tried the lunch special. ItwasaThursday,
Nice and soft, and
seasoned. The gravy was made on site, not canned, allowing for the meat to be perfectly coated. Even if you just have gums, you couldstillenjoythisdish. I love how the rice absorbed the flavor of the gravy, playing its part to perfection. I like rice more than potatoes, but I saw one customer,whohadhisover mashed potatoes So it works both ways They have a great Lunch Special menuhere. Everyoneloves Wednesday, with their Shrimp Basket. 15 pieces ofshrimp,alittlebitsmaller than their Tuesday special of 6 Large Shrimp pieces, butfortheprice,itishardto find someone that constantly does it week in and out. I tried samples of the fried and grilled shrimp,
LakesideBible Church, Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400 RiverofLifeChurch, retreatandwildlife center, AprilSoundChurch, 21627EvaSt.Mont-
Beef Tips
theirhousemadetartar and cocktail sauce. I was
Montgomery Steak House is located at 204 McCownStreet,inHistoric M
ntgomery The
w e b s i t e i s :
MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April3,2024,Page5 To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397 ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismadepossiblebythesebusinesses
FOOD&DRINK RestaurantReview
Page6,Wednesday,April3,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou." The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. PublishedDates:March13,20,27,andApril3,2024 The Petition seeks an order to foreclose the lien on the property and assert a claim to the property located at 14434 Tower Glen Dr, Conroe, TX 77306 and legally described as: A TractOrParcelOfLandContaining2.0000AcresBeingTheNortherly2AcresOfACertain 4.668AcreTractDescribedInInstrumentRecordedInVolume122,Page371OfTheOfficial RecordsOfMontgomeryCountyAndBeingKnownAsLot39OfTowerbrookSubdivisionA Resubdivision Of Said 4.668AcreTract (Called SAcres) Out Of The Clark Beach Survey, Abstract79InMontgomeryCounty Texas,SaidLot39BeingA2.0000AcreTractConveyed By Piney Point Estates, Inc., Described In Instrument In Clerk's File No. 2002-071098 Of The Real Property Records Of Montgomery County Texas Said 2.0000Acre Tract Being More Particularly Described By Metes And Bounds As Follows To-Wit: Beginning At A ConcreteMonumentFoundAtTheNortheastCornerOfSaid4.668AcreTractDescribedIn Volume 122, Page 371 Of The Deed Records Of Montgomery County Marking The Southeast Corner Of Lot 1, Block 1 Of Tower Glen North Subdivision Conveyed ToArthur Whitmire,EtuxReginaWhitmireInInstrumentDatedJune10,1996(ContractForDeed)In The West Right-Of-Way Line Of Tower Glen Road (60 Ft. In Width); Thence South 10 Degrees20Minutes49SecondsEastWithTheWesterlyRight-Of-WayLineOfTowerGlen RoadADistanceOf174.08Ft.ToA5/8InchIronRodFoundAtTheSoutheastCornerOfThe HereinDescribedLot39MarkingTheNortheastCornerOf1.334AcreLot40DescribedIn FilmCode0303-01-04000OfTheRealPropertyRecordsInMontgomeryCountyAndThe Southeast Corner Of Said 2.0000 Acre Tract; Thence North 89 Degrees 47 Minutes 58 Seconds West WithAFence LineAnd With The North Boundary Of Lot 40AndThe North BoundaryOf1.334AcreLot41DescribedInFilCode03030-01-04100OfTheRealProperty RecordsOfMontgomeryCountyADistanceOf509.72Ft.ToA5/8InchIronRodFoundAt TheSouthwestCornerOfTheHereinDescribedTractMarkingTheNorthwestCornerOfLot 41 In The West Boundary Line Of Said 4.668 Acre Tract Thence North 09 Degrees 54 Minutes 42 Seconds West With A Fence Line And With The Westerly Boundary Of Said 4.668AcreTractADistance Of 173.84 Ft.ToA5/8 Inch Iron Rod FoundAtThe Northwest CornerOfSaid4.668AcreTractAndMarkingTheSouthwestCornerOfSaidLot1,Block1 Of Tower Glen North SubdivisionAnd Said Whitmire Tract; Thence South 89 Degrees 47 Minutes58SecondsEastWithTheNorthBoundaryLineOfSaid4.668AcreTractDescribed InInstrumentInVolume122,Page371OfTheOfficialRecordsOfMontgomeryCountyAnd The South Boundary Of Said Whitmire Tract A Distance Of 508.38 Ft. To The Place Of BeginningAnd Containing 2.0000Acres Of LandAnd Being KnownAs 14434 Tower Glen Road,Conroe,Texas77306. To: The Unknown Heirs at Law of Jaqueline Howard A/K/ A Jacqueline Howard, Deceased You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday the 22nd day of April, 2024 beforethe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasattheCourthouseof saidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthis the 29th day of January, 2024, in this case, numbered 24-01-01449 on the docket of said court. By:/s/TraciGunter Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: Jaqueline Howard and the Heirs at Law of Jaqueline Howard, Deceased; David Oral Howard Heir at Law of Decedent; Rick Howard Heir at Law of Decedent; KC Howard HeiratLawofDecedent;HeirsatLawofJaquelineHoward,DeceasedareDefendants asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. Cause Number: 24-01-01449 Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77040 MelisaMiller RonnyVGeorge CITATION BYPUBLICATION - CIVIL P.OBox2985 13105NorthwestFreewaySuite960 THE STATE OF TEXAS NationstarMortgageLLCarePlaintiffsand IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe5thdayofMarch,2024. (SEAL,DistrictCourt,MontgomeryCounty,Texas) MelisaMiller DistrictClerk MontgomeryCounty,Texas TraciGunter 3/5/202412:25:49PM Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective shares and interests in this estate; that no appraisers be appointed; and for all other relief to which applicant may be entitled. CONROETX 77305 HOUSTONTX 