Montgomery County News, April 17, 2024

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oversees 13 T

The Rebel Joan of Arc 2721ChapteroftheUnited D a u g h t e r s o f t h e Confederacy were invited to the Friends of the Flag FoundationBoardMeeting to make their Chapter Donation for this Texas Historical Group remembrance. The FOFF

A Bronzed Marker

History ofeachFlag,whichmakes the perfect self-tour Pamphlets are also available. This group of FOFF Board Members are devoted to education and honoring their beginning TexasFlags. The FOFF produces an Educational Activities Booklet for Montgomery

County Schools and o Private Schools for Texas History Education It is suitable for Adult f d Education as well as for Children.

resources and support to meet their needs, and e promoting awareness about childabuseprevention. During the event's intermission, special proclamations will be read to recognize the significance and importance of April as Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month. We ask all attendees to wear blue in recognitionoftheeventandits purpose symbolizing our collective stand againstchild abuse. Together, we can turn up the volume on child abuseprevention. For more information visithttps://shopatmarketstreet. com/events/spring-concertseries-lloydmccarter-thehonky-tonk-revival The Concert for Hope will also feature community partnerswhoserveourchildren in foster care The concert provides an invaluable d opportunity for the community tolearn more about the various organizationsthatcontributeto the safety and well-being of these vulnerable children and how they can support these efforts. Location: Market Street, 9595SixPinesDrive, TheWoodlands,TX Featuring: Lloyd McCarter &TheHonkyTonkRevival Concert Time: 6:00 PM8:30PM(gatesopen5:45pm) Hosted by: Montgomery CountyChildWelfareBoard& CPS Nonprofit Board The Montgomery County Child Welfare Board (MCCWB) is a vital organization dedicated to supporting and advocating for children in foster care within our community Working closely with Child Protective Services MCCWB plays a crucial role in ensuring the welfare and safety offoster children,providing Date:April25,2024 The Woodlands, TX – Join us on April 25th at Market Street in The Woodlands for a nightthatpromisesgreatmusic and the chance to make a significant impact The Montgomery County Child WelfareBoard,incollaboration with Child Protective Services NonprofitBoard,invitesyouto the Concert for Hope an eveningoflivemusicshininga spotlight on child abuse prevention. resources and t , n promoting abuse Du ng th ven s in er sion sp c will be read recognize the significance and of as Abu e Aw ne Prevention We all to blue of symbolizing we up e vol m n hil abuseprevention. Concert for Hope r o un t in care The concert r v n l b opportunity for the community about organizationsthatcontributeto these and they support these efforts. Market SixPinesDrive, Woodlands, The TonkRevival PM PM by: Child Board Board is organization for our community Working with Child and 2024 us 25th in Woodlands for night the to s g a t m t h Board, invites Concert for shining spotlight prevention. The Montgomery County District Attorney s Office hosted the 2023 Vehicular Crimes Awards thispastThursdayinConroe. The awards ceremony honored law enforcement officersandagencies,aswell as community partners, who m a d e e x c e p t i o n a l contributions to combat impaired driving in Montgomery County in 2023 District Attorney Brett W Ligon made the presentations to the award winners, and recognized the honorable mentions in each category Vehicular Crimes Chief “The citizens of Montgomery County deserve to be able to travel our roadways without the fearthattheymaynotmakeit home safely, said Ligon To that end, we will continue to make the detection, investigation, and prosecution of impaired driversatoppriority.” Carni and Splendora PD Corporal Ronnie Culberth, receivedhonorablementions in this category The DWI OfficeroftheYearisDeputy Joseph O Neill, with the Montgomery County Sheriff s Office O Neill wasanhonorablementionin 2022, and in the last two yearshasmadewellover250 DWIarrests. byMCNcontributing writer,RubenBorjasJr Prosecutor Taylor Va n e g a s M C ’ d t h e ceremony For the DWI Officer of the Year this award recognizesanofficerthathas gone above and beyond the normalcallofdutytoprotect the public from intoxicated drivers. Conroe PD Officer Stephen IntheDWIAgencyofthe Year the award recognizes an agency that makes enforcement of impaired driving a priority, and dedicates resources to vehicularinvestigations,and implements programs to raise awareness about The s hosted 2023 Crimes Awards honored law partners, x c to combat Attorney Brett the each Crimes “The Montgomery be to roadways home safely, Ligon end, we will to prosecution and Splendora Corporal OfficeroftheYearisDeputy Joseph O 2022, and last by Va s M C d t h intoxicated Conroe the recognizes a resources programs AndFOFFSecretary& Publicity:ElaineCollings. The Rebel Joan OfArc Chapterappreciatesallthe hard work that the FOFF does to honor its Texas Historical Flags History at its beginning for its Texas Independence,
the Hill”,
like the Alamo stands
all to know and Submitted by RJOA Public Relations: Elaine Collings,
and which continuesto
stands tall just
is below each Flag on the Hill,describingthe
exas Historical Battle Flags for Texas Independence, and Sacred Soils buried at this Texas Remembrance site “on the Hill”, next to the Montgomery County MainLibraryalongI-45,in Conroe This Memorial Landmark is a proud remembrance for the Friends of the Flag Foundation and for all Proud Texans who know theirHistory! And Secretary The Rebel Arc work that FOFF does honor Texas Historical History at for Texas which day the Hill”, stands Alamo for to and Submitted Collings, Flag Hill, which m a e al devoted FOFF Educational Booklet Montgomery nt Sch l n Education a l r u t for The Joan of United g f h were Friends to their Texas s al G u FOFF o e s T at the Montgomery a o t g and Proud Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXIX NUMBER 15 Section 1 12 pages April17,2024 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly PRE-SRT POSTAGEPD #80 MONTG.TX Montgomery County News WEDNESDAY Average gasoline prices in Texas have fallen 3.7 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 17/g today, according to GasBuddys survey of 13 114 stations inTexas. Prices inTexas are 12.6 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand 18.6 centspergallonlowerthanayear ago.Thenationalaveragepriceof dieselisdown1.2centsinthelast week and stands at $4 01 per gallon. According to GasBuddy pricereports,thecheapeststation in Texas was priced at $2.48/g yesterday while the most expensive was $4 42/g, a differenceof$1.94/g.Thelowest price in the state yesterday was $2 48/g while the highest was $4.42/g,adifferenceof$1.94/g. Thenationalaveragepriceof gasoline has risen 3.1 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 60/g today. The national average is up 14 2 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 5.5 cents per gallon lower than a year ago, according to to GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million weekly price reports covering over 150,000 gas stations across the country Historical gasoline prices in Texas and the national average goingbacktenyears: April15,2023:$3.35/g(U.S. Average:$3.66/g) April15,2022:$3.68/g(U.S. Average:$4.07/g) April15,2021:$2.60/g(U.S. Average:$2.86/g) April15,2015:$2.21/g(U.S. Average:$2.39/g) April15,2016:$1.90/g(U.S. Average:$2.11/g) April15,2018:$2.48/g(U.S. Average:$2.71/g) April15,2014:$3.47/g(U.S. Average:$3.64/g) MidlandOdessa-$3.28/g,up 5 7 cents per gallon from last week's$3.22/g. April15,2017:$2.26/g(U.S. Average:$2.41/g) Neighboring areas and their currentgasprices: San Antonio- $3.01/g, down 12.0 cents per gallon from last week's$3.13/g. Austin- $3 06/g, down 9 9 cents per gallon from last week's $3.16/g. “With Iran's attack on Israel over the weekend, the stakes couldn't have been higher for a majorpotentialimpactonoiland gasoline prices. With the attacks largely thrawted and mostly unsuccessful and with Iran signaling that their attack will be theendoftheirresponse,therisk to crude oil has diminished, and thesituationisthankfullylikelyto de-escalate going forward," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy "If Israel, which has promised to respond with further attacks, indeed does press on, it could certainly still push oil prices higher However, motorists can expect other factors to influence what they're paying at the pump. Motoristsinthemid-Atlanticand NortheasternU.S.willsoonseea spike in prices as they make the leap to summer gasoline as much as 20-50 cents per gallon higher in nearly a dozen states. On the West Coast price increasesshouldfinallyslow but the national average will likely climbagaininthecomingweek." April15,2020:$1.60/g(U.S. Average:$1.81/g) April15,2019:$2.56/g(U.S. Average:$2.84/g) SOURCEGasBuddy gasoline prices in Texas have fallen 3.7 per gallon thelast averaging 17/g to GasBuddy's 114 stations Texas 12.6 gallon higher a and stand 18.6 than year Thenationalaverage of inthelast and at per to GasBuddy reports, cheapeststation was priced $2.48/g most a of lowest in state yesterday was $2 48/g while was a of The average of gasoline risen 3.1 cents per gallon thelast averaging today. national 2 cents per month and stands 5.5 lower ago compiled from than reports 150,000 gas stations across prices Texas national tenyears: April15, April15, April15, April15, April15, April15, April15, Odessa5 gallon from April15, gasprices: Antonio12.0 cents from last “With Iran's the have on With and and their crude thankfullylikely going Haan head analysis at does could However, can expect influence what they're see they make in a finally 15, $1.81/g) 15, $2.84/g) PBOX Magnolia,TX 77353 Index Commentary 3,4,5 ChurchDirectory..............5 Community................2,3,4 Legals..........6,7,8,9,10,11 BusinessDirectory...........12 LeslieBlalock Texas Weekly GasPrices See Flag, page 2 ThisAd SpaceAvailable 4 column x 1.5 inch 936-449-NEWS THURSDAY APRIL25, 2024 11:30am - Lunch and strategize at the Old Community Center in HistoricDowntown 1:00pm-Visitsbegin For more information contactConroeLakeConroe ChamberofCommerce 4:00pm - Back to Bar & Vines downtown for a fabulous After Hours filled with networking and door prizes! 12:30pm - Head out to yourlocations Teams will canvas the MontgomeryAreatalkingto all local business owners about concerns and pain points as well as goals and as projections facing their businesses in the coming months and years. Survey results will be reviewed and published for the Chamber andcommunity Join us in making ChamberDayhappen! THURSDAY 11:30am - Lunch at 1:00pm-Visitsbegin For 4:00pm Back a 12:30pm Teams about Join Concertfor Hope:A Nightof Musicand Awareness Chamber Dayin Montgomery GenerousDonation MadetoTheFriendsof theFlagFoundation LefttoRt:ElaineCollings,CindyDittrich,DaneanMyers,EvelynMiller,JennyLehr,MikeWilson,Charlotte Belin,RonMcAnear,LynHoward. MCDistrictAttorney RecognizesOfficersforFight AgainstVehicularCrime See MC DA , page 2

ConroeSymphony OrchestraCelebratesSpace

culminating in the loud report of the trombones and cymbal crash, it’s like the music mouths phonetically the word ‘Su-per-man.’ And that is the brilliance of Williams, and likewise the CSO didn’t disappoint in expressing their ownflairintherendition.

culminating the report of the trombones and cymbal crash, it’s like the music mouths phonetically the word ‘Su-per-man.’ And that is the brilliance of Williams, and likewise the CSO didn’t disappoint in expressing their ownflairintherendition.

mathematical mind at work with the variety of ways to describe the seemingly swashbuckling action unfolding on the screen, and possibly yielding to overture territory For real Star Wars enthusiasts, ‘Princess Leia’s theme.’ might have sparked memories of her under the enslavement of Jabba The Hutt, in that steel bikini. The sweet sounding flutes start it off, before the oboes and clarinetsbegintheirmarch.

mathematical mind at the variety of ways describe the seemingly swashbuckling a tion unfolding on the screen, and yielding to territory For real Star Wars enthusiasts, ‘Princess Leia’s theme.’ might have sparked memories of under the of Jabba The Hutt, in that steel bikini. sweet sounding flutes start it off, before the oboes and clarinetsbegintheirmarch.

the piece “I enjoyed the melodyandcolorofthepiece.”

the piece I enjoyed the melodyandcolorofthepiece.”

CSO conductor Gary Liebst, took the stage and started with the concert off with Richard Strauss’ ‘Also with Sprach Zarathustra ’ which concert goers easily recognized it as the theme from‘2001:ASpaceOdyssey,’ with other concert attendees expecting Elvis Presley to come from the wings singing ‘See See Rider’ It was exciting to hear with the melody reverberating around the room, all coming together in a wonderful collision of heightened brass and mind numbing percussional bangs thatmostcertainlybewildered drivers passing by on nearby SH105. ThegeniusofStrauss in this short 21-bar opening, served as a wonderful appetizer for the rest of the afternoon. “It was very good, I loved it,“ said retired US Marine Corp Lt Gen Steven Hummer inspeakingof‘Also SprachZarathustra.’” Hewas in attendance with his wife Sheri.“When‘ClairedeLune’ started ” Mrs Hummer remarked, “We both looked at each other and said, ‘Ocean’s Eleven.’“

nomatterthestumblingblocks that Liebst throws in front of hismusicians,theycontinueto growandovercomeadversity

“One cannot climb higher without testing and pushing against one’s current limits,” saidMarkFaulkner,whoplays the viola. “We musicians are passionate about creating creating momentsofbeauty andhaving that opportunity to play the melody in a featured section style is deeply satisfying on a personallevel.”

