Montgomery County News. May 8, 2024

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ThelovelyRebelBellesof theRebelJoanOfArc2721 Chapter,oftheUnited Daughtersofthe Confederacy,celebratedthe Anniversaryoftheir CharteringonMarch17that thehomeofCharter Member,DONNA SUMMERS.“MRS. DONNA”wasCo-hosted withherSisterandCharter Member,DIANNE KEBODEAUXofSpring, Tx.

Itwastrulyaperfectdayfor alltogatherandcelebrate eachotherandtheir beginning,withalltheir successesoverthesepast sevenyears.RJOAArtist: MYRALISTONcreatedthe lovelyInvitations.ALLthe Centerpiecesthroughoutthe HouseandPatiosettings were“worksofart”created byFlowerArtist:DIANNE KEBODEAUX.

Eachtableonthepatiowas dressedinSouthernstyle forDining,andeach centerpiecehadan additionalBunnyorChick forSpring! AttheEntry lovelyRJOAREGINA RINEYgreetedallthe GuestattheGuestBook. SmallConfederateFlags surroundedtheTableanda singleRedRosewasthere tomeettheguests. FoundingPresident ELAINECOLLINGS broughtherpersonal collectionofalltheirGold FramedAnniversaryPhotos fromovertheyears,and thosewerescatteredonall thetablesforthemembers toenjoyandremember RJOAPresidentJENNY LEHRgiftedtheHostess DONNASUMMERSwith aBouquetofFlowerson behalfofRebelJoanOfArc Chapterwholoveherso much. Allthemembersbrought savory delights served on elegant silver and crystal trays Hostesses DONNA SUMMERS and DIANNE KEBODEAUX provided all the beverages and the Champa

gne and Wine flowed abundantly The DiningRoomwasdressedin a lovely antiqueTable Cloth and Crystal Punch Bowl on one end of the Table The Traditional RJOA Ceremony Cake was gifted by LYN HOWARD, and set proudly ontheotherendoftheDining Room Table Several Food Tables were dressed and set upintheKitchenandGarden areaforeasyflow This photo was taken in truly all Invitations. the were“works Artist: the Chartering the Sister Spring, Eachtableonthepatiowas Southernstyle each the RJOA the Confederate Table of their from years,and the of Arc All provided h n flowed Table Traditional proudly Tables C o n r o e , Te x a s o – Engineering Aid, MelannieBorbon,hasbeen named the 2023 City of Conroe Employee of the YearonMonday,May6th, during an Employee Appreciation lunch held at the city’s Public Works training facility The City of Conroe’s Employee of the Year program recognizes the work and actions of the City’s employees that have consistently displayed exceptional service for an extendedperiod. " M e l a n n i e h a s incredible business skills, evidentwhenmeetingwith business and property n n MelannieBorbon, 6th, g Public The m n i KPN Founder Ed Ponikvar, was called early last Thursday morning aboutafriendofKPNwho was desperate for help having floodwaters by MCN contributing writer,RubenBorjas,Jr Knowledge Point Network, U.S.A., the local charity dedicated to the suicide prevention of Combat Veterans with PTSD and their children, jumpedintoactionthispast Thursday when a Veteran s u p p o r t e r o f t h e o organization experienced water coming into her house from bad water drainage situation in her Elkins Lake neighborhood in Huntsville. And it is an important lesson for the n e w m u l t i - t i e r e d subdivisions coming online in Montgomery County to consider the importance of drainage possibilities when constructinghomesinsuch areas. K F d r Ponikvar, last abouta for g d a e s by writer,Ruben K o i the to prevention PTSD action a p p r h Elkins And is o p h constructing areas. Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXIX NUMBER 18 Section 1 8 pages May8,2024 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly PRE-SRT POSTAGEPD #80 MONTG.TX Montgomery County News WEDNESDAY May 6, 2019: $2.59/g (U.S. Average:$2.89/g) A May 6, 2016: $2.00/g (U.S. Average:$2.22/g) A Neighboring areas and their currentgasprices: SanAntonio-$3.28/g,up9.5 centspergallonfromlastweek's $3.19/g. "We've seen the national averagefadeslightlyagainasoil priceshavecooledandourspring peak appears to be more confidently behind us," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleumanalysisatGasBuddy "While refinery utilization rates last week indicated that there is still some refinery maintenance work to be done, oil prices have helped put downward pressure on gasoline prices with oil falling below $80 per barrel last week.Inaddition,aweakerthan expectedjobsreportisaddingto some concerns that gasoline demand could remain weak through the summer driving season,whichisjustafewweeks from beginning With the seasonal factors behind us, looking ahead we expect gasoline prices to continue cooling alongside diesel prices as we look forward to Memorial Dayweekend." Historical gasoline prices in Texas and the national average goingbacktenyears: May 6, 2018: $2.57/g (U.S. Average:$2.80/g) A SOURCEGasBuddy Average gasoline prices in Texas have risen 7.3 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 27/g today, according to GasBuddy's survey of 13 114 stationsinTexas.PricesinTexas are 5.7 cents per gallon higher thanamonthagoandstand25.3 cents per gallon higher than a year ago. The national average price of diesel has dropped 3.4 centsinthelastweekandstands at$3.94pergallon. May 6, 2021: $2.66/g (U.S. Average:$2.95/g) A The national average price of gasoline has fallen 1 cent per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 62/g today The national averageisup2.7centspergallon fromamonthagoandstands11.1 cents per gallon higher than a yearago,accordingtoGasBuddy datacompiledfrommorethan11 million weekly price reports covering over 150 000 gas stationsacrossthecountry May 6, 2020: $1.50/g (U.S. Average:$1.80/g) A May 6, 2017: $2.18/g (U.S. Average:$2.34/g) A According to GasBuddy pricereports,thecheapeststation in Texas was priced at $2.15/g yesterday while the most expensive was $4 90/g a differenceof$2.75/g.Thelowest price in the state yesterday was $2.15/g while the highest was $4.90/g,adifferenceof$2.75/g. May 6, 2015: $2.41/g (U.S. Average:$2.64/g) A May 6, 2014: $3.44/g (U.S. Average:$3.67/g) A Midland Odessa- $3 21/g 21/g up0.4centspergallonfromlast week's$3.21/g. Austin- $3 29/g up 12 3 centspergallonfromlastweek's $3.17/g. May 6, 2023: $3.01/g (U.S. Average:$3.50/g) A May 6, 2022: $3.94/g (U.S. Average:$4.29/g) A (U.S. (U.S. areas their prices: San 9.5 gallon week's seen the national againasoil have andourspring appears to be more us," said De head of atGasBuddy rates week is some maintenance have pressure gasoline oil below $80 last week. addition, weakerthan jobs to gasoline demand could weak driving whichis weeks the seasonal us, ahead expect prices to continue cooling alongside prices we to Memorial weekend." gasoline in average tenyears: 6, (U.S. Average:$2.80/g) gasoline prices in risen per averaging in Pricesin higher than ago stand per than a year average price has dropped centsinthelastweekandstands per 6, average per today a ago per than a year according compiledfrom covering 150 000 6, $1.80/g) 6, $2.34/g) to price was was a price yesterday $4.90/g, 6, $2.64/g) 6, $3.67/g) 0.4 per last $3.17/g. May 6, $3.50/g) 6, $4.29/g) PBOX Magnolia,TX 77353 Index ChurchDirectory..............5 Legals.............................6,7 Community............2,3,4,8 Commentary 3,4,5 BusinessDirectory.............8 Church Matthew&KristenCartwright Texas Weekly GasPrices MelannieBorbonNamed CityOfConroe’sEmployee OfTheYear PicturedGaryScott,CityAdministrator|MelannieBorbon,EmployeeoftheYear|HarryHardman,Councilman CurtMaddux,MayorProTem See Borbon, page 3 KPNHelpsVeteranduringFloods; MontgomeryCountyInundated See Flood , page 2 AhomeinForestHillsfloodeduptoitsroof,whileakayakerpassesnearby Photocredit:ThadDavis RebelJoan ofArcBelles Celebrates 7th Anniversary See RJOA, page 2


FocusonGenealogicalRecords Preservation

A recent meeting of the Coushatti Trace Chapter featuredTexasStateChairof Genealogical Records Committee (GRC), Gretchen Crawford, shown here with Regent Kay Pontious, who spoke to the chapter about the need to document and digitize unpublished records The C

from page 1

“MRS. DONNA’S” beautiful gardens, and everything was picture perfect for the occasion!AstheRebelBelles gathered in the Rose Garden, the magnificent tall fountain gave all its water music”

Margaret Montgomery NSDAR Chapters are hosting an Unpublished Records

newest RJOA legacy, Baby: R O S I E - M A Y WINNINGHAM (who was perfect all day and never utteredasoundofdiscontent). The beautiful Red Rose Red garden was unfortunately blocked by all these other “lovely flowers” when they gatheredtoposefortheoncea year Anniversary Photo. The

CharterPictureofsevenyears ago, along with Founder and Charter President, ELAINE COLLINGS This Chapter has been blessed with two Presidents: ELAINE COLLINGS & now JENNY LEHR who will have completed two terms each in their Office in Leadership for theirChapter

