Montgomery County News, April 24, 2024

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Article by Mark H o o k e r , M C N



Photos Courtesy of GraysonArthur

This past Saturday the MISD Fishing Team sent 19 Teams to the Regional Championship on Lake Limestone These 19 Individual Teams from both Montgomery and Lake Creek High Schools had earned the right to be there by enduring through a tough Divisional schedule and being in the top 40% in the Divisional Standings.

This past Saturday the MISD Fishing sent 19 Teams to Regional Lake

High struggledinfiguring how to get to Thiswas productive only your field from the Texas out 186 Individual was to high water rains that was off color the fish. This River water rates causing to be extremely fickle tough catch, four in the boatfield. all Tournaments, always the wasno For of 19 for have will the State by k H o , M C N Photos of GraysonArthur the way was in the Houston Riley Kirklin a place finish 3fish number Jett place a weight of 5 05 the MISD to reigning Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper

Lake Limestone has been good to the Team in

the past, with a solid victory there in March of 2023, but this time not so much,astheTeamfellinto the unfamiliar territory of claiming 6th place out 52 High Schools. This time around the combined squadstruggledinfiguring out how to get a keeper basstobite. Thiswasnota productiveTournamentfor not only your MISD Anglers,butformostofthe field from the Houston, Bayou, and Central Texas Divisions, with 97 out of the 186 Individual Teams competing failing to catch 14-inchkeepers. Thiswas due to high rising water from recent rains that was

These 19 Individual from Montgomery and Schools had right to be by through t u ivi ional and in the the Divisional Lake has good to the Team in with a victory in so asthe into unfamiliar territory

off color scattering the fish. Thiscoupledwiththe River Authority releasing water at record rates causing the fish to be extremely fickle and tough to catch, with only four5-fishlimitscaughtin theentire186boatfield.

However with all Tournaments, someone always catches them, and the MISD Fishing Team wasnoexception. Forout ofour19Teamsqualifying for the event, MISD will have three Teams which will be moving on to the StateChampionship.

Leading the way for

MISD was the 5th ranked Team in the Houston Division, Jacob Riley and Brenner Kirklin who scrapped their way to a 14th place finish in this event,bringing3fishtothe scales for 9 24 pounds

Thenumber20Teaminthe Houston Division, Colton Hatzold and Jett Moore followed them, ending up in 38th place with a total weight of 5 05 pounds Rounding out the three teams from MISD which will advance to the State Championship are the reigning Anglers of the

homes/veterans/brumley/. Volunteers are Montgomery On the o o it the tohelp adapted home. adaptations and sinks. code the O M y 0 the Airborne combat reactionforcemissioninthe o beneath the is sod flowers receive supporters, there stagesof Community m d donations. to The Heritage Trails C h a p t e r, N S D A R celebrated local Youth studentsduringtheirrecent April meeting. The DAR chapter awarded Good Citizen certificates pins and gift cards to four outstanding students representing local high schools The Flag Ceremony was led by the JROTC from Klein Oak High School. The squad ByPatSpackey t T led wasallfemalecadets. The DARGoodCitizensaward winners for 2024 are: Arianna Medina Digman (Klein Collins High School); Zoey Lee Heaps (Klein Oak High School); Ryan Fowler (Providence Classical School); Jada

more about SSG B r u m l e y a t l

Volunteers are
lunch. Montgomery TX – On Saturday,April27,2024,the national nonprofit organizationHomesForOur Troops (HFOT) invites the community to a Volunteer Dayeventtohelplandscape Army Sergeant Timothy Brumley’s future specially adapted custom home. The newhomeforSGTBrumley, whowasseverelyinjuredin Afghanistan, has more than 40 adaptations including lower countertops and rollunder sinks. The event will be held at 8496 Grand Lake EstatesDrive,Montgomery, TX 77316 at 10 a m (Check-in at 9:30 a m ) Note: the gate code for the VolunteerDayis#0427. On May 3, 2005, Sergeant Timothy Brumley wasanInfantrymanwiththe 173rd Airborne Brigade on his second combat tour in Afghanistan.
the Arghandab River
homecoming.SGTBrumley will receive his home at a KeyCeremonysoon. Homes For Our Troops relies on contributions from donors, supporters, and corporate partners for the building of each Veteran’s home.Currentlythereare79 HFOT home-build projects for injured Veterans in variousstagesofcompletion nationwide Community members may hold fundraisers or make donations.To find out more on how to get involved or make a donation visit Read
asked to bring gardening gloves and will receive
HFOT TShirtand
Valley, a b
ap expl
ded beneathTim,resultinginthe amputation of his left leg belowtheknee.
Volunteer Day is an event hosted by HFOT for thecommunitytolandscape the home by laying sod and plantingtreesandflowersin preparationfortheVeteran’s
d i n g
VOLUME XXIX NUMBER 16 Section 1 14 pages April24,2024 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly PRE-SRT POSTAGEPD #80 MONTG.TX Montgomery County News WEDNESDAY April22,2021:$2.60/g(U.S. Average:$2.88/g) April22,2018:$2.50/g(U.S. Average:$2.75/g) Historical gasoline prices in Texas and the national average goingbacktenyears: April22,2019:$2.57/g(U.S. Average:$2.85/g) April22,2023:$3.28/g(U.S. Average:$3.66/g) According to GasBuddy pricereports,thecheapeststation in Texas was priced at $2.19/g yesterday while the most expensive was $4 34/g, a differenceof$2.15/g.Thelowest price in the state yesterday was $2.19/g while the highest was $4.34/g,adifferenceof$2.15/g. Thenationalaveragepriceof gasoline has risen 4.3 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 64/g today. The national average is up 10 8 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands1.1centspergallonlower than a year ago, according to GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million weekly price reports covering over 150,000 gas stations across the country April22,2022:$3.77/g(U.S. Average:$4.11/g) April22,2020:$1.56/g(U.S. Average:$1.77/g) April22,2016:$1.89/g(U.S. Average:$2.13/g) April22,2015:$2.30/g(U.S. Average:$2.48/g) Midland Odessa- $3 28/g unchanged from last weeks $3.28/g. "As the nationwide changeover to summer gasoline is now behind us, at least one of the three factors that had been actively causing prices to rise in the last couple of months is behind us. However, it may take time for the largest pain point to be over: refinery maintenance. The next few weeks should see many refineries wrapping up their work and gasoline output should rise putting downward pressure on gasoline prices soon, said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at of GasBuddy "While Israel's retributiononIranwassomewhat surprising, it was also measured, with Iran virtually not even mentioning it publicly As such, thepriceofoilhasmovedslightly lower following the deescalationthatnowappearstobe taking place. I'm hopeful with reduced concern in the Middle East and an end to the seasonal factors pushing prices up that Americanswillsoonseerelief." April22,2017:$2.25/g(U.S. Average:$2.42/g) April22,2014:$3.48/g(U.S. Average:$3.66/g) San Antonio- $3 30/g up 29.0 cents per gallon from last week's$3.01/g. Austin- $3 30/g, up 24 8 centspergallonfromlastweek's $3.06/g. Neighboring areas and their currentgasprices: SOURCEGasBuddy Average gasoline prices in Texas have risen 8.4 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 25/g today, according to GasBuddys survey of 13 114 stationsinTexas.PricesinTexas are 8.8 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand 2.4 centspergallonlowerthanayear ago.Thenationalaveragepriceof diesel has decreased 0.4 cents in thelastweekandstandsat$4.01 pergallon. 22,2021: (U.S. Average: 22,2018: (U.S. Average: Historical prices in the average years: 22,2019: (U.S. Average: 22,2023: (U.S. Average: to GasBuddy reports,thecheapeststation was priced $2.19/g most a of lowest in yesterday was $2.19/g while the highest was adifference nationalaveragepriceof risen cents per thelastweek,averaging 64/g today. national per month and 1.1 per lower a ago, to from 11 million weekly reports over gas across the 22, (U.S. Average: 22, (U.S. Average: 22, (U.S. Average: 22, (U.S. Average: 28/g from s A t o w e changeover summer gasoline is behind at least of three been prices to in is us. However, it take pain to The few weeks should see their and output should rise downward on head at surprising, it also Iran not even publicly of o r f w n t e e now place. pushing relief." 22, Average: 22, 30/g 29.0 cents from week's$3.01/g. week's prices: GasBuddy Average gasoline 8.4 per s stations Pricesin average 0.4 last at PBOX Magnolia,TX 77353 Index Commentary 3,4,5 ChurchDirectory..............5 Community....2,3,4,13,14 BusinessDirectory...........14 Legals....6,7,8,9,10,11,12 OlinJohnson Texas Weekly GasPrices See MISD, page 2 Joinuseachmonthat Heritage Place Park for Park the Thursday Free ConcertSeries.Thenext concert is Vince King (Elivis Tribute) on May 2 Music begins at 7:00pm Food trucks will be onsite, however bothfoodandbeverages may be brought in (no glass bottles). Contact theC.K.RayRecreation Center at 936-522-3900 o r o n l i n e a t cityofconroe org for moreinformation. C o n t a c t : Kellie Hall, 936-5223 9 0 6 , “ThreeWillBeThe MagicNumber” MISD Sent 19 Fishing Teams to the Regional Championship 2024RegionalTeam HomesFor OurTroops invites Community Thursday FreeConcert SeriesBegins May2 GoodCitizensAwards PresentedtoLocalYouth MembersoftheKleinOakHighSchoolJROTCarepicturedwithRowenaHayes, RegentoftheHeritageTrailsChapter,NSDAR(Center)andDARGoodCitizen Awardwinners- ZoeyLeeHeaps(leftofMrs.Hayes)andJadaTraniqueSanders (RightofMrs.Hayes). SeeAward , page 2



for saleforveryhighpricesup to $900 This one, however, appears to be


SocietyPresident, Billy Ray Duncan, states that the rocking chair had been sitting on the porch, and that there was a vine that, every year, would growupontotheporchand ultimately coil around the legoftherocker Headded rocker that after the rocker became damaged and was moved indoors, it’s a mysteryastowhythatvine stopped growing up onto theporch.

TheGandyfamily donated the home to the Society in 1997 The antique furnishings still belongtotheGandyfamily and help depict what life was for the family when Martha Addison was a youngwidowraisingthree childrenthere. Shewasan amazing seamstress, and several of her dresses, evening gowns and even men s clothing are on display

owned for many years the Emporium Antique store that had been at the southeasterncornerofEva & Liberty Streets. Susie passed away recently just beforeher95thbirthday

The AddisonGandyhomecanbetoured during the annual candlelight home tour the evening of the “Christmas in Historic Montgomery” holiday event, always the second Saturday of December. Visit the Society’swebsiteatMHSTX.orgtolearnmoreabout this non-profit, which owns seven historical buildings in Montgomery, including the N. H. Davis Museum, 14264 Liberty St. Free tours of the Museum are available Wednesday through Saturday, 11:00am

TheRotaryClubofThe WoodlandsCelebrating W 50YearAnniversary

The community service organization was founded in 1974 in the midst of the community’s infancy The club has grown alongside The Woodlands and continues tothrivewithitsmembers

o f b u s i n e s s a n d s community leaders working hand in hand to help make the world –both locally and internationally - a better place. With a motto of “Service above Self” members of Rotary Club of The Woodlands have continuously partnered withlocalorganizationsto impact the community through projects like coordinating mobile food pantries, donating blood, honoring seniors during the holidays and veterans on Veterans Day, and mentoring at a local

elementaryschool.Oneof its biggest efforts is sponsoring six Interact Clubs at local high

eachofthesehighschools and students attending Lone Star College Montgomery The club’s signatureprojectisRotary House, which provides free housing for up to 90 daystoapatientorfamily in treatment at one of Montgomery County s hospitals, treatment centers or rehabilitation centers.

TheWoodlands,TX our be together on Thursday, April25, of telling storyand commemorating this 50 year milestone Rotary members improve lives andbring lasting change around by promoting fighting disease, clean water and sanitation, supporting mothers growing economies and theenvironment. top global eradication polio launched polio in1985, a leading Global e o m t was in of the infancy The club to itsmembers u i s n mm ty l rs working help make the both loc ly - better place. a motto members Club of withlocalorganizationsto the seniors Veterans mentoring at a local elementary of its efforts is sponsoring Interact Clubs local high s ols, luding C l g T e Woodlands School, John School, GrandOaksHighSchool, Oak School, The High Sch , d e Woodlands Christian Academy Scholarships are at these attending S project Rotary up to to patientor in at of County s

schools, including College Park The Woodlands High School, John Cooper School, GrandOaksHighSchool, Oak Ridge High School, The Woodlands High School, and The Woodlands Christian Academy Scholarships are awarded to seniors at

A few of our club’s founderswillbegathering together on Thursday, April25,2024,inhopesof tellingourclub’sstoryand commemorating this 50 year milestone Rotary members improve lives andbringpositive,lasting change to communities around the world by promotingpeace,fighting disease, providing clean water and sanitation, supporting education saving mothers and children, growing local economies and protecting theenvironment.Rotary’s top priority is the global eradication of polio Rotary launched its polio immunization program, PolioPlus,in1985,andin 1988 became a leading partnerintheGlobalPolio EradicationInitiative.

and proves 10 more C o n f e

JohnOTrainor,Co.C, 6th Regiment Louisianan Infantry,Louisiana.



Lefrois Dugat, Co. H, 25th Regiment, Texas Cavalry,Texas.


John Weaver, Wheats Co 1st State Troops TexasInfantry,Texas.

Pictured with this article are the two latest itemsJackhasrepaired: a heavy wooden rocking chair, and a rare child’s highchairthatconvertstoa stroller Our research reveals that a couple similar highchairs listed Jack Shepherd and his wife, Susie, are long standing residents of Montgomery and had
–3:00pm ByBeaRouse Montgomery Historical Society member, Jack Shepherd, has recently repaired two items at the AddisonGandy home on Prairie Street in Montgomery in This home was built in 1892 for John B. Addison andhiswife,MarthaBowe DavisAddison,adaughter of Sarah and Judge N. H. Davis. this are the rocking rare convertsto stroller research couple antique highchairs for sale high up This appears to Shepherd and are long of Montgomery and had owned many years Streets. passed states chair the porch, and that, every ontothe leg He that the rocker damaged indoors, it’s mysteryas why growing theporch. donated the 1997 furnishings belong theGandy and what the young three an of her evening gowns and even men on display T e i Gandy d t u candlelight home tour the holiday always the c S u y learnmore which seven 14264 Liberty the nesd g 11:00am ByBea i o i l o e has items home on John B. Addison his Bowe Addison,a Page2,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April24,2024 COMMUNITY
HistoricMontgomerySpotlight: Jack Shepherd, Expert Antiquity Restoration
JackShepherdshowstherepairedrockingchair Repairedhigh-chair— noticethewheelsused whenit
is stroller
ranique Sanders ( Westfield High School) The Book Drive was a resounding success and the bookscollectedwillbe donated to Heritage Trails c h a p t e r , N S D A R “Adopted 2d grade classroom “ at Reynolds Elementary School The receptionthatfollowedthe ceremony included a beautifulandpatrioticcake honoring the award winners.
d e r a t e Supplementals for her Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter! BARBARA JEAN HAWKINS traveled from Dallas/Fort Worth area just to celebrateinher“Signing” of 9 new Family Ancestors found and proved!
must be somesortofarecord=9at once, but if any Registrar can do it the AMAZING DANEAN MYERS Can! Additionally, John Dugat, Co. H, 25th Regiment, Texas Cavalry,Texas. Alfred Weed, Co. F 11th Regiment, Texas Infantry,Texas. Infantry RJOAEvelynMiller:
from page 1
The Texas Award WinningRegistrar,RJOA DANEANMYERS,finds
Joan Of Arc ChapterSalutesYou! Submitted by RJOA Chairman of Public Relations: Elaine C o l l i n g s , ehcollings@gmail com and Photo Committee: SheliaWilliamson Elegant EVELYN MILLER has added anotherfindtoherover13 alreadyApproved! James Wilburn, Co. C 2nd Regiment Texas Infantry,Texas. Infantry RJOA Barbara Jean Hawkins: Alexander Weed, Co F 11th Regiment,TexasInfantry, Texas. John Charles Bingle, Co. G, 35th Regimant, TexasCavalry,Texas. Benjamin Franklin Abshier Jr Co. B, 1st Regiment,TexasCalvary, Texas. AsaJesseAbshier Co. F, 11th Battalion Texas Cavalry,Texas. 10 C a for Of of 9 and This it MYERS John Dugat, Weaver, Co State Louisianan Co. NS EVELYN MILLER AND BARBARA JEAN H N F R CONTINUING YOUR FAMILY RESEARCH AND HONORING YOUR CONFEDERATE ANCESTORS WHO PRIDE. Of Arc by n g Committee: EVELYN Wilburn, Co. C Regiment Infantry,Texas. Jean Hawkins: Weed, Regiment,TexasInfantry, Texas. Bingle, B, 11th RJOAHawkinsContinuinedHistoricalResearch Resear andHonoringAncestorsWhoServedWithPride
LefttoRight:BarbaraJeanHawkins,DaneanMyers, EvelynMiller,Pres.JennyLehr

fin nce It nvolves committing resources—be it tim mon y o

it time money or effort towards an asset expected to grow in value over time. Think of it as planting an oak tree. You water it, give it enough it, sunlight,andlettimedoits work Decades later, it standstall,providingshade and oxygen, its value multiplied compared to when you planted it Investing is about seeking steady, reliable growth through assets such as stocks, bonds, or real bonds, estate,whichhaveintrinsic value and potential for appreciation over the long term.

