Montgomery County News, July 17, 2024

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According to GasBuddy price reports, the cheapest station in Texas was




Average:$2.79/g) Average: July15,2018:$2.65/g(U.S.

Average:$2.87/g) Average:

July15,2017:$2.04/g(U.S. July15,2016:$2.03/g(U.S.

July15,2015:$2.55/g(U.S. Average:$2.78/g) Average:




Neighboringareasandtheir currentgasprices: current

San Antonio- $3 10/g up 15.7 cents per gallon from last week's$2.94/g. Austin- $3 12/g up 9 9 centspergallonfromlastweek's $3.02/g.


RebelJoanofARC HonorsThreeMembers



The Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721 Chapter Members gather for their celebration ofmembersattheir“Signing Party”, at the new Boutique of Sweet Magnolias” located at 33418 LagoVista Real, just off 1488, in M a g n o l i a “ S w e e t Magnolias” is owned by Pros


theexcited“Signers”forher Ancestors Other RJOA excited “Signers” of their Ancestors Applications for TheUnitedDaughtersofthe Confederacy are RJOA Member: BARBARA EDDLEMAN and RJOA M e m b e r C I N D Y DITTRICH.

Culp,Co.H63rdRegiment, AlabamaInfantry CSA.

Evan E, 60th Georgia Infantry,

Evan Johnson, Co E, 60th Regiment, Georgia Infantry,CSA.

CINDY DITTRICH signedfortwonewAncestor finds: Uriah Jackson Wyrick,Co.L8thRegiment, TenneesseeCavalry,CSA.

DITTRICH signedfor Ancestor fi : i J k n Wyrick, L Regiment, Tenneessee CSA.

James Co B, 2nd Tennessee CSA.

James Wyrick, Co B, 2nd Regiment, Tennessee Calvary CSA.






KELLY HALL is Signing her 1st Application for United Daughters of the Confederacy under Nathan

B A R B A R A EDDLEMANsignshernew Supplemental Ancestor Forms for ‘four’new finds: William McQuatters, Co. J 3rd Regiment Louisiana Infantry CSA. SamualHood,Co.F2nd Regiment, Louisiana Infantry,CSA.

Albert Johnson, Co. C 11th Regiment, Georgia

After the Celebration and Champaign toasts, the ladiesthenlunchedatthefun Citizens Grill in Magnolia. What a delightful day to celebrate each other and being togetherhonoringour History

After the Celebration and the ladiesthenlunchedat fun Citizens Magnolia. What a day to celebrate other and being togetherhonoringour History

El l i gs Rebel Joan their Party”, the

I’ve been to France butnot its a and surrounding woodshas Conroe’s Crighton Theatre. In The The will find an arrogant prince,cursedtoalife facade,whilea lady has a for books fit in life. An brut manwillmake forawife,andasearch for father and the adventure of a lifetime ForStage-Right Texas, event season. Beauty based on Disney animated film 1991, and 1994 stage The play begins when enchantress castleduringastorm,and offers roseaspayment an arrogant prince. When he refuses, she turns the man into a hideou B a t (Ry n and his intoobjectsfoundarounda wealthy man’s break curse

I’ve been to France before,butnottoits1750’s version, where a small a village and surrounding woodshasbeentransported to Conroe’s Crighton Theatre. In ‘Beauty and The Beast: The Musical,’ you will find an arrogant prince,cursedtoalifewith agrotesquefacade,whilea beautiful young lady has a passion for books but books doesn’t quite fit in with village life. An assertive brutofamanwillmakehis playforawife,andasearch for a missing father yields to self-sacrifice and the adventure of a lifetime a ForStage-RightofTexas,it is the final event of their 2023-24season. Beauty is based on the Disney animated film in 1991, and 1994 stage play The play begins when an enchantress happens upon acastleduringastorm,and offersaroseaspaymentfor shelter to an arrogant prince. When he refuses, she turns the man into a hideous Beast (Ryan Dinesen), and his servants intoobjectsfoundarounda wealthy man’s residence To break the curse the

beast must find a way to love someone, with the kicker, that she must express love for him too.

Years later, a beautiful young lady, Belle (Melisa Arguello), the daughter of anoddinventor,inavillage notfaraway hasvisionsof saying goodbye to her provincial life She is

G (Gerald Eddins) in his hopes of one day marrying Belle. Onatriptoafairin another village, Belle’s father Maurice (Richard Franks), nearly becomes a mealforthewolves,before hefindsrefugeinthesame castle in which the Beast resides. He enters, and is thrown into the castle’s dungeon by the owner. Back in the village Belle finds Gaston’s side-kick LeFou (Luis Ayala) has found her father s scarf LeFou tells her where he foundit. Shelooksforher father, finding the castle, and discovers him locked up Belle selflessly surrenders herself for her father’s freedom, and so begins her true adventure with the Beast to find an everlastinglove.

beast must find a way to love someone, the kicker, that she must express love for him too. Years later, beautiful young (Melisa Arguello), the daughter of an inavillage not away hasvisionsof saying goodbye her provincial life is h a a s d b y t h e w an ing t n (Gerald his hopes of marrying Belle. atriptoafairin another village, Belle’s father Maurice (Richard Franks), nearly a meal wolves,before hefindsrefugein same castle in Beast resides. enters, is thrown the castle’s dungeon by owner. Back the village Belle finds Gaston’s side-kick LeFou (Luis has found her father scarf LeFou her he foundit. Shelooksforher father, and discovers him locked up selflessly surrenders herself her father’s freedom, and so begins true adventure with the Beast an everlasting

The singing in Beauty

The singing in Beauty

was hit and miss. Melisa Arguello’s Belle came to the plate and homered everytime. Hervoicewas magicalanduplifting,crisp and clear, and enjoyable. Even with a mishap with the sound system in ‘No Matter What the song with Richard Franks,

’s humble offering, and garneringagreatapplause. Gerald Eddins’ Gaston, in Act One, appeared winded at times, with his voice suffering, but he did much better in the second act


was miss. came to the plate homered Her was magical enjoyable. a mishap with sound system in ‘No the with rg e lo v d i ov c ng Fra k humble offering, a applause. Gerald Eddins’ Gaston, in One, at with but he did much better in second act seemedto r on, w




attributabletothedragging transitions that needed a traffic cop for the show to stay on time ‘Be Our Guest,’withitsridinghigh, wouldhavemadeaperfect end, with performances by Lumiere(CarlosHolstein), and Cogsworth (Stephen Hill) standing out. Ryan Dineen’s Beast, ‘If I Can’t Love Her,’ was very c o m m e n d a b l e Thankfully, in the Second Act, all the singing overall wasmuchimproved.

n g n w s attributableto that traffic for show to on time ‘Be Our riding would by (CarlosHolstein), Cogsworth Hill) standing Ryan Dineen’s Beast, Love Her,’ very c o m m n d l e Thankfully, the singing much


Submitted by: RJOA Chairman of Public Relations:

C i ma o u lic Relations:

Elaine Collings

Photo Committee: SheliaWilliamson

om : Shelia

nice,but that had beset upon second ona at that I would expectedall have hammered Not were my burstwithan(Apple ‘L ud i n obnoxious coming the sound system ‘No Maurice song keptin bu looked d eply concerned. Following g e n d i g another unscripted incident took laughter, when concrete on moveable set piece fell off of concrete itswake.

havebeennice,butdry-ice wasn’ttobefound,another bad omen that Hurricane Beryl had beset upon the region. And for a second weekrun,andonaSunday matinee at that I would haveexpectedalltheissues of‘techweek’tohavebeen hammered out. Not only were my eardrums nearly burstwithan(AppleWatch ‘Loud Environment’ notification) obnoxious noise coming from the sound system during ‘No MatterWhat,’theBelleand Maurice song thankfully theactorskeptincharacter, but looked deeply concerned. Following the s e g m e n t d u r i n g transmission, another unscripted incident took place causing laughter, whentheconcreteseatonaon moveable set piece fell off leaving poor Silly Girl (Ellie Williams) having to drag the thing off-stage, leaving a trail of concrete dustinitswake.

h igh n w in and I it was an overly Ryan

The lighting was insufficient in numerous scenes, and all-in-all, I thought it was an overly dark stage In Ryan

Te as the detailing pressing to support u e t g ar by requiringpeopletoprovide being requiring law also prohibits

Attorney General Ken Paxton sent a letter to the to United States Senate detailingthepressingneed to support legislation passedbytheUnitedStates House

afeguard American elections by requiringpeopletoprovide proof of citizenship before being allowed to vote in federal elections. Current federallawprohibitsstates from requiring proof of citizenship even though federal law also prohibits non-citizensfromvotingin federalelections.

