Thenationalaveragepriceof gasolinehasfallen15.8centsper galloninthelastweek,averaging $4 01/g today. The national average is down 68.7 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 83 6 cents per gallon higherthanayearago,according toGasBuddydatacompiledfrom morethan11millionweeklyprice reportscoveringover150,000gas stationsacrossthecountry August 8, 2015: $2 39/g (U.S.Average:$2.60/g) Average gasoline prices in Texas have fallen 15.9 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 50/g today, according to GasBuddys survey of 13,114 stations in Texas. Prices in Texas are 74.5 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and stand 65.7 centspergallonhigherthanayear ago.Thenationalaveragepriceof diesel has declined 13.1 cents in the last week and stands at $5.14 pergallon. gallon.Historical gasoline prices inHistorical Texas and the national average goingbacktenyears: According to GasBuddy pricereports,thecheapeststation in Texas was priced at $2.91/g yesterday while the mosth expensive was $4 89/g, a differenceof$1.98/g.Thelowest price in the state yesterday was $2 91/g while the highest was $4.89/g,adifferenceof$1.98/g.
“Aspartofourmonthly winetastingfundraisersfor n o n p r o f i t s i n T h e f u n d s w i l l specificallybeusedtohelp address and provide behavioral health and suicide prevention among firstrespondersthroughout Montgomery County according to Russell Rice, Battalion Chief of The W o o d l a n d s F i r e Department and Vice P r e s i d e n t o f T h e Woodlands Professional Firefighters Association Thefundswillalsosupport the foundation’s growing peer support group program, which helps to identify when a first responder is experiencing crisis and initiate intervention through referral to a professional clinician for counseling, with costs covered if needed.
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Index CommunityCommunityCCDevotional..........................5ommentary3,4ommentary3,4................2,3,4Community................2,3,4Legals.............................6,7Legals.............................6,7BusinessDirectory.........4,8BusinessDirectory.........4,8Devotional..........................5Commentary3,4................2,3,4Legals.............................6,7BusinessDirectory.........4,8
The n s h recently h e d s Firefighters Foundation, Aspiring entrepreneurs are encouraged to join us for the E4All kick off event:Date:August25,2022 Join Us August 25, 2022, from 6 8 p m for Kick-OffEvent The Woodforest Foundry starts with an open community event event called Entrepreneurship 4 AllSM(E4AllSM) that(E4AllSM) d e m y s t i e Ce e (SHSU SBDC), and The McNair Center for Free E e e a d Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Thomas.WUniversityoodforest’s goal is toWoodforest’s create a strong local ecosystemofprofessionals who work together to help aspiring entrepreneurs test their deas wh e preservingcapital. R e g i s t a t o n recommended (no cost to attendthisevent) Time:6-8p.m.(CST) Location: Woodforest National Bank Downtown Conroe location at 400 WestDavisStreet,Conroe, TX77301F kick-off journey
$2 $1 8, $2 $2 8, $2 8 2016: $1 $3 and gasprices: Midland 67/g cents lastweek's cents from last Austin-$3.57/g.$3.55/g, cents $3.70/g.The average poised to fall back under early as decline the the week hundred or less," said GasBuddy continues and will $5 We've even seen nearly lucky motorists in of and Iowa. groundwork weekof areas of the soon ditching $5 average. upbeat can couple starting seesome of 44/g (U.S.Average: 2014: TX 77353
recommendsGasBuddy drivers alwaysshop around for gas, as conditions are changing quickly and stations within a fewa blocks can vary in price by over 30¢/gal GasBuddy also offers users the opportunity toreceive notificationswhen prices at their favorite stations change in order tonotgetcaughtpayingtoomuch.
eventAtparticipantswillheareventparticipants inspiring stories and learn from these professionals about their
August 8, 2013: $3 44/g$3 (U.S.Average:$3.58/g) August 8 2014: $3 30/g (U.S.Average:$3.47/g) SOURCEGasBuddy
f i e s entrepreneurship through candid conversations with successful entrepreneurs fromthecommunity Next, aspiring entrepreneurs complete a series of educational ideation workshops called Ideas 2 A c t i o n L a s t l y , entrepreneurs test and validate their ideas in a cohort of their peers successful small business owners and other professionals who provide mentorship and trusted guidance.BigCheese & ChiefBig Cheese ExcitementOfficer THE WOODLANDS Texas Woodforest N a t i o n a l B a n k ® (Woodforest) is launching its award winning WoodforestFoundrySMin Conroe, Texas by joining forces with the Conroe Economic Development Council (CEDC), Sam Houston State UniversityCHoustonente r f o rC e n t Entrepreneurship Engagement, Sam Houston State University S m a l l B u s i n e s s Developm
r p r i s
BOSTON(August9,2022)-TheU.S.nationalaveragepriceof gas today has fallen back under the$4markto$3.99pergallonfor the first time sinceearly March, according to GasBuddy, the leading fuel savings platform providing North American driverswiththemostwaystosave money on gas. Gas prices have declined over $1 per gallon since peaking at $5 03 on June 14 fueled by falling oil prices over the last month. Americans today will spend nearly $400 million less on gasoline than they did in mid-June.GasBuddy
eventuallysaren’beentheanalysisDnowbefore,behaverRussia’ipandemic,includingblikepremiumandnearC$5.03nApril,$4.10Tsummerdsi2perpricesandhandledofyearvisitipublictheandleadingbpStdAppratedUS.virtuallyoGasBuddy™apoinformationpstGwsupplymtofavoritenotificationsusers3blocksquicklygas,dmid-June.lesswillthefueledpdeclineddriversplathetheeventuallyssaren’aren’tbeenthetheanalysisanalysisDDnownowbefore,before,behavebehaverrRussia’Russia’iipandemic,pandemic,includingincludingbblikelikepremiumpremiumandandnearnearCC$5.03$5.03nnApril,April,$4.10$4.10TTtightensummerddssii22perperpricespricesandandhandledhandledofofyearIt’’sbeenarecord-breakingatthepump,withamajoritymotoristsseeingthreedifferentmotoristsseeingthreedifferentprices,including$3,$4prices,including$3,$4$5.BeginninginMarch,gas$5.BeginninginMarch,gasintheU.S.roseabove$4intheU.S.roseabove$4gallonforthefirsttimesincegallonforthefirsttimesince008asRussialaunchedits008asRussialauncheditsnvasionofUkraineGlobalnvasionofUkraineGlobalupplybegantotightenwithupplybegantotightenwithemandalsorisingintotheemandalsorisingintothecausinginventoriestosummercausinginventoriestotightentouncomfortablelevels.touncomfortablelevels.hepreviousrecordhighofhepreviousrecordhighofpergallonwasbrokeninpergallonwasbrokeninandgaspricessoaredtoaandgaspricessoaredtoaewalltimehighaverageofewalltimehighaverageofpergalloninJune.AreasofpergalloninJune.Areasofaliforniasawaveragepricesaliforniasawaverageprices$7pergallonthissummer$7pergallonthissummerdieselpricessawtheirbiggestdieselpricessawtheirbiggesttogasolinepricesevertogasolinepriceseverAugust9,2022August9,2022“We'veneverseenanything“We'veneverseenanything2022atthepump,highlighted2022atthepump,highlightedyonceinalifetimeeventsyonceinalifetimeeventstheongoingCovid-19theongoingCovid-19whichcausedmyriadwhichcausedmyriadmbalances,exacerbatedbymbalances,exacerbatedbyswaronUkraine.AsaswaronUkraine.Asaesult,we’veseengaspricesesult,we’veseengaspricesinwaysneverwitnessedinwaysneverwitnessedjumpingfrom$3to$5andjumpingfrom$3to$5andbackto$3.99,”saidPatrickbackto$3.99,”saidPatrickeHaanheadofpetroleumeHaanheadofpetroleumforGasBuddy“WhileforGasBuddy“Whilerecentdropingaspriceshasrecentdropingaspriceshasmostwelcomed,theissuesbeenmostwelcomed,theissuesthatledtoskyrocketingpriceshatledtoskyrocketingpricestcompletelyputtobed,andtcompletelyputtobed,andtillcouldleadpricestotillcouldleadpricestoclimbbackup,shouldeventuallyclimbbackup,shouldsomethingunexpecteddevelop.”somethingunexpecteddevelop.”BOSTON(August9,2022)--TheU.S.nationalaveragepriceofgastodayhasfallenbackunder$4markto$3.99pergallonforfirsttimesinceearlyMarch,ccordingtoGasBuddy,theeadingfuelsavingsplatformrovidingNorthAmericanwiththemostwaystosavemoneyongas.Gaspriceshaveover$1pergallonsinceeakingat$503onJune14byfallingoilpricesoverlastmonth.Americanstodayspendnearly$400millionongasolinethantheydidinGasBuddyrecommendsriversalwaysshoparoundforasconditionsarechangingandstationswithinafewcanvaryinpricebyover0¢/galGasBuddyalsoofferstheopportunitytoreceivewhenpricesattheirstationschangeinordernotgetcaughtpayingtoomuch.