Montgomery County News, July 24, 2024

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Picture and article provided by Eva Rains, Publicitychairmanforthe StubbsUDCChapter

Across our nation, June 14 is celebrated as FlagDay

On June 14, 1777, the 2nd Continental Congress took a break from writing t h e A r t i c l e s o f Confederation and passed a resolution stating that "the flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternate red and white," and that "the union be 13 stars,whiteinabluefield, represen


a new constellation." Over 100 years later in 1916, Preside

Across 14 is FlagDay On June 1777, the Continental took a break from r t l s resolution States 13 13 stars,white ablue r constellation." years in re o il on a ke anniversary of that

anniversary of that decree by officially making June 14asFlagDay

OnJune15,2024the Montgomery Historical Societydecidedtohostan event in Montgomery and invited numerous historical groups to attend and tell the public about their group and to honor ourflag. TheROTCfrom MontgomeryHighSchool postedthecolors. Those historical groups were...Sons of the American Revolution Freedom Chapter from Conroe, The Woodlands, Champions, Spring & Tomball Rebel Joan of

June the decided host in and t u r to and to honor School historical of the Conroe, Spring & of

Arc2721,TheWoodlands, UDC, Coushatti Trace Chapter Daughters of the of American Revolution, Grimes County Greys 924, Sons of Confederate Veterans,Anderson,Judge Nathaniel Hart Davis, DaughtersoftheRepublic of Texas and the Thomas Jefferson Stubbs 2523 Conroe,UDC.

Giving special talks aboutTexas as a Republic a n d t h e t o w n o f Montgomery were Jack Shepherd portrayed Dr Shepherd Charles B Stewart and Bi

portrayed General Sam Houston.

Mr Kameron K Searle,authorofTheEarly History of Montgomery, Texas, gave a very informative narrative of ourlocalhistory

The Montgomery Historical Society recently celebrated their 70th anniversary and the late Reba Laughter was honoredforheravidwork, along with her husband, with the Society for many years. The family of the Laughter'swerepresentat theevent.

Arc2721,The UDC, Chapter Daughters American Grimes 924, Veterans,Anderson, Nathaniel Daughters of Texas and Jefferson Conroe, am n K Searle,author History of Te s, a y informative narrative ourlocal about a d t e n Montgomery Shepherd Dr Charles B a u n in we being Montgomery i ri o y celebrated 70th late Laughter her along husband, with for of at

There is a lot of history in the town of Montgomery and we are proud to boast being the birthplace of the Texas flag.

Lone Star College will host a Registration Fair Aug. 6-7 to help students andtheirfamilieslearnhow tocompletetheirenrollment processbeforethefall2024 semesterbegins.

“The Lone Star College Registrationeventwillhave various enrollment activities to help students select the right classes, finalize their schedules and ensure they are on the right path to start fall with us,” said Gerald F Napoles, Ph.D.,LSCvicechancellor, StudentSuccess.

The LSC Registration Fair takes place at all eight main LSC campuses (seven in person and one online) from10a.m.-3p.m.College representatives will assist studentsthroughtheireightstep enrollment checklist, whichincludesadvisingand financialaidassistance.

“The foundation I am building at Lone Star College will shape the rest of my education when I transfer to a four-year institution,”saidAlexandria Hays, LSC-Online student. “Speaking with an advisor hashelpedmeplanthenext steps in my degree, leading towardacareerinteaching.” The fair will also help students apply to LSC, submittranscripts,complete placement testing, attend new student orientation and pay for classes The fall 2024 semester begins Aug. 26 and registration is still o p e n V i s i t to learn moreabouttheRegistration Fair activities offered at eachLSCcampus.

Lone Star College enrollsover80,000students each semester providing high-quality low-cost academic transfer and career training education LSC is training tomorrow’s workforce today and redefining the community college experience to support student success Mario K Castillo, J D , serves as Chancellor of LSC, the largest institution of higher education in the Houston area and has been named a 2023 Great Colleges to Work For® institution by the Chronicle of Higher Education. LSC consists of eight colleges, seven centers eight Workforce Centers of Excellence and Lone Star CorporateCollege.Tolearn more, The at all eight LSC person and one a.m.-3 will throughtheir includesadvisingand Lone a Registration Fair their their process “The Registration v ri s enro m help students classes, finalize their schedules and ensure the with Napoles, Ph.D.,LSC Success. “The will rest when transfer a Hays, LSC-Online me in my degree, towarda will also to student and begins and is o V to moreabouttheRegistration each Co l g 80,000 LSC o k e d d redefining success Mario Castillo, of education na a 2 ea Chronicle Higher eight Centers more,

picturedontheleftisBetteGarlandandEvaRains withtheThomasJeffersonStubbs2523Conroe Chapterofthe TexasDivision,UnitedDaughtersofthe Confederacy



immunizations at the event.


“Everychilddeservesa healthy start to the school year,” said Karen Harwell, CEO of Lone Star Family

off Bus July 2024, 9 to the health Conroe location. enjoy and community The event to public.

T o m a k e a n appointment for Don't MisstheBus,call936-5394004.Ifuninsured,request to speak to an eligibility specialist prior to making your appointment All patientsmustbringalistof required immunizations from their school and a current shot record. Space and vaccine stock are limited.

y incorporating "Vaccines DefendWhatMatters.”

two-week event across all LSFHC locations focused on back-to-school health services. Well child visits and vaccines are

Health Center “The Don't Miss the Bus event makes it easy for kids to see their doctorandgetcaughtupon vaccines well before the


had been in the works for

advertising and many

Membersweresoeagerto wear their special custom RJOA LOGOED and “PERSONALIZED”RED A P R O N S ( A l s o organized by Chairman LAURA McCRACKEN!) that they just had to “hunt treasurers to put in the sale”, so they could come


The “Last




few things off the


thinking… Notice the

APRONS! HOT! HOT!! HOT!!! As all of you know who have ever done one of these, LOTS OF


, EL Mohicans” last leave - and helping HAD MOREFUNTHAN BUYING OTHER!! the for h f i iv ua ns JO were N A LAURA in sale”, i i i O E R S O A HOT!!

RJOA Personalized RED ApronsandtheliveFlower Arrangements by Anne Carter being held by variousmembers. WHAT

But, Live Flower bouquets, beading, hand made holiday decorations & wreaths, cow and antique rugs, glamorous hats, antique ironing and tea cups, of clothes, etc, nameit, name few things the top my thinking… fabulous RJOA RED Aprons Flower Arrangements Anne Carter held by variousmembers. Special Thanks that everything


InterfaithProvidesDisasterReliefTo IndividualsAndFamiliesFollowing HurricaneBeryl

THE TX — As our community recoversfromtheimpact Interfaith of The to help neighbors affected immediatebasicneeds.

As our community recoversfromtheimpactof Hurricane Beryl, Interfaith of The Woodlands is working to help neighbors affected by meeting immediatebasicneeds.

Interfaith of The Woodlands encourages any resident within their service area, who a experienced a loss of wages due to Hurricane Beryl or physical damage to their property to contact Interfaithforanassistance. Individuals who qualify will be eligible for financial assistance for rent/mortgage aid, utilities

and prescriptions assistance, clothing and houseware vouchers to Interfaith's Hand Me Up Shop, as well as food and water assistance from the InterfaithFoodPantry

Additionally, any

resident whose house is inhabitable due to the effects of Hurricane Beryl or any elderly/person with disabilityormajormedical condition who resides in a homewherepowerhasnot been restored may be eligibleforpaidshelterina localhotel.

As we look ahead, Interfait

e Woodlandswillcontinueto assess community need and focus on services on disaster assistance for families and Seniors i

s affected may make call 281-367-1230 for more information or to make an appointmentforassistance.