“I thinking of the moonlight, its quiet and influence,” said Yao, her while playing

“I was thinking of the moonlight, and its quiet and calming influence,” said Yao, on her thoughts while playing

Withalleyes at solar recently, us that there is there than of located on this ‘big marble’ call Arewe alone? Arethereboundsto Not even Gene Roddenberry knew Conroe Orchestra (CSO) those when the audience suited up and lift-off the fourth final concert of season, Frontier’. The held at First Methodist Church in Conroe, was force of UFO’s and alien invaders, our system,faraway ina galaxy away The featured soloist Tinting chamber musician, hasperformedaroundtheU.S., China, Ms. Yao serves as the Staff Pianist at StateUniversity She has released two albums violinist Amaro Dubios, the Winnersofthe Music Awards in 2021. She was wonde f l n e of ‘Claire Lune ’ or ‘Moonlight’ in French,andyoucouldfeel intensity of her the impression of the seriousness whenfeelingsthat when says, “I the whenit’s Gustav Jupiter, From the Planets,’ sevenmovement piece, challenged the It tested those boundsmentionedbefore,and

Withalleyesstaringatthe solar eclipse recently, it showed all of us that there is more out there than all of us located on this ‘big blue marble’wecallhome. Arewe alone? Arethereboundstothe universe? Not even Gene Roddenberry knew But The Conroe Symphony Orchestra (CSO)testedthoseboundsthis past Saturday when they got Saturday the audience all suited up and ready for lift-off with the fourth and final concert of the 2023-24 season, ‘Space, The Final Frontier’. The concert, held at the First Methodist Church in Conroe, was a veritable tour de force of UFO’s and alien invaders, our solarsystem,farawayplanets, andevenacertaincantinaina galaxyfarfaraway Theconcertfeaturedpiano soloist Tinting Yao, a well known collaborative pianist and chamber musician, who hasperformedaroundtheU.S., United Kingdom, China, and Australia. Ms. Yao currently serves as the Staff Pianist at SamHoustonStateUniversity She has released two albums with violinist Amaro Dubios, andtheyweretheGrandPrize WinnersoftheWorldClassical Music Awards in 2021. She was wonderful in her performance of ‘Claire de Lune ’ or ‘Moonlight’ in French,andyoucouldfeelthe intensity of her play, the impression of the seriousness ofromancewhenfeelingsthat overwhelm oneself when the other person says, “I Love You,” or the anguish inflicted whenit’swithheld. Gustav Holst s Jupiter, From the Planets,’ a sevenmovement piece, challenged the orchestra. It tested those boundsmentionedbefore,and


nomatter stumblingblocks that throws in hismusicians, continue andovercomeadversity CSO Gary Liebst, took the and started with the concert off with Richard Strauss’ ‘Also Sprach Zarathustra which co er ers easily recognized it the theme from Odyssey,’ with other concert attendees expecting Elvis Presley to come the wings singing ‘See See Rider was exciting hear the melody reverberating around the room, all coming together in wonderful collision of heightened brass mind numbing percussional bangs thatmostcertainlybewildered drivers passing by nearby SH105. ThegeniusofStrauss in this short 21-bar opening, served as a wonderful appetizer for the rest of the afternoon. “It was very good, loved it,“ said retired US Marine Co p t Ge S ev n Hummer inspeakingof‘Also SprachZarathustra.’” Hewas in attendance with wife Sheri.“When‘ClairedeLune’ started ” Mrs Hummer remarked, “We both looked at each ‘Ocean’s Eleven.’“ “One cannot climb without testing one’s current said Faulkner, viola. musicians are passionate of that opportunity the a featured section is deeply satisfying a personal

“Itisspacedout,“saidKen Harvey, CSO s principal trombone, on the concert’s musicalselections.“Itisheavy on the brass instruments, and trombonerich. JohnWilliams isanamazingcomposer.”

And for the orchestra members themselves, who may have played Williams’ Star Wars composition versus Burden’s arrangement, the differencescanbedemanding.

“It Ken Harvey, CSO s principal trombone, on the concert’s musical “Itisheavy on the brass instruments, and trombone JohnWilliams is amazingcomposer.” for the members played Williams’ Star Wars versus Burden’s arrangement, differencescanbedemanding.

Dwarf(aUKproduct),Lostin Space,andTheJetsons. Butit was the ‘Cantina Band from Star Wars,’that had shoulders swaying and heads bobbing. Of course it s by John Williams,andarrangedbyBill Holcombe How George Lucas could ever think of weird creatures playing swing bandmusicfromthe1930s,in a far off galaxy who knows howmanyhundredsofyearsin the future. Well, it’s beyond mostofus,butitmakesforan entertaining piece and brought a wonderfulu conclusiontotheconcert.

The CSO passed ‘Jupiter with flying colors, and were well praised. The nature of seven is based on the number of planets known at the time, when Holst completed the piecein1917. Namedafterthe Roman god Jupiter, it represents life in all its forms, happiness, energy, kindness and protection Audience memberswhorememberedthe 1983movie,“TheRightStuff,’ would note the snippets of the movements from Mars Jupiter andNeptune.

Liebst concluded the first half with John Williams ‘CloseEncountersoftheThird Kind ’ emphasizing those infamous five tones, the motif that set the stage for the alien contactattheendofthemovie. ‘StarTrekThroughTheYears,’ arranged by Calvin Custer, highlighted Star Trek themes fromtheoriginalseriestoThe Next Generation, Deep Space Nine Generations The MotionPicture,andVoyager

“It was fabulous, it was great,“ Conroe socialite Lyn Hawthorne, who’s silver costume reminded some concert goers of Klaatu, from ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still.’ “I didn’t know there were that songs, andI ‘emall.”

“It was fabulous, it was great,“ said Conroe socialite Lyn Hawthorne, who’s silver costume reminded some concert goers of Klaatu, from ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still.’ “I didn’t know there were that many space songs, andIlove‘emall.”

Liebst concluded the first half with John Williams ‘CloseEncounters theThird Kind ’ emphasizing those infamous five tones, the motif that set the stage for the alien contactat themovie. ‘StarTrekThroughTheYears,’ arranged by Custer highlighted Star Trek themes fromtheoriginalseriestoThe Next Deep Space Nine Generations The MotionPicture,and The CSO passed ‘Jupiter flying colors, were well praised. The nature of seven is on the number known at time, when Holst completed the piecein1917. Namedafterthe Roman god represents life all its and rememberedthe 1983movie,“The would note snippets of the movements from Neptune.

‘The Superman March.’ composed by John Williams forthe1978movie,hadLiebst CSO strutting their It Williams the themarchwere with the romance angle made for great if you really during the intro, during the incline of

‘The Superman March.’ composed by John Williams forthe1978movie,hadLiebst and the CSO strutting their stuff. It was magnificent. Williams themes, the fanfare, withthemarchwereinspiring; along with the romance angle made for great listening. And if you really concentrated during the intro, during the incline of the intensity

the break, LiebststartedtheCSOoffwith the ‘Star Medley,’ another John Williams piece, this time by James Burden,whichhadmanyinthe audience thinking back to Summer 1977 with fond memories, when the movie was released. The musical score is filled with great adventure and excitement that had everyone watching with rapture The individual themes for characters played out the piece, and Williams showed his

Following the break, LiebststartedtheCSOoffwith the ‘Star Wars Medley,’ another John Williams piece, this time arranged by James Burden,whichhadmanyinthe audience thinking back to Summer 1977 with fond memories, when the movie was released. The musical score is filled with great adventure and excitement that had everyone watching with rapture The individual themes for the characters played out in the piece, and Williams showed his i d

“The challenge lies within figuringouthowanew‘recipe’ works in order to create a familiar product ” said Faulkner “Therebypresenting somethingtheaudienceknows wellinthe possibleway.”

“The challenge lies within figuringouthowanew‘recipe’ works in order to create a familiar product ” said Faulkner “Therebypresenting somethingtheaudienceknows wellinthebestpossibleway.”

“This is a fantastic symphony orchestra, and I’m very impressed with the

renditions,” said Cliff Unruh, of Montgomery “There is a special presence in the music that you can’t get any other placethanhere.”

“This a fantastic symphony orchestra, I’m very impressed with the renditions,” said Unruh, of “There is a special in the music that you can’t get any other placethanhere.”

Flag from page 1

and Precinct 4 Constable s Office received honorable mentions in this category with Splendora Police Department taking the prize Chief Henry Wieghat accepted the award for his department. Splendora has 16 officers, and their coverage area is 2.6 sq. miles, and Vanegas noted, “They are punching wellabovetheirweight.” For Vehicular Crimes

theYear, recognizes who a rfo d investigations serious injury or death Team (C O crash unit The team OfficerAllan and Steve re iv d ho r category

InvestigatoroftheYear,the awardrecognizesanofficer who has performed exceptionally in vehicular crimes investigations involving serious bodily injury or death The Conroe PD Community Oriented Response Team (C O R T), essentially a crash unit The team consists of Sgt Andres Garcia, OfficerAllan Bell, and Officer Steve Hurd, received honorable e mentions in this category

investigationsoverthe providing work Besides

investigationsoverthepast year providing services with drones, photography and footage and scale diagram work Besides DPS,heworkedwithother agencies in Montgomery County

from page 1

The for2023isSgt. Texas Department of b i Safe y n o v c r a s h

Thewinnerfor2023isSgt. Ethan McAdoo, with the Texas Department of Public Safety Sgt McAdoo, who participated i n o v e r 5 0 c r a s h

The Public Service Award, which is an award that recognizes a non-law enforcement individual, organization or business that has made a substantial contribution to impaired drivingenforcementefforts or vehicular crimes investigations. This year's recipient is Milstead Automotive, who besides towing, provides vehicle storage for the District

The is an a non-law or business has a to enforcement hi lar This recipient Automotive, towing, for District

n o er are to have very best a t

kin on omer County one of safest impaired driving enforcement PD 4 s received in this Department ri e Chief en Wieghat for has 16 officers, noted, “They punching For Vehicular Crimes

Attorney’s office for evidencestorage. “In Montgomery County we are blessed to have some of the very best DWIofficers,vehicular Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount investigators, community partners,” Crimes Prosecutor Taylor Vanegas “These

The‘E.T Theme’, Williams’ composition, arranged by James Ployhar the story of young Elliot and the wrinkledandsweetalien his care, trying to get back to his The audience for the “flying” with the ascending that pushed and E.T higher, and the CSO played their part in making a memorablemoment.

The‘E.T Theme’,another Williams’ composition, this time arranged by James Ployhar, follows the story of young Elliot and the slightly wrinkledandsweetalieninhis care, trying to get back to his family The audience appreciation for the “flying” motif with the ascending melodythatseeminglypushed Elliot and E.T higher and higher, and the CSO played their part in making a memorablemoment.

Day,’ by DavidArnold,gavealittlehint of the victory motif at the beginning, which brought the audiencetothecalmbeforethe storm. It Peace. Andforthose have been to war, canceror abrushwith death, when faced with the possibilityofyourworld takenaway,youmuststruggle live, then you gather your forces, and back. win. Ifyouhavelivedthrough that. piecerepresents itallin fewshortminutes. was wonderfully done by the CSO,andnodoubtafewinthe audience may have a few goos umps upon its conclusion.

‘Independence Day,’ by DavidArnold,gavealittlehint of the victory motif at the beginning, which brought the audiencetothecalmbeforethe proverbial storm. It makes you appreciate life before tragedy Peace. Andforthose who have been to war, have hadcancerorhadabrushwith death, when faced with the possibilityofyourworldbeing takenaway,youmuststruggle to live, then you gather your forces, and fight back. Then win. Ifyouhavelivedthrough that. Arnold’spiecerepresents itallinafewshortminutes. It was wonderfully done by the CSO,andnodoubtafewinthe audience may have had a few goosebumps upon its conclusion.

To conclude the concert, LiebstandtheCSOhadalittle fun with the audience, with ‘TV Blasts into Space ’ highlighting the theme music from television show themes, suchastheTwilightZone,Red

TheconductorGaryLiebst is a perfectionist, and it's incredible how he’s able to listen to an entire orchestra at play then stop it, and adjust this instrument section or that inwhathewantstohear,andit shows. Ofcourseallthegreats can do that. And in any of Liebst’s musicians you speak with, they will show a high reverence for the man, and how he has made them better musicians.

TheconductorGaryLiebst is a perfectionist and it's incredible how he’s able to listen to an entire orchestra at play then stop it, and adjust this instrument section or that inwhathewantstohear,andit shows. Ofcourseallthegreats can do that. And in any of Liebst’s musicians you speak with, they will show a high reverence for the man, and how he has made them better musicians.

The concert was underwritten by Cullen Trust for the Performing Arts. The Conroe Symphony Orchestra wasfoundedin1997,andwas created to contribute to the contribute cultural enrichment of Conroe and the county as a whole, assuringabetterqualityoflife for everyone in the area. The CSO’s objective is to provide the region with the best possible musical experience, while creating music lovers and connecting communities. Theystrivetoberecognizedas one of the outstanding community orchestras in the state of Texas, and as a nonprofit community orchestra, it is supported through individual and corporate donations, grants, and ticket sales There website is, and please consider donating to thiswonderfulorganization. Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyne

The concert was underwritten by Cullen Trust for the Performing Arts. The Conroe Symphony Orchestra wasfoundedin1997,andwas created to contribute to the cultural enrichment of Conroe and the county as a whole, assuringabetterqualityoflife for everyone the area. The CSO’s objective is to provide the region with the best possible musical experience, while creating music lovers and connecting communities. Theystrive berecognizedas one of the outstanding community orchestras in the state of Texas, and as a nonprofit community orchestra, it is supported through individual and corporate donations, grants, and ticket sales There website is, and please consider donating to thiswonderfulorganization. Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyne

To conclude the concert, Liebstandthe had little fun the audience, with ‘TV Blasts into Space highlighting the theme from television show themes, suchastheTwilight Red Dwarf(aUKproduct),Lostin Space,andTheJetsons. Butit was the ‘Cantina Band from Star Wars,’that shoulders swaying and heads bobbing. Of course it s by John Williams,andarrangedbyBill Holcombe How George Lucas ever think of weird creatures swing band fromthe1930s,in a far off galaxy who knows howmanyhundreds yearsin the future. Well, it’s beyond mostofus, it foran entertaining piece and brought a wonde ul conclusion theconcert.

Seated FOFF Board Members who are also R J O A : E L A I N E COLLINGS (FOFF Recording Secretary) CINDY DITTRICH (Treasurer) DANEAN MYERS (past Treasurer), andLYNHOWARD. FOFF President MIKE WILSON gave his gracious appreciation to the Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter for their Donation and for all the RJOAdo to honorAllTexasHistory h o n o r R J O A PRESIDENT JENNY LEHRisshownmakingthe Chapters Donation to FOFFPRESIDENTMIKE WILSON.Attendingheris standing RJOA EVELYN MILLER, and RJOA CHARLOTTE BELIN, as well as the ladies in the p i c t u r e : E L A I N E COLLINGS CINDY DITTRICH, DANEAN MYERS and LYN HOWARD, all Rebel Joan Of Arc Members, and all but one are Daughters of the Republic of Texas Seated is Ron McAnear who serves as VP of the FOFF also in attendance. Both of these men serving thisFOFForganizationand alsoare PastPresidentsof theSonsoftheRepublicof Texas. Not Pictured: RJOA SHANA ARTHUR, and R J O A D I A N N E KEBODEAUX. FOFF who R J I N E C L NG F F CI IT IC (Treasurer) Treasurer), WI N g e h the Rebel Of for TexasHistory h E D JE N FOFF R, d A BELIN, e E N OLL Y are Ron this and also of theSons of Texas. RJOA and J crimes investigators, and community partners,” said Vehicular Crimes Chief Prosecutor Taylor Vanegas “These award recipients represent a united effort to continue making Montgomery County one of the safest placestolive.” impaired driving and increased enforcement efforts. Magnolia PD
ConductorGaryLiebstpresentstheConroeSymphony OrchestraafterawonderfulperformancethispastSaturday, withPianistTingtingYao,ontheright SocialitesLynHoward,left,andElaineCollins,dressedto impress,enjoyedthefestivitiespriortotheconcert

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need to switch to healthcareplan.

