The Montgomery ISD BoardofTrusteeshasbeen busy over the summer makingpreparationsforthe upcoming 2024-2025 schoolyear Frombudgets to adjustments to strategic planning,tonewpersonnel being announced, MISD is preparingforthestartofthe newschoolyearwithanew
Superintendent Dr Mark Ruffin begins his first full year at the head of the
district Faced with shortagesinstateandlocal revenue, MISD will be challenged this year to maintainitsperformanceas one of the top school districtsinthecounty
shortfall,dippingintorainy day funds causes a certain amountofriskovertime.
“Amidst this budget deficit, we have remained committedtoprotectingthe people,programs,
a stagnant level of funding provided by the State, and recapture payments we have been forced to send backtotheState. Atsome point, something has to give.” this to people,programs, In their school meeting, a $93 budget for
In their June school boardmeeting,theTrustees approved a $93 million budget for the 2024-2025 school year, and after the
level funding by State, to
budget shortfall. will be
anticipates a $4.3 million budget shortfall. Although the district will be able to
he te s s c allotment the amount of the provides remained just while en same noted that educational p
c allotment the amount of money the State provides per student, has remained unchanged since just beforethepandemic,while in
has risen substantiallyoverthesame period. Ruffin noted that and services that make up the premier educational experience for our s t u d e n t s s a i d Superintendent Ruffin “MISDhasbeennegatively impactedbyfactorsoutside our control such as inflation, decreases in federal funding through Medicaid reimbursements,
RJOAKathyWilliams,BarbaraEddleman,SheliaWilliamson,MuseumBoardPresident:Gloria Barbara White,RJOADonors:DougandElaineCollings,MuseumDirector:SuannHereford,DaneanMyers,MaryLee Malek.
from page 1
Donation to Heritage Museum Director, Suann Hereford, Museum Board President, Gloria White,at special 100th Museum Birthday Bash!
Donation to Heritage Museum Director, Suann Hereford, and Museum Board President, Gloria White,atthisveryspecial 100th Museum Birthday Bash!
M r G e o r W ll am on s th
M r G e o r g e
Williamson is the
Chairman ofthe whomthe RJOA are members, and he has grownthismembershipto amazing numbers in supportfortheMuseum.
Chairman of the “Friends oftheMuseum”whomthe RJOA Chapter are proud members, and he has grownthismembershipto amazing numbers in supportfortheMuseum.
The Front page this Antique Newspaper
The Front page of this Antique Newspaper is
mo n ed on frame wooden board and was Dated: July whichstated:
wooden board and was Dated: July 2, 1863, whichstated:
from page 1
he has met with local
he has met with local r
and legislators,whoallremain committed to solving the difficult problem that facesMISD.
d legislators,whoallremain committed to solving the difficult problem that facesMISD.
Thedistrictannounced earlier in the summer a LimitedOpenEnrollment (LOE) for the upcoming school year at select campuses,withtheaimto generate enrollmentbased revenue from the State. Itisasortofschool
choice for students residing outside of MISD borders.
Thedistrictannounced earlier in the summer a LimitedOpenEnrollment (LOE) for the upcoming school year at select campuses,withtheaimto generate enrollmentbased revenue from the State. Itisasortofschool choice for students residing outside of MISD borders.
“Thereisonlysomuch of our funding situation that we can control,” said MISD Chief Financial Officer Ben Davidson “The major driver of our state aid is student enrollment.”
“Thereisonlysomuch of our funding situation that we can control,” said MISD Chief Financial Officer Ben Davidson “The major driver of our state aid is student enrollment.”
Applicants have an opportunity to fill a very lim
Applicants have an opportunity to fill a very
limited number of
available spaces Davidson said going into 2024-2025 that MISD faced challenges with budget,andhasbeenopen with staff in regards to potential shortfalls. His office has encouraged all campus leaders at all levels to evaluate their
spending, and some contracts have been negotiated to increase operational efficiency amongst campuses and
departments For instance,administratorsin the central office with
s Davidson said going into 2024-2025 that MISD faced challenges with budget,andhasbeenopen with staff in regards to potential shortfalls. His office has encouraged all campus leaders at all levels to evaluate their spending, and some contracts have been negotiated to increase operational efficiency amongst campuses and departments For instance,administratorsin the central office with
Set up for Print 2nd 1863 before the surrender to Grant, and by Grant s order
* Set up for Print July 2nd 1863 before the surrender to Grant, and issued by Grant s order July4,1863.
It states: Preserve It is Relic, Copyrighted 16,1885.
* It states: Preserve This It is a Valuable Relic, Copyrighted April 16,1885.
J M w o r d s ProprietorMississippi,
J M S w o r d s Proprietor - Vicksburg, Mississippi,
Thursday, July 2nd, 1863.
This Antique was gifted to ELAINE COLLINGS for her work and dedication to History intheUnitedDaughtersof the Confed
July 2nd, 1863. Antique was g fted to AIN COLLINGS for dedication to History the the Co f
honoring Confederate H
cy, honoring Confederate History of
he War Between the States. This
teachers once a month
teachers once a month teachers
The idea reduces the budget allotments for substitutes, and puts forward the idea that Dr R u f f
The idea reduces the budget allotments for substitutes, and puts forward the idea that Dr R
administrators are truly studentcentered.
n d h i s administrators are truly studentcentered.
“Because of our past fiscal responsibility, we been able to absorb these shortfalls without allowing it to take away from the educational experien for our students,” said Ruffin “However, if something doesnotchange,thereare extr
“Because of our past fiscal responsibility, we have been able to absorb these shortfalls without allowing it to take away from the educational experience for our students,” said Ruffin “However, if something doesnotchange,thereare extremel
t decisions that we will be forced to explore and and consider.”
Ruffin’s goal is to avoid reductions in force, cutting important programs, or limiting course offerings The 2024-2025 budget includes a much needed compensation plan that provides raises for all employees Individuals on the teacher hiring schedule will receive a $650 raise, and all other employees will receive a 1% salary increase from the midpoint of their positionpaygrade.
Ruffin’s goal is to avoid reductions in force, cutting important programs or limiting course offerings The 2024-2025 budget includes a much needed compensation plan that provides raises for all employees Individuals on the teacher hiring schedule will receive a $650 raise, and all other employees will receive a 1% salary increase from the midpoint of their positionpaygrade.
I acknowledge that
I acknowledge that
wasgiftedtoCOLLINGS by Dear Friend and Sons of the Republic of Texas National President: Dick Reese, (now deceased) We strive to honor the memory of Dick Reese and his love of Texas History,whichisthesame deep feelings shared by the Collings DOUG COLLINGS serves as a MemberoftheSonsofthe Republic of Texas- Lone Star Chapter, Sons of the Confederate Veterans, OrderoftheMilitaryStars and Bars, Sons of the American Revolution, Austin’s Old 300, Former T e x a
s Organization, and is the Assistant Director of
History has her proved to 9th GenerationTexan, 1st
toCOLLINGS by Friend Sons the Republic Texas Dick Reese, to honor the memory of Dick Reese and love of Texas History,which thesame deep feelings by Collings DOUG as a of Sons the of Texas- Lone Star Sons of the Veterans, oftheMilitaryStars and Sons of the American Revolution, Austin’s 300, Former e x R g e r s Organization, and is the Assistant Director of rit e Mu e m AIN ’ F i y has her to GenerationTexan, 1st
employees were hoping,” Ruffinsaid.“Idohopeitis understoodthatintheface of a deficit budget, our board made the decision tocontinuetosupportour people.”
employees were hoping,” Ruffinsaid.“Idohopeitis understoodthatintheface of a deficit budget, our board made the decision tocontinuetosupportour people.”
The superintendent remains committed to providing the resources necessary to ensure an excellentworkexperience forourstaffthatresultsin a premier education for ourstudents.
The superintendent remains committed to providing the resources necessary to ensure an excellentworkexperience forourstaffthatresultsin a premier education for ourstudents.
The MISD Trustees
The MISD Trustees
also approved the selection of Dr Troy Collav
selection of Dr Troy
w principal at Montgomery HighSchool. Dr Collavo comes to Montgomery from Cy-Fair ISD, where hespentthelasttenyears. He was the associate principal at Cypress Springs High School for the last 2 years, and has served inAP, teacher, and coaching positions at CyFair and Tomball. He has alsoservedasanassistant principal, teacher, and coach with Cy-Fair and TomballISDs.Dr Collavo and his wife Haley have two children, Stella, age 7, and Owen, age 3, and they are all
w principal at Montgomery HighSchool. Dr Collavo comes to Montgomery from Cy-Fair ISD, where hespentthelasttenyears. He was the associate principal at Cypress Springs High School for the last 2 years, and has served inAP, teacher, and coaching positions at CyFair and Tomball. He has alsoservedasanassistant principal, teacher, and coach with Cy-Fair and Cy-Fair TomballISDs.Dr Collavo and his wife Haley have two children, Stella, age 7, and Owen, age 3, and they are all
“Montgomery High Schoolwillcontinuetobe a community known for success in and out of the classroom, collaboration and friendship and understanding that the future is the brightest for those who prepare,” Dr Collavo said. “It is and willcontinuetobeaplace where students and staff are proud to be a MontgomeryBear.”