Once power was restored, Interfaith was able to host a drive thru foodandwaterdistribution for the community in the Interfaith parking lot on Friday, July 12th. Thanks

nce pow r w restored, able to host a drive thru food water for the community Interfaith lot

In erfai h f Th Woodlands encourages any resident their se v c wh experienced a loss wages due to Beryl or damage to their property to contact Interfaith anassistance. Individuals who qualify will eligible financial for rent/mortgage an prescrip i ns assistance, clothing and houseware vouchers to Interfaith's Up Shop, well food and water from the Interfaith Pantry A di io a ly, y whose house due to of Beryl elderly/person with disability homewhere may shelter hotel.

to the support of our community, Interfaith was able to serve 181 families, and a total of nearly 700 individuals. A huge thank you to volunteers from Waste Connections for their assistance supporting this distribution Additionally, a huge thank you to Kroger for their generous donation of water,whichwillserve190 homebound Seniors this week Looking ahead, Interfaith is actively working on multiple water distribution sites in our area to further assist individuals affected by the storm.

to the support of our community, Interfaith was able to 181 families, and a nearly 700 individuals. A huge thank you to from Waste for their supporting t is di ri ut on Additionally, a huge thank you to Kroger for their generous donation of water,whichwillserve190 homebound Seniors this week ahead, Interfaith is actively working on multiple water distribution sites our area assist individuals affected by the storm.

Ifyouwouldliketojoin in the effort to assist neighbors impacted by Hurric


ryl, Interfaith'sgreatestneedis food donat

ons andn monetary contributions to buy food, water, and

Ifyou tojoin in the to assist neighbors impacted by H r c r , Interfaith'sgreatest is fo d d n tio a d monetary to buy water, and shelter

provide shelter at nearby motels Additionally, financialassistancewillbe used to provide rent, mortgage and utility assistance for our affected affected neighbors.FoodDrivesare agreatwaytogetinvolved and build community If y

neighborhood is interested in hosting a food drive for ourFoodPantry pleasesee the flyer attached for a current list of Food Pantry needs Non-perishable food items can be donated to the Interfaith Food Pantry at 4242 Interfaith Way, The Woodlands, during regular business hours.Monetarydonations canalsobemadeonlineby visiting our website at woodlandsinterfaith org Thank you for helping us “BuildAMoreLovingand C


KickingoffLoneStarFamilyHealthCenter’s7thAnnualDon’tMisstheBusWellChild Visits&VaccinationsisafreehealthfairSaturday,July27,2024.Participantscanenjoy snacks,giveawaysandinformationfromcommunityorganizations.Theeventisfreeand opentothepublic.
LoneStarFamilyHealthCenterishostingthe7thAnnual Don’tMisstheBusWellChildVisits&VaccinationsJuly 27toAug.9,2024.Don’tMisstheBusisatwo-week eventacrossallLSFHClocationsfocusedonback-to schoolhealthservices.Wellchildvisitsandvaccinesare freeforchildrenwithoutinsurance.

SafeguardingYourFinancial Identity:ThePowerofaCredit Freeze


Unlikeacreditlock,which can be toggled on and off instantly via an app, a freeze offers a sturdier barrier, governed by federallaw

opened, securing your financialreputation.

opened, securing your financialreputation.

In age where digital

In an age where digital transactions define our everyday life, protecting your financial identity is paramount. One effective toolinthisongoingbattleis thecreditfreeze,asecurity measure that can prevent identity thieves from opening new accounts in your name. Let's explore the significance and practical steps of implementingacreditfreeze.

A credit freeze, also knownasasecurityfreeze, restricts access to your creditreport.Thisiscrucial because before a financial institution approves new credit, it usually checks yourcreditreport.Ifitcan't accessyourreportduetoa freeze, the process halts, effectively blockin

fraudsters in their tracks.

Implementing a credit freeze is straightforward but requires deliberate action. You must contact each of the three major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian,andTransUnion. Thiscangenerallybedone online, over the phone, or throughmail.Interestingly, Interestingly placing a credit freeze is free, and since the passage of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act in 2018, lifting the freeze temporarily or permanentlyisalsofree.

- High Risk of Identity Theft: Those who have experienced or are at increased risk identity theft may find a credit freeze a vital preventative tool.

- High Risk of Identity Theft: Those who have experienced or are at increased risk of identity theft may find a credit freeze a vital preventative tool.

- No Credit Needs: If you're not planning on applying for new soon, credit freeze can serve as a preventative safeguard without affecting your daily activities.

- No Immediate Credit Needs: If you're not planning on applying for new credit soon, a credit freeze can serve as a preventative safeguard without affecting your dailyfinancialactivities. I

consider freezing your credit? The answer is ideally before any threat

u consider freezing your credit? The answer is ideally before any threat

proactive measure—not a reaction has

proactive measure—not a reactionafteryourdatahas

However if you discover that your information has been exposed in a data breach,don'tdelay;initiate a freeze to secure your creditfrommisuse.

However if you discover that your information has been in a data breach,don'tdelay;initiate a freeze to secure your creditfrommisuse.

Whilerainfollowedby sunshine produces the eye-catching sight of a rainbow, it can also mark the need for livestock owners to confront the insects and parasites that thrive in the summer season.

rainfollowedby sunshine produces the eye-catching sight a rainbow, it can also mark the need for livestock owners confront the insects and parasites that thrive summer season.

Tohelpownersprotect their livestock, Dr Isabelle Louge, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Medicine Biomedical Sciences, provides insight into the importance of external parasite control and discusses methods for reducing the potential health risks associated withcommonfarmpests.

Tohelpownersprotect the r l estock, Dr Isabelle Louge, a clinical assistant at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, provides insight the importance external parasite and discusses for reducing the potential health associated withcommonfarmpests.



Livestock including horses,pigs,cows,sheep, and goats are highly susceptible to and the parasites they carry thistimeofyear

Livestock including horses,pigs,cows,sheep, and goats — are highly susceptible to insects and the parasites they carry thistimeofyear

“As the weather gets warm and wet, the flies begintocomeoutinlarge numbers, said Louge

“As the gets warm and wet, flies begin out large numbers,

“Flies are irritating to livestock but they also pose health risks to them.”

Horse-, deer-, horn-, sand- and face-flies are a

understand that a credit freeze does not affect your credit score, nor does it prevent you from getting your free annual credit report. You can still open new accounts, apply for a job, rent a home, or buy insurance, but you'll need to lift the freeze temporarily using a PIN or password that you set up when you enacted the freeze.

understand that a freeze does not your credit does it prevent from your free annual credit report. You can still new accounts, apply for job, rent a home, or buy insurance, but you'll need to lift the freeze temporarily using a PIN or password that you set up when you enacted the freeze.

Lifting a freeze, which canbedoneforaspecified period or for a specific party, takes planning Ensureyouliftthefreezeat least a week before you anticipate needing new credit This simple step ensuressmoothprocessing

Lifting freeze, which canbe foraspecified period or for a specific party, planning Ensureyoulift freezeat least a week before you anticipate needing new credit This simple step ensuressmooth


To conclude, a credit freeze is a powerful, costfree tool for protecting your financial privacy and

unprotectedforlong. conclude, credit freeze is powerful, costfree tool for protecting your financial privacy and

security It offers peace of mind, knowing that you're taking proactive steps to guard against identity theft an increasingly common and potentially devastati


ime Remember, in the fight against fraud, the best defense is often a good offense, and freezing your credit is an excellent strategicmove.

security offers peace mind, that you're taking proactive steps to guard against identity theft an increasingly potentially d v s at ng cr me Remember, in the fight the best is often a good and freezing is an excellent move. Pendle Hill Advisors to contribute to

Pendle Hill Advisors is proud to contribute to the M

News our financialnews topics If you ques

News with our weekly curatedfinancialnewsand topics If you have any

u th markets plan, or anything, please freetoreach toour office for no

RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz




Beyond the skin wounds and lesions they cause,thesepests’attacks can potentially infect animalswithdiseasesthat can cause issues ranging from eye infections to abortionstorms(asudden increase of lost pregnancies within a herd); these diseasesalsocaninclude: Pink Eye – a bacterial infection affecting the sur

ng blindnessandeyelesions.

