Literature endeavors creates a bettercivilizationtopassonto futuregenerations. by
O n e o f t h e m a i n Committees of recognition andsupportbytheRebelJoan Of Arc 2721 Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy is the Category of Southern Arts and Literature.The“SouthernArts andLiterature”isnurturedand supportedattheChapterlevel, the Texas Division level, as well as at the General level of the United Daughters of the Confederacy It has been the honor and pleasure of RJOA Members to support the Conroe Symphony Orchestra, and Friends of the Symphony Orchestra, as well as various other Art Groups like Young Texas Artist, and the Conroe GreaterArtsAlliance. Itisthe belief of Rebel Joan Of Arc Members that nurturing our families through individual participation in our community Arts an
AUSTIN A rainy springandearlysummerled to a good nesting season throughmostofthestateand nearrecordhighpopulations ofmourningandwhite-wing doves across large portions of Texas Hunters could encounter significantly increased dove populations in the field when the 2024 seasonopensSept.1. Sp
ng populat
T h e t r e m e n d o u s contributions from Arthurs Composers, Singers, Musicians of the South can neverbeignored. The Music during the 1860’s Civil War Period was composed of many influences such as the musical influence on the South when Spain and alsoFranceownedsomeofour Southern States Louisiana had the creole music flavor added to the large mixture of
entertainment Singing, dancing, instruments were often nightly entertainment in thehomes,largeorsmallfrom prarie to town, to unwind the cares of the day and celebrate family together The music of both the North and the South wasimportanttothemoraleof
the troops, and sometimes troops were known to sing togetherfromoppositesidesof theBattlefieldatnight,before “gettingdowntobusiness”the nextday! Europeanmusichad a great influence on America then,butAMERICAhasmade itsownmarkinthePrestigious
n o o p e S , neverbe The during the Civil War Period many influence Spain owned music added mixture of instruments or the family the were to from sides theBattlefield business” influence thePrestigious
Music world
Music world RAG-TIME MusicoriginatedfromAfrican music or “thumping” and known as jig piano and syncopatedrhythmsstartingin thelate1800’sandcarriedthru
When it comes to
improving the lives of CombatVeteransandtheir children Knowledge
Point Network, a local non-profit charity, is focused on providing
purposetothosewhohave had setbacks in their lives due to circumstances beyond their control KPN is well known for providing support to Veterans with outdoor events such as dirt biking on local trails, or even maintaining the trails
themselves which provides the Veterans and their children with a purposetoshowthemthat there is much more to life than just cell phones and video games Other aspects of KPN involve helping Veterans and groups with grant writing efforts to fulfill the needs toimproveindividuallives of severely Disabled Veterans and groups that support Veterans in the community
purpose had due beyond control KPN providing Veterans with events dirt on local trails, or even maintaining trails t v h provides and their a purposeto that there is life than phones and video games Other aspects involve helping and groups writing efforts needs to lives of Disabled Veterans that support the community that they in
KPN is unique in that they are well versed in by When the Combat charity,
on surveysconductedbyTexas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) staff found an estimated 34 3 million mourning doves in Texas, the third highest estimated population in survey history. Whitewinged dove populations haveincreasedfourpercent, becoming the new record high with an estimated 12.8 millionthisyear
“Given the conditions and the number of birds, as long as the weather holds this month, hunters should expect a very good early season throughout most of the state said Owen F
ns TPWD Webless Migratory Game Bird Program Leader “Summer rains should also result in a good late crop of native forbs (weeds and flowering plants) seeding outjustintimeforsomelate season hunting for anyone still chasing doves after September.”
Withfoodandwaterstill plentiful on the landscape, birds may be scattered in some areas, though as the August heat creates dryer conditions,huntersmaystill findlargerconcentrationsof birds at watering holes Doves typically feed and water twice a day, so patterning where doves are going throughout the day is the best recipe for success. Hunters should look for dovesfeedinginandaround agricultural fields, or look for stands of common sunflower, croton and other native annual forbs and grasses. In areas with thick vegetation hunters should be extra diligent about marking birds they hit and spendextratimelookingfor downedbirds,asnecessary
Texas home species of doves and pigeons, the three l l g e p c erce f h t
Texas is home to seven species of native doves and pigeons, including the three legal game species- e mourning, white-winged and white-tipped doves Texas accounts for 30 percent of the total mourning doves and 85 With andwater on the may some areas, though as the heat may findlarger of at watering Doves typically a day, patterning doves are the day is best recipe should look feeding agricultural or look for stands of native thick vegetation hunters diligent birds and extratime birds, andearly led good throughmost stateand portions the field the 2024 1. r ng o u a on byTexas ark l if (TPWD) estimated 3 population increasedfourpercent, new high this long as the holds month, a most of z mmo TPW Webless Migratory Leader “Summer should good late (weeds flowering plants) seeding time late for chasing doves
donation will buy one ticketintotheraffletowin thepainting. Themoreyou donate, the better chance you have of making this pieceofartyourown. The paintingcomesframedand will be on display in The be Madeley Fine Art Gallery beginningSeptember3rd.
better of The
Help the Conroe Art League and The Madeley Fine Art Gallery bring art and community together with even more great programs.
Purchaseyourticketsin thegalleryat127Simonton St , Conroe, or on-line here.The drawing for the The winning raffle ticket will beheldonNovember9that 6:00pmduringthemonthy artistreception. Youdonot neednotbepresenttowin.
New Orleans composer that contributed to transition to RAG-TIME with “The Banjo”. He had traveled and studied all across Europe. As with our Society today, many cultures influenced our AmericanHeritage.
to the 1920 s Ireland contributed their cultural influence to the South, all while the elegant waltzes were played to sooth the soul and sophistication of civilizationcontinued. Elaine Collings, Photo Committee: SheliaWilliamson
s u s t a i n i n g t h of their charity They help other charitableorganizationsin their abilities to increase capacity and maintain their services
s u s t a i n i n g t h e effectiveness of their charity They help other charitableorganizationsin reviving their abilities to increase capacity and maintain their services
Allofthisisthebrainchild ofEdPonikvar, man
Allofthisisthebrainchild ofEdPonikvar,amanwhoman
including the replacement of many bridges that had been knocked out along t h e w a y K P N ’s relationship and trust with the foresters has brought about a system that effortlessly washes away red tape, so that the job at hand can get completed at the earliest possible point.
Ponikvar’s Dozer Dog program, which puts
including the replacement of many bridges that had been knocked out along t h w a y K P N ’s relationship and trust with the foresters has brought about a syst m that effortlessly washes away red tape, so that the job at hand can get completed at the possible point. Ponikvar’s Dozer Dog program, which puts
Disabled Veterans The bikes allow for quieterridingsothatriders can communicate more easily Ponikvar and his arebigbelieversthat the riders go in the foresttheclosertheygetin their relationship with God, wellasimproving their ties with family members and All it intended to bring b o t w r t h a n satisfaction in to
Disabled Veterans The electric bikes allow for quieterridingsothatriders can communicate more easily Ponikvar and his teamarebigbelieversthat the deeper riders go in the foresttheclosertheygetin their relationship with God,aswellasimproving their ties with family members and friends. All of it is intended to bring a b o u t w o r t h a n d satisfaction in lives to replacepriordespair
portion of the grant to bring about his idea of starting a co-op growing chickensandvegetables.
of the grant about his of starting co-op chickensand
“I’mhopefultoreceive funds make much needed repairs to my home,” said Miles “Ed has been such in get ing the process started.”
