Several organizations came out to support the Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group this past Wednesday bringing the mostimportantmealofthe day breakfast and cookies. to share with The Veterans. What’s not to loveaboutthat? GirlScout Troop 108031, from The Woodlands area, during their cookie sales, always asks patrons if they would
like to purchase a box for The Veterans Group. The Conroe Service League, which brought a potluck breakfastforTheVeterans, serves the group several timesperyearonPatriotic, Thanksgiving, Christmas, andtheodd5thWednesday of the month. The CSL The seeks to serve the community needs through their organization with a retail shop The Bargain Box, as well as an eye and visual screening for preschoolers, providing
Baby Bundles for new mothers at HCA Conroe H o s p i t a l , a n n u a l scholarships, and so many otherprograms.
love Girl Scouts Conroe League out,” GeorgeWaters, a 102 year old Veteran Army Air Mr. Waters was a ball gunner on Fortress was down early 108031 boxesto and Veterans them nodoubt to higher o u cross Montgomery County It by is always special the come to see the special and along the are organizations came support the Lone Honor Flight past bringing the ofthe b k s d The What’s not to about Scout from The during their sales, always they would to The The Conroe Service brought times
“WelovewhentheGirl ScoutsandConroeService League come out,” said GeorgeWaters, a 102 year old Veteran of the U S Army Air Corps Mr. Waters was a ball turret gunner on a B-17 Flying Fortress that was shot down over Germany in Germany early1944. Troop 108031 brought
175boxestotheevent,and the cookie-mad Veterans snappedthemup,nodoubt contributing to higher blood sugars across Montgomery County It was a loving gesture by Troop 108031, and it is always special when the girls come out to see the Veterans, making special memories for them and The Veterans along the way The Veterans are
Article & Picture provided by Eva Rains, Publicity chairman for the Stubbschapter
On Monday, May 27, 2024, a Memorial Day program presented by the Montgomery County Veterans Memorial Commission was held, to show honor and give thanks to those who gave their life for this great country
TheThomasJefferson Stubbs 2523, Conroe Chapter of the Texas D
representedbyfiveoftheir members(LindaBrill,Eva R
ey Kathryn Jones & Jessica Rizk).
Memorial Day was first known as Decoration 2523, i i i a e r d represented (Linda i Jones chairman chapter a o to
CONROE TEXAS –WhenJeromyHoylewoke up on the morning of March22,2024,hehadno ideahislifewasindanger Itwasatypicalday,untilhe started having a strange feeling in his chest. It then moved to serious pain in both arms. Mr Hoyle was h a v i n g a S T E M I commonly called a heart attack When paramedics arrived on scene, Mr Hoyleandhiswifequickly alertedthemthathehasan extremely rare condition called Situs Inversus. The organs in his body are mirrored on the opposite side than most people. His heart is on his right side insteadofhisleft;hisliver isontheleftsideinsteadof the right, and so on. Even though the condition is found in roughly one in a million people, the right paramedic for the job was there MCHD In-Charge ParamedicJasonJoneswas familiarwiththecondition andknewimmediatelythat he had to alter his plan on caring for Mr Hoyle. He reversed the EKG leads to the opposite side of his body and was able to capture a clear, accurate EKG It was confirmed; Mr Hoyle was having an acute STEMI. Paramedics rushed to give him medicine to control his pain and get him to HCA Conroe as quickly and safelyaspossible.
CONROE TEXAS Hoyle up on 22,2024, had lifewas was started having in It to serious pain in Mr Hoyle a v g a E I called a Hoyleandhis themthat hasan Inversus. body are mirrored on side most His his side hisleft; the on. is the MCHD withthe knewimmediately alter his plan on for Mr leads to was able to clear, It was ru g e im to get him to HCA possible.
“This really illustrates theamazingsystemofcare w e h a v e h e r e i n Montgomery County,” said MCHD Medical DirectorDr CaseyPatrick. “From the time of the 911 call with our dispatcherstoourfirepartners-toour EMS crews - to the hospital’s cardiologist getting the stint in and r e a l l y h a v i n g t o troubleshoot.Itreallytakes thewholesystem.” The cardiology tools areangledacertainwayto factor in a heart on the left side,soeventheprocedure looked like one no one in the operating room had seen before Fortunately, the stent was placed correctly,andMr Hoyleis doingwell.
“This really illustrates system aid CHD with our to partners-toour ws t stint in r e h i t takes tools angled to in so no one in operating Fortunately, placed Mr
“My thing is I wanted to You saved my life,” Mr Hoyle thecrews.“Thank for
I appreciate it much you guys are doing savedmy
“My biggest thing is I wanted to meet y’all. You saved my life,” Mr Hoyle toldthecrews.“Thankyou for listening to me and believing me It saved time I appreciate it so much and you guys are doing an amazing job. It savedmylife.Thankyou.”
Afew of the numerous Volunteers and Supporters oftheMontgomeryCounty Veterans Memorial Park pose for a photo as they prepare to greet and welcome visitors to the MemorialDayObservance Ceremonies on May 27, 2024. in are THE LINE
HONORED which 111, of the Montgomery for greet and the on
The volunteers in the photo are United States MilitaryVeterans, who are listed on THE LINE Monument and members
o f t h e National Society Daughter
o f National Daughter t e of of the of presented Montgomery e s r Commission.
Thegroupispicturedin frontoftheconstructionof theHONOREDMISSION HALL, which is coming soon Judge Jimmie C Edwards 111, Chairman, USMC thanked the Staff, Supporters, and Volunteers,manyofwhom arelistedon
THELINEMonument. THELINEisamonument that features names of UnitedStatesMilitarywho have honorably served in our Armed Forces and during the ceremonies Dedication of THE LINE with additional names honoringthosewhoserved
Monument. a StatesMilitary Armed names who werehonoredandlistedon PanelNine.
s of the American Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, and Sons of the Republic of Texas, who always volunteer during every celebration at the park, presented by the Montgomery County Veterans Memorial Commission.