B y d h ski wounds and lesions cause,thesepests’attacks potentially animalswithdiseases can cause ranging from eye abortionstorms sudden increase of lost pregnancies within a these diseasesalsocaninclude: Pink Eye – a su face f the eye, tentia y si blindnessand lesions.

Bluetongue – a viral disease causing difficulty breathing, depression, fever, and reproductive issues.

causing anemia, fever, and overall ness.

Anaplasmosis – a disease causing anemia, fever, and overall weakness.

Protecting farm animals from diseases spread by insects starts withinsectprevention.

tremendous hindrance on thelivesoffarmanimals, but they are not the only culprit the diseasetransmitting threat of external parasites also extendstovariousspecies ofmites,mosquitos,ticks, andlice. It is imperative to It remove manure waste from the livestock’s pen on a regular basis Remaining diligent in water hygiene also is an effective way to reduce insectpopulations.

Pro ti fa m animals from diseases spread insects starts withinsect

important to that se are available over counter, care be to use them as directed Louge

These p s ides nd a contaminate and impact the populationsofbeneficial whenusedincorrectly.”

“It’s important to note that many of these products are available over the counter, but care should be taken to only use them as directed on the label,” Louge said “These products are pesticides and can contaminate waterways and impact the populationsofbeneficialinsects whenusedincorrectly.”

Ultimately, watching out for external parasites affecting your livestock and working with your veterinary care team is crucial in maintaining livestockhealth.

“Like always, if you suspect an issue with these external parasites, it’s a good idea to speak with your veterinarian whocanhelpidentifythe pestsandhelpyoudecide

what control options wouldworkbestforyour farm,”Lougeadded.

PetTalk is service of the of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, A&M University Stories be viewed on at vetmed edu/news/p et-talk Suggestions for future topics be d r ct t

PetTalk is a service of the School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University Storiescanbe viewed on the web at vetmed tamu edu/news/p et-talk Suggestions for future topics may be directed to

“Flies often reproduce in so removing this theenvironment will reduce their ability reproduce in large numbers,” Louge explained “Also, many biting insects require standing water to reproduce,soeliminating stagnant standing water by dumping buckets frequently replenishing water sources can help drive their numbers down.”

“Flies often reproduce in manure, so removing thisfromtheenvironment will help reduce their ability to reproduce in large numbers,” Louge explained “Also, many biting insects require standing water sources to reproduce,soeliminating stagnant standing water by dumping out buckets frequently and replenishing water sources can help drive their numbers down.”

For further insect protection, Louge notes that products such as fly tags, fans, fly masks, and pour-on products may help control the issue

depending on what external parasites are

“In addition to illness, the insects themselves alsocancausetheanimals todropbodyconditionby distracting them from eating and deteriorating their hoof quality by making them stomp more,”Lougesaid.


Ruben Borjas Jr, Columnist/ Opinion


Ruben’s Montgomery Musings

The Missing Republican Riots?

This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.

This column may upset some. And frankly, I don’t care about Democrats but it to

“Where were the GOP Riots after President Trump wasshot?”

“Where were the GOP Riots after President shot?”

God, what an incredible statement, and I doubt anyone else in Our Countryhadthoughtofthat.

and I doubt anyone else in thought

I was sitting in my new divebar Conroe’s Switch, talking with some new friends, when South an citizen, said to me that I thought was that my brain stopped.

I was sitting in my new favoritedivebarinConroe’s Switch, talking with some new friends, when a beautiful South African emigrate, now anAmerican citizen, said something to me that I thought was so profound; that my brain stopped.

Weather for the Lake Conroe area


Showersandthunderstormslikely,thenshowersand possiblyathunderstormafter1pm.Highnear81. Northeastwindaround5mphbecomingsoutheastinthe afternoon.Chanceofprecipitationis80%.Newrainfall amountsbetweenatenthandquarterofaninch,except higheramountspossibleinthunderstorms.


A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms, mainlyafter10pm.Mostlycloudy,withalowaround71. Southeastwindaround5mphbecomingcalminthe evening.

Showersandpossiblyathunderstorm.Highnear79.East windaround5mph.Chanceofprecipitationis80%.



Achanceofshowersandthunderstorms,thenshowers likelyandpossiblyathunderstormafter1pm.Mostly cloudy,withahighnear84.Chanceofprecipitationis 60%.


A20percentchanceofshowersandthunderstormsafter 1am.Mostlycloudy,withalowaround71.

Achanceofshowersandthunderstorms,thenshowers likelyandpossiblyathunderstormafter1pm.Mostly cloudy,withahighnear84.Chanceofprecipitationis 70%.

A20percentchanceofshowersandthunderstormsafter 1am.Mostlycloudy,withalowaround73.

Showersandthunderstormslikely.Partlysunny,witha highnear89.Chanceofprecipitationis60%.

A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms, mainlyafter1am.Mostlycloudy,withalowaround70. SundayNight SaturdayNight



A40percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlysunny,withahighnear91.



There so few references topic. Perhaps riot in Miami that neverheardof,and‘Jan6th,’ callthatariot, thatnarrativeis apart than a Joe change.

There are so few references to the topic. Perhaps there was one riot in Miami that I neverheardof,and‘Jan6th,’ ifyoucancallthatariot,and thatnarrativeisfallingapart quicker than a Joe Biden diaperchange.

So why didn’t I riot? Why didn’t my fellow Republicansriot?

So why didn’t I riot? didn t my fellow Republicansriot?

AllofusRepublicanshad good to riot. Our President (Trump, not Biden) had just been shot ‘ForChrist’sSake,’soweall needed to off some steam, which could have easily been handled a local Sam Walmart or Costo;witha flashmob action running in and stealing whatever we needed. I could use a ‘five finger discount’ myself. I needanewiPad,not me, but as a gift to my greatniece. I could also use an 80”televisionformyfriend, so I would a ‘ten finger discount’on that one. And it’s for me,itisunderstandablethat IcanwalkinandtakewhatI wantinariotoussituation.

AllofusRepublicanshad good cause to riot. Our President (Trump not Biden) had just been shot ‘ForChrist’sSake,’soweall needed to blow off some steam, which could have easily been handled at a local Sam s Walmart, or Costo;withalittleflashmob action running in and and stealing whatever we needed. I could use a ‘five finger discount’ myself. I needanewiPad,notforme, but as a gift to my greatniece. I could also use an 80”televisionformyfriend, so I would have needed a ‘ten finger discount’on that one. And since it’s not for me,itisunderstandablethat IcanwalkinandtakewhatI wantinariotoussituation.

I’m sure that millions of Republicans could use things that are outside of their budget thanks to Bidenflation, bad economic and foreign policy We could have sent in mobs to grocerystores. Imean,who wouldn’t want to load up with tons of Allen Brothers Steak, Ice Cream, or OTC medications and supplements; and don’t forget the forget washing detergent, and the toiletpaper Demapologists say that people who steal fromgrocerystoresareonly trying to feed their families. Hellyeah! Weneedtofeed our families too Any Republican mother can ‘identify’as a Democrat for the same reason, and fill up their carts and just leave withoutpaying.

nience stores because with all this rioting we’d need some beer, energy drinks, and let’s not forget hot dogs on the way out. Lottery scratch are always needed, and if they arefree,that’sa for all Republican rioters. I’d also recommend we hit a pharmacy or in our rioting. Who among us doesn’t need pain relief cream, especially after a nightof rioting? The candy at pharmacies are very important, and it’s never too to start stocking up Halloween. Andwe’dalsoneed stock up aspirin, a night heavy we’ll need some help to recover all that drinking and looting. And afterwards,wecanenjoyour newfoundgoodies.

nience stores because with all this rioting we’d need some chips, beer, energy drinks, and let’s not forget hot dogs on the way out. Lottery scratch tickets are always needed, and if they arefree,that’sawin-winfor all Republican rioters. I’d also recommend we hit a pharmacy or two in our rioting. Who among us doesn’t need pain relief cream, especially after a nightofheavyrioting? The candy aisle at pharmacies are very important, and it’s never too early to start stocking up for Halloween. Andwe’dalsoneedtostock up on aspirin, since after a night of heavy drinking, we’ll need some help to recover from all that drinking and looting. And afterwards,wecanenjoyour newfoundgoodies.

