Montgomery County New May 13, 2020

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WEDNESDAY VOLUME XXII NUMBER 20***** Section 1 8 pages

May 13, 2020 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’ and

Merrily Thompson

Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper

Established 1995

Montgomery County News

Montgomery, Texas 77356




PBOX Magnolia, TX 77353

Six CollegeCongratulations to the 2020 Bound Valedictorian & Salutatorian Students Awarded from Richards High School Texas Farm Credit Scholarships Texas Farm Credit, a rural lending cooperative, recently awarded $2,000 scholarships to six students across the state through the 2020 Marsha Martin Scholarship Program. The scholarships honor the memory of Marsha Pyle Martin, a native of Paris, Texas, who at the time of her death in January 2000 was chairman and chief executive officer of the Farm Credit Administration. Since 2000, Texas Farm Credit has presented $158,500 in college scholarships to students who are pursuing agriculture-related degrees. The co-op also donates $500 to each recipient's 4-H club or FFA chapter. "Texas Farm Credit has a mission to support agriculture and rural communities today and tomorrow," said Mark Miller, Texas Farm Credit chief executive officer. "We award Marsha Martin Scholarships to students who have excelled in their FFA chapters and 4-H clubs because they represent the future of agriculture. We see this as an investment in the students' continued growth and leadership in the industry." Miller noted the s t u d e n t s ' accomplishments: Baylee Gaze of Tioga is a senior and class salutatorian at Tioga High School and is heading to Texas A&M University this fall to study animal science. During her high school years, she served as president of the Tioga FFA c h a p t e r, a s w e l l a s president of her 4-H chapter and FCA. While still in high school, she has also earned an associate’s degree from Grayson College and plans to continue her education to become a veterinarian. Haley Jouett of Terrell is a senior and class salutatorian at Kaufman High School. She will a t t e n d Te x a s A & M University this fall to

Zowie Manges, Valedictorian of the 2020 Brynn Hoffpauir, Salutatorian of the 2020 Richards High School Senior Class Richards High School graduating class Congratulations to Zowie Manges, Valedictorian of the 2020 Richards High School Senior Class. She has maintained top grades throughout high school, worked at several after school jobs, and participated in many school sports and clubs. She was the Freshman Homecoming Princess, the President of National

Business Directory.............7

U n i v e r s i t y t o b e g i n Vo l l e y b a l l , B a s e b a l l , working on her BSN B a s k e t b a l l , a n d degree to become a nurse. Cheerleading. In addition, she was the President of her Congratulations to FFA Chapter, and the FFA B r y n n H o f f p a u i r , Chaplin. She is also a Salutatorian of the 2020 member of the National Richards High School Honor Society. Brynn graduating class. She was a plans on attending Sam s t r a i g h t A s t u d e n t Houston State University throughout all her high in the Fall of 2020 with a school years. She was also goal of becoming a nurse. involved in many sports. She participated in

Montgomery County COVID-19 Update

M O N T G O M E RY COUNTY – Montgomery See Scholarship, page 2 County Public Health District, in conjunction with Montgomery County O ff i c e o f H o m e l a n d Security and Emergency Management, can confirm Community............2, 3, 7, 8 the 17th death related to COVID-19. A woman in Commentary............................4 her 80s died at a local Devotional..........................5 hospital. She was a resident of Park Manor of Legals.................................6 Conroe, a long-term care


H o n o r S o c i e t y, t h e Treasurer of FFA, Manager of the Baseball Team, and a Cheerleader. She was Class Vi c e P r e s i d e n t h e r sophomore year and Class President her junior year. Zowie received multiple awards throughout high school for top grades and for having excellent character. After graduation, Zowie plans to go to Sam Houston State

Montgomery County Tax Office ReOpens To The Public Conroe, TX: The Montgomery County Tax Office re-opened most of it’s locations to the public on Monday, May 4th. The branch office located in Montgomery will remain closed until further notice. “Our new normal comes with a different look. We have taken extra precautions to pretect the health and safety of our staff & customers”, stated Tammy McRae, Montgomery County Tax A s s e s s o r - C o l l e c t o r. According to McRae, some of the changes include: -limiting the number of customers allowed in the office at a time -sanitizing stations placed throughout the office for customers & staff -sneeze guards at all workstations employees are required to wear face masks -employees & customers are required to social distance within the office -workstations are sanitized after each customer Although the lines appear long, we have been able to service our customers quickly & efficiently. We ask for your continued patience and cooperation during this time. As always, we encourage you to take advantage of our online services by visiting our w e b s i t e a t For questions, please call our customer service call center at 936-539-7897.

A Texas A&M expert says it is very rare for pets to get the COVID-19 virus, and there is no evidence they can pass the disease to humans.

facility. We offer our condolences to her family at this difficult time. We can also confirm the number of ACTIVE cases of COVID-19 has increased to 452 today. That number includes 54 hospitalizations. 255 people have fully recovered! The number of total positive cases has increased 25 since Friday to 724.

Details on individual cases can be found here: Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management updates a dashboard for the cases here: https://coronavirusr e s p o n s e Montgomery County Public Health District’s

mission is promoting a h e a l t h y, r e s i l i e n t community through health education, disease prevention, clinical services, and emergency preparedness. For more information about the Montgomery County Public Health District please go to

COLLEGE STATION, May 8, 2020 – As our knowledge of the SARSCoV-2 virus and resulting COVID-19 disease evolves, the news and guidelines we must follow are changing as well. The dynamic nature of this situation may be difficult for some, who may find keeping up to date with current best practices and precautions to be a timeconsuming endeavor. Dr. Kate Creevy, an associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, says that while several news stories have recently detailed pet cats, dogs, and even zoo tigers testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, pet owners should be assured that these are rare and seem to be one-way occurrences. “We have no evidence that sick pets can transmit

See Pets, page 7

Page 2, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Suggestions For Mindful Eating: Whipped Coffee Food for Thought Diana Anderson


Whipped coffee, or Dalgona coffee, has taken the Internet by storm and I totally understand why. The recipe is easy to make and only requires four ingredients. The frothy topping makes the drink feel like a treat, but without the hefty price tag of barista-made beverages. Making coffee at home is an easy, cost-effective activity and can easily become part of your morning routine. Maybe it’s not just for weekends anymore as a still significant part of us are

working from home with some extra time in the morning that used to be spent on a commute. B y n o w, y o u ' v e probably heard the word on D a l g o n a c o ff e e , t h e whipped coffee drink that's gone from the cafés of South Korea to every corner of the world, thanks to the Internet. It's a simple but magical technique that requires only four ingredients: instant coffee, sugar, water and milk. And you can customize the flavor of your whipped coffee to your liking with just a pinch or a dash of ingredients from your pantry. Here's how to make whipped coffee in minutes. How to Make Whipped Coffee

To make whipped coffee, you'll need a large bowl and a mixer or hand whisk. It's easier to whip up two servings of whipped coffee at once, because the larger quantities are less prone to splattering in a bowl, but it can still be done one serving at a time if that's all you need. Whipped coffee is best served immediately after whipping—it does not keep well in the refrigerator overnight. To make 2 servings of whipped coffee, mix 4 tablespoons (1/4 cup) of instant coffee with 2-4 tablespoons granulated sugar in a bowl. Adjust the level of sugar to your taste—the original ratio is

equal parts instant coffee and sugar, but if you feel it's too sweet, you can reduce it by half. Add 1/4-cup boiling water to the bowl and begin to whip on medium speed using an electric mixer or stand mixer. Continue to whip until the liquid goes from loose to frothy to thick and pale, 2 to 3 minutes. Be patient and increase the speed until it gets to a frosting like consistency. Pour about 1/2 cup milk into a glass and spoon the whipped coffee on top. Heat the milk if you want a hot beverage. You can also pour your milk over ice for an extra-cold and refreshing coffee beverage. Whipped Coffee Tips

and Suggestions Can I make whipped coffee with regular coffee instead of instant? We t r i e d i t , a n d unfortunately, no. You won't get the same thick, whipped texture if you substitute regular coffee here. Even very finely ground coffee beans won't dissolve fully into the hot water the way that instant coffee is designed to do, so the whipped coffee will have a slightly gritty texture. And using strong brewed coffee in place of hot water will give you a "whipped" coffee that froths, but doesn't fully whip. Can I use nondairy milk?

