ASOURCEprices:GasBuddyugust292012:$3 65/gAugust 29 2012: $3 (U.S.Average:$3.81/g) The national average has declined for another week, extending the slide for the eleventhstraightweek.Gasprices are now $1.20 per gallon lower than mid June with Americans spending $450 million less on gasoline every day as a result," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy "Someissueshavedevelopedthat we're keeping a close eye on, including the shut down of the largest refinery in the Midwest. While that refinery may get back onlinesoonerratherthanlater,it's notimpossiblethatdowntheroad the situation could impact prices in the region. For the rest of the country, however, we'll continue to see prices moderate.This is of course subject to hurricane season,anditdoesappearthatthe tropics are starting to see some activity so there's no guarantee thedeclinewillcontinue."
AUSTIN – Texans are used to scorching summers, but this year’s record highs across much of the state have left many dove hunters wondering abouttheupcomingseason opener
“Unless conditions changedrasticallyoverthe next few weeks, hunting near water will be key for openingdaythisyear,”said Owen Fitzsimmons, TPWD Dove Program Leader “Hunters will l i k e l y s e e l a rg e r concentrations of birds at watering holes and food sources than they have in the past due to limited resources Agriculture production has been hit hard by drought so birds may be more reliant on native foods this September Lookforstands of common sunflower, croton, and other native annualforbsandgrasses.”
“If extreme heat persists, twice about bringing dog in the early season,” said F z s m o n s “Temperatures this high canbe fordogs, particularly when they’re excited and hard after If do bring them,try limit hunts to early mornings late evenings.”Thereg lar d ve season in North Zone runs 13 and resumes Dec Jan 1, 2023. regularseasonin the is 1Oct.30,thenresumesDec. 17 Jan 15, 2023 The regular intheSouth Zone Sept. 14-Oct. 30 andDec.17-Jan.22,2023. For the second straight year there be six Special White Winged Dove Days. Special White-Winged Dove Days willbeSept.2-4
The Woodlands, TX (August24,2022)–Itwas an electric evening on Friday August 19th atThe Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center where morethan500guestswere welcomed, each of whom werewelldressedinbright colors and chic attire for The Walk The Woodlands, an inaugural black tie fashion affair that benefited Interfaith of The Woodlands and Interfaith CommunityClinic.It evening at o welcomed, colors chic Woodlands, f o Woodlands Community
Montgomery County’s
During the Special Whitewinged Dove Days in the South Zone hunting is allowed only from noon to sunset and the daily bag limitis15birds,toinclude not more than two mourning doves and two white-tippeddoves.
August 29 2021: $2 79/g (U.S.Average:$3.12/g)
gasoline prices in Texas 6.2 per gallon thelast averaging 34/g to GasBuddy's 13,114 in Texas. Texas 36.8 per gallon lower a month and stand 55.0 centspergallonhigherthanayear The averagepriceof diesel 7.3 cents the last week stands at per gallon.The average of per thelast averaging today. national is down 39.8 per month and cents per gallon thana according GasBuddy compiledfrom morethan11 weeklyprice 150,000gas across country 2021: 79/g (U.S.Average: 2016: 02/g 2019: 30/g to GasBuddy reports, cheapeststation Texas priced $2.93/g es da h e o t was $4 a difference lowest in yesterday $2 93/g while the was $4.73/g, difference gasoline prices the back 92/g $2.23/g) 29, 60/g $2.83/g) 20/g $2.40/g) 25/g $2.49/g) 24/g $3.43/g) 40/g $3.56/g) lastweek's gallon from $3.29/g. Austin 36/g down cents per $3.39/g.Neighboring and gas 65/g (U.S.Average:$3.81/g) declined for extending the slide the eleventh are than June spending million less on gasoline said De petroleum at "Someissueshave we're a including the shut down of the largest While that onlinesoonerrather not thatdown the in the of country, we'll to moderate.This is course hurricane season, tropics to see activity no the continue."
Magnolia,PBOXTX 77353 Index CommunityCommunityCCDevotional..........................5ommentary3,4ommentary3,4................2,3,4Community................2,3,4Legals......................6,7,8,9Legals......................6,BusinessDirectory...........10BusinessDirectory...........10Devotional..........................5Commentary3,4................2,3,4Legals......................6,7,8,9BusinessDirectory...........10 DennisBoman
During the regular season in the South Zone, the aggregate bag limit is 15 with no more than two white tipped doves
Only Locally Owned Newspaper VOLUME XXVII NUMBER 34 Section 1 10 pages August31,2022 Home of the ‘Lone Star Flag’and Established1995 Montgomery,Texas77356 50 Weekly POSTPRE-SRTAGEPD#80MONTG.TXMontgomery County News WEDNESDAY
August 29 2016: $2 02/g (U.S.Average:$2.22/g)
“If this extreme heat persists, think twice about bringing your dog out in the early season,” said F i t z s i m m o n s “Temperatures this high canbedangerousfordogs, particularly when they’re excited and running hard after birds. If you do bring them,trytolimitthehunts to early mornings or late evenings.”Theregular doveThe r season in the North Zone runs Sept. 1-Nov 13 and resumes Dec 17 Jan 1, 2023.Theregularseasonin theCentralZoneisSept.1Oct.30,thenresumesDec. 17 Jan 15, 2023 The regularseasonintheSouth Zone is Sept. 14-Oct. 30 andDec.17-Jan.22,2023. For the second straight year there will be six Special White Winged Dove Days. The SpecialWhite-WDays.inged Dove DaysWhite-Winged willbeSept.2-4and9-11.
Average gasoline prices in Texas have fallen 6.2 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 34/g today, according to GasBuddys survey of 13,114 stations in Texas. Prices in Texas are 36.8 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and stand 55.0 centspergallonhigherthanayear ago.Thenationalaveragepriceof diesel has risen 7.3 cents in the last week and stands at $5.04 per gallon.ThenationalaveragepriceofThe gasoline has fallen 5.0 cents per galloninthelastweek,averaging $3 81/g today. The national average is down 39.8 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 69 1 cents per gallon higherthanayearago,according toGasBuddydatacompiledfrom morethan11millionweeklyprice reportscoveringover150,000gas stationsacrossthecountry
August 29 2014: $3 24/g (U.S.Average:$3.43/g) August 29, 2013: $3 40/g (U.S.Average:$3.56/g) Midland Odessa $3 43/g down 3.8 cents per gallon from lastweek's$3.47/g. San Antonio- $3.23/g, down 5 4 cents per gallon from last week's$3.29/g. Austin $3 36/g down 2 8 cents per gallon from last week's$3.39/g.Neighboring areas and theirNeighboring currentgasprices:
updated regulations for year’s season can be foundin Outdoor Annual n n a’s28lawfieldoffices, at 50 parks over the state. be TPWD website or by phone 895 center hours to5 p.m.and is fee for online online system
Duringthefirst2weeks of school for the New Caney ISD, Splendora ISD, and Conroe ISD, Deputies have stepped up the patrol of local schools checking most if not all of them on a daily basis Deputies have really enjoyed seeing the kids come to the schools with smiles on their faces excited to see all of their friendsandteachersagain. Parents have shown anshown outpouring of support for the program by thanking Deputies as they drop off theirkidsattheschool.The local ISD Police Chiefs and Officers certainly appreciatetheextrahelpas well Just this week an Assistant Principal from a local middle school calledConstablemiddleHaydenandsaidConstableHayden just how much they support the program and they cannot thank everyone enough for the support and extra patrol. Constable Hayden knows the safety of our youth is p a r a m o u n t , b y collaboratingwiththelocal
Texas Weekly GasPrices
VhisHaydenCPolicepresenceasvisithallwaysthePCTcrDparound.aschoolsawithinTSMeoIcollaboratingptheConstablesupportetsupportjConstablelocalAssistantappreciatealtheiroutpouringfriendsexcitedscomeeDtcheckingDeputiesICVhishisHaydenHaydenCCPolicepresencepresenceaassvisitvisithallwaysthethePCTPCTccrrDDpparound.aaschoolsschoolsaawithinwithinTTSSMMeeooIIcollaboratingSDPoliceDepartments,SDPoliceDepartments,therlocallawtherlocallawnforcementsuchasthenforcementsuchastheontgomeryCountyontgomeryCountyheriff’sOfficeandheriff’sOfficeandXDPS,andleadershipXDPS,andleadershiptheISDs,ouryouth,theISDs,ouryouth,ndtheirfamiliesknowndtheirfamiliesknowinthePct.4areasinthePct.4areasresomeofthesafestresomeofthesafest#SafeSchoolisa#SafeSchoolisarogramthathasPct4rogramthathasPct4eputiesmakingdaily,eputiesmakingdaily,andomchecksonandomchecksonampusesthroughouttheampusesthroughoutthe4area.Deputiesdrive4area.Deputiesdriveparkinglots,walktheparkinglots,walktheofschools,andwithstaffandkids,withstaffandkids,upplementingthepatrolupplementingthepatrolndlawenforcementndlawenforcementofthelocalISDofthelocalISDDepartments.OnMay272022OnMay272022onstable“Rowdy”onstable“Rowdy”releasednewsofreleasednewsof#SafeSchool–“High#SafeSchool–“Highisibility”PatrolProgram.Visibility”PatrolProgram.Duringthefirst2weeksofschoolfortheNewaneyISD,SplendoraSD,andConroeISD,havesteppedupthepatroloflocalschoolsmostifnotallofhemonadailybasiseputieshavereallynjoyedseeingthekidstotheschoolswithmilesontheirfacestoseealloftheirandteachersagain.ParentshaveshownanofsupportfortheprogrambythankingDeputiesastheydropoffkidsattheschool.TheocalISDPoliceChiefsndOfficerscertainlytheextrahelpaswellJustthisweekanPrincipalfromamiddleschoolcalledHaydenandsaidusthowmuchtheytheprogramandheycannotthankveryoneenoughfortheandextrapatrol.Haydenknowssafetyofouryouthisaramount,bywiththelocalSDPoliceDepartments,therlocallawnforcementsuchastheontgomeryCountyheriff’sOfficeandXDPS,andleadershiptheISDs,ouryouth,ndtheirfamiliesknowinthePct.4areasresomeofthesafest#SafeSchoolisarogramthathasPct4eputiesmakingdaily,andomchecksonampusesthroughoutthe4area.Deputiesdriveparkinglots,walktheofschools,andwithstaffandkids,upplementingthepatrolndlawenforcementofthelocalISDDepartments.OnMay272022onstable“Rowdy”releasednewsof#SafeSchool–“Highisibility”PatrolProgram. See Dove, page 3
MCTXSheriffInvestigates Apple Store Burglary at The WoodlandsMall On August 29, 2022, at a r o u n d 0 8 : 0 0 a m MCTXSheriff Deputies were dispatched to a burglary at the AppleStoreinTheWoodlands Mall. Through the course of the investigation it was determined that four individuals wearing head and face coverings made forced entryintotheAppleStoreafter hours.The suspects were seen leaving the scene in the grey four door passenger car picturedbelow A large quantity of merchandise was stolen from the store including over 200 Apple watches, over 50 Airpods,andover220phones. Anyone with information onthisvehicle,thesuspects,or this burglary please contact The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office at 936 760 5800 option 3, or call MultiCounty Crime Stoppers at 1800 392 STOP (7867) and refertocase#22A259890.
refer8County5800STtonAirpods,Athemerchandisepicturedfleavinghours.entryfindividualsdtMall.AppledispatchedMCTXSherifaWAppleMCTXSherif#22A259890.fInvestigatesStoreBurglaryatTheoodlandsMallOnAugust29,2022,atround08:00amfDeputiesweretoaburglaryattheStoreinTheWoodlandsThroughthecourseofheinvestigationitwaseterminedthatfourwearingheadandacecoveringsmadeforcedintotheAppleStoreafterThesuspectswereseenthesceneinthegreyourdoorpassengercarbelowAlargequantityofwasstolenfromstoreincludingover200pplewatches,over50andover220phones.Anyonewithinformationthisvehicle,thesuspects,orhisburglarypleasecontactheMontgomeryCountyheriff’sOfficeat936760option3,orcallMulti-CrimeStoppersat1-00392STOP(7867)andtocase#22A259890. InsideTheWalkThe Woodlands–EnergeticCrowd, HighFashionandFun (L-R)EllenPitcher,SeniorVicePresident&ChiefNursingOfficer,St.Luke’sHealth–PresentingSponsor; HeatherSanford,TheWalkCo-Chair;ErinDoré,TheWalkCo-Chair;SewellAutomotive–Exclusive AutomotivePartnerWillBonilla,GeneralManager,SewellInfinitiofNorthHouston;MissyHerndon,Interfaith President&CEO;WilliamH.Murphy,InterfaithBoardChairmanPhotocredit: DanielaWeaver North See Walk, page 2 ConditionsHeatingupfor Dove ConditionsSeasonHeating Season #SafeSchool High Visibility Patrol Program Pr BurglaryAppleInvestigatesMCTXSheriffBurglaryAppleInvestigatesMCTXSheriffStoreStore 936-449-NEWS 4 column x 1.5 inch ThisAd SpaceAvailable
Enhancements have been made to make the licensing process simpler and faster “Expedited checkout” improves the process of purchasing the same license items bought most recently within the last three years. It’s also now easier to show proofDovesarewell-adapted to dry conditions, particularly white-winged doves, which are a sub tropicalspecies. “Our spring surveys indicated a decrease in breeding abundance, which is a carry-over from poorhatch-yearproduction last year added Fitzsimmons “However, doves kick reproduction into high gear in dry years likethis,andwe’reseeinga lot of young birds this summer based on our bandingefforts.”
TPWDofficialsremind hunters to prepare for the extreme heat and make sure they are packing all the essentials for a day in the field They should bring plenty of water to stay hydrated and take measures to stay cool in a shaded area. The same is true for canine hunting partners.
“Unless conditions changedrasticallyover water will be for opening year,”said Ow Fi mmons, Program Leader l k e y s e a rg r birds at watering holes and sources have in past due resources production has hard drought birds be more on n f s thi September common croton, and forbsandgrasses.”
