Montgomery County News, July 3, 2024

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Simonton Street(andHeritagePlace) Frazier/TX-75 to North Street, next the railroad with and Main

The event was in partnership several corporations Enercorp, Pro Complete In ti n n m


It was a little humid, but the gentle breeze kept thelargerbeadsofsweatat bay, as citizens of Montgomery County and beyond gathered around Downtown Conroe to enjoy the festivities associated with the Founding of Our Nation. The 4th Annual Freedom Fest, held this past Saturday, had vendors scattered from Simonton Street(andHeritagePlace) east of Frazier/TX-75 to North Pacific Street, next to the railroad tracks, with additional attractions and booths along N Main Street The event was organized in partnership with several corporations such as Enercorp, Pro Directional,andComplete Home Remodeling In addition, numerous businesses in Historic Downtown Conroe chippedintobringabouta gathering for young and old to come and hang out, listen to some patriotic music, and watch some fireworks.

American, who spent 23 years in the U S Navy Usifah spent the day enjoying the festivities with his wife and d daughters. “I’m proud to be an American, a Texan, andaVeteran.”

We are here to celebrate America,” said David Usifah, a Nigerian

The streets were very activestartingfrombefore noon, with tons of activitiesgearedforkidsof

all ages. Along Main and Simonton Streets there were water slides, a dunk tank,arockclimbingwall, andcornholetournaments. If you needed to shelter from the heat a bit, you could drop into one of the local watering holes to cool off with a beer, glass of wine, a mixed drink, or even some mead Of course there was plenty of

Historic nt C r e chipped a for and to and out, to patriotic and some very n it for all Along Main and Simonton there were slides, tank, rock wall, andcornholetournaments. If you from the could into one of the local holes

water and colas available for everyone to wet their whistles.

available their

“Wecamethisevening toremembermyson,”said Margie Taylor, who was attendingwithherhusband Jeff. Taylor’s son, U.S. Army Specialist Joey Lenz, 32, passed away at

“We remember son,”said Taylor, who was husband U.S. Specialist Joey 32, passed away at

Duringmydecade-long investigationintotheearly history of Montgomery CountyandtheCity of Montgomery, I’ve hadtheprivilegeofmaking frequentvisitstotheTexas General Land Office These visits provided me access to the original to Mexicanlandgrantsissued byStephenF Austintothe sixteen colonists who settled in what is now western Montgomery Countyin1831. These colonists, includingBenjaminRigby, John Corner, William Atkins, William C. Clark, RaleighRogers,Zachariah Landrum, William M Rankin, and Jacob c Shannon, each received expansive tracts of land known as leagues, totaling an impressive 4,428 4 acrespergrant.Allofthese grants were initially surveyed by E R Wightman, with early colonists and settlers assisting as his chain carriers.

In beneath the a hidden immense aquifers

These vast reservoirs source water for n i n u

In the heart of Texas, beneath the surface, lies a hidden world of immense importance: aquifers These vast underground reservoirsserveasacrucial source of water for our communities, agriculture, a n d i n d u s


obtainedduringthedrilling process will serve as time serve

glimpse into the past,

intricate workings is paramount for long-term groundwater management.


n an g he intricate workings paramount for long-term o e St r u w



Conservation District (Lone S

GCD), a stalwart guardian of our groundwater resources, embarkingonapioneering journey, and the first of its kind.

conditions of these vital aquifers. By analyzing the composition and structure ofthesesamples,scientists can discern information affecting compaction and subsidence over time, providing invaluable insights into the health of ourgroundwaterresources.

One of the primary objectivesofthisstudyisto collect aquifer data from Montgomery County to update the GMA 14 groundwater availability model,asophisticatedtool used for groundwater management in the region. By integrating the data gathered from the core samples,themodelwillbe

Currentlyunderwayisa monumental compaction and subsidence study led by the Lone Star GCD This ambitious endeavor involves drilling deep into the Chicot, Evangeline, Jasper aquifers and the Burkeville confining unit, extracting core samples tha

groundwater production andconservationefforts. Unlike current surface measurement tools, these

Lo e t r CD , a guardian groundwater apioneering One objectivesofthisstudyis aquifer from County dat MA 1 groundwater asophisticated region. By the gathered from the samples, model e n i h r a c r a e r e e n i information, empowering l c a e s d is on g n f u production andconservation Unlike surface tools, underwayis by Star GCD ambitious deep into and confining extracting h t e y o unlo ing v lua e in i h o t ir geological o m es obtained drilling process serve time c su e a glimpse past, p e t d re conditions vital aquifers. analyzing the composition and structure of scientists can information affecting compaction and subsidence over time, providing invaluable insights into of our resources.

gh n n d C ntr an ce, ’ north south o th le gu ’ easternmost down into ac a n r m used illicitly colonists to goods the United States, Mexican early history theCity I’ve the visits provided Mexican grants byStephenF sixteen colonists in is western in1831. Th s on t , William Rogers, M a , d o each tracts leagues, All these r y and Wightman’s documented Pinkerton, Trace: Texas the by passage me beinusetoday

Wightman s detailed surveys also documented the three roads or traces runningthroughtheseland grants. According to Gary L Pinkerton, author of Trammel’s Trace: The First Road to Texas from theNorth,’“atracedenotes a path worn through the wilderness by the passage of men or animals ” Remarkably portions of thesethreepathsidentified by Wightman in 1831 continuetobeinusetoday Inhisfield

Inhisfieldnotesforthe Benjamin Rigby League, Wightman noted the ‘Contraband Trace, ’ running north and south along the league’s easternmost boundary and descending down into the Zachariah Landrum League This trace was used illicitly by smugglers and colonists to transport goods from the United States, circumventing Mexican authorities and tariffs.TheContraband

FreedomFestgoersandConroeSymphonyOrchestrasupporters,enjoyedthe FireworksattheFreedomFestatHeritageParkthispastSaturdayTopLtoR:Carl Howard,JohnTryon,CharlotteBelin,MargieTaylor,JimHamiltonBottomLtoR: LynHoward,GabyTryon,KathleenHamilton

Lake Creek

Trace closely follows

FM 149 (Liberty Street), traveling north from its intersection with TX-105 (Eva Street). The Contraband Trace connected the El Camino Real/Old San Antonio Real/Old Road to the Coushatta Trace.

Trace closely follows p nt-d y F 1 9 (Liberty traveling north its intersection with (Eva Street). The Trace connected the El Camino San Antonio to the Coushatta Trace. from page 1

A n o t h e t r


documented by Wightman


r ‘Coshatta Trace,’ now known as the Coushatta Trace The ‘Coushatta Trace crossed the West Fork of the San Jacinto Riverandraneastandwest across the William C Clark,WilliamAtkins,and JohnCornerLeagues.This routecloselyapproximates TX-105 eastward from Montgomery to the West Fork of the San Jacinto River TheCoushattaTrace turned due south on the John Corner League Southward from the John

documented Wightman w he mu h o der ‘Coshatta now known the Coushatta Trace The ‘Coushatta Trace crossed the West Fork of San Jacinto Riverand eastandwest across the William C Clark, Atkins,and JohnCornerLeagues.This route approximates TX-105 from Montgomery to the West Fork of San Jacinto River The Trace turned due south on the John Corner Southward from the John C

Trace south through the LandrumLeagues, towards the Coushatta crossing the in present-day Traveling south TX-105, FM approximates the the It to that the long before by Coushatta Indians, name Chapter of NSDAR’inWillis.

CoushattaTrace continued south through the Raleigh Rogers and Zachariah LandrumLeagues,heading towards the Coushatta Trace crossing of the Brazos in present-day Waller County Traveling south from its intersection with TX-105, FM 149 closely approximates the route of the Coushatta Trace. It is interesting to note that the Coushatta Trace used long before Austin’s colonists by the Coushatta Indians, is commemorated today in the name of the ‘Coushatti Trace Chapter of the NSDAR’inWillis.


In 1835, William W Shepperd established his trading post in the Lake Creek Settlement near the

In 1835, William W Shepperd established his trading post in the Lake Creek near the

Contraband Trace the Coushatta Trace, and the

Contraband Trace the Coushatta Trace, and the

facilitated commerce with Indians, colonists, and settlers By July 1837 Shepperd had founded the town of Montgomery on

facilitated commerce with Indians, and settlers By July 1837 Shepperd founded the town of Montgomery on

intersection of these three original roads and traces remains pivotal in the

intersection of these three original traces remains pivotal in the

o identified the ‘Grimes Road ’ stretching east to west across the Zachariah Landrum,WilliamRankin,

Road ’ stretching east to west across WilliamRankin,

towards the

Leagues towards the

County road TX-105 westward junction with

County line This road largely follows TX-105 (Eva Street) westward from its junction with FM

from page 1

newcoresamplesallowus to examine the aquifers directly from within, offering fresh insights into their





development theCityof Montgomery,

developmentoftheCityof Montgomery,




Kameron Searle a

Historical Commission, a regular contributor to The

Online, and author of The

Montgomery, Texas. He alsoservedasthehistorian


TheContrabandTracecloselyfollowsLibertyStreet(FM149),inMontgomery, travelingnorthfromtheSH105intersection. Themapshowsjustnorthanddown thehillfromMontgomerywithTownCreek,andtheroadturningWestoffonto presentdayMartinLutherKingJrDrive,whichheadedtotheElCaminoReal,or theOldSanAntonioRoad,totheCoushattaTrace.