Day and it begin shortly after the War between the States was over inApril of 1865. Many felt the dead fromboththeSouthand
theNorth,neededtobe remembered. So then in 1971an
Act thruCongress had the name changed to MemorialDay
and it is nowa national holiday celebrated on the lastMonday
The program on May 27, 2024 was thoughtful, honorable inMay Thedayhonors all soldiers who died duringservice tothisnation.
at times and laughter
The Montgomery Choral Societywas
bagpiper played the b
was play
u l "AmazingGrace" and closetothe
a n d f u l l o f compassion. Manypeople spoke,thereweretears entire program was reverent and meaningful prayersweresaid.
asked to provide vocal patriotic music for the program.The and the wreath was removed to a placeof honor Theuniformed
end of the song, he turned and walk away playingsoftly AsTAPS The Stubbs chapter members were all honored tohavebeenat
he hundreds of people who attendedstood, hats were removed and hands were placed over their heart, it wasaquiet
TheLadiesoftheConroe ServiceLeaguealways enjoywhentheygetto meetwiththeguysand galsattheLoneStar HonorFlightVeterans Group. the
veryappreciativeofallthe organizationsthatattendto them every Wednesday The meeting itself is
MCHD would like to thank all of the first respondersinvolvedinMr Hoyle’scare: Jason
May was a month of milestones, with all three major U.S. equity indexes hitting new highs – and markets in the U.K., India and Germany also setting records Stocks were driven up by positive corporate earnings results and greater participation from sectors other than technology – and stocks other than the MAGMAN sixtechstocks–with10of 11 sectors having positive performance.
positive performance.
This was the first quarter since the fourth quarter of 2022 that the other494 inthe 500 had positive earnings growth,” Raymond James
This was the first the quarter since the fourth quarter of 2022 that the other494stocksintheS&P 500 had positive earnings growth,” Raymond James
Chief Investment Officer Larry Adam said “In addition, big tech stocks continue to be driven by tailwinds artificial Even the sector saw performanceboostfrom energydemandinMay.”
Chief Investment Officer Larry Adam said “In addition, big tech stocks continue to be driven by tailwinds from artificial intelligence Even the utilities sector saw a performanceboostfromAI energydemandinMay.”
With inflation slowly toward the Federal Reserve's 2% goal and the economyproving rate cuts are likely to be further delayed, which will continue to downward pressure on the realestate
With inflation moving With slowly toward the Federal Reserve's 2% goal and the economyprovingresilient, interest rate cuts are likely to be further delayed, which will continue to put downward pressure on the realestatemarket.
The Congressional Budget Office released new estimates for the cost of extending the 2017 Tax Cuts and JobsAct ual tax cuts, new questionsastowhatthetax debate looklike year as the extensions are settoexpire.
The Congressional Budget Office released new estimates for the cost of extending the 2017 Tax Cuts and JobsAct individual tax cuts, raising new questionsastowhatthetax debatemightlooklikenext year as the extensions are settoexpire.
increased to 3.9%. Private jobs posted an increase of 167,000.Spikingoilprices inApril,bolstered fears ofall-outwarbetweenIran and Israel, cooled off in May just
increased to 3.9%. Private jobs posted an increase of 167,000.Spikingoilprices inApril,bolsteredbyfears ofall-outwarbetweenIran and Israel, cooled off in May just as the summer drivingseasonbegan.
ByCherylConley Lake Nature ByCherylConley Lake Creek Naturef
Pr serve B ard of Directors
What smells do you
smells do you
associa e wi e coming of spring? The sweetscentofflowersor that earthy scent after a There's another associated with spring and it's the smell of crawfish Just walk into a restaurant that serves crawfish or into an H-E-B and that distinct spicy, slaps youintheface.BecauseI
associate with the coming of spring? The sweetscentofflowersor that damp earthy scent after a rain? There's another smell associated with spring and it's the smell of boiling crawfish Just walk into a restaurant that serves crawfish or even into an H-E-B and that distinct spicy,pungentodorslaps youintheface.BecauseI
Kent Pendleton, AAMS® Employment growth slowed considerably May but remained robust compared to the historical average, growing 175,000 new jobs, while the unemployment rate
Financial Advisor, RJFS
Financial Advisor, RJFS
Kent Pendleton, AAMS® Employment growth slowed considerably in May but remained robust compared to the historical average, growing by 175,000 new jobs, while the unemployment rate
thenyou'dsimplyaddthe vegies and crawfish togethertoboilingwater You can eat all the meat inthebodyaswellasthe head but most people avoid the shell, tail and antennae. Crawfish, crayfish, c r a w d a d s , mudbugs they go by several names. People in our area call them crawfish.Thefolksinthe northernpartsoftheUSA call them crayfish Northern Californians and people on the east coast refer to them as crawdads In Australia
thenyou'dsimplyaddthe and crawfish boilingwater can eat all the meat thebodyaswellasthe head but avoid the shell, tail and Crawfish, r a w a d , they go several People in area c the crawfish. folks the partsofthe crayfish and on the to crawdads Australia
eggs Their tail “fans” curl under body to help protect the eggs They an instinctive reaction to potential predator or disturbance called a “tail flip” which propelsthembackwards.
Texas ranks second in crawfish production and most are raised in rice paddies Louisiana is first The peak months are February, March and April There are two varietiesthatarepredominant here and are called the “red swamp crawfish”andthe“whiteriver crawfish” They have
Texas ranks second in crawfish production and are raised in paddies Louisiana is months March and April There are varieties are here and are “red swamp andthe“whiteriver crawfish”
Is it worth it to work withabuyer'sagent?
Hereareafewthingsto keepinmind:
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how to find creative solutions.
Last and most importantly a buyer's agent is your advocate: Someone dedicated to answering your questions, decoding contracts and providing a secondopinionthroughout thebuyingprocess.
Negotiating power: A
don't eat crawfish the smell isn't appealing to mebuttoothers quite enticing.
People describe the taste of crawfish as a little sweet and slightly saltywitha ofmineral flavor It's like combination shrimp and lobster If planningacrawfishpartyyou should on 3 pounds per person on average. is easy Get your add water a packet of y u favor e s a-
don't eat crawfish, the smell isn't appealing to mebuttoothersit'squite enticing. People describe the taste of crawfish as a little sweet and slightly saltywithabitofmineral flavor It's like a combination of shrimp and lobster If you're planningacrawfishpartyyou should plan on buying 3 pounds per person on average.Cookingthemis easy Get your pot, add water and a packet of your favorite sea-
foo craw sh boil spices You can add potatoes and corn at this point Let them cook until about done
before add ng he crawfish. After you add the crawfish, cover the potwithalid for 3 minutes. also cook your vegies ahead of time if you like and
food/crawfish boil spices You can add potatoes and corn at this point Let them cook until just about done before adding the crawfish. After you add the crawfish, cover the potwithalidandboilfor 3 minutes. You can also cook your vegies ahead of time if you like and
they are referred to as yabbies. There are over 600 species of these critters. They are freshwater crustaceans found allovertheworldexcept in India and Antarctica. Theyhave5pairsoflegs or 10 total. Their front 2 legs are like large claws, called chelae, which are used to defend themselvesandtogatherfood. Water and air are drawn throughthegillsthrough anappendagethatmakes a noise called a “pulse train.” This is how they communicate with other crawdadsandalertothers thatpredatorsarenear
are referred to There over of these They freshwater found theworldexcept India and Theyhave5pairs legs 10 total. Their front like large which are defend themtogather Water and are the through anappendagethatmakes noise called “pulse This is they with other alert predators
Crawfish have a structure that looks like a nose but it's thought to offer protectionfortheireyes.Under thetailisasmall helps them and helps with carrying
swamps, ditches and bayous.Whitesarefound in larger, deeper, and flowingbodiesofwater
Have you ever seen a smokestack-looking pile of mud in ditches, fields or even yards? They are called crawfish chimneys and there is a crawfish living in a burrowunderneath.They can be as deep as 3 feet and are normally full of water Theyusetheirlegs andmouthtodigupmud and make it into a little ball called a pellet. The pelletisthentakentothe topofthesoilandplaced on top of the other pellets.Thisisdoneover a
eds ar f un ditches and Whitesare larger, deeper, and flowing water Have ever mud in fields They called crawfish and there burrowunderneath.They be are normally full of water Theyusetheirlegs mouth up make into a ball called a pellet. to topof soil of the Thisisdone a d e
th chimney is built is totally
he crawfish chimney is built Why they build chimneys is not totally
understood is assumed reason they is safety reasons.They have to safetyoftheir burrow reason forthechimneysisthatit helps air flow into the burrow
understood but it is assumed that one reason they do is for safety reasons.Theyneverhave toleavethesafetyoftheir burrow Another reason forthechimneysisthatit helps air flow into the burrow
· n t w d crawfish up 30 years.