“Montgomery High Schoolwillcontinuetobe a community known for success in and of the classroom, collaboration and friendship and understanding that the future is the brightest for those who prepare,” Dr Collavo said. “It is and willcontinuetobeaplace where students and staff are proud to be a MontgomeryBear.”
centered on collaboration
centered on collaboration
decisionmaking He believes in working c
decisionmaking He believes in working c
t h e administrative team, teachers, students, and parentstofosterasafeand
e administrative team, teachers, students, and parentstofosterasafeand
dedication to student success is evident in his useofperformancedatato enhanceinstruction. Heis a strong advocate for educators, ensuring they
dedication to student student success is evident in his useofperformancedatato enhanceinstruction. Heis a strong advocate for educators, ensuring they
support to provide an
support to provide
“Dr Collavo is a servant leader who is humble, relatable, and personable which helps
“Dr Collavo is a servant leader who is humble, relatable, and personable which helps
Families of Texas, and back to the Sons and DaughtersofthePilgrims. Their commitment to preserving History and TexasHistoryrunsdeep!
Families of Texas, back Sons Daughters Pilgrims. Their to preserving and Texas
This long newspaper page, does resemble the newspaper pages of today is much longer and was
This antique long newspaper page, does not resemble the newspaper pages of today and is and much longer and was
mounted on the Framed Board for preservation for and easy reading of that important historic day in Vicksburg, Mississippi history during the War Between the States for StatesRights.
e dy mounted on the Framed Board for preservation and easy reading important historic in Vicksburg, Mississippi history during the War Between the States for StatesRights.
the Bottom of the Newspaper page it states:
At the Bottom the Newspaper it states: T
s Reproductionof
him build strong relationships with staff andstudents,”saidRuffin. “It is clear that he is committed to listening to and supporting staff, ability to connect with students,willingnesstobe actively involved and e n g a g e d i n t h e community.”
him build strong relationships with staff andstudents,”saidRuffin. “It is clear that he is committed to listening to and supporting staff, ability to connect with students,willingnesstobe actively involved and e n g a g e d i n t h e community.”
Montgomery ISD remains committed to providing free and
reduced price meals for children served under the current income eligibility guidelines set by the US D e p a r t m e n t o f Agriculture. The district earlier this month began distributing letters to the householdsofthechildren eligible for benefits, advising of any actions householdsneedtotaketo apply Applications are nowavailableatallMISD schools and online at Thedistrictisworking
Montgomery ISD remains committed to providing free and reduced price meals for children served under the current income eligibility guidelines set by the US D e p a r t m e n t o f Agriculture. The district earlier this month began distributing letters to the householdsofthechildren eligible for benefits, advising of any actions householdsneedtotaketo apply Applications are nowavailableatallMISD schools and online at Thedistrictisworking
found the Union soldiers Grant capturedthecity (starved intosubmission.).
found by the Union soldiers when Grant capturedthecity (starved thecityintosubmission.).
e o i g n a l that was printed the before over (its last a Grant’s siege the for 47 all
that was printed the day before Grant took over the City of Vicksburg (its last day as a Confederate City) from Grant’s siege of starving the city for 47 days…. Amongst all the looting and pillaging of the city, a Union Soldier found this Newspaper lying on the ground and saved it It was later reproduced in the late 1800’s It is truly an amazingtaleofonedayin that city and
city, Union the ground later in the 1800’s It truly tale city and all it g ing thro g th they could with still proud
Sincethebeginningof theyear,MISDhassetout a plan to improve its strategic planning, which wasoriginallysetupwith the 2021 Task Force Committees based on staff, community, parent volunteers, and original taskforcesmemberswere invited to return. During the spring semester the committees met on several occasions to reex amin e d
functions, as well as
Sincethebeginningof theyear,MISDhassetout a plan to improve its strategic planning, which wasoriginallysetupwith the 2021 Task Force Committees based on staff, community, parent volunteers, and original taskforcesmemberswere invited to return. During to the spring semester the committees met on several occasions to reex amin e d is tr ict functions, as well as u p d a t e d i
performance objectives, and key performance indicators,initiatives,and strategies to ensure they are relevant to MISD studentsandparents.
performance objectives, and key performance indicators,initiatives,and strategies to ensure they are relevant to MISD studentsandparents.
tilltheirsadfall. Appreciation to Committee: Shelia Williamson
It is with COLLINGS F I L Y g e t to the Rebel Joan Arc who Heritage use n el i and the GroganMuseumHome.
Submitted by:
possible,”Mansfieldsaid. “Students attending our
Elementary are going to love the safe, innovative learningenvironment,and the expansion at Lake Creek is going to make a tremendous positive impact on our students andstaffatthatcampus.”
Elementary are going to love the safe, innovative learningenvironment,and the expansion at Lake Creek is going to make a tremendous positive impact on our students andstaffatthatcampus.”
“With an emphasis on transparency nd collaboration, the task forces evaluated what has been accomplished and what to be explored as we move forward,” said Assistant
“With an emphasis on transparency and collaboration, the task forces evaluated what has been accomplished and whatopportunitiesneedto be explored as we move forward,” said Assistant
with local agencies to identify all children who are categorically and programeligible,andwill notify households if the child does not need to complete an application. Applications may be submitted anytime during t h e s c h o o l y e a r Montgomery ISD Child Nutrition offers healthy meals every school day and links to the menus, nutritioninformation,and prices are available on every school's website Thepricestructureforthe mealsareasfollows:
with local agencies to identify all children who are categorically and programeligible,andwill notify households if the child does not need to complete an application. Applications may be submitted anytime during t h e s c h o o l y e a r Montgomery ISD Child Nutrition offers healthy meals every school day and links to the menus, nutritioninformation,and prices are available on every school's website Thepricestructureforthe mealsareasfollows:
Breakfast at all campuses:$1.50
Breakfast at all campuses:$1.50
•LunchatElementary campuses:$2.75
•LunchatElementary campuses:$2.75
• Lunch at Secondary campuses:$3.25-$3.75
• Lunch at Secondary campuses:$3.25-$3.75
SuperintendentofStudent Services & Innovation, & Dr Amy Busby “We are grateful for the thorough, thoughtful work of the task force members and excited to share the refreshed plan with our trustees and the MISD community.”
SuperintendentofStudent Services & Innovation, Dr Amy “We are grateful for the thorough, thoughtful work of the task force members and excited to share the refreshed plan with our trustees the MISD community.”
decisions we will be forced to explore and consider.” “We are very excited to share these bond-
Newenergyefficient lighting and upgraded PA syst
Newenergyefficient lighting and upgraded PA sys
Chief Facilities & Operations Officer Brad Mansfield shared an update about projects funded by the district s 2022 bond, such as the addition of Creekside Elementary, and the expansion of Lake Creek High School, which are nearing completion and on-target to open for the newschoolyear
Chief Facilities & Operations Officer Brad Mansfield shared an update projects by the district s 2022 such as the addition of Creekside and the expansion of Lake Creek High School, which are nearing completion and on-target to open for the newschoolyear
“We are very excited to share these bondfunded projects that our
By Kent Pendleton
By Kent Pendleton,
considerifyou'reseeking ways to defer capital gains taxes upon the purchase or sale of your investment property
Qualified opportunity zones (QOZ): QOZs are economically distressed communities where new
QOZs are economically distressed communities where new
investments, under certain conditions, may be for preferential tax ment. They're designed to spawn economic development by providing incentives individualinvestors or businesses putting capital into the There are more than 8,700 QOZsto inacross UnitedStates.Togetthe deferral, you must invest through a Q
investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment. They're designed to spawn economic development by providing incentivestoindividualinvestors or businesses putting capital into the locality There are more than 8,700 QOZstoinvestinacrossthe UnitedStates.Togetthetax deferral, you must invest
OpportunityFund.Oncethe property is sold, the seller has 180 days to invest the gains in the fund, and the investment must not be in exchange for debt interest, onlyequityinterest.
ed OpportunityFund.Once property is sold, the has 180 days to invest gains in fund, and investment not be in exchange for debt interest, onlyequityinterest.
1 0 3 1 l i k
1 0 3 1 l i k e - k i n d exchange: A 1031 they'recommonlycalled)is a strategy to defer taxes reinvesting the capital in
n d exchange: A 1031 (as they'recommonlycalled)is a strategy to defer taxes by reinvesting the capital in a
Proceeds the sale of property are held in escrow by a third-party ary and used to buy new property There are several qualifications that must be metforthisexchange. the new property must be withinthe Statesand be of similar nature and c
y Proceeds from the sale of a property are held in escrow by a third-party intermediary and used to buy a new property There are several qualifications that must be metforthisexchange.First, the new property must be withintheUnitedStatesand be of similar nature and c
property Itmustalsohavea value that is equal to or greaterthantheoldproperty formaximumbenefitandto avoid capital gains taxes gains
d property Itmust havea value that is equal to or greaterthantheoldproperty formaximumbenefitandto avoid capital gains taxes
“Diamond skin disease
must be identified in writing the intermediary within 45 days of the original property's sale and you must close on the new within180daysof the sale of original These exchanges must be without error to avoid owing taxes, consult your financial advisor and tax professionals.
property must be identified in writing to the intermediary within 45 days of the original property's sale and you must close on the new propertywithin180daysof the sale of the original property These exchanges must be performed without error to avoid owing taxes, so consult your financial advisor and tax professionals.
maximize tax efficiency on the sale of an investment property is a payment agreement with the buyer where the buyer makes payments in installments withinterestovertime.This breaks up the income earned and defers taxes untillateryears.Installment sales start with partial paymenttheyearfollowing the actual sale Typically youcangetahigherselling price than you would with anall-cashsaleandyou'llbe collecting interest Of course,therearesomerisks for extending
tax efficiency on sale of an investment property is a with the buyer where buyer makes payments in installments interestover breaks up the income earned and defers taxes years. start with partial paymenttheyear the actual sale youcangetahigherselling than you would anall-cashsaleand collecting Of aresomerisks for extending over time, risk of thearrangement, capital being tied for a of time and market and interest rate fluctuations, which could lead lost income But the benefits may outweigh
you notice any signs of abnormal
you notice any signs of abnormalbehavior
Everybody wants to find a diamond in the but no one wants their pig to develop diamond skin disease — infection that can and discomfort leadtodeathif leftuntreated.