All updated hunting regulations for this year’s hunting season can be foundintheTexasOutdoor Annual mobile app or o n l i n e a t’s28lawgency’s28lawfieldoffices,fieldoffices, atmorethan50stateparks and over 1 700 retailers1 across the state. Licenses may also be purchased online through the TPWD website or by phone at (800) 895 4248 Call center hours are Monday throughFriday, 8 a.m.to5 p.m.andthereisarequired $5 administrative fee for each phone or online transaction The online transaction system is available24/7.
Enhancements have been made to make the licensing process simpler and “Expedited checkout” improves the process of purchasing the same license items bought most recently within the last three years. also now easier to proofDoves well-adapted o dry ondi i n particularly white-winged are sub tropicalspecies. “Our spring a in re ding bu dance which a carry-over from poorhatch-yearproduction st ye r dded Fitzsimmons “However, doves kick into high in dry this,and seeing lot young birds this summer based our banding AUSTIN – Texans us d to scorch ng this year’s highs much state have left many hunters wondering aboutthe TPWD remind hunters prepare for the extreme heat and make sure are all the essentials for a day in the field They should bring to stay hydrated take measures to cool a shaded area. The same is true for canine hunting partners. the South Zone, aggregate bag limit with no more than white tipp doves During the Special Whitein the Zone is from noon to birds,to n t mo th n tw mourning
August 29 2019: $2 30/g (U.S.Average:$2.57/g) According to GasBuddy pricereports,thecheapeststation in Texas was priced at $2.93/g yesterday while the most expensive was $4 73/g, a differenceof$1.80/g.Thelowest price in the state yesterday was $2 93/g while the highest was $4.73/g,adifferenceof$1.80/g. Historical gasoline prices in Texas and the national average goingbacktenyears: August 29, 2020: $1 92/g (U.S.Average:$2.23/g) August 29 2018: $2 60/g (U.S.Average:$2.83/g) August 29 2017: $2 20/g (U.S.Average:$2.40/g) August 29, 2015: $2 25/g (U.S.Average:$2.49/g)







Don’t forget dried chiles. Dehydrating chiles not only makes them shelf-stable, but also transform their flavors they’re a different ingredient from their fresh counterparts entirely, and often go by different names entirely
Poblano = Ancho when dried. Mildlyspicyandsubtly smoky ancho’s boast a deep red hue and fruity almost tomatolikeacidity
Sugar helps to balance heat while adding beautiful flavor complexity sprinkledover whohas eaten a spicy familiar with do. compound several areproduced by cells mostly found in the palefleshdirectlybeneaththe chile’s stalk The heat is distributed to the nearby membraneandseeds–andtoa lesserextentthewholechile–whichiswhymanyrecipestell you to remove those parts before cooking to help managethespice.
u n n s d n d underinsured residents
Sugar helps to balance chile heat while beautiful flavor complexity thinkTajinsprinkledoverripe mango. Sweatypalms,redcheeks, wateryeyes. Anyonewhohas eaten a spicy chile is familiar with what capsaicin can do. This compound and several relatedalkaloidsareproduced by cells mostly found in the palefleshdirectlybeneaththe chile’s stalk The heat is distributed to the nearby membraneandseeds–andtoa lesserextentthewholechile–whichiswhymanyrecipestell you to remove those parts before cooking to help managethespice.
AnaheimPeppers 2 500 Scoville Heat Units
rf t
Chilesfreezewellsowhen they are available go ahead and stock up. Frozen chiles can be grated to a pulp with a microplane, pureed or sliced without thawing, and are a great addition to stews and sauces. They do lose their snappytexturewhenfrozenso youdon’twanttousethemas agarnish. Spreadthemouton abakingsheetandfreezethem individually before putting theminaplasticfreezerbagso theydon’tsticktogether Thistrickthey works with many other itemsyouwanttofreeze.
Chilesevolvedtoproduce fiery capsaicin a defense against hungry mammals, but it only made crave them more. In late summer chilesareattheirpeakandit’s a great to shop them and rethink uses and benefits.
2.2million+Scoville HeatUnits(SHU) Ingredients(SHU)
“Our community came to celebrate and support each other,” said Missy Herndon, President & CEO, Interfaith of The Wo o d l a n d s “ T h e Presenting Sponsor St Luke’s Health and Exclusive Automotive P a r t n e r , S e w e l l Automotive Companies, along with all of the sponsors and donors made the evening possible throughtheirgenerosityso wecancontinuetomeetthe healthcare and basic needs of our neighbors ino MontgomeryCounty.”
Carolina Reaper Chili Pepper
annual w n management of chronic conditions, and group counseling and a to n specialized care. more information on Interfaith C m u l c services volunteer opportunities, orinterfaithcommunityclinic.visitgorcall281-364-7889. CountyMontgomeryNews Subscription Form CityName:Name:,State,Zip:City,State, SubscriptionCostis$40peryearforin MontgomeryCounty,and$45peryearoutof MontgomeryCounty.Checksmaybemade payabletoMontgomeryCountyNewsandsend toPOBox1,Montgomery,Tx77356,wealso acceptmostmajorcreditcards. PhonePhoneAddrAddress:ess:Number:Number: Page2,MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,August31,2022 SuggestionsforMindfulEating:Chiles Diana Anderson Food Thoughtfor DianaCAnderson@
AnaheimPeppers 500 2 500 Scoville Heat Units
The Walk’sAfter Party washeadlinedbytheband, Time Machine Guests were wowed with fun props, a fashion sketch a r t i s t s t i l t n e o n entertainers, a 360-degree photoboothandmore!Cochaired by Erin Doré and Heather Sanford their vision came to life for this year’s event All event proceeds fund programs through Interfaith of The Woodlands and Interfaith CommunityClinic.
tsp. ground cumin, and abig
(SHU)Jalapeno=Chipotlewhen dried. Heavily smoked and dried, c ipotles and a smolderingdepthtostewsand salsas and are often sold cannedinadobo.
* Pepperoncini Peppers100-500ScovilleHeatUnits (SHU)*CholulaHotSauce-500*Cholula - 1,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU) Dry heat caramelizes chiles sugars bringing out sweetness and complexity while breaking down tough skins. Tocharchiles,youcan place them directly over a medium flame, dry roast in a cast iron skillet, or just broil until dark all over 1 pinch halved plus more for tsp. 1tsp.groundcumin Cotija cheese and cilantro leaves (forleaves poblanochiles(about1lb. 5 medium), stems removed, halvedlengthwise Step6 Preparation
Carolina million+ HeatUnits Step pasta sha low bowls; w t cr mb e Co ij cheese, cilantro leaves, slicedjalapeño.
Whatever the Scoville level,whentheheatofachile overwhelms, do NOT reach for that glass of water Capsaicindissolvesinfatand alcohol, but water will only spread the burn around Soothe your inflamed mouth with a glass of milk or somethingboozy
chile is
Whatever the Scoville level,whentheheatofachile overwhelms, do NOT reach for that glass of water Capsaicindissolvesinfatand alcohol, but water will only spread the around Soothe your inflamed mouth with a glass milk or somethingboozy
TheWalkTheWoodlandsCommitteeMembersPhotocreditforallphotos: DanielaWeaver from page 1 Walk
then be choppedup, bitsandall, added to salsas and to lendheatandasmokyedge,or skinnedanddeseededtotame theirimpact. Mirasol = Guajillo when dried. Moderately hot with ich, mple lavor guajilloes are often used other likeanchosto andmellowheat. * Texas Pete Sauce 747 Scoville Heat Peppers-1,000 Heat Units(SHU)*Ancho Peppers 1,000 000 Scoville Units (SHU)*Hunga ian ax Peppers-1,000 15,000SHU * Valentina Hot Sauce 2,200 Scoville Units (SHU)*Crystal Hot Sauce - 4,000 Heat (SHU) *GuajilloPeppers 2,500 -5,000SHU * Serra o Pepp rs10,000 23,000ScovilleHeat Units(SHU) * Cayenne Peppers30,000 50,000 Heat Units(SHU) * Tabasco Hot Sauce 2,000 - 5,000 Scoville Heat Units(SHU) * Chiltepin Peppers50,000 100,000SHU *EspelettePeppers up 4,000SHU * Thai Pepper- 50,000100,000SHU * deArbolPeppers15,000 65,000SHU * Habanero Peppers100 000 350 Scoville HeatUnits(SHU) *ScotchBonnetPeppers100,000 350,000 Scoville HeatUnits(SHU) * Tabasco Habanero Hot Sauce - 7,000+ Scoville Heat Units(SHU) *Jalapeno -2,500 - 8,000 Heat Units (SHU)*Gh s Pe pe s 1 000 000 +Scoville Heat Units(SHU) *TrinidadScorpionButch T Pe pe 800,0 –1,463,700SHU * K m do D a n Peppers 4 2 millionSHU * Brain Strain Peppers 1 million-1.25million * T inidad Moru a Scorpion Pepper- 2,009,231SHU* Tapatio Sauce 000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU)*DatilPeppers-100,000300,000SHU Transfer vegetables to processor Add4 garlic cloves,2 sugar, tsp dried oregano,1 tsp. ground a saltand process a puréeStepforms.5 lb o k sho ld (Boston cut into 1" cubes2 stems removed, halved plus more thinly sliced for serving1tsp.driedoregano tsp.groundcumin Crumbled cheese and cilantro (forserving)1lb.poblanochiles(about 5 halvedlengthwise Step6 Preheat to350°.Set c u e aside Pou
nd vi u l i g
*BananaPeppers 0 500 ScovilleHeatUnits(SHU) * Shishito Peppers- 50200SHU
seasonJust before ragù is done,Just cook12 oz. rigatoniin a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally until al dente;Stepdrain.7 12oz.rigatoni 1 lb. tomatillos (about 10 medium), husks removed,rinsed1 bunch scallions,1 trimmedStep1KoshersaltKosher Heat2 Tbsp of your preferred oil in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium high Season2 lb pork shoulder (Boston butt), cut into 1" cubes all over withkoshersalt.Workingin2 batches, cook pork until well browned on all sides, 5 8 minutes per batch (there should be sufficient oil in pot afterfirstbatch,butaddupto1 Tbsp. more if pot looks dry). Returnalloftheporktopot. Step2 Place racks in top and middle of oven and heat broiler Arrange1 bunch scallions, trimmed,2 large jalapeños, stems removed, halved lengthwise 1 lb poblano chiles (about 5 medium), stems removed, halved lengthwise, and1 lb. tomatillos(about10medium), husks removed, rinsed, on a large foil lined rimmed baking sheet; broil untilsheet; charredallover,5–8minutes.
du s re l o in a to
Bell Pepper 0 Scoville HeatUnits(SHU)
Preheatovento350°.Set1 cup purée aside Pour remaining purée over pork in potandbringtoasimmerover medium-high heat. Cover pot and transfer to oven. Cook, stirringhalfwaythrough,until porkisverytender,andsauce isthickened,70–80minutes. 4clovesgarlic Addpastatoragùandadd reservedpurée.Cook,stirring, untilpastaiscoated.Tasteand seasonwithsaltifneeded.
Here’sugarsarecipethatusesaHere’sarecipe few of the techniques mentionedabove,specifically using dry heat to bring out flavor and adding some sugar to balance the heat. It also uses 2 complementary chiles: jalapeno and poblano. You canseethesechileshavequite a variance of heat. You can nibble a small piece of the chile raw so you know what you’re dealing with and alter therecipeaccordingly
what capsaicin can
Chilesevolvedtoproduce fiery capsaicin as a defense against hungry mammals, but it only made humans crave them more. In late summer chilesareattheirpeakandit’s a great time to shop for them and rethink their uses and benefits.
Here’salist someofthe mostcommonchilesandchile sauces SHU (Scoville Heat Units) to give you a relative idea of the heat theygenerate.
Valentina Hot Sauce (Red Label) 900 Scoville HeatUnits(SHU)
*BananaPeppers 500 ScovilleHeatUnits(SHU) Shishito Peppers- 50200SHU Poblano = Ancho when dried. Mildlyspicyandsubtly smoky ancho’s boast a deep red hue and fruity almost tomatolikeacidity Peppers100-500ScovilleHeatUnits (SHU)*CholulaHotSauce 500 Scoville Heat Units
i n u ur l
Step4 Divide pasta among shallow bowls; top with crumbled Cotija cheese, cilantro leaves, andthinlyslicedjalapeño.
The spiciness of chiles is popularly denoted in terms of ScovilleHeatUnits(SHJU),a scale created by pharmacist Wilbur Scoville It s not foolproof however as factors like growing altitude, temperature rainfall and stress all impact individualall plants and, in turn, spiciness, which is why you ll sometimesendupwithavery mild or surprisingly face meltingjalapeno.
Saks Fifth Avenue headlined the New York Style Runway Fashion Show that was creatively led by fashion show p r o d u c e r L e n n y Matuszewski, Jr , and Senior Fashion Stylist Tamara Klosz Bonar Guests also lined up onup bothsidesoftherunwayto cheer and celebrate this year’s six Inaugural Community Champions that each have a heart for this community: Brian Albert, Noemi Gonzalez, DeAnn Guidry Dr Justin Hogan, Diane Kink and RaySanders. Interfaith of The Woodlands is a nonprofit social service agency that provides families and individuals facing unexpected challenges with basic needs, preventing food insecurity and homelessness. Senior adults are able to participate in a variety of servicestohelpthemagein place, while any area resident can gain access to a variety of wrap-around services created to help them rise above their circumstances and regain self-sufficiency For more information on Interfaith’s programsandservicesorto becomeavolunteer,please v i s i t or call281-367-1230. Interfaith Community Clinic has been providing medical, dental and behavioral health care to u n i n s u r e d a n d underinsured residents throughout Montgomery County since 1996 Patientscanreceiveannual w e l l n e s s v i s i t s management of chronic conditions, individual and group counseling and access to advanced specialized care. For more information on Interfaith Community Clinici services or volunteer opportunities, please visit ororinterfaithcommunityclinic.visitgorcall281-364-7889.gorcall281-364-7889.
Here’salistofsomeofthe mostcommonchilesandchile sauces measured in SHU (Scoville Heat Units) to give you a relative idea of the heat theygenerate.