$1/galdropsincepeakinidJunespurredonbyrisingeconomicconcernsAboutGasBuddyGasBuddyistheleadingfuelsavingsplatformprovidingNorthAmericandriverswiththemostaystosavemoneyongasasBuddyhasdeliveredmorehan$3billionincumulativeavingstoitsusersthroughrovidingrealtimegaspriceat150,000+stations,fferingcashbackrewardsonurchaseswithbrandpartners,ndthroughthePaywithpaymentscardthatfferscentsoffpergallonatallgasstationsacrosstheAsoneofthemosthighly-appsinthehistoryoftheStore,GasBuddyhasbeenownloadedover100millionimesAcquiredbyPDIoftwarein2021,GasBuddy’sublishingandsoftwareusinessesenabletheworld’sfuel,convenience,’sbeenarecord-breakingatthepump,withamajoritymotoristsseeingthreedifferentprices,including$3,$4$5.BeginninginMarch,gasintheU.S.roseabove$4gallonforthefirsttimesince008asRussialauncheditsnvasionofUkraineGlobalupplybegantotightenwithemandalsorisingintothecausinginventoriestotightentouncomfortablelevels.hepreviousrecordhighofpergallonwasbrokeninandgaspricessoaredtoaewalltimehighaverageofpergalloninJune.Areasofaliforniasawaverageprices$7pergallonthissummerdieselpricessawtheirbiggesttogasolinepriceseverAugust9,2022“We'veneverseenanything2022atthepump,highlightedyonceinalifetimeeventstheongoingCovid-19whichcausedmyriadmbalances,exacerbatedbyswaronUkraine.Asaesult,we’veseengaspricesinwaysneverwitnessedjumpingfrom$3to$5andbackto$3.99,”saidPatrickeHaanheadofpetroleumforGasBuddy“Whilerecentdropingaspriceshasmostwelcomed,theissuesthatledtoskyrocketingpricestcompletelyputtobed,andtillcouldleadpricestoclimbbackup,shouldsomethingunexpecteddevelop.”See Woodforest, page 2 See Cellar, page 2 Texas Weekly GasPrices WoodforestNationalBank toLaunchitsWoodforest FoundryinConroe,TX DEBRAMYERS PASTORDR.DONNYR.PO’BRYANTASTORDR. TERRTERRTERRO’BRYANTYWEAVERYWEAVERYWEAVER CellarTwenty-Four Raises$9,000toBenefit FirstRespondersinCrisis Fromleft: RussellRice,BattalionChiefofTheWoodlandsFireDepartmentand VicePresidentofTheWoodlandsProfessionalFirefightersAssociation;“Maverick” withShelliMoran,ownerofCellarTwenty-Four;andErikSecrest,PresidentofThe WoodlandsFirefightersFoundation. MarSinceFirstGallon;$4FallPricesMarMarSinceFirstFirstGallon;$4FallPricesBelowPerTimeTimechchBelowPerTimech USGas
to becoming successful entrepreneursandbusiness overworkedrrppnnRRowners:SpeakersDEBRAMYERSDEBRAMYERSEnfusiaandMuscleEnfusiaandMuscleehabenfusiacom–ehabenfusiacom–aturalbathandbodyaturalbathandbodyroductsmusclerehabbizroductsmusclerehabbizanaturalproducttoanaturalproducttoelievetiredandelievetiredandmusclesoverworkedmuscles PA S T O R D R DONNYR.O’BRYANT “The spirit of entrepreneurship is stronginConroe,andwe are excited to work closely with these leading Montgomery County organizations to build a strong ecosystem to support aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners who are looking to scale We a p p r e c i a t e o u r community partners for their time, expertise, and insightstoliftupthenext generation of local leaders, ” said Jays Dreibelbis,Presidentand CEO, Woodforest NationalBank. Senior Pastor of Greater Faith Humble Church Chief OperatingOfChurchficerWIN CounselingOfficer Services LLC therapy andcounselingservices TERRTERRYWEAVERYWEAVER “TheConroeEconomic Development Council u n d e r s t a n d s t h e importance of the sustainability of economic growth, especially for the entrepreneurs and small businesses that are the THANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY PPARTNERSARTNERS Lead actor, TV series Breaking Strongholds A u t h o r , wwwterryweaverbooks com Founder VEL INSTITUTE a non profit that helps veterans advance in life through l e a d e r s h i p a n d entrepreneurshiptraining Aspiring entrepreneurs are encouraged join us for the E4All kick off event:Date:August25,2022 Us 25, 2022, from 6 8 p m for Kick-OffEvent Th Woodforest starts with open community called 4 d e t i f entrepreneurship through candid conversations with entrepreneurs thecommunity a of duc t on l d a ion workshops called Ideas 2 A c i o n s l y , entrepreneurs test and validate their ideas in a cohort of their peers successful small business own r n o h r professionals who provide mentorship and trusted guidance.BigCheese & Chief Excitement THE WOODLANDS x Woodfor t N t i o n a l B k (Woodforest) is it w d w nning WoodforestFoundrySM Conroe, by joining with the Economic Council (CEDC), Sam State e t f r ntr preneur p ment, Sam State University m l B s i n D velopm nt Ce t r (SHSU SBDC), and Free t e r i s e a n d Entrepreneurship the Woodforest’s is strong local work aspiring test th r id s whi capital. R e g i t r a t i o n recommended to Time:6-8 Location: Woodforest Downtown location 400 West Conroe, A U E D kick-off participants hear inspiring learn professionals about e i g c ss ul entrepreneursandbusiness A D R O’BRYANT h spir f entrepreneurship is we are excited to work cl y w th hese Montgomery County to build a strong ecosystem to s p t as i i g entrepreneurs and small business owners who looking a r a t o u community partners for their expertise, insights liftupthenext g n ra io l c l lea e s, a d Jay Dreibelbis,Presidentand C O, Wo d or t NationalBank. ni r Pa f Greater Faith Humble Church Operating Officer WIN Counseling Services and TERRYWEAVER Conroe Development u n r t a n d s h e imp rta e of he sustainability of economic especially and the THANK YOU TO OUR PARTNERS Breaking Strongholds A u t o , wwwterryweaverbooks c u d r, INSTITUTE non profit helps veterans advance life through l e h i p a n d entrepreneurship Montgomery County’s Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXVII NUMBER 31 Section 1 8 pages August10,2022 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly POSTPRE-SRTAGEPD#80MONTG.TXMontgomery County News WEDNESDAY
30/g Magnolia,PBOX
$1/gal drop since peak in mid June spurred on by rising supply economicconcerns About GasBuddyGasBuddyistheleadingfuel savingsplatformprovidingNorth American drivers with the most ways to save money on gas GasBuddy has delivered more than $3 billion in cumulative savings to its users through providing real time gas price informationat150,000+stations, offering cash back rewards on purchases with brand partners, and through the Pay with GasBuddy™ payments card that offers cents off per gallon at virtuallyallgasstationsacrossthe US. As one of the most highlyrated apps in the history of the App Store, GasBuddy has been downloaded over 100 million times Acquired by PDI Softwarein 2021, GasBuddy’s publishing and software businesses enable the world’s leading fuel, convenience, QSR and CPG companies to shorten the distance between the fueling publicandtheirbrands.Formore i n f o r m a t i o n
August 8 2021: $2 85/g (U.S.Average:$3.18/g) August 8 2020: $1 83/g (U.S.Average:$2.17/g) August 8, 2019: $2 42/g (U.S.Average:$2.66/g) August 8 2018: $2 64/g (U.S.Average:$2.87/g) August 8, 2017: $2 16/g (U.S.Average:$2.36/g) August 8 2016: $1 94/g (U.S.Average:$2.12/g) August 8 2012: $3 47/g (U.S.Average:$3.65/g) Neighboring$3.65/g)areas and their currentgasprices: Midland Odessa $3 67/g down 14.3 cents per gallon from lastweek's$3.81/g. San Antonio- $3.44/g, down 13.3 cents per gallon from last week'sAustin-$3.57/g.$3.55/g, down 14.8Austin- $3.55/g, cents per gallon from last week's $3.70/g.The national average isThe poised to fall back under $4 per gallonasearlyastodayaswesee the decline in gas prices enter its eighth straight week. By the end of the week one hundred thousandstationswillbeat$3.99 or less," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at at GasBuddy "Diesel continues to decline as well, and will likely soon fall under $5 per gallon We've even seen nearly a dozen stations in low-priced states fall under $2.99, a welcome return to some lucky motorists in areas of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Iowa.Thegroundwork is laid for aninthweekofdecline,withareas of the West Coast soon ditching the $5 per gallon average. While I'm upbeat the drop can continue for another couple weeks, we're startingtoseesomeactivityinthe tropics, which may increase risk ofpotentialdisruption."
The Woodlands, Texas In support of first responders who are experiencing crisis, Cellar Twenty Four recently raised $9,000 to benefit T h e W o o d l a n d s Firefighters Foundation, anFirefightersonprofit organizationnon profit dedicated to fundraising efforts of The Woodlands Professional Firefighters Association. winetasting n f s T n w l beused a r nd i behavioral suicide among firstresponders Montgomery according Battalion W o d d i Department P e t Woodlands Professional Firefighters Thefundswillalsosupport the growing pee s pp t p program, which to identify first responder experiencing c n a e intervention through referral clinician counseling, with if needed.