Everybody wants to find a diamond in the rough, but no one wants their pig to develop diamond skin disease — an infection that can cause pain and discomfortandmayleadtodeathif leftuntreated.
Dr Kevin Washburn, a professorattheTexasA&M
Kevin Washburn, a professorattheTexasA&M
School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, and Dr Bridget Savitske, a veterinary resident in large animal internal medicine, explain the common skin disease in pet pigs, sharing signs of disease and how to prevent infection with help from yourveterinarian.
Sc ool of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, and Dr Bridget Savitske, a veterinary resident in large animal internal medicine, explain the common skin disease in pet pigs, sharing of disease and to prevent infection with help from yourveterinarian.
ToThe‘Root’Of Diamond Disease
GettingToThe‘Root’Of DiamondSkinDisease
Diamond skin disease alsoknownasErysipelas,is one of the oldest and most commoninfectiousdiseases carried in pigs. The disease gets its name from the diamond-shaped pattern that can potentially appear on the pig’s skin when infected.
causes vasculitis, or u inflammation of the blood vessels, which is the reason for the diamond-shaped pattern ” Washburn said
“All the little capillary beds in the skin get clogged, and the diamonds, or blocks, on theskinareplacesthathave lostbloodflow.”
“Diamond skin disease causes va culiti o inflammation of the vessels, is the for diamond-shaped pattern ” Washburn said the little capillary beds the skin get clogged, and the diamonds, or blocks, on theskinareplaces lostbloodflow.”
While the diamondshaped pattern is a definite sign of this disease, it is important to know that it doesnotalwaysappear
is a sign of disease, it is to know notalwaysappear
“The disease can take manyforms,”Savitskesaid.
“Because it causes sepsis, thebody’sextremeresponse to infection, it has the potential to involve almost any organ system and can manifestindifferentways.”
While the disease is a common illness, it can be difficult to diagnose
Behavior is the most importantsignforowners.
Fortunately, diamond skin disease is easily preventable through vaccination.
Fortunately, diamond skin disease is easily p ventab e through
“Pigs need be vaccia weanling, or as they able food other the milk, and they abooster at least three weeks later,” said “After the three-week booster,theyneedto the
“Pigs need to be vaccinated as a weanling, or as they are able to eat food other than the sow’s milk, andthentheyneedabooster shot at least three weeks later,” Washburn said “After the three-week booster,theyneedtogetthe vaccineannually.”
Many times the e antibodiesfordiamondskin disease come in a combination vaccine, which can make vaccinating an easier task.
Many times the antibodiesfordiamond come in a combinavaccine, which can vaccinating easier
exposed to diamond skin disease through contaminatedsoil,”Washburnsaid.
Because the disease can gain access thr
“There is a combination vaccine that and reproductive diseases to prevent loss of nancy,”Washburnsaid.
“There is a combination vaccine that includes respiratory diseases and reproductive tract diseases to prevent loss of pregnancy,”Washburnsaid.
h contaminated food, water, and bedding, owners can reduce the risk of diamond skin disease by providing pigs with clean bedding freshwater,andstoringfood
inasanitarylocationtolimit possiblecontamination.
By vaccinating your pig annually, watching for any
environment, avoid
exposed to skin disease through contaminated the disease can g in acc t rou h contaminated water, and bedding, owners can reduce the of diamond skin by providing pigs with clean fresh and food locationtolimit possiblecontamination. vaccinating annually, watching for any gns f
Diamond disease startsaswhatappearstobea minor illness and gradually gets worse symptoms
Diamond skin disease startsaswhatappearstobea minor illness and gradually gets worse with symptoms in
r, a
diamond-shaped lesions, and potentially death if left untreated.
a ep e sion diamond-shaped lesions, and potentially death if left untreated.
“Affected pigs lethargic, stop eating,andquitpartaking normal daily activities Washburn said If are breeds have white light-coloredareas, starttoseethedevelopment ofdiscoloredskinlesions.”
“Affected pigs will become lethargic, stop eating,andquitpartakingin their normal daily activi- their ties Washburn said “If they are non-pigmented breeds or have white or light-coloredareas,youmay starttoseethedevelopment ofdiscoloredskinlesions.”
Washburn and Savitske advise taking your pig to a veterinarian immediately if
“The disease can forms,”Savitskesaid. it causes sepsis, the response to infection, it the potential to involve any and can manifestindifferent the disease is a common illness, it can to Behavi is th t importantsignfor Washburn and Savitske advise taking your pig a veterinarian immediately
While diamond skin disease is most commonly carried by pigs, humans are also susceptible to skin infections and potentially sepsisifexposed.
If your pig has diamond skin disease, it is important to use caution; Washburn use urges owners to keep their petpigsoutsideofthehouse toavoidspreadingdiamond skindisease.
‘Sow’Many Reasons To Vaccinate disease alsoknownasErysipelas,is one of the oldest and most common diseases carried pigs. disease gets its name from the diamond-shaped pattern that can potentially appear on the pig’s skin when infected.
While is carried pigs, humans susceptible to infections and potentially sepsisif If your has skin disease, it is urges owners to pigs ofthehouse avoidspreading skin
“Because it’s spread by both fecal matter and in nasal secretions, owners should make sure they do they not chew their fingernails, give the pig kisses, or otherwise risk the bacteria getting near your face,” Savitskesaid.
“Because spread by nasal secretions, owners they do not chew their fingernails, the kisses, or otherwise risk the face,”
The infection occurs
The infection occurs when a
terium is ingested, often because of environmental contamination, and multiplies in the body
This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.
This upset some. And quite frankly I don’t Democrats feelings, but it needed be written.
news Vice
The news that Vice PresidentKamalaHarrishas been handed the Democrat torchfromJoeBiden,andis nowpoisedtodefeatformer President Donald J. Trump, is pretty much all the Democrats have to glom onto in promoting her as presidentialmaterial. Harris is no smarter than Hillary Clinton in explaining that ‘wiping a harddrive’ is the same as dusting it, or Elena Ceausescu telling her
scientific papers that she
PresidentKamalaHarrishas been handed the Democrat torchfrom Biden,andis nowpoisedtodefeatformer President Donald J. Trump, pretty much all the Democrats have to glom onto in promoting her as presidentialmaterial. Harris is no smarter than Clinton in explaining that a harddrive’ is the as dusting it, or Elena Ceausescu telling her esea chers to writ scientific that she
MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.
MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews.
sign off on as her own. Kamala Harris is the pig that Joe Biden is, but with lipstick. She has no achievements that she can stake a claim to during the threeplusyearsshehasbeen Biden s VP, and achievements that resemsanity regards to the law prior 2020, are andfarbetween.
will sign off on as her own. Kamala Harris is the same pig that Joe Biden is, but with lipstick. She has no achievements that she can stake a claim to during the threeplusyearsshehasbeen Biden’s VP, and any achievements that resembled sanity in regards to the law, prior to 2020, are few andfarbetween.
Kamala Harris is true hire if there ever was one. She wasn’t for her resume. She ticked the boxes that Biden set VP choice. She was a Black, and that’s it. Andagainitgoestoshow Democrats think on consequences in regards their actions. And Harris is supposed to be a blue tidal wave that will shiver Republicans to the core? Please. When take intoaccount, poll numbers have
Kamala Harris is a true DEI hire if there ever was one. She wasn’t chosen for her resume. She ticked the boxes that Biden set upon his VP choice. She was a Black, and Democrat, that’s it. Andagainitgoestoshow that Democrats think not on consequences in regards to their actions. And Harris is supposed to be a blue tidal wave that will shiver Republicans to the core? Please. When you take everythingintoaccount,her poll numbers have already probablypeaked.
Kamala’s one job given threeyearsagowas‘Border Czar, and she messed that And the Socialist Media is trying cover that up especially if you live in a orstate is overrun with illegal aliens, resources from Senior Citizens and the poor, who deserve more attention than any Theissueis those cities states, whose citizens are faced reality of failed are the who are facedwith rapists,all by illegal aliens who shouldn’t in Countryinthefirst place.
Kamala’s one job given threeyearsagowas‘Border Czar,’ and she royally messed that up. And the Socialist Media is already trying to cover that up, which is impossible, especially if you live in a in Democratcityorstatethatis overrun with illegal aliens, bleeding resources from Senior Citizens, Veterans and the poor who deserve more attention than any illegal. Theissueispalpable to those same cities and states, whose citizens are faced with the reality of Harris’ownfailedoversight. They are the ones who are facedwithmurders,robbers, andrapists,allcommittedby illegal aliens who shouldn’t beinOurCountryinthefirst place.