Valentina Hot Sauce (Red Label) 900 Scoville HeatUnits(SHU)
Dry heat caramelizes chiles sugars bringing out sweetness and complexity while breaking down tough skins. Tocharchiles,youcan place them directly a medium flame, dry roast in a cast iron skillet, just broil until dark all over These blackened chiles can remaining purée over pork in potand toa medium-high heat. Cover and transfer oven. Cook, stirringhalfway until tender,andsauce 70–80minutes. cloves Addpasta reservedpurée.Cook, pasta coated.Taste withsalt needed. Just before ragù cook oz. in large pot of salted stirring occasionally until al Stepdrain.7 oz.rigatoni tomatillos (about 10 medium), husks removed,rinsed1 unch s alli s,trimmedStep1Koshersalt 2 of your preferred oil in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium high lb pork butt), cut 1" all over withkosher Workingin2 batches, cook pork until well browned on all sides, 8 minutes per batch (there be sufficient in firstbatch,butaddupto more if pot looks dry). Returnall the topot. Step Place racks in top of oven Arrange bunch scallions, trimmed, large stems removed, halved lb chiles stems removed, lengthwise, and1 tomatillos(about removed, rinsed, on large lined broil until charredall 5–8 Step servings tsp. usesa few f t e niq s mentionedabove,specifically using dry heat to out flavor and some sugar to balance the heat. also uses 2 chiles: jalapeno and poblano. You canseethesechileshavequite a variance heat. You can nibble a piece the chile so you know what you’re and alter the
m al, d nt a d behavioral
Theseuntil blackened chiles can then be choppedup,burntbitsandall, added to salsas and braises to lendheatandasmokyedge,or skinnedanddeseededtotame theirimpact. Mirasol = Guajillo when dried. Moderately hot with a rich, complex flavor, guajilloes are often used with otherchileslikeanchostoadd bodyandmellowheat. * Texas Pete Hot Sauce 747 Scoville Heat Units (SHU)*PoblanoPeppers-1,000*Poblano - 2,000 Scoville Heat Units(SHU)*Ancho Peppers- 1,000 -*Ancho 2 000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU)*Hungarian Wax* H Peppers-1,000-15,000SHU * Valentina Hot Sauce2,200 Scoville Heat Units (SHU)*Crystal Hot Sauce* Crystal 2,000 - 4,000 Scoville Heat Units(SHU) *GuajilloPeppers-2,500 -5,000SHU * Serrano Peppers10,000 23,000ScovilleHeat Units(SHU) * Cayenne Peppers30,000 50,000ScovilleHeat Units(SHU) * Tabasco Hot Sauce 2,000 - 5,000 Scoville Heat Units(SHU) * Chiltepin Peppers50,000-100,000SHU *EspelettePeppers-upto 4,000SHU * Thai Pepper- 50,000100,000SHU *ChiledeArbolPeppers15,000-65,000SHU * Habanero Peppers100 000 350 000 Scoville HeatUnits(SHU) *ScotchBonnetPeppers100,000 350,000 Scoville HeatUnits(SHU) * Tabasco Habanero Hot Sauce - 7,000+ Scoville Heat Units(SHU) *JalapenoPeppers-2,500 - 8,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU)*Ghost Peppers* G 1 000 000 +Scoville Heat Units(SHU) *TrinidadScorpionButch T Pepper 800,000 –1,463,700SHU * Komodo Dragon Peppers 1 4 million 2 2 millionSHU * Brain Strain Peppers 1 million-1.25millionSHU * Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper- 2,009,231SHU* Tapatio Hot Sauce* 3 000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU)*DatilPeppers-100,000-*Datil 300,000SHU Transfer vegetables to a food processor Add4 garlic cloves 2 tsp sugar 1 tsp dried oregano,
ith ds food
Chilesfreezewellsowhen they are available go ahead and stock up. Frozen chiles can be grated to a with a microplane, pureed sliced thawing, and are a great addition to stews and sauces. They do lose snappytexturewhenfrozenso youdon’twanttousethem agarnish. Spreadthemout abakingsheetandfreezethem individually before putting theminaplasticfreezerbagso theydon’tsticktogether This trick works with many other itemsyouwanttofreeze.
of saltand process until a coarse puréeforms. Stepforms.5 2 lb pork shoulder (Boston butt), cut into 1" cubes2 large jalapeños, stems2 removed,
ripe mango. Sweatypalms,redcheeks, wateryeyes. Anyone
* Huy Fong Sriracha Hot Sauce 2,200 Scoville Heat Units(SHU)
Don’t forget dried chiles. Dehydrating chiles not only makes them shelf-stable, but also transform they’re a ingredient from their fresh counterparts entirely, and often go by different entirely Someexamples:
* Huy Fong Sriracha Hot Sauce 2,200 Scoville Heat Units(SHU)
=ChipotlewhenJalapeno dried. Heavily smoked and dried, chipotles and a smolderingdepthtostewsand salsas and are often sold cannedinadobo.
of wrap-around andservices i t
thinly sliced
The spiciness of chiles is popularly denoted in terms of ScovilleHeatUnits(SHJU),a scale created by pharmacist Wilbur Scoville It s not foolproof as factors like gr wi g altit de, temperature rainfall and stress all impact individual plants and, in turn, spiciness, which is why y u ll sometimesendupwithavery mild or surprisingly face meltingjalapeno.
Co t s n 9 6 Patients
Bell Pepper- 0 Scoville HeatUnits(SHU)
“Our community celebrate and other,” said President & CEO, Interfaith o o d a n d s “ h Presenting uk H a th n Exclusive a t n r , S w e l Companies, with all the sponsors and donors made the throughtheir so wecan healthcare and n gh in Walk’sAfter Party washeadlinedbytheband, Time Machine Guests were wowed fun a sketch i s s t t n e a more! by Erin Doré for year’s event proceeds programs and Interfaith Fifth Avenue York Runway that was led fashion p r o d c e r L e n y Jr , Tamara Klosz Bonar Guests on bothsidesoftherunwayto cheer and this y ar Community Champions that each have a heart for this Brian Albert, Noemi Gonzalez, DeAnn Dr Justin Hogan, Kink and Ray In a nonprofit agency provides families and unexpected challenges Senior helpthem Community Clinic providing to throughout Montgomery canreceive




If the beneficiary is attending a foreign school, it must be considered qualifiedtouse529dollars without taxor penalty About 400 schools outside of the United States are considered qualified. You can look up eligible institutions by using the “Look Up a School Code” resource on the Departm e n t o f Education’s Federal Student Aid website. Note that you may need toneed choose “Foreign Country” asthestate. Travel expenses to and from school are note considered qualified. This means a student’s car and related expenses aren t qualified, nor are plane or train tickets associated withstudyingabroad.
MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,August31,2022, Weekly WColumns eekly Columns Aweekly column by Kent Pendleton Securities Soffered ecurities offered through Raymond tJames hrough James Financial Services FInc inancial Inc member R a y m o n d J a m e Rs s FinancialServices. Advisors, Inc APendle dvisors, Pendle Hill Advisors LLC is not Hilla a registered rebroker/dealer gistered broker/dealer andisindependentof FINRA / SIPC. FINRAInvestInvestment advisory mservices ent services offered through offerRaymond ed Raymond JamesFinancialServices 529 plansare valuable education savings tools theyallow you to invest after tax dollars in an accountthatwillgrowtaxdeferred and can be distributed tax free for qualified expensese However, it’s important to understandwhichexpenses are qualified and which onesaren’t. Inaren’association with anIn association eligible institution (any college, university, vocational school or other post secondary educational institution thatinstitution qualifies for federal financial aid), the following expenses are consideredqualified: * Books, supplies, computers and peripheralequipmentcomputersLearnmore about whatLearn more the savings in a 529 plan canhelppayfor Which expenses are qualified?*Tuitionandfees*
Greeklife While scholarships aren’t qualified do have special tax treatment. if withdraw from 529 plan for non expense,youwill income tax 10% penalty on the portion of the Inthecaseof scholarship, however can withdraw the of the scholarship without the10%penalty 529 plans can be used for room and board, offcampus housing and food expenses as long as the student is enrolled at least half-time as by the school. Additionally, these expenses are generally limited by the institution’s cost which c n be found on the school’s or by contacting its finance department.
* For
Whicheducationexpensesare ar consideredqualified?
Fullen and not is have 1 with
Constable Cash Constablewishes wishes Chief Fullen a Chappy hief happy retirement, and thanks him forthedecadesofserviceto the citizens of not tonly he only MontgomeryCountybutto the State of Texas. theConstaConstable Cash is proud to blehave have served the citizens sof erved of precinct 1 with pChief recinct Chief Fullen.
In April of 1983, InChief Chief Fullen began his service Fullento to thecitizensofMontgomery County and for the past County39 39 years, has continued ythis ears, this service in both a full servicetime time and part time acapacity nd capacity Workingasadeputyforthe Montgomery MCounty ontgomery County Sheriff’s Department Sand heriff’s and the Precinct 2 theConstable’s Constable’s Office, Deputy OFullen ffice, Fullen continued to serve chis ontinued his community cwhole ommunity whole heartedly,compassionately, andwithadedicationnotto bewaivered.
* special needs beneficiaries, expenses for special needs services incurredinconnectionwith enrollmentorattendance
This istypically used if other qualified expenses be to spend entire account value If to use the funds for qualified expenses, there w i l l n o t b e n penalty or tax sociated with the wi hdraw l S lar waivers provided for mployer prov ded assistance and death or of beneficiary
After45yearsofservice tothecommunity bothfulltime reserve time, Deputy Fullen begin his anticipated retirement on 1, Chief Fullen began in in the spring of 1969, working in State of Alabama Chief Fullen moved Texas and began Texas Law with Sam State Police Department(UPD)in1970.Asone of the the department and the official ChiefFullenhelpedcreatea positive culture of still practiced today the department continued ment the Huntsville Police ment (PD) 1973.Whileemployedwith the Huntsville Chief Fullen continued serving the of Huntsville and County with In of 1983, Chief and for the continued service in both part continued Chief County Constarelied experience and Fullen both Chief Fullen continued enforcement evident ment’ssuccess.
y m o n d J a m e s
investment in a
529 plan. Securities
In January of I2017, n 2017, newly elected nConstable ewly Constable Philip Cash Pappointed hilip appointed Chief Fullen as his ChiefChief Chief DeputyoftheMontgomery County Precinct 1 CountyConstaConstable’s Office bConstable le’s Constable Cash relied on the four Cash(4) (4) decades of dexperience ecades experience training, and service training,Chief Chief Fullen possessed, to Fullenensure ensure the promises made to thethe the communityandthemission statements they sboth tatements both believe in were binstilled elieve instilled within the wdepartment ithin department Chief Fullen s Ccontinued hief continued commitment for crespect, ommitment respect, trust, integrity, and trust,ethical ethical law enforcement lawpractices practices are evident in the aredepartdepartment’ssuccess.
Tuition Room and board (if attendingschoolmorethan half-time)K-12considerationsInparticipatingstates,Inparticipatingstates, tuition expenses up to $10,000 per year per beneficiary are considered qualifiedforanelementary or secondary public private or religious school. Qualified expenses for K12 education are currently limited to tuition, however – meaning 529 funds can’t be distributed tax-free to cover the cost of computers, homeschooling or other virtual learning tools forK-12students. Collegestudents.entrance examsCollege entrance such as the SAT and ACT are also not considered qualified expenses for 529 plans. However, if a prep course is considered K-12 education,thecostcouldbe considered qualified. Note that this would not include examfeesormaterials. special needs expenses for special needs services inconnectionwith or
A Migratory Game Bird Endorsement (Stamp) and Harvest Information Program (HIP) certification are also required to hunt dove HIP certification involves a brief survey of previous year’s migratory bird hunting success and is conducted at the time licensesarepurchased. of-license.Nowhunters can use a digital image of their license as proof-oflicenseforanyhuntingthat doesn’t require a tag, like dove hunting Accepted formats include: (1) a digital photo, (2) an emailed receipt, (3) within theOutdoorAnnualappor theMyTexasHuntHarvest app, or 4) online purchase record. For the first time, Texas residents can purchase a digitalSuperCombolicense (Items111,117and990)that will authorize digital tagging of harvested deer, turkey and oversized red drum The digital license option is available through online purchase only when licenses go on saleAug. 15. Adigital license holder will notreceiveaprintedlicense or tags but must keep their digital license available while in the field The license can be viewed throughtheTPWDOutdoor Annual and My Texas Hunt Harvestmobileapps. In addition to a hunting license, anyone born after Sept.1,1971,mustsuccessfully complete a hunter education training course to hunt legally in Texas. The TPWD Hunter Education certification is valid for life and is honored in all other states and provinces Hunters can find more information or print a replacement at no cost online.AMigratory Endorsement (Stamp) H r t n o a Program (HIP) are also required to dove certification involves brief previous migratory bird hunting success and conducted licenses of-license. use digital license huntingthat tag, like hunting Accepted include: a (2) an receipt, within Outdoor app TexasHunt online For first time, residents can 111, and990)that wi aut ize l harvested deer, red license is through when on sale 15. A will not a license tags must their available The viewed In to a training course legally valid pr e information a cost online. from page 1 Dove
ChiefDeputytoRetire After4Decades Photosource;MontgomeryCountyPoliceReporter
If would like learnmoreabout529plans, ouroffice call. RJFS 14375 St Ste 109 Montgomery, TX T936-297-8267 is for purposes is not to be Please consult with a for qualified expenses Additional details can 970. I n v t o s h o u d carefully consider objectives, with 529 plans before 529 plans is available in the issuer ’ statement and be carefully before investing. should consult a any state of an a
After45yearsofservice tothecommunity tobothfullthecommunity bothfulltime and reserve ttime, ime time, Chief Deputy Don ChiefFullen will begin his wmuch ill much anticipated retirement aon nticipated on September 1, 2022. SeptemberChief Chief Fullen began his career Fullenin in law enforcement in lthe aw the spring of 1969, working springin the State of tAlabama he Alabama Shortly thereafter, SChief hortly Chief Fullen moved to Texas Fullenand and began his Texas bLaw egan Law Enforcement Career Ewith nforcement with the Sam Houston tState he State University Police UDepartniversity Department(UPD)in1970.Asone of the first members of ofthe the department and before departmentthe the official creation of oUPD fficial UPD ChiefFullenhelpedcreatea positive and pimpactful ositive impactful culture of policing cstill ulture still practiced today within practicedthe the department Chief dFullen epartment Fullen continued his law continuedenforceenforcement career by joining mentthe the Huntsville Police HDepartuntsville Department (PD) in the fall mof ent of 1973.Whileemployedwith the Huntsville PD, tChief he Chief Fullen continued Fserving ullen serving the citizens of theHuntsville Huntsville and Walker County awith nd with compassionanddedication.