· Speak to your advisor or us about your holistic financial situation to determine what makes themostsense.

· Speak to or us about your financial situation to determine sense.

If you need a little bit more guidance with your Medicare decisionmaking, the first point of contact is Medicare gov That site offers a ton of information, including how to enroll. Of course, you can enlist Pendle Hill Advisors to help you navigate these important decisions as part of a holistic financial plan as well.

If you little bit more guidance with your Medic re de sionmaking, the first point of contact is Medicare gov That site offers ton of information, including how to enroll. course, you can Pendle Hill Advisors to help you navigate these important decisions as part a holistic financial plan as well.

As you consider your Medicareelections:

As your Medicareelections:

· Determine if any of your dependents will

if any of your dependents will

Pendle Hill Advisors to contribute to ontgomery ounty News with our financialnews topics If you question ou th markets financial or anything, please free

Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the Montgomery County News with our weekly curatedfinancialnewsand topics If you have any questions about the markets your financial plan, or anything, please feelfreetoreachouttoour office for a no cost initial consultation.

Kent Pendleton, AAMS® Pendle Hill Advisors LLC

Kent Hill LLC


Submitted by Pat Spackey Members of the Heritage Trails Chapter, NSDAR-RowenaHayes, Regent, attended the Texas Daughters of the American Revolution State Conference in AustinTexaswithseveral of their HODARS (husbandofDAR). The women attended business meetings, breakfast sessions luncheons and evening banquets During the Friday night Awards Banquet, it was a veryspecialhonortohave the Heritage Trails C h a p t e r N S D A R n o m i n e e bepresented with the StateCommunity Service Award for the Outstanding organization Wonders and Worries Wonders and Worries is a non-profit that provides support to children whoseparent is facing a severeillness. Pat the Chapter, NSDAR-RowenaHayes, the the Revolution State in AustinTexaswithseveral their HODARS sessions, a e Award for organization, and facing Call or Text 936-5372587 S o u r c e : https://wwwhfamiami co m / s i n g l e - p o s t / ahomeowner-s-net-worthis-40x-greater-than-ar e n t e rs#: :text=One%20of%20t he%20best%20ways,than %20that%20of%20a%20r enter Megan@MeganStultz .com Afewreasonsthisclient c h o s e t o b u y : Homeownership is a form of "forced savings" that willlaythegroundworkfor her next move. She saw this home as a piggy bank that grows from her contributions AND appreciatesovertime. Email me your current rentalprice,andIwillsend over some options that matchit! -MeganStultz www.FairwaterWest This stat rocked me… “According to the Federal Reserve, a homeowner's networthisastaggering40 timesgreaterthanthatofa renter.” Let'salsoacknowledge: ConditionshaveNOTbeen thefriendliestforfirsttime buyers. But here's some really good news → JeromePowellhasalluded to2or3interestratecutsin 2024. Theaverageageofa firsttimebuyeris36. Inourmarket,we'vehad luck finding options for buyersthatareonparwith rentalprices. Ihadaclient whowascuriousabouther buyingoptions.Wefounda home on par with her rent. Itcheckedalltheboxesfor this phase of her life. Her planistolivetherefor4-6 years and then use it as a rental and move along to hernexthome. Call or S p s / e :text=One%20of%20t h o u y Homeownership a "forced will move. r h r n i o appreciatesover I that -MeganStultz me… Federal homeowner's a 40 timesgreaterthanthatofa NOTbeen time some l → alluded in luck that on all boxes her use it to MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April17,2024,Page3 RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz If you're planning to retire before age 65, think about how you plan to bridge your healthcare coverageuntilyoubecome eligible for Medicare Medicare is designed for those 65 and older or people with certain disabilities. The only way to ensure healthcare
ith private health insurance through your employerortheexchange. RETIREMENT & E LONGEVITY Medicare is an important component of holistic financial planning, but it can get complex for investors who retire early, care for young dependents or work beyond 65 But knowledgeispower Being aware that your unique situation should influence your Medicare choices is halfthebattle. What encore careers, young dependents and early retirement mean for yourelections. Tips for common scenarios Not everyone retires right at 65 In fact, it's becoming more common that people are making their own rules and timelineswhenitcomesto retirement. Let's say you have youngdependentsathome.
is w
andenrollinMedicare,but first you should consider the out-of-pocket costs associated with doctor's visits and procedures Many people will enroll in Medicare Part A, which is hospitalinsurance,because there's no premium for most people, as long as they have 10 years of Medicare-covered employment. But to enroll in Part B and simultaneouslycarrygrouphealth insurance is like paying double. Sometimes changes are made to the program or laws that get passed affect Medicare. An example is theInflationReductionAct that was passed by Congress in 2022 It doesn't go into full effect until 2025, but it will reduce out-of-pocket costs for everyone from $7,000 to $2,000 for drugs. It also caps out-of-pocket insulin at$35permonth,whichis significant for those with diabetes. Financial Advisor, RJFS Kent Pendleton@raym o n d j a m e s c o m | wwwraymondjames com/ pendlehilladvisors Disclosures: AnyopinionsarethoseofKent Pendleton and not necessarily those of Raymond James The foregoing information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA / SIPC Investment advisory servicesofferedthroughRaymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc Pendle Hill Advisors LLC is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services The information contained in this report does not purport to be a complete descriptionofthehealthcareissues referred to in this material. This material is being provided for information purposes only and is notacompletedescription,norisit arecommendation. T936-297-8267 If you're planning to retire age 65, think about how you plan to bridge your healthcare until become for Medicare is designed for 65 people with certain
LONGEVITY Medicare is an important component of holistic financial planning, but it c n get complex for investors who early, care for dependents or work beyond 65 But knowledgeispower Being aware that your unique situation should influence your Medicare choices is
Liberty St, Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX 77356 What if you decide you'reworkingpasttheage of 65 (the Medicare eligibility point), and you're not sure if you should enroll in Medicare yet? You can drop your employer's healthcare plan
disabilities. The only to
e hea
coveragebeforethatdateis with private health insurance through theexchange. RE IR M N &
toreach toour office for no 14375 Liberty Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX you'reworkingpast age of 5 ( h M dic r eligibility point), and you're not sure if you should in Medicare yet? You can drop your employer's healthcare andenrollinMedicare,but first should the costs associated doctor's visits procedures Many people will in Medicare Part which is hospitalinsurance,because there's no premium for most people, as as they have 10 years of Med car -cover d employment. But to enroll in Part B and simultaneouslycarry health is like paying double. Sometimes are made to the or laws passed affect Medicare. An is the ReductionAct that was pa s d by Congress in 2022 It doesn't go full effect until but it will reduce costs for $7,000 to for It also caps insulin at$35permonth, is significant those with diabetes. Advisor, RJFS Kent Pendleton@raym o d j m e c o m raymondjames Disclosures: AnyopinionsarethoseofKent and not Raymond James The foregoing has been from to be reliable, but do not guarantee it accurate or Securities offered through Raymond James Inc., member FINRA / SIPC advisory James Financial Services Advisors, Inc Hill LLC a of Raymond Services The information contained report does to be a complete to in material. This for only and T936-297-8267 column by Kent Pendleton, AAMS® WEEKLYCOLUMNS NavigatingMedicaredecisions Medicar intrickysituations
StateCommunity ServiceAward Presentedto Outstanding Organization
PHOTO: LtoR: NikkiRosenberg; MeredithCooper(Co-FounderoftheNon--Profit WondersandWorries); RowenaHayes(RegentoftheHeritageTrailsChapter, NSDAR);andWhitneyDubussion

This may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.

This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.

The last time Israel was attacked by a nation bordering the Persian Gulf, I was boots on the ground in Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm had just begun SaddamHussein,whohadthe mindset of a left leaning

therapist or millennial in thinking that ‘they/them’s opinion’wasthecenterofthe universe. Wellhe‘f’daround and found out’ that his thoughts really didn’t matter that much at all. And it goes toshowwiththebentthinking regime in Iran, who has a relatively young population, after the country learned that ‘human wave attacks’during the Iran-Iraq War, were not a

The last Israel was attacked by a bordering the Persian Gulf, I was boots the ground in Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm had just begun SaddamHussein,whohadthe mindset of a left therapist or millennial in thinking that they/them s opinion’wasthe ofthe Well out his thoughts didn’t all. And it goes showwith bentthinking in Iran, who has relatively the learned that wave the Iran-Iraq War,

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Patchyfogbefore7am.Otherwise,cloudy, withahighnear85.Southwind5to10 mph.


Mostlycloudy,withalowaround71.South wind5to10mph.


Mostlycloudy,withahighnear86.South wind10to15mph,withgustsashighas20 mph.

Mostlycloudy,withalowaround68. Friday ThursdayNight





A40percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms,mainlyafter1pm.Mostly cloudy,withahighnear81.


Showersandthunderstormslikely.Mostly cloudy,withalowaround59.Chanceof precipitationis70%.


A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlycloudy,withahigh near69.


Mostlycloudy,withalowaround54. Monday


good idea in retaining good numbers of their male population,topropagatetheir ownpopulationforthefuture.

idea retaining male topropagate future.

Israel now is well within its right to to this attack,(andbypresstimethey might well but nothing was really damaged, and this could buy time for Israel to respondinauniqueway No onewantstoseealotofdead Iranians. It’s their persian government that is bully and just in Desert Storm, perhaps Israel may hold cards to chest. They don’t want to upsetthealliedapplecart, before they do anything, countries supporting will beenconsulted. thinking that knocking infrastructure like c m un cati s a c man an on ro may upset most in the worst way are used to and cell phones, like any want it workingallthetime. Andjust like in The when eliminate communication devices, have a bunch of irate people. It’s like the Dems plan to dependent electric vehicles, then turn off the channel it the brown nosers who cater theirwhims.

Israel now is well within its right to respond to this attack,(andbypresstimethey might well have) but nothing was really damaged, and this could buy time for Israel to respondinauniqueway No onewantstoseealotofdead Iranians. It’s their persian government that is the real bully and just like in Desert Storm, perhaps Israel may hold their cards close to their chest. They don’t want to upsetthealliedapplecart,and before they do anything, all countries supporting Israel willhavebeenconsulted. I’m thinking that knocking Iranian infrastructure like communications and command and control facilities, may upset most Iranians in the worst way Iranians are used to their internet and cell phones, and like any millennial, want it workingallthetime. Andjust like in The West, when you eliminate communication devices, you have a bunch of irate people. It’s like the Dems plan to get everyone dependent on electric vehicles, then turn off the power, or channel it to the brown nosers who cater to theirwhims.

overrules planned economies everyday, and those nations needpeaceintheregiontodo businesswithTheWorld,and bulliesthatgetinthewayare notgoodforbusiness. Those countries want their business partners and tourists to feel safe. With previous Iranian aggression, and now with the war expanding, that’s not the case, and the possibility of smallterrorcellattacksacross The World is a distinct possibility And if I hear “AllahuAkbar,”yelledoutin public, I’m pulling my gun, andI’mgonnastartshooting.

Revolution the people of state gonna say GO NO GO to continued subjugation. It didn’t out for East Germans, Eastern Blockeither about 45 the Communistyokeofthe Union.

The Muslim nations that are standing with Israel (SaudiArabia,Egypt,Jordan, the UAE, and others), know full well that they are better off with Israel, than with an aggressor Muslim nation insisting on the complete destruction of the Jewish enclave Capitalism

The Muslim nations standing Israel Arabia,Egypt, UAE, and others), know well they better Israel, with aggressor nation on destruction Jewish enclave a itali m

“I was strolling down the streetoneday inthemerry merrymonthofM̶a̶y̶April. A roguish pair of eyes they tookmebysurprise inthe moment my wine loving heartwasstoleaway.”

Well, I tried There wasn’ta‘fountaininthepark’ either,andtheeyesbelonged to the co-owner of H-Wines, a French expat named Steve Hari. Yes, I’m in Historic Montgomery for the second week in a row (with gas prices getting higher) it's getting easier just to stay in town. Itwas10:27am,andin talking with Steve my eyes widened when he said his place has ‘wine pairings’ withdifferentstylesofdishes every Wednesday evening. This week it was Indian dishes,andmyeyeswidened again, almost allowing my peepers to fall out of their socketsontothesidewalk.

IrevereIndiandishes,and remember watching YouTube reruns of UK chef Rick Stein with his trip to India, which gave me confidence to start making my own curry dishes (which in India means ‘sauce’ or ‘gravy’). SoIwasexcitedto be tasting dishes from an actual Indian chef. I had afternoon appointments in downtownConroeuntil7pm. So after I finished I hightailed it to Historic Montgomery

Thisisseriousstuff,andit has implications all across TheWorld. Whoknowshow many militant Iranians or military aged Muslims in general that President Joe Biden has allowed in Our Country illegally And I fear thatbeforetheyearisout,we could have attacks on our shoreswiththosesameillegal border crossers that Biden dimwittinglyallowedtocross intoTheSouthernBorderand disappear amongst our masses. The County The World needs Donald Trump. And there will be dolts, those multiple degreed idiots, who can’t see their faces on the bumper of the Mack Truck that’s about to run them over, still saying “No”. Howmanytimeshave Isaid,forgetaboutpersonalities, Vote for Trump’s Policies, which have been provenrightallalong.

This andit has implications all across The Whoknowshow many or military aged in general that President Joe Biden in Our Country illegally And I fear thatbefore yearisout,we could attacks on our shoreswiththosesameillegal border crossers that Biden dimwittinglyallowedtocross intoTheSouthernBorderand disappear our masses. The County The World needs Donald Trump. And there will be dolts, those multiple degreed idiots, who can’t see their faces the bumper of the Mack Truck that’s about to run them still saying “No”. Howmanytimeshave Isaid,forgetaboutpersonalities, Vote for Trump s Policies, which have been provenrightallalong.