Investing: The Art of GrowingWealth

Investing: The Art of GrowingWealth

Investing is an art, grounded in the science

The Marine Corps League Eastex Detachment an organization devoted to promoting the interestandpreservingthe traditions of the U S Marine Corps, gathered Corps, just east of Conroe this past Saturday to rebuild the float they use for parade and promotional purposes The detachment also invited mem-

The High StakesGame

Speculation: The High StakesGame

outcome afootballgame basedonthefirstplay It's high-o tane gamble, focusing on price movementsandmarket rather than the fundamental value of an asset Speculators often look for quick, gains, risking much in th process. While it can be thrilling and sometimes lucrative,the loss

rather than the fundamental value of an asset Speculators often look for quick, short-term gains, risking much in the process. While it can be thrilling and sometimes lucrative,theriskoflossis

Investing is an art, grounded in the science of finance It involves committing resources—be

bers of Marine Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, from Montgomery,CollegePark,and Tomball High Schools, to helpwithdifferentaspects of the float construction, including adding Marine Corp League logos, U S M C signage, and C sandbags.

high, making it an unsuitable approach for those seeking long-t rm financialsecurity

high, making it an unsuitable approach for those seeking long-term financialsecurity

Why Not

Why Not Chase the Market?

The 'hot tips' andthefear missing can tempt the most steadfast investors Yet, history and experience us that a diversified portfolio tailored to unique goals, risk tolerance, and timeline is your safest harbor market storms hi diversification acts as high nd lows and more stable trajectory

The allure of 'hot tips' andthefearofmissingout can tempt even the most steadfast investors Yet, history and experience teach us that a diversified portfolio tailored to your unique goals, risk tolerance, and timeline is your safest harbor against market storms This diversification acts as a a buffer, smoothing out the highs and lows and providing a more stable growth trajectory over time.

A well-constructed financial plan serves as a lighthouse, guiding your nvestm nt journey through andturbulent seas alike. It helps ensure that your decisionsarealignedwithyour not by the fleeting whimsofthemarket.

A well-constructed financial plan serves as a lighthouse, guiding your investment journey i throughcalmandturbulent seas alike. It helps ensure that your financial decisionsarealignedwithyour long-term objectives, not swayed by the fleeting whimsofthemarket.

The Role of Financial Advisor

The Role of a Financial Advisor

Thisiswheretheroleof a fin n ial advisor becomes paramount At

Thisiswheretheroleof a financial advisor becomes paramount At

Pendle Hill Advisors, we prideourselvesoncrafting personalized financial plans that reflect the dreams and aspirations of each Weunderstand that your financial goals are as unique as you are whether it's saving for your child's education, planning a dream retirement, or leaving a legacy foryourlovedones.

Hill Advisors, we prideourselvesoncrafting personalized

volunteerism, and cadets from MarineCorpJ.R.O.T.C.’s,

By focusing on investing with purpose, rather than speculating on uncertainties, we help our clients build a foundation of financial security Our approach is simple: invest inquality,diversifywisely, and maintain a long-term perspective. This strategy has stood the test of time, showing that patience and discipline are indeed virtues in the world of finance.

By focusing on investing with purpose, rather than speculating on uncertainties, we help our clients build a foundation of financial Our approach is invest inquality,diversifywisely, and maintain long-term perspective. This strategy has stood the test time, showing patience and discipline indeed virtues the world of finance.



As we forge ahead, let's remind inthe vast landscape of financial planning, and steady often wins the ra e Missing on a speculative 'opportunity' is not a setbackifyourinvestments are thoughtfully aligned with your future vision. In end,it'saboutcrafting of fulfillment, ported a foundation financialindependence.

volunteerism, and the cadets from the nearby MarineCorpJ.R.O.T.C.’s, did their part in working the differing tools requiredtofixupthefloat forupcomingevents. The cadets were well mannered and are cuts above average teenagers in respecting their elders, military leaders, cadet

To my neighbors and friends in Montgomery County knowthatmydoor is always open Whether you're looking to refine an existing financial plan or starting fresh, Pendle Hill Advisors is here to guide you toward a future of financial clarity and success.

A part of the Marine CorpsLeague’smissionis to foster the ideals of American and patriotic

leaders,peers,andfriends. Theyallworkedwellwith their teams during the

floatrebuild,whichisnext scheduledtoappearatThe Woodlands Independence

To my neighbors and friends in knowthatmydoor always you're looking to refine an financial plan starting fresh, Hill Advisors is to guide toward a future of clarity and Kent endleton,

Until we meet again, invest wisely, cherish your loved ones, and let's continue to support each otherinbuildingathriving, resilientcommunity

Until we invest cherish your ones, let's continue support each in athriving, resilientcommunity

Kent Pendleton, AAMS®

Financial Advisor, RJFS

As we forge ahead, let's remindourselvesthatinthe vast landscape of financial planning, slow and steady often wins the race Missing out on a speculative 'opportunity' is not a setbackifyourinvestments are thoughtfully aligned with your future vision. In theend,it'saboutcraftinga life of fulfillment, supported by a foundation of financialindependence.


“Our float had a tank theme,” said Brian Hampton in speaking on thefloat.“Andweneeded an upgrade in that arena.”

The Marines decommissioned their last tank battalioninMay2021.

The Eastex Detachmentfedlunchanddessert t o t h e d e s e r v i n g J.R.O.T.C. members and thanked them for all the help they provided in replacing the outdated fixtures on the float. The occasion also allowed for the cadets to accumulate hours for community service.

Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycoun

Other missions of the Marine Corps League are tostrengthenthefraternity of Marines and their families They provide scholarships to the sons and daughters, and other relatives to institutes of higher education, as well ashelpMarineVeteransin theirtimeofneed. A of the to the ideals and

did their part in the differing requiredtofixupthefloat forupcomingevents. The cadets mannered average in respecting elders, military leaders, cadet leaders,peers,andfriends. Theyallworkedwellwith their the DayparadeinJuly Marine Eastex to traditions U S Marine just of this rebuild promotional also invited from Tomball High Schools, to of the adding S C signage, Ruben t t h d v i n J.R.O.T.C. fixtures the The occasion allowed cadets accumulate for “Our a said speaking thefloat.“Andweneeded that The Other They scholarships the daughters, and relatives institutes as Megan@MeganStult wwwFairwaterWest -MeganStultz Askingyourlenderthis ONE question could save you big. Does my loan have a pre-payment penalty? Making just ONE extra payment each year can shave years off your mortgage term and save you thousands in interest. Andthesavingshitting their pocket? $94,619 over the life of the loan. BUT Make sure to ask your lender about prepayment penalties (penalties can be steepoften 2% of the loan balance) Check with your lender so you can save on your timeline And if you need a lender recommendation, send meatext! Call or Text 936-5372587 Let's look at a client with a 30-year mortgage of $400,000 at a 6% interest rate Without extra payments, the total interestpaidovertheloan term is approximately $463,353 With ONE extra payment of $2,400 each year ($200/mo) the interest drops to $368,734, and the loan would be paid off 5 years earlier than the original term. Megan@MeganStult wwwFairwaterWest -MeganStultz could mortgage pocket? over the sure ask lender payment steep 2% of you if or Text 936-537at with of at extra extra the MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April24,2024,Page3 RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz As we convene once againinoursharedjourney towards financial insights, I am excited to explore another cornerstone of sound financial planning with my Montgomery County neighbors At PendleHillAdvisors,LLC, Hill our mission extends beyond the bounds of ordinary financial advising; we're here to cultivate a community of informed, resilient investors While our doors are always open tothoseseekingtojoinour family of clients, our primary focus remains on empowering you with knowledge to navigate the financial landscapes with confidenceandgrace. Today, let's delve into a topic that while often overlooked, is vital for anyone aiming to build a securefinancialfuture:the difference between investing and speculation, and why a solid financial planshouldbeyourbeacon through the market's ebbs andflows. In contrast, speculation is akin to predicting the outcomeofafootballgame basedonthefirstplay It'sa high-octane gamble, focusing on price movementsandmarketvolatility
financial plans that reflect the dreams and aspirations of eachclient.Weunderstand that your financial goals are as unique as you are whether it's saving for your child's education, planning a dream retirement, or leaving a legacy foryourlovedones.
Opinions expressed in the attached article are those of the author/speaker and are not necessarily those of Raymond James. All opinions are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or lossregardlessofstrategyselected, including diversification and asset allocation Prior to making an investmentdecision,pleaseconsult with your financial advisor about your individual situation Every investor's situation is unique and you should consider your investmentgoals,risktoleranceand time horizon before making any investment. The forgoing is not a recommendation to buy or sell any individual security or any combination of securities The informationcontainedinthisreport does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred tointhismaterial. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial n Services, Inc Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are offered through RaymondJamesFinancialServices Advisors,Inc.PendleHillAdvisors isnotregisteredbrokerdealersand is independent of Raymond James FinancialServices. T936-297-8267 Pendle Hill Advisors LLC Kent Pendleton@ray mondjames com | www raymondjames co m/pendlehilladvisors 14375 Liberty St, Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX 77356 As we convene once againinoursharedjourney towards financial insights, I am to explore another of sound financial planning with my Montgomery County neighbors At PendleHillAdvisors,LLC, our mission extends beyond the bounds of ordinary financial advising; we're here to cultivate a community of informed, resilient investors While our doors are always open tothoseseekingtojoinour family of clients, our primary focus on empowering you with knowledge to navigate the financial landscapes with confidenceandgrace. Today, let's delve into
topic that while often overlooked, is vital for anyone aiming to build a securefinancialfuture:the differenc between investing and speculation, and a solid financial planshouldbeyourbeacon through the market's ebbs andflows. contrast, speculation is to predicting the
r effort towards an asset expected to grow in value over time. Think it as planting an tree. You water it, give it enough sunlight,andlettime its work later, it standstall,providingshade and oxygen, its value multiplied to when you planted Investing is about seeking steady, reliable growth through assets such as stocks, bonds, or real estate,whichhaveintrinsic value and potential for appreciation over the long term. Opinions in the attached article are those of the author/speaker are those James. All opinions are of this and subject to Investing and you may incur a profit or regardless strategyselected, including diversification and asset allocation Prior to making investment please your financial advisor about individual investor's situation unique and ou ho l c n i er o investment and horizon making any The forgoing is not a to buy or sell any nd vi ual ec r ty o n of The in does purport a description of markets, or developments inthismaterial. through Ra m nd Ja es ina cial Ser ice Inc Mem r Investment advisory services through RaymondJames Inc.PendleHillAdvisors notregisteredbroker and independent of Raymond James Financial T936-297-8267 Pendle Hill Advisors LLC Pendleton@ray mon james om | www co m/pendlehilladvisors Liberty Ste 109 TX 77356 column by Kent Pendleton, AAMS® WEEKLYCOLUMNS NavigatingtheThinLine: Investingvs.Speculation MarineCorpLeague EastexDetachment Re-BuildsParadeFloat MembersoftheMarineCorpsLeagueEastexDetachment,posewithMarineCorpsJ.R.O.T.Ccadetsfrom Montgomery,CollegePark,andTomballHighSchools COMMUNITY MCN Subscription SubscriptionCostis$40peryear forinMontgomeryCounty,and $45peryearoutofMontgomery County.Checksmaybemade payabletoMontgomeryCounty NewsandsendtoPOBox1, Montgomery,Tx77356,wealso acceptmostmajorcreditcards.

This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.

Is your life worth a of potato Democrats in Harris seem to think so. Ina asdaycaseback in January, when a young scholar, 17, stole a bag of chips from a Sunoco store in Humble, he was followed by

an unarmed store clerk, Asif 42,whowasshotto death in the process. Now thinkthattakingalifeis a serious thing in Harris But,no. Theyoung scholar, who destined to a medicine, a NASA has history illegally killing manwithahandgunhewas supposed to have, and legally getting away it.

This column may upset some. And quite frankly I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written. Is your life worth a bag of potato chips? Democrats in Harris County seem to think so. Inaplainasdaycaseback in January when a young scholar 17, stole a bag of chips from a Sunoco store in Humble, he was followed by an unarmed store clerk, Asif Maknojia,42,whowasshotto death in the process. Now you’dthinkthattakingalifeis a serious thing in Harris County But,no. Theyoung scholar who is destined to becomeadoctorofmedicine, or a NASA engineer, has made history illegally killing amanwithahandgunhewas not supposed to have, and legally getting away with it.

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


WednesdayNight Thursday ThursdayNight Friday Wednesday


A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstormsafter1pm.Mostlycloudy,with ahighnear83.Breezy







A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Partlysunny,withahighnear 86.


A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlycloudy,withalow around71.

Sunday Monday

A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlysunny,withahigh near86.

AndunlikeO.J.Simpson,the teen didn’t even need to go throughatrial.

AndunlikeO.J. the teen didn’t even need to throughatrial.

The message that Harris County Democrats are sending here is very dangerous. The precedent is being set that teens (at least Black Teens), can now legallycarry weapons in Harris County steal who knows what, then kill, and get off scot-free?

The message that Harris Democrats are sending here is very dangerous. The is being set that teens (at least Black can now legallycarry weapons in Harris County, steal who knows what, then kill, and off scot-free?

And worse yet, now a stern talking-to by an adult (that’s not your parent), over stolen property is grounds enough for armed teens to feel threatened and open fire on unarmed store clerks, ending theirlives.

And worse yet, now, a stern talking-to an adult not over property grounds enough armed teens and open fire store clerks, lives.