“I’mhopefultoreceive funds to make much needed repairs to my home,” said Miles “Ed has been such a help in getting the process started.”
Season Tickets: L o u i s M
spent long ingrant achieving well half-billion dollars in grants for his clients, andnowuseshischarityto help Veterans and their families his tohelpbringsomejoyand laughtertohisclients.
KPN has a cadre of volunteers, Veteran and otherwise, that will drop everything to help Veterans in need on a moment’s notice, which notice, they happily did during storms earlier this year
KPN has a cadre of volunteers, Veteran and otherwise, that will drop everything to help Veterans in need on a moment’s which they happily did during storms earlier this year
When heavy storms damagedeighty-fivemiles oftrailsthisyearthatKPN usesfortheirprogramsfor Veterans and their families, the organization was informed by forest service officials that the trailswouldbecloseduntil 2026 That’s when Ponikvar and the KPN teamwentintoaction,and in matter of months had restored nearly half of the trails to fun tion
When heavy storms damagedeighty-fivemiles oftrailsthisyearthatKPN usesfortheirprogramsfor Veterans and their families, the organization was informed by forest service officials that the trailswouldbecloseduntil 2026 That’s when Ponikvar and the KPN teamwentintoaction,and in a matter of months had restored nearly half of the trails to function
tractor driven machines in the hands of severely Disabled Veterans, allowing them to do meaningful work in repairing the trails that KPN utilizes Ponikvar started the Dozer Dog programbackin2006,and back works with Texas Parks Parks and Wildlife, of which KPN has unique access to their facility to use equipmentfortherepairof trails.
tractor driven machines in the hands of severely Disabled Veterans, allowing them to do me ningful work in repairing the trails that KPN utilizes Ponikvar started the Dozer Dog programbackin2006,and works with Parks and Wildlife, of which KPN has unique access to their facility to use equipmentfortherepairof trails.
“We’ve deployed our Veter ns and our volunteers in response to the trail closures, said Ponikvar “And we now have some hiking and equestriantrailsopen,and hope to have the trails for dirt bikes open within the nextcoupleofweeks.”
“We’ve deployed our Veterans and our volunteers in response to the trail closures, said Ponikvar “And we now have some hiking and equestriantrailsopen,and hope to have the trails for dirt bikes open within the nextcoupleofweeks.”
The maintenance and upkeepofthe allows KPN to the use of th ir dirt bikes for Vet rans nd t eir children, and the of Track Chairs for severely
The maintenance and upkeepofthetrailsallows KPN to offer the use of their dirt bikes for Veterans and their children, and the use of Track Chairs for severely
AnotheraspectofKPN is what Ponikvar calls his D r e a m c a t c h e r Collaborative It is the grantwritingportionofhis charity that is geared towards Veterans, and even other charitable organizations The free serviceforVeteransallows themtowriteashortessay of how they want to improvetheirlivessuchas changestotheirhomes,or by helping other Veterans or the community KPN takes that information and expandsonit,usingwords and phrases that will be favorable to foundations offering grants One Veteran,JeffMiles,aU.S. ArmyVeteranwholosthis arminanaccident17years ago, is looking to make improvementstohishome to assist better with his activities of daily living. He also plans to use a
Anotheraspectof what Ponikvar calls D r m c a t c h e r Collaborative It grant of charity that is Veterans, and even other organizations The free service Veteransallows themto ashortessay of they want improvetheirlives as changestotheirhomes,or by helping Veterans or the community KPN takes that information and expandson using and phrases favorable to offering grants One Veteran,Jeff a ArmyVeteranwholost arminanaccident17years ago, is looking to make improvementsto to assist better with his activities of He also plans use
Other KPN sponsored events for the children A‘ScrapFabric Class,’ was held this MondayattheSchool f Liv Musi in Montgomery, by owner from 2-15 participated in thin canvases scrap fabric with all sorts of designs the to the well thought out. It was all in fun, as the Labor Day Holidaytoenjoy event, meeting and new and making some great art, ending with lunch, and receiving door ri es rior to t
Other KPN sponsored events are specifically geared for the children of Veterans. A‘ScrapFabric Art Class,’ was held this pastMondayattheSchool of Live Music in Montgomery, hosted by SofLM owner Moree Simon Children from ages 2-15 participated in decorating thin canvases with scrap fabric with all sorts of designs from the unplanned to the well thought out. It was all in good fun, as the children used their Labor Day Holidaytoenjoytheevent, meeting and making new friends, and making some great art, ending with lunch, and receiving door prizes prior to its conclusion.
Mark your calendar forthisFalleventOctober 19,2024andjoinusfora fantasticdayoffamilyfun at the Fall FunFest! This FREE outdoor festival at Carl Barton Jr Park runs from 11AM to 2 PM and offers something for everyone.Enjoyavariety of exciting activities including a petting zoo, bouncies, fun game booths,facepainting,and
much more. Concessions willbeavailableonsite,so you can grab a bite while you explore all the funfilled attractions. Don't miss out on this perfect opportunity to create lasting memories with yourlovedones!
Contact the C.K. Ray RecreationCenterat936522-3900 or online at cityofconroe.orgformore information.
C.K. 936for 11 something Enjoy activities face a Please support Your CSOandJoinyourFriends o f t h e S y m p h o n y t Orchestra: Submitted by: RJOA Chairman of Public Relations, & Past CSO & FSOBoardMember:
Cook, was amazed with the talent children with each having a keepsake to take in memory of the event. Several kids did themes with the fabrics available, while onfish (one great white mushrooms hearts cats dogs,andother
Cook was amazed with the talent the children displayed, with each child having a keepsake to take home in memory of the event. Several kids did patriotic themes with the fabrics available, while othersconcentratedonfish (one great white shark), mushrooms hearts cats dogs,andotherdesigns.
“I made a big greatwhiteshark,”saidBeckett Kragenbrink,8,dressedin fishing attire. “I love to fish myfamily.”
“I made a big greatwhiteshark,”saidBeckett Kragenbrink,8,dressedin fishing attire. “I love to fishwithmyfamily.”
One child named
United,aHuntsvillebased non-profit charityt dedicated to helping struggling Veterans, brought his young son Malachi, to participate in theartproject.
spentalongcareeringrant writing achieving well over a half-billion dollars in grants for his clients, andnowuseshischarityto help Veterans and their familieswithhisprograms tohelpbringsomejoyand laughtertohisclients. School
“It was very fun,” said 10yearoldAutumnofher fabric project on mushrooms We are redecorating my room, and it is going to be mushroomthemed.”
“It was very fun,” said 10yearoldAutumnofher f bri proj ct on mushrooms We are redecorating my room, and it going to be mushroom
One child named Brenda, drew several on white couldn’tfindthe exact representations was looking for, which her in art.
“It was a beautiful event,” said Savell. “And with KPN known for dirt bikes and trails and helping Veterans. To just have an event for kids, with fabric, and glue, and all the designs, It’s just wonderfulwhatEdandhis team are able to put together.”