The rally cry for Harris been subpar from the While the Vice President is garnering 3/4 filled high school gymnasiums, with less than 3,500, Trump fills entire stadiums. And the thefailed willunitetheDemocrats,isa asthe islong. There is no way that she get back Independents or Kamala Harris is just a of Biden’sdevastatingpolicies that have made the United States a laughingstock, economy weak, our foreign policyajoke,andanational consciousnessthathasmany Democrats hating what Our Country stands for, despite Nation the
The rally cry for Harris has been subpar from the start While the Vice President is garnering 3/4 filled high school gymnasiums, with less than 3,500, President Trump fills entire stadiums. And the feeling thatthefailedVicePresident willunitetheDemocrats,isa lieasthedayislong. There is no way that she will get back Independents or Women. Kamala Harris is just a continuation of Joe Biden’sdevastatingpolicies that have made the United States a laughingstock, our economy weak, our foreign policyajoke,andanational consciousnessthathasmany Democrats hating what Our Country stands for despite Our Nation still being the
I saw a great meme, “ChangingtheClownwon’t changethe whichis ever true in reference to Harris. BLMhasthrownthe DNC under the bus, after Kamala Harris proclaimed she “Worked hard to go out and earn this nomination,” whereshewasonaday-long process of talking to high partyofficials. Really? And we haven’t got to Harris’ Vice President nominee. And really the Democrats have no one ondeck with the capabilities that the Republicans maintain waiting in the wings. Trump’s ‘Take No Prisoners' attitude has rewritten the GOP Playbook, and encouraged many Republicans, including women, to stand up for Our Republic, and tear down all Democrat arguments looking to destroyOurCountry
I saw a great meme, “ChangingtheClownwon’t changethecircus,”whichis ever so true in reference to Harris. BLMhasthrownthe DNC under the bus, after Kamala Harris proclaimed she “Worked hard to go out and earn this nomination,” whereshewasonaday-long process of talking to high partyofficials. Really? And we haven t even got to Harris’ Vice President nominee. And really, the Democrats have no one ondeck with the capabilities that the Republicans maintain waiting in the wings. Trump’s ‘Take No Prisoners' attitude has rewritten the GOP Playbook, and encouraged many Republicans including women, to stand up for Our Republic, and tear down all Democrat arguments looking to destroyOurCountry
enter along with damage that illegal aliens have committed in all sorts of crimes.
enter Our Country, along withallitscollateraldamage that illegal aliens have committed in all sorts of crimes.
Dems may have the teachers unions but big whoops to that. Heck, the Teamsters were the GOP
The Democrats always appeal to the democratic process, but when it suits their needs they will switch on a dime. It’s kinda like Demjudicialnomineeswho don’t know what a woman is? Now that Harris is the presumed leftist frontrunner, all of a sudden Kamala is not a non-binary
enderqueer femme androgyne pangender androgyne soyboy latte demiboy No. Harris' gender identity is nowafemale,awoman. As far as her husband Doug Emhoff, he is still a nonbinary genderqueer femme androgyne pangender soyboylattedemiboy
The Democrats always appeal to the democratic process, but when it suits their needs they will switch on a dime. kinda like Demjudicialnomineeswho don’t what a woman is? Now that Harris is the presumed leftist frontrunner all of sudden Kamala is not a non-binary gender uee femme androgyne pangender soyboy latte demiboy No. Harris' gender identity is nowafemale,awoman. As far her husband Doug Emhoff, he still a nonbinary genderqueer femme androgyne pangender soyboylattedemiboy
It’s hard to believe that Democrats actually aborted Biden before the end of his term. The Dems sense of forethought is nil. The powersthatbealreadyknew in2020Biden’smindsetwas warped,andtheydidn’teven calculate the amount of embarrassment Sleepy Joe hascausedtheUnitedStates. Kamala Harris, the ‘Cackling Hen,’ has for the last threeyears,beenacomplete embarrassment Her speeches and interviews? Have you actually listened? They’re comical. They’re lackingincomprehensionof the subject matter, and I wouldn’t be surprised to hearifHarrishasanalcohol or drug problem It’s obvious that she has never been called on her nonresponsetotheborderissue, which has allowed up to 15 million people to illegally
It’s hard to believe that Democrats actually aborted Biden before the end of his term. The Dems forethought is nil. The bealready in2020Biden’smindsetwas warped,andtheydidn’teven calculate the amount of embarrassment Joe hascausedtheUnitedStates. Kamala Harris, the ‘CackHen,’ has for the last threeyears,beena Her and Have actually listened? comical. lacking the subject matter and wouldn’t surprised to hearifHarrishas alcohol or drug problem obvious that she has been called on her nonresponse which has allowed up to 15 people
ion When Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer endorsed Kamala Harris, he was the only one clapping in the room, desperately trying to energize Rep. fared no better asifhewasrearranging chairs on Titanic. TheDemsknowthe jig is up, and it will be interestingtoseehowmuch money the Democrat will raiseininvestinginalosing cause.
She Dems may have the teachers unions, but big whoops to that. Heck, the Teamsters were at the GOP Convention When Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer endorsed Kamala Harris, he was the only one clapping in the room, desperately trying to energize Democrats. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries fared no better,asifhewasrearranging deck chairs on The Titanic. TheDemsknowthe jig is up, and it will be interestingtoseehowmuch money the Democrat will raiseininvestinginalosing cause.
MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery Texas.
MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertisement.
D&B#12-976-8354. D&B
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“Lone Star College Veterans Services offers various opportunities to helptheseheroesandtheir dependents navigate seamlessly through their educational experience,” said Vickie Johnson, LSC executivedirector,Veteran Services “Lone Star Collegeisheretotakecare of these brave men and women who made the selfless commitment and sacrifice to defend our freedoms.Oneoftheways we can do that is to help them earn a c
One item shows rhetoric to tha God’s’ show and in their reactions to the assumption that Black Black men will do the foremans say, “FALL IN!” Well, there open again Biden, and now Larry carries a lot weight in his views. of begged to endorseBiden,andheflatly that that Trump will get, be significantly higher Blacks waking upwiththe numbers hey e e e virtue and there is no indication are abouttochangetheirminds.
One telling item that againshowsthatDemocrats are in real trouble, is the rhetoric from callers to from ‘Charlamagne tha God’s’ radio show, and in their reactions to the Democrat assumption that Black voters, particularly Black men will do as the Dem foremans say “FALL IN!” Well, there is open descent again Biden and now Harris Charlamagne (Lenard Larry McKelvey), carries a lot of weight in his views. TheWhalesof ‘The View’ begged him to endorseBiden,andheflatly refused. So that projected 21% that Trump will get, could be significantly higher Blacks are waking upwiththegreatestnumbers they’ve every virtue signaled, and there is no indication that they are abouttochangetheirminds.
Kamala Harris has broughtallthemiseryofher lax border policy to Democrat cities and states. Blacks have seen first hand withillegalalienscomingin and getting the best of everything ahead of them. And when you hear young Blacks say on CdG’s show things like, “I don't think Americans are ready for a female president,” or that Democrats are “Destroying the black man. They're destroying the black family I think they're ruining our country.” Rhetoriclikethat spells doom for the Kamala Harriscampaign.
Kamala Harris has broughtallthemiseryofher lax border policy to Democrat and states. Blacks have seen hand withillegalalienscoming and getting the best of ahead of them. And when you hear young Blacks say on CdG’s things like, “I don't think Americans are for a female president,” or that Democrats are the black man. destroying the black family I think they're ruining country.” Rhetoriclike spells doom for the Kamala Harriscampaign.
Right now the media is reporting that Trump is gettingthenodfrom21%of the Black Vote. A record amount by the way but I’m prettyconfidentthatnumber ismuchhigher Theamount of Black YouTube influencers promoting right of center political stances (i.e.BackingTrumptoraise allshipsintheirCommunity like he did during his First Term). Therearetoomany Black Trump Supporters to say that Trump is not a driving force in their lives. He’s been shot, and mugshotted, which increases his streetcred. AndDemocrats every four years, like Plantation Foremans, order all Black’s to line up and voteDemocrat. Well,many moreBlacksthan21%have taken the Underground Railroad, fleeing their Democrat slave-masters Biden-Harrishasneverdone anything to lift the Black Community from their despair They’ve made it worse by lowering educational standards, defundingthepolice,letting criminals run rampant in stores without punishment, and non-punishment for seriouscrime.
now, the media is reporting that Trump is thenodfrom21%of the Black Vote. A record amount by the way, but I’m prettyconfidentthatnumber ismuchhigher Theamount f Black YouTube influencers promoting right of political stances (i.e.BackingTrumptoraise all in Community like he did during his First Term). Thereare many Black Trump Supporters to say that Trump is not a driving force in their lives. He’s been shot, and mugshotted, which increases his streetcred. AndDemocrats every four years, like Plantation Foremans, order all Black’s line up and voteDemocrat. many Blacksthan21%have taken the Underground Railroad, fleeing their slave-masters Biden-Harrishasneverdone anything lift the Black from their despair They’ve made it worse, by lowering educational standards, defundingthepolice,letting criminals rampant in stores without and non-punishment for seriouscrime.
Vet SayingGoobyetoa TreasuredReader: BlancheTucker
o in m
Aug.8,SouthBuilding, Room202
· LSC-CyFair: Aug 13, Technology Building,Room112
Aug. South 202 · S C a r: 112
Victory: Aug. 14, MultipurposeRoom-102
It is sad that I won’t be able to visit with Ms Blanche anymore, but I knowsheisgoingtoabetter place.
Blanche Lenora Tucker (nee Barnes) was born
was born u 16 n
Losing someone is always horrific. Whether it’sawife,husband,mother, father brother sister etc orevenareader Ithurts. It canbelikelosinganarmor leg, or someone other vital part that plays a necessary roleinourlives. Earlierthis month, I was saddened to learnthatoneofmyreaders, Ms Blanche Tucker fell, then suffered a fatal heart attackonJuly9th.
a brother sister etc orevena likelosing armor plays Earlierthis myreaders, Ms fatal onJuly
Ms Blanche was a beautifullady andsofullof life. She and her husband
is that I able to visit Blanche anymore, but know toa a and of her
would drop by Whataburger in would cheekand with Ms. was that I looked on as a be me smile wonderful me strength honor to know word heart smile.