Montgomery County This research not only benefits Montgomery County

Historical marker

Settlement,’ at Davis

management of the Gulf Coast Aquifer for many other counties. The results of this dynamic geological studywillbereleasedinthe Fallof2024. allow within, present and

many be in 2024.

The event was well attended with Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians,inalltotallingover

The was with and inalltotallingover

several thousand, all enjoying themselves in celebrating Our Nations Independence Day as a whole. As the afternoon dragged into the early evening, many made their way to Heritage Place to see the Conroe Symphony Orchestra.

“Me and my family truly enjoyed the event,” said Richard Birch, a visitorfromIllinois,whois lookingtomovehisfamily to Montgomery County “This place has the look and feel of an area that I want to be a part of, and being a Veteran myself, I’m very impressed with theVeteransFlagPark,and the Veteran themed restaurant in town (Honor Cafe). Nottomentionthe great appreciation that the areahasforVeterans.

several all enjoying celebrating Our Independence whole. As afternoon dragged evening, way see the Conroe Orchestra. my truly enjoyed the event,” said Richard visitor who lookingto his to Montgomery “This has and want be of, being a Veteran myself, I’m with the th n th restaurant town (Honor Cafe). great appreciation areahasfor

Sun’s dipping below horizon brought the Conroe Symphony

The Sun’s dipping below the horizon brought the Conroe Symphony

O e i to e limelight, as Conductor Gary had his group of talented musicians

Orchestra into the limelight, as Conductor Gary Liebst had his group of talented musicians

playing all the Summer Classics expected in celebrating Our Nation’s Independence Day They even threw in some early Beatles favorites along with ‘Texas, Our Texas.’

Classics expected celebrating They in favorites ‘Texas, Our Curtis the of Bless U.S.A.,’ out just

The Woodlands’ Nancy Curtis was the soloist for the concert, and sang a wonderful rendition of ‘God Bless the U.S.A.,’to close out the music just beforethefireworks.

“Itissuchanhonorthat the Conroe Symphony Orchestra was asked by Conroeofficialstoprovide entertainmentatthisyear’s Stars and Stripes Celebration,” said Liebst. “We were fortunate to be chosen to honor America b y p r o v i d i n g entertainmentforeveryone whoattendedandwereally enjoyedthepatrioticmusic weplayed!”

“It suchan was asked toprovide this r were i n and patriotic

SubscriptionCostis$40peryearforin MontgomeryCounty,and$45peryearout ofMontgomeryCounty.Checksmaybe made

Food Hood in February
Hood February
KyleCorneliusandShawnGrievecelebratednear DowntownConroewithfireworksforalltoenjoyat FreedomFest
ClaytonandKinseyBabineauxproudlyshowofftheirnewbornsonGatlin,on baby’sfirstFreedomFest
for the Texas Historical Commission marker for
Complex and Museum in HistoricMontgomery

EmbracingtheFuture: Futur Understanding Artificial Intelligence and

Expanding Role


As artificial intelligence (AI)continuestoevolveand permeatevariousaspectsof our lives, it's essential for everyone, especially those whomaynotbetech-savvy, tograspwhatAIisandwhat it promises for the future. WhileAI's influence on the stock market is notable, the broader implications of this technology everyday life and future applications are equallysignificant.

As artificial intelligence (AI)continuestoevolveand permeatevariousaspectsof our lives, it's essential for everyone, especially those whomaynotbetech-savvy, tograspwhatAIisandwhat it promises for the future. WhileAI's influence on the stock market is notable, the broader implications of this technology in everyday life and future applications are equallysignificant.

What is A




At its core artificial

At its core artificial

es creating machines that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligenc

s creating machines that can perform typically requiring human intelli-

problem-solving, recognizing patterns, understanding language, and making decisions AI systems are designed not just to follow explicitly programmed instructions but to make decisions based on the data theyprocess.

problem-solving, recognizing patterns, understanding language, and making and decisions AI systems are designed not just to follow explicitly programmed instructions but to make decisions based on the data theyprocess.

AI EverydayLife


AI's integration into

daily life is more extensive thanmanymightrealize:

- Smart Assistants: Devices like Alexa and Google Home use AI to respond to your voice commands learning from your preferences to provide tailored information and services.

- Smart Assistants: Devices like Alexa and Google Home use AI to respond to your voice commands learning from your preferences to provide tailored information and services.

- Navigation and Travel: AI algorithms power GPS technology, optimizing routes real time to avoid trafficand arrival times with astonishing accuracy

- Navigation and Travel: AI algorithms power GPS technology, optimizing routes in real time to avoid trafficandpredictingarrival times with astonishing accuracy

- Healthcare: From diagnosingdiseasesatearly stages to customizing patient treatment plans, AI is becoming a pivotal element in modern medicine.

- Healthcare: From diagnosing atearly stages to customizing patient treatment plans, AI is becoming a pivotal element modern medicine.

AI's Broader Implications


AI's Broader Implications

- Autonomous Vehicles: AIisattheheartofdeveloping self-driving cars, which promise to revolutionize transportationbyimproving safety and reducing traffic congestion. Beyond these everyday applications, AI's potential ext

- Autonomous Vehicles: AIisattheheartofdeveloping self-driving cars, which promise to revolutionize transportation improving safety and traffic congestion. Beyond these everyday applications, potential extends into ore transformativeareas:

- Agricultural Optimization:AI can help in managing farm resources and

- Agricultural Optimization:AI can help in managing farm resources and

AI's integration into daily life is more extensive thanmany realize:

The anticipated celebrationofAmerica’sIndependenceDaycallsforanannual celebrationfulloffireworks, grilling, and cheers. Amid the fun-filled chaos, however,sometimesliesthe overlooked care of pets that may have a contrasting and much more fear-filled perspective of the Fourth of July

The anticipated celebrationofAmerica’sIndependenceDaycallsfor annual celebrationfulloffireworks, grilling, and cheers. Amid

the fun- illed c aos, however,sometimesliesthe overlooked of pets that may have a contrasting and much more fear-filled perspective of the Fourth of July Dr Christine Rutter, a clinical associate professor of emergency and critical care medicine at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, helps owners prepare for the underlying pet hazards that are present during the noisy foodabundant festivities of the upcoming Keeping Your Hotdogs ToYourself eyes has been coined a tool of persuasion by society for millennia, and good reason— lookandyour leftover dinner becomes your companion s treat.

Dr Christine Rutter, a clinical associate professor of emergency and critical care medicine at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, helps owners prepare for the underlying pet hazards that are present during the noisy and foodabundant festivities of the upcomingholiday Keeping Your Hotdogs ToYourself Puppy-dog eyes has been coined as a tool of persuasion by society for millennia, and for good reason—onelookandyour leftover dinner becomes your canine companion s treat.

Despite the charm of a patiently wagging tail, Rutter implores guests attending Independence Daycelebrationstoresistthe pull of offering party foods that could unintentionally put the animal’s health at risk. “Corncobs(whichcause GI obstruction), grease

Despite the charm of a patiently wagging tail, Rutter implores guests attending Independence Daycelebrationstoresistthe pull of offering party foods that unintentionally put the animal’s health at risk. “Corn (whichcause GI obstruction), grease

operations, predicting crop yields more accurately and increasing agricultural efficiency

operations, crop yields more accurately and increasing agricultural

- Supply Chain and Logistics: AI optimizes logistics and supply chain management, reducing costs and improving efficiency by predicting demand and adjusting

- Supply Chain AI optimizes logistics and supply chain management, reducing co ts and imp oving efficiency by predicting and adjusting



Looking ahead the possibilities of AI are vast and varied.We are likely to seeAIcontinuetoevolvein ways that can profoundly impact our society and individuallives:

accordingly FutureofAI ahead the possibilities of AI are vast and We are likely seeAI ways that can profoundly our society lives:


educational content individual learning styles paces, potentially transforming how is imparted and absorbed.

- Personalized Education: AI could tailor educational content to individual learning styles and paces, potentially transforming how knowledge is imparted and absorbed.

- Robotic Caregivers: With advancements in AI, robotscouldassistincaring for the elderly or disabled, providing company and essential help with daily tasks.

- Robotic Caregivers: AI, couldassist the elderly or providing company help daily tasks.



(from the ground or in grill grease traps), and tasty bits from unsecured trash or handouts commonly cause problems,” Rutter said “Dogs typically eat a pretty regular diet, so abrupt dietary changes can really throwthemintohavoc.”