United,aHuntsvillebased non-profit ch ri y dedicated to helping struggling Veterans, brought his young son Malachi, to participate in theart “It was a beautiful event,” said Savell. “And with KPN known for dirt bikes and trails and helping Veterans. To just have an event for kids, with fabric, and glue, and all the designs, It’s just wonderfulwhat andhis team are able to put together.”
more and to consider donating, go Knowledge Networ s i
School of Live Music:
The event organizer and Navy Veteran Elise
The event organizer and Navy Veteran Elise
Combat Veteran, Amos Savell, the founder terans & Patriots
Brenda, 12, drew several designs on white fabric whenshecouldn’tfindthe when exact representations she was looking for, which showed her talent in art. Combat Veteran, Amos Savell, the founder of Veterans & Patriots
these costs can be particularlychallengingtoabsorb.
these costs can be particularlychallengingtoabsorb.
By Kent Pendleton, AAMS, Pendle Hill Advisors,LLC
By Kent Pendleton, AAMS, Pendle Hill Advisors,LLC
As a financial advisor and business owner here in Montgomery I've noticed that many of us are feeling the impact of rising prices on our daily lives. Whether it'satthegrocerystoreorthe gas pump, these increases can be frustrating and even worrying It's natural to wonder why prices are going up and whether businesses are to blame However,therealityisthata combination of factors particularly government policy and inflation are driving these changes.
As a financial advisor and business owner in Montgomery I've noticed that many of us are feeling the impact of rising prices on our daily lives. Whether pump, these increases can be frustrating and worrying It's natural to wonder why are going up and whether businesses are to blame combination of factors particularly government policy and tion are driving these changes.
In this article, I want to shed light on what's really behind these rising costs
In this article, I want to shed light on what's really behind these rising costs
My hope is that by understanding these factors, we can better navigate these challengingtimestogether
My hope is that by understanding these factors, we can better navigate these challengingtimestogether
Inflation:AKeyFactorin RisingPrices
Inflation:AKeyFactorin RisingPrices
means or how it affects us In simple terms, inflation occurs when the value of money decreases making goods and services more expensive. This can happen when there's more money circulating in the economy
from page 1
Zone:Sept.1-Nov 10,resumingDec.20,2024
Over the past couple of years, we've seen inflation rise for several reasons Government stimulus programs, while necessary to support individuals and businesses during the pandemic increased the amount of money in the economy At the same time, supply chains were disrupted and it became harder for businesses to keep up with demand. This combinationofmoremoney and fewer goods available ledtohigherprices.
Over the past couple of years, we've seen inflation rise for several reasons Government stimulus programs, while necessary to support individuals and businesses during the pandemic increased the amount of money in the economy At the same time, supply chains were disrupted and it became harder for businesses to keep up with demand. This combinationofmoremoney and fewer goods available ledtohigherprices.
How Government PoliciesInfluenceCosts
Government policies, particularly taxes regulations and legislative actions, have a significant impactonthepriceswepay These factors not only influence the cost of doing business but also have broader effects on the economy,oftencontributing toinflation.
How Government PoliciesInfluenceCosts Government policies, particularly taxes regulations and legislative actions, have a significant impactonthepriceswepay These factors not only influence the cost of doing business but also have broader effects on the economy,oftencontributing toinflation.
-Taxes and Regulations: Taxes and regulations are necessary to ensure safety andfundpublicservices,but they can also increase costs for businesses When a company faces higher taxes or stricter regulations, these added costs often lead to higherpricesforconsumers. Forsmallbusinesses,which mayhavelimitedresources,
-Taxes and Regulations: Taxes and regulations are necessary to ensure safety andfundpublicservices,but they can also increase costs for businesses When a company faces higher taxes or stricter regulations, these added costs often lead to higherpricesforconsumers. Forsmallbusinesses,which mayhavelimitedresources,
Dec. 13, Jan.21, Forthethirdstraight be six beaware of in date Sept FridayFriday Sept. 14, aggregated in South Zone’s no more than Special White-winged tosunset limit include than doves and two
- Legislative Actions: Over the past few years, several legislative actions have significantly impacted inflation While some government intervention was during the pandemic, not all policies wereequallybeneficial.
- Legislative Actions: Over the past few years, several legislative actions have significantly impacted inflation While some government intervention was necessary during the pandemic, not all policies wereequallybeneficial.
For instance, the American Rescue Plan, passed in March 2021 added approximately $1 9 trillion to the economy While the intent was to provide relief, the timing and scale of the stimulus were such that it added considerable fuel to the inflationary fire. The large influx of funds increased demand in a period when supply chains were already strained, pushing prices higher
For instance, the American Rescue Plan, passed in March 2021 added approximately $1 9 trillion to the economy While the intent was to provide relief, the timing and scale of the stimulus were such that it added considerable fuel to the inflationary fire. The large influx of funds increased demand in a period when supply chains were already strained, pushing prices higher
the Inflation Reduction Act, passed in August 2022, involved about $740 billion in government spending Although the goal was to address various economic challenges, the substantial spending injected more money into an already overheated economy, further contributing to inflation rather than reducingit.
Similarly the Inflation Reduction Act, passed in August 2022, involved about $740 billion in government spending Although the goal was to address various economic challenges, the substantial spending injected more money into an already overheated economy, further contributing to inflation rather than reducingit.
recent discussions around student loan forgiveness, with
Additionally recent discussions around student loan forgiveness, with
potential relief amounts runningintothehundredsof billions of dollars, are raising concerns about further inflation. While the intention is relieve financial pressure on borrowers, injecting this kind of money into the economy could once again push prices higher, as more people have disposable income to spend in economyalreadystruggling
potential relief amounts runningintothehundredsof billions of dollars, are raising concerns about further inflation. While the intention is to relieve financial pressure on borrowers, injecting this kind of money into the economy could once again push prices higher, as more people have disposable income to spend in an an economyalreadystruggling withsupplyconstraints.
Another significant factor is the impact of regulations, for example on the oil and gas industry As new environmental regulations and restrictions on drilling and pipeline construction have been implemented the cost of producing and transporting oil has increased. This, in turn,raisesthepriceoffuel, which affects the cost of nearly everything in the economy Higherfuelprices increase transportation costs, leading to more expensive goods and services across the board. From groceries to construction materials, when fuel prices rise, the added costs ripple through the entire supply chain, ultimately beingpassedontoconsumers.
Another significant factor is the impact of regulations, for example on the oil and gas industry As new environmental regulations and restrictions on drilling and pipeline construction have been implemented the cost of producing and transporting oil has increased. This, in turn,raisesthepriceoffuel, which affects the cost of nearly everything in the economy Higherfuelprices increase transportation costs leading to more expensive goods and services across the board. From groceries to construction materials, when fuel prices rise, the added costs ripple through the entire supply chain, ultimately beingpassedontoconsumers.
Whendemandforaproduct exceeds supply, prices tend to rise. This is something we've seen recently in severalindustries.
demand are still at work Whendemandforaproduct exceeds supply, prices tend to rise. This is something we've seen recently in severalindustries.