· In the wild crawfishcanliveupto30 years.
· limb? No
· Lose a limb? No
Creative problem solver: Fussy sellers, inspection hurdles, appraisalheadaches-been there An experienced agent has seen their fair shareofhurdlesandknows
problem Crawfish can regenerate lost limbs
lost limbs comes season males
This comes in handy during mating season when males can get a littleaggressive.
· Crawfish molt
They can shed their shells up to 15 times With each molt, they nearlydoubleinsize.
Warren Buffett's successor Greg Abel recently said it best: “Buying real estate is the onetimeinourliveswhere we make a massive investment Having that council and guidance is absolutelycritical.”
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· There are some species of crawfish in Australia that grow to 15 5 inches and weigh morethan8pounds.
· are some species of crawfish in that to 5 inches weigh than8
Crawfish can shed up 15 each molt, nearlydouble Crawfish be white, they allred. If on here's friendly advice: the tail and suck head,and wear appetit!
· Crawfish can be red,blue,white,greenor yellowbutwhencooked, theyareallred. If you're planning on eating crawfish, here's eating some friendly advice: pinch the tail and suck thehead,anddonotwear white!Bonappetit!
Ruben’s Montgomery Musings
This may upset
some. quite I Democrats feelings, needed be
This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I some. And don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.
Democrats are Mad
Theyareliterallycertifiable. Their sense of common sense is nil. The Democrat mediapowerhousethatthey onceruledhasbeenguttedto ineffectiveness, so much so that the lies they tell to people (living in the hell Dems created) on the fabulous economy reduced crime, no illegal immigration, and the brilliance of President Joe Biden, are nonsensical. Those people now are supporters of former President Donald J.
Democrats Mad Theyareliterallycertifiable. Their sense of common sense is nil. The Democrat mediapowerhouse they onceruledhasbeen to ineffectiveness, much so that the lies they tell to people in the Dems created) on the fabulous economy, crime, illegal immigration, and the brilliance of Joe Biden, are nonsensical. Those people now are supporters of former President Donald J.
A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstormsafter1pm.Partlysunny, withahighnear92.Heatindexvaluesas highas104.Southwind5to10mph.
Partlycloudy,withalowaround75.South windaround5mphbecomingcalminthe evening.
Mostlysunny,withahighnear94.Calm windbecomingsoutharound5mph.
A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstormsafter1pm.Sunny,witha highnear94.
Monday Saturday
A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlysunny,withahigh near91.
Phone(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395 E-mail:news@montgomerycountynews.net
AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest
Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson web; http://www.montgomerycountynews.net
Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews. RyanWest Montgomery County
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Trump. Peopleknowbetter now, when Democrat leaders turn their cities and states into crap holes, ispreciselytheplanthey for the rest of United ofAmerica. If for a are self Demowant complete power over you. Over all of us.
I “I’m not giving up Democrat.” Democrats in New York are some of The guilty verdict Trump’strialwith York Bragg, The Donald well over 50 million climbing) in donations starting on 30th, is another ‘I told so’ Democrats will understand the of a that wants the complete of what leftist are thinking. The people want be free of Democrat power grabs Democratsontheotherhand wanttobelikeNorth Kim Jung Un, havingthepoweroflifeand deathovereveryone. That’s the Democrats’ EndGame. Stalinist powers. The only is those pesky guns that manymillionsofAmericans as is why unlimitedguncontrol.
Trump. Peopleknowbetter now, and when Democrat leaders turn their own cities and states into crap holes, thatispreciselytheplanthey have for the rest of the UnitedStatesofAmerica. If you vote for a Democrat, you are voting against your own self interest. Democrats want complete power over you. Over all of us. And one thing I can say is I m not giving up my FreedomtoanyDemocrat.” Democrats in New York are some of the worst. The recent guilty verdict in Trump’strialwithNewYork CityDistrictAttorneyAlbert Bragg, which netted The Donald with well over 50 million (and climbing) in donations starting on May 30th, is just another ‘I told you so’that Democrats will never understand the motivations of a population that wants the complete opposite of what leftist are thinking. The people want to be free of Democrat power grabs While While Democratsontheotherhand wanttobelikeNorthKorean dictator Kim Jung Un, havingthepoweroflifeand deathovereveryone. That’s the Democrats’ EndGame. Stalinist powers. Maoist powers. The only problem is those pesky guns that manymillionsofAmericans have as property, which is why Democrats want unlimitedguncontrol.
Democrats are so brain dead in regards to thinking, and truly quite frankly some of the so-called smartest professionals out there, the doctors, lawyers, academia, media bigwigs, have no common sense about them They buy
Democrats are so brain dead in regards thinking, and truly, frankly, some of so-called smartest professionals out there, the doctors, lawyers, academia, media bigwigs, have no common sense about them They buy
electric cars thinking they aresavingTheWorld,when therearepeople(ofallages) dying horrible deaths in places like The Democratic Republic of the Congo, so high-horsed Democrats can ‘feel good about saving the planet.’ On Sky News’ YouTube channel, search: ‘Special report: Inside the Congo cobalt mines that exploit children,’ and see what Democrat environmentalpridehasdone. The kids Dems are killing, and thecancerstheyarecausing. Assoonaskidsreach4years old in the DRC, they are shuffled off to the illegal cobalt mines to work for penniesontheday Andlike W
electric cars thinking they are TheWorld,when therearepeople(ofallages) dying horrible deaths in places like The Democratic Republic of the Congo, so high-horsed Democrats can ‘feel good about saving the planet.’ On Sky News’ YouTube channel, search: ‘Special report: Inside the Congo cobalt mines that exploit children,’ see what environmentalpridehasdone. The kids Dems are killing, and thecancerstheyarecausing. Assoonas reach4years old in the DRC, they are shuffled off the illegal cobalt mines to work for penniesonthe Andlike Whit
America, there is little concernforBlacklife,butin theDRCit’stheChineseand Indians acting White Democratisch, instead of Europeans.
in America there little concernforBlack butin theDRCit’stheChineseand Indians acting White Democratisch, instead of Europeans.