529 plansare valuable education savings tools theyallow you to invest after tax dollars in an account willgrowtaxdeferred and an be distributed tax free for qualified
Expenses beyond the booksRoom and board, offRoom campus housing and food costs For off-campus housing costs the IRS relies on each school to set the maximumdollaramountto allowforavarianceincost of living around the countrycountry
As r sul of the Act, 529 plan funds can now be used to –upto a $10,000 lifetime maxium or the plan s to toward each sibling’s lifetime maximum. Note aren’t allowed to fromataxperspective by funds to down student loansand deductionfor interest.
Thisstrategyistypically used if other qualified expenses won’t be sufficient to spend the entire account value If you’re able to use the funds for qualified expenses, there w i l l n o t b e a n y penalty or income tax associated with the withdrawal Similar waivers are provided for employer provided assistance and death or disability of the beneficiary While joining a fraternity or sorority can be a beneficial part of a student’s college experience, dues as a whole are not considered a qualified expense. However, if the studentlivesinand/orhasa meal plan at the fraternity or sorority house, those expensescanbecoveredas room and board with the same limitations noted expensesandmealFood plans(whichfallwithinthe board section of room and board) are a frequent usefor529savingsbecause of the ease of documentation.Thefundscanbeused to buy groceries and other meals, so long as proper documentation of the receiptsismaintained.
As a result of the SECURE Act, 529 plan funds can now be used to payoffstudentdebt–upto a $10,000 lifetime maximum for the plan s beneficiary, plus up to $10 000 toward each sibling’s lifetime maximum. Note that investors aren’t allowed to “double dip”fromataxperspective by using tax advantaged funds to pay down taking a deductionforthe of an of529 offered through Raymond James Financial Services Inc member a FinancialServices. Advisors Inc Pendle Hill Advisors LLC is a registered broker/dealer andisindependentof FINRA SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Raymond JamesFinancialServices expenses However, it’s important to understandwhichexpenses are qualified and which onesInaren’t.association with an eligible institution (any college, university, vocational school or other post secondary educational institution that qualifi s for feder l financial aid), the following expenses are consideredqualified:
While joining a fraternity sorority can be a beneficial part of a student’s college experience, dues as a are not considered a qualified expense. However, if the studentlivesinand/orhasa meal at the fraternity or sorority house, those expensescanbecoveredas room board with the same noted expenses meal plans fallwithinthe board section of room and board) a frequent usefor529savingsbecause of the ease documentation.Thefundscanbeused to buy groceries and other meals, so long proper documentation the receiptsismaintained.
If the beneficiary is attending a foreign school, it be considered qualifiedtouse529dollars without taxor penalty About 400 schools outside of the United States are considered qualified. You can look up eligible institutions by using the “Look Up a School Code” resource on the Departm e n t o f Education’s Federal Student Aid Note that you need to choose “Foreign Country” asthestate. expenses to and from school are not considered qualified. This means a car and related expenses aren t qualified, nor are plane or train tickets associated withstudyingabroad. K e n t P e n d l t o n AAMS® Pendle Hill Advisors LLC
K e n t P e n d l e t o Kn n AAMS® Pendle Hill PAdvisors endle Advisors LLC Greeklife While scholarships aren’t a qualified expense, they do have special tax treatment.Normally ifyou withdraw money from a 529 plan for a non2 qualifiedexpense,youwill owe ordinary income tax and a 10% penalty on the earnings portion of the withdrawal.Inthecaseofa scholarship, however, you can withdraw the amount of the scholarship without payingthe10%penalty 529 plans can be used for room and board, offcampus housing and food expenses as long as the student is enrolled at least half-time as defined by the school. Additionally, these expenses are generally limited by the institution’s cost of attendance, which can be found on the school’s website or by contacting its finance department.
interest. Studentloans Foreignschools If you would like to learnmoreabout529plans, pleasegiveourofficeacall. FinancialAdvisor FinancialRJFS Advisor RJFS 14375 Liberty St 1Ste 4375 Ste 109 | Montgomery, 1TX 09 TX 77356 T936-297-8267 This is for Thisinformational informational purposes and is pnot urposes not intended to be tax intendedadvice. advice. Please consult with a tax advisor for aspecific dvisor specific questions qregarding uestions regarding qualified qexpenses ualified expenses Additional details can Additionalalso also befoundinIRSPublication 970. I n v e s t o r s s h o u l Id d carefully consider cthe arefully the investment iobjectives, nvestment objectives, risks,chargesandexpenses associated with 529 plans before investing. This beforand e and other information oabout ther about 529 plans is available 529in in the issuer ’ s tofficial he official statement and should sbe tatement be read carefully rbefore ead before investing. Investors investing.should should consult a tax advisor consultabout about any state tax anyconsequences consequences
Expenses beyond booksRoom and off campus housing costs housing costs the IRS relies on each school to set the maximumdollaramountto allowforavarianceincost of living round t e country 936-449-NEWS
student loansand
* Books, supplies, computers peripheralequipmentLearnmore about what the savings in a 529 plan canhelppayfor Which expenses are qualified?*Tuitionandfees * Room and (if attendingschoolmorethan half-time)K-12considerationsInparticipatingstates, tuition expenses up to $10,000 per year per beneficiary are considered qualifiedforanelementary or secondary public private religious school. Qualified expenses for K12 education are currently limited to however – meaning 529 funds can’t be distributed tax-free to cover the cost of computers, homeschooling or other virtual learning tools forK-12 Collegestudents.entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT are also not considered qualified expenses for 529 plans. However, if a prep course considered K-12 education,thecostcouldbe considered qualified. Note that this not include examfeesormaterials.




1. NASA High School Aerospace Scholars programrecruitmentopen 2 T L L Temple Foundation award $2 2 million to Texas Success Center Recruitmenthasopened for NASA's High School Aerospace Scholars program.Theprogramisa STEMlearningexperience for Texas high school juniors to engage with NASA The year long program begins in the fall with an online learning experience centered on space exploration, Earth science, technology, and aeronautics The top studentsaretheninvitedto a five-day virtual summer experience. The summer experience is mentored by NASA scientists and engineers and students work in teams to plan a mission to the Moon and Mars High achieving teams are then invited to a two day residential experience at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Applications open August 29 and close October 20. Students can earn elective credit for school through the program For more information and to apply p l e a s e v i s i t Night
Directors Sarah Hall, Sherry Barton Kathy Posey, and Kimberly Rosinski, who have each lostasonduetoaccidental overdose, to discuss their organization's ongoing efforts to combat drug overdoses and help those who have lost a loved one tooverdose.TheGovernor was joined at the event by Montgomery County Judge Wayne Mack, County Lieutenant Brian Luly and County Sheriff RandM-COPEHenderson.isan advocacy group of parents, spouses,siblings,children, andfriendswhohavebeen affected in some way by overdose M COPE educates and brings awarenesstosubstanceuse disorders and growing overdose deaths to help preventdrug-relatedlossin thecommunity
The Governor also presented M-COPE with a AIrecognizingproclamationAugust31asnternationalOverdosewarenessDay
Governor Abbott announced new initiatives to combat drug overdoses in Texas, such as expanding access to opioid overdosetreatmentNarcan so that more Texans have access to the lifesaving drug and exploring a coordinated statewide substance abuse recovery program
OverdoseAwarenessEvent Submit your opinions and editorials News@MontgomeryCountyNews.netto
LaborDay Wednesday AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott today delivered remarks on state response efforts to combat drugoverdosesandprotect the lives of Texans at the 2022Annual Montgomery County Overdose Awareness Day Event hosted by the Montgomery County Overdose Prevention Endeavor (M COPE) in TheWoodlands.Asdeadly drugs like fentanyl pour across President Biden’s open borders, the GovernorreiteratedthattheState ofTexasisworkingtofight the epidemic and announced new initiatives tocombattheopioidcrisis. Governor Abbott also announced his support for passing a law that would ensuredealerswhoprovide drugs laced with deadly opioids are charged for murderwhentheirproduct poisonsinnocentTexans. “Even though some of the friends and family memberswehavehonored here tonight are no longer with us, they are never gone,” said Governor Abbott. “Sadly, this is a phenomenon that can be prevented if we all work together and if our federal government gets serious about protecting its citizens by securing our border Substance abuse is a lifelong battle for many We should muster every toolandeveryefforttohelp our fellow Texans negotiate the perils of addiction and emerge drug-free and healthy.”
A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlycloudy,withahighnear85. SundayNight A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlycloudy,withalowaround76. A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Partlysunny,withahighnear86.
A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlycloudy,withalowaround75. FridayNight A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms, mainlyafter1pm.Partlysunny,withahighnear89. Northeastwindaround5mph. A20percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlycloudy,withalowaround76. A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlysunny,withahighnear87. Thursday A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms, mainlyafter1pm.Partlysunny,withahighnear88. A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Mostlycloudy,withalowaround77.Northeastwind around5mphbecomingcalm. Friday A50percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms. Partlysunny,withahighnear90.Heatindexvaluesas highas102.Calmwindbecomingnortheastaround5mph intheafternoon.Newrainfallamountsoflessthanatenth ofaninch,excepthigheramountspossibleinthunderstorms.
4. Stephen F Austin State University exploring joiningauniversitysystem Four East Texas teachers have been honoredbytheAgriculture Teachers Association of Texas for their exemplary careers and achievements over their many years of service.LarryPoe,George Stephenson, Perry Fenley and the late Hayne Daniel were all inducted into the Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas Hall of Fame. We thank them for their outstanding influence and impact on East Texas students over theircareers!
(PHOTO: Office Of TheGovernor,8/28/22) A weekly column from
Here are five things happening around your state: MontgomeryCountyNews Phone(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395 Editor:MonteWest Publisher:M.RyanWest Account Executive: Camilla Blum, M. Ryan WestWest©Copyrights, Montgomery County News,©Copyrights, Montgomery,Texas2017-2018 Reporters/Contributing Writers: Doc Fennessey, Carol Fennessey, Gail Box, Margie Barlow, Kim West, Sharon Faison, Dortha Ruthstrom,MeganWestStultz, NarcissaMartin Boulware, Gary Curran, Students and Staff of MISD, and friends of Montgomery County News. Photography:MonteWest, WadeStultz, Photography:Bobby MonteWest, Bobby Strader,LanceBridges web; News.MISD,BoulwarRuthstrBarlowFennesseyRMontgomeryWPublisher:Editor:E-mail:Phonehttp://www.montgomerycountynews.netMontgomeryCountyNews(936)449-6397Fax(936)597-6395news@montgomerycountynews.netMonteWestM.RyanWestAccountExecutive:CamillaBlum,M.Ryanest©Copyrights,MontgomeryCountyNews,,Texas2017-2018eporters/ContributingWriters:Doc,CarolFennessey,GailBox,Margie,KimWest,SharonFaison,Dorthaom,MeganWestStultz,NarcissaMartine,GaryCurran,StudentsandStaffofandfriendsofMontgomeryCounty Page4,Wednesday,August31,2022,MontgomeryCountyNews MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the Montgomery County area by retail, subscriptions and Montgomeryoccasional occasional randomdistribution.Subscriptionratesare$40per randomyearincounty distribution.Subscriptionratesare$40per yearincounty and$45outsideMontgomeryCounty andBulkRatePermitisheldby $45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermitisheldby thePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,MontgomeryCounty News is an official publication of the County of Montgomery, Texas. Montgomery County News is a weekly, locally owned and operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery operatedCounty County News at 14375 Liberty St. PO Box 1, Montgomery TX News77356. 77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395. MCN welcomes any comments or suggestions, submitted in writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in writingthis this publicationarethoseofthewritersandinnowayreflecttheviews andopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews. MCN expects honest advertising standards from its patrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements.MCN advertisements.reservestorighttorefuseadvertisement. reservestorighttorefuseadvertisement. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNews Allarereserved,and contentsof arereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission. D&B#12-976-8354. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to MontgomeryCountyNews,POBox1Montgomery,TX77356 throughout BulkRatePermitisheldby County owned and is comments editorials MCN from MCN Please end MontgomeryCountyNews,14375LibertySt,P.O.Box1, Mail,Faxor Mail,E-mail: Faxor E-mail: Editor’sExpress Yourlettersareappreciatedandwillbepublishedasspace will allow We ask that you furnish facts that pertain to willyour your letter letterwhichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime whichyousignwithyoursignature,addressanddaytime phonenumbertoverifytheauthor phoneWeholdtherighttoeditor numbertoverifytheauthor Weholdtherighttoeditor notpublishlettersthatmaynotconformtothemissionofthis paper Montgomery,Texas77356-0001,Fax936-597-6395, Webpage: W ebpage: will We Weather for the Lake Conroe area Wednesday
It is back to school season and fall is right around the corner I hope all of our students, teachers, administrators, and parents had a safe and rewardingreturntoschool.
Applications for grant funding to equip law enforcement officers with bullet-resistant shields are also now open. Applications may be submitted by ISDs, local governments, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other education institutions that employpeaceofficers.The deadline for priority considerationisSeptember 16.Allofficersthatreceive these grant-funded shields must have received ALERRT training within the past two years or have committed to attend ALERRTtrainingwithinin thenexttwoyears.
Prior to addressing event attendees, Governor Abbott met with M-COPE
3 My Five Cents...Texas SenatorState Robert Nichols Gov.
The T.L L Temple Foundation awarded $2.2 million over the next five years to the Texas Success Center, a subsidiary of the Texas Association of Community Colleges, to improve postsecondary andemploymentoutcomes in rural East Texas. The grant is part of the foundation's Talent Strong EastTexasinitiativewhich aimstoupskillEastTexans by strengthening, scaling, and expanding guided p a t h w a y s i n t o postsecondary degrees or credentials that lead to high demand, high wage jobs for the region. These grants will ensure that more East Texans have access and opportunity to succeedinapostsecondary setting Upskilling the workforce of EastTexas is critical to maintaining a healthy vibranteconomy I applaud the Temple Foundation for their generosity and the Texas Success Center for their importantwork.
