by Ruben Borjas Jr.MCNcontributingwriter
There good things at the Lone Star with Many Colors Ladies of the former Friendship Center, d the M n g ery United Methodist Church, seniorcitizens the fortunate food their a Clothing school kids. budgets due of and the with busted budgets are being ever it's up to organizations like Coat Many Colors M.U.M.C., and group of ladies formerly The do is necessary help thosewho Wi o tg me y having of affluence, must thatnot everyone can be well off, nor poor, there are those in area who have need for from non-
g o v e r n m e n t a l organizations, who dedicate themselves and work tirelessly to helping thoseinneed.
are being tested more than ever before And it's up to dedicated organizations like Coat of Many Colors Ministries, the M.U.M.C., and a special group of ladies formerly of The Friendship Center, to do what is necessary to help thosewhoneedthehelp. With Montgomery having a feel of affluence, wemustrememberthatnot everyone can be well off, nor all poor, but there are those in the local area who have a need to ask for assistance from non-
Coat of Many Colors Ministries, an organization located at the Lone Star Community Center in Center Montgomery has offices andafoodpantry,andhave been working to combat hunger for 13 years Founder and C E O Dr Michael Hayles, has a philosophy to over-give to individuals when they come to collect food to nourish themselves and their families. He has praised organizations such as The April Sound Ladies Association and the Montgomery Cowboy C h u r c h f o r t h e i r contributions to C.M.C.M. over the years. They pride t h e m s e l v e s o n transparency, and have an excellentFoodDistribution Manager Yolanda Perez who keeps records of the smallestdetails.
“We started out with $50 dollars,” said Perez “And the Good Lord has providedwhatweneededat the right time, as we have grown.”
Dr Hayles praised Commissioner Precinct 1 RobertWalker,forallowing his organization to help those in need, and without theuseofC.M.C.M.offices and pantry at the Lone Star Community Center C M C M wouldn’t be abletofulfillitsmissionto help the less fortunate in theMontgomeryArea.
Never be afraid of giving people too much,” saidHayles.“Butalwaysbe afraid of giving them too little.”
Anothergroupthatuses the Lone Star Community
Thesuspectisdescribed as a dark complected male, wearing an orange hat with the word “King” on it a black and red jacket, and blackpants. If you have any information about this incidentorknowtheidentity of the suspect, please contact the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office at 936-760-5800option3,orto remain anonymous, contact Multi County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-392STOP (7867) and reference Case#24A079263. The Montgomery County Sheriff s Office is attempting to identify the suspectpicturedbelow who is wantedinconnectiontoa BurglaryofaFamilyDollar Store.OnMarch22,2024,at about 3:50 PM, deputies with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office responded to the 23000 block of FM 1314, Porter, Texas in reference to an alarmcall.Uponarrival,the Deputies observed that someonehadbrokenintothe s t o r e a n d s t o l e n merchandise. The dark with and pants. I o an about County contact Mu t ou y e 1-800-392and M o is pictured connection Family OnMarch22, the of FM arrival, o d The Richards High School Varsity Boys Golf Team will advance to regionalsinManor,Texason April 16th and 17th. Way to goPanthers! The Richards High School Varsity Boys Golf Team won the district golf tournament in Flatonia, Texas on April 4th Congratulations to the following team members: Sloan King, Owen Piersall, Bodie Wrobleski, Heath Graves, Cotton Pool, and M i g u e l G o n z a l e z Congratulations also to Coach Tamayo and Coach Murray who worked hard with the students preparing them for their big win Honorable mention goes to Miss Caroline Pool who tried hard and played very well in the district tournamentaswell. Richards April 16th The tournament April team a e also There are good things going on at the Lone Star Community Center with Coat of Many Colors Ministries, Ladies of the former Friendship Center, and the M
school agekids.
ontgomery United Methodist Church, withfeedingseniorcitizens tohelpingthelessfortunate receive food from their pantries; as well as a Clothing Closet for
Andwithbudgets stretchedduetoinflationof food and fuel costs the needsoflocalcitizenswith busted budgets
e r e n t a l nization , themselves and work tirelessly “We started out dollars,” said the Good weneeded the right Dr Hayles Commissioner RobertWalker,forallowing his those need, theuse C.M.C.M. and pantry the Lone Co uni n C M wouldn’t able itsmissionto help the less in Ministries, located at Lone Star Center has offices and to combat ng r ar and has when they to nourish themselves their families. organizations as The Sound Ladies on an Cowboy e pride h e s n have excellent Distribution Perez Never people too much,” giving them Anothergroup Community y R Bo writer Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXIX NUMBER 14 Section 1 8 pages April10,2024 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly PRE-SRT POSTAGEPD #80 MONTG.TX Montgomery County News WEDNESDAY April 8, 2016: $1.85/g (U.S. Average:$2.04/g) Average gasoline prices in Texas have risen 11.4 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 20/g today, according to GasBuddys survey of 13 114 stationsinTexas.PricesinTexas are 30.3 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand 2.0 centspergallonlowerthanayear ago. The national average price of diesel has increased 3.1 cents in the last week and stands at $4.02pergallon. April 8, 2022: $3.70/g (U.S. Average:$4.12/g) April 8, 2023: $3.22/g (U.S. Average:$3.58/g) April 8, 2019: $2.49/g (U.S. Average:$2.75/g) April 8, 2018: $2.40/g (U.S. Average:$2.65/g) April 8, 2017: $2.20/g (U.S. Average:$2.39/g) April 8, 2015: $2.20/g (U.S. Average:$2.39/g) April 8, 2021: $2.60/g (U.S. Average:$2.86/g) April 8, 2014: $3.39/g (U.S. Average:$3.58/g) According to GasBuddy pricereports,thecheapeststation in Texas was priced at $2.35/g yesterday while the most expensive was $4 49/g, a differenceof$2.14/g.Thelowest price in the state yesterday was $2.35/g while the highest was $4.49/g,adifferenceof$2.14/g. Thenationalaveragepriceof gasoline has risen 6.5 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 57/g today. The national average is up 17 1 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands0.8centspergallonlower than a year ago according to a GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million weekly price reports covering over 150,000 gas stations across the country Historical gasoline prices in Texas and the national average goingbacktenyears: April 8, 2020: $1.66/g (U.S. Average:$1.88/g) Austin- $3 16/g up 16 8 centspergallonfromlastweek's $2.99/g. Neighboring areas and their currentgasprices: Midland Odessa- $3 22/g, unchanged from last week's $3.22/g. San Antonio- $3 13/g up 20.6 cents per gallon from last week's$2.92/g. After a brief break, gas priceshaveleaptbackup,driven by extensive refinery maintenance on the West Coast, where prices have increased notably; only a handful of states haveseenpricesdeclineoverthe lastweek,"saidPatrickDeHaan, head of petroleum analysis at of GasBuddy "Withoilpricesrising tonearly$87perbarrellastweek, their highest since October, we are not only facing the seasonal factors that push prices up refinery maintenance the switch to summer gasoline, and rising demand but also escalating crude oil prices as OPEC'sproductioncutscontinue to cause declining global oil inventories, with escalations betweenIranandIsraeladdingto c o n c e r n s o f f u r t h e r destabilization.TheWestCoastis likely to see gas prices continue tojump,andinaweekorso,will bejoinedbythemid-Atlanticand Northeast states as they wrap up the transition to summer gasoline." SOURCEGasBuddy $1.85/g (U.S. Average:$2.04/g) gasoline prices in have risen cents per thelastweek,averaging 20/g today, according to 114 in Texas cents per higher than month ago and 2.0 lowerthan year price increased 3.1 cents the and at per $3.70/g (U.S. Average:$4.12/g) $3.22/g (U.S. Average:$3.58/g) $2.49/g (U.S. Average:$2.75/g) $2.40/g (U.S. Average:$2.65/g) $2.20/g (U.S. Average:$2.39/g) $2.20/g (U.S. Average:$2.39/g) $2.60/g (U.S. Average:$2.86/g) $3.39/g (U.S. Average:$3.58/g) to GasBuddy reports,thecheapeststation was $2.35/g most a of lowest in yesterday was $2.35/g while the highest was a nationalaveragepriceof risen cents per thelastweek,averaging today. national cents per month and 0.8 per ago to from than 11 million weekly reports over gas across the Historical prices in average years: $1.66/g (U.S. Average: 16/g 16 8 per week's Neighboring areas their 22/g, from 13/g cents priceshave y en iv r er the prices have only over Patrick head at "With their not or e a bu oil c n r n s o r t The Coast see in or will bythe up n i e GasBuddy PBOX Magnolia,TX 77353 Index Legals.............................6,7 BusinessDirectory.............8 Community................2,3,4 ChurchDirectory..............5 Commentary 3,4,5 Church Marc&YaneGoulait Texas Weekly GasPrices See Coats, page 2 ThisAd SpaceAvailable 4 column x 1.5 inch 936-449-NEWS RichardsHighSchool BoysGolfTeamWon DistrictGolfTournament CoatofManyColors, M.U.M.C.andFriendship Ladies,HelpingSeniors andLessFortunate Achildishappyafterpickingupanewdressrecently attheMontgomeryUnitedMethodistChurchClothes Closet MCTX Sheriff Attemptsto Identify Burglary Due to this being an active investigation no further information can be released. An update will be M C T X S h e r i f f Investigates Shooting on OldSortersRoadinPorter On April 8, 2024, at 12:54 am, Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Sheriff's Deputies responded to the Detectives are working to identify a suspect and d e t e r m i n e t h e circumstances surrounding theshooting. Detectives with the Montgomery County Sheriff s Office Homicide andViolentCrimesUnitand this providedwhenavailable. M h r On 21000 block of Old Sorters Road Porter Texas in referencetoanassaultwitha firearmcall.Whileinroute, Deputies learned that a firearmhadbeendischarged during a disturbance, where onemalewastransportedby friends to a local hospital withagunshotwoundtothe arm Once on scene, Deputies further learned a vehicle that was possibly involvedintheshootingleft the location Deputies located the vehicle and discovered a person with a gunshotwoundtothechest. Deputies immediately performed life-saving measuresuntilEMSarrived, whotransportedthemaleto alocalhospital. Detectives suspect m i t Detectives o t s Crime Scene Investigators arrivedonthesceneandare currently conducting their investigation. MCTX Sheriff Investigates Shooting
* General
and the Georgia Belles: Tales from Women Left Behind, byKaemmerlen,Cathy
* CivilWarWives:The Lives & Times ofAngelina Grimke Weld Varina HowellDavis& The Rebel Joan Of Arc ChapterwishestoThankthe Montgomery County Main LibraryGenealogyRoomin Conroe for these great books centered around the WarBetweenTheStates. With the generous Donation from Rebel Joan Of
Center are the Friendship Ladies, of the former Friendship Center, who provide lunch to senior citizens at a small cost on the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month except during voting periods, and holidays. The cost of the meal for the seniors helps fund the budget for bingo prizes, tea and coffee, and other costs to keep the luncheons going The Friendship Ladies are not s p o n s o r e d b y a n y organization, nor do they receive any funding. They do all the aspects of providing a luncheon, and activities for their seniors after lunch in the large the CissyBoulwareRoom.