Take the automotive industry, for A shortageofsemiconductors, which are critical components in vehicles, has limited the supply of new cars Meanwhile, demand for cars remains strong which has to higher prices for both new andusedvehicles. always, if have any questions or
Take the automotive industry, for example A shortageofsemiconductors, which are critical components in modern vehicles, has limited the supply of new cars Meanwhile, demand for cars remains strong which has led to higher prices for both new andusedvehicles. As
any questions or
about how these
about how these
WhatThisMeansforOur Community
WhatThisMeansforOur Community
Understanding these factors can help us make sense of why prices are rising and avoid the misconception that businesses are simply raising prices out of greed. In fact, many local businessesarealsofacinghigher costs themselves and are doing their best manage these challenges while continuing to serve our community
Understanding these factors can help us make sense of why prices are rising and avoid the misconception that businesses are simply raising prices out of greed. In fact, many local businessesarealsofacinghigher costs themselves and are doing their best to manage these challenges while continuing to serve our community
changes might affect your finances, I'm
7, 2025, Central Zone: Sept 1-Oct 27 resuming Dec 13 2024 – Jan 14 2025, South Zone: Sept. 14Oct. 27, resuming Dec. 13, 2024–Jan.21,2025 Forthethirdstraightyear, there will be six Special White-Winged Dove Days andhuntersshouldbeaware of the changes in date this year: Sunday Sept 1 –Monday Sept 2 Friday Sept. 6 - Sunday Sept. 8, Friday Sept.13. Starting on Sept. 14, the aggregated bag limit in South Zone’s regular season is 15 with no more than two white-tipped doves. During the Special White-winged Dove Days in the South Zone, hunting is allowed onlyfromnoontosunsetand thedailybaglimitis15birds, toincludenotmorethantwo mourning doves and two white-tippeddoves.
Sept.1-Nov resuming 20,2024–Jan. 2025, Sept 1-Oct 27 – Jan Sept.
In addition Sept. must a hunt valid honored information a at online. Hunters must i ato a e B r a es n rm i certificaa hunting purchased.Lack certification rank doveseason.
In addition to a hunting license, anyone born after Sept. 1, 1971, must successfully complete a hunter education training course to hunt legally in Texas. The TPWD Hunter Education certification is valid for life and is honored in all other statesandprovinces.Hunters canfindmoreinformationor printareplacementatnocost online. Hunters must also have a Migratory Game Bird Endorsement (Stamp) and Harvest Information Program (HIP) certification to hunt dove. HIP certification involves a brief survey ofpreviousyear’smigratory bird hunting success and is conducted at the time licensesarepurchased.Lack of certification and the endorsement stamp rank as the two most common hunting violations during doveseason. dove updated hunting season TexasOutdoorAnnual app online at percent the winged each far other to heat sure are essentials in the field bring of take to stay area.Thesame true have themand don’t
SupplyandDemand:The BasicsStillMatter Even though inflation andgovernmentpoliciesare major factors the basic principles of supply and
SupplyandDemand:The BasicsStillMatter Even though inflation andgovernmentpoliciesare major factors the basic principles of supply and
RealEstateCorner with Megan Stultz
Ruben Borjas Jr,
Columnist/ Opinion Writer
Ruben’s Montgomery Musings
Israel and 'The Winds of War': They're Fighting For Us
This column may upset some. And frankly, I don’t about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.
This column may upset some. And quite frankly, I don’t care about Democrats feelings, but it needed to be written.
Ever since October 7th, 2023, when Israel was brutallyattackedbyHamas, I’ve made an effort to keep trackofthegoingsoninthe MiddleEast. Ididn’tfollow any large media outlets in reference to the war, well at first yes I did. It was a nightly report by some UK orAustralianoutfit. Butthe tone of the anchor was totally off-putting, at times critical of Israel for defendingitself,makingthe Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to be the bad guy, and I
Ever since October 7th, 2023, when was brutallyattackedbyHamas, I’ve made an effort to keep trackofthegoingsoninthe MiddleEast. Ididn’tfollow any large media outlets in to the war, well at first yes I did. It was a report some UK orAustralianoutfit. Butthe tone of the anchor was totally off-putting, at times critical of Israel for defendingitself,makingthe Israel Defense Forces the bad guy, and I
Photography:MonteWest,RyanJohnson Reporters/Contributing Writers: Ruben Borjas Jr, Pat Spackey, Eva Raines, Kim West, Megan West Stultz Students and Staff ofMISD, andfriendsofMontgomeryCounty News.
MontgomeryCountyNewsisaweekly locallyownedand operated newspaper and is published by Montgomery County Newsat14375LibertySt.POBox1,Montgomery TX77356. Telephonenumber936-449-6397,Fax936-597-6395.
MCNwelcomesanycommentsorsuggestions,submittedin writing to the paper Any editorials or opinions used in this publication are those of the writers and in no way reflect the viewsandopinionsoftheMontgomeryCountyNews.
MCN is currently circulating 6,220 copies throughout the MontgomeryCountyareabyretail,subscriptionsandoccasional random distribution. Subscription rates are $40 per year in countyand$45outsideMontgomeryCounty BulkRatePermit isheldbythePostmasteratMontgomery TX77356,Montgomery County News is an official publication of the County of publication Montgomery Texas. MCNexpectshonestadvertisingstandardsfromitspatrons, anddoesnotinanywaytakeresponsibilityforfalseormisleading advertisements. MCN reserves to right to refuse advertise- to ment. AllcontentsofMontgomeryCountyNewsarereserved,and weprohibitreproductionoftheitemswithoutpermission.
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didn’tlikeit. ThentheGaza Protests in American colleges started, which set another harrowing milestoneforJewstrulyrealizing where their colleagues, fellow students, or teachers stood. I’ve watched the YouTube channel Israel,’ where reported thenewsoftheday doneby Yair Pinto (an IDF reservist who fought in Gaza), to English audiences aroundTheWorld.
didn’tlikeit. ThentheGaza Protests in American colleges started, which set another harrowing milestoneforJewstrulyrealizing where their colleagues, fellow students, or teachers stood. I’ve watched the YouTube channel TBN TBN Israel,’ where they reported thenewsoftheday,doneby Yair Pinto (an IDF reservist who fought in Gaza), to English speaking audiences aroundTheWorld.
Things happen in our lives, especially when we are young, which we truly don’t understand. For me, andIdidn’trealize justlastmonth,whenIhada period of great contemplation that om thi happened just epiphany at 17 years old. Back in February 1983, ABC Network ran a miniseries, ‘The Winds of War,’ about U.S. Naval Officer Victor ‘Pug’Henry Henry, played by Robert Mitchum, seemed to be everywhere important in the months leading up to the German invasion of Poland in September1939,allthe uptotheJapanese on the Pearl Harbor Naval Base. The television astonished me. was taken abackbytheplacesthatPug Henry visited and the locations of the charactersintheshow,some of which I personally walkedmyself.
Things happen in our lives, especially when we are young, which we truly don’t understand. For me, andIdidn’trealizethisuntil justlastmonth,whenIhada period of great contemplation, that something happened just before my epiphany at 17 years old. Back in February 1983, the ABC Network ran a miniseries, ‘The Winds of War,’ about U.S. Naval Officer, Victor ‘Pug’Henry Henry played by Robert Mitchum, seemed to be everywhere important in the months leading up to the German invasion of Poland in September1939,alltheway uptotheJapaneseAttackon the Pearl Harbor Naval Base. The television event astonished me. I was taken abackbytheplacesthatPug Henry visited, and the locations of the important charactersintheshow,some of which I personally walkedmyself.