Democratsrefusetolearn lessons Trump. Their stupidity reigns about them. It’s like Democrats in California the minimum to for Fast Workers,then10s of thousands of workers get laid off, and restaurants close; Democrats still don’t when they caused the problems themselves. In addition,
California Governor Newsom a $25/hr minimum wage for hospital workers went into effect on June 1st, and he delayed the raise until July 1st, because state pays a lot of hospital workers. That’s why I say that Democrats think not on the consequences of their actions. with California’s and local debt
Democratsrefusetolearn lessonsaboutTrump. Their stupidity reigns about them. It’s like Democrats in California raising the minimum wage to $20 for FastFoodWorkers,then10s of thousands of FF workers get laid off, and restaurants close; and Democrats still don’tunderstandwhy when they caused the problems themselves. In addition, California Governor Newsom signed a $25/hr minimum wage bill for hospital workers that went into effect on June 1st, and he delayed the raise until July 1st, because the state pays a lot of hospital workers. That’s why I say that Democrats think not on the consequences of their actions. And with California’s state and local debt
standing at $1 6 trillion at dollars,the$25/hrminwage may never be allowed to takeeffect. Thatgoldlaying goose that California depended on died in childbirth.
$1 6 trillion the$25/hrminwage may be allowed to takeeffect. Thatgoldlaying goose California on in
There has been a prolonged string of foreign Donald Trump’s being elected, with the most popular being Argentinian President Javier Milei, who is gutting government ministers and chopping the pork from the budget of the bureaucracy Anditisclear thatAlvinBragghasnoidea the Pandora’s Box that he hasopenedwithhistrial,and despiteaguiltyverdict,ifthe trial is allowed to stand, Trump can still be Elected Presidentagain. AndIcan’t blame The Donald for sending out texts like: ‘The Justice System in Rigged!’ or ‘Justice is Dead in America! And if the Democrats actually jail Trump,therecanbeprotests with 2 or 3 million people I predict. My bet is that Trump would enjoy the hoosegow And in New Yorkstatewherepeoplewho commit violent crimes are letoffeasy,seeingTrumpin ajailcellgoesagainstallthat against lack of common sense I mentioned earlier about Democrats. I mean, if they can do sham trials against Donald Trump, Democrats can do it to any American citizen,forthemosttrivialof circumstances. I predict Joe Biden is gonnaloseevenbiggerthan Walter Mondale in 1984, andDemocratsaregonnabe liningupateverytherapist's office. One of my friends ownsanofficeinMontgomeryCounty,andthey(notice
The ha b en a prolonged string of foreign Donald Trump’s being elected, with the most popular Argentinian President Milei, who is gutting government ministers the pork from of the bureaucracy And isclear thatAlvin has idea the that he hasopened trial,and despite guiltyverdict,ifthe trial is to stand, Trump can Elected Presidentagain. And can’t blame The Donald for sending like: ‘The Justice System Rigged!’ or ‘Justice is in America! And if the Democrats actually jail Trump,therecanbeprotests with I predict. My that Trump would enjoy the hoosegow And in New Yorkstate who commit violent are letoffeasy, in a cellgoes that lack of common sense I mentioned earlier about Democrats. I mean, they can sham trials against Donald Democrats can do American citizen, themost of circumstances. is gonna biggerthan Walter Mondale in 1984, andDemocratsare be lining therapist's office. One of friends owns office MontgomeryCounty,andthey(notice
use of pronouns) are professional wimps going in for mental with of Trump when Donald gets back in office. I find it funny that soamongst us soweakofmindwhen to politics.
my use of pronouns) are gonna clean up because of professional Democrat wimps going in for mental health care with diagnoses of ‘Acute Trump Derangement Syndrome’ when The Donald gets back in office. I find it funny that the socalled smartest amongst us aresoweakofmindwhenit comes to common sense in politics.
What doesn’t kill Trump makes him stronger, and I can count the number of times that Dems said, “We got Trump,” during his presidency, only to see him slip through their fingers. And Trump will slip away again. America needs a strong leader The World respondstostrongAmerican leaders,andrightnowunder Biden, The World is laughing at us, while it struggles. The Democrats knowthattheirleadershipis ineffective They’re literally wondering why the people are not loving them for their wayward ways. They’re wondering why CNN is asking them tough questions usually reserved for Republicans. And it all boils down to their overreachwhenitcomestotheir publicpolicies. Bynotenforcingthelaw by going against natural marketforces,byartificially raising rates of pay, they have been killing their own city regional and state economies. And now, with the Help of God, they are gonnalosepower
What doesn’t kill Trump him stronger, and I can count the number of times that Dems said, “We Trump,” during his presidency only him their Trump will slip again. America strong The World responds strongAmerican leaders,andrightnowunder Biden, The laughing at us The knowthattheirleadershipis ineffective They’re why the people are not loving them their ways. They re wondering why CNN is them questions usually Republicans. And it all boils to overwhenit publicpolicies. not thelaw, by natural forces, of pay, have been killing their city, regional, and state And now, with the they are gonna power
Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty news.net
Light Yagami, Killua Yuno Gasai, Sailor Moon. What do haveincommon?
famous characters And they all recent Experience and Convention, Conroe 2024, held at Lonestar in Conroe this weekend The beloved where
characters, for 3rd annual convention in Montgomery Southeast Texas for weekend convention as Central Texas, sas, San fans, it’s coming a big party in
Light Yagami, Killua Zoldyck, Yuno Gasai, and Sailor Moon. What do all haveincommon? Theyare all famous anime characters And they were all representedbyattendeesat the recent KimoKawaii: Anime Experience and Convention, or Anime Conroe 2024, held at the Lonestar Convention Center in Conroe this past weekend The beloved Japanese art form where fansofallageslovetodress up as their favorite characters, showed up for the 3rd annual convention in Montgomery County Fanstraveledfromallparts of Southeast Texas for the weekend convention, as well as Louisiana, North and Central Texas, Arkansas, San Antonio, and Corpus Christi With anime fans, it’s all about coming to a big party in coolcostumesandstrutting yourstuff.