“The situation at the United States-Mexico border has

into the

ved dramatically since Joe B

1 Millions of aliens have beenintentionallyreleased into communities across the nation and countless other ‘gotaways’ have e

n altogether,” said Attorney General Paxton “Aside Paxton from undermining the undermining sovereignty of the States, endangering the safety of Americans, and flooding the country with human trafficking and illicit contraband, this disaster has opened the door to the abuse of our electoral systembypartisanpolitical activists who aim to mobilize illegal aliens to vote in this country’s elections.” AUS

“Although prohibits who in federal elections, also from requiring voters of vote in elections any but troubling given General Paxton “Iam on to pass American Act ct ), ic w ul of citizenship, preventing f f e i States-Mexico bo

“Aside the endangering the with and opened the door to the our aim mobilize illegal aliens in this

“Although federal law prohibitsthosewhoarenot U.S. citizens from voting in federal elections, it also paradoxically prohibits States from requiring voters to have proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections Under any circumstances this federal prohibition against citizenship verification makes little sense, but it is especially troubling given the current scale of the illegalimmigrationcrisis,” Attorney General Paxton continued.“Iamcallingon Congress to pass the SafeguardAmerican Voter Eligibility Act (“SAVE Act”), which would require voters to provide proof of citizenship, thereby preventing the e f f e c t i v e disenfranchisement of citizens.”

LefttoRtSeated:SIGNERS:BarbaraEddleman,KellyHall,CindyDittrich. StandingCelebrating:KarenDeBerry,MrBillHallsupportingandhonoringwife DeBerry KellyHall,SponsorofKellyHall:LynHoward,PresidentJennyLehr,Registrar DaneanMyers,RegistrarCommittee&2ndSponsorofKellyHall:ElaineCollings.


THE WOODLANDS, TX – July 15, 2024 –The Woodlands Children's Museum invites guests to come dressed in their favorite superhero attire, create a super art project and pose for photos with s u p e r h e r o e s a n d u charactersfromtheCARS movie on Saturday, July 27th,2024.

communitywitheveryday acts of kindness,” stated Angela Colton, the museum's Executive Director

s n charactersfromtheCARS movie on 27th,2024. pose pictures and stage

“Spider-Mansaidwith great power comes great responsibility! On this day, we encourage childrentofindtheirinner superhero and better their

Woman 10:30am, 11:30am,

During the day, day, childrenareinvitedtovisit theMUSEartbartocreate asuperheromaskandthen pose for pictures with Spider-Man and Buzz Lightyear on stage at 10:30am 11:30am 11:30am 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:30pm and 3:30pm and Wonder Woman at 10:30am 11:30am 12:30pm, 1:30pm

Outside from 10:00am3:00pm visit and take photoswithreplicasofthe CARS characters Mater, Lightning McQueen and TippytheTractor Cooloff with Tikiz Shaved Ice & Ice Cream, which will be available for purchase in the CARS area from 10:00am-3:00pm.

10:00amand take photoswithreplicasofthe Mater, McQueen and Cooloff Ice & Cream, be for in the from


Superhero Day with

Woodlands Children's open hours, and 5:00pm. The Woodlands Children's Museum is open for extended summer hours, including Tuesday-Friday9:30am–4:00pm and Saturdays from 10:00am - 5:00pm. The museum is closed on SundaysandMondays.

CARSis$10foreveryone 1 year of age and older Tickets are now available on our website at www.woodlandschildrens

CARSis$10foreveryone of age and available our website

located in Panther Creek Village W Creek The Woodlands,

About The Woodlands Children's Museum

TheWoodlandsChildren's Museum 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, was out a desire the community's proven need forapositiveenvironment where their families play, and special the the museum, fun learning hand in hand,whetherchildrenare creatingart,singingalong a performance

or conducting a science experiment. The museum alsohasmadeitapriority to bring children multiethnic and multicultural experiences that celebrate cultural and global differencesandstrengthen commonbonds.Programs frequentlyaredeliveredin partnership with other nonprofit organizations always with the goal of making a positive difference in the life of a c h i l d woodlandschildrensmuse

RecognizingAnAmazingFamilyof AchieversLovingHistory

This year, our Rebel

JoanOfArcChaptersister KRISTINE WILSON RAMIREZ and her two sons, GABRIEL and LIAM RAMIREZ

installed as officers for their upcoming next term. GABRIELRAMIREZwill be the Texas Division 3rd Vice President, and LIAM RAMIREZ will be the TexasDivisionHistorian.

Submitted r m b c And Boom!Wham!AndKa-Pow!

c C


> A lot of fun was had over the weekend in Shenandoah at the TX Division C of C s Convention, including a field trip to several museums in Huntsville, a stop at our Sam Houston Monument, and a wonderful Presidents Dinner to honor outgoing President, Miss Ellie Beal. Another talented and achieving family member i s K AT H E R I N E

TAGLIENTI the Proud GrandMother of these fine young men and Treasurer Officer for the Rebel Joan Officer O f A

attended the 86th Convention of the Texas Division Children of the Confederacy Both boys, who are members of the Major George W Durant 935 Chapter The Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter individually supports this C of C Chapter as well as the State Organization of the Children of the Confederacy GABRIEL and LIAM RAMIREZ were both voted and

TAGLIENTI GrandMother young Officer the h to l e these positions of

Congratulationstothisfine F a m i l y a n

t h e achievements of these amazing young men in their leadership positions and continuations of honoringourHistory

Elaine Collings

Submitted by RJOA C h a i r m a n P u b l i c Relations: And RJOA Kristine Ramirez our WILSON RAMIREZ and GABRIEL

I M RA t d d h 6t Division Children Confederacy boys, are members George Chapter The Of C well State Children Confederacy and were officers their term. RAMIREZwill the Division 3rd will the DivisionHistorian. ng , lot at the s f field Huntsville, our Sam on to Beal. family s A I

Dineen’s One some detail Beast. Thentherewas from blinded me many balcony Iliketosit

u the e t cat I toputmy so I could concentrate on was with On top that music

Dineen’s Act One ending song, it would have been nice to see some detail of TheBeast. Thentherewas anerrantbluelightfromthe stage that blinded me and many audience members onthebalcony Iliketosit up there to catch everything, and I actually hadtoputmyclip-ons’just so I could concentrate on whatwasgoingonwiththe stage. On top of that the sound of the music I felt was underwhelming, especially during dance segments, when the stage

floor is not supposed to be theprimarynoisemaker Ruben can be

just regards to casting, were too Was ‘Pillsbury Dough playing, Again,needed? need massage right in highly sexualized moment, I inappropriate in room? what adults do,andIfearwhat act. I did e the to was the in, having

In regards to casting, there were way too many people on stage. Was a ‘Pillsbury Dough Boy’ really needed? A boy and girl playing ‘mustard’ and ‘ketchup,’ with an actual dog playing, ‘hot dog ’ Again,needed? DidLeFou really need to massage Gaston’s upper right thigh in a highly sexualized moment, which I thought very inappropriate with tons of kids in the room? Kids emulate what adults do,andIfearwhatdamage has been done by that simple act. And I also didn’t appreciate Cogworth’s phallus-like

pendulum, of which all the designers had to do was to copy the animators. I was initially worried about the set coming in, having seen some top notch sets in my reviews in Midtown Houston, but with the dark

stage that fear was alleviated But I do commendthedualpurpose moveable sets that incorporated The Beast’s lair on one side, and the balcony for the fight scene between The Beast and Gaston,ontheother

It really pained me to writethis. Therewerealot ofmishaps,anditisoneof themostdifficultmusicals. But I knew the day would comewheretherewouldbe

un e wh lm , during when the is noisemaker can be a t to writethis. Therewere lot of and isoneof themost musicals. But I would comewherethere be I wasn’t with. Mon g er ounty with my heart, not gonna something was it integrity you publishing with other theater woke sexual I didn t with in room the way I’ve to it thought movers To them think about inappropriate d ,

something I wasn’t happy with. I want to promote Montgomery County theater with all my heart, but I’m not gonna lie and say something was good when it didn’t meet my expectations. You either haveintegrityoryoudon’t. And instead of avoiding publishing like I did with anothermusicalattheother theater with its woke interpretations and sexual innuendo that I didn t support, with kids in the room by the way I’ve decidedtoprintitasaway of stimulating thought amongst the movers and shakers To encourage them to think about the consequences of pushing material inappropriate to kids, who shoul

e allowed to be just that Kids!!