TheSOURCEnationalaverage of 15.8 per gallon the averaging 01/g today. national down 68.7 per month and cents per gallon a according from 11 weeklyprice 150,000gas across 8, 2015: $2 39/g (U.S.Average: gasoline prices in Texas 15.9 per thelast averaging 50/g to GasBuddy's 13,114 in Texas 74.5 per gallon lower month and stand 65.7 pergallonhigher ayear The priceof diesel 13.1 cents in last week at $5.14 gasoline in Texas the average back to GasBuddy reports, cheapeststation was priced $2.91/g yes day h e t a lowest in yesterday was $2 91/g while was $4.89/g, difference $1.98/g.








3)AddCrunch They look enough pl nty of brightly colored salad vegies, cut avocado an array nutritious ingredients raw fish, beans and carefully arranged seeds grains but are Buddha bowls or poke bowls all they are cracked be? Hereistherecipeforthe Tahani dressing. you itblendeverything the blenderuntilsmooth.
Nowwearemorelikely toseealargearrayoftasty ingredients ranging from noodlestofriedmeatswith heavy dressings being served in the name of a "wellness", or "buddha bowl" and the price tends to match with the average salad style bowl clockinginatcloseto$20. Steamed brown or white rice are fine and dandy, but also consider making the foundation for your creation with quinoa, farro, freekeh, kamut, millet sorghum or amaranth Use one or a comboofacoupleofthem. Sweet Potato is another greatoption. 3)AddCrunch They look healthy enough plenty of brightly colored salad vegies, fan cut avocado and an array of nutritious looking ingredients like like raw fish, beans and carefully arranged seeds and grains but are Buddha bowls or poke bowls all they are cracked uptobe? Hereistherecipeforthe Tahani dressing. All you doitblendeverythinginthe blenderuntilsmooth. Youonlyneedtotakea lookatthelocalfoodcourt at a shopping center toa notice that poke bowls and any meal in a bowl really has become increasingly popular 5)TheBigFinish * 2 tablespoons lemon juice*Blackpeppertotaste*Black C i t r u s y Ta h i n i Dressingistheclassicway to splash some bright flavoracrossyourcreation, but it's absolutely' acceptable to use your favoritevinaigrette. Things have gone a little off track in recent times since the Buddha bowl trend has become a littlemoregentrified. N o w t h a t w e understand the caution and how tobediscerningwhen selecting or making a Buddha bowl lets look at how to make it the healthiest way possible. It is a great way to use leftoversaswell. The other key issue nutritionally with wellness bowls isthattheytypically use Asian based dressings and sauces which are packedfullofsodium. On the other hand, when the ingredient mix includes fried meat, a a hearty serving of noodles, almost an entire avocado along with plenty of dressing, your healthy Buddhabowlcanequateto morethan1000caloriesper servealongwith60-80g of fat.For example, a single serveofsoysaucecontains more than 1000mg of sodium per serve, more than half your upper daily limit and this is not considering if any of the other ingredients such as smoked salmon or extra saucescontainaddedsalt. 1)Explore Ancient Grains2)GoforProteinPower2)Go This trendy menu item has made an appearance in restaurants acrossAmerica and the world, but what exactlyisit? Accordingto Wikipedia a Buddha bowlis avegetarianmeal, served on a single bowl or high-rimmed plate, which consists of small portions of several foods served cold These may include whole grains such asquinoaorbrown rice, plant proteins such aschickpeasortofu, and vegetables The portions are not mixed on the plate orinthebowl,butarranged in an "artful" way The concept appeared in 2013aconceptndhas grown popularand has since early 2017. Buddha bowlshavebeencompared to Nourish Bowls (a nonvegetarian version) and toPoké Bowls(a Hawaiian rawfishdish). There are several explanations for why the name refers toBuddha. It may originate from presentingabalancedmeal, where balance is a keyBuddhistconcept,from the story of Buddha carrying his food bowl to fill it with whatever bits of vegetarian food villagers would offer him,to the explanation of the o v e r s t u ff e d b o w l resembling the belly ofBudai a 10th century Chinese monk ofteno confusedwithBuddha. Generally speaking, this kind of bowl is exceptionally healthy Packed full of healthy fats, nutrient rich vegetables fiber and minimal calories a n d p r o c e s s e d carbohydrates,atraditional Buddha is a great choice nutritionallyAcloserlookwillrevealAcloserlook that your typical Buddha bowl will range from just 400-500 calories when the core ingredients remain salad, protein and a small serve of wholegrains such asbrownriceorquinoa. Keep it lean with any kind of cooked bean (garbanzos, kidney, pinto, GreatNorthern)orlegumes such aslentilsand add half a hard-cooked egg, tofuor tempeh.Goeasyonportion size. There's more stuff to come. Season this element withalittlesaltandpepper Raw vegetablese including cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions, sliced bell peppers, shaved cabbage, shredded carrots, spinach and arugula add color and crunch. Roasted beets, sauteed mushrooms, roasted cauliflower and steamedbroccolicanmake your bowl feel more substantial.Again,don'tgo overboard. Use a few raw andmaybeonecookedveg forcontrastingtextures. 4)DressitUp Once the Bowl is built anddressed,it'sreadyfora final flourish: Some crumbled cheese, sliced almonds, sunflower seeds, micro greens, chopped peanuts, cashews, pistachios, pecans, sesame seeds, maybe some flax seeds. Go for one or two, but don't overload The goalistobeabletoadmire all the components and keep it nutritionally balances.*½cup tahini (sesame* ½ cup paste)*½cupoliveoil*½ *½cupwater * ¼ cup tamari (dark soy*sauce)2tablespoons red* 2 tablespoons winevinegar * 2 teaspoons minced freshgingerroot * 2 cloves garlic, pressedAnother option if youAnother want to reduce the fat content is to use ¼ cup tahini, 1T maple syrup, ½ lemonand2-4T hotwater to thin. Whisk in a mixing bowl.
member happy hours tastings with winemakers and boutique winery owners, and wine classes are also offered. In additiontowine,craftbeer and a menu of light bites areserved.Live m u s i cL i v e entertainmentisperformed on Friday evenings and occasionally on Saturday evenings.Forascheduleof upcoming performers, wine classes, and wine tasting events, visit,Cellaruykendahl,Cellarwenty-Fourisopenfromwenty-Fourisopenfrom29pmonTuesdays,29pmonTuesdays, We d n e s d a y s , a n d Thursdays,andfrom12-10 pm Fridays and Saturdays. ItisclosedonSundaysand Mondays. Erik Secrest, President of The Woodlands Firefighters Foundation added, “We thank Shelli Moran and Cellar TwentyFour for your continued and unwavering support for all of the first responders in our county Shelli requested that the money raised through her event would be used specifically to address and provide for behavioral health and suicide prevention among all first responders. We appreciate all who attended and gave so graciously for such a much-neededcause.” For more information orto
Youonlyneedto lookatthelocalfood at shopping center to notice that poke bowls any meal in a bowl really has become increasingly popular
CellarTwenty-Fourisa locally owned and operated neighborhood wine shop and tasting bar in The Woodlands specializing in high quality, small boutique wines from around the world.This popular and funThis wine bar features an intimate yet casual ambiance for wine by the glass or bottle Monthly wine club memberships with club rsvpforanevent,visit or call 281.419.9966. Like Cellar Twenty-Four on Facebook a t https://wwwfacebook co m/cellar24 and follow on I n s t a g r a m a t https://wwwinstagram co 0446891mm/explore/locations/6448/explore/locations/64481098/cellar-24/. we chose to h e W o d l d s Firefighters is an organization Moran, owner of Twenty “More first responders die suicide than in
This trendy menu item has made an appearance in restaurants acrossAmerica and world, but what exactlyisit? Accordingto Wikipedia Buddha bowlis avegetarianmeal, served on single bowl or high-rimmed plate, which consists small portions of several foods served cold These include whol grain uch asquinoaorbrown rice, pl nt proteins u h aschickpeasor and vegetables The portions are not mixed on the plate or thebowl,butarranged in an "artful" way The concept appeared in 2013 and grown popular since early 2017. Buddha bowlshavebeencompared to Nourish Bowls nonvegetarian and toPoké Bowls(a Hawaiian fishdish).
Woodforest “The
* 2
the the couple The supporttraining hem gn nd intervene when a responder save a all wonderful guests helped us Twenty-Four a lo a ly o n d nd operated neighborhood wine and bar i o dl ds specializing in small wines around the popular and bar features intim y t c wine by or club with member happy h u s t ting w t boutique owners, are also to a of light areserved.Live m i c is and on For schedule performers, classes, asting events, is t We e d y , n Thursdays, from pm and Itis and Mondays. of Wo Firefighters added, Shelli Cellar o f he that the money raised her would used specifically address e lt n u c e all such a more information orto visit or call 281.419.9966. Cellar Twenty-Four Facebook a t https://wwwfacebook co m/cellar24 and follow on I n s t a t https://www co 0446891m/explore/locations/64481098/cellar-24/. from page 1 Cellar Buddha Bowl AddrAddress:ess: Montgomery County News CityName:Name:,State,Zip:City,State, PhoneNumber: Subscription Form SubscriptionCostis$40peryearforinMontgomeryCounty,and$45per yearoutofMontgomeryCounty.Checksmaybemadepayableto MontgomeryCountyNewsandsendtoPOBox1,Montgomery Tx 77356,wealsoacceptmostmajorcreditcards.