In of mind Iran, I m that their can easilybackfire state. The country is of 1979

O e le s ull s e, especially PersianGulf region, can have positive long impact across The it's not being the Chinese is in trouble with their econom , an th ir millennials are crying because they can’t find work and worse yet, they can’t

One less bully state, especiallyinthePersianGulf region, can have a positive longlastingeconomicimpact across The World. And it's not being reported, but the Chinese Communist Party is in big trouble with their big economy and their eco o millennials are crying because they can’t find work and worse yet, they can’t party Whichisprobablywhy we are seeing enormous numbers of Chinese crossing theAmericanborderillegally into California in record numbers, after flying into Mexico. And who knows howmanyofthosearecyberterrorists, capable of cutting power to container ships and crashingthemintobridges.

Thankfully there to itself, and United States,under leadershipof the wavering Joe Biden; for haspledgedtostaywith Israel, but will not aide in attackingIran,which the IDF is than capable of doing on their own with this new phase of the TheZioniststatehasthewill, and the right to protect itself from attack, and they have beenattackedtwiceinthelast six months by hostile entities whoseaimistowipeIsraeloff themap. It’sincredible,how brain cell less,’ millennials don’t understand

Thankfully, the technology is there for Israel to protect itself, and the United States,undertheleadershipof the wavering Joe Biden; for now,haspledgedtostaywith has Israel, but will not aide in counterattackingIran,which the IDF is more than capable of doing on their own with this new phase of the war TheZioniststatehasthewill, and the right to protect itself from attack, and they have beenattackedtwiceinthelast six months by hostile entities whoseaimistowipeIsraeloff themap. It’sincredible,how many ‘brain cell less,’ millennials don’t understand

In the back of my mind with Iran, I’m harboring thoughts that their attack can easilybackfireonthePersian state. The country is in that window of their 1979 Revolution where the people of totalitarian state are gonna say ‘GO or NO GO’ to continued subjugation. It didn’t work out for the East Germans, nor the Eastern Blockeitherwholastedabout 45 years, under the CommunistyokeoftheSovietUnion.

baked to a golden brown. AllIcansayis’c’est magnifique.’ The dish is spiced with his clientele in mind, and for the H-Wines crowd, it didn’t burn our tongues off. In my case, I asked for extra spice, and found myself slurping it up withaspoon,afterIfinished the dish The dish is accompanied with a small cucumber/onion salad as a palate cleanser In retrospect,Ishouldhavesavedthe sauceforthedessert.

the meaning of the phrase


“FromtheRivertoTheSea,” and when the mostly white privilegedsocialistelitistsare confronted with its meaning. The calling for murder of 10 millionJews,itkindadeflates their bubble The game they'replayingdoesn’tsound asfunasitwasbeforetothem. There are consequences to thoughts There are consequences to actions Which is why teaching Critical Thinking is ever so important in our schools, and our higher educational institutions.

overrules economies everyday, and those nations needpeace the todo businesswith World,and bullies getin notgoodforbusiness. Those countries want their business partners and tourists to feel safe. With previous Iranian aggression, and now with the war expanding, that’s not the case, and the possibility of smallterrorcellattacksacross The World, is a distinct possibility And if I hear “Allahu in public, I’m pulling my gun, andI’mgonnastartshooting. no doubt that prevail. Ithastoo. if attack was a show force to save and even though it failed, doesnot

“FromtheRiverto and when the confronted with calling for Jews, deflates their The game they'replaying it to are consequences to th u hts Ther are to actions is why Critical Thinking is ever so in our schools, and higher educational institutions.

I’ve no doubt that Israel willprevail. Ithastoo. And even if Iran’s attack was a show of force to save face, and even though it failed, it stilldoesnotdetractfromthe seriousness of their actions. American Judeo-Christian values and part of Our NationalRootsemanatefrom Jerusalem. Democrats are doingtheirbesttodestroyour values with the eventual aim to turn us into a totalitarian country, where the Yoke of Communism will be on Our Necks. And if not ours, then most definitely, your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will be slaves to elitist Democrats in someformorfashion. That’s why Israel’s Freedom is so important to Our Own Freedom, and that is why the United States needs to stand behind them till the end, and help David defeat their Goliath.

American and part of NationalRootsemanatefrom Jerusalem. Democrats doing besttodestroy with to turn a totalitarian country the Communism be on And if m st initel o children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will be slaves to elitist Democrats in someformorfashion. That’s why Israel’s Freedom is important to Our Own Freedom, and that is why the United States needs to stand behind them till the end, and help David defeat their Goliath.

Ruben can be reached at:

Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyn

The 2020 paired with Chaat, is a traditional Indian snack food, using crisp dough wafers known ‘papri’,along b led chick eas an potatoes yogurt

The SR 2020 was paired with Papri Chaat, which is a traditional Indian street snack food, prepared using crisp fried dough wafers knownas‘papri’,alongwith boiled chickpeas and potatoes yogurt black chickpeas, sweet and spicy chutney alltoppedwithchat powder and fried chickpea noodles. IlikenedittoIndian nachos, with a sweet, sour tangy and subtly spicy flavors, coupled with a creamyandcrunchytaste.

The entree wine, ‘O de la Vie Minervois Syrah 2019,’ is a homage to the French phrase“eaudevie,”orwater of life; and it was. It’s an exclusive offering from the Burgundian region which is produced from qualifying vineyards with younger vines,andthereareruleswith which way a hillside is sloped, and it must border a specific stream, and claylimestone soil is required. I found the water of life fragrant and intense not overpowering, yet it went down smooth, and with its varietal purity it performed like Enrico Caruso, on an April 17th 1906 San Franciscostage.

The wine, la Vie Minervois Syrah 2019,’ is homage the French phrase“eaudevie,” of life; and it It’s an exclusive offering from Burgundian region produced from vineyards with younger vines,andthereareruleswith which a is sloped, and it must border a specific and claylimestone soil is required. found the water life fragrant intense overpowering, yet went down smooth, and with its varietal purity like on an A ril 1 th 19 6 Sa Francisco

For the dessert wine, Steve brought out his very own ‘Rataf Black Spanish LeNoir 2022’, with grapes from Hari’s own vineyard, andpreparedinhiswineryin Coldspringwithhisbusiness partner Philippe Legrand Rataf is shortened from the proper ‘Ratafia’ which ‘Ratafia’ generally refers to a sweet alcoholic beverage The Black Spanish grape possiblyaremnantofSpain’s colonization in Texas, has a long history in Texas. For a quick millisecond, I likened theRataf2022toasweetened grape juice, but it's so much more than that. The sweet aromaisinvitingandsetsthe stage for the anticipation of the actual sweet accompaniment itself. It’s hard to believe that Black Spanish grapesaredeclininginTexas, because Hari and Legrand have done a wonderful job with the Rataf. And the savorypairingoptionsofthe Rataf go on with BBQ and lamb, as well as with sweets likeBlackForestCake.

dessert wine, brought out his very ‘Rataf Black Spanish with grapes from Hari’s own vineyard, and inhis in Coldspringwithhisbusiness partner Legrand Rataf is shortened from the proper which generally refers to sweet alcoholic beverage The Black grape possiblyaremnant Spain’s colonization in Texas, has a long Texas. For a millisecond, I likened theRataf2022toasweetened but it's much that. The sweet aromais andsetsthe anticipation of accompaniitself. It’s hard to that Spanish declininginTexas, because and Legrand done a wonderful job with the Rataf. And the savorypairingoptions the Rataf go with BBQ and lamb, as sweets BlackForest

away on the tongue, and its the sweetness hits the spot Cashews are a healthy nut, and if they have a sugar free version,thiswouldbeadaily occurrence dessert in my residence. Andwithsofew ingredients, I might

I thoroughly enjoyed the evening at H-Wines,

alltoppedwithchat and fried chickpea noodles. Ilikenedit Indian nachos, a sweet, sour tangy and subtly spicy flavors, coupled a creamy crunchy KP Patel can r e a c h e t CalvaryCateringTX@gmail com brought out his of a ‘ratafia biscuit’,

sweet made from a dough mostly made from ground cashews. It really melts

Chef KP Patel can be r e a c h e d a t

I metup with Steve again at H-Wines, and he introducedmetoKPPatel,who’s creations I would be tasting, paired with selections of Hari’s suggestions. I was starting to drool with anticipation by the way I mean, how many in the regionhaveactuallyheardof pairing wine with Indian food? So to me, Steve and KP’sideaisgenius. H-Vines is located at 14343 Liberty St in Montgomery

of was starting to drool with by the way I mean, how many in the regionhave heardof pairing with to me, Steve H-Vines is St Montgomery

after flying into Mexico. knows howmanyof arecyberterrorists, capable cutting power to ships and crashingthem bridges. MontgomeryCountyNews Phone(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395 web; Publisher:M.P.Stultz Editor:MonteWest AssistantEditor:JamieSandefer DistributionManager:BethanySandefer AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023 Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews. RyanWest Montgomery County Page4,Wednesday,April17,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas. MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395. MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertise- to ment. POSTMASTER: PleasesendaddresschangestoMontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 D&B#12-976-8354. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNewsarereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. circulating the publication newspaper Any used weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. Editor’sExpress Mail,Faxor E-mail: E-mail: Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395, Webpage: will We
party Which
why we
numbers of Chinese crossing the illegally into
record numbers,
Ruben Borjas Jr, Columnist Ruben’s Montgomery Musings
Columnist Ruben BorjasJr
Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyn
CalvaryCateringTX@gmail com Patel brought out
of a ‘ratafia biscuit’, which is a macaroon, to be eaten between the sips. In this case KP presented a Kaju Katli, a diamond shaped cookie-like Indian
his version
like to makethismyself. The Syrah 2019 was pairedwithaButterChicken Friand (i.e. friand meaning ‘tasty item’in
butter chicken in itself is
divine, but Chef KPPatelputhis
puff pastry
French). The
by stuffinghiscreationinto
and althoughIdidn’thavetimeto invite a guest, I soon found myselfwithothersatthebar, sippingandchattingthenight away with interesting and successful people of which I prefertheircompany Steve Hari and KP Patel pair well together in bringing wonderful wines and truly inspiredculinarycreationsto the table. If you’re looking forasophisticatedevening,a time that matches well with great wines and dishes, you can’t go wrong at H-Wines and their Wednesday ‘Wine PairingDinners’. Steven brought out the first wine, a ‘Sancerre Rose 2020,’whichcomesfromthe Sancerre area south of Paris, France. Emanatingfromthe Pinot Noir grape, it has a subtledrynessthatispleasing to the palate, and the color wasofastatethatwarrantsa still life by Patrick A Pierson, which stems from a short maceration period as compared to red wines. I enjoyedthearomatichintsof cherry, strawberry, and vanilla that makes this a wonderful choice for a starter AlcoholDisclaimer: This column is intended for entertainment purposes only Please drink responsibly, not just for yourself, but for othersaroundyou. By “I was strolling streetoneday inthemerry merrymonthofM̶a̶y̶April. A of eyes they bysurprise in my loving heartwasstoleaway.” Well, tried wasn’ta‘fountainin park’ either,and to co-owner of a French expat named Steve I’m in second in a row (with gas prices higher) easier just to town. It and with Steve my widened when said his has pairings’ withdifferentstylesofdishes every Wednesday Indian and eyes almost peepers to fall out of their thesidewalk. IrevereIndian emem er atchi g of UK chef Rick Stein with his India, which gave me to own dishes (which in India means ‘sauce’ or ‘gravy’). Iwasexcited be tasting dishes from actual Indian chef. I appointments after I finished I tailed it to Historic gomery I metup with Steve H-Wines, and he introducedmetoKPPatel,who’s creations I be paired selections
Ruben can reached at:
sips. In this a Katli, a
Indian sweet made from a dough made ground cashews. It melts
The Butter Friand (i.e. friand meaning ‘tasty in French). in itself divine, but KP hisspin it,by stuffinghiscreationintopuff pastry baked to a golden brown. All sayis’c’est magnifique.’ dish spiced with his clientele mind, and H-Wines crowd, it tongues asked spice, and found myself witha I the dish is accompanied a cucumber/onion salad as palate spect, sauce evening H-Wines, didn’t I soon myself thebar, chattingthenight successful of I their Steve KP Patel well toge er in br ng ng wonderful and truly inspiredculinarycreations a that matches great and dishes, go wrong at Wednesday ‘Wine Pairing Steven brought out the wine, whichcomesfromthe area south of Noir it has a subtle palate, ofa warrantsa a compared red wines. enjoyedthearomatichints and vanilla that this a for a column is intended entertainment only drink yourself, but OPINION/EDITORIAL FOOD&DRINK RestaurantReview H-Wines' 'Wine PairingsIndian Fare’ The Schoolyard Bully Enters the Fray: Iran Attacks Israel
a macaroon, be eaten
diamond shaped
on the tongue, and sweetness spot are a they a sugar this dessert residence. Andwithsofew I might like makethismyself.

Iamanavidcruiser asit is the best vacation for the buck. People often think about cruising, they think largershipsintheopenseas and exotic tropical destinations I often hear the complaint, “I don't like being that far out in the water”, or “I don't want to beonashipwiththousands ofpeople”.

I've always joked about cruisingbeinglikegoingto LasVegasbutwakingupin a different city every day, because of all the shows, casinos, and different venues on the larger cruise ships that typically stop in 2-4citiespertrip. Andyou only have to unpack your bagsonce.

How about staying in a luxuryhotelandwakingup inadifferentcityeveryday and having less than 200 otherswithyouinthehotel, orontheboat?

Riverboats are inherently smaller with fewer

guestsonboard,makingfor a more intimate and personalized travel experience. Cruising on a rivermeansenjoyingallthe conveniences of a traditionalcruise,alongwithall thebenefitsofinlandtravel. Stopping in multiple destinations on every trip, youwillvisitbustlingcities and hidden gem villages and still only unpacking once.

The most popular river cruises are located in European. The Danube is Europe'smostpopularriver cruised It flows through Germany Austria,Hungary and other counties on its 2,000-mileroute,andyou'll find itineraries that include Vienna, Munich, Prague, Budapest and other don'tmiss cities. That is one of many rivers to cruise, others include the Rhine River flowing from Swiss AlpstoHollandsNorthSea, or the Rhone River which flows from the Swiss Alps to the Mediterranean Sea. In other parts of the world, you have the Nile River where you can follow the lifeline of Egyptian civilization and customs of ancient temples, royal tombs, and local villages along the longest river in theworld. OrtheMekong

river,a3000mileriverthat treks through China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, CambodiaandVietnam.

Another River that is popular is the Amazon River which is renowned for its biodiversity in the untamedrainforestofPeru. This ideal ecosystem featuresfloraandfaunaina kaleidoscope of life, with more than 800 species of bird, 7,000 flowering plants and nearly 2 500 varietiesofbutterfly,notto mention a menagerie of exotic mammals and reptiles. Oh, and pink river dolphins,too.

