Montgomery County News, July 5, 2023

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Montgomery County News

“MuchToBeProudOf” Article by Mark Hooker

GasBuddy "For now gasolinedemandwilllikelyramp up as we enter the peak of the summer, with millions of Americanssettotaketotheroads with some of the season's lowest average gasoline prices. At the halfpointoftheyear thenational average is right at level we anticipatedforafullyearaverage. Whilethat'sgoodnews,Ibelieve we may see prices close out the secondhalfoftheyearbelowour expectations which would be welcome news for motorists, and the possibility exists that the national average this fall could fallunder$3pergallon." SOURCE

The Team to be made, t e h d oftheTeam right to be at two events, with Tournament all on same week-end in late June

Members were meaning hadqualifiedforboth events, and had to make sometough

The MISD Fishing Team had decisions to be made, as they had membersoftheTeamearn the right to be at two different events, with two different High School Tournamentorganizations, all on the same week-end in late June Several Members were double qualifiers, meaning that theyhadqualifiedforboth events, and had to make sometoughchoices.

On one hand, would theywanttostaylocaland fish in the highly thought ofTexasHighSchoolBass Association Angler of the Year Tournament on Lake Palestine, or would they want to go to Lacrosse Wisconsin, where they w o u l d h a v e t h e opportunity to compete in the Bass Federation National Championship and World Finals Decisions,Decisions.

had in 2022, where they went to the National Championship on Lake Pickwick inAlabama, and came home as National Champions Also the opportunitytocompetefor over a Million Dollars in Scholarships probably didn’thurtmucheither

had in 2022, they went the National Championship on Lake Pickwick inAlabama, and came National Champions Also the opportunity for over a Million Dollars in Scholarships probably didn’t mucheither hand, would tostay in thought High Angler of on Lake Palestine, or would to go to where o l h v e h opportunity to h ass F d tion nd World n s

Thosethatqualifiedfor bothChampionshipsmade the toughest decision of their young angling careers,andchosetogoto Wisconsin This by no means,wasaneasychoice for not only the Anglers, but their Parents and Captains as well, as it was an arduous 22 hour drive towingboatsallthewayup to the Mississippi River in LacrosseWisconsin. This was most likely fueled by the success that Fallon Clepper and Wyatt Ford

Those qualifiedfor made toughest decision he o ng n ling careers, chosetogo Wisconsin This by no means,wasaneasychoice Anglers, but their Parents and as well, as it was arduous 22 boatsalltheway to the River Lacrosse This most likely fueled the success Fallon Clepper and Wyatt Ford

Michael John Foy Day saw his vision to establish a new Chapter of the Veterans

Fast forward a year to 2023, and we had four Individual Teams qualify to compete in this prestigious event, hosted by the Bass Federation These four Teams earned this right by being in the top 10% of the TBF event heldbackinAprilonLake Conroe. Wyatt Ford and Reece Findley won this eventonConroe,andwere crowned the Bass Federation’s Texas State Champions. They were followed by Fallon d Clepper and Matthew Jones, who came in second,alongwithBlayne Beall and Aidan Castro placing third, and Jackson Wilkerson and Jack Haag nailing down the 4th and final spot out of 48 Teams competing in this TBF National Championship Qualifyingevent.

These four Teams did well, all catching and weighing fish over this multi day tournament, where the first two days, everyonecompetedforthe Top 10 Spots out of 256 Team Field, to earn the right to move on to the

Fast to 2023, we had four Individual Teams qualify to o p e n th s prestigious hosted by the Bass These four earned this right by in the top 10% the TBF event heldbackin onLake Conroe. Ford and Reece Findley won this eventonConroe,andwere cr wned s Federation’s State Champions. They were f lo ed by on Clepper Matthew Jo es, w o c me n second, withBlayne Beall and Castro placing third, Jackson Wilkerson Haag nailing the 4th and final Teams competing in this TBF National Championship Qualifyingevent. These four Teams did well, all catching and weighing fish over this multi tournament, where days, everyonecompetedforthe Top 10 Spots of 256 Team to earn the right to the

Boaters Urgedto ‘Clean, Drain andDry’ toStop Aquatic Invasive Species

AUSTIN Texans Fourth the Parks

AUSTIN – Every year TexansenjoytheFourthof July by soaking in the summer sun on the water The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD)urgesboatersand paddlers to do their part to protect the Texas lakes we love from aquatic invasive species during the heart of boatingseason.