Yes! Use your favorite dairy-style beverage; whether it's cow's milk, almond milk, oat milk or… you get the picture. How can I flavor my whipped coffee? The sky's the limit! Add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of a favorite extract or spice blend to the ingredients before you begin to whisk, and play barista at home. Here are a few suggestions: * Vanilla extract * Almond extract * Maple syrup or extract – used instead of sugar will give it a less stable whip * Ground cinnamon * Pumpkin spice blend * Cocoa powder –1 teaspoon for a Mochaccino * Chai spice blend

Lone Star College executives chosen as Aspen Institute Rising Presidents Fellows HOUSTON (May 6, 2020) – The Aspen Institute has named Dr. Kimberly M. Lowry, LSC-Houston North and Dr. Jackie C. Thomas Jr., LSC-Tomball as 202021 Aspen Rising Presidents Fellows. The fellowship aspires to address the dramatic turnover in the community college presidency by recruiting and developing exceptional leaders. “These candidates are selected through a very rigorous process,” said Dr. Stephen C. Head, LSC chancellor. “Dr. Lowry and Dr. Thomas exemplify the quality of education available to our Lone Star College students and I congratulate them on this achievement.” The Aspen Institute engages a select group of fellows each year in this intensive, applied executive leadership program, delivered in collaboration with the Stanford Educational Leadership Initiative. Candidates are considered based on their abilities to take strategic risks, lead strong teams, cultivate partnerships and focus on results-oriented improvements in student access and success. Dr. Lowry currently serves as LSC-Houston North vice president for Instruction and Student Services where she works with faculty and staff to assist students in completing their educational goals. Lowery focuses on fostering a positive student experience, promoting teaching excellence, championing innovation

across the college, and developing strong internal and external partnerships. Dr. Thomas currently serves as LSC-Tomball chief strategist and provides leadership to the following areas: college relations; professional development; multimedia services; diversity and inclusion; grants; strategic planning; alumni relations and fundraising; community engagement; research and innovation; strategic enrollment management; and institutional effectiveness. “Being the only higher education institution in the nation to have two fellows named in the same fellowship is a testament to the incredible talent we have at Lone Star College,” said Head. In all, 40 educators were selected for this year’s fellowship. About the Aspen Institute The Aspen Institute has earned a reputation for gathering diverse, nonpartisan thought leaders, creatives, scholars and members of the public to address some of the world's most complex problems. But the goal of these convenings is to have an impact beyond the conference room. They are designed to provoke, further and improve actions taken in the real world. About Lone Star College Lone Star College offers high-quality, low-cost academic transfer and career training education to 99,000 students each semester. LSC is training tomorrow’s workforce today and

Dr. Kimberly M. Lowry, LSC-Houston North (left) and Dr. Jackie C. Thomas Jr., LSC-Tomball were named as 2020-21 Aspen Rising Presidents Fellows. redefining the community college experience to support student success. Stephen C. Head, Ph.D., serves as chancellor of LSC,

Scholarship from page 1 pursue a degree in animal science. During her high school years, she participated in both the Kaufman County 4-H Club and Kaufman High School FFA chapter. She served as president of her LEO Club and FCA and has won many awards for ag mechanics and archery. She plans to follow her dream of becoming a veterinarian. Katelyn Klawinsky of Willis is a senior at New Waverly High School. She will study agricultural business at Texas A&M University this fall. While in high school, she served as president for the New Waverly 4-H Community

the largest institution of higher education in the Houston area with an annual economic impact of nearly $3 billion. LSC consists of

s e v e n c o l l e g e s , e i g h t centers, two university centers, Lone Star Corporate College and LSCOnline. To learn more, visit

Club, Walker County 4-H Commercial Heifer division, New Waverly High School FFA, and the Wa l k e r C o u n t y 4 - H County Council. She was also a member of the National BETA Club and th e N atio n al H o n o r s Society. She has received an abundant of awards through the FFA program and plans to become an agricultural lawyer. Braylee Schomburg of Washington is a senior at Brenham High School and will study agricultural business at Texas A&M University this fall. During her high school years, she held multiple offices within the Sandy Hill 4-H Club, with her most recent serving as vice-president. Braylee has volunteered much of her time to her community through participating in several community service opportunities, including organizing school supply drives for Brenham ISD elementary schools for 4 years and making donations to a variety of relief efforts. She was also

a mentor in the Washington County Fair Champion Drive Special Edition, a program that provides special needs youth in Washington county the opportunity to participate in a livestock show. Matthew Marquez of Detroit is a senior and class salutatorian at Detroit High School. He will study soil and crop sciences at Texas A&M University in the fall. While in high school, he served as vice-president of both the Detroit High School FFA and Area VI chapters. He competed in state, area, and district FFA competitions and has earned the State FFA Degree, the Chapter FFA Degree, and the Greenhand FFA Degree. Once he graduates from Texas A&M, he plans to work at NASA to research new ways to innovate crop sciences in order to feed our astronauts. Kate McNeill of Pleasanton is a senior and class valedictorian at Pleasanton High School. She will attend Texas A&M University this fall

to study animal science. During her high school years, she participated in both the Pleasanton High School FFA chapter and the Atascosa County Equine Enthusiast 4-H Club, where she held office as the vice-president, president, a n d m o s t r e c e n t l y, mentoring president. She has participated in many extracurricular activities, including serving as captain of the varsity soccer team for two years and the Texas High School Rodeo Association. Once she graduates, she looks forward to serving American agriculturalists through rural dentistry Texas Farm Credit finances agricultural operations, agribusinesses, homes and rural real estate, and offers a variety of insurance services. Headquartered in Robstown, Texas, it serves 100 Texas counties and is part of the Farm Credit System, a nationwide network of rural lending cooperatives established in 1916.

Montgomery County News, Wednesday, May 13, 2020, Page 3

Comments According to Doc The Integration of 5D Frequencies! Walden Happenings By Doc Fennessy The opinions expressed in this editorial do not necessarily reflect those of MCN.