There are several river cruise lines around the world, but the one that we have a great relationship with and recommend at 777 Travel is Avalon Waterways. No other fleet of river cruise ships offers

youaviewoftheworldlike Avalon Suite Ships, featuringAvalonPanorama Suites.Thirtypercentlarger than the industry standard, they'rerivercruising'sonly Open–Air Balcony with nothing between you and the view While other river cruise cabins are designed withbedsagainstawallfor aviewofanotherwall,their Comfort Collection Beds face the view with the widest-opening wall-towall, floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows in rivercruising.Thinkofitas aviewwitharoom!

Ifyouarenowsoldona rivercruisebutrunintothe “I don't have a passport” problem,thereisasolution for you too Another company that we have a great relationship and partner with is American Cruise Lines They

operates in the US, have American built ships, and allcrewmemberaboardthe shipsareAmerican. American Cruise Lines has many itineraries to offer The Lower MississippiRiverCruisewilltake you between Memphis and New Orleans with stops in Vicksburg and Natchez, M i s s i s s i p p i S t Francisville, Baton Rouge and OakAlley/Houma, La. Another will take you between Portland Oregon andClarkston,Washington, or even all the way to Jackson,Wyomingwiththe cruiseandlandpackage.

The New England cruises are another great option The islands and harbors of New England and Maine are among the most desired summer vacation retreats. From the quaint island villages of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, to the rugged beauty of the Maine coast, they have created captivating small ship New England cruise itineraries for the most discerning traveler Enjoy an authentic Maine lobster bake, indulge in the area's rich maritime history, or be led by our local expert guides to

Other options include the Puget Sound and San Juan Island Cruise, Alaskan, cruise, or Southeast US cruises, including cruises from Baltimore, Washington DC,Charlestonandseveral citiesinFlorida.


ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation),1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe,Texas,Phone: 936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsold Worship:Sunday at10:30am,Sunday School:9:30am

Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027

GaryChapelBaptist Church

POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-4781256,SundayBibleClass 10:00am,WorshipService at11:00am.


Meetsat464McCaleb Rd.

SundayEvening Worship6:00p.m.

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356

ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery

AntiochBaptist, HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356


ChinaGroveBaptist Church,Willis,936-7674744 m, dacusbaptist@consolidated



FM2854,Montgomery, FirstBaptistChurch JonesChapelBaptist,

309PondSt.Montgomery 77356Churchphone:936597-8013Web:


SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m. 936-449-0845

Mt.CalvaryBaptist, OldHwy105,936-5882330

Mt.SinaiBaptist, BethelRoad,Montgomery,936-597-4668

UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas FM2854,936-7562505

About11miNof Montgomery onFM149

SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,Wednesday BibleStudyandYouth Group6pm

CATHOLIC SacredHeartCatholic, 109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186


BenuiBaptistChurch HoneaBaptist Church, DacusBaptist,Dacus, NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-5883399


SundayServices 10:30am METHODIST

St.Mary’s Catholic, St.Joseph’sCatholic,

7:45Service 936-894-2223

OakHillsJrHigh 22548Highway105 West Montgomery,TX 77356

thewoodlandsmethodist. org/montgomery

MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch

Phone: 936-597-6162

RichardsUnited MethodistChurch

CongregationBeth Shalom,5125 ShadowbendPlace,The Woodlands, Montgomery,TX


ZionChurch, GraceLutheran (ELCA), 20350FM2854 LUTHERAN

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944

LivingSavior LutheranChurch-LCMS

AprilSoundChurch, 67½AprilWindS., AprilSound,936-5882832

SundaySchool10AM 6639FM1696Richards


1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, 936-597-5331or936449-5983

10AMWorshipService FM1774,Plantersville, 8:45SundaySchool


LivingWayChurch, 2080LongmireRd, Conroe



Meetsat18961 FreeportDrMontgomery 936.582.7722

JEWISH CR213,Stoneham, 19190KeenanCutoff Rd.

SundayWorshipat 6:00pm

CommunityAnd Interdenominational

LoneStarCowboy Church


NewBeginningBible Church, Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,

19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-5978921

WaldenCommunity Church, Admin@TCMontgomer andclickonWatchnow 936-441-8875 Thursday7:30pm SundaySchoolat 10:00am AbundantLife MinistriesCornerofFM 149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService 11:30
EvaSt.Montgomery,TX77356 (936)597-5742Pastors Randy&DarlaWeaver ServiceTimes:Sundays @8AM,9:30AM&11 AMMondays@7PM Livestream:Watchus liveSundays@9:30AM &11
amWednesday Pray/BibleStudy6:30pm Transformation ChurchMontgomery LighthouseFellowship Church, Sun:10:30am 12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696 Montgomery,936-5827700 LivingBranch Church, Montgomery,TX77316
936-588-3400 CarbonChurch, Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660 Services9:30and11 a.m. 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-4494414 1011W.Lewis,Conroe, 936-756-7792 LakesideBible Church, 18940FreeportDrive Montgomery,936-5821977 ChurchofSt.John, retreatandwildlife center, 2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936597-5757 RiverofLifeChurch, 12681FM149 Montgomery TX77356 (936)597-3949 SeniorPastorDale Talbert ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries FellowshipofMontgomery WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomer usonFacebook @thefmchurch! CornerstoneChurch, PastorCarySmith 301PondStreet, Montgomery TX. Web: TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter CelebrationService 10amSundays TheChurch@Lake Conroe Phone: 936-582-4855 Worship -10:30am and6:00pm Email: cofcmontgomery@consoli GateEntrance Wednesday - 7:00pm St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, NorthShoreChurch FM149N.,Montgomery,936-449-6807 Sundayworship@ 10:00a.m.Wed.activites 6:30-8pm EPISCOPAL Montgomery,TX77316 18501Fm1097West@ theBentwaterWest Conroe,Texas936-7568884 ChurchofChristin Montgomery 936-588-4975 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays Mt.PleasentBaptist Church PastorsSean&LoriJo Cook 2727N.Loop336West 936/890-8034 1701McCalebRd 1803HighlandHollow, Conroe,936-756-8831 SunSch10:00 936-689-3141 PRESBYTERIN Sun.9:00&11:00 CovenantFelloship 10amWorshipService 302N.Danville,Willis, Tx.77378 FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe Nurseryprovided SundayBibleClass9:30am PaulPraschnik, Minister
CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755
alluring destinations suchasNewport's"Avenue of the Mansions, or the scenic mountain tops of Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor Maine New England's historic towns and rocky beaches are beautiful both in the summer and the fall. Treat yourself to a breathtaking fall foliage cruise roundtrip from New York City andexperiencethecolorful and quaint Hudson River cruise. River cruise ship are much smaller than your traditional cruise ship so they can go into ports that are not available to the larger cruise ships You willalwaysbeclosetoland and will not have huge crowds to contend with Whether it is here in the United States, or anywhere intheworld,777Travelcan find the best river cruise thatwillcheckanotheritem offyourbucketlist. Callus at 281-541-1301 today for allyourtravelneeds. MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April17,2024,Page5 To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397 ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismadepossiblebythesebusinesses AREACHURCHES TRAVEL ArthurHermiz-Travel Consultant 777TravelForallyouLeisureand Businesstravelneeds 281-541-1301 TravelColumn
Travel Adventures with Arthur : Cruising
Photos courtesy of Avalon Waterways
Page6,Wednesday,April17,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL NOTICEOFSALE § MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,bythe ClerkofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedand deliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty,IhaveonMarch19,2024 seized,leviedupon,and , willofferforsalethefollowingproperties,onthefirstTuesdayinMay 2024,thesamebeingthe6th day of said month, Pursuant to Texas Tax Code 34.01, and as further provided in the Resolution adoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedas instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County,Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conducted as an ONLINE AUCTION at the following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions. The Montgomery County Constableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledinagiven month,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday,beginningat10:00AM, andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsin such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Montgomery County Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete descriptionofeachrespectivetract.)or,uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney,a sufficientportionofthepropertydescribedaboveshallbesoldtosatisfysaidjudgment(s),interest, penalties,andcost;andanypropertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendants oranypersonhavinganinteresttherein,toredeemthesaidproperty ortheirinteresttherein,within the time and in the manner provided by law, and shall be subject to any other and further rights to whichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedthereinmaybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Said saletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)renderedintheabovestyledandnumberedcause(s), togetherwithinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothe satisfactionthereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthelawdirects. By;/s/AshtonHedrick,8510 ConstableChrisJones By:/s/ChrisJones Notes: MontgomeryCounty,Texas However,theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisa party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the propertyplusallcostsofsuitandsale.ALLSALESSUBJECTTOCANCELLATIONWITHOUT PRIORNOTICE.THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE PROPERTYWHICH HAVE BEENASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For moreinformation,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP, attorneyforplaintiffs,at(936)760-1410 PublishedDates:April10,17,24,2024 TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S DatedatConroe,Texas,the19thdayofMarch,2024. TheMinimumBidisthelesseroftheamountawardedinthejudgmentplusinterestandcostsorthe adjudgedvalue. OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHECOUNTYANDTHATTHEREARENOKNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERING ATA X DEED TO ANY PURCHASER WHO FAILS TO PRESENT TO THE OFFICER THE REQUIRED WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COUNTYTAXASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. InvestigatorAshtonHedrick,8510 THE STATE OF TEXAS NOTICETODEFENDANT:"Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouor yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby 10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedate of issuance of this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you." MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058 CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL Cause Number: 24-04-05149 ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService P.OBox2985 17044ElCaminoReal To: Xavier Von Bertrab and all Unknown Heirs of Xavier Von Bertrab, Et Al (In Rem Only) You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petition at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of forty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday the 20thdayofMay,2024beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original nd Petitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe2 dayofApril,2024,inthiscase,numbered 24-04-05149onthedocketofsaidcourt. Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: Walden on Lake Conroe Community Improvement Association, Inc. are Plaintiffsand Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: The nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: Plaintiff sued Defendants for delinquent HOAAssessmentsastothePropertylegallydescribedas: asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirementsoflaw,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. Xavier Von Bertrab and all Unknown Heirs of Xavier Von Bertrab, Et Al (In RemOnly)areDefendants Lot Twenty (20), Block Forty (40), of Walden, Section Five (5), a subdivision in MontgomeryCounty,Texas,accordingtothemaporplatthereof,recordedinVolume 10,pages64-69oftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas. MontgomeryCounty,Texas (SEAL,DistrictCourt) MelisaMiller,DistrictClerk DelcyPhillips 4/5/20249:18:13 PublishedDates:April10,17,24andMay1,2024 IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas, thisonthisthe5thdayofApril,2024. By:/s/DelcyPhillips Lot 2, Block 3, of Woodforest, Section 55, a subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof in Cabinet Z, Sheets 3610 of the Map Records of MontgomeryCounty,Texas;morecommonlyknownas354CapriccioLane,Montgomery,TX 77316(Property"). COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY DATEDthis20thdayofMarch,2024;at19100UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas. ConstableChrisJones-Pct.5MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe19thdayofMarch,2024. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 284th JUDICIALDISTRICT COURTofMONTGOMERYCounty Texas;Cause#23-02-02013inaJudgmentrenderedonthe6th day of March, 2024, where as in Style Woodforest OwnersAssociation, Inc., Plaintiff against Joe EdwardDaniels,Jr.,Defendant,Ididonthe19thdayofMarch,2024at12:47o'clockp.m.levyupon thefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant: NOTICEOFCONSTABLESSALE By:/s/AshtonHedrick THESTATEOFTEXAS Andonthe7thdayofMay 2024,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaid month, on the Courthouse Steps located at 301 N. Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 of said MONTGOMERYCounty Texas in the City of CONROE; I will proceed to sell at the time of the publicauctionforcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofJoeEdwardDaniels,Jr.,Defendantinandto said property representing interest and costs of suit, together with legal fees and commissions throughthedateofjudgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesand interestrecoverablebylawinfavorofWoodforestOwnersAssociation,Inc. ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE. By:/s/ChrisJones InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 PublishedDates:April10,17,24,2024 NOTICE OF PUBLICAUCTION PublishedDates:April10,17,2024 Public Notice: Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, New Caney Self Storagelocatedat22020SouthparkSt.,NewCaney TX77357willholdapublicauctionto satisfy a landlord's lien. The sale will be held online April 27th, 2024 at 10:00am CST at,19,21,22and24willbe accepteduntil5/9/202404:00PM(CST).Propertybeingsoldincludescontentsinspacesof following tenants: Unit 5 - Brian Crutcher - Household items; Unit 19 – Tony AndresHouseholditems;Unit21-LuisValdez-Householditems;Unit22-KevinDavis-Household items;andUnit24-PattiMatlock-Householditems To:VeronicaCamachoandtoallwhomitmayconcern,Respondent(s), POBOX2985 4900WoodwayDrive The suit requests that Original Petition for Termination and Adoption, all as is more fully showninthePetitiononfileinthiscause. HoustonTX77056-1846 THE STATE OF TEXAS CITATION BYPUBLICATION/POSTING - FAMILYCODE Cause Number: 23-09-12763-CV Thedateandplaceofbirthofthechild(ren)whois(are)thesubjectofsuitis/are:March7, 2011inSanMarcos,HaysCounty Texas. CONROE,TX77305q Suite510 The petition of Stephanie Seidel; Aaron Seidel, Petitioner was filed in the 418th Judicial DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,onthisthe5thdayofSeptember,2023,against VeronicaCamachoRespondent(s)numbered23-09-12763andentitled CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYREQUESTINGTHESERVICE IntheInterestofJosiahCamacho TheCourthastheauthorityinthissuittoenteranyjudgmentordecreeinthechildreninterest which will be binding to you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determinationofpaternityandappointmentofaconservatorwithauthoritytoconsenttothe childrenadoption. IssuedandgivenundermyhandsealofsaidCourtatConroe,Texasonthisthe11thdayof April,2024. (SEAL,DistrictCourt) MelisaMiller,DistrictClerk MontgomeryCounty Texas MelisaMiller RobertTeir Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorneydonotfileawritten answerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingthe expirationoftwentydaysafteryouwereservedthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generallymustbemadenolaterthan30daysafteryoufileyouranswerwiththeclerk.Find By:/s/TraciGunter 4/11/20249:35:20AM JosiahCamacho TraciGunter Deputy PublishedDates:April17,24,May1,8,2024 NOTICETODEFENDANT:"Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouor yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby 10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedate of issuance of this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you." P.OBox2985 2221SVossRoad Cause Number: 23-12-18213 Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77057 CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL THE STATE OF TEXAS Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: David L. Cheek; The Estate of Susan G. Cheek, and All Unknown Heirs are Defendants ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService RoyalForestColonyClub,Inc.arePlaintiffsand MelisaMiller ChristopherJ.Archambault To: TheEstateofSusanG.Cheek,andAllUnknownHeirs You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petition at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of forty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday the th20 dayofMay,2024beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original Petition was filed in said court on this the 8th day of December, 2023, in this case, numbered23-12-18213onthedocketofsaidcourt. Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: Plaintiff, Royal Forest Colony Club, Inc., by and through its attorney of record, Chris Archambault,2221S.VossRd.,Houston,TX77057,broughtsuitunderCauseNo.23-1218213; In the 457th District Court of Montgomery County Texas, for enforcement and foreclosure of Plaintiff's lien on the following described real property of which Defendants, THEUNKNOWNHEIRSATLAWOFSUSANG.CHEEK,arepotentialpartiesininterest: THE NORTH ONE-HALF (N. ½) OF LOT 458B, AND ALL OF LOT 458C, AND THE SOUTH 'ONE-HALF (S. ½) OF LOT 459A, ROYAL FOREST, AN UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERYCOUNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT CONTAINING 0.447 ACRES, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION. Commonlyknownas13171RoyalCreekRd.,Conroe,TX77303. asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirementsoflaw,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. (SEAL,DistrictCourt) MelisaMiller,DistrictClerk TraciGunter 4/1/20249:26:38AM MontgomeryCounty,Texas PublishedDates:April17,24,May1,8,2024 IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas, thisonthisthe1stdayofApril,2024. By:/s/TraciGunter