(from the ground or grease traps), and tasty bits from unsecured trash handouts commonly cause Rutter “Dogs typically eat a pretty regular diet, so abrupt changes can really throwtheminto

because willendinafood for does mean our pets should the same Rutter offers alternative turning away the really and cuddly stars any get-together

Just because the grillheavydaywillendinafood coma for us does not mean our pets should experience the same fate. Rutter offers an alternative approach to turning away the really cute and cuddly stars of any familyget-together

“I provide carrot sticks, sugarsnappeas,andmelon, or other healthy treats, for people who want to give something to my dogs ” Rutter said “It keeps the dogs from being handed a hotdog by well-meaning friends.”

LostInTheLights provide snappeas,andmelon, or other healthy treats, people who want to give to said “It keeps dogs from handed by well-meaning friends.”


at on a night and the loud crack a fireworkmight asense of confusion and alarm anyone.Now imagine bursts of fireworks multiforpetsthatdo understand the ofthese sightsandsounds.

Sitting at home on a seemingly normal night and hearing the loud crack of a fireworkmightraiseasense of confusion and alarm for anyone.Now imaginethese bursts of fireworks multipliedtenfoldforpetsthatdo not understand the celebratorypurposeofthesejarring sightsandsounds.

“You can see how from their perspective, the loud noises and flashes are quite triggering,” Rutter said “Dogscanactoutbyhiding, house soiling, destroying

can how perspective, the loud noises and are quite said canactoutbyhiding,

- Smart Cities:AI might manage everything from traffic systems to power grids, making urban living more

In the stock market,AI's impacthasbeenparticularly transformative for tech companies,especiallythose involved in manufacturing

those involved in manufacturing

s and processors. The increasing demand for advanced AI capabilities has spurred a surge in excitement and investment in chip makers. Overthelasttwoyears,this heightened demand has been driven by the need for morepowerfulandefficient processing capabilities

se iconductors and processors. increasing demand for advanced AI capabilities has spurred a surge in excitement and investment in makers. Overthelasttwoyears,this heightened demand has been driven by the need for morepowerfulandefficient processing capabilities

essential for running complex AI algorithms Additionally, companies that produce AI-driven robots and software have also seen a significant uptick in interest and investment.Thesefirmsare at the forefront of developing technologies that automate tasks, enhance decision-making processes, andrevolutionizeindustries from manufacturing to customerservice,contributing to their growing market value.

e sential for running complex AI algorithms Additionally, companies that produce AI-driven robots and software have also seen a significant uptick in interest and investment.These are at the forefront of developing technologies that automate tasks, enhance decision-making processes, andrevolutionizeindustries from manufacturing to customerservice,contributing to their growing market value.

Artificial intelligence is not just a buzzword or a

- Smart Cities:AI everything from traffic systems to power grids, making urban more efficient and sustainable.

Artificial intelligence is not just a buzzword or a

technology trend; it's a pivotal force that is already already shapingourpresentandwill greatlyinfluenceourfuture. For those eager to understand the transformations happening around us embracing AI's potential is crucial. As AI continues to develop,itpromisestobring innovations that we can barely imagine, impacting everyaspectofourlives.

technology trend; it's a pivotal force that is already ourpresentandwill greatlyinfluenceourfuture. For those eager to underthe transformations happening around us embracing AI's potential is crucial. As AI continues develop,itpromises innovations that we can imagine, impacting everyaspectof lives.

At Pendle HillAdvisors, we are dedicated to helping our clients navigate these exciting developments. By staying informed and proactive, we ensure that your investments not only keep pace with technological advancements but also benefit from the vast opportunities they present. If you're curious about how AI might impact your financial strategy let's start a conversation and explore thepossibilitiestogether

At Pendle HillAdvisors, are dedicated to helping our navigate these exciting developments. staying informed and proactive, we ensure that your investments not only keep pace with technologiadvancements but also benefit from the opportunities they present. If you're curious about AI might impact your financial strategy let's a conversation and explore thepossibilitiestogether

Financial Advisor, RJFS

Financial Advisor, RJFS

RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz

becomingdefensive, orrunningaway.”

It is difficult for owners to imagine a more heart- to wrenching experience than discovering that a pet has gone missing due to the disorientationoftheFourth. For this reason, it is vital to not minimize the intimidationfactorthatfireworkscan bring to pets of any and all sizes,accordingtoRutter

For extreme cases of firework anxiety Rutter suggeststhatmedicationcan offer relief but advises against giving human medications due to their different effects on animals’ systems.

It is difficult for owners to a more heartwrenching experience than that a pet has missing due to the disorientationoftheFourth. this reason, it is vital to not minimize the intimidafactorthatfireworkscan pets of any and all accordingtoRutter For cases of firework Rutter medicationcan relief advises against giving human due to different effects on animals’ systems.

“Medications be given to a pet the fireworks to help minimize the fear they experience, said Waiting they are already makesthefear more difficult Owners should their vet how and often to give medications; every medicationisdifferent.”

“Medications should be given to a pet before the fireworks begin to help minimize the fear they experience, Rutter said Waiting until they are alreadyupsetmakesthefear more difficult to manage Owners should ask their vet how early and how often to give medications; every medicationisdifferent.”

things,becomingdefensive, orrunningaway.” Reini


Despite the reverence given to independence on this holiday, pet owners should strive to tighten the leash on their pet’s traversing.

Despite the reverence given to independence on holiday, pet to tighten on their traversing. “It’s keep familiar with,” said Be sure is cleanable has furniture bedestroyed), a white

“It’s best to keep pets indoors in an environment they are familiar with,” Rutter said Be sure the space is cleanable has minimal furniture (or things thatcouldbedestroyed),and consider a white noise generator.”

Variablessuchasanxiety disagreeable food

c c e s s f i r e o r vary from to pet. In unknown what the the of brings a of your beloved friend, is always to caution and

Variablessuchasanxiety levels disagreeable food a c c e s s f i r e w o r k discombobulation,andmore all vary from pet to pet. In the unknown of what the zealous excitement that the Fourth of July brings as a form of stress to your beloved furry friend, it is always recommended to proceed with caution and proceed p

r celebrationswiththeircare.

“Be careful not to ‘fawn’ over fearful pets,” Rutter said. “You don’t want them to think you are also afraid based on your tone or

actions Provide stability and consistency for them to reassure them that they will beOK.” PetTalkisa

p epare o pair y r celebrationswith “Be careful to ‘fawn’ over fearful pets,” Rutter said. don’t want them to think are also afraid based on or for reassure they OK.” PetTalkis service the hoo


Ruben Borjas Jr,

Columnist/ Opinion Writer

Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

The Trump-Biden Debate: Sanity Vs AWarped Mind

The Presidential Debate lastThursdaysurprisedme. I commended Joe Biden s Reichsspritzenmeister, or ‘Injection of the German Reich,’ for topping Joe off with the proper amount of to him awake long past his bedtime. Now if Joe didn’t poop on stage during the debate like he did on D-DAYin front of

The Presidential Debate lastThursdaysurprisedme. I commended Joe Biden’s Reichsspritzenmeister, or Injection Master of the German Reich,’ for topping Joe off with the proper amount of drugs to keep him awake long past his bedtime. Now if Joe didn’t poop on stage during the debate like he did on D-DAYin front of

TheWorld,Iwouldcommend Joe’s Reichsdiapermeister, probably Celtic Wiper, the person I wrote about in early April Former President DonaldTrump was calm and clear in his assertions. He was his game, and looked Presidential Essentially Trump was Trump. He was himself and no way soundedtobetheboogieman

TheWorld,Iwouldcommend Joe’s Reichsdiapermeister probably Celtic Wiper, the person I wrote about in early April Former President DonaldTrump was calm and clear in his assertions. He was on his game, and looked Presidential Essentially Trump was Trump. He was himself and in no way soundedtobetheboogieman

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Mostlysunny,withahighnear95.Heatindex valuesashighas110.Calmwindbecomingsouth around5mphinthemorning.

Partlycloudy,withalowaround77.Southwind around5mph.

Sunny,withahighnear96.Calmwindbecoming southaround5mphinthemorning.

Friday ThursdayNight

than the Socialist media has him out to be. Far And despite all the limitations placed upon Trump by CNN, Trump them with All had to letBidenrattleon.

than the Socialist media has laid him out to be. Far from it And despite all the limitations placed upon Trump by CNN, Trump overcame them with no effort. All 45 had to do was letBidenrattleon.

Questions on abortion werequite awasteof time. It’s low the polewithAmericanswho economy and inflation.

Questions on abortion werequitefranklyawasteof time. It’s low on the totem polewithAmericanswhoare much more concerned with the economy and inflation.

Biden redefin


Biden redefined the


A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstormsafter1pm.Sunny,withahighnear 97.

FridayNight WednesdayNight IndependenceDay

A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlyclear,withalowaround 76.