Anime is a style animation which convention emulate in is a big part of convention is a performance which wear and fashion to represent specific especially those science fiction. buy but some make own costumes, and for few, can make healthy living off the costumestheyproduce.
Anime is a Japanese style of animation which many convention goers emulate in their costumes. Cosplay,or‘costumeplay,’ is a big part of convention which is a performance art in which participants wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent specific characters from fiction especially those from manga animation and science fiction. Most buy but some make their own costumes, and for a lucky few, can make a healthy living off the costumestheyproduce.
The Saturday evening fashion show featured many cosplayers from Geisha Girls to some characters who didn't have official names. Following the show, many fans hung
Saturday evening show featured many cosplayers, Geisha Girls to who didn't official names. show, many hung
aroundtotakepictureswith the fashion participants, with fans asking questions
fashion participants, with fans questions
“It is all about celebrating culture and creativity,” said convention goer Kimberley Binning “It takes months to plan out outfits.’
“It is all about celebrating culture and creativity,” said convention goer Kimberley Binning “It takes to plan out outfits.’
The convention owner and Montgomery County resident, Carson, a direct-descendant of Kit Carson, enjoys putting on events those are into Anime and Carson was a professional artist who toured events all across country, beforeturningtohiscurrent work.
The convention owner and Montgomery County resident, Chris Carson, a direct-descendant of Kit Carson, enjoys putting on events for those who are into Anime and Cosplay Carson was a professional artist who toured to events all across the country, beforeturningtohiscurrent work.
“I started my conventionsthreeyearsago,”said Carson. “We also have a horror convention and terrorfestinConroe,aswell asKimoKawaii.”
“I started my conventionsthreeyearsago,”said Carson. “We also a horror convention and terrorfestinConroe,aswell asKimoKawaii.”
their characters, Anime Conroe things anime, live guest interviews, video a place for anime. may be shy,buteventhentheywill eventually out of shell become energeticandoutgoing.
about their characters, or costumes. Anime Conroe 2024,wasanexperienceof all things anime, from shopping to live concerts, special guest interviews, and playing video games. It’s a place where fans can connectandshowtheirlove for anime. Some may be shy,buteventhentheywill eventually break out of their shell and become energeticandoutgoing.
Montgomery County’s own, Princess TeaAnn, a Montgomery County resident by Taylor when not in costume, known her creative design, and cosplay p o i n g I n everyday life the by and she actively encourages and supports all Princess TeaAnn as judges f o r h e l l cosplay which the expertise and of the participants for
Montgomery County’s own, Princess TeaAnn, a Montgomery County resident who goes by Taylor when not in costume, is known for her creative design, and cosplay p o s i n g I n everyday life the Princess goes by Taylor, and she actively encourages and supports cosplayers of all ages Princess TeaAnn served as one of the judges f o r t h e a l l important cosplay contest, which evaluates the expertise and passion of the participants for theartform.
“Ihavemoreoutfitsthan I’d to admit,” said Taylor whoisamothertoa one year boy “I save of myoutfits,andusebitsand pieces to make new creations.”
“Ihavemoreoutfitsthan I’d like to admit,” said Taylor whoisamothertoa one year boy “I save all of myoutfits,andusebitsand pieces to make new creations.”
here has a sharedinterest,youcanjust strike up conversation with almost anyone," said HarryChampion,ananime convention-goer "It just kind shows the passion thatpeoplehave.”
"Everyone here has a sharedinterest,youcanjust strike up a conversation with almost anyone," said HarryChampion,ananime convention-goer "It just kind of shows the passion thatpeoplehave.”
used to but for a small niche people, it’s their ownuniversethatisfunand necessary to the reality Houston a regional mecca for Cosplay video production, and notable cosplay like PrincessTeaAnn,andother Special Guests the convention,likeJadeKelly and Leigh Rosenfeld, who voice acting work productions. Alyson is voice behind ‘Bonnie & Sophocles,’ ‘Polly & StrawberryShortcake’. At a convention, cosplayers can dressed totheninesonthefirstday with all of wigs, makeup,andcostumes,and on the day, you might notevenrecognizethemas the same person. Anime Conroe was filled with vendors sorts, fromvideogames,toplush pillows t-shirts swords hats, stickers, and even a windowsalesbooth.
been cosplaying since middle school,“ said The resident Skye,20,whocosplayedas Rogue from ‘97.’ “I seriously untilhighschool.” Cosplay a worldthanmostpeopleare
“I’ve been cosplaying since middle school,“ said The Woodlands resident Skye,20,whocosplayedas Skye, Rogue from ‘X-Men ‘97.’ “I didn’t take it seriously untilhighschool.” Cosplay is a different worldthanmostpeopleare used to but for a small niche of people, it’s their ownuniversethatisfunand necessary to escape the reality of everyday life Houston is a regional mecca for Cosplay video production, and notable cosplay enthusiasts like PrincessTeaAnn,andother Special Guests of the convention,likeJadeKelly and Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld, who do voice acting work for productions. Alyson is the voice behind ‘Bonnie & Sophocles,’ and ‘Polly Pocket & StrawberryShortcake’. At a convention, cosplayers can be dressed totheninesonthefirstday with all sorts of wigs, sorts makeup,andcostumes,and on the next day, you might notevenrecognizethemas the same person. Anime Conroe 2024, was filled with vendors of all sorts, fromvideogames,toplush pillows t-shirts swords hats, stickers, and even a windowsalesbooth.
Not everyone was into cosplay, but some like Montgomery County residentNinaWoodson,24, attended the convention solely for the anime angle and making a few purchases “I appreciate the costumes,”saidNina,“and aminterestedintheartand culture.”
Not everyone into cosplay, but some like Montgomery County residentNinaWoodson,24, attended the convention solely for the anime angle and making purchases “I appreciate the costumes,”saidNina,“and aminterestedintheartand culture.”
The Montgomery CommunityBand’sClarinet Quartet held a Memorial DayTribute this past Friday attheSchoolofLiveMusic, located at 107 Old River RoadinMontgomery Since forminginJanuary2023,the band has been entertaining citizens in and around Montgomery as well as partsunknowninMontgomeryCounty,aspartofanover 80 piece band, or in single instrument quartets to happyandsmilingfaceswho enjoy live music The Memorial Day Tribute to Our Nation’s Fallen also includedaSalutetoVeterans in attendance, and allowed all to admire the music and fellowship with each other while remembering the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen who gave their so that we all can remain FreeasaNation.