Publisher:M.P.Stultz P


my forgot guns! What rioting Republican couldn t use more Ionlyhaveone per room in my house, but what Republican rioter couldn’t use or more guns per room in their residence? Republicansare lawabiding owners,but there mention in how they obtained them. So it’s OK. for the Democrat goose, more than for the Republican gander

Oh my, I almost forgot guns! What rioting Republican couldn t use moreguns? Ionlyhaveone per room in my house, but what Republican rioter couldn’t use two or more guns per room in their residence? Republicansare lawabidinggunowners,but there is no mention in how they obtained them. So it’s OK. What’s good for the Democrat goose, is more than OK for the Republican gander

Republicans have been missing out on so many rioting opportunities over the decades. Just think of the profits we could have racked up over the years. With the ‘Fentanyl Floyd’ riots, we guys on the right could have really cleaned up, and who would have complained? Anyone in leftist cities would have appreciated the company, and as long as you are in a hoodie and mask, Dems can’ttellthedifference.

Republicans been missing out so rioting opportunities the Just think the profits have racked the years. With the ‘Fentanyl Floyd’ riots, we guys on right could have really cleaned up, who have complained? Anyone in leftist cities would have appreciated the company, and as as you are in hoodie Dems can’ttell difference.



AccountExecutive: M.RyanWest

Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Diana Anderson,GailBox, KimWest,MeganWest Stultz Students and Staff of MISD, and friendsofMontgomeryCountyNews.

AssistantEditor:JamieSandefer Montgomery County RyanWest

©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2023

MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.

MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews.


Who couldn’t use a free bottle of Jack Daniel’s? GOP’ers love alcohol too, although I’d point Republican rioters to ransack the higher class alcohol suppliers; the stuff with racehorsesonthecap. We’d all need to hit the conve-

I’m millions of Republicans could use things that are outside of their budget thanks to Bidenflation, bad economic and foreign policy We could have sent in mobs to grocerystores. Imean,who wouldn’t want load up with tons of Allen Brothers Steak, Ice Cream, or OTC medications and supplements; and don’t forget washing detergent, and toiletpaper Dem say that people who steal fromgrocerystoresare trying to feed their families. Hell Weneedtofeed our families too Any Republican mother can ‘identify’as a Democrat for the same reason, and fill up their carts and just leave withoutpaying. Who couldn’t use a free bottle of Daniel s? GOP’ers love alcohol too, although I’d can rioters to ransack the highe la s alcoho suppliers; the stuff racehorsesonthecap. all need to hit the

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complex which forces first, the reduction in store hours, then the outright closure of over 10,000 stores; from Mom and Pops, to major retailers.

which first, store hours, closure of from and Pops, major retailers.

Democrat policies have allowedforlargeswathesof popularshoppingdistrictsto close because of unchecked tomfoolery Try going to BeverlyHillsandshopping? Nothing is open. Fisherman's Wharf in San f Francisco? Nothingsopen. Many grocery stores along theWest Coast have closed, so those looking for green beans, ground beef, or tofu; to either steal or buy, well you’re out of luck, and that goes for the upper East upper Coastaswell.

allowedforlargeswathesof popular districts close because of unchecked Try going BeverlyHillsandshopping? is open. Fisherman s Wh rf S n Francisco? Nothings

Many along West Coast those looking ground or to or buy, you’re of luck, and goes for upper East Coastaswell. ManyGOPentrepreneurs could ve beco successfulAmazon fromthespoils organized retail theft, with everything from large televisions,refrigerators,washers anddryers. Andbar stores? doesn’t want a Tiki Bar

ManyGOPentrepreneurs could have become successfulAmazon retailers fromthespoilsoforganized retail theft, with everything from lifting large televisions,refrigerators,washers anddryers. Andbarsupply stores? What Republican doesn’t want a Tiki Bar in theirhouse?

Yeah, we Republicans have ourselves shortfordecades. the Zoot Suit riots to 1967’s Long Hot Summer Riots; to the Riots of and we forget the National Convention Riots is the upcoming August DNC Convention) we have time toplanfor y G

Yeah, we Republicans have been selling ourselves shortfordecades. Fromthe Zoot Suit riots (1943), to 1967’s Long Hot Summer Riots; to the MLK Riots of ‘68, and we can’t forget the 1968 Democratic National Convention Riots (which is bound to repeat with the upcoming August DNC Convention), which we Republicans still have time toplanfor M

Andwiththesituationof Democrat cities and states on both coasts, we don’t even need a reason to riot. For years, stores from San Diego to Seattle, across the Midwest, to the East Coast, have been open sieves to thieves supporting the industrial retail theft

Andwiththesituationof Democrat cities and on both coasts, we don’t to riot. stores from to Seattle, to East been open to supporting retail

OfcourseIjestinallthis, but for many in Democrat states and cities, food, pharmacy, and retail store desertsareaseriousandreal

Ijest for many states and cities food desertsareaseriousandreal

thing. And when the law only punishes criminals for stealing more than $950 dollars worth of product, Democratpoliticiansarejust askingfortrouble. Rarelyis a misdemeanor issued for stealing $700 dollars worth ofanything. It’strulyamad world in those areas, and in its surreality, the elderly are suffering,andarepayingthe price for voting Democrat allofthoseyears. Republicans don’t riot. Rioting is the domain of Democrats, who always get a free pass for their deviant ways. Republicans don’t riot because they naturally follow the Rule of Law GOP’ers respect people and their property, and demand the same in return e Republicans respect the right of Free Speech (which Democrats hate with a passion anyone who thinks outside of their deviancy), theRighttoBearArms,and a whole host of other laws. LawslikeDemocratshaving no respect for the Right to Life, for babies to be born alive, and stay alive after birth. And now with Joe Biden having left the Presidential Race, we can expect total havoc at the Democrat’s convention in Chicago next month. There is no doubt that Kamala Harris will be challenged at the DNC for the Dem nomination. Her cackle cannot be allowed to be the face of the Democrat Party

And when the only stealing more $950 dollars worth of politiciansarejust fortrouble. Rarelyis a misdemeanor issued for stealing dollars worth ofanything. It’strulya world those areas, and surreality, the are suffering, the for voting Democrat ofthoseyears. Republicans don’t riot. domain of who always get a free Republicans don’t riot because they the Rule of Law respect people their property and demand the same in re urn Republicans respect the of Free Speech anyone who thinks outside their theRighttoBearArms,and a of other laws. LawslikeDemocratshaving no respect for the for babies to be birth. now with Joe having left the Race, we can expect total the Democrat’s convention in Chicago month. There is no that Kamala Harris will be at the the nomination. cackle cannot be allowed to the face of the Democrat

Rubencanbereachedat: ruben@montgomerycounty

at: ruben@montgomerycounty


Where havetowatch out my phone, wallet, and loosened Is it possible for to digress back into my youthful indiscretions? I’vebeenin shady places on night hauls in my late and early in FRG, caring not XX chromes I exchanged spittleandwhoknowswhat else with, before making it backtomymilitarybasein time for PTthe next dawn, or Wednesday morning TheshameI’velived.

WhereI’llhavetowatch out for my phone, wallet, and loosened morals. Is it possible for me to digress back into my youthful indiscretions? I’vebeenin shady places on all night hauls in my late teens and early 20’s in the FRG, caring not for the XX chromes I exchanged spittleandwhoknowswhat else with, before making it backtomymilitarybasein time for PTthe next dawn, or Wednesday morning TheshameI’velived.

Nala,thesweet‘PubDog’,awaitsforthecaptobe removedbeforeenjoyingacoolrefreshingbeer,atLefty’s PubinConroe.