A40percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms,mainlyafter1pm.Mostlysunny withahighnear95.


A20percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Partlycloudy,withalowaround 75.

he trimesters of pregnancy Thursdaynight,notmentioning the baby once. And his vowtorestoreRoevsWadeif reelected seemed to start his delusion, and this was at the height of potency of his injections, unless he was reuppedduringthebreaks. Joe seemed lost at all times throughout his odyssey, and even The New York Times admitted that, Biden appearedtomeanderthrough his answers, fumbling at the end of sentences.” Trump’s answers on abortion were supportive of young life, whileBidencameoffascruel and machine-like thinking, “kill the baby, kill the baby.”

trimesters of Thursdaynight,notmentioning the baby his torestoreRoe if reelected seemed to start his this height of potency of his injections, unless uppedduringthe Joe seemed lost at all times his odyssey, The New York Times that “Biden appearedto through his answers, fumbling at the end abortion supportive young life cameoff cruel and machine-like “kill kill baby.” And quite frankly, the Democrat openly protest for babies, most men wouldn’t with a ten Trump’s demeanor was well heeled Sleepy outbursts blaming Trump for killing less babies Roe has already turned back to the states showed his is a state’s issue,andBidenwasvirtually grasping words, knowing what he was saying mostof time.

A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlysunny,withahighnear93.



Sunday Monday

A30percentchanceofshowersand thunderstorms.Mostlysunny,withahighnear92.

MontgomeryCountyNews Phone(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395 web;

Publisher:M.P.Stultz P




AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest


Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews.


E-mail: RyanWest Montgomery

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D&B#12-976-8354. POSTMASTER: PleasesendaddresschangestoMontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 used the weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. newspaper circulating the Montgomery,Texas. MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Editor’sExpress Webpage: Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395,

And quite frankly, the Democrat women who openly protest for killing killing babies, most men wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. Trump’s demeanor was well heeledversusBiden. Sleepy Joe’s outbursts blaming Trump for killing less babies when Roe has already been turned back to the states showed his shallowness Abortion is a state’s rights issue,andBidenwasvirtually grasping for words, not knowing what he was saying mostofthetime. On the Border issue, Biden again made no sense. HeclaimedtheBorderPatrol endorsed him, which was another falsehood. When Sleepy Joe mentioned less people were crossing under his administrati n as compared to Trump. Well if Americawasplayingtheshot game after every Biden talltale, the country would have drank another shot, of which obviouslywhiskeyproducers

On the Border issue, Biden again made no sense. HeclaimedtheBorderPatrol endorsed him, which was another falsehood. When Sleepy Joe mentioned less people were crossing under his administration as compared to Trump. Well if Americawasplayingtheshot game after every Biden talltale, the country would have drank another shot, of which obviouslywhiskeyproducers

This week, we celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. Have a safe holiday andenjoythefireworks! Here are five things happeningaroundyourstate: 1 Texas Energy oversubscribed

announcedthismonththatthe newly created Energy Fund(TEF)hasreceived125 intent to apply for the In-ERCOT Generation program The notices request almost billion in i

announcedthismonththatthe newly created Texas Energy Fund(TEF)hasreceived125 notices of intent to apply for the In-ERCOT Generation Loan program The notices request almost $40 billion in

had a great night. Trump wiped the floor with Biden, and countered with “I don’t know what he just said,” whichwascorrect,andBiden bowedhisheadwiththatlost look,thenstaredaimlesslyat Trump Trump calmly explained all the failings of Biden, and America took another shot at Biden wagging his head back and forth I think America learnedalotwiththatdebate, and those on the fence now know where sanity lies amongst the two candidates. Biden had more facilities missing during that debate thanatoothlessoldman,and allTrump had to do with Joe on immigration was let him make a fool out of himself. The more Joe talked, the more he bumbled, the bigger the idiot he became. If The Washington Post was handing out Pinocchios, Biden’s nose would have stretched from the CNN Midtown Campus to the Campus Martin Luther King Jr National Historic Site Trump’s counter with pointing out illegal alien crime, and the killing of American citizens, hit home recently with the North Houston murder (which he mentioned) of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, by two illegal immigrant men from Venezuela. Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, who politicized the murder trying to blame Trump, was immediately asked about her politicizing of the event before she went on a meaningless mumble

Incredibly,JudgeJoshHillof the 232nd District Criminal Court in Harris County set a $10 million dollar bail on

had a great night. Trump wiped the floor with Biden, and countered with “I don’t know what he just said,” whichwas andBiden bowedhisheadwiththatlost look,thenstaredaimlesslyat Trump Trump calmly explained all the failings of Biden, and America took another shot at Biden wagging his head back and forth I think America learnedalotwiththatdebate, and those on the fence now know where sanity lies amongst the two candidates. Biden had more facilities missing during that debate thanatoothlessold and allTrump had to do with Joe on immigration was let him make a fool out of himself. The more Joe talked, the more he bumbled, bigger the idiot he became. If The Washingto Post was handing out ‘Pinocchios ’ Biden’s nose would have stretched from the CNN Midtown Campus to the Martin Luther King Jr National Historic Site Trump’s counter with pointing out illegal alien crime, and the killing of American citizens, hit home recently with the North Houston murder (which he mentioned) of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, by two illegal immigrant men from Venezuela. Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, who politicized the murder trying to blame Trump, was immediately asked about her politicizing of the event before she went on a mea i gless mumble Incredibly,JudgeJoshHillof the 232nd District Criminal Court in Harris County set a $10 million dollar bail on

bothofthekillers. Hill,who has a history of $2 for violent offenders, now has The World looking at his court.

bothofthekillers. Hill,who has a history of $2 bails for violent offenders, now has The World looking at his court.

Trump was masterful, pointing out the luxuries that illegalaliens getting,with luxury hotels in Chicago and New York, and free state healthcare in California; all whiletossing Veteransto the curb Biden’s demeanorwasoneoftakinga nap or being listless. Biden only scored a point with the Act. All the otherthingsTrumpsaidabout the Veterans and the U.S. military he was right on about. previously claimed his Beau diedinIraq,finallygotitright in how his son away from cancer Trump continuedtoscore after point, with the Biden lie about andlosers,”at the American Cemetery in France, and Donald threw in the Russian Hoax, and 51 intelligence agents saying Hunter’s laptop Russian disinformation.

Trump was masterful, pointing out the luxuries that illegalaliensaregetting,with luxury hotels in Chicago and New York, and free state healthcare in California; all whiletossingOurVeteransto the curb, and Biden s demeanorwasoneoftakinga nap or being listless. Biden only scored a minor point with the Pact Act. All the otherthingsTrumpsaidabout the Veterans and the U.S. military he was right on about. Biden, who previously claimed his son Beau diedinIraq,finallygotitright in how his son passed away from cancer Trump continuedtoscorepointafter point, with the Biden lie about“suckersandlosers,”at the American Cemetery in France, and Donald threw in the Russian Hoax, and 51 intelligence agents saying Hunter s laptop was Russian Hunter disinformation.

On Foreign Policy it was ‘Bloodbath and Trump rightly brought the ax down on napping head. Trumpwasright Vladimir Putin’s assertions in regards to invading Ukraine. Joe’s weak withdrawal emboldened Putin, andinvitedtheinvasion. And on Israeli-Hamas War Trump hammered away at Biden. The Donald rightly pointed out that Iran was broke while he was in office, andTheWorldunderBidenis in a in crisis. Again, Bidenreallycouldn’tcounter, andseemedtojust away There is no doubt that

On Foreign Policy it was ‘Bloodbath ’ and Trump rightly brought the ax down on Biden’s napping head. Biden’s TrumpwasrightonVladimir Putin’s assertions in regards to invading Ukraine. Joe’s weak Afghanistan withdrawal emboldened Putin, andinvitedtheinvasion. And on the Israeli-Hamas War, Trump hammered away at Biden. The Donald rightly pointed out that Iran was broke while he was in office, andTheWorldunderBidenis in a globe in crisis. Again, Bidenreallycouldn’tcounter andseemedtojustfadeaway There is no doubt that

Democratsareinpanicmode when comes to Biden, and my who their mental-health shop has reported a vast uptick in patientsbeingdiagnosedwith Trump De angeme t Syndrome. only to TDS is ‘Common Sense,’ of which Democrats basically havenone. Andyou seeit in their gay pride events, where men wear outrageous andsexuallysuggestive insomecases,noclothes all with little kids walking If gay gaza protesters go to a gay pride event, then they are comand utterly And it goes with what I say, that Democrats never the consequences of their actions They’re mad,having due diligence into what they are supporting in gaza. Where if they went to gaza, the Palestinians would throw them off the first roof available.