Sen. Robert Nichols Sen. Robert Nichols, Senate District AbbottAnnouncesNew InitiativesToCombatOpioid CrisisAtMontgomeryCounty
Four East Texas teachers inducted in Agriculture Teachers Hall ofFame
TheBoardofRegentsat SFAisconsideringwhether the university should formallyjoinoneofseveral university systems in the state Four different systems across the state have expressed an interest in acquiring the university including University of TexasSystem,TexasA&M University System, Texas Tech University System, andTexasStateUniversity System. SFA is one of the last unaffiliated universitiesinthestate.Iftheyjoin a larger university system, only Texas Southern will be left unaffiliated. SFA has developed an online portalforcommunityinput andplantomakeadecision ahead of the next legislative session beginning in January Legislativeaction would be required for SFA tojoinauniversitysystem.
A30percentchanceofshowersandthunderstorms, mainlybefore1am.Mostlycloudy,withalowaround75. SaturdaySunday
3 ALERRT Travel Assistance,bullet-resistant shield grant program announced
This month, Governor Abbott announced that the Governor's Public Safety Office is accepting applications from law enforcement agencies for Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) travel assistance and the BulletResistant Shield Grant Program. In June of this year, $3 million was set aside for law enforcement agencies to offset travel expenses to attend ALERRT training and another $50 million was transferred for bullet resistant shields.ALERRT is considered the gold standard for active shooter training and easing the burden for departments to send officers to training ensures the state has more highly-trained officers on duty This summer alone ALERRT trained over 3,000 officers, delivered dozens of classes, and has scheduled more than 100 additional classes for this fall.Applicationsfortravel assistance are open to ISDs, institutes of higher education, local governments,andothereducation institutions that employ peace officers Applications should be submitted after registration for an ALERRT course is confirmed Applications closeAugust31.
Addressing the crowd of more than 300, Governor Abbott noted that in Texas nearly 1 700 fentanyl related deaths were reported in 2021 alone As part of an ongoing effort to combat theepidemic,theGovernor signed a law last year that increases criminal penalties for making or distributingfentanyl.



What does “trust” really mean? This particularwordhasmany, many definitions. I’ll list only the first one I came to: “trust” – a firm belief inthereliabilityortruthor strength, etc. of a person or thing.”* Then, in our Bibleitsays; news around with me untilIrealizemysouland spirit have been dragged downintosadness.Atthat point, I grab my Bible or devotional book and find an uplifting scripture, thenbegintopray Hereis a short prayer from Jesus that helps us out of sadness: John14:27. The most importantsentenceintheabove scripture is: “My peace I giveto you….” “Tremble, and do not sin; Meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah. Offer the sacrifices of righteousnessandtrustin the LORD! Many are saying, ‘Who will show usanygood?”Liftupthe lightofyourcountenance upon us, O LORD. You have put gladness in my heart, more than when their grain and new wine abound. In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O LORD, make me to dwell in safety.’“ Psalm4:4-8. Peace I leavewithyou;Mypeace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.Donotletyourheart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”Thattellseveryperson that is anxious over their families, jobs, food, or theirhealthandanyother problems; that Yahweh Rophey our Healer and Jehovah Jireh, our Provider, that we should not worry and fret over anything!As Paul told the Philippianchurch:“And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians4:19. First, But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness –Matthew6:33.Second, “So do not worry about tomorrow;” Matthew 6:34(1) AndThird, “Each dayhasenoughtroubleof its own Matthew 6:34 (2).*The Oxford American Then at the very endofthatchapterabove, Jesusspeaksofthreevery important things for His people to learn and remember in trusting Him:
MontgomeryCountyNews,Wednesday,August31,2022, Devotional AreaChurches To support this devotional page call to advertise! 936-449-6397 By Gail J. Box SpreadingtheWordtheWordSpreadingord ThisDevotionalandDirectorypageismade possiblebythesebusinesses UnionGroveBaptist ChurchofRichards All are welcome! Sunday School Classes for all ages begins at 9:45AM Please join us: Church Service at 11:00 AM Monday night Bible Study Discussion at 6:15 and Wednesday Bible Study as well as Youth group activities at 6:00PM WHODOWETRUSTWHENWEMAY HEARLIESSPOKENALLAROUNDUS?
FirstBaptist Church, ChinaGrove BaptistChurch, 936-767-4744Willis, Hwy105W.,Montgomery,936-597-4230 HoneaChurBaptistch , ScottRidgeandFM 1097,Montgomery FM2854,eryMontgomWhenever I have heardsomethingnegative during the day I seem to carrythatnegative
“Look at the birds of the air that they do not sow, nor reap nor gatherinto barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?” Matthew6:26. Go to Matthew 6, where Jesus explains to thepeopleofIsrael,many things about how they shouldliveandactintheir newlandofIsrael.Atone point, He explains why the people should not worry about even their foodsupply:
Rd, 8921936-597Montgomery,TX 77316 WaldenChurCommunitych, ChurTransformationchMontgomery Highway105W, LakeConroe, MontgomeryServicesApril4660936-588-Sound,936-588-28329:30and11a.m.17156FM1097,,936-449-4414 CornerstoneChurch, AbundantLife MinistriesCornerof FM149&FM1097W MontgomeryTX77356 Prayer/SundaySchool 9:30amSundayService 11:30am Pray/BibleWednesdayStudy6:30pm 1011W. Conroe,Lewis, LakesideBible Church, 18940FreeportDrive Montgomery,936retreat582-1977andwildlifecenter, Fellowship Montgomeryof Montgomery,TX Senior77356PastorDale 6:30pm1SundaysServiceTalbertTimes:at9:30am&1am/WednesdaysatforChildren&! EPISCOPAL 1803Highland Hollow,Conroe,936756-8831 25293TisdaleRoad, Dobbin,936-689-3141Texas Mt.PleasentBaptist Church FM149N.,Montgomery,936-449-6807 TheGraceChristianOutreachCenter 1701McCalebRd Montgomery,TX St.Jamesthe ApostleEpiscopal, Sundayworship@ 10:00a.m.Wed. activites6:30-8pm NorthChurShorech 10am ServiceWorship TheChurch@ LakeConroe Nurseryprovided Wednesday - 7:00 pmWeb: www.cofcmontgomeryorg 18501Fm1097West @theBentwaterWest 2727N.Loop336 West ChurFirstPRESBYTERINPresbyterianchofConroe YouthExplosing 7pmGateWednesdaysEntranceCovenantFelloship CelebrationService 10amSundays ChurchofChristin Montgomery 302N.Danville, Willis,Tx.77378 301Pond SundayMontgomeryStreet,,TX.BibleClass9:30am 936/890-8034 Sun.9:00&11:00 SunSch10:00 PastorCarySmith PastorsSean&Lori Jo Conroe,CookTexas936756-8884 Worship -10:30am and6:00 cofcmontgomery@consEmail:pmolidated.netPaulPraschnik,Minister
St.Joseph’sCatholic, LivingSavior LutheranChurch LCMS309PondSt. Montgomery77356 Churchphone:936597-8013Web: www.livingsaviortexas.orgPastorDavidR.Bailes. St. CatholicMary’s , Phone:6162936-597GraceLutheranBethel(ELCA),Road,Montgomery,Plantersville,FM936-597-46681774, MontgomeryLUTHERANUnited MethodistChurch CR213,Stoneham, SundayWorship: 8:30a.m.,9:45am., 11:00a.m.Praise& Worship 109N. Conroe,Frazier, CATHOLIC 7:45 936-894-2223Service Mt.CalvaryBaptist, FM2854,2505936-756CongregationBeth Shalom,5125 ShadowbendPlace,The Woodlands, 22548Highway105 West Community InterdenominationalAndRichardsUnitedMethodistChurch Meetsat18961 FreeportDreryMontgom-LakeHighway936-588-1260936-894-2223105W.,Conroe,936-588-1944 PorterChapelA.M.E.Mt.SinaiBaptist, About11miNof Montgomery onFM 149 JEWISH SundaySchoolall ages9:45am,Church Service11:00am, WednesdayBibleStudy andYouthGroup6pm JonesBaptistChapel , SacredCatholicHeart , UnionGrove BaptistChurchof Richards,Texas OldHwy105,936936-756-8186588-2330281-362-1100 METHODIST Montgomery,TX Sunday77356School: 9:45 a.m. Www.mumctex.org6639FM1696RichardsWorshipService11AMSundaySchool10AM1308S.Hwy1486,Dobbin,936-597-5331or936-449-5983 LivingWayChurch, 2080LongmireRd, Conroe ZionChurch, 936-441-8875 HopeTabernacle Pastor SundayThursday936.582.7722WhitakerDavid7:30pmSundaySchoolat10:00amWorshipat6:00pm
GaryChapel BaptistFaithChurchBaptistChurch
SundayMorning BibleStudy9:30a.m. WorshipService10:45 a.m. St.BeulahBaptist Church,locatedin Dobbin,P.O.Box112, Montgomery,77356 BenuiChurBaptistch , AntiochBaptist, Dobbin, dacusbaptist@consolida407-735-6403,Dacus5560936-597-Baptist,Dacus,
HeritageBaptist Church19087Lake Mt.PleasantRd, Montgomery77356 Phone:PastorBear 936448-4027
20350FM2854 NewBeginning BibleChurch,
WaldenRd, Walden,Montgomery936-582-6696,936-582-7700 AprilSound Church, LivingChurBranchch , 19087Mt.Pleasant
ASSEMBLYOF CornerstoneGODChristianAssemblyofGod ofConroe,locatedat 100MosswoodDr., Conroe,Texasinfront ofRiver 936-273-1755Plantation. NewLifeAssembly ofGod,RabonChapel Road,936-588-3399Montgomery, ChurchoftheGood Soldier(Baptist Affiliation),1501North Frazier(McKenzie's BBQ), Conroe,Texas, Phone:936-494-5775,,SundaySchool:9:30am
LighthouseFellowshipChurch 936-756-7792, 2615 12400 Cemetary
LoneStarCowboy Church 21627EvaSt. Montgomery,TX77356 (936)597-5742
Pastors Randy&DarlaWeaver ServiceTimes:Sundays @8AM,9:30AM& 11AMMondays@7 PMLivestream:Watch usliveSundays@9:30 AM&11AM@ lonestar.tvandclickon Watchnow
St.Beulah ChapelRd.,Montgomery,(936)12681936-597-5757FM149597-3949 RiverofLife Church, Father’sHouse, FamilyCenterWorship , Sun:10:30am Highway105W., LakeConroe,3400936-58867½AprilWindS., ChurchofSt.John,
BAPTIST Box125,MontTexas77356, 5525SpringBranch Road, 713-478-1256,MontgomerySundayBibleClass10:00am,WorshipServiceat11:00am.Meetsat464McCalebRd.SundayEveningWorship6:00p.m.



All persons interested in said estate are hereby cited to appear before said HonorableCourtattheabovementionedtimeandplacebyfilingawrittenanswercontesting suchapplicationshouldtheydesiretodoso. (SEAL,CountyCourtatLaw#2) MARKTURNBULL,COUNTYCLERK MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS 8/9/2022 3:01:39 PM YERLYN M. BOULER, filed in County Court at Law #2 of Montgomery County TexasonJune30,2022,aJOINTUNOPPOSEDAPPLICATIONFORAPPOINTMENTOF INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATOR AND FOR ISSUANCE OF LETTERS OF INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATION of said, THOMAS JAY BOULER, Deceased. Said applicationwillbeheardandactedonbyCountyCourtatLaw#2onorafterthefirstMonday next after the expiration of ten days from date of posting this citation, at the Montgomery CountyCourthouseinConroe,Texas./s/
EntergyTexasseeksCommissionapprovaltorevisethefixedfuelfactor effectivewiththefirstbillingcycleoftheSeptember2022billingmonth.EntergyTexas proposedthatthefixedfuelfactorbechangedpursuanttoasemi-annualfilingtobe madeeachFebruaryandAugust,withrevisedfuelfactorstobeeffectivewiththefirst billingcycleoftheMarchandSeptemberbillingmonths,pursuanttoamethodology thatchangesthefuelfactorbaseduponchangesinthepublishedpriceofnaturalgas. ThismethodologywasauthorizedforuseinDocketNo.32915.
using thePUC
TherevisedfuelfactorwouldresultinanincreaseinEntergyTexas'annual Texasretailfuelandpurchasedpowerrevenuesbyapproximately$336.4million,or 46.5%onanannualbasis.Comparedtothefixedfuelfactorapprovedbythe CommissioneffectiveMarch2022,aresidentialcustomerusing1000kilowatt-hours (kWh)ofelectricitypermonthwouldseeanapproximateincreaseof40.40%annually, or$15.02onaveragepermonth,onhis/herelectricbill.Thefixedfuelfactorrateis designedtopassthroughtocustomerstheactualfuelcostsincurredbyEntergyTexasto servecustomers.EntergyTexasisnotallowedtomakeaprofitonfuelcosts.These changeswillbesubjecttofinalreviewbythecommissionintheelectricutility'snext reconciliation.