MollyAdame,leadsthe FriendshipLadies,andthey average between 60 - 80 seniors who attend each sitting, with the numbers
* Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Fashion in Detail, by Hart, Avril,North,Susan.
* Fabric Manipulation byRuthSinger
* Kate:TheJournalofa Confederate Nurse, by Cumming,Kate.
* WhatClothesReveal: The Language of Clothing in Colonial and Federal America: The Colonial Williamsburg Collection, byBaumgarten,Linda.
dropping by about 20% since the pandemic. The ladiesaveragebetween 45 volunteers each time, but are always looking for others who are available between9am-1pm,during theeventdays.
Funeral Home buys e rs on Adame, beeninvolved
“The Sam Houston Funeral Home buys lunch for the seniors on occasion,” said Adame, whohasbeeninvolvedwith theeffortfor9years.“Also Judge Wayne Mack, and Commissioner Robert Walker will donate from timetotime.”
Adame also noted that restaurants like Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish and Pizza Shack will donate as well. She said that the seniors love coming to the luncheons, and enjoy the company and love playing gameslikebingo. Forsome oftheseniors,theluncheon is one of the few days that theyleavetheirresidence.
Another food pantry thatvolunteerstosee are fed is the Montgomery United Church, located S.H. 105 across from
u s s monetary donations to purchase lbs. of eachmonthfromthe M C Food a discounted They also supplement the with additional food donations their they donations from Barrel’s, Kroger’s BrookshireBrothers,MISD food drives, donations a community effort,” Jessica Mi ler, Food ntry Committee Director truly play instrumentalrolein and our the Friendship of the Friendship Center, lunch to at a small cost the 2nd and each month tin eri d , an holidays. The cost of meal for helps fund budget for prizes, and coffee, other costs to keep the luncheons Friendship Ladies are s p o o r e d b y organization, nor receive any funding. do all providing a luncheon, activities their after in the CissyBoulwareRoom.
Committee Director We are truly blessed to play an instrumentalroleinfeeding and clothing our neighbors inneed.”
Gunpowder Girls,
True Stories
War Tragedies,
Five Tragic Hours Battle Of Franklin,
McDonoughJamesLee. Elaine Collings,
A Girl’s Life in VirginiaBeforetheWar,
LetitiaM.Burwell. Please stop by the Conroe Maine Library GenealogyRoomandenjoy these wonderful new additions for Public Education on that period of ourHistory:
18thCenturyFashion * inDetail,bySusanNorth.
TheWomaninBattle: ANarrativeoftheExploits, Adventures, and Travels of Madame Loreta Janeta Velazquez, Otherwise Known As S. P Janeta Hildreth.
The War
The American Duchess Guide to 18th CenturyBeauty:40Projects for Period-Accurate Hairstyles, Makeup, and Accessories.
of Three Civil
by TanyaAnderson. *
the Women The
* The Story of Camp Douglas: C
go s
Genealogy Room the Genealogy DepartmentDirector Laura Politte,wasabletopurchase many Southern History period books for the Genealogy Room HOW EXCITING! The RJOA Donation was able to accomplish 20 new Period Books for the Genealogy Department. The Book Donors are notedinside,thattheBooks were donated by the Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter 2721, UDC. * AWoman’s Wartime Journal an Account of the Passage over a Georgia Plantation of Sherman’s Army on the March to the Sea as Recorded by Dolly LuntBurge. * TheBattleofPickett’s Mill:Along the Dead Line, byButkovich,Brad. * The Plantation Mistress by Catherine Clinton. * 60 Civil War-Era Fashion Patterns (Dover Fashion and Costumes), by Seleshanko,Kristina. Julia Dent Grant, by CarolBerkin. * TheWomen’sWar in the South, by Charles G. Waugh and Martin H Greenberg,Editors. * Sacred Memories: TheCivilWarMonumentin Te x a s b y K e l l y McMichael. RJOA Belles are posed w i t h G e n e a l o g y i Department Director Laura Politte, and some of the newlyarrivedbooks. Submitted by RJOA ChairofPublicRelations: And Photo Committee: SheliaWilliamson The of Civil Tragedies, TanyaAnderson. * Hours Battle by McDonoughJamesLee. aine o n * A Girl’s Beforethe by M. the Conroe Library GenealogyRoom wonderful ad t for u i on period 18th Fashion SusanNorth. in ANarrativeof and Travels of Janeta As S. P Hildreth. Lived, Sullivan,Walter Duchess Guide to CenturyBeauty:40Projects r Perio cu Camp Do C ica David. Sherman the Belles: Women Kaemmerlen, Reveal: of Colonial The ht nt C n Detail, Avril,North, Singer a by War The Lives ofAngelina Grimke Weld Varina HowellDavis The Joan Montgomery County Conroe for these centered around TheStates. Chapter Confederacy the Library Genealogy Department Politte,wasable period for RJOA Donation 20 new Books Donors the A over a Sherman’s to by the Dead * by * Civil Patterns (Dover Fashion and by Carol * The Greenberg,Editors. * Memories: Civil Monument b y t h n Department Director Politte, some arrivedbooks. by Photo Williamson COMMUNITY Another food pantry thatvolunteerstoseelocals are fed is the Montgomery United Methodist Church, located on S.H. 105 across from Montgomery High School. M.U.M.C. has a hard working group of volunteers who serve the needy of the community fourtimespermonth,onthe 1stand3rdFriday/Saturday of the month. They serve on average approximately 1500 individuals each month, which they are able tobythedonationsfromour congregation and the local community M U M C u s e s monetary donations to purchase about 10,000 lbs. offoodeachmonthfromthe M C Food Bank at a discounted rate. They also supplement the pantry with
addition they
food drives,
donations fromthelocalcommunity It is a
Miller, Food P
Arc 2721 Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to the Conroe Main Library
donations fromtheircongregation. In
received donations from the Red Barrel’s, Kroger’s and BrookshireBrothers,MISD
m c m i
ddistribution/ M U M C
Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount M U M Cwww mumctex org/foodpantry
C Mc
o r g / f o o
a l s o maintainsaClothes’Closet nexttotheirfoodpantry,of whichmanyofthefamilies inneedoffoodalsoareable to obtain clothes for their kids.