“Some Men See Things As They Are And Say ‘Why??’ I See Things And Say ‘Why Not?’” - George Bernard Shaw. The following article is “timely” for this period of tragedy, isolation, and death as “… coming back to normal”. But folks, normal is the past and the past IS GONE! “Let the dead Past bury it’s dead and move on!” It seems that not much will be normal when this plague of the Coronavirus-19 is over. There will be new things of science and mythology; things that are happening that they didn’t tell the public about. New things that are happening in with more frequency that may and/or will change your lives. Some of this may challenge the higher intellect of some readers but it is an understanding of the futuristic awareness of a modern society! The following article is unabridged words OF writer Rosie Neal and appeared in the April 8th edition of the Sunday Family Houmour and previously in “” and Facebook. It seems that Rosie is a highintellectual Futurist that “sees what is – dreams about what will probably happen - …and writes a b o u t W H AT W I L L HAPPEN!” Rosie, once a prominent writer is retired and lives in Cape Coral, Florida. Rosie Neal professes like a modern philosopher that people should; “Dream your biggest Dreams, Love with the Deepest Passion the heart has, Live like tomorrow may not come, Laugh & Play like a child of yesterday. Feel LIFE!” T h e s e a r e R o s i e ’s verbatim words as: “Flowing You & just Love it…. I live my Life with Deep Passion. I Love from the Deepest part of the Heart. I offer Focus & Intent to my Life daily & that makes my Life Exciting moment after moment.” “I have not been online really at all. As I have been guided as to connect to spirit. I have been told the cords to 3rd & 4th dimension has been severed. We are now in the 5th dimension. Most will be unaware of the change as it has been completed inside on a cellular level. I have personally been laying back and in waiting for everything to play out

as it has been intended to be done long ago. I was told not to partake in the imbalance of energies of light or dark. But to maintain the sacred neutral balance. So, I have not been interacting with anyone especially social media, only immediate household family. I was guided to put a post out and, as of this moment, I am integrating much information that is coming through. I am being guided to put out a post to bring harmony, understanding and balance. There are those that are becoming aware of dimensions that exist around us. There will be a time when we will have full awareness of all 9 dimensions and have complete knowingness of the oneness as Christ did when he walked upon the earth. Every photonic wave and particle of light on earth will be able to fully withstand the new frequency of light necessary for the full conscious evolution on a global planetary scale. Your higher self is fully aware of what is taking place. Follow your heart from moment to moment and live in your full present awareness as we move forward, allowing transfiguration to take place. There is a frequency of purity that is taking place within the core of every electron that exists at this moment. The forces of the universe are not working against you even with this coronavirus taking place and being witnessed on a global mass scale. There is much that is happening behind the scenes that you are not being told at this moment. Much is not being broadcasted in your newspapers or broadcasted over the networks, but I will tell you that we have all crossed a threshold into a new way of being. Even if you have not yet consciously brought this knowledge into your full spectrum of awareness. There will be much chaos coming to the surface all around you but it will be very severe in those areas that carry the densest of energies I will use the united states as a analogy such as New York, Detroit, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia etc… This will play out on a global scale on every continent on the planet. The coronavirus will bring all the densest of energies to the surface to be transmuted and transfigured and healed. This corona virus is what some label as a hoax is very, very real. It was created and manufactured by man and was set off at a geographic point location. The original signature imprint was designed to be

a major non-beneficial impact on the world on a global scale. But there have been many from that of the unseen world and the angelic realm that has stopped it from taking millions that it was intended to remove from the planet. This organization behind that creation now fully sees how its plan has failed and is dumbfounded. Still trying to feed off of those completely fear based. I was shown a vision of when a time like this would come. I was not told what exactly would happen to bring such fear to the planet on a global level. I was shown as I resided inside my home with feelings of complete peacefulness that my family and I would live with complete contentedness as all the chaos resided outside. Everyone must do this. This virus has stopped everyone from being distracted by unnecessary distractions. It has brought your family together so that reconnection can take place as old wounds begin to heal. It allows integration of receiving the light codes and fractal aspects of self being brought into unification and total integration as a whole. Now it is time for you to unify all versions of yourself in completion. It is through the isolation that much evolution will take place. You won’t be able to see it happening as it unfolds in your realm. It will appear as a horrific tragedy that is taking place everywhere. You will feel the fear deeply, but know once you are able to step beyond the fear and find your footing of balance and center. One must remember we are just learning how to step out of polarization, something that has never been completed on this planet before. It will take time as we inter-generationally integrate all the new energies we have been receiving over many months. Everyone is at a different level of awareness and integration of these frequencies. It does not mean one is more or less than the next; it just means the next step to bring these new frequencies into coherence and balance will take time. As we all walk this passage together, there will be many blessings and miracles bestowed upon the planet over the next decade. Nothing will remain as it once was. We will see huge shifts in consciousnesses on a global level, but also on a physical level. When I stated earlier that we have cut and severed all cords with 3rd dimensional and 4th dimensional realms, it

Futuristic writer Rosie Neal, Contributing Writer, for; and Facebook says that there are many energetic things happening right now to us and you receive body upgrades frequently.

means that the ego lost in amnesia can no longer control the physical avatar. Your first step of knowingness is your heart muscle is your interacting point of consciousness though the I am presence. This heart muscle will have complete and total access to your brain, all the wisdom, all intellect, your sympathetic and parasympathetic aspect of your physical avatar. The I am presence is a much higher technology that connects you to your soul. Your soul connects you to the spirit which is directly linked to all that is. Source ((god)). God of all gods originally prime creator. As the I AM takes over the physical avatar, each will have direct knowledge into the source stream. The physical avatar will very slowly begin to heal itself on every level. The avatar, once restored, will begin to remember how to regenerate itself and will precede to do exactly that, taking you back to the age of enlightenment that is witnessed in heaven as the age of 30/32. You will see that of the most colorful rainbows, butterflies as you will have only the deepest of wisdom and knowingness. You will experience joy, happiness, and all the things that make life grand. You will have mystical contact with all your guides, angels, guardians and will return to full understanding and will now understand how to create a future in which you can go forth with divine source power. Yes, it is your heart, the actual energy systems, that creates the photonic light intersection of soul stream and manifest physical body of this now. It is the heart, mind and soul trinity in action. Past versions of you have different residual images’s but share the same soul light frequency. You must reconnect to your heart as it

will be where the I am presence will reside. This will be your first step of knowingness that you were born in this great technology of the I AM presence who’s gone through birth and the great forgetting and the great remembering of who you are. There will be many new technologies brought into your awareness on a global scale that will change everything as your world will take a huge leap in technological advancements. Many known as the cabal will be removed from your system. If you think 2020 has been big there will be another huge shift this fall. As we move into 2021, you will witness another layer of the onion being removed as we find our division beginning to come into coherence and unity on a large scale. This a divine dance taking place like ribbons of light in different colors dancing together returning to the dance of the spiral advancement of the soul which has be lost in amnesia for way to long. We shall each feel the joy on a soul level as we each come into union and reunion with soul family. We all live in one degree of separation there are no accidents as we all are brought back together to understand and identify the collective consciousness creations and will have a choice point in what you would like to create as a collective whole and independently. There will be much that has been kept from you that will be brought to the surface through all the chaos. There will be things that will come into your level of awareness that will be very disturbing for you to hear. You must understand that there is nothing for you to do; just be aware. Transparency is coming to the surface as transfiguration will take place and you

will begin to understand truth and know that even that of the darkest of beings that reside in the densest levels of polarization have played out some of the must hideous of evil acts against humanity that have been kept secret hidden from your eyes and sometimes hidden in direct plain view. But hidden nevertheless. Everything will be brought back into balance and recalibrated back to center. Then, it will be encapsulated by the turquoise ray of truth never to be ever used against humanity again. There are many races that have come forth from many universes to witness all the beings, especially humanity that resides on Mother Earth exactly how everything experienced will continue to play out for all living beings. We that are here at this time are that of the strongest of souls that exist. We are being fully supported by the angelic host of the highest. There is much we will go through on so many different levels. Stock back rations until June to avoid any stress as the reset continues. Remember to find your footing with center and balance. The entire collective is being recalibrated and rebalanced. Live in a place of internal peace as the chaos continues to come to the surface outside. Much love always and in all ways. Blessings as we finalize a ending to the old paradigm and open the opportunity to welcome a new beginning with a new perspective for a new era that this planet has never experienced before. As we together step into a new dawn profound blessing to each of you. Be safe and know all will be well.