areavailableat: call782-8477.PBeaumont,thecentralrecords@puc.texas.govmayOnce,youemailthetrackingsheetandthedocumentyouwishtofileto:.Forassistancewithyourelectronicfiling,pleasecontactCommission'sHelpDeskat(512)936-7100orhelpdesk@puc.texas.govYoucanreviewmaterialsfiledinthisdocketonthePUCInterchangeat:,2022PersonswithquestionsorwhowantmoreinformationonthispetitionmaycontactEntergyTexasatAttn:CustomerService–FuelFactor,350PineStreet,Texas77701,orcall(866)981-2602duringnormalbusinesshours.Acompletecopyofthispetitionisavailableforinspectionattheaddresslistedabove.Personsmayalsoemailtcr@entergy.comwithquestionsortorequestmoreinformation..O.Box13326,Austin,Texas78711-3326,orcall(512)936-7120ortoll-freeat(888)Hearingandspeech-impairedindividualswithtexttelephones(TTY)may(512)936-7136oruseRelayTexas(toll-free)1-800-735-2989. Published dates: August 24, 31, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE SELF SERVICE STORAGE OF CONROE WISHING TO AVAIL, THEMSELVES OF THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 59 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE HEREBY GIVES NOTICE OF SALE UNDER SAID ACT THIS SALE IS BEING MADE TO SATISFY A LANDLORD LEIN BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON LINE AT STARTING ON 09/13/22 CONTENTS ARE MISCELLANEOUS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF TENANTS AS LISTED, RICHARD CASTILLO, EDWIN GEMMER, GINGER HOWES, IGNACIO OLVERA, LINDA PRESSWOOD, AUTHOR WARREN PAYMENTS WILL BE MADE IN CASH ONLY. SELF SERVICE STORAGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY BID AND WITHDRAW PROPERTY FROM SALE. CLASSIFIED ADS $10 PER WEEK: CALLOR936-449-6397ONLINE
TheCommissionhasassignedDocketNo.53979tothisproceeding.Persons whowishtoformallyparticipateinthisproceeding,orwhowishtoexpresstheir commentsconcerningthispetitionshouldcontactthePublicUtilityCommissionof Texas,OfficeofCustomerProtection, Therevisedfixedfuelfactor,differentiatedbyvoltagelevel,isasfollows:
Theofficerexecutingthiswritshallpromptlyservethesameaccordingtorequirementsoflaw and themandatesthereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.Issuedandgivenundermyhandandthe SealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thisonthisthe5thdayofAugust,2022. MelisaMiller DistrictClerk BaileyLaCaze THE STATE OF TEXAS
3. Post Judgment interest at the rate of 5% per annum on the full amount of the judgmentawardedhereinfromdatehereofuntilpaid
The office executing thi8s citation shall post the copy of this citation at the courthousedoorofthecountyinwhichthisproceedingispending,orattheplaceinornear said courthouse where pubic notices customarily are posted, for not less than 10 days beforereturndaythereof,exclusiveofthedateofpostingandreturntheoriginalcopyofthis citationtotheclerkstatinginawrittenreturnthereonthetimewhenandtheplacewherehe postedsuchcopy POBOX959 POBOX62 CITATION BYPUBLICATION
CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService MelisaMiller JamieSilver
DuetotheCOVID-19pandemic,thepreferredmethodforyoutofileyourrequest forinterventioniselectronically,andyouwillberequiredtoservetherequestonother partiesbyemail.Therefore,pleaseincludeyourownemailaddressontheintervention request.Instructionsforelectronicfilingviathe“PUCFiler”ontheCommission's websitecanbefoundhere: for Filer
EntergyTexas,Inc.herebypublishesNOTICEthat,pursuanttoSection36.203 ofthePublicUtilityRegulatoryAct(codifiedinTEX.UTIL.CODE)and16Tex. Admin.Code§25.235(b),itfiledwiththePublicUtilityCommissionofTexas(the “Commission”)onAugust18,2022,atarifftoimplementarevisedfixedfuelfactor All ofEntergyTexas'retailcustomerswhosefuelchargesarecalculatedundertheTexas fixedfuelfactortariff–includingbutnotlimitedtoResidential,SmallGeneralService, LargeGeneralService,LargeIndustrialPowerService,andStreetandOutdoorLighting Service–willbeaffectedbytheCommission'sapprovaloftherevisedfixedfuelfactor
EntergyTexasexpectstherevisedfixedfuelfactortobeineffectforthe billingperiodofSeptember2022throughFebruary2023. TEXAS,INC.
EloisaSalinas,DeputyClerk ELOISASALINASPublishedDate:August17,24,312022
PublishedDates:August17,24,31,2022 ConstableChrisJones-Pct.5 InvestigatorAshtonHedrick-8510 (281)259-6493 ALL BIDDERS MUST COMPLY WITH SECTION 34 015 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTYTAXCODE. By/s/AshtonHedrick,8510 19100UnityParkDrive
P.OBox2985 14841DallasParkwaySuite425 Conroe,Texas77305 DallasTX75254
And on the 6th day of September, 2022, at 10:00 o'clock a.m.; which is the first Tuesdayofsaidmonth,ontheCourthouseStepslocatedat301NMainStreet,Conroe,Texas 77301ofsaidMONTGOMERYCounty,TexasintheCityofCONROE;Iwillproceedtosell at the time of the public auction for cash, all the rights, title and interest of Marshall Ryan Thomas&EricaKrolczyk,Defendantinandtosaidproperty,representinginterestandcosts ofsuit,togetherwithlegalfeesandcommissionsthroughthedateofjudgment,plusallcosts ofcourt,costsofsale,andpostjudgmentpenaltiesandinterestrecoverablebylawinfavorof MagnoliaRidgeHomeownersAssociationInc. Magnolia,Texas77355
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 284th JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT of MONTGOMERY County Texas; Cause# 20-10-12491-CV in a Judgement rendered on the 4th day of March, 2021, where as in Style Magnolia Ridge HomeownersAssociationInc.,PlaintiffagainstMarshallRyanThomas&EricaKrolczyk, Defendant. I did levy on the 5th day of August, 2022 at 1 2 :42 o'clock p.m. upon the followingdescribed"property"ofDefendant: LOT EIGHT (8), BLOCK ONE (1), OF FINAL PLAT OF MAGNOLIA RIDGE, SECTION IV, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAPOR PLATTHEREOFRECORDED IN CABINET Z, SHEET 1421, OF THE MAP RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS ALSO MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS, 300 COUNTRY CROSSING CIR, MAGNOLIA,TEXAS77354
2. $2,150.37Attorneyfeesincludinginterest
GIVENUNDERmyhandonthe5thdayofAugust,2022, DATEDthis10thdayofAug t,2022;at19100UnityParkDrive,Magnolia,Texas.J ConstableChrisJones
DeputyRandyCrowder#8443 KennethHayden,ConstablePct.4 21130USHwy59#C NewCaney TX. Published77357Dates:August17,24,31,2022 281-577-8985 /s/RandyCrowder
5. $0.00JudgmentCredit andonthe6thdayofSeptember2022betweenthehoursof10:00o'clocka.m.and 4:00 o'clock p.m., at 501 North Thompson, Suite 402 Conroe, Texas 77301 Montgomery County Conroe, Texas, I will offer for sale and will sell at public auction, for cash, all the rights, title and interest of ChristopherA. Dugan and Erica Dugan, Defendant(s), in and to saidproperty Witnessmyhandthisthe25thdayofJuly 2022. 4. $338.27CostofCourt MARKTURNBULL TEDLWALKER
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or your attorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00a.m.onthe Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation andpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."
Therevisedfixedfuelfactor,ifapproved,willaffectonlythefuelportionoftherates chargedbyEntergyTexasandwillhavenoeffectonnon-fuelbaserates.
Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: PublishedDates:August10,17,24,31,2022 MontgomeryBy:County Texas Cause Number: 22-05-06785-CV
Plaintiff is seeking a judicial declaration that, as recourse for default under that one certain voluntary security instrument, it may proceed in accordance with the terms of such security instrument and the Texas Property Code with the non-judicial foreclosure of that certain real property, to wit: LOT TWENTY-EIGHT (28), IN BLOCK ONE (1) OF THE VILLAGES AT CROCKETTTRACE, SECTION ONE,ASUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS, ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPORPLATTHEREOF,RECORDEDINCABINETV,SHEET45-50OF THEMAPRECORDSOFMONTGOMERYCOUNTY TEXAS. asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitiononfileinthissuit. YouareherebycommandedtoappearbyfilingawrittenanswertothePlaintiff'sOriginalPetition atorbefore10:00A.M.oftheMondaynextaftertheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateof issuance of this citation the same being Monday the 19th day of September 2022 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe,Texas.SaidPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe26thdayofMay, 2022,inthiscase,numbered22-05-06785-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the 4571h Judicial District Court of Montgomery County,Texas, on a Judgment rendered on the 22nd day of May 2022, in the caseofMontgomeryKingsMillHomeowners,AssociationInc.Plaintiff, vs. ChristopherA. DuganandEricaDugan,Defendant(s),CauseNo.21-12-17289-CVinsaidcourt,judgment being in favor of Montgomery Kings Mill Homeowners, Association Inc. Plaintiff, vs. ChristopherA.DuganandEricaDugan,Defendant(s),Ididonthe25thDayofJuly,2022at 3:42o'clockpm.,levyuponthefollowing-describedpropertyofDefendant(s):
IdahoHousingandFinanceAssociationarePlaintiffsandTheUnknownHeirsatLawofBrandon Carlton Whitmire et al; Brandon Carlton Whitmire; Christina Virginia Whitmire; The Unknown Heirs at Law of Brandon Carlton Whitmire; Terri Goodwin; Kenneth Whitmire, Sr.; Nicholas Sharpe;DanielSharpe;JosephSharpe;WilliamSharpeareDefendants
Page6,Wednesday,August31,2022,MontgomeryCountyNews LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court in CONROE, Texas, on this the 17th day of August,2022. Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
GIVENUNDERMYHANDonthisDate15thofAugustA.D.2022 PublishedDates:August17,24,31,2022
1. $2,335.50PrincipalSum Placed in my hands for service, I, Philip Cash as Constable Precinct 1, Montgomery ndCounty,Texas,didonthe2 dayofAugust,2022levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow, thandonthe6 dayofSeptember,2022,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet, Conroe,Texas 77301 (west side court steps), at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highestbidder allright,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantLorinNeikirkhadinthe propertydescribedbelow:
COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY * thNotice is hereby given that by a certain Order of Sale issued out of the 284 Judicial DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe14thdayofJuly,2022infavorofApril Sound Property Owners Association Inc. recovered a judgment in Cause No. 21-12th th16392-CV inthe284 JudicialDistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasonthe27 day ofApril,2022,againstDonnaBelleauGorder
BYVIRTUE OFAORDER OF SALE issued out of the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, State of Texas, in a certain cause numbered 21-11-16276-CV on a judgment rendered in said court on the 25th day of March A.D. 2022 and directed and delivered to me as Constable of Montgomery County Precinct No. 2 of Montgomery County Texas.Ihaveonthe8thdayofAugustA.D.2022levieduponandwillofferforsale betweenthehoursprescribedbylawatapproximately10:00A.M.onthefirstTuesdayin SeptemberA.D.2022,itbeingthe6thofsaidmonthatpublicauctiontothehighestbidder, for cash in hand at 501 N.Thompson, 4th Floor, Suite 402, Conroe,Texas 77301 of said MontgomeryCounty,Texas,alltherighttitleandinterest,ifany,whichthedefendanthad on the 25th day of March A.D. 2022, or at any time thereafter, of and in the following describedpropertytowit:
NGOZIJANICEOKONKWO,Deceased Youarecommanded
GeneDeforest,Constable MontgomeryCountyPrecinct2 MontgomeryCounty,Texas By/s/GregoryThomason Captain, MontgomeryMontgomeryGREGORYTHOMASONCountyPrecinct2CountyTexas
The above property is levied on as the property of David Andrew Dotson and Natalie Garner Jointly and Severally and will be sold to satisfy a judgment in the 284th Judicial DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texasrenderedonthe25thdayofMarchA.O.2022 infavorofStewart'sForestHomeownersAssociationandagainstthesaidDavidAndrew DotsonandNatalieGarner,JointlyandSeverally
THEMANAGEROFTHELLCIS REEDG.BOWMAN,ANDTHESOLEMEMBERISAGGLOBALTRADE,LLC. THEMANAGERSANDMEMBERSOFAGGLOBALTRADE,LLCAREDENNIS G FANO, JR , ANDRE RUFFORNY, GOTCHA TSERTSVADZE, AND ADALBERTARAKELOVPublishedDates:August24,31,2022 PublishedDates:August24and31,2022 Teresa Fierro De Bocanegra: misc. items. Ebony Dozier: misc. items. Shelbie Skinner:misc.items. 12:00 pm Valley Ranch Self Storage @ 21910 Valley Ranch Crossing Dr Porter,TX77365. Pursuant to Chapter 59 of theTexas Property Code, TJO 10 X 10 Management, Ltd Managing properties listed below will hold a public auction of property being soldtosatisfyalandlord'slien.Thesalewillbeginonoraboutthetimeindicatedat Property will be sold to highest bidder for cash. Depositforremovalandcleanupmaybetemporarilyrequired.Sellerreservesthe righttorejectanybidandtowithdrawpropertyfromsale.Propertymaybesoldby the space. Property being sold includes contents in spaces of following tenants, withbriefdescriptionofcontentsineachspace. Notice of Public Sale Wednesday,September14,2022 Stowe's Wrecker Service Published Dates: August 31 and September 7, 2022 From 10:00 AM To 11:00 AMPUBLIC NOTICE In compliance with (2303.157) of the Vehicle Storage lot Facility Act, the following vehicles will be sold “as is” to the Public on Monday September 12, 2022 21587 Eva St. Montgomery, TX 77356 2017 Jeep Compass Vin# 1C4NJCEA5HD151541 Wrecked CITATION BYPUBLICATION APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP CONROETX77305 BELLAIRETX77401 POBOX959 6300WESTLOOPSOUTHSTE600 21-41942-P THE
RulesofCivilProcedure643-goodsandchattelspledgedormortgagedassecurity for any debt or contract may be levied upon and sold on execution against the person making the pledge, assignment or mortgage subject thereto; and the purchaser shall be entitled to the possession when it is held by the pledgee, assignee or mortgagee, on complyingwiththeconditionsofthepledge,assignmentormortgage. Bidders must pre-register prior to the sale to bid on this property (Civil Practice and RemediesCode 34.0445)
Lot 10, Block 2, of Stewart's Forest, Section 4, Amending Plat, a subdivision in MontgomeryCounty,Texas,accordingtothemaporplatthereofrecordedinCabinet X,Sheet168,oftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas(the"Property")
Placed in my hands for service, I, Philip Cash as Constable Precinct 1, Montgomery ndCounty,Texas,didonthe2 dayofAugust,2022levyonREALpropertydescribedbelow, thandonthe6 dayofSeptember,2022,Iwillofferforsaleandsellat301N.MainStreet, Conroe,Texas 77301 (west side court steps), at approximately 10:00 a.m. for cash to the highestbidder allright,title,andinterestthatthesaiddefendantDonnaBelleauGorder hadinthepropertydescribedbelow: 1,002.56–notsecuredassessment) BLOCK 1, OF APRIL SOUND, SECTION 9, A SUBDIVISION IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT IN CABINET B, SHEET 54A, OF THE MAPAND/OR PLATRECORDSOFMONTGOMERY PCT 1 Notice is hereby given that by a certain Order of Sale issued out of the 284 Judicial DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texasonthe14thdayofJuly,2022infavorofApril Sound Property Owners Association Inc. recovered a judgment in Cause No. 21-12th nd16395-CV in the 284 Judicial District Court of Montgomery County,Texas on the 22 dayofApril,2022,againstLorinNeikirk. STATEOFTEXAS NOTICEOFCONSTABLE'SSALE CHECK MONEYORDERATTHECONCLUSIONOFSALE COUNTYOFMONTGOMERY
THESTATEOFTEXAS * 3. Post-judgment Interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum on the total amountofthejudgment,includingattorney'sfeesawardedherein,fromthedate thisjudgmentissigneduntilfullypaid
* Sergeant
2. $2,027.17AttorneyFees 4. $616.33CourtCost 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit LOT 23 IN
TerrellMizell,DeputyClerk /s/TerrellMizell 8/17/202210:51:20AM PublishedDate:August31,2022 ContactMontgomeryCountyNews toPublishLegal 936-449-6397Notices
LEGALNOTICE APPLICATIONHASBEENMADEWITHTHETEXASALCOHOLICBEVERAGE COMMISSIONBYSILKROADWINESTEXAS,LLCD/B/A TO 1300S.FRAZIER CONROE,MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS. STATE OF TheunknownheirsoftheESTATEOF: to totheApplication filed by Chukwuenye Okonkwo, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expirationofTen(10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERY County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. SaidapplicationwasfiledonOctober06,2021.