Court records did not indicate that Maknojia was armed, but he was in his car AndwithDemocratslabeling Asif as the aggressor in this case,allthePakistanis’family gets is an apology from the murderer and nothing else. The property crime turned murder is gonna embolden other young scholars, and the HarrisCountyGrandJurythat no-billed the kid doesn’t realizethattheyjustopeneda Pandora’s Box on the suffering of innocents. Like I’ve said in the past, Democrats never think of consequencestotheiractions. And quitefrankly,allthismadness in areas run by leftist, I wouldn t be surprised if Democrats in time call for a National Police Force, whichwillessentiallybetheir own Gestapo. That will be another step in thatAmerican Communist Society the Democratswant.

Court records did not indicate that Maknojia was armed, but he was in his car AndwithDemocratslabeling Asif as the aggressor in this case,allthe gets is an apology from the murderer, and else. property turned is embolden scholars, the CountyGrandJury the doesn t realizethattheyjustopeneda Pandora s Box on the suffering of innocents. Like I’ve said in the past, Democrats never think of consequencestotheiractions. And quitefrankly,allthismadness in areas run by leftist, wouldn t be surprised if in time call for a National Police whichwillessentiallybetheir own That will be step in American Society the

Yes,theseyoungscholars, consisting of future doctors, lawyers, engineers, judges, teachers, scientists, and surgeons; are all being all being brought up in failing schools up whose records on academic accountability;welltheyhave none. The schools get their marching orders from the teachers unions, who in turn

Yes,theseyoungscholars, consisting of future doctors, lawyers, engineers, judges, teachers, scientists, and surgeons; are all brought up in failing whose on academic wellthey none. The get orders from who in turn

Perhaps she sang to great applause in the past, as if her ability came naturaltoher orshecouldhave sungitathousandtimesbefore intheshower Nomatterwhat, if a desperate record producer was hanging around the bar thatnight,Smokeywouldhave beensignedtoacontract.

I looked on the

get their marching orders fromDemocrats,increatinga populationofequallydumbed down students who are destined for lifelong poverty and crime goes right along withthat.

their marching orders fromDemocrats,increatinga population equallydumbed down lifelong poverty, and crime right along withthat.


Now I’mprettycertainmy goodreaders,thatyouryoung children, and grandchildren (no matter the race), if this madnessisnotcorrectedsoon (and I mean very soon), they will be Democrat slaves in time, or at the least face degraded societal conditions that will be multiple times worse than we already have. Conditions that will have parents not trusting their kids goingtoconcertsorTheMall by themselves, and families continuing to move farther and farther from the wasteland of Harris County, unfortunately engrossing Montgomery County with elements of citizenry that have broken the back of HarrisCounty I cannot help but think of Adolf Hitler, and how his initial aim to take power in Germany in the 1920s was through violence and intimidation Yet, he eventually won power by election, and there was still some violence and intimidation. But I see the Socialist Democrats in wanting to take total power via violence and intimidation, and not by elections. The Democrats can’t win elections legally, unless they cheat, and we’ve seen story after story of 2020 electionfraudcasescomingto theforefront. Soit’sobvious thattheWhiteElitistSocialist Democrats will take total powerbyforceintime. You can see how Biden’s border policy is right in line with the Cloward–Piven Strategy,’whichisdesignedto break down society to the point of a federal takeover of all aspects of life, essentially making us a communist

Now,I’m certainmy readers,thatyouryoung children, and grandchildren matter the if this madnessisnotcorrectedsoon (and I they be Democrat slaves in time, at the societal than we have. that not trusting goingtoconcertsorTheMall by themselves, and families continuing to move farther and farther from the land of Harris County, unfortunately engrossing with elements of citizenry that have broken the back of Harris I cannot help but think of Adolf Hitler, and how his initial aim to take power in Germany in the 1920s was th o h vi l ce and intimidation Yet, he eventually won power by election, and there was still some violence and intimidation. I see the Socialist in wanting to total via and win legally and seen story fraudcasescoming forefront. Soit’s the Elitist will powerbyforceintime. You see Biden’s border is in the ‘Cloward–Piven Strategy,’whichis down to the

The ten million illegal immigrants that Biden has thrust upon us is right in linewiththeCPS. ThisHarris County Grand Jury decision to no-bill a teenage killer, furthering distrust in our judiciarysystem,fallsrightin as well in bringing us into a newcivilwar(ofviolenceand intimidation), which more thanlikelyhasalreadystarted.

Wecanseethemadnessof Democrats in allowing their own cities counties and states, to be run into the ground, thus killing common sense and the rule of law Houston, and Harris County are now being mentioned alongwithLA,SanFrancisco, Portland Seattle Chicago Philly New York City and every other Democrat run SHole, that allows madness to reign, and thus are turning themselves into Third World Countries.

Wecanseethemadnessof Democrats in allowing their own cities, counties, and states, to be run into the thus killing common sense and the rule of law Houston, and Harris County, are now mentioned alongwithLA,SanFrancisco, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Philly, New York City, and every other Democrat SHole, allows madness to reign, and thus are turning themselves into Third World Countries.

The store clerk murder in Humble, is only the latest apple thrown into the cart of madness of urban incivility andyoucanseeinlargecities were Democrats have long influenced policy (no matter the race), that once thriving urban environments, are now crappyhell-holesthatofferno chance for any success for its residents, young or old Witnesses say that Asif Maknojia was not driving erratically, but pulled alongside the teens, probably tryingtotalksenseintothem, that’s when a witness said he saw the young scholar pull a gunandfiretwiceattheclerk, mortally wounding him. All overabagofpotatochips.

The store clerk murder in Humble, is only the latest thrown into the cart of madness of urban incivility, and canseeinlargecities were Democrats have long influenced policy (no matter the that once urban environments, are crappyhell-holesthatoffer chance for any for its residents, young or old Witnesses say that Asif Maknojia was not driving erratically, but pulled alongside the teens, probably tryingtotalksenseintothem, that’s when a witness said he saw the scholar pull a andfiretwiceattheclerk, mortally wounding him. All abagof chips.

Of course these White Socialist Elitists Democrats, richly ensconced in their mansions and ranches, don’t care as long as they get paid. It’s not their problem. They don’t live in the hell-holes they created. Blacks were doingjustfineuntiltheWhite ElitistDemocratsreplacedthe Black Father with a welfare check, with the stipulation to Black Mothers’“that you can have babies, and we will pay you,”buttheywillnothavea fatherly influence. White Democrats have robbed well over 100 million Americans, whethertheybefetus’orbirth survivors They have literally taken those ‘AmericanDreams,’andturnedthem intoAmericannightmares.

Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyn

The young scholars split up after the shooting (obviously going to their abodes to finish their homework). Maknojia then thoughtfully reversed his car into the median, and passed away Noweaponwasfound in the car He was unarmed, andAsif smurderergotaway withit. Thankfully, some Blacks (20% or perhaps more) are finally seeing the devastation that White Elists Socialist Democrats have thrust upon them since Reconstruction. They are now breaking those chains and escaping the ‘Democrats’ Plantation of Intellectual Slavery ’ Personally I’d pay to see ancestors of the formerly enslavedrundownthosesame Democrats with dogs Turnabout is fair play Today’sWhiteDemocratsare no better than the Democrat Slavemasters of Pre-Civil War America, as well as the DemocratPost-CivilWarKlu Klux Klan. TheRepublicans Freed the Slaves the Democratsdidnot andthe Dems have subsequently enslaved their descendants minds White Elists Democrats have no shame, and will use anyone to get ahead.

The young scholars split up after the shooting (obviously going to their abodes to finish their homework). Maknojia then thoughtfully reversed his car into the median, and passed Noweapon found in the He was unarmed, andAsif smurderergotaway withit. Thankfully some Blacks (20% or perhaps more) are finally seeing devastation Elists Socialist have thrust upon them since Reconstruction. They are now breaking those chains and escaping the ‘Democrats’ Plantation of Intellectual Slavery Personally, I’d pay to see ancestors of the enslavedrundownthosesame Democrats with dogs Turnabout is fair play WhiteDemocratsare no better than the Democrat Slavemasters of Pre-Civil War America, as well as the Democrat War Klan. TheRepublicans the the Democratsdidnot andthe Dems have subsequently enslaved their descendants mi d White Elists Democrats have shame, and will use anyone to get ahead. these Socialist Elitists Democrats, richly ensconced in mansions and ranches, as long they get paid. It’s not their problem. They don’t live in the hell-holes they created. Blacks were doingjustfineuntiltheWhite ElitistDemocratsreplacedthe Black Father with a welfare check, with the stipulation to Black Mothers’“that can have babies, and we will pay you,”buttheywillnothavea fatherly influence. White have robbed well over million whether befetus’ birth have literally those ‘AmericanDreams,’andturned nightmares. Ruben can be reached ruben@montgomerycountyn

federal takeover aspects of life, essentially making us a society The ten million illegal immigrants Biden has thrust us is right in line theCPS. ThisHarris County Jury decision to no-bill a killer, furthering distrust in our judiciary fallsrightin as well in bringing us into a newcivil (ofviolenceand intimidation), which more thanlikelyhasalreadystarted. Phone(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395 Publisher:M.P.Stultz P AssistantEditor:JamieSandefer MontgomeryCountyNews web; Editor:MonteWest DistributionManager:BethanySandefer AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews. Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023 RyanWest Montgomery Page4,Wednesday,April24,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas. D&B#12-976-8354. D&B MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395. MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertise- to ment. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNewsarereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. POSTMASTER: PleasesendaddresschangestoMontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 circulating the publication Montgomery,Texas. newspaper Any used weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. Editor’sExpress Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395, Webpage: Mail,Faxor E-mail: will We
Partlysunny,withahighnear81.Southeast wind5to10mph. Partlycloudy,withalow
Southeastwind5to10mph. Partlysunny,with
Ruben Borjas Jr, Columnist/ Opinion Writer Ruben’s Montgomery Musings I had just finished congratulatingtheactorsaftera Sundaymatineeof‘TheBuddy Holly Story,’ at the Crighton Theatre recently, and was headingbacktomycar Ithen spotted‘202Main,’justablock down from the courthouse square, and kitty, or cattycorner to Conroe’s Founders Plaza. IfIknewtheaddressto theplace,I’ddefinitelyletyou know LOL. Iwentin,justfor a few seconds, because I still needed to write my musical review and I soon found they had a Karaoke Night on Wednesdays. Perfect. Date set. I’venodoubtthatmostofus probably hum a few bars of music in the shower and coupled with some liquid courage, we have no problems getting to the mic and singing in front of people, strangled catsandall. ThenightIwent, one lady named Smokey sang AlJureau’s‘LovingYou,’andI was impressed.
drinks menu,andsawonecalled‘The Issac,’dedicatedtothefounder of Conroe’s Switch himself, whofoundedthetownin1881. I had to have it. The indulgence is 202 Main’s take on a Lemon Bourbon Rosemary Cocktail, with a little twist, honey, instead of the differing syrups. Now I never had rosemary in a drink, but I’ve cooked with the sprigs before, and was excited to see how it would affect the taste. And now being accustomed to smoke, I asked for the waft of itsinfluenceaswell. As usual, I let it sit there, stillbewilderedbythepresence of the rosemary but I also wantedthesmoketodoitsjob. So I looked around, and found that 202’s brick walls, if they couldtalk,they’dtellastoryof overahundredyearsofhistory, harkening back to a post apocalyptic fire that destroyed historic Conroe, forever banishing the wooden buildings that graced the downtown area. It’s interesting,inhowthedecorofmostly bare brick walls has an upper layerofplasterharkeningback to the old days when the walls were completely covered with thestuff. Oneshortwallonthe left between the bar and restrooms heading out to the rear courtyard, has an English pub feel to it. And coupled with a mantelpiece, and other accouterments placed around the walls, the place has a speakeasy feel to it. The leathercouchandlargepicture of downtown during the early oilboomdaysofConroe,relive theheydaysoftheoilboom. Whenmyattentionreturned to The Issac, I removed the cocktail smoker top, as the remainingsmokewaftedaway I went ahead and drowned the remainingbitofrosemary AsI tookmyfirstsip,Iletitpoolon my tongue, and incredibly, I couldn’t taste any alcohol Honestly Ittastedlikea‘cold cloud’ (which I had read in a HermanWoukbookItookwith me to Operation Desert Shield), and it wasn’t until the sipstartedrollingoff,thatIgot the sensation from the Buffalo Trace Bourbon, which was awesome, enhanced with the sourelementofthelemonjuice (notoverpowering),beingheld incheckbythesweetnessofthe honey; which added a silken and rich texture to the drink. The smoke and the rosemary playedtheirpartsinuppingthe elements of the drink, which balanced out the taste, and providedearthinesstoeachsip. I can imagine some professionals from the area enjoying The Issac with a Traditional Charcuterie board ordered from 202’s kitchen. It’ssophisticated,madeforthe left-brained professions that frequent the downtown corridor, and I would argue someright-brainedprofessions aswell. You’remeanttoenjoy this drink with company, chattingaboutthisorthat,with maybeanofficeissuethrownin for good measure. Don’t use controversial topics when sipping The Issac, because the stresswillalteryourtastebuds. The cold cloud will turn into acid rain, so don’t worry, be happywhenpartaking. Alcohol Disclaimer: This column is intended for entertainment purposes only Please drink responsibly not justforyourself,butforothers aroundyou. After making some mental notes on The Issac, I began looking around. The 202 PokerGroupmeetsintheback every Wednesday after work, with the best players sometimesdukingitoutuntilclosing time, around 10:30 pm. Also, you might see some actors from The Crighton or Owen, who spend their hump days at the place during show runs having a drink and singing karaoke, before having to hit the stage on Thursday for rehearsals. 202Mainhasstoodthetest of time. So has Issac Conroe, andhislittleexperimentofthe town he founded. And not to mention 202 Main’s ‘The Issac,’willstandthetestoftime withyou,forthelittletimeyou havewithit. Goenjoyit and becomepartofthelegend. Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyne 202 Main is located at 202 Main Street in Conroe s Switch. Their website is: by Ruben Borjas Jr, Columnist I h j s f ishe theactors matineeof Holly at the and heading my I spotted‘202Main,’justa and kitty, or cattycorner IfI address I’ddefinitely you LOL. I in,justfor seconds, because still write my review and soon Night Wednesdays. Perfect. I’veno most us hum a few bars music in the with some courage, we the mic and of people, strangled Iwent, named Smokey, AlJureau’s You,’and impressed. she to great applause past, as ability came her orshecould itathousand before theshower Nomatterwhat, desperate record hanging the thatnight,Smokey signedto on the menu, sawonecalled dedicated the Conroe’s Switch himself, foundedthe in had to have it. The is take on Bourbon Rosemary with a little twist, honey, of never a drink, but cooked with sprigs before, was excited see how it affect the accustomed to smoke, asked for waft of its As usual, let sit stillbewilderedby of the rosemary but I also wantedthe todo job. So around, and that brick walls, they couldtalk,they’dtell of over of harkening apocalyptic that destroyed historic b nis n t w o en buildings that graced downtown area. It’s interesting,in of bare brick walls has layerofplaster back to the were completely covered thestuff. wallon left bar restrooms heading out to rear has pub feel And with a and other accouterments placed the the has speakeasy feel to leather large of during early Conroe,relive heydays theoil Whenmy returned the as the remaining waftedaway went and drowned the remainingbitof I myfirstsip, let on my tongue, and I taste alcohol Honestly It ‘cold had read a tookwith to Desert wasn’t the started Igot from Buffalo Bourbon, which was awesome, enhanced with the juice (notoverpowering), held check the the a silken and rich drink. and the rosemary played partsin the which out and earthiness can imagine some professionals from area enjoying with Charcuterie ordered for professions that the and argue some professions You’remeant drink company thisor with an thrown use Issac, because alter cloud turn rain, don’t Alcohol column entertainment Please drink responsibly butforothers some mental notes The began 202 in the untilclosing time, 10:30 you see some from The Crighton Owen, spend at place show runs having karaoke, before having to 202Mainhasstoodthetest time. So standthe the you it legend. Ruben be 202 Main at 202 Street Ruben Borjas OPINION/EDITORIAL FOOD&DRINK Is Your Life Worth a Bag of Chips? A Sip and A Thought: 202 Main's 'The Smoked Issac'

These opportunistic rascals with the masked faces are everywhere They’re highly intelligent with amazing problemsolving skills and thrive in cities. Often called “trash pandas”, I’m referring to raccoons Although nocturnal, you might see one during the day Don’t automatically jump to the conclusion that they must have rabies. Most likely, they are pregnant or nursingmomsforagingfor food.