The event was hosted by SchoolofLiveMusicowner
Moree Simon, whose musical learning institution has blossomed from just a center of live voice and instrumental music, to one of art, comedy, public speaking, and other events. The Clarinet Quartet consistedofJeanetteGentry, Keith Robertson, Carrie
a Ponikvar,whoplaysthebass clarinet (which plays an octave below the clarinet adding for variety in the musicalpiecesplayed).
Mardi Gras
Manor,” said Gentry, who also teaches clarinet at the school. “As well as Christmas and Halloween themed ou
clarinetquartetsaredifferent from normal performances with bands having an assortment of different
communities and other locations.” “
commonly played with clarinet or stringed instruments. And the clarinetists were up for the challenge, giving enjoyment of the music played to the audience, while improving their craft learned as elementary school students all the way up to college students, then living real life and coming back to the music when the Montgomery Community Band was formed last year And each had a special memorywiththeclarinet.
“My first clarinet lesson wasonthedaythatPresident Kennedy was assassinated. I was nine years old,” said Keith Robertson, who was born and raised in New Jersey My teacher had beencalledoutofthemusic room. Andwewereallsent homesoonafter.”
The band is led by director Adam Haskett, an East Texas born man of music,whohasbeenflooded out many times He currently resides in Conroe. Haskett recently took the
helm as Conductor and played a light accompanimenttothequartetonadrum duringtheperformances.
Education,” said Haskett, who works for an aviation management firm “I was asked to be Music Director when Todd Burrer stood down, and its been a blast eversince.”
The performance was an extremelyheartfelttributeto the men and women who gave their lives while fighting to keep America Free, and included such favorites as: The Star S
American the Beautiful, Grand Ole Flag Yankee Doodle, Amazing Grace, Washington Post, and God
listening to the selections stirred many memories of
CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755
NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-588-3399
ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation), 1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe, Texas,Phone:936-4945775, www.churchofthegoodsoldie
r.org. Worship:Sundayat 10:30am,SundaySchool: 9:30am
holidays, remembering The Fallen, the Birth of Our Nation,andthegratitudefor the Service of Veterans and FirstResponders.
MoreeSimon,introduced the Veterans in attendance, with each giving a little history of their time in service, where they served, and the conflicts in which theyparticipated. Theyalso were asked to remember family and friends who served in the Armed Forces andhavesincepassedaway
“Igrewupwithamusical dad who bought me a piano when I was very young,” saidSimon. Shetriedallthe extracurricular activities young girls did, but stuck with the piano, which supported her accompanyingvoice.“Iwasinaschool band, and afterwards taught my friends how to play the piano. I love to teach and incorporated my passion into the School of Live
67½AprilWindS., AprilSound,936-5882832
Simon’s original vision for her establishment has morphedfrommusiclessons by day, but to evening venueswithstudentmusical and guest performances The evening events also include stand up comedy g a m e s h o w s , singer/songwriter performances,aswellaslessonsin
improv Anditwillprobably stillgrowfromthat.
Music was a very importantpartofmyfather s life,”saidJudySuan,whose father was a WWII Veteran. “It was very uplifting today, and when the audience sang along it was happy tears for me.”
It’samazinghowyoucan getsuchavarietyofdifferent soundsoutof3clarinetsand a bass clarinet. The quartet worked well in expressing the clarinet, and its importance as a stand alone instrument,andthebeautiful
musicthatitcanmakeonits own,separatefromabandor symphony orchestra. The Montgomery Community Band and The Clarinet Quartet have come a long waysincetheirformation18 months ago. The Quartet’s performance in Honor of Our Nation’s Fallen, shows their commitment and passion to their craft, and their willingness to volunteer their time to perform helpsshowLoveofCountry to the community and an HonorinbeinganAmerican citizen.
“We just wanted to come and support the community,” said Jennifer Stewart, from Conroe, who was attendingwithherfather “It wasanawesometributewith allthewonderfulsongs.”
Read:1Samuel18:22-30 Saul was even more afraidofDavid.SoSaulwas David’s enemy continually (v 29)
MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch
Montgomery,TX 77356
Phone: 936-597-6162
Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027
GaryChapelBaptist Church POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-478-1256, SundayBibleClass10:00 am,WorshipServiceat 11:00am.
Meetsat464McCaleb Rd.
SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.
SundayEveningWorship 6:00p.m.
St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedinDobbin, P.O.Box112,Montgomery 77356
ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery
BenuiBaptistChurch, AntiochBaptist, HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356
ChinaGroveBaptist Church Willis,936-7674744
dacuschurch@gmail.com, dacusbaptist@consolidated.n
Mt.CalvaryBaptist, OldHwy105,936-5882330 Mt.SinaiBaptist
UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas
RichardsUnited MethodistChurch
SacredHeartCatholic, JonesChapelBaptist,
About11miNof Montgomery onFM149 936-756-8186
SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,WednesdayBible StudyandYouthGroup6 pm
St.Mary’s Catholic,
DacusBaptist,Dacus, 936-588-1260
FM1774,Plantersville, ZionChurch,
1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin,
LivingWayChurch 2080LongmireRd, Conroe 936-441-8875
HopeTabernacle 936-894-2223
7:45Service CR213,Stoneham,
22548Highway105West 936-894-2223
CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend Place,TheWoodlands, JEWISH
LUTHERAN 281-362-1100
GraceLutheran (ELCA),
10AMWorshipService Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944
Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery
SundaySchoolat 10:00am
SundayWorshipat 6:00pm CommunityAnd Interdenominational
LoneStarCowboy Church
Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400
Churchphone:936-5978013Web: www.livingsaviortexas.org
ChurchatMontgomery (GlobalMethodist)
936-449-0845 109N.Frazier,Conroe,
21627EvaSt.Montgomery TX77356(936)5975742PastorsRandy&Darla WeaverServiceTimes: Sundays@8AM,9:30AM &11AMMondays@7PM Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM&11 AM@lonestar.tvandclick onWatchnow TransformationChurch Montgomery
AbundantLifeMinistriesCornerofFM149& FM1097W.Montgomery TX77356Prayer/Sunday School9:30amSunday Service11:30amWednesdayPray/BibleStudy6:30 pm
Montgomery TX77316 Sun:10:30am
19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-597-8921
Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660
WaldenCommunity Church, 12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696
LighthouseFellowship Church Montgomery,936-5827700 CarbonChurch, Mt.PleasentBaptist Church
NewBeginningBible Church, CornerstoneChurch, 936-756-7792
To pretend to be someone’s friend even as you plan to betray them seemsliketheworstformof deception and treachery Jesus knew this kind of betrayal himself Judas Iscariot his friend and disciple kissed Jesus while revealing him to the authorities Jesus asked him “Judas would you betraytheSonofManwitha kiss?” (Luke 22:48). While Jesus knew of Judas s deception beforehand the pain was still personal. It was the pain of being double-crossedbyafriend.