third and final day in the National Championship

Unfortunately, MISD did not have any Teams crack theTop10inthisevent,but rest assured they t representedallofusherein Montgomery in stellar fashion In fact, Fallon Clepper and Matthew Jonesdidsowell,thatthey were the highest placing TeamfromTexas.

third and final day in the National have any Teams Top event, t a d, he representedall in in stellar fashion In fact, Jones they placing Since has unique allTeamsthat the Top for the National had the opportunity in

SinceTBFhasaunique format,allTeamsthatwere not in the Top 10 for the National Championship, had the opportunity to compete in a second chance event on Friday,

looking qualify for the Finalsto on

cut for Finals Wyatt and Reece Findley g ed n 3Fish for pounds4ounces,missing the 3 ounces. stated all the weighed in at the F l o a d Matthew Jones distinction weighing three days

looking to qualify for the WorldFinalstobeheldon Saturday Leading the charge and narrowly missing the cut for the World Finals was Wyatt Ford and Reece Findley who weighed in the maximum3FishLimitfor 9pounds4ounces,missing the cut by 3 ounces. As stated previously, all the Teams weighed in fish at the Tournament, and Fallon Clepper and Matthew Jones had the distinctionofweighingina limit all three days of

“While we want everyone to have a great time,wealsowantthemto avoid giving invasive species free rides to new lakes,”saidBrianVanZee, TPWD Inland Fisheries regionaldirector “Thebest way to prevent the spread of many harmful aquatic invasivespeciesistoclean, drain and dry your boats and equipment every time.”

of Foreign Warsin his h o m e t o w n o f Montgomery Texas become a reality on July

1, 2023 during an Outstanding and inspiring celebration held at the Lone Star

Community Center, 2500LoneStarParkway saw his n reality Star

mussels continue to spread to new areas the lakes, highly that boaters floating nonh l h t a also damage boatsandinfrastructure water supply with

Zebra mussels and giant salvinia continue to spread to new areas in Texas. While they remain as some of the biggest threats to Texas lakes, other highly invasive species that boaters can transport include water hyacinth, crested floating heartandquaggamussels.

Zebra mussels, a nonnative shellfish that attaches to hard surfaces, also pose a significant threat to our lakes. These invasive mussels damage boatsandinfrastructurefor water supply and control, alter lake ecosystems and cause harm to native species They also litter shorelines with hazardous, sharp shells that impact lakefrontrecreation.

Zebra mussels and quagga mussels can be attached to boats or even carried by anchors or attached to plants clinging to boats,” said Monica McGarrity, TPWD senior scientist for aquatic invasive species

“Microscopiczebramussel larvaecanbetransportedin residual water in the boat. Taking just a few minutes to clean, drain and dry boats can make a huge difference in our efforts to prevent further spread of this highly damaging species and harm to Texas lakes.”

Wi dl fe e n (TPWD) their to Texas lakes we from species heart W e w w n to themto species Brian Inland best the harmful aquatic species clean, drain your mussels to carried by said McGarrity, senior nt t o q a i i spe larvae in water just few a in to spread highly species and to lakes.”

Zebra found in across basins, well in TPWD lakes for of a d se r a e become established in lake,nothing bedone or

Zebra mussels are now found in 36 Texas lakes across seven river basins, as well as in river reaches downstream of infested lakes. TPWD and partners monitor numerous at-risk lakes around the state for early detection of zebra (and closely related e quagga) mussels, but once they ve been introduced and become established in alake,nothingcanbedone to control or eradicate