Like any good mom, pregnantraccoonsseekout den sites that offer protectionfrompredatorsandthe elements. Acceptable sites are tree cavities, underground burrows dug by other animals, rock crevices,

Any warping or tears in house sidingisanothereasyway

Structural problems in thingsliketrimboardsand dormer junctions can provide easy access as well. In early spring you should check both the outside of your buildings for any damages or

If you find you have an unwanted guest, your first reaction may be to call an exterminator For several hundreddollars,they’llset a trap to catch the mom.

What do they do with her andwhataboutthebabies?

That’s the million dollar question. There are some


CornerstoneChristianAssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755

NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapel Road,Montgomery,936588-3399


ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation),1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe,Texas,Phone: 936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsol Worship: Sundayat10:30am, SundaySchool:9:30am HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356

GaryChapelBaptist Church POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356, 5525SpringBranch Road,Montgomery.713478-1256,SundayBible Class10:00am,Worship Serviceat11:00am.

SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m. SundayEvening Worship6:00p.m.

DacusBaptist,Dacus, 936-449-0845 m, dacusbaptist@consolidate

LutheranChurch-LCMS 309PondSt.Montgomery 77356Churchphone: 936-597-8013Web: www.livingsaviortexas.or gPastorDavidR.Bailes.

ethicalcompaniesoutthere who will do their best to save the mom and babies but there are also many unethical ones as well

Rather than spend your hard-earned money on an exterminator,letmesharea method to strongly encourage Mom to move out and take her kits with

The most effective way

to evict your raccoon mama is to make it unpleasant for her to stay You must attack her three senses—sight, sound andsmell. Sinceraccoons are nocturnal, they don’t like lights If you know how she’s getting in, shine a light in the entry hole or in the area where she’s living. If you use the entry point, be sure you don’t block it or she won’t be abletoleave.Leaveiton24 hours a day Now place a radio in the area tuned to

Don’t try to trap her! When a mom is separated from her babies, they will severely injure themselves tryingtogettothem. If you choose to do nothing at all, mama will leave when her babies are about8to10weeksold.


LakesideBible Church,

21627EvaSt.Montgomery,TX77356 (936)597-5742Pastors


AntiochBaptist, ChinaGroveBaptist Church Willis,936-7674744

HoneaBaptist Church,


FM2854,Montgomery, JonesChapelBaptist,





MagnoliaUnited MethodistChurch 419CommerceSt. Magnolia,Texas77355 #281-356-6647


ServiceTimes:Sundays @8AM,9:30AM&11 AMMondays@7PM

Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM& 11AM@lonestar.tvand clickonWatchnow


retreatandwildlife center

2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936597-5757

12681FM149 Montgomery,TX 77356


18501Fm1097West@ theBentwaterWest

UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards, Texas

About11miNof Montgomery onFM149

Mt.SinaiBaptist, SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,Wednesday BibleStudyandYouth Group6pm

CATHOLIC SacredHeartCatholic,

Mt.CalvaryBaptist, 109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186

St.Mary’s Catholic FM1774,Plantersville,

936-894-2223 7:45Service 936-894-2223

CongregationBeth Shalom,5125 ShadowbendPlace,The Woodlands,

St.Joseph’sCatholic, CR213,Stoneham, FirstBaptistChurch, JEWISH Dobbin,936-597-5560 Hwy105W.,Montgomery,936-597-4230

LUTHERAN WorshipService10:30 281-362-1100

GraceLutheran (ELCA),

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944


PastorDavidWhitaker Thursday7:30pm Meetsat18961 FreeportDrMontgomery

SundaySchoolat 10:00am

Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660

WaldenCommunity Church, 18940FreeportDrive

FellowshipofMontgomery ChurchofSt.John,

CarbonChurch, RiverofLifeChurch, 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-4494414 CornerstoneChurch, 1011W.Lewis, Conroe,

Services9:30and11 a.m. 12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696

Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027 St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356 BenuiBaptist Church, ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery FaithBaptistChurch Meetsat464McCaleb Rd.
www.cofcmontgomery.or g PaulPraschnik, Minister Sun:10:30am Admin@TCMontgome Montgomery,TX 77316
Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400 AprilSound,936-5882832 Montgomery,936-5827700 NewBeginningBible Church, 67½AprilWindS., 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-5978921
AprilSoundChurch, LighthouseFellowshipChurch, LivingBranch Church
ServiceTimes: Sundaysat9:30am& 11am/Wednesdaysat 6:30pmforChildren& StudentMinistries SeniorPastorDale Talbert WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomer usonFacebook @thefmchurch! EPISCOPAL St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, 936-689-3141 FM149N.,Montgomery,936-449-6807 10amWorshipService TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas Sundayworship@ 10:00a.m.Wed.activites 6:30-8pm Montgomery,TX 77316 Mt.PleasentBaptist Church 1803HighlandHollow, Conroe,936-756-8831 1701McCalebRd 936-588-4975 TheChurch@Lake Conroe NorthShoreChurch GateEntrance PastorCarySmith CovenantFelloship Nurseryprovided CelebrationService 10amSundays YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays Worship -10:30am and6:00pm Wednesday - 7:00pm Phone: 936-582-4855 Email: cofcmontgomery@consol FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe 936/890-8034 PastorsSean&LoriJo Cook PRESBYTERIN 302N.Danville, Willis,Tx.77378 2727N.Loop336 West Conroe,Texas936756-8884 Sun.9:00&11:00 SunSch10:00 301PondStreet, Montgomery,TX. ChurchofChristin Montgomery SundayBibleClass9:30am OakHillsJrHigh 8:45SundaySchool RichardsUnited MethodistChurch 19190KeenanCutoff Rd. SundayServices 10:30am thewoodlandsmethodist .org/montgomery Montgomery,TX 77356 Phone: 936-597-6162 936.582.7722 ChurchatMontgomery(GlobalMethodist) 22548Highway105 West LoneStarCowboy Church 936-597-5331or936449-5983 SundayWorshipat 6:00pm 1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, Montgomery,TX 936-441-8875 CommunityAnd Interdenominational AbundantLife MinistriesCornerofFM 149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService 11:30amWednesday Pray/BibleStudy6:30pm Transformation ChurchMontgomery 20350FM2854 SundaySchool10AM HopeTabernacle MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch 10
AMWorship Service 6639FM1696
PorterChapelA.M.E. ZionChurch, LivingWayChurch 2080LongmireRd, Conroe WorshipService11 AM
attics.Whydo they choose human
to give birth? Because they can Rac-
can enter your attic or other structures through ventilationopeningsonthe outsideofyourhouse.
brushpiles,fallen trees and
sheds, garagesand
Get them repaired now birthing seasonisuponus. The most important thinginthis
process is to repair any holes or damaged areas on your house,garageorshedonce the family moves out Another animal is sure to find any entry points and you’ll be going through this again Better yet, inspectyourbuildingsnow before unwanted
structural issues.
in. Lake Creek Nature Center Board of Directors
talk radio and play it loud. Raccoons don’t like the sound of the human voice. Maybe Howard Stern? He's annoying even to people! The third step is smell. Thereare commercialrepellantsyoucanbuy fromAmazon or a big box store.Oneofthemiscalled Repels-All Better yet, purchase fox or coyote urine at Academy or from Amazon and soak some ragswithit.Iwouldputthe rags in a plastic tub and then place it near where she’sliving.Ifanimalurine grosses you out, you can try peppermint oil or vinegar Thesmellhastobe strong so use several rags. By doing these three things, she will move her babies to a more suitable location She may move out immediately or it may takeafewdays.Bepatient. Remember to be kind and humane. Afterall, it’s justamamaraccoontrying to find the safest possible placetogivebirth. MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April24,2024,Page5 To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397 ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismadepossiblebythesebusinesses AREACHURCHES NATURE NatureColumn A
Page6,Wednesday,April24,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL § STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE NOTICEOFSALE andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,bythe ClerkofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedand deliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty IhaveonMarch19,2024 seized,leviedupon,and willofferforsalethefollowingproperties,onthefirstTuesdayinMay,2024,thesamebeingthe6th day of said month, Pursuant to Texas Tax Code 34.01, and as further provided in the Resolution adoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedas instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County,Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conducted as an ONLINE AUCTION at the following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions. The Montgomery County Constableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledinagiven month,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00AM, andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsin such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHECOUNTYANDTHATTHEREARENOKNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERING ATA X DEED TO ANY PURCHASER WHO FAILS TO PRESENT TO THE OFFICER THE REQUIRED WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COUNTYTAXASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. (any volume and page references unless otherwise indicated being to the Deed Records Montgomery County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete descriptionofeachrespectivetract.)or uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney a sufficientportionofthepropertydescribedaboveshallbesoldtosatisfysaidjudgment(s),interest, penalties,andcost;andanypropertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendants oranypersonhavinganinteresttherein,toredeemthesaidproperty,ortheirinteresttherein,within the time and in the manner provided by law and shall be subject to any other and further rights to whichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedthereinmaybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Said saletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)renderedintheabovestyledandnumberedcause(s), togetherwithinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothe satisfactionthereof,andtheremainder,ifany,tobeappliedasthelawdirects. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. DatedatConroe,Texas,the19thdayofMarch,2024. MontgomeryCounty Texas TheMinimumBidisthelesseroftheamountawardedinthejudgmentplusinterestandcostsorthe adjudgedvalue. However theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisa party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the propertyplusallcostsofsuitandsale.ALLSALESSUBJECTTOCANCELLATIONWITHOUT PRIORNOTICE.THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE PROPERTYWHICH HAVE BEENASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For moreinformation,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP attorneyforplaintiffs,at(936)760-1410 By;/s/AshtonHedrick,8510 InvestigatorAshtonHedrick,8510 PublishedDates:April10,17,24,2024 ConstableChrisJones Notes: By:/s/ChrisJones CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL Cause Number: 24-04-05149 ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry THE STATE OF TEXAS Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058 The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirementsoflaw,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas, thisonthisthe5thdayofApril,2024. Lot Twenty (20), Block Forty (40), of Walden, Section Five (5), a subdivision in MontgomeryCounty,Texas,accordingtothemaporplatthereof,recordedinVolume 10,pages64-69oftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas. Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: (SEAL,DistrictCourt) MelisaMiller,DistrictClerk NOTICETODEFENDANT:"Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouor yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby 10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedate of issuance of this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you." P.OBox2985 17044ElCaminoReal You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petition at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of forty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday the 20thdayofMay,2024beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original nd Petitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe2 dayofApril,2024,inthiscase,numbered 24-04-05149onthedocketofsaidcourt. By:/s/DelcyPhillips DelcyPhillips 4/5/20249:18:13 To: Xavier Von Bertrab and all Unknown Heirs of Xavier Von Bertrab, Et Al (In Rem Only) The nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: Plaintiff sued Defendants for delinquent HOAAssessmentsastothePropertylegallydescribedas: Xavier Von Bertrab and all Unknown Heirs of Xavier Von Bertrab, Et Al (In RemOnly)areDefendants PublishedDates:April10,17,24andMay1,2024 asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: MontgomeryCounty,Texas Walden on Lake Conroe Community Improvement Association, Inc. are Plaintiffsand Lot 2, Block 3, of Woodforest, Section 55, a subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof in Cabinet Z, Sheets 3610 of the Map Records of MontgomeryCounty,Texas;morecommonlyknownas354CapriccioLane,Montgomery,TX 77316(Property"). By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 284th JUDICIALDISTRICT COURTofMONTGOMERYCounty Texas;Cause#23-02-02013inaJudgmentrenderedonthe6th day of March, 2024, where as in Style Woodforest OwnersAssociation, Inc., Plaintiff against Joe EdwardDaniels,Jr Defendant,Ididonthe19thdayofMarch,2024at12:47o'clockp.m.levyupon thefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant: NOTICEOFCONSTABLESSALE THESTATEOFTEXAS COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY Andonthe7thdayofMay,2024,at10:00o'clocka.m.;whichisthefirstTuesdayofsaid month, on the Courthouse Steps located at 301 N. Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 of said MONTGOMERYCounty, Texas in the City of CONROE; I will proceed to sell at the time of the publicauctionforcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofJoeEdwardDaniels,Jr Defendantinandto said property, representing interest and costs of suit, together with legal fees and commissions throughthedateofjudgment,plusallcostsofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesand interestrecoverablebylawinfavorofWoodforestOwnersAssociation,Inc. InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-#8510 DATEDthis20thdayofMarch,2024;at19100UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas. PublishedDates:April10,17,24,2024 By:/s/AshtonHedrick ConstableChrisJones-Pct.5MONTGOMERYCOUNTYTEXAS By:/s/ChrisJones ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34.015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY TAXCODE. GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe19thdayofMarch,2024. To:VeronicaCamachoandtoallwhomitmayconcern,Respondent(s), Cause Number: 23-09-12763-CV CONROE,TX77305q Suite510 THE STATE OF TEXAS By:/s/TraciGunter 4/11/20249:35:20AM HoustonTX77056-1846 The suit requests that Original Petition for Termination and Adoption, all as is more fully showninthePetitiononfileinthiscause. JosiahCamacho MontgomeryCounty Texas CITATION BYPUBLICATION/POSTING - FAMILYCODE MelisaMiller RobertTeir POBOX2985 4900WoodwayDrive CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYREQUESTINGTHESERVICE The petition of Stephanie Seidel; Aaron Seidel, Petitioner was filed in the 418th Judicial DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,onthisthe5thdayofSeptember,2023,against VeronicaCamachoRespondent(s)numbered23-09-12763andentitled Thedateandplaceofbirthofthechild(ren)whois(are)thesubjectofsuitis/are:March7, 2011inSanMarcos,HaysCounty Texas. IntheInterestofJosiahCamacho Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorneydonotfileawritten answerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingthe expirationoftwentydaysafteryouwereservedthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generallymustbemadenolaterthan30daysafteryoufileyouranswerwiththeclerk.Find TheCourthastheauthorityinthissuittoenteranyjudgmentordecreeinthechildreninterest which will be binding to you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determinationofpaternityandappointmentofaconservatorwithauthoritytoconsenttothe childrenadoption. IssuedandgivenundermyhandsealofsaidCourtatConroe,Texasonthisthe11thdayof April,2024. (SEAL,DistrictCourt) MelisaMiller,DistrictClerk TraciGunter Deputy PublishedDates:April17,24,May1,8,2024 Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77040 Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: NOTICETO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued.You may employ an attorney Ifyou or your attorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.onthe Mondaynextfollowingtheexpirationoffortytwodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitation andpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou." To:UnknownHeirsatLawofDnalF Johnson,Deceased NationstarMortgageLLCd/b/a/Mr CooperarePlaintiffsand Cause Number: 24-01-01444 Dnal F. Johnson; Gerard Robertson, Jr. Heir at Law of Decedent; Unknown Heirs at LawofDnalF Johnson,DeceasedareDefendants CITATION BYPUBLICATION - CIVIL ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService MelisaMiller RonnyVGeorge P.OBox2985 13105NorthwestFreewaySuite960 THE STATE OF TEXAS YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertothePlaintiff'sOriginalPetition atorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateof issuance of this citation the same being Monday, the 3rd day of June, 2024 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original Petition was filed in said court on this the 29th day of January 2024,inthiscase,numbered24-01-01444onthedocketofsaidcourt. Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: The Petition seeks an order to foreclose the lien on the property and assert a claim to the propertylocatedat20292OldHighway105,Cleveland,TX77328andlegallydescribedas:A 2.0025 Acre Tract Of Land Being Part Of That Certain Called 2.145-Acre Tract Of Land Described In Deed Recorded Under Clerk's File N. 9841816 D.R.M.C.T., Out Of That Certain Called6.435-AcreTractOfLandDescribedInDeedRecordedInVolume802,Page322OfThe DeedRecordsOfMontgomeryCounty Texas,SituatedInTheM.H.HinchSurvey AbstractNo. 253, Montgomery County, Texas, Said 2.0025 Acres Being More Particularly Described By MetesAnd BoundsAs Follows (Bearings Based On Deed Recorded Under Clerk's File No. 9841816 Of Montgomery County Deed Records): CommencingAt The Southwest Corner Of SaidCalled6.435-AcreTract,AlsoBeingTheSouthwestCornerOfACalled0.145-AcreTract Described In Deed Recorded Under Clerk's File No. 2006052756 D.R.M.C.T.; Thence, North 00°30'00" East, With The West Line Of Said Called 6.435-Acre TractAnd Called 0.145-Acre Tract,ADistance Of 17.01 FeetToA1/2 Inch Iron Rod Found ForThe Southwest CornerAnd PlaceOfBeginningOfTheHereinDescribedTract;Thence,North00°30'00"East,Continuing WithTheWestLineOfSaidCalled6.435-AcreTract,ADistanceOf238.88FeetToA'/2InchIron RodFoundForTheNorthwestCornerOfTheHereinDescribedTract;Thence,North88°50'33" Theofficerexecutingthiswritshallpromptlyservethesameaccordingtorequirementsoflaw andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe17thdayofApril,2024. MontgomeryCounty,Texas asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. PublishedDates:April24,May1,8,15,2024 East,PassingAtADistanceOf350.30TheWestLineOfA30.00-FootWideRoadEasement, From WhichA5/8 Inch Iron Rod Was Found Bearing South 52°17'00" EastADistance Of 1.4 Feet,And Continuing ForATotal Distance Of 365.31 Feet ToA1/2 Inch Iron Rod Set In The Centerline Of Said 30.00-Foot Road Easement For The Northeast Corner Of The Herein DescribedTract;Thence,South00°30'00"West,WithTheCenterlineOfSaidRoadEasement, ADistanceOf238.88FeetToA1/2InchIronRodSetForTheSoutheastCornerOfTheHerein DescribedTract;Thence,South88°50'33"West,WithTheNorthLineOfAforementionedCalled 0.145-AcreTract,PassingAtADistanceOf15.01FeetA5/8InchIronRodFoundInTheWest LineOfSaidRoadEasement,ContinuingForATotalDistanceOf365.31FeetToThePlaceOf BeginningAndContainingWithinTheseCalls2.0025AcresOr87,230SquareFeetOfLand. MelisaMiller DistrictClerk (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCountyTexas) By:MelissaMiller DistrictClerk /s/TraciGunter TraciGunter 4/17/20249:42:10AM