Saul played at this same game, pretending to welcome David into his family while plotting David’s death. His servants usedflatterytomakeDavid
open to the idea of becoming Saul’s son-in-law Then Saul assigned a bride price thatwasanalmostimpossible task—the deaths of 100 Philistines in battle That would put an end to David! Instead, David killed twice that number of Philistines. There was nothing left for Saul to do but to allow Michal to marry David TheseeventsunnervedSaul to the point that he was “David’s enemy continually”(v 29). IfDavidhadanenemyin highplaces,hehadaFriend inanevenhigherplace!God was keeping David safe from his enemy—even as David was unaware of Saul’streachery Howmany times has he watched over us when we were unaware ofdanger?Asecretenemyis no secret to the God who protectshisown.
As you pray, thank God for his protection even whenyouareunawareofthe danger
Services9:30and11a.m. 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-449-4414
retreatandwildlife center
1011W.Lewis,Conroe, Montgomery,936-5821977 ChurchofSt.John,
2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936-5975757
RiverofLifeChurch, 12681FM149
Montgomery TX77356
LivingBranchChurch, LakesideBibleChurch, (936)597-3949
SeniorPastorDale Talbert
ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries
WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery online.churchorfollowus onFacebook @thefmchurch! www.thefmchurch.com
St.JamestheApostle Episcopal,
WaldenChurch.com 1803HighlandHollow, Conroe,936-756-8831 TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter 936-689-3141
25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas
FM149N.,Montgomery, 936-449-6807 TheChurch@Lake Conroe Montgomery TX77316
1701McCalebRd 936-588-4975 www.lakechurch.com
Sundayworship@10:00 a.m.Wed.activites6:308pm NorthShoreChurch 10amWorshipService 18501Fm1097West@ theBentwaterWest GateEntrance PastorCarySmith
ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService
MelisaMiller ArnettaJPorter
P O.Box2985 16415AddisonRoadSuite725 Conroe,Texas77305 AddisonTX75001
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or your attorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.onthe Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation andpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."
To: The Unknown Heirs Of Iris Vallare andAll Persons Claiming Title or Interest in Land Under DeedHeretoforeGiventoIrisVallare,Deceased
YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertothePlaintiff'sOriginalPetition SeekingaJudicialJudgmentforForeclosureatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextafterthe expirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday,the 24thdayofJune,2024beforethe284thJudicial DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasat the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original Petition Seeking a JudicialJudgmentforForeclosurewasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe2nddayofMay 2024,inthis case,numbered24-01-00930onthedocketofsaidcourt.
Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: AmerihomeMortgageCompany,LLCarePlaintiffsand lreion Rene Vallare; Jermaine Vallare; The Unknown Heirs Of Iris Valla re are Defendants
AmeriHorne Mortgage Company LLC ("Plaintiff'), its successors in interest or assigns, by and throughitsattorneyofrecord,ChristopherK.BaxterofMarinosciLawGroup,P.C.,16415Addison Road, Suite 725, Addison, TX 75001, (972) 331-2300, brought suit against Jermaine Weldon Vallare,IreionReneVallare,andTheUnknownHeirsoflrisVallare("Defendants"),toenforcethe Noteonthepropertylocatedat2650MagnoliaFairWay,Spring,TX77386,andlegallydescribed asLot38,Block2,OfForestVillage,Section7,ASubdivisionInMontgomeryCountyasfiledin PlaintiffsOriginalPetitionfiledonJanua1y17,2024.
Tillman Infrastructure, LLC is proposing to build a 170-foot Self-Support structure (180ft w/appurtenances) located at 15633 Crighton Road, Conroe,TX 77302. Structure coordinates are: N30-17-15.19/W 95-23-59.04. No lighting is anticipated.The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)Antenna Structure Registration (ASR Form 854) file number is Interested persons may review the application at A1282629 www.fcc.gov/asr/applications by entering the file number. Environmental concerns may be raised by filing a Request for Environmental Review at www.fcc.gov/asr/environmentalrequest within 30 days of the date that notice of the project is published on the FCC's website. Online filings are strongly encouraged.A mailing address for a paper filing is: FCC Requests for Environmental Review ATTN: th Ramon Williams, 445 12 Street SW, Washington, DC 20554.
Published Date: June 5, 2024
Stowe'sWreckerService,21587EvaSt. MontTX77356 ImpoundedaBlackflatbedMckelveyTrailerS/N152578492onMay11,2024
Take notice that original Letters IndependentAdministration for the Estate of Ronald J. Foster Deceased, were issued to Blake Jehle, Independent Administrator on February 27, 2024, underDocketNo.23-44810-P,intheProbateCourtNo.1ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.Claimsmay bepresentedinthecareofFRITZBARNETT AttorneyforIndependentAdministrator,at46Mike SlottRd,NewWaverly Texas77358.936-344-6500;fbarnett@barnettlawfirm.com
All persons having claims against this estate, which is currently being administered, are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw
Theofficerexecutingthiswritshallpromptlyservethesameaccordingtorequirementsof law,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.
IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,this onthisthe8thdayofMay 2024. (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas) MontgomeryCounty,Texas MelisaMiller DistrictClerk TRACIGUNTER as is more fully shown by Plaintiff's Original Petition Seeking a Judicial Judgment for Foreclosureonfileinthissuit.
Notice is hereby given that Storage King USA at 18318 U.S. 59 New Caney TX 77357 (281)968-2102willsellthecontentsofthestorageunitslistedbelowatapublicauctionto satisfyalienplacedonthecontents(pursuanttoTitle5,LiensChapter59Sec.59.044).The sale will take place at the website on 6/25/2024 at www.StorageTreasures.com 9:00am The sale will be conducted on under the www.StorageTreasures.com guidanceofChristopherRosa(16850)onbehalfofthefacility'smanagement.Unitswillbe available for viewing prior to the sale on Contents will www.StorageTreasures.com besoldforcashonlytothehighestbidder A10-15%buyer'spremiumwillbechargedanda $100 cleaning deposit per unit.All sales are final. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale or to refuse any bids. The property to be sold is described as "general household items" unless otherwise noted. Donovan Gaither –boxes, Stephen Valin – boxes, Jose Benitez- boxes, furn, CourtneyAtwood- boxes, furn,SheilaVargas-boxes,furn,LeannaFischer-boxes,KathyWallace-boxes,furn
Notice of stored vehicle: 2004 Lexus RX 330, VIN JTJGA31U340036637, was
towed/storedon05/18/2024@JasonAdamick'sWreckerService(0612563vsf),2813 E Davis St., Conroe, TX. Ph: 936-856-9595. Charges due on each include: $275 Tow Fee,$22.85DailyStorage,$22.85ImpoundFee,$25AdminFee,8.25%taxonStorage.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of MARY LEE MUIRHEAD,Deceased,wereissuedonMay9,2024,inCauseNo.24-46370-P,pendinginCounty Court,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to:
c/oMollieCohnLambertPLLC CAUSENO.24-46370-P
All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law All persons having claimsshouldaddressthemincareoftherepresentativeattheaddressstatedabove.