Page 4, Wednesday, May 13, 2020, Montgomery County News

Governor Abbott, OneStar Foundation Announce Texas COVID Relief Fund AUSTIN - Governor Greg Abbott and the OneStar Foundation today announced the Texas COVID Relief Fund, which will provide critical funding and resources to organizations across the state working on the ground to support the economic recovery of local communities. Funds raised will be distributed through grants focused on the areas of community and economic development, healthcare, and education. Funds will also be used to support local priorities and organizations serving the unmet needs of vulnerable populations and underserved communities. "There is nothing more powerful than Texans helping Texans, and the

Texas COVID Relief Fund is another way we can come together to support those in need and help our communities respond to the COVID-19 pandemic," said Governor Abbott. "I thank the OneStar Foundation and their partners for their commitment to helping Texans through these trying times. By coming together and supporting one another, we will overcome this challenge." "Communities across Texas are stepping up to meet the needs of everyday Texans in heroic ways,” said Chris Bugbee, President and CEO of OneStar Foundation. “We are grateful for Governor Abbott’s leadership in p r o v i d i n g t h e Te x a s

Weather for the Lake Conroe area Wednesday Isolated showers and thunderstorms after 1pm. Mostly sunny, with a high near 86. Southeast wind around 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%. Wednesday Night Isolated showers and thunderstorms before 10pm, then isolated showers after 1am. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 70. Southeast wind 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%. Thursday Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Partly sunny, with a high near 86. South wind around 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 40%. Thursday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 70. Friday Scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 1pm. Partly sunny, with a high near 85. Chance of precipitation is 30%. Friday Night Scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 1am. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 71. Chance of precipitation is 30%. Saturday Showers and thunderstorms likely, mainly after 1pm. Cloudy, with a high near 83. Chance of precipitation is 60%. Saturday Night Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Cloudy, with a low around 68. Chance of precipitation is 50%. Sunday Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 80. Chance of precipitation is 50%. Sunday Night Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Partly cloudy, with a low around 68. Chance of precipitation is 30%. Monday Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Partly sunny, with a high near 84. Chance of precipitation is 40%.

Montgomery County News Phone (936) 449-6397 Fax (936)597-6395 E-mail: web; Publisher: M. Ryan West Editor: Monte West Account Executive: Camilla Blum, M. Ryan West Photography: Monte West, Wade Stultz, Bobby Strader, Lance Bridges R e p o r t e r s / C o n t r i b u t i n g Wr i t e r s : D o c Fennessey, Carol Fennessey, Gail Box, Margie Barlow, Kim West, Sharon Faison, Dortha Ruthstrom, Megan West Stultz, Narcissa Martin Boulware, Gary Curran, Students and Staff of MISD, and friends of Montgomery County News. ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery, Texas 2017-2018 Montgomery County News is a weekly, locally owned and operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County News at 14375 Liberty St. PO Box 1, Montgomery, TX 77356. Telephone number 936-449-6397, Fax 936-597-6395. MCN welcomes any comments or suggestions, submitted in writing to the paper. Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the views and opinions of the Montgomery County News. MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the Montgomery County area by retail, subscriptions and occasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in county and $45 outside Montgomery County. Bulk Rate Permit is held by the Postmaster at Montgomery, TX 77356, Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery, Texas. MCN expects honest advertising standards from its patrons, and does not in any way take responsibility for false or misleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement. All contents of Montgomery County News are reserved, and we prohibit reproduction of the items without permission. D&B #12-976-8354. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Montgomery County News, PO Box 1 Montgomery, TX 77356

Editor’s Express Your letters are appreciated and will be published as space will allow. We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to your letter, which you sign with your signature, address and daytime phone number to verify the author. We hold the right to edit or not publish letters that may not conform to the mission of this paper. Mail, Fax or E-mail: Montgomery County News, 14375 Liberty St, P.O. Box 1, Montgomery, Texas 77356-0001, Fax 936-597-6395, E-mail: Web page:

COVID Relief Fund as a resource to embolden efforts across the state to meet the needs of our neighbors impacted by the pandemic.” For more information on the Texas COVID Relief Fund or to make a donation, visit the OneStar Foundation website. OneStar Foundation was created to support the State of Texas by strengthening the nonprofit sector, encouraging civic engagement through service and volunteering, promoting innovative strategies to address local issues and facilitating public-private partnerships to expand the reach of nonprofits. During times of disaster, OneStar Foundation is designated by the Governor to raise and distribute funds to eligible organizations working on the ground to support the economic recovery of Te x a s c o m m u n i t i e s devastated by disasters.

Sen. Cruz Introduces Legislation to Reduce Dangerous U.S. Dependence on China for Critical Minerals Encourage Domestic Production of Rare Earth and Other Critical Elements U.S. Relies on for Military Equipment, High Tech WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (RTexas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today introduced the Onshoring Rare Earths Act of 2020 or ORE Act, legislation to end U.S. dependence on China for rare earth elements and other critical minerals used to manufacture our defense technologies and high tech products by establishing a supply chain for these minerals in the U.S., including by requiring the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to source these minerals domestically. Upon introducing the legislation, Sen. Cruz said: “Our ability as a nation to manufacture defense technologies and support our military is dangerously dependent on our ability to access rare earth elements and critical minerals mined, refined, and manufactured almost exclusively in China. Much like the Chinese Communist Party has threatened to cut off the U.S. from life-saving medicines made in China, the Chinese Communist Party could also

cut off our access to these materials, significantly threatening U.S. national security. The ORE Act will help ensure China never has that opportunity by establishing a rare earth elements and critical minerals supply chain in the U.S.” Background In December 2017, Presidential Executive Order (EO) 13817, “A Federal Strategy to Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals,” tasked the Department of the Interior (DOI) to coordinate with other executive branch agencies to publish a list of critical minerals. The Department of the Interior published a final list of 35 critical minerals in May 2018. Within that list are 17 rare earth elements (REEs), which are primarily used in high-tech and military applications and especially for magnets, and another 4 critical minerals that have become necessary to meet electric vehicle demand (cobalt, graphite, manganese, and lithium).