2. $4,263.00AttorneyFees 3. Post-judgment Interest at the rate of five percent (5%) per annum on the total amountofthejudgment,includingattorney'sfeesawardedherein,fromthedate thisjudgmentissigneduntilfullypaid 4. $616.33CourtCost 5. $0.00JudgmentCredit Andforeclosureofalienonthefollowingdescribedproperty:
Philip ConstableCashPCT 1 MontgomeryCounty Texas
THESTATEOFTEXAS CONROETX77305 CLEVELANDTX77327 GREETING: (SEAL,CountyCourtatLaw#2) MARKTURNBULL,COUNTYCLERK /s/DanielleMcDaris 8/24/20229:59:32AM DanielleMcDaris,DeputyClerk
TO:TheunknownheirsoftheESTATEOF:KEVINWAYNETERNA,Deceased MARKTURNBULL DANBAYLESS Thefilenumberofsaidmatterbeing:22-42946-P MARKTURNBULL TANIKAJSOLOMON P.O.BOX959 2120WELCHSTREET CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYOFRECORD TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF: DURRELL EDWARD EWING, Deceased, (D.OD.: 05/12/2021) 21-41792-P County Court, MONTGOMERY County Texas, ROBERTAEWING filed in the County Court of MONTGOMERY County Texas on this the 8th day of September 2021, an APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIPAND LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION of said DURRELL EDWARD EWING, Deceased. Said application will be heard and acted on by said Court on or after the first Mondaynextaftertheexpirationoftendaysfromdateofpostingthiscitation,attheCounty Courthouse in CONROE, Texas. All persons interested in said estate are hereby cited to appearbeforesaidtoappearbeforesaidHonorableCourtatsaidabovementionedtimeand placebyfilingawrittenanswercontestingsuchapplicationshouldtheydesiretodoso.The officerexecutingthiscitationshallpostthecopyofthiscitationatthecourthousedoorofthe countyinwhichthisproceedingispending,orattheplaceinornearsaidcourthousewhere public notices customarily are posted, for not less than 10 days before return day thereof, exclusiveofthedateofpostingandreturntheoriginalcopyofthiscitationtotheclerkstating inawrittenreturnthereonthetimewhenandtheplacewherehepostedsuchcopy CONROE,TX77305 HOUSTONTX77019
CITATION ONAPPLICATION FOR INDEPENDENTADMINISTRATION - (BY POSTING) /s/TerrellMizell 9/9/20218:48:29AM PublishedDate:August31,2022
CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL P O.Box2985 17044ElCaminoReal Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058 THE STATE OF TEXAS
ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService
Abrief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: The nature of this suit is as follows,towit:PlaintiffsuedDefendantJoanEsterBendayanToledanofordelinquentHOA Assessments as to the property legally described as: Lot 97, Block 22 of Walden on Lake Conroe, Section Eight (8), a subdivision situated in the William Clerk Survey A-6, Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet A, Sheet 186 (formerly Volume 12, Page 76), of the Map Records of Montgomery County thereof,Texas.andmakedueasthelawdirects. WaldenonLakeConroeCommunityImprovementAssociationarePlaintiffs asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionandDiscoveryontileinthissuit. and MelisaMiller DistrictClerk The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthe
Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: THE STATE OF TEXAS Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058
Abrief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: The nature of this suit is as follows,towit:PlaintiffsuedDefendantJoanEsterBendayanToledanofordelinquentHOA Assessmentsastothepropertylegallydescribedas:LotsThirty-One(31),Thirty-Two(32), Thirty-Three(33),andThirty-Four(34)BlockNineteen(19),ofSectionFour(4)ofWaldenon Lake Conroe, Section Four (4), a subdivision situated in the William Clerk Survey A-6, Montgomery County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Cabinet A, Sheet 73 (formerly recorded in Volume 10, Page 40), of the Map Records of Montgomery County,Texas. asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionandDiscoveryontileinthissuit.
To: JoanEsterBendayanToledano MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry
LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL LEGALLEGAL Page8,Wednesday,August31,2022MontgomeryCountyNews Cause Number: 22-04-04491-CV CITATION BYPUBLICATION – CIVIL P O.Box2985 17044ElCaminoReal ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService MelisaMiller
Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: WaldenonLakeConroeCommunityImprovementAssociationarePlaintiffs JoanandEsterBendayanToledanoareDefendants
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."
Abriefstatementofthenatureofthissuitisasfollows,towit: (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty Texas) asismorefullyshownbyBriefStatementInSupportofServicebyPublicationonfileinthis Thesuit.officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law,andthemandates Lots4,5and11,Block31ofWaldenonLakeConroe,Section8,asubdivisionintheThomas Corner Survey,A-10 and the William C. Clark Survey,A-6 in Montgomery County, Texas, accordingtothemaporplatthereofrecordedinCabinetA,Sheet186(formerlyVolume12, Page76)oftheMapRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas. IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe12thdayofAugust,2022.MelisaMiller,DistrictClerk MontgomeryCounty Texas By:/s/BaileyLaCaze BaileyLaCaze 8/12/20222:28:19PM PublishedDates:August24,31,September7,14,2022 thereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects.
The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthemandates thereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe12thdayofAugust,2022.
Thenamesofthepartiestothecauseareasfollows: ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Brief Statement In Support of Service by Publication at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday, the 26th day of September 2022 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County,Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original thPetitionandDiscoverywasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe8 dayofApril,2022,inthiscase, numbered22-04-04495-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt. 2022 CITATION BYPUBLICATION
To: JoanEsterBendayanToledano
(SEAL,CountyCourtatLaw#2) MarkTurnbull,COUNTYCLERK MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS TerrellMizell,DeputyClerk
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."
WaldenonLakeConroeCommunityImprovementAssociationarePlaintiffsandJoanEster BendayaToledanoareDefendants
JoanmandatesEsterBendayanToledanoareDefendants (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas) MontgomeryCounty,Texas By:/s/PatriciaMorrill PatriciaMorrill 8/12/20222:45:00PM PublishedDates:August24,31,September7,14,2022 IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe12thdayofAugust,2022.Cause Number: 22-04-04495-CV
NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: "You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou." and MontgomeryCounty,Texas (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas) MelisaMiller DistrictClerk
You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Brief Statement In Support of Service by Publication at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday the 26th day of September, 2022 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original thPetitionandDiscoverywasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe8 dayofApril,2022,inthiscase, numbered22-04-04493-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt.
"You have been sued. You may employ an attorney If you or yourattorneydoesnotfileawrittenanswerwiththeclerkwhoissuedthiscitationby10:00 a.m.ontheMondaynextfollowingtheexpirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuance ofthiscitationandpetition,adefaultjudgmentmaybetakenagainstyou."
ClerkoftheCourt AttorneyRequestingService MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry P O.Box2985 17044ElCaminoReal Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058
You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Brief Statement In Support of Service by Publication at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday, the 26th day of September 2022 before the 457th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County,Texas at the Courthouse of said County in Conroe, Texas. Said Plaintiff's Original thPetitionandDiscoverywasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe8 dayofApril,2022,inthiscase, numbered22-04-04491-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt. asismorefullyshownbyPlaintiff'sOriginalPetitionandDiscoveryontileinthissuit. WaldenonLakeConroeCommunityImprovementAssociationarePlaintiffs
To: JoanEsterBendayanToledano
www.MontgomeryCountyNews.netLegalNoticesContinuedonfollowingpage PublishedDate:August31,
Abrief statement of the nature of this suit is as follows, to wit: The nature of this suit is as follows,towit:PlaintiffsuedDefendantJoanEsterBendayanToledanofordelinquentHOA Assessments as to the property legally described as: Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 20 of WaldenonLakeConroe,SectionFour(4),asubdivisionsituatedintheWilliamClerkSurvey A-6,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,accordingtothemaporplatthereofrecordedinCabinetA, Sheet 73 (formerly recorded in Volume 10, Page 40), of the Map Records of Montgomery County,Texas. IssuedandgivenundermyhandandtheSealofsaidCourt,atofficeinConroeTexas,thison thisthe12thdayofAugust,2022. Conroe,Texas77305 HoustonTX77058 JoanEsterBendayanToledanoareDefendants
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: 22-42946-P
You are commanded to appear and answer to the First Amended Application to DetermineHeirshipfiledbyAndreaTerna,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMonday aftertheexpirationofTen(10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforethe HonorableCountyCourtatLaw#2ofMONTGOMERYCounty attheCourthouseinConroe, Texas.SaidapplicationwasfiledonAugust15,2022.
The officer executing this writ shall promptly serve the same according to requirements of law andthemandates thereof,andmakedueasthelawdirects. (SEAL,DistrictCourtofMontgomeryCounty,Texas) MelisaMiller DistrictClerk MontgomeryCounty,Texas PatriciaMorrill 8/12/20223:26:36PM PublishedDates:August24,31,September7,14,2022
By:/s/PatriciaMorrill PatriciaMorrill 8/12/202212:58:46PM PublishedDates:August24,31,September7,14,2022
Thestylebeing:ESTATEOF:KEVINWAYNETERNA Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled. GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court in CONROE, Texas, on this the 24th day of August,2022. MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS
You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Brief Statement In Support of Service by Publication at or before 10:00 A.M. of the Monday next after the expirationofforty-twodaysafterthedateofissuanceofthiscitationthesamebeingMonday, the 26th day of September 2022 before the 284th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County,TexasattheCourthouseofsaidCountyinConroe,Texas.SaidBriefStatementIn SupportofServicebyPublicationwasfiledinsaidcourtonthisthe5thdayofAugust,2022, inthiscase,numbered22-04-04494-CVonthedocketofsaidcourt. MelisaMiller CharlesADaughtry P O.Box2985 17044ElCaminoReal To: JoanEsterBendayanToledano
Notice is hereby given that
CITATION BYPUBLICATION APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP 22-42513-P CONROETX77305 CONROETX77301 MARKTURNBULL ROBERTS.GRIFFIN Telephone:713-783-7444 PublishedDate:August31,2022 All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemwithinthetimeandmannerprescribedinthelaw 5851SanFelipe,Suite925 KENNEDY&JACKSON Facsimile:713-783-6601 Houston,Texas77057
NOTICETOCREDITORS original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of CHRISTINA inCauseNo.22-42714-P pendingintheCountyCourtatLawTwo(2)ofMontgomeryCounty Texas to: DONNALYNNEBOYNEELLISON,alsoknownasDONNABOYNEELLISON. Claimsmaybepresentedincareoftheattorneyfortheestate,addressedasfollows: c/o: DavidA.Jackson Estate of CHRISTINA MARIA BOYNE, also known as CHRISTINA M. BOYNE,Deceased 5851SanFelipe,Suite925 Houston,Texas77057
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: (SEAL,CountyCourtatLaw#2) MARKTURNBULL,COUNTYCLERK /s/DanielleMcDaris 8/19/20223:02:26PM DanielleMcDaris,DeputyClerk PublishedDate:August31,2022
Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
/s/DanielleMcDaris 4/20/20223:35:13PM DanielleMcDaris,DeputyClerk
E-mail: PublishedDate:August31,2022 101Simonton Telephone: (936)756-5511 NOTICETOCREDITORS thDATEDthe25 dayofAugust,2022. /s/ AttorneyforScottL.Edmundsand StateBarNo.: 16287350 Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: GinaA.Price,AttorneyatLaw,101Simonton,Conroe,TX 77301. GinaA.Price Conroe,TX 77301 Facsimile: (936)441-5745 thDATEDthe25 dayofAugust,2022. GinaA.Price All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: GinaA.Price,AttorneyatLaw,101Simonton,Conroe,TX 77301.
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYOFRECORD
You are commanded to appear and answer to the Original Application to Declare HeirshipfiledbyFelipeWaterwall,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayafterthe expirationofTen(10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERY County at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. SaidapplicationwasfiledonApril14,2022.
NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersTestamentaryfortheEstateofBessieL.Fellers, THE
NoticeisherebygiventhatoriginalLettersofAdministrationfortheEstateofHowardLee thMcMillian,Deceased,wereissuedonthe10 dayofAugust2022,inCauseNo.22-42784-P,pending inCountyCourtatLawNo.2,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to:Mildred“Deanie”Murry Stilwell,Earl&Apostolakis,LLP 1400WoodlochForestDrive,Ste.590 TheWoodlands,TX 77380
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court in CONROE, Texas, on this the 19th day of August,2022.
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw c/o: RobinL.Apostolakis
TO:TheunknownheirsoftheESTATEOF:RONALDWATERWALL,Deceased GREETING: (SEAL,CountyCourtatLaw#2) MARKTURNBULL,COUNTYCLERK PublishedDate:August31,2022
GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court in CONROE, Texas, on this the 23rd day of August,2022. (SEAL,CountyCourtatLaw#2) MARKTURNBULL,COUNTYCLERK MONTGOMERYCOUNTY,TEXAS TerrellMizell,DeputyClerk PublishedDate:August31,2022 /s/TerrellMizell 8/23/202211:03:42AM for the Estate of Marilyn S. Dunphy Deceased,wereissuedonAugust25,2022,inCauseNo.22-43258-P pendingintheCounty Court-At-LawNo:2,MontgomeryCounty,Texas,to: ScottL.EdmundsandRichardM.Edmunds. RichardM.Edmunds
Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court in CONROE, Texas, on this the 20th day of April,2022.