Allsalesarewithoutwarranty,expressedorimplied.Specifically,thereisnowarrantyastotitleor physicalcondition(includingtheconditionorexistenceofanyimprovements).Thesalesaresubject toanyrightsofredemptionasprovidedbylaw

All volume and page references in the legal description refer to the records of the County Clerk of MontgomeryCounty Allprospectivebiddersshouldmaketheirowninvestigationofthetitleheldby thetaxingentitiesandthevalueoftheproperty Prospectivebiddersareencouragedtoconsult



Wednesday,April17,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews,Page7 LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL NOTICEOFTAXRESALE Pursuant to a resolution of its governing body under Section 34.05(c), Property Tax Code, Montgomery County has requested a public re-sale by my office of certain properties previously foreclosedandbidofftothetaxingunitsinthesuitsdescribedbelow Therefore,Iwillofferforsale thefollowingpropertiesonMay7,2024,PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01andasfurtherprovidedin theResolutionadoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasonJuly27,2021 and recorded as instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County Texas,taxsaleinMontgomeryCountyshallbeconductedasanONLINEAUCTIONatthe following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions.The Montgomery CountyConstableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledin agivenmonth,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00 AM,andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidder,andinthemannerprovidedbySection 34.05(d),PropertyTaxCode,alloftheright,titleandinterestofthetaxingunits,acquiredthrough each of the suits listed below in and to the following described real estate being situated in MontgomeryCounty,Texas,towit: (PropertiespreviouslystruckofftoMONTGOMERYCOUNTY) (Seenotebelow) ConstablePhilipCash Notie:MontgomeryCountyisthetaxingunittowhichthepropertywasstruckofftointrust. nd ConstablePhilipCash,By:/s/StephenClosson,Datedthe22 dayofMarch,2024 PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S TALSALEPURCHASERSAREENCOURAGEDTOCHECKWITHTHTAXINGENTITIESFO ROTHERTAXESTHATMAYBEDUEONPROPERTY PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHECOUNTYANDTHATTHEREARENOKNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE
CLAIMS BY THE TAXING ENTITIES FO POSTJUDGMENTTAXES. § MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § NOTICEOFSALE STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,bythe ClerkofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedand deliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty,IhaveonMarch1, 024 seized,leviedupon,and 2 , willofferforsalethefollowingproperties,onthefirstTuesdayinMay,2024,thesamebeingthe7th day of said month, Pursuant to Texas Tax Code 34.01, and as further provided in the Resolution adoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedas instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conducted as an ONLINE AUCTION at the following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions. The Montgomery County Constableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledinagiven month,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday,beginningat10:00AM, andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsin such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. Notes: PublishedDates:April17,24andMay1,2024 However theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisa party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the propertyplusallcostsofsuitandsale.ALLSALESSUBJECTTOCANCELLATIONWITHOUT PRIORNOTICE.THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE By;/s/R.Gable (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Montgomery County Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete descriptionofeachrespectivetract.)or,uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney,a sufficientportionofthepropertydescribedaboveshallbesoldtosatisfysaidjudgment(s),interest, penalties,andcost;andanypropertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendants oranypersonhavinganinteresttherein,toredeemthesaidproperty ortheirinteresttherein,within the time and in the manner provided by law and shall be subject to any other and further rights to whichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedthereinmaybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Said saletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)renderedintheabovestyledandnumberedcause(s), togetherwithinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothe satisfactionthereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthelawdirects. PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHECOUNTYANDTHATTHEREARENOKNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERING ATA X DEED TO ANY PURCHASER WHO FAILS TO PRESENT TO THE OFFICER THE REQUIRED WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COUNTYTAXASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. MontgomeryCounty Texas TheMinimumBidisthelesseroftheamountawardedinthejudgmentplusinterestandcostsorthe adjudgedvalue. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S DatedatConroe,Texas,the21stdayofMarch,2024. ConstableRyanGable PROPERTYWHICH HAVE BEENASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For moreinformation,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP, attorneyforplaintiffs,at(936)760-1410 CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE PublishedDates:April17,24,May1,2024 ConstablePCT 1 Sergeant By:S.Closson TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: MontgomeryCounty,Texas Lot701,RoyalForestSubdivision,Section01,1.4505acres,moreorless,outoftheJoseM.DeLa Garza Survey, Abstract Number 15, Montgomery County, Texas. MCAD account # 8470-0029900. PhilipCash th Witnessmyhandthis20 dayofMarch2024. SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE THESTATEOFTEXAS * COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainWritofExecutionissuedoutoftheJusticeofthePeaceCourt, th Pct.1ofMontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe13 dayofMarch2024,infavorofRoyalForestColony Club, recovered a judgment in Cause No. 1SC2831, in the Justice of the Peace Court, Pct. 1 in th MontgomeryCounty Texasonthe15 dayofDecember2021,againstDavidP Kervin&JoyceM. KervinRevocableLivingTrustforthesumof: 1. Amount: $1,073.67 2. CourtCosts $136.97 th 3. Interestfromthe15 dayofDecember2021,attherateof5%perannum, Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas,did th th onthe14 dayofMarch2024levyonRealpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7 dayofMay2024,I willofferforsaleandsellattheMontgomeryCountyCourthouselocatedat301N.MainStreet,Conroe, Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),,Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00amforcashtothe highestbidder,allrights,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantDavidP Kervin&JoyceM.Kervin RevocableLivingTrusthadinthepropertydescribedbelow: PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: Kenneth Hayden, Constable Pct. 421130 US Hwy 59 #C New Caney TX.77357 NOTICEOFSALE (REALPROPERTY) Lot FIVE (5), Block TWO (2), Riverwalk Section THREE (3), a subdivision of 631.92 acres of land located in the George Mason Survey, Abstract 341 and the Thomas Vanhorn Survey Abstract 587, of Montgomery County,Texas, according to the map orplat thereof recorded in CabinetM,Sheets164thru171oftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas THESTATEOFTEXAS § COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § th ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery th County Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe4 dayofMay,2021 inthecaseofRiverwalkProperty OwnersAssociation,INC Plaintiff,vs.AraceliLopez&SaulHerrera,Defendant(s),CauseNo.2102-02325insaidcourt,judgmentbeinginfavorofRiverwalkPropertyOwnersAssociation,INC, th PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe13 DayofMarch 2024at12:17o'clockpm.,levyupon thefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):AraceliLopez&SaulHerrera. th andonthe7 dayofMay 2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clockp.m.,at501 NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty Conroe,Texas,Iwillofferfor saleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofAraceliLopez&Saul Herrera Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty th Witnessmyhandthisthe13 dayofMarch,2024. DeputyR.Hamlet 281-577-8985 PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 th Datedthe26 dayofMarch,2024. By:/s/PhilipCash anyvolumeandpagereferences,unlessotherwiseindicated,beingtotheDeedRecords,Montgomery County Texas,towhichinstrumentsreferencemaybemadeforamorecompletedescriptionofeach respectivetract.)or,uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney,asufficientportion ofthepropertydescribedaboveshallbesoldtosatisfysaidjudgment(s)interest,penalties,andcost. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s),togetherwithinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeapplied tothesatisfactionthereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthelawdirects. THESTATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)ofthe284thDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date, in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to me th directedanddeliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty,Ihaveonthe26 dayofMarch,2024, seized,leviedupon,andwill,onthefirstTuesdayinMay,2024,thesamebeingthe7thdayofsaid month,insidetheMontgomeryCountyCourthouseat130NMainSt,Conroe,Texas77301,between thehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.,beginningatapproximately10:00a.m.,onsaidday proceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsinsuch suit(s)inandtothefollowingdescribedrealestatelevieduponasthepropertyofsaiddefendants,the samelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,to-wit: NOTES: ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. This propertymayhaveotherliens,taxesdueorencumbrances,whichmaybecometheresponsibilityof thesuccessfulbidder COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § NOTICEOFSALE Cause#:23-02-01792OVATIONSERVICES,LLCv JILLL.FLOWERS,ETAL;JudgmentDate: October2,2023TaxAcct#:7746-00-03100OrderofSaleIssued:February25,2024 LegalDescription:LOT31,INPANORAMACOUNTRYHOUSESECTION,OFPANORAMA,A SUBDIVISIONINMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 11, PAGE 66 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS. Commonlyknownas:31LakewaySt.,Conroe,TX77304 JudgmentAmount:$46,618.13pluspenaltiesandinterestthathasaccruedfromSeptember28,2023
their attorney Prospectivebiddersshouldnotrelyonthe“AdjudgedValue”,representingtheactualvalue ofthepropertyoranyinformationregardingthepropertycontainedintherecordsoftheMontgomery CountyAppraisalDistrict. Paymentmustbemadeincashorbycashierscheck.Allsalesarefinal.
LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL Page8,Wednesday,April17,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews 936-449-NEWS (6397) MontgomeryCounty,Texas By:/s/StephenClosson PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 PhilipCash,Constable Deputy (REALPROPERTY) LOT1, BLOCK 1 OFAUBURNTRAILSATOAKHURST, SECTION 13,ASUBDIVISION LOCATEDINMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET Z, SHEET 2974 OFTHE MAPOR RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS (THE "PROPERTY") A.K.A. 24115 NEWBERRY BENDDR.PORTER,TEXAS77365. COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe30thdayofAugust,2023,inthecaseof Oakhurst Community Association Inc., Plaintiff, vs. Zakary N. Ndegwa, Defendant(s), Cause No.23-05-07236insaidcourt,judgmentbeinginfavorofOakhurstCommunityAssociationInc, PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe2ndDayofApril,2024at10:00o'clockpm.,levyupon thefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):ZakaryN.Ndegwa. NOTICEOFSALE andonthe7thdayofMay2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clock p.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty Conroe,Texas,I willofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofZakaryN. Ndegwa,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty /s/RandyCrowder nd Witnessmyhandthisthe2 dayofApril,2024. KennethHayden,ConstablePct.4 21130USHwy59#C THESTATEOFTEXAS § DeputyR.Crowder#8451 NewCaney,TX.77357 281-577-8985 PublishedDates:April17,24andMay1,2024 3. Post-judgment interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgmentsigneduntilfullypaid. BY VIRTUE OF A ORDER OF SALE issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County State of Texas, in a certain cause numbered 22-03-03110 on a judgment rendered in said court on the 7th day of OctoberA.D. 2022 and directed and delivered to me as ConstableofMontgomeryCountyPrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty Texas.Ihaveonthe15th dayofMarchA.D.2024levieduponandwillofferforsalebetweenthehoursprescribedbylawat approximately10:00A.M.onthefirstTuesdayinMayA.D.2024,itbeingthe7thofsaidmonthat public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand at the Courthouse steps of 301 N Main St. Conroe,TX77301ofsaidMontgomeryCounty Texas,alltherighttitleandinterest,ifany whichthe defendanthadonthe7thdayofOctoberA.D.2022,oratanytimethereafter,ofandinthefollowing describedpropertytowit: NOTICEOFCONSTABLESALE Lot 7, In Block 4, of Crockett Trace, Section One (1), a Subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas,accordingtothemaporplatthereof,recordedinCabinetO,Sheet(S)157through162of theMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas. 1. $1,210.80PrincipalSum 2. $3,060.87AttorneyFees 4. $0.00CourtCost/processserverfees TheabovepropertyisleviedonasthepropertyofRichardL.Pfirmanandwillbesoldtosatisfya judgmentinthe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texasrenderedonthe7thday ofOctoberA.D.2022infavorofCrockettTraceHomeownersAssociate,Inc.andagainstthesaid RichardL.Pfirman. Biddersmustpre-registerpriortothesaletobidonthisproperty(CivilPracticeandRemedies Code34.0445) By:/s/PaulHubbard DeputyPaulHubbard MontgomeryCount Texasy, MontgomeryCounty,Texas TexasRulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurityforanydebt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignmentormortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenitis held by the pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignmentormortgage. GIVENUNDERMYHANDonthisDate26thofMarch,A.D.2024 FORTHEPRINCIPAL,INTERESTANDALLCOSTSACCRUINGBYVIRTUEOFSAID SUITTHETOTALSUM. GeneDeforest,Constable 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit MontgomeryCountyPrecinct2 PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 MontgomeryCountyConstablePrecinct2 NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE THESTATEOFTEXAS * COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, th th didonthe4 dayofApril,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7 dayofMay, 2024 Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),, Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder,allright,title,and interestthatthesaiddefendantCsabaMeiszburgerhadinthepropertydescribedbelow: PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty Texasonthe19 dayofApril,2024infavorofBentwaterPropertyOwners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.19-06-08569-CV,inthe284 JudicialDistrict st CourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe31 dayofOctober 2019,againstCsabaMeiszburger 1. $12,818.21Principlesum 2. $4,458.55($2,658.55and$1,800Additional)Attorneyfees 3. Post-judgmentinterestattherateoffivepercent(5.25%)perannumonthetotal judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgment is signeduntilfullypaid. 4. $525.87($315.87CourtCostsand$210.00ProcessServer) 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: LOTTEN(10),BLOCKTHREE(3),OFBENTWATER,SECTIONTHIRTY-THREE(33),A SUBDIVISION SITUATED IN JAMES J. FOSTER SURVEY, A203 AND THE RICHARD WILLIS SURVEY, A-626, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAPORPLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINCABINETG,SHEET47ETSEQ.OFTHEMAP RECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXASMORECOMMONLYKNOWNAS300 CAMDENHILLSDRIVE,MONTGOMERY TX77356(“PROPERTY”) ConstablePCT.1 PhilipCash th Witnessmyhandthis4 dayofApril,2024. By: S.Closson SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 Sergeant NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHT THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BUYERSARE FURTHERADVISED THATTHE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITYINTERESTONTHEPROPERTY YOUHAVESIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVER INTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS, YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. MontgomeryCounty,Texas CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: PhilipCash Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, th th didonthe4 dayofApril,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7 dayofMay, 2024 Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),, Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder,allright,title,and interest that the said defendant Fortune Operating Company, A Texas Corporation had in the propertydescribedbelow: Sergeant TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: LOTTWELVE(12),BLOCKTWO(2),OFBENTWATER,SECTIONTHIRTY-SEVEN(37), A SUBDIVISION SITUATED IN THE JAMES J FOSTER SURVEY A-203 AND THE RICHARD WILLIS SURVEY, H-626, MONTGOMERYCOUNTY, TEXAS,ACCORDING TOTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINCABINETE,SHEET181ET SEQ.OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY,TEXAS,INMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS,MORECOMMONLYKNOWN AS205BLUEHILLDRIVE,MONTGOMERY,TX77356 COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * MontgomeryCounty,Texas THESTATEOFTEXAS * NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe19 dayofMarch,2023infavorofBentwaterPropertyOwners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.19-06-08737-CV inthe284 JudicialDistrict th CourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe7 dayofNovember,2019,againstFortuneOperating Company,ATexasCorporation. 1. $13,492.99Principlesum 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: 2. $4,916.60($3,116.60and$1,800.00Additional)Attorneyfees 3. Post-judgment interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgment is signeduntilfullypaid. 4. $740.87CourtCosts(includes$425processserverfees) th Witnessmyhandthis4 dayofApril,2024. ConstablePCT.1 By: S.Closson CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHT THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BUYERSARE FURTHERADVISED THATTHE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITYINTERESTONTHEPROPERTY YOUHAVESIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVER INTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS, YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 th DATED at 1520 Lake Front Circle Suite 900,TheWoodlands,Texas, this the 4 dayofApril,2024. DeputyJohnGVasquez NOTICEOFEXECUTIONSALE By virtue of a Order Of Sale issued out of the Honorable 284th Judicial th DistrictCourt,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe5 day of May, 2023, in the case of Rayford Ridge Property Owners Association., Plaintiff,vs.DanielL.MooreandAudryMoore.1.$1,167.42PrincipalSum.(2) $4,808.00($3,008.58and$1,800.00additional)Attorneyfees.(3)PostJudgement Interestattherateof(7.75%)perannumonallamountsawardedinthisjudgment, includingattorneyfees,fromthedateofthisjudgementissigneduntilfullypaid.4. $617.58($376.58CourtCostand$241.00ProcessServer).5.$1,500.00Judgment credit and foreclosure of a lien on the following described property, Defendant, Cause No. 23-02-02503 in said court, judgmentbeing in favor of Rayford Ridge PropertyOwnersAssociation.,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant,Ididonthe4thday ofApril2024,at2:10o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyof Defendant: COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § 1520LakeFrontCircle,Suite900 PublishedDates:April17,24,May1,2024 THESTATEOFTEXAS § By:/s/JohnGVasquez 281-364-4211 TheWoodlands,TX77380 LOTTEN(10),INBLOCKONE(1),OFRAYFORDRIDGESUBDIVISIONOF 17 6245 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, SITUATED IN THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL LAND SURVEY, A-350, AND THE JOHN WILLIAMS SURVEY A-641, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDINGTOTHE MAPOR PLATTHEREOF IN CABINETU, SHEETS 167 AND 168 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 510 ANACACHO, SPRING, TX 77386;andonthe7thdayofMay 2024,betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at the Montgomery County Courthouse located at 501 N. Thompson Suite 402, Conroe, Texas 77301, I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Daniel L. Moore and AudryMoore,Defendantinandtosaidproperty RyanGable-ConstablePct.3 DeputyJohnGVasquez Published:April17,24,May1,2024 TheWoodlands,TX77380 NOTICEOFEXECUTIONSALE By:/s/JohnGVasquez 281-364-4211 1520LakeFrontCircle,Suite900 COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § ByvirtueofaOrderOfSaleissuedoutoftheHonorable284thJudicialDistrictCourt,Montgomery th County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 27 day of July, 2023, in the case of Community Association of Harmony Inc., Plaintiff, vs. Christy llshena Janaie Chatham. (1) $6981.73 Unpaid AmountdueonAssessmentAccount.(2)$0.00Attorneyfees.(3)Interestonallamountsawardedin thisjudgmentattherateof(5%)perannumfromthedateofthisjudgmentuntilpaidinfull.(4)$0.00 CourtCosts,$1,258.00Judgmentcreditandforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty, Defendant, Cause No. 23-05-07667 in said court, judgment being in favor of ,Community AssociationofHarmony Inc.,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant,Ididonthe4thdayofApril2024,at 2:10o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant: th DATEDat1520LakeFrontCircleSuite900,TheWoodlands,Texas,thisthe4 dayofApril,2024. THESTATEOFTEXAS § LOT20,BLOCK03,VIVACYATHARMONY,SECTION2ANDADDITIONMONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE MAPRECORDS OF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS UNDER CABINETZ, SHEET58795880,ASMODIFIEDBYANYSUPPLEMENTSTHERETOORREPLATSTHEREOF ;andonthe 7th day of May, 2024, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at the MontgomeryCountyCourthouselocatedat501N.ThompsonSuite402,Conroe,Texas77301,Iwill offerforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofChristyllshena JanaieChatham,Defendantinandtosaidproperty RyanGable-ConstablePct.3 LegalNoticesContinuedonfollowingpage