77060 THE STATE OF TEXAS GREETING: 24-46269-P TO:The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF:ANDREAJUANAESPARZA, Deceased APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP CITATION BYPUBLICATION The file number of said matter being: 24-46269-P L. BRANDON STEINMANN ERIC DAYS PO BOX 959 515 N SAM HOUSTON PKWYE STE 250 You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application to Determine Heirship filed by Liliana Fernandez, at or before 10 O'clockA.M. of the first Monday after the expiration ofTen (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County, at the Courthouse in Conroe,Texas. Said application was filed on March 08, 2024. The style being: ESTATE OF:ANDREAJUANAESPARZA CLERK OFTHE COURT ATTORNEYOF RECORD The nature of said proceeding being substantially as follows, to wit: Given under my hand and seal of said Court in Conroe,Texas on this the 11th day of March, 2024. /s/ Dena Mizell 3/11/2024 10:26:19AM Dena Mizell , Deputy Clerk Published Date:April 3, 2024 (SEAL, Probate Court #1) L. Brandon Steinmann, County Clerk Montgomery County Texas NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersofIndependentAdministrationfortheEstateof Teri LynnWebb, Deceased, were issued on March 26, 2024, in Cause No. 23-45902-P, pending in ProbateCourtNo.1,MontgomeryCounty Texasto:CalBransom. NOTICETOCREDITORS Stilwell,Earl&Apostolakis,LLP All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw RobinL.Apostolakis Shenandoah,Texas77384 DATEDtheMarch27,2024. Shenandoah,Texas77384 By: /s/RobinL.Apostolakis Telephone: (281)419-6200 PublishedDate:April3,2024 Facsimile: (281)419-0250 128VisionParkBlvd,Suite140 StateBarNo.24045416 128VisionParkBlvd,Suite140 c/o: RobinL.Apostolakis Fax:1-888-518-1186 PublishedDate:April3,2024 Thisnoticeissuedby:RobertMarkowitz AttorneyatLaw 936-582-1945 Montgomery,TX77356 18735WestCoolBreezeLn NOTICETOCREDITORS Notice is hereby given that on March 12, 2024, Judd Smylie Hardberger was duly appointed as Independent Administrator of the Estate of Kimberly Hardberger in Cause No.2446051-P ProbateCourtNo.1,MontgomeryCounty TexasandLettersofAdministrationhavebeen issuedtoJuddSmylieHardberger Allpersonshavingclaimsagainsttheestateareherebyrequiredtopresentsamewithinthe timerequiredbylawtotheaddressofKimberlyHardberger,beingat: c/oRobertMarkowitz,Attorney 18735W CoolBreezeLane Montgomery,TX77356 PUBLIC NOTICE OFAUCTION PublishedDates:April3,10,2024 NoticeisherebygiventhatStorageKingUSAat18318U.S.59NewCaney,TX77357 (281) 968-2102 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auctiontosatisfyalienplacedonthecontents(pursuanttoTitle5,LiensChapter59 Sec.59.044) o n 4 / 2 3 / 2 0 2 4 a t 9 : 0 0 a m T h e s a l e w i l l b e c o n d u c t e d o n www.StorageTreasures.comundertheguidanceofChristopherRosa(16850)on behalfofthefacility'smanagement.Unitswillbeavailableforviewingpriortothesale on Contentswillbesoldforcashonlytothehighest bidder A 10-15% buyer's premium will be charged and a $100 cleaning deposit per unit.Allsalesarefinal.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawthepropertyatanytime beforethesaleortorefuseanybids.Thepropertytobesoldisdescribedas"general householditems"unlessotherwisenoted.DenisPhillips-boxes,ShaunHenk-boxes, ToreyBrown-boxes 2022kiaSorentoVin#KNDEPCAA2N7339223 PublishedDate:April3,2024 In compliance with (2303.157) of the Vehicle Storage lot Facility Act, the following vehicleswillbesold“asis”tothePubliconMondayApril15,2024From10:00AMTo 11:00AMStowe'sWreckerService,21587EvaSt. Montgomery,TX77356 PUBLIC NOTICE PublishedDates:April3,10,2024 Notice is hereby given that Storage King USAat 28543 FM 2978 Rd. Magnolia Texas 77354 (ph) (832)345-1305 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auction to satisfy a lien placed on the contents (pursuant to Title 5, Liens Chapter 59 Sec 59 044) The sale will take place at the website www.StorageTreasures.comon04/23/2024at9:00amThesalewillbeconducted on undertheguidanceofChristopherRosa(16850) onbehalfofthefacility'smanagement.Unitswillbeavailableforviewingpriortothe sale on Contents will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder A 10-15% buyer's premium will be charged and a $100 cleaning depositperunit.Allsalesarefinal.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawtheproperty atanytimebeforethesaleortorefuseanybids.Thepropertytobesoldisdescribed as general household items unless otherwise noted Earl Baughmanfurn,boxes,hsld gds,tools/applncs,misc items. Cornelia Parker-furn,totes,lndscpng equip,hsld gds;Paul Sylvestre-boxes,totes,hsld gds,sprtng gds,keyboard;Jacob Jordan-cnstrctnequip,sprtnggds,watertank. PUBLIC NOTICE OFAUCTION Notice of Public Sale Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managingpropertieslistedbelowwillholdapublicauctionofpropertybeingsoldtosatisfya landlord s lien The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at Propertywillbesoldtohighestbidderforcash.Deposit forremovalandcleanupmaybetemporarilyrequired.Sellerreservestherighttorejectany bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property may be sold by the space. General description of property being sold includes contents such as household/personal goods/miscitemsinspacesforthefollowingtenants: WednesdayApril17,2024at12:00pm ValleyRanchSelfStorage@21910ValleyRanchCrossingDr.,Porter,TX,77365 JASMINE SANTOS TENESIATAYLOR-HERRMANN Stephanie Hall TIFFINYWATLEY Sylvia McFee PublishedDates:March27andApril3,2024