VOLUME XXVIII NUMBER 27 Section 1 8 pages July5,2023 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly PRE-SRT POSTAGEPD #80 MONTG.TX
Montgomery County’s
Locally Owned Newspaper
WEDNESDAY July 3, 2020: $1.88/g (U.S. Average:$2.17/g) Historical gasoline prices in Texas and the national average goingbacktenyears: Thenationalaveragepriceof gasoline has fallen 4.1 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 50/g today. The national average is down 1.9 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 129 3 cents per gallon lower than a year ago, according toGasBuddydatacompiledfrom morethan11millionweeklyprice reportscoveringover150,000gas stationsacrossthecountry July 3, 2021: $2.81/g (U.S. Average:$3.12/g) Average gasoline prices in Texas have fallen 8.7 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 12/g today, according to GasBuddys survey of 13 114 stations in Texas. Prices in Texas are 7.1 cents per gallon higher thanamonthagoandstand125.7 centspergallonlowerthanayear ago.Thenationalaveragepriceof diesel has fallen 3.4 cents in the last week and stands at $3.80 per gallon. According to GasBuddy pricereports,thecheapeststation in Texas was priced at $2.56/g yesterday while the most expensive was $4 17/g a differenceof$1.61/g.Thelowest price in the state yesterday was $2 56/g while the highest was $4.17/g,adifferenceof$1.61/g. July 3, 2022: $4.37/g (U.S. Average:$4.79/g) July 3, 2019: $2.45/g (U.S. Average:$2.76/g) July 3, 2018: $2.65/g (U.S. Average:$2.87/g) July 3, 2017: $2.03/g (U.S. Average:$2.22/g) July 3, 2016: $2.09/g (U.S. Average:$2.27/g) July 3, 2015: $2.56/g (U.S. Average:$2.77/g) July 3, 2014: $3.49/g (U.S. Average:$3.67/g) July 3, 2013: $3.33/g (U.S. Average:$3.47/g) Neighboring areas and their currentgasprices: Midland Odessa- $2 97/g, down 0.7 cents per gallon from lastweek's$2.98/g. San Antonio- $3.05/g, down 15.0 cents per gallon from last week's$3.20/g. Austin- $3 11/g down 9 1 cents per gallon from last week's $3.20/g. "Just ahead of Independence Day, the national average has fallentoitslowestlevelsincelate April, with oil prices remaining under considerable pressure due toacloudyoutlookfortheglobal economy We could see gasoline prices under some additional pressure soon, especially as we head into the closing innings of summernextmonth,"saidPatrick De Haan head of petroleum analysis at
3, 2020: (U.S. gasoline in Texas the average
average of 4.1 per gallon the averaging 50/g national month and 3 per gallon than a according 11 weeklyprice reports 150,000gas across 3, (U.S. gasoline prices in Texas 8.7 per the averaging 12/g to 114 in Texas cents gallon higher a ago 125.7 pergallon than year of has in the last week at per to GasBuddy cheapeststation was $2.56/g es d h e h t a lowest in yesterday was $2 56/g while was difference $1.61/g. (U.S. $4.79/g) (U.S. $2.76/g) (U.S. $2.87/g) (U.S. $2.22/g) (U.S. $2.27/g) (U.S. $2.77/g) (U.S. $3.67/g) (U.S. $3.47/g) their gas 97/g, cents from last Antonio- down cents per from last week's gallon Independence to a of Haan of petroleum "For now ramp millions of halfpointof year out expectations which would be under per PBOX
Index Devotional..........................5 BusinessDirectory.............8 Legals.............................6,7 Commentary 3,4 4 Community............2,3,4,8
Magnolia,TX 77353
See Boaters,
Weekly GasPrices
Montgomery,Texas See MISD, page 2 See VFW, page 2
OpeningofVFW PostInMontgomery MembersofTheBirthplaceoftheLoneStarVFWPost12223poseforaphotofollowingtheOfficialGrand OpeningCelebrationheldattheLoneStarCommunityCenterin
them. TPWD “T enhan avoids drain, G can p Giant limiting


in Montgomery Texas, The day was also very special for Foy as everyone celebrated his July 4th Birthday a few days early by enjoying a hugeChocolatecake!

Michael John Foy

(picturedcenter)posesfor a chapter photo with his "Birthplace of the Lone Star" VFW team as they look forward to serving the community with the Ideals set forth by the NationalOrganizationand

are lookingforward to

The presentation of theColors was given by the United States Marine Corps JROTC

WesleyDoolittle, Mayor Byron Sanders (City

Montgomery Historical Society and numerous HistoryOrganizations.

competition They were followed closely by our Freshman Phenom’s, and soon to be Sophomore Team ofAidan Castro and BlayneBeall. Wealsohad Lake Creek seniors Jackson Wilkerson and JackHaagroaringbackon the final qualifying day making waves, proving that the MISD Fishing Teamhasnoquitinit.

They were closely our Freshman Phenom’s, and be and Blayne alsohad L k reek seni rs Jack on qualifying making waves, the noquitinit.