Investment Vehicle for YourPortfolio

In the realm of investments, choosing the right vehicle can significantly impactyourfinancialgoals and strategies. Among the myriadoptionsavailableto individual investors, m

In the realm of investments, choosing the right vehicle can significantly impactyourfinancialgoals and strategies. Among the myriadoptionsavailableto individual investors,

nd exchange-traded funds (ETFs)aretwoofthemost popular Understandingthe differences between these investment vehicles is crucial for anyone looking tooptimizetheirportfolio's performance and manage riskeffectively

nd exchange-traded funds (ETFs)aretwoofthemost popular Understandingthe differences between these these investment vehicles is crucial for anyone looking tooptimizetheirportfolio's performance and manage riskeffectively



l Funds?



One key feature of mutual funds is their structure as an open-end fund, meaning shares are created and redeemed by the fund manager as investors come and go Prices for mutual fund sharesaredeterminedonce perdayatthemarketclose, basedonthenetassetvalue (NAV) of

One key feature of mutual funds is their structure as an open-end fund, meaning new shares are created and redeemed by the fund manager as investors come and go Prices for mutual fund sharesaredeterminedonce perdayatthemarketclose, basedonthenetassetvalue (NAV) of


's holdings.

The Case for Active Management in Mutual Funds

Activemanagementisa hallmark of many mutual funds, where seasoned portfolio managers and analysts strive to outperformthemarketbymaking informed decisions about what securities to buy hold, and sell. While it's true that not all actively managed funds beat their benchmarks, there are numerous instances where skilled managers have successfully navigated market volatility and exploited inefficiencies to deliversuperiorreturns.

The Case for Active Management in Mutual Funds Activemanagementisa hallmark of many mutual funds, where seasoned portfolio managers and analysts strive to outperformthemarketbymaking informed decisions about what to buy hold, and sell. While it's true that not all actively managed funds beat their benchmarks, there are numerous instances where skilled managers have successfully navigated market volatility and exploited inefficiencies to deliversuperiorreturns. Moreov




Petbrownlabsittingina fieldoflonggoldengrass

Petbrownlabsittingina fieldoflonggoldengrass

Themerementionofthe word “ticks” may send shivers down the spines of all within earshot These minuscule parasites have garnered an infamous reputation for latching onto the flesh of cherished pets and unsuspecting owners alike, on their summer morning walks through grassytrails.

Themerementionofthe word “ticks” send shivers down the spines of all earshot These minuscule parasites have garnered an infamous reputation for latching onto the flesh of cherished pets and unsuspecting owners alike, on summer morning walks through grassytrails.

Despite their seemingly harmless size, ticks can carry diseases with much larger consequences for animals and their owners.

Despite their seemingly harmless size, ticks can carry various diseases with much larger consequences for animals and their owners.

Dr Dana Kneese a clinical assistant professor attheTexasA&MSchoolof Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, describes how pet owners can equip themselves to handle the unwanted presence of ticks and their potential disease transmission.


Dr Kneese a clinical assistant professor attheTexasA&MSchoolof Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences, describes owners can equip to handle the unwanted presence of ticks and their potential disease transmission. IdentifyingTheProblem

Ticksareparasitesinthe arachnid which meanstheyhaveeightlegs; while the nymph stage brings bites that are often undetected due to their poppy-seed size, they are easilyidentifiableoncethey reach the stage and continue the search an unsuspecting to latch for their next meal.

Ticksareparasitesinthe arachnid family, which meanstheyhaveeightlegs; while the nymph stage brings bites that are often undetected due to their poppy-seed size, they are easilyidentifiableoncethey reach the adult stage and continue the search for an unsuspecting animal to latch onto for their next meal.


that’s flat but can be but distended if it’s engorged with blood from its host,” Kneese explained “The capitulum,orhead,contains extended mouthparts that embed and anchor the tick initshosttofeedonablood meal.”

Once an owner has discovered a tick feasting on their pet, identifying the tick species can help gauge the level of potential harm, assomethatcarrymorerisk of certain diseases over others.

“Theyhaveanovalbody that’s flat can be distended engorged with blood its host,” Kneese “The capitulum,orhead,contains extended mouthparts that embed and the tick initshosttofeedonablood meal.” an owner has discovered a tick feasting on their identifying the tick species can help gauge the level of harm, assomethatcarrymorerisk of certain over others.

To identify a specific type of tick, owners should

To identify a specific type of tick, owners should

managers can implement to mitigate risk that are not available to manag

managers can implement strategies to mitigate risk that are not typically available to passively managed

ds For example,theymightadjust the fund's asset allocation in response to changing economic indicators or market conditions, or invest undervalued sectors or companies poised recovery

For example,theymightadjust the fund's asset allocation in response to changing economic indicators or market conditions, or selectively invest in undervalued sectors or companies poised for recovery

While active managedoes come with higher fees due to the research expertise required, for many i

While active management does come with higher fees due to the intensive research and expertise required, for

th potentialfor and personalized risk management justifies the cost. It's also worth that mutual funds offer rangeofoptionscateringto different tolerances and investment horizons, providing flexibility for individualinvestorneeds. WhatareETFs?

potentialforhigherreturns and personalized risk management justifies the cost. It's also worth noting that mutual funds offer a rangeofoptionscateringto different risk tolerances and investment horizons, providing flexibility for individualinvestorneeds. WhatareETFs?

ETFs are known for their low cost and flexibility They are traded on stockexchanges,muchlike individualstocks,allowing investors to buy and sell shares throughout the trading day at market prices, which can differ slightlyfromtheir

ETFs are known for their low cost and flexibility They are traded on stockexchanges,muchlike individualstocks,allowing investors to buy and sell shares throughout the trading day at market prices, which can differ slightlyfromtheirNAV

designedtotrackaspecific indexsuchastheS&P500, which helps keep their expense ratios lower than those of actively managed mutualfunds.Thispassive management style also contributes to their tax efficiency; ETFs typically generate fewer capital gains to the low turnover of their portfolio holdings.

designedtotrackaspecific indexsuchastheS&P500, which helps keep their expense ratios lower than those of actively managed mutualfunds.Thispassive management style also contributes to their tax efficiency; ETFs typically generate fewer capital gains due to the low turnover of their portfolio holdings.

mutual funds, ETFs provide investors with the benefit of diversification, reducing the risk associated with holding individualstocks. Additionally the

The Appeal of ETFs: Lower Costs and Flexibility


ting diseases when taking a bloodmeal,”Kneesestated.

Passive investing, the strategy behind many ETFs, is based on the theorythatitisdifficultand often costlier to try to beat the market consistently overthelongterm.Instead, passive investing aims to replicate the performance of a market index The rationale is that by mirroring the market, investors can achieve solid returns while minimizing costs and the risks associated and with trying to outguess marketmovements.

Passive investing, the strategy behind many ETFs, is based on the theory itisdifficultand often to try to beat the consistently overthelongterm.Instead, passive investing aims to replicate the performance of market index The rationale is by mirroring the market, investors can achieve solid returns while minimizing costs the risks associated with trying outguess movements.

Conclusion C

Conclusion C

mutual funds and ETFs depends largely on your personal investment style, financial goals, and risk tolerance. ETFs be ideal for those who value flexibility,lowercosts,and tax efficiency, while mutual funds could

mutual funds and ETFs depends largely on your personal investment style, financial goals, and risk tolerance. ETFs might be ideal for those who value flexibility,lowercosts,and tax efficiency, while mutual funds could


RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz

reddish brown in American Dog Tick is brown with ings,” Kneese said “The Black-Legged most known as the legs. Lone Star Ticks are named for the spot on the

“TheBrownDogTickis reddish brown in color, smallerbutmoreelongated. The American Dog Tick is brown with white markings,” Kneese said “The Black-Legged Tick most commonly known as the deertick,hasabrownbody with dark legs. Lone Star Ticks are named for the single white spot on the white backsofadultfemales.”