Community FourConfederateCherokeeAncestors FoundForRJOAK.KellerTaglienti


TAGLIENTI of the Rebel

Joan OfArc 2721 Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy has “Proved” an exciting Find with Registrar

DANEAN MYERS The Cherokee Indians helped the South in the War Between the States and K A T H E R I N E K

TAGLIENTI has found important additional Ancestors to add to her Honored List of Family Confederates This is No easyfeatto“Prove”.


James B Russell, Co. C, 2nd RegimentCherokee

Mounted Volunteers Arkansas.

Christopher Columbus Horton, Co. H, 1st Regiment Cherokee Mounted Vol.,Ark. AREBEL, COURAGE, POWER, and LOVE! These Ladies represent all thoseattributes.


K A T H E R I N E TAGLIENTI and the REBEL JOAN OF ARC Chapter! These brave Rebel Belles dressed in their Chapter Color, RED, represents the Spirit of the Southern Family and their Chapter Pride! RED re

e Collings,

FEDERATES: Pleasant Polk Horton, Co H, 1st Regiment Cherokee Mounted Volunteers,Arkansas.


Beat Box: A Raparetta (AHip Hop Opera with a Message)

HOUSTON,TX--I’ve HOUST onlybeentotheBayArea once back in the early back 2000’s, but recently I was transported back there to theFallof1988,toanalley inperhapsSanFrancisco’s East Bay or Oakland, all from the comfort of The Ensemble Theatre, in Midtown,Houston.It’sset during the GoldenAge of Hip Hop (late 80’s - early 90s),andplaywrightsDan Wolf and Tommy Shepherd,whowerestudentsat Southern California’s Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts (PCPA) Theatre at the time; when an instructor planted the mustard seed of a rap opera in their heads.

HOUSTON, --I’ve only totheBayArea once the early 2000’s, but recently I was transported back to theFallof1988,toanalley inperhapsSanFrancisco’s East Bay or Oakland, all from the comfort of The Ensemble Theatre in Midtown,Houston. set during the Age of Hip Hop (late 80’s - early 90s),and Dan Wolf and Tommy Shepherd,whowerestudentsat Southern California’s Pacific Conservatory of t e P rformi g Arts (PCPA) Theatre at the time; when instructor planted the mustard seed of a opera in their heads.