The THSBA AOY Tournamenthadtwoofthe four MISD Teams that qualified competing in it, asstatedearlier,twoofthe Teams were in Wisconsin on this same week-end

NeverFear,asthereigning Houston Division Anglers of the Year of Curtis McCauley and Nate M i l l n e r w e r e i n attendance, as well as Colton Hatzold who placed7thintheAOYrace.

s wo te ms

represented Montgomery well, with Curtis and Nate coming in 2nd, with over 18poundswiththeir5fish limit. Colton, who fished alone this year, came in a very respectable 31st out of90ofthebestteamsthat the Texas High School Bass Association has to offer

Overall, the MISD FishingTeam has much to be proud of in this 20222023campaign. Theywon their 8th Divisional Title and4thRegionalCrownin 9 years of competing

TheyweretheRunner’sup at the THSBA State Championship,whereover 250 programs begin the yearwiththesamegoal,to be the THSBA State Champions as a Team

They had Individual

T e a m s d o s o m e remarkablethings,suchas Wyatt Ford and Reece Findley be crowned the TBF State Champions

They also had another Individual Team in Curtis McCauley and Nate

We have

We have




Foreign Wars state leadership
and conducting the Services for new officers and members Featured speaker, Lieutenant GeneralStevenHummer, U n i t e d S t a t e s MarineCorps gave an inspiring speech and R o b e r t W a l k e r (Commissioner Precinct 1); The Honorable
KathleenA.Hamilton (the S t a t e o f T e x a s 3 5 9 t h D i s t r i c t Court);Honorable Wayne Mack (Justice of the P e a c e ) ; T e x a s R a n g e r C a p t a i n
and Cadet Sgt D Saelim. The Veterans of
honored the new“Birthplace ofthe Lone Star” chapter by providing support during the Opening Ceremonies
from Lake
High S c h o o l a n d t h e Montgomery County SheriffsOffice Jail were ontheprogramtosupport t h e c e r e m o n i e s Volunteers taking part in the celebration included m e m b e r s o f
Montgomery, Singers
t h e
newopportunities by providing family adventures through Patriotism, Education and A m e r i c a n Heritagedemonstrations
Unit from Montgomery High School The JROTC cadets who presented to Colorsare: CadetCaptain AllysonRollfing; Cadet Corporal Angelina Cuculic; Lance Corporal KodyCzulewicz, Lunch was provided by Joes Italian Restaurant andPizzaShack, E-mail for further information on the“Birthplace of the L o n e S t a r ” i s vfwpost@gmail comand phone:(936)204-0500. Texas, The day also ec l for F as July 4th Birthday a few early enjoying Chocolatecake Cadet Sgt D The Forei r st honored the new“Birthplace ofthe during the ucti for new officers members Featured ker, eu an Steven , n e d t Corps gave inspiring e r t r The S t o T a 5 t D s c Honorable Wayne (Justice of P e T e n g r a p t Doolittle, Mayor Sanders (City Montgomery, c o o l a n d e Office were the support e r n i e s Volunteers taking part e m e r s f t Montgomery History Foy chapter photo "Birthplace the Star" team forth the to new by pr ily advent t gh Patriotism, and A m n Heritage presentation of theColors given by the United Marine Corps from o g m g School who CadetCaptain Allyson o g l n was Italian E-mail for of n e t a r i
These two teams
Millner win the coveted Anglers of the Year Title for the Houston Division. “Much To Be Proud Of” Montgomery, “MuchToBeProudOf.”
represented well, Curtis with over 18pounds their5 Colton, fished year, came in 31st 90ofthebest High Association has to Team has of this They their 8th years They theRunner’s t h H B S t where 250 samegoal, the Team They e a s d o s m things,such Reece Findley State also another in y an Nat Be
win of the Houston ToBe
e HS OY of MISD Teams that were in same Fear, Division Year of Mc ley d N M i l l n r attendance, Colton Hatzold placed7thintheAOYrace.
- MISD Wilkerson-Haag page1
Ford from page 1 VFW
Photo: MontgomeryHighSchoolUnitedStatesMarineCorpsJROTCcadetsstand ateaseandreadytoPresenttheColorsduringceremoniesfortheOfficialGrand Of Openingof"TheBirthplaceoftheLoneStarVFWPost12223”inMontgomery TexasonJuly1,2023. ThecadetsinorderofRANKareCadetCaptainAllyson Rollfing; CadetCorporalAngelinaCuculic; LanceCorporalKodyCzulewicz; CadetSgt D.Saelim. Cadet
MontgomeryHistoricalSocietymemberswereexcited toserveasvolunteersandgreetersduringtheOfficial GrandOpeningCeremoniesof“TheBirthplaceofthe LoneStar”VFWPost12223inMontgomeryTexason July1,2023. SeatedLtoR:BrendaBeaven, Shirley Schneider, BillyRayDuncan.StandingLtoR: Eva Rains,RubenLeRoyBorjas,Jr.(elected3YearTrustee forTheBirthplacetheLoneStarVFWChapter, Pat Spackey,TedSpackey,TheHonorableJudgeWayne Mack(JusticeofthePeace)andLieutenantGeneral StevenHummer,UnitedStatesMarineCorpsFeaturedSpeaker Speaker

Docket No. 55008

Undine Texas Environmental, LLC has filed an application with the Public Utility CommissionofTexastoamenditssewerCertificateofConvenienceandNecessity(CCN) No.20816fortheprovisionofretailsewerutilityserviceinMontgomeryCounty Texas.