respectivetract.)or uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney asufficientportionofthe property described above shall

sold to satisfy

judgment(s), interest, penalties, and

and any propertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendantsoranypersonhavinganinterest therein,toredeemthesaidproperty ortheirinteresttherein,withinthetimeandinthemannerprovidedby law andshallbesubjecttoanyotherandfurtherrightstowhichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedtherein maybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Saidsaletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothesatisfactionthereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthe lawdirects.



DatedatConroe,Texas,the21stdayofMarch,2024. MontgomeryCounty Texas By;/s/StephenClosson

TheMinimumBidisthelesseroftheamountawardedinthejudgmentplusinterestandcostsortheadjudged value.

However theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisapartyto thesuit(otherthanataxingunit),istheaggregateamountofthejudgmentsagainstthepropertyplusallcosts of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. THERE


PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For more information,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP,attorneyfor plaintiffs,at(936)760-1410


LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April17,2024,Page9 STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,bytheClerk ofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedanddeliveredas SherifforConstableofsaidCounty,IhaveonMarch21,2024 seized,leviedupon,andwillofferforsale , the following properties, on the first Tuesday in May, 2024, the same being the 7th day of said month, PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01,andasfurtherprovidedintheResolutionadoptedbytheCommissioners CourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedasinstrumentnumber2021105114in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conductedasanONLINEAUCTIONatthefollowingURL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions.TheMontgomeryCountyConstableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,if anyarescheduledinagivenmonth,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00AM,andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterest ofthedefendantsinsuchsuit(s)inandtothefollowingdescribedrealestatelevieduponasthepropertyof saiddefendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: NOTICEOFSALE § (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Montgomery County Texas, to
which instruments reference may
made for a more complete description of each
ISSUED BY THE COUNTY TAX ASSESSORCOLLECTOR. StephenClosson,Deputy ConstablePhilipCash TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S Notes: STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § NOTICEOFSALE § andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,bytheClerk ofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedanddeliveredas SherifforConstableofsaidCounty IhaveonMarch19,2024 seized,leviedupon,andwillofferforsale the following properties, on the first Tuesday in May, 2024, the same being the 6th day of said month, PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01,andasfurtherprovidedintheResolutionadoptedbytheCommissioners CourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedasinstrumentnumber2021105114in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County, Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conductedasanONLINEAUCTIONatthefollowingURL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions.TheMontgomeryCountyConstableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,if anyarescheduledinagivenmonth,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00AM,andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterest ofthedefendantsinsuchsuit(s)inandtothefollowingdescribedrealestatelevieduponasthepropertyof saiddefendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: DeputyRandyCrowder OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. DatedatConroe,Texas,the19thdayofMarch,2024. By:/s/ PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHE COUNTYANDTHATTHEREARE NO KNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERING A TA X DEED TO ANY PURCHASER WHO FAILS TO PRESENT TO THE OFFICER THE REQUIRED WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COUNTYTAXASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. ConstableKenneth“Rowdy”Haydon Notes: However,theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisa party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale.ALLSALES SUBJECTTO CANCELLATIONWITHOUT PRIORNOTICE.THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 TheMinimumBidisthelesseroftheamountawardedinthejudgmentplusinterestandcostsorthe adjudgedvalue. MontgomeryCounty,Texas (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Montgomery County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete descriptionofeachrespectivetract.)or uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties,andcost;andanypropertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendants oranypersonhavinganinteresttherein,toredeemthesaidproperty ortheirinteresttherein,withinthe timeandinthemannerprovidedbylaw,andshallbesubjecttoanyotherandfurtherrightstowhichthe defendantsoranyoneinterestedthereinmaybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw.Saidsaletobe madebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)renderedintheabovestyledandnumberedcause(s),together withinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothesatisfaction thereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthelawdirects. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S By;/s/RandyCrowder PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For moreinformation,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP attorneyforplaintiffs,at(936)760-1410 NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE 2. $5,003Attorneyfees THESTATEOFTEXAS * COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * PhilipCash Sergeant By:S.Closson Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas,didonthe th th 8 dayofApril,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow andonthe7 dayofMay 2024 Iwillofferfor sale and sell at 301 N. Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 (west side court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder allright,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantKim BetheaSykeshadinthepropertydescribedbelow: ConstablePCT 1 Notice is hereby given that by a certain Order of Sale issued out of the 284 Judicial District Court of th Montgomery County, Texas on the 13 day of March, 2024 in favor of Bentwater Property Owners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.19-06-08534-CV,inthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof stMontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe31 dayofOctober,2019,againstKimBetheaSykes. 1. $13,148.43Principlesum PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: 3. Post-judgmentinterestattherateoffiveandonequarterpercent(5.25%)perannumon the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgment is signeduntilfullypaid. 4. $835.22CourtCosts(includes$519.35processserverfees) 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: LOT018,BLOCK02,BENTWATER,SECTION29,ASUBDIVSIONINMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS ACORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET F SHEETS 176A & OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS MORE COMMONY KNOWNAS83CAMDENHILLSDRIVE,MONTGOMERY,TX77356 thWitnessmyhandthis8 dayofApril,2024. MontgomeryCounty Texas TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHTTHEPROPERTY“ASIS”. BUYERS AREFURTHERADVISEDTHATTHEPURCHASEOFTHEPROPERTYATTHISCONSTABLE'SSALE MAYNOT EXTINGUISHANYLIENS OR SECURITYINTEREST ON THE PROPERTY YOU HAVE SIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVERINTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOU HAVEANYQUESTIONS,YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M.
Page10,Wednesday,April17,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL ConstableGeneDeForst (PropertiespreviouslystruckofftoCONROEISD Notie:ConroeISDisthetaxingunittowhichthepropertywasstruckofftointrust. (Seenotebelow) ConstableGeneDeForest,ByDeputyP Hubbard:/s/P Hubbard,Datedthe21st dayofMarch,2024 NOTICEOFTAXRESALE Pursuant to a resolution of its governing body under Section 34.05(c), Property Tax Code, Montgomery County has requested a public re-sale by my office of certain properties previously foreclosedandbidofftothetaxingunitsinthesuitsdescribedbelow Therefore,Iwillofferforsale thefollowingpropertiesonMay7,2024,PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01andasfurtherprovidedin theResolutionadoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasonJuly27,2021 and recorded as instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County,Texas,taxsaleinMontgomeryCountyshallbeconductedasanONLINEAUCTIONatthe following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions.The Montgomery CountyConstableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledin agivenmonth,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00 AM,andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidder,andinthemannerprovidedbySection 34.05(d),PropertyTaxCode,alloftheright,titleandinterestofthetaxingunits,acquiredthrough each of the suits listed below, in and to the following described real estate being situated in MontgomeryCounty Texas,towit: Allsalesarewithoutwarranty,expressedorimplied.Specifically,thereisnowarrantyastotitleor physicalcondition(includingtheconditionorexistenceofanyimprovements).Thesalesaresubject toanyrightsofredemptionasprovidedbylaw All volume and page references in the legal description refer to the records of the County Clerk of MontgomeryCounty Allprospectivebiddersshouldmaketheirowninvestigationofthetitleheldby thetaxingentitiesandthevalueoftheproperty Prospectivebiddersareencouragedtoconsulttheir attorney Prospectivebiddersshouldnotrelyonthe“AdjudgedValue”,representingtheactualvalue ofthepropertyoranyinformationregardingthepropertycontainedintherecordsoftheMontgomery CountyAppraisalDistrict. Notes: TALSALEPURCHASERSAREENCOURAGEDTOCHECKWITHTHTAXINGENTITIESFO ROTHERTAXESTHATMAYBEDUEONPROPERTY PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 Paymentmustbemadeincashorbycashierscheck.Allsalesarefinal. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S AllSalessubjecttocancellationwithoutpriornotice. THE PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO CLAIMS BY THE TAXING ENTITIES FO POSTJUDGMENTTAXES. PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHECOUNTYANDTHATTHEREARENOKNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERING ATA X DEED TO ANY PURCHASER WHO FAILS TO PRESENT TO THE OFFICER
STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,bythe ClerkofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedand deliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty,IhaveonMarch20,2024 seized,leviedupon,and , willofferforsalethefollowingproperties,onthefirstTuesdayinMay 2024,thesamebeingthe6th day of said month, Pursuant to Texas Tax Code 34.01, and as further provided in the Resolution adoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedas instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County,Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conducted as an ONLINE AUCTION at the following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions. The Montgomery County Constableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledinagiven month,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday,beginningat10:00AM, andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsin such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: § NOTICEOFSALE MontgomeryCounty,Texas PROPERTYWHICH HAVE BEENASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For more information,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP,attorneyfor plaintiffs,at(936)760-1410 TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S By;/s/P Hubbard OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Montgomery County Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respectivetract.)or uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney asufficientportionofthe property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any propertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendantsoranypersonhavinganinterest therein,toredeemthesaidproperty,ortheirinteresttherein,withinthetimeandinthemannerprovidedby law,andshallbesubjecttoanyotherandfurtherrightstowhichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedtherein maybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Saidsaletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothesatisfactionthereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthe lawdirects. PURCHASERSOFTAXSALEPROPERTYMUSTPRESENTTOTHECONSTABLECONDUCTING THE SALE A WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED TO THE PURCHASER BY THE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES TO THE COUNTY AND THAT THERE ARE NO KNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERINGATAXDEEDTOANYPURCHASERWHOFAILSTOPRESENTTOTHEOFFICER THE REQUIRED WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COUNTY TAX ASSESSORCOLLECTOR. DatedatConroe,Texas,the19thdayofMarch,2024. By:/s/ ConstableFeneDeForest DeputyP Hubbard Notes: The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudgedvalue. However theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisapartyto the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, th th didonthe8 dayofApril,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7 dayofMay, 2024,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),, Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder allright,title,and interest that the said defendant Michael A. Hebert and Dayna M. Hebert had in the property describedbelow: PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: 1. $163.62Principlesum 2. $3,169.88Attorneyfees 4. $836.81CourtCosts th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe457 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe15 dayofMarch,2024infavorofBentwaterPropertyOwners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.20-10-12070 inthe457 JudicialDistrictCourt ofMontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe17thdayofJune,2021,againstMichaelA.HebertandDayna M.Hebert 3. Post-judgmentinterestattherateoffiveandonequarterpercent(5%perannum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awardee herein, from the date this judgmentissigneduntilfullypaid. Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE THESTATEOFTEXAS * th Witnessmyhandthis8 dayofApril,2024. MontgomeryCounty,Texas By:S.Closson Sergeant ConstablePCT 1 TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHT THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BUYERSARE FURTHERADVISED THATTHE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITYINTERESTONTHEPROPERTY YOUHAVESIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVER INTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS, YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. PhilipCash CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE LOTFOUR(4),BLOCKTWO(2),OFBENTWATER,SECTIONSIX(6),ASUBDIVISION SITUATION IN THE OWEN SHANNON SURVEY, A-36, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXASACCORDING TO THE MAPOR PLATTHEREOFRECORDED IN CABINET F SHEET 16-ATHROUGH 17-AOFTHE MAPRECORDS OFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY, TEXASMORECOMMONLYKNOWNAS122CLUBISLANDWAY,MONTGOMERY,TX 77356(“PROPERTY”) SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE THESTATEOFTEXAS * COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, th th didonthe8 dayofApril,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7 dayofMay, 2024 Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),, Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder,allright,title,and interestthatthesaiddefendantTamaraHopkinshadinthepropertydescribedbelow: th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe410 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty Texasonthe20 dayofMarch,2024infavorofBentwaterPropertyOwners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.19-08-10741-CV,inthe410 JudicialDistrict CourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe19thdayofMarch,2020,againstTamaraHopkins TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: LOTTWENTY-ONE (21), IN BLOCKTWO (2), OFBENTWATER, SECTION FIVE (5),A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS,ACCORDING TO THE MAPOR PLATTHEREOF, RECORDED IN CABINETE, SHEET181-A, OFTHE MAPRECORDS OFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXASMORECOMMONLYKNOWNAS17BERMUDA CIRCLE,MONTGOMERY,TX77356 PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 2. $4,125.00Attorneyfees SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. MontgomeryCounty,Texas Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit th Witnessmyhandthis8 dayofApril,2024. CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHT THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BUYERSARE FURTHERADVISED THATTHE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITYINTERESTONTHEPROPERTY YOUHAVESIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVER INTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS, YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. 4. $630.22CourtCostsprocessserverfees PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: 1. $8,469.93Principlesum By:S.Closson ConstablePCT 1 PhilipCash 3. Post-judgmentinterestattherateoffiveandonequarterpercent(5%perannum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awardee herein, from the date this judgmentissigneduntilfullypaid. Sergeant
Wednesday,April17,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews,Page11 LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE PublishedDates:April10and17,2024 Notice is hereby given that Storage King USAat 1626 Sawdust 346-372-7564 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auction to satisfy a lien placed on the contents(pursuanttoTitle5,LiensChapter59Sec.59.044).Thesalewilltakeplaceatthe websitewww.StorageTreasures.comon04/23/24at9:00amThesalewillbeconductedon www.StorageTreasures.comundertheguidanceofChristopherRosa(16850)onbehalfof the facility's management Units will be available for viewing prior to the sale on A1015% buyer's premium will be charged and a $100 cleaning deposit per unit.All sales are final.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawthepropertyatanytimebeforethesaleortorefuse any bids. The property to be sold is described as "general household items" unless otherwisenoted.TristanManning&PaulCordovaHomeGoods. th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe457 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty Texasonthe19 dayofMarch,2023infavorofBentwaterPropertyOwners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.20-04-04812-CV,inthe457 JudicialDistrict nd CourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe22 dayofDecember 2020,againstMichaelDeanAllen fdbaCastlerockGroup. 1. $14,939.36Principlesum 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: THESTATEOFTEXAS * LOT TEN (10) IN BLOCK TWO (2) OF BENTWATER SECTION TWELVE (12), A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLATTHEREOFRECORDED IN CABINETFSHEET70B OFTHE MAPRECORDS OF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS MORE COMONLYKNOWN AS 258 MONTERREY ROAD,MONTGOMERY,TX77356(“PROPERTY”) Sergeant PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 3. Post-judgment interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgment is signeduntilfullypaid. th Witnessmyhandthis8 dayofApril,2024. NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE 2. $5,199.61($3,399.61and$1,800Additional)Attorneyfees PhilipCash MontgomeryCounty,Texas Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: 4. $540.87($315.87CourtCostsand$225ProcessServer Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas, th th didonthe8 dayofApril,2023levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow andonthe7 dayofMay, 2024,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),, Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder,allright,title,and interest that the said defendant Michael DeanAllen fdba Castlerock Group had in the property describedbelow: COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * ConstablePCT 1 By:S.Closson CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHT THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BUYERSARE FURTHERADVISED THATTHE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITYINTERESTONTHEPROPERTY YOUHAVESIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVER INTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS, YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICEOFPUBLICSALEofpropertytosatisfylandlord'slien. Saleis10:00amonMay th14 2024. Property will be sold to highest bidder at the time of auction. Cleanup and removaldepositmayberequired. Sellerreservesrighttowithdrawpropertyfromsaleornot accept any bidder Property will be sold in entire contents of each individual storage unit. Property includes contents of spaces of following tenants: Earl Brookshire, Nichole Caldwell,JessicaYoung,andMichaelBowden.Propertybeingsoldincludesthefollowing: Householditems,andboxes.ContactTallPines-105,6421Hwy105W SteA,ConroeTx 77304,281-560-4331. PublishedDates:April17,24,2024 Notice of Public Sale: PublishedDates:April17,24,2024 RecNation RV and Boat Storage unit contents are being sold to satisfy a landlord's lien. Sale to be held at from 4/17/24 12pm to 5/2/24 12pm.Cleanupdepositisrequired.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawtheproperty at any time before sale. Unit items sold to highest bidder All spaces contain household items unless otherwise noted. TXHOU03- 1424 Northpark Dr, Kingwood, TX 77339: William Brand, TXHOU10- 306 Corporate Woods Dr, Magnolia, TX 77354: RyanBarber Noticeofstoredvehicle:1994JEEPGRANDCHEROKEE,VIN1J4GZ68S8RC212762, was towed/stored on 03/31/2024 @ JasonAdamick's Wrecker Service (0612563vsf), 14534 HWY 75 N., Willis, TX. Ph: 936-856-9595. Charges due on each include: $275 Tow Fee, $22.85 Daily Storage, $22.85 Impound Fee, $25 Admin Fee, 8.25% tax on Storage. PUBLIC NOTICE OF STORED VEHICLE PublishedDates:April17,andMay1,2024 2021TaizMoped,Whiteincolor,Vin:L5YACBPH4M1127099,Plate#93B466A R&RTowingandRecovery,TDLR#0006596365C,VSF#0659815VSF Final Notification To Owner TowedFrom422CountyRd3792ClevelandTx77328 Storageaddress:22031aWalnutDrPorterTx77365,281-601-7832 PublishedDate:April17,2024 NOTICETOCREDITORS Allpersonshavingclaimsagainsttheestateareherebyrequiredtopresentsamewithinthe timerequiredbylawtotheaddressofMelissaWarren,beingat: c/oRobertMarkowitz,Attorney 18735W CoolBreezeLane Montgomery,TX77356 Thisnoticeissuedby:RobertMarkowitz Notice is hereby given that on March 27, 2024 Melissa Warren was duly appointed as IndependentAdministratoroftheEstateofBrianWilsoninCause24-46071-P,ProbateCourtNo.1, Montgomery County Texas and Letters ofAdministration with WillAnnexed have been issued to MelissaWarren. AttorneyatLaw Montgomery,TX77356 936-582-1945 18735WestCoolBreezeLn Fax:1-888-518-1186 th DATEDthe9 dayofApril,2024 PublishedDate:April17,2024 NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofRussellEdward Abrams,Deceased,wereissuedonApril11,2024inCauseNo.24-46340-P,pendingintheProbate CourtNo:1,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to: LynnYvetteFeragen. DATEDthe15thdayofApril,2024. StateBarNo.: 10386500 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw TheWoodlands,Texas77382 PublishedDate:April17,2024 NOTICETOCREDITORS 43WrensSongPlace Facsimile:(866)371.6212 c/o: LynnYvetteFeragen ElizabethIles AttorneyforLynnYvetteFeragen 10210GrogansMillRoad Suite225 TheWoodlands,Texas77380 Telephone:(832)721.1679 Email: NOTICETOCREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of KATHY McGINNESS HAGGARD, Deceased, were issued on April 8, 2024, in Cause No. 24-46198-P, pendingintheProbateCourtNo:1,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to:COURTNEYH.WELLMAN andKEVINW HAGGARD. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw TheStrongFirm,P.C. Attn:CarissaPeterson 1790HughesLandingBlvd.,Suite200 TheWoodlands,Texas77380 DATEDthe16thdayofApril,2024. ATTORNEYSFORCO-EXECUTORS TheWoodlands,Texas77380 THESTRONGFIRMP.C. CARISSAPETERSON StateBarNo.24057618 Phone:281.367.1222 PublishedDate:April17,2024 TwoHughesLanding /s/CarissaPeterson BRETL.STRONG StateBarNo.00795671 Fax:281.210.1361 1790HughesLandingBoulevard,Suite200 CLASSIFIED ADS $10 PER WEEK CALL 936-449-6397 OR ONLINE at www montgomerycountynews net For information about publishing legal notice936-449-6397

Valerie’s plans after graduationin2025,istogo to college to become a veterinarianandtoinclude all animals both large and small. Valerie’s dad (aka The Montgomery Handyman), Todd Tribe Jr., her mom Priscilla Shannon (FeeFee s Dog Grooming) Aunt Kerri Gilchriest (MISD Counselor), Aunt

SheliaWilliamson, LocalDollArtist &Historian

clothespins have a large wooden bead glued over

top of


make the head exaggerated and the arms are made from chenille

Of course thefirstclothespindollhad to be Robert E. Lee. She triedtopainthisuniformas accurateaspossibleaswell as his facial features A Mrs Robert E Lee was made and she has on an elaborate skirt with trim andalittlebunonthetopof her head There is a Stonewall Jackson officer andhiswifeaswellasother andhis officers with their wives and some are holding little babies. Shelia also made a little drummer boy in uniform with his little girlfriend,awaterboywith his girlfriend, and some young soldiers with wives and babies Each doll's facial features are hand painted.Someoftheladies have wooden beads glued on their heads as buns and some have crocheted curls andbraidsaswellaspretty cotton dresses with trims and collars.What a way to celebrate Confederate HistoryMonthallyearwith little Confederate ClothespinDols. Shelia Williamson, RJOAHistorian makes These clothespins glued the exaggerated and chenille A E There Stonewall Jackson some little drummer features are a Confederate

Ms.Sandy Visitswith Avery&Bentley

submitted by Ruben BorjasJr

Kids at the Montgomery Whataburger really takealikingtoMs.Sandy who works the counter when customers walk throughthedoors. Young customers Avery, 4, and Bentley 3 enjoyed spending time with Ms. Sandy on a recent on hamburger adventure, and asked for a picture in frontoftheDobsonmural in the store. Both kids were made ‘Honorary Whataburger Employees’, and received hats to marktheoccasion. by Whataburger really works 3 Sandy picture made

To n y a C o c k r i l l , MD,Rheumatology,andof course Grandparents Todd and Lori Tribe, all congratulate Valerie for a jobwelldone! Valerie will be presentingherpig,“Butch”,atthe Montgomery County Fair Sale Barn on her birthday, April17,2024. Valerie
Porter High School, among other class
h h
r amazing
Grandparents, Valerie “Butch”, 2024.
Page12,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April17,2024 Pharmacy Farm&Ranch RealEstate RealEstate Events COMMUNITY ValerieTribe,APorterHighSchool StudentWins‘BreedChampion’ “Buster”, TheAmazingPig ValerieTribe
Belle Shelia
makes dolls
she decided to make some Confederate clothespin dolls These little
winnings, won the Breed C
pion wit
pig,“Buster”. He placed 1st due toValerie’s love, dedication, and countlesshoursoftraining and care she gives to her animals plus Buster s winning stature and winning personality!
2025, go to and dad (aka s
due gives
top to
SubscriptionCostis$40peryearforinMontgomery County,and$45peryearoutofMontgomeryCounty ChecksmaybemadepayabletoMontgomeryCounty NewsandsendtoPOBox1,Montgomery,Tx77356, wealsoacceptmostmajorcreditcards. for MCN Subscription

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