Geography also has provenusefulinidentifying the severity of tick-related diseases For instance in recent years Massachusetts has seen an uptick in tickborne Lyme disease, which is contracted by both animals and humans from black-legged(deer)ticks.

Otherdiseasescarriedby specificticksinclude: specific

To ensure the safety of yourpet,donottrytocrush, burn or use alcohol to remove a tick that has latched onto an animal These commonly assumed resolutions can, in reality, actasacatalystforadisease tobetransmitted,according toKneese.

“What you want do is use the tick close to skin as With and motion, pull tick it’s free the Kneese said stays the removal the tick, the pet may an in that area, so it’s important to monitor site. If your pet develops any lethargy, abnormal the of call your the severity For instance in years seen an uptick in disease, by and humans black-legged(deer)ticks.

Babesiois an infection of red blood cells leading to malaria-like symptoms carried by black-legged (deer) ticks andcastorbeanticks.

Ehrlichiosis an infection leading to potentially fatal flu-like symptoms carried by lone star ticks, and black legged(deer)ticks.

Babesiois an blood malaria-like symptoms by black-legged specificticksinclude: Ehrlichiosis an leading to potentially fatal symptoms by lone star ticks, legged(deer)ticks.

RockyMountainspotted fever an infection leading to fever, loss of appetite,andrash—carried appetite, by American Dog tick Rocky Mountain Wood tick, Lone Star tick, and BrownDogtick.

fever an to fever, loss by Dog Mountain Wood Star tick, BrownDogtick.

Lyme disease an infection leading to joint pain, lethargy, and fever — carried by black-legged (deer)ticks,andcastorbean ticks.


“What you want to do is use tweezers and grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. With steady and sustained motion, pull on the tick until it’s free from the skin,” Kneese said said ”Mostofthetimeifthehead stays in the pet after removal of the tick, the pet may have an inflammatory reaction in that area, so it’s important to monitor the site. If your pet develops any lethargy, abnormal behavior, or reaction at the site of the bite, call your veterinarian.”

Safeguarding Against Ticks

ting diseases when taking a Safeguarding Ticks

The best thing an owner can do to ensure their furry friends stay happy and healthy is to schedule a consultation with a veterinarian to discuss tick, flea, and heartworm preventatives.Afterall,itis the owner’s responsibility to stay vigilant of the possible bloodthirsty invaders lurking within the furofourpets.

It s also important to check your pets for ticks, especiallyiftheyhavebeen romping around in the woods, near wooded areas, ortallgrass,”Kneesesaid.

The thing an owner do to ensure furry stay happy and healthy to schedule a consultation with a to tick, flea, and heartworm owner’s responsibility vigilant the lurking within the an to joint and fever carried by ticks.

It s also important to check your pets for ticks, especiallyiftheyhavebeen romping around the woods, near wooded areas, ortallgrass,”Kneesesaid.

In addition to knowing thetypesofticksandwhich diseases they carry Kneese said it’s also important to understand the basics of how these diseases pass fromtickstopets.

“If the tick is carrying any disease, the longer the tick remains embedded in yourfurryfriend,thehigher the likelihood of transmit-

to knowing they carry said it’s also important understand the basics these diseases the is any disease, longer remains embedded the likelihood of

Whether exploring new terrainonvacation,moving to a new area, or remaining in a familiar community, it is vital to stay aware of the prevalence of ticks and the potentialdiseasestheycarry that can harm the health of furryfriends.

Pet Talk is a service of the School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Stories can be

Whether exploring a area, or a familiar community, vital aware the ticks and the that can harm health of Talk is a service of the School Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Stories can viewed at vetmed edu/news/pet be



Ruben Borjas Jr, Columnist/

Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

What Doesn’t Kill Trump, Makes The GOP Stronger

This column may upset

some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats but it needed to be

This column may upset some. And quite frankly I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.


The summer violence is The assassination of DonaldTrumplast eveningbyTrumpDeranged

DidIcallit,ordoIcallit. The summer violence season is ramping up. The attempted assassination of DonaldTrumplastSaturday eveningbyTrumpDeranged

shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, shows the lack of reasoning Democrats have inregardstotheirsanityand societyingeneral. Tothem, their universe is falling apart Their gasping, because people are seeing them for the fools they are, which is as hollow as the KGB was when the Soviet

shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, shows the lack of reasoning Democrats have in totheirsanityand societyingeneral. Tothem, their universe falling apart Their gasping, because people seeing them for fools they are, which is as hollow as the KGB was when the Soviet

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Isolatedshowersandthunderstormsafter4pm.Sunny withahighnear93.Heatindexvaluesashighas106. Southwestwindaround5mph.Chanceof precipitationis20%.

Isolatedshowersandthunderstormsbefore7pm. Mostlyclear,withalowaround75.Southwind5to 10mphbecominglightaftermidnight.Chanceof precipitationis10%.


Aslightchanceofshowers,thenachanceofshowers andthunderstormsafter1pm.Mostlysunny,witha highnear92.Calmwindbecomingwestaround5 mph.Chanceofprecipitationis40%.

WednesdayNight ThursdayNight

A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlycloudy,withalowaround73.


Achanceofshowersandthunderstorms,thenshowers likelyandpossiblyathunderstormafter1pm.Mostly sunny,withahighnear89.Chanceofprecipitationis 60%.


A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms after1am.Partlycloudy,withalowaround72.


A40percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Partlysunny,withahighnear90.




A40percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Partlysunny,withahighnear90.


A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlycloudy,withalowaround73.

MondayShowersandthunderstormslikely.Mostly cloudy,withahighnear88.Chanceofprecipitationis 60%.





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Union collapsed in 1991. Democrats are such babies theyhavetoliterallytryand kill Donald Trump, and in doing so have created an unstoppable juggernaut on the tracks to MakeAmerica GreatAgain.

Union collapsed in 1991. Democrats such babies theyhavetoliterallytryand kill Donald Trump, in doing so have created an unstoppable on the to MakeAmerica GreatAgain.

In an OP/ED just weeks ago, I asked about the possibility of Democrat backed political violence thissummer andaswehave seen in Butler County, Pennsylvania Democrats are desperate to rid themselves of Donald Trump. Democrat leaders like Nancy Pelosi Maxine Waters,AOCandhersquad, as well as a host of other Democrats have all called forphysicalviolenceagainst for Trump The Democrats have been gaslighting their supporters for years in bringing about violence towards Trump and His supporters They even theorized about killing former President GeorgeW Bush back during his Presidency I don’t know howmanytimesI’vewritten that Democrats are literally MAD! Andtheirviolencein the forms of BLM (whose followers have assassinated many cops), Antifa (who rioted for over a hundred nights, and killed innocent people), Gaza Protesters (and their riots) leftist m

students Gen Zrs; their violence against Police and Business Owners, and any random Trump supporter wearing a MAGA hat, including children, by burly Democrat men no doubt. Now that the violence includes an attempt on the life of Donald Trump himself, it has backfired in the worst way possible for Democrats.