Don would drop by on Thursday mornings at Whataburger in Montgomery andIwouldkissheron thecheekandvisitwiththe couple. Ms. Blanche was another lady that I looked on as a motherly figure Shewillbemissed,andnot only by me I always enjoyed her smile and her wonderful personality, which gave me strength and the honor to know that mywordsaladsbroughtjoy to her heart and made her smile.
teacher Louisiana 30 1965, and several Ms. retired as Claiborne
August 16, 1943, in Minden, Louisiana She was a public-school teacher in Louisiana for over 30 years. She began teaching in Calcasieu Parish in 1965, and had assignments in several otherParishesinLouisiana. Ms. Blanche retired as the Special Education Director in Claiborne Parish. Her love for special needs special children will long be remembered.
Blanche her husband with The to to their husband, and
After retirement, Ms Blanche and her husband Don traveled with friends and family The couple relocated to Montgomery, to be closer to their daughter, Shelley; her husband, Scott, and their favorite grandson,Tucker
Blanche is by of years, and her Shelley and well others Louisiana. Forever Ever
Ms. Blanche is survived byherhusbandof59years, Don; and her daughter Shelley and her family in Montgomery, as well as others in Louisiana. May GodBlessandKeepYouin his Protective Care Ms Blanche,ForeverandEver
LSC Veterans Services encourages attendees to RSVP, enroll in registered courses, submit a Request for Certification form and have all required documents to expedite the processandminimizewait time. Required forms are a
· Park: Aug LSC Veterans Services to enroll form docuto process minimize time. forms v l e t
provide veterans like me necessary guidance on how to use their educational benefits to enroll in classesandmakethemost of their time at Lone Star College,” said David
Kingwood student and former aviation supply clerk in the United States Marine Corps. “I encourage students to attend to u
e certification process works and have their questionsansweredbythe experts.”
Lone Star College Veterans Services offers federal, state and scholarship options and specializedadvisingforveterans,
“T On-t - ot i t v nt necessary how use benefits classesand of at Star T in r LS student aviation in United Corps. attend nd sta ho th process answered experts.” LS -O l / L o o th Aug. Multi102 Star Services state options advising
LivingBranch Church
active military personnel and their dependents who want to earn a college e d u c a t i o n Vi s i t LoneStaredu/Veterans to learn more about the LSC On-the-Spot Certification events or other veteran services, resources and support.
Lone Star College enrolls over 80,000 students each semester providing high-quality, low-cost academic transferandcareertraining education. LSC is training tomorrow's workforce today and redefining the
active military and dependents who want earn college e c a o V t LoneStar to learn more LSC On-the-Spot events or other veteran services, and support. Star College e r s o r ,0 0 students semester providing high-quality, lo o t c d c transfer careertraining education. LSC training tomorrow's workforce today the
unit eg experience to J LSC largestinstitution the hasbeen Great Colleges For® institution the of eight colleges Excellence Corporate To
experience to support student success. Mario K. Castillo, J D , serves as Chancellor of LSC the largestinstitutionofhigher education in the Houston areaandhasbeennameda 2023 Great Colleges to Work For® institution by the Chronicle of Higher Education LSC consists of eight colleges seven centers, eight Workforce Centers of Excellence and Lone Star Corporate College To learn more,
My soul makes its boastintheLORD;let thehumblehearandbe glad.(v 2)
Iamalwaysrelieved after a hurricane spirals away There maybedebrislittering theyardandrepairsto deal with, but the clamor of the wind ceases, and the sun breaks through the retreating bands of clouds I am also relieved when storms in my life come to a restingpoint.
But David realized that it was God who heard him when he cried for help. It was God who protected him during his storm. It was God who answeredhim,calmed hisfears,anddelivered him And because David knew it was Godthatsavedhim,he would continually be thankful and boast to othersaboutwhatGod haddoneforhim.
19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd,936-5978921
Thursday7:30pm ZionChurch,
Meetsat18961Freeport DrMontgomery
SundayWorshipat 6:00pm 936-441-8875
SundaySchoolat 10:00am
CommunityAnd Interdenominational LoneStarCowboy Church
When we see the winds calm and the sun break through the receding clouds of events that have changed our lives, let us realize that it is God’s caring protection and deliverance that has brought us through. And then, let us boast about God to otherssothey,too,can beglad!
As you pray, praise God for calming life’s storms and delivering you, and commit to tellingothers.
Samuel 21:10-15, where David escapes danger by feigning madness in the presence of the king of Gath David could have attributed his close call to his quick thinking, Abimelech’s gullibility,orjustplain luck When our life storms dissipate and we begin to relax into the “new normal,” it can be easy to ascribe the outcome to ourselves,others,circumstances, or good fortune.
CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL Cause Number: 23-12-18213
ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService
MelisaMiller ChristopherJ.Archambault
P O.Box2985 2221SVossRoad Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77057 THE STATE OF TEXAS
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or your attorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.onthe Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation andpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."
To: TheUnknownHeirsatLawofSusanG.Cheek
YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertothePlaintiff'sSecondAmended Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthe dateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday,the19thdayofAugust,2024beforethe 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sSecondAmendedPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe5thday ofJune,2024,inthiscase,numbered23-12-18213onthedocketofsaidcourt. Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows:
BYVIRTUEOFAORDEROFSALEissuedoutofthe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County StateofTexas,inacertaincausenumbered21-09-12726onajudgmentrenderedinsaidcourton the20thdayofAugustA.D.2022anddirectedanddeliveredtomeasConstableofMontgomeryCounty PrecinctNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty Texas.Ihaveonthe28thdayofJuneA.D.2024levieduponand willofferforsalebetweenthehoursprescribedbylawatapproximately10:00A.M.onthefirstTuesdayin AugustA.D.2024 itbeingthe6thofsaidmonthatpublicauctiontothehighestbidder forcashinhandat theCourthousestepsof301NMainSt.Conroe,TX77301ofsaidMontgomeryCounty Texas,alltheright title and interest, if any, which the defendant had on the 20th day of AugustA.D. 2022, or at any time thereafter,ofandinthefollowingdescribedpropertytowit:
To: TheUnknownHeirsatlawofKerryDonRogers,Deceased
You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Original Petitionatorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafter the date of issuance of this citation the same being Monday, the 19th day ofAugust, 2024 beforethe457thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,TexasattheCourthouseof saidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthis the 26th day of March, 2024, in this case, numbered 24-03-04822 on the docket of said court.Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows:
Ethel Bertha Rogers, Individually and as Heir at law of Kerry Don Rogers, Deceased;TheUnknownHeirsatlawofKerryDonRogers,DeceasedareDefendants
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of MontgomeryCounty,Texas,onaJudgmentrenderedonthe15thdayofNovember,2023,inthecase ofRioVistaPropertyOwnersAssociationInc.,Plaintiff,vs.GuillermoMartinez,Defendant(s), Cause No.23-08-11612 in said court, judgment being in favor of Rio Vista Property Owners Association Inc., Plaintiff as against Defendant(s), I did on the 18th Day of June, 2024 at 10:00 o'clockam.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):GuillermoMartinez.
Abstract 552, Montgomery County Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet'Z',Sheets963thru
3. Post-judgment interest at the rate of five percent (5%) perannum on the total judgment, including attorney's fees awarded herein, from the date this judgmentsigneduntilfullypaid.
TexasRulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurityforanydebtor contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignment or mortgagesubjectthereto;andthepurchasershallbeentitledtothepossessionwhenitisheldbythepledgee, assigneeormortgagee,oncomplyingwiththeconditionsofthepledge,assignmentormortgage. Biddersmustpre-registerpriortothesaletobidonthisproperty(CivilPracticeandRemediesCode 34.0445)
ByvirtueofanOrderofSaleissuedoutofthe284thJudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomery County,Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 15th day of September, 2023, in the case ofTavola CommunityAssociationInc., Plaintiff, vs. EmmanuelO.Adefope, Defendant(s),Cause No.23-0304127 in said court, judgment being in favor of Tavola Community Association Inc, Plaintiff as againstDefendant(s),Ididonthe4thDayofJune,2024at10:00o'clockam.,levyuponthefollowingdescribedpropertyofDefendant(s):EmmanuelO.Adefope.
Lot29,Block2,TavolaSection21,asubdivisioninMontgomeryCounty,Texasaccordingtothemap or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet Z, sheet 4968, Plat Records, Montgomery County, Texas (the "Property")AKA23744ViaMariaDr NewCaney Tx.77357.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County,Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 18th day of May 2023, in the case ofTavola Community AssociationInc.,Plaintiff,vs.Christopher&AmandaStephens,Defendant(s),CauseNo.23-03-04154in saidcourt,judgmentbeinginfavorofTavolaCommunityAssociationInc,PlaintiffasagainstDefendant(s), I did on the 20th Day of June, 2024 at 10:00 o'clock am., levy upon the following-described property of Defendant(s):Christopher&AmandaStephens.
Pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managingpropertieslistedbelowwillholdapublicauctionofpropertybeingsoldto satisfy a landlord's lien. The sale will begin on or about the time indicated at
DanielDeLeon CrystalHogan
The following vehicles will be auctioned by the Montgomery County Precinct 4 Constable Kenneth “Rowdy” Hayden at HumbleTowing located at: 24672 FM 1485, New CaneyTX. 77357; 281-354-8697 onTuesday August 13, 2024 at 8:30am in accordance with the TexasAbandoned Motor VehicleAct,Article #4477-9A
Published Date: July 31, 2024
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
10A.M.Propertywillbesoldtohighestbidderatthetimeofauction. Cleanupandremoval depositmayberequired. Sellerreservesrighttowithdrawpropertyfromsaleornotaccept anybidder Propertywillbesoldinentirecontentsofeachindividualstorageunit. Property includes contents of space of the following tenant: Samantha Rodriguez. Property being soldincludesthefollowing: Householditemsandboxes.ContactTallPinesStorage–Little Egypt,11219LittleEgyptRdConroe,Texas77304,281-658-7655. PublishedDates:July31,andAugust7,2024
NOTICEOFPUBLICSALEofpropertytosatisfylandlord'slien. Saleis10AMonTuesday August20,2024 Propertywillbesoldtothehighestbidderatthetimeofauction. Cleanup and removal deposit may be required. Seller reserves the right to withdraw property from saleornotacceptanybidder Propertywillbesoldintheentirecontentsofeachindividual storageunit. Propertyincludescontentsofspacesoffollowingtenants:RogerWClements. Propertybeingsoldincludesthefollowing:boxes,totes,chairs,lamps,tools,fan,rug,décor ladder,shopvac,toolbox,extensioncords,waterhoses,buildingmaterials.
NOTICEOFPUBLICSALEofpropertytosatisfylandlord'slien.Saleis10AMonTuesday August20th.Propertywillbesoldtothehighestbidderatthetimeofauction.Cleanupand removaldepositmayberequired.Sellerreservesrighttowithdrawpropertyfromsaleornot accept any bidder Property will be sold in entire contents of each individual storage unit. Property includes contents of spaces of following tenants: Tonie Zavesky Jason Dionne, Nicole Wagner, Richard Martin, Annette Barrick, Ivonne E. Garcia Ovilla. Property being sold includes the following: boxes, totes, chairs, lamp, painting tools, fan, rug, décor kids dress, board games, toys, backpacks, shoes, ladder, shop vac, clothes, snack trays, extensioncords,toilet,workmaterials,furniture,T.Vs,safes,homeappliances,bikes, PublishedDates:July31,andAugust7,2024
All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandmannerprescribedbylaw DavidBorger,
AttorneyforSherryThayer: SBN24029451, NoticeisherebygiventhatinCauseNumber23-46580-P;EstateofMarkDennisThayer–LettersTestamentarywereissuedtoSherryThayer,ExecutoronJuly12,2024.Theresidenceofsuch Independent Executor is Montgomery County Texas. The post office address is Estate of Mark Dennis Thayer, c/o David Borger, 21 Waterway Avenue, Suite 300-#97, The Woodlands, Texas 77380.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of HAROLD WAYNESITTON,Deceased,wereissuedonJuly24,2024,inCauseNo.24-46793-P,pendingin CountyCourt,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to:
All persons having claims against this Estate, which is currently being administered, are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw
NoticeisherebygiventhatStorageKingUSAat18318U.S.59NewCaney,TX77357 (281) 968-2102 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auctiontosatisfyalienplacedonthecontents(pursuanttoTitle5,LiensChapter59 Sec.59.044) o n 8 / 2 0 / 2 0 2 4 a t 9 : 0
n www.StorageTreasures.comundertheguidanceofChristopherRosa(16850)on behalfofthefacility'smanagement.Unitswillbeavailableforviewingpriortothesale on Contentswillbesoldforcashonlytothehighest bidder A 10-15% buyer's premium will be charged and a $100 cleaning deposit per unit.Allsalesarefinal.Sellerreservestherighttowithdrawthepropertyatanytime beforethesaleortorefuseanybids.Thepropertytobesoldisdescribedas"general householditems"unlessotherwisenoted.KarlSchmitz-boxes,BrianCastillo-boxes, furn, Clayton Guiles-boxes, Joanna Maples-boxes, Kelly Mitchell-boxes, furn, BrandyeFuller-Koska-boxes,furn,GeronimoPalcios-boxes
NOTICEOFPUBLICSALEofpropertytosatisfylandlord'slien. Saleis10:00amonAugust th20 2024. Property will be sold to highest bidder at the time of auction. Cleanup and removaldepositmayberequired. Sellerreservesrighttowithdrawpropertyfromsaleornot accept any bidder Property will be sold in entire contents of each individual storage unit. Property includes contents of spaces of following tenants: April Nobs, Hailey Osborne, Jessica Lowry Jessica Young, & Michael Bowden. Property being sold includes the following: Household items, and boxes Contact Tall Pines- 105, 6421 Hwy 105 W SteA, ConroeTx77304,281-560-4331.
Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Ifyouoryourattorneydonotfileawritten answerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingthe expirationoftwentydaysafteryouwereservedthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgment may be taken against you. In addition to filing a written answer with the clerk, you may be required to make initial disclosures to the other parties of this suit. These disclosures generallymustbemadenolaterthan30daysafteryoufileyouranswerwiththeclerk.Find
(SEAL,DistrictCourt) MelisaMiller DistrictClerk
By:/s/DelcyPhillips 12/14/20234:43:15PM THE STATE OF TEXAS
On July 26, 2024, Entergy Texas, Inc. (“ETI”) filed an application with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (“Commission” or “PUC”) requesting approval of an amendmenttoETI'sCertificateofConvenienceandNecessity(“CCN”)permittingETItoconstruct,own,andoperatetheSegnoSolarFacility(“Segno”),aproposed170MWsolar facilitytobebuiltinPolkCounty,TexasandtheVotawSolarFacility(“Votaw”),aproposed141MWfacilitytobebuiltinHardinCounty,Texas(together,the“RenewablePortfolio”).As partofitslong-termelectricsupplyresourceplan,ETIhasdeterminedthatitneedsadditionalgeneratingresourcesinthenearfuture.Thedocketnumberandstyleoftheapplicationare PUCDocketNo.56865, Application of Entergy Texas, Inc. to Amend its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to Construct a Portfolio of Renewable Generation Resources. ETIis notseekingtochangeitsratesinthisproceeding.
ThedeadlineforinterventioninthisproceedingisSeptember9,2024,andaletterrequestinginterventionshouldbereceivedbytheCommissionbythatdate.Arequestto intervene(originalandtencopies)orrequestforfurtherinformationshouldbemailedtothePublicUtilityCommissionofTexas,P.O.Box13326,Austin,Texas78711-3326.Persons whowishtointerveneinorcommentupontheseproceedingsshouldnotifythePublicUtilityCommissionofTexasassoonaspossible,asaninterventiondeadlinewillbeimposed.The preferredmethodforyoutofileyourrequestforinterventioniselectronically,andyouwillberequiredtoservetherequestonotherpartiesbyemail.Therefore,pleaseincludeyourown email address on the intervention request Instructions for electronic filing via the PUC Interchange Filer on the Commissions website can be found here: https://interchange puc texas gov/filer Instructions for using the PUC Interchange Filer are available at: https://ftp puc texas gov/public/puct-info/ industry/filings/EFiling_Instructions.pdf.OnceyouobtainatrackingsheetassociatedwithyourfilingfromthePUCInterchangeFiler youmayemailthetrackingsheetandthedocumentyouwishtofile Forassistancewithyourelectronicfiling,pleasecontacttheCommission'sHelpDeskat(512) Youcanreview materialsfiledinthisdocketonthePUCInterchangeat:,youmaymail yourrequestorcomments(andtencopies)to:PublicUtilityCommissionofTexas,CentralRecords,Attn:FilingClerk,P.O.Box13326,Austin,Texas78711-3326.Furtherinformation mayalsobeobtainedbycallingthePublicUtilityCommissionat(512)936-7120or(888)782-8477.Hearing-andspeech-impairedindividualswithtexttelephones(TTY)maycontact thecommissionat(512)936-7136.
Notice is hereby given that Storage King USAat 28543 FM 2978 Rd. MagnoliaTexas 77354 (ph) (832)345-1305 will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auction to satisfy a lien placed on the contents (pursuant toTitle 5, Liens Chapter 59 Sec. 59.044).The sale will take place at the website on 11/29/2023 at 9:00amThe sale will be conducted on under the guidance of Christopher Rosa (16850) on behalf of the facility's management. Units will be available for viewing prior to the sale on . Contents will be sold for cash only to the highest
bidder A10-15% buyer's premium will be charged and a $100 cleaning deposit per unit. All sales are final. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale or to refuse any bids.The property to be sold is described as "general household items" unless otherwise noted. Mari Jackson-boxes, hsld gds, furn, paint; Misty Keenboxes, applnces, hsld gds, furn
The very first marriage in the Republic of Texas forwhichthereisawritten record appears have occurred in the Lake Creek Settlement in what later became Montgomery, Texas. Not only did the first marriage in the Republic of Texas occur here, but the groom was none other than one of Montgomery County’s most beloved historical figures, Ch rles Stewart.
The very first marriage in the Republic of Texas forwhichthereisawritten record appears to have occurred in the Lake Creek Settlement in what later became Montgomery, Texas. Not only did the first marriage in the Republic of Texas occur here, but the groom was none other than one of Montgomery County’s most beloved historical figures, Charles B Stewart.
When the Texas Revolution began in earnestin1835,CharleB. Stewart was operating an apothecary [drugstore] at San Felipe deAustin. Out of his apothecary, Stewart
When the Texas Revolution began in earnestin1835,CharleB. Stewart was operating an apothecary [drugstore] at San Felipe deAustin. Out of his apothecary, Stewart
Stewart s business trade and the fair Julia brought StewartfromSan to Shepperd’s store in the Lake Creek Settlement on frequent
Stewart s business trade and the fair Julia brought StewartfromSanFelipeto Shepperd’s store in the Lake Creek Settlement on frequentvisits.