The World knows that Israel is fighting an unwavering radical islamic enemy thatishellbenttokill everyone from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. AndIthoughtforabit. What if the United States wasIsrael? Wouldthechant be From the Canadian Border to the Gulf of Mexico?’ Or maybe ‘From the Pacific to the Atlantic?’ Because there is no doubt thatislamicextremistsinthe
The World knows that Israel is fighting an unwavering radical islamic enemy,thatishellbenttokill everyone from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. AndIthoughtforabit. What the United States Israel? Wouldthechant be ‘From the Canadian Border to the Mexico?’ Or ‘From the the Atlantic?’ there is no doubt islamic inthe
United States live here Biden has imported over 10 million illegal aliens who havenointerestinbecoming American, nor are they gonna proud Our Country or have reverence for Our Flag. The of Our Nation is being striped away thread by by Democratsofallcolors,who simplywanttotalpower
United States live here Biden has imported over 10 million illegal aliens who havenointerestinbecoming American nor are they gonna be proud of Our Country or have reverence for Our Flag. The fabric of Our Nation is being striped away thread by thread, by Democratsofallcolors,who simplywanttotalpower
Israel has been in a struggle for their existence since the beginning of their nation 76 years ago, and even before that. All they want to do is Live in Peace, butwithconstantthreats,by aselectgroupofpeoplewho do not want to live peacefully, Israel has to live almost at a constant state of readiness. Israel was there first,longbeforeanislamist.
Israel has been a struggle for their existence since the beginning of their nation 76 years ago, and even before that. All they want to do is Live in Peace, butwithconstantthreats,by aselectgroupofpeoplewho do not want to live peacefully, Israel has live almost at a constant state of readiness. Israel there first,longbeforeanislamist.
In Our Country, we have a service, and those who do not serve are still the opportunitiesasanyoneelse as long as they apply themselves. But who haveservedinOurNation’s military benefits giventothepopulationwho didn’tserve. I joinfor thebenefits. IjoinedtheUS Army because I wanted out of littletown,and someofthesitesthatIsawin ‘The Winds of War.’ show must have subliminally implanted in me a sense adventure suppose, later early in U.S. Army And some 40 years later I’m suddenly finding
In Our Country we have avolunteermilitaryservice, and those who do not serve are still afforded the opportunitiesasanyoneelse as long as they apply themselves. But those who haveservedinOurNation’s military have additional benefits not necessarily giventothepopulationwho didn’tserve. Ididn’tjoinfor thebenefits. IjoinedtheUS Army because I wanted out ofmylittletown,andtosee someofthesitesthatIsawin ‘The Winds of War.’ That show must have subliminally implanted in me a sense of adventure I suppose,becausesixmonths later, I enlisted early in the U.S. Army And some 40 years later, I’m suddenly findingthisout.
The Winds of War was writtenbyHermanWouk. It was put on the little screen by American television powerhouse Dan Curtis using Wouk’s teleplay. Wouk had been disappointed with the production of his previous written works, and took the extraordinary step of being heavily involved in the
The Winds of War was writtenbyHermanWouk. It was put on the little screen by American television powerhouse Dan Curtis, using Wouk s teleplay. Wouk had been disappointed with the production of his written works, and took the extraordinary step of being heavily involved in the
but is not someonnewtechnology intricate,
but is not overly burdensomeonnewtechnology It's an intricate, but important balancetostrike.
project which is a true ma
ece I was enamored with each and every episode, and still being in high school, loving anything history related has to be considered a win.
‘Winds’ was actually a historical drama, meaning that there were some fictional characters, like VictorHenry,hisfamily,and colleagues, mixed in with real historical figures; like F
Winston Churchill, Benito Mussolini and Josef Stalin, etc.
project, which is a true m st rpiece I was enamored with each and and still high school, loving related has to considered a win. ‘Winds’ was a historical meaning that there some fictional characters like Victor family,and colleagues, mixed in with real historical figures; like F klin Ro sevelt, Winston Churchill, Benito Mussolini and Stalin, etc.
There was one episode when Franklin Roosevelt, played by Ralph Belamy says when speaking of Britain fighting Germany, after the invasion of France andthecountrysurrendered:
There was one episode Franklin played by Ralph Belamy, speaking of fighting Germany the invasion of France andthecountrysurrendered:
“They’refightingtosave us, the Earth, and they’re alone.”
“They’refightingtosave us, to save the Earth, and they’refightingalone.”
Andthatstatementinthat episode, well, it really hit home. And it applies to Israel’s struggle today in its multi-front war against islamicextremism,withIran at its head. Israel is really fighting to save us. They represent a tiny beacon of hopenearlysurroundedbya select group of people that hate them to the bone. In many ways, Israel represents the Free World, all those who wish the country harm conveniently forget that just 80 years ago six million Jews were slaughteredbasedonthesamehate.
The kicker is that Democrats have given Iran billions of dollars, and that has helped The Mullahs to have financed Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Tonsofothercash hascomeinfromaroundthe world to fund the Jew Haters, and let’s not forget the United Nations and its willingnesstoclearfromthe rivertothesea.
And statementinthat episode, well, it really hit home. And it applies to Israel’s struggle its multi-front war against islamicextremism,withIran at its head. Israel is really fighting They represent a tiny of hopenearly bya select group of people that hate the bone. In many ways, Israel represents World, all those who wish the country harm conveniently forget that just 80 years six million Jews were slaughteredbasedon The kicker is that Democrats have Iran billions of dollars, and that has helped The Mullahs to have Hamas in Gaza, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Tonsof cash hascome aroundthe world to fund Jew Haters, not forget the United and its willingnesstoclearfromthe river thesea.
imaginebeinga citizen in Where
Canyouimaginebeinga citizen in Israel? Where
your life crashingdown. Andit wouldn't just you, but think about your family and friends. Where if you let one second, attack could end Evenin aJewisnow bigrisk, especially in where Jews are theproblem.
everyday your life could comecrashingdown. Andit wouldn't be just you, but think about your family and friends. Where if you let yourguarddownforjustone second, an attack could end yourlife. EveninAmerica, beingaJewisnowabigrisk, especially in Democrat areas, where Jews are seen astheproblem. That’swhy thiselectioninNovemberis soimportant.