Montgomery High School. M.U.M.C.
a hard group of volunteers who serve the
community fourtimespermonth,onthe 1st 3rdFriday/Saturday of They serve on average approximately 1500 individuals each month, which are able tobythedonations our congregation the local community
effortfor Judge Robert Walker donate from MollyAdame,leadsthe FriendshipLadies, they average 60 - 80 seniors attend each sitting, numbers dropping by since the average5 time, but are looking 9amdays. Adame that restaurants like Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish and Shack will donate
well. said that the seniors lov o o and likebingo. For theseniors,theluncheon is one of days that leave C M Mc m r g / ddistribution/ M M l s maintains Clothes’Closet theirfoodpantry, manyof inneed foodalso able to kids. Ruben be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount U M C mumctex
FoodDistributionManager,YolandaPerez,poseswith volunteersAnitaStepp,andSharonMillerprepared lettucetodistributetoneedyfamiliesattheCoatof Many
AgroupofseniorssitatatableduringtherecentLSCS seniorsluncheononMarch28th
1 Coats MontgomeryCounty
PurchasesPeriod Pur Books
Volunteersworkbusilytofillthetrunksoftheir vehicleswithfoodfromtheCoatofManyColorsfood pantry
from page
LefttoRight:ElaineCollings,LynHoward,VanessaEsnard,Director:LauraPolitte,JennyLehr,DaneanMyers, andCharlotteBelin.
Whether you get a refund or end up owing, youhaveoptions.
Tax can be a period of new possibilities –especiallywhenitcomes down with your refund on flip side,howtosettleyourbill.
Ifyou refund
So you worked diligently with your tax preparer to complete your return, only to discover some of the fruits of last year'slaborwillbecoming backtoyouasarefund.So, to what can you do with your bounty? Here are some possibilities: TAXPLANNING Tax season can be a period of new possibilities –especiallywhenitcomes down to what to do with your refund or on the flip side,howtosettleyourbill.
with your bounty? are some possibilities:
· S t a r t f r e s h Strengthen your finances bypayingdowncreditcard or any other non-taxadvantageddebt.
S t r t f r s Strengthen your finances bypayingdown card or non-taxadvantageddebt.
· Nourish. Invest in yourself (a new gym membership or art classes) or someone else (donate to a charity or sponsor a family or individual in in need).
· Replant. Use that moneytogetaheadstarton this year's contributions to yourretirementaccount,or bolster your emergency fund.
· Plan. Some say a refund is just a loan you give the government interest-free Should you reconsider your withholdings so that you come out evennextyear?
If you end up owing taxes,you'llneedtodecide how to pay However beforeyouwritethatcheck
· Cultivate Make some improvements to make your home more valuable, comfortable or energy efficient – or get aheadonthekids'tuition.
or cash in some of your invested assets, consider how those actions may impact you immediately andoverthelongrun. Looking
Forinstance,liquidating assets in your investment portfolio to pay your taxes may generate new tax consequences and could impact your long-term investment strategy And emptying your savings account may leave you vulnerable should another unplanned need for cash arise.
Instead of using the assetsworkingtowardyour long-term goals, consider liquidity and borrowing options based on the value ofyourassets,orthatoffer rewards like cash back or
Presented by Richmond Realty year's popular fundraising event, hosted at Howard Hughes, will present an evening of fine food, beverages, and entertainment.
an evening of fine food, adult beverages, andfunentertainment.
The Woodlands, TX –After a hiatus last the popularandfestive“Shelter for Shelter fundraising event benefiting YES to YOUTH returns on May 2, 2024,from6:30 to9:30 p.m.
In its seventh year, “Shelter for is presented by the Richmond Realty Group and offers an incredible evening of food, spirits, entertainment, and networking to support a local that serves at-risk youth in Montgomery County Attracting community leaders and localbusinesses, will enjoy heavy appetizers, desserts, and adult beverages provided by local restaurants and beverage partners.
This year, the event will behostedinthe ofthe Howard Hughes corporate office located at 9950 Woodloch Forest Drive Thefestivitieswillincludea Cinco Mayo theme highlighted by a muchanticipatedgenderrevealof Zach and Rachel Richmond's second along with a twist! The evening will wrap up with lively DJ music to inspirea dancingscene.
enjoy heavy appetizers, desserts, and adult beverages provided by local restaurants and beverage partners. This year, the event will behostedinthelobbyofthe Howard Hughes corporate office located at 9950 Woodloch Forest Drive Thefestivitieswillincludea Cinco de Mayo theme highlighted by a muchanticipatedgenderrevealof Zach and Rachel Richmond's second child, along with a special plot twist! The evening will wrap up with lively DJ music to inspireafundancingscene.
“Thisisamongthe'Don't Miss' charity fundraising events in The Woodlands,” said Zach Richmond, who created the fundraiser in 2017 along with this business partner (and mother-in-law) Marlys Mulkey, both of Richmond Realty Group. “Make plans to join us and network with the Who's Who of the local community as we raise funds to support the important work and outreach generated by YES to YOUTH, which is very nearanddeartoourhearts.”
“Thisisamongthe'Don't Miss' charity events The Woodlands,” said Richmond, the fundraiser in 2017 along with thi business partner (and both of Richmond Realty Group. “Make to join us and network the Who the community as raise unds to support th important wo k and generated by YES to YOUTH, which is anddear hearts.”
Y E S t o Y O U T H
Y E t o Y O U T H
(Montgomery County Youth Services) is a community-based youth services nonprofit celebrating its 45th anniversary of serving Montgomery County youth and families. The mission of YES to YOUTHistostrengthenthe emotionalandmentalhealth development of youth and families by providing crisis intervention, counseling, and suicide prevention services They provide a safe and nurturing home whereabused,battered,sextrafficked,homeless,andatrisk youth begin healing from the past and become empowered for the future.
Their programs, which are offered at no cost to youth andtheirfamilies,include:
Montgomery County uth Servic s) is a community-based youth nonprofit ing its 45th anniversary of erving Montgomery County youth and families. The mission of YES to YOUTHis strengthenthe andmentalhealth of youth and by providing and suicide services They provide safe and nurturing home battered,sextrafficked,homeless,andatyouth from the past and empowered for the Their programs, which are offered at no cost youth andtheirfamilies,include:
· Individual, Group, and Family Mental Health Counseling
· Individual, and Health
· Crisis Intervention forYouthandFamilies
· Crisis andFamilies
· SuicidePrevention forYouthandFamilies
· SuicidePrevention andFamilies
· B r i d g e W a y
Emergency Youth Shelter (Ages10-17)
· P r e v e n t i o n Presentations and Crisis CounselinginSchools
· P r v e n t i o n Presentations and Crisis CounselinginSchools
· Parenting an Groups
· Parenting and YouthSkillsGroups
· 24-Hour Crisis Hotline888-756-8682
· 24-Hour Crisis Hotline888-756-8682
Funds raised by ticket sales and sponsorships will help support YES to YOUTH's mental health and homeless services as well as the daily and operational expenses of its recently expanded emergencyshelter
“We are so grateful
the Rich o Realt continued support by presenting Shelter for Shelter once again ” Kooken, of YES YOUTH “Our n w l y e x p a n d e d shelter is fully operational and filling youth need a safe and nurturing home environment to navigate crises. The funds help us feed, and provide to help individuals
· B r i d g e a y Youth Shelter 10-17)
“We are so grateful for the Richmond Realty Group's continued support by presenting Shelter for Shelter once again ” said Michele Kooken, CEO of YES to YOUTH “Our n e w l y e x p a n d e d BridgeWay emergency shelter is fully operational and filling with youth who need a safe and nurturing home environment to navigate crises. The funds raised help us to feed, clothe and provide the necessities to help these young individuals stabilize and gain access to the intervention counseling and coaching they deserve in order to make a pathway to a brighter future and productivelives.” According to Ann Wolford of The Wolford Group, which has provided eventmanagementsincethe inception of Shelter for Shelter, sponsorships are available for $1 250 and include two tickets Individual tickets are $125 per person Sponsorships and tickets, as well as donations, are available at https://youthmc ejoinme or g/2024ShelterforShelter. For questions, please contact Pamela Bunn at 832-418-5736 or email her a t pbunn@thewolfordgroup c om.
Trade the oversized Trade furniture for slim and multi-functional. Choose furniture that serves multiple purposes to maximize your new space. Lookforsofabeds,folding tables,andmodularstorage solutions that can serve multiplefunctions. Megan@MeganStultz Megan@MeganStultz .com Tossthekitchen“fluff.” There's no better place to freeupsomeseriousspace thaninthekitchen.Doyou need a breakfast sandwich maker a cake-pop maker two Instapots, and a backup air fryer? Take a no-nonsense look at your gadgets and appliances andonlykeeptheonesyou usemost. www.FairwaterWest Utilize digital storage. Now's the time to digitize those important docudocuments, photos, and other sentimental items to save physical space Invest in external hard drives or cloud storage (like Google DriveorDropBox)tostore digitalfilessecurely Andif you'renotsurehowtodoit yourself, services like LegacyBoxorEverPresent canhelp. Call or Text 936-5372587 Baby Boomers own 28% of large homes (despite being empty nesters) while Millennials with children own only 14%. Ifyou'reconsidering downsizing, this could be goldennewsforyou. The reality is, a significantchunkofourmarketis hungry for the kind of homeyoumaybethinking ofsayinggoodbyeto.With thatinmind,herearethree more ways to make downsizingworkgiventhe realestatelandscapeinour market. -MeganStultz Remember, downsizing isn'tjustaboutlettinggoof possessions; it's about gaining freedom, space, andpeaceofmind. Source: Boomers won't part with their homes, and that's a problem for young families|CNNBusiness the purposes new for serve thekitchen“fluff.” better free kitchen.Do cake-pop maker and backup no-nonsense gadgets keeptheones digital storage. physical Invest in you're doit or own 2 f s (despite being empty nesters) Millennials with only 14%. considering downsizing, could be golden you. significant is hungry of home may thinking of goodbye With thatin here three
m y ke downsizingwork the letting peaceofmind. Boomers |CNNBusiness
RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz
to mitigate your tax bill next
· Seekadvice.Work in partnership with us and us your tax professional to discusstaxplanning.