There are v r l explanations for why the name to It may originate from balancedmeal, w ere bal nce s a Buddhist from th story of Buddha his food bowl to fill it with whatever of food villagers would him to the xp anat on of he v e s t u ff d b o w l resembling belly of a 10th century hinese monk often confusedwith speaking, this ki d of bowl i exceptionally healthy Packed full healthy fats, nutrient rich fiber minimal a d r o c s s e d carbohydrates, Buddha a great choice nutritionallyAcloserlook that your typical Buddha bowl range from 400-500 calories when core remain salad, protein small serve of wholegrains asbrown orquinoa. Keep it lean with of bean kidney, legumes lentils add a hard-cooked egg, Go on size. There's more come. this element withalittlesaltandpepper Raw veg t bles cucumbers, green onions, bell shaved cabbage, carrots, spinach add Roasted beets, sauteed mushrooms, roasted and broccolicanmake feel more Again,don'tgo raw maybeonecookedveg forcontrasting 4) itUp Once the Bowl is built dressed, readyfora Some crumbled cheese, sliced almonds, sunflower seeds, greens, e nuts, sh w pistachios, pecans, sesame seeds, maybe seeds. Go one or two, but don't overload The goalistobeable admire all the keep t n t ti n ll balances.*½cup tahini (sesame paste)*½ olive * tamari soy winevinegar teaspoons minced root cl ve g rl c option you to reduce fat to use ¼ 1T syrup, 2-4 hot in a bowl. page 1 Sam Houston State University Small Business Development Center looks forward to participating in the Woodforest Foundry with WoodforestNationalBank across Montgomery County The SBDC has helped entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses for30yearsinthisareaand l o o k s f o r w a r d t o supporting the business ideas and goals of those participating in the WoodforestFoundry,”said RhondaEllisor,Directorof theSHSUSBDC. “We are deeply honored in working with our amazing community partners Woodforest CEDC,SamHoustonState University Center for Entrepreneurship Engagement and SHSU SBDC to offer the Woodforest Foundry The Foundry is a powerful program that empowers dreamers and transforms them into entrepreneurs.” said Patrick Woock, D i r e c t o r o f Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise at University of St Thomas McNair Center“Weareexcitedtowork“We closely with Woodforest, CEDC, SHSU SBDC, and the McNair Center at University of St. Thomas, to offer the Woodforest Foundry, an impactful program for localm entrepreneurs said Bob M i l n e r, D i r e c t o r Entrepreneurship Program a n d C e n t e r f o re Entrepreneurship Engagement Department of General Business and Finance Sam Houston StateUniversity For more information about the Woodforest Foundry, please contact DougSchaeffer,Executive Vice President, Executive D ir ecto r, C R A at dschaeffer@woodforest c om. b a c k b o n e o f o u r community,” said CEDC Executive Director DanielleScheiner “Weare thrilled to play a part in helping them succeed through our vibrant communitypartnershipsto offer the Woodforest Foundry, a program that aids in ensuring the local e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p communitycanachievethe highest quality of life possible.”“The Sam Houston University Development forward ici ti g i t Foundry o M tgom ry County The has helped entrepreneurs start grow for in area o o k s f a r o supporting ideas and p rt g e Woodforest said RhondaEllisor, of theSHSUSBDC. “ e ar y honored with our community partners CEDC,Sam State University Center for E r r urship Engagement and SHSU SBD t ffer he Woodforest Foundry The Foundry a powerful program empowers dreamers and transforms them i Pa c c D r e t o r f and Free Enterprise t o Nair are to CEDC, SHSU McNair of St. to an pro r l ca said i c r Entrepreneurship n n t e nt ep e Department of General Sam For Schaeffer, to ab o f o u ut e Di e DanielleScheiner “Weare thrilled play part helping them t ug ibra community to offer the Foundry, aids e u i communitycan possible.” Montgomery County, for July we chose to support T h e W o o d l a n d s Firefighters Foundation, which is an incredibly important organization ” said Shelli Moran, owner of Cellar Twenty Four. “More first responders die by suicide than in the line ofduty,andithasworsened over the last couple of years The foundation’s peersupporttraininghelps them recognize and intervene when a first responder is in crisis and hopefully save a life. We thank all the wonderful guests who participated and helped us reach this goal.”
SuggestionsforMindfulEating: Diana Anderson Food Thoughtfor DianaCAnderson@
Nowwearemorelikely toseealargearray tasty ingredients ranging from tofriedmeatswith heavy dressings being served in the name of a "wellness", or "buddha bowl" and the price tends to match with the average salad style bowl clockinginatcloseto Steamed brown or white rice are fine and dandy, but also consider making the foundation for your creation with quinoa, farro, freekeh, kamut, millet sorghum or amaranth Use or a comboofacoupleofthem. Sweet Potato is another greatoption.
* 2 tablespoons lemon juice*Blackpeppertotaste C i t r u s y a h i n i Dressingistheclassicway to splash some bright flavoracrossyourcreation, but it's absolutely acceptable to your favoritevinaigrette. Things gone a little off track in recent times since the Buddha bowl trend has a little gentrified. N o w t h t w e the and how tobediscerningwhen selecting or making a bowl lets look at how to make it the healthiest possible. It to use leftovers well. The other key issue with wellness bowls is theytypically use Asian based dressings and sauces which are packedfullofsodium. the other when the ingredient mix includes fried meat, hearty serving of almost an along plenty of healthy bowlcanequateto than1000caloriesper alongwith60-80g of fat.For example, single saucecontains more than of per serve, more than half your upper daily limit and this is not considering of the ingredients such as smoked salmon or extra saucescontainaddedsalt. )Explor An i nt forProteinPower





Moving to a smaller home might provide additional resources for your later years, which could make up for a lessthan stellar savings track record.Inadditiontousing that home equity to bolster your retirement savings youcouldalsobenefitfrom a lower cost of living maintenance costs, property taxes and insurancepremiums.
financially dependent on you. If you’re overpaying for life insurance premiums, you may want to cut back on coverage and pocket the savings At Pendle Hill Advisors we can assist with the professional guidance to make sureyoumaintainadequate coveragegoingforward.
Consider where you’d like to live Are you perfectly happy in your current home? Would you prefer a house or a beachfront condo? Do you want something less soyoucaninvest thedifference?Ifdownsizfreesupsomeequityin your home, you could reallocate that money to other goals like starting a new career or funding retirement. Focusonyou
Your child can stay on yourhealthcarepolicyuntil the age of 26. But if your child is eligible for his or her own employer sponsored coverage and leavesyourplanasaresult, youcouldsavemoney The same holds true for auto insurance. Removing your child from your policy could lower the cost as muchas50%,accordingto theInsurance Information Institute. “Pomp and Circumstance” plays You beam with pride as your child moves the tassel from one side of the mortarboard to the other Congratulations.Ytheour kiddo just graduatedYour college With any luck, they’ve already secured a jobintheirchosenfieldand are ready to start paying their own bills Your financial obligations have suddenlydiminished. Nowwhat? Nowthatyouhavemore timeandresources,youcan prioritize your future. Talk about this life change with us and make sure your financialplanreflectsyour new circumstances For example, you may want to adjustyourassetallocation toreflectyournewgoalsor usetheextramoneytostep up investments in your overall portfolio, potentially increasing your net worth.Consider making aConsider catch up contribution to yourretirementsavings
Moving a smaller home might provid additional resources for your later which could make up for a lessthan stellar savings track record.Inadditiontousing that home equity to bolster your retirement savings youcouldalsobenefitfrom a lower cost of living m inten nce costs, property taxes and insurancepremiums.
Whilewalkingdown theRiverWalkthey medicine San visit historic statues alongtheway Our observe and Eva of 2523 Conroe, United Daughters oftheConfederacychapter member, Lauren Weth and General Robert Dr hiswife in he servedin acy, as Unionsympathizers. Their ranch watched and the ConfederateRangers. helping everyone, be were rich continued hisworkasadoctoruntilhe was 87 died onMay18,1912atage92. weekly by Kent Pendleton may also want to make one of your children theexecutorofyourestate.your Andifyouhaven’talready, you should consider designatingyourspouseor oneofyourgrownchildren to have powers of attorney for healthcare and financesincaseofincapacitation. Of course, whenever there’s a change in circumstances, you should reviewthebeneficiarieson retirement, savings andbrokerageaccounts,as well insurance policies. neverstopcaring kids, both emotionally and financially Many parents want to continue offering their children extra support, whether it’s a downe payment on a house or college funds for future grandchildren.Ifyou’dstill liketohelpoutfinancially, wecanassistyouinfinding the most efficient way to accomplish this without losing track of your own financialgoals.