Lefty’s is working man’s (and ladies) pub patrons during play to5 away hasitsmulti-millionaires too(theyjustdon’tlook

ho’v ear ed t ei fortunes, but a place to with feel It’sanotherplacethat to Bob Ross, caters to tougher fanboy It’s are not i ho s s a at o or cars, with reputation;’ for the any available skin to show ink tattoos). honor canhave in is to a drinknamed to a lot pain in wallet/face, dozen times,beforeeven

Lefty’s is a working man’s (and ladies) pub The patrons work hard during the week, and play harder whenthe9to5has beenputawayfortheweek. Ithasitsmulti-millionaires too(theyjustdon’tlookit), who’ve earned their fortunes, but just want a laid back place to sip, and congregate with the folks they feel most comfortable with. It’sanotherplacethat pays homage to Bob Ross, but caters to a tougher fanboymindset. It’swhere prized possessions are not big houses vacation homes, or fast cars, but rather with Lefty’s it’s ‘bar reputation;’ and for someit’sthecanvasofany available skin to show off your ink (or tattoos). The biggesthonoryoucanhave in the place is to have a drinknamedafteryou. But the road to get there is perditionist, requiring a lot of pain in the wallet/face, andbeinghumiliatedmany dozenoftimes,beforeeven

being considered for the honor

being considered for the honor

The starts at 2pm Tender,’ runs Happy MyDTwas‘Dri,’ a year-oldwomanwith She’s cute too. The shift amixof millennialstoolderfolksin itjustdependson CowboyChriswill in later with his Nala, who instantly becomes Bar walk up and down the bartop looking for Gary is there. G is a major auto scene, he forbids Nala traipsing near dogwith friendly, andwell amongst patrons. She’llevensitat expecting be up.

The day starts at 2pm withthe‘DayTender,’who runs Happy Hour until 7:30pm. MyDTwas‘Dri,’ a22year-oldwomanwitha dog. She’s cute too. The dayshiftgetsamixofolder millennialstoolderfolksin their50’s,itjustdependson theday CowboyChriswill roll in later with his dog Nala, who instantly becomestheStaroftheBar She’ll walk up and down the bartop looking for attention unless Gary is there. G is a major player in the area auto scene, and he strictly forbids Nala from traipsing near his drink. Nalaisadogwitha kind demeanor, friendly, andwelllovedamongstthe patrons. She’llevensitata chair, like expecting a beer tobeponiedup.

Lefty’s is neat It’s different. It’s a working class bar, they are not of it. a place like ‘Cheers,’

Lefty’s is neat It’s different. It’s a working class bar, and they are not ashamed of it. It’s a place like ‘Cheers,’ where a 65

year old used car dealer (not G), a 31 year old mother two,and in their 20’s - 50’s all hangout, and just chill. If somethinghasn’thappened that you find appalling? Just wait ten Nothing has phased me at Lefty’s, and having been in Germ n and Amsterdam clubs, where a preacher’s wife would

year old used car dealer (not G), a 31 year old motheroftwo,andguysin their 20’s - 50’s can all hangout, and just chill. If somethinghasn’thappened that you find appalling? Just wait ten minutes Nothing has really phased me at Lefty’s, and having been in German and Amsterdam clubs, where a preacher’s wife would

Anexampleofthesloped rampatLefty’sPub,which theSecretServiceare unabletonavigate.

faint this Conroe bar doesn’t feel that far away No one edge here.

faint this Conroe bar doesn’t feel that far away No one is on edge here.



CornerstoneChristian AssemblyofGodof Conroe,locatedat100 MosswoodDr.,Conroe, TexasinfrontofRiver Plantation.936-273-1755

NewLifeAssemblyof God,RabonChapelRoad, Montgomery,936-5883399


ChurchoftheGood Soldier(BaptistAffiliation),1501NorthFrazier (McKenzie'sBBQ), Conroe,Texas,Phone: 936-494-5775, www.churchofthegoodsold Worship:Sunday at10:30am,Sunday School:9:30am HeritageBaptist Church19087LakeMt. PleasantRd,Montgomery 77356

Phone:PastorBear936 448-4027

GaryChapelBaptist Church

FaithBaptistChurch Meetsat464McCaleb Rd. POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356,5525 SpringBranchRoad, Montgomery.713-4781256,SundayBibleClass 10:00am,WorshipService at11:00am.

SundayMorningBible Study9:30a.m.Worship Service10:45a.m.

SundayEvening Worship6:00p.m.

St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356 BenuiBaptistChurch,

ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery AntiochBaptist,


ChinaGroveBaptist Church,Willis,936-7674744


FM2854,936-7562505 936-588-1260



And Lefty’s is safe from Secret Service raids, since it has a sloped ramp (like roof)toitsentrance. The before dark crowd willrollin,at,Idon’tknow just before dark. They’re tame. Just looking for a little pick-me-up, before heading off home The conversationispolite,with talkabouttrucksthatburns a little oil or whatever Someone may order 4 or 5 pizzas,andsharearound. A female patron asks about another bartender’s (Feather, rhymes with) right thigh scorpion tattoo, easily visible the supersuper short-shorts for the bartenders are required to wear, if they want the tips. The bartenders are patron friendly When nothing is being ordered, the gals behind the bar will be will chatting up the customers. They are really psychiatrists of a sort, listening to theirfans’concerns.

And Lefty’s is safe from Secret Service raids, has sloped ramp itsentrance. The before dark rollin,at, don’tknow just before dark. They’re tame. Just looking for little pick-me-up, before heading off home conversation polite,with talkabouttrucksthatburns a little oil or Someone may order 4 or 5 pizzas, sharearound. A female patron asks about anothe b rtende (Feather, rhymes right thigh scorpion tattoo, easily visible the supersuper for the bartenders are required to wear, they want the tips. The bartenders are patron friendly When nothing being ordered, the behind the bar will be chatting up the customers. They are trists of a listening to theirfans’concerns.

So what is a ‘Hurricane?’

A ‘Hurricane,’ a enough Whiskey anything. But and the to choose. can be into your butmostpatrons bartenders ‘boca recipient’s Simple storm.

A ‘Hurricane,’ is a simple enough drink. It’s basically whatever drink you want, a Whiskey & Coke, anything. But the method of delivery is different, and the recipient gets to choose. It can be poured into your mouth, butmostpatronschoosethe bartenders ‘boca method,’ into the recipient’s mouth. Done Simple enough Thecalmbeforethestorm.

The after night crowd, especially on Friday and Saturday nights is really interesting, You’re more likely to see Lefty’s most famous (and expensive) drink The Hurricane whichIthoughttobefitting tocoverthisweek,sincewe had one (a real hurricaneBeryl) a few weeks ago. For regulars like Ronnie, theusedcardealer,hehasa drink named after him

after crowd, especially on Friday and Saturday nights is really interesting, more likely see Lefty’s most famous expensive) drink The Hurricane which thoughttobefitting to we had one (a real hurricaneBeryl) few weeks ago. For regulars like Ronnie, the dealer, hasa drink named after him

‘The Old Guy ’ Brandon, a chiller guy, has ‘Baby named after him. comparative newbie Smitolez an ac guy, is aiming for a drink to after him, has only had 27

‘The H*r*y Old Guy ’ Brandon, a chiller guy, has ‘Baby Daddy’named after him. While comparative newbie Pancho Smitolez, an ac guy, is aiming for a drink to be named after him, but has only had 27

LighthouseFellowshipChurch, Montgomery,936582-7700

Then the Hurricane’s you in form of a glass of beingsplashedin the winds with a to the cheek. Most times get one youcangettwo for the price of one, including storm and winds all bartenderhas their childsupport on been slapped on three continents, I to hire a substitute,

Then the Hurricane’s storm surge hits you in the form of a glass of water beingsplashedinyourface. After that the Hurricane force winds hit with a slap to the cheek. Most times you get one slap, but sometimesyoucangettwo for the price of one, including another storm surge and winds it all dependsifthebartenderhas received their childsupport check on time Having been slapped on three continents, I paid $20.00 to hire a substitute,

The bartenders: Alexis, Danielle, Hailey, Dri, Feather (rhymes with), Rachel, Maria, and Paige, arealltheretoserveyou. I hopeIdidn’tmissanybody They’re really fun. And a few trips to the pub won’t hurtyou. Socomeandget your storm surge and high winds at Lefty’s Pub. It’ll knockyousideways.