Over the last few decades the Chinese government worked with their companies to systematically drive competitors out of the market, and centralize the supply chain in China. The ORE Act is designed to reduce U.S. dependence on China and establish a supply chain for rare earth elements and critical minerals in the U.S. Specifically, the legislation 1) provides tax incentives for the rare earths industry, including expanding and making permanent fullexpensing provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 2) requires the DOD to source rare earth minerals and critical elements from the U.S., and 3) establishes grants for pilot programs to develop these materials in the U.S. Sen. Cruz has been leading efforts to unwind the U.S. from China in light of the coronavirus pandemic. As Sen. Cruz said earlier this month: “The most important long term national security and foreign policy consequence

of this coronavirus pandemic is going to be a fundamental reassessment of the United States’ relationship with China. I believe China is the most significant geopolitical threat to the United States for the next century, and I have been saying that for years. Many in Washington have not been interested in hearing it or have refused to listen. I think this coronavirus pandemic has opened the eyes of many in Congress, many in Washington, and even some in the media.” To that end, Sen. Cruz is introducing several pieces of legislation to counter U.S. d e p e n d e n c e o n China, censorship of Chinese citizens, coercion of Hollywood, Chinese propaganda aimed at American schools, China’s efforts to intrude into A m e r i c a ’s a i r w a v e s , a n d s p y i n g o n Americans. Read more about Sen. Cruz’s efforts here.

Behind Closed Doors: Coronavirus’s Impact on Domestic Violence Senator John Cornyn and Gloria Terry Austin AmericanStatesman May 11, 2020 Texans are spending more time at home than ever before. For some, that’s a significant inconvenience, as they can’t go into work, receive routine medical care, or mark momentous occasions with friends and family. But for those living in abusive situations, conditions have gone from bad to worse. COVID-19 has created a range of new stressors – e c o n o m i c i n s t a b i l i t y, isolation, health anxiety, teaching children from home – which test even the healthiest of relationships. In an already unhealthy one, the impact can be devastating. In Austin, despite a decrease in overall arrests this March, domestic violence arrests were up 17 percent compared to March 2019. Under normal circumstances, these complex dynamics require great support from family, friends, and organizations dedicated to helping families in unsafe homes. Our current environment has little semblance to ‘normal’ and has made it significantly more difficult for victims to escape abusive relationships.

The CARES Act, which was signed into law in late March, included $45 million for programs that provide vital services, such as emergency housing for domestic violence survivors and their children. It also provided $2 million for the Austin-based National Domestic Violence Hotline so it can continue to provide critical support and resources for victims as needs grow. This was an important start, yet more must be done. Domestic violence tears at the very fabric of our society. It is a deadly public health issue, and we must redouble our efforts to bring those realities to the forefront of conversations. We recently hosted a virtual roundtable with more than a dozen organizations from across Texas that provide life-saving services for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. One of the most critical needs we discussed is safe housing. Prior to COVID-19, emergency shelter needs in Texas were at an all-time high, causing a 48 percent rejection rate due to capacity limits. Now, shelters have been forced to further decrease capacity to support social distancing, creating an even greater strain. Stable and affordable

housing is intricately linked to safety. The Texas Council on Family Violence found that the inability to secure or retain housing when fleeing can exacerbate safety risks. In 2018, nearly half of the women murdered in Texas by their intimate partners were in the process of separating or had attempted to separate before. While some survivors had resources to access their own housing, the incidence rates indicate most survivors – primarily women and children – need support. During a time that requires flexible and innovative approaches to confront these new challenges, red tape is preventing organizations from responding in their full ability. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides vital funding for organizations that support victims in need of safe housing. But rigid parameters and competing priorities produce roadblocks for agencies to access and utilize these funds. To provide short-term financial relief, Governor Greg Abbott waived the federal match requirement for funds provided through the Department of Justice for organizations that help survivors. This was a muchneeded step, and we are

proud Texas was at the forefront providing flexibility, efficiency, and support to organizations on the front lines of this crisis. One of the most critical ways to strengthen both short- and long-term assistance for survivors is by reauthorizing the Violence A g a i n s t Wo m e n A c t (VAWA). For more than 25 years, VAWA has supported survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault through a range of programs and resources. It also bolsters the criminal justice response by providing legal protections for survivors and training for law enforcement. We must be hypervigilant to COVID-19?s impact on our society on all fronts – particularly those that thrive behind closed doors – and do more to address this epidemic in future relief bills in Congress. We are confident we will defeat COVID-19 – it is part of our Texas fiber to prevail and rise with strength. The same confidence, commitment, and determination must be mirrored in our fight to end domestic violence. Senator John Cornyn, a Republican from Texas, is a member of the Senate Finance, Intelligence, and Judiciary Committees.

Montgomery County News, Wednesday, May 13, 2020, Page 5


Love, Comfort, And Peace At Home With Jesus Spreading the Word

By Gail J. Box

Jesus taught His disciples many ways to reassure them of how to live in this world without Him. He knew they would face many trials, so He used earthly examples of how to continue to live in harsh times and still cling to their faith. So Jesus begins by talking of branches that bear fruit and of being “pruned” so that the tree bears “more fruit.” The

illustrations to follow for the disciples would be the same for us as we live a life of love for Jesus. He said: “…every branch that bears fruit, He (the Father), prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.” (Meaning: As we fellowship with God and pray, He takes away worldly distractions which pull us away from producing good fruit in Jesus.) The “fruit” we bear has to have Jesus’ love in us to produce more fruit. We can’t do anything without having His love and fellowship growing in us. John 15:2b – 5.

Area Churches This Devotional and Directory page is made possible by these businesses

ASSEMBLY OF GOD Cornerstone Christian Assembly of God of Conroe, located at 100 M o s s w o o d D r. , Conroe, Texas in front of River Plantation. 936-273-1755 New Life Assembly of God, Rabon Chapel Road, Montgomery, 936-5883399 BAPTIST Church of the Good Soldier (Baptist Affiliation), 1501 North Frazier (McKenzie's BBQ), C o n r o e , Te x a s , Phone: 936-4945 7 7 5 , www.churchofthego o d s o l d i e r. o rg . Worship: Sunday at 10:30am, Sunday School: 9:30 am Heritage Baptist Church19087 Lake Mt. Pleasant Rd, Montgomery 77356 Phone: Pastor Bear 936 448-4027 Gary Chapel Baptist Church PO Box 125, Montgomery, Texas 77356, 5525 Spring Branch Road, Montgomery. 713-4781256, Sunday Bible Class 10:00 am, Worship Service at 11:00 am. Faith Baptist Church Meets at 464 McCaleb Rd. Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Wo r s h i p S e r v i c e 10:45 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. St. Beulah Baptist Church, located in Dobbin, P.O. Box 112, Montgomery, 77356 Benui Baptist Church, Scott Ridge and FM 1097, Montgomery Antioch Baptist, Dobbin, 936-5975560 China Grove Baptist Church, Willis, 936-767-4744 Dacus Baptist,

Dacus, 407-735-6403, dacusbaptist@consol i d a t e d . n e t www.dacusbaptist.or gFirst Baptist Church, H w y 1 0 5 W. , Montgomery, 936597-4230 Honea Baptist Church, FM 2854, Montgomery, 936-588-1260 Jones Chapel Baptist, FM 2854, 936756-2505 Mt. Calvary Baptist, Old Hwy 105, 936588-2330 Mt. Sinai Baptist, Bethel Road, Montgomery, 936597-4668 Union Grove Baptist About 11 mi N of Montgomery on FM 149 Service 10:50, Sunday 9:45 CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Catholic, 109 N. Frazier, Conroe, 936-756-8186 S t . M a r y ’s Catholic, F M 1 7 7 4 , Plantersville, 936-894-2223 7:45 Service St. Joseph’s Catholic, CR 213, Stoneham, 936-894-2223 JEWISH Congregation Beth Shalom, 5125 Shadowbend Place, The Woodlands, 281-362-1100 LUTHERAN Grace Lutheran (ELCA), Highway 105 W., Lake Conroe, 936588-1944 Living Savior Lutheran ChurchLCMS 309 Pond St. Montgomery 77356 Church phone: 9365 9 7 - 8 0 1 3 We b : www.livingsaviortex Pastor David R. Bailes. METHODIST