Stewart was elected a delegatetotheConvention at Washington-on-the Brazos by voters in the Municipality of Austin in early 1836. Stewart was presentwhentheConvention began on March 1, 1836. On March 2, 1836, Stewart voted unanimously with the other delegates for Texas’ ind penden e from Mexico. Stewart was then chosen to be a member of the committee that was drafting the Constitution for the Republic of Texas. On March 8,
Stewart was elected a delegatetotheConvention at Washington-on-the Brazos by voters in the Municipality of Austin in early 1836. Stewart was presentwhentheConvention began on March 1, 1836. On March 2, 1836, Stewart voted unanimously with the other delegates for Texas’ independence from Mexico. Stewart was then chosen to be a member of the committee that was drafting the Constitution for the brand-new Republic of Texas. On March 8,
also successfully engaged in l nd speculation throughout Au
n’s colony He also sold various dry and engaged in trade with other trading posts and storesthroughoutAustin’s Colony Hesolddrygoods to W W Shepperd in the Lake Creek Settlement Shepperdhadanattractive young daughter named Julia and Charles B Stewart was smitten
stin’s colony He also sold various dry goods and engaged in trade with other trading posts and storesthroughoutAustin’s Colony Hesolddrygoods to W W Shepperd in the Lake Creek Settlement Shepperdhadanattractive young daughter named Julia and Charles B Stewart was smitten
amidst the Convention’s business and two days afterthefalloftheAlamo, Stewartdidaverystrange thing. He left the ongoing Convention to get married.
As no formal laws regarding marriages yet existedinthenewRepublic, Stewart first went to see the Primary Judge of the Municipality of Washington, James Hall. Judge Hall authorized W
amidst the Convention’s business and two days afterthefalloftheAlamo, Stewartdida strange thing. He left the ongoing Convention to get married. As no formal laws regarding marriages yet existedinthenewRepublic, Stewart first went to see the Primary Judge of th uni ip lity of Washington, James Hall. Judge Hall authorized W
W Shepperd to perform themarriageofStewartto W W Shepperd’s daughter, Julia Shepperd. Judge Hallwrote,
Shepperd to perform themarriageofStewartto W Shepperd’s daughter, Julia Shepperd. Judge Hallwrote,
“To W W Shepperd Esqr Sir- You are hereby authorised to celebrate a contract of marriage between Chas B Stewart and Julia Shepperd and give to it the said contract the necessary formality before assisting witnesses Washington March 8 1836 James Hall Primary Judge”
“To W W Shepperd Esqr Sir- You are hereby authorised to celebrate a contract of marriage between B Stewart and Julia Shepperd and give to it the said contract the necessary formality before assisting witnesses Washington March 8 1836 James Hall Primary Judge”
Stewart rode to the Lake Creek Settlement and on March 11, 1836, Charles and Julia were married at W W Shepperd’s house.After a very short honeymoon, Stewart got on his horse and rode back to the Convention.Hearrivedon March 16 and signed the Constitution of the Republic of Texas on March17,1836.
Stewart rode to the Creek and on March 11, 1836, and Julia were m rried at W W Shepperd’s house.After very short Stewart got on his horse rode to the Convention.Hearrivedon March 16 and signed the on tituti n of th of Texas on March17,1836.
How can we be so sure this the marriagein the Republic of Texas for which there is a written record?Itis ofthe the facts roundi g the Texa v lution, nd th method by which the marriages were recorded. Texas declared onMarch2,1836,the on March and the Runaway Scrape Stewart permission from Hall on March 8 and by March Texas had existed an independent country 6 days when Stewart permission for to perform contract of marriage from
How can we be so sure thisisthefirstmarriagein the Republic of Texas for which there is a written record?Itisbecauseofthe timeline, the facts surrounding the Texas Revolution, and the d method by which the marriages were recorded. Texas declared independenceonMarch2,1836,the Alamo fell on March 6, and the Runaway Scrape began. Stewart requested permission from Judge Hall on March 8 and was married by March 11 Texas had existed as an independent country for only 6 days when Stewart requested permission for Shepperd to perform a contract of marriage from
Judge Hall Most single men of marriageable age were either in the Texas military or assisting those fleeingtheMexicanArmy in the Runaway Scrape Until Independence, marriages in Mexican Texas had been by common law agreement with no written record or performed in a religious ceremony by a rarely presentCatholicpriest.
Following the Revolution, the early counties in Texas a few years to begin marriages. How did Stewart do it if there were no county records? Stewart recorded his marriage in the Washington deed records shortly after the Revolution when the Municipality ofWashington became Washington County On pages 240-243 of Volume A-1 of the Washington County deed records, we find the records discussed inthisarticle.
Judge Hall Most single men of marriageable age were either in the Texas military or assisting those fleeingtheMexicanArmy in the Runaway Scrape Until Independence, marriages in Mexican Texas had either been by common law agreement with no written record or performed in a religious ceremony by a rarely presentCatholicpriest. Following the Revolution, the early counties in Texas took a few years to begin recording marriages. How did Stewart do it if there were no county marriage records? Stewart recorded his marriage in the Washington County deed records shortly after the Revolution when the Municipality ofWashington became Washington County On pages 240-243 of Volume A-1 of the Washington County deed records, we find the records discussed inthisarticle.
“Appeared John Wade W C Clark and Chas Garrett whom [water damage]knowandcertify tobecitizensofthecounty
“Appeared John Wade W C Clark and Chas Garrett whom [water damage]knowandcertify tobecitizensofthecounty
On a recent girls trip to Galveston, Stubbs chapter member,EvaRainsandher f a m i l y v i s i t e d severalhistoric places
H O O D C A M P 5 0 , GALVESTON, TEXAS, Sons of Confederate Veterans, December 16, 2013.
BetweentheStates. trip to and a v i places
The was the last 2024, the stayedin to prominentand
The trip was made the last week inJune 2024, the ladiesstayedinthehistoric LaskerInn, built in 1887 and the house has ties to theprominentandweathly MorrisLasker
Morris Lasker had enlistedwiththe2ndTexas
Regiment Cavalry and fought in the Battle of Galveston as a member of Hood's Brigade. Hanging on a wall in the house is a plaquethatwasgiventothe current owner and who restored the house many years ago. The plaque has The the 1st National flag and the Bonnie Blue at the top and reads To THE LASKER INN In recognition of The Lasker Inn's preservation of historical properties JOHN B
Another place visited was the Menard House on 33rdStreet,it wasbuiltin 1838 and served as a yellow fever hospital during the War Between the States, it is a beautiful Greek Revival that not only survived theWar but the1900storm.
On June 27 the ladies
Alabama native William Elbert "Buck" Mayes, son of the Rev Isaac C Mayes and Lucinda Fuller, came to Texas in 1856 He m a
whodeclarethattheywere present on the 11th day of March1836atthehouseof the sd W W Shepperd as aforesaid on Lake Creek andsawthewithinparties
C B Stewart and Julia S
marriage they signing the withinbond,towhichthey s
whodeclarethattheywere present on the 11th of March atthehouseof the sd W as aforesaid on Creek andsawthewithinparties C B and Julia Shepper t d n marriage they signing the withinbond,towhichthey s their nam s severallyintestimony…”
WhydidStewartdecide to get married during the ConventionatWashington while the Texas Revolutionraged?Hehadinsider information He was on thecommitteedraftingthe Constitution of the Republic of Texas He knew that married men were going to receive morelandthansinglemen. Which begs the question: Did Charles B Stewart marryatthattimeforlove ormoney?Orboth?
didStewartdecide to get married during the Convention Washington while the Texas Revolution hadinsider information was on thecommittee the Constit ion o the Republic of Texas He knew that men were going to receive morelandthansinglemen. Which begs the question: Did B Stewart marry that love or both?
As anyone who ever done Republic Texas genealogy knows, written records of marriages during the chaotic first years of the Republic Texas are extremely and this oneappearstobethefirst. CharlesandJuliawerestill
As anyone who has has ever done Republic of Texas genealogy knows, written records of marriages during the chaotic first few years of the Republic of Texas are extremely rare and this oneappearstobethefirst. CharlesandJuliawerestill
happily married StewartdesignedtheLone ofTexasin1839. can wonder if Julia over shoulderwhenhe was his draft if she perhaps assisted in InJulyof1837,the 200acres land W Shepperd’s house located in the Lake Creek and Charles and married, theTownofMontgomery
happily married when StewartdesignedtheLone StarflagofTexasin1839. We can only wonder if Julia was looking over Charles’shoulderwhenhe was preparing his first draft or if she perhaps assisted in the flag’s design.InJulyof1837,the 200acresoflandwhereW W Shepperd’s house was located in the Lake Creek Settlement and where Charles and Julia had gotten married, became theTownofMontgomery
Kameron K. is member of the County Commission ontr butor Th dbook f Texa Online, author of Early History gomery, Texas also served as the historian Historical marker for "Lake Creek Settlement" the Nat rt D v Pioneer and Museum in Historic
Kameron K. Searleis a member of the Montgomery County Historical ery Commission a regular contributor to The Handbook of Texas Online, and author of The Early History of Montgomery, Texas He also served as the historian for the Texas Historical Commission marker for the "Lake Creek Settlement" located at the Nat Ha
Complex and Museum in Historic Montgomery, Texas.