redeemable points That way, you can access the cash you need to pay your taxbillwhilekeepingyour assets where they belong –invested. · M a x i m i z e contributions Take advantage of tax breaks in your retirement accounts and make catch-up contributionsonceyouturn 50. · Harvest losses Consider balancing your realized capital gains by selling securities for a loss and mitigating your tax liability The year's early months are a time of renewal, so useyourtaxrefundwisely, or if you owe taxes, consider your long-term investment plan and borrowing options before uprooting your hardworking,investedassets. Springforwardthoughtfully Financial Advisor, RJFS Pendle Hill Advisors LLC T936-297-8267 Disclosures: Any opinions are those of Kent Pendletonandnotnecessarilythose of Raymond James. The foregoing informationhasbeenobtainedfrom sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that it is accurateorcomplete. Securities offered through RaymondJamesFinancialServices, Inc member FINRA / SIPC Investment advisory services offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc Pendle Hill Advisors LLC is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James FinancialServices.RaymondJames and its advisors do not offer tax advice. You should discuss any tax matters with the appropriate professional. Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the MontgomeryCountyNews with our weekly curated financial news and topics. If you have any questions about the markets, your financialplan,oranything, pleasefeelfreetoreachout to our office for a no cost initialconsultation. 14375 Liberty St, Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX 77356 Kent Pendleton@raym o n d j a m e s c o m | wwwraymondjames com/ pendlehilladvisors Kent Pendleton, AAMS® · Nourish. Invest new gym art someone else (donate charity sponsor a family or individual need).
Plan. Some a refund is loan you
iv the gov rn e
Should so you come out evennextyear?
you end up owing taxes,you'llneedtodecide
beforeyou thatcheck or cash in some of your invested assets, consider
those may impact you immediately andover Looking to tax bill next Considerthesetips: · Seek with us to you get a refund owing, youhave So you
worked diligently
return, discover some
of last year's willbecoming back you a So, what you
Cultivate Make some your more comfortable aheadon tuition. · Replant. geta start year's contributions your fund. youendupowing Forinstance,liquidating assets in investment portfolio to pay your taxes may generate new tax consequences and could impact your long-term investment strategy And emptying your savings account may you vulnerable another unplanned need for cash arise. Instead of using the assets towardyour long-term goals, consider liquidity borrowing options value ofyour orthatoffer rewards like cash or redeemable That can the you need your tax while your where belong –invested. x i m contri u ons tax in your retirement accounts an m ke c tch-u onceyouturn Harvest losses balancing realized capital by securities for a and your liability a time of your refund you taxes, your v st nt pl n n borrowing options before forward fully Advisor, RJFS 936-297-8267 Any are those of Kent Pendletonandnotnecessarilythose of James. The foregoing informationhasbeenobtainedfrom sources considered reliable, but we is accurateorcomplete. Securities through RaymondJamesFinancialServices, Inc / Investment advisory services offered Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Pendle Advisors not a registered broker/dealer and is independent Raymond James FinancialServices.RaymondJames and its advisors tax advice. tax matters appropriate professional. Hill to you have markets, or feelfree reach our office a Liberty Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX o d j m e m | raymondjames pendlehilladvisors Kent AAMS® column by Kent Pendleton, AAMS® OpportunityBloomsInTax Season YES to YOUTH –Montgomery CountyYouth Services shelter and counselingprograms. The Woodlands, TX –After a hiatus last year, the popularandfestive“Shelter for Shelter” fundraising Shelter” event benefiting YES to YOUTH returns on May 2, 2024,
“Shelter for Shelter” is presented by the Richmond Realty Group and offers an incredible evening of food, spirits, entertainment, and networking to support a local non-profit that serves at-risk youth in Montgomery County Attracting community leaders and localbusinesses,guestswill
p.m. In its seventh year,
Presented by Richmond Realty Group, this year's popular fundraising event, hosted at Howard Hughes, will present
TolearnmoreaboutYES to YOUTH - Montgomery CountyYouthServicesvisit www sayyestoyouth org visittheirFacebookpageat sayyestoyouth/, or call 5 p m daily YES to YOUTH also offers a 24/7 C r i s i s H o t l i n e a t 1.888.756.8682. To learn more about Richmond Realty Group, v i s i t wwwRichmondRealtyTX org.
This year's sponsors (as
5th) includeAloha Pools,America's ER, Judge MattBeasley BaidyRacine – British Swim School, BudgetBlinds,DelFrisco's, Derrick Bryant Photography Events by Jen ConstableRyanGable,JRC Home Solutions, Kirby's Prime Steakhouse, Haynie &Company,Image360,IR Code, I Promote You, Liz Grimm Public Relations, The Loan People, North Italia, Post Oak Motors, Richmond Realty Group Vicki Richmond, Rivela Plastic Surgery, Starfox FinancialServices,SVN|J. Beard Real Estate Texas Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, TommyBahama, Truluck's The Wolford Group,andWorkLodge.For the most up-to-date list of s p o n s o r s , v i s i t https://youthmc ejoinme or g/2024ShelterforShelter YES to YOUTH –Montgomery CountyYouth Services helter and counselingprograms.
TolearnmoreaboutYES to YOUTH - Montgomery CountyYouthServicesvisit www sayyestoyouth org visittheirFacebookpageat sayyestoyouth/, or call 281.292.6471 5 p daily Y S to YOUTH also offers a 24/7 C r i s i s o t l n e a t 1.888.756.8682. To learn about Richmond Group, v i s i t wwwRichmondRealtyTX org.
stabilize and access the intervention counseling and they order to make a pathway to a brighter future and Accordin to Ann The which has provided management the inception of Shelter Shelter, sponsorships in lude tw ti ket tickets are $125 per person Sponsorships and tickets, well as donations, are available at https://youthmc ejoinme or g/2024ShelterforShelter. For questions, please contact Pamela Bunn at 832-418-5736 or email her a t pbunn@thewolfordgroup c om. Funds by ticket and help upport YES o YOUTH's mental services well as the daily and operational recently expanded gencyshelter This year's sponsors (as ofApril 5th) Aloha Pools, ER, Judge MattBeasley BaidyRacine – Swim School, BudgetBlinds,DelFrisco's, Derrick Bryant Photography Even y Jen ConstableRyanGable,JRC Home Solutions, Prime Steakhouse, Image360, Promote Public The Loan People, Post Oak Realty Group Rivela Surgery, FinancialServices,SVN|J. er fo osmeti TommyBahama, The Group,and the up-to-date list o n o r s , v i s i ejoinme “ShelterforShelter” ReturnsOnMay2 WEEKLYCOLUMNS
This column may upset some. And quite frankly I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.
Yes, Democrats. Your man, she/her, they/them, stupid/dumb, or just senile, Joe Biden, has done it again.
Yes, man, she/her, stupid/dumb, just senile, Joe Biden, has done it again.
Biden s economy is terrible. Andwithgasprices
All 371, ‘99 Cents Only’ stores across California, Nevada, Texas, and Arizona are calling it quits after Biden’s continually touting of his so-called ‘successful economy.’ It’s so bad that Bidenflation has us, who actually remember President Carter s terrible economy, looking at the late 1970’s as happytimes.
Weather for the Lake Conroe area
Showerslikelyandpossiblyathunderstorm before7am,thenachanceofshowersand thunderstormsbetween7amand1pm.Mostly cloudy,thengraduallybecomingsunny,witha highnear75.Breezy,withawestwind10to 15mphincreasingto15to20mphinthe afternoon.Windscouldgustashighas30 mph.Chanceofprecipitationis60%.New rainfallamountsbetweenaquarterandhalfof aninchpossible.
Partlycloudy,withalowaround52.Windy, withanorthwestwind20to25mph,with gustsashighas35mph.
Thursday Sunny,withahighnear75.Breezy,witha northwestwind15to20mph,withgustsas highas30mph.
this spring and summer projectedtobenorthof$3.60 and can easily hit $4.00 per gallon,theDemocratsHappy Time Economy will keep Americans miserable, yet Democrats Happy And Democratsdon’twantagood crisis to go to waste, even if it’s of their own making. And that’s not the worst of thislittlespielofmine.
The Communist State of California, which as ofApril 1st implemented a new $20/hr MinWage for fast food workers whose o companies have over 60 locations, found some of those same workers s collecting their last paychecks that morning, and now the state has her fast food companies on wait and seemode,toseehowmanyof the of the states half-million fastfoodworkers(whodidn’t preparethemselvesinschool for a successful life to live) willhavetobefired,inorder for those stores to remain afloat.