Therequestedareaincludes0customerconnections,islocatedapproximately4.7mile(s) northofdowntownCutandShoot,Texas,andisgenerallyboundedonthenorthbyFarmto Market Road 1484; on the east by Landry Lane; on the south by Rollingwood Loop (LakesideDrive);andonthewestbyFarmtoMarketRoad1484.



A copy of the maps showing the requested area are available at: 17681 Telge Rd, CypressTX77429

Persons who wish to intervene in the proceeding or comment upon action sought should contact the Public Utility Commission, P.O. Box 13326, Austin, Texas 78711-3326, or call thePublicUtilityCommissionat(512)936-7120or(888)782-8477.Hearing-andspeechimpaired individuals with text telephones (TTY) may contact the commission at (512) 9367136. The deadline for intervention in the proceeding is (30 days from the mailing or publication of notice, whichever occurs later unless otherwise provided by the presiding officer). You must send a letter requesting intervention to the commission which is received by that date. The letter must include the person's name, address, email address and fax numberifapplicable.

Ifavalidpublichearingisrequested,theCommissionwillforwardtheapplicationtothe StateOfficeofAdministrativeHearings(SOAH)forahearing. Ifnosettlementisreached and an evidentiary hearing is held SOAH will submit a recommendation to the Commissionforafinaldecision. Anevidentiaryhearingisalegalproceedingsimilartoa civiltrialinstatedistrictcourt.

Alandownerwithatractoflandatleast25acresormore,thatispartiallyorwhollylocated withintherequestedarea,mayfileawrittenrequestwiththeCommissiontobeexcluded fromtherequestedarea(“optout”)within(30)daysfromthedatethatnoticewasprovided by the Utility All opt out requests must include a large-scale map, a metes and bounds descriptionofthelandowner'stractofland,landowner'sname,address,emailaddressand faxnumber,ifapplicable.

Alandowner that opts out from the requested area releases the applicant's obligation to provideretailwaterorsewerutilityservicetotheremovedlandforanyreason.


PublicUtilityCommissionofTexas CentralRecords

1701N.Congress,P.O.Box13326 Austin,TX 78711-3326

Inaddition,thelandownermustalsosendacopyoftheoptoutrequesttotheUtility Staff mayrequestadditionalinformationregardingyourrequest.



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for Publication
NOTICETOALLPERSONSHAVINGCLAIMS AGAINSTESTATEOFBOBBYELEECALFEE,DECEASED All persons having claims against the estate are hereby notified to present them to the abovementionedattorneyattheaddressshownabovewithinthetimeprescribedbylaw Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Bobbye Lee Calfee, Deceased,wereissuedonJune25,2023,inCauseNo. pendinginCountyCourtAtLaw 23-44808-P #2ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.ClaimsshouldbepresentedincareofColeBryan,theattorneyfor theEstate,whosestreetaddressis:ColeBryanPC,P.O.Box51454,Midland,Texas79710. th DATEDthe28 dayofJune,2023 PublishedDate:July5,2023 NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofJACKDAVID SMITH,Deceased,wereissuedonJune16,2023,inCauseNo.23-44511-P pendingintheCounty CourtatLawNo:2,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to:KRISTISTRELLERSMITH. NOTICETOCREDITORS All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o:TheStrongFirm,P C. Attn:CarissaPeterson 1790HughesLandingBlvd.,Suite200 TheWoodlands,Texas77380 DATEDthe26thdayofJune,2023. THESTRONGFIRMP.C. /s/CarissaPeterson BRETL.STRONG StateBarNo.00795671 TwoHughesLanding StateBarNo.24057618 Phone:281.367.1222 1790HughesLandingBoulevard,Suite200 CARISSAPETERSON Fax:281.210.1361 TheWoodlands,Texas77380 PublishedDate:July5,2023 ATTORNEYSFORINDEPENDENTADMINISTRATIX ContactMontgomeryCountyNews toPublishLegalNotices 936-449-6397 Advertiseinthe LakeConroeAreaBusiness Directory 936-449-6397
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