If you are interested in learningaboutorjoiningour organization,pleasesendan e m a i l t o CoushattiTraceDAR@gmai

and what it means to them

adding to the atmosphere around the ladies Newest Mother, PAIGE LEHR WINNINGHAM brought our

CurrentOfficersareseatedon the front row President JENNYLEHRinthecenteris proudly holding the Framed

Charter Members Present were Honored and asked to share their feelings about the Chapter and its beginning,

Three beautiful Future Members were introduced by Registrar, DANEAN

HOWARD provided a Fun andEntertainingHatContest, along with a short Hat Programanddisplayforeach Category Although there were so many Lovely Chapeaus to select from, the Attendees voted: “Best Garden Party Hat”B A R B A R A J E A N HAWKINS “Best Evening Hat”-REGINARINEY,“Best Western Hat - EVELYN MILLER, Craziest HatHILARY HICKS, Best Period Hat”- ANITA STEVENS, and “Best Vintage Hat”- DONNA SUMMERS! C

Current RJOA Treasurer: KATHERINE TAGLIENTI surprised everyone with a raffleandConfederateFavors at the end

“MRS KATHERINE” for your always generous support!!!



from page 1

pressing against the exterior walls and doors of her home, and seeping

through the walls Ponikvar immediately called members of his

ressing a ains the walls doors of her and seeping h ough the w lls immediately members of whobrought sandbags were able help divert waters up

team,whobroughtshovels andsandbagstodeflectthe waters away from the house. They were able to dig channels to help divert the waters built up against thehouse,andlesseningthe damagealreadycaused.

“This was worse than Sandra Timm, retired U.S.Armynurse,whonow works for the prison system. “There been homes that tothesameproblem.”

“This was worse than Harvey,” said homeowner Sandra Timm, a retired U.S.Armynurse,whonow works for the prison system. “There have been other homes that flooded duetothesameproblem.”

Ithadbeennotedthaton the greenbelt above the property,thatasimpleditch could have been cut to allowtheexcesswatertobe sent out to a nearby street.

Ponikvar also noted the incredible amount of sand sedimentation that was d

thatasimpleditch could have been cut theexcess tobe to a nearby also noted incredible amount of sand sedimentation that d s

in places3-4feethigh, likelysourcedfrom home construction, overlapped streetto the height of a large speed bump.

ElkinsandAzaleaLakes,in someplaces3-4feethigh, mostlylikelysourcedfrom nearby home construction, thatoverlappedthestreetto the height of a large speed bump.

Montgomery County washeavilyaffectedbythe floodwaters, as well were countiesontheEastForkof the San Jacinto River Many homes experienced flooding, some up to the rooftops or above, and manycarswerelost. From below the Lake Conroe Dam, to McDade Estates, down to River Plantation, andareasoncethoughtsafe from flooding; officials as well as insurance companies will have to do major rethinks when it comes to flood zones, further complicating the situation when resources are already strained In addition, cash strapped homeowners will have to compete with potential home buyers moving into areas not affected by the flooding or consider or movingtootherpartsofthe region. Still further, the actions of the San Jacinto River Authority will have to be addressed in the mitigation of flooding downstream of the Lake ConroeDam.

Montgomery County washeavily floodwaters, as were theEastFork San Jacinto River homes experienced some up to or manycarswerelost. From the Lake to McDade Estates, down Plantation, areas thought from flooding; officials well as in urance companies will have to major rethinks when comes to flood complicating the when resources are already strained cash strapped homeowners have with home into not affected by flooding, or tootherpartsof further, actions of the San River Authority will have to be addressed in the flooding of the Dam.

The flooding only hit homeowners, but

The flooding not only hi

businesses as well, most notably Vernon s Kuntry Katfish,locatedonSH105. With the forced release of water from the Lake C o n r o e D a m , t h e D overwhelmedWestForkof the San Jacinto River forced water out of its

businesses well, most notably Vernon s Kuntry Katfish, onSH105. With the forced release of water from Lake C o n r o e D a m , t h e overwhelmed of the River forced water out of its

Lake Houston was releasingwaterpriortothe lastweek’sfloodeventdueevent to previous rains, but Lake Conroe,asofApril30th,at 3pm, was still 1 61 ft

Lake Houston releasingwaterpriorto lastweek’sfloodevent to previous rains, but April30th,at 3pm was still 1 61 ft

during Hurricane Harvey, andthestoremaybeableto open sooner rather than later Ms Mary’s son Buster set the standard for recovering from the last flood, having had the store gutted and cleaned out just a few days after the waters

banks, thus flooding the countryside and the catfish restaurant for the second timesince2017.

banks, thus the countryside and the catfish restaurant for the second time 2017.

“My neighborhood of Forest Hills was pretty hard from flood,” said Thad the next couple of will havealotofcleanuptodo, andcoulduse help.” Forest Hills east of I-45, one-half mile west Jacinto alow lying area, while River Plantationborders river to its One resident was critical San Jacinto River in notreleasing priorto therecentrain

“My neighborhood of Forest Hills was hit pretty hard from the flood,” said Thad Davis. “In the next couple of weeks we will havealotofcleanuptodo, andcouldusealotofhelp.” Forest Hills lies east of I-45, and one-half mile westofSanJacintoinalow lying area, while River Plantationborderstheriver to its south. One resident was critical of the San Jacinto River Authority in notreleasingwaterpriorto therecentrainevent.

want beclearabout the problem in River Plantation It is not the rainwater that falls that flooded it out,” said homeowner, O’Neal.

“Iwanttobeclearabout the problem in River Plantation It is not the rainwater that falls that flooded


If th y w uld have released water before the storms would

above full pool at 201 ft., releasing at a rate of less than 10,000 cubic per second, when the heavy raineventhadalreadybeen forecast The SJRAs Facebook page was filled with resident after resident the river lack of action.

From accusations of the CityofHoustoncontrolling lake’swaterreleases, above the dam that releasing little water caused lake lost damagedboats,etc.

above full pool at 201 ft., releasing at a rate of less than 10,000 cubic feet per second, when the heavy raineventhadalreadybeen forecast The SJRA’s Facebook page was filled with resident after resident questioning the river authorities' lack of action. From accusations of the CityofHoustoncontrolling thelake’swaterreleases,to those above the dam complaining that releasing too little water caused lake flooding and lost and damagedboats,etc.

We have people coming to check the fryersandotherelectronics this week,” said Mary Bowers in speaking on the condition restaurant. “And we anticipate getting the dining room back up and running in the next week two.”

We have people coming to check out the fryersandotherelectronics this week,” said Mary Bowers in speaking on the conditionofherrestaurant. “And we anticipate getting the dining room back up and running in the next weekortwo.”

receded. Thankfully there istalkthistimetopossibly mitigate flood chances in the future at the restaurant, since being flooded twice inamatterof7yearsistoo much.

during Hurricane thestoremaybeable rather than Ms Mary’s Buster set standard the having store and out few after receded. Thankfully talkthis possibly flood chances at the inamatter 7yearsistoo much.

Vernon's Me Page:

r r e n t V P LY
h a i r m a n L Y N H O W A R D g i f t e d “WATCHES”toeachwinner!
of the Event. All “gifted” by KATHERINE TAGLIENTI! Thank You
legacy of its success so beautifully One of the C h a r t e r M e m b e r s , B A R B A R A J E A N HAWKINS even drove in
You “MRS. LYN”
this fun entertainment Program,andlovelyPrizes!!! CO-FOUNDER & CHARTER REGISTRAR: DIANNE KEBODEAUX, C H A R T E RC O R R E S P O N D I N G N SECRETARY: BARBARA J E A N H A W K I N S , CHARTER CHAPLAIN: LYN HOWARD, CHARTER MEMBER & HOSTESS: DONNASUMMERS. MEMBERS P E E T : P E S I D N T : ELAINECOLLINGS, “MRS. DONNA’S” gardens, everything picture perfect for occasion!AstheRebelBelles gathered in the Garden, the magnificent tall fountain gave all its water music” adding the atmosphere around the ladies Newest Mother, LEHR WINNINGHAM brought our newest Baby: O S M A Y WINNINGHAM (who perfect day and never Red blocked by all other “lovely flowers” they Anniversary The the row President proudly Framed CharterPictureofsevenyears ago, along with and Charter President, ELAINE COLLINGS This Chapter has been with two Presidents: ELAINE COLLINGS LEHR who have completed two terms in their Office in for theirChapter Members were introduced by Registrar, C r n V P N provided a a short Hat Category Although so many to select the Attendees “Best Garden Hat”B A A A N “Best Hat EVELYN Craziest Hat ANITA and “Best C m a n L N H A R D g i e d “WATCHES”toeachwinner! Current Treasurer: KATHERINE TAGLIENTI surprised everyone with a raffleandConfederateFavors at the end the All
for your always generous support!!!
the its what means
now Therewereoftentearsof gratitude and and the current memberswhohavecarriedon the legacy its success beautifully One of the h a M e m s A R A E A sister: HALL for Thank DANEAN Thank LYN” for fun Program,andlovelyPrizes!!! & CHARTER REGISTRAR: DIANNE KEBODEAUX, C A EC O R S P O G SECRETARY: BARBARA J E H A W
now Therewereoftentearsof gratitude and praise for the original brave charter members and the current memberswhohavecarriedon the
fromDallasfortheoccasion. KAREN JACOBS, CHRISSYBARTON,andher sister: KELLY HALL All theseladieswillmakeperfect members for this amazing
Thank You AMAZING DANEAN MYERS,andtheSponsorsof each lady for their recommendation. Thank
Charter Members Honored and asked share their feelings about
t homeown
Vernon's Go Fund Me Page: San Jacinto River A u t h o r i t y : r
b y t h
i s p l a c e d
s between
Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount
If they would have released water
nobody would
s u r r
it out,” said homeowner,
before the storms
havegotfloodedinConroe a n d
o u n d i n g communities.”
Thankfully the water level wasn t as bad as
https://wwwgofundme com/f/help-revivevernons-floodedrestaurant Knowledge Point K Network:
San Jacinto River A u t h o i t y :
thaton above
floodwaters betwe n
Ruben be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount
p l a e d b y h
gotfloodedinConroe n d u r o u n d n g
level wasn as bad
https://www c m/ /h p-r ve r s flooded now ge P int
ushatti Trace and
p u b l i c c a n b r i n g
11:00 a m - 3:00 p m
not, can
own family bibles
family papers that
births marriages deaths, and familial relationships to be
photographed and
Page2,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,May8,2024 COMMUNITY
Day where the
unpublished records to the Montgomery County Main Library on May 15 from
Anyone, whether a member of DAR or
bring their
and other
documented and digitized. Your records will be
immediately returned to you. Pleasehelpuspreserve American history and your history!
KPNFounder,EdPonikvarpointstotheutility greenbeltwherewaterpooledbeforeracingdown towardthehomeofSandraTimm,yellowshirt, Thursdaymorningcausingdamage. Theremainsofthe trenchhurriedbuiltbyPonikvar’steamtodivertflood watersfromTimm’shouse T Vernon’sKuntryKatfishparkinglotandrestaurantshortlyfloodinglastThursday ~TheRJOAChapterpraisesandsalutestheirCharterMembers.~AndPhotoCommittee:SheliaWilliamsonSeatedLeft toRt:KatherineTaglienti,CharlotteBelin,DaneanMyers,JennyLehr,ElaineCollings,LynHoward,AnitaStevens,and SheliaWilliamson.StandingLefttoRt:KellyHall,KarenJacobs,CindyDittrich,KristineRamirez,DarlaSharer, EvelynMiller,ReginaRiney,HilarieHicks,DianneKebodeaux,BarbaraJeanHawkins,KarenDeBerry,Caimy Hawkins, Harbison,Baby:Rosie-MayWinningham,PaigeWinningham,DonnaSummers,andChrissyBarton. their Members.~ Caimy Harbison,


column by Kent Pendleton, AAMS® WEEKLYCOLUMNS

April, the S&P 500 first pullback since October

This wasn't surprissince market over from then and were about future

With bullish attention should focus earnings results to assert the market's upward momentum.

In April, the S&P 500 experienced its first 5% pullback since October 2023. This wasn't surprising since the market had advanced over 25% from then and investors were brimming with optimism about future stock market gains With bullish sentiment tempered attention should focus on earnings results to assert the market's upward momentum.

scope of scenarios for Federal Reserve (Fed) rate cuts has contracted, acceleratingearningsanda still healthy economy should support the market goingforward.”

Mostsectorsweredown for the month with energy

outperforming because of increases in oil prices related to unrest in the Middle East and with utilities outperforming thanks to their defensive characteristics Technology underperformed the S&P 500 However, the earnings outlook for technology companies remains positive The worst performer was real estate,nosurprisesinceit's the most interest ratesensitivesector

outperforming of increases oil prices related to unrest the Middle and with utilities outperforming thanks to their characteristics Technology the S&P 500 However, the earnings for technology companies remains The was real estate,nosurprisesinceit's ratesensitivesector

With uncertainty regardinginflation,theFed and internationalconflicts, there are significant risk factors at play However, statistics seem to point toward a positive upswing in the markets over the course of the next 12 months And despite the first 5% pullback in the S&P500insixmonths,our outlook continues to be positiveinthelongterm.

Bond yields rose to year-to-date highs as expectations for Fed rate cutshavebeendelayeddue to persistent inflation and stronger-than-expected growth And on the international front, central banks in Europe and the U K are looking more likelytocutinterestratesif their rising unemployment remains under control, thanksinparttotheirlower Consumer Price Index, which doesn't factor in housingcostsasheavilyas theU.S. the

Bond rose to year-to-date highs as expectations for Fed rate cutshavebeendelayeddue to persistent inflation and stronger-than-expected growth the international front, central banks in Europe and the U K are looking more likelytocutinterestratesif their rising unemployment remains control, thanksinparttotheirlower Consumer Price Index, which doesn't factor in housingcostsasheavilyas theU.S. for the with

Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the Montgomery County News with our weekly curatedfinancialnewsand topics If you have any If questions about the markets, your financial plan, or anything, please feelfreetoreachouttoour office for a no cost initial consultation.

RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz


prices are high,ratesarelow,orwhen your partner, your mom, your yourbestfriend,ortheguy on YouTube says you should.
thatsaid,thereare benefits to selling in each season, provided it's right foryou.
take: The best time tosellahomeisn'tspring. Extended daylight hours make it easier for buyers to schedule viewings and attend open houses after work or on work weekends, making summeragreattimetolist. Plus families with kids will always prefer a move inbetweenschoolyears. The decline in seller premiums typically begins in the fall around September, when it drops to just 8%.Bythen,mostfamilies withschool-agedkidshave
and settled into the new school year so foot traffic definitely slows down. The upside for fall sellers? They can sell and buy to host the holidays in in theirnewhome. With fewer homes on the market, my winter sellers get the chance to stand out Plus, winter buyersareoftenrelocating for work or personal reasons, making them morelikelytomakeoffers. -MeganStultz The best time to sell is when it's right for you. It's when selling and moving are part of your journey to the next chapter in your life.Fullstop. Call or Text 936-5372587 Megan@MeganStultz .com ThereIsaidit! I love to tell my spring sellers that homes sold in May net a 12 8% seller premium.That's$$$above the home's market value. Plus, in the spring, curb appeal is best (sorry winter), and buyers are on thehunt. www.FairwaterWest Source: The Best and Worst Time To Sell A House|Bankrate when prices are your partner, you should. each sellahome Extended for rs t ch or e e m i g a inbetween years. in typically begins in it to bought the new foot traffic definitely slows down. fall sellers? sell and buy holidays their the winter sellers get stand Plus, buyers for work reasons, making more when when stop. sold Plus, are Time A MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,May8,2024,Page3
It's not when
Investing involves risk, and investors may incur a profit or a loss All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the Raymond James Chief Investment Officer and are subject to change. There is no assurance the trends mentionedwillcontinueorthatthe forecastsdiscussedwillberealized. Past performance may not be indicative of future results Economic and market conditions are subject to change. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is an unmanagedindexof30widelyheld stocks. The NASDAQ Composite Indexisanunmanagedindexofall common stocks listed on the NASDAQ National Stock Market. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index of 500 widely held stocks. The MSCI EAFE (Europe AustralasiaandFarEast)indexisan unmanaged index that is generally considered representative of the international stock market The Russell 2000 is an unmanaged index of small-cap securities Investing in small cap stocks generally involves greater risks, and therefore, may not be appropriate for every investor The BloombergBarclaysUSAggregate Bond Index is a broad-based flagship benchmark that measures the investment grade, U.S. dollardenominated fixed-rate taxable bondmarket.Aninvestmentcannot be made in these indexes The performance mentioned does not include fees and charges which would reduce an investor's returns. Investing in the energy sector involvesspecialrisks,includingthe potentialadverseeffectsofstateand federal regulation, and may not be suitable for all investors. A credit rating of a security is not a recommendationtobuy sellorhold the security and may be subject to review revision suspension reductionorwithdrawalatanytime by the assigning Rating Agency Bond prices and yields are subject to change based upon market conditionsandavailability Ifbonds are sold prior to maturity, you may receivemoreorlessthanyourinitial investment.Incomefrommunicipal bonds is not subject to federal income taxation; however, it may be subject to state and local taxes and, for certain investors, to the alternative minimum tax. Income from taxable municipal bonds is subject to federal income taxation, and it may be subject to state and local taxes. Investing in commodities is generally considered speculative because of the significant potential for investment loss. Their markets are likely to be volatile and there may be sharp price fluctuations even during periods when prices overall are rising International investing involves special risks including currency fluctuations, differing financialaccountingstandards,and possible political and economic volatility The companies engaged in the communications and technologyindustriesaresubjectto fierce competition and their products and services may be subject to rapid obsolescence. The ConsumerPriceIndexisameasure of inflation compiled by the US Bureau of Labor Studies The Leading Economic Index (LEI) provides an early indication of significant turning points in the business cycle and where the economy is heading in the near term. Material created by Raymond James for use by its advisors Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services Inc Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are offered through RaymondJamesFinancialServices Advisors,Inc.PendleHillAdvisors isnotregisteredbrokerdealersand is independent of Raymond James FinancialServices. Financial Advisor,
Hill Advisors LLC Kent
14375 Liberty St, Ste 109 | Montgomery, TX 77356 Kent Pendleton@ray mondjames com | www raymondjames co m/pendlehilladvisors T936-297-8267 Raymond
on themarket,saying:“While
RJFS Pendle
Pendleton, AAMS®
Investment Officer Larry Adam is constructive
Investing involves risk, and investors may incur a profit or a loss All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the Raymond James Chief Investment Officer and are subject to change. There is no assurance the trends mentionedwillcontinueorthatthe forecastsdiscussedwillberealized. Past performance may not be indicative of future results Economic and market conditions are subject to change. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is an unmanagedindexof30widelyheld stocks. The NASDAQ Composite Indexisanunmanagedindexofall common stocks listed on the NASDAQ National Stock Market. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index of 500 widely held stocks. The MSCI EAFE (Europe AustralasiaandFarEast)indexisan unmanaged index that is generally considered representative of the international stock market The Russell 2000 is an unmanaged index of small-cap securities Investing in small cap stocks generally involves greater risks, an therefore, may not be appropriate for every investor The BloombergBarclaysUSAggregate Bond Index is a broad-based flagship benchmark that measures the investment grade, U.S. dollardenominated fixed-rate bondmarket.Aninvestmentcannot be made in these indexes The mentioned does include fees and charges would reduce an investor's returns. Investing in the energy sector involvesspecialrisks,includingthe potentialadverseeffectsofstateand regulation, and may not be suitable for all investors. A rating of a security is not a recommendationtobuy, or the security and may be subject to review suspension orwithdrawalatany the assigning Rating Agency Bond prices and yields are subject to change based andavailability Ifbonds are prior maturity, you may moreorlessthanyourinitial investment.Incomefrommunicipal bonds is not subject to federal income taxation; however, it may be subject to state and local taxes and, for certain investors, to the alternative minimum tax. Income from taxable municipal bonds is subject to federal income and it may be subject to state and local taxes. Investing in commodiis generally considered spec la ive because of he significant potential for investment loss. Their markets are likely to be volatile and there may be sharp even periods when overall are special risks including currency fluctuations, differing financialaccountingstandards,and possible political economic volatility The companies engaged in the and technologyindustriesaresubjectto fierce competition and their products and may be subject to rapid obsolescence. The Consumer Indexisameasure of inflation compiled by the US Bureau of Labor Studies The Leading Economic (LEI) provides an early of significant turning points the business cycle where the economy heading in the near term. Material created by Raymond James for use by its advisors Sec ri ies ffere t r ugh aymo d Jame Fi anc al Service Inc Me ber Investment advisory services offered through RaymondJamesFinancialServices Inc.PendleHillAdvisors not brokerdealersand independent of James FinancialServices. Financial Advisor, RJFS Hill Kent 14375 Liberty St, Ste 109 | TX 77356 Kent Pendleton@ray mondjames com | www co m/pendlehilladvisors T936-297-8267 Raymond James Chief Investment Officer Larry
constructive on
healthy economy should
financial anything,
office for a no cost
Adam is
scope of
has contracted, still
internationalconflicts, are significant risk at play However statistics seem
toward a in the
course of the next 12 And despite the pullback in the outlook continues to positiveinthelongterm. Hill Advisors proud contribute to the with our topics If you have any about the markets,
Borbon is the lead contact for many of the issues encountered with the Alley Underground Conversion project Her constant communication with the downtown business owners helped the project run smoothly as she handled the important details with confidence and profesprofessionalism.
ceremonywerethe2nd and1stRunner's-upforthe prestigiousannualaward. owners, ensuring the city accomplishes its needswhilemaintaininga positive relationship with customers " Christopher Bogert,CityEngineer 2nd Runner-up Mike Rodriguez, a Parks SupervisorwithParksand Recreation, has been an integralpartofourcityfor over 20 years and constantly works to maintain andimproveourcityparks andfacilities. 1st Runner-up Jessica Arnold has been with the city since 2000 and is describedassomeonewho putsherblood,sweat,and tearsintoherwork.Jessica always works hard to find a solution wherever there isaproblem. lead the with Underground Her i h t o h ceremonywere 1st annual city needs positive customers Bogert, k been our parks with who her from page 1 Borbon
SubscriptionCostis$40peryearforinMontgomery County,and$45peryearoutofMontgomeryCounty. ChecksmaybemadepayabletoMontgomeryCounty NewsandsendtoPOBox1,Montgomery,Tx77356, wealsoacceptmostmajorcreditcards. MCN Subscription


Ruben Borjas Jr,

Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

Vernon'sKuntryKatfish: Flooded, But Will Rise Again

I had just seen Ms. Mary Bowers, from Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish last Wednesday morning. She lovinglybringstheVeterans of The Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group breakfast the first Wednesday of each month. And I, being myself, gave her an obligatory hug as I always do. Andsincethepassingof my own Mother, then the passing of Second Mother Esther Duncan, I’ve started to see Ms Mary as a motherlyfigureinmylife. We chatted about our little sit down that we had earlier this year where we literally had a two hour lunch, just snacking, tasting

I had just seen Ms. Mary Bowers, from Vernon’s unt K t sh l st Wednesday morning. lovinglybringsthe of The Lone Star Honor Veterans Group the first month. And I, being myself, gave her obligatory as I always the of Mother, the of Second Mother, Esther I’ve started to Ms Mary as a motherlyfigureinmylife. chatted about little sit down that we had earlier this year, where we literally had a two tasting

Weather for the Lake Conroe area

Partlysunny,withahighnear90.Southwind 10to15mph,withgustsashighas25mph.

Mostlycloudy,withalowaround74.South windaround10mph.

A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstormsafter1pm.Patchyfogbefore 7am.Otherwise,partlysunny,withahighnear 90.Southeastwind5to10mph.

A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstormsbefore1am.Partlycloudy,with alowaround66.Breezy


Partlycloudy,withalowaround61. Partlysunny,withahighnear79.


A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Partlysunny,withahighnear 80.

A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Partlycloudy,withalow around62.

A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlysunny,withahighnear 82.




Publisher:M.P.Stultz P




AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest

Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews. ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023 RyanWest Montgomery

Vernon’smenu,andhavinga great visit. Ms. Mary told me of the restaurant’s upcoming40thAnniversary of which I was excited to coverlaterthismonth. And as Ms. Mary departed the Veteransgroup,littledidwe knowthatlessthan24hours later last Thursday, the beloved katfish restaurant wouldbeunderwateragain. The second time since HurricaneHarveyin2017.

IhadabusyThursday I went to my coffee group, thenIwentuptoHuntsville toviewsomestormdamage, then had an unexpected lunch, which turned into a restaurant review, before making my way down to Conroe’sSwitchforadrinks review By the time I got review backhome,hadasnack,and unwound a bit, it was dark. Then I checked in on Facebook, that’s when the wind was knocked out of me,andIsawthepicturesof thefloodedVernon’sKuntry Katfish.

Vernon’smenu,andhavinga great visit. Ms. Mary told me the restaurant s upcoming40thAnniversary of excited to coverlaterthismonth. And as Ms. Mary departed the Veteransgroup,littledidwe know than24 later last beloved katfish restaurant wouldbeunderwater The second time HurricaneHarveyin2017. I abusy went to my coffee group, thenIwentuptoHuntsville toviewsomestorm then had lunch, turned into a restaurant review, making my way down to Conroe’sSwitchforadrinks review By the time I hadasnack, a bit, was dark. Then I checked in Facebook, that’s when the wind was out andIsawthepictures Kuntry Katfish.

Ms. Mary and dilemma botheredme. Islept

Ms. Mary and restaurants’ dilemma really botheredme. Isleptterribly

Thursdaynight? Itwaslike Iwasinadaze,fallinginand out of consciousness at my desk not really wanting to submit to a horizontal position. Finally around 4 amIdecidedtohitthesack, andjustlikeclockworkfrom Wednesdaynightat4:02am aswell,hailstartedwiththe terrible rain, this time with marble sized hail, from the previous night’s pea. And again it didn’t stop thunderingforsixorsevenhours.

Mydearreaders,wehave to help Ms. Mary and her daughter Debbie, and not to mention getting the store back up and running. And especiallyfortheemployees of Vernon’s. Of course, there are many people all around Montgomery and surrounding counties that aresufferingfromtherecent flooding, but Vernon’s is a hubforallthepeople. It’sa placewherewecansitdown andfeelwelcomed. Wecan go there whether we’ve had agoodorbadday,andenjoy anicemealthatundoubtedly makesthedaybrighter For the old timers

Thursdaynight? waslike Iwasinadaze, inand out of consciousness at my desk not really to submit to horizontal position. Finally around 4 amIdecidedtohitthesack, and likeclockworkfrom Wednesday am as startedwith terrible rain, this time with marble sized hail, from the previous pea. And again it stop thunderingfor orseven dearreaders,wehave to help Mary and her daughter and to mention getting the store back up And especiallyfortheemployees of Of course, there are many people all around Montgomery and surrounding counties that aresufferingfromtherecent flooding, but is a hubforallthe It’sa placewherewecan down andfeelwelcomed. Wecan go whether we’ve had agoodorbadday,andenjoy anicemealthatundoubtedly makes the old timers

amongst us, they will remember the two lane SH 105 and the original tentable restaurant when it openedin1984,andyoucan see a glimpse of the past on the front page of the menu. The sacrifices that Vernon and Mary Bowers went throughtomakeasuccessful restaurant is why we continue to return to Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish time and time again. Ms. Mary and the store family deserve our help. They don’t cry rivers when somethinggoeswrong,they adaptandovercome. That’s how the ‘Good Pie,’ was born for Heaven’s Sake. Even with the loss of Ms. Mary’s husband, and her sons, especially Buster; the restaurant has continued to flourish with Mary’s daughter Debbie, who does an amazing job in keeping the ship afloat, and the traditiongoing. Please remember that Vernon’s does not have any insurance. For restaurants located in low lying areas, luxurieslikethat. Well,they

are way too expensive for a restaurant, which has marginsthatarealreadyslim tobeginwith. TheBowers’ employees will continue to be taken care of during this crisis. The resilience of Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish makes us stronger as a community Their success is our success, and the restaurant will rise again. Thereisnodoubtaboutthat.