The Communist State as ofApril implemented $20/hr for fast food workers whose companies over 60 locations, found some of th e ame wor collecting last checks that morning, and state her food companies seemode,toseehowmany states half-million fastfoodworkers(whodidn’t preparethemselvesinschool for a successful life live) to fired,in for those stores to afloat.
It now makes my just because speculative $1,000 investment in MISO Robotics back in January 2021, look like a genius move. Andtruthtobetold,I haven’t even looked at it sincethen.
It makes just because speculative inve tme t i M Robotics in January 2021, look Andtruthtobe haven’t even looked at it
closed three stores to stay at $16/hrs for their employees, but they saw the writing on the wall, and shuttered the entire chain; leaving c a n; ea ng Californiawithonly498,760 fastfoodemployees.
The first victim of victim of restaurants that have over 60 locations to close, 62 in fact, is ‘Fosters Freeze;’ a dying chain of restaurants in California similar to our Freddy s or Culvers in Conroe. They could have
It was fun to see FOX 11 LA’s Marla Tellez, when she interviewed on April Fools Day, Shon Hiatt, Associate Professor of Management and Organization, at USCs MarshallSchoolofBusiness. And she walked right into it frankly denotinghowvoidof common sense Democrats (and most therapists) truly are. She asked Professor Hiatt, “What’s the upside of thisnewlaw?” Now keep in mind Tellez is just a pretty face anchor, and she only knows as much as the worthless producer behind the glass is whisperinginherear
It fun to see 11 LA’s Marla Tellez, when she interviewed April Fools Day, Shon Hiatt, Associate Professor of Management and Organization, USCs MarshallSchool Business. And she walked right into it frankly howvoidof common sense Democrats (and most therapists) truly are. She asked Professor Hiatt, “What’s the of thisnew Now keep mind Tellez is just a pretty face anchor, and she only knows as much as producer behind glass is whisperinginher
Hiatt’s answer was not what Tellez was looking for “The upside is we can see greater automation and innovation in the State of California,” he said with a smile. “If I were investing, I would invest in MISO Robotics and Pyramid, a German company, which makes the kiosks for these fastfoodrestaurants,because if they’re going to survive, they will have to automate. And these (MR & P) are the major companies in the robotics industry automating in the back and front facing customer side.” I think I’ll now check to see how that $1K throwaway investment
Hiatt’s answer was not what Tellez was for “The is we can see greater automation and innovation in the State California,” he said with smile. “If I were investing, I would invest in MISO Robotics and Pyramid, German company makes kiosks for restaurants,because they’re to they will have to automate. And these & are companies in industry in the back and front facing side.” I think I’ll now check to how $1K throwaway investment
All Cents Only’ stores across California Nevada, Texas, and Arizona are calling it quits after Biden’s continually touting of his so-called ‘successful economy.’ so bad that Bidenflation has who actually remember President Carter s terrible economy, looking late 1970’s as happytimes. The first victim of that over 60 to close, in fact, ‘Fosters Freeze;’ a chain of restaurants in California similar to Freddy Culvers in They have closed three stores stay for employees, they saw the wall, and
in MISO I made, has grown sincethepandemic.
in grown sincethepandemic.
If you guys don’t get any more of my stories, reviews, or OpEds out of me. Well, I might be on that Bucket List trip,takingmyownpersonal femalenursealong. Ineedto makesureIcangetIVsonthe spot,shouldmybowelsarrest intheformofanobstruction, since I m a professional patient.
you guys don’t get any more of my stories, reviews, or OpEds out me. I might be on that Bucket List trip,takingmyownpersonal femalenursealong. Ineedto makesureI IVsonthe spot, mybowelsarrest intheformofanobstruction, since I m a professional patient.
llez was totally dumbfounded going into “uh” mode “That’s an upside, but uh, then again, if I’mafastfood Marla, for words. “And I’m I’m withmy$4/hrincrease I got, that doesn’t sound like anupsideforme,becauseI’m be replaced by a machine.”
Hyatt continued saying that (fast food) prices can only be sustained much, andhegaveahostof Bidenomics. He used McDonalds as an example noting that are concerned over high prices shutting out the middle-class counters, with restaurants in Communist charging$18 $20fora Big Mac Meal. McD’s national chains because they low margin businesses, need people coming again and again, and food already a luxury item for many families, that those chains’ bottom line. And with this being an election year itdoesn’t goodfor
Tellez was totally dumbfounded, going into uh mode That s an upside, but uh, then again, if I’mafastfoodworker,”said Marla, grasping for words. “And I’m saying I’m really happywithmy$4/hrincrease I got, that doesn’t sound like anupsideforme,becauseI’m gonna be replaced by a machine.” LOL. Hyatt continued saying that (fast food) prices can only be sustained so much, andhegaveahostofreasons involving Bidenomics. He used McDonalds as an example noting that they are concerned over high prices shutting out the middle-class from their counters, with restaurants in Communist areascharging$18-$20fora Big Mac Meal. McD’s and other national chains, because they are low margin businesses need people coming again and again, and with fast food already a luxury item for many families, that will hurt those chains’ bottom line. And with this being an election year,itdoesn’tlookgoodfor
any Democrat incumbent who takes away the BigMacs Fries. It definitely cuts out families making $45K per year who are living paychecktopaycheck,which is probably a Conservative estimate, considering is an state. And Democrats who run Commifornia think that the people will simply to their every Governor Newsom himself a restaurant in OlympicValley called PlumpJack Cafe, and payshisemployees
My only a small of theelectionissuesthatmatter to in the 2024 elections. And it doesn’t touch on illegal immigration, national economy national debt and federal spending
Which re areas the Democrats are to themselves of. users on Quora asking, Democrats enough to beat Trump in2024?” answertothat not just a But a “HELLNO!!!!!”
any Democrat incumbent who takes away the middleclassesBigMacsandFries. It definitely cuts out families making $45K per year who are living paychecktopaycheck,which is probably a Conservative estimate, considering that California is an expensive state. And the Democrats who run Commifornia think that the people will simply bend over to their every whim Governor Gavin Newsom himself owns a restaurant in OlympicValley called PlumpJack Cafe, and the chinchy Democrat only payshisemployees$16/hr My OpEd this week covers only a small sliver of theelectionissuesthatmatter to voters in the 2024 elections. And it doesn’t even touch on illegal immigration,crime/violence, the national economy the national debt and federal government spending Which are areas theh Democrats are hopeless to clawthemselvesoutof. And even users on Quora are asking, Can Democrats cheat enough to beat Trump in2024?” Theanswertothat is not just a “No.” But a “HELLNO!!!!!”
Tellez video onYouTube: youtube com/watch?v ANs Q82Kg9KM
Ruben be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyn
Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyn
Mostlysunny,withahighnear81. SaturdayNight
Partlycloudy,withalowaround61. Sunday
SundayNight Monday Saturday
By Columnist Ruben BorjasJr
Hah! Fooled yah!!! You thought I only reviewed mixed drinks didn’tyou? Well,factis, Ireallygotmyfirstforay intomixeddrinkswhenI was an 18 year old kid stationednearFrankfurt, Germany On my first ‘Hail and Farewell,’ I mixed Licher Beer & Ouzo,andpaidforitthe next morning. Since then I learned about moderation, which landed me in Historic Montgomery this week at ‘Perfect Blend Coffee Shop & Boutique,’ saving on gas, but yet filling up with that long knownhangovercure Coffee.
Perfect Blend is not just about coffee, but they also offer pastries baked fresh daily in the store,awideselectionof smoothies, teas, hot and cold drinks, specialty sodas, as well as a boutique The shop offers over 60 flavors to satisfy your most eccentric tastes, with sugar free options. At PB they are all about good tasting over healthy, and the store policy is ‘calories don’t count’ on their premise. Customers control the sweetness factor of their drinks, maybe not so much for the pastries, but you still get a small taste,thenwrapitupfor thekids. Andaswithall things in life, it’s about limits.
The shop also offers theirPerfectBlendsthey developed themselves: Montgomery Mocha, Conroe Coffee Cake, Magnolia Maple,
Plantersville Pecan Sandie, Woodlands White Raspberry But I noticed there is no Willis? My suggestion, a ‘Willis Wild Peppermint’(IcedorLatte).
You can really lose oneself at the Perfect Blend. They have a boutiqueononesidethat offers jewelry, clothing, gift items and novelty items; and a lounging a r e a f o r r e a ding/chatting, with tables in-between. I’ve spent 4-5 hours during the week in a single sitting, enjoying my latte or mocha, and tapping awayatthekeys.
Owners Jim and Denise Czulewicz (pronounced like chulub-vich. It’s Polish), really do make you feel at home. If the weather is perfect, you can sit outside; or if it's a little too humid, they have room for you with them in the conditioned air AndtheirWi-fiisalways therefortheirguests.
Myfirstdrinkwasthe Montgomery Mocha TheirfirstPerfectBlend. Made with espresso, chocolate sauce, bourbon caramel syrup, and I had mine with wholemilk. Itwasrich, thick, and delectable Therewasnoneedtoadd sugar, since it was coveredbythechocolate sauceandcaramelsyrup. You should try the different milk choices like 2%, and oat, which offer different flavors that will tantalize your palate.