‘ B e a t B o x : A Raparreta,’centersaround step-brothers Tet (Elia Adams) and his older brother, Finch (Winton Savice, Jr); as well as Malloy (Juan Sebastian Cruz), Tet’s good and somewhat purpose driven friend All are trying to live to the best of their ability, but as with life in the big city, drugs and weapons play their part, and it boils down to choices that individuals make that fulfills their destinies Finch deals narcotics to feed his family, but he tries to to shieldTetfromthatlife,so hecanbethatbetterperson to make it in life. They bond,butwillithold?

‘ B e t B o : A Raparreta,’centersaround step-brothers, Tet (Elia Adams) and his older brother, (Winton Savice, Jr); as well as Malloy Sebastian Cruz), Tet’s good and somewhat driven friend All are trying to live to the best their ability, but as with life in the big city, drugs and weapons play their part, and boils to choices that individuals make that fulfills their destinies Finch deals narcotics feed his family, but he tries to shield fromthatlife,so hecan thatbetterperson to make it in life. They bond,butwillit

Kendall Burns and Patrice Anderson all reallysetthestagealightin theirmultipleparts.

Ibowtochoreographer Aisha Ussery, and her ability to teach complex moves to actors whose strong suit may not have been appreciated the height and risk of dancing at heightened levels,andatallelevations for matter Ussery madesurealltheactorshit their marks. I saw no one confused or misstepping to or that of the stage.The I say,is the most ever encountered Joyce Milford and crew should bow I’ve never set likethatbefore,anditheld its with one wobble interpretationsof jail thetop of and kitchen, really the audience, and with a little the Malloy seems to want take seriously, but has his too.

imagination the actors werereallythere.

Beat Box:ARaparetta, is filled with stirring scenes of dialogue, incredible rap music and break dancing that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat. You’ll seeanhomagetoWolfand Shepherd’s lyrics instructor played by Patrice Anderson in several scenes,andtheactorseven make the game of dominoes look fun I was thoroughly impressed with the dancing of Elias Adams, Winton Savice, Reyna Janelle, and Juan Cruz.Iappreciatedthefun ‘bd’ duel between n Zac/FinchandTet/Malloy Theyweregoodtimes.

Beat Box:ARaparetta, filled with stirring sce f d logue, incredible rap music and break dancing that you sitting on edge of seat. seean to and Shepherd’s lyrics instructor played by Patrice scenes,andtheactorseven make the game of dominoes look fun I was thoroughly the dancing of Adams, Winton Reyna and Cruz.Iappreciatedthe ‘ d’ due b tw e andTet/Malloy weregoodtimes.

Itwasabusystage,and made me wish I had more eyes to take it all into perspective. I relished the energythattheactorsgave off The ensemble cast wereexcellentwithallthe extra parts they played Cardero Berryman and Laury

Malloy seems to want to take school seriously, but he has his faults too. too. His stable upbringing shields him from staying out late and partaking in narcotics Zac (Reyna Janelle) appears to be on the road to success out of the alley after leaving and returningwithnewthreads dressed to impress. You’d think that would motivate everyone to make better choices, but for one, the need for instant gratificationoverrulesthedrivefor a good work ethic to get ahead in life. Bad choices lead to worse choices. A senior citizen is slashed and Finch takes the rap. And unfortunately things further spiral out of control.Bloodisspilled.A lifeislost.

n Neally were wonderful in their roles, playing the prim and proper parents of Malloy And they along with

D r tor Ra el Hemphill Dickson, found gem newera Ensemble. It’s a old ho e nd it r pr sents th first interpretation of and Shepherd’s work purview andAD Palador demand lot of actors. They called the they responded.

a and unlike playwrights, shetook from student her the genre hip theater

Director Rachel Hemphill Dickson, found agemthatstartsanewera for The Ensemble. It’s a bold choice And it represents the first interpretation of Wolf and Shepherd’s work outside theirpurview SheandAD Joseph Palador demand a lot of their actors. They called for the best, and they responded. Dickson isawonderfulteacher,and unlike the playwrights, shetookinspirationfroma studentinherintroduction to the genre of hip hop theater