Please donate to get Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish up andgoingagainonGoFund Me. ‘Help Revive Vernon's FloodedRestaurant.’

https://wwwgofundme c om/f/help-revive-vernonsflooded-restaurant

My Ms. M a r : montgomerycountynews


My Sitdown with Ms. M a r y : montgomerycountynews ne t/vernons-kuntry-katfish-asitdown-with-ms-maryp12324-146.htm

Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty

amongst us they will SH 105 and the original it in1984, a glimpse of the past the front page of the menu. The sacrifices Vernon Mary Bowers’ is why continue to return to Vernon’s Kuntry time again. Ms. the store deserve help. They don’t rivers when somethinggoeswrong, adapt how the ‘Good Pie,’ was for Heaven’s Sake. Even with the loss of Ms. Mary’s husband, and her sons, especially Buster; restaurant has flourish with Mary s Debbie, who does in the ship afloat and the traditiongoing. remember does not have any insurance. For restaurants in areas, luxurieslike are expensive a restaurant, marginsthatare during of Vernon s Kuntry community Their is success and the rise again. There https://www flooded-restaurant donate to get Kuntry Katfish againonGo ‘Help Vernon's Flooded


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if Soviets had their hands the would earlier

I’m convinced, if the Soviets had gotten their hands on Blueberry Vodka, the Cold War would have ended much earlier than it did. Flavored vodka, first introduced in 1986 with Absolut’s Peppar, has opened the World to possibilities with new and creative imbibements imbibements

Peppar, opened World with off to a to if to on Street Historic you will plenty of to a to mention, the scenery Just their ofthe

Now if we can get a few palletsdowntoGaza,itmay take the edge off to bring a little peace to that region. But if you head toThe Red Brick Tavern on Simonton Street in Historic Conroe, you will find plenty of reasons to sit down, have a bite and an adult beverage; and not to mention, enjoy the scenery and/or the company you keep. Just stepping into the place you will be enticed by the red brickwalls,almostwishing themtogiveuptheirsecrets oftheConroeofyesteryear byRubenBorjas,Jr.

RBTsroundedbarisvery inviting, located at the back of the premises, it plays its part well drawing customers, and if any movie producers are reading this; I’d recommend it for a bar scene in your locally producedmovie. Themusic isattherightvolume,where ifyouarehavingaconversation,youdon’thavetoraise yourvoice,unlesstheyhave a singer, or the place is full uptotherafters. Duringthe quieter times, you can read or write, or chat with the

local therapist (bartender), oraskaquestiontoalawyer there is always one of them around. And if you’ve nothing to do, stare at the walls. They’vegotplentyof singers pictured there to make you think, with some actually autographed. Of course there are televisions around, so you will always havesomethingtodo.

RBTs Irealized haven’t a drink yet, so set the it


Europe, not 18-19, maybe 20-21. And plus that was a long time ago, Berlin actually and America is a lot kinder thantheRussianbear Ithen saw the Summer Jazz which enticed me, and amongst drinks of The World,it’sprettyunique. The Summer Jazz is madewithBlueberryVodka, Watermelon Pucker (a sorta of sweet and sour liqueur), fresh lemon juice, club soda,andastackedstirstick of blueberries with lemon wedge In other close versions you have a deeper red from the watermelon syrup, of which some use actual watermelon juice, with an additional sweetener But RBTs version of thedrinkreliessolelyonthe watermelon pucker to have varying shades of pink rising lighter to the rim. I didn’t mind the color, seeingasthereisenoughred in the brick, and I really didn’twanttodebatemyself on the topic, so I didn’t makeafuss.

My first sip of Summer Jazz, for reason, second; me my Mom’s as it pooled And who knows, maybe Mother little her because always wards. thesip off, I that that this is a vodka flavored blueberry hit, by the of the lemon juice, of the the end bitter from the watermelon influence. muchgoingon buds, that I almost almost wanted a traffic light on tongue the sensations moving

We furnish
Thursday Friday SaturdayNight WednesdayNight ThursdayNight Wednesday FridayNight Saturday Sunday SundayNight Monday
My first sip of The Summer Jazz, for some reason, and for a quick second; it reminded me of my Mom’s Kool-Aid, as it pooled on my tongue. And who knows, maybe my Mother put a little vodka in her version, because I always felt relaxed afterwards. Asthesiprolledoff, I finally got that sensation that this is a vodka drink, flavored this time, as the blueberry hit, followed by the bitterness of the lemon juice, then the sweetness of thewatermelon,withthetail end switching back to bitter from the watermelon influence. There was so muchgoingonwithmytaste buds, that I almost almost wanted to install a traffic light on my tongue because the sensations were moving InreviewingRBTsmenu, IrealizedthatIhaven’ttried a drink with vodka yet, so I setmymindtothetask. But itthenbroughtupmemories of the past, drinking vodka with straight shots, then I
jet fuel.
remembered the rough medicinal ethanol burning aftertasteofEasternvodkas, thinkingIhaddowneda
But that was
then memories of vodka with straight then the ethanol burning of Ihad a of jet fuel. But whenIwasakid maybe time ago, is kinder Russianbear I the prettyunique. The Summer withBlueberryVodka, (a of liqueur), fresh lemon club soda, stacked of blueberries with lemon wedge In versions you a red from the watermelon syrup, actual with ener RBTs version of thedrinkrelies onthe watermelon pucker to varying rising didn’t mind the seeing there in the brick, and I didn’t on so I make
lawyer there is one around. And
nothing do, walls. They’ve plenty singers pictured make think, some actually course are around, will have todo.
is inviting, the plays well ers and are reading for is having voice, they singer, you
The Red Brick Tavern's 'Summer Jazz' See Tavern, page 5
Sip and A Thought:

BeatingtheBite:Navigating theThreatofChiggers

Lake Creek Nature

Preserve Board of Directors

Chiggers They are almost impossible to see with the naked eye and can makeyourdayinthewoods very unpleasant. They can take itchiness to a whole new level and the discomfort can last for days. They eatskincellsandtissueand can create a nasty skin reaction. This is caused by their saliva. They bite and inject their saliva into the skin The saliva breaks down the tissue and helps digest the cells and tissue. Humans are not the only species that are affected by these annoying little creatures.Theyalsofeedon domesticandwildanimals, includingbirds,reptilesand someamphibians.

What exactly are chiggers? They are the immature stage of mites

b e l o n g i n g t o t h e Trombiculidae family These parasitic larvae live on or under the skin of warm-blooded animals

They attach to your clothing and move to areas

where your skin and clothinghaveclosecontact. Examples of their favorite places are sock lines,

waistbands, bra lines, behindthekneesandgroin. Theystayonyourskinfor1 or2daysandthendropoff. R

le chiggerattachitselftoskin. They tend to latch in groups If by chance a single chigger bites you, you may have difficulty distinguishing it from a mosquito bite After dropping off, they develop intonymphsandadultsand arenolongerparasitic.

Thereareseveralspecies of chiggers in Texas but there are only 2 that are biters. They are found in overgrown grasses and weeds in forests, orchards, parks, along lakes and streams and even in vacant lots with overgrown grass and weeds. They are less common in maintained


Youcanprotectyourself against chiggers. Although it gets extremely hot in our area, wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts Wear shoes or boots no flip flops or open-toed sandals. Tuck your pants in your boots and keep your cuffs and collars buttoned. Use insect repellents that contain DEET (N Ndiethyl-meta-toluamide or diethyltoluamide) You shouldapplythisnotonlyto your skin but also around the tops of your boots around the cuffs and waistband. Another option forclothingisproductsthat contain permethrin (like Permanone Tick Repellent).Theseproductsarefor clothingonlyandcannotbe appliedtoyourskin.


CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755

NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-5883399

Everyone responds differently to bug bites but here are some suggestions thatmayhelpifyou'vebeen exposed to chiggers As soon as you get home, take a warm, sudsy shower or bath.Vigorouslyscrubyour skin which will dislodge any mites that have just lodged on you. Try some anti-itchcreamonthebites. Oralantihistaminessuchas Benadryl also work well. I knowit'shardbuttrynotto

scratchespeciallyifthebite has formed a pustule Scratching may open the biteandcauseaninfection. Chigger bites should heal on their own but if you're still suffering after a coupleofdays,goseeyour doctor

Don't let this nasty little

outside, soak up the sun, listentothebirdsandrelax. In the words of Aristotle, “In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.”


thiswayandthatsofast, that I wanted to stop so I couldhaveaconversation.