th DATEDthe9 dayofMay2024./
P.O.Box490 Cleveland,Texas77328
NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofJackB.Powell, Deceased,wereissuedonApril27,2024,inCauseNo.24-46072-P pendingintheProbateCourtNo: 1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to:D'AnneP Surber
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o:MichaelC.Beller
AttorneyforD'AnneP Surber
MichaelC.Beller StateBarNo.:02105780
42N.ManorcliffPlace THEWOODLANDS,TX77382
Submitted by RJOA C
Elaine Collings, ehcollings@gmail.com
The Veterans Committee of the Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721 Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, is led by Vete
r is herself Veteran, Committee
Williamson o
CYNTHIA CONNERS who is herself a Veteran, and her Committee Team of ANITA STEVENS DIANNE KEBODEAUX, ELAINECOLLINGS,and RJOA President JENNY LEHR This Veterans Committee and the entire RJOA Chapter does an outstanding job at paying their respects to our military of every war, including honoring their Confederate Ancestors who served nobly in the WarBetweenTheStates.
COLLINGS,and This and the Chapter an job respects to every Confederate served nobly WarBetween i
ItisthePatrioticDutyof every American to Honor and Serve our Country in
every way we can Currently we have less we than1%ofourcitizensthat serve in our military, for the safety of our Country!
Let us devote ourselves and teach our families the importanceofourPatriotic Duties. TheRebelJoanOf Arcconstantlystrivestodo that.
Recently this Veterans Co
and delightful
recognized the distinctive and Veterans Committhe Rebel Chapter the Confederacy, led
representatives, in their Chapter Color: RED for Courage, Honored Korean Wa
MARTIN for his service during this terrible War Mr MARTIN and his delightful son were so pleased to be recognized with the RJOA distinctive recognitionCertificateand Ceremony
ng a situation for the United States to currently be in. WePrayandVOTEforour GovernmentLeadershipto drastically correct these situationsthathavecreated this lack of desire to volunteer for our Great AmericanMilitaryinallits Branches.
Submitted by RJOA
Chairman of Public Relations:
Elaine Collings, ehcollings@gmail.com
Photo Committee:
The Rebel Joan OfArc Chapter met at the Montgomery County Main Library, in their grand Genealogy Room upstairs in Conroe, to make their “multiple” presentations to Genealogy Department Director: Laura Politte RJOA President JENNY LEHR is shown presenting the RJOA Chapter Check Donation to Director: LauraPolitte.
Over their heads is the Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter Poster Board for the Chapters “GoodWill” activities of their year for Confederate History efforts created by PresidentLEHR.
KEBODEAUX, who is presenting the volumes of Family History collected and organized by her Mother In Law: RJOA Charter Member- the late C H A R L E N E KEBODEAUX. What a fantastic gift of Heritage todonate.
The Rebel Joan OfArc Chapter again gives their Special Appreciations to DirectorLauraPolitteand herwonderfulteamforthe great jobs they do in helping the public research their Family
Histories The RJOA Chapter have been long supporters of the Montgomery County Main Library “Genealogy Department”inConroe.
Member- the late R L of donate. Joan Arc Director Politte her jobs pi ub Histories of the Library in Rt: Pres Lehr, n a , Shelia Assistant Cindy Amburgey, is Chapters “Good of year Confederate by
Additionally on this exciting day, a wonderful display is shown of the donation by Charter Officer and Co-Founder, D I A N N E
LefttoRt:RJOAElaine Collings, RJOA Lyn Howard, RJOA Pres Jenny Lehr, Director: Laura Politte, RJOA Dianne Kebodeaux, RJOAShelia Williamson, Genealogy Assistant 111: Cindy Amburgey, and Genealogy Assistant 11: MichaelCook.
l ing ehcollings@gmail.com in Conroe, “multiple” to GenealDepartment Director: RJOA President shown presenting Additionally day, of I N who the of
This week’s Veteran is Pat Colleps, who servedintheU.S.Navy from 1982 - 1985. Pat was always on ships being part of a combat teamasaphotographer, or a photo documentationspecialist. Patwas deployed to Grenada during ‘Operation Urgent Fury,’when the U.S. military invaded the island nation to
rescue600U.S.medical students on the island, since President Ronald Reagan feared a repeat of the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Pat is adamant atthedifferenceinhow the American media covered the war, versus what he saw boots on the ground in Grenada. Good Luck Pat, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran oftheWeek’. who inthe a a rescue the
Lincoln on Sep 22, 1862, announced, “That onthe1stdayofJanuary
A D 1863, all person heldasslaveswithinany s
in rebell
on t against the U.S. shall be then, thenceforward and forever free.” However, it would take the Civil War and passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution to end the brutal institution of A
slavery the Civil ended 1865 inTexas still unaware of their dom to change when Union r
lute equality of personal rights and rights of propertybetweenformer masters and slaves ” With this notice, the With reconstruction era Texas began.
lute equality personal rights of property former masters slaves ” this the Texas began. Freed African Ameriobserved “Emancipation it was first as in As gatherings across Texas, included singing the 2 e y, community way commemorations. A public erv c ed state in in this event’s legacy is commemorations celebrate triumph thehuman
Freed African Americans observed “Emancipation Day,” as it was first known, as early as known, 1866 in Galveston As community gatherings grew across Texas, celebrations included parades, prayer, singing and readings of the proclamation In the
community celebrations gavewaytomoreprivate commemorations. A reemergence of public observance helped Juneteenth become a state holiday in 1979 Initially observed in Texas, this landmark event’s legacy is evident today by worldwide commemorations that celebrate freedom and thetriumphofthehuman spirit.
officer, of headquarters the
(Strand and 22nd St ), onJune19, order informed
After the Civil War endedinApril1865most slavesinTexaswerestill unaware of their freedom This began to change when Union troops arrived in Galveston Maj Gen Gordon Granger, commanding officer, District of Texas, from his headquarters in the Osterman building (Strand and 22nd St ), read ‘General Order No. 3’onJune19,1865.The orderstated“Thepeople of Texas are informed that,inaccordancewitha proclamation from the executive of the United States,allslavesarefree. This involves an abso-