GREETING: YouarecommandedtoappearandanswertotheApplicationtoDetermineHeirshipfiled by James Michael Smith, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expirationofTen(10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERY County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. SaidapplicationwasfiledonAugust11,2022.
YouarecommandedtoappearandanswertotheApplicationtoDetermineHeirshipfiled byWarrenGuyDucote,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpiration ofTen (10) days from the date of Publication of this Citation, before the Honorable County Court at Law #2 of MONTGOMERY County at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said applicationwasfiledonJuly28,CIT2022.ATION BYPUBLICATION
Deceased,wereissuedonAugust25,2022,inCauseNo.22-43429-P,pendingintheCountyCourtAt-LawNo:2,MontgomeryCounty Texas,to: BonnieSvec-Pierce. /s/ StateBarNo.: 16287350 101Simonton Conroe,TX 77301 E-mail: PublishedDate:August31,2022 Telephone: (936)756-5511 Facsimile: (936)441-5745 AttorneyforBonnieSvec-Pierce Dallas,Texas75225 throughBrianGlazer,TrustOfficer, AllpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaidEstatewhichisbeingadministeredinMontgomery County,Texas,areherebyrequiredtopresentsametoEdwardJonesTrustCompanyatitsaddress, whichis: 8401N.CentralExpwy #210 EDWARDJONESTRUSTCOMPANY, PublishedDate:August31,2022 ILEENKRUSEATKINSON,DECEASED AttorneyatLaw before suits upon same are barred by the Statute of Limitations, before such estate is closed, and withinthetimeprescribedbylaw NOTICEisherebygiventhatOriginalLettersTestamentaryupontheEstateofIleenKruse Atkinson, Deceased, were issued to Edward Jones Trust Company, through Brian Glazer, Trust Officer theundersigned,onthe25thdayofAugust,2022,intheproceedingindicatedbelowwhichis stillpending,andthatEdwardJonesTrustCompanynowholdssuchLetters. AGAINST
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of NITAANN GRAHAM, Deceased, were issued onAugust 25, 2022, in Cause No. 22-43366-P, pending in the County CourtAt Law No. 2, Montgomery County Texas, to: Virginia Carol Dague, Independent ExecutorofDecedent'sWillandEstate. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are requiredtopresentthemtotheundersignedwithinthetimeandinthemannerprescribedbylaw dayofAugust,2022 HoustonTX77074 PublishedDate:August31,2022 KreigLLC NOTICETOCREDITORS 6671SouthwestFwy,Ste820 TO:TheunknownheirsoftheESTATEOF:JILLM.DUCOTE,Deceased CLERKOFTHECOURT ATTORNEYOFRECORD CONROETX77305 CONROETX77301
DATEDthis25thdayofAugust,2022. IndependentExecutoroftheEstateofILEENKRUSE ATKINSON,Deceased,CauseNo.22-43499-P;Inthe CountyCourtatLawNo.2ofMontgomeryCounty Texas By: /s/RobinL.Apostolakis PublishedDate:August31,2022 1400WoodlochForestDrive,Ste.590 RobinL.Apostolakis thDATEDthe29 dayofAugust2022. TheWoodlands,TX77380 Telephone: (281)419-6200 Facsimile: (281)419-0250 StateBarNo.24045416



















To avoid problem to well in use, should install a locking well cap or well seal not just a cover over the well to prevent unauthorized use or entry into th well ep ic systems should be pumped and inspected often as recommended by the local health Care should when mowing or working near thewell. If you’re of or wells,please D L R : tdlrtexas report, an address or GPS Coordinates photos video of the well, if possible.
Other Trinity River gar regulations that remain include inch maxilength from the bridge Dallas downto I-10bridge ham ers Cou t and the Fork of upstream dam at (seeabovefor of Additionally, ban on the take or possession an alligator gar by means of lawful archery equipment or isineffecton the of the Trinity between one half-hour after sunset and one half hour before sunrise a harvest authorization through the drawing system).
Landowners are responsible for abandoned or deteriorated water wells on their property, and once they’re aware of an abandoned well on their property, they must plug it within180days.Landowners can plug the well themselves (in compliance w h Title 16 Texas Administrative Code, Section (76 104 Capping and Plugging Wells Standards) or hire a well driller or pump installer licensed by TDLR to plug the well or bring the well intocompliance.
*Checkwhether water w ll drille o p nsta le asmanyas150,000 abandoned or deteriorated water wells in Texas chances are that hunters could spot potential safety hazards also contribute pollution Abandoned or deterioratedwaterwellscan contaminate groundwater by a direct conduit for and othersurfacecontaminants, such animal waste and pesticides, directly enter aquifers. wells also a physical danger and animal who n e severely killed when fall partially or completely
If a landowner chooses toplugthewellthemselves, theyarerequiredtoplugthe well in accordance with TDLR’s well plugging s p e c i f i c a t i o n s (https://wwwtdlrtexasgov /wwd/wwdspecs htm) and submit a State of Texas Plugging Report to TDLR within30daysfromthedate thewellwasplugged.
*A“deteriorated”wellis a well that is causing or likely to cause pollution of any water in the state includinggroundwater Texas hunters headed out for dove season are asked to watch for abandonedordeterioratedwater wells,andtoreportanythey find to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
to p l u g g i n g e l l : gov / d w * Drillers Law Plugging Water Well: Texas Code, Section *Water and Pump Installers Administrative Rules, Technical Requirements Standards for
plug it within180 Landowncan plug well (in it Ti l 6 (76 a d l g in Well a well driller TDLR to the or bring well compliance.
*Wellsare“abandoned” whentheyarenotinuse,as defined by Texas Occupations Code, Section 1901.255.
and WalkerInaddition,all gar harvested including those using harvest authorization, freshwater saltwater w r odi oth r thanFalcon International R oir must be reported on My Texas Hunt Harvestmobile app within harvest. A one-fish-per-day bag limit in effect for alligator statewide except for International a daily fish and possession 10 fishremains effect. The My Hunt H rv st ap n be downloaded from t h e A p p Store Play For information about gar fishing regulations, visitThe Pharmacy OE Staining RealEstate Restaurant Farm&Ranch SubscriptionCostis$40peryearforin MontgomeryCounty,and$45peryear outofMontgomeryCounty.Checks maybemadepayabletoMontgomery CountyNewsandsendtoPOBox1, Montgomery,Tx77356,wealsoaccept mostmajorcreditcards. Thursday Oct 6, 2022 Friday Oct 7, 2022 MCN Subscription Events Community HarvestAuthorizationDrawingOpens forTrinityRiverAlligatorGarSept.1 HeadedouttothecountryforDove Season?Keepaneyeoutforabandoned ordeterioratedwaterwells
A one-fish-per-day bag limit remains in effect for alligator gar statewide except forFalcon International Reservoir, where aReservoir daily bag limit of five fish and possession limit of 10 fishremainsineffect. The My Texas Hunt Harvest app can bea downloaded free from t h e A p p l e A p p StoreandGooglePlay For more information aboutmore alligator gar fishing regulations, visitThe OutdoorAnnualonline.
* Water Well Drillers Law Plugging Water Well: Texas Occupations Code, Section1901.255. *WaterWellDrillersand Pump Installers Administrative Rules, Technical Requirements Standards for Capping and Plugging ofWellsandPluggingWells that Penetrate Injurious Water Zones: Title 16, TexasAdministrativeCode, Section76.104. If a landowner plug wellthemselves, are to well in accordance with TDLR’s well plugging p e c i i c a t i o n tdlr gov /wwd/wwdspecs submit a State of Plugging Report daysfromthedate thewellwasplugged.
Helpful guide to p l u g g i n g w e l l s : https://wwwtceqtexasgov / d o w n347.pdfaawwloads/publications/rg/landonersguidetopluggingnersguidetopluggingbandonedwaterwellsrgbandonedwaterwellsrg
Lan owne s a e abandoned deteriorated water wells once hey e wa n well their property, a well that is to cause in groundwater Texas headed out season are asked for abandoned water wells, they find the Texas Department of and Regulation. Capping Plugging of PluggingWells that Injurious Water 16, TexasAdministrativeCode, Section
“In order for us to manage our alligator gar populations among growing angler interest, it is crucial to know how many are being harvested inTexas,”Bondssaid.“By gatheringdataonalligator garharvestthroughtheMy Texas Hunt Harvestapp and online, our fisheries management team gains a better understanding of this species’ distribution, sizes,andnumbersandcan use that information to help manage for quality fishinginthefuture.”
WWalkeralkerInaddition,allalligatorInaddition, gar harvested including those using a harvest authorization, from public freshwater and saltwater waterbodies (other thanFalcon International Reservoir) must be reported on theMy Texas Hunt Harvestmobile app or online within 24 hours ofharvest.
Anglers can use anylegalmeansormethod totakeanalligatorgarover 48 inches day or night from a section of the TrinityRiverfromtheI-30 bridge in Dallas downstreamtotheI-10bridgein Chambers County, includingLakeLivingston and the East Fork of the Trinity River upstream to the dam at Lake Ray Hubbard This includes the following counties: Anderson, Chambers, Dallas, Ellis, Freestone, Henderson Houston Kaufman, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Navarro, Polk, San Jacinto, Trinity, and
“In order for us to manage alligator gar popul ions among growing angler interest, it is to know how many are harvested inTexas,”Bonds “By gatheringdataonalligator garharvest theMy Texas Hunt app and our fisheries management team gains a better of this species’ distribution, sizes,andnumbersandcan use that to help manage quality fishinginthefuture.”
*Wells “abandoned” theyare use,as by Occupations Code, Section anabandoned or deteriorated water well look There be a plastic, steel, brick or concrete casing (pipe) that extends or could a in the with no bottom wellshaveconcreteorbrick casing above ground or windmill missingblades.Abandoned deterioratedwell be ground level, an threat.
AUSTIN The Texas P rks Wildli e Department (TPWD) opensthe Alligator GarHarvestAuthorization dra i g a plic i n process n l rs n u legalmeans method totakeanalligator day night from a section of Riverfromthe Dallas downtotheI-10bridge amb r ounty the of upstream dam at Ray Hubbard This counties: Ellis, Houston Leon, Madison, Navarro, San Jacinto, Trinity,
re o
Whatdoesanabandoned or deteriorated water welllookdeterioratedlike?There could be alook like?There plastic, steel, brick or concrete casing (pipe) that extends above ground, or there could be a hole in the ground with no apparent bottom Some abandoned wellshaveconcreteorbrick casing extending above ground or a windmill with missingblades.Abandoned ordeterioratedwellcasings or pipes may be cut off at ground level, posing an additionalthreat. To avoid problems relatedtoawaterwellthat’s no longer in use, landowners should install a locking well cap or sanitary well seal not just a cover over the well to prevent unauthorized use or entry into the well Septic systems should be pumped and inspected as often as recommended by the local health department Care should be taken when mowing or working near thewell. If you’re aware of abandoned or deteriorated wells,pleasereportthemto T D L R : https://wwwtdlrtexas gov/ abwells/default.aspx.When filing the report, please include an address or GPS Coordinatesandanyphotos or video of the well, if possible.
From Sept. 1 throughSept.From30,anglersholdinga valid license-year or year from purchase fishing license can use theMy T e x a s H u n t H a r v e s t m o b i l e apporonline to enter the drawingforanopportunity toharvestonealligatorgar over 48 inches from a section of the Trinity River Anglers can choose toapplyasanindividualor as part of a small group. Winners of the random drawingwillbenotifiedbybe Oct. 15. Harvest authorizations will be valid from the date issued through Aug.31,2023. “This segment of the Trinity River has become one of the most popular destinationsintheworldto catch a large alligator gar but concerns have been raised about the potential for overharvest and its risks to fishing quality,” said Craig Bonds, Inland Fisheries Director at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department With this drawing system, we are abletogive150anglersthe opportunity to harvest the fishofalifetimewhilealso meeting our management goal to conserve this unique resource for current and future generationsofanglers.”
*Checkwhetherawater well driller or pump installer is licensed:l https://wwwtdlrtexas gov/
Sept. 1 through Sept.30,anglersholdinga valid license-year or year from purchase fishing license use My T e x H u n t H a r m o b l e apporonline to enter the drawingforanopportunity toharvestone over 48 inches from a section of the Anglers choose to asanindividual of a small group. Winners of the willbenotifiedby 15. Harvest authoriwill be valid date issued Aug.31,2023. of River has become of the most inthe to but concerns have been about the for overharvest and risks to fishing quality,” said Craig Bonds, Inland Fisheries at and Wildlife Department With system, we to 150anglersthe opportunity to the ofa goal to conserve un q u ce for and future generaanglers.”
AUSTIN - The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) openstheannualAlligator GarHarvestAuthorization drawing application processSept1.
Withasmanyas150,000 abandoned or deterioratedwabandonedaterwells in Texaswater wells chances are that hunters could spot these potential safety hazards that also contribute to groundwater pollution Abandoned or deterioratedwaterwellscan contaminate groundwater by providing a direct conduit for chemicals and othersurfacecontaminants, such as animal waste and pesticides, to directly enter aquifers. Uncapped wells also present a physical danger to humans and animals who can be severely injured or killed when they fall partially or completelyintothewell.
r i i ens d: tdlrtexasLicenseSearch/.Resources:
Other Trinity River alligator gar regulations that remain in effect include a 48 inch maximum length limit for alligator gar from the I-30 bridge in Dallas downstreamtotheI-10bridgein Chambers County, includingLakeLivingston and the East Fork of the Trinity River upstream to the dam at Lake Ray Hubbard(seeaboveforlist of affected counties) Additionally, a ban on the take or possession of an alligator gar by means of lawful archery equipment orcrossbowisineffecton the same section of the Trinity River between one half-hour after sunset and one half hour before sunrise (unless using a(unless harvest authorization through the drawing system).