I was then presented with a Cinnamon Swirl Muffin, which is one of theselectionstheymake
everyday at PB. They also make Blueberry Muffins, and turnovers, liketheCanadianBacon and Herb Cheese and different fruit turnovers, not to mention other baked goods that are hard to keep on the shelves. The Cinnamon Swirl Muffin had a wonderful texture of a Cinnamon Sugar crumbled on top, which setthetoneforthemoist inside, and it obviously tasteddivine.
To cool me down, I was next presented with a Peach Smoothie Made with their secret smoothie mix, real fruit, a splash of half & half, ice, then blended. And on a hot day it will definitelyclawyouback from the scorching temps. It tasted great, and I finished it before scribbling my notes. I loved the thick straw, andyoucanactuallyfeel the fruit chunks on your tongue And don’t worryaboutthestraw,no Montgomery straw has ever wound up in a sea turtle’snose.
I also tried a Caramel AppleItalianSodathatis popular with customers atPB. Andeventhough I’mgenerallynotafanof creamed sodas, this one wonmeover I’venever hadagreensodabefore. Thegreencaramelapple syrup,half&halfsplash, ice, and club soda, makesforarealpartyon the palate. The caramel adds a layer of decadence to the drink. But you can choose any of their flavors to make it yourown. Infact,Jim& Denise, have used interesting customer creations they tried, and have added those to the
Tellez video YouTube: youtube com/watch?v=ANs Q82Kg9KM
This column may upset some. And quite frankly I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.
shuttered the entire chain; l avin withonly Biden’s economy is terrible. And gasprices spring and projectedtobenorth and easily hit gallon,theDemocrats Economy will keep yet Democrats Happy a crisis to to waste, even if of own worst of thislittlespiel mine. DistributionManager:BethanySandefer Publisher:M.P.Stultz MontgomeryCountyNews web; AssistantEditor:JamieSandefer ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023 Phone(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395 AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews. Editor:MonteWest Montgomery County RyanWest Page4,Wednesday,April10,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas. MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395. MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement. MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. POSTMASTER: PleasesendaddresschangestoMontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 D&B#12-976-8354. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNewsarereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. circulating the publication newspaper to Any weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper Mail,Faxor E-mail: Editor’sExpress Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395, MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Webpage: will We
Borjas Jr, Columnist Ruben’s Montgomery Musings
menu. To conclude my visit, ItriedaChaiTea,which canbeservedhotorcold. It’s one of the few teas that doesn’t come in a bag at PB. It’s constructedwithaCTsecret mix,yourchoiceofmilk, andIalsohadcinnamon added. And again, feel free to make this your own. I had oat milk, whichaddsawholenew dimension of flavor to the drink as your taste buds try to process the new information. This drink for sure I will also beorderingagain. You have to try the Perfect Blend Coffee Shop. It’s a great place for morning, noon, and late afternoon contemplation, gatherings amongst family or friends, meetings, shopping, sipping and eating. ChallengeJim& Deniseinyourordering. Who knows. It could winduponthemenu.. Rubencanbereached a t : ruben@montgomerycou Perfect Blend is located at: 202 McCown Street. Their w e b s i t e i s : perfectblendmontgomer The Success of Biden's Planned Economy? A Sip and A Thought: PerfectBlendCoffeeShopandBoutique OPINION/EDITORIAL
‘Cindy Lou,’is changed to ‘Peggy Sue,’to accommodate a girl that drummer Jerry Allison is trying to date, and the song ‘Everyday’emerges with the help of Vi Petty (Vivian Kalinov) after an all-night session.
All the hard work pays off, and the band soon emerges with a Number 1 Hit. After a quick trip to New York, the guys find themselves in Harlem, and
of all places; in theApollo Theatre, which initially generates some tense moments with Tyrone Jones (Teddy Gipson), and Marlena Madison (Jakeia Brooks) who both sang brilliantly Incredibly, the guys win over the crowd and gain their acceptance. AfterwardsBuddymarries, and the rest is legend with the Big Bopper and Richie Valens.
The Buddy Holly Story
has a talented cast, starting withIanMontezasBuddy who has idolized Holly since he was 5 years old. It’slikehewasbornforthe role,playingHolly’smusic on guitar since he was 11; and the 21 year old is stoked about playing the roleofalifetime. Montez’s brotherRobben,whoplays Jerry Alison, has been playing drums for 6 years and is by all standards of the production well accomp
Endicott portrays Joe Maudlin in playing the standing bass. The funny thing is, Endicott, until he was cast; he never played the instrument in his life, but you’d think he was a natural onstage. Samuel Jones, who plays Tommy or the 4th Cricket, and is well tasked as guitar backup.
IntheSecondAct,Maria Elena (Raquel Oliveria), agreestomarryHollyafter afivehourcourtship,andin taking her new role, she crosses swords with Vi Petty, causing tensions and irreconcilable differences
The Big Bopper (John Thompson), reveals his larger than life presence with ‘Chantilly Lace,’ along with Richie Valens’ (RobbenMontez),with‘La Bamba,’ and he will have your head spinning trying tofollowhimaround.
Director Sean Thompson took many rough diamondsoverthepastfew months, and shaped them into shining stones worthy
ofshowingoff,anditgives rise to a wonderful performance that will have you dancing in the isles.
Set Designer Johnny Barton, did a great job in creatingasafeenvironment for the actors to traverse.
Lighting played an important part in the musical,settingthetonefor transitions, and separating different actions going on the stage at the same time.
Music Director, Ryan Dineen, was awesome in playing the keys for the songs, but also he played small parts such as the celesta which Vi Petty playedin‘Everyday.’
The Buddy Holly Story is very entertaining. It’s packed with classic songs your grandparents would be familiar with, and despitethesadending,you will be leaving the theater in a good mood. I highly recommend this musical It’s a great opportunity to hearsomegreatmusicfrom a different era that set the course of Rock n Roll history See you at the Crighton Theatre!
‘Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story’ runs at the Crighton Theatre until April 21st wwwstageright.orgor936-441-7469.
Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycount
HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356
Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027
GaryChapelBaptist Church
SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.
St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356
ChinaGroveBaptist Church,Willis,936-7674744
ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery
SundayEvening Worship6:00p.m. Dobbin,936-597-5560 m, dacusbaptist@consolidated 936-449-0845
retreatandwildlife center, 12681FM149 Montgomery TX77356 2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936597-5757
SeniorPastorDale Talbert ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&
UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas CATHOLIC FirstBaptistChurch
PastorDavidR.Bailes. METHODIST SundayServices 10:30am
SacredHeartCatholic, Mt.SinaiBaptist, Mt.CalvaryBaptist, About11miNof Montgomery onFM149
DacusBaptist,Dacus, FM2854,Montgomery, JEWISH 281-362-1100
MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch
SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,Wednesday BibleStudyandYouth Group6pm
St.Mary’s Catholic, FM1774,Plantersville, 936-894-2223 7:45Service
CongregationBeth Shalom,5125
ShadowbendPlace,The Woodlands, LUTHERAN GraceLutheran (ELCA), HoneaBaptist Church,
AntiochBaptist, FM2854,936-7562505 109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-588-1260 936-756-8186
Phone: 936-597-6162 19190KeenanCutoff Rd.
10AMWorshipService 8:45SundaySchool 22548
St.Joseph’sCatholic, CR213,Stoneham, 936-894-2223
BenuiBaptistChurch, BethelRoad,Montgomery,936-597-4668 Services9:30and11 a.m.