Colossians 3:1217

bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgivingeachother;asthe Lord has forgiven you. (v 13) O

relationships, those with Godandlovedones,canbe obstructed by the litter in someway Whenstormsof change whip through, this spiritual debris of hidden r e s e n t m e n t s a n d unforgiveness can be snatched up in the turbulence and launched at one another causing extensive damage in our lives and relationships.

BethelRoad,Montgomery,936-597-4668 m, dacusbaptist@consolidated

FirstBaptistChurch, 936-449-0845



Phone: 936-597-6162


RichardsUnited MethodistChurch

LivingBranch Church Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-3400

NewBeginningBible Church, 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-5978921

UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards,Texas About11miNof Montgomery onFM149 St.Mary’s Catholic

10AMWorshipService 6639FM1696Richards

WorshipService11AM SundaySchool10AM


ZionChurch, Montgomery,TX 77356


1308S.Hwy1486, Dobbin, 936-597-5331or936449-5983


Mt.SinaiBaptist, 7:45Service

SundaySchoolallages 9:45am,ChurchService 11:00am,Wednesday BibleStudyandYouth Group6pm 936-894-2223

109N.Frazier,Conroe, 936-756-8186


CR213,Stoneham, 936-894-2223


CongregationBeth Shalom,5125 ShadowbendPlace,The Woodlands, 281-362-1100

LUTHERAN GraceLutheran (ELCA),

St.Joseph’sCatholic, CATHOLIC


METHODIST Highway105W.,Lake Conroe,936-588-1944

LivingSavior LutheranChurch-LCMS 309PondSt.Montgomery 77356Churchphone:936597-8013Web:


FM2854,Montgomery, DacusBaptist,Dacus,

OakHillsJrHigh 19190KeenanCutoff Rd.


SundayServices 10:30am thewoodlandsmethodist. org/montgomery

MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch

22548Highway105 West

LivingWayChurch, 936-441-8875

2080LongmireRd, Conroe



Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery Thursday7:30pm


SundaySchoolat 10:00am

SundayWorshipat 6:00pm

CommunityAnd Interdenominational

LoneStarCowboy Church

21627EvaSt.Montgomery TX77356 (936)597-5742Pastors


ServiceTimes:Sundays@ 8AM,9:30AM&11AM Mondays@7PM

Livestream:Watchuslive Sundays@9:30AM&11

AM@lonestar.tvand clickonWatchnow


MinistriesCornerofFM 149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService 11:30amWednesday Pray/BibleStudy6:30pm Transformation ChurchMontgomery 20350FM2854 Montgomery,TX77316 Sun:10:30am Admin@TCMontgomer


67½AprilWindS., AprilSound,936-5882832

RiverofLifeChurch, WaldenCommunity Church, 17156FM1097, Montgomery,936-4494414

Services9:30and11 a.m.


LakesideBible Church,

Highway105W,Lake Conroe,936-588-4660 18940FreeportDrive

Unresolved offenses, such as careless words, arguments and selfish actions are like spiritual trash.Whenlifeiscalm,we might hide or try to ignore them But our closest

us towards a better way, towards a healthy way of clearing away spiritual trash so that we can enjoy unobstructed relationships with God and others. Paul instructsustobearwithone anotherandtoforgive.This is practicing love which not only removes spiritual debris, but builds each other up and binds us togetherinunitywithGod, where we are better prepared to persevere duringstormsofchange.




retreatandwildlife center,

ery,936-449-6807 TheChurch@Lake Conroe 1701McCalebRd 936-588-4975

12400WaldenRd, Walden,936-582-6696 (936)597-3949

SeniorPastorDale Talbert

2615St.BeulahChapel Rd.,Montgomery,936597-5757

FellowshipofMontgomery 12681FM149 Montgomery,TX77356

ServiceTimes:Sundays at9:30am&11am/ Wednesdaysat6:30pmfor Children&Student Ministries

WatchusliveSundays @fellowshipofmontgomery .online.churchorfollowus onFacebook @thefmchurch!

EPISCOPAL Montgomery,936-5821977

St.JamestheApostle Episcopal, 1803HighlandHollow Conroe,936-756-8831

TheGraceChristian OutreachCenter 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas

Mt.PleasentBaptist Church FM149N.,Montgom-

NorthShoreChurch 18501Fm1097West@ theBentwaterWest GateEntrance 10amWorshipService

The bartenders: Alexis, Danielle, Hailey, Dri, Feather (rhymes with), Rachel, Maria, Paige, arealltheretoserveyou. I hopeIdidn’tmissanybody They’re really fun. And a few trips to the pub won’t hurt Socomeand your surge high winds at Lefty’s Pub. It’ll knockyousideways.

Cause Number: 23-12-18213

ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService

MelisaMiller ChristopherJ.Archambault

P O.Box2985 2221SVossRoad

TEXAS Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77057


NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or your attorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.onthe Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation andpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."

To: TheUnknownHeirsatLawofSusanG.Cheek

YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertothePlaintiff'sSecondAmended Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthe dateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday,the19thdayofAugust,2024beforethe 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sSecondAmendedPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe5thday ofJune,2024,inthiscase,numbered23-12-18213onthedocketofsaidcourt.

To: TheUnknownHeirsatlawofKerryDonRogers,Deceased

You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday, the 19th day ofAugust, 2024 beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasattheCourthouseof saidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthis the 26th day of March, 2024, in this case, numbered 24-03-04822 on the docket of said court.Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows:

RoyalForestColonyClub,Inc.arePlaintiffsand Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit:

Ethel Bertha Rogers, Individually and as Heir at law of Kerry Don Rogers, Deceased;TheUnknownHeirsatlawofKerryDonRogers,DeceasedareDefendants


DavidL.Cheek;TheEstateofSusanG.Cheek,andAllUnknownHeirs;DavidLCheek, III;RandyAllenCheek;SarahJoCheekareDefendants


Plaintiff,RoyalForestColonyClub,Inc.,byandthroughitsattorneyofrecord,ChrisArchambault, 2221S.VossRd.,Houston,TX77057,broughtsuitunderCauseNo.23-12-18213;Inthe457th DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,forenforcementandforeclosureofPlaintiff'slienon thefollowingdescribedrealpropertyofwhichDefendants,THEUNKNOWNHEIRSATLAWOF SUSANG.CHEEK,arepotentialpartiesininterest:




Theofficerexecutingthiswritshallpromptlyservethesameaccordingtorequirementsoflaw and themandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.

(SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas)

Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: MontgomeryCounty Texas MelisaMiller DistrictClerk




The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law,andthemandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe5thdayofJuly 2024.

IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thisonthis the2nddayofJuly 2024.

PublishedDates:July10,17,24,31,2024 By:/s/CatherineBrock CatherineBrock 7/2/202411:14:34AM

NOTICEOFCONSTABLESALE BYVIRTUEOFAORDEROFSALEissuedoutofthe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County StateofTexas,inacertaincausenumbered21-09-12726onajudgmentrenderedinsaidcourton the20thdayofAugustA.D.2022anddirectedanddeliveredtomeasConstableofMontgomeryCounty PrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty Texas.Ihaveonthe28thdayofJuneA.D.2024levieduponand willofferforsalebetweenthehoursprescribedbylawatapproximately10:00A.M.onthefirstTuesdayin AugustA.D.2024 itbeingthe6thofsaidmonthatpublicauctiontothehighestbidder forcashinhandat theCourthousestepsof301NMainSt.Conroe,TX77301ofsaidMontgomeryCounty Texas,alltheright title and interest, if any, which the defendant had on the 20th day of AugustA.D. 2022, or at any time thereafter,ofandinthefollowingdescribedpropertytowit: LOTNINETY(90),BLOCKONE(1),OFWOODFORESTSECTION1,ASUBDIVISIONOF37.03 ACRESOUTOFTHEJAMESPEVEHOUSESURVEY,ABSTRACT29ANDTHEARCHIBALD HODGESURVEY,ABSTRACT18,MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXASACCORDINGTOTHE MAP OR PLAT MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 146 PRONGHORN PLACE, MONTGOMERY,TX77316

1. $4,314.46PrincipalSum ("PROPERTY").