Allsalesarewithoutwarranty,expressedorimplied.Specifically,thereisnowarrantyastotitleor physicalcondition(includingtheconditionorexistenceofanyimprovements).Thesalesaresubject toanyrightsofredemptionasprovidedbylaw Paymentmustbemadeincashorbycashierscheck.Allsalesarefinal.




Wednesday,April24,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews,Page7 LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL ConstablePhilipCash (Seenotebelow) NOTICEOFTAXRESALE Pursuant to a resolution of its governing body under Section 34.05(c), Property Tax Code, Montgomery County has requested a public re-sale by my office of certain properties previously foreclosedandbidofftothetaxingunitsinthesuitsdescribedbelow Therefore,Iwillofferforsale thefollowingpropertiesonMay7,2024,PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01andasfurtherprovidedin theResolutionadoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasonJuly27,2021 and recorded as instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County Texas,taxsaleinMontgomeryCountyshallbeconductedasanONLINEAUCTIONatthe following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions.The Montgomery CountyConstableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledin agivenmonth,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00 AM,andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidder,andinthemannerprovidedbySection 34.05(d),PropertyTaxCode,alloftheright,titleandinterestofthetaxingunits,acquiredthrough each of the suits listed below in and to the following described real estate being situated in MontgomeryCounty,Texas,towit: (PropertiespreviouslystruckofftoMONTGOMERYCOUNTY) Notie:MontgomeryCountyisthetaxingunittowhichthepropertywasstruckofftointrust. nd ConstablePhilipCash,By:/s/StephenClosson,Datedthe22 dayofMarch,2024 PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 AllSalessubjecttocancellationwithoutpriornotice. THE PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO CLAIMS BY THE TAXING ENTITIES FO POSTJUDGMENTTAXES. PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHECOUNTYANDTHATTHEREARENOKNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERING ATA X DEED TO ANY PURCHASER
County Allprospectivebiddersshouldmaketheirowninvestigationofthetitleheldby thetaxingentitiesandthevalueoftheproperty Prospectivebiddersareencouragedtoconsulttheir attorney Prospectivebiddersshouldnotrelyonthe“AdjudgedValue”,representingtheactualvalue ofthepropertyoranyinformationregardingthepropertycontainedintherecordsoftheMontgomery CountyAppraisalDistrict. OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE NOTICEOFSALE andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,bythe ClerkofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedand deliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty,IhaveonMarch1, 024 seized,leviedupon,and 2 , willofferforsalethefollowingproperties,onthefirstTuesdayinMay,2024,thesamebeingthe7th day of said month, Pursuant to Texas Tax Code 34.01, and as further provided in the Resolution adoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedas instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conducted as an ONLINE AUCTION at the following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions. The Montgomery County Constableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledinagiven month,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday,beginningat10:00AM, andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsin such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § § MontgomeryCounty Texas However theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisa party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the propertyplusallcostsofsuitandsale.ALLSALESSUBJECTTOCANCELLATIONWITHOUT PRIORNOTICE.THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE PROPERTYWHICH HAVE BEENASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For moreinformation,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP, attorneyforplaintiffs,at(936)760-1410 Notes: TheMinimumBidisthelesseroftheamountawardedinthejudgmentplusinterestandcostsorthe adjudgedvalue. DatedatConroe,Texas,the21stdayofMarch,2024. ConstableRyanGable PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHECOUNTYANDTHATTHEREARENOKNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERING ATA X DEED TO ANY PURCHASER WHO FAILS TO PRESENT TO THE OFFICER THE REQUIRED WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COUNTYTAXASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. PublishedDates:April17,24andMay1,2024 By;/s/R.Gable TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Montgomery County Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete descriptionofeachrespectivetract.)or,uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney,a sufficientportionofthepropertydescribedaboveshallbesoldtosatisfysaidjudgment(s),interest, penalties,andcost;andanypropertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendants oranypersonhavinganinteresttherein,toredeemthesaidproperty ortheirinteresttherein,within the time and in the manner provided by law and shall be subject to any other and further rights to whichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedthereinmaybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Said saletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)renderedintheabovestyledandnumberedcause(s), togetherwithinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothe satisfactionthereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthelawdirects. 2. CourtCosts $136.97 Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas,did th th onthe14 dayofMarch2024levyonRealpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7 dayofMay2024,I willofferforsaleandsellattheMontgomeryCountyCourthouselocatedat301N.MainStreet,Conroe, Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),,Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00amforcashtothe highestbidder,allrights,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantDavidP Kervin&JoyceM.Kervin RevocableLivingTrusthadinthepropertydescribedbelow: th 3. Interestfromthe15 dayofDecember2021,attherateof5%perannum, CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE PublishedDates:April17,24,May1,2024 NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainWritofExecutionissuedoutoftheJusticeofthePeaceCourt, th Pct.1ofMontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe13 dayofMarch2024,infavorofRoyalForestColony Club, recovered a judgment in Cause No. 1SC2831, in the Justice of the Peace Court, Pct. 1 in th MontgomeryCounty Texasonthe15 dayofDecember2021,againstDavidP Kervin&JoyceM. KervinRevocableLivingTrustforthesumof: NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE 1. Amount: $1,073.67 THESTATEOFTEXAS * COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: Lot701,RoyalForestSubdivision,Section01,1.4505acres,moreorless,outoftheJoseM.DeLa Garza Survey, Abstract Number 15, Montgomery County, Texas. MCAD account # 8470-0029900. th Witnessmyhandthis20 dayofMarch2024. PhilipCash ConstablePCT 1 MontgomeryCounty,Texas By:S.Closson Sergeant TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 th ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery th County Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe4 dayofMay,2021 inthecaseofRiverwalkProperty OwnersAssociation,INC Plaintiff,vs.AraceliLopez&SaulHerrera,Defendant(s),CauseNo.2102-02325insaidcourt,judgmentbeinginfavorofRiverwalkPropertyOwnersAssociation,INC, th PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe13 DayofMarch 2024at12:17o'clockpm.,levyupon thefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):AraceliLopez&SaulHerrera. th Witnessmyhandthisthe13 dayofMarch,2024. (REALPROPERTY) NOTICEOFSALE THESTATEOFTEXAS § COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § th andonthe7 dayofMay 2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clockp.m.,at501 NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty Conroe,Texas,Iwillofferfor saleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofAraceliLopez&Saul Herrera Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty Kenneth Hayden, Constable Pct. 421130 US Hwy 59 #C New Caney TX.77357 Lot FIVE (5), Block TWO (2), Riverwalk Section THREE (3), a subdivision of 631.92 acres of land located in the George Mason Survey, Abstract 341 and the Thomas Vanhorn Survey Abstract 587, of Montgomery County,Texas, according to the map orplat thereof recorded in CabinetM,Sheets164thru171oftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas 281-577-8985 DeputyR.Hamlet anyvolumeandpagereferences,unlessotherwiseindicated,beingtotheDeedRecords,Montgomery County Texas,towhichinstrumentsreferencemaybemadeforamorecompletedescriptionofeach respectivetract.)or,uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney,asufficientportion ofthepropertydescribedaboveshallbesoldtosatisfysaidjudgment(s)interest,penalties,andcost. Said sale to be made by me to satisfy the judgment(s) rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s),togetherwithinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeapplied tothesatisfactionthereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthelawdirects. th Datedthe26 dayofMarch,2024. NOTES: ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. This propertymayhaveotherliens,taxesdueorencumbrances,whichmaybecometheresponsibilityof thesuccessfulbidder By:/s/PhilipCash andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)ofthe284thDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas, by the Clerk of said Court on said date, in the hereinafter numbered and styled suit(s) and to me th directedanddeliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty,Ihaveonthe26 dayofMarch,2024, seized,leviedupon,andwill,onthefirstTuesdayinMay,2024,thesamebeingthe7thdayofsaid month,insidetheMontgomeryCountyCourthouseat130NMainSt,Conroe,Texas77301,between thehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.,beginningatapproximately10:00a.m.,onsaidday proceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsinsuch suit(s)inandtothefollowingdescribedrealestatelevieduponasthepropertyofsaiddefendants,the samelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,to-wit: Commonlyknownas:31LakewaySt.,Conroe,TX77304 LegalDescription:LOT31,INPANORAMACOUNTRYHOUSESECTION,OFPANORAMA,A SUBDIVISIONINMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 11, PAGE 66 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS. JudgmentAmount:$46,618.13pluspenaltiesandinterestthathasaccruedfromSeptember28,2023 Cause#:23-02-01792OVATIONSERVICES,LLCv JILLL.FLOWERS,ETAL;JudgmentDate: October2,2023TaxAcct#:7746-00-03100OrderofSaleIssued:February25,2024 NOTICEOFSALE THESTATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY §
All volume and page references in the legal description refer to the records of the County Clerk of Montgomery
LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL Page8,Wednesday,April24,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews 936-449-NEWS (6397) PhilipCash,Constable Deputy MontgomeryCounty,Texas By:/s/StephenClosson PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 NOTICEOFSALE (REALPROPERTY) COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § LOT1, BLOCK 1 OFAUBURNTRAILSATOAKHURST, SECTION 13,ASUBDIVISION LOCATEDINMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET Z, SHEET 2974 OFTHE MAPOR RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS (THE "PROPERTY") A.K.A. 24115 NEWBERRY BENDDR.PORTER,TEXAS77365. THESTATEOFTEXAS § By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe30thdayofAugust,2023,inthecaseof Oakhurst Community Association Inc., Plaintiff, vs. Zakary N. Ndegwa, Defendant(s), Cause No.23-05-07236insaidcourt,judgmentbeinginfavorofOakhurstCommunityAssociationInc, PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s),Ididonthe2ndDayofApril,2024at10:00o'clockpm.,levyupon thefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):ZakaryN.Ndegwa. 281-577-8985 PublishedDates:April17,24andMay1,2024 NewCaney,TX.77357 andonthe7thdayofMay2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clock p.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty Conroe,Texas,I willofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofZakaryN. Ndegwa,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty /s/RandyCrowder DeputyR.Crowder#8451 nd Witnessmyhandthisthe2 dayofApril,2024. 21130USHwy59#C KennethHayden,ConstablePct.4 TexasRulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurityforanydebt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignmentormortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenitis held by the pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complying with the conditions of the pledge, assignmentormortgage. Biddersmustpre-registerpriortothesaletobidonthisproperty(CivilPracticeandRemedies Code34.0445) Lot 7, In Block 4, of Crockett Trace, Section One (1), a Subdivision in Montgomery County, Texas,accordingtothemaporplatthereof,recordedinCabinetO,Sheet(S)157through162of theMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas. 1. $1,210.80PrincipalSum 4. $0.00CourtCost/processserverfees TheabovepropertyisleviedonasthepropertyofRichardL.Pfirmanandwillbesoldtosatisfya judgmentinthe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texasrenderedonthe7thday ofOctoberA.D.2022infavorofCrockettTraceHomeownersAssociate,Inc.andagainstthesaid RichardL.Pfirman. FORTHEPRINCIPAL,INTERESTANDALLCOSTSACCRUINGBYVIRTUEOFSAID SUITTHETOTALSUM. 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit NOTICEOFCONSTABLESALE BY VIRTUE OF A ORDER OF SALE issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County State of Texas, in a certain cause numbered 22-03-03110 on a judgment rendered in said court on the 7th day of OctoberA.D. 2022 and directed and delivered to me as ConstableofMontgomeryCountyPrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty Texas.Ihaveonthe15th dayofMarchA.D.2024levieduponandwillofferforsalebetweenthehoursprescribedbylawat approximately10:00A.M.onthefirstTuesdayinMayA.D.2024,itbeingthe7thofsaidmonthat public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand at the Courthouse steps of 301 N Main St. Conroe,TX77301ofsaidMontgomeryCounty Texas,alltherighttitleandinterest,ifany whichthe defendanthadonthe7thdayofOctoberA.D.2022,oratanytimethereafter,ofandinthefollowing describedpropertytowit: 2. $3,060.87AttorneyFees 3. Post-judgment interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgmentsigneduntilfullypaid. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 By:/s/PaulHubbard MontgomeryCounty,Texas GIVENUNDERMYHANDonthisDate26thofMarch,A.D.2024 MontgomeryCountyPrecinct2 MontgomeryCount Texasy, DeputyPaulHubbard GeneDeforest,Constable MontgomeryCountyConstablePrecinct2 THESTATEOFTEXAS * NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty Texasonthe19 dayofApril,2024infavorofBentwaterPropertyOwners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.19-06-08569-CV,inthe284 JudicialDistrict st CourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe31 dayofOctober 2019,againstCsabaMeiszburger TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: 2. $4,458.55($2,658.55and$1,800Additional)Attorneyfees COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, th th didonthe4 dayofApril,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7 dayofMay, 2024 Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),, Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder,allright,title,and interestthatthesaiddefendantCsabaMeiszburgerhadinthepropertydescribedbelow: 1. $12,818.21Principlesum 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: LOTTEN(10),BLOCKTHREE(3),OFBENTWATER,SECTIONTHIRTY-THREE(33),A SUBDIVISION SITUATED IN JAMES J. FOSTER SURVEY, A203 AND THE RICHARD WILLIS SURVEY, A-626, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAPORPLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINCABINETG,SHEET47ETSEQ.OFTHEMAP RECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXASMORECOMMONLYKNOWNAS300 CAMDENHILLSDRIVE,MONTGOMERY TX77356(“PROPERTY”) th Witnessmyhandthis4 dayofApril,2024. ConstablePCT.1 MontgomeryCounty,Texas 4. $525.87($315.87CourtCostsand$210.00ProcessServer) By: S.Closson Sergeant 3. Post-judgmentinterestattherateoffivepercent(5.25%)perannumonthetotal judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgment is signeduntilfullypaid. PhilipCash CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHT THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BUYERSARE FURTHERADVISED THATTHE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITYINTERESTONTHEPROPERTY YOUHAVESIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVER INTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS, YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHT THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BUYERSARE FURTHERADVISED THATTHE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITYINTERESTONTHEPROPERTY YOUHAVESIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVER INTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS, YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE MontgomeryCounty,Texas By: S.Closson THESTATEOFTEXAS * COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: 1. $13,492.99Principlesum Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, th th didonthe4 dayofApril,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7 dayofMay, 2024 Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),, Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder,allright,title,and interest that the said defendant Fortune Operating Company, A Texas Corporation had in the propertydescribedbelow: Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: LOTTWELVE(12),BLOCKTWO(2),OFBENTWATER,SECTIONTHIRTY-SEVEN(37), A SUBDIVISION SITUATED IN THE JAMES J FOSTER SURVEY A-203 AND THE RICHARD WILLIS SURVEY, H-626, MONTGOMERYCOUNTY, TEXAS,ACCORDING TOTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOFRECORDEDINCABINETE,SHEET181ET SEQ.OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY,TEXAS,INMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS,MORECOMMONLYKNOWN AS205BLUEHILLDRIVE,MONTGOMERY,TX77356 th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe19 dayofMarch,2023infavorofBentwaterPropertyOwners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.19-06-08737-CV inthe284 JudicialDistrict th CourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe7 dayofNovember,2019,againstFortuneOperating Company,ATexasCorporation. 2. $4,916.60($3,116.60and$1,800.00Additional)Attorneyfees 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit 3. Post-judgment interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgment is signeduntilfullypaid. 4. $740.87CourtCosts(includes$425processserverfees) th Witnessmyhandthis4 dayofApril,2024. PhilipCash ConstablePCT.1 Sergeant 281-364-4211 TheWoodlands,TX77380 COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § LOTTEN(10),INBLOCKONE(1),OFRAYFORDRIDGESUBDIVISIONOF 17 6245 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, SITUATED IN THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL LAND SURVEY, A-350, AND THE JOHN WILLIAMS SURVEY A-641, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDINGTOTHE MAPOR PLATTHEREOF IN CABINETU, SHEETS 167 AND 168 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 510 ANACACHO, SPRING, TX 77386;andonthe7thdayofMay 2024,betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at the Montgomery County Courthouse located at 501 N. Thompson Suite 402, Conroe, Texas 77301, I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Daniel L. Moore and AudryMoore,Defendantinandtosaidproperty DeputyJohnGVasquez THESTATEOFTEXAS § NOTICEOFEXECUTIONSALE By virtue of a Order Of Sale issued out of the Honorable 284th Judicial th DistrictCourt,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe5 day of May, 2023, in the case of Rayford Ridge Property Owners Association., Plaintiff,vs.DanielL.MooreandAudryMoore.1.$1,167.42PrincipalSum.(2) $4,808.00($3,008.58and$1,800.00additional)Attorneyfees.(3)PostJudgement Interestattherateof(7.75%)perannumonallamountsawardedinthisjudgment, includingattorneyfees,fromthedateofthisjudgementissigneduntilfullypaid.4. $617.58($376.58CourtCostand$241.00ProcessServer).5.$1,500.00Judgment credit and foreclosure of a lien on the following described property, Defendant, Cause No. 23-02-02503 in said court, judgmentbeing in favor of Rayford Ridge PropertyOwnersAssociation.,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant,Ididonthe4thday ofApril2024,at2:10o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyof Defendant: th DATED at 1520 Lake Front Circle Suite 900,TheWoodlands,Texas, this the 4 dayofApril,2024. By:/s/JohnGVasquez RyanGable-ConstablePct.3 1520LakeFrontCircle,Suite900 PublishedDates:April17,24,May1,2024 281-364-4211 th DATEDat1520LakeFrontCircleSuite900,TheWoodlands,Texas,thisthe4 dayofApril,2024. COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § ByvirtueofaOrderOfSaleissuedoutoftheHonorable284thJudicialDistrictCourt,Montgomery th County, Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 27 day of July, 2023, in the case of Community Association of Harmony Inc., Plaintiff, vs. Christy llshena Janaie Chatham. (1) $6981.73 Unpaid AmountdueonAssessmentAccount.(2)$0.00Attorneyfees.(3)Interestonallamountsawardedin thisjudgmentattherateof(5%)perannumfromthedateofthisjudgmentuntilpaidinfull.(4)$0.00 CourtCosts,$1,258.00Judgmentcreditandforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty, Defendant, Cause No. 23-05-07667 in said court, judgment being in favor of ,Community AssociationofHarmony Inc.,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant,Ididonthe4thdayofApril2024,at 2:10o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant: LOT20,BLOCK03,VIVACYATHARMONY,SECTION2ANDADDITIONMONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE MAPRECORDS OF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS UNDER CABINETZ, SHEET58795880,ASMODIFIEDBYANYSUPPLEMENTSTHERETOORREPLATSTHEREOF ;andonthe 7th day of May, 2024, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at the MontgomeryCountyCourthouselocatedat501N.ThompsonSuite402,Conroe,Texas77301,Iwill offerforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofChristyllshena JanaieChatham,Defendantinandtosaidproperty THESTATEOFTEXAS § By:/s/JohnGVasquez DeputyJohnGVasquez RyanGable-ConstablePct.3 NOTICEOFEXECUTIONSALE 1520LakeFrontCircle,Suite900 TheWoodlands,TX77380 Published:April17,24,May1,2024 LegalNoticesContinuedonfollowingpage

uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney asufficientportionofthe property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any propertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendantsoranypersonhavinganinterest therein,toredeemthesaidproperty ortheirinteresttherein,withinthetimeandinthemannerprovidedby law andshallbesubjecttoanyotherandfurtherrightstowhichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedtherein maybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Saidsaletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothesatisfactionthereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthe lawdirects.




DatedatConroe,Texas,the21stdayofMarch,2024. By:/s/PhilipCash



TheMinimumBidisthelesseroftheamountawardedinthejudgmentplusinterestandcostsortheadjudged value. However theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisapartyto thesuit(otherthanataxingunit),istheaggregateamountofthejudgmentsagainstthepropertyplusallcosts of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. THERE


PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For more information,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP,attorneyfor plaintiffs,at(936)760-1410


LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April24,2024,Page9 § NOTICEOFSALE andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,bytheClerk ofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedanddeliveredas SherifforConstableofsaidCounty,IhaveonMarch21,2024 seized,leviedupon,andwillofferforsale , the following properties, on the first Tuesday in May, 2024, the same being the 7th day of said month, PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01,andasfurtherprovidedintheResolutionadoptedbytheCommissioners CourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedasinstrumentnumber2021105114in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conductedasanONLINEAUCTIONatthefollowingURL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions.TheMontgomeryCountyConstableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,if anyarescheduledinagivenmonth,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00AM,andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterest ofthedefendantsinsuchsuit(s)inandtothefollowingdescribedrealestatelevieduponasthepropertyof saiddefendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S
(any volume
the Deed
references, unless otherwise indicated, being to
Records, Montgomery County Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respectivetract.)or
MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § NOTICEOFSALE § andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,bytheClerk ofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedanddeliveredas SherifforConstableofsaidCounty IhaveonMarch19,2024 seized,leviedupon,andwillofferforsale the following properties, on the first Tuesday in May, 2024, the same being the 6th day of said month, PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01,andasfurtherprovidedintheResolutionadoptedbytheCommissioners CourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedasinstrumentnumber2021105114in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County, Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conductedasanONLINEAUCTIONatthefollowingURL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions.TheMontgomeryCountyConstableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,if anyarescheduledinagivenmonth,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00AM,andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterest ofthedefendantsinsuchsuit(s)inandtothefollowingdescribedrealestatelevieduponasthepropertyof saiddefendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE By;/s/RandyCrowder OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S TheMinimumBidisthelesseroftheamountawardedinthejudgmentplusinterestandcostsorthe adjudgedvalue. ConstableKenneth“Rowdy”Haydon PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHE COUNTYANDTHATTHEREARE NO KNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERING A TA X DEED TO ANY PURCHASER WHO FAILS TO PRESENT TO THE OFFICER THE REQUIRED WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COUNTYTAXASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. DatedatConroe,Texas,the19thdayofMarch,2024. By:/s/ MontgomeryCounty,Texas DeputyRandyCrowder (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Montgomery County, Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete descriptionofeachrespectivetract.)or uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney a sufficient portion of the property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties,andcost;andanypropertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendants oranypersonhavinganinteresttherein,toredeemthesaidproperty ortheirinteresttherein,withinthe timeandinthemannerprovidedbylaw,andshallbesubjecttoanyotherandfurtherrightstowhichthe defendantsoranyoneinterestedthereinmaybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw.Saidsaletobe madebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)renderedintheabovestyledandnumberedcause(s),together withinterest,penalties,andcostsofsuit,andtheproceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothesatisfaction thereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthelawdirects. Notes: However,theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisa party to the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale.ALLSALES SUBJECTTO CANCELLATIONWITHOUT PRIORNOTICE.THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE PROPERTY WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For moreinformation,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP attorneyforplaintiffs,at(936)760-1410 PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * Notice is hereby given that by a certain Order of Sale issued out of the 284 Judicial District Court of th Montgomery County, Texas on the 13 day of March, 2024 in favor of Bentwater Property Owners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.19-06-08534-CV,inthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtof stMontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe31 dayofOctober,2019,againstKimBetheaSykes. 3. Post-judgmentinterestattherateoffiveandonequarterpercent(5.25%)perannumon the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgment is signeduntilfullypaid. 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE THESTATEOFTEXAS * Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas,didonthe th th 8 dayofApril,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow andonthe7 dayofMay 2024 Iwillofferfor sale and sell at 301 N. Main Street, Conroe, Texas 77301 (west side court steps),, Conroe, Texas 77301, at approximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder allright,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantKim BetheaSykeshadinthepropertydescribedbelow: PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: 1. $13,148.43Principlesum 2. $5,003Attorneyfees 4. $835.22CourtCosts(includes$519.35processserverfees) Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: LOT018,BLOCK02,BENTWATER,SECTION29,ASUBDIVSIONINMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS ACORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET F SHEETS 176A & OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS MORE COMMONY KNOWNAS83CAMDENHILLSDRIVE,MONTGOMERY,TX77356 thWitnessmyhandthis8 dayofApril,2024. ConstablePCT 1 PhilipCash MontgomeryCounty Texas By:S.Closson Sergeant TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHTTHEPROPERTY“ASIS”. BUYERS AREFURTHERADVISEDTHATTHEPURCHASEOFTHEPROPERTYATTHISCONSTABLE'SSALE MAYNOT EXTINGUISHANYLIENS OR SECURITYINTEREST ON THE PROPERTY YOU HAVE SIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVERINTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOU HAVEANYQUESTIONS,YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE
Page10,Wednesday,April24,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL (PropertiespreviouslystruckofftoCONROEISD (Seenotebelow) Notie:ConroeISDisthetaxingunittowhichthepropertywasstruckofftointrust. Pursuant to a resolution of its governing body under Section 34.05(c), Property Tax Code, Montgomery County has requested a public re-sale by my office of certain properties previously foreclosedandbidofftothetaxingunitsinthesuitsdescribedbelow Therefore,Iwillofferforsale thefollowingpropertiesonMay7,2024,PursuanttoTexasTaxCode34.01andasfurtherprovidedin theResolutionadoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasonJuly27,2021 and recorded as instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County,Texas,taxsaleinMontgomeryCountyshallbeconductedasanONLINEAUCTIONatthe following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions.The Montgomery CountyConstableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledin agivenmonth,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday beginningat10:00 AM,andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidder,andinthemannerprovidedbySection 34.05(d),PropertyTaxCode,alloftheright,titleandinterestofthetaxingunits,acquiredthrough each of the suits listed below, in and to the following described real estate being situated in MontgomeryCounty Texas,towit: NOTICEOFTAXRESALE ConstableGeneDeForst ConstableGeneDeForest,ByDeputyP Hubbard:/s/P Hubbard,Datedthe21st dayofMarch,2024 Notes: Allsalesarewithoutwarranty,expressedorimplied.Specifically,thereisnowarrantyastotitleor physicalcondition(includingtheconditionorexistenceofanyimprovements).Thesalesaresubject toanyrightsofredemptionasprovidedbylaw AllSalessubjecttocancellationwithoutpriornotice. THE PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO CLAIMS BY THE TAXING ENTITIES FO POSTJUDGMENTTAXES. TALSALEPURCHASERSAREENCOURAGEDTOCHECKWITHTHTAXINGENTITIESFO ROTHERTAXESTHATMAYBEDUEONPROPERTY Paymentmustbemadeincashorbycashierscheck.Allsalesarefinal. PURCHASERS OF TAX SALE PROPERTY MUST PRESENT TO THE CONSTABLE CONDUCTINGTHESALEAWRITTENSTATEMENTISSUEDTOTHEPURCHASERBYTHE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENTPROPERTYTAXESTOTHECOUNTYANDTHATTHEREARENOKNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERING ATA X DEED TO ANY PURCHASER WHO FAILS TO PRESENT TO THE OFFICER THE REQUIRED WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COUNTYTAXASSESSOR-COLLECTOR. All volume and page references in the legal description refer to the records of the County Clerk of MontgomeryCounty Allprospectivebiddersshouldmaketheirowninvestigationofthetitleheldby thetaxingentitiesandthevalueoftheproperty Prospectivebiddersareencouragedtoconsulttheir attorney Prospectivebiddersshouldnotrelyonthe“AdjudgedValue”,representingtheactualvalue ofthepropertyoranyinformationregardingthepropertycontainedintherecordsoftheMontgomery CountyAppraisalDistrict. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. MONTGOMERYCOUNTY § § NOTICEOFSALE STATEOFTEXAS § BYVIRTUEOFANORDEROFSALE andissuedpursuanttojudgmentdecree(s)oftheDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas,bythe ClerkofsaidCourtonsaiddate,inthehereinafternumberedandstyledsuit(s)andtomedirectedand deliveredasSherifforConstableofsaidCounty,IhaveonMarch20,2024 seized,leviedupon,and , willofferforsalethefollowingproperties,onthefirstTuesdayinMay 2024,thesamebeingthe6th day of said month, Pursuant to Texas Tax Code 34.01, and as further provided in the Resolution adoptedbytheCommissionersCourtofMontgomeryCounty TexasonJuly27,2021andrecordedas instrument number 2021105114 in the Official Public Records of Montgomery County,Texas, tax sales in Montgomery County shall be conducted as an ONLINE AUCTION at the following URL: Beginning February 1, 2022, the Montgomery County Constables will no longer conduct LIVE tax sale auctions. The Montgomery County Constableswillcontinueconductingliveauctionsforexecutionsales,ifanyarescheduledinagiven month,betweenthehoursof10o'clocka.m.and4o'clockp.m.onsaidday,beginningat10:00AM, andwillproceedtosellforcashtothehighestbidderalltheright,title,andinterestofthedefendantsin such suit(s) in and to the following described real estate levied upon as the property of said defendants,thesamelyingandbeingsituatedintheCountyofMontgomeryandtheStateofTexas,towit: By:/s/ Notes: However theMinimumBidforapersonowninganinterestinthepropertyorforapersonwhoisapartyto the suit (other than a taxing unit), is the aggregate amount of the judgments against the property plus all costs of suit and sale. ALL SALES SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. THEREMAYBEADDITIONALTAXESDUEONTHE (any volume and page references, unless otherwise indicated, being to the Deed Records, Montgomery County Texas, to which instruments reference may be made for a more complete description of each respectivetract.)or uponthewrittenrequestofsaiddefendantsortheirattorney asufficientportionofthe property described above shall be sold to satisfy said judgment(s), interest, penalties, and cost; and any propertysoldshallbesubjecttotherightofredemptionofthedefendantsoranypersonhavinganinterest therein,toredeemthesaidproperty,ortheirinteresttherein,withinthetimeandinthemannerprovidedby law,andshallbesubjecttoanyotherandfurtherrightstowhichthedefendantsoranyoneinterestedtherein maybeentitled,undertheprovisionsoflaw Saidsaletobemadebymetosatisfythejudgment(s)rendered in the above styled and numbered cause(s), together with interest, penalties, and costs of suit, and the proceedsofsaidsalestobeappliedtothesatisfactionthereof,andtheremainder ifany tobeappliedasthe lawdirects. OFFICEATLEASTTWOWEEKSPRIORTOTHESALE. DatedatConroe,Texas,the19thdayofMarch,2024. MontgomeryCounty,Texas PROPERTYWHICH HAVE BEENASSESSED SINCE THE DATE OF THE JUDGMENT For more information,contactyourattorneyorLINEBARGERGOGGANBLAIR&SAMPSON,LLP,attorneyfor plaintiffs,at(936)760-1410 TO OBTAIN A CERTIFICATE PLEASE CONTACT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S PURCHASERSOFTAXSALEPROPERTYMUSTPRESENTTOTHECONSTABLECONDUCTING THE SALE A WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED TO THE PURCHASER BY THE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR STATING THAT THE PURCHASER OWES NO DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAXES TO THE COUNTY AND THAT THERE ARE NO KNOWN OR REPORTED DELINQUENT TAXES OWED BY THE PURCHASER TO ANY SCHOOL DISTRICT OR CITY WITHIN THE COUNTY STATE LAW FURTHER PROHIBITS THE CONSTABLE FROM DELIVERINGATAXDEEDTOANYPURCHASERWHOFAILSTOPRESENTTOTHEOFFICER THE REQUIRED WRITTEN STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE COUNTY TAX ASSESSORCOLLECTOR. ConstableGeneDeForest By;/s/P Hubbard DeputyP Hubbard The Minimum Bid is the lesser of the amount awarded in the judgment plus interest and costs or the adjudgedvalue. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, th th didonthe8 dayofApril,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7 dayofMay, 2024,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),, Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder allright,title,and interest that the said defendant Michael A. Hebert and Dayna M. Hebert had in the property describedbelow: 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit MontgomeryCounty,Texas NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE 2. $3,169.88Attorneyfees 4. $836.81CourtCosts COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe457 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe15 dayofMarch,2024infavorofBentwaterPropertyOwners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.20-10-12070 inthe457 JudicialDistrictCourt ofMontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe17thdayofJune,2021,againstMichaelA.HebertandDayna M.Hebert 1. $163.62Principlesum 3. Post-judgmentinterestattherateoffiveandonequarterpercent(5%perannum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awardee herein, from the date this judgmentissigneduntilfullypaid. Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: LOTFOUR(4),BLOCKTWO(2),OFBENTWATER,SECTIONSIX(6),ASUBDIVISION SITUATION IN THE OWEN SHANNON SURVEY, A-36, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXASACCORDING TO THE MAPOR PLATTHEREOFRECORDED IN CABINET F SHEET 16-ATHROUGH 17-AOFTHE MAPRECORDS OFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY, TEXASMORECOMMONLYKNOWNAS122CLUBISLANDWAY,MONTGOMERY,TX 77356(“PROPERTY”) th Witnessmyhandthis8 dayofApril,2024. THESTATEOFTEXAS * PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: PhilipCash ConstablePCT 1 By:S.Closson Sergeant TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHT THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BUYERSARE FURTHERADVISED THATTHE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITYINTERESTONTHEPROPERTY YOUHAVESIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVER INTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS, YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE THESTATEOFTEXAS * COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe410 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty Texasonthe20 dayofMarch,2024infavorofBentwaterPropertyOwners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.19-08-10741-CV,inthe410 JudicialDistrict CourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe19thdayofMarch,2020,againstTamaraHopkins Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty Texas, th th didonthe8 dayofApril,2024levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow,andonthe7 dayofMay, 2024 Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),, Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder,allright,title,and interestthatthesaiddefendantTamaraHopkinshadinthepropertydescribedbelow: PhilipCash 4. $630.22CourtCostsprocessserverfees LOTTWENTY-ONE (21), IN BLOCKTWO (2), OFBENTWATER, SECTION FIVE (5),A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS,ACCORDING TO THE MAPOR PLATTHEREOF, RECORDED IN CABINETE, SHEET181-A, OFTHE MAPRECORDS OFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXASMORECOMMONLYKNOWNAS17BERMUDA CIRCLE,MONTGOMERY,TX77356 Sergeant NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHT THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BUYERSARE FURTHERADVISED THATTHE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITYINTERESTONTHEPROPERTY YOUHAVESIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVER INTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS, YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 ConstablePCT 1 SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. MontgomeryCounty,Texas 1. $8,469.93Principlesum 3. Post-judgmentinterestattherateoffiveandonequarterpercent(5%perannum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awardee herein, from the date this judgmentissigneduntilfullypaid. 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit 2. $4,125.00Attorneyfees PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: th Witnessmyhandthis8 dayofApril,2024. By:S.Closson TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE
Wednesday,April24,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews,Page11 LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL TERMSANDCONDITIONSOFSALEANDTIME: NOTE: ON THE PROPERTY SOLD THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE. YOUHAVEBOUGHT THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BUYERSARE FURTHERADVISED THATTHE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS CONSTABLE'S SALE MAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANY LIENS OR SECURITYINTERESTONTHEPROPERTY YOUHAVESIMPLYPURCHASEDWHATEVER INTERESTTHEDEFENDANTHADINTHEPROPERTY IFYOUHAVEANYQUESTIONS, YOUSHOULDCONSULTANATTORNEYOFYOURCHOICE. PROPERTYDESCRIPTION: LOT TEN (10) IN BLOCK TWO (2) OF BENTWATER SECTION TWELVE (12), A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLATTHEREOFRECORDED IN CABINETFSHEET70B OFTHE MAPRECORDS OF MONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS MORE COMONLYKNOWN AS 258 MONTERREY ROAD,MONTGOMERY,TX77356(“PROPERTY”) 3. Post-judgment interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgment is signeduntilfullypaid. CASHIER'SCHECKORMONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE MontgomeryCounty,Texas NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * th Witnessmyhandthis8 dayofApril,2024. 2. $5,199.61($3,399.61and$1,800Additional)Attorneyfees 4. $540.87($315.87CourtCostsand$225ProcessServer 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty: PhilipCash ConstablePCT 1 THESTATEOFTEXAS * th NoticeisherebygiventhatbyacertainOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe457 JudicialDistrictCourtof th MontgomeryCounty Texasonthe19 dayofMarch,2023infavorofBentwaterPropertyOwners th Association,Inc.recoveredajudgmentinCauseNo.20-04-04812-CV,inthe457 JudicialDistrict nd CourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe22 dayofDecember 2020,againstMichaelDeanAllen fdbaCastlerockGroup. By:S.Closson 1. $14,939.36Principlesum Placedinmyhandsforservice,I,PhilipCashasConstablePrecinct1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas, th th didonthe8 dayofApril,2023levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow andonthe7 dayofMay, 2024,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet,Conroe,Texas77301(westsidecourtsteps),, Conroe,Texas77301,atapproximately10:00a.m.forcashtothehighestbidder,allright,title,and interest that the said defendant Michael DeanAllen fdba Castlerock Group had in the property describedbelow: Sergeant SALEWILLBEHELDATAPPROXIMATELY10:00A.M. PublishedDates:April17,24,andMay1,2024 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICEOFPUBLICSALEofpropertytosatisfylandlord'slien. Saleis10:00amonMay th14 2024. Property will be sold to highest bidder at the time of auction. Cleanup and removaldepositmayberequired. Sellerreservesrighttowithdrawpropertyfromsaleornot accept any bidder Property will be sold in entire contents of each individual storage unit. Property includes contents of spaces of following tenants: Earl Brookshire, Nichole Caldwell,JessicaYoung,andMichaelBowden.Propertybeingsoldincludesthefollowing: Householditems,andboxes.ContactTallPines-105,6421Hwy105W SteA,ConroeTx 77304,281-560-4331. PublishedDates:April17,24,2024 CITATION BYPUBLICATION - CIVIL ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationoffortytwodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou." P.OBox2985 13105NorthwestFreewaySuite960 THE STATE OF TEXAS Cause Number: 24-01-01444 MelisaMiller RonnyVGeorge Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77040 To:UnknownHeirsatLawofDnalF Johnson,Deceased You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter thedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday the3rddayofJune,2024before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said CountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe 29thdayofJanuary,2024,inthiscase,numbered24-01-01444onthedocketofsaidcourt. Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: DnalF Johnson;GerardRobertson,Jr HeiratLawofDecedent;UnknownHeirsat LawofDnalF Johnson,DeceasedareDefendants Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: NationstarMortgageLLCd/b/a/Mr CooperarePlaintiffsand The Petition seeks an order to foreclose the lien on the property and assert a claim to the propertylocatedat20292OldHighway105,Cleveland,TX77328andlegallydescribedas: A2.0025Acre Tract Of Land Being Part Of That Certain Called 2.145-Acre Tract Of Land Described In Deed Recorded Under Clerk's File N. 9841816 D.R.M.C.T Out Of That CertainCalled6.435-AcreTractOfLandDescribedInDeedRecordedInVolume802,Page 322 Of The Deed Records Of Montgomery County Texas, Situated In The M.H. Hinch Survey Abstract No. 253, Montgomery County Texas, Said 2.0025 Acres Being More Particularly Described By Metes And Bounds As Follows (Bearings Based On Deed Recorded Under Clerk's File No. 9841816 Of Montgomery County Deed Records): CommencingAt The Southwest Corner Of Said Called 6.435-Acre Tract,Also Being The SouthwestCornerOfACalled0.145-AcreTractDescribedInDeedRecordedUnderClerk's File No. 2006052756 D.R.M.C.T.; Thence, North 00°30'00" East, With The West Line Of SaidCalled6.435-AcreTractAndCalled0.145-AcreTract,ADistanceOf17.01FeetToA1/2 Inch Iron Rod Found For The Southwest Corner And Place Of Beginning Of The Herein Described Tract; Thence, North 00°30'00" East, Continuing With The West Line Of Said Called 6.435-Acre Tract, A Distance Of238.88 Feet To A'/2 Inch Iron Rod Found For The NorthwestCornerOfTheHereinDescribedTract;Thence,North88°50'33"East,PassingAt ADistanceOf350.30TheWestLineOfA30.00-FootWideRoadEasement,FromWhichA 5/8 Inch Iron Rod Was Found Bearing South 52°17'00" EastADistance Of 1.4 Feet,And ContinuingForATotalDistanceOf365.31FeetToA1/2InchIronRodSetInTheCenterline Of Said 30.00-Foot Road Easement For The Northeast Corner Of The Herein Described Tract; Thence, South 00°30'00" West, With The Centerline Of Said Road Easement, A DistanceOf238.88FeetToA1/2InchIronRodSetForTheSoutheastCornerOfTheHerein Described Tract; Thence, South 88°50'33" West, With The North Line OfAforementioned Called0.145-AcreTract,PassingAtADistanceOf15.01FeetA5/8InchIronRodFoundIn TheWestLineOfSaidRoadEasement,ContinuingForATotalDistanceOf365.31FeetTo ThePlaceOfBeginningAndContainingWithinTheseCalls2.0025AcresOr87,230Square FeetOfLand. asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. MontgomeryCounty,Texas /s/TraciGunter MelisaMiller DistrictClerk PublishedDates:April24,May1,8,15,2024 (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCountyTexas) IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe17thdayofApril,2024. TraciGunter 4/17/20249:42:10AM By:MelissaMiller,DistrictClerk You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter thedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday,the3rddayofJune,2024before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas at the Courthouse of said CountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe th13 dayofApril,2024,inthiscase,numbered24-04-05899onthedocketofsaidcourt. Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: P.O.Box2985 17044ElCaminoReal IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe18thdayofApril,2024. THE STATE OF TEXAS To: All Unknown Heirs at Law ofTodd Hoffman *(Deceased) and Jalene M. Blanscet (Deceased) All Unknown Heirs at Law ofTodd Hoffman *(Deceased) and Jalene M. Blanscet (Deceased)areDefendants Plaintiff sued Defendants for delinquent HOA Assessments as to the Property legally describedas: PublishedDates:April24,May1,8,15,2024 The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. (SEALDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou." Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058 Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: MelisaMiller,DistrictClerk Walden on Lake Conroe Community ImprovementAssociation, Inc. are Plaintiffs and asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. Lot41,Block70,WALDENONLAKECONROE,SECTIONSEVENTEEN,asubdivisionin Montgomery County Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet C, Sheet55AoftheMapand/orPlatRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas. MontgomeryCounty Texas By:/s/TraciGunter 4/18/20249:58:24AM CITATION BYPUBLICATION - CIVIL Cause Number: 24-04-05899 ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry JosiahCamacho TheCourthastheauthorityinthissuittoenteranyjudgmentordecreeinthechildreninterestwhich willbebindingtoyou,includingtheterminationoftheparent-childrelationship,thedeterminationof paternityandappointmentofaconservatorwithauthoritytoconsenttothechildrenadoption. Issued and given under my hand seal of said Court at Conroe,Texas on this the 22nd day ofApril, 2024. (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCountyTexas) MelisaMiller DistrictClerk TraciGunter Deputy 4/22/20249:10:31AM MontgomeryCounty,Texas /s/TraciGunter PublishedDates:April24,May1,8,and15,2024 CITATIONBYPUBLICATION/POSTING-FAMILYCODE CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYREQUESTINGTHESERVICE MelisaMiller RobertTeir POBOX2985 4900WoodwayDrive CONROE,TX77305 Suite510 CauseNumber:23-09-12763-CV HoustonTX77056-1846 To:JohnDoeandtoallwhomitmayconcern,Respondent(s), Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorneydonotfileawrittenanswer withtheclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationof twentydaysafteryouwereservedthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainst you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosurestotheotherpartiesofthissuit.Thesedisclosuresgenerallymustbemadenolaterthan30 THESTATEOFTEXAS The petition of Stephanie Seidel;Aaron Seidel, Petitioner, was filed in the 418th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas, on this the 5th day of September 2023, against John Doe Respondent(s)numbered23-09-12763andentitled IntheInterestofJosiahCamacho ThesuitrequeststhatOriginalPetitionforTerminationandAdoption,allasismorefullyshowninthe Petitiononfileinthiscause. The date and place of birth of the children who is (are) the subject of suit is March 7, 2011 in San Marcos,HaysCounty Texas. Notice of Public Sale WednesdayMay15,2024at12:00pm ValleyRanchSelfStorage@21910ValleyRanchCrossingDr.,Porter,TX,77365 PublishedDates:April24andMay1,2024 Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managingpropertieslistedbelowwillholdapublicauctionofpropertybeingsoldtosatisfya landlord s lien The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at Propertywillbesoldtohighestbidderforcash.Deposit forremovalandcleanupmaybetemporarilyrequired.Sellerreservestherighttorejectany bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property may be sold by the space. General description of property being sold includes contents such as household/personal goods/miscitemsinspacesforthefollowingtenants: AUDRIANARAZO TABC LEGALNOTICE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine and Malt Beverage Retailer's Off-Premise Permit by Family Dollar Stores of Texas,LLCd/b/aFamilyDollar27862tobelocatedat16000TX-105,Conroe,TX77306 inMontgomeryCounty OfficersofsaidLLCarePeterBarnett(President),ToddLittler (SeniorVicePresident),JohnMitchell,Jr (Secretary),JonathanElder(VicePresident –Tax),HarrySpencer(AssistantSecretary). PublishedDate:April24andMay1,2024 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Jason W Brown, Roy Krieg, Michael Graeter Mark Heaner Reva Oliver Tracy Green, EstebanRodriguez,RichardPennington,KristyMonroe,IsrealGuerra,LisaDavis,Amanda Schubert,KyBills,MartinBradJohnson,Miranda,Hettinger DakeryiaTurner 18015FarmToMarketRd1488 346-703-2088 PUBLIC NOTICE of property to satisfy landlords lien Sale ends 6:30 pm 5/13/24 at Cleanup deposit required Seller reserves the right to withdraw property at any time before the sale. Unit items sold as-is to highest bidder for cash. All spaces contain general household goods and furniture and as noted. Property includesthecontentsofspacesofthefollowingtenants: MagnoliaParkwayStorage Magnolia,Tx77354 PublishedDates:April24,May1,2024
Page12,Wednesday,April24,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL KeithC.Cartwright,Attorney Onthe4thdayofApril,2024,LettersTestamentaryupontheEstateofRobertAlan Melling,Deceased,wereissuedtoDorisEllenPeltonMelling,IndependentExecutrixbythe Probate Court # 1 of Montgomery County Texas, in Cause number 24-46172-P pending uponthedocketofsaidCourt. StateBarCardNo.03943050 Telephone:(936)703-5186 DatedApril19,2024 PublishedDate:April24,2024 Notice to Creditors Cause Number 24-46172-P All persons having claims against said Estate, which is currently being administered,areherebyrequiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeprescribedbylawatthe addressshownbelow ThenamewhereclaimsmaybesentisKeithC.Cartwright,Attorney for Doris Ellen Pelton Melling, whose address is 14729 Highway 105 West, Suite 120, Montgomery,Texas77356.Telephone:(936)7035186.Fax:(936)7035187 Signature:/s/KeithC.Cartwright 14729Highway105West,Suite120 Montgomery,Texas77356 Facsimile:(936)703-5187 AttorneyforDorisEllenPeltonMelling By:/s/DenaMizell4/17/20242:38:04PM Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: MontgomeryCounty,Texas Thefilenumberofsaidmatterbeing:24-46483-P GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourtinConroe,Texasonthisthe17thdayofApril, 2024. (SEAL,ProbateCourt) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk DenaMizell,DeputyClerk THE STATE OF TEXAS YouarecommandedtoappearandanswertotheApplicationtoDetermineHeirshipand for Issuance of Letters of Independent Administration filed by Jenyfer Rivette, at or before10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationofTen(10)daysfromthedate of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable Probate Court No. 1 of Montgomery County,attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas.SaidapplicationwasfiledonApril17,2024. Thestylebeing:ESTATEOF:CHARLESTOWNSENDRIVETTE Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled. GREETING: PublishedDate:April24,2024 TO:TheunknownheirsoftheESTATEOF:CHARLESTOWNSENDRIVETTE,Deceased CITATION BYPUBLICATION 24-46483-P L.BRANDONSTEINMANN KENNAM.SEILER APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIPAND FOR ISSUANCE OF LETTERS OF INDEPENDENTADMINISTRATION CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYOFRECORD P.O.BOX959 2700RESEARCHFORESTDRSUITE100 CONROETX77305 THEWOODLANDSTX77381 AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstthisEstatewhichiscurrentlybeingadministered arerequiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribed bylaw TheStrongFirm,P.C. Attn:CarissaPeterson 1790HughesLandingBlvd.,Suite200 Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of DOROTHY WEIS McCOY Deceased, were issued on April 17, 2024, in Cause No. 2446142-P pending in the Probate Court No: 1, Montgomery County Texas, to: KATHRYN ANNMcCOY DOROTHYBARKLEYMcCOYCARLSONandJOHNWESLEYMcCOY JR. TheWoodlands,Texas77380 NOTICE TO CREDITORS StateBarNo.00795671 DATEDthe22nddayofApril,2024. Fax:281.210.1361 /s/CarissaPeterson CARISSAPETERSON StateBarNo.24057618 TwoHughesLanding 1790HughesLandingBoulevard,Suite200 Phone:281.367.1222 BRETL.STRONG ATTORNEYSFORINDEPENDENTCO-EXECUTORS PublishedDate:April24,2024 TheWoodlands,Texas77380 THESTRONGFIRMP.C. NOTICETOCREDITORS All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw Attn:CarissaPeterson 1790HughesLandingBlvd.,Suite200 Notice is hereby given that original LettersTestamentary for the Estate of MARYGENE FRANCESFAGAN,Deceased,wereissuedonApril12,2024,inCauseNo.24-46314-P,pendingin theProbateCourtNo:1,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to:KEVINCOLEMANFAGAN. TheStrongFirm,P.C. TheWoodlands,Texas77380 DATEDthe18thdayofApril,2024. THESTRONGFIRMP.C. /s/CarissaPeterson BRETL.STRONG StateBarNo.00795671 CARISSAPETERSON StateBarNo.24057618 TwoHughesLanding 1790HughesLandingBoulevard,Suite200 TheWoodlands,Texas77380 Phone:281.367.1222 ATTORNEYSFORINDEPENDENTEXECUTOR Fax:281.210.1361 PublishedDate:April24,2024 CLASSIFIED ADS $10 PER WEEK CALL 936-449-6397 OR ONLINE at wwwmontgomerycountynews net Notice of Public Sale: RecNation RV and Boat Storage unit contents are being sold to satisfy a landlord's lien. Sale to be held at from 4/17/24 12pm to 5/2/24 12pm.Cleanupdepositisrequired.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawtheproperty at any time before sale. Unit items sold to highest bidder All spaces contain household items unless otherwise noted. TXHOU03- 1424 Northpark Dr, Kingwood, TX 77339: William Brand, TXHOU10- 306 Corporate Woods Dr, Magnolia, TX 77354: RyanBarber PublishedDates:April17,24,2024