RiverofLifeChurch, 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-4494414
CornerstoneChurch, 1011W.Lewis,Conroe, LakesideBible Church, 936-756-7792
Montgomery,936-5821977 ChurchofSt.John,
ChurchatMontgomery(GlobalMethodist) Montgomery,TX OakHillsJrHigh thewoodlandsmethodist. org/montgomery LivingSavior LutheranChurch-LCMS 309PondSt.Montgomery 77356Churchphone:936597-8013Web:
Highway105 West Montgomery,TX 77356 Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944 RichardsUnited MethodistChurch WorshipService11AM SundaySchool10AM 6639FM1696Richards CarbonChurch, 12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696 Transformation ChurchMontgomery Thursday7:30pm SundayWorshipat 6:00pm WaldenCommunity Church, PastorDavidWhitaker ZionChurch, Montgomery,936-5827700 18940FreeportDrive PorterChapelA.M.E. 2080LongmireRd, Conroe 936.582.7722 936-441-8875 936-597-5331or936449-5983 21627EvaSt.Montgomery,TX77356 (936)597-5742Pastors Randy&DarlaWeaver ServiceTimes:Sundays @8AM,9:30AM&11 AMMondays@7PM Livestream:Watchus liveSundays@9:30AM & andclickonWatchnow 20350FM2854 CommunityAnd Interdenominational Sun:10:30am Admin@TCMontgomer 67½AprilWindS., LivingBranch Church, 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-5978921 HopeTabernacle AbundantLife MinistriesCornerofFM 149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService 11:30amWednesday Pray/BibleStudy6:30pm LivingWayChurch, NewBeginningBible Church, Montgomery,TX77316 1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, Meetsat18961 FreeportDrMontgomery LighthouseFellowship Church, Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,
936-588-3400 SundaySchoolat 10:00am LoneStarCowboy Church AprilSound,936-5882832
AprilSoundChurch, Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660
Conroe,936-756-8831 EPISCOPAL TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter PastorsSean&LoriJo Cook FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe 936-689-3141 Mt.PleasentBaptist Church 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas Montgomery,TX77316 18501Fm1097West@ theBentwaterWest 936/890-8034 YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays 936-588-4975 PRESBYTERIN 2727N.Loop336West Conroe,Texas936-7568884 GateEntrance 10amWorshipService TheChurch@Lake Conroe 1701McCalebRd 302N.Danville,Willis, Tx.77378 FM149N.,Montgomery,936-449-6807 CovenantFelloship CelebrationService 10amSundays Sundayworship@ 10:00a.m.Wed.activites 6:30-8pm NorthShoreChurch PastorCarySmith 301PondStreet, Montgomery TX. SundayBibleClass9:30am Wednesday - 7:00pm SunSch10:00 ChurchofChristin Montgomery Email: cofcmontgomery@consoli Phone: 936-582-4855 PaulPraschnik, Minister Sun.9:00&11:00 Worship -10:30am and6:00pm Nurseryprovided Web: NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,
CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755 ASSEMBLYOFGOD BAPTIST ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation),1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe,Texas,Phone: 936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsold Worship:Sunday at
11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries
usliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomer usonFacebook @thefmchurch! St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, 1803HighlandHollow,
9:30am Meetsat464McCaleb
POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-4781256,SundayBibleClass 10:00am,WorshipService
lished Eric
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Page6,Wednesday,April10,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL PUBLIC NOTICE OFAUCTION NoticeisherebygiventhatStorageKingUSAat18318U.S.59NewCaney,TX77357 (281) 968-2102 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auctiontosatisfyalienplacedonthecontents(pursuanttoTitle5,LiensChapter59 Sec.59.044) o n 4 / 2 3 / 2 0 2 4 a t 9 : 0 0 a m T h e s a l e w i l l b e c o n d u c t e d o n www.StorageTreasures.comundertheguidanceofChristopherRosa(16850)on behalfofthefacility'smanagement.Unitswillbeavailableforviewingpriortothesale on Contentswillbesoldforcashonlytothehighest bidder A 10-15% buyer's premium will be charged and a $100 cleaning deposit per unit.Allsalesarefinal.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawthepropertyatanytime beforethesaleortorefuseanybids.Thepropertytobesoldisdescribedas"general householditems"unlessotherwisenoted.DenisPhillips-boxes,ShaunHenk-boxes, ToreyBrown-boxes PublishedDates:April3,10,2024 Notice is hereby given that Storage King USAat 28543 FM 2978 Rd. Magnolia Texas 77354 (ph) (832)345-1305 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auction to satisfy a lien placed on the contents (pursuant to Title 5, Liens Chapter 59 Sec 59 044) The sale will take place at the website www.StorageTreasures.comon04/23/2024at9:00amThesalewillbeconducted on undertheguidanceofChristopherRosa(16850) onbehalfofthefacility'smanagement.Unitswillbeavailableforviewingpriortothe sale on Contents will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder A 10-15% buyer's premium will be charged and a $100 cleaning depositperunit.Allsalesarefinal.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawtheproperty atanytimebeforethesaleortorefuseanybids.Thepropertytobesoldisdescribed as "general household items" unless otherwise noted Earl Baughmanfurn,boxes,hsld gds,tools/applncs,misc items. Cornelia Parker-furn,totes,lndscpng equip,hsld gds;Paul Sylvestre-boxes,totes,hsld gds,sprtng gds,keyboard;Jacob Jordan-cnstrctnequip,sprtnggds,watertank. PublishedDates:April3,10,2024 PUBLIC NOTICE OFAUCTION NOTICEOFSALE STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § § andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,bythe ClerkofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedand deliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty IhaveonMarch19,2024 seized,leviedupon,and willofferforsalethefollowingproperties,onthefirstTuesdayinMay,2024,thesamebeingthe6th day of said month, Pursuant to Texas Tax Code 34.01, and as further provided in the Resolution adoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedas instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County,Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conducted as an ONLINE AUCTION at the following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions. The Montgomery County Constableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledinagiven month,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00AM, andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsin such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: PublishedDates:April10,17,24,2024 However theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisa party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the propertyplusallcostsofsuitandsale.ALLSALESSUBJECTTOCANCELLATIONWITHOUT PRIORNOTICE.THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE InvestigatorAshtonHedrick,8510 By;/s/AshtonHedrick,8510 Notes: PROPERTYWHICH HAVE BEENASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For moreinformation,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP attorneyforplaintiffs,at(936)760-1410 TheMinimumBidisthelesseroftheamountawardedinthejudgmentplusinterestandcostsorthe adjudgedvalue. (any volume and page references unless otherwise indicated being to the Deed Records Montgomery County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete descriptionofeachrespectivetract.)or uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney a sufficientportionofthepropertydescribedaboveshallbesoldtosatisfysaidjudgment(s),interest, penalties,andcost;andanypropertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendants oranypersonhavinganinteresttherein,toredeemthesaidproperty,ortheirinteresttherein,within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to whichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedthereinmaybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Said saletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)renderedintheabovestyledandnumberedcause(s), togetherwithinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothe satisfactionthereof,andtheremainder,ifany,tobeappliedasthelawdirects. PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHECOUNTYANDTHATTHEREARENOKNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERING ATA X DEED TO ANY PURCHASER WHO FAILS TO PRESENT TO THE OFFICER THE REQUIRED WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COUNTYTAXASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. DatedatConroe,Texas,the19thdayofMarch,2024. By:/s/ChrisJones ConstableChrisJones MontgomeryCounty Texas ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService P.OBox2985 17044ElCaminoReal Cause Number: 24-04-05149 CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058 NOTICETODEFENDANT:"Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouor yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby 10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedate of issuance of this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you." To: Xavier Von Bertrab and all Unknown Heirs of Xavier Von Bertrab, Et Al (In Rem Only) THE STATE OF TEXAS You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petition at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of forty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday,the 20thdayofMay 2024beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original nd Petitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe2 dayofApril,2024,inthiscase,numbered 24-04-05149onthedocketofsaidcourt. Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: Walden on Lake Conroe Community Improvement Association, Inc. are Plaintiffsand Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: Lot Twenty (20), Block Forty (40), of Walden, Section Five (5), a subdivision in MontgomeryCounty Texas,accordingtothemaporplatthereof,recordedinVolume 10,pages64-69oftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas. The nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: Plaintiff sued Defendants for delinquent HOAAssessmentsastothePropertylegallydescribedas: asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirementsoflaw andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. Xavier Von Bertrab and all Unknown Heirs of Xavier Von Bertrab, Et Al (In RemOnly)areDefendants MontgomeryCounty,Texas DelcyPhillips 4/5/20249:18:13 (SEAL,DistrictCourt) MelisaMiller DistrictClerk PublishedDates:April10,17,24andMay1,2024 IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas, thisonthisthe5thdayofApril,2024. By:/s/DelcyPhillips Advertising Space Available 936-449-NEWS (6397) COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY NOTICEOFCONSTABLESSALE THESTATEOFTEXAS By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 284th JUDICIALDISTRICT COURTofMONTGOMERYCounty Texas;Cause#23-02-02013inaJudgmentrenderedonthe6th day of March, 2024, where as in Style Woodforest OwnersAssociation, Inc., Plaintiff against Joe EdwardDaniels,Jr.,Defendant,Ididonthe19thdayofMarch,2024at12:47o'clockp.m.levyupon thefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant: Lot 2, Block 3, of Woodforest, Section 55, a subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof in Cabinet Z, Sheets 3610 of the Map Records of MontgomeryCounty,Texas;morecommonlyknownas354CapriccioLane,Montgomery,TX 77316(Property"). Andonthe7thdayofMay,2024,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaid month, on the Courthouse Steps located at 301 N. Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 of said MONTGOMERYCounty Texas in the City of CONROE; I will proceed to sell at the time of the publicauctionforcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofJoeEdwardDaniels,Jr.,Defendantinandto said property representing interest and costs of suit, together with legal fees and commissions throughthedateofjudgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesand interestrecoverablebylawinfavorofWoodforestOwnersAssociation,Inc. ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE. DATEDthis20thdayofMarch,2024;at19100UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas. By:/s/ChrisJones ConstableChrisJones-Pct.5MONTGOMERYCOUNTYTEXAS By:/s/AshtonHedrick InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 PublishedDates:April10,17,24,2024 GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe19thdayofMarch,2024. PublishedDates:April10,17,2024 NOTICE OF PUBLICAUCTION Public Notice: Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, New Caney Self Storagelocatedat22020SouthparkSt.,NewCaney,TX77357willholdapublicauctionto satisfy a landlord's lien. The sale will be held online April 27th, 2024 at 10:00am CST at,19,21,22and24willbe accepteduntil5/9/202404:00PM(CST).Propertybeingsoldincludescontentsinspacesof following tenants: Unit 5 - Brian Crutcher - Household items; Unit 19 – Tony AndresHouseholditems;Unit21-LuisValdez-Householditems;Unit22-KevinDavis-Household items;andUnit24-PattiMatlock-Householditems th DATEDthe9 dayofApril,2024. NOTICETOCREDITORS No.24-46223-P c/oRobertA.Armbruster AttorneyatLaw SBN#00786451 MontgomeryCounty,Texas (281)444-6964,fax(832)200-3426 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw RobertA.Armbruster AttorneyatLaw TheaddressoftheIndependentExecutorisinMontgomeryCounty,Texas,thepostoffice addressis: POBox464 SBN#00786451 1600StateStreet,Suite200 (832)200-3420,fax(832)200-3426 Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of Erma Jo Dixon,Deceased,wereissuedonApril4,2024,inDocketNo.24-46223-P,pendingintheProbate CourtNo.1ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,toVirginiaAnnMartin,IndependentExecutor AttorneyforVirginiaAnnMartin, IndependentExecutor,EstateofErmaJoDixon,Deceased VirginiaAnnMartin,IndependentExecutor Montgomery Texas77356 PublishedDate:April10,2024 /s/RobertA.Armbruster EstateofErmaJoDixon,Deceased InProbateCourtNo.1of Houston,Texas77007 NOTICETOCREDITORS DATEDthe8thofApril2024. All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw DavidBorger,AttorneyforSHRONIARENEECOLEMAN: Tel:(832)263-2100;Fax:(866)211-7925. SBN24029451, 21WaterwayAvenue,Suite300-#97, Notice is hereby given that in Cause Number 23-45482-P; Estate of Eric D. Coleman –LettersofAdministrationwereissuedtoSHRONIARENEECOLEMANonJanuary8,2024.The residenceofsuchIndependentAdministratorisMontgomeryCounty Texas.Thepostofficeaddress is Estate of Eric D. Coleman, c/o David Borger, 21 Waterway Avenue, Suite 300-#97, The Woodlands,Texas77380. TheWoodlands,Texas77380; PublishedDate:April10,2024 TXBarNumber:24082907Signature:EricDays PublishedDate:April10,2024 CauseNumber23-45649-P Onthe3rddayofApril,2024,LettersTestamentaryupontheEstateofGloriaJeanArnone, Deceased, were qualified for byAnthony JosephArnone II, Independent Executor by the Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County,Texas, in cause number 23-45649-Ppending upon the docket of saidCourt. AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaidEstateareherebyrequiredtopresentthemwithinthe timeprescribedbylawattheaddressshownbelow ThenamewhereclaimsmaybesentisEricDays, Guerra Days Law Group, PLLC, whose address is 515 N. Sam Houston Parkway E., Suite 250, Houston,Texas77060 Telephone:281-760-4295Fax:866-325-0341 NoticetoCreditors
Wednesday,April10,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews,Page7 LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL AdvertiseintheLakeConroeAreaBusinessDirectory 936-449-6397 Allpersonshavingclaimsagainsttheestateareherebyrequiredtopresentsamewithinthe timerequiredbylawtotheaddressof NOTICETOCREDITORS Notice is hereby given that on March 26, 2024, Gary Hartmann Pennington was duly appointedasIndependentAdministratoroftheEstateofKathleenJoycePenningtoninCauseNo.,2446024-P ProbateCourtNo.1,MontgomeryCounty TexasandLettersofAdministrationhavebeen issuedtoGaryHartmannPennington. 2835LakeForestDrive Montgomery,TX77356 AttorneyatLaw 18735WestCoolBreezeLn Thisnoticeissuedby:RobertMarkowitz Montgomery,TX77356 936-582-1945 Fax:1-888-518-1186 PublishedDate:April10,2024 GaryHartmannPennington,beingat: Notice is hereby given that on March 27, 2024 Melissa Warren was duly appointed as IndependentAdministratoroftheEstateofBrianWilsoninCause24-45071-P,ProbateCourtNo.1, Montgomery County Texas and Letters ofAdministration with WillAnnexed have been issued to MelissaWarren. 18735WestCoolBreezeLn Montgomery,TX77356 18735W CoolBreezeLane NOTICETOCREDITORS Allpersonshavingclaimsagainsttheestateareherebyrequiredtopresentsamewithinthe timerequiredbylawtotheaddressofMelissaWarren,beingat: c/oRobertMarkowitz,Attorney Montgomery,TX77356 AttorneyatLaw Thisnoticeissuedby:RobertMarkowitz 936-582-1945 Fax:1-888-518-1186 th DATEDthe9 dayofApril,2024 PublishedDate:April10,2024 NOTICETOCREDITORS NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersofIndependentAdministrationfortheEstateof ReneeAledaWade, Deceased, were issued onApril 2, 2024, in Cause No. 23-45900-P pending in ProbateCourtNo.1, MontgomeryCounty,Texasto:KeithSmith. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: RobinL.Apostolakis Shenandoah,Texas77384 PublishedDate:April10,2024 Shenandoah,Texas77384 128VisionParkBlvd,Suite140 RobinL.Apostolakis DATEDApril4,2024. StateBarNo.24045416 By: /s/RobinL.Apostolakis Stilwell,Earl&Apostolakis,LLP Telephone: (281)419-6200 Facsimile: (281)419-0250 128VisionParkBlvd,Suite140 /s/M.A.Walker,III PublishedDate:April10,2024 c/oM.A.Walker Ill DATEDthe8thdayofApril,2024. ClaimsmaybepresentedincareoftheattorneyfortheEstateaddressedasfollows: EstateofLOWELLDUANEFLOWERS,Deceased 314Cochran NOTICETOCREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of LOWELL DUANEFLOWERS,Deceased,wereissuedonthe4thdayofApril,2024,inDocketNo.24-46210P pendingintheProbateCourtNumberOneofMontgomeryCounty Texas,to:KATHYL.STEELE FLOWERS. Conroe,TX77301 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw M.A.Walker III,AttorneyforKATHYL.FLOWERS PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that Storage King USAat 1626 Sawdust 346-372-7564 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auction to satisfy a lien placed on the contents(pursuanttoTitle5,LiensChapter59Sec.59.044).Thesalewilltakeplaceatthe websitewww.StorageTreasures.comon04/23/24at9:00amThesalewillbeconductedon www.StorageTreasures.comundertheguidanceofChristopherRosa(16850)onbehalfof the facility's management Units will be available for viewing prior to the sale on A1015% buyer's premium will be charged and a $100 cleaning deposit per unit.All sales are final.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawthepropertyatanytimebeforethesaleortorefuse any bids. The property to be sold is described as "general household items" unless otherwisenoted.TristanManning&PaulCordovaHomeGoods. PublishedDates:April10and17,2024
President Jenny Lehr of Rebel Joan Of Arc, UDC, visited Galveston, TX and the “Nicholas J Clayton historicalmarker The marker reads - A native of Ireland, Nicholas Joseph Clayton emigrated to Ohio with his widowed mother in the early 1840s. After serving in the Union architectural firm of Jones andBaldwin.In1872hewas sent to Galveston to superviseconstructionoftwo company projects, the First Presbyterian Church and the Tremont Hotel. Attracted by thecity’svitalityandgrowth, he stayed to open his own architecturaloffice. A tireless worker noted ism, Clayton designed elaborate churches, commercial structures and homesthroughoutTexasand the South His most significant contribution, however, was his influence on Galveston’s architecture. From the 1870s to the early twentieth century, a period known as the city’s golden Examples of Clayton’s workwhichstillexistinclude the Walter Gresham House (Bishop’s Palace), Ashbel Smith Building (Old Red), W L. Moody Building, and the Trueheart-Adriance Building in Galveston; St. Mary’s Cathedral and St. Edward’s College (Old Main) in Austin; R E afford Bank and opera use in Columbus; and cred Heart Church in Palestine. Submitted By: RJOA hairman of Public Relations,ElaineCollings Photo&ArticleIncluded. And RJOA President JennyLehr Lehr Joan J historicalmarker - A Ireland, Joseph emigrated and ism, elaborate churches, commercial homesthroughoutTexasand the significant contribution, however, his on From the the early twentieth period known city’s golden Examples Walter Palace), W in St. St. College in Bank and use RJOA Relations,ElaineCollings Page8,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April10,2024 Pharmacy Farm&Ranch RealEstate RealEstate Community Events COMMUNITY MCN Subscription SubscriptionCostis$40 peryearforin MontgomeryCounty,and $45peryearoutof MontgomeryCounty. ChecksmaybemadepayabletoMontgomery CountyNewsandsendto POBox1,Montgomery, Tx77356,wealsoaccept mostmajorcreditcards.