The next group of scriptures involves what it truly means to “abide.” Jesus tells us what happens if we don’t abide in Him. Essentially that person is thrown away and dries up. In time, the branches dry up, and are thrown away, and then burned. Then we who believe are those who abide in Jesus, and will hear these comforting words: “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7 Jesus, right there, tells us to keep Him close as we read our Bible, and He will answer our wants and

wishes. The next few verses are some of the most comforting words in our Bible: “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples. Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be n you, and that your joy may be made full. This is My commandment,

that you love one another, just as I have loved you.” John 15:8-12. What beautiful words of love and peace Jesus has for us to take into our hearts and lives. Gil and I know about the tomato vines he plants every year. As they begin to grow, the vine has strong leaves and other (fake) stems that grow on the main vines. He knows if he lets those fake ones continue to grow, it stunts the growth of the main vine which produces the best tomatoes. So, early on, he begins to prune, or cut off, the “suckers” from the main vine. Then his tomatoes

will grow to maximum sizes. Some are as big around as his hand, like the “Beef Eaters,” the “Big Boys,” and the “Better Boys.” Being a city girl, I had no idea that tomatoes even had names! Of course, he was raised in the country and was trained by his grandmother as he helped her plant and prune on their farm. I’ve learned how caring can lead to sharing, as we are able to bless others with the bounty that God gives us. We hope all of you have a bountiful spring and pray God’s blessings upon everyone.

Montgomery United Methodist Church 22548 Highway 105 West Montgomery, TX 77356 Phone: 936-5976162 Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m., 9:45 am., 11:00 a.m. Praise & Worship Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Www.mumctex.or g Richards United Methodist Church 6639 FM 1696 Richards Worship Service 11 AM Sunday School 10AM Porter Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church, 1308 S. Hwy 1486, Dobbin, 936-597-5331 or 936-449-5983 L i v i n g Wa y Church, 2080 Longmire Rd, Conroe 936-441-8875 Hope Tabernacle Pastor David Whitaker Meets at 18961 Freeport Dr Montgomery 936.582.7722 Thursday 7:30pm Sunday School at 10:00am Sunday Worship at 6:00pm Community And Interdenominational Lone Star Cowboy Church 21627 Eva St. Montgomery, TX 77356 (936) 597-5742 Pastors Randy & Darla Weaver Service Times: Sundays 8:30; 10:00 and 11:30am Mondays 7:00pm Livestream: Watch us live Sundays & Mondays @ or go to the Lone Star Cowboy Church Facebook page and click on the Livestream link. W e b s i t e : Abundant Life Ministries Corner of FM 149 & FM 1097 W. Montgomery TX 77356 Prayer

/Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Service 11:30 am Wednesday Pray/Bible Study 6:30 pm RiverStone Community Church 19380 Hwy 105 Ste. 500 Montgomery, TX 77356 Sun: 9:00 Kingdom Life, 10:30 Worship Wed: 6:30 p.m. April Sound Church, 67 ½ April Wind S., April Sound, 936588-2832 Lighthouse Fellowship Church, Montgomery, 936582-7700 Living Branch Church, Highway 105 W., Lake Conroe, 936588-3400 New Beginning Bible Church, 19087 Mt. Pleasant Cemetary Rd, 936597-8921 Father ’s House, F a m i l y Wo r s h i p Center, Highway 105 W, Lake Conroe, 936588-4660 Walden Community Church, 12400 Walden Rd, Walden, 936-5826696 Services 9:30 and 11 a.m. m River of Life Church, 17156 FM 1097, Montgomery, 936449-4414 Cornerstone Church, 1011 W. Lewis, Conroe, 936-756-7792 Lakeside Bible Church, 18940 Freeport Drive Montgomery, 936582-1977 Church of St. John, retreat and wildlife center, 2615 St. Beulah Chapel Rd., Montgomery, 936-5975757 Fellowship of Montgomery Pastor: Dr. Dale Talbert Executive Pastor: Dr. Brian Roberson

12681 FM 149 Worship Service: 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Children & Student Ministries: 6:30 p.m. 936.597.3949 www.fellowshipof EPISCOPAL St. James the Apostle Episcopal, 1803 Highland Hollow, Conroe, 936756-8831 The Grace Christian Outreach Center 2 5 2 9 3 Ti s d a l e Road, Dobbin, Texas 936-689-3141 Mt. Pleasent Baptist Church FM 149 N., Montgomery, 936-4496807 The Church @ Lake Conroe 1701 McCaleb Rd Montgomery, TX 77316 936-588-4975 www.lakechurch.c om Sunday worship @ 10:00 a.m. Wed. activites 6:30-8pm North Shore Church 10 am Worship Service 18501 Fm1097 We s t @ t h e Bentwater West Gate Entrance Pastor Cary Smith

Covenant Fellowship 302 N. Danville, Willis, Tx. 77378 936/890-8034 Celebration Service 10am Sundays Youth Explosing 7pm Wednesdays Pastors Sean & Lori Jo Cook PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church of Conroe 2727 N. Loop 336 West Conroe, Texas 936756-8884 Sun. 9:00 & 11:00 Sun Sch 10:00 Nursery provided Church of Christ in Montgomery 301 Pond Street, Montgomery, TX. Sunday Bible Class - 9:30 am Worship - 10:30 am and 6:00 pm Wednesday - 7:00 pm Phone: 936-5824855 E m a i l : cofcmontgomery@c W e b : www.cofcmontgome Paul Praschnik, Minister

Page 6, Wednesday, May 13, 2020, Montgomery County News





NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE The following vehicles will be auctioned by the Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constable Kenneth "Rowdy" Hayden at County Line Impound located at 15695 HWY 59, Splendora, TX 77372, 281-689-1125 on Tuesday May 19, 2020 at 9:30am. In accordance with the Texas Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act, Article #4477-9A. Published Date: May 13, 2020





NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE The following vehicles will be auctioned by the Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constable Kenneth "Rowdy" Hayden at Bryant's Exhaust Impound located at 23604 Robert's Road, New Caney, TX 77357, 281-689-0746 on Wednesday May 20, 2020@ 9:30am. In accordance with the Texas Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act, Article #4477-9A. Published Date: May 13, 2020

CITATION BY PUBLICATION - CIVIL Cause Number: 20-02-01996-CV Clerk of the Court Melisa Miller P.O Box2985 Conroe, Texas 77305

Attorney Requesting Service Jim Alan Adams 304 Jackson Street Richmond TX 77469 THE STATE OF TEXAS

NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney does not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you." To:

Horace Raymond Chunn, II

You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's First Amended Original Petition at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday, the 22nd day of June, 2020 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's First Amended Original Petition was filed in said court on this the 23rd day of April, 2020, in this case, numbered 2002-01996-CV on the docket of said court. PUBLIC NOTICE The names of the parties to the cause are as follows: AT&T Mobility, LLC is proposing to construct the following system of small-cell facilities in Renee Elizabeth Hurst Spring, Montgomery County, TX. Each facility will consist of a new 30-foot steel light pole. are Plaintiffs and Locations are as follows: EBI Project #6120003027: 83 Split Rock Road. EBI Project #6120003058: 5 Regent Park. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding Horace Raymond Chunn, II; Rorie Chappel Pyle the potential effects the proposed facility may have on any historic property may do so by are Defendants sending comments to: Project # listed above - AMG EBI Consulting, 6876 Susquehanna Trail South, York, PA 17403, or via telephone at (585) 815-3290. A brief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: Published Date: May 13, 2020 This is a personal Injury case which occurred on 3-1-2018 in Montgomery County involving a three-car collision. Defendant, Chunn, II rear-ended, Defendant, Pyle and she rear-ended my client Renee Hurst. The plaintiff sustained serious and probably permanent NO. 20-39202-P injuries. The police report indicates both defendants were listed as probably contributing to THE ESTATE OF ยง IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW the accident. CHARLES MICHAEL GIRLINGHOUSE, ยง NUMBER TWO OF Defendant Pyle, has been served and answered. We have attempted to serve DECEASED ยง MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS defendant, Chunn, II on numerous times at locations we have learned through hiring a NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST private investigator. Defendant, Chunn, II appears to be somewhat transient and all THE ABOVE-REFERENCED ESTATE attempts have failed. I feel service by publication is not only the best, but only method to Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the above-referenced Estate serve him. were issued on April 17, 2020, in Cause Number 20-39202-P pending in the County Court at Law Number Two of Montgomery County, Texas, to Sheila Jenkins. The address of the personal as is more fully shown by Plaintiff's First Amended Original Petition on file in this suit. representative is Sheila Jenkins c/o Robert J. Gieb, 514 East Belknap, Suite 200, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are law, and the mandates thereof, and make due as the law directs. required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED this 5th day of May, 2020. Issued and given under my hand and the Seal of said Court, at office in Conroe Texas, this /s/ Robert J. Gieb on this the 5th day of May, 2020. ROBERT J. GIEB Melisa Miller, District Clerk 514 E. Belknap, Suite 200 Montgomery County, Texas Fort Worth, Texas 76102 By: /s/ Deven Maropis 817-336-5681; Fax 817-335-6300 Deven Maropis State Bar # 07889500 Published Dates: May 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 2020 ATTORNEY FOR THE ESTATE Published Date Mary 13, 2020 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF BOWMAN F. LEGG, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Bowman F. Legg were issued on April 17, 2020, in Cause No. 20-39150-P, pending in the County Court at Law No. 2 of Montgomery County, Texas, to: Candice Brogdon The residence of such Executor is Montgomery County, Texas. The post office address is: Estate of BOWMAN F. LEGG c/o Kevin M. Kneisley, Attorney 211 Riggs Street Conroe, Texas 77301 All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED the 1st day of May, A.D., 2020. By: /s/ Kevin M. Kneisley KEVIN M. KNEISLEY 211 Riggs Street Conroe, Texas 77301 Attorney for the Estate Published Date: May 13, 2020

Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Thomas Harry Moe, Deceased, were issued on April 23rd, 2020, in Cause No. 20-39258-P, pending in the County Court at Law No. TWO, Montgomery County, Texas, to: Lauretta Burke. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: Robert S. Griffin Attorney at Law 122 West Davis, St. Suite 101 Conroe, TX 77301 DATED the 6th day of May, 2020. /s/ Robert S. Griffin Robert S. Griffin Attorney for Lauretta Burke State Bar No.: 24075836 122 West Davis, St. Suite 101 Conroe, TX 77301 Telephone: (936) 539-1011 Facsimile: (936) 539-1002 E-mail: Published Date: May 13, 2020

PUBLIC NOTICE OF STORED VEHICLES Our generous and competitive compensation package includes: medical, dental and prescription plan, a paid structured training program, vacation and sick leave, direct deposit, company matching 401(k) plan, retention bonus and unlimited opportunities for growth and personal development based on performance. As leaders and role models, our managers set the tone for the fun, family environment in our restaurants. Our managers enjoy a stable environment and flexible schedules that give them the quality of life they deserve. Want to make a difference? Want to be a leader? Does the challenge of assuming a leadership role at a million-dollar plus restaurant location inspire your ambition? With over 6,600 locations, Wendy's is one of the largest quick-service restaurant chains in the world. If business - on a big scale - is what motivates you, Wendy's is the place to be. At Wendy's we offer more opportunities for people to find the challenges they want and the recognition they deserve. We are seeking career-minded, motivated individuals with excellent interpersonal skills, and the ability to build a team that works well together to increase profits, provide superior service and have a passion for being the best in the business.

Notice of stored vehicles/equipment: the following are currently stored @ Jason Adamick's Wrecker Service, 14534 Hwy 75 N., Willis, TX 77378, 936-856-9595, (TDLR license #0612563VSF) on 55-20: Yamaha Jet ski vin: 1856E000,WOOD CHIPPER VIN#902584, F O R D T R AC TO R V I N # C 7 N N - 4 0 2 4 G P R E S S U R E W A S H E R VIN#1007642990. Tow fee $255, daily storage $20, $50 notification each. Published Date: May 13, 2020 and May 27, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020, Montgomery County New, Page 7

Texas A&M AgriLife mobilizes task force to head off possible emergence of “murder hornet” in Texas Experts are creating a strategy to safeguard citizens, honey, crop production Written by Olga Kuchment, okuchment, 510-8477204 A giant invasive hornet was sighted several times in northwestern Washington state and Canada in late 2019, causing concern across the U.S. At the request of Gov. Greg Abbott, a specialized task force led by Texas A&M AgriLife experts is spearheading an initiative to protect Texas citizens, agriculture and honey bees if the “murder hornet,” or Asian giant hornet, arrives. T h e h o r n e t , Ve s p a mandarinia, preys on bees and can decimate local honey bee populations. Honey bees are essential for most fruit and vegetable crop production. Because crops rely on honey bees and other insects for pollination, in its absence, crop yields would greatly suffer. What’s more, the Asian giant hornets are fiercely protective of their nests. They deploy painful stings that can cause fatal allergic reactions in people already sensitive to bee stings. “Although this pest has not been spotted in Texas, the hornet poses a threat to both agriculture and public health,” said Patrick J. Stover, Ph.D., vice chancellor of Texas A&M AgriLife, dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and director of Texas A&M AgriLife Research. “Because of this, we are bringing to bear the diverse expertise and knowledge base

Pets from page 1 coronavirus to otherwise healthy, uninfected owners,” Creevy said. Creevy said that most viruses prefer to infect one species above others; under our current understanding, SARS-CoV-2 prefers infecting humans and is less effective at infecting cats or dogs. “The very most important way this virus spreads is from person to person,” she said. Most dogs and cats that have tested positive for the virus in their bodies had known contact with infected humans. For some stray cats that have tested positive, it is not possible to determine what contact they may have had with infected people. And although these animals tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it is not clear whether the