WithIsraelbeingsotiny, there is no place in the country that is truly safe fromattack. Suicidedrones canpickandchosewhereto landtodothemostdamage. Thankfully the technology isthere,andmostattacksare thwarted, but still that is no guarantee that all attacks will be countered. I just want you to imagine the stressors that the average Israeli citizen is up against onadailybasis. Whereyou gowithyourlifethebestyou can, and hope for the best. Andwiththeannouncement of six murdered hostages overtheweekend,thereality of the dangers of being Israeli, or a Jew in general, justsunkinabitfurther
so no place in the country that truly safe fromattack. Suicidedrones canpickandchose landtodothe damage. Thankfully, the there,andmost are thwarted, but still that is no that all will be countered. I just want you to imagine the that average Israeli citizen is up on dailybasis. Where gowith thebest can, and hope the best. Andwith of six murdered hostages overtheweekend,thereality of the dangers of being Israeli, or a Jew in general, ina further
No one knows how the Israel-Hamas conflict will end. History knows. But she ain’t telling. Israel has to win World peace depends on it Israel defends itself with dignity The IDF plays by the rules, whiletheirislamicextremist enemy is lauded by Democrats, while denouncing Israel at every turn. So why do islamic extremists hate? I doubt they could even tell you with a straight face. And ‘just because’ seems like the most logical answer
No one knows how the end. History knows. But she ain’t Israel has to win World on it Israel with dignity The IDF plays their en my i l ud by ing at every turn. So why do islamic hate? I doubt they could even you with a face. And ‘just because’ seems like the most logical answer
1 Business and Commerce Committee discusses Artificial Intelligence, TexasEnergyFund
This week, the Senate Business and Commerce Committeeheldahearingon two interim charges, one regarding A
icial A a Intelligence (AI) and the other on the Texas Energy Fund. The charge asks the committee to recommend a resp
1 Business and Commerce Committee discusses Intelligence, Energy This week, the Senate Business Commerce helda on two interim one ega ding Arti ici l and the other on the Texas Energy Fund. The charge asks the committee to recommend a re ponsib
framework AI develop-
privacy, industry standards, consumer protections, risk mitigation, and compliance processes committee heardfromhighereducation professionals study AI about how AI the levels of AI, and how it's commonlyused.Panelsalso discussed AI in the public sector stateagencies,AIin the private sector, AI in media,likethepress,music, movies and broadcasting Ultimately, the state should develop a framework that addresses responsibly with the consumer in mind,
or framework for AI development, including data privacy, industry standards, consumer protections, risk mitigation, and compliance processes The committee heardfromhighereducation professionals that study AI about how AI works, the levels of AI, and how it's commonlyused.Panelsalso discussed AI in the public sectoratstateagencies,AIin the private sector, andAI in media,likethepress,music, movies and broadcasting Ultimately, the state should develop a framework that addresses AI responsibly with the consumer in mind,
The second charge the committeediscussedwason committee the Texas Energy Fund (TEF).TheTEFwascreated last session by Senate Bill 2627, by Sen Charles Schwertner It created four programs designed to incentivize the construction of more generation for the power grid. The fund was appropriated $5 billion last session This week the Public Utility Commission ofTexas(PUC)selectedthe initial projects that will be funded by one of the programs Out of 72 applications 17 projects wereselectedtomoveonto the due diligence phase of the program.These projects represent 9,781 megawatts of new generation and a technologically and i geographically diverse portfolio This is another critical step forward toward the states commitment to enhancingthestabilityofthe grid and increasing generationresources.
The second charge the committeediscussedwason the Texas Fund (TEF).TheTEFwascreated last session by Senate 2627, by Sen Charles Schwertner It created programs designed to incentivize the construction of generation for the power grid. The fund was $5 billion last session This week Public ofTexas(PUC)selectedthe initial that will by one of the progr ms Out of 72 projects wereselected onto the due diligence of the These represent 9,781 generation and a tec nologically and geographically diverse portfolio This is another critical step state's commitment thestabilityofthe grid and increasing resources.
Bill 1, by Sen Bryan Bryan Hughes, which further further enhanced election security and integrity Of the 1 million people removed from the rolls, over 6,500 were noncitizens, over 6,000 had felony convictions, over 457,000 were tions, deceased, over 463,000 on the suspense list over 134,000 had moved, over 19,000 requested to cancel their registration, and 65,000failedtorespondtoa notice of examination. The
TheTexasDepartmentof Transportation (TxDOT)
tt announced a record $148 billion investment in Texas' transportation infrastructure. That includes a $104 billion ten-year transportation plan and over $43 billion for development and routine maintenance This planisa$5.6billionincrease in total investment from the previous year.According to thedepartment,manyofthe projects on the Unified Transportation Program (UTP)areroadsincludedon Texas' 100 most congested roadwayslist.Alsoincluded in the UTP is $17.3 billion forsafetyand$1.7billionin funding for rural corridors and key roadways in economichubs.
TheTexasDepartmentof Transportation (TxDOT) and Gove or Abbott announced a record $148 billion investment in Texas' transportation infrastructure. a $104 billion ten-year transportation plan over $43 billion development and routine maintenance This planisa$5.6 increase in total investment from the previous year.According to the manyofthe projects on the Unified Transportation Program (UTP)areroadsincludedon Texas' 100 most congested roadwayslist.Alsoincluded in the is $17.3 billion forsafetyand in funding for rural corridors and ey roa ays in economichubs.
announced within two weeks. Texas hunting fishing alsowentonsalethismonth. Happyhunting!
thirst will be satisfiedatanytimeofday
OwnerFrankJacksonhas come up with a great concept, and makes friends with anyone who enters his premise. Hehasbeeninthe music industry, mostly the distribution angle, and has been involved in helping independent artists find success such as Pat Green and Conroe’s own Parker McCollum. The Table at Madeley came about from his purchase of the property in2018,andismodeledona similarsetupinTomball. In addition to live country music Jackson brings in other styles of music and a comedy act on occasion, such as during the catfish
festival. This October the first ‘Live at The Table’ comedy special with Nick Morrisonwillbefilmed,for streaming on audio and videooutlets. The Table offers a nice bar, enough to handle all whoentertheplace. Oneof the drinks, ‘Ocean Water,’ wasconcoctedbyoneofhis bartenders, Lea Lenae, who I consider an artist. If you are looking for a wonderful
tropicalcocktailthatislight, fragrant, and refreshing, thentheOceanWaterisright foryou. It’spunch-likeand perfect for those who don’t want to feel any sting on its way down. It’s a favorite withtheladieswhofrequent The Table, and is a perfect starter cocktail for those who wish to imbibe at a moderatepace.
TheOceanWaterisamix of Captain Morgan and Malibu Rums Blue Curacao, lime juice, simple syrup and a cherry At first sip, you know it is somethingspecialwiththefeeling ofthetropics,andasitpools on the tongue, the cooling flavors begin to hit their mark On the roll, the simple sugars and lime hit the palate prepping for the softbitterorangeoftheBlue Curacao and the coconut flavoringoftheMaliburum,
reinforced byThe Captain’s vanilla cinnamon sugary trendtocompleteawonderfully smooth and lasting finish. It’s easy to imagine yourself on a tropical beach withanOceanWave,pulled away from the rigors of everydaylifeforamoment's blisswithasip,aswaveslast againstyourshore.
TheTableisreallya relaxing place. Even on a warmafternoon,theinsideis always nice and cool. And with
Read:1Peter1:10-1 things into which angelslongtolook!(v 12)
Peter s conviction that there are “things into which angels long to look” intrigues me Most of the time we either don’t think about angels at all, or we thinkaboutthemwrongly,as chubbylittlefigurinesorasa baseball team in California. ButtoPeterandalltheother writersoftheBible,theyare either fierce warriors of the Lord,liketheonedrivingout David s enemies in Psalm 35 or valiant messengers doing the Lord’s high bidding like Gabriel announcingtoMarythatshe would cradle a king in her womb Whenever they appear they always leave those who see them stunned andafraid.