Democratsareinpanicmode when it comes to Biden, and myfriendwhorunstheirown mental-health shop has reported a vast uptick in patientsbeingdiagnosedwith Trump Derangement Syndrome. Theonlycureto TDS is ‘Common Sense,’ of which Democrats basically havenone. Andyoucanseeit in their gay pride events, where men wear outrageous andsexuallysuggestivegarb, orinsomecases,noclothesat all with little kids walking close around. If gay gaza protesters go to a gay pride event, then they are completely and utterly stupid. And it goes with what I say, that Democrats never think about the consequences of their actions They’re completelymad,havingdone no due diligence into what they are supporting in gaza. Where if they went to gaza, the Palestinians would throw them off the first roof available.

4 Business and Commerce Committee interim hearingupdate T

dispatchable power generation projects. This indicates strong industry response and in the low-interest loan program created by the Legislature last year The initial program was designed to provide low-interest financing for construction upgrades to existing

w dispatchable power generation projects. This indicates strong industry response and interest in the low-interest loan program created by the Legislature last year The

Education Agency (TEA) announcedover$290million

Allotment funds have been awarded to almost 25,000 designated teachers The program was created by House Bill 3 (86 Regular Session) in 2019 to provide top-performing teachers with an accessible pathway to a six-figure salary Teachers salary earn designations from their district's designation system, oraNationalBoardCertification which generates extra funding for the district. This program incentivizes highqualityteacherstostayinthe classroom while receiving better pay Over 300 districts havefullyimplementedaTIA program, including many in EastandSoutheastTexas,and moreareworkingthroughthe rigorous process to implement a program Programs like these are essential to achieving educational excellenceinTexas.

This month the Texas Education Agency (TEA) announcedover$290million in Teacher I centive Allotment funds have been awarded to almost 25,000 designated teachers The program was created by House Bill 3 Regular Session) in 2019 to provide top-performing teachers with an pathway to a six-figure Teachers earn designations from their district's designation system, oraNationalBoardCertification which generates extra funding for the district. This program incentivizes highqualityteacherstostayinthe classroom while receiving better pay Over 300 districts havefullyimplementedaTIA program, including many in EastandSoutheastTexas,and moreareworkingthroughthe rigorous process to implement a program Programs like these are essential to achievin ed catio al excellenceinTexas.

4 Business and Commerce Committee interim hearingupdate


a large

The addition of


load to the grid

Canyouimagine,ifevery Biden told Thursday was with a true game? Bottles be empty and of America would have been hungoverthe day

Canyouimagine,ifevery lie Biden told last Thursday was involved with a true drinking game? Bottles would be empty and most of America would have been hungoverthenextday

Post Trump’s rallies are growing andstronger while Biden has to prop up Joe at his campaign rallies. There’s a clear choiceinaraceforPresident. And lunacy extends to claiming Donald Trump has dementia. It’s laughable in how Democrats are trying to spin Joe’s bad night at the which you got to him credit for standing such a long Althoughafterthedebate,Jill had to help negotiate two small steps down off byJill. Itlookslikethe firstladyis bestnegotiator (ofstairs)Joehas. Ruben be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyn

Post debate, Trump’s rallies are growing stronger andstronger,whileJillBiden has to prop up Joe at his campaign rallies. There’s never been such a clear choiceinaraceforPresident. And Democrat lunacy extends to claiming Donald Trump has dementia. It’s truly laughable in how Democrats are trying to spin Joe’s bad night at the debate podium, which you got to give him credit for standing upright for such a long time. Althoughafterthedebate,Jill had to help Joe negotiate the two small steps down off stagebyJill. Itlookslikethe firstladyisthebestnegotiator (ofstairs)Joehas. Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycountyn


f the same timeframe– a tremendous increase from last year To meetthatmuchdemand,new generation will have to come onthemarket.

scarcity within the market when grid conditions are tight However Bitcoin mines are considered “flexible load ” meaningthattheycanreduce operations and thus reduce their electricity demand. The new market entrants faced skepticism from members about their operations during the hearing especially considering the load growth projections the committee received from ERCOT Over the next six years, ERCOTis projectingapossibleaddition of 40 gigawatts of load compared to last year's fo

PullmanPorterBlues: ATrainRideintoHistory

I’ve only ridden S-Bahn Trains when I was stationed in Germany as a young soldier, traveling from Friedberg to Frankfurt looking for a good time, but it was nothing compared to thegrandeurofthetrainthat you will see on Track 29, boarding at The Ensemble

Theatre in Midtown Houston For the Black porters it was a great gig if youcangetit,inthemidstof the Great Depression. You travel and wear a snappy uniform You eat alright when you can. The good thing is you're not in a soup line, nor in a field picking things,orinsomeshopdoing menial tasks ‘Pullman Porter Blues,’is the story of is three generations of the Sykes Family (a representation of true circumstances), whoarehardworkingporters on the Panama Limited, a luxurious train that traveled from Chicago to New Orleans on June 22, 1937, thesamedayastheJoeLouis vs. James Braddock World Championshipfight.

whip Cephas, does not understand the 80-years experienceintrainlifeofhis forebears and the often demeaning nature of the work involved. Monroe

The play is intertwined with wonderful Blues

Music,fromaliveband,and it will set your soul on fire. Yetit’splayedoffofserious issues associated with racism of the era; of which the porters had to endure each time they boarded a trainheadedforafaroffcity On top of that, you have familial struggles that that multiplegenerationshaveto dealwith,andthesecretsthat build up over decades that hurt when unearthed. PPB makesyouwanttolaughand cry not to mention sing and dance since many of the songs are recognizable to audiencemembers,andIcan sayitwasaprivilegetohave seen,andheard.

The play is intertwined with wonderful Blues Music,fromaliveband,and it will set your soul on fire. Yetit’splayedoffofserious issues associated with racism of the era; of which the porters had endure each time they boarded a trainheadedforafaroffcity On top of that, you have familial struggles that multiplegenerationshaveto dealwith,andthe that build up over decades that hurt when unearthed. PPB makesyouwanttolaughand cry not to mention sing and dance since many of the songs are recognizable to audiencemembers,andIcan say wasaprivilegetohave seen,

The play starts with Monroe Sykes (Anthony Boggess-Glover) a 50 year porterveteran,givinghis19 year-old college student turned summer porter grandson, Cephas Sykes (Aaron Cedric Phillips), a run down on the do’s and don'ts of being a porter and dealing with the white passengers; as well as the conductor Tex (Brian Broome). Cephasiseagerto make his way inTheWorld. He wants to earn his keep, but considers college a hindrance to the fact, while atthesametimeignoringthe harsh facts of porter life, a job he has been on for less than a day Sister Juba (Regina Renae Hearne) arrives, a larger than life Blues entertainer, clad in a beautiful golden studded dress,tipsyfromamorning’s haul, and singing Wild Women Don t Have the Blues ’ Unbeknownst to Monroe and Cephas Sylvester Sykes (Ron John) a30yearporter,thesonand father of the family duo already introduced, welcomes the train passengersonboardandtellsthem the porters are on-call for their every need no matter the time Sylvester had arrived early off of another train, and was immediately

The play starts with Monroe Sykes (Anthony Boggess-Glover) a 50 year porterveteran,givinghis19 year-old college student turned summer porter grandson, Cephas Sykes (Aaron Cedric Phillips), a run down on the do’s and don'ts of being a porter and dealing with the white passengers; as well as the conductor Tex (Brian ( Broome). Cephasiseagerto make his way inTheWorld. He wants to earn his keep, but considers college a hindrance to the fact, while atthesametimeignoringthe harsh facts of porter life, a job he has been on for less than a day Sister Juba Juba (Regina Renae Hearne) arrives, a larger than life Blues entertainer, clad in a beautiful golden studded dress,tipsyfromamorning’s haul, and singing Wild Women Don t Have the Blues ’ Unbeknownst to Monroe and Cephas Sylvester Sykes (Ron John) a30yearporter,thesonand father of the family duo already introduced, welcomes the train passengersonboardandtellsthem the porters are on-call for their every need no matter the time Sylvester had arrived early off of another train, and was immediately

put on the southbound caravan, unaware of the whereabouts of his father andson.

put on the southbound caravan, unaware of the whereabouts of his father andson.