Ibowtochoreographer Aisha Ussery, and her

and partaking narcotics Janelle) appears to the road to success of the leaving returningwithnewthreads dressed to You’d think that everyone to make better choices, but for need tion thedrive a work ethic to ahead in life. Bad choices lead choices. A senior citizen is slashed and the rap. And things further spiral of control. A life and made wish had more eyes to take all into perspective. I the energy theactorsgave off The ensemble cast were allthe extra they Cardero Berryman and Laur n N al y ere wonderful in roles, playing the prim and proper And with nd ur an Anderson thestagealightin

ability to teach complex moves to actors whose strong suit may not have been dance. I appreciated the height and risk of dancing at heightened levels,andatallelevations for that matter Ussery madesurealltheactorshit their marks. I saw no one confused or misstepping to this or that part of the stage.Theset,Icansay,is the most unique I’ve ever encountered Joyce o Milford and her crew should take a bow I’ve neverseenanallmetalset likethatbefore,anditheld its shape with not one wobble Her interpretationsofthejailcell,thetop of a roof, and kitchen, really sold the audience, and coupled with a little

Ilovedhowthelighting set the mood for a scene, designer Jim Elliott did a stand up job in that arena. Teacake Ferguson the costumedesigner brought the characters back to 1980s life, with her beautiful creations; and last but not least, the DJ and Sound Designer, and AdrianWashington,didan excellent job with his choices of music and bringing the sound of the erabacktolife.

Iloved the the mood a scene, Jim stand up in that arena. Teacake Ferguson characters life, her creations; but not least, the Designer, AdrianWashington,did excellent with his of music and the sound of the eraback

Beatbox: A Raparetta, for me is a breath of fresh air Itrepresentsastoryof life choices and differing story lines The battle between evil temptations, andtheirweightwhichwe

Beatbox: A Raparetta, for me breath of fresh air Itrepresents storyof life choices and differing story lines The battle between evil temptations, andtheirweightwhichwe

setuponourselves,versus taking the righteous path, andbeingconsistentinlife aims.Iwasimpressed,and recommenditwholeheartedly, especially for those whose path is not on the straight and narrow And justlikethecastasksatthe end, “Which story line do youbelongtoo?”

The show runs through April14th.Fortickets:

setuponourselves,versus taking the righteous path, andbeingconsistentinlife aims.I impressed,and recommenditwholeheartedly, especially for those whose is not on the straight and narrow And justlikethecastasksatthe end, “Which story do you too?” show runs through April14th.Fortickets:

ensemblehouston com/ 2023-24-season/beatboxa-raparetta

ensemblehouston com/ 2023-24-season/beatboxa-raparetta

Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycoun

Ruben be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycoun

presents BLOOD
H, 1st
Mounted Volunteers
, PASSION, Andrew C Horton, Co.
Regiment Cherokee
, Arkansas. Submitted by RJOA PublicRelationsChairman: Ela
These very active History supporters and Board Members of the FRIENDSOFTHEFLAG FOUNDATION,werevery busy at their booth educating the public about the TEXAS FLAG PARK next to the Montgomery Main Library In this picturetheyareflankedon both sides by some of the amazingflagsrepresenting theBattlesfoughtforTexas Independence. Each Flag hasitsownhistoryandpart of the War for Texas Independence. Pamphlets and Education Booklets were handed out to the Public at the GCAA Festival, and some of the magnificentFlagsflownat the TEXAS FLAG PARK wereavailabletoownfora base donation. This group of History Lovers even showed how the TEXAS FLAGisAlwaysinsidethe UnitedStatesFlag. All these marvelous FOFF Board Members are also members of the Sons of the Republic of Texas, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, and the Rebel JoanOfArc2721UDC. TEXASHISTORY! KNOWYOURTEXAS HISTORY, AND GO VISIT THE TEXAS F L A G PA R K I N CONROE - NEXT TO THE MAIN LIBRARY ALONG I-45 AT HWY 105. THE FRIENDS OF T H E F L A G FOUNDATION ARE PROUD SUPPORTERS OFOUR Elaine Collings, Submitted by FOFF Publicity, & RJOA Public RelationsChairman: These supporters busy booth the public about are sides the fought Pamphlets to the GCAA and the TEXAS PARK availableto donation. Lovers inside these of the Daughters and Joan TEXAS GO E X S P I N TO AT OF T E G O D I N A E i & RJOA Page8,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April3,2024 Pharmacy Farm&Ranch RealEstate RealEstate Community Community Events FriendsOfTheFlagFoundation SupportTheGreaterArtsAlliance Gr FestivalInConroe MCN Subscription SubscriptionCostis$40peryear forinMontgomeryCounty,and $45peryearoutofMontgomery County.Checksmaybemade County payabletoMontgomeryCounty NewsandsendtoPOBox1, Montgomery,Tx77356,wealso acceptmostmajorcreditcards.

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