In OP/ED just weeks ago I asked about the possibility of Democrat backed political violence thissummer,andaswehave in Butler County Pennsylvania, Democrats are desperate to rid themselves of Donald Trump. Democrat leaders like Pelosi, Maxine Waters,AOCandher as well as a host of other Democrats have called forphysicalviolenceagainst Trump The Democrats have been gaslighting their years in bringing about violence towards Trump and His supporters They theorized about killing former President GeorgeW Bush back during his Presidency I don’t know howmanytimesI’vewritten Democrats are literally MAD! the forms of BLM (whose followers have assassinated many cops), rioted for over a hundred and killed innocent people) Gaza Protesters (and their riots), leftist millenni ls, coll ge students, Gen Zrs; their violence Police and Business Owners, and any Trump supporter a MAGA hat, including children, by burly Democrat no doubt. Now violence includes an attempt the life of Trump himself, it has backfired in the worst way possible for Democrats.

definitely needs Donald Trump, and perhaps The Worldevenmore. Weneed civility, where self-centered kids on their phones, will give up their seats for little old ladies, or pregnant women We need kids learning American history again,andunderstandingthe importance of Our Country in World history To understand that there are so manygoodthingsaboutOur Country, while not just focusing solely on the bad. We need the restoration of respected opinion, which opinion, Democrats had stolen with t

definitely needs Donald Trump, and perhaps The Worldevenmore. Weneed civility, where self-centered kids on their phones, will give up their seats for little old ladies or pregnant women We need kids learning American history again,andunderstandingthe importance of Our Country in World history To understand that there are many thingsaboutOur Country, while just focusing solely on the bad. We the restoration of respected opinion, which Democrats had stolen with

Ministry of Propaganda Well, Elon Musk brought that tumbling down. CNN and MSNBC are being replaced by a host of Black, Brown, and White Conservative influencers that are ‘No-Holds Barred,’ in telling Communist Democratsoff.

Ministry of Propaganda Well, Elon Musk brought that tumbling down. CNN and MSNBC are being replaced by a host of Black, Brown, and White Conservative influencers that are No-Holds Barred, in telling Communist Democratsoff.

(@DrKarenPinder), who teaches ‘Foundations of Medical Practice’ for the University of British Columbia medical school. They (what I believe is her pronoun),wroteonXat6:48 pm on Saturday “Damn, so close. Too bad.” It’s a troubling mindset in our professionals, with some holding our lives in their handsifwehavetogounder theknife. Andthatthesame group of people will be calling my friend's psychiatrist'sofficeMonday asking foranappointment,andthey will find themselves like ‘centerpointless’ customers, waiting for the lights to comeon,inabrainwithouta socket.

(@DrKarenPinder), who teaches ‘Foundations of Medical Practice’ for the University of British Columbia medical school. They (what I believe is her pronoun),wroteonXat6:48 pm on Saturday, “Damn, so close. Too bad.” It’s a troubling mindset in our professionals, with some holding our lives in their handsifwehavetogounder theknife. Andthatthesame group of people will be calling my friend's psychiatrist'sofficeMonday,asking foranappointment,andthey will find themselves like ‘centerpointless’ customers, waiting for the lights to comeon,inabrainwithouta socket.

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Now that Trump’s life has been put in the crosshairs,hissupportisgrowing exponentially Things have justgotreal,andtothosethat thoughtitmaynothavebeen agame,reallifejustslapped them in the face. For the country, it’s that jolt of energydownyourspinethat says, “The Democrat madness has to stop,” and Wokism is at that 12-year range, like NAZI Germany, where people have had enough. If you were a moderate child Saturday morning sitting on the political fence you y definitely grew up that evening. All of a sudden, everything seems to have taken a back-seat in our lives. The man, surely poised to lead us out of the ‘Hell’ that Joe Biden and Democrats have purposely created, and if something happens to Trump, then surely the apocalypse awaits.

Now that Trump’s life has been put in the crosshairs,hissupportisgrowing exponentially have justgotreal,andtothosethat thoughtitmaynothavebeen agame,reallifejustslapped them in the face. For the it s jolt of downyourspinethat says, “The Democrat stop,” and Wokism at 12-year range, like NAZI Germany have had enough. If you were a moderate child Saturday morning sitting on the political fence, you definitely grew up that All of a sudden, seems have taken a back-seat in our The surely poised to out of the Joe Biden and Democrats have purposely created, and if something happens Trump then surely the apocalypse awaits.

The Trump assassination attempt is a watershed moment in Our Nation’s history, that will have moderates finally committingtoapoliticalparty,andit won’t be the left. Democrats are the party of death. Iftheyarenotkillingbabies inthewomb,andifababyis accidentally born, they will setitasideforafewminutes, and kill it later Democrats are dark minded people. They project their thoughts ontoRepublicans. Theyare as cruel as the NAZI SS Einsatzgruppen, systematicallykillingmillionsofJews behind the lines like in occupiedRussia. Theyhave to lie to themselves everyday to keep their dark sanity about themselves maintained. Andwearenot just talking about the usual riff-raff that protests on the streets, but Democrat politicians, doctors, l


s, p



s, teachers scientists and others, all who see their opinions as God-like, and if yousaysomethingagainstit, thenyouarewrong.

The Trump assassination attempt is a watershed moment in Our Nation’s history that will have moderates finally committingtoapoliticalparty andit won’t be the left. Democrats are the party of death. Iftheyarenotkillingbabies inthewomb,andifababyis accidentally born, they will setitasideforafewminutes, and kill it later Democrats are dark minded people. They project their thoughts ontoRepublicans. Theyare as cruel as the NAZI SS Einsatzgruppen, systematicallykillingmillionsofJews behind the lines like in occupiedRussia. Theyhave to lie to themselves everyday to keep their dark sanity about themselves maintained. Andwearenot just talking about the usual riff-raff that protests on the streets, but Democrat politicians, doctors, lawyers, professors, teachers, scientists, and others, all who see their opinions as God-like, and if yousaysomethingagainstit, thenyouarewrong.

To give you an example of the professionals. Dr K a r e n P i n d e r

To give you an example of the professionals. Dr K a r e n P i n d e r

Then you have the millions of Gen Z’rs represented by 21 year-old Tik Toker Cele te (@cele2t3), who have bought all the gaslighting that their Communist professors and Democrat politicians have thrown at them. Celeste posted a rant that she was glad that someone had the gonads to take a shot at Trump, then she yelled in a high-pitched mind numbing scream “Andhemissed!!!!!!!” She correctly deduced in her disappointment, that “There is a white man attached to thattrigger.”

There is no way to stop the Democrat bleeding in thisgashthattheycreatedin shooting themselves in the side. try to the assassination as a Republican staged event, but it won’t fly And no doubtthepatternwewillsee in Thomas Crooks doesn’t lie far from that of other Democrat shooters before, such as the transgender Christian school assassin in Nashville, Tennessee. The SecretServiceandtheirDEI program is a joke, having women on Presidential Protection details is gonna get someone killed. One woman agent couldn t properlyholsterherweapon, and looked despite wearing sunglasses. And someone is gonna have to

Then you have the millions of Gen Z’rs represented by 21 year-old Tik Toker Celeste (@cele2t3) who have bought all the gaslighting that their Communist professors and Democrat politicians have thrown at them. Celeste posted a rant that she was glad that someone had the gonads to take a shot at Trump, then she yelled in a high-pitched mind numbing scream, “Andhemissed!!!!!!!” She correctly deduced in her disappointment, that “There is a white man attached to thattrigger.” There is no way to stop the Democrat bleeding in thisgashthattheycreatedin shooting themselves in the side. They’ll try to spin the assassination attempt as a Republican staged event, but it won’t fly And no doubtthepatternwewillsee in Thomas Crooks doesn’t lie far from that of other Democrat shooters before, such as the transgender Christian school assassin in Nashville, Tennessee. The SecretServiceandtheirDEI program is a joke, having women on Presidential Protection details is gonna get someone killed. One woman agent couldn’t properlyholsterherweapon, and looked lost, despite wearing sunglasses. And someone is gonna have to

answer why buildings with clear lines of sight to President Trump were not being covered, and not to mention why the Trump Campaign requests for additional Secret Service protectionwasturneddown. One thing is for certain. DonaldTrumpwillnotback down It’s not in his character,norwouldweasa Nation want Our Leader Donald Trump to cower in thefaceoffear That'swhat Biden does. The seriously ill man who literally filled his Depends with pooh in front of The World’s Stage. One thing that won’t be talked about for a while is that Trump, in being rushed off stage and to his waiting vehicle following being vehicle, shot; is that he stole ‘The Black-Power Salute,’ in his show of defiance against Democrats. Andthereisno doubt he will win All 50 States now There is no Democrat vote fraud alliance that can be put in position to stopTrump. By Biden tanking the economy and opening the borders to allowtotalchaostoreign,he inadvertently Red-Pilled manyofhisownsupporters. Those supporters have grabbed onto Trump, and they’renotlettinggo. I’m hoping to see the Republican led Congress Congress make calls for The Expulsion of those in Congress whohavecalledforviolence against Republicans and President Trump. Pelosi, Waters, AOC, and their ilk cannot be allowed to throw physical harm threats against Republicans It simply cannot stand, especially after this i assassination attempt. We have to be a polite society, and if not; we chance becoming a third world nation A Communist Society Which is what Democratswant.