Gallagher), a white 17 yearold stowaway with the rancidity of a many weeks unwashed hobo; but she has atalentforthemouthorgan, orFrenchHarp(harmonica). The audience soon gets a tasteoftheracismondisplay when the conductor issues his first derogatory slur, drawing gasps from the audience. They soon find thatthewhiteman-in-charge has a special bitterness (traveling salty), towards Sylvester,whoisfightingfor better working conditions forthePullmanPorters,with his membership in the BrotherhoodofSleepingCar PortersUnion(inmanyways the forerunner of the Civil R

Gallagher), a white 17 yearold stowaway with the rancidity of a many weeks unwashed hobo; but she has atalentforthemouthorgan, orFrenchHarp(harmonica). The audience soon gets a tasteoftheracismondisplay when the conductor issues his first derogatory slur, drawing gasps from the audience. They soon find thatthewhiteman-in-charge has a special bitterness (traveling salty), towards Sylvester,whoisfightingfor better working conditions forthePullmanPorters,with his membership in the BrotherhoodofSleepingCar PortersUnion(inmanyways the forerunner of the Civil R



Sylvester soon finds that he is on the same train with his father, but when he sees Cephas,hisson;inaporter’s

Sylvester soon finds that he is on the same train with his father, but when he sees Cephas,hisson;inaporter’s u

sees Cephas’ work as seasonal before heading back to the books, while Sylvester never wanted to never expose his son to the profession in the first place; andsituationssuchasshown have been reflected in so many families who did not emerge from the middle class or higher at the time, andsince.

whip Cephas, does not understand the 80-years experienceintrainlifeofhis forebears and the often demeaning nature of the work involved. Monroe sees Cephas’ work as seasonal before heading back to the books, while Sylvester never wanted to never expose his son to the profession in the first place; andsituationssuchasshown have been reflected in so many families who did not emerge from the middle class or higher at the time, andsince.

members find evidence of a past romance stamped out between Sister and Slyvester, and a potential romance between Cephas and a strikingly cleaned-upLutie,takeninby SisterJubaaftersomeinitial conflict to wash away i r t a n d o d o r o u whiffability The Queen of Blues soon finds talent with her harp, and invites the playasetwithher The withthejoyof Joe Louis' victory James Braddock and sets thetoneforallthetwistsand turnslaterondownthetrack, inaplayyouhavetosee.

Audience members find evidence of a past romance stamped out between Sister Juba and Slyvester, and a potential romance between Cephas and a strikingly cleaned-upLutie,takeninby SisterJubaaftersomeinitial conflict to wash away her d i r t a n d o d o r o u s whiffability The Queen of Blues soon finds Lutie’s talent with her harp, and invites the young lady to playasetwithher TheFirst Actconcludeswiththejoyof Joe Louis' victory over James Braddock, and sets thetoneforallthetwistsand turnslaterondownthetrack, inaplayyouhavetosee.

Chicago and its famous GoodmanTheatre,hastaken his previous experience in directing PPB for the stage, and created an exceptional productworthyofaplacein history,anddeservesgreater recognition outside of D.C., Chicago,andHouston.

m Chicago and its famous GoodmanTheatre,hastaken his previous experience in directing PPB for the stage, and created an exceptional productworthyofaplacein history,anddeservesgreater recognition outside of D.C., Chicago,andHouston.

Clutch City has a great wealthofactingandsinging talent, and Smith wasted no time garnering the best actors in both the Black and White roles. All you have to do is close your eyes,and areinasound studio listening exceptional voices providing a brilliant chorus that is as close to perfection as sitting at the right hand of the big guy upstairs. I especially appreciated ‘This Train’ (is Bound for Glory), sung by Boggess-Glover, John, and Phillips. It’s an homage to oneof BluesandGospel Heros, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, who sang the song formostofher Infact,I have it on my Church playlist when driving to serviceseveryweek. ‘Sweet Home Chicago, ’

The set was beautifully const

The set was beautifully

Sylvester and Monroe, have sacrificed greatly for their young man to maintain a place at a university in Chicago with hopes of becomingadoctorsomeday Unfortunately, smart as a

Sylvester and Monroe, have sacrificed greatly for their young man to maintain a place at a university in Chicago with hopes of becomingadoctorsomeday Unfortunately smart as a




NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-588-3399

Playwright Cheryl West usedthefirsthandaccountof hergrandfather,whowasan actual porter to write her 2012 masterpiece West herself as a very young girl, remembersbeingidolizedby the porters on her trips from Chicago to Mississippi with her grandmother It wasn’t until West started researchingandwritingtheplay,that she found out the harsh realities of the porters; who although exhibited a welcoming grin to all, were dragged down by the o realities of the train's white overseer and the passengers themselves. DirectorChuck S

Playwright Cheryl West thefirsthandaccountof hergrandfather,whowasan porter to write her 2012 masterpiece West as a very young girl, remembersbeingidolizedby the porters on her trips from Chicago to with grandmother It wasn’t West started andwritingtheplay,that found out the harsh realities of the porters; who although exhibited a welcoming grin to all, were d agged down by the realities of the train's overseer and the passengers themselves. DirectorChuck

memorable, as well as Regina Hearne’s ‘Hop Scop Blues.’ Both Hearne UH Acting Alumna Kelsi Gallagher, teamed for Greivin Gallagher fresh out of made her debut at The Ensemble with PPB and played a hobo,thankfullywithout aforementioned And even though her harp music wasafantasy,she played convincingly Brian the train tor was a part played very well, although doesn’thavearacist his body And the same forGallagheraswell.

Clutch City has a great wealthofactingandsinging talent, and Smith wasted no time in garnering the best actors possible in both the possible Black and White roles. All you have to do is close your eyes,andyouareinasound studio listening to exceptional voices providing a brilliant chorus that is as close to perfection as sitting at the right hand of the big guy upstairs. I especially appreciated ‘This Train’ (is Bound for Glory), sung by Boggess-Glover, John, and Phillips. It’s an homage to oneofmyBluesandGospel Heros, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, who sang the song formostofherlife. Infact,I have it on my Church playlist when driving to serviceseveryweek. ‘Sweet Home Chicago, ’ was memorable, as well as Regina Hearne’s ‘Hop Scop Blues.’ Both Hearne and UH Acting Alumna Kelsi Gallagher, teamed up for Greivin Hearted Blues Gallagher fresh out of school, made her debut at The Ensemble with PPB and played a convincing hobo,thankfullywithoutthe aforementioned odor And even though her harp music wasafantasy,shestillplayed it convincingly Brian Bloome’s the train conductor was a necessary part played very well, although hedoesn’thavearacistbone in his body And the same goesforGallagheraswell.

, and The Ensemble s Set Designer Santiago Sepeda and the construction team have never disappoi


and the

‘Beatbox: A Raparretta,’ again did not disappoint. I was also impressed with the costumes (Sarah Smith) and the attention paid to their authenticity for the era Beautifully done all I highly recommend Pullman Porter Blues to everyone, especially with parents and grandparents, who have spentlifetimesworkinghard so their children and grandchildrencanlivebetter andlesslaborintensivelives than they lived. Life boils down to sacrifice and experience. And the longer you have seeped, the more youhavetopassontoothers, not necessarily monetarily, but in the wisdom gained in working hard, but also in smarts, and passing that knowledge onto the next generation.

I’vegrownquiteattached to The Ensemble Theatre I’m continually awestruck by the talent on tap, and amazingstoriesthatenchant and engage the audience in wanting more In fact, I want more, and am looking forward to the 2024-2025 seasonstartinginSeptember with‘Stew.’

‘Beatbox: A Raparretta,’ again did not disappoint. I was also impressed with the costumes (Sarah Smith) and the attention paid to their authenticity for the era Beautifully done all I highly recommend Pullman Porter Blues to everyone, especially with parents and grandparents, who have spentlifetimesworkinghard so their children and grandchildrencanlivebetter andlesslaborintensivelives than they lived. Life boils down to sacrifice and experience. And the you have seeped, the more youhavetopassontoothers, not necessarily monetarily, but in the wisdom gained in working hard, but also in smarts, and passing that knowledge onto the next generation. I’vegrownquiteattached to The Ensemble Theatre I’m awestruck by the on tap, and amazingstoriesthatenchant and engage the audience in wanting more In fact, I want more, and am looking forward to the 2024-2025 seasonstartinginSeptember with‘Stew.’

SeeyouatTheEnsemble Theatre!

PPB was a mini-Blues concertinitself,anditwasa sight to see. The live band consisted of Urica Fernandez (bass), Quincy Cotton (guitar), Chika Kaba Ma’Atunde (piano) and Darren Coleman (drums) and it’s worthy of being recorded. If the theater had

PPB was a mini-Blues concertinitself,anditwasa sight to see. The live band consisted of Urica Fernandez (bass), Quincy Cotton (guitar), Chika Kaba Ma’Atunde (piano) and Darren Coleman (drums) and it’s worthy of being recorded. If the theater had

The show runs through July 28th. For tickets and d o n a t i o n s :

Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycounty

I’ve only ridden S-Bahn Trains when I was stationed in Germany as a young soldier, traveling from Friedberg to Frankfurt looking for a good time, but it was nothing compared to thegrandeurofthetrainthat you will see on Track 29, boarding at The Ensemble Theatre in Midtown Houston For the Black porters it was a great gig if youcangetit,inthemidstof the Great Depression. You travel and wear a snappy uniform You eat alright when you can. The good thing is you're not in a soup line, nor in a field picking things,orinsomeshopdoing menial tasks ‘Pullman Porter Blues,’is the story of three generations of the Sykes Family (a representation of true circumstances), whoarehardworkingporters on the Panama Limited, a luxurious train that traveled from Chicago to New Orleans on June 22, 1937, thesamedayastheJoeLouis vs. James Braddock World Championshipfight. Ruben can be reached at: ruben@montgomerycounty

ery 12681FM149 Montgomery TX77356


ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation), 1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe, Texas,Phone:936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsoldier org. Worship:Sundayat 10:30am,SundaySchool: 9:30am

HeritageBaptistChurch 19087LakeMt.PleasantRd, Montgomery77356

Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027

GaryChapelBaptist Church POBox125,Montgomery Texas77356,5525Spring BranchRoad,Montgomery

Class10:00am,Worship Serviceat11:00am.




SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m. SundayEveningWorship 6:00p.m. BAPTIST

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedinDobbin, P.O.Box112,Montgomery 77356

BenuiBaptistChurch ScottRidgeandFM1097, Montgomery AntiochBaptist,

CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodofConroe, locatedat100MosswoodDr., Conroe,Texasinfrontof RiverPlantation.936-2731755 Dobbin,936-597-5560

ChinaGroveBaptist Church,Willis,936-767-




PastorDavidR.Bailes. METHODIST

ChurchatMontgomery (GlobalMethodist) FirstBaptistChurch,



SundayServices10:30am Montgomery,TX thewoodlandsmethodist.or g/montgomery

MinistriesCornerofFM149 &FM1097W.Montgomery TX77356Prayer/Sunday School9:30amSunday Service11:30amWednesday Pray/BibleStudy6:30pm




UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas FM2854,936-756-2505

SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,WednesdayBible StudyandYouthGroup6pm 936-756-8186 936-588-1260

22548Highway105West Montgomery,TX 77356

Phone: 936-597-6162

BethelRoad,Montgomery 936-597-4668

DacusBaptist,Dacus, FM1774,Plantersville,

Mt.CalvaryBaptist 7:45Service CR213,Stoneham, HoneaBaptistChurch, 936-449-0845

10AMWorshipService 8:45SundaySchool

About11miNof Montgomery onFM149

St.Mary’s Catholic


Mt.SinaiBaptist, 936-894-2223

RichardsUnited MethodistChurch 6639FM1696Richards WorshipService11AM


PorterChapelA.M.E. MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch ZionChurch, 1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, 936-597-5331or936-4495983 LivingWayChurch, SundaySchool10AM

2080LongmireRd, Conroe



CongregationBeth Shalom,5125Shadowbend Place,TheWoodlands,


SacredHeartCatholic, JEWISH LUTHERAN


Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944

LivingSaviorLutheran Church-LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356Church

Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery




CommunityAnd Interdenominational

LoneStarCowboy Church

21627EvaSt.Montgomery TX77356(936)597-5742


WeaverServiceTimes: Sundays@8AM,9:30AM &11AMMondays@7PM

Montgomery,936-5827700 TransformationChurch Montgomery Montgomery,TX77316

SeniorPastorDaleTalbert ServiceTimes:Sundaysat 9:30am&11am/Wednesdaysat6:30pmforChildren &StudentMinistries WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery.o nline.churchorfollowuson Facebook@thefmchurch! (936)597-3949



WaldenCommunity Church, 67½AprilWindS., PastorDavidWhitaker 20350FM2854 AprilSound,936-5882832

Admin@TCMontgomery org

LighthouseFellowship Church, NewBeginningBible Church,

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400


Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660

RiverofLifeChurch 12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696

St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, 1803HighlandHollow, Conroe,936-756-8831 TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas 936-689-3141 Mt.PleasentBaptist Church

LivingBranchChurch, 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-597-8921

GateEntrance 1701McCalebRd 936/890-8034

Nurseryprovided PastorCarySmith CovenantFelloship


SundayWorshipat6:00pm 936-756-7792

CornerstoneChurch, Sun:10:30am 1011W.Lewis,Conroe, 18940FreeportDrive


LakesideBibleChurch, Montgomery,936-5821977

Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM&11 AM@lonestar.tvandclick onWatchnow ChurchofSt.John,


2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936-5975757 FellowshipofMontgom-


NoticeofPublicSale:RecNationRVandBoatStorageunitcontentsarebeingsoldto satisfyalandlord'slien.Saletobeheldatwww.storagetreasures.comfromthe19th day of June, 2024 12pm to the 3rd day of July, 2024 12pm. Clean up deposit is required. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before sale. Unit items sold to highest bidder All spaces contain household items unless otherwise noted. TXHOU02 - 20581 FM 1314, Porter, TX 77365: Kevin Mazariego; TXHOU06 - 28153 Robinson Rd, Conroe, TX 77385: Alice Peter Kweri; TXHOU1224495SortersRd,Porter TX77365:AmyCastles NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE

PublishedDates:June19,andJuly3,2024 Notice of Public Sale

Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managingpropertieslistedbelowwillholdapublicauctionofpropertybeingsoldtosatisfya landlord s lien The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at Propertywillbesoldtohighestbidderforcash.Deposit forremovalandcleanupmaybetemporarilyrequired.Sellerreservestherighttorejectany bid and to withdraw property from sale. Property may be sold by the space. General description of property being sold includes contents such as household/personal goods/miscitemsinspacesforthefollowingtenants:



ValleyRanchSelfStorage@21910ValleyRanchCrossingDr.,Porter,TX,77365 LOGANGOLDSMITH









There is presently pending in the County Court at Law No. 3 of Nueces County, Texas in Cause No. 2024-PR-00340-3 an Amended Application for Determination and Declaration of Heirship, and Request for an Independent Administration Following Such Determination and Declaration Pursuant to Texas Estate Code Section 202.052 filed by Rachel Rodriguez, Applicant. Each of you is hereby commanded to appear and answer before the Honorable Judge Deeanne Galvan, in County Court at Law No. 3 of Nueces County,Texasonorbefore10:00a.m.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationoften(10)days from the date of issuance of this Citation, which is the date of publication which this newspaperbears,toanswertheapplicationofRachelRodriguezwhichjoinsasparties,all heirsofJerichoLewisJamesJackson,Deceased.

If this citation is not served within ninety (90) days after the date of its issuance, it shall be returnedunserved.





AnneLorentzen,DistrictClerk (SEAL, County Court at Law #3, Nueces County, Texas)


NedSims AT STARTING ON 07/09/24 CONTENTS ARE www storageauction com




Public Notice: Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, New Caney Self Storagelocatedat22020SouthparkSt.,NewCaney,TX77357willholdapublicauctionto satisfy a landlord's lien. The sale will be held online July 13th, 2024 at 10:00am CST at,9,26,60,106,107,113, 126and131willbeaccepteduntil7/25/202404:00PM(CST).Propertybeingsoldincludes contentsinspacesoffollowingtenants:Unit3-JonathanChavez-Householditems;Unit9Adrianna Washington - Household items; Unit 26 - Rebecca Richards - Household items; Unit60-KristyMcCrary-Householditems;Unit106-JordinGugino-Householditems;Unit 107-RaulGonzalez-Householditems;Unit113-GlendaGomez-Householditems;

Units126and131-EvelynMcConnell/CharlesMcConnell-Householditems PublishedDates:July3,10,2024


CAUSENO.24-46188-PINTHEESTATEOFRENEEELAINEGLENN,DECEASED IN THE PROBATE COURT NO 2 MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the 25th day of June, 2024, Letters of IndependentAdministrationupontheEstateofReneeElaineGlenn,Deceased,wereissuetoSamuel Dunphy IndependentAdministrator bytheProbateCourtNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,in CauseNo.24-46188-Ppendinguponthedocketofsaidcourt.

Allpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaidestatenowbeingadministeredareherebyrequired topresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylawattheaddressshownbelow


5212LindenStreet Bellaire,Texas77401 IndependentAdministrator

713-666-7501TBN#19303000 th DATEDthisthe26 dayofJune,2024




NuecesCounty,Texas 901LeopardStreet,Room313 CorpusChristi,Texas78401





Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of Lanny Moriarty, Deceased,wereissuedtoDonnaMoriartyonFebruary14,2024,inCauseNo.24-45931-P,pendingin ProbateCourtNumber1,MontgomeryCounty Texas.AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstthisEstate whichiscurrentlybeingadministeredarerequiredtopresentthemtoDonnaMoriarty,Independent Executor,c/oJ.RandalBays,TheBaysFirm,1503HaileyStreet,Conroe,Texas77301,withinthe timeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw

DatedJune28,2024. J.RandalBays

1503Hailey AttorneyforDonnaMoriarty Conroe,Texas77301

SBN:01943900 Fax(936)760-7671




Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of Marcia Smith, Deceased, were issued to Daniel Neef on March 14, 2024, in Cause No. 23-45920-P, pending in ProbateCourtNumber1,MontgomeryCounty Texas.AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstthisEstate which is currently being administered are required to present them to Daniel Neef, Independent Executor,c/oJ.RandalBays,TheBaysFirm,1503HaileyStreet,Conroe,Texas77301,withinthe timeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw

DatedJune28,2024. J.RandalBays


1503Hailey Conroe,Texas77301











YouarecommandedtoappearandanswertotheApplicationtoDetermineHeirshipfiled by Cathy Lynn Myers Watson, at or before 10 O'clockA.M. of the first Monday after the expirationofTen(10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said applicationwasfiledonJune25,2024.




Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.

GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourtinConroe,Texasonthisthe25thdayofJune, 2024.

(SEAL,ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk

MontgomeryCounty Texas

By:/s/EloisaSalinas 6/25/20248:44:24AM



NO. 24-46436-P, Notice to All Persons Having Claims against the Estate of Bruce N. Bastian, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of BruceN.BastianwereissuedonMay28,2024,inCauseNo.24-46436-P,pendinginProbateCourt No. 1 of Montgomery County, Texas, to: Ketria Bastian Scott as Independent Executor, whose mailingaddressis:EstateofBruceN.Bastian,c/oTonyaL.Knauth,1402HeightsBlvd.,Houston, TX77008. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw Datedthis27thdayof June,2024.(s)TonyaL.Knauth,StateBarNo.00797523,1402HeightsBlvd.,Houston,TX77008, Tel.(713)396-0876,Fax(832)200-3547. NOTICETOCREDITORS PublishedDate:July3,2024

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of Marc S. Ruby, Deceased, were issued to Jarrod Ruby on April 23, 2024, in Cause No. 23-45820-P pending in ProbateCourtNumber1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas.AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstthisEstate which is currently being administered are required to present them to Jarrod Ruby Independent Executor,c/oJ.RandalBays,TheBaysFirm,1503HaileyStreet,Conroe,Texas77301,withinthe timeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw J.RandalBays Conroe,Texas77301








NOTICETOCREDITORSNo.24-46591-PEstateofKatherynAnnKinney DeceasedIn Probate Court No. 1 of Montgomery County Texas Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of KatherynAnn Kinney, Deceased, were issued on June 28, 2024, in DocketNo.24-46591-P pendingintheProbateCourtNo.1ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,toJohn Kinney,akaJohnCharlesKinney,IndependentExecutor TheaddressoftheIndependentExecutoris in Montgomery County Texas, the post office address is: John Kinney aka John Charles Kinney IndependentExecutorc/oRobertA.Armbruster,AttorneyatLawPOBox464Montgomery,Texas 77356(281)444-6964,fax(832)200-3426SBN#00786451

All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw

DATEDthe1stdayofJuly 2024. /s/RobertA.Armbruster RobertA.Armbruster AttorneyatLaw SBN#00786451 1600StateStreet,Suite200 (832)200-3420,fax(832)200-3426


Attorney for John Kinney, aka John Charles Kinney, Independent Executor, EstateofKatherynAnnKinney,Deceased PublishedDate:July3,2024


J.RandalBays 1503Hailey

Conroe,Texas77301 NoticetoCreditors

Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of Steven N. Minarik, Deceased,wereissuedtoGloriaS.MinarikonFebruary14,2024,inCauseNo.23-45187-P pending inProbateCourtNumber1,MontgomeryCounty,Texas.AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstthisEstate whichiscurrentlybeingadministeredarerequiredtopresentthemtoGloriaS.Minarik, Fax(936)760-7671 PublishedDate:July3,2024

IndependentExecutor,c/oJ.RandalBays,TheBaysFirm,1503HaileyStreet,Conroe,Texas77301, withinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw


SBN:01943900 Office(936)760-7670

CoushattiTraceNSDARPresents ScholarshipAwardstoLocalStudents

received a Good Citizen certificate, lapel pin and wallet card as well as

award This award is named in honor of Terry Tidmore,fatherofMelinda

commitment to education andwashonoredtopresent three scholarships to local studentsthisspring. The Coushatti Trace Scholarshipwascreatedin June 1986 to honor an outstanding Willis High School Senior This year’s recipient, Kloe Whitely, has exhibited outstanding qualities of leadership, good citizenship, and patriotism. She is on the swim team, a member of the National Honor Society, volunteers at her church and the Carriage Inn Retirement Commu-

nity Kloe plans to attend Blinn College in the fall andtransfertoTexasA&M herjunioryeartocomplete herdegreeinArchitecture. She received a $1500 scholarship from the chapter

Jace Yarborough, a WillisHighSchoolSenior, receivedtheTerryTidmore GoodCitizenAwardforhis service to the community, as well as outstanding qualities of dependability, leadership,and patriotism. He is a Project Local a volunteer, serves at Mims Bap


nd volunteersfortheMealson Wheels organization. He plan

University and major in Cybersecurity Jace

pleasecontactRegentKay P


Chapter, Daughters of

MontgomeryCountyRepublicanWomen WelcomeSenatorBrandonCreighton

The MCRW Board of Directors pose for a photo during the June 27, 2024 meeting held at the River PlantationGolfClub.

onkey issues that matter to Texas job creators including franchise and property tax relief water and transportation infrastructure, and border security Brandon is an eighth generation Montgomery County resident, where he resideswithhisfamily He ie is a graduate of the UniversityofTexas Sena


Creighton was sworn in to

hisspare time, he enjoys Texas history,sports,huntingand fishing.

LtoR:JillMahaffeyScholarshipChairSuannHereford, Mahaf RecipientSavannaBrown,Vice-RegentJanCook
LtoR:GoodCitizenChairPaulaDossett,RecipientJace Yarborough,WillisH.S.PrincipalEricKing
LtoR:ScholarshipChairLindaFreund,RecipientKloe Whitely,WillisH.S.PrincipalEricKing
PhotoLtoR:TexasStateRepresentativeSteveToth, AliceMelancon(CorrespondingSecretary); NancyHicks (Treasurer), KatRummell(SecondVicePresidentMembership), BarbaraEddleman(FirstVicePresident), VirginiaMiller(President),BrandonCreighton(TexasStateSenate,District4).
LefttoRight:CharlotteBelin,LynHoward,AnitaStevens,DonnaSummers,ElaineCollings,JennyLehr, DaneanMyers.Presentbutnotpictured,CynthiaConnors.


MCN’s ‘VeteranofTheWeek’-RexReeve

This week’s Veteran is RexReeve.whoservedin theU.S.Armyfrom1970 -1973. HewasintheAir Defense Artillery during his time in the military RexservedinVietnamfor a year, then was sent to Hanau, West Germany, near Frankfurt He defended the skies above fromthreatscomingback from Axis Forces. Rex

remembers one night while stationed in Germany, when an alert wascalledwhentheradar picked up a “Soviet” plane, and everyone was thinking that they were going into action. The only problem was, one of the crews had their radar turned backwards, and it pickedupaplaneflyingin West German airspace. Whew!!! After his militaryserviceRexcame

back to the U.S., finished schoolatOklahomaState, and became an electrical engineer Reevesworked withGeneralDynamicsin Fort Worth, working on theF-16project,developing test equipment that TheAirForceusedtotest the Flight Con


Computer Good Luck Rex, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘Veteran oftheWeek’.

Veteranmilitary Hanau, near t everyone problem it Rex an worked in working on t



The Houston Area Regents Council of the Texas Society Daughters of the American RevolutionheldtheirannualFlag Day Luncheon at the JuniorLeagueinHouston on June 15, 2024 The PostingoftheColorswas presented by members of the Freedom Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution Mary Thompson,newlyelected Regent of the Heritage Trails Chapter, NSDAR joined Heritage Trails chapter, NSDAR Honor-

The of the RevoluLuncheon Chapter, Sons the HonorRegents

ary Regents Elizabeth Jones,RowenaHayesand PatSpackey,tocelebratea wonderful and patriotic luncheon presented by all the Regents in the Houston Area Regents Council David C Hilmers, who served as a NASA astronaut on four

Hut-1,Hut-2,Ms. SandyandtheMHS FootballTeam

Leave it to the Montgomery Whataburger’s Ms. Sandy, to buck up the Montgomery High School Bears FootballTeam. She huddledthemuplastweek with a Hamburger in one hand,andFriesintheother, in order to motivate them for the upcoming football season. The Boys promised Ms. Sandy a Winning Season of Bears Football, andsheplanstoholdthem to their pledge. If not, she willwithholdfriesandhalf ofapatty,fromtheircombo meals as punishment. So

Hilmers, as a Astronaut the

space shuttle missions presented the outstanding program“NASAPastand

Present as an Astronaut and Physician”. Hilmers was inducted into the AstronautHallofFamein 2024.

TheBoyshaveatoughtask in front of them, and a tough taskmaster in Ms Sandy to ensure that they rack-up win after win this coming Fall Football Season. Good Luck MHS BearsFootball! Bears

Photo:LtoR:EdSellards (ColorGuard); ElizabethJones(HonoraryRegent), MaryThompson(Regent,2024-2026),WilliamMyers(ColorGuard), DonHayes (ColorGuard),RowenaHayes(HonoraryRegent),DavidHamaker(ColorGuard), JohnThompson(ColorGuard), PatSpackey(HonoraryRegent)andTedSpackey

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