After a few sips, I crushedtheblueberriesand squeezedthelemonwedge to add new dimensions of flavor to the concoction.

way that I I a blueberriesand the dimensions flavor the flavor profile having drinks the intensity the sweet and an or hard summer for uneventful drive home.

The flavor profile did change, and it was like having two drinks for the price of one, with the intensity of the sweet and sourbeingrampedup. It’s an inclined, or hard summer punch, but still gentle enough for an uneventful drive home. I found it very refreshing, and I know it would be most welcomed on a hot sunny day, and again, es

professionals, the Summer Jazz would be the right drinktotakeofftheedgeof aharddayattheoffice.

ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation),1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe,Texas,Phone:936494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsoldi Worship:Sundayat 10:30am,SundaySchool: 9:30am HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356 Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027

936-449-0845 m, dacusbaptist@consolidated.






PastorDavidR.Bailes. METHODIST

Tavern at 119 Conroe’s

POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-4781256,SundayBibleClass 10:00am,WorshipService at11:00am.

GaryChapelBaptist Church FaithBaptistChurch

Meetsat464McCaleb Rd.

SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.

SundayEvening Worship6:00p.m.

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedinDobbin, P.O.Box112,Montgomery,77356

BenuiBaptistChurch, ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery

AntiochBaptist, BAPTIST


I most welcomed a day, sp c l y w t t t w nr Jazz the definitelyencourage trip Brick Summer not have but will sort peace, will fruity will palate for the inch brick and Conroe’s Red Summer

Thiscolumnis purposes responsibly, not just for sip The Jazz new what It me of when

TheRedBrickTavernis located at 119 Simonton Street in Conroe’s Switch. Their website is: the

Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount

I have gone a for should me reviews.

I’ddefinitelyencourage a trip to The Red Brick Tavern. TheSummerJazz, thankfully not Soviet made, for I don’t think they d have had the creativity; but it will bring asortofpeace,acalmover you. You will appreciate the fruity and refreshing sensations that will tantalizeyourpalateasking formore. Sothenexttime you have an inch to view someredbrickwallsanda roundedbar,headondown to Conroe’s Switch, for TheRedBrickTavern,and The Summer Jazz, are waitingforyou. Alcohol Disclaimer: Thiscolumnisintendedfor entertainment purposes only Please drink responsibly, not just for yourself, but for others aroundyou. EachsipofTheSummer Jazz offers new possibilitiesforwhattheseasonhas to offer It made me think of that time, when I seriously considered matrimony,andhowmuch poorer and unretired I would be, should I have gone through the prospect. I’malotmorematurenow, and ready for that serious commitment, should someone want to go down to Galveston for lunch, or accompany me to one of my play or musical reviews.


ChurchofSt.John, retreatandwildlife center, 2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936597-5757







21627EvaSt. Montgomery TX77356 (936)597-5742Pastors Randy&DarlaWeaver ServiceTimes:Sundays@ 8AM,9:30AM&11AM Mondays@7PM Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM&11 AM@lonestar.tvandclick onWatchnow

ChinaGroveBaptist Church,Willis,936-7674744 936-894-2223

DacusBaptist,Dacus, About11miNof Montgomery onFM149




BethelRoad,Montgomery,936-597-4668 UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas

St.Mary’s Catholic FM2854,Montgomery

SacredHeartCatholic, SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,Wednesday BibleStudyandYouth Group6pm FM1774,Plantersville, Mt.SinaiBaptist, Mt.CalvaryBaptist

109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186

936-894-2223 7:45Service

St.Joseph’sCatholic CR213,Stoneham,


CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend Place,TheWoodlands, 281-362-1100


Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944

LivingSavior LutheranChurch-LCMS

309PondSt.Montgomery 77356Churchphone:936-

ChurchatMontgomery(GlobalMethodist) OakHillsJrHigh

MagnoliaUnited MethodistChurch SundayServices 10:30am

thewoodlandsmethodist. org/montgomery MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch 22548Highway105 West Montgomery,TX 77356

Phone: 936-597-6162 10AMWorshipService 8:45SundaySchool

RichardsUnited MethodistChurch

AbundantLife MinistriesCornerofFM 149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService 11:30amWednesday Pray/BibleStudy6:30pm


SeniorPastorDale Talbert ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries






1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin,



GraceLutheran (ELCA), 19190KeenanCutoff Rd. Montgomery TX

2080LongmireRd, Conroe Sun:10:30am

936-441-8875 ZionChurch,


Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery

Thursday7:30pm 936.582.7722

SundaySchoolat 10:00am

SundayWorshipat 6:00pm

CommunityAnd Interdenominational LoneStarCowboy




AprilSoundChurch, AprilSound,936-5882832

LighthouseFellowship Church,


19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-5978921

Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660

LivingBranchChurch, NewBeginningBible Church, HopeTabernacle

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400 FellowshipofMontgomery RiverofLifeChurch, 12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696 LakesideBible Church, 12681FM149 Montgomery,TX77356 (936)597-3949

CarbonChurch, WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery .online.churchorfollowus onFacebook @thefmchurch! 1011W.Lewis,Conroe, 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-4494414

Services9:30and11 a.m.

WaldenCommunity Church, 936-756-7792


CornerstoneChurch, Transformation ChurchMontgomery Montgomery,936-582-

owntown Conroe
2727N.Loop336West Sun.9:00&11:00 SunSch10:00 1803HighlandHollow Conroe,936-756-8831 936-689-3141 Mt.PleasentBaptist Church TheChurch@Lake Conroe NorthShoreChurch CovenantFelloship 302N.Danville,Willis, Tx.77378 1701McCalebRd YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays Nurseryprovided ChurchofChristin Montgomery 18501Fm1097West@ theBentwaterWest St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, Sundayworship@ 10:00a.m.Wed.activites 6:30-8pm FM149N.,Montgomery,936-449-6807 Montgomery,TX77316 PastorCarySmith 936-588-4975 CelebrationService 10amSundays PRESBYTERIN 301PondStreet, Montgomery,TX. SundayBibleClass9:30am Worship -10:30amand 6:00pm Wednesday - 7:00pm Email: cofcmontgomery@consolid PaulPraschnik,Minister
EPISCOPAL 10amWorshipService PastorsSean
LoriJo Cook 936/890-8034 FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter GateEntrance Phone: 936-582-4855 Conroe,Texas936-7568884 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas
s a s
bug keep you from enjoying nature Get
MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,May8,2024,Page5 To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397 ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismadepossiblebythesebusinesses from page 4 Tavern


Cause Number: 23-09-12763-CV


MelisaMiller RobertTeir



CONROE,TX77305q Suite510




Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorneydonotfileawritten answerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingthe expirationoftwentydaysafteryouwereservedthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generallymustbemadenolaterthan30daysafteryoufileyouranswerwiththeclerk.Find

The petition of Stephanie Seidel; Aaron Seidel, Petitioner was filed in the 418th Judicial DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,onthisthe5thdayofSeptember,2023,against VeronicaCamachoRespondent(s)numbered23-09-12763andentitled


The suit requests that Original Petition for Termination and Adoption, all as is more fully showninthePetitiononfileinthiscause.

Thedateandplaceofbirthofthechild(ren)whois(are)thesubjectofsuitis/are:March7, 2011inSanMarcos,HaysCounty Texas.


TheCourthastheauthorityinthissuittoenteranyjudgmentordecreeinthechildreninterest which will be binding to you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determinationofpaternityandappointmentofaconservatorwithauthoritytoconsenttothe childrenadoption.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandsealofsaidCourtatConroe,Texasonthisthe11thdayof April,2024.

(SEAL,DistrictCourt) MelisaMiller,DistrictClerk MontgomeryCounty Texas By:/s/TraciGunter 4/11/20249:35:20AM

TraciGunter Deputy PublishedDates:April17,24,May1,8,2024


Cause Number: 24-04-05899

ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService

MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry

P.O.Box2985 17044ElCaminoReal Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058 THE STATE OF TEXAS

NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."

To: All Unknown Heirs at Law ofTodd Hoffman *(Deceased) and Jalene M. Blanscet (Deceased)

You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter thedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday,the3rddayofJune,2024before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas at the Courthouse of said CountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe th13 dayofApril,2024,inthiscase,numbered24-04-05899onthedocketofsaidcourt.


Walden on Lake Conroe Community ImprovementAssociation, Inc. are Plaintiffs and

All Unknown Heirs at Law ofTodd Hoffman *(Deceased) and Jalene M. Blanscet (Deceased)areDefendants

Theofficerexecutingthiswritshallpromptlyservethesameaccordingtorequirementsoflaw andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.