Butangelsalsohavedeep longings.AccordingtoPeter,
thedesireofanangel’sheart istothinkdeeply,often,and exclusively about the Lord Jesus Christ, who brings “indescribable and glorious joy to the hearts of all believers (1 Peter 1:8 NRSV). And that makes all the sense in the world doesn’t it? The same company of angels who announced his birth and those who sat on his tomb’s stone after his death would surely have an appetite for the things of the One whom theylove. Someyearsago,theLord gave me this verse as a way of fighting off discouragementinpreaching.Ifitdidn’t appear to me as though peopleweremuchinterested in my preaching, I could countonangelsgatheringto listenwithraptattention! As you pray, ask God for the heart to speak of the things “into which angels longtolook.”
an interest in or title to that certain unclaimed tract or parceloflandsituatedintheWilliamMasseySurvey AbstractNo.387,Montgomery County,Texas,boundedonthewestbyacalled69.28Acres,Parcel723,asdescribed in a Final Judgment in favor of the State of Texas, recorded under Document No. 2016070343intheOfficialPublicRecordsofMontgomeryCounty,Texas.
Youhavebeensued.Youmayemployanattorney Youoryourattorneymustfilea written answer to the Second Amended Notice of Hearing Before Special Commissionersatorbefore10o'clocka.m.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationoffortytwo days after the date of issuance of this citation being October 7th, 2024, before the ProbateCourt#1ofMontgomeryCounty,Texasat210WestDavis,Conroe,Texas,77301.
Notice is hereby given that Storage King USA at 18318 U.S. 59 New Caney TX 77357 (281)968-2102willsellthecontentsofthestorageunitslistedbelowatapublicauctionto satisfyalienplacedonthecontents(pursuanttoTitle5,LiensChapter59Sec.59.044).The sale will take place at the website on 9/24/2024 at 9:00am The sale will be conducted on under the guidanceofChristopherRosa(16850)onbehalfofthefacility'smanagement.Unitswillbe available for viewing prior to the sale on Contents will besoldforcashonlytothehighestbidder A10-15%buyer'spremiumwillbechargedanda $100 cleaning deposit per unit.All sales are final. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale or to refuse any bids. The property to be sold is described as "general household items" unless otherwise noted. Lucas Seber- boxes, Beau Mathews-boxes, Billy Ivy-boxes, Shara Cook-boxes,furn, Kimberly Dumasboxes,AlbertoArchuleta-boxes,DustinTarnow-boxes,furn,ElizabethAguirre-boxes, Terrill Booker-boxes, Courtney Atwood-boxes,furn, Jack Serres-boxes, Clarissa Stevens-boxes,TyroneJohnson-furn,boxes,MariaResndez-boxes.
TO: The unknown heirs of the ESTATE OF: CONSTANCE 'CONNIE' LYNN HALL, Deceased
YouarecommandedtoappearandanswertotheApplicationtoDetermineHeirshipfiled byWilliamT Hall,atorbefore10O'clockA.M.ofthefirstMondayaftertheexpirationofTen (10)daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorableProbateCourt#1 of Montgomery County, at the Courthouse in Conroe,Texas. Said application was filed on August15,2024.
YouarecommandedtoappearandanswertotheApplicationtoDetermineHeirshipfiled by Brian Emerson Albrecht, at or before 10 O'clock A.M. of the first Monday after the expirationofTen(10}daysfromthedateofPublicationofthisCitation,beforetheHonorable Probate Court #1 of Montgomery County, at the Courthouse in Conroe, Texas. Said applicationwasfiledonAugust06,2024.
Thenatureofsaidproceedingbeingsubstantiallyasfollows,towit: Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
GivenundermyhandandsealofsaidCourtinConroe,Texasonthisthe8thdayofAugust, 2024. (SEAL,ProbateCourt#1) L.BrandonSteinmann,CountyClerk APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP
Determine who the heirs and only heirs of the decedent are and their respective sharesandinterestsinthisestate;thatnoappraisersbeappointed;andforallother relieftowhichapplicantmaybeentitled.
recently initiated when ASLA Member Ivonne Sims and her husband opened PJ’s back in May
The association itself was founded in January this year Since beignets are fluffypillowsofgoodness, the ladies enjoy their time atPJ’sasanoutingfromall thevolunteerwork.
ASLA Member Sims in of the outing thevolunteerwork.
“Not only do we enjoy each other's company,” saidASLAmember Marie Underdown. “But we also enjoy PJ’s famous coffee, tea, croissants, breakfast sandwichesand,ofcourse, thedeliciousbeignets!”
“Not enjoy each company,” said Marie Underdown. we also enjoy coffee, tea, breakfast sandwiches ofcourse, thedeliciousbeignets!”
TheAprilSoundLadies Association goal is to give back to the community They gather and donate donate items of clothing and household goods for the Salvation Army The group collects stuffed
animals to donate to local police departments, which are used to comfort children during tough times The ALSA also participateswiththeAngel Wings Foundation, which helps families with donations for Christmas gifts during the Holiday Season And the group regularly contributes to localfoodpantries. One of the benefits of membershipintheASLAis the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities that are called Interest Groups The BeignetsforBrunchisjust onesmallpartoftheladies association, and they meet every third Wednesday of every month at 10:30 am, atPJsCoffee.
Association goal give back They donate items and household goods the Salvation Army The group collects stuffed which t c f The Angel Foundation, which hel w t Season And the contributes localfood the to particifor is of third Wednesday 10:30
The 128 year old Historic Copeland Cemetery, located off of McCaleb Road, on Copelan Chapel Road (Copelan spelled correctly), recently underwent one of its cleanings this past Saturday Boy ScoutsfromTroop1114in Magnolia, helped ceme-
tery caretakers of the Copeland Chapel Cemetery Association, in removing built up vegetation and trash, to properly maintain the cemetery in keeping it in top shape for whenfamilymembersand friends visit the graves Copeland Cemetery located not far from SH
105, has been an integral part of the community for many years, and undergoes several cleanings per yeartomaintainthenearly one-thousand graves onsite, with new burials happeningeveryyear of ScoutsfromTroop1114in
caretakers Association, the cemetery top for Copeland integral for underper yeartomaintainthenearly onnew burials happeningeveryyear
VisitingConfederate HistoricalLocations &Markers
President Jenny Lehr of Rebel Joan Of Arc, 2721, of the United Daughter s of the Confederacy visited the Wiliam Hendley & Co. Buildingmarkerwhileon a trip to Galveston, Tx. Jenny has been the President of Rebel Joan Of Arc, for the last two yearsandwillbeswornin again in September 2024 as President for another two year term. She has also served as the chapters Vice President for the 2020-2022, and 2022-2024terms. While doing all this, she was also the President of the Third Great Great Great Granddaughter’s Club of theTexas Division of the UDC, and the Chairman for the Texas Division UDC for Public Rela-
Jenny of Rebel Joan Of 2721, of D ht o Confederacy Wiliam Building a Galveston, Jenny been President Of last yearsand be again as two also served chapters Vice for 2022-2024 doing all was also Third Great Great Great Granddaughter’s Club the Division of UDC, the for UDC
of William was i Wi purpose of
Beginning with four ships the firm grew rapidly, becoming the city’s largest shipping company To accommodate their growing business and provide space for other businesses, William Hendley & Co , had this row constructed.
Union and Confederate forces used the buildingintheCivilWar During the 3-month Federal occupation of Galvestonin1862,Union troopsusedthebuilding’s roofastheirlookingspot. The7thgranitepierfrom the Strand on 20th street was shattered at the edge of the capital. When the Confederate forces retook the port, they also used the Hendley roof to observe enemy troops andnavalmovements.