“Part of our response is preparing our state entry points for cargo transportation,” said Greg Pompelli, Ph.D., director of the Center for Cross-Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense. “We are developing training for Customs and Border Protection staff to be able to detect the Asian giant hornet. We are also increasing surveillance of incoming containers and evaluating opportunities for specialized detection, such as possibly using scent-

trained dogs to find these hornets hidden in cargo or luggage.” The task force is planning several avenues of action. The team will provide science-based educational materials on the hornet for citizens and beekeepers. In addition, to guard against the hornet entering Texas, the task force will work on detection efforts for border and port-ofentry points. The team will also assist with mitigation efforts to protect Texas honey bee populations. Finally, the task force will prepare statewide identification efforts if necessary. About Asian giant hornets The world’s largest hornets, these insects are native to many areas, from Japan and South Korea to India and Pakistan. Up to 2 inches long, the insect is about a half-inch larger than the “cicada killer” wasp common in Texas. “The hornets’ life cycle informs the potential control strategies,” said David Ragsdale, Ph.D., chief scientific officer and associate director of AgriLife Research, and professor in the Department of Entomology. Autumn is the hornets’ mating period and the most crucial time for their spread. After mating in the fall, the queens find places to overwinter while the rest of the nest dies out. Hornet queens reemerge in the spring to raise their young. Once the queen has reared a few dozen workers, she no longer leaves the nest.

virus made them ill. Given how common cat and dog ownership is and how uncommon detection of SARS-CoV-2 in these animals has been, Creevy says it is highly unlikely that dog or cat transmission of the virus will become a major factor in the pandemic. “Researchers around the world are paying very close attention to whether or not pets can transmit the virus to humans, and have found no supporting evidence," Creevy said. "This is an emerging virus, which means that we don’t yet know everything about it. But we will continue to provide updates to the public any time our understanding changes.” Pet owners should practice good hygiene around their pets and other humans, maintain social distancing, and avoid exercising their animal in crowded areas or busy dog parks. Keep in mind that pets’ fur, like any other

surface, may carry the virus if touched by an infected individual. Creevy recommends that pet owners follow the following precautions: • Wa s h y o u r h a n d s frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after playing with or petting a dog or cat, especially after contact with pet saliva or feces. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose, or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick. • Practice good respiratory hygiene, which means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately. • Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, dry cough, or difficulty

that exists within Texas A&M AgriLife to collaborate with federal partners and extension agents across the country to protect our state and the global food supply.” The task force brings together experts f r o m Te x a s A & M A g r i L i f e Research, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, the Texas A&M Department of Entomology and the Center for CrossBorder Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense — a Department of Homeland Security Center for Excellence with representation from various parts of The Texas A&M University System. Courses of action planned How the pests ended up in North America is not yet clear. Washington state investigations are focusing on the possibility that container ship or airplane transport may have inadvertently transported a fertilized female hornet.

Our generous and competitive compensation package includes: medical, dental and prescription plan, a paid structured training program, vacation and sick leave, direct deposit, company matching 401(k) plan, retention bonus and unlimited opportunities for growth and personal development based on performance. As leaders and role models, our managers set the tone for the fun, family environment in our restaurants. Our managers enjoy a stable environment and flexible schedules that give them the quality of life they deserve. Want to make a difference? Want to be a leader? Does the challenge of assuming a leadership role at a million-dollar plus restaurant location inspire your ambition? With over 6,600 locations, Wendy's is one of the largest quick-service restaurant chains in the world. If business - on a big scale - is what motivates you, Wendy's is the place to be. At Wendy's we offer more opportunities for people to find the challenges they want and the recognition they deserve. We are seeking career-minded, motivated individuals with excellent interpersonal skills, and the ability to build a team that works well together to increase profits, provide superior service and have a passion for being the best in the business.

Top view of an Asian giant hornet. (Washington State Department of Agriculture)

Asian giant hornet. (Washington State Department of Agriculture)

To control the insects at that point, the nest must be located and the queen killed. “While widespread surveillance for the h o r n e t s i n Te x a s i s premature, we do need strategies to prevent the hornets’ arriving here in cargo,” Ragsdale said. “Right now, what we need to know is whether the Asian giant hornets

have successfully overwintered in British Columbia or in Washington state.” In Washington, the State Department of Agriculture, WSDA, has created a systematic trapping program to locate any overwintering queens or workers this spring, Ragsdale said. If WSDA confirms the h o r n e t s a r e

overwintering in Washington, the department will work to map the infestation and eradicate all colonies before the hornets’ mating season in late summer or early fall. For more information, please see Asian Giant Hornet FAQ, a publicat i o n o f Te x a s A & M AgriLife.

breathing, seek medical attention and call your provider in advance so they can be prepared for your arrival. Follow the directions of your physician or local health authority. • If you are sick, avoid close contact with other members of your household, including your pets. Have another member of the household care for your animals. If you must look after your pet while you are sick, maintain good

hygiene practices and cover your face if possible. The current crisis is stressful for many, but pet owners can mitigate their worries by following the recommended guidelines and practices. As a community, we can beat COVID-19 by staying clean, staying home, and staying well. Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. Stories can be

found on the Pet Talk website. Suggestions for future topics may be d i r e c t e d t o e d By Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Staff

Page 8, Montgomery County News, Wednesday, May 13, 2020

New Resident Welcome Bags The City of Montgomery began handing out welcome bags to New Residents. Local businesses as well as the city contributed the contents of the bag.

Leslie Welch. As you can see, we are still practicing social distancing!

Rebecca Sires along with Richard Tramm, City Administrator

Lone Star College salutes legacy United Daughters of the of Florence Nightingale Confederacy Make Masks HOUSTON (May 12, 2020) – Today marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing as we know it today. During this time when health care systems are being strained as never before, Lone Star College recognizes the important role nurses play keeping our community safe and healthy – and the pressing need to help train and staff nurses for the future. ”It may surprise people to learn that community colleges like Lone Star College are the largest producers of RNs in the country,” said Stephen C. Head, Ph.D., LSC chancellor. “As we reflect on the legacy of this great pioneer, it is important to know Lone Star College stands poised, ready to help train the next generation of health care heroes and help keep our communities safe.” A survey conducted by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, reported 49% of hospitals and other health care settings are requiring new hires to have a bachelor’s degree in nursing, while 86.3% of employers are expressing a strong preference for BSN program graduates.

Lone Star College salutes the important role nurses play in keeping our community safe and healthy. LSC health care partners, including Houston-area institutions, expressed this need and our state responded. In 2017, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 2118 into law, allowing the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to authorize certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs in nursing. “Lone Star College was one of only a handful of Texas community colleges approved to offer the advanced degrees by the Southern Association for Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, the accrediting body for our region,” said Head. “This BSN degree is specifically designed for licensed RNs

seeking to advance their professional qualifications.” Graduates of the program will have a broader understanding of the nursing profession and be better positioned to provide a higher level of care for their patients and to step into management and leadership roles. “To all the health care workers on the front lines in our fight against COVID19, who sacrifice self and put the health and welfare of their patients first, I extend a heartfelt thanks, said Head. “You emulate the spirit of Florence Nightingale each day.”

For Curbside, choose Pickup at Checkout. We will call to schedule your pickup.


Thursday & Friday 11-2 Saturday 11-4 Available for Curbside Monday-Wednesday by Appointment

14375 Liberty Street, Ste 101


Montgomery, Texas 77356



Members of the Thomas Jefferson Stubbs 2523, Conroe chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, have been busy sewing hundreds of masks for those in need. Pictured at top left to right is Carolyn Jamail & Maurine Schellinger, at the bottom left to right is Deb Kraft and Eva Rains. The ladies were "sheltering at home" while sewing, hence the pictures of them are from different events. The objectives of the U.D.C. are: Historical, Educational, Benevolent, Memorial and Patriotic. The U.D.C. ladies are always willing to help those in need.

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