This is a good time to update your will The previous iteration likely named guardians for your minorchildren,whichmay not be necessary now that they re young adults If you’re inclined to charitablegiving,theextramoney that once went to tuition could be reallocated to a cause that’s near and dear toyourheart. Berealistic Thinkaboutinsurance
Remember:Medical providers may be prohibited from sharing information with you about your now adult child’s health Talk with your kid about whether they’d like towhether authorize you to have access in an emergency situation. your will and otherbeneficiaryaccounts long-term care coverage Pendle Hill PAdvisors endle Advisors K e n t P e n d l e t o Kn n AAMS® FinancialAdvisor FinancialRJFS Advisor RJFS T936-297-8267
Treatyourself BostonyourselfCollege’sCenterBostonCollege’s for Retirement Research found that spending on nondurable goods, the fun things, jumped more than 50% per person for empty nesters.That’s understandable after years of paying for dance lessons and soccer dues So if your budget allows, make plans to travel, return to school, start a business or do whatever you’ve dreamed of. Our financial planning process goes beyond basic retirement plans, we can can helpyousetasideacertain percentage for the fun stuff.Moveon
This a good time to update your will The previous iteration likely named guardians for your minorchildren,whichmay not be necessary now that they re young adults If you’re inclined to charitablegiving,theextramoney that once went to tuition could be reallocated to a cause that’s near and dear toyour Be Thinkaboutinsurance
Remember:Medical may be prohibited adult child’s kid like
from information with about your now
to authorize have access in an emergency situation. will and accounts Discuss long-term care coverage Hill Advisors LLC n t n d l e t o n FinancialAdvisor RJFS T936-297-8267 Guarantees are the claims paying of the issuing Long-term insurance or long-term insurance products may not for charges may apply for withdrawals and, if made prior to age 59 ½, may be subject to a 10% federal in addition any gains as Please consult a when options. Securities Raymond Services Inc FINRA / SIPC. advisory through R a y m o n a m e Inc Hill Advisors LLC is not a broker/dealer 14375 St Ste 109 Montgomery, TX AnEmptyNestCouldMeana FullerWalletAnFullerEmpty LaurenWethpicturedwithhistoricplaque HistoricMarkerInSan AntonioVisited Forinformationonthis Publicity contact Elaine C o l l i n g s , CollingsCCehcollings@gmail.comSubmittedbyPublicityhairman:Elainehairman:Elaine Seated Left to Right: RJOA President &d SponsorofNewMember: JENNY LEHR, New RJOA Member: ANNE DAVIS Registrar & SponsorofNewMember: DANEAN MYERS, CharterChaplainwithtwo more added “Proved” A n c e s t o r s : LY No HOWARD.Stan d i n g :S t a n Founder/Charter President&RegistrarCommittee:ELAINECOLLINGS SponsorofProspective Member: VIZI LANGE, Treasurer: EVELYN MILLER, Co-Founder & Registrar Committee: D I A N N E KEBODEAUX,Historian & Registrar Committee: SHELIAWILLIAMSON. CollingsCehcollings@gmail.comCPWREBELREBELCCONGRATULATIONSONGRATULATIONSBELLES!~BELLES!~Photoby:SheliaPhotoby:SheliailliamsonForinformationonthisublicitycontactElaineollings,SubmittedbyPublicityhairman:ElaineJ t New Registrar A E Chaplain t i & VIZI u e MILLER, & Committee: WREBELCONGRATULATIONSBELLES!~Photoby:Sheliailliamson MembersHonored
for your kids, both emotionally and financially Many parents want to continue offering their children extra support, whether it’s a down payment on a house or college funds for future grandchildren.Ifyou’dstill liketohelpoutfinancially, wecanassistyouinfinding the most efficient to accomplish this without losing track of your own financial cptasyouSpeakingProtectgoals.yourlegacyofinsurance,maybeover-coveredanemptynesterTaketheimetoreviewyouroliciesnowthatyourhildrenarenolonger
When children leave home, you may have extra resources to invest in yourself.Well, you just got aWell, raise so to speak The The money once reserved for your child’s needs and wants is once againw available to fulfill your own While you may be tempted to splurge on a pricey vacation, consider theseotherusesfirst. This is also a good time to think about long term care insurance Studies show that long-term care, which generally is not covered by Medicare could deplete your retirementsavings.Buying a policy when you re youngerandingoodhealth willbeeasierthantryingto purchase one as you get olderolder
Treat BostonyourselfCollege’sCenter Retirement Research that spending on nondurable goods, the fun things, jumped more than 50% per person for empty That’s understandafter of paying for dance lessons and soccer dues So if your make plans to travel, return to school, start a business or do whatever you’ve dreamed of. Our financial planning process goes beyond basic retirement plans, we can help setasideacertain for the fun on
MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,August10,2022, Weekly WColumns eekly Columns A
“Pomp and Circumplays beam pride your moves the tassel from one side the mortarboard to the other kiddo just graduated college With any luck, they’ve already secured intheir fieldand are ready to start paying own bills Your financial obligations Nowwhat? Nowthatyou more timeandresources,youcan prioritize your future. Talk about this life change with us make sure financialplan your circumstances For example, want to adjustyourassetallocation to yournew or usetheextramoneytostep investments in your overall portfolio, potentially increasing your net making catch up contribution yourretirementsavings
He was in Texas Hby e by 1847,becameaUnited States citizen Sand tates and practiced medicine pHis racticed His surgical skills were swell urgical well known in the San knownAntonia Antonia area. After the war, AfterDr Dr Herffcontinuedtoservethe San Antonia area with Sanhis his medicalskillsinsurgery
for your
financially dependent on you. If you’re overpaying for life insurance premiums, you may want to cut back on coverage and pocket the savings At Pendle Hill Advisors we can assist with the professional guidance to make sureyoumaintainadequate coveragegoingforward.
health Talk with your
Review your insurance policies You’ll
about whether
Guarantees are Gbased uarantees based on the claims opaying n paying ability of the aissuing caring
Consider where you’d like to live Are you perfectly happy in your current home? Would you prefer a smaller house or a beachfront condo? Do you want something less expensivesoyoucaninvest thedifference?Ifdownsizingfreesupsomeequityin your home, you could reallocate that money to other goals like starting a new career or funding retirement. Focusonyou
Chaptermembersare encouraged while eon ncouraged on vacationorjusttravelingto visit relatives, to stop visitand and tour historic tcemeteries, our cemeteries, statues or plaques, statuesfeaturfeaturing Confederate ihistory ng history alongtheway Our Omembers ur members observe the objectives observeof of the UDC: tHistorical he Historical Educational, EBenevolent, ducational, Benevolent, Memorial and MPatriotic emorial Patriotic Written by Eva WRains, ritten Rains, chaptermember cameupontheoldhome site of Dr sFerdinand ite Ferdinand LudwigvonHerff. LudwigHewas vonHerff. Hewas bornandrearedinGermany and received his amedical nd medical licensethere. Recently, RThomas ecently, Thomas Jefferson Stubbs J2523 efferson 2523 familyvisitedSanAntonia. visitedSanAntonia. When the WWar hen War Between the States Betweenstarted started in1861,Dr inHerffmustered 1861,Dr Herffmustered in as a brigade surgeon inon on staff for General Robert stafE. f E. Lee. Dr Herffand Lee.hiswife hiswife Mathilda hada ranch Min athilda in Boerneand enoughthough he servedin the heConfederConfederacy, they were known acyas , as Unionsympathizers. Their ranch was rwatched anch watched and occupied by athe nd the ConfederateRangers. He believed in Hehelping helping everyone, be it you everyone,were were rich or poor He richcontinued continued hisworkasadoctoruntilhe was 87 years old and died onMay18,1912atage92.
bility issuing company Long-term companycare care insurance or insuranceasset-based, asset-based, long-term care long-terminsurance insurance products may not pbe roducts be suitable for all suitableinvestors. investors. Surrender charges Smay urrender may apply for early applywithdrawwithdrawals and, if made prior alsto to age 59 ½, may be subject ageto to a 10% federal tax apenalty penalty in addition to any igains n gains being taxed as bordinary eing ordinary income Please iconsult ncome consult with a licensed wfinancial ith financial professional when prconsidofessional considering your einsurance ring insurance options. Securities Soffered ecurities offered through Raymond tJames hrough James Financial Services FInc inancial Inc member FINRA / SIPC. FINRAInvestInvestment advisory mservices ent services offered through offerRaymond ed Raymond JamesFinancialServices R a y m o n d J a m e Rs s FinancialServices. Advisors Inc APendle dvisors Pendle Hill Advisors LLC is not Hilla a registered rebroker/dealer gistered broker/dealer andisindependentof 14375 Liberty St 1Ste 4375 Ste 109 | Montgomery, 1TX 09 | TX 77356 You may also want to make one of your children theexecutorofyourestate. Andifyouhaven’talready, you should consider designatingyourspouseor oneofyourgrownchildren to have powers of attorney for your healthcare and financesincaseofincapacitation. Of course, whenever there’s a change in circumstances, you should reviewthebeneficiarieson your retirement, savings andbrokerageaccounts,as well as your insurance policies. Review your insurance policies You’llneverstop
as your
When children leave home, you may have extra resources to invest in yourself.Well, you just got raise so to speak money once reserved for your child’s needs and wants is once ag in available to your own While you may be tempted to splurge on consider theseotherusesfirst. This is also a good time to think term care insurance Studies show that long-term care, which generally is not covered by Medicare, could depl te your retirementsavings.Buying a policy when you re youngerandingoodhealth willbeeasierthantryingto purchase one you get Nextsteps Your child can stay on yourhealthcarepolicyuntil the age 26. But if your child is eligible for his or her own employ r sponsored and leavesyour as result, youcouldsavemoney The same holds true for auto insurance. Removing your child from your policy could lower the cost as much 50%,accordingto theInsurance Information Institute.