3. Post-judgment interest at the rate of five percent (5%) perannum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgmentsigneduntilfullypaid.


(SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas) MontgomeryCounty,Texas

MelisaMiller DistrictClerk


TraciGunter 7/5/202411:18:58AM




COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY § By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe15thdayofNovember,2023,inthecase ofRioVistaPropertyOwnersAssociationInc.,Plaintiff,vs.GuillermoMartinez,Defendant(s), Cause No.23-08-11612 in said court, judgment being in favor of Rio Vista Property Owners Association Inc., Plaintiff as against Defendant(s), I did on the 18th Day of June, 2024 at 10:00 o'clockam.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):GuillermoMartinez.

LotEighty-Seven(87),BlockThree(3),RioVista,asubdivisionof547.64Acresoflandsituated intheW S.Taylorsurvey,

967ofthemaprecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texasmorecommonlyknownas17111Paluxy Court,Splendora,Tx77372("Property").

andonthe6thdayofAugust2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clock p.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty,Conroe,Texas,I willofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofGuillermo Martinez,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty


DeputyRANDYCROWDER#8451 KennethHayden,ConstablePct.4

Abstract 552, Montgomery County Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet'Z',Sheets963thru NewCaney TX.77357

281-577-8985 21130USHwy59#C


TheabovepropertyisleviedonasthepropertyofMichaelL.Spezialeandwillbesoldtosatisfyajudgment inthe 284th Judicial District CourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasrenderedonthe 20th dayof August A.D.2022infavorofWoodforestOwnersAssociation,Inc.andagainstthesaidMichaelL.Speziale. Biddersmustpre-registerpriortothesaletobidonthisproperty(CivilPracticeandRemediesCode 34.0445)


2. $4,953.06AttorneyFees MontgomeryCountyPrecinct2 TexasRulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurityforanydebtor contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignment or mortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenitisheldbythepledgee, assigneeormortgagee,oncomplyingwiththeconditionsofthepledge,assignmentormortgage.


4.$602.67CourtCost/processserverfees MontgomeryCountyConstablePrecinct2




By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County,Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 18th day of May 2023, in the case ofTavola Community AssociationInc.,Plaintiff,vs.Christopher&AmandaStephens,Defendant(s),CauseNo.23-03-04154in saidcourt,judgmentbeinginfavorofTavolaCommunityAssociationInc,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s), I did on the 20th Day of June, 2024 at 10:00 o'clock am., levy upon the following-described property of Defendant(s):Christopher&AmandaStephens.

Lot18,Block1,Tavola,Section9,asubdivisioninMontgomeryCounty,Texas,accordingtothemapor platthereofrecordedinCabinetZ,Sheets3291-3293,oftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty Texas (the'Property').Morecommonlyknownas:23326HillsviewLn.NewCaney Tx.77357. andonthe6thdayofAugust2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clockp.m., at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty Conroe,Texas,Iwilloffer forsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofChristopher&Amanda Stephens,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty

Witnessmyhandthisthe20thdayofJune,2024. By:/s/R.Crowder DeputyR.Crowder#8451 21130USHwy59#C NewCaney TX.77357 281-577-8985





ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 15th day of September 2023, in the case ofTavola CommunityAssociationInc., Plaintiff, vs. EmmanuelO.Adefope, Defendant(s),Cause No.23-0304127 in said court, judgment being in favor of Tavola Community Association Inc, Plaintiff as againstDefendant(s),Ididonthe4thDayofJune,2024at10:00o'clockam.,levyuponthefollowingdescribedpropertyofDefendant(s):EmmanuelO.Adefope. andonthe6thdayofAugust2024betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and4:00o'clock p.m.,at501NorthThompson,Suite402Conroe,Texas77301MontgomeryCounty Conroe,Texas,I willofferforsaleandwillsellatpublicauction,forcash,alltherights,titleandinterestofEmmanuel O.Adefope,Defendant(s),inandtosaidproperty

Lot29,Block2,TavolaSection21,asubdivisioninMontgomeryCounty,Texasaccordingtothemap or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet Z, sheet 4968, Plat Records, Montgomery County Texas (the "Property")AKA23744ViaMariaDr NewCaney,Tx.77357.


PublishedDates:July24,31,2024 Notice of Public Sale

Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managingpropertieslistedbelowwillholdapublicauctionofpropertybeingsoldto satisfy a landlord's lien. The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at Property will be sold to highest bidder for cash. Deposit for removal and cleanup may be temporarily required. Seller reserves the righttorejectanybidandtowithdrawpropertyfromsale.Propertymaybesoldbythe space. General description of property being sold includes contents such as household/personalgoods/miscitemsinspacesforthefollowingtenants:

PublishedDates:July24,31,2024 WednesdayAugust14,2024at12:00pm DanielDeLeon TashidaPhilanEl CrystalHogan ValleyRanchSelfStorage@21910ValleyRanchCrossingDr Porter TX,77365 ZadaTurner


NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofMaryE.Osborn, Deceased,wereissuedonJuly17,2024,inCauseNo.24-46679-P pendingintheProbateCourtNo.1 ofMontgomeryCounty,Texas,toKellySuzanneOsbornClark.

All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law Claims may be presented to Kelly Suzanne Osborn Clark, Independent Executor of the Estate of Mary E. Osborn, Deceased,c/oWilliamT Fowler TheFowlerLawFirm,505WestDavis,Conroe,Texas77301.

DATEDthe18thdayofJuly,2024. TheFowlerLawFirm,

Ph:(936)539-3372,, 505WestDavis,Conroe,Texas77301,

given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Kathy Marie Musgrove,Deceased,wereissuedonJuly17,2024,inCauseNo.24-46712-P,pendingintheProbate CourtNo.1ofMontgomeryCounty Texas,toJackieFinleyWieghat. All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law Claims may be presentedtoJackieFinleyWieghat,IndependentExecutoroftheEstateofKathyMarieMusgrove, Deceased,c/o



the Estate of KathyMarieMusgrove,Deceased. PublishedDate:July24,2024


3 IMPOUND - VSF# 0645778VSF



L.COM VIN#: 2444



StateBarNo.07329500, WilliamT Fowler, Attorney for Kelly Suzanne Osborn Clark, the Independent Executor of the EstateofMaryE.Osborn,Deceased PublishedDate:July24,2024 0313

TOW DATE: 7-17-2024

& IMPOUND FEE: 8.25% PH: (281) 689-7705


VEHICLE: 2005 Suzuki Dirtbike

Published Date: July 24, 2024

MCN’s ‘VeteranofTheWeek’- AlbertVrazel

This week’s Veteran is Albert Vrazel, who served in the U.S. Army from 1969-1971. Heservedas an Infantryman in Vietnam, being forced to join, ordrafted,threeweeksout of high school. Albert served as a pointman for sixmonths. Ononepatrol,

He in forced served was back to he

hisplatoonsergeantgotthe patrol lost, and Albert and his radio man showed up back at base thinking they were right behind. They weren’t. Vrazel was then ordered to bring the lost platoon back to base, which he did. For all his work overseas,Albert was awarded the Bronze Star

After Albert got a own fabrication also a saltwater many tournaments. Luck Albert, Congratulations MCNs

After his service, Albert got a job, and eventually wound up owning his own sheet metal fabrication company He also was a professional saltwater fisherman winning many tournaments. Good Luck Albert, and Congratulations on being MCNs ‘VeteranoftheWeek’.