MelisaMiller DistrictClerk

MontgomeryCounty,Texas (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCountyTexas)

By:MelissaMiller DistrictClerk /s/TraciGunter TraciGunter 4/17/20249:42:10AM



MelisaMiller RobertTeir


CONROE,TX77305 Suite510 HoustonTX77056-1846


To:JohnDoeandtoallwhomitmayconcern,Respondent(s), Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorneydonotfileawrittenanswer withtheclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationof twentydaysafteryouwereservedthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainst you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosurestotheotherpartiesofthissuit.Thesedisclosuresgenerallymustbemadenolaterthan30

The petition of Stephanie Seidel;Aaron Seidel, Petitioner, was filed in the 418th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas, on this the 5th day of September 2023, against John Doe Respondent(s)numbered23-09-12763andentitled


ThesuitrequeststhatOriginalPetitionforTerminationandAdoption,allasismorefullyshowninthe Petitiononfileinthiscause.

The date and place of birth of the children who is (are) the subject of suit is March 7, 2011 in San Marcos,HaysCounty Texas.


TheCourthastheauthorityinthissuittoenteranyjudgmentordecreeinthechildreninterestwhich willbebindingtoyou,includingtheterminationoftheparent-childrelationship,thedeterminationof paternityandappointmentofaconservatorwithauthoritytoconsenttothechildrenadoption. Issued and given under my hand seal of said Court at Conroe,Texas on this the 22nd day ofApril, 2024.


MelisaMiller DistrictClerk

MontgomeryCounty,Texas /s/TraciGunter TraciGunter Deputy 4/22/20249:10:31AM PublishedDates:April24,May1,8,and15,2024


MelisaMiller BertSteinmann



To:BriannaDoddandtoallwhomitmayconcern,Respondent(s), Cause Number: 24-04-06120-CV

Plaintiff sued Defendants for delinquent HOA Assessments as to the Property legally describedas:

Lot41,Block70,WALDENONLAKECONROE,SECTIONSEVENTEEN,asubdivisionin Montgomery County Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet C, Sheet55AoftheMapand/orPlatRecordsofMontgomeryCounty Texas.


The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe18thdayofApril,2024.


MelisaMiller DistrictClerk

Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: 4/18/20249:58:24AM

MontgomeryCounty,Texas By:/s/TraciGunter



Cause Number: 24-01-01444



MelisaMiller RonnyVGeorge



Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77040


NOTICETO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued.You may employ an attorney Ifyou or your attorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.onthe Mondaynextfollowingtheexpirationoffortytwodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitation andpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."

To:UnknownHeirsatLawofDnalF Johnson,Deceased

YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertothePlaintiff'sOriginalPetition atorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateof issuance of this citation the same being Monday, the 3rd day of June, 2024 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original Petition was filed in said court on this the 29th day of January 2024,inthiscase,numbered24-01-01444onthedocketofsaidcourt.


NationstarMortgageLLCd/b/a/Mr CooperarePlaintiffsand

Dnal F. Johnson; Gerard Robertson, Jr. Heir at Law of Decedent; Unknown Heirs at LawofDnalF Johnson,DeceasedareDefendants


The Petition seeks an order to foreclose the lien on the property and assert a claim to the propertylocatedat20292OldHighway105,Cleveland,TX77328andlegallydescribedas:A 2.0025 Acre Tract Of Land Being Part Of That Certain Called 2.145-Acre Tract Of Land Described In Deed Recorded Under Clerk's File N. 9841816 D.R.M.C.T.,

Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorneydonotfileawritten answerwiththecerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingthe l expirationoftwentydaysafteryouwereserved

thiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou.Inadditiontofilinga written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other partiesofthissuit.Thesedisclosuresgenerallym stbemadenolaterthan30daysafteryou u file your answer with the clerk. Find out more at The petition of Lester Dodd,Petitioner wasfiledinthe418thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas, onthisthe17thdayofApril,2024,againstBriannaDoddRespondent(s)numbered24-0406120andentitled


The suit requests that Original Petition for Conservatorship of a Child and Request for TemporaryOrders,allasismorefullyshowninthePetitiononfileinthiscause.

Thedateandplaceofbirthofthechildrenwhois(are)thesubjectofsuitis/are,Montgomery County Texas


TheCourthastheauthorityinthissuittoenteranyjudgmentordecreeinthechildreninterest whichwillbebindingto


IssuedandgivenundermyhandsealofsaidCourtatConroe,Texasonthisthe24thdayof April,2024.


you,includingtheterminationoftheparent-childrelationship,thedeterminationofpaternity andappointmentofa MontgomeryCounty Texas



DelcyPhillips,Deputy 4/24/20241:17:24PM



No.23-45381Onthe1stdayofApril,2024,LettersOfAdministrationupontheEstateof JerryM.Moore,DeceasedwereissuedtoJelaineMooreWalker AdministratorbytheProbateCourt# 1ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,incausenumber23-45381,pendinguponthedocketofsaidCourt. AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaidEstateareherebyrequiredtopresentthemwithinthe timeprescribedbylawattheaddressshownbelow ThenamewhereclaimsmaybesentisTonyaL. Knauth, whose address is 1402 Heights Blvd., Houston,Texas 77008,Telephone: (713) 396-0876, Fax:(832)200-3547,/s/TonyaL.Knauth,TXBarNumber:00797523


Notice is hereby given that Storage King USA at 28543 FM 2978

Page6,Wednesday,May8,2024,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL
Out Of That Certain Called6.435-AcreTractOfLandDescribedInDeedRecordedInVolume802,Page322OfThe DeedRecordsOfMontgomeryCounty Texas,SituatedInTheM.H.HinchSurvey AbstractNo. 253, Montgomery County, Texas, Said 2.0025 Acres Being More Particularly Described By MetesAnd BoundsAs Follows (Bearings Based On Deed Recorded Under Clerk's File No. 9841816 Of Montgomery County Deed Records): CommencingAt The Southwest Corner Of SaidCalled6.435-AcreTract,AlsoBeingTheSouthwestCornerOfACalled0.145-AcreTract Described In Deed Recorded Under Clerk's File No. 2006052756 D.R.M.C.T.; Thence, North 00°30'00" East, With The West Line Of Said Called 6.435-Acre TractAnd Called 0.145-Acre Tract,ADistance Of 17.01 FeetToA1/2 Inch Iron Rod Found ForThe Southwest CornerAnd PlaceOfBeginningOfTheHereinDescribedTract;Thence,North00°30'00"East,Continuing WithTheWestLineOfSaidCalled6.435-AcreTract,ADistanceOf238.88FeetToA'/2InchIron RodFoundForTheNorthwestCornerOfTheHereinDescribedTract;Thence,North88°50'33" asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. East,PassingAtADistanceOf350.30TheWestLineOfA30.00-FootWideRoadEasement, From WhichA5/8 Inch Iron Rod Was Found Bearing South 52°17'00" EastADistance Of 1.4 Feet,And Continuing ForATotal Distance Of 365.31 Feet ToA1/2 Inch Iron Rod Set In The Centerline Of Said 30.00-Foot Road Easement For The Northeast Corner Of The Herein DescribedTract;Thence,South00°30'00"West,WithTheCenterlineOfSaidRoadEasement, ADistanceOf238.88FeetToA1/2InchIronRodSetForTheSoutheastCornerOfTheHerein DescribedTract;Thence,South88°50'33"West,WithTheNorthLineOfAforementionedCalled 0.145-AcreTract,PassingAtADistanceOf15.01FeetA5/8InchIronRodFoundInTheWest LineOfSaidRoadEasement,ContinuingForATotalDistanceOf365.31FeetToThePlaceOf BeginningAndContainingWithinTheseCalls2.0025AcresOr87,230SquareFeetOfLand.
Rd. Magnolia Texas 77354 (ph) (832)345-1305 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a publicauctiontosatisfyalienplacedonthecontents(pursuanttoTitle5,LiensChapter 59Sec.59.044) on5/28/ undertheguidanceofChristopherRosa(16850)onbehalfofthefacility'smanagement. Contentswillbesoldforcashonlytothehighestbidder A10-15%buyer'spremiumwill bechargedanda$100cleaningdepositperunit.Allsalesarefinal.Sellerreservesthe right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale or to refuse any bids. The propertytobesoldisdescribedas"generalhouseholditems"unlessotherwisenoted. AshleyCruz-hsldgds,furn,boxes,applnces;ChristineEvans-hsldgds,boxes,totes, furn,tools,shelves,miscitems;BrianCogburn-furn,applnces,tv,miscitems.


Cause Number: 24-04-06120-CV


MelisaMiller BertSteinmann

2985 103WPhillipsStreet

CONROE,TX77305 ConroeTX77301



Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorneydonotfileawritten answerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingthe expirationoftwentydaysafteryouwereserved hiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgment t may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generallymustbemadenolaterthan30daysafteryoufileyouranswerwiththeclerk.Find

The petition of Lester Dodd, Petitioner was filed in the 418th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, on this the 17th day of April, 2024, against UNKNOWN FATHERRespondent(s)numbered24-04-06120andentitled


The suit requests that Original Petition for Conservatorship of a Child and Request for TemporaryOrders,allasismorefullyshowninthePetitiononfileinthiscause.

Thedateandplaceofbirthofthechildrenwhois(are)thesubjectofsuitis/are,Montgomery County Texas


TheCourthastheauthorityinthissuittoenteranyjudgmentordecreeinthechildreninterest which will be binding to you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determinationofpaternityandappointmentofaconservatorwithauthoritytoconsenttothe childrenadoption.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandsealofsaidCourtatConroe,Texasonthisthe24thdayof April,2024.