A40percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms,mainlyafter1pm.Mostlysunny,withahigh near94.Heatindexvaluesashighas101.Southwest windaround5mphbecomingeastintheafternoon. Mostlyclear,withalowaround77. A20percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms before1am.Partlycloudy,withalowaround76. Saturday
LefttoRt:RepresentationofGeneralRobertELee,RJOASusanJohnston,and SCVLorenJohnston.
concentrate on
Rebel Joan Of Arc Chapter Prospective Member, SUSAN H U T C H I S O N JOHNSTON, and Husband LOREN JOHNSTON,oftheMajor G e n e r a l P a t r i c k Cleburne’s 7th Texas Infantry Camp 2182, attended theAnnual Sons of the Confederate Veterans 127th Convention/Reunion of the Confederate Veterans ThisyeartheReunionwas held in Cartersville, Georgia. These Descendants of our Confederate Veterans in American History gather together every year in honor of their heroic Ancestors, and to honor this historic time in our Southern History Descendants travel from all over the UnitedStatestoattendthis specialweekend. R J O A S U S A N JOHNSTON and SCV LOREN JOHNSTON pose at the Commander in Chief reception, and Debutante Ceremony on the evening of the Grand Ball.
ut in
Editor’sExpress Mail,Faxor Mail,E-mail: Faxor E-mail: E-mail: Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395, will We
inourHistory Publicity
Lake Conroe area
GovernorAbbottAnnounces FirstBusOfMigrantsArrives InNewYorkCity
A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms,mainlyafter4am.Mostlycloudy,withalow around77.Southeastwind5to10mphbecoming southaftermidnight. A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms.Partlysunny,withahighnear90. Saturday A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms,mainlyafter1pm.Mostlysunny,withahigh near92. Sunday Mostlysunny,withahighnear94. Mostlyclear,withalowaround77. Monday Sunny,withahighnear95. Austin Texas In response to the ruling against Senate Bill 1111, Senator Paul Bettencourt the primary author of SB 1111 issued the following statement: “ Senate Bill 1111 is common sense election law, and I am genuinely disappointed in the ruling; I believe the Attorney General will appeal this decision to the 5th Circuit CourtofAppeals.SB1111 is a common-sense law from years of testimony and floor debate in the Texas Senate. In Harris County, anywhere from 5,000 to 8,000 voters are registered at private P.O. boxes as their physical address and mailing address.SB1111stopsthe use of impossible addresses for voter registrationpurposes,with a few exceptions. There is noonethatcanliveinsidea P.O. Box! However the plaintiffs sued their handpicked County Elections departments so the Attorney General had to intervene as the State of Texaswasnotadefendant. I will still continue to champion clean voter roll integrity!"
Publisher:M.RyanWest Editor:MonteWest AccountMonteExecutive: Camilla Blum, M. RyanAccount Executive: WestWestReporters/Contributing Writers: DocReporters/Contributing Fennessey, Carol Fennessey, Gail Box, Margie Barlow, Kim West, Sharon Faison, Dortha Ruthstrom,MeganWestStultz, NarcissaMartin Boulware, Gary Curran, Students and Staff of MISD, and friends of Montgomery CountyNews.Phone(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395 web; ©Copyrights, Montgomery County News, Montgomery,Texas2017-2018 E-mail:news@montgomerycountynews.netMontgomeryCountyNews Photography:MonteWest, WadeStultz, Photography:Bobby MonteWest, Bobby Strader,LanceBridges West M. WestReporters/Contributing Box, Kim Page4,Wednesday,August10,2022,MontgomeryCountyNews MCN expects honest advertising standards from its patrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements.MCN advertisements.reservestorighttorefuseadvertisement. reservestorighttorefuseadvertisement. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNews Allarereserved,and contentsof arereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. MCN welcomes any comments or suggestions, submitted insuggestions, writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in writingthis this publicationarethoseofthewritersandinnowayreflecttheviews andopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to MontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the Montgomery County area by retail, subscriptions and Montgomeryoccasional occasional randomdistribution.Subscriptionratesare$40per randomyearincounty distribution.Subscriptionratesare$40per yearincounty and$45outsideMontgomeryCounty andBulkRatePermitisheldby $45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermitisheldby thePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,MontgomeryCounty News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery, Texas. D&B#12-976-8354. D&B Montgomery County News is a weekly, locally owned and operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery operatedCounty County News at 14375 Liberty St. PO Box 1, Montgomery TX News77356. 77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395. from its MCN comments editorials or end changes throughout County and is Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to willyour your letter letterwhichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor phoneWeholdtherighttoeditor numbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Webpage: W
Weather for the
Showersandthunderstormslikely,mainlyafter 1pm.Mostlysunny,withahighnear95.Southwest wind5to10mphbecomingeastintheafternoon. Chanceofprecipitationis60%.
Wednesday Wednesday
Editorial SenateBill1111isCommon SenseElectionLaw
AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott today announced the arrival of the first group of migrants bused to New York City from Texas. The migrants are being dropped off this morning on a green bus at Port Authority Bus Terminal at Gate 14. In addition to Washington, D.C., New York City will nowbeadrop-offlocation for the busing strategy as part of the Governor's response to the Biden Administration's open border policies overwhelming Texas communities. "Because of President Biden’s continued refusal to acknowledge the crisis caused by his open border policies,theStateofTexas has had to take unprecedented action to keep our communities safe," said Governor Abbott "In addition to Washington, D.C.,NewYorkCityisthe ideal destination for these migrants, who can receive the abundance of city services and housing that Mayor Eric Adams has boasted about within the sanctuary city I hope he follows through on his promise of welcoming all migrants with open arms so that our overrun and overwhelmed border townscanfindrelief." In April, Governor Abbott directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to charter busestotransportmigrants fromTexastoWashington, D.C. Since the beginning of this busing strategy, thousands of migrants have been transported to the nation's capital while providing much needed relief to Texas' overwhelmed border communities. As one of the few citiesinAmericawithright tohousinglaws,NewYork Cityisrequiredtoprovide emergency shelter for everyunhousedperson.
Farm&Ranch Pharmacy Submit your opinions and editorials News@MontgomeryCountyNews.netto
RebelJoanofARCAttends127thAnnualSCVAnnual Convention/Reunion,HeldinCartersvilleGeorgia
Just another Educational
A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms.Mostlycloudy,withalowaround76. ThursdayNight
Texas Gentleman LOREN JOHNSTON is dressed in his Civil War Period tuxedo, complete with Top Hat. His white Glovesinhispocketalong with his derringer probably! SCV Gentleman LOREN gifted his lovely wife SUSAN with her white roses in his esteem for his beautiful wife and this special eveningSusantogetherisalsoaMember of the Order of the Confederate Rose The Woodlands Rose 53 Chapter,whosepurposeis to assist the SCV Major G e n e r a l P a t r i c k Cleburne’s 7th Texas InfantryCamp.TheRebel Joan Of Arc Chapter adoptedthisSCVCampto alsosupportandhonor SUSAN and LOREN JOHNSTON pose with theSCVrepresentationof General Robert E Lee, Commander of the SouthernTroops. General RobertELeewasreallya 4 Star General, but in his ownmodestyGeneralLee removed one of his Stars. Lookthatup! SUSAN acquired her Confederate Ball Gown from the famous seamstress Yvonne Brown, whomadePeriodDresses for the Movie: Gettysburg SUSAN’S Ball Gown has dainty abundant lovely embroidery andismadeinbluetaffeta with a green screen overlay SUSAN is in white gloves as protocols callforataballinthistime period of the 1860’s SUSAN’S long lovely locksofhairarepulledup andadornedinthebackas southern etiquette expected back then. This i s h o w S U S A N JOHNSTON S Great Great GrandMother would have modestly dressedfortheBall. General Lee was an amazing Christian Man who would not do battle on a Sunday, even if it wouldhavegivenhimthe advantage to do so SundayistheLord’sDay (Remember when storesusedtobeclosedon Sundayoutofrespectthat we not be about commerc b stead God Family Even Farmers didn’t Farm on Sunday.) note by RJOA ElaineCollings ebpage:



If we are in a church and someone is sick,wemayfindouthow we might help out with prayers, hospital visitation,orevenwithacardor a call to the patient. Of course, we don’t visit if thatpersonhasacommunicable disease of any kind.Butwhetherwecan goorwhetherwecanstay homeandpray,Godhears every prayer we offer for the sick ones Anyone may have that as their Christianmission. Themoreweread God’s word, the more we receive good instruction in many areas of our life. Every life problem we have has an answer for it from God. I think every Bible should have a su
HoneaChurBaptistch , FM2854,eryMontgom-, FM2854,2505936-756AntiochBaptist, DacusDacus,Baptist, GaryChapel BaptistChurch ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery Mt.CalvaryBaptist, OldHwy105,936588-2330 Meetsat464 McCalebRd. HeritageBaptist Church19087Lake Mt.PleasantRd, Montgomery77356 Faith
Worship -10:30am and6:00pm Nurseryprovided CelebrationService 10amSundays 2727N.Loop336 West 302N.Danville, Willis,Tx.77378 CovenantFelloship PastorsSean&Lori JoCook ChurchofChristin Montgomery 301Pond MontgomeryStreet,,TX. YouthExplosing 7pm Wednesdays Sun.9:00&11:00 Wednesday - 7:00 pm PastorCarySmith FirstPresbyterian ChurchofConroe Conroe,Texas936Sun756-8884Sch10:00 936/890-8034 PRESBYTERIN SundayBibleClass9:30am GateEntrance Phone:4855936-582-Web: cofcmontgomery@conswww.cofcmontgomeryorgPaulPraschnik, Mt.SinaiBaptist, Hwy105W.,Montgomery,MontgomeryAbout936-597-423011miNofonFM149 SacredCatholicHeart CRPlantersville,936-756-8186,FM1774,7:45Service213,Stoneham, NewLifeAssembly ofGod,RabonChapel Road,936-588-3399Montgomery, BAPTIST SundayMorning BibleStudy9:30a.m. WorshipService10:45 a.m. BenuiChurBaptistch , Dobbin, dacusbaptist@consolida407-735-6403,5560936-597-ted.netwww.dacusbaptist.orgSundayEveningWorship6:00p.m.