PaytonRiley:Singer, Singer

Songwriter,Educator? ARTS& ENTERTAINMENT

as a whole. The three day camp only cost $150 per participant,andispricedto make it accessible to families whose budgets maybestretchedabitinthe current economy The opportunity also gives the artists a great lesson to learn from proven players in the game like Riley and herfellowmentors.

as whole. The three day camp only cost $150 per participant,andispricedto make it accessible to families whose budgets maybestretchedabitinthe current economy The opportunity gives the artists a great lesson to learn from proven players in the game Riley and herfellowmentors.

Nashville and Memphis was costly, but she learned manytechniquesinorderto write a better ballad Retreat organizers are seekingdonationsforfood, snacks, as well as monetary, to help to cover the costofmusicprofessionals traveling in from out of state, in order to keep the cost as low to participants aspossible.

Nashville and Memphis was costly, she learned manytechniquesinorderto write a better ballad Retreat organizers are seekingdonationsforfood, snacks, as well as monetary, to help to cover the costofmusicprofessionals traveling in from out of state, in order to keep the cost as low to participants aspossible.

“This retreat presents a valuable opportunity for young artists to enhance theirskillsandunderstanding of the music industry,” said Payton. “It will help them to stand out in a competitivefield.”

“This retreat presents a valuable opportunity for young artists enhance theirskillsandunderstanding music industry,” said “It will help them to stand out a competitive

Montgomery County’s

own Payton Riley continues to be very busy as of

l a t e T h e singer/songwriterisalways working her bid to make her music a life’s work She continues to impress fans across the nation with her American Idol appearance and with new nominations to coveted awards from Texas to Nashville From doing local and statewide shows, to even doing a show in Colorado earlier this month, Riley is a fireball with a great attitude, alwayswillingtomeetwith fans, and work with n charitiesforthebetterment ofchildren. Andnowshe is set to be a mentor at a young songwriters retreat inthefall.

Montgomery County’s own Payton Riley continues to be very busy as of l a t e T h e singer/songwriter always working her bid to make her a life’s work She continues to impress fans across the nation with her Idol appearance, and with n w nominations to coveted awards from Texas to Nashville From doing local statewide shows, to even a show in Colorado earlier this month, Riley is a fireball with great attitude, alwayswillingtomeetwith fans, and work with charitiesfor betterment ofchildren. Andnowshe is set to be mentor at a young songwriters retreat inthefall.

Riley has been nominated for a Josie Music Award, for ‘Artist of the Year - Young AdultFemale.’ The JMAs will takeplaceonOctober27th at the Grand Ole Opry HouseinNashville,andisa coveted honor for independent music producers acrossthecountry Payton has again been named as a finalist for the 2024 Texas Country Music Association's ‘Young Artist of the Year’ award to be held at Billy Bob's Texas in Fort Worth this November It goes to show that all the hard work that Riley puts in, it’s a testament to her success, that it is being

Riley has been nominated for a Josie Music Award, for ‘Artist of the Year - Young AdultFemale.’ The JMAs will takeplace October27th at the Grand Opry HouseinNashville,andisa coveted honor independent music producers acrossthecountry Payton has again been a finalist for the 2024 Texas Country Music Association's ‘Young of the Year’ award to be held at Billy Bob's Texas in Fort Worth this November It goes show that all the hard work that Riley puts in, a testament to her success, that it is being

should be rewarded. P yton will be at Artist Songwriter geared towards young artists 12-18, this 11th Centerville, of

Conro R nowned Scott Sean White, teaming up withRyderGrimes,Hadlie Jo, Payton, to artists learn theinsand of music industry

recognized, and should be rightlyrewarded. Payton will be a host/mentor at the ‘Young Artist Songwriter Ranch Retreat,’ geared towards young artists 12-18, this October 11th -13th, in Centerville, north of Conroe Renowned Singer/Songwriter Scott Sean White, is teaming up withRyderGrimes,Hadlie Jo, and Payton, to help young artists write songs andlearnabouttheinsand outs of the music industry

Retreatparticipantswill be able to collaborate on two songs with assistance from the mentors The young artists will also be instructedintopicssuchas branding social media branding songwriter legal matters, monetization, recording & release schedules, playlist p i t c h i n g , m u s i c tastemakers, creating promotional materials to obtain bookings All things to know about the business,tomakesureitis a journey they wish to pursue.

Retreatparticipantswill be to collaborate on two songs with assistance from mentors The young artists will also be instructedintopicssuchas branding, social media, songwriter legal matters, monetization, recording & schedules, playlist t c h i n g , m u i c tastemakers, creating materials to bookings All things to know about the tomakesureitis journey they wish to pursue.

“We anticipate young young songwriters just starting out,” said Riley “And I look forward to helping themfindtheirway.”

Payton told MCN that her experience at songwriting retreats in

“We anticipate songwriters just said Riley “And look forward to helping themfind Payton told MCN that r exp rience at retreats

Riley’s own start the music industry was a challenge for her mother,so beingpartof an tohelp artists to discover their brand, while growing social media presence, recording and releas ng on s, marketing their and getting booked venues, isquitesatisfying. Several participants from the songwriting retreat will be askedto theirtalentat a Love Youth event atThe at Madeley in November

Riley’s own start in the music industry was a challenge for her and her mother,sobybeingpartof anideatohelpyoungartists to discover their brand, while growing their social media presence, recording and releasing songs, marketing their music, and getting booked in venues, isquitesatisfying. Several participants from the participants songwriting retreat will be askedtosharetheirtalentat a Love Heals Youth event atTheTable at Madeley in November

Rileyrecordedtwo new tracks in June at Steel Recording Studios in Grand Cane Louisiana one being ‘Weather Boy;’ which will impart a new soundshehopeswillexcite her fans in the coming months. On the movie front, Payton is still on track to act in the Bob Gunner film, ‘An Almost PerfectDay,’withshooting projectedtostartinJanuary 2025 Payton will play Deana a lead character

Rileyrecordedtwo new tracks June at Steel Recording Studios in Grand Cane Louisiana one being Boy;’ which will new soundshehopeswillexcite her fans the coming months. On movie front, Payton still on track to in the Bob Gunner film, ‘An Almost PerfectDay,’withshooting projectedto January 2025 play Deana character

Deana with Kasey e Lansdale,playing the part ofhermotherinthefilm.

“I’mstartingtolearnthe script,”saidRileyaboutthe movierole.“Ihavealotof lines to memorize, and I alreadyhaveotherscoming intoreadthelinesofother characters.”

Dean th Ka ey Lansdale,playing the part ofhermotherin “I’mstarting learnthe script,” the movierole.“I lotof lines to memorize, I alreadyhaveotherscoming in readthe other characters.”

Payton will be starting homeschool this year, to allow her more flexibility

with preparing her additional projects. And despite learning at home, she will be joining a local track team participating in hurdles, which is her favorite sport Riley is improving in her driving ability as well, meaning, she hasn’t knocked down any more gates while sittingbehindthewheel. In

Payton will be starting homeschool this to allow her more flexibility wit p ep ring her additional projects. And despite learning at home, she will be joining a local track participating in hurdles, which her favorite sport Riley is improving ability as well, meaning, she down any more gates while sittingbehindthe In

fact, Payton posted a July 15thvideoonherFacebook page‘PaytonRileyMusic,’ on the incident. Once she turns 16 in a few months, she will be taking over her father’s truck, which will makehersafe. Butasfaras Montgomery County is concerned,thatisstilltobe determined;butthereis no doubt she will be a safe driver

Rileyisarelentlessselfpromoter and is really excitedfor2025,whichshe Riley a selfand really for2025, to

Payton posted videoonherFacebook page RileyMusic,’ Once in months, she will be taking truck, makehersafe. But far County is to thereis no she will be a safe link


“2025 for me, is gonna beanewyear,newme,and new music,” said Riley “I’m super excited for my fans to hear it. It’s gonna befun.”

Voting link for Texas Young Artist Award: www.texascountrymusicas

For Payton s show information or tickets on her local events, go to: paytonrileymusic com, or

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