MelissaMiller DistrictClerk







L.BrandonSteinmann JulieRinker

P.O.Box959 333SimontonStreet


GREETING: 20-39172-G







You are commanded to appear and answer to the Guardian's Final Account filed by JimmyEnriquezandAmandaEnriquez,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMonday aftertheexpirationofTen(10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforethe HonorableProbateCourtNo.1ofMontgomeryCounty,attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas, by filing an answer to the application hereinafter mentioned. Said application was filed on April04,2024.

GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourtinConroe,Texasonthisthe30thdayofApril, 2024.

(SEAL,ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk MontgomeryCounty Texas

Thestylebeing:GUARDIANSHIPOF:JordanThomasEnriquez By:/s/DenaMizell4/30/20244:41:33PM

ConroeTX77305 Suite130 ConroeTX77301 DenaMizell,DeputyClerk



StateBarNo.24002028 StevenC.Earl Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Betty Jerean Norton,Deceased,wereissuedonApril24,2024,inCauseNo.24-46337-P,pendinginProbateCourt No.1,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to:TamiSueGuilbault.

128VisionParkBlvd,Suite140 Shenandoah,Texas77384 By:/s/StevenC.Earl

c/o: StevenC.Earl Stilwell,Earl&Apostolakis,LLP 128VisionParkBlvd,Suite140 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw

DATEDApril30,2024. Shenandoah,Texas77384 Telephone: (281)419-6200 Facsimile: (281)419-0250 PublishedDate:May8,2024

Advertising Space Available 936-449-NEWS (6397)


and ha


This week’s Veteran is JohnLewis,whoservedin the United States Marine Corps from 1966 - 1969. Lewis was an intelligence specialist during the Vietnam War and worked with villagers during the conflict to help them financiallywhentheywere unable to grow crops to make a living. John was also trained in guerilla warfare, reconnaissance,

working knowledgeoftheVietnamese language. Being the people person that he is, Lewis made friends with manyVietnamesevillagers and other military units. Johnwasassignedtooneof the four Marble Mountains’nearDaNang,where his friendship with a nearby medical unit brought about enough excess materials to build small hooches so his unit members could stay out of

the rain. Lewis’ unit was attacked by the Viet Cong on numerous nights, some sointensethatartillerywas called in very close, or some would say “danger close to his position When John returned stateside, he taught jungle warfareandsurvivalskills. After he was discharged from the military, John worked in marketing sales,managementandreal estate. Years later he was madeawareofHepatitisC,

from and with villagers they h o the language. made four about materials could out rain. by intense artillery position When returned survival was John managementand likely with God. a has with the Honor in Good

most likely caused by AgentOrangeuse. Lewis’ most important work is with God. He is a Gospel preacher and has worked withprisonersandnowhas hisownflock. Johnalways saystheprayersattheLone StarHonorFlightVeterans Group, where he leads the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Good Luck John, and Congratulations onbeingMCNs‘Veteranof theWeek’.

RichardsISDisproudto pr announcetheValedictorian, Salutatorian,andupcoming Graduatesfor2024

Our Valedicto-

rian this year for Richards High SchoolisMr Tyler

Calhoun Tyler is the son of Sylvia Calhoun and Santwain “Poppa”

wasrecentlygiven a full rodeo scholarship to Southwest Texas College where he plans to compete on their rodeo team while taking courses to earn an HVACBachelorof ScienceDegree. Valedictoc i Tyler is lhoun d Tyler is currently hool d e N He to r plans Bachelor


for Richards is Kahlan is the

Calhoun Tyler is one of the top rodeo competitors in the state of

Texas.Hehaswon too many rodeo awards to list! Tyler is currently the National High School Rodeo Champion in Calf Roping Tyler is also a member of the National Honor Society He

Jamie & Eric Runey and Korey&GeorgetteFreels. Kahlan was involved in manyactivitiesthroughout high school She played volleyball9th-11thgrade, rantrackin10thgrade,and was a baseball manager in 9th & 10th grade. Kahlan was a class officer for two years, a Homecoming Princessfortwoyears,and Homecoming Queen this year Sheisalsoamember of the National Honor Society Kahlanhasdonea lot of volunteer work with Mosaics of Mercy and has

Jamie was in high school She & Kahlan a for Homecoming Queen Kahlanhasdonea volunteer of and

volunteered her time helping with school activities such as the book fairandParents'NightOut.

volunteered time helping with school activities book fairandParents'NightOut.

Kahlan loves children Every Sunday she helps teach bible lessons to the youth group at Richards Methodist Church Kahlan's favorite memoriesfromhighschoolareof the girls from her volleyball team and the basketballteamaskingKahlanto do their hair before the games Kahlan loves to braidhairandcurlhairand to help make girls feel

Kahlan children Every she helps teach the youth group Richards Methodist Kahlan's memoriesfromhighschoolareof the volleyball the basketballteamaskingKahlanto do the games to braidhairandcurlhairand to make feel

confident and pretty Kahlan enjoys fixing people's hair and make-up so much that she plans to make a career out of it. After graduation she will be attending Aveda Cosmetology School starting on June 27,2024. When Kahlan finishes cosmetology school, she plans to obtain a degree in business and management after which she will open her own boutique and hair salon.

much to Kahlan school,

Tyra Bridges is the Tyra daughter of LaDeanna and Torace Bridges Tyra has attended school in Richards ISD sincethe6thgrade.Tyra loves playing volleyball. She played volleyball 9th-12th grade for Richards High School. She was the only senior to play volleyball this year Tyra also loves animals After graduation Tyra plans to take collegecoursesatBlinn and Lone Star Junior College to become a Veterinary Technician and then transfer to a universitytofurtherher career in Animal Sciences.

Torace this After to

Duplechian Ag nursing

Lauren Duplechian is the daughter of Steven and Melanie Duplechian. Her favorite memories from high school are of hanging out with friends atschooleventsanddoing projects in the Ag shop. Lauren especially enjoyedaprojectinwhich she got to make flowers out of tin Lauren's favorite class was Floral Design Lauren enjoys helping others After graduation, she plans to get her nursing degree by takingherbasiccoursesat Blinn and then transferringtoSamHoustonState University to complete her nursing degree Laurenwantstobecomea travelnurse.

Rope Greenhaw is the sonofKrisstinandSteven Greenhaw Rope played basketball and baseball 9th-12th grade in high school He was a class officer, a member of the National Honor Society and he was elected Homecoming King this year Rope's favorite memoryfromhighschool is when his baseball team played against RTC and wonahardfoughtvictory Rope got to pitch that wholegameandhesaysit isamemoryhewillnever forget After graduation Rope plans to attend attend Wharton County Junior Collegewherehehopesto g e t a d e g r e e i n Kinesiology Afterthathe planstobecomeacoach. is the sonofKrisstinandSteven played baseball 9th-12th high a class of the and he elected this favorite memoryfromhighschool team and that wholegameandhesaysit isamemoryhewillnever

MasonKightisthesonof EmilyandAllenArce.Mason spends most of his time competing in rodeos and doing leather work He is verytalentedatbothofthese things.Hehaswonmanytop rodeoawardsaroundthestate ofTexasandhealreadyowns his own leatherworking business.Hecreatesbeautiful one of a kind handcrafted items that he gets top dollar fo

e Afterthathe

year's Salutatorian for Richards High School is Miss Kahlan Freels Kahlan Kahlan is the daughter of
Page8,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,May8,2024 Pharmacy Farm&Ranch RealEstate
d a
JohnLewis,servedintheUnitedStatesMarine Corpsfrom1966-1969
r Mason's favorite memories from high school arefromAgclass.Hesayshe will always remember the amazing things they got to buildinthatclass.Masonwas recently awarded a full ride scholarship to Wharton Junior College where he will compete on their rodeo team wherehewillcontinuetoride saddle bronc horses. Mason planstomajorinAgricultural BusinesswhileatWharton. Mason wonmany of dollar memories from to saddle at JarrettPeacockisthesonof Heather Lininger and Jimmy Peacock His stepfather is Charlie Murray Jarrett is very close to his stepfather who has been a great influence and motivatorinhislife.Jarrettisa walkingmiracle. Whenhewas born the doctors said that he would never walk or talk and that he would be a vegetable. But he proved those doctors wrong and he is here today living a full happy life and graduating from high school. Jarrettcontinuestothriveevery day and he is a walking testimony to the power of love and determination. Jarrett is a very outgoing person. He has a greatsenseofhumorandoneof hisfavoritethingstodoinhigh schoolwastojokearoundwith his friends Jarrett loves the outdoors and he loves sports. HisfavoriteclasswasP E. He favorite also likes to play video games. After graduation, Jarrett plans to work with his stepfather doingconstruction. son Jimmy is very to who has and in miracle. was he talk and a vegetable. those doctors wrong he is today and continues thriveevery testimony love a friends His Jarrett
Time: 7pm to 10pm Location:14372LibertySt Date:May11,2024 Fromclassiccountryjamsto rockin' beats, we've got the music to keep you movin' all nightlong! And dont forget to come hungry! We'll have delicious bitesfromlocalfoodvendorsto satisfyyourcravings. Bring the whole family and join us for a fantastic evening undertheTexassky! May keep Lone Star Street Dance

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