answer why buildings with lines of sight to President Trump were not covered, and not mention why the Trump Campaign requests for additional Secret Service protectionwasturneddown. One is for certain. DonaldTrumpwillnotback down It’s not in his character norwouldweasa Nation want Our Leader Donald Trump in thefaceoffear That'swhat Biden does. The seriously ill man who literally filled his Depends with pooh in front of The World’s Stage. One thing that won’t be talked about for a while is Trump, in being rushed off stage and to his waiting vehicle, following being shot; is that he stole ‘The Black-Power Salute,’ in his show of defiance against Democrats. Andthereisno doubt he will win All 50 States now There is no Democrat vote fraud alliance that can be put in position stopTrump. By Biden tanking the economy and opening the to allowtotalchaostoreign,he Red-Pilled manyofhisownsupporters. Those supporters have grabbed onto Trump, and they’renotlettinggo. I’m hoping to see the Republican led Congress make calls for The Expulsion of those in Congress whohavecalledforviolence against Republicans and President Trump. Pelosi, Waters, AOC, and their ilk cannot be allowed to throw physical harm threats against Republicans It simply cannot stand, especially afte this assassination attempt. We have to be a polite society and if not; we chance becoming a third world nation A Communist Society Which is what Democratswant.


music up,whichis entertaining in itself with open-micnight,withbands ontheweekend. Theplace bristles with potential singing stars who are looking to improve their acts, while secretly hoping that someone who has the potential to change their livesisintheaudience.

musickicksup,whichis entertaining in itself with open-micnight,withbands ontheweekend. Theplace bristles with potential singing stars who are looking to improve their acts, while secretly hoping that someone who has the potential to change their livesisintheaudience.

I entered, look d around, and “No self-respecting socialist would because not table or chair matchesintheentireplace. And since I loath sameness,I tookaseatat the bar The bartender, Lauren Robertson, who wasn’t busy yet, voicedan offamiliarity with my facade, and being aguywhohappenstowrite Food & Drink columns, I wasn’tatall She then named someone who I never heard of before. “Yes,you’reright, we have a common likeness, in fact my coffee group members mentionedthatfactjustlast week.” We good laugh. SoIveeredleftand right, Ihadn’thad anything with Vodka in a while. I downatthe menu and saw Moscow Mule,’ promptly ordered. brought back some of days when I was 20-22, giving tours Americancivilians who worked for the U.S. Army Air Force, and wanted to experience East and West Berlin. I would

through East where I met Ru sian soldiers, exchanged salutes presented documents. I’d tourists to West Berlin, then later the East, Capitalism versusaworthless Economy

Mule actually American birthed by of Smirnoff Ginger Beer, lime wedge. kinda comedy of

The Moscow Mule is actually an American design, birthed by overstocks of Smirnoff Vodka, Ginger Beer, and the ever present lime wedge. It’s kinda like a comedy of

I entered, looked around, and thought, “No self-respecting socialist would go here,” because not one table or chair matchesintheentireplace. And since I loath same- I ness,Ihappilytookaseatat the bar The bartender, Lauren Robertson, who wasn’t that busy yet, voicedanairoffamiliarity with my facade, and being aguywhohappenstowrite Food & Drink columns, I wasn’tatallsurprised. She then named off someone who I had never heard of before. “Yes,you’reright, we do have a common likeness, in fact one of my coffee group members mentionedthatfactjustlast week.” We had a good laugh. SoIveeredleftand right,thinkingIhadn’thad anything with Vodka in a while. Ilookeddownatthe menu and saw Moscow Mule,’ and promptly ordered. It brought back somememoriesofmydays when I was 20-22, giving tourstoAmericancivilians who worked for the U.S. Army and Air Force, and wanted to experience East and West Berlin. I would drive them through East Germany, where I met Russian soldiers, exchanged salutes and presentedtheidentification cardsanddocuments. I’d get the tourists to West Berlin, then later the East, which is like Capitalism versusaworthlessPlanned Economy

errors that leads to a good thing. Like ‘The Battle of Midway,’ or a marriage

that leads to a good Like ‘The Battle of Midway,’ marriage isactuallyserved inacoppercup,soyounow know original

inquired can “No,” said “We don’t smoke putin orrosemary,” which is part TCP’s nomotto. Which is fine by I’ll go with

TheMuleisactuallyserved inacoppercup,soyounow know the original color of The Statue of Liberty I inquired if it can be smoked “No,” said Lauren. “We don’t smoke orputinmintorrosemary,” which is part of TCP’s nononsense motto. Which is fine by me, I’ll go with houserules.

TheMulecomespacked with ice garnished with the lime. insu-

TheMulecomespacked with ice and garnished with the lime. It’s insu-


ASSEMBLYOFGOD CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755

NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-5883399


ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation),1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe,Texas,Phone: 936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsold Worship:Sunday at10:30am,Sunday School:9:30am

HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356

Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027



Montgomery,TX 77356


FM2854,936-7562505 Mt.CalvaryBaptist, OldHwy105,936-5882330

Mt.SinaiBaptist, BethelRoad,Montgomery,936-597-4668

UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas

About11miNof Montgomery onFM149

SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,Wednesday BibleStudyandYouth Group6pm

POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-4781256,SundayBibleClass 10:00am,WorshipService at11:00am.

Meetsat464McCaleb Rd.

SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.

SundayEvening Worship6:00p.m.

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356


ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery



ChinaGroveBaptist Church,Willis,936-7674744


936-449-0845 m, dacusbaptist@consolidated

FirstBaptistChurch, GaryChapelBaptist Church FaithBaptistChurch

Hwy105W.,Montgomery,936-597-4230 HoneaBaptistChurch

lated by the cup The vodkaisfriendly lightand refreshing, with a citrus feel at the end. It almost felt like a cool crisp nonalcoholic tart punch as it pooled. Itcanbemedicinal in a non-medicinally way If you are planning on being sick (like a headcold, or respiratory infection), make a b-line for The Corner Pub, and you will get that rush to keep the bacteria and viruses at bay lol. After sitting for a short period, the Mule takes on a character change It’s nothing to do with being watered down, or dipping too quic

y in

lated the The vodkaisfriendly lightand refreshing, with feel at end. It almost felt like a cool crisp nonalcoholic tart punch as it pooled. Itcanbemedicinal non-medicinally way If you are planning sick (like a headcold, or r piratory infection), make a b-line for The Corner and you will get that rush to keep the bacteria and viruses at bay lol. After sitting for a short period, the ul tak s on a character change It’s nothing to do with being watered down, dipping t o qui kly into h brilliance of the mixture. But the ginger beer, which isalcoholic,and an beginstomakeitspresence known. The citrus waxes, while the ginger wanes

o theh brilliance of the mixture. But the ginger beer, which isalcoholic,andnotanale, beginstomakeitspresence known. The citrus waxes, while the ginger wanes P

periodic table than but is apparent and welcomed Thekey to continually stirring drink, to

periodic table than vodka, but the transformation is apparent and welcomed Thekeyistokeepcontinually stirring the drink, to


consistency And before you finish, the citrus endingreturns.

im consistency And before you finish, the ending

The Corner Pub closes at 2am, and is where the bartenders (and other service industry types), as well as musicians from as other bars and restaurants come after hours to get together after a night s work and converse. The original owner Rodney Pool,a.k.a.‘TheGodfather of Downtown Conroe,’ is so-calledbecauseheraised the city center from the ashes with his endeavor

The Corner closes at 2am, and is where the bartenders (and other service industry as well from other bars and restaurants come after to get together after a night s work and The original owner Rodney Pool,a.k.a.‘TheGodfather of Downtown is so-called heraised the city center from the ashes with his endeavor


LivingBranch Church

tobringlifebacktothearea after the clock struck five.

tobringlife tothe the clock struck

The television setto ‘Bob Channel,’ probably seeing sports there anytimesoon, galleryacrossthe may see an artist ordering Ross’cocktail.