Duringreconstruction, the U.S. Commander at Galveston made the row hisheadquarters.In1880, the United States Army Corps of Engineers had their headquarters here. Banks, attorneys, and many businesses occupiedHendleyRow
Some of what the marker reads - The Firm of William Hendley & Co.wasfoundedin1845. The partnership consisted of William Hendley, Capt. Joseph J. Hendley,JohnL.Sleight, and Phillip Gildersleeve. This firm, with Brower andNeilsonofNewYork, started the “Texas and New York Packet Line” with the purpose of establishing a line of fast sailing packets between GalvestonandNewYork. Commander his United attorneys, Hendley with rapidly, city’s company business space busiCo , Union and the building the in used building’s roof their from at the troops navalmovements.
The Ladies
MCN’s ‘VeteranofTheWeek’TonyCanamar
This week’s Veteran is
Canamar U.S.
ToryCanamar,whoserved in the U.S. Marine Corp from1995-2003. Torywas a cook in the Marines, a very important job since the Corps depended on his talentstokeepgoing. Tory servedwiththeMarinesin Japan for a year and did experience low magnitude earthquakes Canamar
the since Corps on in year
served Camp in Squadron the Arms (CAX), where
also served at Camp Pendleton in Southern California, near San Diego, where he served with the Marine Wing SupportSquadron372. He also loved to volunteer for the Marine Corps Combined Arms Exercise (CAX), where he spent time at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (29 Palms), taking part in
weaponsandhand-to-hand combat training. Tory continues to work in the food service industry, having a long history in managerial positions. He lovestofellowshipwithhis Veteran buddies at the the Lone Star Honor Flight Veterans Group. Good Luck Tory, and CongratuCongratulations on being MCNs ‘VeteranoftheWeek’.
weapons hand-to-hand combat Tory continues the food industry, having in managerial positions. He loves his Veteran buddies the Lone Honor Veterans Luck and lations ‘Veteran
17, 2024, fifty young artists from The Woodlands and greaterMontgomeryCounty gatheredatTheJettCenterto prepare for the first-ever Young Makers Market producedbyTheWoodlands Arts Council (TWAC) and planned for September 7, 2024,from10:00AMto3:00 PM at Market Street The Woodlands(pleasenoterain date:September14,2024). Artists from 3rd to 12th grade were taught about marketing, sales strategies, leadership, and finance
2024, fifty young from Woodlands and MontgomeryCounty atTheJettCenterto for the first-ever Young Makers by Arts Council for September from10:00AM PM at Market noterain date:September14,2024).
Artists were taught marketing, sales strategies, leadership, finance t
ough works op conducted by local profesTheworkshops designed to empower these skills they needed as artists and
s conducted by local professionals.Theworkshopswere designed to empower these young creatives with the with skills they needed to thrive as artists and entrepreneurs.
Each session was interactive,encouragingstudentsto engagewiththematerialand each other They learned how to price their work, create compelling displays, andusesocialmediatoreach potentialbuyers.
Each was interactive, to engagewiththe and each learned how price their work, create compelling displays, andusesocialmediatoreach potentialbuyers.
“I learned a of things in the workshops, only marketing but finances and being The Young Market is a good to meet people,sell havefun inthecommunity,”saidJune Reynolds, a 9th grade participant.
“I learned a lot of things in the workshops, not only marketing but finances and being an entrepreneur The Young Makers Market is a good opportunity to meet people,sellart,andhavefun inthecommunity,”saidJune Reynolds, a 9th grade participant.
y inspired by the enthusiasm andcreativityoftheseyoung a
emi Gonzalez, Market Street Marketing Director "The
workshops have essential skills but the perspectiveswiththe are thrilled provide these individuals witness the of their students
workshops have provided them with not only essential business skills but also the confidence to share their uniqueperspectiveswiththe community We are thrilled to provide a platform for these talented individuals to shine and to witness the impact of their hard work anddedication."
These talented students also enjoyed a keynote presentation by local artist MarloSaucedo.
h e r e : https://wwwmarlosaucedo com/ T
rs Market is part of The of Woodlands Arts Council s celebration of 20 years of M
young artists and plan to attend the Young Makers Market on September 7th, 2 0 2 4 : https://wwwthewoodlandsa rtscouncil org/businesses/y mmartists
Some of the upcoming events that are supported include: ForChildren:
* A special visit from Smokey the Bear at 10 a m on Wednesday, September4th.
* Storytimes on Wednesdays at 9:45 a.m., 10:30a.m.,and11:15a.m.
*PokemonClubmeets on the first Tuesday of eachmonthat4p.m.
*Youth Dungeons and Dragons is on the last Tuesdayofeachmonthat 4p.m.
*ReadwiththeDogsis the last Thursday of each monthat4p.m.
Special to our generous sponsors and workshop The Woodlands Compounding Pharmacy, Woodforest National Market Street Woodlands, Charbonneau Interiors, Hello Woodlands Garcia, James Melissa Morton, Mariana AlmanzaCook, Kara Cynthia Reid, Gonzalez, Kayla Karl, andJennyCarattini-Wright. theworkofall young and plan to attend Young Makers Market on 7th, 2 0 4 : https://wwwthewoodlandsa rtscouncil org/businesses/y mmartists " a co in al by ist " i Market Marketing Director "The
Saucedo s work tells a story, using handwritten words to create beautiful images. Her work has been featuredatGoogleHouston, Methodist Hospital, and George Bush Intercontinental Airport (soon to be installed). Follow Saucedo
Saucedo work tells a create beautiful images. work has Methodist and George Bush tal (soon to installed). Saucedo
n MontgomeryCounty Asthe producers of the nationally recognized The Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival (April 11-13, 2025) and the upcoming Texas Fine Craft Show (November 1, 2, & 3, 2024TicketsOnSaleNow!) theYoungMakersMarketis a true reflection of TWAC’s mission to amplify arts awarenessinthecommunity through arts education, opportunities and collaboration.
MontgomeryCounty producers of the The Waterway Arts Festival 2025) and Fine Craft (November 1, & On Now!) the Makers is true of TWAC’s mission to arts awarenessinthe education, collabora-
Special thanks to our generous sponsors and workshop speakers: The Woodlands Compounding Pharmacy, Woodforest National Bank, Market Street The Woodlands, Woodlands, Charbonneau Interiors, Hello Woodlands, Woodlands Online, Haley Garcia, James Stilwell Melissa Morton, Mariana AlmanzaCook, Kara Powell, Cynthia Reid, Noemi Gonzalez, KaylaTrascher, Claire Karl, andJennyCarattini-Wright. Exploretheworkofall50
Some of are at4 u e n for other at p.m.
Club on Both 1:30p.m. For Dungeons Dragons on Dogs at4p.m. Weekly teens hangouts, our the a.m.-
*Weeklyprogramsfor teens that include board games, movies, teen hangouts, crafts, and more Check out our Facebook page for the latestschedule.
fourth Thursday of the month Mystery/Thriller Book Club meets on the last Monday of every month. Both groups meet at1:30p.m. ForTeens:
* Needlework craft group that meets every Tuesdaybetween10a.m.2 p.m. Join over a dozen crafters that work on work projectsandchat.
*MahJongg(Chinese) meets every Wednesday every from 1 p m -3 p m Beginnersarewelcome!
*TheFourthThursday Book Club meets on the
* Dungeons and Dragons for adults meets every otherThursdayat 5 p.m.