On Saturday, April 20, 2024,threemembersofthe

The event is held at the Confederate Memorial Plaza, where in April of 2001, a statue was erected honoring all the men that servedduringthewar,asa reminder of how they suffered thru all the hardships in that time of 1861to1865. ThePlazais very close to the old historicCourthouse,which was open to the public for tours.

MembersoftheThomasJefferson Stubbs2523,ConroeChapterattend eventinAnderson,Texas RecordSettingYearFor TheMontgomeryCounty Jr.LivestockAuction

volunteer that made this fair possible we could not have done it without you!

The day was beautiful, those attending were able to see many displays of things used during the war years and ask ques-

During their annual Field Trip, members of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis chapter the ladies enjoyedabeautifuldayin Plantersville, Texas President Cheryl Bolt introduced Sharon Skeins who provided a wonderful tour of the HistoricSt.MaryCatholic Church ThePainted church and grounds are beautiful and the History of the church is amazing. Following the tour, the ladies enjoyed a fun and festive lunch in MontgomeryTexas.


thetradingpost existed,”saidDuncan,“The postwastheoriginalsiteof thetown,whichhaditsown little natural spring but mosquitos forced the migration of the citizens to the current Historic Montgomery.”

The Trinidadian couple, Anthony,
retired physi-
hit ever since. Donating the coins to the historical society was a wonderful gesture by The Noreigas’
“I am thrilled that the coinshavefoundahomeat the Nathaniel Hart Davis Pioneer Complex and Museum, said MHS President Billy Ray Duncan “We appreciate Anthony and Rebecca’s commitment to Montgomery and look forward to working with them in the future.” “Many
cian,andRebecca,aretired engineer, adopted Montgomery as their home and opened their store last October, which has been a
and further establishes their roots in the community And finding a permanent home for the coins that will be on permanent display at the museum forever links themtoourfaircity
people didn’t believethat
on that Saturday, the Montgomery Historical Society held a general meeting at the Old Baptist Church MHS Vice President Joy Montgomery, presented her research on Montgomery, and has found proof of a trading post that predates Montgomery just north of town. MHS President, Billy Ray Duncan noted that Montgomery’sresearchhas come about only since late lastyear Texas & Beyond, offers opportunities for local artists to display and sell their new works, as well craft and art class opportunities for customers wishing to learn how to paint or do personal crafts. They have a wonderful gift shop for customers looking for that unique gift for that specialsomeone,oranyone who wants unique decor to theirhome. “The trading post is the early center of Montgomery, and was set up as early as the late 1820s said Montgomery “ It predates WW Shepperd s trading post that was set up in 1835.” instead of west The liverystablehandedoutthe tokens that were used as a claim ticket for horses, mules and wagons to be stabled. Legendary MISD history teacher and Montgomery historian, Mrs Bessie Price Owen, passed away in 2004 rememberedthecoinsfrom her conversations with old timers when she was growing up in town. Her dedicationtotheHistoryof Montgomery has yielded a massivearchivethatwillbe notedlaterinafuturestory Via‘LightDetectionand Ranging’ (LIDAR), gravesites have been noted on the old trading post site per documents noted from the early founders The problem is that the current property owners have an intention to build over the site Montgomery is bringing attention to the issuetopreservethegraves, and has enlisted the help of State Archaeologists, as well as Texas Historical Commission Joy also notedinalanddeed,thatthe graves at the site cannot be infringedupon. Billy Ray Duncan, and his brother Donald, were avid metal detectorists in the 1990’s, and found the tokens in 1994 after being given permission to detect on the then empty lot. The brothersnotedthemarkings on the engraved coin numbers 4, 18, and 19, giving them to the Gains family, who owned the property at the time. The familylaterbuiltthecurrent structure on the property The Gains’gave the tokens to the previous lot owners, DarronandEmilyJones. It was The Jones’, who gave the coins to the current property owners Anthony and Rebecca Noreiga, who in turn donated them to the Montgomery Historical SocietythispastSaturdayat thepavilionlocatedoutside thestore. ByRubenBorjasJr In the early days of Montgomery, prior to the County even being chartered in 1837, a livery stablewaslocatedat14259 Liberty Street, where the current Texas & Beyond Mini Plaza (home to a gift shop and art gallery). This was back in the day that McCown Street was the main thoroughfare through Montgomery,andthefuture NatHartDaviscottagebuilt in the 1850’s would be facingeast Stayed tuned for more photos, results and the announcement of our 2025fairdates! Have you heard the news?! This year The Montgomery County Jr Livestock Auction set a newrecordwithoverone million dollars raised
help enhance the
and futures of our county'syouth. The 2024
has officially come to a close and we could not
serve this
feel more honored to
community of
Thank you to
guest, exhibitor and
tions of those with much knowledgeofthethattime. Thomas Jefferson Stubbs 2523 Conroe chapter attended an event inAnderson,Texas,hosted by the Grimes County Greys#924,Anderson. Commander Jody Ballard of the Grimes County Greys brought the e v e n t t o o r d e r bywelcoming everyone and introducing officers of thestate historical groups present Mrs Anna Shepeard,President of the Magnolia Rangers 2544 Humble,UDCandalsothe sponsor of the Children of the Confederacy in Humble,Mrs.ClaraMalak memberoftheJ.B.Gordon 339Huntsville Chapter andalsotheTexasDivision RecordingSecretary Miss EllieBeal,Presidentofthe Texas Division,Children of the Confederacy and m a n y S o n s o f ConfederateVeterans from differentcampsattended.
Rains, Publicity Chairman of the Stubbs Chapter MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April24,2024,Page13 COMMUNITY
Picture and article by Eva
picturedlefttoright...BetteGarland,EvaRains& IvaGilliam Pictured,AnotherTribe grandchildwinneratthe MontgomeryCountyFair GrandChampionJr Showmanship.
LiveryStableTokens PresentedtoMontgomery HistoricalSociety VisitorsofTheHistoric St.MaryCatholic ChurchInPlantersville

Units, which provided c o m b a t support to multiple c o m b a t t e a m s E d w a r d b l e w u p things, but his team was responsible

for recovering the remains

Page14,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,April24,2024 Pharmacy Farm&Ranch RealEstate COMMUNITY Year for the Houston Division, Case Rutherford andMaverickBarsh. This tandem was able earn a spotattheStateChampionship by landing in 45th placewithafishthattipped the scales at just over 4 pounds. To be a State Qualifier and move onto the State Championship at Lake Palestine next month, a Team would need to be in the Top 30% of this Regional Event, by being above the cutline of 55th place or higher Luckily, the MISD Fishing Team will have three Teams representing the District there, where “Three Will Be The Magic Number,” and bring home another THSBA State ChampionshiptoMontgomery Barsh. a by a the scales To Qualifier onto month, th higher from page 1 MISD Riley&Kirklin2024Regionals14th Barsh&RutherfordRegionals45th This week’s Veteran is E d w a r d “ G u n n y ” Blackwell who served intheUnited S t a t e s M a r i n e Corps from 1989 - 2015. Gunny was assigned to the Marine Expeditionary Unit S p e c i a l Operations Capability (MEUSOC)
ofMarines,whohadfallen in battle. Gunny is proud to have protected a lot of
in his 7 deployments to combat zones.
has been wounded severaltimesinaction. He
in a helicopter crash,
a vehicle crash
abigstrappingman,and had a pretty rough go duringhismilitaryservice, but he’d do it all over in a heartbeat. Gunnylovesto attend the Veterans Breakfast at the Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group, and he visits Henry’s Home to communewiththehorsesthere. Late in his career, Edward suffered a traumatic brain injury, and since then he has recovered enough to walk on his own and his speech and thought processes have vastly improved Gunny is always smiling and is willing to visit and talk with anyone at any time. Good Luck Edward, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran of the Week’. byRubenBorjasJr This E d G u n the t swas the Marine i p vi c o b l b e s d r b l w team was have protected his been He helicopter crash, then vehicle crash Edward strappingman, a pretty rough do to e d n Lone Star Honor to withthe Edward suffered own his h to and with anyone any and SmallExample LargeExample Hatzold&Moore2024Regionals38th MCN’s
Edward is

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