Tuesday at different on Tuesday nights, there is no of want impress. Between interested in what’s at stage, there bea couples show seriousness abouteach You teal withher Thepopular will with who starting out the game Then there Davies Josh Brown, a couple from the experience. versed and

Theonetelevisionissetto the‘BobRossChannel,’so you probably won’t be seeing any sports there anytimesoon,andwiththe artgalleryacrossthestreet, you may see an occasional artist ordering a Happy BobRoss’cocktail. The Open-Mic night starts on Tuesday at 9pm. They have different hosts on Tuesday nights, and there is no shortage of musicians who want to impress. Between those interested in what’s going on at the stage, there may beafewcoupleslip-locked to show their seriousness abouteachother Youmay see a teal haired woman withherdog. Thepopular Joe Hill, will play his harmonica, and will sing with KatieAbbasu, who is just starting out in the open-mic game Then there is Megan Davies and Josh Brown, a couple who drive from Katy for the experience. Browniswell versed in guitar and

singing, who promising voice, is asong she only learned that is a diamond the and

Inthenext I’llgive thelow-down on ‘Dragon Bowl C,’ little inthewall to The Corner more withthelawthan you can on toes. Alcohol Disclaimer: intended nly Pleas dr

singing, but Davies, who has a promising voice, is braveenoughtosingasong she only learned that afternoon She is a diamondintherough,andI say‘followyourdream.’ Inthenextweekortwo, I’llgiveyouthelow-down on ‘Dragon Bowl C,’ the littleholeinthewalleatery next to The Corner Pub, that has prevented more instanceswiththelawthan you can count on ten millipede’stoes. Alcohol Disclaimer: Thiscolumnisintendedfor entertainment purposes only Please drink responsibly, not just for yourself, but for others aroundyou.

The Corner Pub is located at 302 Main St. in Conroe. Their website is: thecornerpubinconroe co m

Ruben can be reached a t : ruben@montgomerycount


InmyFather’shouseare many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place foryou?(v 2)

St.Joseph’sCatholic, 936-588-1260



RichardsUnited MethodistChurch


SundaySchool10AM WorshipService11AM

ZionChurch, 1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, 936-597-5331or936449-5983

LivingWayChurch, 2080LongmireRd, Conroe


SacredHeartCatholic, 936-756-8186

St.Mary’s Catholic FM1774,Plantersville, 109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-894-2223

CATHOLIC 7:45Service CR213,Stoneham, 936-894-2223

JEWISH CongregationBeth Shalom,5125 ShadowbendPlace,The Woodlands, 281-362-1100


LivingSavior LutheranChurch-LCMS 309PondSt.Montgomery 77356Churchphone:936597-8013Web:



ChurchatMontgomery(GlobalMethodist) 19190KeenanCutoff Rd. Montgomery,TX OakHillsJrHigh

SundayServices 10:30am GraceLutheran (ELCA), Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944

thewoodlandsmethodist. org/montgomery


HopeTabernacle PastorDavidWhitaker


Thursday7:30pm SundaySchoolat 10:00am

SundayWorshipat 6:00pm

LoneStarCowboy Church

21627EvaSt.Montgomery TX77356 (936)597-5742Pastors


NewBeginningBible Church, LighthouseFellowshipChurch,

19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-5978921

and running the bases.Thiswasnoordinary diamond Instead, these people played on the remnantsofthe1989movie set used for Field of Dreams. Universal Studios builtthisdiamondonafarm near Dyersville, Iowa, for their film about a farmer

wouldfind“alittlepieceof heaven”annually Hollywood unintentionally built what seemed like heaven for baseball lovers, but Jesus deliberately prepared a place in heaven for all who trust him for salvation Our Savior has constructed a unique spot for us in God’s house Heaven is where we will live in right relationship with our heavenly Father because Jesus has eliminatedoursinsthatseparated usfromGod.

uilt a ba

ServiceTimes:Sundays@ 8AM,9:30AM&11AM Mondays@7PM


Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660

WaldenCommunity Church,

12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696

Services9:30and11 a.m.

Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400 936-756-7792

LakesideBible Church,

CarbonChurch, RiverofLifeChurch, 1011W.Lewis,Conroe, 18940FreeportDrive

ChurchofSt.John, 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-4494414 CornerstoneChurch, Montgomery,936-5821977 retreatandwildlife center,

eball diamond on his corn field. Wandering around I thought of the famous line from the movie, “Is this heaven?” “No, it’s Iowa.” When the producers selected this farm, they had no idea that thirty some years after the movie, tens of thousands of visitors


TheChurch@Lake Conroe 1701McCalebRd Montgomery,TX77316 936-588-4975

Sundayworship@ 10:00a.m.Wed.activites 6:30-8pm

PorterChapelA.M.E. Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery 301PondStreet, Montgomery,TX. Web: Wednesday - 7:00pm

Asyoupray,thankJesus forpreparingawayforyou togettoheaven.

2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936597-5757 FellowshipofMontgomery Montgomery,TX77356


SeniorPastorDale Talbert

Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM&11 AM@lonestar.tvand clickonWatchnow

MinistriesCornerofFM 149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356

Transformation ChurchMontgomery


CommunityAnd Interdenominational Montgomery,TX77316

ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries 12681FM149

Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService 11:30amWednesday Pray/BibleStudy6:30pm

Sun:10:30am Admin@TCMontgomer


67½AprilWindS., AprilSound,936-5882832

Phone: 936-597-6162 MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch

WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery .online.churchorfollowus onFacebook @thefmchurch!

302N.Danville,Willis, Tx.77378 NorthShoreChurch 18501Fm1097West@ theBentwaterWest

10amWorshipService GateEntrance 936/890-8034


CelebrationService 10amSundays

YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays CovenantFelloship

PastorsSean&LoriJo Cook

9:30am Worship -10:30am and6:00pm ChurchofChristin Montgomery

St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, 1803HighlandHollow Conroe,936-756-8831

25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas 936-689-3141 EPISCOPAL

TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter Mt.PleasentBaptist Church FM149N.,Montgom-

TheCornerPubbartenderLaurenRobertson,holdsa coppercupofMoscowMule,withabottleofCrabbie’s Crabbie’ GingerBeer

Pj’sCoffeeofNewsOrleansGrand Opening


Montgomery’s newest coffee shop celebrated its grand opening this past Friday, welcoming patrons with a little bit of The Big Easy to the area ‘PJ’s Coffee of New Orleans’ had its soft opening last month and is already making a name for itself. AndwithHurricaneBeryl, knocking out power to the Walden corridor for a periodofdayslastweek,it was touch and go for a while to see if the opening

PJ’s, located at Walden ownedby franchisees Lenny and Sims and along with staff were ensuring that theircustomers care and coffees, sandanda anyone.

PJ’s, located at 17128 WaldenRoad,isownedby franchisees Lenny and Ivonne Sims and they along with their staff were all smiles, ensuring that theircustomerswerebeing taken care of, filling them up with hot and cold coffees, pastries, sandwiches,cookies,andahost of other products surely to satisfyanyone.

gathered crowd, where he praised Veterans and First Responders. “We are here toserveyou,socomeback asoftenasyoucan.”

broughtherdaughteranda fewfriends.“Itwashardto choose, but I settled for an icedlatte.”

gathered crowd, where he praised Veterans First Responders. “We here to comeback asoften had Wedding Latte,“ Baldwin beignets

fewfriends. was to but I

Belinda Baldwin “And these little beignets are verydelicious.”


n cu o er sandwiches, family were in parking spots chatting enjoyingtheir and could outdoors.

Many customers enjoyed their coffees, beignets, and sandwiches, amongst friends or family There were people out in the parking spots just chattingandenjoyingtheir coffees and samples, and thankfully the humidity was tolerable enough so patrons could enjoy the outdoors.

“I had a Wedding Cake Iced Latte,“ said customer

s s e t of handling drinks to fend even swore emanatfrom the

capable of handling lunch as well, with sandwiches, andpastries,withcoolerto frozen drinks to fend off the summer heat. Some customers even swore off the nation brand emanating from the Northwestern United States, and are standing firmly behind the BigEasy/PJ’schain.