+ God is wise: “Howblessedishewhose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God “ Psalm146:5 I hope and pray therehasbeenachoicein yourlifetoprayandseek the Lord for what you might accomplish with Him in your own life Somemaynotunderstand how we may plant seeds, but I can assure it will be the most fulfilling plan madejustforyou!Acts6: 7says…
St. CatholicMary’s 936-894-2223, St.Joseph’sCatholic 936-894-2223, CongrJEWISHegationBethShalom ,5125 ShadowbendPlace,The Woodlands, LUTHERAN 281-362-1100 GraceLutheran Highway(ELCA),105W., LakeConroe,1944936-588LivingSavior LutheranChurch LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356 Churchphone:936597-8013Web: www.livingsaviortexas.orgPastorDavidR.Bailes. METHODIST 22548Highway105 MontgomeryWest,TX 77356 MontgomeryUnited MethodistChurch Phone: 8:30Sunday6162936-597-Worship:a.m.,9:45am.,11:00a.m.Praise& RichardsUnited MethodistChurch 2080LongmireRd, Conroe 67½AprilWindS., 936.582.7722 AprilSound,936588-2832 MontgomeryAdmin@TCMontgomery.org21627EvaSt.,TX77356(936)597-5742PastorsRandy&DarlaWeaverServiceTimes:Sundays@8AM,9:30AM&11AMMondays@7PMLivestream:WatchusliveSundays@9:30AM&11AM@lonestar.tvandclickonWatchnow HopeTabernacle LoneStarCowboyLivingChurchWayChurch , SundaySchoolat WThursday10:00am7:30pm936-597-5331or936-449-5983orshipService11AM Community InterdenominationalAnd 6639FM Richards1696 AbundantLife MinistriesCornerof FM149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSunday Service11:30am WednesdayPray/Bible Study6:30pm ChurTransformationchMontgomeryZionChurch, SundayWorshipat Montgomery6:00pm,TX FreeportPorterSunday77316School10AMSun:10:30amChapelA.M.E.PastorDavidWhitakerMeetsat18961DrMontgom-ery20350FM2854 AprilChurSoundch , 1308S.Hwy1486, 936-441-8875Dobbin, LighthouseFellowshipChurch, Montgomery,936582-7700 LivingChurBranchch Highway105W., LakeConroe,3400936-588NewBeginning Bible FamilyFatherChurch,’sHouse,WorshipCenter , WaldenChurCommunitych, 12400WaldenRd, Walden, RiverofLife Church, CornerstoneChurch, 1011W. 936-756-7792Conroe,Lewis, LakesideBible Church, 19087Mt.Pleasant CemetaryRd, 8921936-59718940FreeportDrive Montgomery,936-Highway582-1977105W, LakeConroe,4660936-588ChurchofSt.John, retreatand Montgomery17156centerwildlife,FM1097,,936-449-44141803HighlandHollow,Conroe,936-756-8831 FM149N.,Montgomery,936-449-6807 Mt.PleasentBaptist Church 936-689-3141 TheChurch@ LakeConroe 1701McCalebRd Montgomery,TX 77316 Watchus!2615St.BeulahRd.,Montgom-ery,936-597-5757 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,Texas Sundayworship@ 10:00a.m.Wed. activites6:30-8pm (936)597-3949 TheGraceChristianOutreachCenter NorthChurShorech 10am @18501ServiceWorshipFm1097WesttheBentwaterWest ServiceTimes: Sundaysat9:30am& 11am/Wednesdaysat 6:30pmforChildren& StudentMontgomeryMinistries,TX77356 EPISCOPAL 12681FM149 SeniorPastorDale Talbert Fellowship ApostleMontgomeryofSt.JamestheEpiscopal, CornerstoneChristianAssemblyofGod ofConroe,locatedat 100MosswoodDr., Conroe,Texasinfront ofRiver 936-273-1755Plantation. ASSEMBLYOF GOD “Train up a childinthewayheshould go,evenwhenheisoldhe will not depart from it.” Proverbs22:6. +God is merciful: “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformedtotheimageof His Son, Romans 8:29 LORD, ‘plansforwelfareandnot forcalamitytogiveyoua future and a hope ” Jeremiah29:11 +Nothing is
ChurChurBaptistchchoftheGoodSoldier (Baptist Affiliation),1501North Frazier(McKenzie's BBQ), Conroe,Texas, Phone:936-494-5775,,SundaySchool:9:30am St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356 FirstChurBaptistch , Phone:PastorBear 936448-4027 POBox125,Montgomery,Texas77356, 5525SpringBranch Road, 713-478-1256,MontgomerySundayBibleClass10:00am,WorshipServiceat11:00am.
ChinaGrove BaptistChurch, 936-767-4744Willis, 936-588-1260 JonesBaptistChapel , BethelRoad,Montgomery,936-597-4668 UnionGrove BaptistChurchof Richards,Texas SundaySchoolall ages9:45am,Church Service11:00am, WednesdayBibleStudy andYouthGroup6pm CATHOLIC 109N. Conroe,Frazier, a surprise to Him: “Before the mountains were born, or You gave birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting,+God has a plan: “ForIknowtheplansthat I have for you, ‘declares the
btitle of “God’s Instruction Manual For AllTheYearsWeLiveOn ThisEarthAndBeyond!” I know that’s really long but for me, it’s veryTRUE! “ThewordofGodkept onspreading;…..” MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,August10,2022, Devotional AreaChurches To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397 By Gail J. Box SpreadingtheWordtheWordSpreadingord ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismade possiblebythesebusinesses UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards Please join us: Monday night Bible Study Discussion at 6:15 and Wednesday Bible Study as well as Youth group activities at 6:00PM Church Service at 11:00 AM Sunday School Classes for all ages begins at 9:45AM All are welcome! THECHRISTIANMISSION: SPREADINGGOD’SLOVEANDLIGHT
Of course, we begin our Christian mission in life by starting to read God’sword.Ilovetogive littlechildrenbooksabout Jesus, God’s Son. He can reach the hearts of children because He first loved them. Before they are born, they somehow haveaheartfortheLord.I sawitinmygrandsonjust after he was born And now that he’s grown, it’s stillthere.
What causes a persontodesiretofollow God’s word instead of going the “way of the world? “ Here’s what theBiblesays: We serve a God whoisfullofmercy Here areafewshortversesthat help us know how He caresforusandallthatHe is known for when things lookbad: You are God.” Psalm90:2
In the verses above, we see God in control of the earth, His people, His plans for us; and for all calamities. I don’t know about anyone else, but those verses aboutGodandWhoHeis, certainly make me feel much better about our future in this unpredictableworldwherewenow live.Icannowrestinmy trust in God – not in the dailynews!