Cemetery established in 1839 and Ms. Rains found thirteen Confederate graves Members of the UDC are encouraged to visit historic places, especially those in the
Confederate UDC
picture and article by Eva Rains Publicity chairman for the Stubbs chapter
Another visited was the on 33rd in 1838 and as a yellow fever hospital during War Between the beautiful Greek not only the but the by Eva Rains the the Battle of member Brigade. Hanging the house is plaquethatwasgiven restored the plaque has 1st Bonnie Blue at d r To INN of es JO N H O 0 , GALVESTON, TEXAS, Sons of Confederate Veterans, 16, 2013.
i e d S a r a h (Dickerson) Clark in 1858. After serving in the Civil War Mayes returned to Houston County and became a successful lumber and mercantile businessman Mayes' various
commercial enterprises, which included one of the area's earliest banking operations, played a vital role in Houston County's postCivilWardevelopment. Elaine Collings, ehcollings@gmail com and RJOA Pres. Jenny Lehr
Submitted by RJOA Chairman of
Submitted Public Rev Lucinda to in enterprises, in postCollings, RJOA
ForrestTurbeville MCN’s ‘VeteranofTheWeek’-
Forrest served a 17 with was mustered out.
This week’s Veteran is ForrestTurbeville.97.who served in the U.S. Navy from 1945-1947, having enlisted as a 17 year old with his dad signing for him. Mr Turbevilleserved asamedicontheIslandof OahuinHawaiitocloseout WorldWarII. Hewasthen mustered out. Then he joined the U S Coast U
years. served 1968 in with
Guard, serving for 21 years. Forrest served in various positions with the Coast Guard finishing his service in the intelligence department in 1968 Turbeville joined the Houston Police Department in 1969, where he worked in the patrol division, as well as a plain clothes officer with the juvenile division. Forrest
also onPresidential Protection Chief Executives visited Houston, was featured on dailies the Presidential Limousine. retired from Good Congratulations MCNs Week’.
alsoservedonPresidential ProtectiondetailsforChief Executives that visited Houston, and was featured on several Houston news dailies showing him open thedoorofthePresidential Limousine. Mr Turbevill Turbevill retired from HPD in 1992. Good Luck Forrrest, and Congratulations on being MCNs Veteran of the Week’.
BARS are excited to receive this years delivery ofpre-ordersforthe“Texas Convention Attendee Pin & Bars”, in 2024 San Antonio, (United Daughters of the Confederacy). Their arrival is always thrilling with a trip to the Pamela Wright Company inHoustonforpickupwith
Wright: Estella Ornelas. “Mrs Estella” and Pamela Wright have been a long time friends of ELAINE
State senior majoring
Both interns knew immediately that something needed to be done with exterior landscaping around the Senior Center knew just the person to get project started the Assistant Director-Park Operations Lauren Arnold Arnold arranged a meeting betweentheinternsandhis park operations crew members Together they developed a comprehen-
w immediately that something needed to be done with the exterior landscaping around the Senior Center and knew just the person to get this project started the Assistant Director-Park Operations Lauren Arnold Arnold arranged a meeting betweentheinternsandhis park operations crew members Together they developed a comprehen-
History with a Monument or Marker planned for the Future, and is faithfully done as a Fund Raiser towards this project
Joan Chapter All o p a in advance confirmation of and picked up only Texas Division Convention in SanAntonio, All proceeds yearly p e r s honoring Confederate History a Monument or the Future, faithfully done as Raiser towards this Rebel Joan Chapter members a hard working dynamic group Southern Ladies who history, education,
Rebel Joan Of Arc 2721 Chapter members are a hard working dynamic group of Southern Ladies whoworktohonorhistory, education, veterans, and c
challenges for the team to navigate including n supplies, materials, and laboronaprojectwithouta project budget. With the help of Arnold, along with John David Sapp and Michael Rodriguez (two Park Operations crew members), the team identified
challenges for the team navigate including supplies, materials, onaprojectwithouta With the help Arnold, along with John David Sapp and Michael Rodriguez (two Park crew members), the team identified p
Parks and Recreation community including Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Scott Perry, have praised their efforts and accomplishments.
Parks and Recreation community including Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Scott Perry, have praised their efforts and accomplishments.
Conroe, TX Conroe Parks and summerInterns Madilyn project to bring to Conroe Senior the backside initial tour parks
Madilyncouldn't but Senior toreflectthepersonality the inside, which was vibrant, active, and full exciting Due position, the side of is shaded most day creating sunlight can't reach grass, found around facilities.The first the was utterly different from environment theinside.
Conroe, TX -- Conroe Parks and Recreation's summerInternsLidiaPerez and Madilyn Bullock initiated a project to bring new life to the Conroe SeniorCenterlandscaping, rejuvenate the backside of the Senior Center During their initial tour of parks and recreation facilities, LidiaandMadilyncouldn't help but notice the outside oftheSeniorCenterneeded toreflectthepersonalityof the inside, which was inside, vibrant, active, and full of exciting activities. Due to its position, the northfacing side of the Senior Center is shaded most of the day creating a void where sunlight can't reach the grass, vegetation, and greenery found around otherfacilities.Theintern's first impression of the facility was uninspiring and utterly different from the environment found on
"During our tour, welearned recent renovations at many parks and recreation facilities " sharedLidiaPerez,ajunior at Christian University in education "This sparked ourcuriosityaboutwhatwe could for senior center's
"During our initial tour, welearnedabouttherecent renovations at many parks and recreation facilities " sharedLidiaPerez,ajunior at Houston Christian University majoring in education "This sparked ourcuriosityaboutwhatwe could do for the senior center'sexterior."
Senior Center, located 1202 Candy Cane Lane, welcomes individuals aged 60 and above engage with their peers, and stay active in their community The center offers variety of daily and special programs, including games, crafts movie days and bingo. addition, guests can occasional breaks some fresh air and feed the friendly
Conroe's Senior Center, located at 1202 Candy Cane Lane, welcomes individuals aged 60 and above to engage with their peers, socialize, and stay active in their community The center offers a variety of daily activities and special programs, including competitive games, competitive crafts movie days and bingo. In addition, guests canenjoytakingoccasional breaks outside to get some fresh air and feed the friendlysquirrels.
f donations including T&C Materials donated16yards Growers Soil, L&L Lumber LLC donated nine-foot-long planter boxes along with six, long planter boxes Plants and flowers were donated 1314 Nursery nd ar
donations and volunteers, including T&C Materials LLC,whodonated16yards of Growers Soil, L&L Lumber LLC donated two, nine-foot-long planter boxes along with six, twofoot long planter boxes Plants and flowers were donated by 1314 Nursery and Carter's Florist Nursery, & Landscaping, t
st Nursery, totaling ov r $1,000 combined product
Additionally,78 blackmulchandten of beach stones were generously donated community partners enthusiastically project.
,000 combined product donations.Additionally,78bags ofblackmulchandtenbags of beach stones were generously donated by community partners who enthusiastically support thisproject.
ment to create a unique project benefitting the community Madi saw an tobrighten building.
ment is to create a unique project benefitting the community Madi and Lydia saw an opportunity tobrightenupthedarkside ofthebuilding.
"Previous interns chose to do one-day special events that were beneficial tothecommunitybutwere short-lived.Ourgoalwasto do something that had a positive impact for many years," says Madilyn Bullock, a Sam Houston
"Previous interns to do one-day events that were beneficial tothe butwere short-lived.Ourgoalwas do something positive impact says Sam Houston
sive plan that included cleaning debris, adding trees, planters, vibrant flowers and plenty of mulch to cover areas where grass struggled to grow. This would enhance appearance of the Senior and create a positive environment that community members would carry inside.
sive plan that included cleaning debris, adding trees, planters, vibrant flowers and plenty of mulch to cover the areas where grass struggled to grow. This plan would enhance the appearance of the Senior Center and create a positive environment that community members would carry inside.
A project of this magnitude presents many
A project of this magnitude presents many
The landscaping project demanded an immense collective effort The Northside Lions Football TeamandChikawasDance Group selflessly dedicated over 10 hours to clearing leaf litter, old bricks, stones and tree roots preparing the land for the landscapingupgrade. Lydia and Madi's experience was complex challenging,andextremely rewarding Many in the
The project demanded an effort Lions Football ChikawasDance Group dedicated over 10 hours to clearing stones and preparing the for landscapingupgrade. Lydi nd Madi' was complex challenging,andextremely rewarding Many in
"At the Senior Center, ourmaingoalistoinvolve seniors in activities that help them build lasting friendships Our committed staff works hard to createawarmandwelcoming environment for everyone I'm extremely proud of our Parks and Recreation summer interns for organizing this landscapingprojecttomakethe exterior as welcoming Despite facing challenges and matching resources with solutions, the dedication put into this project made it a true community effort. It was amazing to see the project go from initial development to designtocompletioninjust a few weeks and the involvement of so many partners made it easy to exceed expectations." Said Perry
"At the Senior Center, ourmaingoalisto in activities that help build friendships Our staff works to create warm ng environment fo I'm proud our and summer interns this landprojecttomake exterior welcoming challenges matching with solutions, dedication put into project made it effort. It was amazing see the project go from design completionin weeks and the partners made it exceed expectations." Perry
upgrades to the
Center will increase its vitality and provide a lasting impact for many years to come. This long-
s somethingallvisitorstothe Senior Center can look Center forwardto.
The l ndsc ping upgrades to the Senior Center will increase its vitality and provide a lasting impact for many years to come. This longterm p r pe tive is somethingallvisitorstothe Senior can look forwardto.