Coffee Orleans of nesses

the and

community.” newest coffee shop celebrated grand this little Big to the area ‘PJ’s New and making name for Andwith to the corridor for period and go if

Lenny during short address

“Wewanttothankallof our customers,“ said coowner Lenny Sims, during his short address to the to

A booth was set up in front of the shop enticing customers to spin-thewheelforaprize,astheline extendedoutthedoor The Staff were busily handing out samples from scones, cookies,towarmedbeignet bites, which were absolutelydelicious.

booth set up in front of shop enticing customers to spin-thewheel aprize,astheline extended the The Staff busily handing out samples scones, cookies, warmedbeignet bites, which were absolutely

“We to PJ’s allthetime,” Schaffer,who

“WecameouttotryPJ’s sinceIpassitallthetime,” saidAmandaSchaffer,who

Conroenativeserveswhere futureNavywarfighterstrain

Plexico, Office Community Outreach

Seaman Christopher Jones, a native of Conroe, Texas, is currently stationedatNSGLasastudent with Naval Education and Training Command (NETC).

GREAT LAKES, Ill.Sailors are some of the most highly trained people on the planet, and this training begins at Recruit Training Command (RTC) Great Lakes otherwise knownasbootcamp.Every enlisted sailor starts their Navyjourneyatbootcamp at Naval Station Great Lakes(NSGL),Illinois. Jones graduated from Caney Creek High School in 2023 and joined the Navysixmonthsago.

PhotobyMassCommunication Specialist 1st Class

“I joined the Navy to furthermyeducationandto getastablejob,”saidJones.

The skills and values needed to succeed in the Navy are similar to those foundinConroe.

“When I was growing up,Ilearnedtoputmybest foot forward and that

During the 10 weeks at RTC Great Lakes, sailors learn five warfighting

During weeks at Great sailors five warfighting o m e e c

watchstanding, and small marksmanship.

watchstanding, and small armsmarksmanship.

NSGL is the Navy's largest training installation andthehomeoftheNavy's onlybootcamp.Locatedon over 1,600 acres overlooking Lake Michigan, the installation includes 1,153 buildings with 39 on the National Register of Historic Places NSGL

coming here opened,” said and coffee.”

to officially welcome PJ’s Coffee of New Orleans to the community of businesses that make up their chamber

“I’m a retired teacher,” said co-owner Ivonne Sims “So this is a new adventure for me, and my husband and I, as well as the staff and we look forward to serving the community.”

“I’ve been coming here since they opened,” said customer Donna Kopecky, “I love their beignets and coffee.”

supports more than 50 tenant commands and elements as well as more than 20,000 sailors, Marines, Soldiers, and DoDcivilianswholiveand workontheinstallation.

Two commands at NETCareSurfaceWarfare Engineer

Command Great and Combat Systems Command Great SCS

LAKES,Sailors of highly trained on the planet, training at Training Lakes knownas camp.Every enlisted sailor starts their journeyat Naval Great (NSGL),Illinois. from Caney Creek High School 2023 joined Navysixmonthsago. NSGL Navy's largest installation andthehomeoftheNavy's only Locatedon over 1,600 overlooking Lake the installation 1,153 buildings with 39 on the Na i n l eg s er of Historic Places more commands and elements as well th n 20 000 il

Navy and seaman SWESC GL for technical training These sailorsleaveSWESC aboard

Instructors r v a ul o and by a mindset

ng School Command Great Lakes (SWESC GL) and Surface Combat Systems Training Command Great Lakes (SCSTC GL) Every surface Navy engineer, quartermaster, boatswain's mate and deck seaman attends SWESC GL for technical training These sailorsleaveSWESCGLas surface warriors, ready to perform aboard ships operatingaroundtheglobe. Instructors at SCSTC GL provide a culture of excellence and warrior toughness by building a surface warrior mindset to complement the technical andtacticalskillsets.

“I'm looking forward to learning how the electronicswork,”saidJones.

humilitywillgetyoualong way,”saidJones. JonesservesaNavythat operates forward, around the world and around the clock, promoting the nation's prosperity and security

With 90% of global commerce traveling by sea and access to the internet relying on the security of underseafiberopticcables, Navy officials continue to emphasize that the prosperity of the United States is directly linked to recruiting and retaining talentedpeoplefromacross therichfabricofAmerica.

people every day," said Adm.LisaFranchetti,chief of naval operations "Together we will deliver theNavythenationneeds.”

“Serving in the Navy means giving back to my community and being able to serve my country,” said Jones.

With 90% traveling sea access to relying security fiberoptic officials m s e th he of the States linked fromacross fabric up, learnedtoput best and along way,”saidJones. serves operates forward, around the world around the clock, the nation's prosperity and security

“We will earn and reinforce the trust and confidenceoftheAmerican

Jones is grateful to others for helping make a Navycareerpossible.

“I want to thank my father, Christopher Jones, and my mom, Kristine Huff,” added Jones. "They have been my biggest supporters and have continued to push me to striveforbetterthanwhatI thinkIcando.”

Seaman Jones, a of currently at with Naval r inin omm nd (NETC). to my and my mom, Huff,” added Jones. "They my biggest port nd h v to push me to whatI cando.”

“Serving the Navy means giving my community and being able to country,” said Jones. and similar to foundin andto said to others helping make a Navy “We will earn the and people every day," said Adm.Lisa chief o n v o ons "Together deliver theNavy Communication Specialist 1st Class electron-

HappycustomerslinedupoutthedoorduringPJ’sCoffeeofNewOrleansgrand openinglastweek

MCN’s ‘VeteranofTheWeek’-ZachGriffin

Thisweek’sVeteranis ZachGriffin,whoserved in the U.S. Army from 2000-2006. Heservedas an Helicopter repairman of all the available choppersduringhistime inthemilitary Zachwas stationed at Fort Hood, and was deployed along the Texas-New MexicoArizona border for for counter drug operations

with DEA and Customs and Border Patrol in early 2001. Griffin was sent to Iraq in 20042005, where he was basedoutofTaji,northof Baghdad. Zach also worked in Nuclear BiologicalandChemical training, Com

This time Zach and was Mexicodrug Iraq where Baghdad.

at lifesavertraining,DART and was team leader of the down a

g a r

recoveryteam,orDART After his service, Griffin

workedwithContinental and Express Jet as an mechanic and maintenanceinspector Zachis the program coordinator fortheOutdoorDisabled Veteran Program, with Know


int Network, and other v

programs. Good Luck Zach, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘VeteranoftheWeek’.

worked and an mechanic maintenance is the program coordinator for Disabled Veteran with Kno t Network, v programs. Zach, tions ‘Veteran


AttendsContinentalCongress Congr


CelebrateNationalParks andRecreationMonth

A significant event on the DAR calendar is the Continental Congress, held annually during the lastweekofJuneatDAR headquarters inWashington D.C. The headquarters, c


t across only gained

Coushatti Trace Chapter,Daughtersofthe AmericanRevolution,isa lineage-based organization promoting Historic Preservation, Patriotism, and Education For membership information, please contact Regent K a y P o n t i o u s a t CoushattiTraceDAR@g You can also follow us on Facebook page – Coushatti Trace, NSDAR.

, Continental Hall, and Administrationbuildings, spans a full city block acrossfromtheEllipse.It stands as the largest facility built and owned by women worldwide Six members of the Coushatti Trace Chapter attendedthisyearasfirsttime attendees During the multi-day event, the chapterwasrecognizedas oneofonly14chaptersin thenationwhohadgained morethan30membersby application. C a i Patriotism, n o contact i Facebook week in

For more information about the City of Montgomery parks, visit our website. 1985, Recreation to building recreation. also local,

Since 1985, the United StateshascelebratedPark and Recreation Month in July to promote building strong, vibrant, and resilient communities through the power of parksandrecreation.This monthalsorecognizesthe more than 160,000 fulltime park and recreation professionals, along with hundreds of thousands of part-time and seasonal workers and volunteers, who maintain our country's local, state, and communityparks. V i s i t #HistoricMontgomeryTX parks with your friends a n d f a m i l y !

PicturedLtoR:RecordingSecretary,CarolynWorsham,MarilynMcGrath,Vice-RegentJanCook,Regent KayPontious,ProjectPatriotChairMerrileeGordon,andSueBaldaccini.

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