Thefilenumberofsaidmatterbeing:22-42570-P CONROETX77305 CONROETX77301 POBOX959 209SIMONTON
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or your attorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.onthe Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation andpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou." YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertothePlaintiff'sOriginalPetition atorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateof issuance of this citation the same being Monday, the 1st day of September, 2022 before the 284thJudicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original Petition was filed in said court on this the 8th day of February 2022,inthiscase,numbered22-02-01765-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt. areDefendants ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService
DeputyClerk PublishedDate:August10,2022 GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court in CONROE, Texas, on this the 8th day of August,2022. (SEAL,CountyCourtatLaw#2) MARKTURNBULL,COUNTYCLERK Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled. Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: c/o:TheStrongFirm,P.C. Attn:CarissaPeterson All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw NOTICETOCREDITORS NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofJAMESDALE SONNIER,Deceased,wereissuedonJuly20,2022,inCauseNo.22-42887-P,pendingintheCounty Court-At-Law No: 2, Montgomery County, Texas, to: JEAN RADACH, Executive Director of ANGELREACH,INC. DATEDthe28thdayofJuly,2022. THECARISSAPETERSONSTRONGFIRMP.C. Fax:281.210.1361 TheWoodlands,Texas77380 ATTORNEYSFORINDEPENDENTEXECUTOR /s/CarissaPeterson BRETL.STRONG PublishedDate:August10,2022 StateBarNo.00795671 StateBarNo.24057618 Phone:281.367.1222 1790HughesLandingBoulevard,Suite200 1790HughesLandingBlvd.,Suite200 TheWoodlands,Texas77380 You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application for Determination of HeirshipandforLettersofIndependentAdministrationfiledbyRodriguez,Betsy,ator before10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationofTen(10)daysfromthedate of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERYCounty attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas.Saidapplicationwasfiledon February
CITATION BYPUBLICATION - CIVIL DanaCampbellBradley THE STATE OF TEXAS Conroe,Texas77305 MontgomeryTX77356
Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
EloisaSalinas,DeputyClerk PublishedDate:August10,2022 /s/EloisaSalinas (SEALCountyCourtatLaw#2) MARKTURNBULL,COUNTYCLERK MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS6/23/20224:01:42 PM
Theofficerexecutingthiswritshallpromptlyservethesameaccordingtorequirementsoflaw and themandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.Issuedandgivenundermyhandandthe SealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thisonthisthe5thdayofAugust,2022. Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: Plaintiff is seeking a judicial declaration that, as recourse for default under that one certain voluntary security instrument, it may proceed in accordance with the terms of such security instrument and the Texas Property Code with the non-judicial foreclosure of that certain real property, to wit: LOT TWENTY-EIGHT (28), IN BLOCK ONE (1) OF THE VILLAGES AT CROCKETTTRACE, SECTION ONE,ASUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS, ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOF,RECORDEDINCABINETV,SHEET45-50OF THEMAPRECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS. Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: MelisaMiller DistrictClerk MontgomeryCounty Texas PublishedDates:August10,17,24,31,2022 BaileyLaCaze By: THE STATE OF TEXAS ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService To:TheUnknownHeirsatLawofBrandonCarltonWhitmireandChristinaVirginiaWhitmire Cause Number: 22-05-06785-CV on August05,2022. Thefilenumberofsaidmatterbeing:22-42591-P CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYOFRECORDORPERSONFILINGCAUSE
GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court in CONROE, Texas, on this the 23rd day of June,2022.
DELCYPARKER 7/21/20223:57:48PM PublishedDates:July27,August3,10,17,2022 By:Delcy MontgomeryParkerCounty,Texas
Inadditiontofilingawrittenanswerwiththeclerk,youmayberequiredtomakeinitialdisclosures totheotherpartiesofthissuit.Thesedisclosuresgenerallymustbemadenolaterthan30days nolaterthan10:00a.m.onMonday,*-----* Youmayhireanattorneyforrepresentation.Youranswermustbefiledatthefollowingaddressfor theMontgomeryCounty IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thisonthis the21stdayofJuly 2022.
IdahoHousingandFinanceAssociationarePlaintiffsandTheUnknownHeirsatLawofBrandon Carlton Whitmire et al; Brandon Carlton Whitmire; Christina Virginia Whitmire; The Unknown Heirs at Law of Brandon Carlton Whitmire; Terri Goodwin; Kenneth Whitmire, Sr.; Nicholas Sharpe;DanielSharpe;JosephSharpe;WilliamSharpeareDefendants asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertothePlaintiff'sOriginalPetition atorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateof issuance of this citation the same being Monday the 19th day of September 2022 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe26thdayofMay, 2022,inthiscase,numbered22-05-06785-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt.
Conroe,Texas77305 DallasTX75254 P.OBox2985 14841DallasParkwaySuite425 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or your attorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.onthe Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation andpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou." CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL MelisaMiller JamieSilver All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw Telephone:(936)632-6350Facsimile:(936)632-6355 DATEDthe5thdayofAugust,2022. MelissaL.Hannah Lufkin,Texas75901 PublishedDate:August10,2022 NOTICETOCREDITORS NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofJohnRandolph Martin, Deceased, were issued on May 5, 2022, in Cause No. 22-42645-P pending in the Probate CourtNo:Two,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to:BettyElizabethMartin. 4973HilltopRanchCt. Montgomery Texas77316 AttorneyforBettyElizabethMartin 200EastLufkinAve. c/o:BettyElizabethMartin /s/MelissaL.Hannah StateBarNo.:24035530 NOTICETOCREDITORS 18735W CoolBreezeLane Allpersonshavingclaimsagainsttheestateareherebyrequiredtopresentsamewithinthe timerequiredbylawtotheaddressofBrianE.Wilson,beingat: Thisnoticeissuedby:RobertMarkowitz Montgomery TX77356 Montgomery,TX77356 AttorneyatLaw 936-582-1945 Fax:1-888-518-1186 Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of July, 2022, Brian E. Wilson was duly appointed as Independent Administrator of the Estate of Kathleen Kearse Wilson Cause No. 2242893-P CountyCourtatLawNo.2,MontgomeryCounty TexasandLettersofAdministrationhave beenissuedtoBrianE.Wilson. c/oRobertMarkowitz,Attorney PublishedDate:August10,2022 thDATEDthe8 dayofAugust,2022 18735WestCoolBreezeLn ApplicationhasbeenmadewiththeTexasAlcoholicBeverageCommission for a Wine and Malt Beverage Retailer's Off- Premise Permit (BQ) by DIYA DEVELOPMENT INC. dba LA QUINTA INN & SUITES NEW CANEY to be located at 22025 US HIGHWAY 59, NEW CANEY, Texas. By owner Dhiren BhaktaandGMofhotel. LEGALNOTICE PublishedDates:August10,17,2022 NOTIFICATION TO OWNER Lastknownownerof: Caterpillar Model 305E2 CAT0305ECH5M05605 towed from 87 County Rd 3893 E 1996ClevelandHondaGoldWingVIN#1HFSC2245TA800311/RNBORDR(CALP)Whiteincolor Towedfrom IH-69NPorter August3,The2022itemisbeingstoredat thYouhavetherighttoclaimtheitemnolaterthanthe20 dayafterthisposting onpaymentof: Garagekeeper'sfeesunderSECTION683.0.2 Towing,preservationandstoragecharge ZONE3Impound19600OldSandpitRdNewCaney,TX77357281-689-7705 Publicationdate:August10,2022 FAILURETODOSOISAWAIVEROFALLRIGHTS,TITLEANDINTERESTINTHEITEM ANDCONSENTTOTHESALEOFTHEITEMATAPUBLICAUCTION. MARKTURNBULL ROBINL.APOSTOLAKIS 22-42591-P POBOX959 1400WOODLOCHFORESTDR.,STE590 THE STATE OF TEXAS TO:TheunknownheirsoftheESTATEOF:JOHNBRYANTWILKERSON,Deceased GREETING: CITATION BYPUBLICATION You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application for Letters of AdministrationandDeterminationofHeirshipfiledbyTracyWilkerson,atorbefore10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expiration of Ten (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERYCounty attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas.Saidapplicationwasfiled
Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: arePlaintiffsand JosenriqueBrizuela Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: ThisisasuitforPersonalinjuriessustainedbyminorLB&fromautomobile/bicyclecollisiononor aboutSeptember21,2021. MontgomeryCountyDistrictClerk Address:15899Hwy105W,Montgomery,TX77356
DistrictClerk: P.O.Box2985 Conroe,TX77305 Phone:9365886226
asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. Theofficerexecutingthiswritshallpromptlyservethesameaccordingtorequirementsoflaw,and themandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. P.OBox2985 15899Hwy105West
To:DanaCampbellBradleyakaDanaPCampbellAKADanaPAdair Name: (SEAL,AttorneyKevinAForsbergforPlaintiff:DistrictCourt)
MelisaMiller DistrictClerk MelisaMiller KevinAForsberg Cause Number: 22-02-01765-CV
77305 CONROE
Wednesday,August10,2022,MontgomeryCountyNews, LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL Aaron Schurr Real EstateFeed InsuranceStore Pharmacy Restaurant Retail
GREETING: CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYOFRECORD You are commanded to appear and answer to the Application for Determination of Heirship and for Letters of Independent Administration filed by Deeann Webb, at or before10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationofTen(10)daysfromthedate of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law #2 of /s/DanielleMcDaris6/29/202212:55:17PM GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court in CONROE, Texas, on this the 29th day of June,2022. Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
(SEAL,CountyCourtatLaw#2) MARKTURNBULL,COUNTYCLERK PublishedDate:August10,2022
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: Thefilenumberofsaidmatterbeing:21-41413-P Thestylebeing:ESTATEOF:WALTERALLENWEBB MONTGOMERYCounty,attheCourthouseinConroe,Texas.Saidapplicationwasfiledon June22,2021.



























